BOOK 2 A gathering of spite 1

Book 2

A Gathering of Spite


THE OTHER OPTION: KAPTEYN’S FIRST STRIKE Book 2: A Gathering of Spite 3 Chapter 23

Elmau, Bavaria, Terra. 15 September, 3023.

Candace Liao looked around the conference table once everyone had seated themselves. To her right was Senior Colonel Pavel Ridzik, well tuned out in his CCAF dress uniform, but nevertheless, looking like he felt a little overawed. Candace had had to pull the Colonel into line twice already during the conferences regarding the coming war. Since the attempted assassination on the Liao family through poisoning, Candace had been required to assume a greater role in the leadership of her nation, hence her presence here. Her father was still a wreck, the doctors believing that his recovery would take two years and never be a complete one. Romano had recovered quickly, although the paranoia the attack generated had sent her further down the spiral of distrust and manic reaction to perceived threats. The little bitch bore watching before, now I have to double my caution. Her assault on Chesterton may have to be made a little harder than she anticipated, ensuring her glorious end as a martyr for the Capellan state. Candace still felt poorly of a morning, but each day since the attempt three months ago, she had felt a slight improvement. To Candace’s left sat Precentor Sian, her plain features masking her keen intellect and ability to see to the heart of issues quickly and clearly. Candace valued her insight to a point, but knew better than to trust the ComStar Precentor too far. Across from the Liao group was the Marik contingent, consisting of Captain‐General Janos Marik, appearing to be more life like than she had been led to believe he could. Her advisors had put this recovery down to his recent wins over Parliament and the return and assistance of his son Thomas. Thomas, quite and reserved, sat next to his father, leafing through the documents that sat before him, as they did before each person at the table. Candace knew Thomas would bear watching, as his assistance to his father so far had born the League new strength, strength that would one day be turned against the Capellan people. Completing the group opposite Candace was the ever present, yet ever demure, Precentor Atreus, a man almost as forgettable as Precentor Sian, but also just as effective. The group to Candace’s right consisted of the party from the Draconis Combine. The young Coordinator, Theodore, had an air of confidence and power, one that despite its natural strength, paled next to that of his military advisor, Yorinaga Kurita. The man had an immense aura, it could almost be felt. Without even trying he dominated the table, but in a way that offered no threat or malice, it was just simply there. Candace suspected that Pavel’s ill humour was due to his own feeling of inadequacy compared to the presence of his equal from the Combine. Precentor Waterly had placed her aide as Precentor Dieron, Precentor Nishara Singh, a dark skinned waif of a woman of extraordinary beauty, with the Combine delegation. The final group was that of ComStar, consisting of Precentor Myndo Waterly of Dieron herself, as self righteous and self assured as her father had said she would be. Precentor Dieron was flanked by her military advisors, the powerful looking Precentor Martial Angus THE OTHER OPTION: KAPTEYN’S FIRST STRIKE Book 2: A Gathering of Spite 4 Hamilton, a man who had so far not only impressed the three leaders present, but just as importantly their military advisors as well. The other man was simply introduced as Precentor Grahame Neville. He seemed to be subordinate to Hamilton, but was treated with great respect by the Precentor Martial. He was responsible for the supply and transport of ComStar and allied supplies and troops and a man that Candace knew she could not afford to offend for any reason. Hence why s