JOHlC NEWS. VOM’.MK XII—NO. ‘->0. ST. .lOlINS, MICH., TIIUIISDAY, .lANrARV a, HMtl. ONE DOLLAR A AEAH. “If the Citizens of St. Johns Desire it, I Can Secure Free Delivery This Year.’N^Postmaster Brunson. SUFFERED FOR THREE YEARS GAVE UP TOO SOON 379909 TO DISRUPT FRIENDSHIPS ORATIOT MAN’.S UFIMON OF CLIW- AN ITEM 1NTHE NBW8 THREATENED ON THtJORSTEPS .o.MN or ONK or thk kaki .v no- TH[ NEW CMY»MS! NKKKM. TON HEET RAISKRM. TO DO IT. Mail May be Laid in St. Johns Old Officials Have Vacated the Servins: a Life Sentence at Jack- Dr. Squair Does Not Believe The life of .Mrs. Sarah Sutton, im ntioii ‘•If the farmers in (Jiiittm county had The .Nexx's was the iiin*xN;nt cause last This Summer. of whose death was mad«* in last week’s Court House. Is'rsiHted and raised sugar beeta the past son Prison. week of plunging Postmaster BrunsoD in Animals Do It. News, was fraught in its earlier .vears year they would have made it nay.” It the very slough of despond. The post ­ with all the hardship-* and privations ot WH8 .lobT. Sleight, hirroorlv of Hath town ­ master presented the .young la<iiee in the the pioii«*er ’s life. She was born in ship, but who now reaidea on a farm newspaper offices and thetelephone office .Massa''huHetts April 7, ISlfJ. While s'ill within a mile of .Alina who sp*>ke. ‘'Our WAS CONVICTED OF MURDER with boxes of confectionery and t^je item CITY DELIVERY A POSSIBILITY STRANGE FACES AT THE DESKS furiiH'm,” **ontiuL ’ed Mr. Sleight, “di*l not ill regird to it read the ladies in of/ the AT LEAST THE TYPHOID BACILLI a little child, she moved to Lake county, offfijes and o/l the /o(/t/c/t-rkn were also Ohio, with her parents. .At the agi* ot make I he first y**ar ’a crop pan out v*?ry wep, hut they learned many things objects of the postmaster ’s generosity. The Figures up to January First Are tweiity-tlire** years, she married William Judge Merrill the Only County Officer Had Served Fifleea Years of the Punish* lateresting ExperioMBts Have ReccBtly Sutton, and together they made a clear­ abuiit raising beeta wbich wen* of great It is needless to remark that the p*>st- Indicative. Who Has Held Over. imi>ortarns* ki making the crop a protlt- meat laiposed. master quite fairly coui luded that sev­ Bee'i Made. ing for their farm liome near llerea, Ohio. eral s**ores of young women would sur­ Totbem wer**born five children, of whom tible one. This year 1 have n* ‘ighbors who made as high aa $r>0 (s*r acre off mise that they bad been overlooked and only one suri iv* ‘s. W. .A. Sutton, *<f Hen- would give him the ic.v glare. The News gal. Ill 1H((4, Mr. and .Mrs. Sutton Wm. Smith Remains in the Bu'ldlng, from their b«*et *TOU and next y»*ur a Infant Child was the Object of His Murder­ Postmaster Brunson Says He Can Secure greater acreage than ever will be sown In makes this public "retraction ” to avoid Tending: to Prove lhat There Is Ifo Trens- the Service If Wanted. "* moved to the farm in Hengal, now o<' but In a New Offlee. ous Assault. a libel suit, but i-'n't just sure of its cupied bj’ their son, and wliere .Mrs Sut­ our countrj'. When the new electric roail mlsston by Animals. is coiistrnct**d (Clintoncounty farm(*r 8 will ground and the apology may cans** one ton die<l. She b«>cume a meiiilM*r in 18o7 instead of acting in palliation. of the .Methodist cliur«*li, whereshe was a then lie in a position to ship either to the “SlrH, y*>ii sre v*-r.v \velc*niie to *>ur bous'-. factory at ourtown or the new factory TLoiiihm Foley, who was convict**d in •‘The (HU'Htion of fn-e (U-liviTv in St. faithful worker until h<*r health failed. It iiiiiHt ii|>|K*ar In utber wh.vh than wortls. Discussing the question as to* whether For the past thn*e years, she had lM*eu TUnn-fore \v**i*caa* thin brcHtlilnn conrtcx.v. ” about to b** ere<'t**d at I.ansing and I the (Miiitoii county circuit court of mur­ JuliiiH in now ii|i to thi' |h‘o |»I»* who n*- lieve they (‘an raisesugar ts*etsto advan ­ dering an infant child fift4!en years ago giTiiis can lie carried by animals or not. uiiable to leave her bed, and death came There are n<*w luces at tm* c*)iirt htiuse NO ONE SAW IT Health Officer Squair said to The News nidi* hen*,” Miid i‘o**tmiint**r ItruiiHon to tage. ” Mr. Sl«*ight says he lik(*H .Alma and who has be«*u coutiiied in (he Jack- as a w* leome reh*ase fr*»m her sufferings. this week. In every otfice **xcept that of son prison sinter, was pardon***] by (ior- that he did not believe they could. "The Oiii* SOI., forty-one grandchildreii and and that he luis atlfu*dairv farm near The News yeHienhiy. the jiidg** of probate there is a new iiinn «*nongh t-o the village so tliot he finds eriior Piiigreelast w**ek. H018K Hl'RNED UP ON THE EAST matter has attracted a gr**ul deal of at­ twent.v-*me great grandchildren are the at the chief’s desk, uu*l even the ae- tention from health authorities all over “From the Hiiuree ut liund ut theclow coxx's very proflt^ible. At pr**sent he sells The trial ticciirreil when Judg** Smith of SIDE or TOWN. only siii viviiig relatives, cust*Jine<l visitors at thec*mnty building Ionia x^’aa on the bench aUd when John the couitry, ” said Dr. Squair, "but I pause and wonder if they are in the right his product to a milkman but he is about of thi cnleiidar year'n bueiui'AO, we are in to bu3' out a line or start one himaelf. H. Fedexx'a was prosecuting attorney. notice that an eastern bact«*reo|ogisthas place. Til** Fire W’aN Not DIv**r«*<l I’ntll llir just completed many exjieriments'which a poeition to make a pretty clow eeti- LDOKED DEATH IN THE FACE Look & Duboll defeiidt'd the tirisoner and Sheriff Sliavey is on d* ‘ck, bag and they were assisted by .AlarthaStrickland, |{iiil(lliig W'SH l'riX(‘H<*ally all prove that neither the dog, nor cat, baggage, and is r*-udy toansw**r emer­ inute of the hubinees for the year which who was practicing law in St. .fohns at Coil •! 11111^*1. horses nor cows, pigs nor mice, nor any K.AHMKK I>1<0\ K HI T A KKAV FKKT IS gency calls «>r to show his hand on a tine CAGE IS UNDERSHERIFF domestic animals can transmit typhoid will end .Marrh 1. 11K)1. Thin in the that time. The legal tight was long and KKUNT OK TK.A I.N. piece of detective work if oicasicu de- exciting, the court room lieiiig taxed to fever t*) man. finish of the tiecal year and it iw for thin iimiids. HIS A 1*1*01. \TM ENT OIVKN OI T YES- its capucit.v by curious H|>ectators, The luiiiie of B. Balcoin, on Higliain The t)ccurfence of many typhoid cases Jolly, big h«*artcd .Alonzo Dmin has street east, was entirely consumed by in an isolated farming community is not year tliat the re<*eiptHmustehow #!<•.<MK) TERDAV MORNING. When the prisoner was convicted and it ,A platfoiin of pe*)ple la id tla-ir breath vacate*! and with his retirement lias xx'us known the H«*nteiice was to be Hre Nexv Year’s morning, betxx'een four entirely explainable by the xxells which in (*rder to wenre free delivery wrviev. in at the (irand Trunk station in St. Jidius st(*pp*Ml out from office* one of the most pr*)iiou»)c* ‘<l, there was a crowd around and tive o ’clock. A jiortiou of the house- supply it. For the typlioid bacilli could .Saturdav morning as the iiioriiing train eftwfiv**sheriff.s the county ever had. Caiiilldntrn from tli«* Too n*>lilp» the building so dense that it was al­ bold ttoods, xx’hich are in use in .Mr. not ver.v easily- penetrate many depths faet not only for the year ending Marcli from the euht pull»*d into the station. When there was work on hand that .Are Looking Happy Thii* most impossible to enter. Judge Smith Balcom ’s restaurant, are all that remain of soil to enter the well, b**caiise the soil 1, 11)01, hut aleo lor the year eiitliii^ W. .1 .Moss, of Lssex township, had l>e«-n n**e<led atl**ntion it has rveeived it and Week. 8entenc**d F'oley to Jackson for life. of his home. No one saxv the Are until it acts as a filter and no bacteria are found hauling a load of stock to the station that most i»roniptly, too, umler the Dunn WHS too late to save anything, and .Mr. below six or eight feet. The possibility .fuiie 1, lOtfl. F*)ley is the third man 8eiiten**«*d from and .1. Lawton, who was driving the regime clieriff Diiiiii was one *>f llii'lew Clinton count.v to Jackson to be par- Balcom knew nothing of it until about of infection in wells troui the bodi**H of t>ur nveiptH for the nine montha end ­ wagon, started to cross the track and men wh*> st«*p|>***l into the offic** iiml at Sheriff Shavex' has tM*<*n clos* ‘t«sl xvith done*! by tiovernor Piiiitree, .fames .Mc- an hour later, as the family has been animals seemed to many mt*di**al and lav drove s*pmn*l.v in front ot the oncoming *)iice r**aliz**<l the importance of hurry liimself a portion of the past w«*ek iux’es- staying at the restaurant recentl.v.
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