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Journal-2013-2 E.Pdf (4.224Mb) African Centre for the Study and Research on Terrorism (ACSRT) African Journal for the Prevention and Combating of Terrorism Vol 4 N° 2 December 2013 African Journal African Journal African Journal DIRECTIONDirection desDES publications PUBLICATIONS Directeur L’Ambassadeur Ismail CHERGUI , Commissaire Paix et Sécurité de l’Union Africaine. Responsable des publications M. Idriss Mounir LALLALI, Directeur adjoint par intérim du CAERT/ Union Africaine, Chef de l’Unité Alerte et Prévention. Rédacteur en chef Colonel Christian Emmanuel MOUAYA POUYI, Spécialiste Alerte et prévention, Etudes, Analyses et Publications du CAERT/ Union Africaine. Comité Editorial Président Ambassadeur Francisco Caetano Jose Madeira, Représentant Spécial de la Présidente de la commission de l’Union Africaine pour la Coopération Antiterroriste, Directeur du : CAERT. Membres - M. E. WANE, Directeur Paix et Sécurité de l’Union Africaine ; - Dr. E. OKEREKE, Chercheur Principal au National Défence College of Nigeria ; - M. B.S. MAIGA, Ancien Ministre de la Défense de la République du Mali ; - Dr. C. ECHEVERRIA, UNED, Calle Obispo Trejo, s/n. 28040 Madrid Espagne. Réalisation et distribution M. Moise Lazare Emery LECKIBY, Documentaliste du CAERT/ Union Africaine. 3 3 African Journal SOMMAIRE EDITORIAL ...................................................................................................8 BOKO HARAM TERRORIST ACITIVITIES AND THE CRISES OF GO- VERNACE IN NORTH EASTERN NIGERIA ..............................................12 Introduction ...................................................................................................12 The crises of governance in Nigeria...............................................................14 Concept of violence .......................................................................................18 The emergence of boko haram religious in the north eastern Nigeria ...........20 The ideological background ..........................................................................25 References ....................................................................................................30 BOKO HARAM’S TACTICS, TARGETS AND ARSENALS OF TERRO- RISM ..................................................................................................................... 32 Introduction ..................................................................................................32 Background ...................................................................................................33 Boko Haram’s Tactics ....................................................................................37 Boko Haram’s Targets ...................................................................................43 Boko Haram’s Arsenals .................................................................................46 Conclusion ....................................................................................................47 Notes .............................................................................................................49 RELIGIOUS EXTERMISM AND TERRORISM: CAUSES, IMPACT AND COUNTER STRATEGY ..........................................................................53 Introduction ..................................................................................................53 Fundamentalism and Extremism: Two sides of the same coin? ....................54 Causes ...........................................................................................................57 Extremism .....................................................................................................59 Christian Extremism ......................................................................................61 4 African Journal Islamic Extremism ........................................................................................64 Cults ..............................................................................................................69 Impact of fundamentalism and Extremism ....................................................70 How should government react to Extremism ................................................72 Conclusion ....................................................................................................74 Endnotes .......................................................................................................75 LE SAHEL: CARREFOUR DE TOUS LES DANGERS ............................. 77 Introduction ..................................................................................................77 Analyse .........................................................................................................85 Conclusion ....................................................................................................86 Bibliographie ................................................................................................90 TUAREG INSURGENCY IN MALI AND REGIONAL SECURITY IN THE SAHEL .........................................................................................................92 Abstract .........................................................................................................92 Introduction ..................................................................................................92 The Background History of Tuareg Insurgency ............................................94 Causes of the Recent Insurgency ...................................................................97 Funding of Tuareg Insurgency ....................................................................102 Operational Alliance of the Insurgents ........................................................103 Impacts of the Insurgency ...........................................................................104 Implications of the Insurgency in the Sahel ................................................108 The Challenge of counter-insurgency ..........................................................110 Conclusion and Recommendations .............................................................113 Works Cited .................................................................................................115 References ..................................................................................................121 5 African Journal UNDERSTANDING DE-RADICALIZATION DEFINITIONS AND CONTEMPORARY THEORIES OF DE-RADICALIZATION ...............127 The paper is presented to ACSRT/CAERT-African Union 22-24 November 2012, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia .......................................................................127 Introduction ................................................................................................127 Processes Of Radicalization And De-Radicalization....................................130 Negative Consequences On Radical Organization ......................................132 Disengagement Or Deradicalization? ..........................................................134 The Disengagement and Deradicalization Processes ..................................138 Radicalization and De-Radicalization in Repressive Settings .....................139 The Legitimacy of Radicalization/De-Radicalization .................................140 Institutional Radicalization/De-Radicalization ...........................................141 Organizational Dynamics of De-Radicalization ..........................................141 The Outcomes of Radicalization/De-Radicalization ...................................142 Key Components Of Successful Deradicalization Programs ......................142 De-Radicalization Programmes...................................................................144 Islam As Theory In International Relations ................................................145 The Non-Traditionalist Approach ...............................................................145 New Islam Theorists ...................................................................................146 Islam Solution To Radicalization ................................................................146 Case study: Rwanda ....................................................................................147 Rwanda: Religious Level ............................................................................147 Suggestions On De-Radicalization .............................................................147 Conclusion ..................................................................................................149 Bibliography ...............................................................................................150 التطرف الديني يف الإ�سﻻم واملوقف الأفريقي ....................................................153 اأول: فيما يتعلق باملفاهيم الأ�سا�سية ...............................................................153 6 African Journal مفهوم التطرف الديني بني امل�سلمني ...............................................................154 مفهوم الرهاب ....................................................................................155 ًثانيا : اأ�سباب ظاهرة التطرف الدينى يف الإ�سﻻم يف القارة الأفريقية ............................156 ثالثا : املوقف الأفريقي من ظاهرة التطرف والرهاب .............................................161 ًرابعا : النموذج امل�سري يف مكافحة التطرف والإرهاب ...........................................164 7 AfricanAfrican JournalJournal Editorial Ambassador Francisco Caetano Madeira, AUC Chairperson’s Special Representative for Counter-terrorism Cooperation
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