Telenet Hotels Network | Serbia Motel "Izvor", Kosjeric Media Center Kosjeric Phone: +38164 5558581; +38161 6154768;
[email protected] Motel "Izvor", Kosjeric Motel Izvor lociran je u Kosjericu udaljen 130km od najblizeg aerodroma. Kapacitet motela cine 11 soba i to 2 jednokrevetne, 4 dvokrevetne, 4 trokrevetne i jedna cetvorokrevetna soba sa pomocnim lezajem. Motel ima restoran, cafe bar i parking prostor. Dva nova fudbalska terena [jedan sa reflektorima], olimpijski bazen i hala za male sportove, pruzaju izvanredne mogucnosti za boravak i pripreme sportskih ekipa. Kosjeric Serbia page 1 / 9 Kosjeric is trying to create a strong tourism industry, which is supported by the "Serbian village tourist board". Kosjeric has attracted many people from central Serbia for its famed "Shepard festival" which is held every July. Also, every year in Kosjeric a NGO called K-Town Group ornaganize an International art camp Kosjeric which includes different art workshops with 50 participants from around the world. The development and reconstruction of the Hotel Skprez has also further helped increase tourist numbers. Kosjeric is known together with other places in its surroundings for fresh air and beautiful nature. High mountains, fields, wood and water wells surround the town and it is famous for country tourism and production of healthy food. Fresh air and nice climate are very appropriate for different sports; hence Kosjeric became the famous sport centre equipped with different types of sport fields on 40,000 square metres, sports hall with 700 places, Olympic pool and several football, basketball and handball playgrounds.... Serbia Serbia has connected West with East for centuries a land in which civilisations, cultures, faiths, climates and landscapes meet and mingle.