Volume Iii. Washington City, D. C., August 10, 1873. Number
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NUMBER 23. VOLUME III. WASHINGTON CITY, D. C., AUGUST 10, 1873. The fire is now checked, and the buildings on the THE WEST COUNTREE." MISCELLANY. THE WAWASET DISASTER. won it but that he thought he was on a yachting THE GREAT GRIEVANCE. ECLECTIC REFORM. DRINKING IN FRANCE. expedition and stopped on the way to wait for a two wharves are mouldering. Down the harbor Without doubt the people of the United "A Pilgrim," in the Cincinnati Gazelle, Correspondence of Tics CAPITAL. It is our sad and painful duty to chronicle the beyond the breakwater are the three steamers in It is easy for people who are In want of a most distressing calamity that has ever occurred lady. But while we have implicit faith in the Ad- AUGUST 7, 1873. I THE Wisconsin brewers will put their mugs flames. The Montreal is burning its whole length, grievance to And one. The people of the States are, in the abstract, unanimously in speaks of the temperance of the French in the on the waters of the Potomac, and which has miral's check, we must be excused if we enrsorily I live opposite a church, a huge, solid pile or together in a State convention next month. remark that we never saw a second that would not the Dirigo lies stern towards us, and is apparentty United States—those of the Western com- favor of political reform. It is a comforting matter of drinking. The favorite tipple of the carried sorrow and mourning to many homes, both burning fore and aft, and the Carlotta is burning stone-work, with steeples three, at least I think: be first but for an " if." In the usual festivities monwealths in particular—have wanted a reflection that, in respect to any particular French is sugar and water. The red wine -of THE advocates of capital punishment answer in this city and surrounding country, painfully re- from stern to midships. they are steeples, ^think so because tlicyj minding ns that trnly, "In the midst of life we are which follow such occasions the defeated parties grievance; they liave searched for a griev- crime or offense, the majority of mankind the country is taken at meals and at the cafes. their opponents by saying, " You must draw forgot everything for twenty-four hours. We can PORTLAND, August 9—6 p. m.—The fire is com- The meal is followed with a cup of coffec forti- more nearly resemble steeples than anything^ in death." pletely under control. Engines are playing upon ance, and a grievance they have discovered. are desirous of the i>unishment of its perpe- the line somewhere." Friday morning about 11:30 o'clock fire was dis- only account for it by remarking that a fellow fied with two tablespoonfuls of brandy. The else. They loom up very high, and arc tipped', never feels bad when near the salt water, though heaps of ruins and burning piles of wharves. That grievance is ¡¡lie RAILWAY. Like the trator. This fact affords, to say the least, covered in the hold of the steamer Wawaset,which use of beer is making progress in Paris, and off with lightning-rods at the top. The churclij THERE are two things in life that a sage must we have seen several who were suffering with the Away down the harbor beyond the breakwater are locust—translated grasshopper in the ver- reasonable grounds of hope tliat, under the preserve at every sacrifice—the coats of the soon spread with fearful rapidity over the entire the wrecks. is oftener seen on the boulevards than any is of uncut stone,built with queer points and an-' vessel, enveloping her in a sheet of flame and dyspepsia early in the morning. We regret to say sion of King James—the railway is a bur- political corruption that prevails, rights will gles, aiyl a roof covers it that makes the abrupt- stomach and the enamel of his teeth. that Marshall and THE CAPITAL were the only The iron steamer Carlotta is still burning other kind of drink. Of beer and of drinking causing consternation and panic among the largo brightly and the Montreal and Dlrlgo are burned to den. It is eating out their substance, taking not be altogether obliterated nor property cat of all inclines. A little yard surrounds it,1 sober parties at the hotel. in general, the following is interesting and DIGGING horse radish is profitable business in number of passengers on board, most of whom the water's edge. The fire did not extend beyond entirely deprived of legal protection. the bread from the mouths of their wives philosophical: and a fence encloses it, and all days in the weefc, Omaha. While engaged at the business the were women and children, who, in their frantic the two wharves—Gait and Atlantic. There are save one, "the gate is fast." I have never] efforts to escape the flames, jumped overboard and and children,' discouraging industry, de- There are still, it is to be believed, people— 1 other day a man dug up $6,000 in gold. rumors of sevoral people having been drowned, but The most popular beer is that of Strasbourg, a been Inside this church, nor do I know one were drowned. LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. only one body has been found—that of Nelly Mc- moralizing society, destroying the natural private persons—who will neither i-ob, nor handsome straw-colored liquid, stronger than the soul among the hundreds I see passing in and out Tns Syracuse Journal says: Be careful how The steamerwas well supplied with life-preserv- Carthy, a girl of 20, who was cleaning on board of equilibrium between labor and capital; in steal, nor forge, nor lie very flagrantly, for average German beer, and free from the crudeness ers, flve hundred being on board, yet in the excite- SPECIAL TELEGRAMS FROM BAITI- on the seventh day of the week. Like a scat- you kill a fly. All its relations in the country the Dirigo. Mrs. Elizabeth Muller, who has a short it is acting the part of a first-class the sake of increasing their incomes or es- of that which is here sold as lager beer. A medium ment little or no use whatever was made of them, MORE. tered army assembling at the call of the trump- come to the funeral and stay all summer. husband In New York, and her little daughter, grievance of the most inveterate description. tates. There are others who would commit sized glass of this costs the Parisian half a franc. only two having been used, and they successfully. Mary Louise, aged 12, are missing, but may have eter, they surge together at the chiming of the BALTIMOBB, August 9,—There is a time for all ienna beer is also popular. It may be better at DANCING a break-down at a barbecue is one of The captain and crew behaved nobly, standing at been rescued. Their friends are anxiously seeking " To a man whose active life has been com- none of these named offenses except for a home, but does not stand the conditions of remote things, and this is certainly not the time for im- bells. They convene to pay their God a visit, the necessary qualifications of Kentucky legis- their posts to the last, and using every means in for them. mensurate, in duration, with the entire very handsome consideration. There are use as well as the Strasbourg. The Frenchman their power to assist and save the passengers by proving public squares,as it is the very season and for this purpose they array themselves in lators, they doing the " whistling," during which they are most frequented. The three period of railway history, from the day when not very many who would commit them does not require to repeat his coffee and cognac on their best attire. I sit in the shade of the pleas- throwing life-preservers and everything else over- Frightful Murder. the spot, as the American does his strong drinks, newly appointed commissioners of Franklin Square the railway was conceived as a thing possi- without the hope of some species of reward ant summer morning and listen to the rolling THE discovery in season that a convict in the board that could in any way help those struggling ST. LOUIS, MO., August 9.—On Tuesday morning nor to swallow half a dozen glasses of beer, like in the water. have transformed that hitherto attractive spot into bly to be realized at some remote day in or emolument. In short, other things being notes of the great,organ and the voices that Georgia State prison had seasoned the dinner an almost barren waste. The walks had all been last Thomas Woodson, a nephew of Governor the German and American. His sugar and water, Yesterday morning Capt. Gedney, with the tug with arsenic saved the State the expense of 300 ploughed up and the work of regrading almost com- Woodson of this State, shot and killed William the future to the present year of grace, when equal, the large majority of mankind are coffee, or'glass of beer, is a tipple for a sitting. sing sweet words grandly. Soft, rich voices, Mary Lewis, left this city and proceeded down the pleted, when it was discovered that the necessary Barlow in a corn field near Percival station, Iowa. the collective railway of the United States is honest and virtuous. Their drinking breeds no disorders, and makes no and voices deep and strong. " Jerusalem the pine coffins. river to the scene of the disaster, and returned at drainage had been neglected, which necessitated It appears that Barlow, who resided near Wyo- exclusion of women from the refreshment houses.