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Gathered Food in the Mountains of Castilla–La Mancha (Spain): Ethnobotany and Multivariate Analysis1 Diego Rivera*,2, Concepción Obón3, Cristina Inocencio3, Michael Heinrich4, Alonso Verde2, José Fajardo2, and José Antonio Palazón5

2 Departamento de Biología Vegetal, Facultad de Biología, Universidad de Murcia, 30100 Murcia, Spain 3 Departamento de Biología Aplicada, EPSO, Universidad Miguel Hernández, 03312 Orihuela, Alicante, Spain 4 Centre for Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapy, The School of Pharmacy, Univ. London, 29–39 Brunswick Sq. London, WC1N 1AX, United Kingdom 5 Departamento de Ecología e Hidrología, Facultad de Biología, Universidad de Murcia, 30100 Murcia, Spain * Corresponding author: Departamento de Biología Vegetal, Facultad de Biología, Universidad de Murcia, 30100 Murcia, Spain; e-mail: [email protected]

GATHERED FOOD PLANTS IN THE MOUNTAINS OF CASTILLA–LA MANCHA (SPAIN): ETHNOBOTANY AND MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS. Gathered food plants (GFPs) (wild and weeds) are crucial for under- standing traditional Mediterranean diets. Combining open interviews and free–listing ques- tionnaires, we identified 215 GFP items, i.e., 53 fungi and 162 from 154 vascular . The variation in frequency and in salience among the items follows a rectangular hyperbola. Highly salient species were Silene vulgaris (Moench) Garcke, Scolymus hispani- cus L., and Pleurotus eryngii (DC.: Fr.) Quélet. Salience and frequency showed no correlation with the expected health benefits of each species. Regional frequency in the Mediter- ranean and local frequency are directly related. Thus, local food plants are much less “local” than expected.

Different types of culinary preparations provide the most information in the cluster analysis of variables. The cluster analysis of items produced a tree with 10 clusters that form cul- ture–specific logical entities, allowing people to structure their environment. Within each cluster, plant species are replaced and incorporated provided they resemble the general pro- file. This allows innovation and adaptation on a local level and explains the differences be- tween adjacent localities in the list of species. Two types of clusters or species complexes are described: “species–labeled” and “uses–labeled.” Lastly, we discuss the underlying empirical basis of the ethnoclassification in the Mediterranean area. Key words: Ethnobotany, local food, food plants, traditional knowledge, Mediterranean, biodiversity, statistical analysis, ethnoclassification..

Introduction wine). However, most of the ingredients are edi- The idea of a Mediterranean diet suggests a ble wild plants, mushrooms, and weeds. As always, combination of vegetables, salads, fruits, and these plants form part of a complex biocultural spices, often derived from local traditions, includ- network and can only be understood if human ing some basic ingredients (pasta, olive oil, and cultural and plant–genetic diversity are taken into consideration. Ethnobotany can help determine precisely 1 Submitted 05 September 2006; accepted which plants currently are consumed by each eth- –s 21 March 2007. nic group in a particular geographical and cultural –o –l Economic Botany, 61(3), 2007, pp. 000–000. © 2007, by The New York Botanical Garden Press, Bronx, NY 10458-5126 U.S.A. 34063_Rivera.qxd 7/2/07 2:03 PM Page 2


context. Yet, why is this relevant? In simple region of study is available as well (Verde et al. terms, the answer is that an edible plant is not 1998; Fajardo et al. 2006). necessarily eaten. Many factors determine the Ethnobotanical semi–structured interviews choice of a specific species as a food: abundance, were conducted with ca. 200 informants from availability, cultural preferences such as certain Spain’s Albacete and Cuenca provinces (Fig. 1) tastes or smells (Brett and Heinrich 1998), pro- and over 1,500 structured food–species–specific cessing technologies, and—a very important but questionnaires (FSQs) were administered to ca. hitherto little understood factor—consumers’ ge- 100 informants from the mountainous areas of netic features (e.g., presence of detoxifying en- 20 localities in Albacete and 25 in Cuenca. Usu- zymes) that allow the safe consumption of certain ally, the previously interviewed subjects were se- species. lected for receiving FSQs and the number of Therefore, most potentially “edible” plants are FSQs given was according to the anticipated not actually consumed in localities where they are number of food taxa/items known/used. We locally abundant. Sometimes they are only used asked informants to sequentially fill in the FSQs as fodder, as “famine food,” or are simply neg- themselves or, when necessary, with our help. We lected. Ethnobotany shows that this selective pro- asked them to recall all GFPs they consume or file of foods is found at different levels (local to had consumed before, where and when they col- regional) and, of course, is part of individual Tra- lect them, and how they process, cook, and con- ditional Knowledge Systems (TKS) (Heinrich et sume them. The subjects filled in the FSQs (one al. 2005; Leonti et al. 2006; Rivera and Obón for each item) sequentially in the order preferred 2005; Rivera et al. 2006). by the subjects according to the free list method- While cultivated plants come to mind first as ology. We did not ask informants to classify or elements of food plant diversity, gathered food arrange these GFPs in groups. We asked infor- plants (GFPs) are crucial for understanding the mants to give us the name of the GFPs in local health impact of these diets. Their contribution terminology. to the traditional Mediterranean diet, although Informants were reminded to return the FSQs qualitatively important, is still practically un- one month later, during visits to the locality by known (Rivera et al. 2005; Leonti et al. 2006; the research team, and FSQs were directly col- Trichopoulou et al. 2000). lected from them or through collaborators in In this study, we determine the role of plant each locality. A total of 1,005 FSQs were com- species, especially non–cultivated gathered food pleted by 88 informants (return rate of 66.7 %), plants (GFP), as local ingredients in the peoples’ out of which 973 were complete enough to be diet and how those factors impact on pattern for- analyzed. The average proportion of FSQs per in- mation in GFPs by assessing correspondences be- formant was 11.05. Voucher specimens were de- tween species, usage profiles, parts used, seasonal posited at ALBA and UMH. availability, habitats, and distribution. In brief, Salience typically reflects contrasts between we analyze the role of , morphology, items. At a community level, the conventional ecology, and culture in the complex structure of levels of salience are slowly embedded in the sign relationships between GFPs and humans. We also systems and culture, and they cannot arbitrarily analyze the patterns of GFP salience on a local be changed (Murphy et al. 2003; Wikipedia level and within the wider context of the 2006a, 2006b). The salience of each item (S) was Mediterranean Region. calculated according to Sutrop (2001) and Vainik (2004). Using the formula S = F/(N*mP), where Background and Methods F is the frequency of the item in a given free list In the mountains of Castilla–La Mancha collection (sequential group of FSQs), N the 88 (Spain), deprivation (poverty, illiteracy, etc.) ap- subjects, and mP is the mean position of the = Σ Σ pears associated with low risk levels, high life ex- item, calculated as mP ( ri)/F, where ri is the pectancy, and low mortality rates (especially for sum of all individual ranks (Table 1). Thus, items men). It is comparable to the Cretan cohort of cited only in interviews were not included in the the Seven Countries Study (Benach et al. 2001; salience analysis. Benach and Yasui 1999; Keys 1980; Rivera et al. Table 1 presents the synthesis of ecological and s– 2005). More ethnobotanical information on the ethnobotanical data from FSQs and interviews o– l– 34063_Rivera.qxd 7/2/07 2:03 PM Page 3


Fig. 1. Location of the area (Albacete and Cuenca) in Spain. Mountains are marked in gray. –s –o –l 34063_Rivera.qxd 7/2/07 2:03 PM Page 4

4 ECONOMIC BOTANY [VOL. 61 Macrolepiota pro- Macrolepiota (Fr.) Sing. Sing. (Fr.) Macrolepiota mastoidea Macrolepiota 1 (Vittad.) Peck., (9 C*)– (Vittad.) Peck., Agaricus silvicola Agaricus L., Agaricus campestris Agaricus L. (Bit.) Sing. (Bit.) 6 C6 TL C D TL RA D7 A RA C S A TL S D RA SAL–SOU T CAS–FRI–SCR–SOU S SAL 2–4 2–1–2 U–Y U–Y 1–2–4 U–Y C S Part. Cont. Fr. His. Sea. Uses Ar. at Habit L. (J. E. Lange) Pilát, (Bull.:Fr.) Vitt. Vitt. (Bull.:Fr.) Allium roseum Allium laciniata L. 4 D TS D RA T S RAW 4 Y L., Besser) L. 7 C TA D RA T S SAL 1–2–4 U–Y (Willd.) DC 7 C TL D RA T S SAL–SCR 1–2 U–Y Macrolepiota rhacodes Macrolepiota L. 5 D B D FF T S–W SCR 1–2–3–4 U–Y (Boiss.) Boiss. 7 C TA D RA T S SAL 1–2 Y L. 3 C TS D FF T S AJO–FRI–GAZ–SCR 1–2–4 U–Y L. 6 C TL D RA A S CAS–SAL 2–4 U–Y Aphyllanthes monspeliensis Aphyllanthes L. var. L. var. L. 7 B TL D FF T S CAS–SAL 1–2–4 U–Y L. 5 C TL D F T S SAL 1–2–4 U–Y (Desf.) Pers.(Desf.) 6 C TL D RA A S FRI–SCR 2 U L. 7 C TL D RA T S SAL 1–2–4 U–Y (Scop. :Fr.) Grév. :Fr.) (Scop. 9 N AC D–C F RE AU GRI–RAW–SAL 2–3–4 X L. 7 C TL D RA T S CAS–SAL–SCR 1–2–4 U Schäffer: Fr. 10 C AC D F T S–AU SOU 1–2–3–4 U–X–Y Agaricus bisporus Agaricus Allium moly Allium vaginata Amanita . and Cuenca, Spain. of Albacete food plants and mushrooms Gathered 1 T. erythrospermum T. (Scop.:Fr.) Quél., Quél., (Scop.:Fr.) = (Finch. & PD. Sell) Talavera & PD. Sell) (Finch. & Caviller (L.) Briq. s– ( Aphyllanthaceae monspeliensis Aphyllanthes (4 flowers)– Others: Asparagaceae acutifolius Asparagus salmantica Mantisalca Scolymus hispanicus Sonchus oleraceus laevigatum Taraxacum clavatus Leontodon longirostris angustifolia Scorzonera crispatula Scorzonera laciniata Scorzonera Chondrilla juncea radicata Hypochoeris Cichorium intybus Cichorium cera Alliaceae ampeloprasum Allium (5)– Others: Amanitaceae caesarea Amanita (9)– Others: o– Table and Scientific Name Family Agaricaceae arvensisAgaricus (10)– Others: l– 34063_Rivera.qxd 7/2/07 2:03 PM Page 5

2007] RIVERA ET AL.: SPANISH ETHNOBOTANY AND MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS 5 Pourret Crepis Onopor- L., Silybum mari- Silybum Willk., Willk., Lithospermum arvenseLithospermum Sonchus crassifolius L., (6)– (L.) Gaertner, (L.) Gaertner, Centaurea calcitrapa Centaurea Onopordum corymbosum Onopordum (L.) J. & C. Presl. (L.) J. & C. Presl. vulgare Echium L. (Hill.) Bernh., Bernh., (Hill.) Rhagadiolus stellatus (Cav.) Franco, Franco, (Cav.) viminea Arctium minus Arctium Gaertner (N), L., uniflorum Echium plantagineum Echium Pourret, Pourret, L. ssp. L. ssp. Rhagadiolus edulis Anacyclus valentinus Anacyclus Pilat & Dermek. Pilat Lactuca tenerrima (Lacaita) R. Fernandes, (Lacaita) R. Fernandes, L., (6)– Onopordum acaulon Onopordum L. (C*), L., Boletus pinophilus coincyanum (Boiss.) B. D. Jackson, (Boiss.) B. D. Jackson, (Mill.) Rausch. (Mill.) Lactuca serriola L. ssp. L. ssp. Helianthus tuberosus Helianthus Bull.: Fr., Fr., Bull.: Picris comosa Picris 8 RAW C8C FRDRATS TL D RA T 4 S X RAW–SOU 4 X Onopordum acanthium Onopordum L. (roots), L. (roots), Vaccaria hispanica Vaccaria Boletus edulis Boiss. & Reut. Echium creticum Echium L. asper L. (L.) Vill., (L.) Vill., (Sprengel) Pau, (5C*)– Pau, (Sprengel) Bull.: Fr., Fr., Bull.: (DC.) P.D. Sell., Sell., (DC.) P.D. L. ssp. L. ssp. L. Cichorium intybus Cichorium Boiss. & Reut. 7 C TL D RA T S SAL–SCR 1–2 Y seroi seroi (Willd). DC. 7 C TL D RA T S SAL–SCR 1–2 Y (Lyons). Symons.(Lyons). 7 C TL D RA T S SAL–SCR 1–2 Y Cannabis sativa Cannabis (Lam.) Schrank 7 C TL D RA T S SAL–SCR 1–2–4 Y L. 8 D FR D F T SU RAW 3–4 X Berberis hispanica Berberis L. 1 D TS D F T S SCR 4 Z (Brig.) Singer(Brig.) 10 C AC D F T S–AU FRI–GRI–SCR 1–2–4 X (Paulet) Fr.(Paulet) 9 D AC D–C RA RE SU–AU SOU 2–4 X L. ssp. L. ssp. L. ssp. L. ssp. haenseleri Mill. 6 D TL D RA A S SOU 2 U–Y Boiss. ( rachis and stems), vulgaris (Moench) 3(Moench) A TL D–C. FF T S–AU CAS–FRI–RIC–SCR–SOU 1–2–4 U–Y Cynara baetica Cynara Boletus aereus Viburnum tinus Viburnum media Stellaria Sonchus asper L. ssp. L. ssp. (L.) Gaertn., (7)– –Borago officinalis –Borago (O. Bolós & Vigo) S. Rivas et al. S. Rivas Vigo) (O. Bolós & et al. S. Rivas Vigo) (O. Bolós & Garcke ssp. ssp. Garcke –s dum nervosum vesicaria Others: (4)– Others: Taraxacum obovatum Taraxacum pyropappum vulgare Taraxacum Taraxacum palustre anum L. (7) Berberidaceae vulgaris Berberis ex Willd., ex Willd., vulgaris Berberis (8 fruits)–Others: Boletaceae Boletus aestivalis (9)– Others: azurea Anchusa tender )– (4 flowers–6 Others: Bolbitiaceae aegerita Agrocybe Others: (8, fruits)–Others: Cannabinaceae lupulus Humulus Caprifoliaceae lantana Viburnum Others: (8)– Others: Others: (6)– Others: Caryophyllaceae vulgaris Silene –o –l 34063_Rivera.qxd 7/2/07 2:03 PM Page 6

6 ECONOMIC BOTANY [VOL. 61 L. Atriplex hortensisAtriplex L. L., (7)– 7 D TL D FF T S CAS–FRI–SCR–SOU 1–2 U C S Part. Cont. Fr. His. Sea. Uses Ar. at Habit Capsella bursa–pastoris Capsella Chenopodium murale L., L. (L.) Hayeck 7 B TA D FF T S–SU SAL–SCR 1–2–4 Z (Jacq.) Tutin 1 C TS D FF T S FRI–SCR 1–2–4 X–Z Cav., (6)– Cav., (Desf.) Samp.(Desf.) 8 B FR D F T AU CAK–GRI–RAW 1–2–3–4 X Cav. 7 C TS D–C FF T S SAL–SCR 1–2–4 U–Y (L.) Sprengel 8 C FR D FF T SU RAW 4 Y dioica (Pourret) P. Fourn. P. (Pourret) 5 D B D RA A AU RAW 2 Y marítima L. 1 D TS D F T S RAW 2 Z L. 8 N FR D F T SU SPI 4 X ballota (Müll.:Fr.) Pers.(Müll.:Fr.) 10 D AC D F T AU SCR 3–4 X Mill. ex D. Rivera ex D. Rivera Mill. 8 C FR D FF T AU RAW 2–4 X–Z (L.) L. 4 D FL D RA T S NEC 2 X–Y L 8 C FR D FF T AU RAW 2–4 X–Z L. ssp. L. ssp. L. 8 C FR D FF T AU–W RAW–SPI 1–2–4 X L. ssp. L. ssp. L. ssp. L. ssp. Chenopodium album Eruca vesicaria Eruca Vaccinium myrtillus Vaccinium . Continued 1 (L.) Archangelli s– & cols. Fagaceae ilex Quercus Table Table and Scientific Name Family Chenopodiaceae vulgaris Beta (6)– Others: Colchicaceae pyrenaica Merendera Cucurbitaceae Bryonia cretica Coprinaceae Coprinus comatus Corylaceae Corylus avellana Corylus hispanica Cruciferae nasturtiumRorippa aquaticum crassifolium Sisymbrium (5)– Others: Arctostaphylos uva–ursi Arctostaphylos Cyperaceae Scirpus holoschoenus Ericaceae unedo Arbutus (8)– Others: o– Cupressaceae communis Juniperus Cytinaceae hypocistis Cytinus l– 34063_Rivera.qxd 7/2/07 2:03 PM Page 7

2007] RIVERA ET AL.: SPANISH ETHNOBOTANY AND MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS 7 Paxina leucomelas Paxina (L. ex Amans) Kuntze, (L. ex Amans) Kuntze, L. Vicia sativa Paxina acetabulum Paxina L. (8)– (Mill.) Rozeira. (Mill.) pedunculata Glycyrhiza glabra Glycyrhiza (Nannfeldt) Stangl., Stangl., (Nannfeldt) L. ssp. L. ssp. L. (5)– Paxina costifera Paxina Lavandula stoechas Lavandula Robinia pseudacacia Robinia (Scop.) Fr., Fr., (Scop.) L., (8N)– L. (L.) Nevski. 10 D AC D F T AU FRI–SCR 1–2 X Helvella crispa Helvella Mentha pulegium Mentha Ribes uva–crispa Elytrigia repens Elytrigia L. (4N flowers, 8 fruits)– L. (4N flowers, (Fr.) Fr. (Fr.) Roth.) 5 C FR D RA A SU FLO 1–2–4 U–Y L., L., Amo Vittad., (10)– Vittad., L. (N), Beritzelmayr 10 D AC D RA T AU GRI–SCR 2–3–4 X A. geniculata ( (Afz.) Fr. 10 C AC D RA T S FRI–SOU 1–2 X D. Rivera et al.D. Rivera 8 C FR D F T SU SPI 2–4 X Pers 10 C AC D RA T S FRI–SCR–SOU 1–2 X = Salisb. 5 D B D RA A AU RAW 2 Y L. 8 D FR D FF T S RAW 1–2–3–4 U–Y L. 6 C LR D RA T S–W CAS–SOU 2 U–Y L. 8 C FR D F T S–SU RAW–RIC 1–2–4 U–Y Mentha aquatica Mentha Cercis siliquastrum Cercis L. L. 8 C FR D RA T SU RAW 4 X Hygrophorus ligatus Hygrophorus –Picoa lefevrei –Picoa L. 8 C FR D F T SU SPI 1–2–3–4 X–Z nevadensis Crocus Cynodon dactylon Cynodon Ribes alpinum

(Schf.: Fr.) O. K. Miller Fr.) (Schf.: –s Labiatae argentea Salvia (7N)– Others: Juglandaceae hispanica Juglans regia Juglans Others: (4N)– Others: Leguminosae Lathyrus cicera Crocus serotinus (5)– Others: Helvellaceae lacunosa Helvella Helvella leucopus Helvella Others: (3N) Others: Malvaceae sylvestris Malva (Pers.) O. Kuntze (Pers.) Hygrophoraceae latitabundus Hygrophorus (10)– Others: Gomphidiaceae rutilusChroogomphus Gramineae ovata Aegilops Others: (5)– Others: Grossulariaceae Ribes rubrum (8) Others: –o –l 34063_Rivera.qxd 7/2/07 2:03 PM Page 8

8 ECONOMIC BOTANY [VOL. 61 L., pulcher Rumex Boiss. & Reut., Boiss. & Reut., Rumex induratus Rumex L., Rumex crispus Rumex L., Rumex bucephalophorus Rumex L., L. sp. Rumex acetosa Rumex 7 C TA D RA T S SAL 2–4 U–Y 10 D AC D F T S SOU 2–4 X Ramaria C S Part. Cont. Fr. His. Sea. Uses Ar. at Habit Pinus pinea Pinus (DC. Ex Fr.) Sing. Sing. Fr.) (DC. Ex Aiton, (L.) Á. Löve, (7)– (L.) Á. Löve, (Fr.) Ricken, (Fr.) (L.) DC. (6). angiocarpus Pinus pinaster Pinus Pers. Ex St. Amans. St. Ex Pers. 10 C AC D–C F T S FRI–RIC–SCR 1–2–4 X (Jacquin: Fr.) Kummer(Jacquin: Fr.) 10 C AC D FF T S–AU FRI–GAZ–SCR 1–2–3–4 X L. 7 D TA D RA T S CAS–SAL 1–2–4 U Pers. 10 C AC D–C F T S FRI–RIC–SCR 1–2–3–4 X (DC.: Fr.) Quél(DC.: Fr.) 3 B AC D–C FF T S–AU AJO–CAS–FRI–GAZ–GRI–SCR–SOU 1–2–3–4 U–Y L ssp. L ssp. L. 1 D TS D RA T S SCR 2 X–Z (Fr.) Boudier(Fr.) 10 C AC D–C F T S SCR–SOU 1–2 X L. (Schaeff.:Fr.) Quél.(Schaeff.:Fr.) 10 D AC D F T AU FRI–GRI–SCR 3–4 X L. 7 D TA D RA A S GAZ–SAL–SCR 1–2–4 U Ramaria botrytis Hohenbuehelia geogenia Hohenbuehelia Fallopia convolvulus Fallopia L. 3 D FR D FF T S–SU AJO–BRI–CON–RAW 1–2–4 X–Y . Continued Roemeria hybrida Roemeria 1 (Murb.) Murb. (Murb.) s– Pouzar ex Steudel) (Santi Ranunculaceae Clematis vitalba Rumex scutatus Rumex Ramariaceae Ramaria aurea (10)– Others: Portulacaceae oleracea Portulaca Others: (6)– Others: Table Table and Scientific Name Family Morchellaceae conica Morchella elata Morchella esculenta Morchella Others: Pezizaceae crassa Sarcosphaera Pinaceae pinea Pinus Pleurotaceae eryngiiPleurotus ostreatus Pleurotus (10)– Others: acetosella Rumex o– Papaveraceae rhoeas Papaver (8 flowers)– Others: l– 34063_Rivera.qxd 7/2/07 2:03 PM Page 9

2007] RIVERA ET AL.: SPANISH ETHNOBOTANY AND MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS 9 Malus se- Malus Sowerby, Mill., Mill., Rosa micrantha Rosa Malus pumila Malus Burgsd., Burgsd., Duchesne, Pyrus pyraster L., Fragaria viridis Fragaria L., Quélet. Prunus insititia Prunus L. (L.) Crantz. Fragaria vesca Fragaria Weihe, L., Lactarius vinosus fruticans Sorbus torminalis x Veronica beccabunga Veronica Cydonia oblonga Cydonia Prunus Heim et Lecl., Heim (L.) Crantz, (L.) Crantz, (Bit.) M. Lange. (Bit.) C. Kock, (L.) Moench, (7)– (L.) Moench, Sorbus aria K.I. Christensen L., Prunus cerasus Prunus Rhizopogon vulgaris Rhizopogon presliana Linaria hirta Linaria Lactarius semisanguifluus idaeus Rubus (L.) Mill., (L.) Mill., Romagn., Romagn., (Corda) Fr., Fr., (Corda) M. Bieb. ssp. ssp. M. Bieb. Tratt., Tratt., (L.) All., (4)– L. 7 D TL D RA T S SAL 4 Z Fr. (10). Fr. Malus sylvestris Malus (Paulet) Fr.(Paulet) 10 C AC D–C F T AU FRI–GAZ–GRI–SOU 1–2 3–4 X Rosa sicula Rosa Jacq. 8 C FR D RA T AU RAW 1–2–4 X Fr. 10 D AC D RA T AU SCR 1–2–4 U–Y L.:Fr. 3 C AC D–C FF T AU AJO–FRI–GAZ–GRI–MIG–RIC–SOU 1–2–3–4 X Medik. 8 C FR D RA T SU RAW 2–4 X L. 8 C FR D RA T SU–AU RAW 2–4 U–Z Schott. 1 C TS D RA A S RAW 2–4 Z L. 1 N TS D FF T S SCR 4 X–Y Chatin 3 N UC D–C F T S AJO–SCR 1–2 Y s Schott. 8 C FR D FF T SU–AU CAK–RAW–SPI 1–2–3–4 Z Wulf 10 D AC D F T AU FRI–SCR 2–3–4 X L. 8 C FR D FF T AU RAW–SPI 2–3–4 X–Z Bellardia trixago Bellardia L. 8 C FR D RA T SU RAW 2–3–4 Z Lactarius quieticolor Rhizopogon roseolus Rhizopogon Tratt., Tratt., L. 8 C FR D FF T SU CAK–RAW 4 Z Crataegus orientalis Crataegus Savi. 1 C TS D RA T S RAW 4 X L.L. 8 1 C C FR TS D D RA RA T T SU–AU S CAK–RAW RAW 2–3–4 X 4 X Sparassis laminosa Sparassis Rivera et al., Rivera

–s Sparassidaceae crispa Sparassis Others: Terfeziaceae claveryi Terfezia Ruscaceae aculeatus Ruscus Russulaceae Lactarius deliciosus Lactarius sanguifluus (10)– Others: Scrophulariaceae anagallis–aquatica Veronica (4N)– Others: Rosa pouzinii Rosa gurensis Crataegus monogynaCrataegus ulmifolius Rubus ulmifoliu Rubus Rhizopogonaceae luteolus Rhizopogon (10)– Others: ovalis Amelanchier avium Prunus spinosa Prunus Rosa agrestis canina Rosa Rosa canina caesius Rubus Sorbus domestica (8)– Others: –o –l 34063_Rivera.qxd 7/2/07 2:03 PM Page 10

10 ECONOMIC BOTANY [VOL. 61 His. Ten- = Snack, = Rarely. Rarely. = (Schff.:Fr.) Ground into flour; Ground only cited in inter- = potatoes, bacon, and = Leaf rachis, TA Leaf rachis, Sierras de Alcaraz y Se- Sierras = = 0.01, N ≤ australis, Scandix pecten- australis, S Ajo mulero, Very frequently, RA frequently, Very Fruits, LR Fruits, = = Floral nectar sucked; RAW Floral = = = Tricholoma terreum Tricholoma Condiment; FLO L. ssp. L. ssp. AJO = 0.05, D ≤ Plains of Albacete, 2 Plains S = < Flowers, FR Flowers, 1 = Frequently, FF Frequently, = 0.01 Uses recorded): Uses F = ( (Areas): Scandix australis (Bolton ex Fr.) Fr., Fr., (Bolton ex Fr.) Ar. Uses 0.1, C ≤ rivers, springs, and lagoons. rivers, S = < (Frequency): Winter. Winter. (L.) Lag., Fr. = 0.05 = , boiled legumes with potatoes; CON , with boiled breadcrumbs or flour; NEC , with boiled breadcrumbs Spirits and liquors. Spirits 0.1, B Marasmius oreades Marasmius Bulbs, roots, and rhizomes, FL and rhizomes, roots, Bulbs, = > Household. Household. = S Summer, W Summer, = = = Migas Potajes A = = Apium nodiflorum Apium Open areas, tomillar, Z tomillar, areas, Open = Spring, SU Spring, Mushroom, B Mushroom, = = Commercial, D Commercial, Grilled; MIG Grilled; = = AC (Salience Index): (Salience C Woodland, Y Woodland, In soups and stews; SPI In S = = Autumn, S Autumn, (Guss.) Boiss., (7)– (Guss.) = (Bulliard ex Fr.) Quélet, (9)– Quélet, ex Fr.) (Bulliard (Context): (Parts used): (Parts AU Cakes and marmalades; CAS = (Ucria) Cout. (Ucria) Crop fields, X Crop Cont. = (Season): U numbers as in Fig. 4. numbers as in Fig. Sea. truffle. piperitum = Brined; CAK Brined; Clitocybe geotropa = Habitat: 7 C TA D FF T S FRI–RAW–SAL–SOU–SPI 1–2–3–4 U–Y 5 C* FR D RA A W RAW 4 X 10 D AC D F T S–AU FRI–GRI–SCR 2 X C S Part. Cont. Fr. His. Sea. Uses Ar. at Habit Conopodium capillifolium Scrambled eggs or omelets; SOU Mill. ssp. ssp. Mill. Variables analyzed:Variables Part. = Traditional. Traditional. = , unleavened flat bread and poultry; flat bread , unleavened GRI Sprouts, UC Sprouts, S) items within each family are fully described. S) items within each family are = (Cluster Number): < Coss., (Fr.: Fr.) Donk, Donk, Fr.) (Fr.: piperitum Recent, T Recent, Gazpachos Salads; SCR Salads; Serranía de Cuenca. de Cuenca. Serranía = = = Bull. Bull. Coffee substitute; BRI = = austriacum L. (7). Foeniculum vulgare Foeniculum Mill. ssp. ssp. Mill. Tender leaves, TS leaves, Tender = Vittad 2 N UC C FF RE S CON 2–4 X L. ssp. L. ssp. L. 8 N FR D FF T AU RAW 1–2 X–Z Calocybe gambosa Calocybe With rice; SAL With L. 7 D TA D F T S CAS–SAL–SCR–SOU 2–3–4 U Conopodium bourgaei Tuber nigrum Tuber Abandoned, RE Abandoned, a L. 1 D TS D FF T S BRI–RAW 1–2 Z = Descriptive characters: C Descriptive = A . Continued Urtica dioica Urtica Plains of Cuenca, 4 of Cuenca, Plains 1 L., (8 fruits)– = Fried in olive oil; GAZ in olive Fried Codes. = 1 (**) and salient (0.01 frequent Only (***) 2007). (20 May et al. (2006). http://www.dipualba.es/iea/digitalizacion/obras.htm local names, see Rivera For (Ucria) Cout. (Ucria) (Wiesb.) Vollm. (Wiesb.) s– Ss. Kühn. Murr. Fr.) (Pers.: Others: (5)– Others: Others: Others: Urticaceae urens Urtica Viscaceae album Viscum Vitaceae Ulmaceae australis Celtis Umbelliferae vulgare Foeniculum veneris Kummer Tuberaceae aestivum Tuber (2)– Others: Table Table and Scientific Name Family Tricholomataceae melaleuca Melanoleuca (10)– Others: vinifer Vitis views, (*) Cited in one questionnaire alone. views, (*) Cited in one questionnaire der aerial parts, TL der aerial parts, (History): breadcrumbs or flour; BEB breadcrumbs FRI dessert; RIC o– gura, 3 l– 34063_Rivera.qxd 7/2/07 2:03 PM Page 11


Fig. 2. Scatter diagram of variables represented against the first two axes. Variables coded as in Table 1. Minus = scored 0. Within (*) in CoV3 are: 27 less informative modalities of variables. Ellipses and circles represent clusters as in Fig. 3. Bold, italics, or regular characters are used to distinguish points within each overlapping cluster.

from Albacete and Cuenca. Categorical data (eco- (coordinates against each one of 47 axes), with logical and ethnobotanical) were transformed columns in decreasing order of explained vari- into a 0–1 matrix. As Table 1, this matrix has 215 ance from the original matrix. The output ma- rows (items) and 47 columns (categorical vari- trix for variables has 94 rows (modalities of ables). Rows correspond to objects (items) and variables) and 47 columns (coordinates against columns to attributes (descriptive state). Differ- the same 47 axes). Thus, distances for vari- ent parts of the same species are treated as inde- ables and items are calculated in the same pendent objects, and thus computed in different 47–dimensional Euclidean space. Figure 2 shows rows. The cells of the matrix are either “1” if the the first two axes. column is considered to apply to the row or “0” if This analysis was performed with “R” software it is considered not to apply. When at least one (Ihaka and Gentleman 1997). We used subrou- response is positive, either in FSQs or the inter- tines based on SPAD (Lebart and Morineau views, the corresponding cell is 1. Data on his- 1985) and routines implemented by Palazón and tory of use (Table 1) come exclusively from Calvo (1999). interviews. The Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA) (Fig- Through a Multiple Correspondence Analy- ures 3 and 4) was done with the objects (items or sis (MCA), which is a principal component modalities of variables) of the quantitative matri- analysis with categorical data (Benzecri 1992), ces above, using only columns 1–4 (since they ex- the qualitative matrix was used to produce two plain most of the variance), considering the quantitative matrices. The output matrix for Ward’s minimum variance algorithm (Ward –s items has 215 rows (items) and 47 columns 1963; Lebart et al. 1984). This technique optimizes –o –l 34063_Rivera.qxd 7/2/07 2:03 PM Page 12


Fig. 3. Tree resulting of the HCA of 94 modalities of variables. Variables within CoV1: BRI, TS. CoV2: B, BEB, FLO, W. CoV3: –2, –4, 4, –A, A, –AJO, FF, –FF, RAW, S, SCR, –S, SAL, SOU, –SU, –T, TA, TL, U, –U, s– –W, –X, Y, Z and other less informative variables. CoV4: CON, –D, UC. CoV5: FL, NEC. CoV6: 3, AC, AU, o– C, F, FRI, GRI, RE, X. CoV7: CAK, CAS, FR, LR, SPI, SU. CoV8: AJO, GAZ, MIG, RIC. Variables are coded l– as in Table 1. Minus = scored 0. 34063_Rivera.qxd 7/2/07 2:03 PM Page 13


Fig. 4. Tree resulting of the HCA of 215 items. Main clusters numbered on the branches. For items within each cluster see Tab. 1. –s –o –l 34063_Rivera.qxd 7/2/07 2:03 PM Page 14


the result and assists the researcher in interpreting salmantica, Onopordum macracanthum, or Scan- the single tree produced by the analysis instead of dix australis reach high total activity scores (6 to multiple trees. 7), but especially relevant is the highest score (9) obtained by Berberis vulgaris ssp. seroi (index Results and Discussion 0.0234), which was cited by only 12 informants (LFN 2005). Low salience in very local taxa Plant Species, Collection Areas, could be an artifact of the sampling strategy, since and Use Categories the 88 informants were selected from 45 different The list of GFPs includes 215 items (53 mush- localities covering a large area. Since consensus rooms and 162 items from 154 and salience indices are calculated over the entire species, including eight species that yielded two territory, taxa that are more widespread are items, e.g., shoots and fruits). GFPs are com- favored. monly collected in the mountains (over 162 For items with a frequency of less than 35% items) as well as among crops (89 items), forests and low and medium salience (Table 2), we do and thickets (87), open areas such as “tomillares” not find correlation with their frequency or dif- (low–growing calciphilous Mediterranean scrub) fusion of its use near the Mediterranean (lineal (73), and riparian environments such as lagoons regression with R2 = 0.03). However, frequency and springs (33). near the Mediterranean (y: as a percentage of lo- Asteraceae (37 items, 35 species), Rosaceae calities) vs. frequency in mountains of Albacete (28, 24), and Boraginaceae (9, 7) are the more and Cuenca (x: as a percentage of FSQs) are re- numerous vascular plant families, followed by lated in the proportion of y = 1.6452x–45, with Polygonaceae (8, 8), Umbelliferae (7, 6), and R2 = 0.8648, for items with a local frequency Leguminosae (6,5). There is less diversity in above 35%. Therefore, the highest consensus fungi: Agaricaceae, Helvellaceae (7 each), Tri- among informants for the mountains of Al- cholomataceae (5), Russulaceae (5), and Bole- bacete and Cuenca is found for those taxa taceae (4). widely used in most of the Mediterranean Re- Most items (tender green parts of plants and gion. The higher the consensus is on a local mushrooms) are collected in the spring (132 level, the wider their use is near the Mediter- items / 612 FSQs ). Another peak occurs in au- ranean. Thus “local” food plants have a less re- tumn (61 / 344); again, tender green parts— stricted distribution of use than expected, and especially fruits and mushrooms—are collected. the core of Mediterranean GFPs described by Fewer are collected during summer (42 / 130) Leonti et al. (2006) are closely related with this and very few in the winter (10 / 13). wider distribution of use. The variation of frequency (items vs. FSQs) Most items are used exclusively by local house- and salience (items vs. salience index) follows the holds (192). Only two are collected solely for pattern of rectangular hyperbolas with x*y = 40 commercial purposes (Tuber spp.) and 18 for and x*y = 0.7, respectively. Frequent and highly commercial and household use. Some items salient species are 5 (salience index > 0.05) (Robinia pseudacacia, Amanita caesarea) seem to (Tables 1 and 2). Silene vulgaris stands alone with have been incorporated into the local food basket salience index > 0.1. On the other hand, 59 items only recently. The use of 41 items has nearly been scored salience index 0.01 < S ≤ 0.05, and 129 abandoned. Most of the species ranked as aban- S ≤ 0.01. Thus, most items are low–salient and doned are used in soups (16) and “potajes” (13), infrequent. Twenty items were cited in interviews thus possibly reflecting a change in eating habits. alone. Others ranked as abandoned are nine snacks con- A high proportion of GFPs are used in local sumed “in situ.” popular medicine (30–80% versus 10–20% of The items consumed as a snack or as a dessert the entire vascular flora), but salience as a food is (68, 40 exclusive) include mostly Rosaceae. Uses not correlated with uses as medicines (Rivera et in salads, dressed with olive oil, vinegar, and salt, al. 2005). However, salient items were more ac- uncooked or lightly parboiled, were recorded for tive overall in a panel of in vitro screens showing 37 (14 exclusive). The most important family a relatively high total activity score (5 to 5.5, on a here is the Asteraceae with 19 species. Overall, s– 0–9 scale) (LFN 2005). Some low–salient GFP 54 items are consumed exclusively raw (snack, o– species, such as Thymus piperella, Mantisalca dessert, salads). l– 34063_Rivera.qxd 7/2/07 2:03 PM Page 15


Table 2. The most salient GFPs evaluated in terms of frequency and salience.

Percentage of Most Salient Salience Localities in the Ranking in the Cluster Species Informants Index Mediterranean Mediterranean List Number TAS Silene vulgaris 61 0.105 64.06 5 3 5 Scolymus hispanicus 47 0.072 45.31 23 7 5,5 Rubus ulmifolius 43 0.044 48.43 16 8 5,5 Pleurotus eryngii 40 0.066 25.00 86 3 — Quercus ilex ssp. ballota 38 0.055 26.56 76 8 5 Lactarius deliciosus 37 0.044 25.00 82 3 2 Scorzonera angustifolia 33 0.029 9.37 359 7 — Rorippa nasturtium– 30 0.052 48.43 7 7 1 aquaticum Crataegus monogyna 26 0.034 43.75 26 8 3 Sonchus oleraceus 21 0.027 70.31 3 7 3 Asparagus acutifolius 20 0.033 54.68 9 3 4 Morchella esculenta 19 0.028 20.31 120 10 — Prunus spinosa 18 0.019 51.56 12 8 — Sorbus domestica 18 0.021 21.87 112 8 — Agrocybe aegerita 18 0.030 17.18 142 10 — Bryonia cretica ssp. 18 0.024 25.00 79 1 3,5 dioica Chondrilla juncea 18 0.021 45.31 20 7 2,5** Foeniculum vulgare ssp. 17 0.013 79.68 1 7, 82,5*** piperitum Amelanchier ovalis 14 0.021 15.62 156 8 — Rosa canina 14 0.019 54.68 11 1, 9 — Cichorium intybus 13 0.013 68.75 4 5, 7 3 Sisymbrium crassifolium 13 0.016 7.81 475 7 3 * Number of independent informants = 88. Data on ranking and percentage of localities from Rivera et al. 2006 and unpub- lished database. TAS = Total Activity Score in LFN (2005). ** Italian plants. *** Greek plants, leaves. Author names as in Table 1.

GFPs are often boiled or simmered. Uses in diversity of recipes, are infrequent. The excep- soups and stews were recorded for 52 items as tions are Lactarius deliciosus, Pleurotus eryngii, and were 30 legumes. Thirty–two items are consumed Silene vulgaris, all within cluster 3. exclusively after boiling; frying (often in olive oil) is common (41 items, 21 exclusive). A high pro- Multivariate Analysis portion of items (60), especially mushrooms, are Multivariate analysis was used to determine consumed with scrambled eggs or in omelets. patterns in GFP collection and use, and thus for Only 15, with four Rosaceae species and three comparing plant profiles that combine ecological Labiatae species, are used in spirits and liquors. and ethnobotanical data. The 94 modalities of Five (including three Boraginaceae) furnish floral variables show a distinct pattern against the first nectar as a snack. two axes of the Multiple Correspondence Analy- Although plants are cooked and consumed in sis (MCA) (Fig. 2). It has two sets of points, as different ways, often we have found very simple indicated by the presence/absence of the minus profiles of use. A total of 118 items are eaten in sign. The points with a minus sign represent 0 for one manner only. The remaining items are multi- each level, the others represent “presence” (= 1). purpose, used in different combinations of dishes The distance between points is a measure of simi- (Table 1). Two different types of processing are larity between column profiles. Therefore, some found in 62 items and three types of processing points are farther from others because their pro- –s in 19 items. Wide spectrum items, with a high files are different. Information is directly related –o –l 34063_Rivera.qxd 7/2/07 2:03 PM Page 16


to the distance from the coordinates’ origin. In (CoI2); yet, these are not cited in the FSQs nor our analysis, the different types of culinary prepa- consumed in local households. However, when rations yielded the most meaningful information several subjects were interviewed, they were able (Fig. 2). to describe patterns for collecting and processing The cluster analysis of modalities of variables them. Are truffles a resource kept secret or forms the following eight major clusters (Figs. 2 tabooed for economic reasons? This does not seem and 3), which represent different combinations of to be the case since other 18 items were cited only parts used, season of collection, type, and context in interviews (Table 1). This is most likely a result of use. of how informants understood the idea of Gath- ered Food Plants and mushrooms. Underground 1. Plant parts preserved in brine, especially ten- mushrooms, herbal teas, spices, and condiments der shoots (Cluster of variables – CoV1); are not part of their concept of GFPs. 2. Fruits, bulbs, roots, and rhizomes, often col- In the third cluster are seven of the most lected in winter, milled as a substitute for salient multipurpose mushroom and vascular wheat flour, and roasted roots as a coffee plant species (CoI3) (Tables 2 and 3) with a wide substitute (CoV2); range of uses, especially those in CoV8, (Lactar- 3. Tender leaves consumed in soups, omelets, ius deliciosus, Pleurotus eryngii, Asparagus acuti- or raw, whose use is almost abandoned, folius, Silene vulgaris) together with a sub–cluster (CoV3, not clearly defined, Fig. 2); comprising the truffles Picoa and Terfezia, and 4. Truffles used as a condiment in households pine nut seeds. This cluster shows clearly how this and for commercial purposes (CoV4); hierarchical classification neither reflects formal 5. Flower nectar consumed as a snack (CoV5); plant ethnotaxonomy nor the natural taxonomy of 6. Mushrooms collected in the forests in the plants and fungi; rather, it shows a pattern of how autumn, consumed either grilled or fried, in these are collected and consumed. Labels in this commercial contexts, recently adopted by group mark prototypes like the “esparragos,” or the local population under the influence of “collejas.” Only the highly salient Silene vulgaris, a collectors from abroad (CoV6); prototypic “collejas,” falls within CoI3, whereas the 7A. Fruits collected in summer for use in cakes, related “collejicas” (Hypochaeris) and “collejones” jams and marmalades, and pastries as well as (Vaccaria hispanica) are both within CoI6. for flavoring spirits and liquors (CoV7a); The fourth cluster comprises snacks consumed 7B. Leaf rachises used in casserole–type dishes by children (Robinia, Cercis, Linaria, Echium and (CoV7b); and Cytinus flowers) (CoI4) related to CoV 5. Here 8. Plants used in “migas” (Table 1), rice dishes, labels such as “pan y queso” (Linaria, Robinia, “ajo mulero,” or in “gazpachos” (CoV8). Cercis) and “chupamieles” (Echium spp.) refers not The cluster analysis of the 215 items produced to the whole plant but to the flowers as food. a tree with 10 clusters at height of 0.005 (Fig. 4 Sixteen items make up the fifth cluster. They and Table 3). The first cluster has items with ten- are mostly edible underground organs (Gly- der shoots (Humulus, Clematis, Rubus, Rosa, Bry- cyrhiza, Cynodon, Elytrigia, Allium, Helianthus onia, Vitis) that are collected mainly in the spring tuberosus, Conopodium, Crocus, Cichorium intybus and consumed in omelets (CoI1). It is related [roots], and Merendera) (CoI5). Within this clus- with CoV1. A generic label shared by three items ter Eruca, Viscum, and Aegilops (without under- of this cluster is “esparragos de.” However, the pro- ground edible organs) also appear. This cluster is totypic species Asparagus acutifolius labeled “espar- related to CoV2. Here five items (Conopodium ragos” or “esparragos trigueros” falls outside of spp., Merendera, Crocus spp.) bear label “macucas” CoI1, in CoI3 and “esparragos de tamarilla” and “ajoporros” three (Allium spp.). (Sisymbrium crassifolium) in CoI7. This is due to Items with edible leaf or rachis make up the the three different usage profiles: a general one for sixth and sevenths clusters (CoI6, CoI7). CoI6 low–salience tender shoots (which defines CoI1,) includes mainly low–salience items with edible one for wild greens as CoI7, and one for proto- leaf rachis, and CoI7 the most salient and fre- typic asparagus (which is much broader and simi- quent (Table 3). Both are related with CoV7b. lar to other salient items in CoI3). Five items within CoI6 are labeled “tobas” (Ono- s– Two Tuber species (“trufas”) with considerable pordum spp.) and five in CoI7 “vinagreras” o– commercial value fall within the second cluster (Rumex spp.). “Camarrojas” is a label for two l– 34063_Rivera.qxd 7/2/07 2:03 PM Page 17


Table 3. Description of groups resulting from the hierarchical cluster analysis of items.

Nr. of Overall Sd. Overall Sd. Frequent & Cluster Items Frequency Dev. Salience* Dev. Salient Taxa** Labels Variables CoI1 12 6.55 6.01 0.008 0.007 Rubus ulmifolius Espárragos, Tender shoots, (8, 0.011), Bryonia tallos collected in cretica ssp. dioica spring and (18, 0.024) consumed in omelets CoI2 2 — — — — Tuber spp. Trufa Underground mushrooms CoI3 7 28.34 27.12 0.036 0.039 Silene vulgaris ssp. Collejas, Seta Multipurpose vulgaris (67, 0.105), de cardo, mushroom and Pleurotus eryngii espárragos vascular plants (44, 0.066), with a wide range Asparagus acutifolius of uses (30, 0.033) CoI4 10 2.46 1.78 0.003 0.002 Citynus hypocistis Meleras, Flowers consumed (4, 0.006), Liniaria Chupamieles, as snacks hirta (4, 0.004) pan y queso CoI5 16 5.33 4.04 0.006 0.004 Conopodium spp. Macucas, Edible underground (7, 0.008) Aegilops Rompesacos parts and others ovata (8, 0.01) CoI6 30 3.61 2.82 0.005 0.005 Arctium minus Gordolobos, Edible leaves and (10, 0.008), Lenguazas, leaf rachises Leontodon Pan de pastor longirostris (7, 0.019), Mantisalca salmantica (7, 0.014) CoI7 41 9.36 10.05 0.012 0.014 Scolymus hispanicus Cardillos, berros, Edible leaves (50, 0.072), Rorippa lizones, and leaf rachises nasturtium–aquaticum chicorias (33, 0.052), Chondrilla juncea (18, 0.021) CoI8 49 7.89 9.91 0.009 0.011 Rubus ulmifolius Majuelas, Fruits consumed (39, 0.044), Crataegus Bellotas, as jams, monogyna (26, 0.034), Ciruelicas de marmalades, Quercus ilex ssp. pájaro, sierbas pastry filling, ballota (40, 0.055), condiments, or Prunus spinosa snacks (19, 0.019), Sorbus domestica (16, 0.021) CoI9 10 3.77 2.19 0.006 0.004 Tricholoma terreum Pejines Epigeal mushrooms (6, 0.006) CoI10 37 8.95 7.17 0.008 0.008 Morchella esculenta Colmenilla, Epigeal (24, 0.028), Pleurotus Cagarria, Seta mushrooms ostreatus (16, 0.018), de chopo, Agrocybe aegerita hongo (18, 0.03), Agaricus arvensis (19, 0.022) * Overall salience calculated as the average of salience indices for all items in the group. ** Only most frequent and salient items within each group are cited. With (parentheses) number of informants and salience index. Author names as in Table 1.

–s –o –l 34063_Rivera.qxd 7/2/07 2:03 PM Page 18


Fig. 5. Frequency of plant parts and fungi types. Bar length represents the number of items (items).

items within CoI6 (Crepis vesicaria and Manti- If the parts used differ, a species may belong to salca salmantica) and one in CoI7 (Taraxacum different clusters, e.g., Rubus ulmifolius fruits and vulgare). shoots fall in separate clusters (Table 1). Further- Fruits that are consumed as jams, marmalades, more, different species display similar or identical fillings for pastries, condiments (Foeniculum), profiles in the matrix, forming a compact group, or snacks (Malva) are in the eighth cluster i.e., vascular plants and fungi grouped together in (CoI8). It is strongly linked with CoV7a. Fruits CoI3. Therefore, within the cluster they are inter- (48) are immediately after mushrooms (49) changeable, in a way that is similar to the “medici- the most numerous group of GFPs in this analy- nal plant complexes” described by Linares and Bye sis (Fig. 5). (1987). Plant complexes include different species The ninth and tenth clusters (CoI9 and CoI10) often sharing common names, morphological and are composed of mushrooms (47 items) strongly re- aromatic characteristics, habitats, gathering season, lated with CoV6. CoI9 includes low–salience items or simply usage patterns. The distribution analysis with the labels of “paragüillas” and “hongo negro,” of the utilization and natural occurrence of plants in and CoI10 low to medium salient items with labels each complex in México indicated the presence of a as “cagarrias” (9 items), “hongos” and “mizclos” (4), dominant or “label” plant whose use extended be- and “patatas de tierra” and “puchereles” (3). yond its natural range and which had substitutes de- The multivariate analysis shows similarities in rived from local plants that were not registered far parts used, distribution, seasonal availability, fre- beyond their respective natural ranges. Similarly, quency, status, context of use, and recipe’s pro- Pardo–de–Santayana et al. (2005) highlighted the files. Eynden (2004), using UPGMA analysis of importance of “té ” in Spanish culture. C. sinensis simple matching similarity coefficients, repre- tea offered a cognitive context for drinking other sented the similarity of GFPs, related to plant infusions without a specific medicinal purpose management events, at the rank of home gardens and, therefore, these plants could be considered or villages, in Andean southern Ecuador. part of a plant complex. However, this pattern is Clustering patterns depend on the part of the found in our analysis only for CoI1, CoI3, CoI7, plant used, as well as on when and where it is col- CoI8, and CoI10, with high standard deviation of lected and how it is processed and consumed. frequency and salience values within each cluster Therefore, our classification corresponds to a pat- (Table 3 and Fig. 6), and with dominant “label” tern of use and not to underlying principles of plants. But CoI2, CoI4, CoI6, and CoI9 follow a s– categorization of plants and animals in traditional different pattern with a smaller standard deviation o– societies (Berlin 1992). of salience and without dominant “label” plants. l– 34063_Rivera.qxd 7/2/07 2:03 PM Page 19


Fig. 6. Within clusters of items: overall salience (+), overall frequency (!),standard deviation for frequency (black bars), and percentage of Fungi (gray bars).

Overall, we found two different types of clus- “escobas de amargos” refer to the same species ters: A, which is “species labeled,” and B, which is (Mantisalca salmantica). By the end of winter, “use labeled” (flowers consumed as snacks, under- rosettes of tender leaves appear and are collected ground edible plants, edible leaf rachis, as food; these are “pan de pastor.” In summer, bit- low–salience fungi consumed in omelets). Label- ter stems, almost leafless, are collected for making ing is independent of taxonomic aspects such as brushes, namely the “escobas de amargos.” In the the proportion of Fungi / Vascular Plants in each local ethnoclassification these are distinct unre- cluster (Fig. 6). Moreover, CoI3, which on aver- lated species. Another example is Rosa spp. “tallos age contains the most salient items, is not clearly de zarzas,” shoots and “tapaculos,” fruits. “species labeled,” being mostly defined by its broad profile of uses. However, fungi and vascu- Conclusions lar plants are completely separate in 9 of the 10 This paper is part of an ongoing debate about clusters (Fig. 6). how people classify the environment and its ele- Markers in the form of labels and most salient ments, how they make use of certain species and items for each complex are presented in Table 3. “reject others.” An increasing and diverse body of The clustering shows how morphology and sys- evidence highlights that this selection is in no tematics are clearly subordinated to the usage way random (e.g., Berlin 1992; Moerman 1996; profile, especially in CoI3. Within the MCA and Brett and Heinrich 1998; Leonti et al. 2006; HCA, patterns of use give the highest informa- Rivera et al. 2006). The cluster analysis of cate- tion values and determine the resulting groups. It gories of variables forms eight major clusters, was not our goal to analyze ethnotaxonomical as- which represent different combinations of parts pects. However, our results reverberate the utility used, season gathered, type, and context of use. vs. classification debate, hence an empirical vs. This analysis provides a novel way of under- cognitive basis of ethnoclassification. One aspect standing the selection of species from an environ- is the concept of species in ethnobiology. Our in- ment, which offers a much larger number of formants do not generally accept the biological species than what is needed by a community. concept of species, and often, different plant Clusters of species form culture–specific logical parts or stages are managed as completely differ- entities, which allow people to structure and ent species, i.e., during fieldwork it was diffi- manage their environment, and to select the most –s cult initially to recognize that “pan de pastor” and relevant resources. –o –l 34063_Rivera.qxd 7/2/07 2:03 PM Page 20


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