JOHlC NEWS. VOM’.MK XII—NO. ‘->0. ST. .lOlINS, MICH., TIIUIISDAY, .lANrARV a, HMtl. ONE DOLLAR A AEAH. “If the Citizens of St. Johns Desire it, I Can Secure Free Delivery This Year.’N^Postmaster Brunson.

SUFFERED FOR THREE YEARS GAVE UP TOO SOON 379909 TO DISRUPT FRIENDSHIPS ORATIOT MAN’.S UFIMON OF CLIW- AN ITEM 1NTHE NBW8 THREATENED ON THtJORSTEPS .o.MN or ONK or thk kaki .v no- TH[ NEW CMY»MS! NKKKM. TON HEET RAISKRM. TO DO IT. Mail May be Laid in St. Johns Old Officials Have Vacated the Servins: a Life Sentence at Jack- Dr. Squair Does Not Believe The life of .Mrs. Sarah Sutton, im ntioii ‘•If the farmers in (Jiiittm county had The .Nexx's was the iiin*xN;nt cause last This Summer. of whose death was mad«* in last week’s Court House. Is'rsiHted and raised sugar beeta the past son Prison. week of plunging Postmaster BrunsoD in Animals Do It. News, was fraught in its earlier .vears year they would have made it nay.” It the very slough of despond. The post ­ with all the hardship-* and privations ot WH8 .lobT. Sleight, hirroorlv of Hath town ­ master presented the .young lake. ‘'Our WAS CONVICTED OF MURDER with boxes of confectionery and t^je item CITY DELIVERY A POSSIBILITY STRANGE FACES AT THE DESKS furiiH'm,” **ontiuL ’ed Mr. Sleight, “di*l not ill regird to it read the ladies in of/ the AT LEAST THE TYPHOID BACILLI a little child, she moved to Lake county, offfijes and o/l the /o(/t/c/t-rkn were also Ohio, with her parents. .At the agi* ot make I he first y**ar ’a crop pan out v*?ry wep, hut they learned many things objects of the postmaster ’s generosity. The Figures up to January First Are tweiity-tlire** years, she married William Judge Merrill the Only County Officer Had Served Fifleea Years of the Punish* lateresting ExperioMBts Have ReccBtly Sutton, and together they made a clear­ abuiit raising beeta wbich wen* of great It is needless to remark that the p*>st- Indicative. Who Has Held Over. imi>ortarns* ki making the crop a protlt- meat laiposed. master quite fairly coui luded that sev­ Bee'i Made. ing for their farm liome near llerea, Ohio. eral s**ores of young women would sur­ Totbem wer**born five children, of whom tible one. This year 1 have n* ‘ighbors who made as high aa $r>0 (s*r acre off mise that they bad been overlooked and only one suri iv* ‘s. W. .A. Sutton, *cume a meiiilM*r in 18o7 instead of acting in palliation. of the .Methodist cliur«*li, whereshe was a then lie in a position to ship either to the “SlrH, y*>ii sre v*-r.v \velc*niie to *>ur bous'-. factory at ourtown or the new factory TLoiiihm Foley, who was convict**d in •‘The (HU'Htion of fn-e (U-liviTv in St. faithful worker until h<*r health failed. It iiiiiHt ii|>|K*ar In utber wh.vh than wortls. Discussing the question as to* whether For the past thn*e years, she had lM*eu TUnn-fore \v**i*caa* thin brcHtlilnn conrtcx.v. ” about to b** ere<'t**d at I.ansing and I the (Miiitoii county circuit court of mur­ JuliiiH in now ii|i to thi' |h‘o |»I»* who n*- lieve they (‘an raisesugar ts*etsto advan ­ dering an infant child fift4!en years ago giTiiis can lie carried by animals or not. uiiable to leave her bed, and death came There are n<*w luces at tm* c*)iirt htiuse NO ONE SAW IT Health Officer Squair said to The News nidi* hen*,” Miid i‘o**tmiint**r ItruiiHon to tage. ” Mr. Sl«*ight says he lik(*H .Alma and who has be«*u coutiiied in (he Jack- as a w* leome reh*ase fr*»m her sufferings. this week. In every otfice **xcept that of son prison sinter, was pardon***] by (ior- that he did not believe they could. "The Oiii* SOI., forty-one grandchildreii and and that he luis atlfu*dairv farm near The News yeHienhiy. the jiidg** of probate there is a new iiinn «*nongh t-o the village so tliot he finds eriior Piiigreelast w**ek. H018K Hl'RNED UP ON THE EAST matter has attracted a gr**ul deal of at­ twent.v-*me great grandchildren are the at the chief’s desk, uu*l even the ae- tention from health authorities all over “From the Hiiuree ut liund ut theclow coxx's very proflt^ible. At pr**sent he sells The trial ticciirreil when Judg** Smith of SIDE or TOWN. only siii viviiig relatives, cust*Jine1<0\ K HI T A KKAV FKKT IS gency calls «>r to show his hand on a tine CAGE IS UNDERSHERIFF domestic animals can transmit typhoid will end .Marrh 1. 11K)1. Thin in the that time. The legal tight was long and KKUNT OK TK.A I.N. piece of detective work if oicasicu de- exciting, the court room lieiiig taxed to fever t*) man. finish of the tiecal year and it iw for thin iimiids. HIS A 1*1*01. \TM ENT OIVKN OI T YES- its capucit.v by curious H|>ectators, The luiiiie of B. Balcoin, on Higliain The t)ccurfence of many typhoid cases Jolly, big h«*artcd .Alonzo Dmin has street east, was entirely consumed by in an isolated farming community is not year tliat the re<*eiptHmustehow #!<•.lilp» the building so dense that it was al­ bold ttoods, xx’hich are in use in .Mr. not ver.v easily- penetrate many depths faet not only for the year ending Marcli from the euht pull»*d into the station. When there was work on hand that .Are Looking Happy Thii* most impossible to enter. Judge Smith Balcom ’s restaurant, are all that remain of soil to enter the well, b**caiise the soil 1, 11)01, hut aleo lor the year eiitliii^ W. .1 .Moss, of Lssex township, had l>e«-n n**ef llii'lew Clinton count.v to Jackson to be par- Balcom knew nothing of it until about of infection in wells troui the bodi**H of t>ur nveiptH for the nine montha end ­ wagon, started to cross the track and men wh*> st«*p|>***l into the offic** iiml at Sheriff Shavex' has tM*<*n clos* ‘t«sl xvith done*! by tiovernor Piiiitree, .fames .Mc- an hour later, as the family has been animals seemed to many mt*di**al and lav drove s*pmn*l.v in front ot the oncoming *)iice r**aliz****k. house was insured for $200 and the con ­ contamination of tne water. a^ainet $0,700 for the pn'cez year. epiiLvship honors. There tents for f2(M), in the (Jermaiiia Fire In­ It has l)e«*ii found that wh**n typhoid the wheels l*efo. e he could get across, hut the cx|>en*litlire «jf a few dollurs and the xvere moreapplicantsthun plac‘(*H to hand Rt-tiirii (tf Hie Leater Dpers C'lt. .luiiiiary K. surance Company, of Nexx- York. Mr. bai'illi were fed to dogs, cats, pigs, I think that at leaet twothirde of thin he just **scHped by a few feet and the |•**Mllt lias b**eii that many culprits have out and that is xvtiere the hitch came Owing tf) the iiiiix’ersdl satisfaction Balcom said it xxas impossible to tell f*)r calves and others in qiiaiitities so large iuereaw is due to the extra htiHinew sjiectutors lienvd a sigh of reli»*f as the b<*eii brought to justice and are doing It is said that iU iiioet cases the se- given bx’ this excellent organization a time just what tin* loss on the contents that they ought to kill an elephant or a train sped into the station Lawton tim** w ho woulil have otherwise ♦*scap«**J. le<-iioii of the new ftfRcial has l>e**n con- *)!! th**ir first Mp|s*arance here in "Said xx'ould be, as tlie.v did not know just regiment of men, the animals xx ere not in caused by the rural rout<*H. said to The News that he felt u strung** Prompt, eneig**tic action has chara<*tcr- lroll«‘d ton consiiierable extent by the Pasha.” Manager LIsler felt warrniite*! what was in the house. the I(*ast diHturls*d, nor did they suffer _ The [trotits of the S.. .foliiia oMii^* ehow sensation after he ha«l erossed, hut at the iz*d the work in the sli**rifT ’s offic** during advice and dss t(* be*-ome frighten**d. refin*. l’e**liiig that whatever his encmi**s ‘T fere*s. ” Y**st^lHy morning the able to rerove*l rural delivery carriers’ salarieH. A LADY POSTMASTER to bring to jiiHliec all wrong •lm*rs. He Itii ghaii ; deputi**# as folloxxs; lliiig- th** amusement lovers of St. Johns an IS .fOSEI'H ItOlCHDT I.EARNING TO not thus traiisniissihle. I’r nn the volume » f buwiiiesh now puas has mad** a very capable official a ml has ham, (i«*orge .A. Lstes; AVatertown, opportiinit.v of witn**Hsing a comic opera T.ALK. The manner in which these era-hreak- K.NK IS TO KK A |•I*01.^TKI> AT l-OW- dev**'*>p«**l detective ubilit.v of sufficient (’has. D.vk* ; LagD. .M W. Whitmore; Bath. peiforinaiict* not ordinarlv seen in towns iug exixerimeiits wen* **arried on is as fol ­ in^ throuf?h our haiida and from the *)r*ler t«* bring him a lucrative position Ira Sliaxx: Ovid, J L. Hill: D**AVitr. of this size. The price xvill i‘**iiiHiii as Is* lows: The typhoid bacilli of the most LKK. CoiiUI N'»l R«*«-iill NaiiisN iif I't-oplf lit* eompariKon with last yeai’s business we ill ihes*-cn*t serxice of the g*»v*-rnment. •Monroe ('«»le, and Kureka, Jam**s K. f*)re 2.’), .”*0 and 7 ."m*. S**at sale at virulent form xxere obtained from pa- ()v**r ill I he clerk’s office AA’. .M. Smith Kirb.v. The bulanc** of theapp«>mtments Allison ’s Satnrdn.v, Jamiar.v o. This Kilt'S tli«* HcMt.—OsliiiiiK Oiiits fi«*nts suffering vx'ith the most malignuiit are able to make pn tty close ••stimatea Miss .Agnes '"'age, daughter of I’ost- is absent. 1 hiwever, he has not left the willls'given out Inter. attraction certainl.v deserv**s a packed Rapiflly. form of typhoid fev**r, and the Imcilli for the eominjr si.x months and it ai>- master Sag** who *li*«l at Fowler last biiihling, but is to be f*uiiid liappll.v situ- h*)iise. were placed on gelatine and put iu an in- at* ‘«l ill tlie pros**ciitor ’s office, where he ciil)iit*)r and alloxx-ed to grow in such a week, will Im* at*p*)iiited |H»Htmaster in AfTHf^RCHES A'l*- 1 II of Heart Di*>eaHe. pears to me that there is no doubt at all her father’s place. will remain during the iiicumb«*nc.r of fIn*- The lat* st devidopiiient in the case of maiiner that kbey would not infect aov- office. Hen* is wh**re In* lM*l«uigs. Hehas .Alims .Armstrong, who lives south of Jose|>h Boiohof, whos** accident and ill- thiiig or anybody. Eight of such "ool- but That we will overrun the rtquinal .Miss Sage was in nominal chaige of the ('eiitral school building on Trow ­ th** otfice Ishire her father’s death ami is made a spleiidi*! (*leik, but he will make METHOI>IST.S .ARE HOLDI.NGSERVICKS n**Ms from (laralysis have lieen rnentione*! oni**s, ’ as they xx’ere called, weregroxx u. flO.t HM) limit at boih of the ipiarterly a b**lt*r pros****ulor. Hois a luwy**r, a bridge strint, di**d at his home Tuesday in previous issues of The Nexx s. is his re- Tvxochickens, two white rats, and a eiitir«*ly familiar with the work. She is a El ERV EA'ENIN’G. about noon, ag**d nearl.v sixty-oiie years endintrs ver.v bright young woman and it is safe man in love with his prof**sHioii ami one cover 3'of sp *6011. The jKxculiai feature of six-weeks’-old calf were th**n taken. .A who reatls betw«*eii the linf*H. In his Death xvas caus*»d by heart trouble fr*)in the present condition is that it is iifces- fl sk with two (quarts ofbouiHoD was in- to say will he *)iie of the .voung**st lad.v w’hi**h he had niffenHl for .years. Friday All I wish to know, to make the ueeee- postmasters in the country in charge of study of the iluti**** of the pros«*ciitoi- is Services are l»eing h**ld at the Metho­ sary to teach Boichot, words and their .m*u Ihted with typhoid bacilli, and after forming a well detine*! i*lea of the great dist church (*ach night this xx'e**k b^’ the afternoon the remains will lie taken to meaning. He uld not even call the the typhoid fever germs had grown iu it eary nHommendations, is what the de ­ *)ft 1c*'s of *qiial imp*)rtain*e with the the Bingham F. B church where the fu­ Fowler offl**e. tbrtiugli which a great deal n*sponsihiliti(*H resting on th**iimn whose pastor, Bev. U. S. McOregor. The sub­ iii**mber 8 of his family correctly until he for two days one-half of the bouillon was sires of the i>eople of St. .Iidins are, in ri*- diitx it is t*> H**e that the laws on the ject this ex'eiiiiig is "Lead by the tbiirit,” neral servi(>*8 will l)e coiidiict<*d by Bev. hud been taught their names Dr. (lillum fed to the calf in its milk and the other of mail matter is handled every week and Friday evening, ‘‘Personal Kxipen .Arie Binkhorst. of the Congregational jrnrd to this service. It will b«* for the .Miss Sage has many friemfs and it is statute h loks'ai** enfonvd. That Mr. thinks, however, that as he becomes half was mixed with grain and fed to the Smith’s administration will be seasoned en<*e. ” **hurch. The iiilernieiit will occur ill the strougt'r ph,vsically, his mental faculties chickens and rats. The animals were fed said her apiKiintineiit will give satisfac­ wmetery n**ar the chun*h. resitleiits of the town to s|>euk, and if tion to the patrons of t .e office, with with wiwlom and will gi\e eviden**** of SptH'ial New V**Hr ’s services will b** held will reassert themselves, and xvill r**sume in different rages. They were fed on this they desire to'have city delivery we can whom she is very (io|)iilar. innf lire delils*rHtion and n-He<*ti**ii lM*I*>re next Sunday, both iiioiiiing and evening. their normal condition. much infected material every day for two a ’''‘n he taken is aln*aay being read NEWS IN BRIEF. weeks, (kiltiiecs were also taken from ^••♦•ur** the required orders from head- int*. ilie record. Lx-Pros**cutor S. H. Lpipliany Sunday will be obs**rve*l at the animals evenv da.v, but no colonies of St. John’s K[>iseopal church Sunda.v, st offfee. .xtr. and Mrs. .1. AA’illiams. of l*or(land. as ixasilv as a child digests candy. S.\II» KAHII.A MAKK KIN AT ALLI­ The Brotherhood of St. .Andrew xxill .lAMES AND M.YRAH WERE IN GREAT The next set of ex|)eriments was per­ jMH-essary arrangements could Is* made. ” Judge .Merrill holds forth in the pro ­ are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Boy SON'S S.ATl l{I> \ V bate *)ffice as it may Is* ♦•aslly imagined iiD'et at four o ’chs'k for th**ii u-iial ser­ HASTE. formed in a similar manner xxith larger he may as long as he w ishes to. The vice. Shu Iters. ** <|uaDtities of typhoid bacilli for a mouth pe*»ple of this county do not vote for Harrv Briggs, bookkt***j>er at the First upon a male pig. At the end of a mouth AND STILL ANOTHER The |K*rf*irmaiice of '‘Sui*! Pasha’’ at politic ’s sake when thev el**ct Judge Mer­ Uev. .Arie Itiiikhorst will preiU'h upon National Bank, visited friends at Ovid Iiiterriipleil Depiil.v Murvliall's Stiiily of not *)ne t.vphoid bai'illus xxus found, and .Allison ’s t q era House last Satuiday eve­ rill, tln*y vot** for a judge, as the official the subjKd, "The Ho|M ‘ful Future,” at Nexv Year’s. Ll<|iil4l Air tnsand rijn*. judgment an* simiilianeously n*ad in hundr**dH of other MS he was suiiimoii**d out of .Allison ’s typhoid bacteria. H» VVerk. w»*re exceptionall.v well tilled and the fun Mrs. H. M. IVrriii return***! .vf*s(crduy Opera House in gr«>at haste about eleven It was concluded from these I'Xfsxri- worth tlioiisHiids *if *lollHrs cv<*r.v .v**Hr to reading houses of the same lissiM-iation. frfim a visit of several da.vs xx-itli-friends makers eaiight the house. the |M**)ph* of tin* county who have **s- Tin* addr«*ss contains much that is «‘X- o ’clock, to issue a lureiise for a couple ments that the typhoid bnt ’illus cannot Manager LUler has arranged for a re­ in rt time. .Mr. .McK**e has up- DESERVE TO OWN ONE. e\-eiiing, January 7, at the (•iigiiie house. poiiit***! (Jeo. H .Marshall deput.v and he Miss .Mu.vo Lambie, of (iraiid fledge, P.ARXIER.S WILL HE WELL ENTER­ der was nlso dislocated and badly ST..)OIINS M AN KECEIVKl* O.NK KKO.M wreneln-d. ()ne of the men who was at will assist for a time and during busy returned x'**st "rday, after spending a HrWILL RECOVERS- TAINED. THE OOVKKNMKNT. |s*riods “The man who will drive his hors** into xv«*ek xx'ith .Mrs. Fr**rs. Travis and Ih*ale at Falsie, and it is day he received a letter from Congress ­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. H**nr.v DcA'ri**s, of Seate Farmers’ Institute which is to be tain De|Mity Fpton for a time, at least. toast his shiiiB b.y the xvarm Are. ought held nt the **oiirt house in St. Johns thoiiKlit w ill be saved. man I’t'rdney, stating that his appli­ Syrcl Parmenter is in the (waiter huild- ♦<» be kicked all over town, ’’is tlie way (ln*enbush. K(L Krumni, of Biley Center, xvlu) was cation f->r fNOO back |s*iiHion from so seriously injur«‘d Christmas eve in a Moiiila.v and Tuesday, Jamiar.v 14 and Cssli will ID- Mt ••I’arr.’' ingVn*Hh from Ovid township, the culture the Owosso .Argus s[M*aks out in meeting L* ‘Hnd**r Hill, of Bancroft,accompani**d 15. TheSlate 8{H*akers are furnished by IHffl has., tlie t^ris-ers, ar** about to a check fur the amount would be for- injuries as fast as possible. The scalp the state boar*! of agriculture. Tlie Innmrurate the cash system at thiir who know him b<*st say, make a comfs can't buy a blanket for his hors**, or is da.v. after visiting his son, Lug>*iie, at woman ’s section will be Field at the K. (). wanJed ill a few d'lys. He has also been tent *>fflcial. He will n ‘taiii H**gister too thoiightl**ss or shifth'ss to take .Miiple Bapids, since Satiirda.v. woiiiui. which measures exactl.v tw«>lx*e store. They fis*l that they will Is* able grant***! an lncn>Hse in pension from fS itsJies in l**ngtli, is healing nicely. The T. M. hall Tuesday afternoon and will lie to offer th* ir customers much ls*tter bar­ Soule for a lew months at h*ast, while he dec**nt care of an aiiiii al, he ought not Mrs. B. Mills and daughter, N»‘va. of under the diret tion of Mrs. K. E. Moore, to f 17 |s r month, Mr. Tucker re**«*iv*d is Is'comiiig familiar with the rop«s. to have one, and the «piicker he ilisposes Oxvosso, visited Mrs. .Mills’ sisters, .Mrs. young man is still at The Stt*el. Dr who xx'ill preside as chairman. The pro ­ gains and the conduct of tfieir business his cli<*<'k th** first of the we**k. ifillnm says it is unlikely that he will be will be more satisfactory in cvcr.v way of it and gets a job digging ditches, cut­ Dani**! Baiighii and Mrs. 1). Bams<*y, gram is as folloxx s: No Dentil In 4.1 Venr«. ting cord wood.orsoine lik*? employment from Satunlay until yester fay. able to return to his home for some They have coTtracted for space in The tim«*. MONDAY KOKENOOX. News during the comiiiff year and their .A family n>iinion was held at tin* honn* the better.’’ .Mr. amf .Mrs. L. H. Prince and daughter 10:00—"rreflt and l’l<‘a«i*n‘ fr*>in Hiiiall ANNIML FAIR MEETINC of .Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Newman, in Fnilts" ...... I,. .1. Post, Lowell. aiinounc**ments will l>e found to Is* Kood ret\irn**d to their home in Halien yester­ DIsciiMinn. readintz eai li week. They pro|Ms*e to (ireenbiish, Lliristmas day. .Mr. am) •Mrs. Newman have four «-hildren and PING PEALED FORTH day. after s(>ctiding a week with their THE DEPUTY REGISTER 11:00—"I.abor Kjtx-ers on the Farm,” place pru*«*s on their broods which will WILL HE IIEI.K .ATTHECOrUT liOl'SE daughter, .Mrs. J. K. Henderson. \V. WilllaniH, North Wllllaiiis. fourteen grand children, of whom all DiHCiiHsion. win trade. THE l‘4Tlf. wer** pn*sent with the «*xcepiion of Mrs. TO I'ROKERLV AYELCOMK IN THE Mrs. Mary Beviiigton spent New Year’s MARY L. PXRM ENTER APPOINTED MONDAY AFTERNOON. 1 ;.'10—"I’en<;h«*i* In Fentral .MlrhlKitn," .V II Kvihia Iiiii Kriile. It. (ioddard and family, of Kirb.v, who NEAV CENTKRY. in Ovid with her sister, .Mrs. K. J. St. YESTERDAY. Clair. She xvas a'‘com|)aiiit*d b.v Miss L. J. Post. Card-* have been ri'ceived by St. .Jolms Theaiitiual me**tiiig of the m(*mbers of were detaiinsl at home on account of an DIsruHslon. frimds, annoiiiiciiiK the marriage of the Clinton Comity .Agricultural and HC*;iHcnt to one of their children. Th Ldiia Morris and Miss Ldna I.,onn 8bur.v. 2:00—"Corn and Clox ’er,"...... I,. W. Oviatt. faPiil.v circh* has not been broken by Ping assisted to w«*l*‘onie in the new S.vrel I’arnientep, the new r**giHt**r of DIsctiiiHlon. .Mals*l Frances Warner to .\lexunder Horticultural So<*ictv will lie h**hl at tin* .Miss IJmla .Adams,of Detroit, returned 8:00 —"Horse tl ceding," Kiiimond Petrie, Theceremon.v occurred court ll♦»usp in St. .Tolins, S^turrla.v after­ d**ath ill fortli-thn,*e y«*urs. .After dinner eentiiry in St. Jolms. Not Ping, wlios** home last evening, after spending Hie d»*e*ls, appointed his xvife dejiut.v register R*»b**rt Qltiltonn, D<‘trolt. at F^vaiiston at the home of the bride on noon, .lanuary 12. This m**eting is call- p<>|K*orn and candy were **rijoy»*d. and a fretful s**Mson is over, but ('apt. Ping, the holida.vs xx-ith h**r aunt, .Mrs (J B. Por ­ y*»sterda.v afternoon. .Mrs Parmenter Diacu-'Hlon. New Yeai’s. Mr. Petrie is well known e**nding a few *ciii>e Gardening for Country domes" .Mart Hulbert and wife, of IfeiiKal, wish Newman, and reoitati«»ns w**re giv**n by the new century. There w<*re various days with th<*ir sister, .Mrs. (Jeorge A. Pr*»l. t . P. iledrirk. Agricultural College. to thank the neighbors who assisted othei of the guests. Th*)S<* pr**Hent w»*re •‘xvatch” parti**s ill lionn>s nrr)urid town Hrtter TlMira. Kst**M, B**member jo.vs are never post. They TUESDAY FORE.VOON. them last week at the time their house STOODY'S RECORD ■Mr. and .Mrs. H. AA’. Heynohls and six and man.v ixf the young ]>eople n*s**rvpd 10;0o —"The Atiple Orchar*!, Setting Out bnrm*il up to(f**ther with all its eon tents. children, of St. .lohiis, .Mr. and .Mrs their welcome until the following eve­ .Mr. and Mrs. (riHirgc Lapliani and .Airs. wen*, they are, the^- yet shall Is*, sad an*1 Cultfx-ntlng,*' ...... I,. J. Post. Chas. Biihl l♦•ft Tiicsda.v evening ftir Ba.v although the last txx’o years have le n DiM-uf-sion. The ladii's ’ society hyve lieen aiding Orson Newman and thi'**e children, of ning, when they danced it out witli the 11:0O—Business Me«*tlng of Count.v H<»clety: them and all the neighb*>rs have helpisl HAS lOVEKEH A Itlli TEKUITOKA IN Henjcal, and Mr. and .Airs. .Arthur New­ Pythiaiis. ( i .V to a* tend the funeral of Mrs. Leiicretia filled xx’ith troubles and Hoiie, t'le Laiuhlin, the mother of the the two Election of Oftlrers for Ensuing Year. and altog**ther they feel that they have SHORT TIME. man. who make their home with .Mr. and charmer, lingered still behind, business is TFESDAY AFTERNOON tiecn most excellently taken care of. Mrs. Newman. ladies. siiri'ly improving. Hoxx- man.v are there 1:00—"Farming Without Weeds, '* EIGHT OUT OF SIXTY-TWO .Mr. ami Mrs. Ho<*riier. Mr. and Mr*. today who are still suffering, not alone I,. W. Oviatt. Oliligeil to Mtop Work. .1. AA’. .Sfoody, of Ovid, who is a travel- MnrrlnK* Lierii. Discussion. Briber, .Mr. and Mrs. Conzerman and .Mr. from the so calle*f "Hard Times” but 2:00—"Pruning and Spruying the Apple Uichard day has sold out Ills dray lines iiig sal**sman for the Pratt F'*>od Coni- Dec. ‘J7—.lames XV. Itysh, War •*iHta...... DEATH RESI'I.TED FROM CONTA- and Mrs. J. H. Hillett, of Detroit, were from the dreiide*! tyrant disease, w’hlch Orchar*r,"... 7...... I.. J. Post. pany, Philadelphia, has one of the liest Elfle K. narl*»<-k, Wacnuala ...... to Frank F.. Worden and .lay Wyman. GIOI'M D1MEAHE.S. .New year’s gii*>sts at the home of .Air.and is tar xxorse than ffnaiieial troubles, for 2;'UI—••Proflt from .Sheep,". L. W. Oviatt. Sir. tJiiv has lieen obligi*d to r^'linquish records ev**r mndcb.v a salesman for that I)«*r. Ut* —riaufl K. Mauri»sK, Diiplaln ...... Mrs. Biidolph (lo«*tte. money can not purchos** health. That Discussion. company. Sime .August 20, he has Stella F^. Oiistfitt, KIsle...... "What to do until the Veterinarian Ills interests her** on ac<**iuiit of ill health I)*s-. 21* —Elonco O. Otto, Watertow n...... I B. (Jilbert, superintendent of the **ity can oul.v lie r»‘stored by a physician who Arrives,"...Dr. Win. Jopling, Oxvosso. and contemplat**s se<*king another cli­ traven****! thronkzh thirt.y comities, 4,.‘100 Carrie shirts, hlley...... Health Officer Sqiinir has r<*c**ived re- is comfietcnt and thoroughly under ­ 4:00—Qii«‘stlon Box and Oeneral Discussion. miles in all, 1,/tOO with a hiirse and schools, was siimmon(*d to Memphis mate. ffe has Iwen seriously affecteil la-c. HI—(irttfin Burl, Orl*l ...... fiorts of cases ot ni'iitngioiis dl.-^eases (’hrihtTias da.v, on account of the illness stands medicine os d*)t*s Dr. Ottmaii, TFESDAY AFTERNOON. with bronchitis and is just rmivering buggy and 3.0(M) miles by rail. Over Martha SheMon, Rimcfiain...... which have devel*>d in St. Johns sini'e formerly of Nexv York, now {>n*sident 1:00—Music. ."*(Ml towns w'cre vinted by him during of his m*)ther. She was somewhat lM*t- Paper, .Mrs. L. O. I/*»onils, Union Home from a severe aftfrk of pleurisy. .Ian. 2—Jani*>a K. B.Terlt*,r, EUle...... March 20. 1000, as follows: T.x plioid ter when he returned Friday evening. of theOttman MiHlieal Institute Co., xx-ho Drscussl*>n. this period. Sarah .Vfiiore*, Elsie...... fever, 34; consumption, 10; measles, 0; by his wonderful skill is bringing ho|ie "Habit and Manners." A Hrlsht Letter. Jan. a—Arthur Shulti, IXeWItt...... seurlet fever, 7, and whooping cough, 2. . Satiinla.v alterno*»n, Jamiar.v oth, the and restoring health to liiindr*Hls of poor .XIlas Maud ft. Keller, AKrlciiltural College. Bertha Ingram, Blle.r...... Ba|»tist ladies will l>e at Parr Brt)s. Discussion. .Attention is call***! to the h*tter from Death has n*sult**d in eight of the eixty- sufferers who after years of suffering f**el 2:4.A—Recitation. Phase Ac .'■tanborn, which apjiears In the WILL TALK ON SMALLPOX. The Hapllvt Roll Call. two cases, seven from consumption and grocery xx'indow with a supply of g*>*>d that life is indee*l worth living. He not Miss Marguerite Woodrnfl, DeWItt. ndvertis**ment *»f The Mercantile Poin- things to eat, xx-hem the;, will be pleased SiOO—PaiH*r .Mrs. tx. 1). Watson, St. .fohns. Th(* fintiiiHl supper and roll call of the *mc from tyf»hoid fever. onlv has a thorough knowledge of Dlsriisslnn. pany on page two of this issue, Asa KOKTORM of CLINTON COI ’NTY WILL to meet form**r customers and new out's. m»*dicine, but poss«*sses a is^sonal mag ­ 8;aO —Recitation. Mrs. R. O. Toan, St. .Inhns liaptist «*lnirch will Is* held this afternoon 1911* SERIES clever pie*-** of coiiqiosition and an or ­ MEET AOAIN. atthechnreh. It is exne<*ted that the The annual eI**ction of officers in the netism xx’hich enables him to effect the 8-4.' ’>—(Juesilon Box. iginal way of saving things, it is as »*f- iiexv pastfir, Uev. J. .\lcl>ernu>ml, and AA’omnn's .Association *)f the Congi-f'ga iiif)st miraculous cuivs If you are a Exerctsea r>*>Bed by singing “America.” fective and as tiov**l as nn.vthing noticed xvif*>. xvill Is* pr* ‘s«*nt. Kev. Meftermond III St. .loliii* RiiH'liiiK and l.oaii A iomi - ti*)nal church xx ill be h«*ld at the home of victim of malaria, cancer or nervous elation. Fine*! In Circuit Court. in a long time. It is well worth rending. “Small|»ox’’ is the principal subject for has r»*ct*ntly sex'**rt*l his connis'tion with .Miss C. .A. Shaver on Tuesday, January diseases call on this eminent physician consideration at the monthly m(H*ting of the Dnptiat church at Three Uivcrs. H, at txx'o o ’clock. .A full attendance is and he will cur**you. Dr. Ottman will visit Jam**** C/ordray, of (}re<>nhush, wa* on Till the NiiihII Hour*. the dioton County .Medical Society, The 1 Dth s**rit*s in St. Johns Building desire*!. 8t. Johns F'riday, Jan. 11, 1901, and will the cnr|>et before Judg** Davis in circuit The New Year’s party given by the which is in session at the office of Dr. J. AdTertlae*! I..etters. and Ixian Association will lie start4Hl Mrs. W. B. Johnson and daughter, of court yesterduj' and was fined f If) for Knights of Pythias st Kenyon ’s hall V. Pooling this afternoon, for the first Mies liewMie Ilavina, (reo. McCullam, T. Monday €nr**ning, January 14th. Those Ionia, am gnesta of Mr. Johnson who Notlr

Mumpa arc quite prevelant in tbia vi eep Your cinity. C. H. llubbell viaitod fiieudaat Toletlu Blacrvkets during the imat week. Mra. Hiram Heluia haa been aerioualy ill for aouie time paat. M soft as new, by Foater F. Owen haa been appointed January Hummers We have occasionally seen a deputy aberitf for tlaaex. WMhing them in little placard readlni: like the Mra. Henry Worta, who baa been ill for aoioe Uiae, ia better. above placed on. baskets of I>enuia Baldwfn haa gone to Big Ba|K fruits. We have also noticed ida, where he will attend the Ferria Inati- tute. GOLD DUST that the directions were always Mrs. 1). Wilaou of Belding viaited reia WoksKing Powder An Eventful Holiday 5 ale. tirew In thia vioinity during the past followed to the letter and week. the contents ol the baskets l>*bannn Furmera’ Olub will meet with -Mr. and Mra. Mi Smith today (Thura- The success (if our Holiday Sale makes us feel that w'e would be negligent of our own best interests should soon disappeared. day). we discontinue to give the jieople the opportunity of buying at the Big Store cheai>er than thc^’ can elsewhere. We are ^olnf to adopt a policy Mr. and Mra. F. L Convia viaited frieuda at Henderaon during the paat at our store besrinning with the week. Cash when you buy makes it possible for us to do these things without fear or favor. Mr. and Mra. Ueo. Wright and aou re­ fifteenth of this month, which turned on Tueaday to their home at Do watch our advertisement if you would save mone^'. SOUTH LEBANON. will place every customer In a Luther. Cyrua Farr haa returned from the position to **help himself.’* Saginaw hoapital, and ia now recovering Wallaoe Kinley wan in St. Johua on huainetta Thursday. The question is how? rapidly. Hon. Qeorge Heck of Lanaiiig made a Mrs. Charles Fox spent Wednesday By Selling: for Cash Only. buaiueae trip to the villiage during the with Mra. Thomaa Hauian. Grocery Prices. Chase ^ Sanborn Bakery Prices. E. Z. Nash, who haa Im***!! aick with paat week. tsDortm aid ]oM»m When we have no accounts Mia. FIva Jobnaoii of Detroit waa the quinxy, ia now able to be out again. to meet losses with, when we gueat of .Maple Bapida frienda during the Hugh .McPherson, f»f Saginaw, viaited paat week. hia aunt, Mrs. Clara Wager, laat Sunday. Sole IHstributors of Standard Java have no bookkeeping:, and when Jamea and Joaeph CHmpbi‘ll have a Miaa Ethel Coffin ia viaiting at the Granulated Sugar,peril)., 6 c 10 oz. Loaf Home Made home of hergrandfather, James Kinley. we know positively just what brother from llliiioia who ia making Huston, Muss., Dhc. 'ti, />. ni., HtXK them ti viait. Mr. and Mra. E *. FItrPatnek, of Colo ­ Yeast Foam, per cake, 4c The AhleAon Mercnutile Co., Bread ...... 4c we are going: to make on every Mr. and Mra. Percy Upton of Utica rado, viairi'd at l. entertaining frieuda from East'X. Acme Soap, H bars, - 25c 8c Detroit thia week. HV cannot .see the old reiitury go tumbling into pricesby a considerable amount. William Kissuue, of St. Johua, ia H|)eiid- spnee without whisj>eriu^ a few wordsof thanks in yimr ear for past The North Shade Farmera* Hub raeeta * As our customers must co­ iog the holidays with friends in this Jaxon Soap, 8 bars. 25c favors. Let us run o\er the list. You hare given us your gooil with .Mr. and Mra. J. H. Stonebrook to- vicinity. will and friendship this past t welve months as evidenced hy your or­ operate with us and pay cash iiiorniw (Friday). .Mias Katherine Seibert, of St. Johue, Ophir Soap, 10 bars, 25c ders. You have helptsi us insist upon (JI’.AUTY first, last and al­ South Fulton Farmera’ (Tub will me«‘t viaited her aiater, Mrs. Michael QrafT, ways. You have stood shoulder to shoulder with us in our efforts This department is ojien when they buy, this is the way with .Mr. and .Mra. (’umb**rworfb Thura- Saturday. to elevate the .standani of tea and erttfee in thou.sands of homes, /-’or they can “help themselves” at day, Jail 1U, 1901. E. H. Cotfin, of Detroit,spent Saturday and much more u e thank yon. to your inspection at all Mr. and .Mra. Moaa and Mra. O. M. Sny- with hia children, the Misses Buby and " W'e thank you.'* sounds eold. W’hat more can ire our store. |)er have returned from a viait with Ethel Coffin. Just this. If^ou paid us ten dollars a pound ire could not times. You need not scruple frienda at Hreenville. The Strickland school haa been closed Kerosene Oil strengthen the service, increase the watchfulness or stimulate the ef­ Those who pays cash will be .Miaa Agatha Dunatall of the Lanaing for the paat week on ac<‘oant of the ill- fortsof our buyers and workmen. So employer was ever better against eating the product served than we are. Yet improvement is always possible. Perhaps winners and those who do not achoola waa the gueat of .Maple Bapida ueea of the teacher, John Bolender. during the paat week. we don't see it all. Tell us wherein ire can do better for you. Miaa Anna Piggott, who has been for 8c There goes the eloek! I------//------III----- of our bakery. The best will find the money before buy­ Mr. and Mra. Fnnl Travia of St. Juhua the past three mouths in .Maple Bapidr^ A Happy Sew Year to vou! .May it bring you were the gueata of Mr. and Mra. laaac material to be had, the neat­ ing and the cash will do so much learning the dn^ta making trade, ia now {H-nre and pinsiierity, and may it keep us stilt signing ourselves Hewitt during the| aat week. back among her old frienda. per gallon. iira tefully yours, est waA' of doing it is here. more for them that they too Arriingeineuta are in progreaa for the it- Sanborn erection of a number of dwelling houaea THE ISLAND. . will do better. in thia village with the opening of apriug. Too late foi lust week. Beginning with the fifteenth A. J. .Moea attended theannual gather- eiig of the Traveling .Mena ’ Aaaociatioii C. M. .Sheldon visiterl friends in the new system will go into held at (Jraiid Bapida during the pitat f^ansing last week. week. Friends visited at I’etei Pinkney ’s vogue and the lower prices will .Nfr. and Mra. K. .M. Bichardami ol a week ago Sunday. COAT'S THREAD, PER SPOOL, 4t prevail. Watch the papers for OwoHHo were the gueata of their parents, K. C. Ainsley, of Muir, visiter! at .Mr. and Mra. W. K. Bichardaoii during Phoebe .Skinner ’s Tuesriay. later announcements as to our the paat we(‘k. William Pinkney shipped a car load intention and our ability to pro­ •Mr. and Mra. (ieiiialia (Iroom have re- of strrek to Detroit last week. turmni fmm their eaHtern trip. Mr Wesley (Jordanier and wife were in vide for the grocery buyers of Uroom ia at pr»*Hent aufferiiat from a St. Johns on buslnes.s Frirlaj*. alight stroke of paralysis in his right this section. Harvey Fea/el and family were in side. -St. .lobns on business last weeU. The following are the ofiicers elect of Frerl Lamphere, who leaches scIkm )! Maple Bnpids Hncampinent, 1. O. F. THE MERCANTILE CO. in Bengal, is s{M‘nding a week’s vaea- No. 40: r. P., Oliver ('unninghani; P. S tiun at home. Perry S. Percy; 11. P., J. L. Paterson; S. W., ('. .\. Welister; Scrilie, W. K. War­ The desks for reseating the school ST. JOHNS, MICH. ner; Treasurer, Terry Wat»*rr, J. W. house have been ordererl and are e.\- Parr Bros, pected this week or ne.xt. The following are the officers elected Myrtle Lewis, of Mt. Pleasant, is ST. JOHNS, MICH. for the coming year of Maple Bapids visiting this week with her grand ­ Tent, K. O. T. .M.: Commander, Frank father. V. Lewis, and other friends Lamphere; Lieut, (’ommander, Walter on the Island. DEWITT. White; Becord Keejier. H. M. Face: Fi­ Until further notice our stores close every night except Saturday at 7 p. m. nance Keejier, John \V. Smith; Me<|icnl School cbr.sed Friday with a two week’s vacation during the liolidays Mr. niul Mth. I., Tucker viHifed at Examiner, Dr. .\. O, Hart; Chaplain, Dar­ Henry X. Webb’n the first of the ww k. win Bancroft; Sergeant, Charles Martin; with an e.xhibition. The program was well cariied out. The proceeds Jay Hronsun will hoou move iuto Master at Arms, Fred Elli-; Stmtinel, Qeorge Whitney; Picket, Kelson Pease. at the door amounted to which Mr. N. A Bennett ’s bous* ‘ on Mill Htreef. will Ik * used to purchase a new black- The Woodmen will place the etoue on .A. X. Howe has r**turn**d to Saginaw iKiard. EAST BINGHAM. the ground for their ball on Thursday of to take up his atudiea. Where to Locate? this week. Miw. Charles Baratow Is aerioualy ill at The Beat .Swive in the tVorhi Bouse,of .Main street east, is recover ­ Liun Wilt'S, of Wayne coMniy, waa the WHY IN THE TERRITORY her home in thia village. a Banner Salve. It is made from a pre­ TRAVERSED BY THE ing from a severe shock which he received scription by a wicfel.v kuowu skin afieci- gueat of frienda here Thuraday. the first of last we« k. Iveon Wright haa gone to Big Bapida to take a course of atudy at the Ferris alist and (>oailively is the most healing .Miaa Mary Bowen waa the gueat of Several younj? people from this i»la<-e salve for pilea, burns, scalds, ulcers, lu - .Mr, and .Mra. Qeorge Dt>nnia, of Duplain, LUMBER. Institute. attended theo|>era at Lansing on Satur­ niijg sores and all akin dist'asea. Ttiere Sunday. LOUISVILLE and day evening of last week. .About eighty couples attended the ia nothing so good. Fildew & Milliiian Installation of ottiwrs at DeWitt dancing party given at Dunatall hall on sell it. Mr. and .Mra Wm. Bowen were the I wish to call vour attention to my (irange, Saturday evening of this week. Monday evening last. gnertaof .Mr. ami Mra. Qeorge Qilliaon NASHVILLE Railroad. Mrs. Kstella Dills will [M’rform the cere­ Mr. and Mra. S. J. Case, of Carson (Tty, DUPLAIN. .New years. stock of shingles. I handle all mony. were visitors to the village on Tu* ‘sday .Mr. and Mra. .Al. .Adams, of Wlie»ler, The Great Central Southern Trunk K. .S<**>tt. who resides corner Franklin and Wednesday laat. Too late for last week. Hjient the latter part of the week with Line in grades and at prices which will meet and Main str»-ets, s the |K>es,*ssor ««f a Sheriff Shavey, accompanied by F. A. Mr. and Mrs. A. .\. Palmer were in B. S. Parker and family. KENTUCKY, TENNES- fine new gun which it is said is a terrible Travis, of St. Johns, made a business Olive Saturday. with your approval. Call and look weapon fur dogs. trip to the village on Tuesday laat. B. S. Armour returned from Battle Qeorge Stubbs, of Detroit, ajH*nt t'liriat- SEE. ALABAHA, MISS Nathan .\. Bennett ha<» pim‘has*<| of Creek last week. maa with hia parents, alao .AIvnb Bull, ISSIPPIv FLORIDA, over my stock and get prices on lum­ John K. Jayne the old Town building Mr. and Mra. Willey, of .\nn .ArlM)r. are of Banniater, spent t’hriatmaa here. at preaent the gueata of Mrs. Willey'a Harry Bennett, of Elsie, visited Dr. ber, shingles, lath, etc. and land on Main 8tre**t east. -Mr. B. Bryant .Monday. WHKKE will remodel the building at once. parents, Mr. and .Mra. Munaon Chaa<*. Respectfullv, .Mr. and Mra. Bobert Armour, of Du- .Tohn Squirs is visiting his sister Farmers, Fruit Qrowera, plaln, were the gueata of Mr. and Mra. -Mrs. N. Ilainer. Stock Raiaera, Manufacturers, Bobert Lowe the first of the week. H. Teeter was very ill lust week Investors, Speculators, but is on the gain. and Money Leaders .Joint inatallation of the offlcera of the Will E. Moore, of Niagara Falls, is BALD L. O. T. .M and K. (). T. M. will be held will fliitl tlip grpHteMt ohaticw* In the I'nl With- visiting relatives here. State** to make “1»Ik money ” hy reaeoi.oftl. at Bliaa hall Friday evening, January abundanre and i-lieapneRH of out help, a January 18. Mrs. H. P. Currier spent Christmas with her brother in Owosso. Land and Farms, Mrs. Mary Pinkney, eommander of the W. D. GRAY. bald spot (Latr. Cook and wife, of Chesaning. Ifs Lis; Timber and Stone, Just north of Railroad never L. «>, T. M. Hive of this villng**. waa on visited his parents the first of the Iron and Coal, Tu«‘adny evening last prt'sented with n Labor—Everywhere! ,on State Road. grows ^‘autiful set of hand paint*Hl china by week. St. Johns the inemlHTs of the hive. The preaeutrw Mrs. Altie Frisbie, of Ovid, spent F'ree Mlte«>, flnatirlal aMtlHtanee an«l freedom smaller. from taxation for the manufa<-tiirer. tion waa made by Mrs Libbie Anderson, Sunday with her sistei, .Mrs. Qeorge l-and an*l farnia at |H*r arre an*l ui>- It keeps in l>eliulf of the order, after which rc- Weale! warda, anil .*VO0,<‘ut the last of the I health and strength. It is | delay, aa the country la flIlinK up rapidly. an old baldness, but we«*k in Owoaao, visiting her brothers. i’rinted matter, niapa and all Information, easy to stop the first Joseph Bard haa moTtK) hia family t safe to say that they nearly I free. AihlreaH, Would it not be better and cheaper to put in back to the farm home. Win. .Moore of .Niagara Falla was I all reject fat with their food. | stone, as the village pays a part of the expense? thinning, easy to Mr. I.oa<'y and family have moved on visiting frienda and neighbors here the R. J. WEMYSS, last of the week. I______«• We have just received a ear load of fine stone check the first falling to the Qeorge Belding place. General ImmiKration and Indiiatrlal Agent .Mrs. William Cn*ll has lieeu very ill LOri.SVILLE, KY. for walks. Call and get onr prices. out. Used in time, A ten-p«»und daughter waa born to Mr. but ia rec.overiiig under the akillfu] treat­ b a 1 d - and Mra. Wm. Crowell, Dec. 20. ment of Dr. Bryant. s«aws*« The household goods of John Sutron Mr. Edward Wilson haa left for the THE ness is and family are packed and they will start north to work. Ilia family following lat­ made at once for Fairfax. Virginia, when* they er. Sorry to low* good neigh bora. fmi will make a new home. COD LIVER OIL State Bank of St. Johns, WALTER& HODGE Mr. and Mra. Thomaa Haire were in While tTnude Whitman waa attending St. Johua Thuraday, on biisiiiHHa. They W/TM NYPOPHOSPfftTES ofLIME*> SOM a debate at the Stoddard school lioiiae Btopfied at A. A. Palmer’s for dinner and of St. Jobns, Michigan. with — laat Friday, his borne ran away, break while theie Mr. Haire waa taken ill but is exactly what they require; | COMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS ing the buggy and harneea ao that it waa we hear that he ia better. LARCESTANoMosTCoMPLETEBuccYBkCTORY ON Earth Write for visor nec<>Haary to make some alight repairs. •A union watch night service was held it not only gives them the im-1 ^ICES AND Mrs. I.,nuian Dibble has returned to I “r at the Diwiple church and at 12 o ’clock portant element (cod-liver oil) | Capital paid in $50,000.00 It stops falling, home in Maaon, She haa l^een staying the bell began to ring, then the achooait and on aavinga book ac- Our C ooosArc The Bcst- Petei Wilkin and family spent Friday Altiert Waters’ childn'ii are very sick ootints. Drafts issued good in any part OUR Price the lowest may depend upon it with L. Wilkin, of West Olive. with meiiHlea. scon ’s EMULSION is a { fatty food that is more easily ? of the United States or Canada and in every time. It brings Miaa Edna Wilkin ia a^iending a few Irma and Merle Seaaions visited n*lu- the principal cities of Kuro|>e. Accounts Parry Mfc-Is' Indianapolis* ► days with relatives in St. Johns. tiviw at Fenwick the first of the week. of farmers, mercltanta and mechanics re­ Ind. health to the hair. digested than any other form ^ ceived on favorable terms, and every ac- $1.00 • kettle. All Drwfflete. Frank Carter, of l.4inHing, viaited Mrs. Kentfleld and .Mias Gertie Welling ­ oommodatioD extended consistent with friends in thia vicinity laat we* k. ton, of Middleton, are viaiting at Jamiw of fat. A certain amount of * erior facilities fo ** I hftve aaed jxmr Rwlr Vigor end I.,ambie’H, em greatly pleeeed with It. 1 tare Miaa Mae and I.nin Clavey, of DeWitt, flesh Is necessary for health. ? making collections of all kinds. only weed one bottle of It, and yet my tair taa atopped falling oat and spent Saturday with their grandma Some of the yiiniig tieople from this haa atarted to grow again nioaly.” Aiiatin. vicinity attended the New Venr ’a ball ai You can get it in thb way. J tfooey Loaodd on ApproTed Soenrities. dison honodraph itt E s P Juuca W , Ma{>le Bapids. Better than a Ptano, Organ, or Marie Box, for it ain|p and talks as well as plays, and March Caaora, S. Dhk. Mra, Qeoige Troop, who haa been very IVe have known per-« DIRECTORS: sick at the home ot h«T mother, .Mrs. Mr. Nye, Mra. Jo<* Smith’s father, who don’t cost as much. It reproduces themusic of any instrument—hand or orchestra—tells MMV* thm Bamea, is a little better at thia writing. haa been here for acme time, returit4>d sons to gain a pound a | 0. W. Mvnrer, Jesse SnlUran, stories and rings—the old familiar hymns as well as the popular songs—it is always reaily. It yea 4a net obtain all tha bea ► Tueaday to hia home at [..ake ()d«waa. Geo. F. Marvin, W. M. Uland, logues of aU dealers, or NATIONAL Pt10NOQRAPH*C^ I3S Hnh’^AvS!N*iw\w^^ expoetod froea tha aaa oC The Chriatmaa tree and exerciaea at day white taking it. « Dr. G. E. Corbin, fleer, write the Decter abeat It. Earl Sitlinirton was kicked by on*^ of I. H. Corblt, A44raee, »b. J. O. ATK>. the I.emm school were largely attend^, yx. and $i ao, all dnigflata. $ J. H. Fedewa, Porter K. Perrin, LeweU, ll and much credit is due the teacher, Miee hia father’! boraas Monday and thrown SCOTT 4t ROWNF., Charaiata, Ntw York. J. W.Fltzferald, JoBa J. Eelser, Maud Walker, for the fine program she several feet. Fortonately ha received F. A. TrtTls. O. G. Plunkett, Photographer. had prepared for theoccasion. only a few brniaos. THE ST. JOHNS NEWS, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 3, 1901 3

Business Directory . Women as Well as Men LEBANON. Mihh Mary Muiidell ai^eiit last week in PHYSICIANS. Are^Made Miserable by Ithaca, at her uncle ’e. Catarrh ALM Ell 4k BrCK, I’hrMlctaaa aud Hur- Mioe LisxieHilman baa been home from Its censs exists in the blood, In whai P j(«H>u«. ul tb« Kyv, F:ar. N’om Kidney Trouble. Rt. jDhus for the holida.ia. and Throat a Sueclaitjr. ()inc« orrr nunt ’a asusss Inflammetion of ths mnoons maa^ Don’t DruK Htorr, Ht. Johna, lltchicau. Merle and Irma ReeiuouB bate been brans. viaitiug frieuda near Fenwick. wear r. J. V. DOOLINU, Phjralclan and Mur- Kidney trouble preys upon the mlod,

  • > It Is tbsrsAMre Imposslbls to ears It bj (Ton. Kt. Johna, Michigan. Office orer oouragie* andlegMiia ambition; beauty, vigor Mr. and Mra. Otis Bmitb entertained a local appUoatloos. DAlllaon'a Jewelrjr Htore. and cheerfulness soon New Year’s party at dinuer. ' It Is posltlTely dongeroos to naglsot 11, That you won ’t do this, or you won ’t do that—it’s wicked to swear—and T^ARY P. HAVKNK, M, l>. Office orer disappear when the kki- Mrs. Pearson, of Grana Ra{>ids, is vis- bsoanss It olsroya affects ths stomach end you very often have to do just exactly what you said 3’ou wouldn ’t do. Men 111 Noble Burnatt'a Hiure, Ht. Johna. Office neye are out of order itisg her sister, Mrs. Herman Gaddy. houra; B to 11 a. m. and J to 5 p. m. or diseased. dsrontss ths ganarol health, sad Is lODSly have be^ known to swear that they would never, no never trade at a (iepart- Kidney trouble h^ Air. and Mrg. DeYoung, from near to dsTslop Into cooioroptlog. y M. POHT, M. I)., Phralclau, Hurgeon Stsnioa, are Tiailiag her brother, Jasper ment store; they'd starve first, when theexchequer eot so low in its checkered and .Votary Public. Office orer .No. become so prevalent ' It Is radically and permanently eared by No. 1:1 Clinton avenue. eaat aide, that H la not uncommon Rio key. Hood’s ffarssparllla which rsmovas tbe carwr that it didn ’t have any X left in it. They didn ’t have enough left to go to Healdence corner Lanalng and Rogera ala. for a child to be bom A little son bom that day was a flue Ht. Johna, Michigan. eeass, olssnsss the blood of scrofoloos end a high-priced store and they patronized the department store under compulsion. afflicted with weak kid> Cbristinas preseut to Mr. and -Virs. Wil­ all other Imimrltles and glYss Tlgor aafl r. H. 1). HIJUAIR. Phyalclan and Kur- neys. If the child urin­ bur Vance. It is seldom the high-priced store gets back a customer that it has lost to a geon. Office aecond floor Clinton block, tone to the whole system. DHt Johna, Michigan. ates too often. If the Rogers & Ron's saw mill is set on Cal­ The Tolnntary testlmonl of B. Lobi^ department store. There is but very little difference betwaen buying of us and a urine scakb the flesh or if, ^hen the child vin Reiijamiirs land one mile north of OeilfOmla Janetlon, Iowa, is one oC thoo^ /I ILLAM * HLEIUHT. Phyalclanaand Hur- reaches aa age when it should be able to the II. li. church and ready for work. high-price store —A little difference in price. We will defy any dealer to produce UT geona. Office and realdence areat aide of control the passage, it is yet afflicted with ends equally good. It re ds: **I bhA Court Houae ai|uare. Office houra 1 to 6 Misses Lydia Messer and Myrtle How ­ catarrh In tbe bead three years, lost —y any better goods than ours for anywhere near the same price. every afternoon. bed-wetting, depend upon it. the cause of ard 8i>eut New Y’ears with Miss Rtella the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first Murwin at the latter’s new home near appetite end could not sleep. My bSRd r. J. W’. pollard . M. D.. Phyalclan step should be towards the treatment of yeinsrt me and I felt bod all over. X was and Hurgeon, Ht. Johna, Michigan. Of Alma. CUTTING DOWN PRICES. D thaM important ornns. This unpleasant dlseooragsd. I began taking Hood’s Ito* flee Qver State Bank. Robert Gallagher, of Michigan Medical trouble is due to a diseased condition of the ssperiHs snd now have s good appsttli^ UNDERTAKERS. kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as College, Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. That is what we are doing and have been doing every time there has been most people suppose. Patrick Gallagher, of Riley, were visitors slssp wall, snd have no symptoms of 1. HLfl.L, Undertaker. So. 16 (linton OBtorrh.’’ an opportunity. We set the fashion in prices, and those who can ’t follow us— E. Ave. Realdence 200 State Kt. weat. Women as well as men are made mis­ at Jay Sessions' Christmets week. erable with kidney and bladder trouble, Lee Winans owls two do^ that made well, we just let them alone. We are looking out for the welfare of our customers R. OHOOOD. Funeral Director, oppo- HootTm SmrmmpmHUm l v • site Poatoffice, realdence corner State and both need the same great remedy. early prepataiions for a llhristmas din ­ not our competitors. and Oakland. Anawer calla night and day The mild and the immec&te effect ot ner by killing twenty-one of their owner ’s promises to core snd keeps tbs Vy wife aaalatant. Phone No. 1.15. SwaoipwRoot Is soon reaUzeda it is sold fat bens that morning b •fore daylight. Aoospt no snbstltote. by druggists, in flfty- .Mr. and Mrs. H. 8. Holmes are back Prices That Win Trade. ATTORNEYS. cent and one dollar again to their l.ebanou home. For some sizes. You may have a time they have been at (irandon, Clare EWIS SEVERANCE A. B.. Attornev FAIRFIELD. I Counselor and Solicitor, St. Johna, Mien sample bottle by mall county, where Mr. Holmes had a easing Best Silk Thread, 50 yd. spool ..... 4c fnk Tablets, worth 7c to 10, our Vest Pocket Combs ...... 8c to 6 c free, also pamphlet tell- non* oc bwmhp^sooc contract. Miles Kirn|>Hon now rid«*H in a new Hooks and Fijes, per card ...... Ic price...... 6 c to 7c ^iPAULDINO, NORTON ft DOOLING, Of- ing all about it. including many of the Pocket Knives...16c, 18c, 85c to 46c O flee over National Bank. .M. M, .Messer’s sister, who has been double carriage. l.^'e Curtains, pair...... 37c to $3.60 Good Pencil Tablets, each...... Ic thousands of testimonial letters received very ill with typhoid for twelve wt*ek 8 at One-foot Boxwood Rule...... 5 c from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer Mrs. G**<>rge Drands H|)ent last week Ticking, per yard ...... 0c to 17c Beet 4 X high cut Fmveloites, per jlEDEWA ft WALKRIDOE, Attorneya at her home In .Alma, is still critically low. willi relatives here. 2-feet Boxwood Rule.....7c, 9c to 86 c . Law. Office over C'orner Drug Store. & Co.. Binghamton. N. Y., be sure and Her infant daughter is l>eiiig cared for at Turkey Red Table Damask, 16c to 60c package ...... 3*^ mention this paper. Mrs. R. L. W**therbee is visiting her Black Mercerized Silk...... 36c Gent ’s F'leece Lined Underwear, The very best Wade.«& Butcher ,’ILL H, BHI’NKON, Attorney at l>aw, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Messt'r, and brother at t’ohocta. St. Johna, .Michigan. 124 has just recovered from measles. (I Shaker F’lannel ...... 6 c to 10c worth 45c, at...... 36c Razor, worth 12.00, our price $1.00 e0* 0* 0«0«0* 0* 0e0e0«0e0* 0*0 Dorn, to Wm. Da**s** and wif**, Uhrist- U. M. Pkuki .n . P. K. PiCKni.M. A. J. Rai .owin . •Monday evening a large parly of nias day, a Hue baby btty. T Cotton F’lannel, worth 10c, for... 8c F’leece LiniM) Uiiderw ’ear, worth Axle Washers, per coil ...... 8c ERRINS ft BALDWIN, Attorneya at neighbors gathered at Horae** Winans ’ 60c, at...... 43c P Law and Sollcitnra In Chancery, real ea- to honor tne piissing of the lOthcentnry. The Williams families si>ent Christmas Cotton F’lannel, worth 12,Sc. for.. 10c Ladies ’ Hat Pins...... 4 for Ic tatc ageuta, conveyancera and money loan- The ottcasiou was a happy one and will with Mr. and .Mrs. Guy Walters. Red IVool F’lannel, worth 25c to Ladies ’ Knit F’leectnl Unapera and maxe collectlone. All buat- often be recalled by thtise present. .Mrs. W. C. Kaines, of Flushiug, is visit­ 50c, our price...... 33c to 38c F’lat F'ilee...... 8c, 10c neee promptlv and accurately attended to. Games, music and a dainty oyster siip- ing her uiece, .Mrs. Fred Williams. I.adies ’ Flmbroideries and Ribbon Office over ('napman ’a Shoe Store, No. 11 Cashmeres, per yard ...... 10c to 60c Taiier F’ilee...... 8c, 4c, 6 c, 7c j»er brought 12 o ’clock all too soon and Mrs. FreaDy separated, bidding each and all Gent ’s F’ioeSboes ...... $1.36 to $3.00 per dozen ...... 4c Johna, Michigan. Mathew Ducbele is preparing to move take auyone ’s word for it. a happy and many happy New Years. Ladies ’ F'ine Shoes...$1.00 to $3.60 Granite Wash Basing ...... 10c on his farm north of the ridge this week. Coin Purses...... 7c to 18c R. SMITH, Attorney at Law, Kt. Johna be mgal Misses’ F’ine Shoes...... 76 to $1 38 • .Michigan. Office at Court Houae. 1 7 Mr. and .Mrs. Mathew Duehele have Pie Plates...... 8c S Triumph Dress Stays. t*er set...... 4c I.«adiee’ Hand Purses, worth 30c, Tied Up I been visiting in Owosso and vicinity the 40c, 50c, 75c, oar price...... Stew Kettles...... 15c, 25c EARLE BROWN, Attorney at past week. F’ifth Avenue, best made ...... 8c Office in Clinton Block. St. Johns, .Mich. When the rauiiclc!i feet drawn aad 5 School in district No. 1 reop**ned last ...... 33c, 36c, 36c, 60c Tin Pie Plates...... 3c, 5c tied up and the fleth tender, that S w<***k. .Miss Agnes LaUlear, who is attending F’ancy Skirt Lining, worth 20c...l3.V^ MUSIC TEACHERS. Gents’Celluloid Collars ...... 4c lO qt. Tin Pails...... 10c tenaion la ^ Theodort* Pasch heis n*cently finished school in Bay City, was home to sjHnd Good <|UHlity Percale...... 7c the holidays. Beet Black Ink, per bottle ...... 3c Milk Pane...... 5c to Me C/ a new grauery. 80 inch Percjle, worth 12|^, at... 10c "IfRS. DU. DODGE, Teacher of Plano, Or- Mrs. Myrtle Miller, of Owosso, s|)ont Beet Mucilage ...... 3c We have a big line of Cotton and IH gan, Vocal Music and Harmony. John Krnst, of N. V. state, is visiting Slate Pencils...... 8 for Ic Muaic rooms over Spaulding'a Hardware. Soreness I r**lativ**s in Dengal. Christmas at the home of her father. Black Rubber Dressiug Combs Wool Hosiery and you will find Lew Rfiickles. 4 I>*ad Pencils for ...... ic ...... 6 c, 8c, 10c and • Miss Alice Stowell is at home for a our prices 25 jier cent lower Aot'ation of two weeks. Mr. and Mis. Cbas. Dunham started Regular 5c I^ead Pencils for ...... Ic F'ine Combs ...... 4c to 10c than any place in town. for Ohio last wei*k to visit an indefinate Disease, Stand Back! Stiffoess I (\ Thelen and Mr. I'ox are each prepar­ length of time. ing to build a new bouse next summer. Wm. Corp has move*! off from C. D. 02 fro!u told cr ^yer exercise. It Mr. and Mrs, John H.own, of McKain, lasts but f ahort time afier lioyne ’s tarm and will occupy Charles Your true servant, ir. Doiaiil 1. ” ■, , who have been the guest of their children Dutchelor's house the coming year. and other friends, the last week or two, THE SPECIALIST, returned to their home Wednesday. Thos. Williams and wife returne*! home from Ohio, Wednesday, where they have The following is a list of officersele<*ted been visiting relative's tbe past two SI. Jacobs Oil by Dengal Grange for the ensuing year:— wts'ks. IS COMING ! •Master, Charles Jod **h; Overseer, F'rt*d Ivapnti.'d. The cure Stowell; I>«tarer. Mrs. Klla H. Steward; HerlM*rt Fuller and wife have r**turned is prompt and Hiire. Steward, John Swagart; Steward, from Dp*s-kcnridge, where they have been I James Jury; (’haplain, .Mrs. .\bbey visiting .Mrs. Fuller's parents the |>ast TONY FOX. • OeOeOoOe!:^ •OoCeDoOeOent Stowell; Treasurer. Henry Gay: Seing badly bruised he hud one rib SOUTH OLIVE. broken. Cooovra,* boy. M u AOtlre, rollIckiBX. o«t-M'*o*r UM SOUTH RILEY. Ib fleld and forwt. cooda- elr« M bMKk mmd AflordlBC Mr;*. Flizatieth Cramer died at tbe B prMtlOBl Beq.BiBUlMW .Mrs. Fdgur Hyde wnscull***! to Redf*»rd home of her sou, John Cramer, Tuesday wllh Kstar* wtlbsat wklek .Mich., last Saturday on account of the The ground is cover**d with snow just BO boy ’. .dnesUoa U ooai- evening, D**ceml)er IH. Although she plMc. BoMdo. tb. praotlc d«‘ath ol her father, William .\ppling. in time to bid farewell to the old year. ' .bOTtlBf iBdB.M .lOBdl- had been in poor health for some time, J?' BMB. aotlbWBUoO. Mr. and .Mrs. Will .\rks**y entertained her death was a great shock to the .Mr. and Mr. N. K. U**ed entertained a BOfarMy; .alBobl. quBlld^ la Bay K l^aurunce and wife, .f. FL Jayne and family. Mrs. Cramer was 8lxty-thr**e number of th*'ir immediate relatives ^ b«daoaa of IK*. wife and daughter, of DeVVitt, Charles years of age and an old pioneer. She Xmas. Ho. If, atfbl.. |)* ‘«‘g,of Lansing, Mr. and Mrs Arksey, of was a devoted Christian, a loving W. .Miller's and F’. Phinney's children Bank Moneii Orders lliley, on Christmas. mother and a kind neighltor. She leaves are recovering from a seige of scarlet Sa.M four children to mourn her loss. G-'orge fever. Payable all parts of the United States or Canada .n. .*t. .n raSbrei Mrs. Julia .Miner, of .Manton Mich., is a rlw-lro. Rouse, of .Marion, Klla Hibhle, of De- at tbe very sick from cancer on the liver. No tniit, one daughter in New Orleans, and .Alfred Lance and wife and daughter, hoii**s of her r*>eovery. .Miss .Miner for- .Merle, were the guest of A. J. Chopmau, HE WILL DE IN ST. JOHNS, the son with whom she livinf. The fu­ of DeWitt, .New Years day. I rnerlv resided in Olive. neral was held in the F'ree Methodist John Apthorp, who has be<>a in tbe at STEEL HOTEL on SM1 a HTIVSHtHTSVam miaad . » ■/• The Ladies .\id HOi’iety of North Olive church at Klsie, Thursday noon. baae away.away, will meet with .Mrs. (bt). Creaser, W»*d- northern part of the state for several STATE BANK OF ST. JOHNS. [ If year doo ’t weeks returned borne Saturday. fcavp iipsday, January, llth, lltOl at 10, a. in. WACOUSTA. SUvtflt Rlfltt M Cordial invitation to alt. Carrie .\llan and Belle Snyder, of Lan- Ordres for any amount up to $10 for 5 cents. Thursday, Jan. 24th. siug, H|)ent Xmas at the home of their Ordres for any amount above $10, 10 cents a doat asMpt MM. Wish you all a happy new year. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Snyder. otbor faa af Ml DEWITT. .Miss ivah Burns is at home on a visit. hundrd. ONE DAY EACH MONTH. Office ttoaabk aoearaoy. Mr. and .Mrs. Riley Reed and son, WoTl wll y«« Miss G(>neva Denton viHit* ‘d in Olive a diroet; «1ik We wish you all a happy New Year. Harry visited at the home of their daugh ­ Hours from 9 a. m. to 7 p. m. ordor, aaprea* few days last week. ter, Mrs. Byron Blizzard, in Olive, New arcaald. Watch iiit*etiiig at the .M. K. church Kd. Waldron vi8it»*d relativ**8 near Years. CONSULTATION, EXAMINATION AND 3m4 WoMf Ar pap. cataMfM. .q^A' .Monday night. .Maple Itspids a few days last w**ek Mrs. Ilanuah Uobiuson andson, David, I SAFE, CHEAP AND EASY. ADVICE FREE. J. KTEVSNS a 'k IIS ft TOOL O*., Jay Drouso.n and .Nate Dennett hare .Mr. and .Mrs. M. Cutler visiie.i .Mr. and welcomed a number of their kinsnisn to exchanged hoin(>stead 8. Mrs. Freif Jones one day last week. enjoy the pleasures of a farail}’ Xmas: When you wish to remit money in small or large Bax Ohieaaae SaUa, ■■ tree at their home Christmas. amounts get a bank monev order at the Dr. HcDONALD Kvelyn Moses, of Petoskey, is Hi>ending Bert Daniells, w'hqhas b**«*n acting as la one of the Greatest Living Speclalista In turnkey at tbe county jail, is now at .Mr. and Mrs. Signs, of Ow’osso, are the treatment of all t'hronlc DfseaseH. Hia the we*'k with her parents. extensive practice and superior knowledge lioiue. s|>ending the holidays at the home of enable him to cure every curable dlaeai^. All .Mrs Ida Gillett and son, Clyde, of Pt)t- Mr. and Mrs. William Reeve sis‘nt their daughter, Mrs. (Mare Stevens, and chronic diseases of the Brain, Jlpine, Nerves, (ervill**, visit**d at .Mrs. K. .V F'urgosoii ’s Christmas at the home of .Mrs. Reeves’ with other friends in tbe neighborhood. Blood, Skin, Heart, Lungs, Liver, Stomach, ...LEE'S... this w»H*k. KIdnevs, and Bowlss, scientifically and suc­ parents in Olive. cessfully treated. Krnie S<‘ott and wife entertained Hollieaud Ruth Ros**, who have been RILEY. Dr. McDoralh 's success in the treatment IITiTENinrST.MS. •f Female Diseases Is simply marvelous. Ills twcuty six guests Xiiias. Friends were visiting in .Vshley, returned home Satur­ treatment makes sickiv women strong, beau- pn*Hent from Grand l..* dge and Olive. day. They were accompauie*] by their •Mrs. Slevens.of Valpariso, Iiid. is visit­ Porter K. Perrin, Pres. J. H. Corbit, Vice Pres. Gful and attractive. Vt eak men. old oryoung. NEW LIFE TEA cur^ In every case and saved from a llle oi ALWAYS CURES The Mite soemty will nie«*t at the G. A. sister, who will visit friends here. ing her neice, Mrs. If. Hildi'eth. suffering. Deafness, Rhenmatism. and Par- K. ball Thursday forenoon, January 10. Rnl[>h and Austin Cowles and tbe alyals, cured through bis celebreted Blood .Misr, Blanche Bateman was married to J. W. Fitzgerald, Cashier. and Nerve Remedies and ^>sentlaI Ollscharged CONSTIPfliTION, .1 cordial invitation is extend* d to all. Frank Starling, of Dewey, Idaho, at the Missi's Barret and Burley,of F^Hsei,sj»eut with ele«-trlrlty. The deaf maoe to heah I home of .Mrs. Kvans of I.ansing. .Mr. New Y*mrs at the home of C. N. Coules. THE LAME TO WALE ! Catarrh. Throat and INDIGE5TIOM, Lung Disease cured. Dr. McDonald cures Fits Starling was formerly a Grand Rapids The P. li. W. will hold a meeting at the and Nervous Diseases. Ecsema and all Skin bov. .Miss Ratemnn is one of (.linton Woodman hall Januuary, Mth. .V good Diseases cured. SICK HEADACHE, county ’s whool teach**rs. Th**y will re­ Dr. MrDo.SAi.n has been callel tbeMliard And Imparta new life to the whole ayetem. At No Externai program. F’ive cents admissun. All of the Medical Profession, because he reads all draggiata and dealera, Kc, or aent by mall. side about three miles from Silver City. come. all diseases at a glance, without asking anv If yotirdealer will not aopply yon. Address, Idaho. Orel Hildreth and wife are visiting Mr. ?uestions. Sick folk, call on Dr .McDonald. f. ANONArt neo. co.. le rov . n . y. t Is a pleasure to meet him. Dr. McDonald Symptomsrn EAST RILEY. Hildreth’s brother, Kirk Hildretn, of Murdock ’s Marble and Granite Works. never turns he poor from his door. Sumner, and wilt spend a few days at St. conhcltation free. Tha blood may b« in bod condition, Those unable to call can address Mrs. F. W. Jason spent Sunnday in Ix>uiH liefore retuniing home. The largest stock on DR. D. A. MCDONALD, Another with no external signs, no olrln Lansing. THR HPKIALINT, ernption or sores to indicate it The \V. H. Davis and wife were in Lan­ hand and the largest •WeiriuKlCD Flats, OrantI Rapids Mich Long Felt Want symptoms in such cases being a Tariable sing last week. appetite, poor digestion, an indescribable Mrs. R. N. Jason spent the latter part Have You Tried trade this year I Supplied weakness and nervousness, loss of flesh of last week at her daughter ’s, Mrs. have ever enjoyed. 7723 S. N. Huntoon. Mother’s Friend ? % ARNICA AND WITCH l'«-k tV F'lyun huve jui.t addt-d to and a general run-down condition of the A. Jacoo and family, F. W. Jsson thnir very complpto liver., .atnldinh* system—clearly showing the blood has Opposite the Postoffice. HAZEL SALVE. lost its nutritive qualities, has become thin and wife, Fred Jason and lady spent I( you have, you know it ia ment two new hnoka for theconven- Christmas at S. Huntoon ’s. one of the great ociantifle dis ­ and watery. It is in just such coses that coveries of the age. If yon COLDWTHtHEAPhAI AKKH ienee of tl.eir patronn. They are jiiHt John Rossow and wife and two andsll 8RIN BRUPT10M8 —Itke Black S. S. S. has done some of its quickest and have not tried it, why don ’t FRED F. MURDOCK, Heafts, ffisagk Bkla, ■asknm aa4 Taa. the thinKs for Wedding;., FiineralH, youngest children are spending the you? It cannot hurt you — gftc see key »y mall ar Trmm OP B ft OKNT. I’artiee, and for ludieH who would most effective work by building up the holidays with her people in Ohio. common sente will tell St. Johns, Michigan. Wllilaais Mfg. Oa., Wens., Clavalaad. O. blood and supplying the elements lacking you that—for it it to be like to make rallH in pro|u ‘r etyle. Etlward Bissoll has l>een very busily need externally. Itiasim- to make it strong and vigorous. ply to be rubbed into the MOTT’S PENNYROYAL PILLS Your patronage in Holi 'ited. engaged the past three weeks draw ­ muaclee which are to bear Thev ovsrrosie WesknsM, irrvao- ** My wife used sev­ ing lumber for the erection of a new tbe strain. That ia all. But Isrltr snrt oniUslonf.incrvsM vliror kitchen which will add beauty and it make* labor abort and •nd Mnlsh “ pain* of menatraa- eral bottles of 8. S. 8. painlesa.prevents all preg ­ llon. ” They are " Lire Havers” comfort to his dwelling. Ransom toylrieat womanhood, aiding de ­ PECK & FLYNN. ms a blood purifier and nancy sicknesa, preserves velopment of orsana and body. So to tone up a weak and I’arkhouse did the carpenter work. the mother’sgirlish figure, Fresh Candies. known remedy for women eqnala and that i* everything. them. Cannot do harm—Ufa be- Look Here! emscistea system, with OLIVE. 0.1 UnttMT*. rn-nq at «h* romee a pleaanre. SI yer ba* very marked effect by Srafflata. tl prr bullia. by stall. Said by drasatats. I take pleasure inannoum-ing ■bn cHxnoAL; ^<:6. w*iy of improvement. Mr. and Mrs, Rams(>y were in St. INC BRAOrClO MMJUTOff CO. Fresh Bread Johns, Tueeday. to my patrons that I have A. O, Hunt, dniKgite of the malady. armory in Idiiisiug is furoished The town Tuesday. 1/ hind me, and I saw an expression of News by Mrs. C. L. lWre«. Owing to the Lion T amer’s ? ONE YEAR...... George Briggs was iu .\shley on busi­ surprise Iu Desprez’s face. THE END OF HUMANITY. extra Kession of the legislature the ness .Monduy last, “What!” he* cried in French. “You ’re Six MONTHS...... Orange could not occupy the legislative THREE MONTHS...... 5**' Professor T. J. J. See, the well known hall us formerly, but the armory did very Mrs. Jennie Hawkins is visiting rel­ not I'l bed yet'/ How is this?” astronomer in charge of the telescope at well except the lack of committee rexnns. atives in Grand Ledge*. 1 leeheld a boy of 4 years standing Thk Nkwii win Kratefully rtwUe all com- v Manlcatlons of local or ireueral iDt^rtNit wlien the naval observatory in Washington, One hundred and seveuty-one delegaten Dr. Harry Bryant, of the Colony, wis T amer. with his back against the door. accomi^anletl bj the wrfier’e name. in town Tuesday. has been making calculations to asi'er- from subordinate 0rau§^ in flfty-seveu n “1 don't want to go to bed, ” said the *ThU paper i« luUy eijuipped to do Job and couuties and twe*nty-eigbt delegatee .Miusterul concert in Kisie, Thursday, child in English. opoimerrlal prlntlnK- Ita material* are of tain how long it will take the sun to be lateatatyie, and the workmaoMblplaguar. from nineteen Pomona Uraugee con ­ was a great success. By. Obviously he had command of both ABt^d of the hlijheiit quality. extiniruislK'd and “wander vacant in the stituted this seesion. It was the Alliert Smith, from St. Louis, is the Howard Fieldiag. langnagi ‘8. aud bis father had wished adTertlwera atteat to the excellent eerylce ra> less spsortH show that employint*iit .Michigan State Grange. For the first Mr. Payne and daughter, Winifred, other scientists that the earth’s popula ­ The child was an Intolerable nui- put It on me. 1 was so angry that 1 waving bis whip. of chil(lr**n in increaHiiiK uuinbeni chara0 years, more often than the other boarders. whip, but tbe child did not flinch. Tbe reformers to invoke more law at^aiiist ings. Brother .1. J. Woodman was call­ Mrs. .lohn Wooll Sr., Is recovering from at our table and doesn't like me either ed up and he spoke of the receerd of the Indeed I made a definite aud sustained after which a darkened, frozen earth will an acute Htta<*k of pleuresy. because site wants to do all tbe talking lion tamer’s face relaxed Into a foolish child labor. continue to go through the usi'less rou ­ Grange. He said when the first state PJd. Hiller, of Grand Rapids, is visiting effort to be reticent, for the dreadful smile. In a free country law cannot be suc­ meeting was held the question was rev herself or bee-ause 1 have announced tine of revolving around the darkeueIe said saying unpleasant things to the land ­ increase in child labor, but a deeper Fred Clark sjieiit the greater part of more realistic. He got down right In now. It is always wise in making pre be joined the Grange twenty-seven years lost wee'k with Olioii Sbawman, of Green lady on the subject of Georgle Lamb. V ^ aw'akeuiug of the conscience's of parents ago, joining for life and had seien with front of .Marla, and she stepped on him dictions of disaster to assign a time as ville. For Instance, the landlady In a fit of III in regard to their duty to their children. his own eyes its benefits both on iudivi- and spilled some liot coffee on the back ^ s? O far away as pos-tible. It is comforting (iuals and communities. Louis Beal is the proud po 8He*ssor of a temper told Mrs. Lamb that one of the of his head. Then Georgle roared In If employment of children increiu«*s in silver watch as a Christmas gift from his ‘v’ O c; to those who are contemporari**e of the In the afternoon Worthy Master Hor ­ boarders had said that if he owned an simultaneous imitation of ail tbe ani­ spite of the compulsory school law the auntie, animal with a voice like Oeorgle ’s he prophet and it is safe for him. .tnd yet ton gave his annual address which was mals that have a voice. And I arose fault lies with the spirit of the timw. full of good thought and suggestions. James Bariett of Chapin, who has been would keep him In a lighthouse and use who trtiall say that in .4,001,901 .\. 1). dangerously ill for some time is reported and fled. V'' ‘Q O' The home must be growing less sweet to Reports of se'verul offieiers were listened him as a fog whistle. And tbe remark I had been In my room about 20 min­ there may not be professors calculating to w'ith great interest. .Mr. Congor, one bet^r. eN ^ childhood which seeks the hardships of was at once attributed to me. utes when there was a rap on the door, the time when human beings will cease of the managers of the Pan-American Wm. Sheldon Jr., is moving into the 1 denied having said tt, adding that 1 the factory or the pittauci' of the sweat­ and In walked Jimmy Lamh. There to exist, or that “star-eyed scienw” will exjeositiun, spoke at some length upon house on Oak street, west owne*d by S. had too much sympathy with the lone ­ shop in e.xchange for what ought to be the exposition ejuestion. Capitol Grange, Packenham. was an uncomfortable moment in not have advaiiwd so rapidly that our ly lighthouse keeper to re<*oinmend any the studious days, the playful evening -No. 25, entertained the state officers and Mr. and Mrs, P7 G. VanDeveuter, of which 1 wondered whether Mrs. Lamh remote jiosterity, who will nev«*r have such disposition of Georgle, and this and the long, healthful sleej) of night, dele*gate« at the K. O. T. M. hall in the Yysilanti are Hpe*nding the* holidays jn had sent him down there to wallop me, heard of us, big as we think we are, will evening. trivial pleasantry was promptly report ­ but presently be produced a long, black Nor can the blame b«* placed wholly upon Elsie and Ithaca. ed to Mrs. Lamb. When 1 went Into not have all the artificial light and heat Wednesday morning Kx-governor Luw cigar from bis pocket and offered It si­ parents nor chiefly, it may be feartHl, was calle*d up for n'liiarks and he said Miss Vera Sueiling gave a party to a Jimmy Lamb's office to go to lunch they nees an exchange to solemnly program when plnce*d there. He sai>l we'-e married. Tuesday, January 1, at I.amb has not the most rudimentary venomoiLs like fleas, can be train, but the i)olic* ‘. thing, absolutely anything. But, speak­ assert that the ve*r4iet prob ably would the* gieat thing is to make jeeople work, ' the lioiiie e.ef the In ide ’s father, K.Oustott. idea. ing of Desprez, I’m inclln(*d to think the human child not. It is to him im­ It were a benediction for childhood if have been more exact if omitte-d any ref- eveiyiiody, meinh* rs a- well as office*rs. Mr. and .Mrs. .Iulm White have return ­ As I was saying at the dinner table there may be something In what you possible that he should obey. ” it once mon* became fashionable for Tliis is the only way to g -1 lienefir. ed from a visir to relatives in Ba.v City the other night, the root of the whole “Gimme the whip!” sale! the boy. eren(?e to the* intestinal troulile*s. Brother .M. .J. Lawre nce*, of the .Michigan say. He must have a trick or two women to stay at home. It would be an and Perlev Lehnerfroiti a visit to hisiiome matter Is ol)C(lience. A child should be worth knowing. Do you suppose you “Leon, Leon! ” cried De?8pre'z. “Be a Farmer, said he* had i)»*«*ii a menihe*r of ill Chesaniiig. taught to mind wbat Is said to him ah- good child that the geiith'inen may see jissurauce of health, happiness and suc­ SportHiiieii «li4iulil .Atteiiil. the Grange for tv\eiitv-thr(*e years. He could take me down there and Intro ­ cess in life for a larger proportion of the The Misses Kdilh iiiid Rena Clark, of Bolutely, Instantly and without ques­ duce nte to him'?'” you. I will tell C’lipiel there to eat you The regular biennial meeting of the .Micli- spoke of tlie great Grange growth in tion, whether he understands It or not. If you are not nice.” .Michigan and was struck with the har­ St. Johns, who have sjs nding u few “Certainly,” said 1. “He lives right childnn of the js'ojde if women spent less igan State Game and Fish ProtH-tive da.xH at the hoinoeif H. .Mien, haveretiirn- If he shows the slightest symptom of “I’ll tell him to eat you! ” rejoined time at clubs and in multifarious “or ­ League will be held in the jmrlors (if the mony that exisls in the Grange, iiniisiial by the theater in some apartments in any organization. VVe>dne*sdny eve*- ed to their home. rebellion, he should be clasped Into a Leon. “.Now gimme the whip, papa, ganizations ” and more time in theirown Downe'y House', at Lansing, .lanuary 2.4 without mtich of anything In them. and 24. The uiq)rece*dented slaughter of ning u public meeting was held at the Ctiarle*H Mniisoii, oi I'airfielii, who !*(*- ruuni with nothing In it but padding on The front room Is totally bare. That's and you be lion. If you don't, I wou ’t homes looking after their own children cenll.t hui ied h s \\ il’e, is ill witli eliphtheriu deer durTtig the hunting sea-on just elos Bajitist church. Kx-governor Lu(*e ’s tbe walls, a room from which no sound where he does his training. He’s got a ever go to bod. ” instea«l of sui»erintending the children of e*d lias arouse'd every true sportsman to tojii was “What our 420 Granges stand and one of his young sons is atflicte'd can ever emerge and sltnate*d ns far a.s A woman ’s voice was beard outside feir.” He me*iit oiieii among many other with the* same eiisease. cub or two over there, I understand. other jieople. the nece'ssity for an amendment to the possible from all other parts of the Ills part of tbe show is over by half the door, but Desprez told her iu laws now in force*, looking towards the tilings that the rural mail delivery ques- I-ew Clark has purchased the iirojierty house, and there he should be kept un ­ French to go away. It was once a worthy vanity in a near thedepot,owned by Baxter Bennett. past 9, and there’s a good chance that better protection lor the?se heantiful tieiii was first taken up by the Grange*, til be is willing, even anxious, to be­ “It is very amusing how he play.” mother that she could cut, fit and finish and afte*r ye ars of wotk we have it. He It is most convinieiit ii>r .Mr. Clark as it we should find him at home before 10.” animals, if they would prevent their early have like a sensible adtdt. I am willing said the lion tamer, looking at us with her childr**n ’s clothing. It used to b«* a extinction. This subj*'ct, as well as oth­ spoke stroinily upon the ship subsidy Is near his place of l>u-inesH. Jimmy looke*d over his left shoulder to admit that this may be difficult In a the silliest grin I ever saw. “Now, crown of womanhood to teach in the ers of interest to all love'rs of the wild lile hi I, also against government aid in Dr. Beal is conducting a class iu (ier- and then over Ids right. irrigation oi we‘stern lands. Tojiic of leoarding house where pe'ople like the I.eon. If I play with you just once you home many subjects now referred ex­ in the fore^sts and inland waters of the man »)f ten memlieiH.H •m»of thehusine*HS “If ever yoti tell .Mrs. L. about this.” state will be* taken up and diseusseal dur ­ sister Kmma t'am|)be*ll wns “Our rural men in the viile;rc t iking advantage? of Lambs, in re*diiced circumstances, are he whispered. “It's”— And he flnlshe*d will be good, eh?” clusively to paid teachers. The accom ­ ing the meeting. .VII agreed upon the schools. .May they never grow le*sK luit the opportunity to perfect lliemselves in living in a single room, but that is their the sentence by making a pantomime “Craps,” ri‘S|>oDde>d Leon, taking the better." <)ne question she would like to plishments of motherhood, the graces of neci'ewity fora revision of the gamennd t hat language. lookout. They should have thought of of a man Jumping off a plor whip. "Now lie down! Lie down, sir!” the wife have be<*n largely submergeil in fish laws of the state, and a united effort ask the rural high schoeil was, how The Ladle's of theO. K.S. very pleasaut- It a loDg time ago. Despri'z made a comical feint of re­ will be made to agree* ujion the changes maiiy 8th grade pujiils would enter the l.v entertained the .Masons with a lunch Leon Desprez. the lion tamer, receiv­ the Hood of clubs end societies. However, such a procedure is unnec ­ ed ns with gre*nt cordiality in the un ­ sisting this comulaml, while the two nee^essary and then secun* this enact­ rural high school. Tlie little red school after insiallation, Thursday la«t. That essary If pcrfi'ct obe'dience has been in­ lions slunk uneasily into a corner. Now that printing has been so cheap­ ment. house has turned out our strong(?Ht men it was a surpris* to them, it did not de ­ furnished room which I had described ened that every family of repute can eas­ and women and it can turn out more of tract from tiieir enjoyment of theaffair. stilled Into tbe child. .As to the possi ­ to Jimmy Lamb. There were two cubs “Lie down. I tell you! ” commanded Curd of Tliuiikft. bility of doing this there can be no the boy. .And leresently the lion tamer ily have its own choic<‘ library there is them. Hon. Delos F. Fall. HUjierinten- Mrs. B. R. .Moore and son, who have in the i)lace—at least Desprez said they We desire to express our heartfelt dent of pnlilie* instruction elect, gave a question, as I was saying to the people w.ns stretched at full length upon the little excuse for the wife who practically be*en sjieiiding the past week at the home were cubs, but one of them was old thanks to the many kind friends and short address upon educational line*H. of R. Lainson, left for her home in .N'ew at my table. floor. conqM?fR her husband to seek away Irom neighbors who assiste'd at the death and enough to carry a latchkey If Cm any He diHse*nted from the idea that oiir Havel',,Monday last. Mr. .Moore*[irecesled “1 shall quote very high authority foi judge. He was nearly as big as a cow, I.Ittle Leon stood with one foot on bis home coinjianionship more lieiieticial burial of our Is'love'd husband and schools are good enough. Sister (). .1 ('. her as his business would not pe'rmitof n this sfatenicut, ” said 1. “Have you and when he 0]>e*ned his mouth In my father’s ct-ck. wliile he waved bis band than to l>e had in his own home. Nor father, also for the lieautiful floral offer ­ Woodmun gave a fine address upon “Tlie seen Desprez? lie’s the fellow who is with a gesture inherited from a long ings. .Mus. W. 11. lengt hy sta.v. direction I saw the pt*arly gates. I re- Gmuge*, woman ’s opjnirtunity, ” .Miss .Miss Winnie* Payne, who lias finished exhibiting tbe lion cubs at tlie* Vaude ­ line of 1)1* 1'formers in the circus. shall that mother lie hehl blameh'ss .\M» Family . Keller De*an, of the womnu's department whose cliildreii are dep<*n(Ient U|»on the prescibfsl course at Mt. Pleasant, has ville theater. I saw the show nlghC r “Now get up.” said he, cracUug the Curd of Tliuiikn. in the .M. spoke of the woiiian ’s received the offer ot a situation in the others for n*creation, instruction orcom- course at the college*. Hon. .Milo D. and was greatly entertained, and today little wliip. And Desprez arose. We desire* througii this medium, to e*x- fifth grade at Renton Harbor and will I fell In with a newspa|H>r man who “Does lie not play the role ’/” he ask- radeship. while she is intellwtually de- Fainjibe*!! urged that iron miners b** leave for that plnec Thursday of this pre*HH our heartfelt thanks to the* many taxed by a royalty, copper taxed the was going to get a story out of Des­ (*ors, who so kindly we*ek. Her many friends here congrntn same as other projierty. He said that late In r on so soon finding employment prez. so I went along with him and handkerchie'f. “He.will be magnificent practicable listening to jiroductions by assisted us duiitig the sickne'ss and over of property has tieeri beard a most instructive conversation. death of our beloved falher. Also to the in her chosen line of work, wlien be l.s grown up. And now. Leon, amateurs when lietter food for min*ntly, by a tel­ continued, slightly raising my voice, “Lie eloun! ” eonininnded the child. V(*nor urged several amendments to the “whether they are young lions or —or But this was too much for Desprez, home precincts. Why go to gregarious ings. .Mil. and .Mus. .1. (’. Foiitiikss , fooel law and esjiee'ially to the anti-color egram announcing a serious accident to res »rts for crinle literature wln-n theliest .Mil and .Mus. J. Lawtiikh , law. her fatlier, who wns kicked in the* stom- just plain cubs, don ’t you know, should who grabbl'd the youngster suddenly In authors remain unread and procurable .Mil F. L. White. Thursday forenoon the following offi- ache b.v a horse. It was at first fean*d have a talk with Desprez. That man bis arms and carried him roaring from e*ers were* e*le*cted: .M., G. B. Horton, theuce;ident would jirove fatal, hut at knows his business. the room. .As tliey went through the at home? .Vt the biennial meeting of tlie Miehigun last account he seemed to he* on the road State* Game and Fish I’rotecfive [..eagiie, Lenawe*** county; ()., N. P. Hull, Katon " ‘To ob(*y. ’ says be, ’It Is all.' .Xnd liall we heard the sound of lusty The poorer families in a community county; L., Mrs. 1*\ D. Saunders, Kent to u slow recovery. .Mrs. Tumelty ex­ how do you sttppose he accomplishes sjiauks. testifying to the difference of imitate the jmttern of the most fortu ­ at l.uiising on .lanuary 2*4 and 24, united pects to return home soon. effort will be* made to induce the legisla ­ ciMinty: S , T. K. Niles, .\ntrim comity; It? Why, In the simplest manner pos ­ the metlKMls (*mployed by our friend in nate. The children that ait* increasing .\.S, Wm Robertson, Oceanu comity; In the absence of a regular pastor rhe sible and prt'cisely In necorelance with dealing witli different anininis. We ture to amend the game laws so os to members of the F. B.chuich are enjoying in numtwrs in the factories are in need of jireveiit the* total extinction of the deer Chap., .Mrs. Mary .Mayo. Cal boon comity; the lde>ns that 1 have always held.” hnel Ids word tliat he never found It treasurer, K. »Strotig, Knlarnazoo tlie {irivilege of healing some fine pulpit n-formed mothers. A reformation of the in Mieuiigan, which bids fair to ensue Behind my back Ge*orgle was loudly 7 necessary to whip the lions. comity; se>cretarv, .leiinie Buell, Washte­ oratory eiwh re>e urring Sabbath, as their soon if the slaughter of last seasejii Is re- sermonizing is done by different memIs'rs protesting that be must have a banana vagrant habits of presumably intellig»-nt {leated many times. naw comity; G. R., G. A. WhitleM*k, women is among the urgent n»*eds of the .Muskegon county; cere»s, Mrs. .\. R. of the ministerial profession from abroad, to eat with his soup, and his mother In I sliall cliange my lioarding house on The flowing well which was struck at •loiies, Liijifs-r (*ouiit.\; fioia, .Mrs. Ver- most ol them, presu" abl.v, beingstudents that mildly grieved tone which Is In­ Monday. 4'li<*se* endless discussions twentieth century. Rogers City by l he men w ho were drill giiiia Hallilay, Lenawee* county; from Hillsdale college. One of the mem­ tended to re‘acb Georgie ’s sensibilities, about Georgie are \^earisome to me. Wise the women who will inaugurate iiig for water for lire prote*<*tion is cans fioiiiona, .Mrs. Della Pres'tor, Inghuin bers remarked recently that it was a ver\ but wouldn ’t even If he had any was Am I responsible be*eause tliis fellow ing all kinds of trouble. The flow is too good substitute for a lecture course*. the reaction in favor of homemaking and county; L. \. S., Mrs. Mary Roberteon, saying: Desprez is a fool? Certainly not. and I homekeeping womanhood. great for ih** six inch |>ipt* which W’ns put 0«*e Ilia county. down, and the water comes up all around “Hnsh, Georgle! Mr. Appleton Is OKOROIE ROARED IN IMITATION OF ALL THE shall not be* the butt of jest.s on his ac­ The* afternoon was taken up with mis- DUPLAIN. talking. ” • ANIMAI.S. the pijH* and is flooding the vicinity. The I'elhineoiis work. In the evening the count. 1 sliall move, i have given no ­ Hour mill of Lewis Rruber A- Son has laien Gesirge W* ale* spent several days last "1 don ’t care If he Is.” rt*sponde*d the fleeted that with some bread and a lit­ tice to the InndindV. TflE EEFKCT.S OF V.iFt'INATION. 5th d gres* was conferred upon a class of comiM*lied to siisjieiid oiM*rati iis ia'cause e*ighty-two. 0th degie^ conferred upon a week in DeWitt. angel l>oy. “1 want Marla to bring me tle mustard I would make u nice sand ­ The (jerman law of 1874 makes vacci­ the* water has flooded the hasement and class of 12^. * The M's ionary koi iet.v nu't with Mrs. a nanner! ” wich for that cub. \ Chlnmr Ratlmate of Wuiurn. nation obligatory in the first year of life engine room. Friday wa« given over to foporta of De*lia We'ale, Wednesday. Maria Is the waitress, and she was "Do not be disturb, ” said Desprez. A woman ’s value in China, says R. .Miss Fvisie* Reddout was the gue?st of just passing out of the room, which ac­ “He merely yawn. He think It is time and also revai'cination obligatory at the STOPS The COI'fiH ANI> WORKS OFF comniittevs of which there we*re twenty. E. Speer. Is as the mother of sons. Be­ Miss Elizulieth Wilcox over Sunelav. counts for the emphasis with which to go to be*d. IJe down, Cupid! ” tenth year. This law in (Jerinany n'sult- THE COI-I». Friday afternoon the* officers we*re in­ Lorenzo L.von, who has been visiting yond that she lives for the service of stalled by .Mrs. I'2ste*lla Dills, .\fttr iii- Georgle hurled the last word after her. The lion obediently stretched his taw- •hI from the epidemic of 1871, with its Laxative Promo Quinine Tablets his brother. Rev, Eden Lyon,returned to man. soinetimes even for the dead. £ stallatiou a love? fe*ast was held, e'onsist- It might have been heard In the next ly bulk upon the floor. one hundreil and forty-three thousand cure a cold in one day. No cure, no school in Big Rajiids, Tuesday. lieard of a girl who lM*<*nme engaged ing of songs, re*citatioris, short addr«*sse>fl, county. “Blast me!” said Jimmy Lamb. "Isn ’t paj-. Price 2.'i cents. ete*. I’rofessor Thomas was in atten­ Rev. and .Mrs. Lyon and daughter, and was married to n dead man whose deaths, among a population in which .\viH. attended the .Mechem—Dickerson “Banana, ” said Mrs. Lamb gently, as that wonderful? ” parents did not think it right that he vaccination had lieen alloweil to die out. \ Saginaw small boy went skating on dance anil fnrnlshe*d songs whenever called ujioii, which was greatly enjoyed wedeling at Bannister, Tuesday. If his error of pronunciation had been “And you, too, John Bull!” said tbe should Ik * a liaclielor in the spirit world. I’rior to 1874 the yearly loss was fifteen the river one day last week, and ventur ­ the real matter of Importance. tamer, and the smaller cub lay down as ing on thin ice broke through. A bystand ­ b.y all. Miss I^ena Gihhs who has l>e*D the Id south China there are In some place* thousand to twenty thousand. The er heroically re*s<*ued him at the risk e>f The (• range pledged itself to see* that gue»st of her aunt, .Mn*. Helen Lyon, re­ “Desprez.” 1 continued, “takes the If It were the greatest pleasure In life baby markets, where infant girls can present rate is less than one hundn'd and his own life, but all thecomnie*nt the kid each Grange in Mich'gaii should enter ­ turned to her home in Eaton Rapids, cub Into a perfectly bare room where to do as he was told. be iHiuglit for 50 cents or less. Monday. sixty per year, and thes** cases (X'cur in had to make, of gratitude or otherwise, tain two children or working girls for there Is nothing to distract his atten ­ “It Is very simple,” Desprez explain ­ Dr. .Martin, president of the Peking was, “Dan'llgive me b—I for this; I lost two we«*ks during the* summer. This .Mr. and .Mi*s. (). .M. Pearl ehtertaineHl a tion. Then the man tells tbe beast to ed, turning to us. “I command, they her borders, where there is constant number of their friends Monday evening. university, says that not one woman one of his mittens there in the wate*r. ” means an outing for 800 working girls lie down or to do anything else that Is obey. V’olla! ” out of 10,000 can read a book under- mingling with the poorly vaccinati-d of or children. The writer of this was pre­ Some fine music was rendered and after “Do you have to lick ’em very a boiintiliil sijp|>er all left wishing their perfectly simple. The cub has to do standliigly. 1 asked a group of Chi­ other conntries. The disease does not TO CURE COLD IN ONE DAY. sent from the time the gavel fell Tue*sda.v that one thing over and over again un ­ touch?” asked Jimmy. me>rning until the last good bye was host and hostess a Happy New Year. nese once why the women were not spread or become epidemic among well Take Laxative Hromo Quinine Tab­ til be has forgotten that be ever did Desprez laughed as he wavenl the lets. All druggists refund the money said Friday night. At the business meeting of theEpw’orth taught. One replied. “We consider vaccinated people. During tlie Fianco- anything of his own will. Not another tiny whip which he carrli'd. He struck women Inferior and unworthy.” A if it fails to cure*. K. W. Grove ’s sig Have You a Colil ? Iycagiie Tuesday evening, at the M. E. (lernmn war the inevitable mingling of nature is on each box. 2.'>c. church, the following otfle*rs we re eleetd: step Is taken In his edncntlon until obe ­ It down upon tbe palm of his band. second said, “The women are consider ­ the two jieople spread the smallpox If SO, then instead of taking so much President. O. M. Pearl; 1st vice* pro^.. Jen­ dience has become more natural than “It la nothing. ” he said. “The strong ­ ed of not very great use." A third an- Trlcfl Five Den-tora. quinine twkea pleasant and mild stomach nie Wllemx; 2nd vice pre*s.. Mrs. Rose War­ roaring. ” est man could not make them feel a which was epidemic. The Germans had and bowel remedy which will cleanse the 8were*el, “The Chinese have many Im­ .Mrs. Francis L. Sales of Vfiss'niri Val­ ren; 3rd vice* pres., Rev. Eden Lyon: 4fh “RoarlngT ’ repeated Georgle. “This blow with this toy. No trainer of repu-. moral novels and keep women Igno ­ made vaccination optional with its civil ley, la.. writ«*s: ‘ I had severe kidney systen , and you will be* surprised how vice* pres., .Manrice Hquiers; 8ec., Ne?lhe Is the way tbe lion goes —g-r-r-r-r-r! tation will l>eat his beast. It spoils rant, so that they cannot read these.” population, but compulsory for Its army; trouble for years, had tri**d five doertors ejuickb the cold will le*ave you We sell Se*ely; Treas,, Inex Warren. This Is’the way the”— them sure. They hang down their tails .A fourth said: "Woman ’s work is in the French having made it optional alike without benefit, but thren* bottles of Dr. Caldwell ’s Syrup Pepsin for just this purpose. Tr.v it. lOe, ,50c and fl. For “Hush. G(*orgie! ” said Mrs. Lamb. and look mean. Be firm, authorita­ the house. She has no business with or army and population lost fromsmall- Foley ’s Kidney Fureciire-d me.” .Sold by E. B Sinitli, of St. Johns, was at C. E Fildew A Millman. sale by (', K. VaiiSi(*kle. (,'uprier’s Friday. “Mr. Appleton has not finished yet,” tive.” He fell over that word half a anything outside. ” — Frank I..esne ’» jMix twenty-three thousand men; the Tni Ceuta Worlli of Prevention. Cktnfound the woman! She always dozen times, but we knew what be Popular Monthly. Coiiniiiiiplioii 1 hreateneU. .Mrs. V. Bond eisited relatives in (ieimans two hundred and seventy-eight. If you are subje>ct to colds, the very Owosso last week. I'nger, 212 .Maple St., Chauipaign, Mrs. Warren SturgiH and rliildren vis­ Occupying the same hosfutal tents with III., writes: “I was troiible»d with a hack lM*st tiling yon can do is to keep your the same surroundings, the French system in as o|ien and jierfect condition ited in Owosso last we*ek. ^ W ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ ing cough for a ye'arand i thought I had as pose-ihle. If you do this yon are much wound*Hl lost many from smnll|>ox; the the cor sumption. I tried a great many Mrs Jennie Wil-M>n sjs'iit last week less liable to take cold. Dr. Caldwell ’s with her parents near Elsie. % Germans not any. .\mong siivage races remedieM and was under the care of phy­ •Syrup Pefisin is us ple>Hsaiit to take as <», W. Cleveland and wife*, of Fhireka, sicians for several months. I used one pure maple synip and Is the most effect­ and in other nnprotecteil communitii's bottle of Foley ’s Honey and Tar It visited at NV. Hainer's Siiiielay. Newspaperdom | smallpox invariably attacks almost all ive stomaeh remedy to be had, 'I'rial cured me. and I have not been tr()nble*d sizes, Hte (!<> doses lOe*Te); large sizes, Wm. Bowen and wife, of Bingham, vis­ who are expomsl^o its infection. When since.” Sold by Fildew and Millman. 50c and fl. .\t C. K. VanSickle’s. ited at Ge*o. Dennis ’ Wednesday. a partially protected community is H. MeCiilloiigh and wife spe'nt New Says The 5t. Johns News is among the few weekly papers in the United \ It (Hrdlea the tilnbe. attacked the victims eelectedare the The fame of Huedilen ’s Arnica Salve, as To Cora a C oiikN Year’s with her parents in Bingham. States deserving the title “Model. ” nnvacrinated. Obs«‘rvation hii« also the best in the world, extends round the Stop coughing, as it irritates the lungs, Elder Finley be*gan a series of revival shown that when the vaccinated are earth. It’s the one perfect healer of Cuts, and gives them no chance to heal. Foley ’s services at the Disciple church .Monday evening, attacked the disease is in them in a (k>rns, hums. Bruises, Sores, Scalds, Honey and Tar cures without causing a Boils, Fleers, Felons, Aches, Pains and strain in throwing off the phlegm like com ­ T. (/. Avery and wife and C. L. M'v modiflea form. The contention is not all Skin Kriiptions. Only infallible Pile mon cough expectorants, fteld by Fil­ Cailotigh, wife and son ajient New Yutir'a Are You a Subscriber? made that vaccination ia an absolute care. 25c a box at Fildew A .Vfilliam’s. dew & Millmao. in Eureka. THE ST. JOHNS NEWS, THUBSDAY AETBBNOON, JANUABY 3, 1901.

    NEWS IN BRIEF. Raymond P Hull s|)eut New Year’s in ASHLEY. (3rand ls‘ilge. IliHure with I). L. Hunt, Dr. and Mrs. M. Weller spent yesterday r. B. Corwin was in FIsie .Monday. r. 1), Sh^TiiiHii H|NMit M iiiday in l\»ii- in (irand Rapids. .1. H. Packer, who has lieen ditching, is tin**. M’m. Cocliraue drew the sideboard at home for the winter. Tony Kox sviirt ill IVwaiiio .Monday on Osgood A OrigotsJ's. .Miss .\lice Cliap|)ell, of, is vis Buy Your Dry Goods at t)tl^ineKH W. H Hi uuaon wa:i iu I,^n^^llg Tu< s- itiug at C. H. Gunn ’s. \V. A. Norton was in ()wofe that was in the Lake Erie circuit last Corsets o' 1 lek. north of 8t. .lohns, with cerebral menin ­ season, will be campaigned iu the grand gitis. circuit in llHil. Hosiery Karl VanSickle visited relatives in Mrs. Fn*. F. Oglesby, Santa Barbara, Umbrellas Laces Wrij^ht. Lansing. Cai. Goods Misr-Siisif Carter l»-ft Fiiilay for Hi^ Della Hevington sis'iit New Years at A new performer for Baronet, 2:11%, Bed Spreads Hapid-', where file oei-ume a pupil in the the home of his aunt, Mrs. K. J. St. Clair, La Baroness (3), 2:30, at Canton, N. Y., Embroideries Ferris school. of Ovid, Sept. 15. She Is owned by L. W. Cutts, Orwell, Vt., who thinks a great deal of Crashes .Mrs. U. C. Dexter and Mrs. (3. S. Corbit 1<. J. Calkins s^ent New Year’s with were ffuests of Mrs. C. S. .Mlison, of the filly. Silks his mother at Clare. .She m'companied May Alcott ’s record of 2:12% in the Owosso, Friday. him home. Sheeting .Mrs. C. Dochow and diiuifhfer, Lena, fifth beat of a winning race is the fastest Velvets of Caledonia, visitial at the home of Win. Vaughan .McDonald, of .Sarnia, Ontaiio, fifth beat trotted in the great western Shirting Oegler last w»i‘k. was the guest. New Year’s day, of .Miss circuit with one exception, that of Early Neva Walbridge. Reaper, 2:00%, at Dubuque, la. Satins Mrs. Wm. Oiberson. of Sugiuaw, s|hmiI Alan, 2:12%, at New Castle, Ind., Denims several days last wi-ek with her daughter. .Mrs. Frank .Suttiii, of Owosso, visiteel (^rpets started 12 times, winning eight firsts, Dress Goods Mrs. 1. H. (iilbert. relatives in St. Jofins from Christmas two seconds and one third. He has gone Tickings .Mrs. (^ F. S'liith and diiiigliter, N’erirc. until New Year’s. Into winter quarters in splendid shape, of Bengal, are visiting friends in Detroit K G. .\llison sp»‘nt New Year's da.v and much is expected of him next year. Outings Linings a couple of weeks. with his panmts, Mr. and .Mrs. C. S .Alli­ Mabel Onward, 2:11%, at Dubuque, Miss Catherine Carland, of Owosso, son, of (fwosso, la., Aug. 21, aud the fastest trotter by Satins Sbadelaud Onward, 2:18%, is now a Prints was the guest of Mrs. I*. F. Walsworth a Mr. and Mrs. .V. C Daiiiells, of Pontlae, few days last week. member of the Billings stable. She will were guests of .1. T, Daniells and famil.v, be driven to pole with Lucille, 2.’07. — Chas. Hnbco<*k, of Hattie CnH*k, is of Fssex, Tuesda.v. Percales Taffetas sfMuidiiig a short time with his motlier. Uorsemau. Mrs. .Marvin Hab«-ock. Win. L. Shulters,of Hnstings, is spend ­ ing the week with his parents, Mr. and THE VERDICT. Ginghams Cloaks Trimmings .Mrs. Frank Strong, of Lyons, visited .Mrs Geo. W. .Shulters. her sister, .Mrs. Charles Holton, from Sat­ Even ot the risk of starting a controver ­ urday until yest4 rday. Mr. and Mrs. .\. F. Duteher, of Owosso, sy we atliriu that the twentieth century Mrs Mary Hinkley, of sjiend- were guests of Mr. and .Mrs. H. F. Wnl- begins on the 1st of next January. —Aleiu- a month as the giient of her l»i other, H. bridge New Year’s, pbis Commercial .Vppcul. F, Patterson, of Ihsu Held. •Mr. and Mrs. (3. S. Wright, of f.uther, The provider of iiiuoccut amusement is Frank Wickes visited his cousins, Mrs. visited Mr. AVright’s brother, Dennis, at one of the world ’s benefactors. For bis llow to Make Clitrkea Bondiua. Notice. .V. .M. ilough, and Dean S. Cray, of De­ •Maple Hapids, last week. dainty, swinging melodies Sir Arthur Sul­ Put Into a saucepan one taldespuon Till* annual me* ‘tiiigof thentockholders TH£ MARKETS. troit, a few days last week. ful of butter, one gill of stock ami two WANT COLUMF^ Miss Fmiiia Durkee, of Ionia, was the livan will be pleasantly remembered. — of the St. Johns Buihling and Loan As­ at. Johns, Mlrh., .laiiunrv .'<,11101. .Miss Winnie Vredenburg, of Owosso, is guest of her friend. Miss Susie Durk«>«*, Indianapolis News. tablesiKioufuls of stale bread crumbs, sociation will tie held at Harinoiiy Hall, Wheat red and white (Old) ...... _....7-1 FOR S.VLF—Reardleaa Harley Seed. the guest of lier brother, Warner, and Betwt'eii Jan. 1 and Oct. 24 of tho stir until boiling; add om* pint of col*', •Monday evening, January ’ 7th, 1001, at New wheat...... several da.vs this wi*ek. Corn in ear...... John F. Skinner, R. F. D. 1, St Johna, ther friends, for a few days. prewut year the Klondike produced a to ­ cooked chicken, clioppinl fine, a tea 7:30 o ’clock, for the purpose of electing Oats...... 25 Mich. 2()w3 .Mr. and .Mrs. Chas. iSteves, of Olivet, •Mr. and .Mrs. (\.\. Wileox, of Portland, tal of ipi(i,0Urt,lNM> in gold. It is becoming spoonful of salt, a,'dash of pepper ami three dir*ctors and for the transaction Clover .See«l...... $47rt(iii$ 525 were the gii«*Hts of relatives in St. Johns more evident every day that that Alas­ of such other business as may profierly Timothy Seed ...... fl OOfal 35 F0R8.VLF —desirable residence. En­ wer* ‘ guests of Mrs. .Steves’ aunt, .Mrs. a tablespoonful of cbo|)|M*d parsley 50 Nelson Criswold, last w«*k. and vicinity last wwk. kan purchase was a ‘’bargain. ”—Balti­ come liefore the meeting. Back wheat...... 45 quire of Dr. Bollard, St. Johna, .Mich. more Herald. Take from the fire and add two well 18\v3 F. .M. Sr.vrMu.No, .Mrs. W. .\. Silsbury and son. Hurt, of Mrs. S. .M. Nostrant, of Grand I/«*dci*, wholkhalf . PKonn I an n FKCIT MAKKKT There are nbiiudant and gratifying in­ beaten eggs. Fill into small. gre:i.«*d Secn-tury. W.ANTFD—500 corda or more of 'good Maide Hapiils, left .Monday for La|>e«T, was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. W. molds, stand Iu hot water and * ’ook Butter...... i;i(?Sl4 beech and maple wood. where they will sfemd the week. .\. Norton, the past week. dications that if the twentieth cenfliry is Cheese...... 13 Vi not a "smokeless century ” it will be tlie In the oven 15 mlntiti's. Serve hot How to Make Oraaae Strap. ElCIfH...... 17^18 St. JoliNB Tabi .k Co . Onions ...... , ...... 60 Mr. and Mrs. 1^. (3. Holbrook, of Stur­ Mrs. F. J. Hobinson, of Detroit, re­ fault of inettioient municipal governmeuts with a crA*ani sauce made frotn ri« li Three large oranges, one pint of wa­ gis, visiteil Mr. Holbrook ’s parents, who B'-ansuerbu ...... #1 lUXiV tl 80 FOR S.ALF]—One hot blaat aoft coal turned home 3’«*Hterday after a we<»k’s and not the fault of the scientists.—Chi­ milk, thickeneil to the consistency ol ter, one and a half |>ounds of sugar Beane hand picked ...... $1 00 live east of St. .lohns. New Year’s. visit with Mrs. O. W. Holiiiisoii. Shoulder smoked per lb...... 8^10 atove, good aa new. O. G. Plunkett, cago Titnes-Ilerald. cream. and one-quarter ounce tartaric acid. .Mr. and .Mrs. Henry Wirt.of UiMdiesler, l>ard ...... ifdH St. Johna, Mich. The Missionary Society of the .M. F. King Leopol 1 of Belgium is an admirer Remove the peel, which Is to be chop­ Hay timothy...... f 7 OOrafW 25 Michigan, are visiting Riidiard Hixby, of cliundi will in**et in the church parlors on of American writers and says they “are How to Make %’anllla ftance. Hay mixed ...... , r: oofri $8 oo GhYr MARRIED—Our line of wedding St. .luhns, and Oliver Hixby, of Olive. Mix half a cupful of sugar with two ped, and put In the water to infuse Straw baied ...... ta .5(1 Friday, January 4th, at 2:3(1 p, m. brighter than the English and nut luonot- MISCKI.I.A.N'K:oi ’H. invitations if^the best that can be .Mrs. M. Chase, of Palo, visited friends onoiisly immoral like the French.” That level tablespoon fuls of cornstarcli overnight. Press ail the Juice out of secured. Corr^ ’t in form, style and Mr. and Mrs. John .Mbring, of Tohslo, the oranges. Rinse the pulp with a lit­ Beeswax {M-rIb...... 20(fi 2.5 in Uiley last we«*k. She will siiend the la a good criticisiu. even if a king did Pour over this a cupful of boiling wa Tsiiow per ib...... :!!1 price. The wedding will occur, in remainder of the winter at Hattie Cn*ek. Ohio, visiteil .Mrs. .Mbring ’s p inaits, Mr. make it.—Chicago News. ter. Stir and cook five minutes. Re­ tle cold water and strain two or three Call skins screen...... all probability, but once in your and .Mrs. .\l»x, Hingliam, last w**ek. Beef hides...... Mr. and .Mrs. C. S. S<*ofield and little It ought to hasten the czar’s convales ­ move from the fire, aud stir In while times. Add the sugar and set away Sheep skins ...... 25@91 ftO life, therefore commence married .Miss Mabel Scofield was the guest of cence to 6 n«i out how popular he is. But In a covered dish. Next day boll the Deacon skins...... 2.5^35 a piece life right by placing your order daughter, Helen, art* s|>ending a short hot two tablespoonfuls of butter and Beef dressed cwt ...... time with relatives in Dunkirk,.New ^ork. Owosso friends Tuesday and attendeil it shows, too. how uiiih'sirahle is the state a teaspooufui of vanilla. peel, but not the fruit Juice, about two Pork dressed cwt ...... f5V,Gr$rrh with us. The St. Johns News Job of a nation which has no constitution to •Mr. and .Mrs. C. F. VanSickle and the .New Year’s party at the armory. or three hours, keeping up the amount Wood hard and dr^ ...... 91 .5(H«i9l 75 Department. doiiend on hut the uncertain one of a of water. Strain and cool. .Add the Calves (iive)...... * ...... !i(fi <> iluugliter, Fdith. were guests of .\lr. and St. Johns Camp, No. 2,.387, .M. W. delicate ruler.— Baltimore .American. How to Cook Tonane Catleta. Calves (die*se«l)...... 7(/i 8 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—Anyone .Mrs. F. .M. Hiehardson, of Owosso, New will meet the second and fourth Thiirs- Cook ox tongue very slowly in salted water to the juice (the peel Is not to be I.IVF.STCM- K desiring a building lot, farm or Year’s. One hiindre*] years ago —so the histories U84*d any further). Add the acid, stir­ Cows, milch...... 920 OOfa940 O q ilay nights hereafter. 21vv4. tell us—Thomas Ji‘lT«*isuii rode oii horse­ w’ater with some spices till quite ten­ Cows fatted per cwt...... 92 V4faf a 00 place of business will do well to see You are inviteti to attend the New der: skin it and set aside. Next day ring occasionally until a smooth sirup Steers fatted, cwt...... 93 0()(fi43 BO us. St. .fohns Land Co., Ltd.^ Fngland Snpjier at the home of .S<-huyler .Miss MyrtleJamesand brother,.Arthur, back to ami from the iuauguratiou exer­ Hoirs per cwt...... 94 25(rt4 40 cises which made him |>resident. Wil­ skim the lh|uor of all fat and beat, Is formed. There should lie about a tieorgia, Bengal, Tuesday evening, .Ian. of Caro, were guests of their cousins, f.ambs...... 4(^,4% FOR S.AI*F —(ireenbuHh flouring mill, Byron ami Wallace Danley, New Yeai’s. liam .McKinley will miss a great oppor ­ thicken it and flavor it with herbs and quart of thick sirup. If It Is too sweet, Sheep...... 2fa.3 M. 1001. tunity to emphasize the progress of tlie more acid may be used. A few.’ drops .\l pies per bu...... 17 four milea north o, .St. .lohns. Prop ­ .Mrs. .M .1. Whitney, of Orand Hapids, a sharp sauce. Make the sauce a good Dried applts* per Ib...... :tf(i4 erty in first elacs conditi(»n nnd has .1. H. (iuiRlt'.v returnetf to his home in country siius' that time if he doesn't of coebineal will give the orange bl...... 92 25 will m*H*t with Mrs. (3eorge Yallup, Mr. ami .Mrs. George Franz, of Caiitou, a quarter of an hour and serve. bnixiD In a pan until the fat la trl(*d out bridge loan money at low rates of Ohio, were gm* 8tsof .Mrs Franz ’s parents, THE CYNIC. I’OCI.TKY. interest on real estate security in Thursday, .Ian. lo, at 10 o ’elock, a. m. of It. Drain the oysters, dry them with Fowls i)er Ii* live...... 5V-» Invitation to all. .Mr. and .Mrs. Wm, Hoffman, during tlie How to Make Caltbaae Salad. a napkin and roll them In flour that S(»rinic Chickens...... 5 Vi any sums desired. holiday H. No one Is ever too busy to tell his trou ­ (ieese...... »S .Mrs. (ieorge I.,. Tu<-ker returneil to her bles. Take one small head of cabbage, has been seasoned with salt and pep­ Ducks...... (5 BO !ATK NOTICE—Probate Court, Clin home in (fraud Ita^iids .lesterday, after ' .Mrs, Kichard Gardner, of Portland, Some actors make a better show off the throw’ Into cold water flve of the most per. Remove the bacon and cover the 'riirkeys...... Of/I 7 P ton Connt.v, HH. Notice 1h herelty given s{H‘ndinp a w«*ek witli her parents, Mr. aeeAmpanied by her daughter, .Anna, stage than on. perfect len^’es, shave the remainder bottom of the frying pan with the that all clainiH and (lenmnilH against the es s|K*rH the holidays with her sisN r, .Mrs, Byron Danley hu.vs live poiiltr.v ever.v wi*ek tateof SI’SAN W. DONALDSON, (leeeaaed, and .Mrs. Chas. Cook. When it is said of a man that he is very line uftd put on Ice. Whip one- oysters. Fry them brown on both (lay the year i uund. will be lieard liy the .Indge of Probate ol The Bengal ITiiion .\id society will Adna Hunt. said ('ouniy, at tlie Probate Oftlce in the VII “overworked. ” it probably means that he half cupful of sweet cream; add one- sides. lage of Ht. Johns, on the 5th i*ay of APRIL, meet with .Mrs. M. K. Plowman. Wednes ­ Miss Fdna Uavmoud retnrmHl to her is getting old. half teaspoonful of salt and a dash of His Seventh Year nt St. .lohns. A. D.. inoi, and that the creditors ot said day, .Ian 0, at lO;30 o ’elock, a. m. A home in Flkhart, Indiana, yesterday, It is said that down at the bottom of paprika. Mix w’ell w’itb the cabbage Dr, Walker woe busier than ever here deceased are allowed six months from tht cordial invitation to all. date of this notice in whicli to present theii alter sfs'nding four Atvks with her sister, bis heart every citizen of a small city Just before serving. Arrange the cab- on hia last vieit and hie iiatieiitH are loud claims for a(t|ustiiient. Miss lice Skin n*T, who has been spend ­ M'ss Nau Haymond. longs to be mayor. in their praiaea for the doctor and art* Dated October 4th, A. D., 1900. l»ag(‘ leaves on plates on beds sbav- CHABLES.M MERRILL. ing the past few da\s with n-latives in Mrs, John Doran returned to her home You never hear of a girl these days who j ed ice and dish the cabbage Into the Some treasons very enthnaifiatic on their improvement. St. .fohiisand vicinity, retiirneif to her Dr. Walker haa gained HU enviable rejiu- Judge of Probate. in Grand Hapids vesterday, after n»end- enters a couvsnt because she was jilted. leaves. hfime in Yfisilanti to(ja 3’. ing a week with her parents, Mr. and She begins a breach of pruiiiiHe suit. Why You Should Insist on K^vin^ tation in St. Jolina and Clinton connt.v The [..tidies ’ .\id scs'iet.v iif North Mrs. .1. H. Schneider. When a man is having a particularly How to Make Potted Haaa. by skilful work and honorable ti’eat- t)live will meet with .Mia.(ieorge Creasor bard time, his kin like to hunt him up and Take half a pound of lean boiled ment of h’a piitienta. Dr. Walker bf gina C. H. Hennie, traveling freight agent REKA HARNESS OfL ^ on .Ian. 0, 1001 at 10 o;clock. .\ cordial tell him to try and be “pulient a little I bam, half a pound of butter, a pinch necjualed l>v any otlu r. Ilia aeventh yenr ’a practice here, with invitation to everybod.v. of the Pennsylvania lines and a cousin i>f longiT. ” lenders hard leather soft. hia ipxt viait and we bes|H‘ak for the Postmaster Hrunson, was in St. Johns of ground nutmeg, a little cayenne pep- doctor even a larger practice during the ...GREETING... .Mr. and .Mrs Ora Travis, of Vicksburg, If a man thinks he is |\’ronged and (ells Ispecially |>re}xircd. Saturday over trains. , per and a pinch of w bite pepper. Pound coming y’(*ar than ever, for the longer he who have been visiting -Mr. Travis’ iiar- you bis troubles, don ’t say there is anoth­ I the ham (]uite smooth in a mortar, add jeeps out water. A heavy Isxlicd oil. continu* a hia viaita the Iwtter he ia liked ents, Mr.and Mrs.Charles Travis, of lien- Mrs. George Wilkes, of Hattie Cns'k, er side to the story, or be will think you the pepper and nntineg, rub well in n'turned home New A'ear’s day, after are a fool. and the more wideapread the newa of hia gal, njturued home Friday. the bam aud then add the butter; mix enn'a. Dr. Wniker ’a next regular viait to I wish tu extend the compliments .Miss .f. F. Petrie returned to her home visiting a week at the home of her father, It is renest service. Blown Tf> Atoms. Lizzie Abbott, of Ionia, were guests of Byron Parr, of St. Johns. How to RcMioTe 014 Poiot. To remove old paint and varnish Stitches kept from breaking. The old idea that the body aoinetiinea ^d prosperous New Year..AI .Mr. and .Mrs. t.', (.’. Vaughan from Sat­ The winning naml>era on the $15 dia ­ STATE LINES. ne<.>da a powerful, draatic, purgative pill urday until aft«T New Year’s. from woodwork apply an emulsion haa lieen cxplodinl; for Dr. King ’a New mond ring at .Allison ’s jswf-lry store wen- formed of two parts of ammonia shak­ O il The numlier that won the toilet c.ase first. 10,303, eecond, 2,008, and third, Iowa raised enough com tbia year to J.s .sold in all Life I’illa, 'Which are jieifectl.v hfirmleaa, thank you for the patronag^e e^ en up in a bottle with one part of tur* given away at Roseuthars was 4,141. 0.785. On the $7.50 ring, first, (»,48."», give every man, woman and child in the Localities Manufarturetl hy gently atimulat** liver and bowel-i to ex- The party holding the ticket will please second, 10,758, and thiid, 1,043. The state too bushels.—Sioux City .loiirnal. pentine. Slaadara Oil CompNnr* Iiel poiaonoua matter.cleHnaethe ayatem, present the sume at the store. tickets should be presented In one week. Governor Jeff Davis of Arkansas is in ahaolutely cure (’onatipation and Sick tended to me during^ the year and .Mr. and .Mrs. Park Lucas, who have arms against dudes. He stdeiiinly de ­ A Mao la a Mlllloa. H**adiiche. Only 25c at Fildew and been N^iending the past two mouths with The celebrated Goshen (’arpet Sweefs r clares that he will outlaw aii.v iiinn in “How can you marry that wretched Millmnn ’a dnig store, .Mrs. Lucas’ sister, .Mrs. D. (i. Steel, re­ is sold by Wim* A Fn Osoooii. Arkansas who wears a moiKK-le. —Balti­ I man, Blanch? He is a mere nothing. hope to deserve a continuance of the turned to their hoinein Tolerlo Saturday. more Herald. “My dear, be is six nothings with a NEWS AND OPINIONS I had a running, itching a-'re on my leg. Tables from 00 cents to any pri«*e Rhode Island has ooncliideij not to re­ figure one and a dollar mark in front of Suffered tortiinw. Doan ’a Ointment took .Mr. and .Mrs. T. H. Townsend, of Ma­ higher you want at Ihem. That’s why.”—Cleveland Plain away the itching and burning in-iantiv, same in nineteen hundred and one. ple Rapids, were guests of H 4. Patter­ WiM. A Fn Osooon's. main odd any longer and heronfter will hold her elections in Nevemiter. as a ma­ Dealer. OF NATIONAL IMPORTANCE and quickly effected permanent cine.” (’. son yesterday. They wen* enroute home W. 1/enhart, Rowling Green, O. from Yp.silanti, where they spent the jority of the other states do. —Cleveland Ordinary household oecidents have no Plain Dealer. Prleoaig Crltleleaa. holidays. terrors when then*’s a bottle of Dr, Some of the Nebraska pajicrs nr» print­ Misa Cutting —Your Jokea always re- THE SUN Notice. TIu* party who picked up the ste«*l Thomas’ Pi* lecti i jOii in the medicinechest. litnd me of a ball. The regular annual meeting of the crow baron the street Monday will find Heals burn*, cuts, bruises, sprains. In­ ing long articles about Neltraskn forest For the present I will continue to trees. These will create a distinct shtK-k .Liltlea’it—And why a ball, pray? Farmera’ Mutual Fire Inaurance (’om- F. F .Murdock ’s initials stani|>e 4l there­ stant reliri. Mias Cutting —Because there ie never ALONE pany of (Hinton and (3ratiot Oiuntiea on and is requesteii to fileose ndtirii the in those editorial minds which bare con ­ ceived N|braskn to be all prairie and any point to them.—Chicago .News. CONTAINS BOTH. will bf* held nt F’lreinnn ’a hall in St. ^fer WINTER FOOTWEAR at a same to the Marble Works. A lazT liver iii>ik*^< a Isf-v man. Bur rosewater, —Indianapolis Journal. Johna on ’I'ueadny, January 8, liMil, at Number 0,204 drew the leather rocker dock Blood Bitters is the natural, never Kaew M'hal Was la Tbem. one o ’clock p. ni,, for the election of failing n-niedy for a lazy liver. New York, bf the accident of possess ­ Daily, by mall, great discount. at F. 1. Hull’s If the party holding this ing the commercial metropolis, snrpasties Mrs. Buysitt—Will this corner in pork otticera and the transaction ol nn ti other numls»r should not produce the same be­ increase the price of sausagee, Mr. 6 00 huaiiieaa aa may projierly come bef. rj It. The person who disturbeil the congre- Pennsylvania in p«)pnlntion, but in all .... $ . ^ fore January 10, tin* second numb. and try room Suits at WiM. A Fn. 0 uooii ’a? He—My darling, I would go throagh la the (reateat 5unday Newapaper la See her line of Switebee, Wavee, Puffs, ville, yesterday. They bad been spend ­ Seeley’s Maraquita perfume. lOtf fire for yon. the worid. Hair Holla. Old awitchi a made over and ing a week with Mrs. Durkse’s sisters, (3all at the Meroantlle Co., and try 8b# (moodily)--I gnesa yoo ’ll have to, Price Sc per cepy, By Mil 12 per )r. colored. Walker street east second floor. Mrs. Rickard Bixby and Mrs. l^is Vau- Dr. Walker’enext vloife to St. Jobag th« Ut«B^ and moat popular ; 1 hear pa cooUag dawa aUtrac-) Harm IM THE ST. JOHNS NEWS, THUHSDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 3, 1901.

    EUREKA. RUB OUT WRINKLES. MEN WHO WAIT. AN Aliffl AETiAN. ■oil to RgsBOTg Theae Slvaa of Ad* Tke DINrereaee Retweea the H bs* Mr and Mrs. Ed. Walker visited friends PROMINENT EDITOR REUEVED RY PERUNA. vaucisia Years. kaaA aad tke Flaace. )i«'ur .Sdgiuaw last week. A I>elr«>ll Vetsraii Talk, of the War and Crow ’s foi l 1)11(1 wi'lukIcH perhaps dls- Tbe dilTereni'e Iwtweon the masculine Etta Tecta HiH-nt part of last week disposition before and after marriage was Aitli iriends iii Mt. Johiia. Dr. W. C. Walker l.egaay It Left Blin. fluniv a face i|(iicker lhao auything elac. When tlic a;;*' Hues begin to ap­ forcibly illustrated y* ‘storday in one of our large shops, where two of the lords of Owen Htearn-* ani U-ant Hixoii were The Eminent Specialist of De* When the HDiiual reiioioo of the (i A. pear. exit a caie iiiusi Le given ibe face. ill I)*ub*'liu (Hjunty lust week. Krla held, .Michigan in alwiiya well repp'- creation waite*l for dilatory women with troit, Mich., late from the If the tissuca arc waated, they should whoD) they had appointments. Mies .fcDitie Kilby, of 8aianac, spent eentctl. Around the camp Hrc« of ihe lie built up. The relaxed iiiuacles must the hiilidays w iih Iriends here. Polyclinic ot the Au^sta HU<'Uiiipiiieiit our iMt.VH fell of the hiird- Both bad chosen s point of vantage at ahipe they have gon hour the etl him invaluable nei vice. We »rive his back, never down. The lines of the situation was relieve*! li.v tlu* appcaiuiiee The LuUieo'Cbi'i-tiaii .Aid society W'lll account here and some woid, of advice face naturally tend downward, and to on the Bt«*i)*' of a [iretly liille woman, a meet with Vliw. Emma Baker on Wedner- teraely told. He sanl: take a rough towel and wipi> the face flushed and burrit^ little wcuian. who day, .iaijuary b, IbOl, at 10 u. m. “A lake covering nbout two iicrca in by rubbing downward will not only ac- eyed her liege lord askanre as she ap­ MrM Martha Wasldugion aud (bitigh- e.\tent, containing the dead bodies of 20 proached. ter, .Maggie, nr ('bristmas w’ith her (;eutuate all wrinkles, but will soon re­ *T ’m sorry I'm a few minutes late. mulee is not tempting water to drink, sult in leaving the muscles so relaxed liaiigliter, Mrs. Nellie liugulet, at (Mi ve but I waa one of many who drank it, and Jack.” she said, "hut that dreadful tailor Pent* r. that little bags of flesh will bang down wouldn ’t let me go until he’d basted tha all of UH would have done no if we had Theodore Wagner is in Itannister (|u U- known there wan death in every awallow. on each side of the chin. The cheeks last Koum to his satisfaction." "I’m sorry also," re.sponded her com ­ »ick. He went to tliar place to take t;ar<‘ Thin illustraten but oue of the many will be hollow and sunken In conse ­ of his daughter,Cora, who is very ill with hurdnbifxi and privatioun {wuwed through quence. panion coldly, “for j'our tanliness will necessitate my going without my luneh- pi)eum«'iiirt. duriug the Civil War, and it in no wonder After wiping upwanl massage the James Daggi'tt's house enught fire in that (1. H men suffer from aches and face by gently pinching and squeezing coi). 'ITiis is the last api>o)ntnient PH ever make with y*>u." An*i away they Ihe roof of the kifelicn last Thursday pains, Ihe most prevalent of these being it. always using the upward motion, due to hiduey disorders. I am pleased to went together, milady looking injured mui(ling fuit was *liH 4-overed. a grout space of time after all. IIhZ'-I, Clara Kirby and Cornelius mitigated. When I ray Doan ’s Kidney that is being gradually rublied Into the Tl)e other mqn was not married. That .Stevens, of Rowling Green, Ohio, aiv Saturday, Jan. 19. Pills will cure them I not only sjieak pores. These pores absorb like little was evident from his patience and the liolida v guii'ets ot frimids here. from experience but from observation. mouths, aud they should be kept fliird lH'nn)ing glance with which he receive*! .Mrs. .Mary liixon, r»f Isabella eount.v, GRAND HOTEL LAINGSBURG, To all old soldiers or any one suffering w’lth the proper food Instead of with the winsome hit of femininity for which came lust Friday to help care for her from kidney comiilaint my advice is to he walttHl, though she was a full half moiher-iii-law, Mrs C. Ilixoii, wlio is FRIDAY. Jan. 18. dust aud dirt. hour behimi time. Perhaps when the try that remedy. ’’ With care flabby cheeks can be made tiett**r than when last n-jMirted. OFFICK HOI KS, 9 a. ni. to T. p. in Doan ’s Kidnev Pills for sale by all wonls have l>een said over his head that Arm and round by this constant feed ­ give him an inalienable right to And fault .A surprise party was given at the HON. HOBART BROOKS, OF WASHINGTON, D. €. d^'olers. I’rice ."»() cents. Mailed by home of Mr. and -Mrs. Renton Stevens Foster-.Milburii Co , Buffalo, N. Y. Sole ing of the pores aod rubbing upward. he will not he so amiable, but be was Hon. Hobart Brooks, editor and owner for those suffering with catarrh. I do Note bow Hoes about the eyes run, now. last Friday evening in honor of Miss Hgeuts for the C. 8. Ueniember the Clara Kirby aud .Mr. Cornelius Stevens. of the Washington "Capital," l.'iilB Penn ­ not hesitate to recommend It. Before I name, Doan ’s, and take no substitute. then rub them out Many of them are “Am I late?” nske*! the young woman, Consultation Free with a fine disregard for the evidence of Sunday school officers elected at the sylvania Avenue, N. W., Washington, had used one bottle 1 noticed a greal superflcial, aod when scarf skin Is re­ D. C., in a recent letter to Dr. Hartman change in myself, and four bottles cured moved the wrinkles will be no more. the clock right in front of her eyes. Chrif-tian church last Sunday were: "Oh, a trifle,” replio*! lior cavalier dis ­ Sujs'riutendent, John Price; assistaut •ayti me entirely. I would not be witbont to all. I^EPORTOF THE CONDITION Any tonic that will build up a loose ingenuously; "but it iloesn ’t make a par­ HU|>erinteudent, Ilom liigersoll; treasurer Dear Sir—It ia with great pleasure Pe-rn-na for any consideration. The Moat SiKHvanful Methods in the or THB skiD will kill wrinkles, for. as a gen ­ ticle of difference. I’ve l>een very much \bram F^egle; secretary. Marvin Inger- that I can testify as to the merits of Pe- The reason so many people get chron* Treatment of All DiHeasewand De­ eral thing, they are only the result of amused at the crowd. ” soll; organiat, IJIlie Kirby; cborisL'r, ru-na. After suffering over a year with ic catarrh is, the disease gets firmly en* formity's Known to the GLINTOH COUMTT SATIHGS BIRK, flabbiness. Of course he hadn't 1)001) at all. He'd ■leseie Price; assistant chorister, Hazel catarrh I began taking Pe-ru-na. 1 tablished before it is recognized. They latrat Medical and At St. Jobnii, Michisan, at tha close of busiueoa .lust as aooD as the sklu shows signs been striding up and down, looking and Daggett. took one bottle, and so great was the Surgical skill. fool themselves by calling it some other Dacamber U, 1900, of age mix 36 grains of turpentine with feeling as out of place as a bull in a effect that I rapidly recovered and am as mada to the Commiasionar of tlia Bankinc china shop, hut be wouldn't have said so NORTH VICTOH name than its proper one —catarrh. Depart man t. three drama of water aod apply the lo ­ now enjoying good health. To all who When people get acute catarrh they tion at night For some this prepara­ for worlds. Dr. Walker will not treat any RESOURCES. All of which illustrates the fact that .Mias .Mary Oatie, of .Albion, si*ent the ■nffer from debility of any kind I recom ­ call it a cold. If they have acute nasal Loans and discounts ...... 4 S9,lSt 97 tion works beautifully; for others It marriage is a sort of furnace in which is bolida.vs iu Victor. mend Pe-m-na as a most valuable tonic. catarrh it is called coryza. Endemio unless There is a Possi ­ Bonds, mortgage*, and sacurlties...... 243,100 87 does Dot. A generally successful mix­ bility of a cure, and Premiums paid on bonds...... 8,01j 08 transmuted bearishness and that appall­ Mias Leora Chapin is at home from Hobart Brooks. catarrh they call influenza, and epi­ Dna from other banka and bankers._ 15,077 81 ture. however, is one dram of alum and ing plainness of speech that leads to the Y|>'*ilanti for the holidays. demic catarrh they name la grippe. Due from banks in reserve citiea...... SS.-iOfe 79 one ounce of glycerin Id a pint of wa­ (X)urts sometimes. But why this should will so inform you. C. S. and National bank currency...... 10,705 00 Herb Leelaiid and JairieH Crane have When the catarrh reaches tbe throat Gold coin ...... 7,820 00 ter. be so no prophet has yet arisen in Israel it is called tonsilitis, or laryngitis. Silver coin ...... 141 98 to explain. —Baltimore News. both put u[i new windmilla this fall. Nickels and cents...... 4 05 A mixture of tauDlu, one ouocrc; rose ­ Catarrh of the bronchial tubes is called water, five ounces; glycerin, two ounces, H.'Gibbard, of Detroit, also Miss Bj tHe latest Helentlflc re«earrheH both by Checks, cash items, iptcrual revenue Helen Gibburd, of St. Johns also .MisN bronchitis; catarrh of the lungs con ­ liapVored luHtruiiientH and luetbutlH the account ...... 537 to applied with a camel’s hair brush. Is COURTSHIPS OF FAMOUS MEN. Doctor Ih enabled to dlnoover the true nature Total ...... $861.184 to I..oui(ie Gibbard came home for Christ sumption. Any internsl remedy that of the dlHeoae, and locate the orftan or partH said to be wonderful In Its effect lo SkeriAaa’a Roaiaatie Woolag ol nms. will cure catarrh in one location will aOected and many dlHenne* and conipll- LIABILITIES. removiug the age lines. catlona which have heretofore proved most Capital stock paid in ...... $ 28.000 00 Brantifal Bettr LInler. Mrs. H. Post and two youngcMt child cure it in any other location. This is obatinate to the Medical I’rofesHlon yield Surplus fund ...... 5.600 00 No man ever had a more romantic wf>o- reu. Fr'-ddie and Rena, are visiting her why Pe-ru-na has become so Justly fam­ like maKir under hlH nklll and MyMtenilc I'mlividcd profits, net...... 2.iri0 44 How to Spice Mackerel. father,.!. Crone and other ndutivee in ous in tJie cure of catarrhal diseases. It treatment. Savings dep^its ...... 29.*i,T00 29 ing than Hichard RrinHley Sheridan There U no neeil to live In constant misery. Savings certificates...... ^ 29,738 8 7 Take half a dozen small mackerel when he determine*! to make Miss Liii- Victor. cures catarrh wherever located. Its It coMtH notblnK to see blia, for consultation Total ...... $361,184 to nicely cleaned. Mix together one tea- ley, the beautiful "Nightingale of Bath," The First Congregational church, of cures remain. Pe-ru-na does not pal­ Ih free and hlH prices for treatment are within his wife. She counted her suitors by the the reach of all. He Is a friend to the afflict­ STATE OF MICHIGAN,» „ ^ spoonful each of cinnamon, allspice Vielf*r, will hold its preparatory lecture liate; it cures. ed and will turn none awav unaided. The score, but Sheridan's romantic devotion CoL’ NTv or Clinton . * •* and cloves, upeo the Ash and sprinkle on WtHliiPsdav evening and commuDioii Mr. W. B. Steffy, Glouster, O,, writes} merchant mInKles with the artisan while in the lulxtoro; then sprinkle with salt wot) lier heart. He «lisguis*'«l himself as on Sunday following. seeklnic relief at his hands and hundreds are I, P. E. Walsworth, treasurer of the above a coachman merely to have the pleasure " I was afflicted with hereditary catarrh, cured every year. named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above and close tightly. Place in an earthen Mr. and Mrs. Mart, from Oakland coun ­ and grew worse statement is true to the best of my knowletigc of driving her. lie escorted her to a ty, and son, are visiting her parents, .Mr READ WHAT THE and belief. „, , dish, cover with vinegar and bake one French nunnery to rescue her from tbe as 1 grew older, vMj ;F. E. WALSWORTH, hour in a moderate oven. and .Mrs, (’has. Renrdslle, with other until my whole Treasurer. pcrsiMuitions of an odious wooer, with memb*-rs and r< latives of the familv. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 26tb whom he fought two duels in her behalf. system seemed af­ ' PEOPLE SAY: day of December, 1900. H. B. WASHBURN. Iluw lo Get a Good Complcxloo. And this was but a type of the chival­ OLIVE CENTER. fected. After try­ Miss Anna Feehati. of St. .lohns, Mich., Notary Public. The woman who strives after a clear COHRECT Attest: ALBERT J. B.ALDWIN. rous ndventures which ultimately enabled ing many doctors writes under date of (lctol»er lo, 18PU. She complexion will uot eat pastry, fried him to lend her to the altar in April, ears: WARNER BUNDAY. Don ’t make a mistake and write IbOD. ) and di fferent posi ­ o toii ai keh COOLEY E. BALL, 1773. . 1 f>Ki»K D « W . —I am very thankful food of any description or nut.s. When Indeed, that I came to you for treatment, for Directors. His s*'t*oiid wooing was just as persist­ John Beckett and daughter, Viola, ere Prof. J. F. Turner, Refore at»plyinK to you for be was a middle ag*-d man and anything High school, Edgefield, Tenn., In a was induced to is too highly colored, those things Christmas at his futher'e .Morni l.upharn, treatment. 1 consider my recovery remark­ OP THE but personally fns*'inatiiig. Miss Ogle of this jilace. recent letter says: ‘‘I suffered for nine try Pe-ru-na. Af­ able. You may publish this In the St. lohns should, of course, be specially avoided. Mr. W. B. Steffy, pap<‘rH for 1 want all atfllcte*! ones to know could uot la'ar tlie sight of him and call­ years with catarrh, and after trying sev­ ter trying one Glouster, O. ST. JOHNS BATIOIIAL BANK, A good circulation Is also ni^cessary if .Miss E'ma floae s|>ent I'hristmas Ht the trreat (rood 1 have re<'elved. Also shall ed him “nn odious creature" and "a ri­ the home of her grandmother, Mrs. E. eral remedies I gave up, and concluded bottle I felt a gen ­ be triad to tell anyone [>ersonally who may At St. Johns, in the State of Michigan, at the one would have a clear complexiou, diculous fright," hut within a short time wish to call at my home. close of busiaesi*. December 13th, 1900. Stainpfly, oi Guunisonville. that there waa no cure for me. 1 no ­ eral strengthening of my system and and plenty of exercise In the open air she was gla*l to give her hand and heart ticed so many testimonials from ­ after a few months' nse of Pe-rn-ns rnedl MISS ANNA FEEHAN, RESOURCES: is needed to obtain it Sound, restful to the "most fascinating man in England There is not a happier boy in Clinton 21 Floral .\ve,. St.Johns, .Mich. ctmiity than .Master .Max VerPlanek, inent men relative to Pe-ru-na that I I w’as cured. That was two years ago. ^MDsand di!*couuU ...... $HS,40i'> 82 sleep will do much to fresbeu and and a liusl>aiid of whom any girl niiglit Overdrafts, seenred and unsecure*] ...... 2.709 05 who received as a Christmas present, concluded to try one bottle, little ex- I use Pe-ru-na every spring, so as to get Mr. Edwin Sperry, a well kuown citizen ol U. 8. Bonds to secure circulation ...... 1.5,000 00 brighten the (complexion, aud this be proud. ” St. Johns, says, **I wish to publicily express It was Mrs. lo'wis rather than Disraeli f 10(1 from Mr. MeCourter of Laingsburg. peeting any help. I had grown rather my system in good shape for tbe sum­ Stock)*, securities, etc...... 4,078 32 should be obtained by going to bed my gratitude to Dr. Walker for the great Banking-house, furniture and fixtures 7^500 00 who did the w*>oii)g, fur she made no cou- WE^iTTRlLEY. to believe that all catarrh cures were mer.” good I have received through his treatn eit, Other real estate owned ...... 14,396 87 early In a well ventilated room and I bad l>een afflicted with catarrh of the lead, (^ealment of her admiration for the rising nothing but frauds, but your remedy For a free t>ook address Dr. Hartman, Due from Slate Banks and Bankers „ 1,012 50 with warm but light covering on the throat, and stomach fsr years Having Due from approved reserve agents 18.741 78 statesLiAii and pursued him with atten ­ Pe-ro uaistbe greatest panacea to-day Columbus, Ohio. tried a number of other doctors without any Checks and utherjeash item* ...... 4,100 13 bed. tions which in a younger woman would Clyde tiding is visiting his aunt, at permanent relief. I decide*! to consult Dr. Notes of other National Banks...... 215 00 Stanton, dnr ng the liolidais. Walker, who helped me right along, and I have b»*eii iudo'eiit. .Ynd yet the “dowdy Fractional paper currency, uickles How to Get Rid of Cockroachea. am now pleased to say I am enjoying good and cents 468 51 widow ” sue«<‘edcd w liere mere youth and .Miss Cas-de Kincaid, of (irand Ledge, b'alth. I cheerfullv recommend the doctor Lawful money reserve in bank, vii: Sift parls gr(H*n on pieces of bread beauty would csrtainly have fail«'d, for is calling on her many frieiiils during to all slnill8rl.v afflicted. Signed, 8p®cie ...... I4.ap4 60 and put the bread on tlic corners of va*'ution. Mrs. S. W. Ruse, of Ovid, ennd of ratarrbe Legal-tencier notes ...... 4,080 00 who cun resist the worship of a womnti ’/ of the stoma* h of tllteeii years standing. U.S. Certif.sof Deposit for legal ten­ shelves and under the sink or wher­ And she succeeerliar's feel more grateful to Dr. Walkr (5 per cent, of circilMtiou) ...... 7.')0 00 out of the reach of children. as his gratitude. to attend tl e funeral of his mother. than .Mrs t hus. T(»dd, of Hainhurg, Living ­ T*>tul ...... ^1.147 08 •Mr. Gladstone's wooing was much more ston county, Mlchlgar. She says: "About How to Make Chocolate IcIbk. coil vet) t ion a I nt.d ceremonious, as might .Mthoiigb Pefoskey boasts of Iteiug n four years ago iiiv trouble ta'gan. Tie _ LIABILITIES. city, she clings to her village loibifs. The doetors called rsy (llsease consumption of the ria(ce lu a saucepan a quarter of a be espc0,000 00 that Miss Glynue caught tier first glimpse street lights are turned ont at II p. m. bowels; fn*m the time 1 was first taken 1 Surplus fnnd 10.000 00 p*>UDd of Icing sugar and grate a stick Omega Oil steadily grew worse in spite of medical aid. Undivided profits (less expen.-tes and of the young man to whom she was to * 1*'- HI d any b*-lat**d waxfarer abroad after J realized I was on the decline and that taxes pa i*l) ...... 8.398 .59 of cliooointe; add the two together and vofe her lif**. “Do you see that young I hat hour has to gro|>e his way home as death was staring me In the face. In this National Bank notes*)Utstanding 1.5,000 00 a tablespoon of water, or a little more best lieeun ia thedarkuers. onditl' n 1 went to Dr. W. C Walker, of Due to other National Banks...... 712 12 man?” a statesman who was sitting next OORSET PARtS-A woman once whose skill 1 had heard s*) mueh. After ti k- If necessary. Stir over a moderate Are to her said. ’’Some day he will be prime Due to State Banks and Bankers...... 14.2^ SI ('*>lie aii*l Diarrluen. said she liked to wear a corset because ing a course of his treatment I am entireu Individual deposits subject to check 91,012 61 until tbe Icing becomes ns thick ns minister of England. ” cure*!. 1 feel very grateful ” Demand certificates of depo.sit 16.728 45 it was such a relief when she took it Signed, .MBS. ( HAS TODD. cream. If desired of a darker color, No woiid**r tlie young girl ’s interest was Cured and eometed by the use of Dr. Total ...... J^iTu T 08 Cahiwell’s Syrup Pepsin This remedy Hamburg, l.lvingston t'u., .Mieb., Feb. 6. add a little brown sugar In solution. arouse*! : and wlien, in Ihe winter follow ­ off. So long as Fashion makes women 1900. STATE OF MICHIGAN’. < ^------retores the natural action of the stoni- I.ay this evenly on the cake with a ing. they met again in the lovers ’ land of wear corsets, they will continue to COL'NTT op CLINT*)N, I "• Italy, what wonder that the wooing pro- arh and bowels, and is better tiiaii a •Mrs. .Martha Keller, of ('ohoctah township, I, P. E. W'alsworth.cashieroftheahovenamed knife, which slioiild be dipped occa ­ n-medy that cheeks but does not correct squeeze their bodies into shapes never Livingston county, who has lHN*n seriously bank, do solemnly swear that the ab*tvesUte- ceede*l apace and that the foundation of intended by Nature, and they will atfllfte*! with a complication of diseases lor mont is true to the best of my knowledge and sionally In boiling water. When done, one of the most beautiful married lives in c.jnditious. Hidd and recommended by years voluntarily makes the following state­ C. E VaiiSickle. ment. .She says; "I wish to si>eak a word belief. P. E. WALSWORTH, (’ashler. place In a cool oven for a few moments history was laid. also continue to suffer. The pain and In favor Dr W. C. Walker, of Detroit, who Subscribed aad swern to before me this 28tb to set day of Doc., 1900. H. B. WASHBURN, Outsiders have leas'd much land ininie- discomfort won ’t be’ visits at Howell each month. I had been a A Two Handed Artist. great snlTerer with catarrh of the stomach, ^ Notary Public, Clinton Co. How to Make Rica Savory. diately surrounding Dnrnud, and will 80 bad, however, if heart failure and nervous debili.y. 1 would Correct Attest. WAR.NER Bl’NDAY. Sir Kdwin Laiiiisccr, the uniinal paint­ (ooLEY E. Ball , Pat into a sauceimn six cupfuls of C' mmeiire prosjMcting for coal in a few they will rub them­ have i)ecullnr nervous spells come over me Directors. er, had a wonderful oontmand over his w«H*ks. It is tlioiighr that mueh coal lies and would faint away; have been carried In broil) or stock Into which has lieeu pre­ left ns well as his right hand. Harper's selves every night the house more than once In that condition. viously dissolved a good allowance of Is-neatli the earlli’s surface in that viciu- My heart and sDtmach trou hied me terribly Young People tells nn anecdote illustra­ iiy. with a little Omega all the time, having tried a unml>er of other either tomato paste or tomato sauce tive of the artist's amhhlexterity. Oil. This relaxes the doctors without receiving anv twrmanent re­ and add pepper and salt to taste. When lief, I saw the advertisement of Dr. Walker In At n gathering in London a lady rst large piece of butter aud pour It over Take no subetitute. .At Fildew & Alill- who wants to get up cheerfully recommend the doctor to all 1 "I Vf ill and Chicago Express...... artist, sitting down before a table, drew man's. afflicted Out'S. 8;1*J p.m. tbe rice. with bis right hand the profile of a stag ’s in the morning feel­ Signed, MRS. MARTHA KELI.ER. >10. 17 Grand Rapids Express 7:57 p. m. How to Wbitea 'Clothea. bead, antlers and all, while at the snnte Kalkaska pro|K>sesto dosonie bustling ing fine, ought to get time and without hesitation bis left band Mrs. L. Pearl, wno lives near St. Johns, Vo. 11 Fast Western Express 7:55 a.m. Kerosene Id tbe Itolllng whitens the coining ceoiury, and an a starter the some Omega Oil also says; After treating with Dr. Walker produced the head of a horse. Both pic­ local buinesM men have organized an ini- or oi e month 1 have n*»t been so well for clothes safely, especially such as are right away ears. Nos 17, and 19—dally except Sunday. tures arc said to have been perfr years, |>HS(iing Vo. 14 Fast Eastern Express 9:09 p. m, for half an hour. p**ople have tlieti from that tliseaso as gravel or stones, excruciating pain.Other Miss B. H. cure*! *>f female weakness after medicines only gave relief. .After taking being treated by many Dote*l physicians. 'Ion. 12, IH * ao —dally except Hundhy. fiou) ull of the rest put togetber. ”—Bos ­ l3ow to Boko aaaaah. Foley ’s Kidney Cure the result was sur­ m 1 Dr. Walker’s advanceil niethixls for the 'lu 1 dally. ton Journal. ♦reatment and cure of *11- easts* peculiar to Cut tbe squash In large pieces, re­ prising. .A few doses started the brick dust like fine stones,etc., aud now I have women are unsurpassed. 'Iso men sufTcrlng move tbe seeds, then place In the ovim. Traanformatlow. from the evil effects of youthful Indiscretions, W. H. BURKE, Agent, no paiu a* r*>se my kalneysaud 1 kel like Castletoi) —Have you seen that oriental Omegu Oil is for tsi* causing I in pal retl vitality, nervousness, heart heated as for baking potatoes. When u new man. F'oley ’e Kidney Cure has In most drug stores. tisjiible, Ittss t»f memory, desptmdency, etc., St. Johns, Mich. trick of making a flower grow in a pot in Asy druggist can get all treate*! by the b*sit methods known to tbe squash is soft, scrape from the d*»ne me f I ,(fl>0 worth of good. Take no shell and flavor with one tablespoouful half on hour? a supply of his whole- medical wience. Consult the Hpeclal 1st that Clulilierly—No; Ixit that’s nothing. On Hubotitute. .At Fildew A .Millman ’s. ssler. If your dealer -cures. of butter for each pint, a little pepper, does not keep H, the the last day of a yacht cruise I’ve seen a half a teaspoouful of sugar and salt .All but alMiut f l.tMM) of the amount of Omega Chemical Co., 'V^EMEMBER Dr. Walker has made a spe- sea serjwnt double in size in a minnte. — stock necessary has beensubecribed and a 157 Broadway New clalty of rhrtinlc disease* f*»r many year*. to taste. Brooklyn l.ife. York, wilt mail you • Old uis «urce*s I* well known. canning faet«>ry is looked upon as a sure b*>Mla. prepaid, if yon IHE mill ARBOR ROAD thing! ir Fremont. D will be erected in will send 50*^ in cub, How to rtoaa White flhawla. •^1 will give Hpeclal attention to difflriilt —roi Sara to Okjeet. time lor the cani|Miign next summer. Bsoney order or ttamp*. cases Htid to cases other physicians have fail­ White summer shawls made of soft "If wa could sec ourselves as others sea ed to cure. Hank references. wools rosy be cleaned by rubbing them us." began Miss Quutem. “we should" — Persona applying for treatment will please ilorthern Michigan, Ohio and Rxiter's Maudrake Ritters Tableta are bring fr*>m tw*» to four onnees of urine, first In several changes of magnesia and “Very promptly ioforn) them that they passed In the morning, for analysis. flour mixed. were mistaken," interrupted Mr. Flyppei (Jnestlon blanks sent on application. En- all Southern Points. —Baltimore Amarican. Easy to Take clrsw stamp for reply, Thf>*e unable to see LA L /■; / (he doctor can adores*, Sure in Effect $500 REWARD. They act gently on the*Rowels, f.iver W. C. WALKER, M. D. We will pa.T the ahnre reward f*)r anv ease TEACHERS’ EXAMINATIONS ‘ and Kidneys, effectually cleanae the start the New YearTTght nipect Connections at Owoaao Juaetlon aad nfUrer Compialat. Dyspepsia, Hlek Head, system from all impurities, beautify L/N/V££5f TY BOX 70. DETROIT. MICH. by taking a course at Durand with D. G. H. A M. R’y Tralna. aehe, Indlaestlna, ('nnatipatlon nr (’f>stlre- Until further n*itlcc Tcaclicrs, ExamI the complexion, prevents Headaches nee* we eannnt eure with LlTerlta, tbe Up- aatbtns will be hclnstipa- are strletljr compiled with. They are purely third Thursday of Aiigast NOTi(;;e. NOTICE. I>AP4f HAT Af has the larneat per cent. OOIMO NORTH—Lt. Dnraad. Vegetable, and nerer fall to gtresatisfaction tion, and restore the bloom and vigor A DAi^ni of consumers wbera Ht. Johns Eighth tirade Rr>oin, beginning 360 STUDENTS of this schorl hare During thr past tire year* over 1.5<» Htu- 25c boxes contain 100 Pills, lOc boxes con- of youth. Sold by all druggists, in (iccepteo*>kkeepers and stenographers since Jnn- P Elala, Ashlay, Itbaca, Ht, Lonla, Altaa. ware of auhatitntlons aad Imitatlona. Heat Kt. Johaa High Srhool Room, begtonlng nnry '98. Orer 70 of *>ur former students have been lolnsy and Lnag Trouble, Cata^ah ^ tha Mi. Plaaaaat,UUira.(^llIae and Praakfon by mall; stamjM takea. NERVITA MKDL Warranted to cure oonatipation. id, Slomacb aad Womb, PPsa, last Thursday of March. f«4rM*H> •• tegrhers In other Knnlnean (Joi- ^L (X)., Oor. (Mtoa aad Jackaoa 8U., Uhl* gt Johns Baveath Qradt BooMj Wn kaV plemS iMom ntadMUiSi THE PEANUT FARMER I FOXES THAT EAT QRAPEa FULTON. I ••me Aalmals Bvlaca a FeaBaaM The Want of Working People! HOW HE GROWS AND HARVESTS HIs' For Fralt aad Nats. Write IflOl now. WHY A COLD KILLS. It Is well known that several species of Much sickness is in our se«*tii>n now. When th« workinc man or woman feela sick — liver, stomach or kldne> s At this season of the year coug^hs and TOOTHSOME CROP. the dog family in .North Ameiica to aomo A snow storin visited our section Mon ­ are out of gear — then Dr. A. W. Chase’s Kidney-Liver Pills do a extent feed oii fruit. The domestic dog day, Dw. .HI, colds are prevalent because of a low ­ world of good acting directly on these organs and the bowels. ia of course accustomed to a mlxeil diet, ered vitality. The cold does not yield We R«1m Nearly Fire Mlllloa Baak- of which tiesh constitutes only a small A. I). Cowles had a New Year’s anni ­ BAY CITY. DETROIT. ela la Thla C'oaatry Vearlr. or part. We have seen many dogs that versary surprise parly. and too often pneumonia supervenes. Mr. L. n. Maoa. 1901 Columbus Avenue, Bay Mr. L*ri EUMy, 803 McDousaJ Arenue. Drtrr Ahoat Oae-Bftli of the Worl4*s would eat apples and others that would Clinton Ki Hogg of Kim Hall is visiting “Even then,”saysa high authority on City. Mich., hy overwork and too assiduous atten­ lived for year* expecUuK death from lie*, rt f. Pruffact—t'aes of the Nat. swallow dowu grapes as fast as they Fulton friends this week. tion to his business, brought on an attack of j ure and Biicht's disease, but was cured by a t> were offereil to them. Domestic animals, Will Hoxie and family of North Rtar this disease, “pneumonia does not ordi ­ Moat of the nuta grown in Virginia and kidney trouble, which made it necessary for him boxes of Dr. A. W. Chase's Kidney-Idver nils, i however, have pi-rverted tastes and offer visittd friends in Fulton last week. narily prove fatal except In the case of to leave off working at times. He states : ! writes: “ Fur years 1 lived In constant fear thu North Carolina are the goobera. The no sure guide as to what wild animals Gtto May and family of Forest Hill vis­ “On the recommendation of Mr. 0«o. I.eyar, | should meet death throsigb kidney troub^ 1 a. goober U to the actual peanut what the will do. ited Mr. and Mis. Jarrett, New Year’s. very old or very young people. The druggist, of this place, I purchased a box of Dr. | troubled terribly by pain* in my back and abu. quabaug ia to the genuine clam. The On the northwest coast we have seen danger arisea when it Is complicated A. W.Chase's Eidney-Liver l*Uls for niy kidney theheart. My troubles are now over, for Dr. A V the droppings of gray or timber wolf Frank Myers has returned from Yuma, ahell uaually containa but two kernela. where he has lieeu at work in the woods. trouble. They acted So well in relieving my p«n Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills have made me w. Thia ia the niit with which the Italiana which were comp<»sed almost entirely of bv heart or kidney disease. ” This Is the seeds of the salmon lH*rry, while it Is P^niina Wininer is home for the holidays and backache that 1 persisted in the use of them I again. 1 will gladly answer any lettersabout th> load their wagons and sell in paper bags the secret of the ravages of pneumonia. until perfectly cured of my X>sa.. wonderful ntedicloe.'* well known that the coyotes* of the south­ from Ohio She expects to return Jan. 3. on the street corners. The real peanut west feect;)rH Haid Hhe wan h») far gone with at bis home iu Ithaea. THE WABASH RAILROAD. clover fields for peanut patches while The food habits of the raccoons and of Waknkh ’h Sake Ccke C’o . ScpD*iJil>er .'1. 1900. t'onHnmptioii that no inolicine or earthly bunting for something to vary their ra­ (irntlemrn: —If I wmb the ‘ ehlet” I woiil I order every officer to h«*ep a bottle the bears are well understood to be om ­ SOUTH LEBANON. of Warner ’s Saf., ('t/re on hand and there would lie but a few to "lay off" on ac­ help <“OHld nave her, but a friend recom ­ tions. The plants grow in rows, very nivorous. and lieechnuts are said some ­ count of sick ness. Helnir exposed to all kinds of weather, excessive li-at and aud- The Wa))asli Railroad, mended Dr. King ’s New Di-covery and much like potato vines, and are cultivat­ times to be eaten by the fisher or black den frost, or raiti. It takes an Iron constitution to stand it. I Hdv«)cate Warner ’s |)erHiHtent UH^of this excellent medicine ed in the same way. Weeds will soon cat (Mustela pcnnaiitii). Kd. Lew is, of Pewamo, spent Sundny .Safe Cure as i keejts Ihe kidneys In good cunditiun. which means that all poison saved herlife ’’ It’subsolutel.N guaranteed and disease Is 'iulckl.vcarrlet. Chicago, III. from Chic ^?o to Hot is done by what is called a plow, made es­ that occasionally the gray fox tears down day with friends iu Lebanon. ,E. Send postal for fre«* sample Warner ’s Safe Cure t^ Cliai'hs Blake is the naine of a Battle pecially for the purpose. It is drawn by the cornstalks and feeds on the corn in Sake f’UKE f'o., Ko<-h»*ster, .if. Y. Meutiun this pajter. Springs, Ark., leaving one mule and cuts the plants off close to the milk. That a knowledge of the fruit .Mrs. Samuel Millard and granddaugh ­ Cre<*k IG year old who willi liinh trees in ter, .Millie Smith, of Muir, visited friends Chicago daily at 11:03 pursuit of eats no more He was doing the roots. As soon as enough has accu­ eating haliits of foxes is old is shown by mulated on the plow to form a stack it is this quotation, attributeil to him whose in this vicinity last week. so the other day when he had a tumble John Nash and wife, of Canton, who a. m., and arriving at to ground. He was rendered unconscious thrown off and massed around a short name has become as a proverb for wis­ pole stuck in the ground. The stack is dom: “Take us the foxes, the little foxes have b«‘eu visiting hie brother, E. Z. Hot S])rings ne.xt morn ­ by the fall, his shoulder dislocated ami Nash, have returned home. Consultation and Examinations Free and Strictly Confidential his light urai broken. formed with the leaves outside, and the that spoil the vines; for our vines have ing at 9:00 o ’clock —on- vines are wound around it as tightly as tender grapes. ” Mrs. Clara Wagar and children, Hamil­ ly 2U hours from Chica­ • lOO lie ward MIOO. possible to protect the nuts from the The fox grapes of eastern America, ton and Mary, sfient Christmas with her The readers jf this i)aiH‘r willbejileas* t weather. The plan is somewhat similar however, so familiar to every country sister, Mrs. Geo. McPherson, of Fowler. go, Write for booklet to learn that there is Jit least one dreid- to that of binding wheat. About three dweller, are belicvt'd to have received Mr. and .Mrs. Chae. Fox visited the giving full information *<1 dise.isM that Hei.'iu e h iH be«>u able to weeks’ exposure “seasons ” the nuts and their name not from the fact that they latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elliott •lire i.i i.ll it.s stage.s, and tiuit in caturrh. dries the vine, so that the pods are ready are oaten by foxes to any extent, nor Drs. Ottman & Blankiier, Smith, of Maple Rnpids, last Saturday. about this great health Hull’s ('aturrii Cure is the only positive to be picked. from the further fact that they hang The picking is the most expensive oper high anf the system, thereby de the vinos made into large stacks or ston-d cinity attended ilie New Year’s dance Ticket Office, 9 8 Adams-st., .strok ing the foundati III of the dis«>ase away in the loft, for they make a hay Bliffinic Dov«-n Into a Anlt Mine on a given at Fow ler, by the .Modern Wooil- STEEL HOTEL, St. Johns, Mich., uml giving the jaitient st r*-ngt h bv build which is really more nourishing for the Leather Apron. njen .Monday evening. ing up the constitution ami assisting im average mule than timothy. The vine ia I.ilian Bell in Woman ’s Home Compan ­ .Miss Margaret Piggott, who has been ture in doing its work. The proprietort- a little too rough for a horse’s throat, but ion tells of Salzburg and of a visit to a attending school at Chatham, Canada, Friday, January 11, 1900. Chicago. have s » much faith i i its ciirativepowers it is a luxury to the average soutlierii salt mine. How the descent into the salt is s|>ending the holidays with her par­ that they t»ffer One Huiidreil Dollars for mule, who will grow fat in peanut bay mine was made she tells ns follows: ents, Mr, and Mis. Fernando Piggott, any case it. fails to cun*. Send for list ol and nothing else. In all fiehls some of “Our costume consisted of white duck No money required of responsible parties to commence treatment D'stimotiials. .\d«li<*ss the vines will be blackened and nuts of trousers, clean but still damp from recent ELSIE. FARHERS P". .1. riG:.NE:v & Co.. Toleilo, O. poor quality. These are left on the washing, a thick leather a|»ron, a short One Day Only Each iVlonth, Office Hours 9 a. m. to 7:00 p. m .\re .\lways Made Welcome Sold by all druggists, 7r>c. “ N ground, and later the pigs are turned into duck blouse something like those worn Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Van I biventer, from the field. They eat everything that is by bakers and a cap. The trousers, lie- Yjisilauti, s|>ent the holidays with KIsie Hull’s FamilylPills arc the best. left except the roots. The nuts are n d ing all the same size and the same length, and Ithaca relatives. very fattening, but they give the porker a came to Bee's ankles, were knickerbock ­ La.Mott Clement expG0. and can assure courteous nt” Dniiisy nut "factories ” are located. The factory and when we demanded to know the rea­ K. A. Litchfield has bought a power is merely a place where the nut is shelled son she said in German, ‘It is for the well drilling machine and will put down treatment and reasonable 6314 or the shell polished for the market. It is swift descent, ’ a well for the village near the one on '.llBial. a curious fact that peanuts with clean, “Jimmie was similarly arrayed when he west .Main street. prices. rlisteuiug pods w ill sell for 15 to 20 per met us at the door, but he seemed to .\t the annual election of the .M. K .Aid Ciut more at retail than those with large, know no more about it than we did. -\t society the following officers werechosen: By the Great Specialist in Treating dirty looking pods, although the kernels the mouth of the salt mine we were met I’resident, Mrs. Frank Dunham; first may be Just as good, so the nuts intend ­ by our conductor, who took us along a vice president, .Mrs. J. B .Moore; s»*cond J. M. DODGE, Prop. Weak and Diseased Hearts, Frank­ ed for the bag trade at the circus and on dark passage, where all the lights fur­ vice president, .Mrs. l^evi Carter; secre­ lin Miles, M. D., L. L. B., street comers are scoured in large iron nished were those from the covered can­ tary, Mrs. Charles Bates; tn*asurer. Mrs. cylinders. Then they are carried to funs, dles fastened to our belts, something on THK CLIXTO.N COUNTY .SAVING BANKS Chicago, Ill. Ii. G. Bateg. —The Run. ST. JOHNS, MICH., which blow the heavier nuts Into one the order of the miner ’s lamp. Presently part of the factory and the little ones we came to the mouth of something that PAYS .S PKR CENT INTEHEST ON DE­ UNION HOME. Who'wlll send free n wven days course of a' into another part and at the same time evidently led down somewhere. Blindly POSITS AND LOANS MONEY ON AP- most wonderful treatment for heart diseaae remove the dirt which was not taken off following our guide, who sat astride of a PItOVEI) BONDS AND HEAL and dropsy, with short breath, sinotbeiing, the shells in the cylinders. The dark, pole, .limmie planted himself behind him. John Hyde has purchased the Jay or sinking sisdls, pain, cough, vomiting, etc. partly filled nuts are shelled by machin­ astride of the guide ’s back. Mrs. Jimmie, Wyman farm. ESTATE SECURITY. Send for book containing a large numb*-ror ery and sold to confectioners, while the albert J. BALDWIN. Pr**«1dent, mlraculims cures, after from five to thirty; after having absolutely refused, was Miss Florence Wheat, of St. Johns, is phvslcianshave pronouncetlthem •Inrtirable. other ones are carried by a sort of end ­ finally persuaded to (dace herself behind visiting at .Mr. Finch’s for a few days. G. PENNELL, Vice-President. Jiillns Keister of f’hicago after ten had failed. less chain apparatus into bags, each of P. E. WAI-SWORTII, Treasurer. Mrs. I'rnnk Smith, of <’hlcag«», after eight Jimmie, then came Bee, and last of all .Miss Nellie Tinklepaugh siient .New- leading physicians liaer. roasted and mixed in with the coffee ber­ “ ‘For the swift descent, ’ he answered. J, T. Thompson. ry and then ground, to be sold in pack­ “ ‘The descent into what?’ said Jimmie. You cau’t talk sugar b«*etH to (Jeorge ages as choice Moeba and Maracaibo. “But at that and as if disdaining our REAL ESTATE TrAN^CTIONS Merchant Tailor, SbocHiiiith, a farmer near lycslie, nor While most of the American nuts are ignorance we sudtieiily began to shoot grown in eastern Virginia and .North downward with fearful ra|)idity on noth­ Opposite “The Steel”. wheat nor any thing else except shcMp, IVter F. Martin to .Adam Martin, of as a money maker, lie b«*gan I BGG with Carolina and Tennessee, peanut fiehls ing at nil. All at once the high polish on are cultivatisl in parts of Ixiuisiuna and the leather aprons was explained to me. nw '4. K<»c. 3 and a % of w* % of ue hm*. 4, All the thirty-six head of shis'f) and his net rt*- Weatphalia, f l.OO, q. c. ceipts fniin the flock during the year have Nebraska. Many of the fields in North We were not on any tolioggun. We Isjen |;2M2. He still has ihirty-one of the Carolina contain a|>parently nothing but formed one ourselves. Winfield S. Hall and wife to Jothan HE CURES AFTER OTHERS FAIL. wet sand. Digging down six or eight hw Latest Novelties. original Hock left. “When we arriveil, they said we had Tiavis, .\din ’r.. ^ aw 'i and a \ rha Mofft Sncccssful and 5c!ci.i!r.'c Treatment of All Diseases and Wetfcw ft‘et, however, the farmer generally descembsi :U.M) fe«‘t.” of HW Heel ion 20, and e % of ne ‘4, comes to a loam which retains the rain sec. 34, Dnplaiii, fl (Ml. q. c. nesses of Mankind PccsiblO to Obtain. and other surface water. This nourislies Advice Aboot Notes. Hjirrv E. Hodver and wife to Edward The m®*t wlJolr and faTfrrxbly known Bpedr.llct In the I’nitM Ptatea Hi* lon| expert the plant, which requires a very light and If negotiable |>aper held by a bank as J. Fung, et al.. n % of hw ^ and iiw \ of jaee, remarkni>le'.Kl’l r.nff nnlvorsnl Eurceae In ttie lar-’crt hoRpit;.lr In the world enables aim 10 treat all . NKKVOUB, SKIN and IU/>GD I>1 fs*o* upon the lateel eeleih porous soil. It also needs ns hot weatli- sec’urity for the payment of a loan or He '4, H«*,-. tt, Beiigiil, $2,224.H.‘l. er as corn to properly mature, .\fter ;lfle principle*, atul eotltlce him to tlio full confidence of the afTltrted everywhere. debt becomes due and the bank fails to Mary E. Doyen to Ernent R. Holley, win rtTTTM ATM baa no superior in dtocnoalnr. nnd trcr.thit, disease* and d^ raising several crops the average peantit demand payment and has it protested iyi\* A 1 I’l Aix forniltleR. Mcdlcul ond Surgical DlM^oHc* .\r::te and Chronic field needs to be heavily fertilixtHl with HW *4 of Hc H»s-. 1.5 and iiw ^ of ne Catarrh, Dlaeaae. of the Kya Kar. Not;e, “Throj-t and Lunc*. D\ ppei'K::u 1.right’s Dlaea^ when dishonored, the bank shall be liable nee. 22, Olive, f7(K>, q. o. Dlatiolee, Kidney. Liver. Bladder, Chronic I'etnule and Sexual Dlaeiverr xptedily cared by In lime or marl, as the plant exhausts the to the owner for the full amount of the trr.itinent th-vt iiiis nevcl failed in thmiwind* of cnaee IhnI had been i)r .nounred bryond soil. paper. Sylvia M. F«‘tt.VH to Clinton roiiiit.v, lot hope. Many peo;)le ineel death evor.v your V7bo might have been restored to perfect jealtn During a fair year the American pea­ Don ’t accept a note until you are cer­ 5 and w J^oflot 0, block 14, .Maple Rap- bad they placed their caeet. ic the hand* ol experts. nut crop will average nearly S.OOO.tXk) tain that it is dated corr(*ctly, specifies ide, CHUH«‘ their Hupport. IMPORTANT TO X^ARXRS.—DR. OTTMAN, after years, of experience, has discovered Emergency bushels, estimating 22 pounds to the Sarah J. Gregory to George Vigen, e \ the rreatest cure known for all diseasespeculiar to the sea. Female diseases positively cured the amount of money to Ite paid, names by the new reinedv, OUTM RMISSOM. The cure is effected by bometreatment. L^ntirely bushel. This is but a small proportion the person to whom it is to be paid, in­ of ae 14 of tie %. net*. Ifi, Victor, $500. harmless snd easily applied. Connnltatioa Free andatio StrictlyStrictlv Confidential. of the world ’s crop, however, which ag ­ BIL ottman operates snceessfally and DEAFNBS8. I cere CO per rent, of all cludes the words “or order ” after the .Auditor General to Win. H. Rone. 11 painlessly for squint eyes, pterygium, iridec cases. >'ianv cases cured ir r re in atn:ent. gregates fully 550,000.000 pounds. It is name of payee if it is intended to make ol II 14 Gf ne HW. 34. Rath, fl 1.34. Cases calculated that we eat about $10,000,000 totny, turning in or out of eye lashes or lids. DISCHARGING EARS cured in every the note negotiable, states a plaee where .\ugiiHtnH C. Fox and wife to Enther J, Closure of tear duct and all other eycopera- case worth of (leanuts yearly, or 4,000,000 payment is to be made, states that the tious. CATARRH OPTHBNOSB.brrrchitis bushels of the nuts, either in candy or Rrowping, land on w-c. 34, Watertown, CHRONIC SORB STBS and grann- and lung irouliles caused from catarrh, posi* note is “for value received ” ami is signed ♦lOG q. e. lated lids quickly cured. lively cured. the original kernels. The shucks, or by til" maker or his duly authorized rep­ A CSRTAIN AND P08XTXTB CORB shells, form also good food for pigs, resentative. In certain states fixed Minnie (). Hall to Frank R. Hall, w J4 for the awful effects of earlv Vice and the TO YOUNQ AND MIDDLE- while, as already stated, peanut vines are of nw 14. Hcc. 35, Dupinin, $4GG. numerous evils that follow in its train. Get a bottle of HINKLEY»S phrases are required in the body of the PRFVATB BXA>01> AND SKIN AGED MEN. a first class fodder for mules. note, such as “without defalcation or dis ­ Fn*derick .Ma<*k and wife to Cliarle/i PISBASBS speedily, completely and per­ BONE BONE LINIMENT. It Very few peanuts are eaten out of the count. ” but as a general rule that fact is ].,eniin. land on Hec. 15, Wjitertown, manently cured. k CIIDC PIIDC The awful effertsof early NSB'POBS OBBILITT AND 8BZ- n OUilL v UmLi vice, which brings or ­ will save doctors' bills. It pwl in Europe, although fully 400,000,- understood without the specificution. — f3,SGG, ganic weakness, destroying both mind and fOO pounds are sent to CJreat Britain and tTAl DI80RDBB8 yield rapidly to bis may save lives when the Weekly Bouquet. Clayton .4. Johnnon and wife to Fjmh- skillful treatment. body, with all its dreadful ilia, permanently LINIMENT the continent every year from Africa and ley W. Holland, ^ \ of lotH 14 and 15, PII,B8, PI8TITI,A AND RBCTAX, cured. doctor isn't available. It's an Asia. They are converted into oil and a BICBR8 guaranteed cured without pain or tnc oncAT What He Rxpccted to Do. sort of flour at factories at Marseilles bloi'k S Village of Ovid, $180. detention fro*r. business. DR. OTTMAN UtemaJ •»* Eiteriul emergency hospital in itself. “Would you take our darling daughter Chiw. Cowan and wife to Ephrani A. fTPHILlS, OONORRRBA, OLBBT, paired themselves by improper indulgence and several English cities. A bushel of from us'/” tearfully asked the mother. Wpermatorrhea, Seminal Weakness, Lost and solitary habits, which ruin both mla4 RCMCOV Thousands of homes know the genuine peanuts shelled can be press­ Waltz, l**t I 'J, b!o< k 8, village of Ovid, Manhood, Might Emissions, Decayed Facul­ and body, unfitting them for business, study, Po* Nri«r«lfta, Cu Ik , “Why—er—yes,” replied the startled $50. ties. Female Weakness snd all delicate dis ­ society or marriage. T*olh*(hc. it and rely on it absolutely ed into about a gallon of oil, which is orders peculiar to either sea, positively cured, MAKRIED MEN, or those entering oa Rhcumalitm. 5sr»,n,. substituted for olive and other table oils youth. “That was my Idea. I—I really St, JohiiH Rnilding A Loan .Vnajiciatioii Diphlhorii, Aciir, for every ache and pain. hadn’t contemplated taking the whole as well as fnnctional disorders that result that happy life, aware of physical debility, S-rrlhroAl mnd Lunn. very frequently. It sells at from 00 to Hardy M. Hoerner, et Jil., lot 1, block from yonthfal follies or the excess of mature quickly assisted. OiarrSora Inlrinal Sold everywhere in 25-cent, family, you know. ”—Chicago Post. years. 'WB ODARANTBB TO CTTRBNervoae Paint, WauiHt,. ceuts to $I a gallon, and the meal, or 5, EminouHville, St. JohiiH, fOO(K •PBClALTIBSt Catarrh^kln Diseases, Debility, Failing Manhood, Syphilis, Varico ­ UrtMttt. ChilbtaiM, SO-cent, «ad SI.00 bottle*. flour,)left after pressure Is used for feed ­ Ei( Maac of the I’ncnllKhteaeff. Thomas IL Waltz and wife to I’aisley Sores, Pimples. Scrofnia, Blood Taints, cele, Stricture, Gleet, Unnatural PischargM ing horses a'od baked Into a kind of bread W. Holland, n 14 of lot* 14 and 15 and a Eczema, Cancer, Piles and Diseases of Women Weak Parts and all Kidney and Bladder AN INSTANT RCUCT which has a large sale in Germany and “Did you read Jibber’s poem called Quickly and Permanently Cured bv the latest Diseases. 'Woman ’s Timid Touch'/’ ” part of lot 13, block 8, village of Ovid, approved treatment as pnrsned by leading 49*Cases and correspondence confidential, France.—SL Louis Globe-Democrat. f31G. apecialists of America and Europe. bnt personal consultation preferred. ^ I PRALL A CO. “‘Woman's Timid Touch?’ Oh, say, -i ^xf\rw John Miller and wife to Jacob J. Mar­ FZIBB BXAMINATION OP THB vRINB.—Each person allying for medical treat­ Qaite Trne. there ought to be a law to lueveut bache­ ment should send or bring from 2 to 4 ounces of urine (that passed first in the morning pre­ lors from writing poetry about women. ” tin, Hwr % of the hc )4» ♦W’C* ItalbiH, ferred!, which will receive a carefnl rbemical and microscopical examination, and if requested “You disapprove of some of the con ­ —Chicago Record. ♦l.GGG. a'writteii analvsis will be given. Persons rained in health by unlearned pretenders, who ventional fioi ions'/ ” keep trifling with them month after month, giving poisonous aad injnrionscompounds, should Edmund Creenman and wife to Win. apiply immediately. Delays are danirerons. “I do. ” answered Miss Cayenne. A Clerical Rplarani. F. BnningHrdner. e 30 lUTea of w % of ne |Unk|nrnr||| PUDCC I'erterted in old cases which have been neglected or nnskillfnllv “And yet 1 have beard you exclaim to Do not be discouraged because your V4, HiHj. 31, Bingbam, f 1,075. NlInllClirUL UUnCO t reate I. No caperimenis or failures. Parties Heated by mat a number of people. ‘I am delighted to ITesprtss, bat wbers pooaiblc, pera nal consultation ia preferred. Cnrable cases guaranteed, work is not apiireciated. God never tires Rtepheii M. Boyle to J. Eli Jonee, a •B'Uaaee and correepoadence ooaAdeuiial. Treatment seat C. O. D. to any part of U. K see you! ’ ” of making flowers and sunsets, although “T'be remark was perfectly true in each Htrip of land on h % of ne I4, aec 5, Ehhcx , so few stop to admire them.— Rev. Frank $10. case. I shouldn ’t care to be blind, you Crane. Lis tof 180 queatlnns free. Address with poataffs. know. ”—Wasbington Star. Jennie G, Crich to Wilnon Crich, part of lot 10, block 40, Rt Ji bna. f 1 (HI, etc. A Card. Pmy» He vtiii* T<»rtiir«‘0 hardly walk,” writes 11. Robinson, Hille- to refund the money on a 50-eent bottle Portef Block, Grand Rapids, ‘Mich. af riciand of Hompeii borooKh, III, “but Buckhn’s Arnica of (fPeene ’g Warranted Synip of Tar if it Tliotisantls Sent lnt«» Kxlle. UhDER AN ACTOF US'! CONGRESS Salve com|»letely cureil them.” Acts like fuils to cure your cough oreold. Wealso Every year a la^ge number of fioor auf- majric on sprains, bruises, cuts, sores, guarantee a 25-cent bottle to prove satig- fererH whoae InngH are Bore and riM;ked HorTw^LirrroN ^ll5b)V6tC1l,'E)aC.llJ5a?L scahis, burns, boils, ulcers. Perfect healer fai'tory or money refunded. with congha are urged to go to another F you want it promptly of skin diseases and t»iles. (’ure jruaran- P. K. VanRickle, Ht. Johng. climate. But Uiih Ih costly and not al- Draying PURSER HEMRY H McKEEcajhicn KATionAg capitwi. BAtiN teed by F'ildew and Millmaii 250. Travis Jt Raker, 8t. Johns. wayH anre. Don ’t be an exile when Dr. Otto Bullig, Maple Rapids. King ’s New Dlucovery for Conaumption and carefully done at rea­ . America 's FRATERMALBENmciALORDER J. FL Jerow, Ovid. will cure you at home. It’s the moot in­ ^ lOWlST fOSSIfir COST COMSlSTlffT WITH PIBf CCT SfCUBlTV For Pneiimitnltt. B. K. King A Co., Fowler. fallible medicine for Cougha. Colds, and sonable prices call for |«f 8 MONTHLY FAYMCNTS CRf ATlPtG AN CMfMfNCY PUNO Dr. C. J. Bishop, Af^new, Hfich., says: all Throat and Lung dineaHee on earth. and “1 hare used Foley ’s Honey and Tar in Itching piles? Never mind if phygician The firat dose bringH relief. Astound* ^ PERMAMEHT FROflTABLE P05ITI0HS have failed to core yon. Try Doan's ing cures result from peraietent use. IMPLOYMCrtT OfVfN TO CAPABLE Mf N AND VYOMCN three yery severe cases of pneumonia Trial bottles lOcts. At Fildew A Mill- ffl THIS OBIAT^WAONK A"? YOUR MOMtS OR CLSWHCRt with good results in every case.” Tbereis Ointment. No failare there. 50 cents, Bt iban’s. Price 50c and fl.OO. Every Trucking: Richard Gay. [WID6WHT0M^f nothing so good. At Fildew AMillmsD’s. any drug store. bottle gnarantsed. "’"JiftI' S' ,;s-t 'i THE 8T. JOHK8 NEW8, TiruB8DA,Y APTEBNOON, JANrAUV 3. 1901.


    .Mfm. lltiirjr iM nick iit thiM writiiiK* FImer Nevins was In St .fohns Thurs­ l.ort*ii rH'*tl**, of St. .loliiiw, wiiH ill day. to- u Sutunla.v. J H. Bera, of SuiiHeld, s|»ent Friday I'lovil I'olt* in tin* >{U*'Ht of .Mr. uiiil .Mra, at Uev. Stewart's. .1. (i. I’attvrHoii. .Mrs. Catiierine .Shepard, of Ovid, is Mih Will. .\.v* r Hp**iit Satunfay witli vlnittng mlatives luTe. fii>‘ii(iH ill IVwaiao. Will Carjsuiter. of Wolverine, was a Sijpt, F .M. Plunkett was surprisi*il by M .<4. Will Knt'iiiaii, of itubbardHtoii, F. R. .Munson's .Monday. CENTURY’S DAWNING A REMARKABLE GENTLEMAN liis Sunday H.'huol class last Friday ev­ ^vas ill town Sunday. Mrs. Cl.ira .\dnins, of WhiH'ler, is vis­ ening. Eastman’s iting her unele, A. N. Doyen. KIOHTV Oi VKAK8 ItL'T ONLY KOKTV Filison S.var(liont, south **ust of Ovid, The New York Mra. Uiith I’ark-*, of LunHinur, ia tbp IT W.X** lil.Alrl.Y WKH O.MKU A (ru«'8t of iior HiHter, Mm. A. I'arks. Miss Blanche Tailor, ot Ovid, »p^nt ' IN KrrKCT. has sold liis farm of 200 acr**s to i inaii New Yeats wiih Olive f leveland. H.NK8KRVICK. ' ill (fhir). .\inoH foo «, of Star City, H|M>ut a few Livery Barn days of last wwk with rolativHB la*r**. Mm. (ho LaPoint tiad a giaiid.son .Mr. and Miss B iiiiiHtv|ie, of Detroit' from Pewaiiio, visiling her Itist wis-k. AiltlrsHs ngcor spent Friday and Oil Ovid ’s l’•»»•ll^l^ltl«•—Otiisr ieth bMitIidH.v at the home of his grand ­ township Mpendin^: a few daya with friendn here. >4HtIIrday with .Miss .Minnie Simmons, of son, ('has. Fatoii next Halm day. At 8 |>eMksrn. this birthday pariy four generations will .1. If SheriiiHii amf family sjient Chris*- JoHie Shenaline, of (Jratiot. wa* the Ovid. nias in th** lioiiie of R**v. W. (i. .Nixon, « f be present. Children, graudchildreii, t 'li**sHning. FIRST CLASS RIGS al­ f^ucHt of relatives a few days last week. Mm. Nina Fhindtas and little son, ol and gmat-grandchiliiren and many other Company About three hundred iiersons watched Chicago, are visiiiiitf tier pureut.», .Mr. r»*lHtiv«*s will help c«*U brate thiseveiit. F*1 Seib and Corliit L“laiid, of S'*iotH Mrs. .Mi<*e Itlock and children are the and Mrs. B. Valentin •. ways ready for the public jjiieHtH of Ifeiirv Ca»e and family of Ban- the coming o( tlie new century at tlie To see .Mr. Faxon in his iiisurane* township, have g*)iie to Chula Vista. nl^'r. Mm .1. C. I^apoiiit and little daughter, Congregational church .Monday night. office or peiforiuiiig other diitie.s, it Hoiitlieru Califuniiu. at reasonable prices. who have lieen spMidinu: the past few Young and old alike eiij yi*d the iiiterrsf- would seem dim^usnuable to a Htriing'-r (i*-orue F xon .Ir. and wife, of New Charlc-* Hiuie wim ifie jfiieet of her mouths in New Yt rk, leinrned home wrote $332,000,000 of iiig program. At midnight the bells thathe was near Ids eight! th Idrlhdii ’ . York City aie visiting their uanmls, Mr. pill "t«. .Mr an I .\frs. Odiii^, of Ililey, Thursday. He IS healthy and strong and has tLe and .Mrs. (hnirg** Faxon. ia^ \ve«*k. Dr. and .Mrs. .McOillicuddy were pleas­ weiv rung while songs of welcome were liusiness vitality of a man mucii young* r \ few [mil s *»f IMgiaii ha’-CH for sal**, if new business in the year .Mi'H (Jrace Stair, of Maple Uapide, antly surprised by a number of their HUUg. • n yiit* st and lowest teni|*ei'ature of each w**<*k. ZOO Feed barn accomodation phalia, recently day. tory of the world. 125,000 Mrs. Henry VanDeusen entertained an for s[M‘akiug at tids time, but assuring C. .\ .luliiisoii and family attended a or everybody. unele part of 1 ist week. .Mr. I'hxoii is iM'rhap-i the o!d**Mt (mtmoii Mm. L. W. Bahlwin Ih eiemdintr a few tlieiij it would not occur again this teii- >-ii*giiig ill H eliurch choir ia .Miehigae. .loliiison fuiiiily n*uiiion at .Ann Aibor persons took insurance in weeks with her daughter, .Mm. J. .Mc- Mrs. Oeorgie Vaiifieusmi sjsmt Iiist tnry. .Mr. I’otter spoke very highly of For «* d(Hrid«fd at tliis nns'tiiig con*** r.- write or call on OVID, MICH. Harts. Haire and a friend, .Miss .\ora of many other pn»-|MsdH. He giiv«* a gatioii ’il ehiin-li .Monday night, reiiiaiii ing the next pastor. ^fisH l.ncy Wood spent a few days last ing to si*e tin* new ceutnry arrive. v\’e«*k with the .Mis8* ‘« .\gn*K and Marga- .\ye, s|suit New Year’s witli his parents, complete history of tlie village and its Lon .1. fti'iini'liHiiip will l»s‘ture on “The rett I’iirgott, of Lebanon, T. and H. .M. Haire. jieople b«*ginuiiig at the time that Frank Tliej- Tliniiksil The New*. Snniiy Side of Life’’ nt tin* Opera Hoii-e Wiafnesday night, .fall. l)th. This is the I WISH TO ANNOUNCE .\ little stranger came totliehomeof Swarthout settl*si h*‘n* in IH.’fT. "I appi-ei'iate niid I tliiiik tin* pupils .faini ‘8 Lance Sr., has ndiirned from Frank Sherman and wife, of fiuplaiii, to s eond iiuinlsT on tl e Iei*tnn- course. C. A. Johnson, .\iirora, where he had lieen siMuidintr the Supt. F. M. Plunkett spoke on llieedu- appre**iate the r»*portsTh«* .Newsglvmonr gladden tlieir livi's. seho*)l,’* sai*i .Sujit. Plunkett to the Idgh Shepardeville elieese has begnu to That 1 am again in the week with his daiightir, Mrs. Hattie cntional system, giving a ver}’ interest­ *;ome on tlie Ovid market. .Merchants Durst. Krnie Sexton ni-eiviHl a iiiee Cliristmas sehoo pu|)ils a few days ago, as a vt.te presiait of tlie 40 acres where the house ing Idstory of th«*advancement of schools of thanks was giveu The N“ws. say it is of good ipiahty and will stain] Special Ovid, Photo business at my old Mrs. W. L. Diet, Mr. and Mm. ('asjier is. from his fatlier, C. Sexton. from 1H58 to the present time The timt Tin* .News a<'knowl«'dg«*s this e.\pr**s- a good show, although |»eople an* us­ Smith, Miss .fane Kalor and Frank A i»rof**ssor from Hillsitale (’ollegt* H(*hool house was built in 18r*8, which sion of nppm ’iation ai;d is very glad .Mr. ing a good d* al of FInie and Chapin (VBerrr. of I.ebanou, were the guestwof eh*s*s«*. stand, corner Main and preueiied two very acceptnhie sermons was list'd for s<‘hooI uinl all religions Plunkett am! pupils appre<*i.ite its •1. T. M’ood and family one day last last Sunday at the F. B cliurch. r**|M)rts. “Yi'ssir, this store b* ‘guii on the (.•asli Agent, Mich. week. meetings. Our present school house was plan .fatinury first,“said Chas Sny d«*r to Ciinton-sts., and will be Mr. and .Mrs. Henry Vanlh u.-eii rp mt built in 1870 and has hts^n greatly im- Cti list mas with her sister, .Mm. I Ml OVID NEWS IN BRIEF. tin* N**ws ii'porter tliis week. Coiiilnu- PRICE. pr.ived sine *. The Httendun**e in 1870 ing, he said, “It is tin* only way and tin* pleased to meet and give White, where they hiid the Scott reunion WHS ’2‘2ii and today is .441. The .Metho- and saw many of the family whom they |>rois*r way to run a gr(K*ery store. ” Christmas w«ek pass«*ss a *lev*>- In UBe he recently purf .lucksou is in receive my prompt personwl wt- W. E. MERRILL, Photographer, L. .Nf ark ham and family an* visiting tioiial service was hel*l uii itr the leader ­ Ovid. 8 reel and place it in first clusHcondition. llou. Hunter Block, Ovhl, Midi. Married, at her home in Price, .Miss relativtti in Wayne coiiiit.v. Ovid, Mich. (trace Baker, eldest daughter of .\. ,1. ship of Rev. Lutlier. .lames Higli, who l)**<>n ipiite ill, is Ch IS. W. Link, a fi/riin*r Ovid boy, has B iker, to Herman Yariger. ('hristmns D. Haininond and family s|H‘nt Ctirist- C. .V .lohiison spoke of the a'fvsnc*- bett«*r. In en -lift***! as one of tlie stm-khohlers of niirlit at six o'clock, l»y Itev. Stewart, m^iH with .Mrs. Sarali DeWitt. m**nt of the young jr*oi >I**’s movement. tie .lewell Carnage Co, of Carthage, .Mr. .fohiisoii had tin* privil«*ge of l*ading R tta Woodard of FI ie visited in 0\id Oh o. The carriage plant will is* moved (^iiite a number of friends and relative •Mrs L. A. Harriss|M-nt Cliristmas with Saturday. were then* and a number of nice presents her parents, .Mr. and .Mm. Parks, of ilie timt young |M*ople ’s meeting in Ovid. t o Hamilton, Ohio. 'I'ln* niuiiy friends of ree snriirise jiarty at with consumption. so gav? hisopinioii tons what bethouglit pan'iits lust we**k. O. T. .M., .Monday ev**iiing, D«*i-emb**r 24, would lie act!omplish**d in the next *)n** the following ollioTs were el*s-t**d for the .^^rH. .\lice Doty's at Round Lake last (ieorge Frombey of St. .loiiiis, made a T. M. llendiTsoa ami wife M|M*ut New- Saturday. very nice time is report«*d. hundred years. ensuing y ear; Commainier, W. ff Hart; liusinens trip to this i»lacc Friday of last Year's in itig Rapids. Idi ’iit. Commander, H. W. Longwell; week. .Miss .J**ss}e Clark sang a Hr)lo, “.Ji*sus Scliool lH‘gan the 2iid, after a week's I’ilot Me.” whicli w iis very aff**rtive and Rev. .McClain of Durand was in Oviil record ki-eisT, F. W. Turner; finance If you would ap|H*ur wifti the up-to-date dr**Hs«*rs then vacation. Henry Frombey is visiting Ins sons, neatly r* ‘nder**d. .Monday on busini'ss. k**cper, .N. V. Ream; elintilain, Ryion pl»M*e your order with us. W** carry u full line of For**ign The revivals are still going on at I’rice .lohii and I^eslie, and otlmr friends, at Herl)ert .McFin*n of Chicago is visiting Bali'oin: physician. Dr. .1. F. Tiiylor: an*f Domestic Woolens, all tlie latest novelties of the sea­ with some success. .New Haven. his parents this we**k. seargent, H. F. Turner; .M. at A.. F. son. Our jirices are low cousideriiig the high gnufe work A READING ROOM (ire«‘ii; of 0., .1 Young; 2od .M of we do. ('leaning, pressing and repairing promptly att**rid- SOUTH’OVID. Mr. and .Mis. Henry Svi(l and no chiircli*-s. tuiiUH) Mrs. Renton Nethaway and XYOri.O IT NOT HK A MI’LKNOlO picket, -f. .Austin. —Ib-gister Fnion. grandchildren Christmas. .\ll eiijoyml a Fdwani Neabitt of Rnff-ilo is vi-iting .Mr. and Mrs. Win. Rice, of Ovid, Sun- THI.Mi. relatives ni this plan*. dayed at .\bner Hayes’. good time. SHERBURNE CORNERS -Melvin Dyer was surpiis«-d Christmas Devalson Smith has be<*n granted a Kdward Strickland had twenty-four The Ladies ’ Idbrary lias just mad** an (H'tisiun of f8 a moiith. bushels of ■liummotb clover seeil off ten morning, when he went out to his ham, .Miss .May Wiliiams, of ifurand, is visit­ acres. to find a valuable ten year old steer addition of mon* very Hue liooks. Th**y •Marvin Marshall Af Chicago visited r*l- ing at .Mr. Brokaw ’s. BERRY & CO., dead in the stable. l/ockjaw had b<>en have filaired the pri»'e of obtaining books ativrs in (tvid last w-<*pk. .Miss Pear! Tompkins sjient past oflust (ieorge BingiT. of Ludington, is visit­ oansed from a rusty uail which the ani ­ at 27)0 for the vear or less than acent a week at Mr. Wilcox ’s. ing his brothers, Charles and I^ewis we«‘k which is chea{i enough for all. (iarfiehi Hunter, who has been ill witli mal had run into its foot. typhoid ferer, is gaining. .lohii .Myers is in (irand Ii4*dg** this Binger. They **x|)ect to ojh*ii a muling room as week visiting his sister. OVID, Henry Hall and family of Ionia an* vis­ MICH. Corn buskers, clover hullers and baling MEREEBEACH. soon as they **an. \Voul1i**s in a tinam'ial banqu*>t at Detroit last w**ek. nual reunion at (Ieorge Hull’s New- way'.* We netnl a room or home where Michigan, is visiting her parents, Mr. Arthur, Mr. and Mm, R. R»*eve, Mr. and R**v. Fli'tcher of Bay City preachi'd at Year’s. and Mrs, I'dward Strickland. young men and young women can sjs'nd tlie Baptist cbiin-h last Sunday. The Fia: Qiillty of hnt wi -are grinllnj es Mrs. L. .1. Cariienter and family Christ­ an hour in n*ading **ach evening. .Mon* •Miss Fdali .Silv**rnail ent**rtalned a inas for dinner. «*s|ss-ially thos** w lio liave no home of Flon'ii**** Zimmerman of Owusso was porty *»f friends from here at lier home in ( liapped liai.ds.crackiK] lifisand rotigh- th** guest of .Malile .Nix Ijist w****k. lle^^ (»f the skin eim*d o* Its a Itabies .s>old by F'ildew A .Millman. .ftiliii Hamp, wlio lives on the (iills*rt .loliii .Shaw and wife of I’lymoiitli, the richest, sweetest flour on the market. Your grocer has it. (piite a numlier from Olive Orange nt- .Mi**h., are visiting theirsoii, W, R. .Shaw. temled Pomona Orange at Bengal Wed ­ farm sontli wi-st of Ovid, Imd a runaway wmner.j*j*Vatch it grow FARMERS-Bring us a grist to grind. .1. .\. Lambert of Raeiiel, N. (’. writm; nesday. last Saturday. While out on tli** tongue | -1. Rost* was entertaiin-d in honoi of “I lieartify en

    iJan. I M. Henderson’s Inventory Sale, (Jan. 31 1001

    12 pieces Dress (ioods, Itlack 20 pieces Black and Colored 5,000 yards (lOod Heavy’ Qf/ #| Price and colors, oOc values, QCn Dress Goods, regidar 55c MCipiiS Cloths about 54Pni!t Unbleached Cotton, Special ^ / Invcntorv Sale Jull value, Inventory Sale, On Ladies ’Jackets, Skirts, Suits. 10 pieces Black Shirting, - 754e 10 doz. Wool Vests and Fants, DQp Underskirts in Wool, Satin. r* ])ieccs Ticking, . . _ Sc in Flush, Boiicle Cloths and white only, $1.00 value, at QUU Mercerized Cottons,etc., at .\inoskeag Gingham - . 5c The best Outing made at - OJ^e Beaver Cloths at Cut Frices. 20 doz. Heavy Fleece Lined IQp Cut Frices. No lietter than vve carry. Best Print, Simpsons, and i EXTRA SPECIAL. V ests, regidar 25c value, - I U U Percales - - - 494C 500 yards White Outing, i \ / p Did you get one of our Cook ­ 50e All Wool Car|)ets, - - 39c Scarfs, Collarettes, MuH's, extra wide and heavy, ing Knives. We will have ' 25c and 37Vk* Cotton Carpets, 19c plenty ot them for the Sale Hoods, Fascinators, etc., Remnants of all kinds 25 doz. Men ’s Sanitary Cotton (iood Hemp Carpels, - - lOc at specially low prices. of goods at about - Vests and Fants, regular 50c IQp ^ Price value, at luU IleavA’ Fleece, no better made, QCa BLANKETS. CORSETS. lio dozen Ladies ’ Fleece 50c value (don ’t miss it), at uilu $5.00 Wool Blankets, Gra\’ j Q 75 pairs Corsets, sizes IS to QC|| Hose, loe (|nalit\ ’, at - Fleeced Goods, siiital)le for or White, - . . ^ZilT’V 1254c 50 yards French Flannel at 3254c Dressing Saetjucs and 50, regular 50c value, /3u 2”) dozen Ladies ’ I'leeee Hose, '■)() “ “ ■' “ 5254c Wrapjters, $5.00 Wool Blankets, (irav The Greatest Value in Corsets 2r)C (pialitA', at - - - 19c Bargains in all Flannels and Dress Goods. Specially Priced fit or White, $3.98 on Earth.

    Doyt forget that Linen Sale. We intend cleaning up every piece of Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves, Mittens, Dress Goods, Blankets, Every Ficec a Bargain. Cut PriGGS All Over the Store. Cloaks Shawls, jind I'nrs in the House. Now is \’our time to bin*.

    The man that made and keeps prices low on Dress Goods, HENDERSON. OiZlD. MICH.