rch- pril1983 2 1~[iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiAiiiiiiiiViiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiIOiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiPiiiiiiiihiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiIOiiiiiiiiSiiiiiiiiOiiiiiiiiPiiiiiiiihYiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiPiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiit *The AVALON HILL iiiiiiii9iiiiiiii6iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiOiiill The annual madness known as ORIGINS is furious, silent combat. Other wargame tour­ GENERAL soon to be upon us once again, and the time naments that have been scheduled include those in seemed propitious to glance ahead to what the STORM OVER ARNHEM, VICTORY IN THE The Game Players Magazine convention holds in store for Avalon Hill. PACIFIC, WOODEN SHIPS & IRON MEN, WAR AT The Avalon Hill GENERAL is dedicated to the presenta· ORIGINS '83 will be hosted this year by the SEA, MIDWA Yand PANZER LEADER. lian of authoritative articles on the strategy, tactlcs, and variation of Avalon Hill wargames. Histoflcal articles are Metro Detroit Gamers. The convention site will be Not to be outdone by the efforts of MDG's included only insomuch as they provide useful background Cobo Hall, Detroit's stunning new downtown con· volunteer gamemasters, the staff of Avalon Hill information on current Avalon Hill titles. The GENERAL is vention center. Events will span a warm July will be in attendance to run such perennial favorites published by the Avalon H,II Game Company solely for the weekend (July 14-17). as WIN, PLACE & SHOW, SPEED CIRCUIT, and cultural edificatIon of the seflOUS game aficionado. in the hopes of improving the game owner's proficiency of plav and Avalon Hill games will be, as usual, well GLADIATOR-all gamemastered by Jim Burnett. providing servIces not otherwise available to the Avalon Hill represented in the tournament arena. Already plans Although we will finally lay the AH Classics 500 to game buff. Avalon Hill 1$ a division of Monarch Avalon are being finalized by the Metro Detroit Gamers for rest, vestiges of it will remain in the form of an Industries, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Monarch Avalon, Inc. The shares of Monarch Avalon, Inc. are pUblicly competition in ACQUIRE and RAIL BARON, SLAP AFRIKA KORPS tournament hosted by Dale traded on the NASDAO System under the symbol MAHI. For SHOT{a hit at last year's ORIGINS) and FOOTBALL Sheaffer. Rex Martin will organize a belated "Demo information about the company write to Harold Cohen al the STRA TEGY, KINGMAKER and CIVILIZA TlON. Derby" for RICHTHOFEN'S WAR. And, of course, executive offices of the company, 4517 Harford Rd .. Fantasy games are here too- TITAN, WIZARD'S the favorite CIRCUS MAXIMUS will return with Baltimore, MD 21214. Publication is bl-monthly with mailings made close to QUESTand FREEDOM IN THE GALAXY. For the SL four independent qualifying heats for entrance into the end of February, April, June, August, October and fanatics, there will be two competitions (at least), the Sunday finals where previous race winners will December. All editorial and general mail should be sent to the CROSS OF IRON and G.I.: ANVIL OF VICTORY. do battle with hand-painted miniature chariots Avalon Hill Game Company, 4517 Harford Road, Baltimore, MD 21214·. One year SUbscriptions are $9.00. Two year And, of course, there will be many of the best under the direction of Adventure Gaming's Tim subscriptions are $ 14.00. All domestic subscriptions sent players of our RUSSIAN CAMPAIGN locked in Continued on Page 31, Column 2 via bulk permit. Domestic First Class Delivery and all subscriptIons to Canada and. Me;

NAVAL WAR is a card game of strategy, skill, and luck that is based on World War II naval combat. Each player controls a "fleet" of warships, and attempts to sink the other player's ships. The battleships, aircraft carriers, and of WWII roam the seas again! In this unique card game, three to six players command a "fleet" of the world's most feared ships. Drawn from a deck of 54 cards, you might get the Bismark, Gneisenau, Prince of Wales, Hood, Ark Royal, Roma, New Jersey, Enterprise, Shokaku, or even the gigantic Yamato, largest battleship ever used in battle! Using another 108 card deck, you can attack the enemy with salvos from your guns, make carrier strikes, torpedo attacks, raids by submarines or torpedo boats, or set up minefields. NAVAL WAR is based on historical data, but is a quick play "beer and pretzels" game rated "1" on the Avalon Hill complexity scale (1-easy to 10-hard).

NAVAL WAR is available for $6.00 from the Avalon Hill Game Company, 4517 Harford Road, Baltimore, MD 21214. Please add 10% for postage and handling (20% for Canadian orders, 30% for overseas orders). Maryland residents please add 5% state sales tax.


A System for Expanding Enjoyment By James M. Lutz

Given the recent dramatic increase in interest in Basic Sequence of Moves sions on Turn 2 for the defense of Indonesia and the this fine game, in its own right long considered a There are five basic steps in the move sequence Marianas are greatly complicated since it is no "classic", a system forplaying VITP by mailseems for Turn 2 through Turn 9. These activities are longer possible to simply react to Allied especially appropriate at this moment. Simulta­ undertaken simultaneously by both players and are placements. Decisions on the utilization of land­ neous movement, easily incorporated in pbm play, mailed at specified dates. Probably the best means based air later in the game by the Allied player are adds a dimension guaranteed to stretch the mindof of determining the dates for mailings is to agree to similarly complicated. any master of this deceptively simple game. Mr. either a specific day of the week (Monday or Thurs­ Once the patrollers have been placed, each side Lutz, one of the preeminent players in the hobby, day for example) or to a standard time interval (say, simultaneously dispatches raiders, with speed rolls spent many hours in devising just such a system. every five days discounting Sundays and national if applicable, to sea. Marine units are also sent to The following describes in detail his effort. Im­ holidays). sea at this time. Thus, the stage is set for the combat rounds. Sending the marines to sea at the same time mediately after, to present a graphic example ofthe 1. Dispatch patrolling ships and place all land­ that the raiders depart again eliminates the need for unique techniques and tactics ofthe pbm system, is based air units. a Series Replay between two experienced players. a separate mailing. It also provides an advantage to 2. Dispatch raiders and marine units. the American player since marine landings are an 3. Initiate combat in all contested areas for the first essential means for driving the Japanese back from round of combat. Submarines are also placed and their conquests. In face-to-face competition, the can fire at this point. American often must telegraph his intentions in 4. Initiate subsequent rounds of combat until con­ many cases by the placement of marine units, per­ VICTORY IN THE PACIFIC is an excellent trol of all areas is resolved. mitting the Japanese to respond with substantial face-to-face game, and one apparently growing in S. Return all surviving ships at sea to ports or bases numbers of raiders. Often the marines are left to popularity; but it is also a game that can become simultaneously and determine POC gains or losses. their devices (sinking) while the surface ships even more intriguing and suspenseful when played occupy themselves in safer locales. With the place­ by mail with the simultaneous placement of 1. & 2. Placement of Patrollers ment of the marines with the raiders, the American patrollers and raiders. The following system for has the opportunity of initiating early assaults on play-by-mail of a nine-turn game was designed to and Raiders bases. Since the American player has lost the advan­ capture the flavor of the Pacific campaigns and The first step is for both players to send out their tage of moving second, the sequence for marine retain the fine play balance, as well as limit the patrollers, including the land-based air. Speed rolls placement helps to redress the balance for the number of mailings necessary. With weekly mail­ will have to be indicated for ships moving beyond American side. In addition, in the actual island­ ings, the game can normally be completed over the their automatic ranges. Any repairs that are being hopping campaigns of World War II, the Japanese course of a year or less, a time span similar to many undertaken in port are also noted at this time. often knew that an American invasion force was other games played by mail. Marine units that were used or sunk in previous going to strike, but they were not always sure of the First, the general sequence for the game will be turns and are returning to action are indicated as specific target. (Of course, in the face-to-face game presented. Then the steps will be presented in some raiders in the ports at which they appear. The place­ the placement of raiders may reflect more Japanese detail with commentary and explanation. The ment of the land-based air units at the same time as reactions to invasions than other considerations.) special sequence for Turn 1 and the raids on Pearl patrolling ships are sent to sea has the advantage of After all the patrollers and raiders have been Harbor and in Indonesia will be discussed (more or saving one mailing and thus speeding up the game. placed, the combat situation will usually be quite less in keeping with the designer's practice) in It also proves an advantage for the weaker side­ different from that which occurs in face-to-face depth. Some optional rules will be presented for the Americans early in the game and, presumably, play. Rather than massive battles between com­ those who like to experiment. Finally, an illustra­ the Japanese toward the end. Both sides have to bined fleets or the descent of the combined tion of the use of a Random Number Table presents guard against the appearance of land-based air in American fleet on the weakest link of the Japanese a convenient method of dealing with the multitude their respective backyards. Thus, forces are either perimeter or isolated units, there often will be of die rolls that are necessary in VICTOR YIN THE diverted to protect key areas (perhaps needlessly) or numerous actions in many areas-usually between PACIFIC. the loss of important POCs is risked. Japanese deci- small forces on both sides. Both commanders may 6 be tempted to send out a few raiding units to attempt to negate control by a small patrolling Illustration of Battle Orders force. Separate task forces may become advisable thus duplicating major campaigns that historically Japanese Player- occurred nearly simultaneously in various parts of Preference- the Pacific Theater. Traps may be baited with small South Pacific: Surface patrolling forces that will be reinforced by raiders, Indian Ocean: Air although an opponent's move may force a last Attacks (One Round of Combat)- minute change in plans. On the other hand, rather than a trap, the bait may simply be a bluff in that South Pacific 22AF vs. RAAF 3 raiders will not reinforce the patrolling force. Thus, 23AF vs. IIAF 3 not only does that possibility of combat in many Sasebo Marines land at different areas exist, but the game takes on a certain Indian Ocean Hiryu vs. Australia 3 psychological aspect as one player tries to predict or Hosho vs. Exeter I second-guess his counterpart commander. The Maya, Takao vs. Australia 2 result is not only a more realistic deployment of Kongo vs. Exeter 4 forces, but a more exciting and nerve-wracking North Pacific I-Boat vs. 1st Marines I game. Definite anxiety attacks can occur as you wait for the letter detailing your opponent's No Japanese surface craft or land-based air are present in the North disposition of his raiders (or even his patrollers in Pacific; and Guadalcanal is an American base. some cases). Has he struck at your weak link? Did American Player- he call your bluff? Will he overwhelm a small, but Preference- vital, task force? Did he take your bait? Have your South Pacific: Air raiders caught a small portion of his fleet? Indian Ocean: Surface Attacks (One Round of Combat)- 3. & 4. Combat South Pacific RAAF, IIAF vs. Sasebo 4 As opposed to the face-to-face game, combat takes place simultaneously in all sea areas where Indian Ocean Australia vs. Kongo I there are enemy forces. After the orders for raiding Exeter vs. Maya I units are received, each commander prepares battle North Pacific 1st Marines land at Dutch Harbor orders specifying targets for his forces. He also in­ Dutch Harbor is a Japanese base having been invaded on a previous dicates his preferences for day or night actions. turn. Such preferences will receive the appropriate modifiers for control on the previous turn or for the preference for an air action. Each commander must, of necessity, prepare orders and targets for Air/Surface Actions. If there is a tie in the die Air Raids. Unlike the face-to-face game, air both types of actions where there is a possibility of rolls in the preference listing for a combat round, an raids will not be a frequent occurrence in the play­ either a day or a night action. The necessary "die air-then surface-action results. Only the air by-mail system. Carrier aircraft may immediately rolls" can result from any normal method such as action takes place in the round in question with a attack units in adjoining ports and bases for two the use of stocks-although the use of a random surface action occurring automatically in the next raids if the enemy forces in a sea area retreat. Ships number table (see Page 10) is perhaps the best and round. On those occasions when there are no air­ disabled in action elsewhere at the time of the first easiest method since it eliminates reliance on craft present and the request is simply an effort to raid that return to that port or base are subject to newspaper reports and the numerous "divide-by­ permit speedy craft to escape, such as the Tone­ the second raid. As in face-to-face play, these air six" efforts. Battle orders will also include the land­ class , then the attacks listed on the battle raids can occur in place of (not in addition to) at­ ing of marines, provided they survive the preceding orders for a surface action can take place as if the tacks on the retreating ships. When carriers are in air or surface action. If marine units for each side preference were simply a surface action (players an uncontested sea area, they make their two raids land at the same base simultaneously-that is, after should agree beforehand). If a submarine is pre­ at any time during the course of the turn prior to the the same combat round-the base does not change sent, however, its shot occurs after the non-existant return of all surviving ships at sea. In effect, these hands and land-based air present can continue to air action and constitutes the only action in the first air raids may be the last two rounds of combat. Air use the base. Henderson Field, after all, continued round; the next round of combat in that area is raids cannot occur when all enemy ships and land­ to operate even with Japanese landings on Guadal­ automatically a surface action since retreats cannot based air units in an area are sunk or disabled. In canal since the Japanese landings were offset by the occur between a combined air/surface sequence. essence, a fight to the death will effectively arrival of American reinforcements. If one side Retreats. Primarily in order to speed up the eliminate the chance of air raids in most cases. loses its only pre-existing base in one combat round game, a different retreat rule is used with the mail While this rule is somewhat unrealistic, it does (Lae, for instance), but secures another at the end system. When one player breaks off action, he in­ speed up the game. It is also necessary in terms of of the same round (the Philippines, for example), forms his opponent in his battle orders that he is play balance. The weaker side (American early on the land-based air units of that side are considered withdrawing in an area and no combat takes place and presumably Japanese later) would be at a to have lost their base facilities and cannot par­ in that sea area during the present turn. He can tremendous disadvantage and would run the risk of ticipate in any further combat. At the conclusion of retreat his ships in as many groups as he desires at having major fleet components sunk in port since the first round of combat, a new set of orders are the speed of the slowest ship in each group. The all action is simultaneous. Since the Allied side is prepared by each commander. These new orders, as opposing player may then take one round of" free" the weaker at the start, the limitations on air raids well as subsequent ones, will also detail the returns shots (no return fire) with all ships that are fast ultimately help this player more. Too, disasterous of ships that were disabled in the preceding round enough to pursue the targeted group(s). Carriers raids on Ceylon are no longer as likely-again an ofcombat. Discussed below are some specific issues may only use their air factors orsurface factors, not aid to the American player who has now lost his ad­ related to the combat rounds. both. Pursuing surface craft may not attack carriers vantage of moving after his opponent. The until all screening craft in that group with the car­ Japanese also gain, for without this limitation, riers have been engaged. Pursuing carriers can Truk could easily become untenable, and the ad­ Submarines. The I-Boat and the F-Boat, since launch aircraft at any craft they can match or sur­ vantage of its central location as a major base they represent the submarine fleets in abstract, are pass in speed. Any of the retreating ships that sur­ would be lost (or at least reduced). placed on the first round of combat. The opposing vive the withdrawal and ships disabled by the pur­ Conditional Orders. Conditional orders have players need not know their placement prior to this suit then return to an eligible port or base of the already been mentioned in the discussion on sub­ time since there is no defense against their modified owning player's choice. At times the opposing marines. They are also possible and legal for the shots. The owning player will list his modified shot player will be able to predict the possibility of a marine units since they land after combat, but are on the battle orders along with his other attacks (see retreat and can include a set ofbattle orders for pur­ listed as part of the combat sequence. For example, the accompanying illustration for an example). suit as well as air and surface actions. If, however, American marine units may choose not to land if a Since the submarines take their shots after the the retreat is in some way different so as to make the patrolling Japanese land-based air unit in the initial air or surface action in a given sea area, the pursuit inoperative, the pursuit will take place in the Marshalls has not been eliminated and no American owning player should provide a priority list of next combat round in an appropriate form. In the carriers remain (control of the base would revert if targets, as some may have been sunk or disabled in unlikely event that both sides decide to withdraw at the Japanese controlled the Marshalls on the the previous action. the same time, there is no pursuit by either side. previous game turn). Landings can be conditional 7 on whether an air or surface action occurs since the on Turns 2 and 3, the simultaneous movement chances ofcontrol might vary significantly. In some Nine-Turn Game system would appear to make these propositions circumstances it might be advisable to gamble on Given that the Allies have lost the advantage of even easier to realize. For alternative flexible being able to at least negate enemy control since moving second, the nine-turn game is definitely responses rather than predictable behavior my continued waiting in the open sea would increase necessary for play-balance. Do not give the "Pearl Harbor Defended" (Vol. 18, No.2), the chances of being disabled or sunk. Japanese four POC for control of the Home O'Connor's "The Maniacal Approach" (Vol. 17, Rules To A void Controversies. If a random Islands, but rather only three. In compensation, No.6) and "Another Country Heard From" (Vol. number table is used similar to the example permit the Japanese player to gain more than a 17, No.6) by Grady Hendrix give some viable presented, some rules are necessary. First, if a 29-POC total lead. Otherwise, Allied fleets may options for the Americans that are also relevant for preference for action in a sea area is requested, even simply hide in the early turns, defending key areas if use with simultaneous movement. With the nine­ if there is agreement between both players, a they must, generally waiting until Turn 6 to launch turn game, the American commander may even be number or roll is assigned. Should a preference be a massive counteroffensive. With the chance of the able to risk his carriers in defense of key areas and requested by "accident"-automatic surface Japanese total POC exceeding twenty-nine, the still win the game. action occurring, a retreat, or no forces in con­ Japanese player will have an incentive for dispatch­ I believe that this play-by-mail, simultaneous tact-a number is still assigned, although the results ing raiders to attempt to negate Allied control and movement approach is the way to play this fine of the preference are ignored. Second, once the pre­ POC gains in some areas each turn; and the game. For those with questions on the system, ferences have been determined, eliminate all rolls American player will have a strong incentive to please write (including a SASE of course) James M. for inoperative attacks such as surface shots if an undertake an occasional aggressive, if considered, Lutz, 2401 West Broadway, Apt. 311, Columbia, air action has been the result of the preference. This offensive operation. Given the fact that the place­ MO 65201. procedure not only saves work, it also limits the ment of land-based air units occurs with the place­ chances of missing a number from the table and get­ ment of patrolling ships, the Kamikaze rule is dif­ ting the results out of synch. Third, if a disagree­ ficult to use-so it is dispensed with. Kamikazes ...... ment over results in the previous round is obvious in were a desperation measure in any event, and the the current combat orders, ignore the present flow of the game may not dictate such an action on The following list provides a handy check for orders. Recheck your results and assume your op­ the part of the Japanese commander. the numbers that players will need in the pbm ver­ ponent is doing likewise. One of you should find the sion of VICTORY IN THE PACIFIC, remember­ error, permitting you both to mail a corrected move Optional Rules ing that both players must provide the numbers: on the next scheduled date. [Actually, phone calls Various options suggested in the game rules or inevitably work much better.] If there is a previous GENERAL articles can, of course, be Turn 1 discrepancy in the move mailed and the copy kept, used by mutual agreement. Giving Singapore one I. Placement of Patrollers: Japanese speed rolls the move that was mailed is the authoritative one. repair point, for example, would be reasonable Finally, if a mailing is missed or the Postal Service (Japanese attack and Japanese damage for first raid given the nature of the base and its facilities. Use of if undertaken at this time) loses a letter (unlikely as that is), a phone call is kamakazes might even be left open to the Japanese usually essential, although a query can be sent by player, but such an option will require extra mail­ 2. Placement of Raiders: Japanese speed rolls mail. ings or phone calls before battle orders could be (Japanese attack and Japanese damage for second written. Two other options are available for the raid if undertaken at this time and location Uncer­ 5. Returns After Combat simultaneous movement game for those who desire tain Groups with Group W receiving the first roll, Group X the next, and so forth) After combat is finished in all areas, the surviv­ to recreate the" fog of war". The submarines could ing ships have their returns specified. Since the always be placed with other raiding forces, not just 3. Raids: as above if not undertaken earlier return voyages are simultaneous, none of these during Turn I-thus leading to the loss of the 4. Ensuing Rounds of Combat: Allied Preference; ships will be subject to air raids. Thus, a major guaranteed shot by submarines. Also, the first Japanese Preference; Allied attack and damage; Japanese advantage in the face-to-face game dis­ preference for combat in the various sea areas could Japanese attack and damage appears. Often the returns can be pre-specified dur­ be made and sent with the mailing of the raiding ing earlier combat rounds and a separate mailing forces. This option, of course, requires each player Subsequent Turns need not be necessary. If, however, either player re­ to specify or guess a preference for all areas where I. Placement of Patrollers: Speed rolls for both quests such a mailing, it must be included. he has or will have forces and which can be reached sides (Should you dispatch no ships needing speed by the forces of his opponent. Such an option rolls, you can eliminate your own number but must favors the stronger side, since one player can always provide a number for your opponenL) The First Turn guarantee a preponderance of air or surface units in 2. Placement of Raiders: As in the above Step I As in face-to-face play, the first turn of the at least some areas, leaving the weaker side at some 3. Combat Rounds: Allied Preference; Japanese game is handled a little differently-particularly disadvantage. Ifone feels that the retreat rule is too Preference; Allied attack and damage; Japanese since the Allied player only has four cruisers lenient on the defeated side, an attack bonus (in ad­ attack and damage available to move. Both players send out their dition to existing bonuses) can be given to the pur­ patrollers; the Japanese player specifies the ships suing ships. The retreat rule for the face-to-face The above system for use with random number included in the Pearl Harbor raiding force. He can game could also be used, but its inclusion will tables supplies a quick and reliable method for also conduct his first raid on Pearl Harbor, and lengthen the game considerably. Finally, the use of determining die rolls with no chance of error. For even Indonesia if he has no carriers on raiding air raids per the game rules is an option that can be those suspicious of their opponents, it eliminates status (making the assumption that the Allied utilized by mutual agreement, although it will the chance of skullduggery. Thus, barring material player will be wise enough not to send any of the definitely affect play balance. being lost in the mail, the system works very cruisers to a watery grave in Indonesia), thus saving smoothly. In conclusion, it might be added that the additional time-consuming mailings. Raiders are Conclusion system would also be effective for other games by then sent out, including the I-Boat. The Japanese The system above should supply an exciting and mail requiring numerous die rolls, including those player may also now conduct his second raid. On quite different version of the classic VICTOR Y IN with simultaneous movement or simultaneous fire whichever mailing the second raid is conducted, he THEPACIFIC. Where no mention ofexisting rules (such as WOODEN SHIPS & IRON MEN or SUB­ must also state his intention to stay in or depart the has been made, these are assumed to be the same as MARINE), those with certain die rolls dependent Hawaiian Islands. Also, on this mailing, provision in the original game rules. Simultaneous movement upon earlier die rolls (such as THIRD REICH), or must be made for the appearance of the Location and guesswork will open up numerous strategic and simply as a convenient means of dealing with Uncertain carrier forces. Either stocks can be listed tactical possibilities that are not present in the face­ tedious activities (such as the scattering of the Ger­ or the random number table used for this purpose. to-face game. The play is particularly tricky against man paratroops in their landings inAIR ASSAULT After the second raid and the appearance ofGroups an opponent never played before since one will have ON CRETE). W, X, Yand Z, any remaining combat is conducted no idea of his level of caution or aggressiveness or as in other turns-including specifications of pre­ his strategic planning-and relatively little time to ferences for air or surface action. If the American learn. For more pointers on play of this version, decides to fight in the Hawaiian Islands on Turn I turn to the Series Replay in this issue; these expert and the combat lasts for more than two rounds, the players can provide the reader with more hints and normal retreat/pursuit option is not in effect since insights than I could hope to. the Japanese forces must withdraw. Instead, the One final related comment seems appropriate. normal retreat rules are relevant as in the face-to­ For those who believe in the "TKO-in-3" strategy face game; if the Americans pursue, they must also advanced by Alan R. Moon (Vol. 17, No.4) or a fight. major Japanese offensive to capture Pearl Harbor 8

Random Number Table For The Play-By-Mail System of VICTOR Y IN THE PACIFIC

In a play-by-mail game of VICTORY IN THE PACIFIC with Japanese Player American Player Result simultaneous movement and combat, it is essential that all die rolls Jap. Preference-28 Jap. Preference-46 1288 agree for both players. For the second round of combat in any turn, Am. Preference-59 Am. Preference-72 4248 both players must have the same results for the action of the first round Jap. Attacks-32 Jap. Attacks-14 448 or their orders can have no relation to reality. Since newspapers have Jap. Damage-63 Jap. Damage-72 4536 been known to report different stock results, generating disagreement and controversy, an alternate system is highly desirable-one freed Am. Attacks-81 Am. Attacks-98 7938 from reliance upon a non-game component (in most cases, the local Am. Damage-23 Am. Damage-3D 690 "rag"). A Random Number Table proves the ideal method. It also per­ The results for the Japanese attacks for this hypothetical round, mits a much quicker resolution of die rolls than the use of individual ignoring any inoperative attacks that might have been listed for each stocks. Once a starting point is determined, a player begins with this side and assuming an air action in the Coral Sea and a surface action in first number and simply follows the rows listing the "die rolls" for the North Pacific, would be: attacks, damage, speed rolls and all other variables. Sea Area Attacker Target Attacks Damage Results Perhaps the simplest way to arrive at a starting point on the table, Coral Sea Hiryu Enterprise-3 6 1 5 36 sunk such as the accompanying one used during the Series Replay that 23 AF 11 AF-3 1 25 follows, is for each player to provide a two-digit number for each 24AF 13 AF-3 624 5 sunk category of possible rolls, and then multiply the two numbers. The number that results can then be used as the first "die roll" and is the North Pacific Atago Chester-I 4 disabled starting point for all subsequent results. A few examples will suffice. Ise Nevada-4 3633 6 sunk In the case of Japanese speed rolls for patrollers on a given turn, the Kongo & Tennessee-8 3146 disabled, Japanese player would provide a list ofships making speed rolls, and he Hiei 5363 23 damaged 5 would also provide a two-digit number of his choice (say, 45) to multiply Nachi & Salt Lake-2 with the number mailed with the American patrollers by his opponent Takao 1 6 3 sunk (for example: 81). The resulting multiplication yields 3645. Only the The results, in this case excellent for the Japanese player, indicate how last three digits are used-645. The first digit of the number indicates the tables are used for a combat situation. the table to be used-here Table 6. The second identifies the row (Row 4) and the third indicates that the fifth number on that row will be the first die roll. Thus the first speed die roll is "1". The second roll is the next, sixth, entry on this row, and so forth. If the Japanese player had the following four ships listed as attempting speed rolls, the results A few comments on the use of the tables are necessary to avoid would be: confusion. Ifthe "0" (tenth) entry on the "0" (tenth) row of a table is reached and more results are needed, merely continue with the first row Ship "Roll" Result of the next table. If the last entry on the tenth table is reached, proceed Zuiho 1 Patrols to the first entry on Row I ofTable I. If the result of the multiplication Ise 4 Raids yields only a two-digit number, such as 08 (a legal two-digit number Fuso 1 Raids selected by a player) times II, the first digit is assumed to be zero, in­ Kongo 2 Patrols dicating that the tenth table is used. It should also be noted that "DO" is If two other numbers supplied had resulted in 1530-the fifth table, not a legal number to select since it would insure a specific starting third row, and last number-all four ships would have passed their point-namely 000. speed rolls (with 2, 3, 3, 3). An alternative method of achieving the same results for the use of For combat, both players again provide two-digit numbers in their these tables for those who do not like to multiply or [heavens!] have a mailings for the preferences for both sides, for the attacks for both calculator would be for each player to supply a three-digit number and sides, and for damage by hits scored by both sides in the following (hen add the two numbers together. If a four-digit number were the fashion. result then, as before, only the last three digits would be utilized.

RANDOM NUMBER TABLE 9 VICTORY IN THE PACIFIC Allies: David Sinay .~. Japan: Steve Resman Commentary: James Lutz

This Series Replay utilizes the PBM system overlooked by the Allied command. Because of this shooting on both sides was too good. There is some described in thepreceding article. Allstandard rules series of threats, he will not be able to adequately compensation with the sinking of the Saratoga and mentioned were in force throughout the game, and defend Midway and the Central Pacific come Turn securing control of the area, but the Kaga will be no optional rules were included. The Random 2. missed. My eight bonus attack factors in this area Number Table was used to resolve speed rolls, at­ Nothing else to do now except to wait for news may come under fire as being a bit much. The Zuiho tacks and damage (although the mechanics of the from Pearl Harbor and Indonesia. could have taken the Kaga's place with the same derivations will not be presented-only the results). ALLIES, AFTER MOVEMENT: Very strange results (except that I would still have the Kaga) , but The present replay should be an interesting one. opening! I do not understand the massive force in I played the Central Pacific for two carriers arriving Both Mr. Sinay and Mr. Resman know the system the Central Pacific. I sent my raiders to "safe" from the uncertain groups. I was half right! being used (having helped iron out many ofthe in­ areas rather than risk the cruisers. In the Hawaiian Islands my shooting was itial problems) and have at least two pbm VITP average. I have done worse with all eight carriers on games under their belts. They haveplayedonegame NEUTRAL COMMENTS, AFTER MOVE­ the line. My only regret is that the 7AFescaped. In against each other, but with opposing sides. Thus, MENT: Turn 1 is not greatly different with the pbm Indonesia my mission was accomplished.All in all, they have some idea ofthe strategies that the other system. Asa result my commentsare rather conven­ an average turn. I can understand Dave's decision may employ (limited intelligence reports on the tional. The Japanese opening is a rather cautious to retire in the Hawaiian Islands rather than risk an strategic and tactical doctrines employed by the op­ one. I think that Steve overcommitted to the Cen­ air action. He has a good portion of his fleet intact posing CIC, ifyou will), although there are distinct tral Pacific. I agree that it is a key area to control on and Turn 2 will tell if he will use it aggressively. differences in playing each side, even for the same Turn 1and that the Hosho is bestplacedthere, even player. Dave has a preference for the Allies, and supported by the Zuiho or Ryujo. The Kaga, ALLIES, AFTER COMBAT: The American fleet Steve prefers commanding Imperial Japan however, could well sink a battleship or two, or at is still relatively intact. A 7 POC lead for Japan forces-so both have the side they feel most com­ least keep them out ofaction for a couple ofturns is about average. I sent the 2 CVs and some cruisers fortable with for this replay. Both players have pending repairs. Those extra battleships will make to Australia to aid the British in threatening demonstrated at least an occasional willingness to Japanese patrolling and raiding decisions more dif­ Indonesia. be aggressive in previous games, and both are will­ ficult, and they may ultimately come back to haunt NEUTRAL COMMENT, AFTER COMBAT: I ing to gamble at times. This active style of play him. The absence ofsurface craft in Indonesia will agree that it was an about average Turn I. The only should lead to a morefluid and eventful game, well permit the Prince of Wales and Repulse, if still way the Japanese could have increased their lead suited to play-by-mail methods. afloat, a chance to escape after the air raids ifasur­ was to use the I-Boat in the Coral Sea or the Man­ face action occurs. One or two ships from the Cen­ date. The Kaga was missed at Pearl Harbor TURN 1 tral Pacific, Marianas, and Japanese Islands could (although I also have done worse with all the car­ make a big difference. riers on the line). The Prince of Wales did manage JAPAN, AFTER MOVEMENT: Nothing fancy The Allied player has nothing to do except to escape, although it will sit and repair in Ceylon this turn. All fleet units are committed to either the watch. Dave did. not use the Australian cruisers to for quite some time. I agree with Dave's decision to patrolling forces or the raid on Pearl Harbor. My ensure control ofthe Coral Sea and the US Mandate retreat in the Hawaiian Islands. Since the Saratoga main objectives are the destruction of Allied air against an I-Boat shot, but for the Japanese the was virtually a sure loss, he could not gamble with power in the Hawaiian Islands and Indonesia, the potentialshot at a scare carrier may be more tempt­ the Enterprise and the Lexington. The return ofthe control of the Central Pacific, and the sinking of as ing than the possible loss of2 POCs to the Allied two carriers to Australia is good placement as they many heavy US fleet units as possible-in that player. One , however, shouldhave been sent do constitute a threat to Indonesia. order. In Indonesia, the first strike will take place to the Indian Ocean to ensure Allied control. A + 1 against Allied seapower. The second strike will be to the die rollfor preferences couldbe important on TURN 2 against the air unit. In the Hawaiian Islands, the Turn 2. An assault on Port Moresby by the first strike will hit the air units along- with the Japanese on Turn 2 would also be more difficult JAPAN, AFTER PATROLLERS: This turn most valuable cruisers. Results from this strike will deter­ since Allied control of the Coral Sea and Indian Japanese players go straight for the throat mine the targets for the second strike. The 5AFand Ocean on that turn could negate a successfulland­ -Hawaii. I believe that the UN can win the pbm the TAF must be destroyed to prevent them from ing (or more probably require a larger commitment _ game without contesting the Hawaiian participating in the defense of Midway or other of Japanese forces since the Japanese player can Islands-and may try to prove my point here. Since areas come Turn 2. usually accomplish anyone goal on Turn 2). there is no limit to the number of POCs that can be The Central Pacific is probably more important accumulated, a strong, constant attack across the THE BATTLES: In Indonesia, the 5AF and to the Japanese than the destruction ofthe air units. board may be a better and safer strategy than to Repulse are sunk and the Prince of Wales is It must be controlled by the Japanese on Turn 1. seek combat as in the ftf game. I hope that the Allies damaged. It manages to escape when Dave wins the Besides being the only corridor to the Japanese will attack so-called "weak" areas held by one or preference and gets a night action. In the Hawaiian homeland, the scheduled capture of Midway by en­ two air units only to be surprised by reinforcing Islands, only one cruiser is sunk in the first two circlement could be delayed if control is lost on fleet units and that light carriers can be traded for raids. Three battleships are damaged and bottomed. Turn I. Failure to control the Central Pacific in Allied fleet carriers in battle. The TAF survives untouched. The battleships Turn I would also delay Japanese expansion in In Indonesia, I place the 25AF and 26AF in resting on the bottom are finished off in the final other areas. Hence the stripping away of one attack hopes of drawing an attack from his CVs in two raids when the American fleet withdraws rather carrier and one light carrier from the Pearl strike Australia. I could have used the 24AF, but too than risk an air action with the Japanese raiding force is justified. These forces are added to the much strength might have scared him into a defen­ force. In the Central Pacific an air action results Hosho and her consorts and supported by the sive posture. I plan to reinforce the area with a CVL with both the Kaga and Saratoga being sunk. I-Boat. The UN should be able to fend off all but during the raid portion. The more combat between the largest of US forces that could show themselves. JAPAN, AFTER COMBAT: Whenever the his CVs and my CVLs supported by land-based air, The Yokosuka marines could almost insure the cap­ Japanese player loses a fleet unit, he cringes! When the better. Because the Japanese are supposed to be ture of Midway on Turn I, but they will be more that fleet unit is a big carrier, he shudders. After aggressive during the early part of the game, he will valuable and threatening by being based at Truk on looking at the results in the Central Pacifc, I have more than likely take a defensive posture this turn. I Turn 2. An early invasion of Johnston Island, the done the latter. I had hoped that the Kaga would expect his forces to show up in the North Pacific New Herbides, Port Moresby, or Guada1canal will survive a one-on-one combat with an American car­ and the Aleutians. The bulk of his fleet could also all be possibilities, something that will not be rier because of its high defense factor, but the show up in the Hawaiian Islands. I am looking also .S'ii ci 0: ~~~~ .[-: ~ ~ ~OOOIl n3 .0 C Cl. Oi-107··Y ~~..2 ~ \~ ~i8.5 • \~c.~. cr:!-II..!! '1r...... • p:'tP E ~ ~';' Ise·444··T 'V"~~ """l.~~.....: ~~2~ Tone·118··T .c ... l- II .<,.;.,~?~ ':::~II~ Chikuma·118·.T o .... f- ~ -g ~ 0 ~ Mikuma·118··T u 0 .... C':I ...., Mogami·118-··T ~~~~ ;o::~o ~••1ot;i) Yokosuka·033·T -t-. .2 ~ E~ .::: > t: • ";:-.?Cl> \O?l ...., «I 0 ::J 0"" "'$ o.J: 0. ... ":'.,~-0 ~.= ~ \-:;, "... , ..... $: 0 ~«:>~~ ~.<,.,~~ ~ fr~ ~ ~.,'9<"o?o.: ;; :: ~-( 0C'''l<.~ d' t::~~ ~ ci '>"'C'O ... t: ~ c:: ('l-.r"; C" .:~]~ ~~ ,~:-:t~.~~~., ~~~i V;u~lJ • c; E:;;: II ~::~~~.::~::::" '5~-ci'" Hyuga·444··T 01)1-, lU • ~ ~.§.~ I.lan," V Suzuya·118··T ...., lU t.I) a. @ ~ ... :::l 0. , U Kumano·118-·T ... 0 .....- Hermes·'I24'··C \~ Kilakami·118··Y ~]:f . •••• t;i)... J .....~~EIt~ Revenge·443··C ,,;,\~~ Q) ';: ~ c. c:: .. ~\~ ~~ol)".~ """oC''t"""..,~tS' <:. ... ~ ;.~E~~ • "1">~~$ :6.~g~E ,~"" ""'''C;il~ Oe-~)<,,~.'.: ~ ~ ~.g ~;1.q."'~'90J; ~.~ .; "'(""',,<- d'.....: ~ ; II ~ '0 ~~.~ -= « (;...... ,,~_.Q>~ I .'§.~ 'ii :t ~ "';:~''I,$....-, "'. "40;?<"O~ ::J ~ g. ci.( ••:',;s'-:s "'oC',\,9)~ o ~" ~~~~] .~,~ ,~::,,:,~~::-~~.:., ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i 22AF·34*·· ".... \~.....: "\,~~~ Pearl /\.0 -E ~ ~ ..! Harbo )"...: @ ::s"o c.. .!l :r:';; r:: II r:: ~;~~~~~ '.," OJ. i:@t"3~Q,,8

0 4 ~=gfci'~ '§hoka ·138 ·T 7AF·24* 0.. o·-:.:..r:: 4 ...... "0 C'Q: 0 ...,••," •._-, Zuika ·138 ·T San Francisco-117-S ;~j~-; IJ'I ~~ Kinugas 7·T Lexinglon·1374·A ~~~::~ ..«;~~ ~\'! ~~.;~~ o "'~ 0(' x'I., Chicago.117.A Sarno 0ortland-117.A ~~~~~ louisville·117··N oria·117·A &~ ~ ~:t Houston·117.f4, Pensacola-117··N ".." .. ~&.g.§~ Canberra-117·N go £'8:e j Australia·117-N ~~~~~ o.... 11

to find patrollers in the Coral Sea and U.S. Man­ do not think he is too concerned with the Marshalls. ALLIES, AFTER COMBAT: At first I was furious date. My mission this turn is to secure Midway and My first choice was to combine the British and over my poor preference roll in the Central Pacific, destroy inferior Allied forces either in the north or Australian-based US fleet for a raid into Indonesia, then elated over the outcome. Considering his the south. An invasion of Johnston Island is a but I feel certain he will protect against this massive surface firepower, I was quite fortunate to possibility. possibility since his failure to isolate Singapore, get away with only the loss of two ships. His lack of ALLIES, AFTER PATROLLERS: I did not de­ Lae, and the Philippines would be a diaster for him. speed certainly did not hurt my getaway. My con­ fend the Hawaiian Islands on this turn since I am It is likely he will be attempting an invasion of Mid­ trol of the Marshalls will pretty much eliminate any sure the Japanese will go for control and any ships way with Sasebo marines, thus causing an early Japanese attempt to patrol the Hawaiian Islands or air units would be sacrificed. I am sure that my retirement of my land-based air. However, I do not next turn, giving me flexibility. Down 14 POC with three air units at Midway surprised him. His not think he will send a sufficient supporting force. The relatively minor losses, I feel, is a good position for taking Midway with the Yokosuka marines on the British are guarding against any uncontested raid the Allies at this point. My control of the Marshalls, first turn means he has other plans for them, surely into the Indian Ocean which could limit my returns taking the heat off the Hawaiian Islands, gives me, Guadalcanal. My attempted control of the Mar­ to Australia. They should be a serious threat next in my opinion, the overall advantage. turn when they are at full strength. shals was simply an effort to limit access to the NEUTRAL COMMENT, AFTER COMBAT: In­ Hawaiian Islands. I plan to keep the British on the NEUTRAL COMMENTS, AFTER RAIDERS: terestingly enough, both sides think they have the defensive this turn so that they might remain a Both sides were guessing. Steve covered himself advantage at this stage. Turn 2 could have been a threat for a while longer. well for most possibilities. I would not have risked disaster for Dave, but he got out ofit. Just one of the A merican fleet in the Central Pacific. A surface the Japanese fast carriers would have presented NEUTRAL COMMENT, AFTER PATROLLERS: action would be a disaster with Midway falling and Dave with a dilemma in the Central Pacific given My initial impression ofthe Japanese placement is the cruiser force being decimated. The only con­ the pursuit rules. He could either have stayed and that it is not aggressive enough. Some ships should solation is that the Alliescouldrun with limitedpur­ fought and lost halfofhis carriers (probably in ex­ have been sent to the Hawaiian Islands to patrol in suit by surviving Japanese cruisers (sacrificing the changes), or retired and lost one to pursuing air­ an attempt to gain control. Even it one does not two battleships, ifneedbe). On thepositiveside, the craft. Fortunately for him, he did not have to make plan to capture Pearl Harbor by isolation, the IJN Japanese were forced to use the marines at Midway that choice, but the situation in the Central Pacific can control easily on Turn 2. Such control would rather than elsewhere. A small force could have demonstrates the danger of early gambles for the also have the advantage of bottling up the two been sent to the Aleutians, preserving Attu as an American since withdrawals in the face of enemy marine units on Turn 3. Japanese patrolling ships Allied base, and the remainder could have sup­ forces are often difficult or costly procedures. should at least have been sent somewhere! The ported the Marshalls in style. The British units in The Japanese POC lead is about average for 21AFin the Marianas is wasted. The Turn 2 carrier the Indian Ocean were necessary to prevent raids on Turn 2. The Japanese have the advantage of Port reinforcements and the carriers at Truk could re­ Australia, since afight to the death makes air raids Moresby offset by American control of spond to unexpected placement ofAllied air units, impossible with the pbm rules. I know that Steve Guadalcanal, area control in the Marshalls, and wherever they might be. While Steve is trying to bait likes to capture Port Moresby. I am curious to see if freedom for the marine units appearing on Turn 3. a trap in Indonesia, the 21AF would have done it will be an effective strategy. Leaving Guadalcanal Under these circumstances, I prefer the Alliedposi­ more good in the South Pacific or the Marshalls, for Allied land-based air, however, could be a ma­ tion by a slight margin, but the game is still very particularly given Dave's move. Steve's holding jor mistake, particularly since there will be no even. The American advantage would have been back ofthe fleet, though overdone, does keep Dave Japanese marines in the vicinity on Turn 3. Neither enhanced ifthe carriers from the Marshalls and the in the dark as to where the major strike will be. side appeared willing, at this stage at least, to feint Central Pacific had been returned to Samoa instead Dave'spatrolling move workedfairly well. He is or bluff. Dave could have left the three air units in of Pearl Harbor. From Samoa they could still aid obviously trying to safeguard Pearl Harbor. At the Central Pacific on their own to either attrition the North Pacific or threaten the Central Pacific least a token garrison should have been put in the the Japanese carriers or run, while using the bulk of and, at the same time, threaten areas to the west North Pacific. Two cruisers might be sufficient to his fleet in maneuvers elsewhere. more effectively. The Japanese returns could signal hold the area since the Japanese would have to be The two moves in combination well illustrate a major offensive toward the Indian Ocean and/or careful of reinforcements arriving. One should the uncertainty that occurs with simultaneous the Bay ofBengal. always steal a POC when possible. Steve is obviously movement. While I probably would not have made concerned with the Central Pacificfrom his Turn I either move, the two turned out to balance each TURN 3 opening. The three land-based air units will serve as other rather nicely. Thus, both workedfairly well. a lightning rod for much ofthe Japanese fleet. The unconcern of both sides with the Hawaiian JAPAN, AFTER PATROLLERS: This turn will Islands was surprising. Both Steve andDave clearly see the UN start Operation DOWN UNDER, the JAPAN, AFTER RAIDERS: A double surprise­ expectedsomething elsefrom each other. It remains securing of Australia by the end of Turn 4. To ac­ he was expecting my patrollers in Hawaii and I ex­ to be seen if one gains a psychological edge from complish this task, the UN has withdrawn air units pected to find the Central Pacific lightly defended. this move. scheduled for the Marshalls and Marianas areas His defense of Midway forced me to use the Sasebo and based them in the southwest Pacific. Indonesia, marines in the Central Pacific. The twelve surface THE BATTLES: An air action came up in the Coral the Indian Ocean, the Coral Sea, South Pacific and ships match the number he can send, and the two Sea, and the DeRuyter was sunk with multiple hits. Central Pacific each get an air unit. The Marshalls CVs and two CVLs provide air support. The Sasebo An air action also resulted in the Marshalls. The and Marianas are left vulnerable to Allied attack. A marines are assured of landing with a surface ac­ 22AF was destroyed at no cost to the Americans. single cruiser patrols the Marianas, while the Mar­ tion. I could use the Yokosuka marines to take Although the I-Boat disabled the Enterprise, it was shalls are left undefended. This turn is a risky one Johnston Island, but this strategy has its too late to affect the outcome of the battle. In the for the Japanese. The Allies have two marine units drawbacks. I would be "showing my hand", and he Central Pacific, the Japanese won the preference, along with a large fleet at Pearl Harbor. The Cen­ will have five or six air units available for defending getting a night action, but the American fleet more tral Pacific and Marshalls are both likely invasion the area. Any major fleet action that is even approx­ than held its own in the ensuing gunnery exchange. sites, but the UN will do little to stop the predicted imately equal will ultimately hurt the Japanese. The The Kongo and Furataka were sunk in exchange for invasions, except the Central Pacific will get a CV UN must whittle down the Allied fleet and at the the Idaho and Houston. In addition, five Japanese to reinforce the 25AF. same time gain a large and steady POC flow every ships were disabled, as were four American (in­ I will concentrate most of the major fleet units turn. For this reason, I am looking towards the cluding the other slow battleship). The Japanese in the southwest. I hope for a major fleet action POC rich areas of the Coral Sea and the Indian also suffered more damage to various ships than the with all Allied units in the area. It is hoped that the Ocean. The Yokosuka marines have been ordered Americans. The Sasebo marines, however, landed British fleet can be annihilated by Turn 5; coupled to secure Port Moresby. Bypassing Guadalcanal is a at Midway at the end ofthe action. Lacking the sup­ with the capture of Australia, this would give con­ bit risky (the Sasebo marines were to take it on Turn port of land-based air, the American fleet retired. trol of the entire western half of the board to the 3), but a base at Port Moresby outweighs the risk. I Only two Japanese cruisers were able to pursue, the Japanese along with its rich POC bonus. The was going to send a two-carrier raiding force into damaged Atago lacking sufficient speed, and their Japanese can then go on the defensive, knowing the Marshalls but changed my mind. Those four shots missed. that its flanks are secure and forcing the US fleet to units are tempting, but who knows what will show JAPAN, AFTER COMBAT: This turn goes to the the confines of the northeast section of the board. up for the Allies in that area. Indonesia has me a UN. All missions were accomplished! My losses in As usual, almost all of the surface units have little concerned! If Dave throws his Australian­ the Central Pacific were offset by the American been kept on raid status. The Allies must be kept based forces along with the British into the area, I losses and the securing of Midway and Port guessing as to the UN intentions for as long as may be in for a rough time. The Ryujo adds some Moresby. The Allies got off easy in the Central possible. Along with the Central Pacific and the support, but ... Pacific where the shooting by the Japanese was Marshalls, I believe that the Allies will strike In­ ALLIES, AFTER RAIDERS: It is always unusually bad. But again, I must say that this turn donesia with the units based in Australia, probably somewhat risky to split the US fleet this early, but I was all Japanese. BANZAI! reinforced with most of the strong British fleet at ~ Kitakami·107··Sg , \.~ ,iP'tP ~\.\~<.-~. ~ \>.~~ "''-i.~~ "("''''~''\~.o:>. ',- ".OJ, 't- 9,;" ~ "" ~ .:;.,:o~ ,...... ,~ ~ .I~~·:"'to

,.«;;.~~\.1­ J'\l~~~ \.0.... \II ~~ Oi·107··Sg

~ \t~~. _.~~ \.':~\II

.,,«,~'J~'1- ...,"\Y,? ~.~ 21AF.34*.. '~"1o?J '"

~ \;,;;.~lib ~ J""""on <\::s 1,1.nc1 "10~~ ~ ..~~,~'-: C}.~. '~~..~ \. ~ .., .. q. .."...... , Chikuma· ~'T Ise·444·T <;), Kumano-11 ·T Hyuga-444·T Sarno Nevada·421··P suzuYa'11S'~ Fuso-444·PM Kako-117·T Yamashiro-444-PM West Virginia·521·.P Maryland·531-·P Kinugasa·11-T Myoko·127·T ....l"l Yokosuka·03 ·#PM Ashigara·127-T 13

Ceylon. The Japanese are looking forward to the my strategy of conserving my fleet. I believe his in­ "6". He did the same in the South Pacific. My predicted battle. tentions are to support his air units in Indonesia and bright spot was the successful raid into the A statement issued by Head­ the Coral Sea massively. it is unlikely that he will Hawaiian Islands which bagged his three patrolling quarters at Saipan assures the Japanese people that support the 23AF in the Indian Ocean, so that is battlewagons. Operation DOWN UNDER will have top priority where I will concentrate. I do not think he will be ex­ ALLIES, AFTER COMBAT: Controlling the as long as success is feasible. pecting me in force in the Central Pacific. There is South Pacific and negating UN control in the In­ no need to support my already superior strength in dian Ocean has to make this turn an Allied victory! ALLIES, AFTER PATROLLERS: His returns the South Pacific or Coral Sea. seem quite unusual. They do, however, seem to go And Allied fleet is still intact. His carrier losses will along with his Port Moresby invasion. It would ap­ NEUTRAL COMMENTS, AFTER RAIDERS: be difficult to overcome. My only regret is that I did pear that he intends to patrol the Indian Ocean and Steve miscounted the number of possible Allied not raid Indonesia as I first planned. The coming Coral Sea with land-based air and possibly battle­ ships in the Indian Ocean. His forces may be at a turn should be interesting, his interior areas all be­ ships. I sent two British battleships to the Indian slight disadvantage as a result. The Yamato should ing open to Allied raids. have attempted the speed roll from Japan in any Ocean just to be sure they make it there for any NEUTRAL COMMENT, AFTER COMBAT: event. Its gunnery would have been valuable, even potential battle. I really only hope to control the Operation DOWN UNDER has failed for the mo­ ifSteve had counted correctly. The problems Steve South Pacific and Coral Sea since it is in those areas ment, although Steve might still be able to pull it will face are a result of his Turn 2 returns and his where my raiders can be massed in support of off. If so, the tactical implementation of the plan patrolling units. The ships sent to the North Pacific placement of patrollers (or non-placement). He clearly had the better ofthe raiding move. Dave did will have to be sounder. Dave displayed both sound will either get a cheap POC or draw fire, thus reliev­ andfaulty tacticaljudgement in the various battles. not challenge the Kako or the force in Indonesia, ing pressure elsewhere. In any event, they are ex­ In thefirst air action in the Indian Ocean he used the and the POCsfor the Hawaiian Islands will be lost. pendable. Enterprise against the land-based air, giving up the The invasion ofMidway may also fail, although the bonus so that the British carriers could engage more NEUTRAL COMMENTS, AFTER PATROLLERS: odds are with the Allies. From the comments, it is ofthe Japanese light carriers. This decision proved Steve's move was a very interesting one. I am not obvious that Dave is in the dark as to the Japanese to be the right one given the results. On the minus sure ifan effort to capture A ustralia will ultimately goals. Steve, on the other hand, has predicted the side, he threw away the 5AFin the Coral Sea in the work since Allied land-based air can be massed in Allied moves rather well. either the Coral Sea or the Indian Ocean on Turn 4. second air action. Once the Indian Ocean was safe While the return of the units to Port Moresby did from Japanese control, it was almost pointless to THE BATTLES: In the Central Pacific, a day ac­ not necessarily indicate a major effort around stay another roundfor two shots since the 5AFfaced tion occurred in the first round. The Hiyo and 2 Australia, Steve telegraphed his move with the certain destruction. On the whole, a bad gamble. Marines were sunk and the 1 Marines heavily returns to Saigon. Not surprisingly, the Allied air The Japanese have some points in their favor damaged. The I-Boat failed to sink or disable the re­ units in the Coral Sea and the South Pacific are well for the beginning of Turn 4. Control of the Coral maining marine and Midway was taken. In the placed to help counter the Japanese move. AllDave Sea effectively limits Allied fleet concentration. In Hawaiian Islands, an air action also resulted. Two has to do is knock down the 24AF in the Coral Sea that regard, Dave's returning ships to Australia American battleships were sunk, and the other and Australia is safe until at least Turn 5. The limited their potential use. Also, the battles (tem­ received maximum damage. It was finished off in British carriers could accomplish the same result in porarily) decimated Allied air forces. Three are the second round in a surface action. In the South the Indian Ocean since the 23AF is the only gone and one is badly damaged. Since the Allies Pacific, the 26AF was destroyed in the third round patroller. Since Steve did return surface units to have no secure areas, IJN raiders can appear of combat, but not before it eliminated the 7AFin Saigon, he shouldhaveplacedsomepatrolling ships anywhere. However, Allied advantages are more the first round and badly damaged the RNZAF in in the Indian Ocean and the Coral Sea to increase numerous. The trained Japanese flight crews are the second. In two air actions in the Coral Sea, the his chances ofcontrol. beginning to disappear. The loss of the two air lOAFand 5AFwere eliminated after inflicting only The Allies are simply waiting to react. A feint to flotillas limits Japanese defensive options, par­ slight damage on the 24AF. Indonesia by a couple ofBritish cruisers might have ticularly since the Americans can use the carriers The Indian Ocean witnessed a series of actions. been useful, particularly since Indonesia may have more freely with reinforcements on the horizon. The Japanese won the first preference roll and got been ungarrisoned. There are finally at least token Guadalcanal remains in Allied hands, although an air action. The Allies had the better of the Allied forces placed in the North Pacific and the Japanese marines will be reappearing. The Imperial resulting melee. The Ryujo, Shoho, and 23AFwere Hawaiian Islands. The Kako in the Marianas may Fleet has been weakened. Finally, the Japanese destroyed. The Enterprise only got one hit on the look like bait for a trap to Dave, so Steve may be POC lead is a little small and the initiative is begin­ 23AF, but scored a "6" for damage. The Enterprise able to steal 2 POCs there. ning to swing to Dave. was the only Allied ship sunk with the Chicago JAPAN, AFTER RAIDERS: I will stick with my disabled. In the second round, both sides wanted a plan to isolate Australia, despite the strong patroll­ surface action. The Astoria and Australia were ing forces he has placed there. I will also raid the sunk on the Allied side, and the Hosho was lost to TURN 4 Hawaiian Islands. I cannot let Dave think that he the UN. In addition, two Japanese cruisers and two can get away with using light patrolling forces in his battleships, one of which was damaged, were The Indomitable and damaged Illustrious are withdrawn, and (he Kure and Sasebo marines reappear 01 Truk. key POC areas while the rest of his fleet interferes disabled. The Allies also had one cruiser and two with Japanese operations. His strong patrols in the battleships disabled. The Mutsu and Warspite also JAPAN, AFTER PATROLLERS: Turn 4 will see South Pacific and Coral Sea have left his home suffered maximum damage in the round; the Ten­ me still trying to isolate Australia. One air unit in areas weak, and for this he will pay. Hopefully his nessee and Mikuma were also damaged. The fourth the Indian Ocean and Coral Sea will hopefully ac­ cost will be three BBs and three POCs. Now the round was an air action, resulting in the disabling of complish this task. The Japanese Islands and the Kaga is really missed! With her I could have raided the Zuiho, the last ofthe Japanese air cover, and the South Pacific will receive the other two air units. both the Mandate and the Hawaiian Islands. infliction of maximum damage to the Illustrious. Indonesia will have to be left unprotected. Fast My fleet units will support the operations in the Three ensuing rounds of combat, two of them air cruisers will patrol the Marshalls and the Marianas. Indian Ocean and the Coral Sea. They should be and the other surface, resulted in no damage to the The placement of his patrollers will dictate the UN able to deal with any challenges from Allied forces. Allied fleet. The Allied shooting was generally course of action this turn. While the isolation of I doubt that Dave will reinforce the Coral Sea, and I bad-sinking only the Mogami and disabling the Australia is still a top priority, the capture of Mid­ have sufficient forces to deal with the combined rest of the Japanese ships present, induding the way to secure the perimeter is also a top priority. forces based at Ceylon and Australia should they Mutsu, which retired for repairs to fight again. But most of all, the UN needs a major victory over venture into the Indian Ocean. Dave's failure to the Allies; and by that, I mean sinking a large JAPAN, AFTER COMBAT: This turn has to go place patrollers in the Marshalls has convinced me number of ships. the Allies. He has stopped my thrust into the Indian that he will invade Midway. I was tempted to rein­ Ocean, secured Midway, and inflicted heavy carrier ALLIES, AFTER PATROLLERS: I sent the force the Central Pacific. Instead, I have sent just losses to the UN. It makes little difference that the British battleships to patrol in the Indian Ocean the Hiyo to support the air unit. The I-Boat will be carriers lost were CVLs; they are still the most im­ again so that I can be assured of their availability placed in the Central Pacific if that is where the portant units next to the fleet carriers. The lost light should he attempt to control again. The most im­ marine units appear. Hopefully, they can combine carriers this turn along with the previous loss of the portant area to me is the South Pacific, thus the to stop the almost certain invasion of Midway. Kaga has crippled the fleet air arm. The air units he three air forces. I am trying to get a couple of cheap ALLIES, AFTER RAIDERS: The placement of his has lost this turn will return to fight another day. POCs in the Aleutians and the North Pacific. The land-based air has made it very difficult for me. It His excellent shooting against my land-based air combination of his land-based air shortage and looks too easy to negate control in Indonesia and was an added bonus for him. I had hoped that my highly-accessible interior should leave numerous the Marines. Attempts at these objectives could air unit in the Indian Ocean would gain control. raiding possibilities. I will thus keep a maximum lead to suicide missions. I have decided to maintain But, he scored one hit and the damage roll was a number of ships back to raid. ~ , \,~ ••...;\~<--'!:. ">~~ \~~.....:

..((~#..'~.~~O: ''\.\~,,'!' '\ "$ E Loulsville·117··P ...:",...#0$ ~ North Carolina·565·.0 "'".,,\.':>.Cl>... \o~ "'\.,,$ ~ '~"'~-o .. .', Q) ..«(::.,.~ '\~, co;: J"',<:""'Q: ~\~ Klnugasa·117··T ,,".... iI' "'(~"\.O Yamato·695·T \"coCl> ~~ Kure·033·T ••••,i;ll~


'\~ '.$ E '\~~Y$ • '~? ,~ol' " ,~ ""S:~ ~" ',,',.~q.~ ~ Northampton·106 (Pearl) Kako·117··T .. 3West Vlrglnla·520 (Pearl) .... R2Maryland·531 (Pearl)


RAAF·24*·t III RNZAF·24*·3· 7AF·24*·· ,,'Jb ~~ Co-oI"'!: ;;;.~ ,...\~ .. ..\...... ~(}.~. Zuikaku·1384·T ..... co Shokaku·13S4·T \.~ "'(;:,..~q. Hiryu·118 3·T ~'~~>'~$~ 23AF·34*·t '\."'t()~$,,:> Zuiho·015'·XY III Tone·118·T Valiant·444·XC ".\ 0 '. Chikuma·118·T Shoho·005'·t 26AF·34*·t *Warspite.4.-4.4C ":.' co....Q) Ryujo·015'·t Suzuya·118·T ~ Kumano·118·T Formidable·027'·C "."" Hosho·014'·t lIIustrious·027'·2C " ...... M~ Indomitable·027'·C .. " G­ ~so.444.X1T ~: "ISI Enterprise·0274 ·t 'amashiro·444·XT ".'.' A_ Exeter·117·XC '''\,0,,"'., 0 "'or",\~ i·107·XT 11AF·24*·· Cornwall·117·C ...:'\~.... >1'~ itakami·1 07·XT <, IS" ((~. ~ Doretshire·117·C aya·127·XT ima·436·T t}~·34*'. \;,~~ Chicago·117·XA oba·117·XT Myo ·127·T AK~{.1464.T Astoria·117 ·t ikuma·118·X1 Y Chok "·127·T Junyo'.124 3·T Australia·117·t ogami·118·t Nachi· 7·T Soryu-1283.T III Canberra·117·A Haguro· 27·T Ise·444·T'· Tennessee·453·4P Ashigar ·127·T Hyuga·444·T ~ California·453·XA ... Takao·1 7·T Hie;·436·T 15

NEUTRAL COMMENTS, AFTER PATROLLERS: ALLIES, AFTER RAIDERS: His failure to patrol threat, the UN will be able to patrol Indonesi~ with Given his position in the game, Steve's move is Indonesia is a complete mystery to me! It makes minimal forces. There is one drawback to the probably not aggressive enough. He has to things a little more difficult this turn, but should turn-the failure of the UN to capture Midway. It challenge Dave in a key area with hisfleet. Japanese open up more options next turn. With my many is very dangerous to have Midway in Allied hands control ofthe Coral Sea gives him an advantage and land-based air replacements next turn, my first this late in the game. You can be sure that Midway he must use it. The Hawaiian Islands with its five priority is to hold as many bases as possible against will be a priority come Turn 5. POC swing and Dave's tendency towards a weak his marines. Dutch Harbor is not worth sparing my ALLIES, AFTER COMBAT: In light of my basic defense might have been an extremely good choice. limited resources. Guadalcanal is by far the most strategy of preserving my fleet, this turn has to be Counting the Zuiho in Japan, the Japanese had important base since its fall would mean the considered a disaster. It is, however, late enough in seven carriers available and 25 surface craft (coun­ premature departure of my patrolling air forces. the game for me to be able to overcome it. Max­ ting only the Haruna in Yokosuka) able to reach Any chance I have of holding it would take my en­ imum land-based air strength this coming turn positions in the Hawaiian Islands. The Allies had tire Pacific Fleet-with no guarantee of surface or should be able to hold until the massive fleet rein­ only three carriers and 20 surface craft (those air superiority. I will thus continue with the strategy forcements arrive. My severe losses to his over­ returns to Australia limiting Allied concentration). of preserving my fleet for future offensive actions whelming raider strength was primarily due to his A group of patrollers, perhaps four in number where my superiority can be assured. His failure to failure to support any of his patrolling units. He has could have been sent to the Hawaiian Islands. If form any contiguous perimeter defense or amass an paid for this gamble in POCs. A + 3 Allied swing Dave had used strong land based air in the area, the overwhelming POC total dictates this strategy. this early in the game is unheard of. patrollers become expendable. If not, Japanese In detail, I will attempt to steal some POCs in control is a real threat. Dave would either have to the Marianas and Marshalls with expendable bat­ NEUTRAL COMMENT, AFTER COMBAT: chance risking his fleet in an unequal battle or give tleships; send superior air power to the Coral Sea Steve won the victories but he is losing the war. The up the POCs. Steve could either support his where he cannot reinforce with surface craft to Allies should never be gaining POCs on Turn 4! patrollers in hopes ofsmashing the American fleet hopefully regain control (at least negate his Dave's evaluation ofthe turn is probably closer to or go elsewhere, letting the patrollers serve as a control); send the British to the Indian Ocean to reality than Steve's optimism. The Allied losses feint-potentially a successful one ifDave decides meet what I believe to be a diversion; and prevent hurt but the Japanese POC lead is small enough so to preserve hisfleet, as the POCsituation might dic­ the capture of Midway with forces larger than he that those losses can be overcome. Dave's decision tate. In effect, Steve could have made his weakness would surely commit to this sideshow! To say this to withdraw in the Central Pacific may be subject to workforhim. It would bea tough decision for Steve turn will be an interesting one is the understatement criticism by some, but I agree with it. He suffered to support or not and something ofa gamble, but of the year. some losses but saved part of his cruiser force. his position called for such a move! Another air action would have been a disaster for NEUTRAL COMMENTS: AFTER RAIDERS: A On the move as made, Steve again fails to sup­ his fleet; even in a surface fight he was badly number ofinteresting actions are shaping up. The outgunned without the Indiana and South Dakota. port his patrollers. The single air flotilla in the movementportion ofthe turn as a whole has clearly Coral Sea is unlikely to be enough. Dave concen­ For Turn 5, Dave will hold his own if he simply demonstrated thepotentialformultiple actions-in hangs on to control in those areas that can be trates his air forces in the South Pacific where asuc­ six ofthe thirteen areas in this case. Alliedretention cessful marine landing could send them all packing patrolled by his land-based air, an ideal situation. of Guadalcanal is somewhat doubtful. When the The game may be drawing to an early close. (as in the Central Pacific in Turn 2). He might have Hermesfailed its speed roll (again), Steve's chances been better off using at least one in the Hawaiian of controlling the Indian Ocean improved. Thus, Islands to threaten the loss ofone ofthe remaining Steve may survive leaving Indonesia unpatrolled. fleet carriers. Again, Dave might have sent a British His stated logic is very sound, and Dave may not Thisfine, tense Series Replay will be concluded cruiser or two into Indonesia as asafetyplayagainst gain the advantages he expects since Japanese con­ in the next issue of The GENERAL. a Japanese pullback. trol of the Indian Ocean would block any move­ JAPAN, AFTER RAIDERS: Again he patrols the ment out ofA ustralia. Steve did catch some ofthe Hawaiian Isles with BBs and masses his land-based Allied forces in the Central Pacific at an extreme air in the South Pacific instead of the Central disadvantage. He might also have risked a single Pacific. Unexpected, but all the better for me. I cruiser in the Aleutians or North Pacific to limit SO THAT'S WHAT have sent the Sasebo and Kure marines to take AlliedPOCs. All in all, however, Steve will do well Guadalcanal. The three CVs and 12 surface ships to hold his own this turn, and he needs to do better YOU'VE BEEN PLAYING would welcome his Pearl Harbor raiders; these can than that. Dave's cautious use ofhisfleet isjustified Titles Listed 151 Total Responses: 916 number only three CVs and nine surface craft. This by his position in the game. battle is the type I am hoping for. Let him concen­ Rank Times THE BATTLES: The first round of action was Last On Freq. trate on my marines while I concentrate on his car­ decisive. In the Indian Ocean the Formidable was Rank: Title Pub Time List Ratio riers. I need to sink ships. The other portion of my sunk in an air action with the 21AFbeing untouched. I. G.!. AH 3 3 6.0 fleet is in the Central Pacific with the Yokoska In the Coral Sea, however, Dave won the preference 2. SQuad Leader AH 1 13 4.8 marines, destined for Midway. Again, I can out­ as Steve wanted a surface action to let the I-Boat 3. TRC AH 4 13 3.3 number all the surface craft that he can send. I have shoot first. The 22AFwas destroyed, but sunk the 4. Third Reich AH 2 13 3.2 to admit that Dave has guts by patrolling his home Yorktown in return. In the South Pacific, Steve got 5. Bulge '81 AH 8 8 2.8 COD AH 9 13 2.5 waters with the two elderly BBs, especially after last the desired surface action with the marine landing 6. turn. Give me two of my lost light carriers and I 7. COl AH 6 13 2.3 ending further action. An air action in the Mar­ 8. Civilization AH 18 3 2.2 would go in again. shalls permitted the Suzuya to escape. In the Looking over the disposition of forces, there 9. Panzerblitz AH II 4 1.8 Marianas, a surface action resulted, but all the Col­ 10 War & Peace AH 14 13 1.7 seems to be a good chance of a major UN victory orado could manage was a disable result against the II. War At Sea AH 17 13 1.6 this turn, although the securing of Australia is cruiser. In the Central Pacific, Steve finally decided 12. WSIM AH 12 13 1.6 becoming remote. I expect him to contest the Indian to opt for a surface action, notwithstanding his air 13. D&D TSR 1 1.5 Ocean and/or the Coral Sea with carriers. Raids superiority, to ensure the marine landing. Dave 14. Fortress Eurooa AH 15 3 1.5 15. VITP AH 13 into the Marianas or the Marshalls would almost wanted an air action to prevent the marine landing 5 1.5 assure me of taking Midway and Guadalcanal. Any 16. Flat Top AH 7 13 1.4 and won the preference roll.The airstrikes from the 17. Panzer leader AH 16 8 1.4 strategy the Allies might try this turn should benefit Wasp did disable the marines. The Japanese strikes the UN ... unless he strikes the Coral Sea with all 18. SOA AH 1 1.3 sank the Wasp and Indiana, and a badly-damaged 19. GOA AH - 1 1.1 his carrier force to break control and/or does the South Dakota was disabled. With no air support 20. DiDlomacy AH - I 1.0 same with the British and Australia based forces in and minus the two big battleships, the Americans the Indian Ocean. withdrew, losing the North Carolina and three While GJ. surges to the top of our list, an old A comment on the absence of UN patrollers in cruisers to the pursuit fire. favorite-DIPLOMACY-makes its first appearance. Indonesia is in order. The isolation ofAustralia was Other titles return to the fold after a short hiatus the long-term Japanese goal, and I have to adhere JAPAN, AFTER COMBAT: A great turn for the -STORM0 VER ARNHEM, GUNS OFAUGUSTand to this strategy as long as it is feasible. If I can con­ UN. I got what I wanted! He did show up in the the ubiquitous Dungeons & Dragons. Ofcourse, for each trol the Indian Ocean, I will have lost only I POC Central Pacific, and with the inferior surface force that gains a space herein, one title drops from our listing. that I was hoping to catch. The Allies lost three car­ MIDWAY, STRUGGLE OF NA TIONS, TITAN, and will have gained a strategic victory. So, I will GUNSLINGER, all disappear after a brief stint. riers, two new battleships, and three cruisers. The sacrifice the tactical for the chance of the strategic; CIVILIZA TION, following the well-received feature on I, for one, think it is worth the try. Therefore, Japanese gained control of the Indian Ocean, clos­ this intriguing new game in Vol. 19, No.4 of The the air flotilla is better in the Indian Ocean than ing off Indonesia to Australian-based forces, and GENERAL, continues its strong showing. Indonesia. since the British based at Ceylon constitute no Quincy·117··P

~ IlIIIIl§ , \:~ ,I?.P ~""'~'\~c.~. ''';'\~? .•..'\,~....:: \ ....,... .,"<,~-:>O!:: E '''b;~'':':1,..''' "....." ~ .~,;o$ Salt lake City·117·.P ">~lll ,:to 0(' "q"'$ :~.. ~ "'. ~ '.,>,~ "«~'\~.A '\:~, C'.-: " ~<¢-....o: 25AF·34*·· ~\~ "0' II' "'«"~"' .... o #~ '.:;..,,::'$0\ " ":) II

\A_ ;O.;~

...... '1o.;lo~ """:)$ 0(' "??q. '" '\.~ :'«~~~ ,.~ ~ -= Kumano·118·XT \,....0". R4Tennessee·110 \.~ <) ...... ,.'S-·~\"',.~o ~ ....oc,.,\.~,..~ (3 ..··'\,lll'" 24AF·34*·· 4 Ise·444·~·".·,,, "«i",,,,'·~ ...~~...... ZUikaku·138 • T .-..,,~ Shokaku·1384·T Fuso·433·T i ""0(" 1-... . Akagi·1464·T Tone·118·T \~ ~i.436.T Chikuma·118·T ...... ,,'<.....%.....::. ~ .. e-, ~ )"""'10<> .••,. . ima·436.T Kako·117·T ""o('.&\..,~ .,I."d Ta~ao·127.T ~ \ "'.-: Haguro·127·T u .{(~~\f;)~o: \, "?: Ashigara·127.T o ""~ 0('1- ",..CJ'l Maryland·553··A ••,,,<•• o;$ Kinugasa·117·T West Virginia·533.•P \\,,?o Aoba'117·T >\~(,Q Sasebo·033·#G ("'j"",,,"',.~? e·033·T ~o'" .. \'l. '\ c. *Resolution·443·C Australia ~\ (\ .­== *Ramilles·443·C Revenge·443·C """""'Clfr ornia·453··/t,,\:'''a>-- -\~~~?if Horn ·027 4·A "0 ""'''\fI Valiant·444·C 4 == Lex;ng n·137 ·P .;'., ~, Shropshire·117·C (~ ~,,"" Yorkto ·0274 ·t ", " Devonshire·117·C Pensaco .117.P "0 ~" ~'@ Doretshire·117·C 13AF·24*·· Canberra· 17·A ~" Cornwall·117·C RNZAF·21*·· Chicago·1 .p ". 1...,e"''''' ....·..01 Exeter·117·C San Franc; co·117·P Formidable·027'·t \C... M;nneapol ·117·P 17 DIPLOMACY IN THIRD REICH Another Facet of the Strategic Game By Larry Bucher and Steve Simmons

Back in 1976, Steve Simmons submitted an arti­ It has long been a favorite game of historians to selections as void: Axis #1 through #5 and #7; Allied cle based on the original THIRD REICH game speculate on the effects ofdiplomatic maneuvers by #3, #5 and #6. If using the additional variants dealing with variant rulesforplaying the game with the major combatants in any war. This is certainly presented by Mr. Bucher in "Yet More the variable entry ofthe minor countries heavily in­ nowhere more true than with regard to the actions Possibilities" (Vol. 18, No.5), we would suggest fluenced by the combined diplomatic and military by the Axis and Allied powers during the Second ignoring: Axis #16, #19 and #20; Allied #11, #"4" actions of the major powers-as opposed to the World War. Suppose Belgium had granted Ger­ and #20. Note that play balance shifts toward the purely historical entry times and reaction to in­ many free passage through its territory? What Allies if this is done, since the Axis player has a vasions. At the time, Don Greenwood thought the would have been the diplomatic repercussions if greater chance of drawing a voided variant counter. article quite innovative but lacking in organization London or Moscow had fallen? What ifTurkey had Each major power receives a basic allotment of and it was returned to the author for a rewrite. As joined the Allies? These questions, and a hundred Diplomacy Points (henceforth, DPs) during each luck would have it, hefadedfrom the gaming scene others, have tickled the fancies of many garners and YSS. These are received and committed just after only to resurface at ORIGINS, article in hand. He fostered endless discussions in scholarly circles. BRP calculation, but before SW construction. The still lacked the time to issue anotherdraft, but asked With the introduction of Diplomacy Points to our basic allotments are: U.S. and Britain and Ger­ if a co-author could not be found to take on the favorite strategic game, we are in a position to add many-3 each; France and Italy and Russia-2 task. The obvious choice was Larry Bucher, who even more fuel to the fires of intellectual each. The U.S. player receives no DPs until the 1942 co-authored the 3rd Edition rules. He promptly gamesmanship. YSS. These basic allotments may be increased or proceeded to bring the article into agreement with When using this variant, disregard rules 33.6 decreased by certain game developments, detailed the '81 rules edition. Ace playetesters Marcus and 33.7 (the sections on Foreign Aid and Turkey). in the accompanying box. These increases/ Watney and Bill Nightingale then critiqued it. The Change the tenth result on the Intelligence Table decreases are applied only at a YSS, never during final form you are about to read is due in large part (33.5) to apply to Diplomacy Points. Rules 33-33.4 the play of a year. to the efforts ofthese three men, now laboring on a (Variant Counters) are probably best disregarded A nation may also increase its available DPs by Wargamer's Guide to this fine game. This article, also, since many of the effects therein are spending for "foreign aid" during the YSS. Unlike thanks to the expertise brought to bear upon it, duplicated through the actions of this variant. Not the 33.6 Foreign Aid rule, this is a generalized ex­ represents one of the finest variants to ever grace all are duplicated however, and players may con­ penditure, assigned to no particular minor coun­ the pages of The GENERAL. tinue, if agreeable to all to draw, but treat certain tries and more akin to SW expenditure. Each five

Germany Soviet Russia France Receives Additional DPs for Axis control of: Receives Additional DPs for Russian control of: Receives Additional DPs for Western Allied control of: Grozny, Leningrad, Moscow, Stalingrad, Helsinki, Riga, Stockholm, Warsaw or Warsaw or London: + I DP each Copenhagen: + I DP each Brussels, Madrid or Rome(see Note): + I DP Ankara, Istanbul and Izmir: + I DP for group Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir: + 2 DPs for group each Athens, Belgrade, Bucharest, Budapest and Bucharest, Budapest, Sofia, Belgrade and/or Any objective hex in Germany*: + I DP each Sofia: + I DP for group Athens: + I DP for any group of three Any objective hex in Italy: + I DP each Brussels, Copenhagen, Luxembourg and the Any objective hex in Germany: + I DP each Deducts DPs for Axis control of: Hague: + I DP for group Deducts DPs for Axis control of: Any hex in European France: -I DP Any hex on the Island of Britain (Scapa Flow is Moscow, Leningrad, Stalingrad or Vologda: -I Any hex adjacent to Paris: an additional-I DP included, Ireland is not): + I DP (This is in ad­ DP each dition to the allotment for London; but no addi­ tional DPs accrue for control of more than one ...... British hex.) Paris: +2 DPs ...... United States Deducts DPs for Allied control of: Receives Additional DPs for Western Allied con­ Any hex of Germany: -I DP, plus an additional trolof: -I DP for each objective hex controlled by Allied forces within Germany. Great Britain Antwerp, Brussels, Luxembourg and the Hague*: + I DP for group All hexes of Britain: -I DP (This is applied only Receives Additional DPs for Western Allied con­ if Axis forces have controlled at least one hex of trolof: Any objective hex in Germany*: + I DP each Britain at an earlier point in the current game.) Antwerp, Brussels, Luxembourg and the Genoa, Milan, Trieste and Venice*: + I DP for Any hex of France by supplied American Hague*: + I DP for group group armor/infantry unit: -I DP Any objective hex in Germany*: + I DP each Rome or Paris (see Notes): + I DP each Genoa, Milan, Trieste and Venice*: + I DP for ...... group Notes: *-DP gains so marked may go either to the United States or to All cities in North Africa: + I DP Great Britain, but not both. If British and American players are Italy unable to agree, neither gets the additional DPs. In the rare game Oslo, Paris (see Note), Madrid or Rome (see where France and the United States are simultaneously active and Receives Additional DPs for Axis control of: Note): + I DP each the Western Powers control an objective hex in Germany, the All cities in Egypt: + I DP Athens and Belgrade: + 2 DPs for the pair French player would receive a DP and the British or the American player would also receive one. Gibraltar, Malta or Madrid: + I DP each Deducts DPs for Axis control of: Rome: If controlled after American entry, Britain and the U.S. Deducts DPs for Allied control of: Any city in Egypt: -I DP each receive one additional DP. If prior, Britain receives + 1 OP and France, if still active in the game, also receives + 1 DP. All cities in North Africa: -I DP Gibraltar or Malta: -I DP each Paris: DPs are gained by the Western Allies only if Paris has been Any hex of Sicily, Sardinia or mainland Italy: Any hex on the Island of Britain by a supplied recaptured after the fall of France (i.e., France is no longer an -I DP German armor/infantry unit: -I DP active player). The American player and the British player each receive + lOP. 18

BRPs spent in this manner produce one additional Axis DPs so committed. The result may be a Results: DP for the player. There are but two limitations: positive or a negative number, or zero. The Allied ° Finland assumes the same status as any other 1. No nation may spend more than 5070 of its total is defined as: (a) if Russia is at war, all Allied minor neutral for the remainder of the game. YSS BRPs on foreign aid. DPs; or (b) if Russia is not at war, all Russian DPs Germany may not again attempt to activate 2. No nation may acquire more DPs by foreign or all Allied DPs, whichever is greater. In many them nor may either side again name them for aid spending than its basic DP allotment as above cases, additional die modifications are specified a DP die roll. Any Axis garrison units must be (two or three as the case may be). under the individual minor countries. SRed out or destroyed by the end of the cur­ A given country may never be named for such a rent Axis player turn. As with SW spending, if BRP totals are close die roll more than once during anyone game year. enough that expenditures could have an effect on When the four historical Minor German Allies I Finland will activate in two game turns. the order of play, players must write their spending activate, Germany receives their BRPs immediately, 2 Finland will activate in one game turn. decisions secretly and reveal them simultaneouslv. as is customary. Whenever either side acquires any 3 + Finland activates immediately. The next step is commitment of DPs to coun­ other minor country as an ally, it does not receive tries that a power may wish to influence during the BRPs thereafter until the next YSS. Certain coun­ France coming year. Eligible recipients are listed in detail tries, under certain circumstances, need not be Resolve upon the fall of France. later in this article. Each player records his deci­ named for a die roll, although DPs may be com­ sions on paper in as much secrecy as he wishes-he mitted to them. Instead, the status of these coun­ Results: may, but need not, consult with other players tries are resolved only when other game ° All French colonies become Free French, and/or reveal to them his choices. There is but one developments warrant, as explained below. along with the forces in them. The French fleet limitation: no player may commit more than half turns Free French, is not halved, and moves (rounded up) of his DPs to one country. Players Note: In all "Results" hereinafter, a die roll lower immediately to the nearest friendly port on the may not "loan" nor give DPs to other players. The than thefirstnumberlisted is treated the same as the same front. Vichy France is established nor­ Russian player operates under two additional first number. mally; Corsica remains Vichy-controlled. restrictions: 1-7 Vichy France is established normally (per rule I. He may allocate DPs only to Bulgaria, 49.) except for the die rolls for the individual Finland, Greece, Hungary, Japan, Persia, ...... colonies. The "colony" rolls are modified by Rumania, Spain (only if Communist), Sweden, the same modification just used for France Turkey and Yugoslavia. and the results become: 3 or less, Free French; 2. He may not allocate DPs to any Balkan Bulgaria/Hungary/Rumania (Inactive) 4 or more, Vichy French. country unless Russia controls a supplied hex adja­ 8 + All colonies remain loyal to Vichy and the cent to anyone of them. (Balkan countries are While inactive, these three are treated as a unit; DPs Vichy forces are not halved. No partisans may defined as-Rumania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Greece, assigned to them are assigned to all three collectively. Yugoslavia.) Resolve when Germany attempts to activate them. be built in France. The German player may choose to do this at any DPs, wherever they may have been allocated, time, even if he has committed no DPs to them. Italy are wiped clean each year end. They never ac­ Resolve upon the conquest or surrender of Italy to cumulate, neither in a recipient nor for a major Additional Modifications: the Allies. power, so there is absolutely no point in leaving any Double all Axis DPs before subtracting Allied uncommitted during a YSS. When a major power is DPs. Regardless of the die result, the Folgore Airborne, conquered during a year, its committed DPs do re­ Subtract two DPs for every turn prior to Spring composed of politically-reliable Fascists, if currently main valid for the remainder of the current year. If 1941 (Winter '40, -2; Fall '40, -4; Summer '40, in play on the mapboard remains there and becomes a nation has a negative amount of DPs at YSS there -6; etc.). a German unit. It loses the ability to airdrop and cannot be rebuilt if lost, but it retains the ability to is no penalty, nor does it carry forward a deficit. It Add one for every turn after Spring 1941 overstack and may be used anywhere on the board. merely cannot allocate any DPs, placing it at a (Summer '41, + I; Fall '41, +2; etc.). severe disadvantage in the diplomatic struggle. All All other Italian units are removed, but some may steps thus far described occur during a YSS; these Add two if Allies (this includes a still-neutral return to Allied or German force pools. Rule 26.72 are also performed prior to the start of any scenario Russia) have declared war on any of the three. is observed for all following results. or the campaign game. Results: Additional Modifications: During the ensuing game year, a player may at­ ° The three countries assume the same status as Add one for every year before 1943 (1942, + I; tempt to capitalize on the DPs he has farmed out. any other minor neutral for the remainder of 1941, +2; etc.). The mechanics of this follow. the game. Germany may not again attempt to At the start of each game turn (before" Activa­ activate them nor may either side again name Subtract one for every year after 1943 (1944, -I; 1945, -2; etc.) tion of Minor Allies" on the Sequence of Play them for a DP die roll. Any Axis garrison units Chart), up to three attempts may be made to in­ must be SRed out or destroyed by the end of Results: fluence the various recipients of the DP grants. The the current Axis player turn. Strong anti-German feeling. U.S. force pool German player has the first chance. If he should The three countries will activate in two game gets six 1-3s, two 2-3s and a 2-5. These may be pass, the Italian player may take his place. Britain is turns. rebuilt in any Allied-controlled hex of Italy second. If she should pass, the U.S. (if active) or 2 The three countries will activate in one game (including Sicily) that can trace supply to a France, in that order, inherit the chance to in­ western source. These may leave Italy for use fluence world events. Russia has the third chance, turn. 3 + The three countries activate immediately. anywhere on the board. One-fourth (round and faces an additional obstacle: the Russian player up) of the remaining Italian naval factors pass must roll one die and may exercise the option only Note that if the Allies attack an inactive minor ally, to U.S. control; but ifthe Italian fleet has been on a result of "5" or "6" on the roll. German intervention would not cause the reduced to a remnant, any German claims Any major power whose capital is controlled by automatic activation normally dictated (by rule (under rule 26.72) take precedence. Allies may the enemy must pass. Italy, the U.S. and France do 25.2). build two partisans. not get the option except as a result of a pass by the major "diplomatic power" they are allied with. Finland (Inactive) 2-5 A war-weary Italy. Add two 1-3s and one 2-3 Russian action ends activity for the turn; no nation to the U.S. force pool. These may not leave ever gets a second chance even though less than Resolve when Germany attempts to activate, which Italy. Allies may build one partisan. three attempts may have been made. the German player may choose to do at any time 6 + Pro-fascist loyalties persist. Add two 3-3s and A player exercising his option names any coun­ even if he has committed no DPs to Finland. a 2-5 to the German force pool; these may be try to which he, or an ally, committed DPs in the Additional Modifications: rebuilt in any Axis-controlled, supplied hex of preceding YSS. All players reveal how many DPs Double all Axis DPs before subtracting Allied Italy. U.S. force pool receives three 1-3s. they have committed to that particular minor coun­ DPs. Rebuilt units ofeither side may not leave Italy. No partisans are created in Italy. try. A die roll is then made by the player exercising Subtract one DP for every turn prior to Winter the option, modified according to DPs granted by 1940 (Fall '40, -I; Summer '40, -2; etc.). Substitute UK for U.S. if Italy should fall before all players, and then applied to that country. The American entry into the war. None of the rebuilt specific results for each potential choice are detailed Add one for every turn after Spring 1941 (Summer '41, + I; Fall '41, +2; etc.). Italian units may be rebuilt again after combat loss, later in this article. The results must be enforced. by either side. The basic die modification is determined by sub­ Subtract three if Russia is not at war. tracting the total number of Allied DPs committed Add two if Allies (this includes a still-neutral to the country in question from the total number of Russia) have declared war on Finland. ... . 19

The following countries are resolved only when Egypt move into and/or through all Greek hexes named for a Diplomatic die roll at the start of a Additional Modifications: they desire. Allied units must be "at war" game turn, as explained earlier. Note that a special (i.e., a DoW on Greece). Greek units are not roll to determine the status of Spain's political Add two if a supplied Axis armor or infantry placed on the mapboard unless the Allies so government is required before the start of any unit is in Egypt. declare; Greece becomes a minor ally of the scenario. Subtract two if no Axis (German or Italian) power controlling Athens if/when Allies Note: Whenever a result is preceded by an asterisk unit is in any hex of North Africa. declare. ("J, that country may not be namedagain for the re­ Results: 8 + Greece becomes a minor ally ofthe Axis power mainder ofthe game. "Political compromises satisfactory to having ground units nearest Athens by land. Wafdist leaders are reached. Any Wafdist Greek units may not be used outside the ...... counters on the mapboard are immmediately Mediterranean Front, nor in French North and permanently removed. Africa nor Spain. Greek units may not attack British units during offensive options. Only Belgium/Luxembourg 2-6 No effect. one partisan may be built in Greece, and only May be named only if Belgium is still neutral. 7 Wafdist uprisings. German player may build by Russia. Greece may be named for a two partisan counters in Egypt. If destroyed, Diplomatic die roll in a future year-in which Results: these may be rebuilt only if a supplied Axis ar­ case the conditions, modifications and results o "Agree to defensive cooperation with the mor or infantry unit is in Egypt. The Wafdist are exactly the same as those for Hungary (Ac­ Western Allies. Allied units may enter; Allied partisans may not close the Suez canal nor cost tive) as described below. units may ignore rule 22.3 and may give DAS. Britain 25 BRPs for loss of Suez/Alexandria. Allied units may not move across nor attack 8 + Extensive Wafdist uprising. Same as above Hungary (Active) across the German frontier from either coun­ except that three partisan counters may be Hungary may not be named as a choice unless try, and Allied air units may not cross Belgian built. Allied ground/air factors in the Balkans out­ air space to reach Germany until a state ofwar is declared on Belgium. number Axis factors. The Balkans are defined as Rumania (including Bessarabia), Hungary, 1-7 "Belgium/Luxembourg refuse any coopera­ Finland (Active) Yugoslavia, Albania, Greece (excluding islands), tion with either side. Finland may not be named unless Russian combat Bulgaria and European Turkey. Russian factors are 8 + "German forces granted free passage. The factors in Finland outnumber Axis factors there, or not considered "Allied" until Russia is at war with German player may treat Belgium and Luxem­ (1943 or later) a supplied Russian armor or infantry the Axis. bourg as controlled territory, for two game unit is in Warsaw or Konigsberg. Additional Modifiers: turns only-beginning with the current turn. Additional Modifications: Any German units remaining in either country Subtract one if less than six German ground at the end of the second game turn are Add one if Finnish combat factors in Finland factors are in Hungary. eliminated (interned). Neither side may are outnumbered by other Axis combat factors Add one ifmore than thirteen German ground declare war on either country for the duration therein. factors are in Hungary. of the period of free passage. When it expires, Results: Results: these countries resume their minor neutral 2 "Finland surrenders. All Finnish forces are -1 "Hungary switches sides, becoming a minor status. permanently removed from play. Germany ally of the Allied player with ground units Bulgaria (Active) immediately loses the Finnish BRPs; these will closest to her capital. If a tie in distance be awarded normally the next YSS. results, use the greatest number of DPs com­ Bulgaria may not be named as a choice unless 3 + No effect. mitted (and then a random die roll) to break Allied ground/air factors in the Balkans out­ the deadlock. All Hungarian units stacked number Axis factors. The Balkans are defined Greece with other Axis units or currently off the map­ as Rumania (including Bessarabia), Hungary, board are eliminated permanently. Other Yugoslavia, Albania, Greece (excluding May be named only if still neutral, except following a result of 8 + on the die roll. Hungarian units pass to command of the new islands), Bulgaria and European Turkey. Rus­ Allied patron, remain on the board in play and sian factors are not considered"Allied" until Additional Modifications: become part of its permanent force pool. Ger­ Russia is at war with the Axis. Subtract one for each Allied-controlled objec­ many loses immediately the Hungarian BRPs. Additional Modifiers: tive in the Mediterranean Front in excess ofsix On the following YSS, BRPs are awarded nor­ mally to whoever controls the capital; this may Subtract one if less than six German ground hexes. not necessarily be the power that controls the factors are in Bulgaria. Add one for each Axis-controlled objective in Hungarian units. Add one ifmore than thirteen German ground the Mediterranean Front in excess of seven 0-2 "Hungary surrenders. All Hungarian forces factors are in Bulgaria. hexes. are permanently removed from play. Ger­ Subtract two if a supplied Russian armor or Subtract one if the Allies will move first in the current game turn. many immediately loses the Hungarian BRPs; infantry unit is in or adjacent to any hex in these will be awarded normally the next YSS. Bulgaria. Add one if the Axis will move first in the cur­ rent game turn. 3 + No effect. Results: Results: -1 "Bulgaria switches sides, becoming a minor ally of the Allied player with ground units o "Greece grants free passage and limited Rumania (Active) closest to her capital. If a tie in distance cooperation to the Allies. Whichever power Rumania may not be named as a choice unless results, use the greatest number of DPs com­ gets a supplied ground unit into Athens first, Allied ground/air factors in the Balkans out­ mitted (and then a random die roll) to break controls it for victory condition purposes and number Axis factors. The Balkans are defined as the deadlock. All Bulgarian units stacked with will get the Greek BRPs next YSS. Allies can Rumania (including Bessarabia), Hungary, other Axis units or currently offthe mapboard move into and/or through all Greek hexes Yugoslavia, Albania, Greece (excluding islands), are eliminated permanently. Other Bulgarian they desire. Axis units must be "at war" (i.e., Bulgaria and European Turkey. Russian factors are units pass to command of the new Allied a DoW on Greece). Greek units are not placed not considered "Allied" until Russia is at war with patron, remain on the board in play and on the mapboard unless the Axis so declare; the Axis. Greece becomes a minor ally ofthe power con­ become part of its permanent force pool. Ger­ Additional Modifiers: many loses immediately the Bulgarian BRPs. trolling Athens if/when Axis declare. On the following YSS, BRPs are awarded nor­ 1-2 "Greece rejects diplomatic advances of both Subtract one if less than six German ground mally to whoever controls the capital; this may sides and remains permanently in minor factors are in Rumania. not necessarily be the power that controls the neutral status. Add one if more than thirteen German ground Bulgarian units. 3-6 No effect. factors are in Rumania. 0-2 "Bulgaria surrenders. All Bulgarian forces are 7 "Greece grants free passage and limited Results: permanently removed from play. Germany cooperation to the Axis. Whichever power -I "Rumania switches sides, becoming a minor immediately loses the Bulgarian BRPs; these gets a supplied ground unit into Athens first, ally of the Allied player with ground units will be awarded normally the next YSS. controls it for victory condition purposes and closest to her capital. If a tie in distance 3 + No effect. will get the Greek BRPs next YSS. Axis can results, use the greatest number of DPs com- 20 mitted (and then a random die roll) to break Portugal 1-6 No effect. the deadlock. All Rumanian units stacked May be named only if both Portugal and Spain are 7 + *Spain rejects all advances and remains with other Axis units or currently off the map­ still neutral. permanently in minor neutral status. board are eliminated permanently. Other Rumanian units pass to command of the new Results: Sweden Allied patron, remain on the board in play and o *Portugal becomes a British minor ally. May be named only if neutral. become part of its permanent force pool. Ger­ 1-4 No effect. many loses immediately the Rumanian BRPs. Additional Modifications: On the following YSS, BRPs are awarded nor­ 5 + *Portugal remains permanently in minor neutral status. Add one if Axis forces control Oslo. mally to whoever controls the capital; this may Subtract one if Allied forces control Oslo. not necessarily be the power that controls the Rumanian units. Spain Results: 0-2 *Rumania surrenders. All Rumanian forces Roll one die before the game begins. On a die roll of Sweden denies iron ore shipments to Ger­ are permanently removed from play. Ger­ 1-5, Franco has won the civil war; on a 6, the many. Subtract 10 BRPs from German total many immediately loses the Rumanian BRPs; Loyalists have won. Roll again if the Loyalists won; each YSS (prior to SW construction). Ger­ these will be awarded normally the next YSS. on a die roll of 6, the government is communist­ many can avoid this penalty by either controll­ 3 + No effect. dominated. The form ofgovernment will determine ing Stockholm, or reversing the diplomatic which of the following may be used. outcome with a Diplomatic die roll of 2 + in a future year. Iraq Franco's Spain 2-4 No effect. Additional Modifications: May be named only if France has been conquered 5-6 *Sweden signs a long-term pact for continua­ and Spain is still neutral, except following a result tion of ore shipments to Germany. Add one if coup has already occurred in of 7 + on the die roll. Persia. 7 + *In addition to the iron ore pact, S~eden Additional Modifications: agrees to limited transit of Axis troops. One Results: Add one if Axis forces control any hex of Axis unit per turn. may SR through Sweden. o *Political compromises pacify Iraq for re­ Great Britain. This unit may SR to or from Finland via the mainder of the game. Any Iraqi rebel counters Add three if Great Britain has been con­ north edge of the mapboard. are removed immediately and permanently quered. from play. Turkey Results: 1-5 No effect. May be named only if still neutral, except 6 + Pro-Axis coup occurs. The results are iden­ o *Spain rejects all advances and remains per­ following a result of 8 + on the die roll. manently in minor neutral status. tical to those for Axis Variant Counter #1. Additional Modifications: 1-6 No effect. Russian/Western Powers DPs are combined 7 + Spain becomes a minor ally of the Axis power even if Russia is not at war. Japan that committed the most DPs to Spain (a die Add one if Axis forces control all cities in May be named only during 1941. roll if tied). America may build and operate Egypt. Add an additional one if Axis forces four partisans in Spain. Spain may be named control any city in Palestine or Transjordan. Additional Modifications: for a Diplomatic die roll in a future year-in Subtract one if Allied forces control two or Add three is Axis forces control any hex of which case the conditions, modifications and more cities in Libya. Persia. results are exactly the same as those for Add two if Axis forces control Sevastopol, Subtract one if France is still unconquered. Hungary (Active). Rostov and either Moscow or Leningrad. Results: Loyalist Spain Subtract one if Axis forces control neither o *Japan remains neutral and unmenacing. Use May not be named until 1940, and only if still Sevastopol, Rostov, Moscow nor Leningrad. provisions of Allied Variant Counter #6. neutral. Subtract one for each Allied-controlled 1-7 No effect. Additional Modifications: Mediterranean Front objective in excess of 8 + *Japan launchs an immediate attack on seven. Add one if Italy is at war. Russia. Free Siberian Transfer not allowed; Subtract three if Axis forces control no hex five 3-3s permanently removed from Russian Add one if France has been conquered. bordering Turkey. (Note: inactive Bulgaria is 1942 force pool. Subtract one if Axis forces control no hexes of considered "Axis-controlled", as is Vichy­ France. controlled Syria until conquest or deactiva­ Subtract two if Italy has been conquered. tion.) Persia Subtract three if Allies control Paris (applied Results: Additional Modifications: only after France has fallen). -2 *Turkey becomes a minor ally ofAllied power Subtract one if Lend-Lease route has been ac­ Results: that committed most DPs to Turkey (a die roll tivated. o *Spain becomes a minor ally of the Allied if tied). Subtract one if any Allied ground unit is in power that committed the most DPs to Spain -I -7 No effect. Persia. (a die roll if tied). Germany may build and 8 + Turkey becomes a· minor ally of Axis power Add one if Axis forces control Rostov, operate two partisans in Spain. that committed most DPs to Turkey (a die roll Sevastopol, Ankara, or Port Said. 1-6 No effect. if tied). Turkey may be named for a Add one if Axis forces control any hex in or 7 + *Spain rejects all advances and remains Diplomatic die roll in a future year-in which adjacent to Persia. permanently in minor neutral status. case the conditions, modifications and results Add one if coup has already occurred in Iraq. are exactly the same as those for Hungary (Ac­ tive). Results: Communistic Spain o *Political compromises pacify Persia for re­ May be named only if Russia is at war and Spain is Ulster still neutral. mainder of the game. Any Persian rebel May be named only if Ireland is still neutral. counters are removed immediately and per­ Additional Modifications: Results: manently from play. Double Russian DPs. 3 *Ulster remains tranquil throughout the war. 1-5 No effect. Subtract two if Italy has been conquered. 4-6 No effect. 6 + Pro-Axis coup occurs. The results are iden­ Subtract three if Allies control Paris (applied tical to those for Axis Variant Counter #1; only after France has fallen). 7 IRA active. Use provisions of Axis Variant substitute Tabriz for Mosul in application. Counter #2, except that only five British Substitute Tabriz and Sarab for Mosul and Results: factors need be diverted to Ulster. Credit Munawir in applying Rule 25.46; force levels o *Spain becomes a Russian minor ally. Ger­ Germany with one extra SS factor during next and geographical restrictions of 25.46 are the many may build and operate two partisans in SW resolution, reflecting covert Irish same. Spain. assistance to U-boats. 21

8+ "Identical to above except Irish Republic actively assists IRA. Full ten British factors must be diverted to any part of the island. Britain must declare war on Ireland at the start of her next player turn; the British player may even incur a BRP deficit to do so if necessary (i.e., if less than 10 BRPs remain). United States of America May only be named in 1940 or 1941. Additional Modifications: Subtract one if Axis forces control any hex of Great Britain. Results: -2 "U.S.A. enters war immediately, but only if Axis forces control three or more hexes of Great Britain. Otherwise, U.S.A. enters one game turn earlier than usual (i .e., in Winter 1941). U.S.A. gets no BRP growth before 1943 YSS in any event. All results of a -I ITALY: THINKING BEYOND LEPANTO Diplomatic die roll (below) are also im­ By Rod Walker plemented. -I "U.S.A. commits naval forces to trans­ Atlantic convoy escort and institutes a shoot­ The "Lepanto Opening" for Italy is wonderful, means picking up a noticeable number of centers in on-sight ASW policy. Roll two dice and in­ but it only goes so far. It is only an opening; it gives the west. This creates a problem of timing. crease British ASW factors by the resulting Italy a certain tactical advantage in the east, but it Getting a significant number of western centers number. guarantees neither success then nor victory later. To usually means getting through the Straits of o "U.S.A. offers limited ASW assistance. Roll make anything of it, Italy has to be thinking ahead Gibraltar. The exit from the Mediterranean can be one die and increase British ASW factors by all the time. blockaded with almost ridiculous ease using F Por, F the resulting num ber. The Lepanto is described in the Gamer's Guide Mid, and a Fleet in the North Atlantic or Irish Sea or 1-4 No effect. to Diplomacy but let us recap it here. It is, simply, English Channel. This means that Italy needs to get the standard opening attack on Turkey for Italy. naval power westward as fast as possible. This is 5 + U.S.A. observes strict neutrality until drawn Ignoring Army Venice (which can do a variety of unlikely while the battle to eliminate Turkey is rag­ into war by Japanese attack. constructive things), the "Lepanto" goes: ing. It is further delayed if Italy is obliged to help Vichy France Spring 1901: A Rom-Apu, F Nap-Ion. Austria eliminate Russia-or help Russia eliminate Additional Modifications: Fall 1901: A Apu-Tun, F Ion CA Apu-Tun. Austria. Italy compensates for the delay by gaining additional strength, but no amount of strength is Identical with those of Rule 49.42. Build F Nap. Spring 1902: A Tun H, F Ion-Eas, F Nap-Ion. going to get through the western blockade just men­ Results: Fall 1902: A Tun is convoyed to Smyrna or Syria. tioned. It is true that a Russian alliance could result in -I "Any Vichy colonies switch sides and become naval help from the rear of the blockade line. How­ A common variant ofthe Lepanto is to order F Ion­ ever, by the time Russia is able to give that help, he is Free French, along with all forces therein. Ad­ Aeg instead of to the Eastern Mediterranean (with a ditionally, if Allied forces control a supplied likely to be pretty close to eighteen centers himself subsequent convoy to Smyrna, Constantinople or and, consequently, less given to listening to your hex in continental Europe adjacent to Vichy even Bulgaria). Alternately, the 1901 Lepanto moves France, units in France follow suit and all plans. can be used as a screen for a massive stab of Austria. Italy's best bet is to find some way of keeping the Vichy hexes become Allied-controlled. Other­ Such a stab can have three advantages: I) it may yield wise, Vichy forces in Europe deactivate. western powers in turmoil until his fleets can get more and quicker gains; 2) it surprises Austria more through Gibraltar. One tactic is to use the Army that o "Implement Vichy deactivation (as described than the Lepanto would have surprised Turkey (now started in Venice as a sort of"equalizer".A common in Rule 49.41). that the Lepanto is so widely used); and 3) it results in pattern among the western powers (England, France, 1-6 No effect. a more compact position on the mapboard. Its prime Germany) is two-against-one. Italy can use his disadvantage is that it is likely to leave a fairly power­ 7 + Vichy France becomes a minor ally ofthe Axis northern army to support the one, or harass the two; ful Turkey in Italy's rear. power that committed the most DPs to Vichy with a little help from Russia, he can keep the western In any game Italy is forced to make all sorts of France (a die roll if tied). pot boiling for quite some time. His aim should be to difficult strategic choices. The 1901 moves for the keep things that way until he has tidied up affairs in Yugoslavia Lepanto mean that Italy has made a choice to con­ the east to the extent that he can send naval strength May be named only if still neutral, except following centrate on the east rather than the west. Having westward. a result of 8 + on the die roll. made that choice, Italy must now make several Getting a fleet into the Mid-Atlantic does not others. Will he pursue the Lepanto and seek to Additional Modifications: guarantee victory, of course. But the Italian player eliminate Turkey or will he stab Austria? IfTurkey is who does not achieve that goal is not likely to win Add one if Allied forces control no hexes in eliminated, will he then go after Russia, stab Austria, unless he undertakes to conquer the entire East. If the Balkans (excluding Bessarabia). or turn west? Will he try for the eastern "Grand there is considerable turmoil in the west after Turkey Results: Slam" of eliminating Turkey, Austria and Russia? is gone in the east, Italy may be able to slip into the The "Grand Slam" could give Italy a victory (3 Mid-Atlantic on the pretext of helping out, say, the 3 "Yugoslavia rejects all advances and remains Italian centers, 3 Austrian, 3 Turkish, 4 Balkan, plus permanently in minor neutral status. French. And once il cammelo has his nose in the Tunis, Sevastopol, Moscow, Warsaw and one other) Strait ... 4-7 No effect. without a significant attack on the west. It pre­ The Lepanto Opening must, thus, always be seen 8 + Anti-Nazi coup does not occur. Yugoslavia supposes no difficulties with France, good luck, fan­ only as a beginning for which there is to be a definite will become a German minor ally at the same tastic timing, and probably some help from Germany end. Even as he convoys his army to Tunis, the time as Hungary/Rumania/Bulgaria (and and/or England. Not likely, but possible. If Italy in­ Italian player must be looking east, or west, or to tends to pursue this eastern strategy, he will have to therefore immediately should these three be defeat. active allies), and is treated as an inactive ally plan his diplomatic moves from the very start. He '* will need to know in what order he hopes to dispatch until then. Only two partisans may be built in Rod Walker is the editor of DIPLOMACY Yugoslavia, and these only by Russia. his victims. Above all, he will need to be able to keep the western powers off his back until he has enough WORLD and author of Avalon Hill's THE Yugoslavia forces may operate in Yugoslavia, GAMER'S GUIDE TO DIPLOMA CY. Greece, Rumania, East Europe and Russia strength to put defensive units in his western approaches. DIPLOMACY WORLD is a quarterly publication only. Yugoslavia may be naflled for a featuring articles on the game, hobby news, Diplomatic die roll in a future year-in which If Italy's plans do not include an eastern Grand Slam, then an Italian victory means taking at least ratings, a demonstration game and numerous other case the conditions, modifications and results tidbits. It has been the central DIPLOMACY are exactly the same as those for Hungary some centers directly from the western powers. Shar­ hobby publication since its founding in 1974. (Active). ing the east with Austria, or even Russia, or with both 22 A HISTORIAN'S GUIDE TO AVALON HILL WARGAMES One Man's Views By Seth Owens

It seems that every book about wargamers seeks I-A rating of "1" indicates that the OB work I-With this rating, the best advice is to avoid to explain our various interests and motivations by borders on fantasy. Any serious student of military reading anything about the event covered-it will labeling each of us as a part of one or more sub­ history will gain no information, only misinforma­ only mess up one's chances of winning. Ahistorical groups in the hobby. It would appear that authors tion from a game with this rating. or impossible strategies are the norm, and give the -even those within the hobby-cannot simply ac­ 2-This indicates that the player gets the rough feel best chances of victory. cept the phenomena, but must understand it by plac­ for the forces involved, but that there are serious 2-0ne gets the historical outcomes, but for the ing us in comfortable, distinct "niches". Some errors or omissions. wrong reasons or only because the rules require it people are "Competitors", others are "Collectors", 3-The rating ofthree describes OB work that is not explicitly. and so forth. Jon Freemen in The Complete Book of totally inaccurate, but adequate only for game pur­ 3-A rating of "3" gives one a feel for why things Wargames applies seven labels which can be a poses. The OB is not so bad that it will detract from happened as they did, but little insight into other useful shorthand in discussions about garners' good ratings elsewhere. possible courses of action. motivations. For those unfamiliar with this fine 4-This indicates that the game gives one that in­ work, the seven groups are: 4-A rating for good solid OB work that provides satisfactory data for the amateur with an interest in sight. The Historian He who considers realism and the period. 5-1f you can do well in this game, you may feel fidelity to historical fact the most critical 5-The highest rating is reserved for professional qualified to criticize the historical commanders elements in a wargame. He is also the most likely freely. This is as close to being a general or admiral to prefer the term "simulation". quality OB work, better than most books published on the subject. as you can get without being shot at. The Military Enthusiast He finds tactics, The final rating for each title is a letter grade not technology and regalia fascinating. Contem­ MAP: This category obviously rates the accuracy of unlike that a teacher might assign. This is derived porary and futuristic wars are of particular in­ simply by multiplying the raw arithmetical score by terest. He also prefers the term "simulation". the map, both in physical dimensions and in terrain effects. The effects of weather are also taken into five and assigning the appropriate letter grade to the The Assassin Winning is the only thing. account by this rating. percentile found: The Competitor A challenging contest is the I-Such a rating indicates a useless map. There may 90-100 = A; Excellent military history. prime attribute of an excellent game in his view. be ficticious terrain features, mislocated cities and 80-89 = B; Good historical treatment. Balance is a must in his games. mountain ranges, or totally crazy terrain effects. 70-79 = C; Fair history. The Hobbyist The collector, analyser and The result is that the historical situation is not even 60-69 = 0; Passable history. philosopher of the hobby itself. approximated. 50-59 = E; Poor treatment. The Gamer "The gamer just likes games." 2-This shows that there are serious errors, tending less than 50 = F; Truly terrible. Playability and social interaction are his towards directing strategy down ahistorical paths. A grade of "0", "E" or "F" will inform the criteria. 3-0ecent work is indicated by this rating; no "Historian" gamer that there is little or nothing of The Specialist Games are but a facet of his in­ errors are present that distort history, though one interest for him here. Even ifthe game scores highly terest in some historical subject. doesn't get a powerful insight into how the terrain in one category, it will be so off the mark otherwise as to not be worth his time. A "C"-graded game Avalon Hill's titles have traditionally empha­ really determined the course ofthe battle, campaign or war. might interest the historically-minded, if he has a siszed those elements important to the "Com­ special concern with the topic; look at the specific petitor" and the "Gamer". There are some excep­ 4-A "4" map gives you that insight into how the raw scores to determine its suitability. With a "B", tions to be sure, but the "Historian" and the terrain affected or limited military operations. we have a game that will probably interest our "Military Enthusiast" have gone elsewhere to find Most naval games are arbitrarily given a "4"; after amateur historian; check the raw scores for the low their "simulations". Now, that "elsewhere" has all, how can a designer mess up open ocean? scoring category to highlight the weaknesses. An closed up shop; we may now witness many of these 5-0ne could motor around the battlefield using a "A", of course, will interest the historian and is homeless souls taking a peek over the "Hill" to see map of this quality. unlikely to have any serious flaws standing in the what lies beyond. way of the historical lessons. Ifone is very lucky, it To help them out in their time of distress, I've TACTICS: This category rates the how of fighting may even be fun to play. compiled a rating of many of Avalon Hill's the battle. How well the game recreates the In the ratings which follow, the most advanced wargame line as seen from the "Historian's" mechanics of battlefield events. The forte of tac­ rules-with all historically-based optional and ex­ perspective. A few have been left out due to my un­ tical games, but a strategic game can also prove to perimental rules-of the game is the version rated. familiarity with them. The days when someone be informative in this area. To the "Historian", playability takes a back seat to could easily say that he knew the entire line well are I-Any resemblance to the actual event is purely historicity. This article confines itself to ratings of several years past. Those that I do list, I have played coincidental. traditional AH wargames, because that is the field and examined extensively. I've limited my con­ with which the author is most familiar. However, sideration to wargames-and only those in print 2-A rating of "2" indicates that one can get the historical results, but for the wrong reasons. Avalon Hill does have a number of fine historically­ and available to the "orphans". Fantasy and based non-military games that the "Historian" science-fiction games are deleted due to their ob­ 3-An adequate treatment, for a game, is in­ may also wish to explore. CIRCUS MAXIMUS, vious disinterest to the''Historian" .A final caveat, dicated. GLADIA TOR, CIVILIZA TlON and GUN­ this rating scheme does not address their quality as 4-A good study which gives one some insight into SLINGER are highly recommended. GAMES in any way (see the RBG for that) but only how the event unfolded. I have listed the games considered in chrono­ their utility and interest as HISTORY. 5-Accurate enough for military instructional pur­ logical order. This will give the reader some over­ poses. A rating of "5" shows that the game view of the development, or lack of, ofthe "state of The Rating Scheme recreates how the battle (war, campaign, etc.) was the art" as it pertains to historical accuracy. ORDER OF BATTLE: This rates the accuracy and fought and highlights the tactics of the period. However, any conclusions drawn from such are usefulness of the OB, taking into consideration the purely those of the readers. levels of abstraction sought by the designer. This STRATEGY: The final category, this covers the category includes such things as correct unit iden­ why of the historical event. Does the game present Finally, I repeat, this is NOT an attempt to rate tifications, correct unit types, unit strengths and one with the same problems as the historical per­ any game as a whole-and certainly does not pre­ capabilities. If machines are present (ships, AFVs, sonages, with the strategic solutions available? Do tend to consider whether it isfun to play. That is the aircraft), the realistic portrayal of their capabilities events happen only because the rules force them to; subject for another article-and certainly for and limitations are rated here. or is one guided down historically possible paths? another author. 23

The Ratings MIDWAY yet, is there a "Tom Oleson" out there, ready to D-DAY OB-2 Map-4 Tactics-3 Strategy-2 Grade-D save RW from premature obsolescence? A com­ OB-2 Map-3 Tactics-2 Strategy-2 Grade-F A word about the OB rating. While the arrival times plete rules rewrite, some simultaneous movement, and ship names are nearly right, the ratings of ship and the maneuver cards included as a standard. One of the better of the classics for historical and a grade of A is assured. accuracy, but not good enough to satisfy the capabilities are seriously off. But one glaring exam­ "Historian". Representative of the accuracy prob­ ple is the USN-UN CA match-up. MIDWA Yis vir­ tually the only game to show the US treaty cruisers 1776 lems is the state of the OB. The Allied army is OB-3 Map-2 Tactics-4 Strategy-3 Grade-D homogenous in the extreme. The US 2nd and 3rd superior to the Japanese cruisers. The action off armored divisions are 5-5-4s just like every other rather conclusively demonstrated the The map is the major weakness here, and it adversely affects the strategy rating too. This is rather tank division; yet they were larger and more power­ contrary. The air strikes are too instantaneous, with unusual, in that designers seem to have an easier ful in actual fact. Likewise the elite US 1st Infantry spotting, take off, bombing, return and landing all time with maps than with any other component of a rates the same 4-4-4 strength as the green 106th In­ occurring within two hours. Those interested in car­ game design. However, in 1776, it is too easy to fantry. As far as Tactics go, since the earliest issues rier warfare need to continue on to FLA T TOP. march around the wilderness areas of the Ap-· of The GENERAL writers have commented on the palachians and upstate New York (to name but one limitations and extreme results of the combat JUTLAND example). At one point in the Saratoga campaign, it system. There is no conceivable real life counterpart OB-5 Map-4 Tactics-4 Strategy-5 Grade-A took Burgoyne one month [turn] to move the to this situation: picture the 158th "static" isolated The first title from AH that could justly claim to be equivalent of one hex! This mobility is a major in Cherbourg and attacked by the US 2nd Armored, a "simulation" as the "Historian" would under­ factor in the ahistorical development of a typical ,stand it. The weakness in Tactics refers primarily to 4th and 9th and 79th Infantry. A "6" is rolled, A game. The British player can always chase down the the impotence of torpedoes. While certainly not as Elim! Try the same battle in THE LONGEST Colonial armies if played correctly; whereas in the deadly as the "Long Lance" which sank the DA Y-evengive your grandmother the Americans­ actual war, the Americans could easily decline to Canberra or "Tigerfish" which took the Belgrano and see if any Germans survive the week. The fight-and often did. historically-minded gamer is better directed to down, neither were the dreadnoughts equipped FORTRESS EUROPA for a game of this scale. with the extensive torpedo protection of later war­ THIRD REICH ships. Because one is unlikely to lose any battleships OB-4 Map-4 Tactics-3 Strategy-5 Grade-B WATERLOO to torpedo attack, one is not likely to appreciate A good study of Strategy in the European theater. OB-3 Map-2 Tactics-I Strategy-2 Grade-F why Jellico turned away when threatened by the There are a considerable number of artificial con­ German torpedo boats. Napoleon and his opponents had many formations structs tactically-such as the various options, the available for their use in maneuvering troops, lines, five-factor air units, nine-factor fleets. Yet they ANZIO work, and work well. The game is primarily one of columns, Ordre Mixte, etc. Among them one will OB-5 Map-4 Tactics-4 Strategy-5 Grade-A not find the "stack". This peculiar formation con­ grand strategy, and is quite instructive on that level. sists of 15 points of combat value, in any combina­ Constant revisions have not only improved the play tion of cavalry and infantry and artillery. One more of the game, but kept it abreast ofcurrent' 'state of ALEXANDER THE GREA T example of fanciful tactics: what is the proper use the art" in game design techniques for historicity. OB-4? Map-4 Tactics-4 Strategy-4 Grade-B of 1-4 artillery batteries? Why, to be thrown in the The question mark for OB reflects the fact that little path ofthe French Army to slow it down, ofcourse. PANZERBLITZ is reliably known about the Persian order of battle, I challenge anyone to find an account of Waterloo OB-4 Map-3 Tactics-I Strategy-2 Grade-E most of it being a levy of poor quality troops. With which refers to either stacks or suicide artillery The "panzerbush syndrome" ruins the rather good that caveat, a good solid study of the battle. The batteries, not simply because they didn't happen OB work in this game. If, however, one has main reason it does not score better in Tactics or but because they simply couldn't. Skirmishers PANZER LEADER and uses those rules, one can Strategy is because of the virtual ignoring of com­ would have cleared away any lone artillery battery raise PB to an overall Grade of C. This is an exam­ mand control by the designer/developer. This is a in minutes; and, while many games have stacking ple of a good game that was innovative for its difficult aspect to simulate, it's true. Yet the prob­ limits, such are normally based on historical logistic time-one ofthe major developments ofthe hobby. lems of control are so central in understanding how constraints or tactical doctrines of the time por­ But now it shows its age. See PANZER LEADER ancient warfare was conducted that leaving it out trayed. There is a serious gap in the Avalon Hill and ARAB-ISRAELI WARS for further develop­ cannot but lessen the impact of an otherwise fine game line yawning here, though the recently re­ ments of the system. game as a teaching device. leased STRUGGLE OF NA TIONS may fill it. PANZER LEADER LUFTWAFFE OB-4 Map-3 Tactics-3 Strategy-4 Grade-C STALINGRAD OB-4 Map-3 Tactics-2 Strategy-2 Grade-E OB-I Map-2 Tactics-2 Strategy-2 Grade-F The major deficiency of this system is the concept Bombing missions were sent to strike one or two of "dispersal" as it pertains to vehicular units. For It has been well established in The GENERAL and targets at a time, not ten or twelve. It took several years I've tried to rationalize what, exactly, this is raids to "destroy" a city; sometimes dozens; other hobby publications that STALINGRAD's supposed to represent-to no avail. Essentially, it is sometimes the factories never were destroyed. The Soviet OB is fanciful, and the German OB only a design abstraction, meant to give one the results variations in casualties caused by the die rolls are slightly better. The game has all the familiar of a battle though not for realistic reasons. grotesque. Considering the large numbers of planes weaknesses of the "classic" CRT, extreme retreats Armored units simply do not react to losses in the involved, one should see moderation in the CRT, and casualties, and simply fails to show the flow of same manner as infantry units. This is for a variety not extremity. And the time scale is beyond com­ the actual campaign. There is no great en­ of physical and psychological reasons having to do prehension. circlements following deep penetrations, no Rus­ with such disparate factors as radios, the armor sian winter offensives, no partisans, workers and protection itself, the simple fact that a tank is a FRANCE 1940 the other dramatic and important facets of the crew-served weapon that provides a measure of OB-3 Map-3 Tactics-2 Strategy-2 Grade-E Great Patriotic War. Those interested in the security as long as it is functioning, and so forth. A Eastern Front should look down the article to THE In the historical campaign, DeGaulle's 4th DCR graphic example of this is to consider the effect of RUSSIAN CAMPAIGN. was strong (it had extra tank battalions attached) 20010 casualties to an infantry platoon and to a tank and usually effective, yet in the game it is a 3-4 like platoon. In the case of the infantry, there is a good AFRIKA KORPS the other three DCRs which collapsed on first chance that the unit will be shaken up by the eight of OB-2 Map-3 Tactics-3 Strategy-3 Grade-E meeting the German panzers in battle. The hope­ ten dead and wounded that 20% would represent­ Actually, not too bad a treatment of the desert lessness of the French cause in the game has led to shaken to an extent that the unit would cease to war-but see PANZERARMEE AFRIKA for some novel strategems ("Is Defense Really function. This would be particularly true if some more and better. Research since AK appeared has Necessary?", Vol. 9, No.5). In actual fact, the NCOs or the platoon leader were hit. With a tank shown many arrivals and departures to be in error French could have won given a more enlightened platoon, the reaction is more likely to be to carry (for example, the New Zealanders and South strategy. In FRANCE 1940, only gamesmanship on. The crews of the surviving tanks feel relatively Africans were in action well before November of will save Paris. safe and secure as long as their vehicles have not 1941) but these have not been corrected by later been penetrated. A further system problem, and editions. The classic combat system does seem to RICHTHOFEN'S WAR one I notice (being an artilleryman), is the effect of work best here, of the games in which it was used, OB-5 Map-5 Tactics-2 Strategy-3 Grade-C crowding more troops into a hex. Contrary to what probably because smaller units like brigades and Father Time has taken his toll on this game system, one might expect, everyone is less vulnerable. This regiments often are destroyed by combat, par­ and the limitationsof the sequential movement pro­ is because the attacking factors are divided up and ticularly over such a long period as a fortnight. cedure in air games have become apparent. And shared between all the defenders. 24

WOODEN SHIPS & IRON MEN Front. Sometimes the rules allow rather peculiar flicted) and agree on a more reasonable "house OB-4 Map-4 Tactics-4 Strategy-4 Grade-B things to happen. (I remember one game in which rule" for collisions involving submarines. The finer points of maneuvering under sail are HQ Army Group South captured Rostov and Stalino ahead of the panzer corps in the mechanized move­ glossed over, and since in mastery of these elements AIR ASSAULT ON CRETE/MALTA lay the real superiority of "Elite" and "Crack" ment phase!) But, overall, some historical points OB-4 Map-3 Tactics-4 Strategy-4 Grade-C are made in an entertaining manner. It is worth crews (and the American and British navies), I do The map and terrain effects analysis does not seem not feel WS&IM should get the highest ratings. It is, repeating, at this point, that a game should be judged at the level of abstraction chosen by the quite as sophisticated as the rest of the design, and nevertheless, the best "Age of Sail" boardgame on the role of headquarters is rather slighted when the market, and has been for over a half a decade. designer/developer. Ifa game is set at corps level, it will reflect events of significance at that level-and compared to other games (such as THE LONGEST Perhaps design techniques are just not up to reflect­ DA Y) with battalion counters. ing the advantages of a well-crewed sailing ship. not lower. In a corps-level game, the exact unit composition and strengths of a particular corps are The difficulties of signalling and controlling fleet CROSS OF IRON maneuvers are also not well represented. not significant, especially in the context of a four­ year campaign. Corps are, by their very nature, OB-4 Map-5 Tactics-5 Strategy-4 Grade-B TOBRUK flexible in composition. It was not unheard of for a While COlstill rates a B, it is a "higher" B than that OB-5 Map-4 Tactics-5 Strategy-4 Grade-A "panzer" corps to contain no tanks at times. Divi­ given to SL. This is due to the more detailed treat­ sions were reassigned from corps to corps according ment of armor and ordnance. Command, control Mr. Hock is always quick to leap to the defense of to battlefield requirements. The Russians were (and and communications ("C3" to those in the defense his design, and has always been very convincing in are) more rigid in the composition of "Tank" and community) is still only passingly dealt with. But his arguments. But, there is a weakness in the non-tank armies, but exceptions were not uncom­ the SL system is improved by COl. morale rules in that the troops seem to hang in there mon even for them. past the reasonable breaking point as long as other NAPOLEON units are nearby. The problem stems from the ARAB-ISRAELI WARS OB-3 Map-4 Tactics-3 Strategy-4 Grade-C observation that the state of the other units is never OB-3 Map-4 Tactics-4 Strategy-4 Grade-C considered. The result-a single squad that has six For a simple game, this title does very well at con­ The concept of dispersal still seems artificial for men left in it is in a more precarious morale situa­ veying the flavor of the historical situation. The AGVs, but it is put to good use in this design to strategic situation is very well modeled. The OB is tion than three squads, each with but two men left. reflect the difference in troop quality in a simple TOBRUK is at its strongest when dealing with rather suspect, there not being any direct correla­ and playable way. The OB work suffers from the in­ physical phenomena, with a quantifiable data base tion between numbers of troops and the numbers of adequate sources available so soon after the (armor penetration, effective ranges, and other CF. All in all, it is proof that simplicity does not October War of 1973. Only now, a decade later, is necessarily imply total lack of historical veracity. such mundane matters). I personally think SQUAD better information becoming available. LEADER does a better job with that very difficult TRIREME to quantify element of battle-the men themselves. VICTORY IN THE PACIFIC OB-3 Map-4 Tactics-4 Strategy-3 Grade-C The map rates a "4", because only a salt flat is this OB-3 Map-4 Tactics-2 Strategy-4 Grade-C feature free; I would have given it a three, except for This game appears to be more historically accurate Although clearly not aimed at the "Historian", the the optional rule allowing a small protective bonus than it actually proves to be upon closer examina­ game does surprisingly well in highlighting certain for those vehicles who search for it. This mitigates, tion. While the ship classifications are logical aspects of the Pacific War. As one can see from the somewhat, the "sand sea" effect. enough, they are basically educated guesswork. Not many variants and additions to this game and its enough is known about the ancient ships to support sister WAR AT SEA, there is much to quibble about KINGMAKER such a detailed and explicit breakdown. As for as far as specific factors and arrival dates are con­ OB-3 Map-3 Tactics-2 Strategy-4 Grade-D Strategy, the critical problem facing an ancient cerned. In the larger context of strategy, and effect, admiral was command and control or, rather, the The major tactical failing is the siege rules. Only in the game is at least as close to a simulation as most KINGMAKER can a force of 210 factors always games promoted by other companies-and as total absence of it. Once battle was joined, the beat a force of 200 in a castle; yet, if the troops left playable. admiral had no control whatsoever over its course. the castle to fight in the open (even leaving behind Even in the age of sail, there was at least a system of the IOO-man garrison), half the time the smaller SQUAD LEADER signal flags to transmit simple orders. In 400 BC, force will escape! Somehow, it makes all the effort OB-3 Map-5 Tactics-4 Strategy-4 Grade-B there was nothing. The lack ofany restrictions upon medieval monarchs spend on castles rather point­ the players control of individual ships ensures that less. In the designer's notes will be found ample Here I tread lightly; there are some real fanatics out the players learn little about how the victories we justification for the map and OB scores as Mr. there. Yet, in truth, the basic game is certainly not read of really came about. the total simulation; otherwise, why would there be McNeil honestly specifies the liberties taken with three more gamettes? The order of battle for SL is history for the sake of playability. FUR Y IN THE WEST stylized, especially the rules and counters covering OB-4 Map-4 Tactics-4 Strategy-4 Grade-B DIPLOMACY AFVs. Probably the more significant unreality of OB-I Map-2 Tactics-l Strategy-3 Grade-F the system, and one that is not really solved in the A good, solid treatment of a Civil War battle. The confusion of the historical engagement is not really A great game; lousy history. later gamettes either, is the twin problems oflimited intelligence and of command and control. I actually present though, and because this confusion was a cannot see how any tactical game can playably solve dominant characteristic of the battle, it's absence WAR A TSEA detracts from the historical lessons. In fairness, it OB-2 Map-3 Tactics-2 Strategy-2 Grade-F these problems in their current format. This does not invalidate them; but the gamer looking for must be repeated that limited intelligence is the WAS is not really a serious attempt at simulating historical simulation must keep this limitation in most difficult facet of warfare for two-player history. It is, first and foremost, a game. Why, the mind. wargames to simulate. When one has a situation, French Navy is left out; GrafZepplin is put in; the such as at Shiloh, where the commanders were not Bismarck and Tirpitz are virtually unsinkable; and SUBMARINE always certain of the location of their own units, more. That's just the OB. There are no naval tactics OB-4 Map-4 Tactics-3 Strategy-3 Grade-C not to mention the enemy, an accurate simulation in the battle procedure (may the best die roller win); may be impossible. and strategically one learns nothing of the problems This game has so much promise, yet certain rules facing the Admiralty or the Kreigsmarine. (particularly advanced surface combat and the col­ GETTYSBURG lision rules) rob it ofthe right effect. For example, if OB-5 Map-5 Tactics-4 Strategy-5 Grade-A the Yamato runs down an old US "S" class boat, CAESAR ALESIA Playing it is the challenge. OB-4 Map-5 Tactics-3 Strategy-4 Grade-B she will be half sunk and 01' S-26 may escape without a scratch! The basic game surface gunnery The best that can be said for the tactical system is table is more accurate in its depiction of the dangers AIR FORCE/DAUNTLESS that it plays well, and it doesn't detract from the to submarines operating on the surface faced when OB-5 Map-4 Tactics-4 Strategy-4 Grade-B strategic aspects of the game-which is what it's all fired on by escorts. The underwater rules are quite There are a few problems with this game. Perhaps about. The map, considering the difficulties in nice however, and the escort and submarine com­ the most glaring is the not uncommon occurance of researching the subject, is superb. manders will both sweat a bit during the "cat and a head-on pass with neither player firing any shots. mouse" game that is the trademark of ASW. This Let us say we have two fighters, at the same THE RUSSIAN CAMPAIGN game is one of the few cases where a basic game rule altitude, level bank, facing each other at twelve OB-4 Map-3 Tactics-4 Strategy-4 Grade-C is recommended for the "Historian"; players hexes. If both fly dead ahead at a speed of seven, In this game we get the great encirclements, deep should always use the basic game gunnery table they will fly right "through" each other with penetrations and massive battles of the Eastern (multiply by ten to get the number of hit points in- nothing happening except maybe a friendly wave. 25

WAR & PEACE own a copy of this greatest of simulations. searchers)', and one would come as close to per­ OB-4 Map-2 Tactics-4 Strategy-S Grade-C fection as possible with cardboard and dice. This is There are some serious problems with the map (in BISMARCK not td say that there aren't nits to be picked (for ex­ another hobby publication the developer addressed OB-S Map-4 Tactics-S Strategy-S Grade-A ample: the P-38 is no better than the P-40 in air-to­ that criticism less than satisfactorilY). Perhaps the The high ratings for this game are based primarily air combat, and dawn should break an hour earlier most glaring error is the major river running south­ on the rules presented in the last fourteen pages of over Espiritu Santu than it does over Port Moresby west of Kiev. A look at any good atlas will reveal the rulebook-the Advanced Tactical game. This is over IS degrees longitude further west). Nits are nits that no such river exists. This is not nitpicking, for a not to say that the rest of the game is poor, on the however, and such minor points do nothing to gross error such as this calls into question the ac­ contrary, the basic and intermediate games are very detract from any of the above ratings. curacy ofthe rest ofthe map as well. How much can good. But the advanced game is the best representa­ we trust the designer's (or developer's) decisions in tion of the naval gunnery problem to ever see print PANZERARMEE AFRIKA other areas requiring a judgement call when this . in any naval wargame by any publisher. The reader OB-4 Map-4 Tactics-4 Strategy-4 Grade-B kind of error is made? Despite this, the game does will note that I do not qualify this statement. My An improvement in every way over AFRIKA seem to reflect the historical course of events rather particular interest in wargaming is the naval sphere, KORPS. The OB Alternatives are a nice touch, but well on the plane of pure strategy. and I have played virtually every naval wargame there is not enough'information on how these alter­ published to date (a somewhat easier task than play­ natives could have come about. I have read that CRESCENDO OF DOOM ing every Eastern Front wargame, I grant you) in­ there was indeed a plan afoot to send the US 1st Ar­ OB-S Map-S Tactics-S Strategy-4 Grade-A cluding miniature rules. My sole concern with the mored to the Eighth Army front; a brief paragraph A word about tactical games is in order here. I do rules ofthis best of naval games the lack ofany pro­ or two about why it wasn't would change a minor not see how a tactical game can reasonably rate a vision for collisions; as this was an important con­ game variation into an interesting historical tidbit "S" in the section Strategy-particularly land com­ sideration in maneuvering formations under fire, it for the players. Avalon Hill should add to the bat games. A wargamer is sitting securely at home, should have been included. For the first time in development of outside-designed games just such with an excellent overview of the developing situa­ wargaming, the player can actually "salvo chase" material to increase the players', both old and new, tion and perfect information about the state of his just as we've been reading about for years. These enjoyment. The company's release of previously own troops. This is quite different from the ex­ rules also give a fighting chance of not published games should always seek to provide a perience of the tactical field commander. While a being smashed by IS" guns, and highlight why all superior product to the original-both in terms of game cannot, of course, simulate the element of those S" and 6" guns were carried by battleships. play and in terms of history. Truly, this is the "state of the art" in tactical naval personal and professional fear, until a game can Conclusion capture the confusion of the battlefield in the mind games. of the player/commander (as opposed to some Doubtless, at this point, a number ofthe readers "scatter" rule or other artificial construct which THE BATTLE OF THE BULGE are thinking, "So who is this guy, who proclaims merely messes up the pieces), it can never show one OB-S Map-4 Tactics-4 Strategy-4 Grade-B himself capable of passing judgement on these why firefights happen as they do. At this stage of A good effort; but the map still seems a bit games?" Basically, I am one of you. I have been development of the hobby, miniatures play has a simplistic considering the terrain of the Ardennes. playing wargames for over a decade and am an ac­ better handle on this aspect. tive member of AHIKS. Besides having not a little THE GUNS OFAUGUST of Jon Freeman's "Historian" aspects, I also am a FORTRESS EUROPA OB-3 Map-4 Tactics-2 Strategy-2 Grade-E "Military Enthusiast", "Hobbyist" and "Gamer" to various degrees. As noted, I do have a special in­ OB-4 Map-4 Tactics-4 Strategy-S Grade-B If the reader has been following along, he will have terest in naval subjects, dating back to my first This is an opportune time to remind the readers, noticed that it has been quite a while since an AH wargame-MIDWA Y. I do not have an advanced particularly those who love FE, that such a rating is game rated a bad grade. The state of the art in game degree in history, nor have I written on the subject. very good, and a game rated B is certainly a decent design has been advanced much by AH in recent I don't feel it would be helpful in any case. As those simulation. The stacking rules in FORTRESS years, and even the "game" as opposed to "simula­ who are professional historians know, their EUROPA are really poor, and distort the useful­ tion" designers have managed to avoid mangling knowledge is extremely specialized and, unless they ness ofsuch units as the Tiger battalions and British history. THE GUNS OF AUGUST reverses the are reviewing a game on their topic, they are no armored brigades. Many players adopt a house rule trend; it fails utterly as history. Zones ofcontrol are ofsome sort to compensate and this, ifthoughtfully all wrong for a game of this scale in this period. In better qualified than any amateur historian such as done, improves the simulation effect. I like to bor­ 1914 (out ofprint), army corps occupying a fraction myself. Indeed, my interests range over the entire row from ANZIO and count the battalions free, of the territory represented by one GOA hex didn't military history of mankind. Over the years I have and the brigades as half a division but other com­ have a zoe, yet in this game they can extend their learned what is good history, and what is sloppy promises are certainly reasonable. influence scores of miles. Even a modern US Army work. If I can highlight a problem, think what a corps, with a mechanized division and an armored professional could do. THE LONGESTDA Y division would have trouble covering the ground This rating scheme is designed to guide the OB-S Map-S Tactics-S Strategy-S Grade-A controlled by a GOA conscript infantry corps. A historically-minded gamer in his considerations of perfect example ofhow this distorts history is found which AH titles best match his interests in more I think the most impressive aspect of this design has detail that the much-maligned RBG. I will be pleased nothing to do directly with the play of the game. I on the Italian Front. There, each side has a salient which lasted a couple of years (note the 1916, '17 to hear from those who have constructive com­ am most taken by the bibliography and annotated ments on the historical accuracy of the various titles design notes. For the first time, a designer laid it and '18 Start Lines); yet in the game, these are above. Perhaps in the future we can update the right on the line, in specifics, about how and why he untenable. and will likely be abandoned because ratings based on these responses. Write to me, designed each facet of the game in the manner he they are out of supply. Trenches were a dominant enclosing a SASE, Seth Owens, lOS Pierce Street, did. This is Randall Reed's final and definitive (to put it mildly) feature of WWI combat, yet they are of minor importance in GOA with small effect New Bedford, MA 02740. rebuttal to the would-be game reviewer. One can Recapitulation . almost hear him say, "I dare you to nitpick this on combat. This game is certainly a step backward one!" If more designers and publishers backed up from the excellent 1914 for the "Historian". Letter Raw their questionable decisions with sources and data, STORM OVER ARNHEM Grade ScoreGame T,itle they would not be facing the many (such as I)pan­ OB-3 Map-S Tactics-3 Strategy-4 Grade-C A 20 FT,TLD ning the design for inaccuracy. I think TLD is not The sum is greater than the parts. This game does 19 BIS, COD, GE just a game, but the first work to come out of the give a remarkably good account of the fighting for 18 AZ, COl, JU, TB hobby that is truly better than a major book on the the Arnhem Bridge-better than any SQUAD B I7 AF/DL, CAE, BB, FE topic. Just as a book, it is chock full of data, fully LEADER style treatment would. However, a recent 16 AL, FITW, SL, 3R, WS&IM, PAA substantiated and integrated; but, better than a article in another hobby journal called the accuracy book, it explores the dynamic potential of the event C IS AOe, AIW, SOA, RW, TRC, W&P of the OB into question, citing several sources and its possible outcomes. In this way, THE 14 NP, PL, SUB, TR which indicate some shoddy research; if the LONGEST DA Y is a landmark game-as impor­ designer can justify his OB work, then that rating D 13 VITP tant as TACTICS, 1914, PANZERBLITZ and would go up a point, improving the overall grade. 12 KM, MD, 1776 SQUAD LEADER. Due to its great size and long GOA, LW playing time, only now is the game beginning to get E II AK,FR,PB the attention it deserves from the hobby as serious FLATTOP 10 players discover the full depth of the game and the OB-S Map-S Tactics-S Strategy-S Grade-A F 9 DD, WAS simulation. It truly is Avalon Hill's opus. Any The definitive game on carrier warfare. Add an um­ 8 WAT player terming himself a "Historian" will want to pire to give 100% hidden movement (and hidden 7 DIP, STAL * 26


One of the greatest anomalies in wargaming is GM Gamesmaster for each TF, AF, base or other unit. All planned the seemingly vast amount of information AF Air Formation moves and combat for a turn must be included in available to each player. This is not too disconcert­ CAP Combat Air Patrol that turn's orders. General Purpose (AMMO) ing in a large scale strategic land game-most GP 3.2 Orders may be written provisionally and may Basic Hit Table general staffs tend to know about how many corps BUT contain as many cases and sub-cases as a player Task Force the enemy have and a fair idea of where they are. TF deems necessary. Where this does drastically affect play is in a RT Radio Transmission tactically-oriented naval game like FLA TTOP­ CW Coastwatcher 3.3 It is the duty of the player to make certain that even with its new rules for search and "hidden AP Armor Piercing (AMMO) he says what he means. Unclear and ambiguous movement". The sight of task forces dodging ASW Anti-Submarine Warfare orders will be interpreted by the GM as best he observation planes can be quite odd. The obvious can. Self-contradicting orders may be treated as solution is to get a third person involved to handle "no move". This will be even more crucial if using the "fog-of-war" type bookkeeping. Despite the 2.0 The GameMaster the command control system described below (Sec­ fact that this seems like work rather than play, the tion 20). 2.1 The gamemastered game is played by three or job has its rewards. It is truly fascinating just to 3.4 AF orders will cover the complete flight and more people. The number on each side may be observe the players map strategies and make combat of the unit. Desired decision points for the moves based on limited information. While all of determined as in an ordinary game, but one par­ ticipant will act as GM and will not play for either unit must be spelled out in advance and each this can be handled easily by mail, a multi-player desired branch action spelled out. face-to-face or phone game with all players in side. separate rooms presents real gaming excitement. 2.2 It is the job of the GM to receive orders from 3.5 EXAMPLES: With this in mind, the following sub-set of each side each turn, interpret and process the in­ 3.5.1 "TF 2 at B/M23 shell Henderson Field.". rules is presented for the gamemastered version of formation, and report the results to each player. FLA TTOP. Those rules numbered less than twenty This order is clear, assuming that all ships in the are considered to be the basic gamemastered ver­ 2.3 The GM is in charge of all facets of the game TF were to be used in the shelling. and is the final arbiter in all rules questions. sion; those twenty and above are advanced com­ 3.5.2 "AF 23 attack enemy TF at B/P33." This mand control rules and should be used only by 2.3.1 The GM will make all die rolls. order has too little information. It makes no players wanting even further realism. These are assignment of planes to types of ships and no men­ especially effective in the multi-player environ­ 2.3.2 All communications between opposing sides go through the GM. If playing a full command tion of altitude or bombing mode. It also does not ment. With care and attentive play, the rules control multiplayer game, all communications be­ say what to do if the TF is no longer at P33. should not bring any si!!:nificant increase in playing tween all players should go through the GM. time. 3.5.3 "AF 17 move N4, NW2-do not divert but 2.4 The GM will follow all rules of the game (both report all sightings-high altitude." This order is 1.0 Introduction as presented here and in the regular rules book) eminently clear and concise. and interpret all orders impartially. This version of FLA TTOP is for game­ 3.5.4 "All planes AF 6 bomb Buna low if aircraft mastered games. The games may be face-to-face, are on the ground." This order is provisional but play-by-mail, or play-by-phone. If used FTF, it is 3.0 Orders clear. suggested that three different rooms be available 3.1 All moves and actions during the game are 3.5.5 "AF 3 fly N until hex 0003 is reached or if for play. The following abbreviations are used: sent from players to the GM in the form of orders a TF is spotted. Shadow TF as long as fuel per- 27

mits. Return to base by fastest route. Report back to observe, shadow from one hex away, etc. The is actually rolled and f

13.1 Ships must declare whether their ammo is GP or AP. TABLE 23A (Islands) 13.1.1 GP ammo is used only against bases and ISLAND CORAL SEA EAST. SOLOM. SANTA CRUZ GUADALCANAL small ships. USN UN USN UN USN INJ USN INJ r~an'( 13.1.2 AP ammo is used against all ships. nstooa C It !'C Malaita C C 2C 2C 13.2 If ammo is used against the wrong type of [GuadalcanaJ jC jC,l 2T 3C,":1 jl jc,3T 2Tl target, four is subtracted from the BHT. Russell Islands C 13.3 Ammo may be split up among the total fac­ IISanta Isabel C TCT ( Tl tors available in any amounts desired, but the GM Rendova T T T T and players must be careful to note which type has IINl:\W Georgta .lit G' IT 'C, 2 ""I..: --:Z!l been used. Kolombangara T T " T T g Ilcnolseul ~ \. ~ I T II 14.0 Launch Under Attack (Optional) Vella Lavella TCTC T 14.1 If a base or CV is attacked in a turn in which :Hreasury. T I.. T TI it used maximum launch, it is considered to have Bougainville 2C 2T 2C 3T 2C 3T 2C 3T planes on the ground (CV) for purposes of com­ lNew. Trelani:l C 2T C 2T C 2 l puting losses during that attack. Lo..sses will be New Britain 2C 4T 2C 4T 2C 4T 2C 4T subtracted from that AF before its combat is com­ [i3i;!f$l:lSSon ~',:J':Y___ C. .~ L ",f:§¥: 'If-¥a 'A. '''IIl puted. Note that this will be slightly difficult if the New Guinea (N) 2C 2T* 2C 4T 2C 4T 2C 4T launched AF is intercepting the attacking forma­ INew (,juines 1::)) 41' -~ 11 11 tion. In this case, the GM should pre-figure for . .. normal losses and then resolve combat normally. C = Coastwatcher T = Troops = must be west of star 14.2 The same thing will occur if the attacker has the attacking planes overhead at the beginning of a TABLE 23B (Bases) turn's movement phase and the other player makes BASE CORAL SEA EAST. SOLOM. SANTA CRUZ GUADALCANAl any type of launch. USN UN USN UN USN INJ USN INJ 15.0 Forms IBsl)tl1tU Santo, 'Ef'J' 1'1:, K K '! Ndeni T R R R 15.1 Several Xerox copy forms for use with the above rules are available from Jim Burnett, 606 11f'lonaa H T l' T '1 Timbercrest Dr., Clinton, TN 37716. They include Henderson R R R forms for the players and GMs and have space for IrSnortlana Ii B Ii Hi the orders, moves, conditions, and make-ups of Buka T B B B AFs, TFs, and bases. Please enclose $1.00 and a IIRabauI K K KI SASE with two stamps when ordering. Orders Lae -""' T R R R without either cannot be processed. IlBt1!1a .~¥', ~. Ii!. ::K K,j [The following rules compose a section of in­ Gasmata B R R creased complexity andrealism for theplayer. They liliutn II B Bl are especially designed for the gamemastered game Port Moresby R R R R and are equally useful when used in FTF or PBM IrGtli-Glli .K .K Il games. The rules are to a large extent inter-related T = Troops B = Base R = Radar so players are encouraged to use all or none. For play-balancers. the CW rules will give the Japanese 21.6 Orders may be as complex and detailed as edgement is made) but that also that the receiving player a slight break.] desired but are still subject to the interpretation of location is also revealed (and the acknowledging theGM. content is told to the enemy if the receiver is an AF). 20.0 Command Control 22.5 Reports of combat results from non­ 20.1 In any game, the player is assumed to be con­ 22.0 Radio Transmission controlled units will be withheld from the player trolling his forces at some command level. FLA T­ 22.1 All enemy RT is assumed locatable by radio until they make RT or join a controlled location. TOP players are base or TF commanders. For in­ direction finding. Thus the losses to an AF in an attack will not be re­ creased realism, the operaton of units at lower vealed until that unit lands, unless the player wishes levels is subject more to the orders of command 22.2 RT may only come from player controlloca­ to risk RT. rather than the actions of command. In a simula­ tions (21.1). tions of this type, communication is a problem be­ 22.3 RT is assumed to have two forms: coded and 22.6 Orders must state when RT is to be made for tween units if command levels are realistically con­ uncoded. non-controlled units. This is important ifplayers do sidered. not wish to give away TF locations by calling for RT 22.3.1 Coded messages may be sent from and to from AFs in the air. 20.2 These rules are also applicable to multi-player ships, bases, subs, and TFs. These messages are games, with the only change being that the GM subject only to the disclosure to the enemy of the 22.7 The originator ofRT is assumed to be the base should allow direct communication only between sending location. Note that these orders do not ac­ or TF which is controlling the receiving unit. players who occupy the same hex. ' tually have to be in code but are merely interpreted 22.7.1 An AF receives from either its launch or by the GM as if they were. As such, content is not landing point only. 21.0 Control Levels given to the enemy; only the fact that a message 22.7.2 Ships and subs receive from the TF or base (coded) was sent from the particular hex. 21.1 Each player may only control TFs which cone' assumed to be most concerned with their mission tain either BBs or CVs and bases. 22.3.2 Uncoded messages must be used for unless another has been specified by the player. The 21.2 All other units are considered non-controlled transmission to and from AFs. These messages are GM should use discretion in allowing players to and are subject to orders issued by higher com­ subject to both content and sending location change these locations indiscriminately. mands. disclosure to the enemy. 22.7.3 Each player should designate a main HQ 21.3 Orders must be prepared in advance for sub­ 22.4 A player may send a message and not request base (usually Espiritu Santo for the USN an marines, non-controlled TFs, and independent an acknowledgement of receipt, in which case the for the UN). Messages otherwise unassigned are ships. sending hex only (plus the content if sent to or by an assumed to pass through these HQ. AF) is revelaed to the enemy. If such a message is 21.4 Any ch~n,,~r :, the above orders must be sent, the GM will roll a die and a result of "6" 22.7.4 Ready CAP automatically has orders to in­ made by RT (:ll) unless the non-controlled units are means that the message is not received. The act of tercept attackers the turn of launch. All further in the same hex as a controlled unit. acknowledging receipt of a message means that the orders must be sent to these units by RT. 21.5 AF orders are given upon launch and may be message was received (we will assume that the send­ 22.7.5 If a shadow plane is to "vector" an attack­ changed only by RT. ing unit will continue transmission until acknowl- ing AF to its target (not a normal practice), RT must 29

be established for every turn (including the first) for both units and the TF until the target is reached. CONTEST NO. 112 This definitely warns the enemy that an attack is on You, as the Japanese player, face the final turn in a vicious si-move 9-turn pbm game of the way and meets the warning requirements of 9.5. VICTOR YIN THEPACIFIC. As you survey the mapboard, you should be well content; at the con­ 22.8 Optional. Since larger aircraft carried clusion of the last turn, Japanese control still existed in the Japanese Islands and Indonesia. And radiomen, all four engine planes may use code also. Japanese ports in the Home Islands, in the Philippines and at Truk still hold out. The Kure Marines Escorted bombing missions may still not use code return to you after their brilliant last stand at Lae. While the 22AF is available at the Yokosuka since the escorts would still have to have RT. Naval Yard and the 25AF and 26AF are available in the Philippines countered by several Allied air 22.9 EXAMPLES: units that return to the fray on Turn 9-RNZAF, 10 AF, II AF, Marine AF, 7 AF, Naval, 5 AF and RAAF. To put your euphoria in proper perspective however, the Allied player holds control in the 22.9.1 Player A wishes for an unattached DD to : Bay of Bengal, Indian Ocean, Coral Sea, US Mandate, South Pacific Ocean, , Cen­ join TF3. TF3 would send a message to the DD key­ tral Pacific Ocean, North Pacific Ocean with his massive fleets. Only the Hawaiian Islands (due to a ing the GM to alter the pre-written orders for the : clever raid by your carriers) and the Marianas are uncontrolled. And, you still hold a + 14 POC lead DD. Assuming the DD acknowledges, the enemy is going into this last turn. You need but insure that the Allied player gains no more than 14 points to told the locations of both the DD and TF. assure yourself a draw; of course, you would prefer a win. Contest 112 is straightforward: given the 22.9.2 Player A wishes to notify his AF4 that the following ship locations at the beginning of the ninth game turn, where would you place the CV landing point has been changed. Acknowl­ Japanese ships to give the Japanese player the best chance to win? edgement is not requested. The enemy player is given the message and sending hex but not the Japanese Positions: receiving hex. If the GM rolls a "6", AF4 con­ tinues to the previously arranged landing hex and At the Yokosuka Naval Yard­ finds no CV. Obviously the player could give loca­ Hiryu Hyuga tions keyed off of previous locations, such as Fuso Ise "new hex SW2" or other misguidance he thinks Ryuho Hiei the GM will understand. Chitose Kirishima Musashi Ashigara 22.9.3 A submarine sights a TF and the player Yamato Chokai wishes to redirect an AF to shadow. The sub, base i Mutsu Hagure or CV, and plane locations are given as well as the Nagato Akagi contents of the message to the plane. 22.9.4 A shadow plane informing his base or CV In the Philippines- of a TF location would have his own message and i Shokaku Tone location revealed. Nachi Kinugasa Suzuya Takao 23.0 Coastwatchers and Troops Chikuma 23.1 In the game, coastwatchers and troops are entirely too powerful in their capacity to observe. i Allied Positions: These observers are everywhere at once on what • are often very large islands. The following rules • At Midway- In Australia- are designed to restore them to their proper • Boston Missouri perspective. : West Virginia Chester California Vicennes 23.2 The Allied and Japanese players have Minneapolis Canberra observers on the listed islands and bases per Tables : San Jacinto A and B. These tables list the troop and CW con­ 5 Marines In the New Hebrides-Wichita centrations for each historical scenario. Note that At Lae- these are major changes from the map listings. In CVI2 Essex most of the central islands, CWs were not assigned Intrepid Bunker Hill and did not appear until early 1943. They may be Ticonderoga Princeton placed there if designing your own post '42 Langley II Maryland scenarios. Northampton Baltimore 23.3 Blank counters of different colors may be Canberra II San Francisco used to represent CWs and troops. Salt Lake City Quincy New Jersey South Dakota 23.3.1 The counters represent an individual CW Massachusetts I Marines organization or troop concentration. 4 Marines 23.3.2 At the beginning of a scenario each counter may be placed on any hex on its particular island i At Saipan- except that CWs may not be placed on enemy Iowa bases and New Guinea island "halves" must be Washington respected. CV 10 i CVI6 23.3.3 Each counter may move one hex on each subsequent 0100 turn of the scenario. : Cabot Bataan 23.3.4 The GM will roll two dice for each hex 2 Marines which contains counters of both sides during the : 1200 turn. A result of "2" will eliminate the CW Under Repair at Pearl Harbor-New York and "3" will eliminate the troops. If both sides have troops, a result of "2" will eliminate the i Allies, "3" will eliminate both, and "4" will • The answer to this contest must be entered on the official entry form (or a facsimile) found in the destroy the Japanese. The players will learn of insert of this issue. Ten winning entries will receive AH merchandise credit vouchers. To be valid, an elimination only upon regular RT checks. i entry must be received prior to the mailing of the next issue and include a rating for this issue as a 22.3.5 Eliminated CWs cannot be replaced. whole, as well as listing the three best articles. The solution to Contest #112 will appear in Vol. 20, Eliminated troops are re-created only on islands • No. I and the winners will be announced in the Infiltrator's Report of Vol. 20, No.2. with bases. These replacements are placed on the • base on the 2400 turn and may be moved on the : In the spirit of si-move VITP, the above are the positions before the turn commences. Any next 0100 turn. : player worth his salt should be able to project Allied dispatch ofpatrollers and air units. However, 23.3.6 CWs and troops cannot be moved from for those now daunted by this fine puzzle, to be found on Page 37 of this issue is a listing of the their starting islands. * • Allied positions following this phase. Look to this when ready to admit defeat. 30 PLAYING BISMARCK WITH DUDS Variant Rules for Realistic Naval Fire

By Mark L. Shannon

In the rules for BISMARCK, one aspect has though one travelled through the Bismarck's 73.2 Multiply this factor by the number of dud always disappointed me within the otherwise ex­ bows-damaging the fuel tanks and contributing shells fired (73.0 above). Do not round this cellent and comprehensive simulation. Even in the to later events which would eventually bring on her number to an integer. A fraction of a dud hit will highly detailed advanced game, no provision at all demise. It is easy for the imaginative to speculate be used as a partially detonating shell, the fraction has been made for the simple fact that not every on the course of the next few days if anyone of the being called the Fraction of Detonation Lost shell was perfect. The use of 'dud' shells and "div­ hits discussed here had been otherwise. (FDL). ing" shells would go far toward simulating one of Unfortunately, other battles have not had such 73.3 Dud hits are not additional hits to those the quirks of naval tactics that often decide the statistics as completely recorded, and so the found by rule 62.0; rather, they are a penalty sub­ outcome of an engagement on the high seas. percentages of dud shells on either side can only be tracted from the success of the attack. (Example: Besides the realism evoked, you could now say that estimated. It is known from the Battle of the River The Hood fires on the Bismarck and scores three you would have won the battle and sunk your Plata, as well as from other encounters between hits. Following the procedure outlined above opponent-if the shell had only gone off (which is the two navies, that the Kriegsmarine had some results in the figure 1.20. This means, quite simply, not a bad excuse). serious problems with their armor piercing shells, that of the three hits scored, one was a dud, one While the concept of shells that do not explode and that the ammunition supply was detonated partially, and one detonated normally.) (or which do so imperfectly) is not new to anyone of uneven quality. conversant with naval warfare, the term "diving As to the other two navies represented in the 73.4 Damage from a Dud Damage is resolved as shells" may require a little clarification. A shell game, little can be said with certainty. The usual on the Advanced Damage Table, rolling for striking the water will do one of several things. American shell supply was fairly high in quality, dud shell hits first. A dud shell will do one-quarter as much damage as is stated in the table (see 73.42 Some break up without exploding; others glance but had problems with shells breaking up at obli­ off the surface of the sea in another direction; que angles of impact. The French supply presents a for exceptions). many simply sink or explode. However, a few will problem; historically, as a defeated nation's navy, 73.41 Partially detonated shells are determined continue in roughly the original line of fire under­ French ships were not called upon much and little secondly. For a partially detonated shell hit, water, usually striking the target below the data is available. However, for game purposes, it multiply the FDL value (73.2) by 0.75. A partially waterline, quite often below the belt of side armor. can be assumed that the French shells would have detonated shell does this amount of damage less This type of hit would, of course, lack some of its come from the controlling nation's stores, and than that which is shown in the table for that hit potential power; but, by striking below the armor would share that nation's qualitative weaknesses. (rounded to the nearest quarter box). This is belt and deck armor, it will usually penetrate the We must therefore estimate the proportions of likewise subject to the exceptions below (73.42). hull, causing severe flooding. In many cases, the bad shells for each navy. Aside from this assump­ NOTE: Rule 73.41 is the general statement of the damage done by 3: fuse of an armor piercing shell would activate by tion (or presumption), the problem of dud shells shell that strikes the target. Rule 73.4 is the specific statement of the striking the water; the delay factor in these fuses can be inserted easily into the rules of Advanced damage done by a shell that does not explode Of 01/. would then detonate the shell after about 30 feet of BISMARCK, and will at the same time give us a In mathematical terms, if DT is used 10 stand for the damage listed in the game table for a specific hit, FDL is the Fraction of subsequent travel through the water. Often, forum for representing diving shells also. Detonation Lost (as defined above) and ToO is used for the total concussion alone brought on flooding as seams damage resulting; lhen DT - (0.75 X FDL)DT = ToD. opened below the water line. Thus for a fully detonaled shell, FDL = 0.00 and ToD = DT. ... . In the case of a fully dud shell. FDL = 1.00; ToD = DT- O. 75DT The British Admiralty undertook several = O.25DT (or the amount of damage stated for this type of hit in studies of the effects of such hits, and added rule 73.4). special protection against them to their post-WWI However, a partially detonated shell (or partial dud, depending designs. Such hits were not common, but many in­ 73.0 Dud Shells (Optional) on yOUf outlook) will have a FDL value between 0.00 and 1.00. The procedure outlined in 73.41 will result in damage between the limits stances are recorded-perhaps because they were To find the number of dud shells fired per fire of DT and .025DT. so notable. In the Battle of the Dogger Bank, the resolution, figure the ammunition expenditure for Obviously the place where this would make the difference is if a Lion received five such hits; the the combat resolution (65.0) and multiply this shell hits the turret. If the shell does not penetrate the turret armor, the maximum damage would be one box. The table below gives the battleship Malaya received two at Jutland. In the number by 0.20 for the British and 0.30 for the results for a shell penetrating the armor on one of the Rodney's tur­ scope of the game involved here, the Prince of German ships firing. For American ships, multiply rets (5 boxes) in terms of FDL, fraction of DT and the actual boxes Wales received one diving shell hit that allowed by 0.20 only when firing at long ranges; for all marked out: Number oj Boxes 600 tons of water to flood the middle deck aft, and other ranges, assume no duds. For French ships, FDL TaD (Fraction 0/ DT) (Rounded 10 nearest quarter) herself scored one on the Bismarck that flooded 0.00 l.ooDT 5.00 = 5 boxes the value is identical to that of the controlling side. 0.10 .93DT 4.65 = 4Y. this ship's #2 boiler room and slowed her tem­ Round this result to the nearest whole integer. 0.20 .85DT 4.25 = 4 Y- porarily by about five knots. This is the total number of possible duds fired. The 0.30 .78DT 3.90 = 4 boxes "Dud" hits can have a marked influence on a number of total hits is then found in the usual 0.40 .70DT 3.50 = 3 ii, battle too. For example, in the Battle of the 0.50 .63DT 3.15 = 3Y- manner (62.0). 0.60 .55DT 2.75 = 2Y. Denmark Straits, the Hood was struck by either 73.1 The dice are now rolled and reference is made 0.70 .48DT 2.40 = 2 !II three or five shells. Two of these were "common 0.80 .4ODT 2.00 = 2 boxes to the Dud Hit Table. This gives the factor used in shells" that exploded on contact and caused the 0.90 .33DT 1.65 = 1Y. finding the number of duds actually fired. 1.00 .25DT 1.25 = 1Y- fires seen on the boat deck. Of the other three possible hits, no more than one detonafed fully. As an aside, this one apparently hit on the side, near the mainmast, and set off the torpedo store or 4" DUD HIT TABLE AA magazine-which in turn set off the main Dice Roll Extreme and Medium, Short, and magazine aft-which broke the ship's back. Long Ranges Point Blank Ranges On the other hand, the Prince of Wales was hit ...... -S~_-"'- ...... ~O -?':0i:-... by a total of seven shells of both 8" and 15" 3 0 .10 calibre. Not one of these hits detonated fully! One o shell passed through the bridge structure (which 5 0 was lightly armored), killing or wounding all of the 6 0 personnel there except the captain and the 7 .10 helmsman, without exploding. One 8" shell apparently bounced off the after superstructure and was thrown overboard without casualties. The Prince of Wales herself scored three hits 11 .90 on Bismarck, one of the "diving shell" variety 12 .00 mentioned above. The other two did not explode, 31

Notice that a dud shell does little more to the turret than a shell naval gamer, the dud rules add realism and variety Combat", tank to grimy tank), and two new fan­ which does not penetrate. I hope that this brief explanation helps to a classic confrontation. In these days where one tasy releases, FORTRESS OF THE WITCH KING clarify the logic behind the calculations for the non­ mathematicians. missile can sink one ship, it might be well to and PANTHEON KINGS. Chris Crawford, designer remember that the weapons of war are as im­ of LEGIONNAIRE and TANKTICS will be around to The Main Gun Damage Table, MFC Director 73.42 perfect as the men who wage it. field questions and present the endless panorama Table, Plot(ting) Table, and the computer gaming offers. Table are used as shown for all hits on these (even References For those not competitively-inclined, Avalon a dud's kinetic energy could cause the results Hill's staff will be hosting an assortment of shown). Kennedy, Ludovic, Pursuit, The Sinking of the Bismarck; Wm Collins, 1974. seminars. Tom Shaw will have them rolling in the aisles with an Avalon Hill Trivia seminar, in com­ Raven, Alan, ENSIGN 1: King George the Fifth 73.5 If a dud or partially detonated shell scores a memoration of the 25th anniversary of the found­ Class Battleships; Bivouac Books Lyd., 1972. hit that is resolved on Special Damage A table, this ing of Avalon Hill and the birth of modern board will be scored as a "diving shell" hit in the follow­ Raven, Alan and John Roberts, British Battleships wargaming.lt's a must for all who fancy they know ing manner: of World War Two, Naval Institute Press, 1976. something about the history of our hobby. And he'll be bestowing free copies of the newly-published 73.51 Where the results of this table are different Silverstone, Paul, U.S. Warships of World War 1I, for the various types of ships (die roll of I, 2 or 3): Ian Allen Ltd., 1965. commemorative version of TACTICS (the original Smith, Peter, British Battle Cruisers, Almark wargame) to those who know all sorts of worthless A. Use the smaller amount of damage in all stuff about good 01' Avalon Hill. In a more serious Publishing Co. Ltd., 1972. cases. "* vein, Richard Snyder will discuss his POWERS & B. If the target ship is American, German, ...... PERILS-AH's long-awaited initial release in the King George Vor Prince of Wales, roll one AU Philosophy ... Cont'dfrom Page 2 realm of fantasy role-playing systems. Don Green­ die, wood will once again host a question-and-answer Kask. The DIPLOMACY honors will once again be session on the future of the SQUAD LEADER a. If the die roll is odd, the shell is a dud and handled by the DIPCON society as part of DIPCON all damage is one-quarter of that determined series. I will repeat last year's GENERAL XVI, which is again taking the role of a "Convention subscribers meeting so I can wax rhetorical on up­ by 73.51A (this includes partially detonated within a Convention" seriously. shells also). coming features and seek imput on the magazine's Perhaps the biggest news on the ORIGINS tour­ progress. b. If the result is even, the shell explodes nament scene this year will be our new entries. And, Avalon Hill has its usual complement of below the surface of the water and the Bruce Shelley will host a single elimination event for exciting new titles which will be released at damage is resolved as per 73.51A. ROBIN HOOD-the first of the Avalon Hill ORIGINS. Besides B-17, UP FRONT, and POWERS 73.52 Where the results of this table are the same minigames released at the 1982 ORIGINS. But the & PERILS, AH will release several other fine new for all ships, a die is rolled as in 73.51B above. The real excitement may be generated by our B-17, games. PANZERKRIEG simulates the exploits of damage results are used as in 73.51Ba and QUEEN OF THE SKIES tournament. This game will von Manstein in the Ukraine, 1941-1944, in a series 73.51Bb. be released in Detroit when the trade show opens of fast-playing and challenging scenarios. Still for business Friday morning. By Friday evening we 73.6 EXAMPLE Using the example of play given another card game, VENTURE, is a re-issue of the expect to see it being played all over Cobo Hall, in the rules folder, nothing would change in the elder 3M title. Those looking for traditional with cries of anguish and delight filling the air as first round of fire, since neither the Prince of wargames, need not look far. Richard Hamblen's Messerschmidts and Fortresses disintegrate and Wales nor the Hood have any chance of scoring long-awaited BULL RUN is a fine simulation of the parachutes fill the skies over Detroit. Basically, a any hits. first clash of the Civil War in the elegant style of the quick-play solitaire game, B-17 is nonetheless a In the second segment, considerations of the early "classics". TACTICS is the re-release of the superb effort which must be experienced to be ap­ potential for dud hits are calculated (73.0). first commercial board wargame, in its original and preciated. You might well wonder why anyone unpublished version; included with each copy of MG AMMO # OF DUD would want to enter a tournament in a brand new this game is the Avalon Hill 25th Anniversary SHIP FACTORS SHELLS game, but B-17 is quickly learned and the AH Booklet-sure to be a collector's item. And for the Hood 6 X 0.20 1.20 I gamemasters will have you flying in no time. If you sports fans, PRO TENNIS. PoW 18 X 0.20 3.60 = 4 care not to play, come to watch the fun. You'll be Of course, available at Avalon Hill's booth in the Bismarck 12 X 0.30 3.60 = 4 soon playing. Dealers' Area will be all the other 1983 releases. Pro Eugen 12 X 0.30 3.60 = 4 We feel even more strongly about another of There you'll find the fantasy of acclaimed games The fire from the Hood need not be considered our ORIGINS '83 releases: UP FRONT. This card like WIZARDS and MYSTIC WOOD. The latest further since other factors result in an automatic game replica of the famous SQUAD LEADER is titles in Avalon Hill's gamettes, HUNDRED DAYS miss. For the Prince of Wales, one hit is scored among the most innovative game systems of re­ BA TTLES and BA TTLE FOR ITAL Y, will be avail­ against the Bismarck on a turret. This is now cent years and captures a great deal of the flavor of able. The new Sports Illustrated Game, PENNANT resolved on the Dud Hit Table and a "7" results AH's best-selling WW2 tactical combat game RACE, and our fine family game, DILEMMAS. (0.10). When this is multiplied against the 4 dud while burdening the player with a fraction of its There one can delve into the complexities of shells fired, the result is 0.40. This value is then complexity. If you liked SQUAD LEADER before it NAPOLEON AT BA Y or the enjoyment of NA VAL multiplied by 0.75 (.4 X .75 = .30), so the shell evolved, orif you like challenging card play, you will WAR. For the traditional minded, AH will have plen­ does this amount of damage less than shown. be thrilled with UP FRONT. Developer Don Green­ tiful stocks of the recent redevelopments of the Thus, in the example, three-quarters (since the wood swears he has never seen a game so blessed ever-popular FREDERICK THE GREA T and CON­ result is rounded to the nearest quarter)of a box is with gamesmanship, nor so beset with critical deci­ QUISTADOR. And our many, many other fine titles marked out of the Bismarck's Main Gun A. sions for the players. This is especially noteworthy will be available until stocks are depleted. With all For fire from the Bismarck, one hit is obtained as the game is intrinsically simple and easy to learn this, Avalon Hill's booth will surely be one of the on the Hood. On the Dud Hit Table, an "8" is with an average playing time for most scenarios of first stopping places for many conventioneers. rolled (0.30) giving a result of 4 X 0.30 = 1.20. an hour. But most important, it is extremely com­ ORIGINS '83. We'll be looking for you there. Since the result on the Advanced Hit Table was petitive; that makes it a natural for a tournament of­ one hit, the fraction is dropped and that hit was a fering. So, after you've bought it on Friday, and dud. When damage is rolled for, the result is found played it on Saturday, you can win your airfare to to be "Special Damage Table A". Thus the hit was ORIGINS '84 (Dallas, Texas) with it on Sunday. We BULGE PBM KIT a diving shell and, when a "I" is rolled on the think UPFRONTwill be as big a hit with the gaming * table, instead of the Hood's demise, the hit causes world as SQUAD LEADER was eight years ago. A Play-By-Mail kit for the new '81 version 0 the Hood to suffer the loss of three hull boxes, one This tournament will show you why. BA TTLE OF THE BULGE including complet( turret (determined at random) and slows her by 2 For those who prefer a cold, calculating instructions is now available for $8.00 plus 10010 m.L Notice that this is the type of damage that machine as an opponent to a warm, error-prone postage and handling charges (20% to Canada; could be caused by a near miss which weakened the human being, Avalon Hill.offers two computer tour­ 30% overseas). When ordering be sure to specih hull and caused severe flooding below the armor naments. For those who delve into the fringes of whether you want a PBM kit for the new '81 edi­ belt. fantasy, TELENGARD; for those who prefer the tion of the game or the old '65 edition. Each kit Now the Prinz Eugen can fire. Such fire would terror of tanks, TAC. Indeed, a cornucopia of contains sheets for both German and Allied be resolved in a manner similar to that of the new computer games will be unveiled at ORIGINS. players. PBM kits are available only from The Bismarck, keeping in mind that four dud shells To mention but a few-BREAK-THRU(3D racquet­ Avalon Hill Game Co., 4517 Harford Rd., were in the salvo just fired. ball), PARIS IN DANGER (Napoleon's 1814 cam­ Baltimore, MD 21214. MD residents please add These rules do add to the complexity of an paign), UNDER SOUTHERN SKIES (the hunt for the 5% state sales tax. already detailed game. But, I feel that, for the true Graf Spee), of course TAC ("Tactical Armored 32

Badgered by my lovely wife to share some time cards (printed in black) are the "Salvo"-surface or discarded. A hand ends when only one player re­ with my young son, I turned to my first gunnery-cards. Salvo cards indicate the caliber of mains with ships afloat or the Draw Pile is ex­ love-wargaming-for inspiration. Shopping for gun that must be present in one's fleet to utilize that hausted. A "game" ends following the hand in something suitable, I purchased a copy of Avalon card and a "hit strength" (ranging from I through which one player reaches 100 points (defense fac­ Hill's newest "Bookshelf Garnette" for my boy; 4). There are also "Repair" cards, used to remove tors of sunken enemy ships in addition to certain NAVAL WAR was obviously too simple for a hits on ships of the player. "Smoke" cards protect bonuses for survival or penalties for elimination). veteran gamer like I. I, being an "expert", prefer one's fleet from most types of attack for one game Any game using drawn cards has an immense' complex games that take forever to play (if finished turn. The "Destroyer Squadron" is a deadly killer­ "luck" factor. [As though dice-ridden games at all). Then, slightly ashamed to acknowledge this force. The "Minesweeper" eliminates those pesky don't?J But, happily for us wargamers, there is still lapse, I avoided opening the box until my son's im­ minefields that plague players. Each card bears an much room for strategy in NA VAL WAR. The patience broke down my defenses. In a dark corner, eye-catching illustration that graphically keys one strategic hints which follow are especially useful in on a dark day in Helena, feeling unspeakably to its function (the Repair card, for example, carries playing with two or three players, but serve as a foolish, I condescended to play one hand. Was I a large band-aid). guide to any of the versions. surprised at how much FUN it was! Now, I play The special cards (printed in red) are the real key For all players, the ultimate fear is that the NA VAL WAR whenever I face the necessity of tak­ to victory, their play always crucial. "Minefields" enemy will unleash one of the mad-dog Destroyer ing a break from the pressures of playing THIRD claim victims (scoring two hits on each ship that Squadrons. These pose a threat to everyone at the REICH, WAR & PEACE and the hydra-headed blunders in); "Torpedo Boats" claim others (a die table. It never hurts to lob a salvo their way if you SQUAD LEADER. roll of "6" sinks anyone ship); "Submarines", still have reason to believe that a subsequent player will NA VAL WAR is a truly unique "wargame". It more (a die roll of "5" or "6" sinks anyone ship). finish them off. If, however, you have doubts about is a card game, using abstract naval gunnery and The"Additional Ship" cards bring in more vessels this, or simply wish to put the screws to the others, armor characteristics, with no board or counters to the free-for-all". "Additional Damage" cards lay smoke to protect the fleet. Thus, your ships are depicting a clash by the great ships ofWorld War II. presume secondary explosions with additional hits immune to the Destroyer card, and it is the other The components are simple and elegant. These con­ wracking the crippled enemy ship. This all becomes players' problem now. They must deal with the little sist oftwo different decks ofcards: 54 "ship" cards very important when one realizes that one is devils. For this reason, among others, you should and 108 "playing" cards. Each ship card represents eliminated from play when all one's ships are sunk. contrive to always hold a smoke card in reserve. Be one major combat vessel (usually a battleship, but a The object is to sink the enemy's ships faster advised, though, you will have few friends left if few carriers spice the deck) from the period of the than he can sink yours (always a sound strategy for you make a habit of avoiding DDs with smoke. Of Second World War. Many of the well-known ships admirals). Each player (from two to nine) begins course, if you have a Salvo "4" card (suitable only are included, although by no means are all seen. play with five ship cards and five playing cards, all for 16" or 18" guns) and feel obliged to sink the [See the accompanying page for more ships ofthe dealt randomly. He may never have more than five pesky little ships, you can be a momentary hero classes seen in NA VAL WAR.J Carrier representa­ playing cards (excluding the one drawn each turn) among the players. tion, for example, is very sparse. Each ship card but may accumulate more than five ships by draw­ Because a player can only use a Salvo card if he bears the appropriate silhouette, gun-caliber, and ing the "Additional Ship" cards and bringing one has the appropriate caliber of guns, always seek to "hit number" (defense strength). When, in the into the action from the "Harbor Pile". As a play­ destroy-as the primary target-the sole represen­ course of play, a ship takes the required number of ing card is taken from the mutual Draw Pile, it or tative bearing a particular calibre. This is valid, too, accumulated hits, it is sunk. one in the player's hand must be played or discarded. if the enemy has two ships of one type but more The playing card deck contains "Regular" and Regular cards may be retained in the player's hand, than any other category. Go for those two! The first "Special" cards. The most numerous ofthe regular but special cards must be played on the turn drawn of these should be the easiest to sink. Needless to 33

say, attacking the player with the highest score adds flavor to this. As a general point ofstrategy, it is not usually a good idea to spread hits around against _E.~. many ships and many players; it is much more ..,;iJw.Z_ preferable to concentrate on one enemy at a time (if the Fates of War allow), going after one or two of his ships, sinking them before targeting others. Don't attack those big ships heedlessly unless zz4W"t*z r±ttl"'s • more sinkable targets are unavailable. It is much - better to pick off the small ones and hope for a special card that allows a chance to take down the ORDER OF BATTLE CHART monsters. If a Submarine or Torpedo Boat card is Year Main Guns Speed Game drawn, play it against the enemy's finest unless that Ship Completed Tons (inches) (knots) Defense ship is already a floating wreck from multiple salvo hits and barely afloat. On the other hand, when you Germany don't wish to make it easier for the competition in a free-for-all game to sink a ship and are unable to do 12000 6XIl " 26 3 so on your turn, lob a one or two point salvo at the 1 1 3 largest ship in play with a hit number of "7" or 32000 9XII" 31 5 more. That way, no single salvo can take it out, and it is softened up for a later kill. Finally, discarding 1940 42000 8X15" 29 8 on your turn is preferable to giving someone else a 15' 2 8 cheap score. Save repair cards for the big or more crucial Japan hits; don't waste them on small dents unless it 1913 32000 8 1 I 30 becomeS vital to keep a particular ship afloat. A 1914 32000 8X14" 30 repair card allows removal of anyone salvo card 1915 32000 8X14" 30 and any additional damage cards played thereon. 1915 32000 8X14" 30 Remember that a player will lose ships; it is in­ 12X14' evitable. But the key is to keep a fleet in being and to 191 35000 1917 12X14" 25 sink the enemy. So it is often necessary to accept 36000 those losses of fine ships. 9 36000 12X14" 25 1920 8X16" 25 The strategy necessary to counteract the 38000 8X16 II "Repair Card Strategy" is the proper sequencing of 921 38000 25 hit cards on a target. Try to use only the number re­ 1941 65000 9X18" 27 quired for sinking a ship and do not waste any hit 1942 65 9 1 points. More importantly, sequence them so that 1927 36500 90 planes 31 the smaller one(s) are played first. Ifyour opponent 67 an :4 happens to playa repair card, it will not hurt your chances much. Save the big guns and big salvos for last, when your opponent can do nothing to save his 1914 .ship from immediate destruction. 1915 If your opponent wisely follows the same tips 1915 and goes after your only ship of a particular gun­ 1916 size, playas many salvo cards of that caliber as fast 1940 as possible, starting with the largest. Don't get 1940 "stuck" with four or five points of salvo cards for a 1942 ship just sunk. Now, if you no longer have a ship of a particular caliber, don't automatically start Great Britain discarding all ofthe salvo cards ofthat type.lfit is a caliber of which there are quite a few ships in the 3nJOO RXl"5""" Harbor Pile (usually 14" and 15" ones), consider re­ 31000 8X15" 24 taining the better cards of that type. A ship may 2 come your way from the harbor, it is a distinct ad­ 22 vantage to have it able to open fire immediately 9 upon entering play. 30 Aircraft carriers, though numerically few, 1 deserve special mention. If you have one or more, 23 you may forfeit a draw to conduct an "airstrike". 2 A "I" must be rolled to sink any enemy ship that 27 has been designated by you as the target-slim odds 27 at best. But, ifyou hold two or three carriers in your 27 force, launch a series of strikes against the enemy's 30 best ship. It is a quick way to score. Carriers may not be attacked by salvo fire unless all other surface United States vessels in the fleet have been sunk. While the car­ 1914 27000 21 4 riers are well screened, don't worry about them. 1 1 !9000 Their low value does not make them worthwhile 1916 33000 targets for subs or torpedo boats, or airstrikes. 1917 33000 When the screening forces are seriously reduced, 1921 32000 use them before you lose them. You must decide 1921 32000 between drawing a card, hoping for something that 1923 32000 will save the fleet, or calling for desperation 1941 37 airstrikes. In this situation, there is really no good 1941 37000 choice, and very little hope! 2 3 In essence, to play NAVAL WAR well, you 1943 46000 must think a number ofmoves ahead, balancing the cards to be played or discarded against chance and 1944 46000 33 luck-both good and bad. Consider the conse­ 1938 3 quences of every play, including the discards you will be forced to make. Of course, any strategy can 34 be ruined by the better one of an opponent or the "luck of the _draw". Special cards are usually desirable. Sometimes, however, the draw of such HORNET ruins your carefully sequenced plan of smashing play since you must play (or discard if not usuable) United States all special cards immediately and cannot play that card from your hand with which you were going to win the game! NA VAL WAR is, of course, a highly abstracted "wargame"and may not appeal to the "hard-core" £ FA naval enthusiast who is expert at the technical trivia and specifications of every ship that saw action dur­ AIR STRIKE ing the war. But, for an old paratroop infantryman who knows little of the salt water, this game will do 3 Roll a "1" Sink a ship 3 just fine. In this, it succeeds and, moreover, it is really fun. Now, if I can just get it away from my kid! * THE REST OF THE FLEET At the outbreak of the Second World War in Europe, the U.S. Navy ranked equally with the NAVAL WAR: Royal Navy in overall strength. By the time the United States was drawn into the war in December 1941, there had been enacted the "Two-Ocean Navy" bill which authorized the construction ofover An Optional Rule one and a half million tons of major warships. Once construction programs were completed and the The game of NA VAL WAR allows for many war won, this had raised the U.S. Navy to a pre-eminent position among the navies of the world. variations. Many famous ships have been left out. In 1941 the main strength of the U.S. fleet lay in its battle line, composed of fifteen old and two Where are the American carriers Saratoga, modern battleships. The old battleships were uniformly well armed and protected, could maintain Yorktown, Lexington, Wasp, Hornet, and 21 knots, and were a tactically homogenous fighting unit. The United States government never com­ Ranger. There are many British and Japanese promised armament nor protection for speed. The fast speed was only attained by greater size aided ships which have been disregarded. And wouldn't by technical advances and superior streamlining. Except for the "California" and "Colorado" it be fun to have the sole German "carrier", the classes, all the elder battleships were modernized during the war. The new battleships were equal to Ora! Zepplin. While we're at it, how about the any of their enemy contemporaries, a little slower but better protected and with a heavy main French Navy-the Russians-the Brazilians? If armament. such can appear in WAR AT SEA and VICTOR Y Occupying a unique position in December 1941 was the still untried carrier fleet. United States IN THE PACIFIC, why not here. Then we can admirals counted heavily on these vessels fulfilling a promise shown in peace-time games, and had play one nation's navy against another. evolved the carrier task force concept as detached from the main fleet. Their faith was amply Meanwhile, I urge players to divide the ship justified by the ensuing conflict; as early as 1942, the carrier had replaced the battleship as the capital cards into two decks, Axis and Allies. This simple unit of the fleet in the Pacific. The Navy entered the war with eight carriers (discounting the optional rule precludes the siIly sight of completely Langley): two large conversions from battleship hulls, the smaller Ranger, three "Yorktown" class mixed ship cards from opposing navies. It is not carriers, the diminutive Wasp, and the mercantile conversion Long Island. With the exception ofthe. unusual now for one player to have ships from the latter, all were considered full fleet carriers, meant for offensive operations and capable of fast US, Japanese and Italian navies fighting a British­ steaming. American-German force, for example. As a war­ For those players who so desire, here are the other ships of the U.S. Navy, ready for use with gamer, I cringe at this aspect. NA VAL WAR. Merely substitute the name above the appropriate ship class silhouette on additional Study of the Order of Battle chart shows that ship cards, as follows: New York for Texas; Oklahoma for Nevada; Arizona for Pennsylvania; the Allies have only 14", 15" and 16" guns while Idaho and New Mexico for Mississippi; Tennessee for California; Colorado for Maryland; Indiana, the Axis enjoy all types from the 11" German Massachusetts and Alabama for South Dakota; Wisconsin for Missouri; and finally, Hornet and pocket battleships to the behemoth Japanese Yorktown for Enterprise. So, if your favorite state wasn't in the Ship Deck before, mate, perhaps 18-inchers. This appears to give the Axis an ad­ you can add it now. vantage, as all cards are potentially usable to them. The Allied players know that they cannot use many of the cards that they will draw, but should find solace in the fact that there are many s COLORADO s more cards of appropriate caliber than of the 11 ", United States 12.6" and 18" variety. Defense strengths are, however, fairly even. The Allies have decent and predominate "5"s and "6"s, with a few "4"s and "7"s for flavor. The Axis defense factors range from vulnerable "3"s to "8"s, and even "9"s. On the average, both sides draw an even scattering ofdefense strengths. 16" Guns 5 5 4th EDITION SQUAD LEADER RULES Year Main Guns Speed Game Completed Tons (inches) (knots) Defense 9 27000 lOx 14" The 4th Edition SQUAD LEADER rules in­ 21 1914 29000 lOx 14" 20 5 corporating those changes listed in the 1915 2 12 X 1

The Soviet submariner has few scenarios to en­ the Malyutka class. This class was mass produced in On 21 June 1941, the Soviets had 211 sub­ joy in SUBMARINE. So few, indeed, that I've yet four to seven prefabricated sections which were marines in commission: 76 in the Baltic, 45 in the to find one. With four articles of scenarios in The then transported by rail to Leningrad, Vladivostok Arctic, 68 in the Black Sea and 22 in the Far East. It GENERAL, it seems odd to this old salt that or Nikolayev for assembly and fitting out. These was the biggest submarine fleet in the world, but the Mother Russia has been so often overlooked. But, boats were used extensively in the Black and Baltic men that manned the boats were simply not of a perhaps it is with good reason; there is little known Seas, and were quite effective. (Of 99 built, 34 were class with the other major combatants. in the West about the Russian submarine arm and lost to hostile action.) The Baltic Sea fleet had a few Katyusha, all its actions during the Second World War are The second class ofcoastal defense boat was the three Pravda, some Stalinets, Shchuka, Malyutka, shrouded in mystery and confusion. Shchuka class. The 84 boats of this class functioned Leninets and Dekabrist boats. In addition, the The First World War left two classes of sub­ quite well and were popular among the Soviet sub­ Kalev and the Lembit had been commissioned. marine to the Red government. The Bars class boats mariners. Two of the largest "kills" by the Soviets About 50 boats were fitting out or were obsolete would soon number five, and would sit out the com­ are credited to boats of this class-U144 by Shch (the L55 and the Bars class boats), leaving only 35 ing war serving as battery-chargers. The Amerikan­ 307 and the tanker Peles by Shch 211. (Some 32 operational submarines on the outbreak of war. ski Golland class was an American-built Holland­ boats of this class were sunk by th enemy.) These were based in the Ist Flotilla at Libau and the type that would see five boats serving in the war Turning back to developments in the deep-water 2nd Flotilla at Hanko, with Riga, Reval, Kronstadt also-although only two would survive. These sim­ submarines, the Soviet program continued with the and Leningrad able to handle some few boats if ple boats, along with the British L55, would be the Pravda class. Three boats were built, but they were necessary. The German advance was so rapid that, starting point for the Soviet submarine fleet in the structurally weak and had inefficient machinery; as soon as the Ist Flotilla had been evacuated to Second World War. (On 4 June 1919, the L55 had further commissionings were suspended. (All three Riga, it was forced to pack for Reval. With the been sunk in the Gulf of Finland by a Bolshevik completed boats were lost by mid-1942.) Produc­ entry of Finland into the war, the 2nd Flotilla was destroyer. Salvaged by the Soviets in 1928, she was tion turned to the Katyusha class; thirteen were forced to withdraw from Hanko. By August 1942, recommissioned by them in 1931. The boat was commissioned from 1940 to 1942. These were well­ all able submarines had withdrawn to Leningrad employed in various experiments and served as a designed and sturdy craft, and quite successful. and Kronstadt-now under siege. battery-charger during the war.) Employed in the Arctic primarily, Katyusha-class The shallow waters of the Baltic are a killing In 1925, at the direction of the Kremlin, plan­ boats also took station in the North Sea and along ground for submarines. The Germans were laying ning began for a new fleet. Fears ofthe Japanese led the Norwegian coast. (Five were sunk by the Ger­ mines as fast as they could, and the loss of Soviet to projections for a large and deadly submarine arm. mans.) Finally, the last of the Russian-built boats submarines was terrific. German dominance of the All the boats were to be of Soviet design, based on were those of the Stalinets class. These medium air cost still more boats. The Soviet submariners, in previously-built submarines by various Western boats were commissioned between 1936 and 1948­ return, had few successes. The first major German manufacturers. The first such was inspired by the and are considered by many the best medium boats loss was the U144, sunk by the Shch 307. After the Bars class boats. The Soviet answer, the Dekabrist of the war. (Of the 43 built, 15 were lost during the withdrawal to the besieged fortress, very few boats class, was given more torpedo tubes and made more war.) went out on patrol. During the fall of 1941, several streamlined and maneuverable underwater. The Adding to the Soviet submarine fleet, in 1940, of the larger boats were used to ferry supplies to first boats of the class were launched in 1927. Six the Estonian boats Kalev and Lembit and the Kronstadt and the isolated Baltic islands; three were were built, but one was lost during naval exercises in Latvian Ronis and Spidola were captured and in­ consequently lost. By the beginning of winter, 27 a pre-war accident. (The remaining five served in corporated into the Soviet navy. (Three of these Russian subs had been lost for the sinking of one the Baltic; four were sunk within months of the in­ boats would not survive the war.) German U-boat and four German cargo ships. The vasion.) With this brief review of the boats available, it is Soviet winter halted all further operations. The comparison of the recently raised L55 and time to survey the Soviet theory of their use. The In 1942, the extensive minefields and complete the Dekabrist boats led to the construction of the Soviet submarine commander was given a con­ control of the air the Germans enjoyed allowed the Leninets class. These boats had six torpedo tubes, stricted area to patrol and was under strict orders Soviet boats only sporadic forays close to their partial double hulls, and twin minelaying tubes with not to leave that area unless authorized to do so by isolated bases, with little chance of success. The storage for 14 mines. Eventually, 24 ofthese were to the highest naval command. So, if ten unescorted boats rarely gained the sea throughout 1943 and be commissioned. (Stationed in the Far East, Baltic battleships went by on the horizon, the Soviet sub­ early 1944. Several boats moved to operate along and Black Seas, only six were lost during the war.) mariner could do nothing. In the first years of the Finnish coast after Finland's armistice. These Meanwhile, the Red Navy had decided that, Soviet involvment, all boats were considered boats met weakly escorted shipping, but achieved with the extensive coastline ofSoviet Russia and the limited to defensive roles. Not being a defensive only modest results. It wasn't until 1945 that the expense in building ocean-going submarines, weapon, the boats experienced little success and Soviet submariners got their chance for glory. In coastal defense boats should be given priority. Two high losses. With the halt of the German advance, 1945, the Red Army liberated the besieged bases, classes were laid down. The smallest was those of the Soviet submarine arm finally came into its own. giving the submarines free rein. Soviet submarine 36

doctrine had altered, allowing the commanders to II. Order of Bettie 2. L 15-025. Bd A. Dir. 6 roam in search for targets. The slow and overloaded 1. Russian Player-K 23 (or K 3 for 1943 scenario), Class L 16-032. Bd A. Dir. 6 German shipping evacuating troops and refugees Katyusha IV. Victory Conditions from the eastern holdings gave the Soviet com­ 2. German Player-Z 39, Class Z manders excellent targets. R 18, Class R 17 The Japanese player wins by sinking either of the Soviet submarines. Any other result is a Soviet victory. The Black Sea force included all the Amerikanski R 20, Class R 17 Golland boats, and some of the Leninets, III. Starting Location VI. Special Rules Malyutka, Shchuka and Stalinets class. Nikolayev 1. K 2310r K 31-J34. Bd C, Dir. 6 Both Soviet submarines commence the scenario on the and Sevastopol were the main submarine bases. surface. 2. Z 39-R29, Bd C, Dir. 5 The entrance to Sevastopol was mined on the first Each Soviet submarine is to be considered an independent R 18-R42. Bd C. Dir. 5 slow convoy. day of the war, but four boats did manage to slip R 20-U37. Bd C, Dir. 5 No submarine, Russian nor Japanese, may dive below 25 out. These took up stations off the Bosphorous, feet. and outside the major Rumanian and Bulgarian IV. Victory Conditions For the Leninets Class boats, use the "S" Class data, and modify the information as follows: Reduce the maximum speed ports. Shch 4 was soon lost, but Shch 211 did sink The German player must sink the Soviet submarine in either scenario to win. Any other result is a Soviet victory. to "5"; add two stern torpedo tubes and two stern torpedo the unwary tanker Peles. The Germans were con­ reloads. siderably weaker in the Black Sea region than in the V. Game Length I 25 has but two torpedoes left; both are loaded in the bow Baltic, but Soviet results were still moderately tubes. I 25 is also heavily damaged; the Japanese boat has only 15 turns (for K 23), Day Scenario 4.1 damage points left before it is sunk. disappointing due to the truly bad tactics. The base 10 turns (for K 3), Day Scenario at Nikolayev fell, and Sevastopol was besieged. The VI. Special Rules boats were now pulled back to Batum and Poti, SCENARIO S4 The latest German values must be used for the surface SINK THOSE SHIPS, COMRADE! neither of which had adequate facilities for sub­ ships. marine operations. In 1942, several of the boats I. Introduction were lost in a vain attempt to maintain supply to SCENARIO S2 The Soviet submariners had no "happy time". For them the Sevastopol. Due to heavy losses, the coastal boats DAS war was long and bitter, filled with disappointments and defeat, were confined to the northwest area of the Black death and disasters. In the Black Sea only, did they enjoy even I. Introduction parity with the enemy surface forces; not surprisingly, in the Sea, and the larger boats operated off Crimea and On 5 July 1942, the Tirpitz departed Altenfjord on her last Black Sea were recorded the majority of the sinkings of enemy in the waters of Rumania. sortie of the war. Tirpitz was making course in the direction of merchant shipping. Typical of this little known warfare, on 4 The year 1943 was the year of offense, almost. S the infamous Convoy PQ17 which, unknown to the November 1943 off the coast of the Crimea, A 3 attacked a small 33 sank the Rumanian transport Suceava. By this Kriegsmarine, had scattered the day before. Her course crossed convoy. After sinking one merchantman and damaging another, the patrol of the Soviet submarine K 21, which had been laying in the Soviet sub was located and sunk by the escort ships. point the magnetic fuse for torpedoes had been wait for just such a chance. Tirpitz was fired on by the Soviet adopted, but success with it was limited. By 1944, sub, but none of her crew seems to have noticed the attack. II. Order of Battle the submarine offensive in the Black Sea was in­ After 12 hours, Tirpitz returned to her anchorage. 1. Russian Player-A 3, Class Amerikanski Golland

tense. With the help of recon aircraft from Odessa II. Order of Battle 2. German Player-6-C2 Merchantmen and Shadowsk, the boats sank seven targets. Losses F 4. Class F 1. Russian Player-K 21, Class Katyusha were still higher than sinkings-as was true of all F 9, Class F 2. German Player- Tirpitz, Class Tirpitz Soviet naval operations. With the occupation of the Z 39, Class Z III. Starting Locations Bulgarian and Rumanian coastlines, naval activity F 1, Class F 1. A 3-within five hexes inClusive of "I" in the Black Sea came to an end. F 2, Class F 2. C2 Merchantman-H31, Bd B, Dir. 5 The Arctic Ocean fleet was given the Stalinets III. Starting Location C2 Merchantman-K26, Bd B, Dir. 5 and Katyusha class boats, since it was assumed that C2 Merchantman-034, Bd B. Dir. 5 1. K 21-as per rule 20.4 here actual deep-water operations would dominate. C2 Merchantman-R39, Bd B, Dir. 5 These were based at Murmansk. Successes were 2. Tirpitz-M25, Bd B, Dir. 6 C2 Merchantman- V3B. Bd B, Dir. 5 Z 39-M1B, Bd B. Dir. 6 C2 Merchantman-Y33, Bd B, Dir. 5 proportionally higher in the Arctic theater than any F I-M39, Bd B. Dir. 6 F 4-D26. Bd B. Dir. 5 other. From 1942, these boats actively stalked the F 2-M32. Bd B. Dir. 6 F 9-Y26. Bd B. Dir. 5 coast of Norway, forcing the Germans to provide All merchantmen are in a slow convoy. IV. Victory Conditions adequate escorts. S 101 sank a submarine, and S 104 IV. Victory Conditions sank an escort vessel. Given these victories, in 1944 The Soviet player must apply at least 30 points of damage to the Tirpitz to win. Any other result is a German victory. The Soviet player must attain 25 victory points more than the British loaned the Soviets Sunfish, Unbroken, the German player to win. Conversely, the German player must Unison and Ursula. The Soviets renamed these V-I V. -Game Length sink the A 3. Any other result is a draw. to V-4 respectively. V-4 managed to sink a mer­ 20 Turns, Day Scenario V. Game Length chantman, but V-I was accidently sunk by British coastal defense aircraft in the North Sea. (The re­ VI. Special Rules 20 Turns, Day Scenario Consider the Tirpitz a fast convoy unless and until hit by maining boats were returned in 1949.) Offsetting VI. Special Rules torpedo attack. these successes, losses were high in this region due Use the Torpedo Attitude of the Gneisenau but subtract one For the Amerikanski Golland Class boat, use the "Shch" to the advances in German ASW methods. from the white die, as the Tirpitz was a broader target. Class data, and modify the information as follows: Reduce the The Far East had some Malyutka, Stalinets and Ship Data Chart for Tirpitz will read as follows: Sinking Damage to "2" and the Surface Damage to" 1"; delete the stern torpedo tubes and all stern torpedo reloads. Leninets submarines stationed there. On 8 August ID TYPE CLASS DEF SPEED DMGE FWD 1945, the Soviets declared war on Imperial Japan C14 88 Tirpitz 4 9 63 31 but not a single submarine sinking was scored BDE AFT VP AVAIL SCENARIOS5 against the devastated Japanese merchant fleet 63 31 63 F 41 REFUGEES ARE THE ENEMY TOO. before the conclusion of hostilities. I. Introduction The Soviet Union had begun World War II with SCENARIO S3 In front of the victorious advancing Soviet armies in the the largest submarine fleet in the world. For the loss ACCIDENTS DO HAPPEN! Baltic, hundreds of thousands of German civilians and soldiers fled. Many hoped to take passage on anything that would float of 110 submarines, 128 enemy ships were sunk I. Introduction and make their way to north German ports, thence westward to (292,000 tons). During the war itself, only 65 new The Soviet submarines L 15 and L 16 were on their passage Allied lines. The Soviet submariners positioned their boats boats were completed to replace losses. The Soviet to England via the Panama Canal; they were to be refitted there athwart the entry to German-held ports to extract revenge. In Union was the only major combatant to emerge with the latest BritiSh advance in electronic detection devices. January 1945, Soviet subs sank the large steamers Wilhelm from WWII with less submarines commissioned On 11 October 1942, these submarines, proceeding on the sur~ Gustlov, General Steuben and Goya, each packed with civilian face in American coastal waters off California, were attacked by refugees and military wounded. An estimated 15000 people than it had begun the war with. Let us now see ifyou the Japanese 125 whose crew had mistaken them for American were lost. This scenario condenses the tragic situation. could have used the submarines any more effectively boats. L 16 was struck aft of the control tower by a single than did her commanders. torpedo and sank in minutes. The resulting explosion also sprang II. Order of Bettie all of the 125's rivets and it too sank. The diplomatic repercus­ 1. Russian Player-S 13. Class S SCENARIO S1 sions were dampened by the two governments since neither L 3. Class Leninets TWO SUBS desired an unfortunate outbreak of hostilities at the time. 2. German Player- Wilhelm Gustlov, C3 Merchantman I. Introduction II. Order of Battle General Steuben. C3 Merchantman Goya. C2 Merchantman On 12 May 1942, German escorts caught and sank the 1. Japanese Player-/25, Class 115 Soviet K 23 in the Gulf of Finland. Nearly a year later, the refitted R 201, Class R 151 "killer group" found the K 3 on the surface on 21 March 1943. 2. Russian Player-L 15, Class Leninets Following its dive, the German ships executed a near perfect L 16, Class Leninets Ill. Starting Location pattern, claiming another Soviet submarine. This scenario 1. S 13-as per rule 20.4 III. Starting Locations utilizes the same pieces during different years to illustrate the L 3-as per rule 20.4 developments in sonar by the German Kriegsmarine. 1. /25-L19, Bd A, Dir. 2 37

2. Wilhelm Gustlov-C23. Bd B. Oir. 5 V. Game Length General Steuben-J27. Bd B. Oir. 5 40 Turns, Day Scenario Goya-X34. Bd B. Oir. 5 R 201-Q30. Bd B. Oir. 5 VI. Special Rules All merchantmen are in a slow convoy. Each player, prior to placing their boat on board and com­ IV. Victory Conditions mencing play, must secretly indicate the starting location of his submarine. Both submarines must commence play on the sur~ The Soviet player wins by sinking at least two of the three face. Orlplns steamers. Any other result is a German victory. No submarine, Russian nor German, may dive below 25 feet. For the 110 Class boat, use the "VIIS" Class data, and modify V. Game Length the information as follows: Reduce maximum speed to "4"; 20 Turns, Night Sgenario reduce Surface Damage to "1" and Sinking Damage to "2"; ignore all surface guns; reduce bow tubes to three and bow VI. Special Rules reloads to three; delete all stern tubes and stern reloads. * Both Soviet submarines are bereft of reloads. These may fire ANNOUNCING only the torpedoes in the tubes at the start of play. . Soviet submarines may not voluntarily surface due to . German control of the air. AN AUCTION OF NOTE For the Leninets Class boat, use the '5' Class data, and Charles S. Roberts, founder and first President modify the information as follows: Reduce the maximum speed to "5"; add two stern torpedo tubes. Contest 112 of The Avalon Hill Game Company, has agreed to auction his Private Collection of over one hun­ Having digested the information on Page 29 dred early Avalon Hill titles. SCENARIO 86 of this issue, the intrepid reader now turns here BLACK SEA TANKER for the last piece of the puzzle. As a final aid, Approximately half of these games will be of­ L Introduction well in keeping with the spirit of si-move play, fered at a public auction at ORIGINS '83 on Throughout the Great Patriotic War, the Axis shipping was the fo!lowing are the Allied commitment of Saturday afternoon (16 July 1983) at Cobo Hall prey to daring Soviet commanders. In exchange, losses were patrollers and air units. Your problem is where in Detroit. The other half of the collection will be heavy among the Russian submariners also. Shortly after the opening of Barbarossa, the Soviet Black Sea Fleet served notice the rest of the Allied fleet will appear! offered via a mail auction with a closing date of that it would operate vigorously against the invaders. On 15 1 September 1983. August 1941, Shch 211 attacked an escorted tanker convoy off In Indonesia: the coast of Bulgaria. It managed to sink the tanker Pe/es and withdraw undetected. A few days later, Shch 211 was lost with RNZAF Mr. Roberts will attend the ORIGINS '83 auc­ all hands to German aircraft. The sinking of the Pe/es was one of Marine AF tion. Almost all games are circa 1963, com­ the major Soviet naval coups of the early months of the conflict Maryland plete, unused and in mint condition. A certificate and alerted the German command to the potential of the Soviet Missouri will be issued with each game. Mr. Roberts will submarines. Thereafter, they were priority targets for German surface vessels and German aircraft. Vicennes autograph games if desired by successful bid­ Chester ders. Satisfaction will be guaranteed to suc­ II, Order of Battle cessful by-mail bidders. 1. Russian Player-Shch 211. Class Shch In Bay of Bengal: In Hawaiian Islands: COMPLETE LIST OF ITEMS FOR AUCTION 2. German Player-3~T2 Tankers 10 AF New York F 4. Class F GAMES AT ORIGINS: In Coral Sea: In North Pacific: III. Starting Locations Copies Title Canberra Minneapolis 1. Shch 211-as per rule 20.4; may not be placed in Zone III nor 1 TACTICS 11952 originalI Zone IV 2 GETTYSBURG (hex) In South Pacific: In Aleutians: 3 TACTICS II 2·. T2 Tanker-M2B. Bd B. Oir. 3 1 DISPATCHER T2 Tanker-M21. Bd B. Oir. 3 II AF RAAF 1 VERDICT T2 Tanker-M14. Bd B. Oir. 3 1 U-BOAT (metal shipsl F 4-G17. Bd B. Oir. 3 In Marianas: 4 MANAGEMENT All tankers are in a slow convoy. 7 AF 4 D-DAY 1 CHANCELLORSVILLE IV. Victory Conditions Naval AF 1 NEUCHESS The Soviet player wins by sinking one tanker and surviving, 1 VERDICT II orby sinking two tankers if it does not survive. Any other result is In Marshalls: 1 AIR EMPIRE a German victory. 1 LE MANS 5 AF 1 CIVIL WAR V. Game Length 2 BASEBALL STRATEGY 4 FOOTBALL STRATEGY 30 Turns, Day Scenario In US Mandate: Wichita 4 WATERLOO lIarge box) 2 BISMARCK (large boxl VI. Special Rules 4 STALINGRAO Ilarge box) Rules 61. and 62. must be observed. 2 DOLL HOUSE GAME 2 TRUCKS. TRAINS. BOATS & PLANES ...... 1 WHAT TIME IS ITI SCENARIO 57 1 IMAGINATION CAT AND MOUSE 2 WORD POWER 1 TACTICS counters/rules I. Introduction 3 TACTICS boxes In the narrow waters of the Baltic, the opposing submarine fleets played a deadly game of "cat and mouse". German CIRCUS MAXIMUS U-boats sought to destroy the Red Banner Fleet, confused and MAIL AUCTION: harried by continual aircraft attacks. Meanwhile, the surviving Soviet submarines took every opportunity to sink German ship­ 2nd Edition Copies Title ping, often at foolhardy risks. On 9 August 1941, the Soviet 1 GETTYSBURG Ihex The rules of CIRCUS MAXIMUS, ad­ 2 TACTICS II lookouts on Shch 307 sighted a German submarine running east judged by the readership ofThe GENERAL one on the surface. In the deadly game of submarine versus sub~ 1 DISPATCHER marine, the victor is the one that fires first. The Russian crew, of Avalon Hill's best games (see the RBO of this 7 MANAGEMENT even as the Germans became aware of their presence, launched issue), have recently undergone a beneficial 1 CHANCELLORSVILLE D-DAY a full spread of torpedoes. U 144 was lost with all hands. It was facelift. A number of rule changes-some merely 7 the sole unqualified success in the Baltic, the only major enemy 1 NEUCHESS warship sunk there by the Russians. cosmetic, others quite important-make this 1 VERDICT II classic game of chariot racing even more excit­ 1 AIR EMPIRE 1 LE MANS II. Order of Battle ing and complete than before. Henceforth, the 1 CIVIL WAR 1. Russian Player-Shch 307. Class Shch second edition rules will be included with cur­ 3 BASEBALL STRATEGY 2. German Player-V 144. Class 110 rent press runs of CIRCUS MAXIMUS and will 7 FOOTBALL STRATEGY be considered the official rules for all tour­ 7 WATERLOO lIarge box) Ill. Starting Locations 2 BISMARCK Ilarge boxl nament play. For owners ofthe game who desire 5 STALINGRAO Ilarge box) 1, Shch 307- as per rule 20.4 the latest edition, copies are available for $3.00 2 DOLL HOUSE GAME 2. U 144-as per rule 20.4 plus normal shipping and handling costs. 2 TRUCKS. TRAINS. BOATS & PLANES Maryland residents please add 5% state sales tax 2 WORD POWER IV. Victory Conditions 1 TACTICS counters/rules to their remittance. 3 TACTICS boxes The player to score the most victory points is the winner. Any other result is a draw. 38

Squad leader EliniE RUBBLE AND ROADBLOCKS By Jon Mishcon

The same story. Retold time after time 58.2 Stone rubble costs 2MF to enter and still yields through rubble. throughout World War II. The city is defended by a +3 DRM on the 1FT. 145.1 TEMs do apply to the 1FT DR in any attempt relatively small number of relatively immobile 58.3 Rubble is a Level I obstacle. to rubble buildings. troops. The powerful mechanised attacker lunges 58.4 Wooden buildings rubbled by having a tracked forward to the city portal. Before attempting to 148.44 Cannister cannot rubble buildings. AFV pass through permit, if the AFV isn't im­ :apture the city itself, the attacker uses his powerful 149.11 Rubble, once cleared, can turn a wheatfield mobilized, other tracked vehicles to pass through air and artillery to reduce the defender's "will to or brush hex into clear terrain. the hex. resist". Sometimes it works. More often the blast 155.3 Rubbling allows adjacent fire between upper effects shatter any fixed position defenses but 63.46 Any AA gun may fire from a rubble hex. level rowhouses. leaves the majority ofdefenders huddling in cellars, 63.6 Mortars may be fired from rubble. 164.21 Rubble is + 1 on Equipment Possession unscathed. The resulting destruction leaves massive 101.7 Bombs may create rubble as any other HE Acquisition drm. piles of masonry, difficult to assault around, im­ attack. 169.1 Rubble is treated as the building type from passable to vehicles, easy to defend. In many ways, 106.1 Rubble may not be bypassed by infantry. which it is made. the attack is slowed rather than sped by the exten­ sive destruction. 112.3 Rubble may not be bypassed by vehicles. 170.1 HE attacks on ground level building hex that Rubble by its very nature is a form of road­ 112.71 AFVs in bypass around a building that is achieve KIA rubble the whole building. KIA versus block. Roadblocks are whatever impedes road subsequently rubbled must leave the hex in the upper levels mayor may not level the entire building movement. Most often roadblocks are a couple of AFV's next movement phase. but will turn that, and all levels above, to rubble. good heavy trees felled across the width ofthe road. 114.52 Units on skis may not enter rubble hexs. 170.2 Ground level rubble is a Level 1 obstacle. Preferably right behind a curve, out of sight until 123.41 Motorcycles may not enter rubble hexes. 170.3 Infantry movement into rubble costs 3 MFs. the last moment. Rarely a roadblock will be a com­ 125.41 Demolition attacks which do not result in Vehicles may enter wooden rubble at 4 MPs (chanc­ plex structure of steel girders and heavy timber rubble affect only the target hex. ing a breakdown) but cannot enter stone rubble. posts. The time it takes to remove a man-made 126.4 Bridges destroyed over shallow water cause 170.5 Rubble may fall from 2nd or 3rd to create roadblock is directly related to the care taken in new rubbled buildings or rubble hexes. placing the block, its relative size and, as with all water level rubble. other obstacles, the active protection it is given. The 136.2 Booby traps may be set in rubble, but ifset in 170.6 Rubble may be cleared by infantry and hugh roadblocks caused by rubble piles are usually a building hex that is subsequently rubbled, the bulldozers. removable only by specially-equipped troops. booby traps are destroyed. Since rubble and roadblocks seem to go hand­ 136.6 Units may not deliberately detonate a friendly SQUAD LEADER rubble thus proves a real in-hand, let's look at them both. First, how the SL booby trap unless they pass some form of morale obstacle for advancing troops. A city board of system handles rubble: check. mostly rubbled buildings would be almost impass­ 31.1 Passengers may not ride an AFV reducing a 142.4 Units in rubble allow enemy units moving able. wooden building to rubble. next to them (adjacent to a wall/hedge) to retain Roadblocks are treated as one uniform type in 58.1 KIAs by artillery, mines or demo charges full wall/hedge benefits. the SL system. A brief review of how the system reduce all levels of a building to single story rubble. 144.91 Passengers may not use mounted assault treats roadblocks: 39

62.2 A roadblock is treated as a stonewall across a trifle unrealistic, consider it an improved posi­ the hexside to which it points; however, no vehicle tion. may cross such a hexside. A new scenario has been provided in this issue's AREA TOP 50 LIST 62.3 Roadblocks may be removed by a tank, SP insert to allow readers to experiment with the rules herein explored. Times Previous gun or squad afoot that spends an entire turn adja­ Rank Name On List Rating Rank cent to the roadblock hexside without moving or 1. K. Combs 31 2626YOU I firing...... 2. B. Dobson 6 2392RJQ 2 62.4 Roadblocks may be eliminated by a KIA from 3. B. Sinigaglio 16 2150GHI 3 a demo charge placed in the roadblock counter hex. 4. D. Burdick 30 2134GFM 4 62.5 Roadblocks may be placed using Hidden After Action Report-Dead of Winter 5. D. Garbutt 29 2126FHM 5 1~6. P. Siragusa 23 r09TIJFH 6 Initial Placement. This note continues the series of commentaries 7. E. Mineman I 2090CED - in the Clinic pertaining to the scenario published in 107.21 Guns with vehicle target classification can 8. F. Preissle 28 2037LMX 7 claim hulldown status behind a roadblock. a previous GENERAL (Vol. 18, No.5). The intent 9. P. Kemp 2 2024EEI 8 of these reports is to provide the player with one of 112.3 Vehicular bypass is not allowed across any 10 J. Kreuz 25 2016FHK 9 numerous possibilities: defensive setup, attacker hexside connected directly to a roadblock hexside. II. T. Oleson 40 2009WXZ 10 initial position, and basic tactical approach. Hav­ 12. J. Zajicek 34 2004HJO II 144.14 CE AFVs behind a roadblock cannot claim ing had several months to examine your own ap­ 13. M. Sincavage 20 1991DEI 12 both the roadblock's TEM and the CE TEM. proaches to our Clinic scenario, the reader can now 14. B. Remsburg 14 1978GHN 14 15. W. Scott 28 1964JHS 17 155.54 Roadblocks may be placed in the compare his findings with our summation. 5~ marketplace. 10. r. rreeman '5 r9'24EEF 17. M. Simonitch I 1912CDE - Understandably, roadblocks pose little impedi­ 18. L. Kelly 24 18%VWZ 18 ment to infantry. Most importantly, roadblocks act GERMAN: Place trenches in Y4, Y5, Z3, Z4 and 19.. J.Sunde 6 I895KKS 24 a) as a form of "rubble" in the hexsides they con­ AA4. Place the Panzer IV in Y4. Boresight guns on 20. J. Beard 20 1893CHO - nect, b) permit weapons to be "hulldown" behind UI. Place crew and ATG in Z3 boresighted on V9. 21. P. Flory 7 1885CFH 23 the roadblock. Now, how can rubble and road­ Place one squad with LMG and 8-1 leader in Y5, 22. J. Anderson 7 1876DDE 20 1874HLR blocks be profitably used in the scenarios. one squad in Z4, 9-2 leader with squad, MMG and 23. R. Leach 33 21 DC in AA4. Boresight the MMG on Yl. 24. C. Wannall 7 I863GKO 22 Scenario 10: Note that ifhex 3M2 is rubbled, the 25. D. Munsell 26 1857GFJ 19 Americans will be hardpressed to attain 2nd level RUSSIAN: I recommend you enter tanks with in­ 26. - p:'Landry 5 r84"8DHI: 2-5- fire positions. Run the crew into the building hex fantry on hexes RO-R3. 27. R. Phelps 12 I843GID 29 with 36 mine factors. Ifnot KIAed but broken, rout ATTACKER'S TACTICS: Initially use your tanks 28. R. Beyma 6 1836CDE 26 out again and try again. If unbroken, break volun­ to move up infantry. On turn 2 all three tanks move 29. F. Reese II 1834GDF 27 30. B. Schoose II I827FHL 33 tarily and rout out. out to engage the panzer as the infantry moves 31. N. Cromartie 16 1823GGN 28 Scenario 12: Try spreading the initial through the woods. With reasonable luck you'll roadblocks and attempt to build at least three more. 32. S. Martin 24 181IGIL 32 lose two tanks for the panzer's destruction. The re­ 33. E. Miller 17 I80lGJP 34 Consider placing the initial roadblocks in 2RI fac­ maining T34 can then obstruct fire lanes into YI, 34. R. Hoffman 17 1798EGL 35 ing 2S2, and 3AA6 facing 3BB6. Build blocks in allowing the infantry to move over AAI and exit. 35. B. Armstrong 3 1796EFK 36 3-0~ 3E6 facing 3F6, IEE5 facing I FF4, and 1FF5 facing Try to avoid infantry duels with the Germans. 36. 1. Wir! A m1St5FF lEE5. le37. F. Ornstein 14 1784FGL 37 DEFENDER'S TACTICS: If the Soviet player Scenario 13: The Russian roadblock is probably 38. G. Charbonneau 5 I780DFI 38 best used as a stonewall and firegroup builder: If sweeps across the board at you, fasten down the 39. D. Greenwood 31 I779FFJ 40 you favor the upfront defense, then putting the trigger and pray. Once in the trenches the Russian 40. C. Olson 14 1778DEJ 41 roadblock in 3M6 facing 3L6 allows good place­ will cut you to pieces but may lose too many troops 41. B. Downing 20 I776FHK 49 ment of the 57LL ATG or squad with LMG. t? win. If the Russian player is conservative, you'll 42. R. Jones 7 1769GJN 31 1761EEK 46 Scenario 22: Usually place both roadblocks on fmd out why the 37L was called the "door­ 43. G. Smith 5 44. J. Baker 3 1757CDH 44 Board 5. The first in 5M3 facing 5N2 Uust beyond knocker" by the German troops. You should be able to trade 2-for-1 in tanks but may have to move 45. L. Carpenter 3 1754CEF 45 the maximum reach of Russian first turn move). -B: Salvatore "1147FTM 47- infantry out of the trenches to fire at the Soviet in­ 46: 8 The second may be placed in 5F2 facing 5G3. This 47. S. Johns I 1744GCD - may leave vehicles in the open exposed to ATR fire fantry. Keep the Demo Charge for the last ditch 48. D. Kopp 3 1734EHL 42 from the heights. defense of the ATG if necessary. 49. S. Heinowski 4 I726DGK 48 Scenario 25: Recommend that the roadblocks 50. H. Newby 4 I726IEE 39 be placed in 5Z9 facing 5AA9 and 5Y8 facing 5Z7. These allow stonewall firing positions for your up­ MEET THE 50 ••• front infantry and, if combined with wire from 5Y4 Mr. John Anderson is 18, single and a student through 5Y7, will at least slow the attacker's THE AVALON HILL of the University of Arkansas majoring in com­ motorized thrust. GENERAL & COMPANY INDEX puter science. Scenario 31: The trenches give your artillery After dozens of requests for it, we've finally Favorite Game: SL series hulldown status, so you're free to use the road­ compiled an index for THE GENERAL. But AREA Rated Games: SL, TRC, 3R blocks to impede motion. Consider placing one in AREA W-L Record: 13-l-t "Jo Time PBM: t5% what an index! Virtually everything that has ap­ 5R6 facing 5S6, then using squads to kindle any of Gaming Time/Week: 18 hrs. Play Preference: FTF peared in the first 16 volumes of THE GENERAL Hobbles: Golf, Chess the woods-road hexes around 513. A roadblock in is referenced and cross referenced ad infinitum. Pet Peeve: Getting KIAed 25 hexes away from an American 8-1 5R9 facing 5S9 not only blocks the road but allows with a 50 cal. while moving in the open. The main subject matter is, of course, a clear lanes of fire for a gun in 5R8. Roadblocks in chronological listing of gaming articles by subject 4F3 facing 4G4 and in 'Ill facing 6110 may help "The play balance of the Russian Campaign matter with specific author, volume, and page channel the deep German armor thrust. in terms of AREA rating are laughable. Against references. There is, however, much more in­ Scenario 34: The roadblock is fixed. Stay away any good Russian player, the best you could hope cluding indices for contests, RBGs, philosophies, from it. It may divert British armor, ifyou're lucky. for as the German would be a draw unless-of covers, letters, and miscellaneous articles. Scenario 39: By placing the three roadblocks in course-you had clear weather in Sept., Dec. and The index also includes a running commentary 6N2 facing 602, 602 facing 6NI, and 601 facing March. Not even the best Russian player would on the development of the Avalon Hill Game Co. 6Nl, the German armor can be channeled west of stand a chance. The luck of the weather die rolls from 1952 to the present. This "Time Line" is a 3M6. Note that this creates a three hex pinch at early plays too great a role and the extremes of the wealth of information for the trivia buff or 6M7-6M9. victory conditions make play against a lower­ serious AH devotee and includes a complete Little discourse on the possibilities of rubble is rated opponent a disaster. I feel that the scenario listing of Avalon Hill titles in the order of their made in reference to the scenarios simply because victory conditions should be used at all times publication, complete with design/development the potential value of the rubble is outweighed by (preferably the July/Aug 1943 conditions as they credit and miscellaneous information. the risk of having some heavy weapon malfunction. offer a short game with some aspects of offense This 20 page, 8" x 11" booklet is yours for Doubtless, players have found that rubble occurs and defense for both sides). Also, the historical $4.00 plus the usual postage charges direct from where it will in the heat of battle. weather rules should be used in conjunction with Avalon Hill at 4517 Harford Rd., Baltimore, MD Lastly, I must make mention of one of our the above because it rules out the extremes and 21214. Maryland residents please add 5070 state favorite tactics in DYO scenarios. Soviet AFVs may makes tactical skill more important than just sales tax. be placed on heights in hulldown firing positions plain luck." behind a conveniently placed roadblock. If it seems 40

UP-SCOPE! Increased Realism in SUBMARINE By Michael Anchors

SUBMARINE is a challenge to play with the around its swiftly moving hull, the nerve-wracking Optional or Advanced Rules for hidden submarine "ping" of the sonar on the U-boat hull and, VARIANT RULES FOR THE BASIC/ movement. Except in rare instances when sonar penultimately, the splash of depth charges over­ OPTIONAL GAME succeeds in tracking the movement of a submarine head. Counting on proximity, the submariner The original rules apply except as amended or sup­ for several consecutive turns. the escort player is might loose a desperate torpedo on a hydrophone plemented below. forced to rely on his powers of intuition and logic to bearing, but its chance of hitting the destroyer parry the thrusts of his unseen opponent. Unfor­ would be slim. The final seconds were better spent A. The submarine player is not permitted to see the tunately, the game system does not confront the diving deep or sitting still and silent, hoping the gameboard unless one of his submarines is on the submarine player with a similar challenge. He can pursuer would lose the scent. surface or at a depth not greater than 25 '. see everything on the surface-even when his sub­ Of course, the captain could settle his doubts marine is forty fathoms under the waves! about the precise location of convoy and escorts by B. Rule A applies even if escorts locate a sub­ Historically, a U-boat captain below periscope raising his periscope, but that carried the risk of marine. A submarine counter is placed on the board depth was blind. He had only his ears and his imag­ detection by radar or lookouts. Cautious captains, and moved by the escort player according to the ination to reconstruct events on the surface. The the kind who survived, used their periscopes spar­ written moves of the submarine player, so long as hydrophone could give him a general bearing to the ingly and relied on calculation and educated guess­ contact is maintained; but, the submarine player convoy, which it detected as the summated roar ofa work to plot the movement of surface ships and may not see the board himself unless eligible. hundred propellers, but never the detailed informa­ position their subs for attack or escape. Thus, use C. Submarines at a depth of 25' are not tion needed to aim torpedoes accurately. Individual of the periscope was essential, but the situation re­ automatically sighted in daylight, but may be ships could not be distinguished until they came quired that it be used sparingly and efficiently. detected by radar or visual search. Escort ships with close indeed, and then the captain might hear the For the spice of realism, try the following radar may not use visual search, but may use radar. characteristic syndrome of danger: the high pitched variant rules: Escort ships without radar may use the "Basic drone of a destroyer engine at speed. the turbulence Visual Search Table." 41

BASIC VISUAL SEARCH TABLE S. in the first Movement Plotting Phase after a submarine or a torpedo is detected, the escort Range player must begin writing convoy moves 3 turns Sub (in hexes) Die Roll Modifiers in advance as usual. Rule H.I above is then Speed 0-15 10-30 31 Night Jap/German Italian + cancelled, and H.2 is modified so that merchant 3 5* 4 3 +1 -1 + 1 convoys can turn once in 5 turns. Warships may 2 4 3 2 +1 -1 + 1 change course each turn. 1 3 2 1 +1 -1 +1 I. Recommended is the use of Optional Rule 59.0, o 2 1 o +1 -1 +1 Torpedo Reload Rate, for the sake of realism and "Escort player must roll equal to or less than the modified sighting number to sight a sub at a depth of 2 5'. Subs on the surface play balance. Likewise, rule 60.0, Cargo too. in daytime are automatically sighted. If +The Italian + 1 modifier applies only until an enemy sub is detected or a torpedo appears. J. a submarine at a depth of 0' or Z5 ' fires a torpedo, the torpedo is considered "aimed". If a submarine at 50' or deeper fires a torpedo, the D. In all search or fire procedures, the range from course prior to discovery of a submarine. A convoy torpedo is unaimed. There is a + 1 modifier to rolls one ship to another is counted as the distance be­ does, after all, have to get from point A to point B. I on the Torpedo Detonation Table for that torpedo. tween bow hexes (not closest hex occupied by part can't imagine much time was spent milling about in Alternatively, this rule can be modified so that a of a ship as in the original rules). Each ship counter the middle of the Atlantic in the absence of a sub­ deep-running torpedo is considered aimed only occupies two 100 yard hexes, but a submarine is not marine sighting, and such absurdly frequent turn­ when it contacts the first merchantship. If it fails to 200 yards long! ing makes aiming a torpedo at a convoy like detonate (misses), it becomes "unaimed" for shooting an arrow through a flock of birds-you future contacts. A shallow-running torpedo is con­ E. If the submarine player is ineligible to see the sidered "aimed" only when it contacts the first gameboard, search procedure is as follows. As the don't improve your chance of hitting a bird by aim­ ing at a particular bird. Therefore, until a sub­ escort vessel. Thereafter, it is unaimed. If using the escort player calls out the bow hex and type of color coded torpedo counters recommended above, search(es) being conducted by each searching marine is located by search or a torpedo appears, the ships of a convoy, including warships: use one color for aimed torps and another for vessel, the submarine player secretly and silently unaimed. refers to an unmounted mapboard (obtainable 1. may not move on a course differing from from Avalon Hill) to calculate the range from the their original facing by more than 60° (Le. one searching ship to the nearest unsighted submarine. hexside); FRILLS DEPARTMENT. A torpedo can be aimed while the sub is at The escort player rolls a die for each search and an­ 2. may not turn more often than once in 10 0' or 15 ' and fired later when the sub is below 25' ifthe movement nounces the result. (A convenient method is to roll a turns (5 minutes); orders for both submarine and torpedo are written in advance. For red and a white die, applying the red die to sonar instance, a submarine player with his boat at 25 I could prerecord his 3. Section 20.2.7 is still used to set the initial movement for three turns in advance, submerge to 100 I and fire an search and the white die to radar or visual search.) formation of a convoy, but the escort player aimed torpedo by writing the following orders in the log: If there is a contact, the submarine player so in­ may choose any initial direction prior to seeing Move Location Depth Torpedo Section forms the escort player and a submarine counter is the location of any submarine. The submarine Turn 5 R1 X38d5 25 1 2 3 placed on the board. 6 LlL X39d3 75 player won't know the facing of the convoy 7 1 Y39d3 100 AR7 87 CL7 F. Italian escorts had poor sonar and indifferent until his submarine is at a depth of Z5 ' or sur­ All orders written on turn 5. faces; lookouts. They must use the same adverse modifier ADVANTAGE: Attacking destroyers will not be able to assume that, to their sonar search rolls as the Japanese. In addi­ 4. in the "Convoy Move" section of the log, because a torpedo appeared on turn 7, that the firing submarine was tion, there is a + I modifier to their visual search the escort player need only record the first two at 0 or 25 I on turn 7. rolls until a submarine sighting or a torpedo draws turns by the convoy to specify the pattern of DISADVANTAGE: Submarine player is hoping the target ship will their attention. movement that will be followed prior to hold course for three turns. G. Torpedoes appear on the mapboard at the end discovery of a submarine. The time between the start of the game and the first turn by the convoy K. The game length is no longer set at ZO turns. In­ of their first turn of movement. If the submarine stead, the game continues for ZO turns after a sub­ player cannot see the board ... cannot be longer than that between subsequent turns. (For example, 'RZ' on Turn 5, 'LZ' on marine or a torpedo is detected. Thus escorts will 1. The submarine player must inform the escort Turn 15 is permissable but, 'RZ' on Turn 10, have a full 10 minutes to hunt for the sub. (Would a player of the location, course, depth and speed 'LZ' on Turn 15 is not.) The intent of this rule is destroyer give up the chase after one minute simply of the appearing torpedoes. to restrict convoys to a straight course or a because a submarine fired its first torpedo on Turn 2. The torpedoes are moved by the escort simple (historical) zig-zag pattern; 18?) player. 3. Ifa torpedo contacts a ship, the escort player rolls a die to determine whether the torpedo ADVANCED VISUAL SEARCH TABLE detonates. The sub player is informed of the Submarine contact only if the torpedo explodes, and even Depth Range Modifiers then he is not told the damage inflicted. Sub Indeed, the sub player does not find out the damage Dice Day Night Weather Speed inflicted until the game is over; although, if he Roll 0' 25' 0' 25' Gale Storm Rough Clear 3 2 1 0 peeks through the periscope, he may see one of his 65-66 AUTO 28 28 9 -10 -7 -4 0 +7 +5 +2 0 targets missing or dead in the water. This is a nice 63-64 " 20 20 8 -10 -7 -4 0 +7 +5 +2 0 balance since the escort player does not find out the 61-62 16 16 7 -10 -7 -4 0 +7 +5 +2 0 damage inflicted by his ASW attacks either until the 55-56 14 14 6 -10 -7 -4 0 +7 +5 +2 0 end of the game! 53-54 12 12 5 -10 -7 -4 a +7 +5 +2 0 (A few incidental ideas before proceeding with 51-52 10 10 4 -10 -7 -4 0 +7 +5 +2 0 the variant rules. If honesty or trust is a problem in 45-46 9 9 4 -10 -7 -4 0 +7 +5 +2 0 your gaming circles, you can alleviate the problem 43-44 8 8 4 -10 -7 -4 0 +7 +5 +2 0 by using numbered chits instead of dice. The chits 41-42 7 7 4 -10 -7 -4 0 +7 +5 +2 0 drawn, after being examined by the escort player, 35-36 " 6 6 4 -10 -7 -4 0 +7 +5 +2 0 must be placed face down and left in the sub 33-34 5 5 4 -10 -7 -4 0 +7 +5 +2 0 player's view for his examination at the end of the 31-32 4 4 4 -10 -7 -4 0 +7 +5 +2 0 game. Too, since torpedoes in the game can be of 25-26 4 4 4 -10 -7 -4 0 +7 +5 +2 0 different types, but all the torpedo counters are the 23-24 4 4 4 -10 -7 -4 0 +7 +5 +2 0 same, it is a good idea to color code the counters 21-22 4 4 4 -10 -7 -4 a +7 +5 +2 0 with colored dots or numbers on the back to avoid 15-16 4 4 4 -10 -7 -4 0 +7 +5 +2 0 confusion. Now, back to the variant ... ) 13-14 4 4 4 -10 -7 -4 0 +7 +5 +2 0 H. The original rules for convoy movement, Sec­ 11-12 4 4 4 -10 -7 -4 0 +7 +5 +2 0 tion 7.6, are unrealistic. Convoys can turn in unison German and Japanese escorts add 1 to the coloreddie. Italian escorts subtract 1 from the colored die until a sub or a torpedo is every 30 seconds (?!?) and there is no requirement detected. for a convoy to maintain any particular average 42

VARIANT RULES FOR THE 7. (cf. Section G above) ADVANCED GAME The original Advanced Game Rule 40.0, Torpedo The original Advanced Game rules and all the Hidden Movement, applies. Moreover, a hidden CONVENTION CALENDAR above variant rules apply except as amended or sup­ torpedo cannot detonate against a ship while the THE GENERAL will list any gaming convention in this space free of charge on a space available basis provided that we are plemented below. submarine captain is away from the board unless it notified at least four months in advance of the convention date. is in a hex or enters a hex known to contain part of a Each listing must include the name, date, site, and contact 1. (cf. Section A above) address of the convention. Additional information of interest to surface ship. This can occur, for instance, when the Avalon Hill garners such as tournaments or events utilizing AH The submarine player is not permitted to see the target ship is dead-in-the-water or when the torpedo games is solicited and will be printed if made available. gameboard unless one of his submarines: enters a hex called out in the preceding Search APRIL 29-30, MAY 1 a. is on the surface; or phase. If a deep-running torpedo passes within one TRI-STATE CON '83, Cincinnati, Ohio b. has S-gear; or hex of a searching escort or a shallow,torpedo Contact: Cincinnati Adventure Garners, 11020 within two, the torpedo must be placed on the c. is at a depth of 25 ' and'''' (scope up) is Reading Road, Suite 175, Sharonville, OH board. written in the Operation section of the log. The 45241. (513) 984-8011. "scope up" order written in the Movement 8. (cf. Section H above) APRIL 29-30, MAY 1 Notation Phase does not take effect until the Convoys may not turn more often than once in 5 NIAGARA GAMEFEST & COMPUTER Submarine Movement Phase. The periscope turns until a submarine or torpedo is detected. SHOW, St. Catherines, Ontario may be lowered by writing ' .. ' or by diving Afterwards, the limit is 3 turns. Contact: Doug Mann, Niagara Garners below 25 '. Association, 223 St. Paul Street, St. Catherines, 2. If a submarine at a depth of 25' with its 9. The original Rule 35.0, Launching Torpedoes, Ontario, CANADA L2R 6V9. (416) 682-1438. may be used, instead of Section J above. Many periscope or snorkel up is rammed by a surface MAY 20-21-22 prefer Section J; but if you use Rule 35.0 instead, ship, the periscope or snorkel is permanently lost. CHICAGO WAR GAMING, Chicago, Illinois modify 35.2.2 as follows: Contact: Gregory Principato, Treasurer, 3. Submarines at 25 ' are subject to radar or visual Novice crew 1 ship search only if the periscope or schnorkel is up. Chicago War Gaming, Inc., P.O. Box 217, Experienced crew 2 ships Tinley Park, IL 60477. 4. (cf. Section C above) Professional crew 3 ships MAY 29 Substitute the "Advanced Visual Search Table" The original rule was too generous by historical M.I.G.S. GAMEFEST IV, Cambridge, Ontario above for the Basic Table. Note the range modifier standards and was unbalanced in favor of the sub­ Contact: Les Scanlon, President MJ.G.S. 473 for sub speed. A periscope cutting through the marine. Upper Wentworth Street, Hamilton, Ontario water at 5 knots throws up a more visible wake than 10. Torpedoes were ornery varmits and nobody's CANADA L9A 4T6. one moving at 2 knots. torpedo worked perfectly all the time. The sub­ JUNE 4-5-6 5. If the bow hex of an escort vessel conducting a marine player must roll on the Torpedo Malfunc­ DALLCON 83, Dallas, Texas sonar sweep lies in a broadside quadrant of the tion Table for each torpedo fired during the Contact: Dallcon 83, P.O. Box 345125, Dallas, closest submarine, as defined by Sections 17.6 and Torpedo Launch Phase. TX 75230. 17.7 of the original rules, there is a + 2 modifier to JUNE 10-11-12 the sonar search range. n. In Section 9. 7 of the original rules, delete "the' MICROCON III, River Forest, Illinois :live is successful ... penalty" and substitute "the The reason? A submarine broadside-on is a more Contact: T.J. Ivinjack, Convention Director, initial dive is successful. Thereafter, in the Sub­ echogenic object than a sub end-on because it Forest Garners Club, River Forest Community marine Movement Phase of each turn in which the Center, 414 Jackson, River Forest, IL 60305. subtends a larger arc. Submarine captains tried to submarine is below the maximum safe depth (in­ present their bow or stern to searching escorts to NOTE: Tournaments in SL, COl, COD, GIand cluding the turn of the initial dive), the submarine escape detection. To counter this tactic, destroyers VITP. sustains a number of hit points equal to the roll of preferred to approach suspected submarines on one die up to a maximum of four hit points per turn. JUNE 17-18-19 perpendicular courses similar to an "Anvil" attack If a "5" or "6" is rolled, there is no additional GENGHIS CON V, Denver, Colorado of MIDWAY. damage that turn and no further damage rolls until Contact: Denver Garners Association, P.O. Box 6. Escorts are allowed 360 0 sweep as well as home. the submarine dives deeper. There is a -1 modifier 2945, Littleton, CO 80161. (303) 798-1404. Why should sweeps be limited to 120 0 (Section to the die roll if the depth of the submarine exceeds NOTE: Tournaments include BB '81, CM, CIV, 44.3) if home isn't? Nevertheless, if players prefer the maximum safe depth by 25070. Although the GI, GSL, KM, PB/PL, TRC, SL, SOA, 3R, the 120 0 sweep rule, it can be used-provided the greatest danger of structural collapse did occur VITP, WAS and WS&IMamong many others in escort player tells the submarine player not only the when a submarine first dived below maximum safe the largest convention in the Rocky Mountain bow hex of each searching escort but the facing as depth, some structural damage would continue to region. well. accrue due to the steady pressure." * JUNE 24-25-26 POLYCON, San Luis Obispo, California Contact: Della Smith, Registration Secretary, TORPEDO MALFUNCTION TABLE P.O. Box 168, Julian A. McPhee University Union, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, CA 93407. Die Rolls (805) 543-3509. Stonn Weather Clear Rough Rough Gale JUNE 24·25-26 Torpedo depth All Deep Shallow All Effect SEAGA '83, Norcross, Georgia 21-66 31-66 No effect Contact: W.M. Souminen, Director, P.O. Box 16 25-26 PREMATURE The torpedo explodes atthe 930031, Norcross, GA 30093. end of its first turn move, JULY 2-3-4 Sub player must inform TEXCON 1983, Austin, Texas escort player of location of Contact: Martha Ladyman, 8028 Gessner the explosion. #1805, Austin, Texas 78753. 15 23-24 SINKS Torpedo sinks immediately JULY 14-15-16-17 after being fired. ORIGINS '83, Detroit, Michigan 14 21-22 STUCK Torpedo sticks in the tube, Contact: Metro Detroit Garners, 083 Info, P .0, permanently jamming its Box 787, Troy, MI 48099. tube. 13 15-16 OFF-RIGHT At the end of its first turn JULY 29-30-31 move, torpedo makes 30 0 PEERICON III, San Diego, California turn to the right, Contact: Larry Peery, The Institute for 12 13-14 OFF-LEFT Ditto, to the left, Diplomatic Studies, P.O, Box 8416, San Diego, 11 11-12 ROGUE At end of first turn move, CA 92102. (714) 238-0893. torpedo makes a 180 0 turn. NOTE: An exclusively DIPLOMACY event. Watch out! 43

Oripins BUILDINGS 0 HILL -3 (±) -1* 2

xr------'S CCV: 9/5

Range Firepower: o o 1 o 2 1 No outgoing mortar fire 3 2 *if target/firing group not on hill Overrun (29.4); OT: 5 1M, 6 Elim 4 3 IG: Two Moves to enter Olhers: 6 Immobilize 5 4 AFV: Hull Down (black To Hil) 1 2b 3 4c 50 6 7w 8 9 Or 1 2b 3 4c 50 6 7w 8 9 Or """O~RA~L~E",:-,,5:- ~K1A: 8 1 1 111 1 1 111 12 22 2 22 222 UP FRONT Do You Like Card Games? Do You Like SQUAD LEADER? Do You Like Games Packed With Decision Points & Gamesmanship? Do You Want to Fly to ORIGINS '84 in Dallas, TX as Our Guest?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you'll want to be at ORIGINS 83 when we unveil UP FRONT, our newest entry in the SQUAD LEADER series. UP FRONTtakes SQUADLEADER a step further in both detail and playability. Each man is represented by a card which contains his ratings for morale, firepower at six different ranges, close combat ability, and survivability. Each player commands a single squad of Russian, German, or American troops which maneuver over a variety of terrain beautifully depicted on actual playing cards in an attempt to fulfill victory conditions for any of a variety of scenarios. AFV's, snipers, minefields, AT Guns, mortars, wire, smoke and much more come into play-in fact just about everything you'll find in SQUAD LEADER and its gamettes you'll find depicted in UP FRONT in a more playable format. Nationality differences and command control are intrinsically handled by the varying hand capacities of each player. You'll be amazed at how much detail has been portrayed in a game which is so simple to play, yet impossible to master. UPFRONTwill be 1983's most innovative release. You simply must play it to believe it, and as only the basic game scenarios will be used in the tournament you can be primed for competition bySaturdayevening when the first patrols set out in earnest. Buy it Friday, learn it that evening, and by Saturday you can command your first patrol in pursuit of that free trip to ORIGINS '84.

'First Prize: ORIGINS PLAQUE and Round-Trip airfare between any point in Continental U.S. and Dallas, TX for ORIGINS '84. Second Prize: $50 Merchandise Credit Third Prize: $25 Merchandise Credit Fourth Prize: Two Year subscription to the GENERAL NOT AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE PRIOR TO JULY 15, 1983.

Don't miss these other great Avalon Hill ORIGINS '83 releases: B-l7: QUEEN OF THE SKIES . .. POWERS & PERILS . .. BULL RUN. ,. PANZERKRIEG . .. PRO TENNIS . .. TACTICS

Make plans to register for the following tournaments at ORIGINS '83 by sending a SASE for a Pre-Registration form to: Metro Detroit Garners, P.O. Box 787, Troy, MI 48099.



Dear Mr. Marlin: regard to the "Suitability for PBM", it would seem to me that, ifA valon Hill has issued pbm Volume 19, No.4 is the worst issue of The components (i.e., the various pbm kits available), GENERAL in recent memory. Of twelve articles, Letters to the Editor this is sufficient indication that the game may be only four dealt with wargames. I can understand readilysuitablefor by·mailenjoyment. This is not the hawking of CIVILIZA TION, but the piece on to imply thai any game may not be adapted to OH-WAH-REE is a tad misplaced. After all, The manyofour lesser-known classics. It is myfervent to par beadjudgednot worlh the effort. For these. pbm; witness the lead article of this issue or the GENERAL is primarily a wargamer's magazine. manyfine 'zines that regularly run pbm gamesfor This is not to say that Vol. 19, No.4 was hope that these pages be aforum for fine articles and other like considerations, a public judgment on allgames ofstrategyproduced by Avalon Hill. by the readership demands that all titles be rated heretofore unplayed AH games. But the fact re­ totally without merit. There were some amusing mains that the percentage ofhobbyists that avail moments. The "explaining away" of the poor Realizing that the majority ofour readership may given the current state-of·the-art in game design. not be as broad-minded as I in terms ojtheir gam~ As to your last point, I can only wish I had themselves ofthese is minimal when compared to ratings .[or CIVILIZA TION was one such the numbers that play the traditional pbm titles. moment. It seems that wargamers (thick-headed ing preferences, the editors will insure that articles stated it so succinctly. Henceforth, all readers can on non-war titles which appear in these pages will take Mr. Metcalf's wording as axiomatic when To my mind, a briefglance at Avalon HiIIJs listing fellows, those) didn't approve of the elegantly of pbm kits is sufficient to indicate "Suitability simple combat system. Nor did they appreciate the be exceptional. But. '.. such will certainly come rating mapboards. the way of the readers at infrequent intervals. forPBM". mapboard or components-an unjustified With respect to "Suitability for Solitaire", malaise to say the least. You know,1 think most of And, who knows; you may even glean a jewel from them for your trouble. I've made myfeelings known toward such in past us find it rather difficult enough to be competent issues Of the AH Philosophy. Notwithstanding, I generals, let alone the ethos of a race. ***** Dear Mr. Martin; realize that many "gamers" do play AH titles in Perhaps, you're asking too much of us. ***** "splendid isolation". However, every Avalon Your revision of the RBG chart in The Mark Geillard To the Editor: Hill game is designed asa GAME(as distinct in my Lowell, Michigan GENERAL is indeed long overdue! The proposed mindfrom a PUZZLE) and is meant to be played I would like to make a few comments about format represents a real improvement over the old competitively between two or more thinking in· You're right-perhaps I am. Some few ofthe your new RBG survey. I agree that if there is to be one, but there are still two categories you did not dividuals (with all the connotations you may care readership do seem to have arather narrowdefini­ a rating chart (and why not?), a new one is cer­ mention that I feel need to be added to the to apply). To apply any rating for "Suitabilityfor tion ojwhat constitutesa Uwargame". Tome, it is tainly needed. There is no way a game rated at the chart-or at least induded in the initial rating Solitaire" to a game not designed jar such is akin any game ofstrategy which uses armed conflict as beginning of the survey can be compared to the comments box-namely, Suitability for PBM and to rating an automobile for its "suitability as the medium. Therefore, GLADIATORis as much most recent releases. And, a different sampling Suitability for Solitaire. habitation" in periodicals devoted to the internal alegitimate subjectfor thepages ofthisperiodical population existed at the time the survey was in­ Don Eisan pointed out very eloquently in his combustion engine-certainly it may be used as as SQUAD LEADER, CIVILIZATION as rele­ stituted than does now. Therefore, it makes letter in Vol. 19, No.4 [hat as we get older we find such, but that was neither the motivation nor in­ vanl as THIRD REICH, WIZARDS QUEST as perfect sense to rerate all the games at once by the other demands increasingly eating into the time we tention of its designers. Realizing that there are ifllriguing as TRIREME. Perhaps I am asking too same group of people. used to have for games. Work, family and com­ many who, for various reasons, find it difficult to much. Or . .. perhaps you're asking too little? However, I feel_ there is room for more munity obligations can't always be scheduled find opponents, there is now an effort to create guidance and direction as to how to rate these neatly around an evening, afternoon, day or true games designed with solitaire play in mind. games than you provided. Three problems spring perhaps entire weekend of"war with pieces". For Bruce Shelley is currently putting the finishing ***** to mind. Firstly, to rate these games, they must be many of us, hobby time has dwindled to that rare touches on B-17, QUEEN OF THE SKIES-a compared to other games. Are these other titles to moment when we suddenly find that the laundry is Dear Sirs: solitaire re-creation of a bomber mission over be exclusively Avalon Hill's-or the products of done, the club committee meeting has been Europe in November 1942. This game (to be Let me congratulate you on producing a very the entire industry? I, personally, rated them by cancelled, it's raining too hard to work in the released at ORIGINS '83) and others ofsimilar fine edition of the GENERAL in Vol. 19, NO.4. the latter consideration such that my scores were, garden, and cleaning the basement can wait for nature are the only Ones that can legitimately The artwork, the range of topics covered and the in general, higher than if I had rated the games another week. The only remaining obstacle is claim to be <'suitablefor solitaireJ'. quality of the articles was superb. Moreover, there against the other AH releases. This indicates the locating an opponent who is experiencing the are two qualities that distinguish this issue that I general quality of your line. same windfall of time and who lives within a hope will continue in future issues. First, the issue Secondly, when I started in the gaming hobby reasonable distance. By the time this miracle has ***** has good THEMATIC COHESION. The cover in 1961 with CHANCELLORSVlLLE, I fell that come to pass, a lot of our precious time has also Dear Sirs: articles dealt with CIVILIZA TION, and five of games such as [hat and TA CTICSIIwere quite an passed. Backgammon, anyone? the following articles dealt with games of the an­ innovation and deserved high accolades. Now, in There are, however, ways to fully use these We represent the Youth's Centre of Games cient period as well: "Ramses H", "Peloponne­ 1983, I am asked to rate games that, in their time, unexpected moments of relaxation. One can work and Intellectual Amusements in Warsaw. This is a sian War", "Oh-Wah-Ree", "Coloseum Cam­ were just as good as the best of recent games are. If out a PBM move, or write a DIP letter, or muse losse federation of clubs converging people in­ paign" and "Second Edition CIRCUS MAX­ 1am to rate them on an absolute basis, their scores over an exciting-yes, exciting!-solitaire game terested in various types of games-particularly IMUS". I think that the first two-thirds of every have to be worse than if they are rated on a relative ofSL or W&Por some other game that lends itself strategic ones. We encompass such clubs as Virtuti issue should contain articles with some connecting basis. to this sort of mental exercise. Militari (WWII operations, campaigns and bat­ theme. Of course, I realize that you can only do Thirdly, 1 find it difficult to rate components For myself, and I think for many others as tles of Polish soldiers) and Poniatowski that if you have a plentiful stock of publishable of games (particularly mapboards) of games that well, participation in any game taking more than (Napoleonic Polish interests). material. Most of the AH staff is busy designing take place in a diffrent medium (i.e. land games an hour to complete is pretty much limited to PBM To enlarge activities of these clubs, we intend new games-too many new games in my opinion. versus sea or air games). For example, I find it ex­ and/or solitaire. No lectures, please, on how the to introduce a new form of playing the strategic Iam sure that you have immense trouble diverting tremely hard to rate a sea mapboard a

THIRD REICH A. Yes; even though the Sea Transport mission 14.23 In an attack where the attacker is attacking has been aborted it still counts as a mission and two or more adjacenl hexes, can all attached hexes therefore its units still have the same capabilities be treated as breakthrough hexes as long as 15.3 is even though they disembarked at a different port. adhered to? 29.432 If an airborne drop drives a fleet out, thus A. Yes; however this cannot be stretched to in­ 24.2 Does lhe island of Saare (F39) become their base of departure displaced to a new base permitting an invasion, on an otherwise clude an attack on an occupied hex and an friendly to the present controller of the Baltic within 4 or 8 hexes from the old airbase or the undefended beach, maya bridgehead counter still undefended hex (14.4). States? target hex? be placed? A. Yes, to whomever first controls the Baltic A. Eight hexes from the old airbase. A. No-the invasion hex would be controlled by 14.4 May more than the one required attacking States. Thereafter, normal hex control rules apply the attacker prior to the actual invasion. 28.432 When mixed nationality air forces are in­ armor unit be moved into the non-contested hex (7.1). to form the Breakthrough hex? volved in air combat, how are losses distributed 29.54 Can different fleets in the same hex, but A. Yes. 25.21 If Russia has troops in Bessarabia but not between nationalities of the same side? different ports, intercept different enemy in Rumania at the end of its turn, can Germany A. Use the 29.572 naval method. missions? garrison Rumania? A. Yes. Note that fleets in a hex with more than 16.7S & 29.61 These rules seem contradictory. 28.452 If the Counterair attack fails, does the A. Yes. one port must declare which port they are in as Does the US require Sea Escort to give BRPs to attempt by the other air units that were to attack soon as {hey enter it. Also note that fleets in Britain? 26.92 Does "combined Axis strength" include the naval forces count as a mission, even though separate ports within the same hex attempting [Q A. No. Insert "other" between "any" and naval factors? these air units cannot now attack? intercept the same mission must roll twice for "ally" in 16.75. Note; in the rare game in which A.No. A. Yes. France is unconquered when the US enters, rule interception-once for each port. 16.71 would apply to SRs to Britain and France 26.921 If Russia surrenders, which side assumes 28.453 Can the attacker elect to destroy one control of partisan occupied objective hexes factor each from two fleets rather than two factors combined. Rules 16.74 and 16.75 would apply 29.57 If a naval and air interception of a naval equally to France. French fleets could be addi­ which were previously controlled by the Axis? from one fleet? A.Axis. A.No. mission occurs in the same hex, which attack is tional Murmansk escort fleets (16.8). resolved first? 27.26 & 37.3 Can units in excess of Egyptian port 28.513 May you allot more air factors than could A. The interceptor's choice. 18.31 In order for units "of a defending major restrictions be supplied by fleet from England legally be counted in the combat odds, in anticipa­ power's active minor ally or of a minor in which around the Cape, as in SR to Suez? tion of intercepting aircraft reducing your DAS 29.57 Hav,e air/naval interceptors, whose in­ the defending major power has intervened" to be A.No. strength? tended naval target was destroyed or forced to taken as attrition losses to satisfy the major's abort due to previous interception attacks, per­ 28.12 Could Britain initially place airbase A. No. losses and vice versa, isn't it necessary that at least formed a mission? counters in France if Britain never had any other one ground unit of the country taking such losses 29.21 & 29.573 Are fleets which, in an attempt to A. Yes. units in France? change base during the Movement Phase, are in­ be in contact with an enemy ground unit on the A. Yes; but only with French concurrence. tercepted and defeated forced to return to their 29.57 May fleets which fail their Interception die attritioned front? original base? Can they perform any other func­ roll be intercepted by a eligible enemy air or naval A. Yes. 28.24 Are air units in flight, unable to return to tions during that game turn? unit? A. Yes (this is an exception to the last sentence of A.No. 29.33); they can do anything a fleet can normally 31.1 Can an airborne unit take off from a city hex READER BUYER'S GUIDE do except change base during the Movement instead of an airbase counter? Phase. A. Yes. The editors had hoped to report future development and in terms of 29.25 & 42.2 Are additional US fleets assigned to 32.12 Could Italian partisans be created if Italy the results of the re-rating of the RBG content of this periodical. Those protect a Murmansk convoy counted against the was conquered rather than having surrendered? (Vol. 19, No.4) in this issl,je. How­ titles which have not yet attained the overall SR limit of 10 or against the Initial Deploy­ A. Yes. ment limit of 6? 32.3 If all units involved in a Crossing Arrow ever, at the time that this fs being minimum fifty response include: A. Both if the fleet has not yet been initially attack are partisan, then would a partisan on written, survey sheets continue to FURYIN THli WEST, LITTLEROUND deployed; otherwise only as the SR limit. defender's side of Crossing Arrow untriple the flow into our offices at the rate of a TOP, THE LONGEST DA Y, and 29.26 & 29.58 Ifa naval unit is displaced from its defender? dozen a day. Too, with over 500 TRIREME. For those which have base and then intercepted and defeated so that it A. Yes. has to return to its original base, what happens? thus far, assimilation of the numbers garnered the most responses, one 33.41 #7 Are Axis fleets in Kiel considered as A. It must change base to the next nearest being in the Eastern Front for the purpose of simply has yet to be completed. The need not look far-simply glance available friendly port on that front-tracing its determining a combat factor advantage on the response to the re-rating of the RBG over the top twenty listed in the path from the point of the interception. It is again Eastern Front? subject to interception by another, as yet uncom­ has been, to put it in proper perspec­ column "So That's What You've A.No. tive, overwhelming. Even a cursory Been Playing ..." mitted, enemy fleet/air. If no such other friendly port is available on the front, the defeated fleet is 33.41 #7 May the German player activate Turkey review of the responses, though, eliminated. with variant #7 if Germany lacks a full 35 BRPs for a DoW? brings not a few items of interest to 29.413 If the coastal fortress is also a port with a 9 A. No-Germany cannot use Turkey's 30 BRPs to the eye. These will be reported in factor fleet may the attack still be made using pay for the Turkish DoW. See Sequence of shore bombardment? detail when the final computations The readership will note that the Play-II.D.I. & 2. are made. insert of this issue contains the rating A. Yes; defending fleets do not prevent shore bombardment. 33.5 What happens on a modified dice roll of I? As may be remembered from AH chart for the Adventure Game A. Treat it as a 2! 29.413 Can shore bombardment be used with Philosophy 94, to make the RBG a category. It is urged that all familiar non-exploiting units attacking across a Crossing 36.23 Other than during transfer (when being lent truly effective comparative tool, a with these games respond. Hopefully, Arrow? or reclaimed), are SRing lent Italian forces minimum of fifty response to each this chart too will come to reflect the A. No. counted against German, or Italian, or either's SR limits? title was imposed for its inclusion in readership's collective taste and 29.422 & 29.573 Are units being Sea Transported A. German. the continuing chart. Only a few serve as a guide for those of us on the returned to the port of embarkation or the fleet's base (assuming the two are different) if the 37.3 & 41.3 Do allied units based in Malta count titles have yet to attain this require­ "Hill". mission is intercepted and defeated? against Egyptian supply limitations? ment. The list of these is certainly A. The neel's base. A. Yes. significant in determining readerl 29.424& 29.573 Mayunils being Sea Transported 42.41 May lent Italian forces be placed in the buyer preferences - both in terms of which are intercepted, defeated, and returned to Murmansk box? port still able to move and/or perform combat? A. No.

EASTCON 83 JUNE 24,25,26 Glassboro State College, Glassboro, NJ The two East Coast major gaming organizations responsible for sponsorship of five of the six ORIGINS conventions held on the East Coast to date, as well as GEN CON EAST 81 and numerous PENN CON have combined forces to sponsor this year's big East Coast regional gaming convention. Participation by TSR, AH, and GDW as well as many other leading companies in the Adventure Game Industry should once again ensure a fine weekend ofgaming for one and all with a full slate of gaming activities planned. On campus lodging and food services are available. For a Pre-Registration form and more informa­ tion send a SASE to: EASTCON, P.O. Box 139, Middletown, NJ 07748. 47 The overwhelming response to the re-rating of From England too comes Despatch, the Euro­ the RBG brought, in its wake, a large sampling for ll pean Newsletter of AHIKS, a periodical of profes­ our evaluation of Vol. 19, No.4. Our curious mix of sional quality devoted to reviews and articles of articles and artwork piqued the fancy (or ire) of Infiltrator s Report strategy (the recent issue Number 60 carried many readers, bringing these editors a great deal of fascinating pieces on FLA T TOP and GUNS OF controversy- and the best overall rating (3.04) riders. Any organization wishing to arrange a pick­ AUGUST) as well as topical news of the European since Vol. 18, No.5. The ratings for the individual up point along the route should contact The Citadel. chapter of wargaming's proudest players' organ­ articles, based on random selection of 200 Any individual wishing to reserve a seat must send ization. Of particular interest to this reader was the responses: a SASE to or call The Citadel, New London Shop­ listing of pbm requests by European gamers; the ping Center, New London, CT 06320, (203) most numerous, THE RUSSIAN CAMPAIGN, RUSSIAN CAMPAIGN. .266 444-7669. closely followed by SL and AZ! Serious wargamers LET'S GET CIVILIZED. .202 in Western Europe on the prowl for superior com­ SQUAD LEADER CLINIC . .193 petition would do well to contact Mr. Dave Steed (6 RAMSES II. . .. 118 Publication of The Black andBlue Book, a listing Blacksmith Common, Chalton, Beds. LU4 9UN) to OH-WAH-REE . . 102 of some 200 DIPLOMACY players, publishers, learn more about this honorable society. PELOPONNESIAN WAR. !'.. .93 services and organizations for Californians, is an­ WARS OF MARNON ... .\ .. 57 nounced by Larry Peery. A product of the California COLOSSEUM CAMPAIGN .. .48 Diplomacy Registry and Directory Service, this THE COMPLEAT DIPLOMAT. .35 forty-page issue contains background information It appears that computer gaming is truly here to AH PHILOSOPHY . .33 on the California game scene, articles on play, stay. The Microcomputer Division of Avalon Hill EXPANDING TRADE . .30 gossip and future events related to DIPLOMACY. A has brought forth the first issues of MICROCOM­ DESIGN ANALYSIS. .17 subscription to the California Diplomacy Registry, PUTER GAMES, a periodical devoted to play and CIRCUS MAXIMUS II . .6 which includes the latest edition of the BBB, progress of the many fine computer games. To up-dating supplements, newsletter mailings and keep abreast of the developments, logic and It is said that" a rolling stone gathers no moss". registry is $6.00 annually for residents of logistics of this fascinating field, this is THE Neither do, it seems, old friends and talented California. Individual copies of the BBB are available magazine for the serious player and programmer. designers. Alan Moon has rolled on to Parker to others for $3.00. Send checks or money orders The editors of Avalon Hill welcome Phyllis Suddeth Brothers. This means, of course, that release of to the Institute for Diplomatic Studies, P.O. Box to their ranks as Managing Editor of MICROCOM­ RENAISSANCE will be delayed until a final draft of 8416, San Diego, CA 92102. PUTER GAMES, a beautiful lady well versed in the the rules can be completed; it will not be released at ways of this branch of our hobby. A mere $4.00 ORIGINS '83. Nevertheless, we wish Alan well in brings a year's worth; a two-year subscription all things. Still another 'zine, one with a decided con­ costs $7.50. A sample issue may be had for $1 .25 servative tone, is The Modern Patriot. Primarily from the Avalon Hill Game Company, 4517 Harford given over to news of the wargaming hobby in the Road, Baltimore, MD 21214. The results of the 1st Atlanta SQUAD LEADER United States, it is a labor of love by a few dedicated Open, first in what may become an annual institu­ gamers in Rochester, New York. Recently, it has merged with"Hoof & Mouth", a DIPL OMACY'zine tion for the hundreds of expert players, are final­ Most of the entrants in Contest # 110 fell into ized. The names of the five top place finishers are based in Rochester and mentioned before in these pages. For more information or a sample issue, con­ the usual trap in classic strategy games-that of easily recognizable to aficionados of the game: 1st playing for immediate results without consideration place-Robert Munsell, 2nd-Richard Kindel, tact William S. Highfield, 2012 Ridge Road East, Rochester NY 14622. for the long-term effects of their action. Of the 3rd-Bill Thomson, 4th-Tim Deane, 5th-Allen more than two hundred entries, only twenty-nine Womack. To them we offer our congratulations. indicated Pit A6 as the most logical play. From As expected, the AREA Postal Championships Already they, and many others, are awaiting the these, the following ten were randomly selected as 2nd Atlanta SL Open, or are planning a similar Report was obsolete even before it was printed. winners: Matt Brown, Wilton, IA; Joe Castiglia, The latest results at presstime had changed things event for their region. Could it be that there will West Seneca, NY; James Crawley, Bonnyville, soon be a "tour" for those skilled players of the as follows. Alberta; Denis Hines, Kenner, LA; Glenn LaVigne, In AFRIKA KORPS Frank Preissle has most popular tactical game ever devised, Albuquerque, NM; Tim Moore, Westboro, MA; strengthened his lead in Heat 1 with a 2-0 record culminating in a "Masters"? Ronald Papandrea, Warren, MI; Brian Pearson, St. over Dale Garbutt at 1-1. In Heat 1 of STAL­ Joseph, MO; Duane Tenney, Herndon, IA; and AI INGARD David Kopp has been brought back into Villanueva, Eugene, OR. Mike's Mag, an amateur publication devoted to the pack with a loss to drop him to 2-1. Russell long-running pbm versions of popular AH games. A Haines record in Heat 5 was incorrectly reported as recent issue listed openings for GUNSLINGER, 3-0; he actually is 2-0. RAIL BARON, WS&IM, KINGMAKER, MACHIA­ The final round of PANZERBLITZ is now com­ As with all our contests, there is more to Con­ VELLI and AH's most recent release, the updated pletely underway as Richard Leach emerged vic­ test #111 than meets the eye. In the opinion of CONQUISTADOR. For a copy, or information on torious in Heat 1 by virtue of rating tie-breakers Kevin Zucker and his playtesters, in the Dresden games being played, contact Mr. Michael T. Scott, with his 3-1 opponents Dan Munsell and Robert Scenario, the French must face realities and accept 1726 Cypress CirclEj, La Verne, CA 91750. Rowley. He now joins Bruce Remsburg and John the defensive role. Less agreement was reached on Sunde in the final round. In Heat 3 of RUSSIAN the territorial imperatives for such a defensive CAMPAIGN, Pat Flory has overcome Craig strategy. However, these must generally be aimed From "Down Under" comes a fine 'zine, Clemens initial lead by beating him in head-to-head at holding the line of the Elbe between Dresden and competition to raise his record to 2-0 against Austral View, an obvious labor of love by Richard Magdeburg and preventing the Allied Army from Williams (45 Barcelona Road, Noarlunga Downs, Clemens 2-1 . Ed. Mineman has won Heat 2 with a debouching over the Erz Gebirge. To accomplish 4-0 record and is the first to qualify for the TRC South Australia 5158). Given to reviews and pbm this, there are certain key positions to control: finals. In WA TERLOO Kevin McCarthy has handed games, this magazine offers openings for 1. Dresden top seed Joseph Beard his first loss to take the lead gamemastered play of MACHIA VELLI, ORIGINS 2. Leipzig in Heat 1 at 2-0 over Beard at 2-1 . In BA TTLE OF OF WW2, CIRCUS MAXIMUS, DUNE, CIVILIZA­ 3. Luckau THE BULGE Jeff Power has emerged as the clear TION, WIZARD'S QUEST, ACQUIRE and SPEED 4. Bunzlau leader in Heat 2 with a 3-0 record over Tom Oleson CIRCUlT-a rather mixed "bag" and sure to offer and 5. Bautzen. something to any Australian gamer. Those such in­ at 1-0. In ANZIO David Downing has won Heat 1 with a 4-0 record and now awaits the winner of the The defense of Dresden, as anyone who has pe­ terested in any of these games are urged to contact Tom Oleson-Paul Fletcher battle in Heat 2. rused Mr. McHenry's fine analysis of the scenarios Mr. Williams. Gregory Smith of Wilton, NH, became the first in the last issue is aware, is imperative. The other entrant to win his Heat in the STALINGRAD AREA towns here listed are ranked as defensive positions The Citadel is once again chartering a bus for Postal Championship tournament with wins over in the above manner. For the purposes of judging ORIGINS '83 in July on a share-cost basis. The bus Joseph Beard, William Brumfield, John Rogers and this contest, each answer is given the numerical will depart from New London on Thursday morning Rick Demovic. Smith, who won two games with rating above and these are then totaled (for exam­ and travel to Detroit by way of U.S. Routes 84 and each side, must now await the final determination ple, if Dresden, Leipzig and Bunzlau were the sub­ 80. It will arrive at the hotel on Thursday evening. of other winners before starting the second, and mitted answer, a score of "7" results). The win­ Hotel arrangements have been confirmed for all final, round. ners are those ten with the lowest score. OPPONENTS WANTED OPPONENTS WANTED OPPONENTS WANTED

Aug. adullgamcr seeks rtr opponents for SL, GI. Adu\lseeksadult 01'1'. Will learn nt'W games. have AREA rated 1600+ verified seeh marure pbm Adull pmer seeking opponents for ftf Sl, COl, AREA l200prov. seekspbm/ftf, raled/non·rated Old Generals wanted Vols. 12·IS. Interesled in JR. Willing 10 lu.rn others and pbm. Kurt FE, FT. N(\Oo' to gaming bur ,'ery interC!ited. opponents in TRC, PAA, SST. BB'81. Prerer COD. Either AREA (1100 prov.) or non·AREA. games of TRC. FE. BL, BB. Dl or olhers if you issues sin,ly or as volumes. Robert Beall, SSI5 ManilOS. 4724 Park Rose Cir", Anaheim, CA Friendly gaming onl)'_ David Kadlee, 411 S. Casso playing against 1400+ opponents. Marc Dullz. Desite serious players only. Doug Gordon, 3706 have system. All lellers answered. Ho Cheuk-Ki. Country Dr.• C-IS. Nashville, TN 37211. (6U) 92807, (714) 914_799\ Westmonl,IL60SS9,(312)969-9263 69·IIA 21Sth SI.. Bayside. NY 11364. (212) Beauregard Dr., Corpus Chrisri, TX 7841S (SI2) 10 Hing Yan Strffi. 1IFTo Kwa Wan. Kowloon, 832·8984 Opponents wallled for AZ, Sl. BB. FT, FE. JU. My area is dry of opponems. n~ ad"ersaries in 229-8391 SSI·9914 Hong Kong. K-6S14S9 Wanted: Generals Vol. 14 Nos. I. 5. 6 and Vol. MD, PD. Pl, SUB. JR. TB. W5IM. $cOil Slokes. AF, FE, CAE, CE. BL. AL. MD and Pl. Brian AREA provincial player seeks competiti\'e 01" IS, Nos. 1,2,4,S,6in fair to excellent condition 7228loma Verde Ave., Canoga Park, CA 91l03, Foster, !9S H\\'y. 261. Boonville, IN 47601. ponems for pbm TRC. Will play either 5ide. Also 22 yr. old seeking flf opponents for COl. COD. wilh all inserts. Must have Generals, name your (21))999·1679 897-o17S willnegOliateoptional rules. ScollSirianna.I06 andGI. Will play olher lames. An)'tlubsinarea? price. James Crawley. Box 697. Bonnyville. FIr wanted for SOA in west L.A. Work lakes me Seventeen yf. old wants pbm opponent for SI., Conklin Ave.. Binghamton, NY 13903, (607) Steve Kelley. 906 Greens Rd. #89, Houston, TX COLLECTORS Alberto Canada, TOA OLO, (403) 826-S269 11060.(713) 931-4090 10 Bakersfield,San13 Barbara, San Luis. So play COl. COD. Cl. DIP. AI:. JR. VITP. WSIM, GL, 724.7300 TheBoardgamingClubofHappinessisrecruiting there too. Tyrone Bomba. 405 I Jackson Ave. #2. W&P, and Gunslinger. Especially SL, CI. John looking for opponenl: flfor pbm AF. BIS. DL, Adult needs opponents for unrat~d pbm Sl. Pl, CORNER Chinese gamers in Hong Kong. For details. please Culver Cily, CA 9(1230,(213)558-8653 Andrew MsCleery. S820 Broad.... ay.lndianapolis, n. SUB, TAC, TR. VITP, WAS. LW. COl. Have system. Also pbm VITP, fT. SUB. ~onlaCI or write. Ho Cheuk-Ki, 10 Hinll Yan St .. FlrSOA, WAS, VITP. TLD. Willlravcl or pbm IN 46220. (317) 2SS·9412 Desperate! Robert Sienel, Guinea Rd .• Brewster. but need syslems. Ni~k Harmon. Rl. 2. Box 71F To, Kwa Wan. Ko ....·loon. Hong Kong 400-A94, Trinity, TX 75862, (409jS94·63S9 TRC. FE. Will answer al1lellers. Desperate!! Joe Hillhly rated adult gamer, 1700+ looking for NY IOS09,(914)278·9H7 Wanled: The General Vols.14-6, IS·l,IS-4. Will Schicno. lSI) Huntington 51, 13, Huntington challenging opponents rtf or pbm. for 3R. TRC, Mature lamer desires pbm SL, COl. COD. GI. Need allied players for PL. Will host ortra,'c1 up Games for sale: Board and computer. TRS·80 or aecept xeroxes. Bru~e SI. Dennis, 4S96 W. Beach,CA92648,(714)S36·6164 CAE. willin8 to learn others. Peter Garlman, to 30 mil~. Never pbm. but willing. Can play ex­ Need system. Will ftf in plano·Garland· Thayne Dr.. Granger. VT 84120, (801)964-0141 7014 Kenleigh Rd.. Baltimore, MD 21212, (JOI) Richardson area. Armorenthusiast. prder DYO. Apple. Send SASE for list. T. Treadaway. RI.'1 Ftr opponents wanled for Sl, JR. G5l, Pl. and perts. Kevin W. Runoff. IOS9 W. Seeond, 583·3143 All letters answered. JamC!i Bacher. P.O. Box Box 220, Marshall, AR 126SO Game colleclion for sale many AH games in­ SST. Willicarn others. Any age Dk. Age 16. Any Elmira. NY 1490S, (607) 732·S344 cluding KRIEGSPIEL and original AH version5 Two Ballimore players looking for opponenlS for 72S. Wylie. TX 7m8. (214) 442_3615 SL Newsletter "On All Fronts" now published clubs? Pat Fernandez. 18941 SpringSI..Orange. Does anybody in Rochester play SL. COl. COD. monthly and expanded. Arlicles, scenarios, and of Bauleline games. Send SASE for list. Chuck CA 92669. nI4)6B·S9.51 W&P campaign game. Preferably mail. but also GI? I can't find you! Also flf FT. 3R, W&P, Gamers needed to play multi-player AH Gun­ Steenburgh,909 Marshall Cir.. Va. Beaeh, VA rtf. Reliable only. Honor system. Fun. E"ery slinger showdowns. Experienced and unexper· Glreplay. Trial subscriplion S2.80(three issues). N~ GOA. StC"o'eBoerner,67 SnusHarbor, Rochester, 234S4.4SI·S141 opponenlS? Join The Random Wargamers three or four ....eeks. Louis J. Sheehan, 3430 ienced llamers "·elcome. Contact: James Diekin· M.C.C.. P.O. Box 2M. Marshall, AR 72650 for some friendly cardboard carnage. we mttt NY 14612.621·5414 L~enon Ave.. Baltimore. MD 21224, (301) son, BOO CulmoreCl. Apt.n. Fallschurc:h. VA Sprin8 cleaning: 90 games and SS Generals must For sale out of prim wargameslmag. BL. TAC. Iwi« a monlh. Call for info. Charles Crain. 2413 685-S616 Pbm, rated game WSIM in DYO. Will take fisTSt 22041. 82()..S769 go. Included 1914 and BB·64. SASE. Frank Hall, Guadakanal. SASE. D. A. Walbridge, 14794 Matllews lB. Red. Bch.. CA 90218. (213) S. All lellers answered. Need games to become Darbydale A'·e.. Woodbridge, VA 22193, (03) High school student looking for ftf opponents fOf Wanled flf opponents for SL. COl. COD. GI for 6SOA Spring Sr .. Santa Cnlt, CA 9S060, (408) 37G-9424 verified. I'm I3lSp. Daniel Zucker. 13 Donlan 423-1145 67Q.42JS PL. Rate myself average. Chris Coski. 112 fun. Rate myself avg. Will tea~h system to ~ks St .• Slaten Island, NY 10310.(212)448-1574 Expert gamer 10Ugh competition in 3R. FE. Stillmeadow Dr.. Joppa, MD 21085. 619-87SQ ne.."(ommor help you upgrade toGI. John Loth. Buy, sell.tratkdassi~andother AH gamC!idirmly For Sale: War games, including 1914 and Geuys­ W&P. GI. PB. PL. TRC. you name;II'lIplayit! Playing for IS yrs. Just applied for AREA. Wanl 1266 Magnolia Ln., Herndon, VA 22070, (103) with other players. National Compulerited serv­ burg 64. Send SASE for complete list. Also John Gibson. 7J21 Uth Sl.. Sacto., CA 9S822. 3R players! Tired of laughing at artides in the topbm. TRC. pB, pL, LW, S8'81, FE. Mature photOl;opies ofold AH Generals. looking forop· General? Want to kno..· ho.... the expertS play? Ftf 411-0797 ite. Send SASE for details to Ihe Game Exchange 393-9126 8amers only. Stoll H. Maxfield. 1101 Highland ~/o: ponenlS in area. Todd Davis. 2211 Highlinc Dr., or pbm. WilItT Veteran gamer recenlly relocated 10 Winslon­ BB81, TRC, 3R, classi~s, some pbnt. AREA 98168 Experienced player wants pbm in Gl. COD, COl, 49715,(906)248-3353 For sale: lames and mags. 1914complelc with Salem area 5eeking aduh ftfcompetilion for most provo 1600. Barry Barnes. 4903 Washinglon Ave. For sale: FRplusover50olhergamcs.SendSI\SE W&P. 1776. flf in Pasadena area. Have other Connict Garners of WeSlern Mi~higan needs you. revision rules and counters for S500r hest orfer. A.H. games. Write: Raymond Woloszyn. C&A #IO,CharleSlOn, WV25304,(304)925-4113 AREA 12S0+ pbm LW, TRC. Randy Carswell. rorlisl. Mike Kahelski. 904 Madison St., Beaver games. John Knowles. 16S3 Ambcrwood Dr. #22. lookinll for malure ....argamers in Grand Rapids AMP,ln~ Division ACTG, .• 3700 Reidsville Rd .• Adult novi~e seeks patient pbm opponentS [0 Dam, WI 53916. (414) 887·2988 South Pasadena,CA 91030. (213) 799-S915 area. Marion Bales. P.O. 7091. Grand Rapids, 107 Wildwood St .. Winchesler. MA 01890. Winslon-Sa!em,NC27101 teach and play anyofthe following: AK. AZ, BL, 729·S976 For sale: GE'61. U-boat, and many other games. Openings now available in Americas Cup DIP MI49SIO,(616)241-4823 BL, BB. CH, DIP, DO, LRH, LRT. MD, RW. BB'81. DO, FE, LW, PB, TRC. STAl, WAT. Allhavecount~rspunchedblilmostneverplayed Championship. 49 comestanlS will ~ regislered Jersey wargamers meet first and third Fridays. 24 yr. old closet gamer of 10 yrs. opening door for TAC. 3R. WAS. GSl. NP, WAT. Mike Deley. Oliver Burro....·s. 1703 E. Upham St .. Marshfield. and all in e:rcellent condition. Send SASE for lisl. on a first come first servtd basis. For inro, SASE fiut and third Sundays each month. For info.: flfopponenls in 3R. WAT, CIV. RBand VITP. 1935 Mears Ave.. Cincinnati,Ohio4S230. (SI3) WIS4449,(1IS)384-8112 Oliver BurlOws, 1703 E. Upham SI .. Marshfield. to: Jack Tyler. 9233 Kenwood Dr. 1218, Spring Rich MO)'er, 66S E. lrd St., Sl. Paul, MN 5S 106, Days, Bob Wialgus(201)2419664, E'·enings. Bob 232-2952 Hahn. S% Brookside Place, Cranford, NJ 07016. WIS4449,(1IS)384-8112 Valley. CA92077. (619)697-3208 176-8392 Any lames in Karlsruhe. Germany? Ftf or pbm H yr. old warlamer, ba~k to playing (finally), (201) 276-lSS3 AREA 101' fifty challenges other top fifly AK, COl. COD. DO, KM, pL, TRC, SL, 3R. The "Opponents Wanted" above average. seekins rtf players, orpbm. Will members to pbm TRC. Richard Phelps. 1617 Wanled t..'o area games of CH. Play eaeh side W&P. WAS. Know many orher AH &ames. GeneralsIS-4.15·S,andrheoriginalIS-2andIS-6 play any others besides VITP, FE. GE. Pele advertisements appearing on this Queen Charlotte, Sunn)'vale, CA 94087. (408) once. Optional rules I,ll, and Vineffeel. Codeof Alben J. Cassavant, 71h Medcom·DPl, APO wanted ro buy or Irade for pholOl;opies of Margarilis, 4OSD-A Carllon Ave., Columbus. OH page are intended as a service to the 733-8399 Conduci required. Harold McPherson, SOO9 09360 Guadalcanal. U·boat. GE'61. Peler Kiaek, 71 43221,(614)231-0247 Four Windsor, Middleto....n. NJ07748, 671-3787 readership of this periodical. This Wanted: ftf play. Am J2, own 12 AH gamC!i; Country Valley Rd .• Imperial. 11010 6JOS2. (314) AREA (1706 prov.? seeks adult oppon. pbm N~ opponent to play by mail. SL, COl, COD. COl. fT, WSIM, PL. JR. Any Wed.• Thur.. nite WAT. BB6S, D077. AK. LW, TRC, olhers rtf. AH wargames for saleO!" trade. Out of print, first service will continue so long as cer­ GI, PL. pB, AIW, AF. Stephen P. Dandar, 123 SFV clubs? Gary GU)·ton, 6101 Atoll Ave.• Van -,T",'o AREA lames of F.E. wanted. Play each side Due cdn. Post Offi~ failing morale check pbm edition. some unused, list availab!e. Send SASE. tain editorial regulations are adhered W. Peal. Willard. Ohio 44890, (419) 939-0248 Nuys. CA 91401. 18S-87J7 oocc:. Code of Conduct required. OptiOnalrules patieocc: needed. Bab Smith. 980 Hampshire Rd., Ken Baron. Apt. lOG A\·e. C, Nt'W York. NY to strictly. The editors of The 3I.1,3i,2,31.3.3L8,31.9,,3I.lS, Want to play mOSt any AH pmes frf or pbm. 10009. (212) 982-


Only the following GENERAL back issues are still available. Price is $2.50 per issue plus 10070 postage Opponents Wanted ad insert in this issue and article types are identified as follows: H-Historical and handling charges (20% to Canada. 30070 overseas). Maryland residents please add 5070 slate sales tax_ Background, DN-Designer's Notes, V-Varianl. SR-Series Replay (sample game), S-Strategy. GENERAL postage coupons may nOI be used for this or other non-game orders. Due to the low quantities Q-Questions, P-PBM (postal) systems, Sc-Scenarios, A-Analysis. The largcsi (feature) articles are ofsome back issues we request that you specify alternate sele<:tions should your first choice be unavailable. always the first one listed in each issue. Those issue numbers printed in red indicate one-color reprints of * Below is a listing of each issue by subje<:t matter; game abbreviations are italicized and found in the previously out-of-print issues. *

12-2: TB-H, DN; BB-V; BL-V; PB-SR; PL-DN; STAL-S; AZ-Q 14-2: KM-S, H, P, DN, V; AL-SR; SL-DN 14-3: AIW-H, DN, S, Q; TRC-S; 3R-S; STAL-SR; WAS-V; PB-Sc 14-4: VITP-DN, V, Q; 3R-S; RW-V; STAL-SR; JU-P; 1776-S 14-5: SL-H. A, DN. Q; WS


The 9th Annual International Adventure Gaming Convention Including Michigan Gamefest, MDG's 22nd Major Game Convention and DipCon XVI, the National Diplomacy Convention July 14, 15, 16, & 17, 1983 Cobo Hall, Detroit, Michigan

GUEST OF HONOR: JAMES F. DUNNIGAN Founder of Simulations Publications, Noted Game Designer and Historian

SPECIAL GUESTS Boardgames: Charles S. Roberts, founder of Avalon Hill Game Co. and designer of Tactics, the first commercial board wargame Role Playing: Dave Arneson, Co-Author of Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures: Dick Bryant, Editor & Publisher of Courier Magazine Computer Games: Chris Crawford from Atari, Designer of the Award Winning Eastern Front, Legionnaire and others

CONVENTION FEATURES: 100+ Boardgame Tournaments Playtesting New Games 100+ Miniatures Tournaments Hundreds of new Games Released 80+ Role playing Tournaments Over 150 exhibit booths 50+ Seminars & Workshops 5000-6000 Gamers Special Diplomacy Tournaments Pre- Registration For All Events Special Diplomacy Seminars etc. Free Extensive Program Book Computer Game Tournaments Auctions Every Day Figure Painting Contest Special Collectors Auction Figure Painting Workshops Game Club Promotions Special Meetings & Ceremonies Open Gaming Origins Awards Presentation Food on Premises MDG Hobbyist Awards Presentation Air Conditioned, All under one roof

A GAMING CONVENTION FOR ALL TASTES: FANTASY GAMES, SCIENCE FICTION GAMES, ADULT/FAMILY/SPORTS GAMES, WARGAMES, VIDEO AND COMPUTER GAMES, MINIATURES AND MUCH, MUCH MORE! BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE MICHIGAN GAMEFEST/WINTER GAMEFEST TEAM THAT SPONSORED ORIGINS '78. For more information and a detailed pre-registration flyer send a SASE to METRO DETROIT GAMERS, 083 INFO, POB 656, WYANDOTTE, MI 48192 Scenario N FAUGH A' DALLAGH SINAGOGA ITALY, May 16, 1944: The approach to Monte Cassino was agonizingly slow. The commanding heights gave the Germans superb observation and fire positions. In the valleys, small rearguard groups ensured that each hamlet had its bloodprice. For the Allies, the very narrowness of the battlefield ensured the maximum support for each assault. The Irish Brigade's attack on Sinagoga was preceded by a full divisional bombardment. In the thunder of the barrage, many of the small stone houses of the picturesque village were quickly destroyed. Sinagoga's defenders were not.

Board Configuration

)., VICTORY CONDITIONS N To win, the lrish must either establish a favorable 3:1 ratio of unbroken full squads on the board at game's end or solely occupy any five of the seven buildings that contain stairways. The German player wins by avoiding the Irish victory conditions. TURN RECORD CHART

4; German sets up first. END 0 British moves first. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Elements of the 30Sth Infantry Division set up between Hex Rows U and EE, inclusive: ..,f1!r ~ r--c ,re ~ "'l .-Jf!llL ~13.....~ +3 + lMG '43a '43b '8) [j 0 , - j;j; -! 2-8 ~ en- eO ' 812 OJ W 75L 4/- ~r·i:ij~ 4-6-7 I I .[ * 5 3 2 3

Elements of the Irish Brigade of the 78th Infantry Division with elements of the 16/Sth Lancers attached enter on southern (;) hexes BIO through 010 inclusive:

' , @] t lMG MMG ~o N \~ .,0 C7' lfi 4-11 ~ en ~~ -en ~~ co -i B~-I: 4-5-8 i- B12 7'5+ ·/2 I 10 2 3 AA3/BB3 and AA4/BB4 and AA5/BB4 each have a roadblock; if only SPECIAL RULES BBI and DD2 were rubbled then there is no roadblock). This special N.l Rules for Boresighting, Equipment Possession, Smoke Grenades, rubble rule is invoked due to the amount of stone in each building and its Unit Integrity, and Sniper Generation are not in effect. tendency to bunch up in the narrow streets. N.2 All buildings are level one and of stone construction. N.3 Wheatfields are as depicted and all relevant rules are in effect. AFTERMATH Soon after the barrage lifted, the "Faughs" (so-called for N.4 Prior to initial placement of German units, the Allied player must their battlecry "Faugh a' Ballagh") stormed the shattered village. The roll two dice for every building hex on Hex Rows Q through EE, in­ bombardment had knocked out all the mines and fixed antitank weapons clusive. A result of seven or less reduces the building to rubble. but had left the German troops and armor unaffected. Their fire, and the N.S Place on each hexside joining two nonadjacent rubble hexes a piles of rubble, so slowed the Irish assault that it was more the orderly roadblock (e.g., if only X6 and W8 were rubbled then hexside W7/X7 has German retirement rather than the Allied advance which left Sinagoga in a roadblock; if hexes BBI, BB2, BB3, AA4, AA5 and BB5 were rubbled, Irish hands. THE GENERAL ·"·······"'f·······"''''f'''''''·····''''''''·''····'' . READER BUYER'S GUIDE ~ !i ~~f.~ff!;;l WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN ~ !!. :~. ~TItan $16.00 ...~iJQ'O=I')_.;; !3 q o.t'>Q... PLAYING? Avalon Hill's Unique Fantasy ~ gif ~ ~~ :. is.,g • • =c(""'J3c;::"l =~o • INSTRUCTIONS ~." ".!1 ,,:- "-" Rate each category byplac,ng a number i ~ a~ g ~~ ~:.~. C'): Top ten lists are seemingly always in vogue these days. Whether the sub- • ranging from 1 through 9 In the appropnate _ .. a " ,,;;: :i!t ~ c:> ject is books on the Best Seller List, television's Nielsen ratings, or even space to the right (1 equating "excellent"; 5. § Eo ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~'I;a. a.;; s.~ ~ ~ '"average'"; 9, '"terrible'"), EXCEPTION: Rate i :1::; Q, • games, the public never seems to tire of seeing how their individual favorites items 7a and 7b in terms of minutes necessary ::. - ;;;;." i' .. _ (;' • stack up numerically against the competition. Our preoccupation with this to play the game, in ten-minute increments. ~ :. S' :: ~:. ~ ~ ~ -c • national pastime is almost akin to routing the home team on to victory every IExample: If you've found it takes two and a. '" '" ;.~ Ll'" "':-!!i. ':' • S d S f h t h' (d . f ..) i• half hours to play the basic scenario of ~ g :;!!. ~::. ~ ~ ~ '" un ay. 0 to urt er cater 0 your w Ims an to salls your own CUrIosity • FRANCE 1940, enter '"15'" for category 7a.l. ~ ~ ~;:. ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ • we unveil THE GENERAL's version of the gamer's TOP TEN. • For an explanation of the cate90ries, refer to. g g .. ~;;.; g. a .;; • We won't ask you to objectively rate any game. That sort of thing is the AH Philosophy of Vol. 19. No.4. Sub.. " " is. " a a .. ;, !i ("'l • already done in these pages and elsewhere. Instead, we ask that you merely • categories are indicated by italics. Enter. -g 'g ~ g ~ ~ ~: So =- • ratings only for those categories relevant to the ~ ;: ;;- is t=-O' 5l ~ (JQ • list the three (or less) games which you've spent the most time with since you • game in question, Note that AH's ratings for. :; is. ;; ? e 2, ;.: ~ ~ • received your last issue of THE GENERAL. With this we can generate a con- • Complexity and Ye.r of Publishing have been. t;; ~ ~ ~ ~ !!l~' gO. sensus list of what's being played . .. not just what is being bought. The ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • provided; do not rate these categones. 'g. a. ! • degree ofcorrelation between the Best Selling Lists and the Most Played List 1. Overall Value _- ~. 3 = a. ~ ~ $' : :!! Q!' ~ ~ ~ ~;; g should prove interesting. ~';o:: : 2. Components -- 0' S;. ;;; Feel free to list any game regardless of manufacturer. There will be a 2a, Mapboard i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • built-in Avalon Hill bias to the survey because you all play Avalon Hill games 2b. Counters ,.. "'" ~ ~ Q :a.~' "Q_ • to some extent but it should be no more prevalent than similar projects under- 'Q =:0'0 ;z::l» .., n> ~ • ~ ,,~- ~ 2c' Player's Aids -4- ;.tlg." <" ;..~C/) gO'::::> ~ • taken by other magazines with a special interest-based circulation. The i ~ ~ 3. Complexity ,r !; "';.. ;;: C') amount to which this bias affects the final outcome will be left to the in- n ~~ ~!. '" n al : 3a. Complexity ~ ~... ;;:;- ; 6 ~ S'l.a • dividu 's discretion. • 4. Completeness of Rules I] g. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .... The games I've spent the most time playing during the past two months • ~ +.5 PI aysllYbTt f:;Q,~ii' : Q -g:r.c 00 "glJQ:"'I;;-:c ~ : are: Sa. Excitement Level :i a. s: a~. ~ a ~ ::r' ~ rD:r ~: nt ~ i s I. _ 5b. Play Balance l"o,);; ~ ~ n »~:r !! : ~-3 _.Q O'C"Q'C I.... + +6. Authenticity + :: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. S: ~ t 2. _ 7. Game Length + ~ 3! ~ ~ ~ ~~ + ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 7a BaSic/Shortest • g3~ ~;" 'C»"C 3. • i : ~..;;: :; i7b Advanced/Longest -- Q 1:!' a. 3 sg t .J 8. Year of Publication ~ ,=. ~~ ~ i ~!. 9 1...... Opponent Wanted 50¢ • Contest 112 I. Want-ads will be accepted only when primed on this form or a facsimile and must be accom­ panied by a 50ll: token fee. No refunds. Payment may be made in uncancelled U.S. postage stamps. • The Japanese units must be placed to insure the best result possible 2. For Sale, Trade, or Wanted To Buy ads will be accepted only when dealing with collector's given the situation described on Page 29 of this issue. Simply list the items (out of print AH games) and are accompanied by a $1.00 token fee. No refunds. i Japanese forces committed to each region. 3. Insert copy on lines provided (25 words maximum) and print name, address, and phone number on the appropriate lines. 4. Please PRINT. If your ad is illegible, it will nol be primed. Bay of Bengal: 5. So thaI as many ads as possible can be printed within our limited space, we request that you use official state and game abbreviations. Don't list your entire coliection,list only those you are most noian Ocean: inrerested in locating opponents for. i Afrika Korps-AK, Air Force-AF, Alexander-Al, Amoeba Wars-AW, Anzio-AZ, Arab­ Israeli Wars-AIW, Assault On Crete/Invasion Of Malta-AOe, Bismarck-BIS, • Indonesia: Blitzkrieg-Bl, Battle Of The Bulge-BB, Caesar Alesia-CAE, Caesar's Legions-CL, Chancellorsville-CH, Circus Maximus-CM, Civilization-CIV, Cross Of Iron-COl, Crescendo Of Doom-COD, Dauntless-Dl, D-Day-DD, Diplomacy-DIP, Down With The Cora Sea: King-DWTK, Dragonhunl-DH, Feudal-Fl, Flat Top-FT, Fortress Europa-FE, France 40-FR, Freedom in (he Galaxy-FG, Fury In The Wes(-FITW, Geuysburg-GE, G.I.: Anvil of I South Pacific Ocean: Victory-GI, Gladiator-GL. Guns Of August-GOA, Gunslinger-OSL, Jutland-lU, Kingmaker-KM, legend of Robin Hood-LRH, The Longest Day-TLD, Little Round • Top-LRT, Luftwaffe-LW, Machiavelli-MA, Magic Realm-MR, Midway-MD, Napoleon-NP, Origins-OR, Outdoor Survival-OS, PanzerArmee Afrika-PAA, : Panzerblitz-PB, Panzer Leader-Pl, Rail Baron-RB, Richthofen's War-RW, The Russian Japanese Islands: Campaign-TRC, Samurai-SA, Squad Leader-SL, S(alingrad-STAL, S(arship Troopers-SST, Storm Over Arnhem-SOA, Struggle of Nations-SON, Submarine-SUB. i Taclics II-TAC, Third Reich-3R, Titan-TT, Tobruk-TB, Trireme-TR, Victory In The Aleutian Islands: Pacific-VITP, War and Peace-W&P, War At Sea-WAS, Waterloo-WAT, Wizard's Ques(-WQ, Wooden Ships & Iron Men-WSIM. : Central Pacific Ocean:

Nort Pacific Ocean: I Hawa[lan Islands:

i Issue as a whole ... (Rale from 1 to 10. with 1 equating ucellcnt, 10 equaling terrible) _t 3 Articles NAME PHONE _ \._------i 2. _ ADDRESS _ 3. _ NAME CITY STATE__ZIP _ ADDRESS _ i CITY STATE ZIP _ THE GENERAL 1983 RATINGS-THE AVALON HILL GENERAL READERS BUYER'S GUIDE

The following is the form for the readership-generated RBG, which follow the standard set forth in the "Opponents Wanted" advertisement on appears on Page 46 of every issue of The GENERAL. The validity of this the reverse of this page. survey depends entirely on reader participation; every reader is encouraged to Sub-categories are indicated by italics; as explained in the AH Philosophy, take the time to rate each game with which he is familiar. these will be reported to the readers but once, following the initial rating The categories for the new RBG are explained in the AH Philosophy of Vol. process. Note that AH's ratings for Complexity and Year of Publishing have 19,4. The actual procedure for rating each category should, by now, be com­ been provided; do not rate these categories. Respondents are asked to give mon knowledge. Simply rate each category by placing a number from I careful thought to their ratings for Playability and Authenticity; the design through 9 in the appropriate space to the right (I equating "excellent"; 5, staff of Avalon Hill has evinced a special interest in these ratings for the games "average"; 9, "terrible"). EXCEPTION: Rate items 7a and 7b in terms of currently in print. minutes necessary to play the game, as recorded in ten-minute increments. A complete recording and analysis ofthe results ofthis survey will follow in (Example: If you've found it takes two and a half hours to play the basic an upcoming issue of The GENERAL. This review sheet, or a facsimile, scenario ofFRANCE 1940, enter" IS" for category 7a.) Enter ratings only for should be addressed to The GENERAL, The Avalon Hill Game Company, those categories relevant to the game in question. Game title abbreviations 4517 Harford Road, Baltimore, MD 21214.


:J c =.. .~ =o "'"o Q, c. e ..os eo o .. u u ;.- .D ... ,.; r-- 00

AW 1. 2. 2a. 2b. 2e. 3.4 3a. 4. s. 5a. 5b. 6. 7a. 7b. 8.1981

ALPHA 1. 2. 2a. 2b. 2e. 3. 4 3a. 4. s. 5a. 5b. 6. 7a. 7b. 8. 1980 OMEGA

CM 1. 2. 2a. 2b. 2e. 3. 3 3a. 4. s. 5a. 5b. 6. 7a. 7b. 8. 1980

ClV 1. 2. 2a. 2b. 2e. 3. 3 3a. 4. s. 5a. 5b. 6. 7a. 7b. 8.1982

DIP 1. 2. 2a. 2b. 2e. 3. 3 3a. 4. s. 5a. 5b. 6. 7a. 7b. 8. 1976

DWTK 1. 2. 2a. 2b. 2e. 3. 5 3a. 4. s. 5a. 5b. 6. 7a. 7b. 8. 1981

DH 1. 2. 2a. 2b. 2e. 3. 3 3a. 4. s. 5a. 5b. 6. 7a. 7b. 8. 1982

DUNE 1. 2. 2a. 2b. 2e. 3. 3 3a. 4. s. 5a. 5b. 6. 7a. 7b. 8. 1979

FlTG 1. 2. 2a. 2b. 2e. 3. 4-7-10 3a. 4. s. 5a. 5b. 6. 7a. 7b. 8. 1981

GL 1. 2. 2a. 2b. 2e. 3. 4 3a. 4. S. 5a. 5b. 6. 7a. 7b. 8. 1981

GSL 1. 2. 2a. 2b. 2e. 3. 5 3a. 4. s. 5a. 5b. 6. 7a. 7b. 8.1982

KM 1. 2. 2a. 2b. 2e. 3.7 3a. 4. s. 5a. 5b. 6. 7a. 7b. 8. 1976

LRH 1. 2. 2a. 2b. 2e. 3.4 3a. 4. s. 5a. 5b. 6. 7a. 7b. 8. 1982

MA 1. 2. 2a. 2b. 2e. 3. 4 3a. 4. s. 5a. 5b. 6. 7a. 7b. 8. 1980

MR 1. 2. 2a. 2b. 2e. 3. 7 3a. 4. s. 5a. 5b. 6. 7a. 7b. 8. 1979

OR 1. 2. 2a. 2b. 2e. 3.1 3a. 4. S. 5a. 5b. 6. 7a. 7b. 8. 1971

OS 1. 2. 2a. 2b. 2e. 3. 3 3a. 4. s. 5a. 5b. 6. 7a. 7b. 8.1972

SOTN 1. 2. 2a. 2b. 2e. 3. 5 3a. 4. s. 5a. 5b. 6. 7a. 7b. 8. 1979

SST 1. 2. 2a. 2b. 2e. 3.5 3a. 4. s. 5a. 5b. 6. 7a. 7b. 8. 1976

TT 1. 2. 2a. 2b. 2e. 3.4 3a. 4. s. 5a. 5b. 6. 7a. 7b. 8. 1982

UFO 1. 2. 2a. 2b. 2e. 3.1 3a. 4. s. 5a. 5b. 6. 7a. 7b. 8. 1978

WQ 1. 2. 2a. 2b. 2e. 3. 2 3a. 4. s. 5a. 5b. 6. 7a. 7b. 8. 1979