The fire is now checked, and the buildings on the THE WEST COUNTREE." MISCELLANY. THE WAWASET DISASTER. won it but that he thought he on a yachting THE GREAT GRIEVANCE. ECLECTIC REFORM. DRINKING IN FRANCE. expedition and stopped on the way to wait for a two wharves are mouldering. Down the harbor Without doubt the people of the United "A Pilgrim," in the Gazelle, Correspondence of Tics CAPITAL. It is our sad and painful duty to chronicle the beyond the breakwater are the three steamers in It is easy for people who are In want of a most distressing calamity that has ever occurred lady. But while we have implicit faith in the Ad- AUGUST 7, 1873. I THE Wisconsin brewers will put their mugs flames. The Montreal is burning its whole length, grievance to And one. The people of the States are, in the abstract, unanimously in speaks of the temperance of the French in the on the waters of the Potomac, and which has miral's check, we must be excused if we enrsorily I live opposite a church, a huge, solid pile or together in a State convention next month. remark that we never saw a second that would not the Dirigo lies stern towards us, and is apparentty United States—those of the Western com- favor of political reform. It is a comforting matter of drinking. The favorite tipple of the carried sorrow and mourning to many homes, both burning fore and aft, and the Carlotta is burning stone-work, with steeples three, at least I think: be first but for an " if." In the usual festivities monwealths in particular—have wanted a reflection that, in respect to any particular French is sugar and water. The red wine -of THE advocates of capital punishment answer in this city and surrounding country, painfully re- from stern to midships. they are steeples, ^think so because tlicyj ns that trnly, "In the midst of life we are which follow such occasions the defeated parties grievance; they liave searched for a griev- crime or offense, the majority of mankind the country is taken at meals and at the cafes. their opponents by saying, " You must draw forgot everything for twenty-four hours. We can PORTLAND, August 9—6 p. m.—The fire is com- The meal is followed with a cup of coffec forti- more nearly resemble steeples than anything^ in death." pletely under control. Engines are playing upon ance, and a grievance they have discovered. are desirous of the i>unishment of its perpe- the line somewhere." Friday morning about 11:30 o'clock fire was dis- only account for it by remarking that a fellow fied with two tablespoonfuls of brandy. The else. They loom up very high, and arc tipped', never feels bad when near the salt water, though heaps of ruins and burning piles of wharves. That grievance is ¡¡lie RAILWAY. Like the trator. This fact affords, to say the least, covered in the hold of the steamer Wawaset,which use of beer is making progress in Paris, and off with lightning-rods at the top. The churclij THERE are two things in life that a sage must we have seen several who were suffering with the Away down the harbor beyond the breakwater are locust—translated grasshopper in the ver- reasonable grounds of hope tliat, under the at every sacrifice—the coats of the soon spread with fearful rapidity over the entire the wrecks. is oftener seen on the boulevards than any is of uncut stone,built with queer points and an-' vessel, enveloping her in a sheet of flame and dyspepsia early in the morning. We regret to say sion of King James—the railway is a bur- political corruption that prevails, rights will gles, aiyl a roof covers it that makes the abrupt- stomach and the enamel of his teeth. that Marshall and THE CAPITAL were the only The iron steamer Carlotta is still burning other kind of drink. Of beer and of drinking causing consternation and panic among the largo brightly and the Montreal and Dlrlgo are burned to den. It is eating out their substance, taking not be altogether obliterated nor property cat of all inclines. A little yard surrounds it,1 sober parties at the hotel. in general, the following is interesting and DIGGING horse radish is profitable business in number of passengers on board, most of whom the water's edge. The fire did not extend beyond entirely deprived of legal protection. the bread from the mouths of their wives philosophical: and a fence encloses it, and all days in the weefc, Omaha. While engaged at the business the were women and children, who, in their frantic the two wharves—Gait and Atlantic. There are save one, "the gate is fast." I have never] efforts to escape the flames, jumped overboard and and children,' discouraging industry, de- There are still, it is to be believed, people— 1 other day a man dug up $6,000 in gold. rumors of sevoral people having been drowned, but The most popular beer is that of Strasbourg, a been Inside this church, nor do I know one were drowned. LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. only one body has been found—that of Nelly Mc- moralizing society, destroying the natural private persons—who will neither i-ob, nor handsome straw-colored liquid, stronger than the soul among the hundreds I see passing in and out Tns Syracuse Journal says: Be careful how The steamerwas well supplied with life-preserv- Carthy, a girl of 20, who was cleaning on board of equilibrium between labor and capital; in steal, nor forge, nor lie very flagrantly, for average German beer, and free from the crudeness ers, flve hundred being on board, yet in the excite- SPECIAL TELEGRAMS FROM BAITI- on the seventh day of the week. Like a scat- you kill a fly. All its relations in the country the Dirigo. Mrs. Elizabeth Muller, who has a short it is acting the part of a first-class the sake of increasing their incomes or es- of that which is here sold as lager beer. A medium ment little or no use whatever was made of them, MORE. tered army assembling at the call of the trump- come to the funeral and stay all summer. husband In New York, and her little daughter, grievance of the most inveterate description. tates. There are others who would commit sized glass of this costs the Parisian half a franc. only two having been used, and they successfully. Mary Louise, aged 12, are missing, but may have eter, they surge together at the chiming of the BALTIMOBB, August 9,—There is a time for all ienna beer is also popular. It may be better at DANCING a break-down at a barbecue is one of The captain and crew behaved nobly, standing at been rescued. Their friends are anxiously seeking " To a man whose active life has been com- none of these named offenses except for a home, but does not stand the conditions of remote things, and this is certainly not the time for im- bells. They convene to pay their God a visit, the necessary qualifications of Kentucky legis- their posts to the last, and using every means in for them. mensurate, in duration, with the entire very handsome consideration. There are use as well as the Strasbourg. The Frenchman their power to assist and save the passengers by proving public squares,as it is the very season and for this purpose they array themselves in lators, they doing the " whistling," during which they are most frequented. The three period of railway history, from the day when not very many who would commit them does not require to repeat his coffee and cognac on their best attire. I sit in the shade of the pleas- throwing life-preservers and everything else over- Frightful Murder. the spot, as the American does his strong drinks, newly appointed commissioners of Franklin Square the railway was conceived as a thing possi- without the hope of some species of reward ant summer morning and listen to the rolling THE discovery in season that a convict in the board that could in any way help those struggling ST. LOUIS, MO., August 9.—On Tuesday morning nor to swallow half a dozen glasses of beer, like in the water. have transformed that hitherto attractive spot into bly to be realized at some remote day in or emolument. In short, other things being notes of the great,organ and the voices that Georgia State prison had seasoned the dinner an almost barren waste. The walks had all been last Thomas Woodson, a nephew of Governor the German and American. His sugar and water, Yesterday morning Capt. Gedney, with the tug with arsenic saved the State the expense of 300 ploughed up and the work of regrading almost com- Woodson of this State, shot and killed William the future to the present year of grace, when equal, the large majority of mankind are coffee, or'glass of beer, is a tipple for a sitting. sing sweet words grandly. Soft, rich voices, Mary Lewis, left this city and proceeded down the pleted, when it was discovered that the necessary Barlow in a corn field near Percival station, Iowa. the collective railway of the United States is honest and virtuous. Their drinking breeds no disorders, and makes no and voices deep and strong. " Jerusalem the pine coffins. river to the scene of the disaster, and returned at drainage had been neglected, which necessitated It appears that Barlow, who resided near Wyo- exclusion of women from the refreshment houses. golden" floats out into the quiet street. The 7 p. m., bringing the bodies of Miss Bettie. Reed, a reality too vast almost for the human mind Still with all this capacity for goodness AN exchange suggests a new use for corner the tearing up of the walks again. In consequence ming, Nebraska, left home Monday with the In their drinking customs they are much more re- Miss Lucy Reed, the former a cousin and the latter to comprehend, the statement that this words arc old and grand, the has been loafers, which is to stand in the postofficc and of the uprooting of a large number of trees, ob- avowed purpose of killing Woodson. Arriving at inherent in mankind there is no denying fined than the Germans, the English, or the Ameri- a daughter of officer Reed, and a colored woman newly fashioned and is full of rippling, rushing jectionable on account of their odor, nearly all the Percival, Barlow stated his intentions, and his wonderful congeries of collecting and dis- that the more we know of the political ad- cans. Some philosophers, of whom Jefferson was stick out their tongues to lick postage stamps named Willie Manning, who lived at No.21 Fifteen- harmony,and then again, sweeps on in unbroken foliage and grass have been withered by tha scorch- friends endeavored to .persuade him to return tributin» agencies is a grievance has all the one, have thought that if we could make wine for the people. and-a-half street, Madison Place. Captain Gedney ministration of this country? legislative and streams. It is a liquid flood, almost lethean in ing rays of the sun. The entire square has also home, but he would not, and after remaining in startling qualities of a revelation. Yet we cheap enough for the common drink in America, it reports eleven bodies recovered yesterday, two executive, the worse it appears. Doubtless THE betrothal of His Royal Highness Prince been dug up and sowed with Kentucky blue grass. town all that day and night, started next morning would bring in the temperate habits of the French its soothing sweetness. I forget it is human white children and nine colored persons, most of are not permitted to question that the rail- The carts used in these improvements have made for Woodson farm. In the meantime Woodson much that finds its way into the public in the place of our intemperance. But this is a voices, and think of the " isle of angels in the Arthur William Patrick Albert, the seventh whom were children, and all save one having ways of the United States, individually and the walks to resemble country roads, and the gen- heard of Barlow's intention, and, arming himself, prints concerning the venality and the mis- thing of races and constitutions. Why does not sea," whose glorious music was heard so often, child of Queen Victoria, to the Princess Thyra floated ashore. eral appearance of the square is desolate in the took a position in the corn field, and when Barlow collectively, arc a grievance. demeanors of our public men is untrue, dis- beer make the German temperate, or the English? but whose shores never discovered themselves of Denmark, is announced. Below will be .found a list of the saved and lost approached ¡shot and killed him, and then fled to The Teutonic and English races have always been extreme. The use of the square as a pleasure torted or exaggerated; but enough is ad- to the searching mariner. "Beautiful thy so far as we have been able to learn: resort Is an utter Impossibility. Nebraska, but returned Thursday and surrendered A proper respect for the opinions of man- hard drinkers, and the French have had the same THE superintendent of the Atlantic and Pacific List of passengers saved, (white:) McAshton, to the officers of the law and was placed in jail at mitted or left standing uncontradicted to name shall be," I repeat, and beautiful to my ARRIVAL OF THE . kind compcls from those who have not yet temperate habits as long as we have any record of railroad has ordered an immense area of land J. B. North, O. Eddy,.J. H. Wise, A. Melvin, Benja- Sydney. fancy are its flowery slopes. I have heard the The steamship Baltimore, of the Baltimore and felt the iron entering into their souls, the render it certain that, within a few years them. along the line to be planted with locusts, in min BarUett, A. J. McGuiggan, Thomas Massie, Reports that a mob would kill Woodson reached mystic voices, and knew they came from that Bremen line, arrived at this port to-day from Bre- admission of that which so many thousand past, our Government has been the imple- iew of the growing scarcity of timber there Thomas Owen, W. T. Emmerson, E. Nash, John Sydney Thursday night, and the jail was guarded invisible isle, though the sea roar had long died Rud, G. Emerlvie. men, with two hundred and fifty passengers. ment through which frauds and robber- TEE OLD DEMOCRACY of Ohio met in State for ties and other purposes. to resist attack, but at last accounts no demonstra- sufferers unanimously affirm. The people out of my ears. They always sing the same, List of colored: R. D. Becklcy, J. Tate, William THE FIRST QUOIT TOURNAMENT. tion had;taken place. ies of portentous extent have been perpe- convention at Columbus on Wednesday, the The initial quoit tournament at Monumental of the West are groaning and exclaiming words, always it is the one refrain, " It shall MADAME RISTORI'S engagement at the Queen's Saunders, James Brooks, Henry Street, George trated upon the people. I11 short, to all Cth instant, and nominated William Allen—the Grove, Monday next, promises to be a grand suc- New York Items. under the weight of ferruginous thorough- be, it shall be, it shall be eternally." Some- Theater, Manchester, is just concluded. She Parker, Samuel Blackwell, Charles Shankland, old senator—of Boss county for governor, cess. The steamer Cyrus P. Smith will make three NEW YORK, August 9.—The Brooklyn Trust Com- fares and ponderous machinery, and the appearance, it would be almost as difficult thing of exaltation it brings me, something of has appeared as Queen Elizabeth, Mary Stuart John Hughes, John Scott, Thomas Coxton, Lewis Barnabas Burns of Richland for lieutenant gov- round trips to the scene of the contest. The prize pany resumed business to-day. Up to half-past to make our public record worse than it is and Mario Antoinette during her stay in that Scott, Robert Gaston, H. Taylor, Wm. Herring, people of the East arc groaning and re- Moses Gordon, Ed. Hawkins, J. Christopher, M. is a massive silver goblet, which is to be competed eleven o'clock $60,000 were withdrawn and $200,000 as it would be to make it better. emor and Henry C. Whitmin and Charles II. ^^ in its best C3tate> anci something that sponding. To suppose that all this clamor city. Walker, A. Strout, J. H. Wood, (boy,) Thomas for by ten champion quoit tossers. deposited. Scribner for judges. The platform is a pretty helps me to grow nearer to myself. "Jerusa- A CHANGE OF MANAGERS. Michael Jordon, a seaman on board the ship is groundless is to assume that humanity is Of course the final cause of corruption in THERE is a project on foot, suggested by the Rich, H. Blackley, Wm. Brooks, Lewis Woodie, accurate reproduction of the old party creed; lem, beautiful land of rest," sings the choir in It is rumored that Mr. Bally, the well and favor- Hamilton Fish, has been held for examination on a hasty, injudicious and irrational: a thing the political province is a general low stand- Iowa outrage,,to have each train of cars on the James Newman, Lindloy Jackson, Mrs. Ogleton some correct expressions, some glittering gen- the church across the way. I am wondering Taylor, Laura Taylor, Kate McPherson, Mrs. Price ably known proprietor of the Glade's Hotel at Oak- charge, of stabbing John Alca, the mate, during a which cannot, for a single moment, be ad- ard of morality. Probably government western railroads provided with a mitralleuse, land, will replace Mr. Kinsley as manager of the eralities, some fallacies and some incongruities. if it is far away, that " beautiful land of rest." and child. The above were all saved, and some of voyage from Liverpool to this port. Jordon and mitted. " never rises above and seldom sinks far below Deer Park Hotel. his shipmates say the stabbing was done in self-de- It denounces the back-salary grab, condemns Is it high in heaven, so high that I cannot reach to be worked from the roof of the car by an. them badly burned. The traveler from Boston, Hartford, or the line of average virtue. There is, how- the President for his interference in Louisiana, experienced gunner. Susan Parker, Msty Blackwood, Eliza Matthews, PERSONAL. fense, and that passengers as well as the crew were it though my spirit burst from its prison in its Mr. Sharp, master of transportation on the Bal- badly treated by the officers of the ship, especially New York to St. Louis, in the year 1833— ever, in the list of proximate causes, one declares that the Republican party is response Laura Barnard, Julia Chris topher, Mary Campbell, wild longing to be free, and mounts on thouglit- You SAY," said a judge to a witness, "that Matilda Dunlop, Baffrey Winters, Mary Norman, timore and Ohio railroad, left Beer Park Hotel yes- Captain Bryant and the first mate. The sailors forty years ago—would have encountered in which deserves particular mention : the ec- ble for the misgovernment that prevails, and through the viewless air ? the plaintiff resorted to an ingenious use of terday for Mount Airy, accompanied by his family. are supported in their statements by written appeals to good men of all parties to come up Julia Shankland, Clara Jackson, Nancy Baylor, his journey but a single strip of railway— lecticism of reformatory efforts and protests. I am wondering, too, why I spoke of this circumstantial evidence; state just exactly what Sarah Payne, M. Ball, were also saved and more or LOSS OF TOE WAWASET. charges signed by the passengers. that which connected Albany with Sche- The representative of this eclecticism is the and assist in reinstating the Constitution and ou mean by that." "Well," said the witness, less burned. The news of the burning of the steamship Wa- Mortality returns give the deaths this week, 740 high-stecplcd church when I know nothing of waset on the Potomac yesterday, involving as It against 889 the previous week. party organ: a newspaper which acts as the «storing purity to the Government. The white ladies and children known to be lost nectady—some fifteen miles in length. It it, only as I watch its throng of devotees pass my exact meaning is that he lied." did such a lamentable loss of life, created a pro- Blacque Bey, late Turkish minister, was among The convention was numerously attended, are Patsey Sands, Julia Kelly, Esther Griffin and was, to all appearance, a very mild and in- advocate of the party to whose interests it in and out. I hear the voice but not the words found sensation of sorrow in this city this morning. those sailing to-day for Europe. IN Denison, Texas, stones of a peculiar char- twochildren, Mrs. J. W. Reed and three children, lias attached itself, and which—like the every county in the State having its represent- The accounts of the disaster published in the morn- offensive monster, with its thin, flat rails of the man who fills its pulpit and preaches to acter are found. They arc of a dark color re- Miss E. Reed, Cordelia Hobbs, and Miss Marbury. The friends of Captain Hadiom, murdered in mounted on wooden string-pieces, its little counsel for the defense in a criminal prose- atives, and its proceedings were characterized it« people of that living God, whose existence ing papers were eagerly perused, and crowds of Greene street Monday night, state that he was also by much unanimity and 110 little enthusiasm. sembling iron, and of different sizes. When Qeorge Tibbs, a colored deck hand, was lost, and people assembled around the bulletin board of the locomotive and its diminutive stationary en- cution—becomes all the more unscrupulous is so wonderful, so incomprehensible, and so Adeline Jenkins, the chambermaid. robbed. The members of the Masonic fraternity Present appearances are that the coming cam- broken they are found to be hollow and filled Sun and anxiously scanned the list of names of at Fall River, Massachusetts, where Hadiom be- and energetic in proportion to the palpable mighty. This man calls aloud the name of the George W. Cook, grocer, on Seventh street, be- gine posted at the summit, to assist in paign will be a warm one in Ohio; but the re- with fine white or red sand deposited in layers. the passengers on board the; ill-fated vessel. The longed, and leaves a wife and child, have arrived guilt of the culprit for whom it is enlisted. God of heaven and the earth, and I speak to tween B and E southwest, is thought to be lost, afternoon edition of the •American, containing the dragging a single passenger ear up one in- vivification of the Democracy indicated by the here to take charge of the body. him with closed lips, and the swaying branches A Miss BABCOCK, daughter of a Unitarian with a little child. He was seen to jump overboard latest particulars, sold rapidly. cline and easing it down another; and none There arc 110 viler frauds practiced upon with his child in his arms, and has not been heard H. Tintelorote committed suicide in Hoboken large attendance has this discouraging feature, of the tree beside me bears his answer to my clergyman, has just completed a course of study MISSING. at that day even dreamed that within the of. One of his sons, a boy about ten years of age, thi£morning. He was a man of large means, and mankind than some which stand apparent that there has been too much attempted resus- waiting heart. at the Harvard Divinity School, and preached Mr. Albertus D. Berry, for the past three years came to this country from Germany a short time limits of a little more than the period allotted and pass unchallenged. The party organ citation of dead men. The old " wheel horses " was saved. An pld man named Henry Hazen, a compositor on the Daily Gazette, disappeared on Out in God's Acre yesterday I saw a coffin her first sermon on her father's pulpit. She about seventy years of age, was on board and is ago in consequence- of a dispute .about a game of to a generation, the family of that feeble professes to be an impartial public newspa- ruled the assemblage and carried oft' the nomi- the 1st instant and has not since been heard from. billiards with his brother, with whom he was in lowered. Old men bore the burden and lifted proposes to study a year in Germany before supposed to be lost. progenitor would stand in the eyes of man- per". Its conductors pretend to think freely nations. There was not that bringing forward BASE BALL. business. the white wreaths from the polished lid. The entering upon the duties of the ministry. Robert Nash, the engineer, came up this morn- An exhibition game of base-ball was played here kind the most potent agency, the supreme'st of the new generation which is essential to and judge independently of political acts solemn burial service was read, a few words of ing. He was saved by his son, Samuel Nash, a this afternoon on the Newlngton grounds between Saratoga Races. activity; and it is probable that the effect of THE farewell benefit of Madame Nilsson in young man, who jumped overboard and Bwam miracle and the grandest grievance of the aud events. Practically the world, to a prayer were uttered, and then the tenant of that the and Baltimore clubs. Ten in- SARATOGA, August 9.—Considerable interest and this error will be apparent in the event. London was an occasion of great enthusiasm. ashore with his father. The son was assistant en- century. considerable extent, excepts these profes- narrow mansion took possession of all the earth nings were played. Both clubs batted heavily, the much uncertainty was felt as to what would be the She performed the part of Margaret in " Faust." gineer on the Wawaset. home club making 27 base hits and the Quakers 21. result of a second race, which was to be for a purse sions and pretenses, and gives a certain that nature gave him title to. There were Since that day railways have been extend- The house was crowded, and all agreed that she The following Is the score by innings: of $6,000 for three-year olds; the winners this year ing, taking in the country, stretching their portion of its faitli to that which, from the IT IS a curious question of ethics, as one sena- solemn faces around that open grave, and heads had never sung better or acted more powerfully Saccharissa. Baltimore 3 0 1 0 1 1 4 9 0 0-24 of any single race amounting to $1,000 to carry lines in all directions, obtruding themselves necessities of its condition, is a vehicle of tor or representative after another covers his bowed in sad submission to the high decree. since her first appearance. The reason why this young and devoted lady did Philadelphia 10 11330033 1—26 ten pounds extra, the distance being one and ono- not attend church last Sunday is now about to be Into every city, village and neighborhood, falsehood and deceit. Yet whatever official back-salary dues into the Treasury, how loiii " He was an old man," some one said, " a very Bralnard and McVey of the Baltimore club pitched eighth of a mile. A splendid; start was affected, old man." Looking on I thought of those sim- divulged to- the many. A few persons already and caught for the visitors, and Zettlein and Ma- Sunrise soon taking the lead. After rounding the until there is scarce a grange or hamlet be- villainy may come to light, the organ of the money may be retained and ye! the party [Communicated.] know. ple but grand words of Dickens: "• It is the old, lone of the Philadelphia performed a like service first turn Satire came up with her, and the two ran tween the Atlantic and the Mississippi whose party to which the offender belongs may be realize all the advantages of an act of political Something More About Prayer. old-fashioned death." It recalled anothi r scene Although Seventh street is not in a nice condition for the yellow legs. neck and neck for a quarter of a mile, when War- inhabitants are not in danger of having their relied upon to do its utmost to defend, deny, virtue when it is paid over. John Sherman, (CONCLUDED.) for easy locomotion, it is as favorable to displays of like and Mart Jordan closed up for a contest. for example, concealed, for several months, his from the dimming picture of long ago—when Mr. EDITOR : The last time we preyed upon your Great Fire In Portland. nightly slumbers broken, their dreams dis- conceal or palliate. As between the party 1 agility and well-ironed dry goods as any street in When within an eighth of a mile from the winning share in the grab under the pretense that a fail- I stood for the first time in the shadow of the generosity with thoughts of the "prayer-gauge' the city. A walk down it is equal to a ramble in BOSTON, August 9.—A special dispatch from Port- post Satire, who had kept close on the quarters of torted, and their peace of mind disturbed and the country its conductor never falters land, Maine, at 2 p. m„ says: A large fire is raging ure to draw was equivalent to a- refusal to ac- dark angel's wing. The summer bloom of the VTO strove to demonstrate the impossibility of mak- the country. It pleased Saccharlssa to turn out of the other three, passed them with sudden spirit and by the rattle of trains and the screams of or hesitates. earth gave place-to the snows of , and ing the experiment reliable, because the quality M into Seventh, and pick her way daintily alon on Gait's wharf. The steamer Dirigo has been won, after an exciting struggle,by one length, Sun- cept. Driven from this cover, he finally pays burned to the water's edge. Boston boats and the the locomotive. Nor is this all. Along the If a baker were to serve his customers with the open grave was the only darkness on the aid quantity of prayer applied to.any given object towards' " the Avenue," at an hour when many rise second, Warlike third. Time, 1:58.- over. Now where is John, morally f When a could never be accurately known. steamer Chase are in great danger. The sheds of banks of the muddy Missouri, over the plains bread made of rotten flour doctored with white of the earth. The words of the old man people are wandering out for a breath of fresh air The third race, for a purse of $800 for all ages, fellow refuses to pay an honest debt until com- To-day we may add that the experiment at best and to see the sights. Charles G. Leland, the orig- the New York steamer are all burned. and across the canons, surmounting the bleak who spoke, with uncovered head, of the sleep two and three-quarter mUes, was won by Hubbard coirrosive chemicals, his detection would be pelled by a constable armed with an execution, would be a useless one, for the reason that what- inal "Mace Sloper," and the "Hans Breichtman" A later dispatch, timed 2:16, says: The steamer by about eight lengths. Time, 4:5SJ4. hills where miners burrow, traversing .the followed by speedy disgrace and general does his payment then place him before the whose awakening was in the eternal, come bad ever favorable result' followed any particular prayer of to-day, says the contemplation of a pretty gaiter Montreal is burned. measureless table lands where the buffaloes abhorrence. Yet this is the equivalent of mencantile world in the attitude of an upright to me, and I realize that in this law inscrutable (indicating 1hat it had been answered) would still induces platonic emotions to agitate gently the male A dispatch timed 2:20 p. m., says: The fir From San Francisco, SAN FRANCISCO, August 9.—The camp of Chinese range, boring the mountains and bridging and honorable tradesman ? Hardly. Is not the I am still a child. leave the skeptical scientist as unbelieving as be- mind. The remark is now published for the first spreafiing rapidly. All the sheds of the Gait's and what the party organ does continually. Iti fore. Two weeks ago it was alleged in THE CAP- laborers ¡working on the narrow-gauge railroad, fact warning 'to all mankind not to trust him time, and may be true. By watching the eyes of the Atlantic wharfs are burned. The wind is from the torrents, pushing its long arms even to mission is to poison the public mind; and This " west countree " is a land of action, of ITAL that prayers had been offered for rain, but the the west and the fire may keep off the shore. Three neariBenicia, was attacked yesterday by a crowd any further? For ourselves, we confess we " that noble animal," man, on any day when It has the shores of the Pacific, as if bent upon yet men who have 110 interest in knowing incessant action. The ascending mercury does drought continued unabated, and thus the efficacy rained just enough to make every young or middle steamers-are now burning in the stream, the Dirigo, of drunken white men, who tore down Jlio tents binding the earth in an iron girdle, still' aught but the truth give it their support and feel more respect for those who boldly hold on not entail inertia on the people of the West. of' prayer was called in question. Now, however, aged lady who has a passably pretty foot come out Montreal, and Chase. and stoned and clubbed the Chinamen. The than for those who held as long as they dared They project railroads, and build them; they that there has been rain in abundance, the doubter and make a rainbow of herself, one may attain a The steamer Dirigo, with the freight sheds on Chinese fled like sheep into the bills and all work moves on and on this redoubtable scion of unconsciously drink in the venom it dissem- was suspended. Several of the assailed laborers and then succumbed. erect huge manufactories and start their whirl- is no more disposed to change his opiniort than he conclusion of some kind about the wisdom of Mr. Gait's wharf, are. on fire, and the flames have the nineteenth century. inates. Was at first. On the contrary, he claims, no doubt, were subsequently-found miles away from the place ing wheels in motion with as much energy as Leland's observation. Saccharlssa, with her num- spread to the freight sheds of the Boston steamers Xo wonder the people are alarmed at the The public offender is therefore always that the result was due to natural causes, and ber twos, must have started a great many trains of on the Atlantic wharf. The Bir igo Is of the New of attack. even the north temperate zone's most northern James Otis to-day received the tax-payers nomi- rapid growth and increasing energy of this sure of a vindicator. If his misdeeds are THE LABOR REFORMERS of Massachusetts met would have been the same without any praying at thought as she flanked, surmounted, and passed York line. at Lowell on Wednesday last, made speeches boundary could produce. The stolidity of the all. But this opinion is a mere matter of belief the obstructions on Seventh street without once SECOND DISPATCH. nation for Mayor. monster whose beginnings were so moderate exposed on one side, they are denied, justi- mass of people is, if not wonderful, at least re- with the skeptic; he cannot prove it as a tested PORTLAND, 2:60 p. m.—The fire has spread and and passed resolutions. The special fancy of soiling anythlng.but the soles of her shoes. Base Ball. and whose approaches so insidious. No fied or palliated on the other. His prosecu- markable. fact without rolling back the wheel of time and has burned the elavator on Gait's wharf, with the occasion was the eight-hour plan which We suppose every one pays a tribute'of worship NEW YORK, August 9.—The Atlantic and Mutual commencicg the summer of 1873 over again. This several thousand bushels of grain. wonder they protest when it seizes upon the tion is placed on the ground of party enmity. The newspapers. Ah 1 what an attempt they in some way to something, and dry-goods clerks nines had a game of base ball to-day on the Union the convention established as the object to be we may defy him to do, and as he ruthlessly insists The steamer Montreal, of the Boston line, products of their labor and bears them The spirit of party antagonism is aroused in make to be witty and pungent, and see, also, may sometimes be excused if they thus approach grounds, with the following result : Atlantic, 12 ; attained by future agitations. The convention that the advocates of prayer should confine them- burned. Most of the freight in the freight sheds the creator through the creature. ' As 'Rissa Mutual, 2. away: grasping, like an embodied whirl- liis behalf, and in the esteem of a portion of did not exactly indorse Butler nor exactly let how they fail. What columns of dullness the selves to "reason and facts," independent of any was removed. Five hundred tons of coal on Gait's most popular humorists relieve themselves of. threaded the mazes of improvement near the Pat- wind, the wheat and corn of the Western his fellow-citizens lie passes from the condi- him alone. It refused^ for his sake, to pass a mere unproved belief, we may surely assail him ent Office, a well-dressed man with a large seal wharf is also burning. Election ot Railroad Officers. To what passes the editors of the dailies are in the same way—" sauce for the goose is sauce for farmer and distributing them along the dis- tion of a malefactor to that of a martyr whose resolution condemning the back-salary grab, ring brightened up and swore. He only used two TIIIRD DISPATCH. NEW YORK, August 9.—At the reorganization of the gander." As we are challenged to prove the BOSTON, August 9.—A dispatch from Portland tant sea-board, and the "notions" of the virtues have been rendered only more re- but refrained from putting him in nomination. brought. What vigorous clipping they indulge words. Itis the viay some men have of punctu- the directors of tho Atlantic-Paciflc Railroad Com- efficacy of prayer by experiment, so may we defy 2:45 p. m., says: Yankee manufacturer, and scattering them splendent by persecution. Whether he gained or lost by the doings at in, and what prosiness they are guilty of. Pla- ating their admiration. 'Rlssa was the cause of pany to-day, Thomas A. Scott was elected presi- giarisms so petty that they can scarcely lie the other side to prove its Inefficacy in the same his sudden devoutness, and she heard his brief re- The grain elevator at Gait's wharf is gone, and here and there over plains and prairies, Lowell is a point upon which there is some dis- way. Either is impossible. dent ; Andrew Pierce, jr., vice-president and gene- called decent thefts are taking place without a mark and turned her head. At the time she had also the buildings on the Boston steamer wharf. ral manager; and General Clinton B. Fisk, treas- never again to be collected. No wonder agreement. Now what is insusceptible of experimental proof The freight depot of the Grand Trunk railroad IT IS NOT in the nature of two widely differ- word of opposition. balanced herself upon an elewited car track, and urer. John Edgar Thomson, Thomas A. Scott, they feel as if their land was being overrun ent races of humanity to desire to associate, must ever remain a matter of belief, of faith. To on the left-hand side as you go down street there has just caught. Alfred L. Dennis, and David Solomon, of the Penn- Did you or any one else, I wonder, ever live him who believes in its efficacy, prayer is prayer; One woman is known to have been burned, and by this vandal of modern civilization, their All differences of face are the occasion of social THE New York Tribune says the latest thing was a little pool in which the mud and water had sylvania railroad, were chosen directors. The elec- in a place where no one could tell you anything to the skeptic who believes in its inefficacy, prayer been judiciously mingled by carriage wheels. Both it is reported other fives have been lost. prosperity undermined, and their very liber- distinctions: the people^of each preferring the in hotels is suggested by an ingenious corres- tion of Colonel Scott to the presidency is said to in- If you have you probably lived "out west.: is nothing. The believer will pray and receive; of her hands were employed In holding her robes The building of Bnrnham & Morrill, packing com dicate an alliance between the thirty-second and ties endangered. society of their own, and inclining to avoid that pondent of the Galveston News. It is to be When I ask a man, and that man happens to be the skeptic will do neither. The element of belief in proper position. As she turned her head—well, pany, is gone. thirty-fifth parallel continental projects on one line of another. This is not so because necessarily called the Aerial Sanitarium. It is to be a huge is the central axis of the whole matter. Even with An inconsiderate optiims\> flKjre and a Dutchman, the way to Irvington or to Illinois how Would you like to see your own sister sitting Dispatches have been sent to Saco and Biddeford of the railroad to San Francisco. the people of 'one race look upon themselves as balloon, firmly secured by strong attachments regard to the answer or reward of prayer, the doc- in about a barrel of muddy water in the middle of for aid. there lias been heard to say that if there street, or anywhere lie never knows, and he superiors or as inferiors, but because they feel at a proper height. " Galveston;" lie says," is trine of scripture is, " believe that ye receive it and the street, head and number two shoes slightly ele- It Is the steamer Carlotta, instead of the steame FOREIGN. had been 110 railways there would have been never tells me that he never knows, he only that they are different. The social particles at within one mile of the most delightful climate ye shall receive it." And this teaching is in exact vated, with her best clothes on and unable to move ? Chase, that is burning. accord with the known nature and constitution of . 110 West, nor East neither: that is to say- grunts. This kind of a negation exasperates And wouldn't you like to eat the well-dressed man FOURTH DISPATCH. MADRID, August 9.—It is announced that an ar- tract or repel accordingly as they are like or in the world, and this climate is directly over- man. If every poor man believed himself rich he but for these constructions, which lie char- mo. I remember it was a popular response of with a big ring who pulled her out f NEW YORK, August 9.—A dispatch from Portland rangement for the restoration of national author- unlike eacli other. The Irishman chooses the head." To this enormous balloon there is to might be as happy as a lord and could not then acterizes as miracles wrought by human the noble red men who graced Washington As Saccharissa hurried home by the way of says the flre is fully under control. The steamer ity in Salamanca has been considered between a company of Irishmen; the Gernjan of Ger be attached a frame-work of sufficiently strong suffer the woes of poverty. When a man is suffer- with their frightful presence so many wccli Eighth street, she did not appear to care so much Dirigo, of New York, and her contents are de. deputation from that city and the government, forecast and energy; the East and the West, ing bodily pain, make hlfti believe he is easy, and mans; the Frenchman of Frenchmen; the wire, fitted up to accommodate one hundred for the new kind of admiration she excited. Her stroyed. The steamer Montreal, of Boston, and but the conditions have not yet been made public. as they are now known, would have had no last fall. and he is easy; make a well man believe ho is sick, white American of white Americans. He docs guests. This airy saloon will be reached by a face was the color of a beefsteak, and there was an Carlotta, of Halifax, are burned. The Grand Trunk Yesterday, while the intransigente of Madrid existence. lie further remarked that, but for this because he is more at ease with those of smaller balloon acting as an elevator. The solution of the perplexing question' and he is sick. Belief is everything. ugly look about the mouth. Now and then she railroad depot is safe. FIFTH DISPATCH. were attempting to organize a demonstration in this rapid, safe and comparitively cheap his own kind than with those of another; and "What is Senator Morton's business in Wash- In the same way (for we are not now writing said something to herself. Wo don't know what It opposition to the Carltsts, they were attacked by a ington?" has not yet been arrived at, but all isreverently) the efficacy on inefficacy of the atone- was she said. At times there was emphasis in her PORTLAND, 3:30 p. m.—Upon the breaking out of mode of intercommunication, the broad it is this comfort in association which constitu the flre the steamer Falmouth hauled clear, and, body of citizens who dispersed the assemblage, THERE is great excitement in New Brunswick are hard at work on it. Some one suggests ment can never be demonstrated by any cpurse of tread, as if she underscored her steps. We once, prairies and plains of Illinois, Wisconsin, tcs the natural bond of society. getting up steam, stood safely down the harbor destroyed the red flags and beat the bearers of the over the school tax, the Roman Catholics of the that he is having some teeth extracted or count- scientific experiment. It is and will ever remain a by the merest accident, heard her, on another occa- objectionable colors, Iowa and Missouri, now mines of wealth to a matter of simple belief. To him who believes not, The steamer Montreal, in trying to do the same, In the United States, as wherever the white province claiming the right to have separate ing his back-pay in the presence of many wit- sion, when things were going wrong, use a word LIVERPOOL,August 9.—The Topographical Amer- it is of no avail; but he that does believe shall be untranslated in the translated editions of "Les drifted alongside. The Birigo, which was adrift, numerous and industrious population, would and the black races have been in contact, the schools in which the children may receive reli- nesses. If the public mind is not soon relieved owing to her fastenings having burned, was soon ican Oriental Corps has arrived in Liverpool en saved. There is a plank across a chasm and-li time Miserables." We think on the present occasion route to New York. lie, in a great measure, uncultivated, the white has preferred to associate with the white gious as well as secular education. A priest of this continued pressure no one can answer to come when all must cross it or perish. A be- wrapped in flames. She is now anchored off Bug- she said something about the Board of Public BAYONNE, August 9.—The Carlists are concen- home of the wild deer, the coyote aud the and the black with the black. Left to them' named Micliaud was arrested for refusing to liever and a skeptic are pressed to the brink; their light, burning. The steamers Chase and Forest for the consequences. The consequences may Works, and A. R. Shepherd in particular. But it trating before Burgos, the capital of the Spanish selves, the negroes would always choose to pay the tax, but was released after twenty-four time has come. The one believing the plank sound City got clear. panther; and that those thrifty manufac- be an aggravated case of third term, or symp- is useless to specnlate. province of that name, preparatory to making an goes over it and is saved. The skeptic, not believ- The steamer Carlotta is burning on the middle turing