Liistten carefulllly tto tthe voiice of God.. God may be calllliing you tto tthe Priiestthood or Relliigiious Liife.. Whatt wiillll your answer be?

. OFFIICIIAL PUBLIICATIION OF THE UKRAIINIIAN CATHOLIIC EPARCHY OF STAMFORD ССіівваачч SSoowweerr VOL XXXIIII; No.. 7 STAMFORD,, CONNECTIICUT 06902 JULY 26,, 2015 ST.ST. PETERPETER ANDAND ST.ST. PAULPAUL PARISH,PARISH, ANSONIA,ANSONIA, CELEBRATESCELEBRATES 100TH100TH ANNIVERSARYANNIVERSARY OFOF CHURCHCHURCH EDIFICEEDIFICE CONSTRUCTIONCONSTRUCTION On the weekend of June 27 & 28, 2015 the parish community of Saint Peter & Saint Paul Ukrainian in Ansonia, CT celebrated a rare milestone in the long history of the parish – the 100th anniversary of the construction and blessing of their church building. The parish itself has its beginnings in 1894 making it one of the oldest Ukrainian Catholic communities in the United States. In that year local immigrants, mostly from the area of Lemkivshchyna in present day Poland and Ukraine, desired to form a parish. The first church was blessed in 1897 but it quickly proved to be too small for the growing com- munity. A new piece of land was purchased in 1915 and work was begun on constructing the present brick structure following building plans obtained from an architect in L’viv, Ukraine. Construction took two years to complete and the church was finally blessed by in 1924. The noted Ukrainian artist, Theodore Hladky, dec- orated the interior of the church. As the present pastor, Very Rev. Archpriest Edward Young says: “We will continue to celebrate our faith in this beautiful building designed in western Ukraine and built here.” The 100th anniversary celebrations began on Saturday morning, June 27 with the celebration by Bishop Paul, of a Divine Liturgy at 9:30 am in church commemorating Blessed Nicholas Charnetsky and the twenty-six contemporary Ukrainian Blessed Martyrs beatified by Pope Saint John Paul II in 2001 during his pastoral visit to Ukraine. At 2:00 pm Bishop Paul, along with the pastor, Rev. Edward Young and assistant pastor, Rev. Stepan Yanovski, celebrated a Moleben to the Mother of God following which they and the faithful solemnly processed out of church and down the main steps to the cornerstone of the church, which was set in place in 1915. There, Bishop Paul led the community in a prayer of remembrance and thanksgiving for all of the deceased builders and benefactors of the church over the past century and then blessed the original cornerstone with holy water. Following this Bishop Paul, the con- celebrating priests and the faithful proceeded to the nearby wall of the parish rectory for the sealing and burial of a time capsule to mark the church building’s first century. Among the items inserted into the time capsule was a copy of the current parish list of the parish as well as a jubilee program and holy cards that were printed to mark the occasion. The capsule and the beautiful granite marker that was placed on top were the generous gifts of the Wakelee Memorial Funeral Home and its director, John Zaleski. The day’s events finished with an informal buffet reception in the church hall, prepared by the ladies of the parish. On Sunday, June 28, the Feast-day of Ss. Peter & Paul, a hierarchical Divine Liturgy was celebrated by Bishop Paul at 10:00 am in church. The Parish President, Scott Walker, along with parish children, Amelia Douglas, Marko Gebuza, Melania Korynovsky and Peter Monks greeted Bishop Paul at the main entrance of the church with bread & salt and flowers. Rt. Rev. Mitred Msgr. John Terlecky, Rev. Edward Young and Rev. Stepan Yanovski concelebrated the Divine Liturgy. The responses were led by the parish cantor, Volodymyr Kit. Following the church service a celebratory brunch was served at the Oronoque Country Club in Stratford, CT. A longtime par