f PORTLAND DAILY PRESS * VOLUME III. PORTLAND, ME., MONDAY FEBRUARY 18G4. MORNING, 15, WHOLE NO 509 PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, LEGAL & OFFICIAL. INSURANCE. LEGAL & OFFICIAL, JOHN T. OILMAN, Editor, BUSINESS CARDS. I FOR SALE & TO LET. S T A T E o F M A I N B BUSINESS CAKJUS. U published at No. 82* EXCHANGE STREET, by RETURN Proposals lor Iff*. -OF THU- Room Medical Fall and donating to Let. N. A. FOSTER di CO. Fuuvkyoh's Office, » Winter Opening ! Scotch Washington, l». c.,Feb.l. 1804. ROOK orer No. 90 Cosnuiolil St. Canvas, j Thomas Mutual Fire Ins. ntOI’OSALS will Ije received at this C1UNTINGBlock, to 1*1. Apply to -»orn BALI IT- Portland Daily I*rbsb People’s Co., Tan is published at #7.00 SKALF.Iiollicc until 12 M., February the 25tli, fr r tarnish- A. D. N. J. MILTER, if in OF WORCESTER lee to the Medical REEVES, achlldtf 22 per year; paid strictly advauce, a discount of MASS., ing Departuient ot the Array <lnr- Orer Commercial street. JAMES T. PATTEN & #1.00 will be made. NOVEMBER, 1st. 186*. in* the present year, at the points herein designat- Bath. 00.. three cents. ed. The Ice tu he Tailor cSo Me. Single copies stored hy the contractor in prop- Draper, rua Maine State PiiKseis Thurs- erly constructed ioe-house* at each To be Let. published every Amount of Capital Stock, all paid in, 00 point ordeliverv, day #2.00 per annum, in #2 26 $100,000 on or before the 15th of >hc NO. 98 EXCHANGE HOUSE morniu^,at advauce; Amount of Surplus, 139 189 00 day April next: ico not STREET, No. 69, adjoining my residence oa 200 300 do All flax if within six months; aud to be for until its fonn "(ityr-1 paid #2.60,if payment be Amount of Property insured exist- nceipied quality, the litness of State street. *■ beyond the l»y the icc-hoii-e, and the manner in « Just returned from Boston and New Tork delayed year. ing policie*. 00 Inch it is packed M W' H STEPHENSON. do 11,4*9,nil with a Amount of shall have been approved by a medical officer HA8 RICH and FASHIONABLE assort- decUdtf 300so do fisniiBsrfi; (AJM£ premium* received for same, *U.3o2 94 ap- ment Nary Floe tor or bv a Medical ol ) Amount of loaaes last 74 pointed th-purpose, Inspector Delivered in Kates of paid year. 31,877 and will be made Portland or Bwtoa Advertising: Losses unadjusted or payment only for the amonut tints One inch of in unpaid, stored and for. To Let. April 10. MU. space length of column, constitutes Amount* receired for Iuteiest ami actually receipted ,pM<u a flie will be fir the Cassimeres & rooms orer the Ba»h: “square.” Kents the la*t year, 3! proposals quantities indicated Cloths, Vestings store of thesnbscrlber.oorner below :;s #1.26 per square first week ; 76 oents week required nt the respective with the THEor Fore and now “It ia daily per Amount of Stock Dividends paid flu places, of every variety and style, which he for Exchange streets, occupied by easier to pay a small the after; three insertions or #1.00; eve- proviso that should mon lie needed at time for purchased Stephen as a office pure a a loss, continuing last > ear, 8,247 42 any oaph. and can an “fit Berry printing Possession given other after first 60 cents. the year's it shall be furnished at the consequently give elegant 1st of oae.” ry day week, Amount of Divideud* paid on Mutual supply, -arac out at the lowest cash January. Apply to large Half three insertions or one HEAD rates aud under the same }>rices. dec29dtf square, lees, 76 oents; gUARTERS, policies last year. 88 conditions BENJ. FOGG. 60 cents Adjutant General's 4.1U1) He invites his old friendfl and and the week, #1.00; per week after. Orrics, I Amount of U. S. QUANTITY TO BK DF.LI VKISKD At customers, Expense* (including to call on Under head of Amusement*, #2.o0 per square per Augusta, Feb. 2, 1804. | Md public gem rally, him. lirateful lor the Government and State War la\i. 10,101 70 Annapolis. —Ice-house owned by the United liberal PEUCHTWANGEB A week; three insertions or less, GENERAL ORDER NO 9 patronage he has received since he establish- To Let. #1,60. Amount of Commission* paid the last Status -150 toes ZUNDEB, Special #1.76 first The ComiAander-in-<’hief orders and ed him^lf here, he solicits a continuance, and will Notices, per square week, directs year, 59 Fortress Monroe, Va —Ice-lion e owned the now occupied us. Possession Near the 1st. enlistment* 8,753 by spare no efforts to by given Post Office, #1,00 per square after; three insertions or less, #1.26; Ihat aJI alter this date, and as- I tilted States -2*-o tons. give general satisfaction, STOREimmediately. haif a three one of men heretofore oca tl square, insertions, #1.00; week, signments enlisted, now unas- Point Lookout, Md lee house owned by the United Also, a Front Office in Hanson Black. (FOX tl.26. on the books of this or the ASSErs. BLOCK) signed, office, records of stales—200 ton-. J»“« H. J. LIBBF.T k CO. Advertisements inserted in the Mains Statr the several Provost Marshals, shall be to Kailroad Stock. the credit Market val. Portsmouth, Va Ice-livuse not owned by the l lilt- No. 81 tViddlc Pa**** (which has a large circulation in every part of o! the places of residence (if in this State,) of the 40 share* Worcester A Nashua ed States— If a • tons Street, the State) for 60 cents per iu addition to the volunteers respectively. Railroad, N W. W. CARR & Fop Sale. square $8000 *3,2u0 00 Newburn, .0.—Ice-houtc not ow ned by the I nited CO., Still keep op a roah to above rates, for each insertion. 2d. action of the 160 shares their Anticipated Legislature will pro- Providence k Wor- States—100 tons. Hiring taken tbc Fruit Store I(W 1 ELn°3 HAVANA GROCERY SUGARS, Leual Notices at usual rates. vide for tlu* of all formerly occupied by •• payment bounties other than those cester Railroad, 13 00 20.80000 Hilton Head. S U.—lev-house owned be the United ■llM w 200 Boxen •* Transient advertisements mast be paid for in ad- of the General Government, from the State Treasury 16 shares Western Kailroad. 16000 2.250 00 States—450 Iods. 16 Hhdn Near Crop MU8COVADO NEW DRY vanoe to the soldier in at the 0. SAWYKH. MOLASSES, GOODS person, designated places of 31 'hares Bostou k Worcester Beaufort. S. C.—Ice-house owned bv the Uuiled per “Harriet” aod “8t. Jaxo,“ STORE. Notices, iu rendezvous. course by Business reading columns, 12 cents This willfully protect the sol- Kailroad, 134 CO 4,310 00 States—fJOOtons. ISAAC EMERT, line for one insertion. No less than diers' without the intervention of 16 shares Boston No. H lm Why should (be of per charge fifty rights, brokers or & Providence will also hi for Exchange Jan14 Head Wharf. people Portland and rlelnlt* for each insertion. whose l’roposals received furnishing ice Street, Lon* not trade at a where Oents agents, interference will be wholly discount©- Railroad, 130 no 1,950 00 for the place they can buy as (naan daily, by weight, year 1S64. in -uch quanti- "tn or £4F“Ail communications intended for the nauced. Are to offer to the trade a yort Boston, and where. paper ties a- may be required by the in at prepared large and well L^can^r' should be directed to the "Rditdr the aud 3d. authorities of towns surgeons clmrc-e To be Let. 8 mo*t qf Press, Municipal cities, and *32,418 00 UnitedStates Oeneral the •elected stock of reasonable terms? of a business Hospitals, upph following A pleasant house on ThoseTh^.e who have those oharacter to the Publishers. plantations should forthwith assume the control of Kailroad Bonds. annual estimate, in and two-story Clark, near given them n trial usually come near Peach street—9 rooms—in fine bmck and CJTJor Pkwtivo of every executed enlistments for deficiencies and for call, ex- 5 bonds Worcester k Nashua ;; order, just again remain customer*. description present Boston, Mat* 10 tuns. and and standing thereby with so far as the same are in the Doreign Domestic Fruit ! painted papere1 throughout, with land showing that a Tair and dispatch. cept progressing hands Kailroad, l,0uO00 $5,25»»00 V » O.'I l|i conclusively Ik, IOU8, Sjv. for a treatment is hlnorahi# 8 garden Kent *130. at No. TO them F. bonds Western Kailroad, 1,070 00 * 50000 New €<» ton* Wholesale and Retail Key by highly appreciated. Tracy, Traveling Agent. *• Haven, Conn., Brackett inCliivf to recruit for in whi'-h 8 street. jan233w organization* they 1.08000 Portsmouth Orove, K I., ]:*> tons. arc or arc to be commissioned Ornngr.. Spracr Cana, serving, Philadelphia. Pa.. 1,100 tons. Lezengea 4tli. Men in the a* al«o l.riuons. re-enlisting Held, recruits *18,09000 Newark, K. J.. 1<0 tons Canary Seed, Caadlra, NEW jor all other organizations, mar For Sale or to GOODS ! rely upon receiving Loans on Pollat- ral and ac- D. C tons. L.iaara, Unoa Let. COMMUNICATIONS •300cash bounty in hjnid, in addition tothat Security, Washington, 2,500 Syrup, Henry, provided crued Interest, Baltimore Md ,500tons. Received from New York by the Government of Ujc United States.
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