AACCCCEESSSS22MMOOUUNNTTAAIINN Sustainable Mobility and Tourism in Sensitive Areas of the Alps and the Carpathians: REGIONAL AND NARROW GAUGE RAILWAYS – GOOD PRACTICE AND RECOMMENDATIONS WP 4 | Act. 4.1 FINAL VERSION Federal Ministry For Transport, Innovation And Technology Vienna, 8/30/2012 Regional and Narrow Gauge Railways - Good Practice and Recommendations GOOD PRACTICE AND RECOMMENDATIONSTITLE OF THE DOCUMENT Please note: The English version of the study „Regional and narrow gauge railways“ is a summary of 2 interim reports in German language. In these interim reports (author Otfried Knoll) additional, more detailed information is available. Please see http://www.access2mountain.eu Impressum: Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and technology (project partner 1) Radetzkystrasse 2, 1030 Wien Austria Contact: Ernst Lung, phone +43 1 71162 651102, e-mail
[email protected] Author of the full study in German language: Otfried Knoll (Diplom Engineer, consultant, owner of KNOLL TRAFFIC & TOURISTIC SOLUTIONS, St.Pölten, Austria, www.knoll-tts.com ), assisted by Alexander Baumgartner (young researcher, contracted by Knoll-TTS) Author of the English version (the content of the German version is summed up): Ernst Lung (Diplom Engineer, project responsible of the project partner bmvit), assisted by Otfried Knoll Support to the Layout : Maria Bendikt , bmvit Participating project partners: bmvit (partner 1) with support of ARR-KE (partner 8) and NÖVOG (observing partner 2) Links and other sources are mentioned below the pictures or the relevant parts of the text Thanks: The Access2Mountain team of project partner 1 wants to thank all colleagues from the railway companies who filled in our questionnaire , provided other information and spent time for detailed phone interviews ! page 2 Regional and Narrow Gauge Railways - Good Practice and Recommendations GOOD PRACTICE AND RECOMMENDATIONSTITLE OF THE DOCUMENT TABLE OF CONTENT page 1.