
Downloaded by guest on October 2, 2021 ue h mg sfcsdot htgahcpaeusing plate photographic a onto focused is expo- image during precisely, the More emulsion. sure, photosensitive a in tern natural Lippmann of many spectra too are century there 19th plates, recover we historical scenes. However, reliably of for understood. case to plates, fully the unknowns in Lippmann is that, setup self-made show acquisition on accuracy the the algorithm analysis demonstrate which recovery complete we our to a Finally, algorithm in process. of an results Lippmann devise This the and spectra. of spectra original general the model- by for recover a directly explained process by from the distortions not reflected these ing are describe pro- image are that We models. multispectral distortions Lippmann there current contains the the consequence, plate that of a Lippmann show invertibility As We the extension. cess. case simple about polychromatic a misconceptions the and as with predom- gratings, perspective, treated been Bragg Since to monochromatic inven- has . drawn process the their in analogies the from Prize earned Lippmann, understood Nobel of and exam- inately work 1908 are original safes the treasures the the Lippmann, hidden in first Gabriel These locked the tor, are museums. and of of hyperspec- old hyperspectral ples handful first century that a a the over However, thought of are 1970s. commonly images the is tral in it originated Newton, images to science’s the date of back of measurements spectral nature some pointwise the While helped discoveries. to 2020) greatest have 11, atom measurements May the review spectral for of (received universe, structure 2021 26, the January approved uncovering and From CA, Stanford, University, Stanford Donoho, L. David by Edited a Baechler Gilles analyzing by spectra Lippmann century 19th on Shedding PNAS in the plate source, Lippmann have light strongly a ever moving of we a they video under a and if provide plate, works we addition, real these In a opportunity. to view justice readers do that course, correct recommend not Of the conditions. do viewing that images proper static is under artworks only appear fascinating these of characteristic to impossibility the and times copies. mainly create long adoption, photogra- excessively mainstream a to achieve been to due as failed has addition, it it In technique, imaging, phy today. interferometric forgotten modern completely of almost much and phy imaging multispectral in earliest information the of it samples making technique. spectral region, it 64 that visible to early show the we 26 one analogue, captures Lippmann photography, is typically reproduction: technique color color this of While of How- terms photography. blue. in history and out the stands green, technique at red, for looking measurements, ever, three techniques just photographic most spectral take range, visible of the hundreds in taken with samples information color photo- accurate provide the can extremely to multispectral turn modern to While record. natural graphic seems it reminiscing, indulgent just I colo optradCmuiainSine,EoePltcnqeF Polytechnique Ecole Sciences, Communication and Computer of School h k esbu 1.T nesadwehrti stu or true is this made whether has understand travel To air (1). of blue prevalence less the sky that the claimed often is t ipanspoeswrsb atrn nitreec pat- interference an capturing by works process Lippmann’s i.1sosdgtliae fa rgnlLpmn lt;one plate; Lippmann original an of images digital shows 1 Fig. hologra- of foundations the provides technique the Although 01Vl 1 o 7e2008819118 17 No. 118 Vol. 2021 | photography a,1 radLatty Arnaud , | interference oi S1 Movie | spectrography a ihln Pacholska Michalina , . a ed ´ atnVetterli Martin , rl eLuan,C-05Luan,Switzerland Lausanne, CH-1015 Lausanne, de erale ´ osatsaigo h aetiaeaddpnso num- a on developer the depends a example, and not For process. is image the of enhancement latent characteristics the the of ber this However, of for image. scaling catalyst latent ver- constant enhanced a the an the contains as of in plate sion serves processed silver the image metallic thus and latent into reaction halide The com- silver grains. that of reaction exposed reduction chemical the a is pletes development development photographic The standard techniques. via processed and mercury tuned all to are sensitive dyes equally the is, that isochromatic—that assume . plate we the 2, make full dyes the Fig. to across light, In sensitivity violet image. the spectrum. extend and latent to visible blue emulsion a to the to only called added sensitive are is are salts aggregate silver whose Since specks metallic form dis- atoms grains silver tiny crystal reduced The from emulsion. ions the halide throughout tributed silver the photographic of some the neutralizes inside grating Bragg a emulsion. appear, creating waves standing For effectively —sinusoidal depths. single light a is, different of light—that monochromatic made at of pat- case differently interference simple the resulting in emulsion example, the the and This exposes interfere and mirror. tern the glass to from the light back through the reflecting passes causes orientated before scene is emulsion, the the plate from then the light acquisition, the that image liq- such the with For contact glass. in mercury. emulsion emulsion of the uid the at sheet putting created by a is photographic traditionally mirror on surface, a the emulsion exposure, 2, during light-sensitive addition, Fig. a In in of shown consists As plate . standard doi:10.1073/pnas.2008819118/-/DCSupplemental at online information supporting contains article This 1 ulse pi 5 2021. 15, April Published BY-NC-ND) (CC 4.0 NoDerivatives License distributed under is article access open This Submission.y Direct PNAS a is article This interest.y competing paper.y no the declare wrote authors A.S. A.S. The and M.V., M.P. and M.P., and M.P., A.L., G.B. G.B., A.L., tools; and reagents/analytic G.B., data; new analyzed research; contributed A.L. designed and A.S. G.B. research; and performed M.V., G.B., contributions: Author owo orsodnemyb drse.Eal [email protected] or [email protected] Email: addressed. be may adam.scholefield@epfl.ch. correspondence whom To is h rgnlepsn pcrmcnb algorithmically proper- be absorption can spectrum color exposing Lippmann plate’s recovered. original a the the from with ties, reflected demon- not spectrum together we is the addition, plate, plate In given spectrum. Lippmann that, exposing a strate the from as same reflected the spectrum experimentally, and the theoretically of how both analysis show, end-to-end and complete process a the provide We regarding approach. misconceptions still the are there result, his sig- this for the of Despite nificance Physics photography. in in colors Prize reproducing Nobel of method 1908 the won Lippmann Gabriel Significance netepaehsbe xoe,i srmvdfo h liquid the from removed is it exposed, been has plate the Once light to exposure the (2), view of point chemical a From a n dmScholefield Adam and , y https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2008819118 . y raieCmosAttribution-NonCommercial- Commons Creative . y https://www.pnas.org/lookup/suppl/ a,1 | f7 of 1

APPLIED MATHEMATICS AB r = ρ exp(j θ). Here, ρ is the attenuation factor and θ is the phase shift. As we will show, the choice of reflective medium plays a sig- nificant role in the color reproduction. The latent image—that is, the silver density after exposure—is proportional to the power of the superposed waves inside the emulsion:∗

Z ∞  ωz   ωz  2 2 L(z) ∝ |A(ω)| exp j + r exp −j dω 0 c c Z ∞   2ωz  = |A(ω)|2 1 + ρ2 + 2ρ cos − θ dω. 0 c Here, we have assumed that, as depicted in Fig. 2, the reflected wave travels in the positive z direction and z = 0 at the mirror.

Development. As previously described and depicted in Fig. 2C, the development enhances the silver density of the latent image Fig. 1. Self-portrait of Gabriel Lippmann viewed under different illumina- differently at different depths. This can be modeled by a mul- tion. (A) Diffuse illumination. (B) Directed light whose incoming direction is tiplicative function W (z). This results in the following analysis the mirror image of the viewing direction with respect to the plate’s surface. operator, A, that maps the incoming power spectrum P(ω) = |A(ω)|2 to the developed silver density in the emulsion:

solution diffuses from the top surface of the emulsion toward Z ∞   2ωz  A{P}(z) = W (z) P(ω) 1 + ρ2 + 2ρ cos − θ dω. the emulsion–glass interface, leading to a weaker development c at deeper depths. This explains the decaying nature of the silver 0 density in Fig. 2C. Here, we have incorporated the unknown proportionality factor Fig. 2 also shows that, before viewing, the plate is turned between the latent image and the power of the superposed waves upside down with respect to the orientation used for exposure into W (z). In addition, W (z) = 0 when z is outside the finite and the glass surface is painted black. In addition, a prism is thickness of the emulsion and, due to the diffusion described attached to the emulsion surface with an index-matched glue— previously, it decreases with increasing depth. historically, Canada balsam was the adhesive of choice. To view the captured image, the plate is illuminated with a white light Viewing. The recorded silver density pattern can be thought of source. The prism separates the front surface reflection from as elementary partially reflective mirrors, whose reflectance is the desired emulsion reflection and the black surface mini- proportional to the silver density after processing. When the mizes unwanted back reflections. The desired reflection from developed plate is illuminated, the light reflected from the emul- the emulsion consists of scattered light from the silver particles sion can be modeled as the sum of the reflections from each of distributed throughout the depth of the emulsion; depending these elementary partially reflective mirrors. This Born approx- on the wavelength, the reflected light waves add more or less imation neglects all but first-order reflections. It is not hard to constructively or destructively. see that such a model is not physically realistic—in particular, it Although the reproduced colors can look accurate to the eye, assumes that all of the incoming light reaches each elementary if we examine the full spectrum reflected from a Lippmann plate partially reflective mirror. Despite this physical inconsistency, it and compare it to the original, we notice a number of incon- is a good model for Lippmann photography because it is accurate sistencies, many of which have never been documented even in in the regime of interest where each partially reflective mirror modern studies (3–6). By thoroughly understanding the nature of reflects a small amount of light. these inconsistencies, we are able to study invertibility; i.e., given Denote the silver density after processing by D(z) = A{P}(z) a spectrum produced by a Lippmann , is it possible to and assume that the plate is illuminated with a flat spectrum with undo the distortions and reconstruct the original input spectrum. R ∞ wavefunction proportional to 0 exp(j ωt) exp(−j ωz/c)dω. Then, under the previously described first-order model, the Mathematical Formulation wavefunction of the light reflected from the emulsion at To understand this in more detail, consider the mathematical frequency ω is operators that model how the input spectrum is stored in the Z ∞ plate and how the developed plate synthesizes a color image (7). 0 0 0 Uω(z, t) ∝ D(z ) exp(j ωt) exp(j ω(z − 2z )/c) exp(j φ)dz . For , we give the equations for a single location of the 0 image, so that the only spatial variable is z—the depth through the emulsion. Here, φ is the phase shift introduced by the reflection from any We model light fields as pulsed plane waves traveling in of the elementary partially reflective mirrors. the direction perpendicular to the mirror. The one-dimensional Due to the extremely short temporal period of optical waves, (1D) wavefunction of a monochromatic light wave travel- we observe only their power spectrum (intensity). Therefore, we ing in the positive z direction, at time t, is U (z, t) = define the synthesis operator, S, as the operator that maps the A exp(j ωt) exp(−j ωz/c). Here, j is the imaginary unit, A silver density D(z) to the power spectrum of the reflected wave. is the complex amplitude, c is the speed of light, and ω Given the previous calculations, we have for any z and t is the single angular frequency of the monochromatic wave. Z ∞   2 For a polychromatic spectrum, the 1D wavefunction is an 2 0 2ωz 0 S{D}(ω) = |Uω(z, t)| ∝ D(z ) exp −j dz . infinitesimal sum of monochromatic wavefunctions: U (z, t) = c R ∞ 0 0 A(ω) exp(j ωt) exp(−j ωz/c)dω.

Exposure. During exposure, the incoming wave interferes with *In practice, the response of a to light is only linear in a certain the reflected wave. The reflection from the mirror can be mod- regime of exposure times and intensities, the silver density reaching saturation after a eled as a multiplication with the mirror’s reflection coefficient certain point; its response is described by the so-called Hurter and Driffield curves (8).

2 of 7 | PNAS Baechler et al. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2008819118 Shedding light on 19th century spectra by analyzing Lippmann photography Downloaded by guest on October 2, 2021 Downloaded by guest on October 2, 2021 hr h kernel the where this development, uniform for that, oper- shown synthesis be and operator, analysis can combined the It of composition ators. the of consists pipeline. Full of transform Fourier the of propor- density. value silver viewing content absolute the the frequency squared of with the physics to light the tional reflected that in see result we process equation, the at represented Looking is which wave, reflected the light (E creating the gray). illuminated, interfere, in is waves part plate partial the imaginary When These and (D) pattern. color effects. in recorded development part spectrum. the models ( C power (real that of pattern. window wavefunction interference layer spatial complex exposing infinitesimal a the a by each to by multiplied proportional on is be reflected density to partially silver assumed the is is and depth location’s developed spatial is that plate throughout the density silver The (B) sheet. 2. Fig. hdiglgto 9hcnuysetab nlzn ipanphotography Lippmann analyzing by spectra century 19th on light Shedding al. et Baechler uhwae hnwt ealcrflco,terfatv index is refractive reflection the reflector, the metallic Although surface a air. with emulsion than the ambient weaker let the much just with to contact is make approach liquid with simpler contact in a surface mercury, emulsion the putting by created ally Medium. Reflective of Choice Discussion we and as Results 9); (6, operation true. squaring not is a this to show, up reconstruction sometimes perfect achieved, that in is is example, misconception common For a invertibility. case, this the are regarding there plate, misconceptions thick still infinitely the an uni- in throughout and the development reflector Furthermore, metallic form in perfect ignored. a role of be case critical considered cannot commonly a therefore play and components process these spectral the All emul- we affect media, reproduction. properties section, reflective development next different and how thicknesses, the show sion In to modeling technique. this Lippmann’s use multispec- using reproducing data and capturing tral of process end-to-end the 3). (Fig. emulsion the of ness Here, ABCDE H hl hsfruaini o rva,i losu oflymodel fully to us allows it trivial, not is formulation this While Z (ω S h rgnlpwrsetu nieto n pta oaino h lt,md fa mlinlyro glass a on layer emulsion an of made plate, the of location spatial one on incident spectrum power original The (A) pipeline. photography Lippmann , Z ω (ω 0 = ) SA{ = ) ie u oeig h ulLpmn process Lippmann full the modeling, our Given r c P ∗ S (1 H }(ω Z Z − (ω SA (ω 0 Z exp(−2j ) 0 , ∝ − stefloigkre operator kernel following the is , ω

ω 0 Z ) 1+ (1 + ) 0 hl tnigwvsaetradition- are waves standing While is ∞ P c ω/ (ω )H ρ ))/(2j 2 )S Z (ω Z (ω ω , ω ) 0 0 + ) and )d ω rS Z

2 Z , stethick- the is (ω 0 + ω ). h oe pcrmo h eetdwv eebe h rgnlincoming original the resembles wave reflected the of spectrum power The ) safnto ftewvlnt,wihi nesl rprinlt the to proportional inversely is which wavelength, gray the the the to of respect by frequency. function with part regular a imaginary is as oscillations the the and of period line frequency the colorful that Note the line. by represented is 3. Fig. rs n oue opouearibwclrdbn.A band. rainbow-colored a produce to focused and through dispersed prism was a light the white For reproduction, interfaces. color air measured and To mercury both spectrum. with 4B reproduction, reflected color Fig. the affects this, also demonstrate media reflective to ferent leads shift phase place. same no the with at reflection intensity maximum dielectric mir- the a at whereas intensity minimum ror, the to 4A, leads Fig. reflection emul- metallic in the perfect shown in as stored example, is For spectrum reflects the sion. how and affects unchanged this Clearly, phase light. the leaves hand, other by phase the reflecting its advancing this, flips to and close light reasonably exam- the is For of shift changes. all phase reflects phase (a mirror the phase metallic how perfect and a reflected ple, is that light of strong a (10). work creates to process interface the emulsion–air for reflection the enough by created change nupiigy h hnei ivrdniycue ydif- by caused density silver in change the Unsurprisingly, amount the both change media reflective different However, h filter The ω tapast ecagn eea eso h spectrum the show we as here changing be to appears it ; S Z (ω 0 θ − of ω 148 for ) 180 ◦ hw h rdce n measured and predicted the shows ◦ h mlinaritrae nthe on interface, emulsion–air the ; Z .Teeuso–ecr interface emulsion–mercury The ). = https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2008819118 and 5µm ρ 2 50.4% = ω 0 180 = 550nm ◦ 2π ftelgtand light the of hs hf fa of shift phase c fe exposure, After ) h elpart real The . PNAS 4% | fthe of f7 of 3


Fig. 4. The effect of the reflective medium on color reproduction. (A) Simulation showing how two different phase shifts at reflection lead to different interference patterns (Left) and reflected waves (Right). In the plots of the reflected waves, the real (black solid) components are the same (up to the sign), but the imaginary (dotted) components differ significantly. This leads to different skewing of the reflected power spectrum (blue solid). The skewing is toward red for θ = 180◦ and toward blue for θ = 0◦.(B) Similar effects are observed with real mirrors, both in simulations (Top) and in experiments (Bottom). In particular, reflection from mercury skews colors toward red, and reflection from air skews colors toward blue.

Lippmann plate was exposed to this rainbow, with both types of were exposed to monochromatic light from a . In addition, reflector, and then developed and observed. The observation was we show the reflected spectra of the plates. The oscillations in performed by photographing the plate with a color-calibrated these spectra suggest that the plates have depths of 4.6 and 6.4 digital single- reflex camera. Comparing the experiment to µm, which approximately match the 4.2 and 5.8 µm measured on the model’s prediction, we observe the expected shifts of the the micrograph. In addition, the microscope images confirm the reflected spectra: For instance, green is rendered bluish with air nonuniform development curve. and yellowish with mercury. We also see that bright reds are Finally, in Movie S2, we provide a three-dimensional recon- more challenging to reproduce with air, and blues are harder struction of a similar plate from ptychographic X-ray tomogra- to represent with mercury. The dark patches in the measured phy at cryogenic temperature (12, 13). colors for wavelengths greater than 600 nm occur because the plate’s dyes are less sensitive to these wavelengths; we will further Spectrum recovery. As we have seen, SA 6 =I (I being identity) elaborate on the effect of dye profile when we look at spectrum and therefore the spectrum reflected from a Lippmann plate is a recovery. distorted version of the original. A natural and interesting ques- tion to ask is whether we can find a left inverse of SA and thus Thickness and Development of the Plate. Recall that the interfer- theoretically recover the original spectrum. ence pattern is multiplied by the window function W (z) to model Since the synthesis operator outputs a power spectrum, we the differing effects of the developer at different depths and lose phase information and it is not obvious that SA is invert- the finite thickness of the emulsion. Now, since the recorded ible (14), even in the purely theoretical sense where everything interference pattern stores low to high spectral frequencies as is exactly within our model. If we also measured the phase, the we move from the mirror side of the plate to the emulsion– combined operator SA would be linear and, as long as we took glass interface, a finitely thick emulsion results in high spectral enough samples and restricted to a finite spectral range such frequencies being clipped. Note that, by low and high spectral as the , the operator could be exactly inverted frequencies, we mean the slow and fast varying components of with another linear operator. However, because of the loss of the power spectrum, not blue and red colors. phase, we have to use a more advanced approach. In particu- The simplest example of this is if we assume homogeneous lar, inspired by algorithms from irregular sampling (15), we use development. In this case, W (z) is a rectangle window that is an iterative algorithm that exploits the prior information that zero for values of z outside the finite thickness of the emul- the true original spectrum must be a valid power spectrum. The sion and, as depicted in Fig. 5 A3, this results in both a algorithm enforces this by alternatively modifying the current smoothing of the reproduced spectrum and Gibbs ripples. These estimate so that it satisfies each of the following two proper- ripples provide a fingerprint of the truncation of the inter- ties: 1) When passed through the operator SA, it matches the ference pattern and the thickness Z of the emulsion can be measurements, and 2) it is real, positive, and does not con- accurately calculated from their period ∆ν in the frequency tain frequencies corresponding to depths outside the estimated domain: 2Z ∆ν = c. thickness of the emulsion. To enforce the second property, a As previously discussed, the development is not homogeneous nonnegative least-squares (NNLS) algorithm (16) is applied. across the emulsion, but instead is stronger closer to the surface. In terms of convergence, simulations have demonstrated that, To model this, W (z) should decay with depth. As depicted in in the noiseless case with an infinitely thick emulsion and known Fig. 5 A4 and as is well known from filter design theory (11), this and invertible dye and development profiles, the proposed damps the Gibbs ripples. algorithm converges exactly to the original spectrum. Further- To demonstrate these effects in practice, Fig. 5 also shows more, the algorithm is robust to noise and can be modified so microscope cross-section images of two plates which that, in the case of finitely thick emulsions and more general

4 of 7 | PNAS Baechler et al. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2008819118 Shedding light on 19th century spectra by analyzing Lippmann photography Downloaded by guest on October 2, 2021 Downloaded by guest on October 2, 2021 naigefc euigtedniyo ivra ohboundaries both at silver of emulsion. density the the of function reducing by effect window explained aging development be an the can in this zero that W to know anal- decay we the smoother 5, From a Fig. out. in stands presented immediately ysis oscillations of lack parrot. the a of is made and was 1899 (Bottom) in one Neuhauss the second Richard of The by scene. measurements natural a century-old Fee, of Saas contains spectrum in thus 1899 was and It (Top) 1891 one Switzerland. between first Lippmann The plates. Gabriel historical by two made of points four that of tra dye see the We where 6. regions Fig. for weak. in except is returned response accurate, shown recovery is are estimated reproduction algorithm, the the inversion of as and our response well original by reflected dye as the the the of spectra, Measurements and scene, measured emulsion. plate, able the photographic Lippmann were of the the we spectrum from photograph, original spectrum this the made measure we to Since checker. color invertible. the and known spectrum, be original should the profile recover dye to however, spectrum; power 5. Fig. hdiglgto 9hcnuysetab nlzn ipanphotography Lippmann analyzing by spectra century 19th on light Shedding al. et Baechler simply by profile model dye general analysis a wave- the incorporate for Fortunately, replacing saw to appearing nm. extended we patches be dark 4, 600 can with Fig. than case in greater the plates lengths not real When is on wavelengths. this all reproduction that to color sensitive at equally is are looking dyes plate the the i.e., isochromatic; that this is such plate to the up that modeling assumed has our point particular, In sensitivity). spectral to called (4 emulsions typical of almost negligible. is thickness in approximation the light the than of less 10 length is algo- NNLS scenes the the all practice, to parameters In of fitting development rithm. parametric and a add thickness simply approxi- the to bandlimited is best modification The the mation. recovers it profiles, development depth- with plate frequency. Finite ripple A4) ( higher introduced. a are shows (Left ripples plate plates Gibbs thicker two the Pronounced of cross-sections from development: microscope reflected homogeneous Electron spectrum with (B) The damped. plate are Finite ripples (A3) Gibbs 4. development: decaying Fig. in described skewing the (Right spectra reflected corresponding AB okn ttemaue pcr fteehsoia plates, historical these of spectra measured the at Looking spec- inverted and measured the present we 6B, Fig. in Finally, 6A Fig. example, For h anpatclcalnecmsfo h y rfie(also profile dye the from comes challenge practical main The (z ) oteerrfo eoeigol h etbandlimited best the only recovering from error the so µm), hscudb u oasihl ifrn eeomn or development different slightly a to due be could This ). iuaino ifrn ivrdniypols( Left profiles density silver different of Simulation (A) reproduction. spectrum on development and thickness plate’s the of effect The P (ω ) ytepouto h y rfieadteinput the and profile dye the of product the by hw ipanpoorp fa of photograph Lippmann a shows nnt lt ihhmgnosdvlpet h nyefc ntesetu is spectrum the on effect only The development: homogeneous with plate Infinite (A2) spectrum. Original (A1) ). etscn aes h rnil sams h aea Lipp- use as we photochemistry, same on relying cur- the of almost instead are that, is using except we principle mann’s glass regard, The in . images this femtosecond multispectral In printing synthesis. investigating possibilities rently image the by cam- multispectral intrigued Lippmann particularly digital of are a we of addition, prototype In a era. in built shown have as front, we camera Appendix, the On designs. display that and printing, believe also we century. right, 21st the own technological in future developments its inspire can in technique Lippmann’s interest technique revisiting imaging significant Prize-winning of Nobel is a modeling fully While Roth predate were they Outlook plates though the even that cap- reflectors, the is publication. air during explanation was with used likely emulsion were made less the filters either Another, cooling that ture. or hints col- which isochromatic a recovered blue, not and the too sensitivity appear Qualitatively, spectral ors interface. uniform assuming reflective 6B, mercury Fig. in about results certain be cannot we However, have this. they (10). Roth plates since alternative E. medium, the viable before reflective that a created as likely were mercury our extremely combined with in is captured these for been unknown, it compensate filter are to Finally, warming they impossible algorithm. Since a unfortunately lens. a are shows the factors topic, clearly of the reflection) front photographs on in Lippmann which air-based capture publications 6, an to contemporary ref. used (with apparatus in few the instance, the of photo For of filters rendition. color one used color is photographers the the improve whether is than to know that rather not aspect probability Another colors, do all solutions. we faithful pro- isochromatic in the chemical and perfectly achieve the were since accurate to of reproduced recipes plates part to dye as these tuned plates the of the Furthermore, response of cessing. out dye washed the are dyes measure to sible o xml,i ol edt uuemlipcrlcamera, multispectral future to lead could it example, For recovery spectrum present we limitations, these Despite impos- is it unfortunately, recovery, spectrum of terms In n h orsodn eetdseta(Right spectra reflected corresponding the and ) ´ rpsdteueo i sa as air of use the proposed e https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2008819118 PNAS n the and ) | f7 of 5 ´ e’s SI ).



Fig. 6. Spectrum recovery. (A) The recovery algorithm is verified using self-made plates. (Left) Photographs of the color checker and of the Lippmann plate of the color checker. (Right) The original (i), measured (ii), and recovered (iii) spectra. (B) The recovery algorithm is applied to two historical plates. (Left) Photographs of the plates. (Right) The measured and recovered spectra.

ultrafast lasers to locally modify the of sub- Materials and Methods strates such as silica (17). Since refractive index changes lead To calculate the information-theoretic limit for the number of samples to reflections, we can, at least in principle, print Lippmann-style given in the Introduction, we note that an emulsion of finite thickness can multispectral images at will. only record spectral frequencies up to a maximal value. In addition, the

6 of 7 | PNAS Baechler et al. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2008819118 Shedding light on 19th century spectra by analyzing Lippmann photography Downloaded by guest on October 2, 2021 Downloaded by guest on October 2, 2021 1 .V pehi,R .Schafer, W. R. Oppenheim, V. A. 11. 0 .Roth E. 10. hdiglgto 9hcnuysetab nlzn ipanphotography Lippmann analyzing by spectra century 19th on light Shedding al. et Baechler explains which emulsion, the of shrinking a fix- to The estimation. lead thickness both does the vacuum thus this and and but ing period reflection as oscillation surface plates the the affect the Conse- contain not techniques. to spectra both added measured with region not the same quently, was the acquiring prism subsequent prevent a the would of this addition, conditions each the In of match imaging. spectrum to vacuum reflectance microscope a The in temperature. measured room was at plate h 1 for thiosulfate ypaigtepaei ouino itle ae n 0 g·L 100 and water distilled achieved of was solution fixing a confused The in plate micrograph. otherwise the electron be placing the by to in would silver fixed which metallic also halides, the were with silver plates remaining experiment the the reproduction development, color remove after the However, for plates described. as The same just interface. the reflective were emulsion–air development an and with laser, wavelength led nm choices These reflection. surface reproduction. color the accurate remove most to the added to was prism g·L a g·L 0.83 but 1.25 and and water temperature bromide, room distilled potassium at Ulti- of min prism, from solution 1 plate a for a U08C developed in with was a light plate used The We white . interface. mate decomposing reflective by emulsion–air created an with rainbow a to exposed a at 1.5 index refractive (19). with nm emulsion 589.3 an of for wavelength shift phase and reflected lies light thickness 700 emulsion the to that 400 and spans 10 1.5, Introduction. and is spectrum index 4 visible refractive and between the the respectively, that that spectrum, nm, Assuming visible index. the refractive of lengths where 2 from sam- of thickness con- density that with of pattern emulsion note interference number an we any in equivalent it, (18), tained calculate the formula To sampling be process. Nyquist–Shannon to Lippmann the the degrees number dual of by this number captured mutually finite take ples both a We only in has freedom. cut- truncation property of support this an with finite providing signal a Any spectrum, domains. is visible emulsion the there the to reaching Therefore, tuned glass from off. are the light dyes example, ultraviolet the For prevents and limited. plate also the are of captured surface be can that wavelengths hrfr,teeuvln ubro ape vrtevsbesetu for spectrum visible the thickness over of samples emulsion of an number equivalent the Therefore, frequency wavelength angular the Now, emulsion. the in light .F utr .C rfed htceia netgtosadanwmto fdeter- of method new a and investigations Photochemical Driffield, C. V. Hurter, F. 8. Kova J. Vetterli, M. 7. Brotherton-Ratcliffe, D. Bjelkhagen, I. H. 6. Fournier R. J.-M. 5. .G ipan u ath la Sur Lippmann, G. 9. process. color Lippmann the of Modeling Pedersen, process. M. colour H. Nareid, Lippmann H. the 4. of review A Nareid, H. Bomback, S. range. 3. E. temperature Baines, daily H. reduce Contrails Lauritsen, 2. G. R. Carleton, M. A. Travis, J. D. 1. o h et xeieto i.5 w ltswr xoe oa531- a to exposed were plates two 5, Fig. of experiment depth the For was plate Lippmann a 4, Fig. of experiment reproduction color the For of amount the computed we media, reflective different discussing When pe adeRvr J d ,2009). 3, ed. NJ, River, Saddle Upper 6–6 (1904). 565–567 mercure. de miroir plates. photographic of sensitiveness the of mination 2014). Press, University Holography Colour Digital and Analogue in niques Holography Display on Symposium International Sixth 3358, a am la par (1890). A (1988). Nature 5–6 (1991). 257–265 8, λ min ,Poorpise olusotne a am la par obtenues couleurs en Photographies e, 0 (2002). 601 418, ´ toeinterf ethode ´ Z λ /(π and  0 via 2π λ c nteaglrfeunydmi,where domain, frequency angular the in ) min Rcn eeomnsi ipanpoorpy in photography” Lippmann in developments “Recent al., et λ c ω cevi 0 ope edsHebdomadaires Rendus Comptes ˇ max ,w e h 6t 4sml ag ie nthe in given range sample 64 to 26 the get we µm, = erentielle. − ´ oi el htgahedscuer ipe tcompos et simples couleurs des photographie la de eorie ,V .Goyal, K. V. c, ´ ´ 2π 2π r h iiu n aiu aumwave- vacuum maximum and minimum the are λ h cec fPhotography of Science The Z max c c is 0 0 /λ  .Pyiu Th Physique J. · iceeTm inlProcessing Signal Discrete-Time 0 where ,  −1 π 2Z c onain fSga Processing Signal of Foundations famna h lt a o fixed not was plate The ammonia. of  Z = a erpeetdwt sampling a with represented be can lr-elsi mgn:Avne Tech- Advanced Imaging: Ultra-Realistic c 4Z 0 oiu Appliqu eorique ´ stesedo ih nvacuum. in light of speed the is  −1 λ CCPes 2013). Press, (CRC min n fprglo,83g·L 8.3 pyrogallol, of l’Acad a ` Futi rs,1967). Press, (Fountain ω .Poor Sci. Photogr. J. toeinterf ethode − ´ srltdt h vacuum the to related is .Sc hm Indus. Chem. Soc. J. λ n SI,19) p 95–102. pp. 1998), (SPIE, max meDsSciences Des emie n ´ ee ´ steemulsion’s the is Petc alPress, Hall (Prentice 717(1894). 97–107 3,  c .Otc o.Am. Soc. Optic. J. , stesedof speed the is −1 rnilesans erentielle ´ 140–147 36, (Cambridge fsodium of −1 76 9, 139, SPIE ees ´ of 7 .M ai,K ir,N uioo .Hro rtn aeudsi ls iha with glass in waveguides Writing Hirao, K. Sugimoto, N. Miura, K. Davis, M. K. 17. Hanson, R. Lawson, C. 16. Gr K. Feichtinger, G. H. 15. Baechler G. 14. 2 .Behe,M ahlk,A coeed .Lty LCAV/Lippman-photography. Latty, A. Scholefield, A. Pacholska, M. Lippman of Baechler, photos Multispectral G. Pacholska, 22. M. Scholefield, A. Latty, A. Baechler, G. 21. Bjelkhagen, I. H. 20. Wolf, E. Born, noise. of M. presence 19. the in Communication Shannon, E. C. 18. Holler M. 13. Holler M. 12. eue w itrclpae rmteMus the from plates recov- historical spectrum two used the we For l’Elys 6B, equally. de Fig. silver of reduce experiment would ery wavelength absorbed energy any assuming and at reflection measurements neglecting transmission plate, sensi- unexposed power dye an spectrometric This of profile. using sensitivity obtained dye was the for tivity input. corrected The as finally measured. spectrum was measured spectrum result the reflectance The but taking the run, described then emulsion–air and was previously an added algorithm with was as restoration prism plate developed A U08C was fixed. a plate not on The made was interface. checker reflective color a of image inci- oblique to due shift for. spectral corrected was The (12 beam (20). probing values the of literature dence which with plates, line the per- in of by parts 1.52 is unexposed about thickness on be for measurements to reflectance needed found forming is was measurement, which spectral gelatin, from laser of estimation the index to compared refractive blue, toward The shifted wavelength. has spectrum the in peak the why cec onainGatCRSII5 Grant Foundation Science ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. in deposited been have (22). measurements (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4256774) Zenodo spectral and (21) zenodo.4650243) Availability. camera. Data hyperspectral IQ Specim a mm with captured 1 were than such 6 less optics, Fig. is focusing in area custom measured some and the Optics that Ocean from spectrometer ES unknown. are manufacturing hi ieadflxblt swl sgvn sacs otercleto of collection their to 6. access and 1 us Figs. in giving shown are as which well of some as plates, Lippmann flexibility historical Mus Sigrist, and the Manuel and time Franck, Mathys, Tatyana their Nora Idargo, Martin, Sarah Pauline Ferloni, Sophie thank Sandrin, we least, Carole not but Maynes, Last lasers—we collaboration. Pau this ultrafast of Bel- with future the Yves modification about and material excited are to Gateau, us Julien introducing Ricca, for Ruben At louard thank PSI. at Coher- we Source laboratory, the Light Galatea at Swiss the the performed of were beamline Scattering measurements X-ray X-ray Small-Angle ent The S2. Movie in rendering, shown and reconstruction tomography three- X-ray the ptychographic M created dimensional and measurements, Elisabeth X-ray Holler, performed (PSI) sample, exper- Institute the Mirko prepared Scherrer and Paul particular equipment, the in acknowledge time, and and their thank we with addition, generous In tise. extremely who EPFL, been at all Group Laboratory have Environmental Central Syl- the Pierson, and Yann Coudret, chemists the vain and team; microscopy Prandoni; Microscopy Imaging; Electron Paolo for HySpex Holography; feedback, thank F Ultimate also his Polytechnique from We Ecole for Gentet discussions. 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(Elsevier, https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2008819118 2 h yeseta mgsused images hyperspectral The . le,adMca dtclwho Odstrcil Michal and uller, ¨ e.Si Instrum. Sci. Rev. e.Si Instrum. Sci. Rev. SceyfrIdsra and Industrial for (Society rc nt ai Eng. Radio Inst. Proc. ed l’Elys de ee ´ EETas Signal Trans. IEEE PNAS ◦ nemulsion) in 113701 88, 043706 89, Wavelets: | efor ee ´ an A, f7 of 7 37, ee ´