f PORTLAND DAILY PRESS * VOLUME III. PORTLAND, ME., MONDAY FEBRUARY 18G4. MORNING, 15, WHOLE NO 509 PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, LEGAL & OFFICIAL. INSURANCE. LEGAL & OFFICIAL, JOHN T. OILMAN, Editor, BUSINESS CARDS. I FOR SALE & TO LET. S T A T E o F M A I N B BUSINESS CAKJUS. U published at No. 82* EXCHANGE STREET, by RETURN Proposals lor Iff*. -OF THU- Room Medical Fall and donating to Let. N. A. FOSTER di CO. Fuuvkyoh's Office, » Winter Opening ! Scotch Washington, l». c.,Feb.l. 1804. ROOK orer No. 90 Cosnuiolil St. Canvas, j Thomas Mutual Fire Ins. ntOI’OSALS will Ije received at this C1UNTINGBlock, to 1*1. Apply to -»orn BALI IT- Portland Daily I*rbsb People’s Co., Tan is published at #7.00 SKALF.Iiollicc until 12 M., February the 25tli, fr r tarnish- A. D. N. J. MILTER, if in OF WORCESTER lee to the Medical REEVES, achlldtf 22 per year; paid strictly advauce, a discount of MASS., ing Departuient ot the Array hc NO. 98 EXCHANGE HOUSE morniu^,at advauce; Amount of Surplus, 139 189 00 day April next: ico not STREET, No. 69, adjoining my residence oa 200 300 do All flax if within six months; aud to be for until its fonn "(ityr-1 paid #2.60,if payment be Amount of Property insured exist- nceipied quality, the litness of State street. *■ beyond the l»y the icc-hoii-e, and the manner in « Just returned from Boston and New Tork delayed year. ing policie*. 00 Inch it is packed M W' H STEPHENSON. do 11,4*9,nil with a Amount of shall have been approved by a medical officer HA8 RICH and FASHIONABLE assort- decUdtf 300so do fisniiBsrfi; (AJM£ premium* received for same, *U.3o2 94 ap- ment Nary Floe tor or bv a Medical ol ) Amount of loaaes last 74 pointed th-purpose, Inspector Delivered in Kates of paid year. 31,877 and will be made Portland or Bwtoa Advertising: Losses unadjusted or payment only for the amonut tints One inch of in unpaid, stored and for. To Let. April 10. MU. space length of column, constitutes Amount* receired for Iuteiest ami actually receipted ,pM ear, 8,247 42 any oaph. and can an “fit Berry printing Possession given other after first 60 cents. the year's it shall be furnished at the consequently give elegant 1st of oae.” ry day week, Amount of Divideud* paid on Mutual supply, -arac out at the lowest cash January. Apply to large Half three insertions or one HEAD rates aud under the same }>rices. dec29dtf square, lees, 76 oents; gUARTERS, policies last year. 88 conditions BENJ. FOGG. 60 cents Adjutant General's 4.1U1) He invites his old friendfl and and the week, #1.00; per week after. Orrics, I Amount of U. S. QUANTITY TO BK DF.LI VKISKD At customers, Expense* (including to call on Under head of Amusement*, #2.o0 per square per Augusta, Feb. 2, 1804. | Md public gem rally, him. lirateful lor the Government and State War la\i. 10,101 70 Annapolis. —Ice-house owned by the United liberal PEUCHTWANGEB A week; three insertions or less, GENERAL ORDER NO 9 patronage he has received since he establish- To Let. #1,60. Amount of Commission* paid the last Status -150 toes ZUNDEB, Special #1.76 first The ComiAander-in-<’hief orders and ed him^lf here, he solicits a continuance, and will Notices, per square week, directs year, 59 Fortress Monroe, Va —Ice-lion e owned the now occupied us. Possession Near the 1st. enlistment* 8,753 by spare no efforts to by given Post Office, #1,00 per square after; three insertions or less, #1.26; Ihat aJI alter this date, and as- I tilted States -2*-o tons. give general satisfaction, STOREimmediately. haif a three one of men heretofore oca tl square, insertions, #1.00; week, signments enlisted, now unas- Point Lookout, Md lee house owned by the United Also, a Front Office in Hanson Black. (FOX tl.26. on the books of this or the ASSErs. BLOCK) signed, office, records of stales—200 ton-. J»“« H. J. LIBBF.T k CO. Advertisements inserted in the Mains Statr the several Provost Marshals, shall be to Kailroad Stock. the credit Market val. Portsmouth, Va Ice-livuse not owned by the l lilt- No. 81 tViddlc Pa**** (which has a large circulation in every part of o! the places of residence (if in this State,) of the 40 share* Worcester A Nashua ed States— If a • tons Street, the State) for 60 cents per iu addition to the volunteers respectively. Railroad, N W. W. CARR & Fop Sale. square $8000 *3,2u0 00 Newburn, .0.—Ice-houtc not ow ned by the I nited CO., Still keep op a roah to above rates, for each insertion. 2d. action of the 160 shares their Anticipated Legislature will pro- Providence k Wor- States—100 tons. Hiring taken tbc Fruit Store I(W 1 ELn°3 HAVANA GROCERY SUGARS, Leual Notices at usual rates. vide for tlu* of all formerly occupied by •• payment bounties other than those cester Railroad, 13 00 20.80000 Hilton Head. S U.—lev-house owned be the United ■llM w 200 Boxen •* Transient advertisements mast be paid for in ad- of the General Government, from the State Treasury 16 shares Western Kailroad. 16000 2.250 00 States—450 Iods. 16 Hhdn Near Crop MU8COVADO NEW DRY vanoe to the soldier in at the 0. SAWYKH. MOLASSES, GOODS person, designated places of 31 'hares Bostou k Worcester Beaufort. S. C.—Ice-house owned bv the Uuiled per “Harriet” aod “8t. Jaxo,“ STORE. Notices, iu rendezvous. course by Business reading columns, 12 cents This willfully protect the sol- Kailroad, 134 CO 4,310 00 States—fJOOtons. ISAAC EMERT, line for one insertion. No less than diers' without the intervention of 16 shares Boston No. H lm Why should (be of per charge fifty rights, brokers or & Providence will also hi for Exchange Jan14 Head Wharf. people Portland and rlelnlt* for each insertion. whose l’roposals received furnishing ice Street, Lon* not trade at a where Oents agents, interference will be wholly discount©- Railroad, 130 no 1,950 00 for the place they can buy as (naan daily, by weight, year 1S64. in -uch quanti- "tn or £4F“Ail communications intended for the nauced. Are to offer to the trade a yort Boston, and where. paper ties a- may be required by the in at prepared large and well L^can^r' should be directed to the "Rditdr the aud 3d. authorities of towns surgeons clmrc-e To be Let. 8 mo*t qf Press, Municipal cities, and *32,418 00 UnitedStates Oeneral the •elected stock of reasonable terms? of a business Hospitals, upph following A pleasant house on ThoseTh^.e who have those oharacter to the Publishers. plantations should forthwith assume the control of Kailroad Bonds. annual estimate, in and two-story Clark, near given them n trial usually come near Peach street—9 rooms—in fine bmck and CJTJor Pkwtivo of every executed enlistments for deficiencies and for call, ex- 5 bonds Worcester k Nashua ;; order, just again remain customer*. description present Boston, Mat* 10 tuns. and and standing thereby with so far as the same are in the Doreign Domestic Fruit ! painted papere1 throughout, with land showing that a Tair and dispatch. cept progressing hands Kailroad, l,0uO00 $5,25»»00 V » O.'I l|i conclusively Ik, IOU8, Sjv. for a treatment is hlnorahi# 8 garden Kent *130. at No. TO them F. bonds Western Kailroad, 1,070 00 * 50000 New €<» ton* Wholesale and Retail Key by highly appreciated. Tracy, Traveling Agent. *• Haven, Conn., Brackett inCliivf to recruit for in whi'-h 8 street. jan233w organization* they 1.08000 Portsmouth Orove, K I., ]:*> tons. arc or arc to be commissioned Ornngr.. Spracr Cana, serving, Philadelphia. Pa.. 1,100 tons. Lezengea 4tli. Men in the a* al«o l.riuons. re-enlisting Held, recruits *18,09000 Newark, K. J.. 1<0 tons Canary Seed, Caadlra, NEW jor all other organizations, mar For Sale or to GOODS ! rely upon receiving Loans on Pollat- ral and ac- D. C tons. L.iaara, Unoa Let. COMMUNICATIONS •300cash bounty in hjnid, in addition tothat Security, Washington, 2,500 Syrup, Henry, provided crued Interest, Baltimore Md ,500tons. Received from New York by the Government of Ujc United States. $18,60110 I’ranei, Cor on \uta. Figa. CLIFF COTTAGE, containing over JO dilly. Lomus on Personal Security, aud ae- Frederick. Md 76 tou* stable and tetter from \ irginia, 6th. Although qaotn for the la«t call are uot a*- Clirou, Kali, all kiada. Dole rooms.large sheds—situated two cred Interest, 28,030 !*tj All additional amounts that be at a, and oue-’ealf sigued for want of instructions from may required miles from Portland, and the 1®i I lot of Cloths and Reavere fhp r,|nAba specific the Loans secured these until 1st. War by Mortgages on Beal January Jh1$, are to be fur* Olirra, Haiaina, Tebnrre, finest situation iu Elizabeth for a wa- which ere soid U. S. Signal Strtion, Cedar Mt., Va.,I Department, two-thirds of the number re- place* Cape by the yard, cut and made li/ta Estate and accrued Interest, 02,407 60 iii-h'-d at the same rate*: and summer the most up Feb. 5. 1864. quired under the call of Oct. 17,1963, may be regard- Sardinra, Cigara. _ tering place, boarders. For fashionable atylee, et the Friday, ) as Cash value of Ileal Estate owned by tbe •form ov culars of loJutjlfSn. ed the apportionments of each locality. proposal. Fnncy Caadira of all drorrlplloa, enquire GEO.OWF.N, To the Editor of the I‘re$i: 6th Cities, Towns and Plantations Company, 40,000.00 The undersigned proposes to tarnish-tons of apT dlf SI Winter Street. Portland. will undoubt- Office octd dtf edly bo Furniture. 77320 first of Ice, carefully packed iu substantial It has been a lime since I have written prohibited by Legislative enactment from Cash in quality DRESS €w O O D ! long Bank and ou hand, 9,079 49 at the within named S raising money to pay bounties, premiums or graiui- ice-houses, points, viz: yon anything concerning iny whereabouts, whatever Cash in hands of Agents, 5,019 86 Desirable Mummer Residence lor tie-, by name, to volunteers under the pres- but beiug at this time a little more at leisure ent call. It is therefore Male. expected tbatundcr the new KNIGHT dr Cotton and Wool Domestics I 1 will send a lew lines iu relation to what arrangement for bounties, $162,002 to FROSTj you paying municipal author* at the following price ton of twro thousand flTHE Farm known as the "Eli Seavey Farm,” ites will avoid Bank Stock. Market al. per is passing around us. We are situated on the studiously embarrassing and delaying pt»aud*, namely, at Country Produce and Commission X containing about 140 acres or good land, situ- Flannels; a Lot of Bed enlistments in to evade the 10 shares Bank of North Amer- ated 4 miles Blanket*; extreme of the of the by attempting any way tons, at * — ton. this side of Saco Village, and miles right Army 1‘otomae, above nuch evasion, ica, Providence. B. L. *50 00 per 1} prohibition, under whatever 5'nnri from “Old Orchard Beach.” The are all and this is a kind of and withal a 100 shares buildings outpost name or pretext, wi'l be diseountenanced the Blackstone Canal in good order, surrounded with beautiful elms. Satinets, Cassiiueres, Claths by 1 MERCHANTS, rather and not Commande*--m.Chief, and must result Bank. Providence, K. I., 26 00 2,50000 This is a desirable in all pleasant place, altogether disastrously -DKAL1RPIV- property respects, eii her to the localitv to 30 shares American Prov- The ice to be to the measure- FOR BOYS' ASD MEN'S without interest. It was on the north attenropting practice it. Bank, subject inspection, as a bummer residence or for a first rate farm. WEAK. order of the Commamier-in-Chief. idence. iL I., 6*) 00 00 oent, and of a Medical officer, or other side of this mountain that Gen. Hanks, with By 1,600 approval For particulars enquire on the premises, or to of Table Linens, JOHN L. 109shares Merchants Bank.Prov- properly before Butter, Eggs, Beans, Potatoes, Ac. T*rteuramly Station aud so nected with Marine Risks. Total amount of Assets, £290,139 00 good piece of property upon which to make on to the Premium* Signed, improvements. It be fitted for a I Rappahannock, or wc turn our eyes marked off from 1st Jan., HENRY CHAPIN, President. may HRS to 31st IRA CLASS HOARDING HOC SR. or a ! the other aud we see the rebel al- 1863, December, 1863, $7 697,660 An.. N. WINN, Agent, SRCOND way camps Losses 66 Cceeiku, Secretary. CLASS BOTRL. most at paid during the same period. 3,805,651 04 SWEAT & our fcet, and then away to Orange Returns The above form of will 1STo. 11 Its near to the terminus of the CLEAVES, of Premiums and Expense*, 1,082,907 48 proposals be adhered to as Union. St., proximity Grand Court aud on towards Gordonsrille. Commonwealth of VAisAchnsetts. a* Trunk and to the wharves of and House, closely practicable. Other forms will te received Is prepared to ftirnish Railway the Boston Attorneys Couu*eUors at Law, And as The the and contldetod. and other steamers, makes the location a desirable our business is "to keep an eye on Company has the following Assets, viz: W<»e< fstkr ss, November 30, 1*83. b> Department duly A proper guarantee that the bidder is able to fulfil STEAM and one for a Hotel. PORTLAND. events” we are iu United States and State of New York Personally appeared Henry Chapin, Preaident,and ENGINES BOILERS, passing justified watching the certified to the clerk of the This lot be improved with to me- Stock. Bank and Augustus N. Currier, of tbe above Com- contract, by nearest might profit any our rather Gen. A. P. Hill’s City. other Stocks, *3,492,631 30 Secretary of virion? tiled aud chanic or other by OFFICE-U7 Middle neighbors closely. Loans aud made that the above District Court, or the United States District Attor- pattern?, person haying means, the erec- Streat. secured by Stocks.andotherwise, 1,460,700 00 pany, severally oath" state- tion of Teuemen its the hills to us. about Real them ney, mu>t accompany the or it will be re- s. large depth affording ample r.n m. tvuT. Corps occupies opposite Estate aud Bonds and 00 meut, by subscribed, is, in their belief, true. proposal, ■imromTii two or three Mortgages, 193,760 jected. 8t«m Fip« Md lirtarei, Mill Gearing, Shifting, •pace tor a block of eight or ten buildings. miles away, aud the Division di- Dividends on Stocks, Interest ou Bonds Before me, Sam C«»i.toj* U»Tin* » rp.poa.ible is nu van* vi nnvyi.lBVC IV UK 1. II If OIBUT'I UUI For further particulars ttuiuiro of Agtat WMblagtoa. will iu our /rout aud nearest to us is under and and other Justice of the Peace. Light IIouh* Work of all procure rectly Mortgages Loans,sundry eminent mast also the descriptions, and all WM U.JKKKIS, Office. Fen.ion., Bounty, Friie Muaey tad all Not on, re-insurauce aud other accompany proposal. kind# of work in Argus claims against the the command of Gen. Anderson. We receive claims The contract will be awarded *othe lowest required building Portland, Dee. *, IS03. decll MWFtf Government. due the estimated at respon- j visits from some Company, P'4,964 61 The People's Eire Insurance 1.axing sible or who will be Fobtificatiob#. _m>2dtf every day of the rebel sol- Premium Notes aud Bills Company, party parties, duly notified Receivable, 3,278.676 *8 been for a term of or line. «uu ion# years •ncceseiully engaged by mail otherwise, that their bids are Iron Stair* aud other Architectural Work* lUO/ IWlgCI Ulul It ft L* Ull') Cash in Bank, accept- 744,813 88 iu undent ritin#, aud haviu# establish* d a most en- ed. and they will iuuncdistcly be to enter WABBETS I III PROVED have made us a short and on towards required call, puss viable reputation for liberality and prompt no s in into contract, under bonds to the umouut House?, Store#, and other fitted with Total amount of of #5,000. buildings, Non-Resident Taxes in tlie City FIRF. Culpepper, where are the of the A«seU», $9,26.',.646 32 the adjustment and settlement of Iopifr, solicits a Bonds to be certified to. Gas aud Steam in the beet manner. AND WATERPROOF headquarters Six percent interest on the properly ol Portland. outstanding certifi- continuance of the lax or* of their friends aud the Kidder* may be in when tb<» 1st Corps. Last Tuesday six cauie in cate* of will pfbeBt poivoa, pro- togeth- profit* he pmd to the holder* thereof, are In connection with the above I? an Iron the county of Cumberland, for the 1802. or public. posals Foundry, year FELT er; they to the I Stir their legal ou opened. a The I.ist on belonged Mississippi reg- representative*, aud after Tuesday, Bisks taken for Ion# or short periods on all classes The Pont Office Address of tlio parties proposing with large assortment of Pattern#, to which the IN (blowing of Taxe* Kern! K«tate of non- COMPOSITION, live of these the Second of next. ✓ resident owner* iu the —AMD— iment; were from the same com- February ot Eire hazard*. Premiums iu all cases will be as must be distinctly written upon the proposal. attention of Machinists, Millwrights,aud Ship-Build- city oi Portland, for the year After as er? is 1862, In bills committed to’ P. pany. X had a long talk with these men, aud reserving Three aud Oue half Million Dol- low safety admits. Proposals must be addressed to iienrv Johnson, invited—and all kinds ot Castings furnished Henry Lor i, collector Gravel lar* of the S. and S. at short notice. of said city, on the twenty-ninth day of 18*3. Roo£Lua they told a very fair One of them said profits, outstanding certificates of the is- W. II. K.t Purveyor,U. A., Washington. July, FOR FLA T story. sue of will be FOYE, Agent, has been returned him to me a* un- ROOFS 1**2, redeemed and paid to the hold- Medical BF“Order?for Machine Patterns and by remaining he had been in the rebel three and er* Iebl2 eod3w 3 Moulton Street. Jobbing, on the of army years, thereof, or their legal representatives, ou and The Department reserves the right to reject any or executed. paid twenty-eighth day July. 1863. by his Forgings, promptly oc2 certificate of K. HERSEY, a few days ago lie was informed that he had Tuesday, the Second of next, from all bids deemed unsuitable. that date, and now remain* unpaid: .Agent, k*J*fr February and notice is been which date all interest thereon will ceaae The cer- HENRY hereby given that if the said taxe* aud )***> t> Union Streat. conscripted during the war, and that JOHNSON, __ tificates to be STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION M S. in erest and charges are not into the treasury _No none are allowed produced at the time of payment, and K., and Purveyor. U. S. a.. Washington. D C. paid to go home on furloughs. cancelled. of "aid within -OF THE- Printed form? of Proposals can be had at this Bushels City eighteen mouths from the date o’f His is about the same as the told !o,000 the M. story one A Dividend of Forty Per Cent is declared on the Office. febottJo commitment of tnesaid bills, so much of the real PEARSON, most of net earned estate taxed as will be to the amount by the deserters, that the rebel gov- preiuiams of the Company, for the year Arctic Fire Insurance sufficient pay Silver Plater, ending31«t 1863, for which certificates ! Co., due thereon, including interest and will ernment has not made good a single one of Decomber, charges, AMD XAMUTACTUKSK OF will be on and after TBIA811V without further notice be sold at public auction at the made their that at issued, Tuesday, the Fifth of j OF NEW YORK, MrunEXT, many promises troops; April next. BEST QUALITY BARLEY the olBee of the Treasu er aud Collector in said city, the first of A. D. made to <)PTHRCOMPTBOLLEROPTHBCCTBBKSCY, on SILVER this time they got but little to eat and less ot Tne Profit# of the ascertained day January, 1864, Monday, theiifteenth day of February, 1364, at Company, the State of to the J WARE, wear. Iromthe 1st of to ON Maine, pursuant Statute of Washington, 99, 1S»J4. WANTED BY F. JONES. July, 1H42, the 1st of that January } ten o'clock A. M.: 238 Congress Court for State. St.,Opp. Hum*.Portland.lie. The rebels fair ratious when their January, 1863, which Certificates TlTHkREAS. by satisfactory evidence Xamt$ $ description of Value. To. e due get very were presented MOSES Property. All issued, amount to $14,328,880 to MORRILL, A(enl, Anderson, John V.. ?aud. st. $400 jy kinds of WARE, such ai Knives. Forks, ofti :er can get them for but at Ibis time NAME AND LOCATION. the undersigned, it has been made to ap)>car Poplar £6.40 them, Additional from 1st January, 1863, to 1st Clark, Jonas W.t brick store aud land. Spoons. Cake Basket?, Castors, Ac j. ated in the is to be The name that the 304 FORK nothing had in the country here, and Jan uary, 1864 2,630,000 of this Company is The Ah* rir Eire STREET, Congress street; MOO be?t manner. Insurance 71.56 but very little comes to them from Richmond. Company, incorporated July !<;, 1863, dtfKpU PORTLAND. MX Clark. Joseph B., land and buildings, Also, REPAIRIXG ami RE-FIXISHIXG Oid Total for and located iu the ot New York. Fir*t \titional Hank ol Portland, Silver Ware. d6u They have shoes tor about one half the profits 211 years, $16,96*,*80 city fyng st 930*10; home and laud in rear, JanS9 troops, The Certificates to have and previous 1862, in the of Cumberland and State of S20W. 000*) 67.09 those on picket wear them, leaving a few beeu redeemed by cash, CAPITAL. County Maine, REEVES. Fashionable Naval 11,600,210 has PORTLAND ICE COMPANY. Childs. Chas W., vacant land »*a«t of Military. of the ones for those to wear who Net earning# remaining with the been duly organized under and according to AD.• and Civic Tailor, pairs poorest Compa-- The Capital of said Company actually st., and Promenade. 600 ny, ou 1st 1864, the Washington 8,10 98 Street. go out after wood. It some to January, $5,263,670 paid up in cash is *500,000 00 requirements ol the a t of Congress, entitled Chandler, land and build- Exchange requires pluck order of the George H., desert from the rebels now By Board, The surplus on the 1st of “An act to a will txii corner Fore aud India st* ami come into out- \V. day January, provide national currency secured by Company contract to famlrh ings 7000 94,50 TOWNSEND JONES, Secretary. 1864, 06 Hiram COATS. PANTS and VESTS, and Bust- aud if 105,904 a THISTnnssjtvp tok* of Dow, II., house and land. 31 lines, especially it is a cold night, as the pledge of United States Stocks, and to for ness Suits made to provide Green st.. 93400; house on leased land, DRESS order, at the abort notice ot water in the is from four to Hvc the circulation and li at A. D Rapidan lcct TRUSTEES. Total amount of Capital and Surplus. $606,604 00 redemption thereof,” approved Alder st 9200, 3t*i0 4d.6u hour?, REEVES, 96 Exchange St. and cold, aud theu a w alk of some John D. Dow, Moses house and deep very Jones, A.l’.Pillot, Jos. Halliard, Jr., February 25,1463,and has complied with all the pro- I C E! G., laud. 44 At- two or Charles M. ASSETS lantic st,, 18**0 24 zouave and miles up here into the of Dennis, Wiley, J. lleur Burgy, visions of said act to be be- 30 habits, jackets, headquarters Leroy required compiled with To or to be for ex- I V* the 1st W. 11. 11. Moore, Dan lS. Miller, Cornelius; nmi ell Ca-h in Saint Nicholas Bank and in any company parties, delivered Dyer,Isaac, land. Mud joy Hill, 12C*i);land, Ridingaucy aists for Ladies, cut and made to or* brigade, i'd Division, 1st A. C. at fore the business of Thos. Tileston, S. T. Nicoll, C. A. Hand, Office, <31 *>3 06 commencing Banking portation or otherwise, on any wharf in the Washington *t., *300.'building, Cniou der, at A. D. REEVES', 96 St. Mitchell’s who arc the Exchange Station, only Infantry Henry Coit, Josh’a J. lleury, Watt# Sherman, Loans on bonds and mortgages, (being Now TBKUKIORR I, llUUl! M t'CULLOt H, Comp- wharf, #800, L*)o 24.,547 Comptroller of the city Every bright openings seen, few days iu hands oi Cttriency, obson, Jo* pn Jr., house aud land. Cosh »#c-uts, and iu course lac'*? and cheerful’heart? in the house on Christmas MILITARY and Naval Officer oaa be more the tents could be seen the re- procured bjr NO. 221. State st. 03*0 among of transmission from agents, 8,0(0 00 aud New Year’# day. can hi] t.« Inal the im-an? to # 88.70 EVERYUtted out at the Tailoring Establishment ot Hall, Sutan. house and land, cor- maining trees. It is almost to see Bills receivable for Premium* on le- produce them by calling at Cole#worthy’s. Also, Mary A. D. REEVES, 98 Exchange St. astonisliiug JOII\ w. ner Clark and st 1600 how acres of line IHIMCER, laud Bisks and other It ms, 10,907 44 ST JOHN President rich and elegant Photograph Album#, Gift Book#, Spruce 21.60 many growth of wood aud SMITH, Hillard. heirs, land and build- Cash Premiums uncollected on Policies picture# and picture frame#, wallets, perfumery, Timothy, FECIAL ATTENTION given in timber are cut here in a tew for fuel and No. 166 Fore St., head of corner Middle and Franklin gnttimgnp Baja days Long Wharf, issued at office,J ],3H8 66 WILLIAM EDWARD GOULD, Cashier. tnney article? in groat variety, Ac., Ac. Among the ing*. -t*., Jackets, Pants and Overcoats at to build houses ME. 940UU; land, corner Franklin S~ with. PORTLAND, feb4 edlw law 2m numerou* article# for prescut?. to be found at »t., 9400. 4400 59.40 novlOdtf A D REEVES’, 96 Exchange St. John, North One day you see a smooth, beautiful field. jau20 lined llmcodfcw6w5 $005,6» 4 06 Coles worthythere are none more useful or appro- Lindsey, land, st, 1600 21,*3*> neat Owen, Hannah, land, sumutr st, leaded 6**» 6 75 and the next look and a priate than those cases of day you ride-pit runs Pratt. James, house aud laud, Brow n st, 3500 47,2.3 New Bedford Copper Company. across field. LIABILITIES. HICillLtAD the Lunettes have been thrown Dissolution. BOABUINGSCHOOL Homeopathic Medicine, Hand. Bradbury, land, rear west side Nxw Bedford Mas? Jnne. 186*i Amoflnt of loesc* and a is in and lor adjusted, and due and FOR YC. at from *2 60 to 31 00— Washington st, *.*0 4,05 New Bedford Is now up battery position ready cup.rtnenthfp hert-tufure existing under the BOYS. put up by Heavy. price# Copper Company pre- unpaid, Non**. a book to the case. PORTABLE Kice. Win H. house and land. Munjorst, to at their service. Wednesday we had a visit THElirrn style of l‘HINNJ£Y k CO ia this dii- L ami thorough instruction will be giv- including adapted THEpared manataclure, new, extent!*• morning day Amount of looses aud in ARMY CASES of the remedies, with 91201'*. stable and lot, Munjoy st. 9300 16C0 20,26 and commodious aolved by mutual consent. 'Tbe afltur* of'he incurred, pro- I^UTQPlen to liovs in the common at.it branche- principal establishment, all kinds ot from seven colored men who left Court late cess of f-n higher Rhode*. Win lv, house aud land. Orange cououra will be settled at E. adjustment, 15,37" el'an Educat and Small's Pocket Manual, for fi 60. DIPTHKRIA Congress A. Howard's, under Amount of looses English on, in tlis French aud Boiled Copper, Erase, Yellow Metal, dte. House tiie evening before. One of them was " reported, on which CASES of 7 remedies, with direction?, for 76 cents. st. 700 9,45 Lancaster Hall, by 11. 41. Soani-h Ianruages, so fer a-< neccaanry to prepare Yellow Metal. a 1’hiuucy no action has been taken. None. maH or 00. 1 bow remedies Sawyer, Wm, land Grove at. 9600 land Sheathing Copper Sheathing. Stem very intelligent man; has lived in Having this aold to Stuart & Co. our them for busim aud iu the class! al to Prepaid by express. Si always day stock in Amount of dividends declared and due languages aud uorthcast side of Merrill Metal, Brazil rs’ Sheet Bra??, »• wuuld tit them for are succeaistully used by all Horaeeepathfc Physici- building*, Copper. Copper Bolts, Kiclnnond and is a barbar trade. He trade, cordially recummend them to our College. Yellow Metal B Ac. by says and unpaid, 282 50 an#, and ve satisfaction where have been st. 91200, 1800 24,30 It?. Spikes, Nail?, Also Copper ftieuda aud former patrons as their The Spring Term will commence the first Tuesday g good they for business is first rate in Richmond and worthy patron- Amount of either cash or tried others. deolO-dtf Shaw, Thoma- II, half house aud laud. Rolls Calico Printing high age aud confidence. I'UINNEY k dividends, in March. Please send for a < ircular to bv es are as CO. declared but None. Vine st, 9800; half home and laud, Ash- The best skill in the country has been secured m pri paid for labor well as for food. scrip, not,yet due, N. I. IUL'1 A. Amount of None. M., Principal. lauu *5 men are called for. Now Manufacturing Coumany, Jan. 25, viz: with real security to insurer and insured. PORTLAND DYE HOUSE, Wilbur, Dorcas F. land. Turner st. IVJ0 12.16 let those who have 1j*>4, A ltooU caivaster wanted in town Asses-meuts voted the and Particular attention to the better class of comer of Preble and Portland Streets. Woodford, Wm, land west side 8t John every I been at home all this time en- by Company paid making mouey, paid in *100,000 Merchandise risks for short periods. C^^fdlh'e. No 97 Exchange street. STEPHEN H. NORTON & CO., dreet, 100 1 36 introduce the universal clothe* wringer, which 3 themselves with their families and sell* joying Amount of capital stock paid in, and now Farm Property and Dwelling Houma in city or feb6eod2m* A. FOSTER, Proprietor. HENRY P. LORD. Treasurer cf Portland Tu> rapidly whenever offered; every family I WFM wlw will have one. It i§ t friends, come into the field and help finish up existing. 100,000 town are insured tor a term of years at rates which Boose Sluica, aad Portlaud, Febiuary 10, 1804. he only wringer with the patent I Amount due from the will make it an Piiuters, Cniitn, Paper Haulers, which this war. Hotv can you ask those who have Pompany, 30,500 object for insurers to patronize this cog-wheel regulator, positively prevent* the KM Amount invested in real estate, Pleasure Resort! rolls from breaking or twisting on the shaft. Liberal E beeu here two years to when machinery Company. Splendid Corner of Lime and Federal Sts., Portland, Me. already, re-eulist, and other fixtures, K5.000 Policies are issued and all losses equitably and A CARD. inducements offered and exclusive sale give-. have never served a in you single day the The last valuation affixed by the assessors with the utmost promptness adjusted and settled at ATKPHKM B. VORTOR. Ja8d3m* IRA T B&ACKKTT. GEO. H. UOOD. Agent. army! Come, young men, come and share in to the real estate, 35,190 the office of jualJdlm t2 Water 8t., Boston. the rewards that await those who crush the Aggregate value affixed to all the taxable W. II. FOYK. Agent aud Attorney, THE WHITE DR. S. C. FERNALD. of the febll eod2w 3 Moulton HOUSE, rebellion. property Corporation, 60,190 Street, Portland. (FORMERLY W1LSOX *OUXX.) “Kenton.” ItfcN’BELLAKK CKAM, Treas. TO D£3AXj£}H.S. Mason & Hamlin’s J P. MILLER,.PROPRIETOR. fllllE undersigned having greatly increased their DENTIST, Ci'NBKai.AMi, MS. Jan 2»>, 1>>64. 1 facilities for manufacturing CABINET OR6AN8. Keoseliaer and made American Personally ai-peaicd Cram Exchange This popular Hotel has recently been pur* No. ITS Midril Street. FERTILIZERS. oath that the «• | aho\ statement by him subscribed, is ii Mr. Milli ol the lias HOOTS SI I |thas by Albion and AND OKS, fllHE subscriber, with the llllLS COE S SUl’Elt PUOS true, to the best of his ami belief. Tin fJi BuruaRcts.m... Dm. Baook sud Bauauu being imprtMed great E 1 W aH LIME. knowledge thoroughly refitted, renovated aud re* in that excellence of IOsJUiou” Before me, FIRE and having large experience branch, would X these Instrument*, and their adap- LLOYDS' I1KNR\ WILLIs, Justice Peace. INSURANCE COMPANY! and nuinerou> < xcelb.nt alterations |p-« fJJ'' jpuir<-d, call the attention of the trad* to the same. We »t tation either Ibr small churches, vwtry*. or J.Obl POUDRETTE, jau27 dluw'iw mad It is located on the baccai road, Portland, May i6.1SW. parlora, ISM" appa di.tll Ir Jultiie he much totter aide to 11»» dt offer* them lor sale to the citueus of Portland and LITTLEFIELD'S PoL’DRETTE. OF NEW VOBK. about ibur mil08 fiom a beautiful RM|) * * or sate at Portland, affording mauds of the trade then heretofore, au.clans, WHITNEY. It has a lino large Ilall and pres.*- MjPj lunure Building*. Mere hundi*e. Iloune- Dancing good Bowling lv for the retail trade, i ho*e bu\ ing for cash will of his entire interest ta hii both foreign and native, to the eflfrct tb*f they are Portland, Feb. 8,1884. ftb9 dir3tu W arehouso, Alleys. In close proximity to the house is a warm disposed tiud it to their to look at our stock, which Office to Dr. S.C FERNALD, would superior to any Instrument* ot the kind that they hold Furniture, Kents, Lenten, Vcm aud roomy Stable, nice stalls. advantage HAVING cheerfully E5$f» containing twenty consists in of R C HUE SOLE and HI A" hi* former aud have ever seen. Among the te«ti.noniali of *uch a* 29 and 31 Gold Street a part US, reccommcnd him to patients the pub- MKj HEW YORK. ■el* ou the and There is also well sheltered Sited, 105 foet lor Slock*, other Per* long, /.* ITJIKR, ntkXtll and AMKIUCAX CALF, lic. Dr. Fkhn ald, from long is l'halberg. Morgan su.l /unde?, Is the following from MP>:"' Dissolution of Manufactories—On Broome, Sheriff f Columbia hitching horses. experience, prepar- <'opurtiu-r>liip. •ounl Property at lue Lon* French Kip, temoinc anddadob Cal/, Coat and Kid ed to insert Artificial Teeth on the “Vulcanito Base." G ot t*»chal k : its., N. Y., and on ft., Boston, Mast. *1 he choicest Suppers will be got for 7 heretofore Foundry up sleighing 8trtck, Serges and H'ebs, /loot and Shoe and all other methods known to the lltw Mason & Uaxljx-I congratulate ■ 1Copartnership existing between and dancing parties who will find it to their Machinery profession. 1 the uuder the subscribers manufacture and Double cni rrten* greatly antt cf all kinds. you on the introduction of a new Musical undersigned, name and «tvle of Single and to resort Findings Portland. May 26.1M8 tf It.stru-^^K It Under and pleasure advantage to the White House. meut. loug wanted, and sure to find it* ic.to “CROSS. SINTER JORDAN.”™ This d.V dis- THEC) Type-Revolving will be Mr. Kdmi *d Libby, late of the lirni of Messrs. way sobed bv mutual SAMUEL BROWN, President. No cd'ort spared for the entertainment of of ta?te and consent. William W Cunes and < has. .1 W alker & t o has associated himself with every household refinement that can M r-f PRINTING guests. dcclU dtf afford it* Koval Skxtkb are authorized to close tiio business MACHINES, WILLIAM RAYNOR, Secretar. us, and reiving on his many years experience iu possibly moderate expense. \ our abimrt Rffi Office of Collector of Internal Revenue, is a charming of tile late Arm. WM. w. CROSS. Bed and Platen Bookdt Job Printins Freases. manufacturing, we are confident in making the above Organ truly instrument, worthy ofWfi EDWARD SHAW, Agent, 102 Middle Street. Ol the high praise it has received, and far ROYAL bENTER (Adams' Patent,) •Ct27 CITY POKTLAML stateineuts. TYLER k LAMB. ftr«( Collection Diet net of State of Matne, aupeiior ts^K Feb. 1884. lyeod everything of its class 1 have *eeu. 1 take Bri.lgti.il, 8, WM. A. JORDAN. Hand and Card Portland, Feb. 1,1564. feto d4in. pleasurefpj5 Presses, Hydraulic Presses with t»*J iu commending It mo*t heartily a* everywhere wrought-iron cylinders. Presses of various February 3, Exchange Street, wor*^^MI Standing OTH 1. is that have thy a place W«ide the Piano Forte, to which it is aCSBh. New Chase-, Brass hereby given arrangement* lldJ. Partnership Formed. kinds, Furniture, Cases, Stands, Rule, been made the rOETLASD, Ju!y 17th, tine ooiunlemcut. from it* for aud HARRIS N by Mayor anil Aldermen for the capacity rendertafl^^H Sticks, every article connected with mtOTIIilRS, JOHN CROCKETT & much as Tin* undersigned, members of the late Arm of Composing purpose of Vaccination of the inhahi ant of this C07 delightful music, sacred, srcular, classic 4^1 the arts ol aud ** "Ceoss, Sxxtkk k JnuDAM,” b&ve this Letter-press,Copperplate Lithograph- ut the "Povtlaud n-ar\ over Ed- -DUALuat* IH- popular, to which the Piano i* not adapted.” day formed ic Printing, Bookbinding, Stereotyping and Kleotro- city Disp office, Internal Revenue a partnership uuder the name and style of ”0111188 ward Mason’s Drug Store, entrance on Federal Stamps. GOTTBCHALJt. 9HB typiuR. always on hand or lurnished at short notice. WHOLESALE Now 32d A RENTER and wifi continue in the same GROCERS, S rfcot, where all per-ous unable to to- that ser- York. Sept„li63. business A new cuts and pay New and Second Hand Furniture, bosu rondo a at of said late ami the Catalogue,containing descriptions vice can have the same O*co having depository Theaa Instrument* may be found at the MtuietSHn firm, will close up busiuc*. af* of new Machines performed gratuitous!\. f many not before shown in their COMMERCIAL Krvrnuo ths will b« tuppliid at Room* will a liti of said late Arm. STREET, Office open from 3 to 4 o’clock everv dav -AUD- THIS Stamp,, public of the subscriber, where they be Svld IBM book, with directions for nutting up, except the rate,: manufacturers' ES^Hides, Skius and Bark wauted as usual. working, Ac., CORNER PORTLAND Sunda- s. following the price* and other useful information, is now in and PIER, than S60 st WM. W. CROSS, press, Dr. Thomas Foster, City Phvsician, ha* also been FURNISHING GOODS. Less par. when completed will be sent to auy of the oraflwho Ibion F. I •60to *1000. 4 percent, discount. H. 8. EDWARDS, ROYAL SF.NTEK Harris, employed to vaccinate the scholar- oi the veral will furnish their address. R. HOE k CO.. • • 6 cent diaoouat Feb. euj. F. U»rri. i seh ola in the 13* A 130 Exchange Stnet. •1000 aud upwards, per No. S49 1-S BWv.rV, Bloofc. Oouiut BlS Bridgton, 6. 1884. Iel'9 eod4w rotB ditw Hew York and PORTLAND. city Boston, Mast. 4rei6 JX w3m fel>4 d4w Per older. amyll iltf MilB’LJ M1L1.KR CollMi.r 4««4 4U Ifcj 1 *»r',-inti nn»rr<«,pi—I uinwnDinwi^mjj ORIGINAL AND SELECTED. llKAD (jUABTEEH DuAPT RENDER V'OCft, I BY TELPJCHtAPH MAINE LEQ1SLAT0KE, »ch« Emma and THE DAILY PRESS. Portland, Mo., January IS, lwi. J Furbish, Verrill, Union, llainlin, ORDER NO. 5. Portland for fortrnw Monroe; C II Jonea, freeman, N EW ADTERTI8EMENTS. 'On the first front Vir- -TO TB1- do lor Haiti POBTLABD Mini asr imgc—Letter Au.l'bTA, Feb. 12. flic streets of Portland will be ruled inch more. pat day A r ginia. SK.NATE. am! night by aOuard from "tamo and all 11th. brig Nelly llcwctt, Hucklin, from Portland ---—- Berry," tor Alexandria KTKNIIVCi FAPEKS. lion. 1 >a.viii 1). of persons wearing the uniform of a United States sol- ; sell* John McAdam, Willard, Cam- isivr or i.i:i ii:ks Stewart, Somerset, was bridge for 15, 1861. the fourth dier will be arrested, unless can show Md, Bath; Jos. Long, ilarringtou, Port- Monday Morning, Februuiy jyOn page—Miscellany. -—— —- chosen President pro tern, in the they proper land tor in absence of for absent from Alexandria; Trident, do for N York. the Portland post office Eeb. authority being their commands. Snow, uucailed --••»----" tlie President. PM, sclia (. Remaininglo, for. . is that Gottschalk is about Soldiers thus arrested, aud to other • Stephen Hart. Kowlcy, Port- #yit reported belonging *or Hail on tin- A bill was the will sent to the Washington DC: Henrietta, and *Tr~11 aujr of these letters are called for. Press is 1,’thrl Baltlmore unit Ohio reported increasing salaries commands, be Provost Marshal, to ■J®® Mescrvev, .. please say The circulation the Daily larger to marry an heiress in New York. lute Sea, Jones, do for that are of Ituilruutl. ol the of be returned to their as deserters. Alexandria, G W Hawley, they advertised. in the and Judges the Supreme Judicial Court regiments Allen, do for >ortres* than any other Daily paper State, Citizens the uniform of the U. S. soldier Monroe All letters Eyi'he about the Bai.timoue, Feb. 1b to $2,500, aud for an extra law wearing Sailed bark Hkrrlct advertised are subject to an extrn other in Portland. story Anglo-Chine.se providing will be *ubject to this order. Steven.; brig. Auntndile, ot uue cent. double that of any Tbe Sun of this the term at Geo Burnham Triade, Win 11 charge tleet sold to the rebels, is not morning gives lollowing Augusta. By order of BRIO. (iEN. BOW LEY. Pnak- being generally of a raid lath, briK j w l)ri«ko, Taans —*7.00 per year; if paid strictly inadtance particulars on the Baltimore and Passed to he En'mossed—An act to J. L. Dudley, 1st Lieut. 2d Art'y, A. A. O. .„Ar Biiflfbum, l-ortlaud for LADIES LIST. believed. < incorpo- lbiladel|>hia; wh fcua k Uwia. do $1.00 trill be made. )hio Railroad. rate the janlU dtt Wallace, for d.. Alexander Charles mrs a discount Farnsworth Manufacturing Co.; an l’lll>\ IDI.M K—SJii 121b. aeba Libby Harriet mrs "The William l.opcr, Abbott Elias mrs of obtained from express passenger tiain which left act to the Clinton Robinson, Philadelphia; Lizzie W Lurrabee Jennie mra fcyitieh specimens gold, incorporate Manufacturing Dyer. Sumner Ames Marauds » Camden street on lor an act and White Hock, Li wood. New York. mra Lombard Louise in Bos- depot Thursday night Co.; additional to the Un- Atwater and Shadows at the State rniucs iu Halifax, have beou received incorporate ORKAT NEWPORT-III sch* Margaret Lane Mary E uirs Lights Capitul. was a of Con- ion Life to DISCOVERY.- Anadhesivepreparation port 12th. «Hi-. Carl, for \. w Anderson Wheeling captured by company Insurance Co., and amend an act that Sarah f mrs A mrs ton. will STICK York; Monroec, Barter,'from Portsmouth Grove HI Libby Mary Augusta, Feb. 12,1864. federates, when near additional an act to Adams Tcroaa mrs Lowell Frudie o Kearneysville depot, thereto; incorporate tlie Patches and Linings to Boots aud Shoes sufficient lor New York; Oilman D King, McGregor"ot and about miles of Forest from Calais for Bailey Kats IV mrs McGowan A very spirited debate came off iu the gy < ireen the Malden murderer has been eight west Harper's Ferry. City Sugar lielining Co.; an act to in- j strong without stitching; Cardenas, reng. Bridget I hat PORT HOY A SC- Ar .Ian Bailey Catherine V McDonnell Catherine It appear* a switch had been turned, and crease the stock of the Portland will effectually meud Furniture, Crockery L. 31, bark Fleetwing Bracket! House on Wednesday last, on the question of indicted the Grand of Middlesex capital Co.; New York; John Caroline B mrs Moulton Esther J by Jury the a an act Toys,aud all articles of household use. Davis, brig Freeman, Crowell, S waving of lighted lamp made by the rai- providing for bounties to soldiers. Barker Ella A Morse Elizabeth a of laud to the Maine Beit Makers, York: Kate, Trefet ben. Boston. granting township ders as the train caused the en- Passed to he Itabcock kiiphra*ia Elizabeth County. approached Enacted—An act to change Boot and Shoe Cld 5th. bark Pilot Kish, Look, Portland. Mutphy Makers, Edward mr- Millikan at Kent's Hill. The shots to the The train was then the town line between Manufacturers YEW YORK—Ar 12th, sch G J Beagley Evelina mra Wesleyan Seminary Attention is invited to the advertise- gineer stop engine. Thomaston and War- aud Machinists, Jones, Crowell, Bolton mrs sr ren And Baltimore. Lydia Motley Harry mrs fired on both sides were often and not surrounded by the raiders, aud a number of ; an act additional to HI of the Families, Laura st Merrill sharp ment of Tuft's w hich will be found in Chapter willflnd it Ar 13th, sch Porto Rico, from Bailey M, High llellcu College, armed men entered the cars. lie vised Statutes invaluabln ! It wille(Tactuallystopth Frcntera, Mexico. Burnham Seltder mrs ileril relating to writs in civil ac- Ar burk H Now Helene entirely free either from personality or acri- leakage of Coal Oil. 13th, Boynton. Orleans. Boucher Sarah I. another column. The of an act to Moses J Ly man mr. passengers, among whom, course, tions; prohibit gathering cranber- It is insoluble in water or oil. BEAUFORT, NC—In port Ttli, sell Juniatta Pat- The most remarks for the Barker Sarah U Morrill mony. damaging there was a were more ries iu the town of Cutler lie fore tlie It is a and as ten, Harding, from Portland, Josephine D. great consternation, lirst of liquid, easily applied as past#. Carey Adeliue mrs Martin those S3p"Kev. Parsones Cook, formerly in It will adhere SAN FRANCISCO—Ar Feb loth, bmwster, Mary A success of the proposed grant were or less mulcted the shape of ransom. Some September iu eacli year; an act to iu oily substances. ship Clark Albina W mrs McDonald provide It is Clark, Boston. Sept 12. Marv Ann D editor of the Puritan and Recorder, died at others while part for the of Chalomer Augusta mrs—3 made two of the Aroostook members, produced greenbacks, watches, expenditures government; an HILTON’S INSOLUBLE ROCKLAND—Ar loth, sch Glive F.li/abeth, from by act to CEMENT f Carter Abiel mrs his residence in on Friday. several reluctantly gave diamond rings, or authorize the Commissioners of Hilton Portland : 11th, sch Leader, White, B. istol. Mayberry Sally mrs Messrs. Nickerson of Linneus aud Small of Lyman, County Bkothkhb, Proprietors, Chambers Clara Merrill Susau breast-pins. Somerset to re assess certain H. EASTl’ORT—Ar &th, sc ha J N M Brewer, Copp, Cushman Dauforth is his first County taxes; Providence, I. E S mrs McClinchv Sarah The made by liolh of these Judge holding Of the former the amount from one an act to Portland; Hiram, Sprague, Boston; Kosiua. Pres- f Lyndon. point ranged change the name of a certain per- rougsi Ellen Susau in 2 ot. to cott, do. McGloughliu of land tend- term of the Court, under his new appoint- thousand to thousand dollars, borne of son ; an act to the Supplied packagesfrom 100 lbs., by Cotter Ellen .are mrs GeoMurch was, that such grants thirty incorporate Portland and CliAS. A Thompson mrs C k gentlemen RICHARDSON CO., Coo Mansfield Win f and ment, at Rockland. the passengers were cerlaiu that the robbers Damarlscotta Steamboat Co.; an act to ex- 61 Broad FOREIGN PORTS. mr- to lock them up against (settlement, Street, Boston. Crcsajr Mary Noble iiatii,- m mrs were persons residing in the neighborhood, empt a certain of llax from attach- Sole Agents for New England. Sid from Gibraltar Jan and quantity ID. bark St Andrew. Har- Cushman Susan Noyes J„hu mrs thus to the growth development jy The Bath Times says Lieut. Hinckley while another a well known ment aud W. F. PHILLIPS, for Portland. (from prevent party, resident of execution.—Adjourned. Agent rington. Smvrna, repaired) for Boston. Cummings S U mrs Noyes D Parsed Jau having Wealthy of the section of the State in which such lands of of Co. K, PJth Maine, was se- this declared that he conversed with one HOUSE. febl7dly by 15, bark Orlando, Simmons, from Dow Annie M mrs—2 O’Neil C’assie I Georgetown, city, Messina for New Y'ork. of the mulcted who The bill to Deou Michael mr* Prescott Annie mrs are located. When sold pass into the wounded on the 7th iust. passengers, stated to him legalize tlie doiugs of At Macao Dec they riously cities,&c., 15, ship Independence, Crowell, frm Devine Margaret mrs p, arson ( baric. II mrs that Major Henry (jilmore, of the confederate raising money to bounties, was taken from for Havana; miss st of who for the pay llong Kong Carrington, Watson, unc. Dnggau Cotton I’ilsbury tier, w mrs hands proprietors, purchase Eliot of urges the reb- A Beautipui.Comflexion, free from Tan, Pim- Sailed Irom Cfc Ey Bishop Georgia cavalry was in command ot the expedition, table. Mr. Stover's amendment was Calcutta. Dec 22a, American Union, Martha .lane, sister otperkius Julia I* on a rejected ples and be New of speculation, aud hold for to “infidel that he and and tlie bill was Freckles, may easily procured by using ibayer, York; 23d. Elvira, Andrews, Boston Miunie E of Louis, purposes els to fight on, aud not submit and knew conversed with him. passed to lie in the "BALM OF A THOUSAND FLOWS HA.” For Dyer SautaPlll.bnry uirs engrossed Sid from Table Bay, CG U, Nov 23, Crock- Kosa, Cuba Poole t. this the No one was nor was there the concurrence. it is Herbert, Marv rise in value. To accomplish object fanatics with a crowd of soldiers at injured, least shaving unsurpassed—a single making a er. Akvkh I M greasy drop 8 D, eou-sin of mrs EJPerriu Pbehnda care Mr on the of the to Passed to he a line lather. It is of and Ar at < resist all efforts of setters to make disposition part raiders take Enacted—An act additional to composed palm-oil, honey Liverpool 2id ult. jrnosure, Cra«. X Vork ; of Santa Boss, Hud proprietors their back.-’’ other valuable its own Marray Several members of the Ma- an act articles, highly perfumed by 28th, k B Cutting, Maloiu v, do; Port- any prisoners. incorporating the trustees of tlie fund and when used for Bohemiaii,f(s) rain** suo.- i* or roads their lands, aud of- ingredients, washing, night and land. Du improve through reen, the Malden was ap- State from the lor the of the ot tlie Prot- ring Sarah K mri-2 Puibr Sarin C mrs *y<; murderer, ryland Legislature, delegates support Episcopate morning, renders the skin soil and white, and free Sid 27th, W F Schmidt, Blanchard, New York ten the settlers liud themselves cut off from estant from blemish. ; 28, Em<»ry Eunice A mrs Pbiuney Marv > /nmun- western counties, were among tuc Episcopal Church in tlie Diocese of Price 60 cents. For hale U.H. North poiuteu osunasier,uuuer uucnonan passengers, by American, (s) Portland. Emcrv Webster mrs Kider Lizzie A 01 but ou the occasion are an act HAY, Agent for Maine, and all Advertised 80th. Bohemian free and easy communication with the rest represented to have Maine; additional to an act surrender* druggists. (a) for Portland Feb 4; Griudle John D mrs Edward istralion and retained the desire of nov26 aeodAoewJm Snow, for Roger* mra by general been taciturn as to their the charter of Jeddo, Bostou, 1st; Eastern Cruik- Gould II mrs the Slate belts of uubrokeu of quite offcial position. ing the Atlantic Bank. Light. Joseph Kaudail Eunice c by wilderness, the shank, for New York 4th; t.eu Trask, fur Greeu Maria citizens. Their and watches are said to have l‘