Rockland Gazette : April 30, 1857
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B arfeloii ® nnth, anil fall fnaHag. PUBLISHED EVEBY THUB8DAY EVENING, BY Having made large additions to our former variety of JOHN PORTER,::::::::::::::::Proprietor PLAIN AND FANCY Office, No. 5 Custom-House Block, J O 33 T Y El , TERMS, Circulars, BiU-heads, Cards, Blanks, If paid strictly in advance—per annum, <gi 50 If payment is delayed 6 nios. “ ] 75 Catalogues, Programmes, If not paid till the close of the year, 2,00 Shop Bills, Labels, Auction and Hand I T No paper will be discontinued until all arreara BiUs, &c., &c. ges are paid, unless at the option of tne puplisher. CT Siugle copies, three cents -fo r sale at the office. Particular atteutiou paid to XT All letters and communications to be addressed VOL 12. ROCKLAND. MAINE, THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL 30, 1857. NO. 18 P HINTING IN COLORS to the Publisher. BRONZING. &.C. Michel and Powleska. ; who thought she had not seen him, lay down look almost as well as if it had been painted.— Adventure with a Tiger. paternal hand is the best remedy.—Then keep The Church and the World. Go not to the West. J at her door to watch ; but he fell asleep, and It ought to be done once a year, and in my opin them out of the night air and bad weather- If A Remarkable Cage of Spirit Revelation. It was in the cold season that a few of the Rev. Henry Jewell from Maine, who has re ____ then Luck bnrnt out his eyes, and carried ion the shingles will last almost twice as long civil and military officers belonging to the station this does not effect a cure by the divine blessing BY HENRY WARD BEECHER. as they will to let the roof all grow over to —tho head grows, till the poor sufferer topples sided many years in the western and south A circumstance fully as remarkable as 4o a of Asscarhur, in India, says Lieutuiant St. Clair, western states, writes to tbe editor of the Ru moss. I tried it on the back side of my house agreed to make a shooting excuision in the vi over a few times, and knocks out half his self any recorded, occurred at Odessa in the And is it Michel who has told you this?” ten years ago, when the shingles were all cov esteem.—Louisana Baptist. The people of the world judge of the church ral an article relating to emigrating to the west- year 1842. An old blind man named Mi-1 . ,®s ’ came very pale, and covered cinity of Agra and it gave oecasio* to an anima as a man _judges „ of the fruit of a famous tree of ern country. We make an extract which wa ered over with moss, and they appeared to be ted scene. A convenient spot, hid been select chel had for many years been accustomed to " blood , and he took me by the hand and nearly totten. I gave the root a heavy coat of which he has heard, who goes poking about un-1 commend to those of our readers who have tha ed for the tents, beneath the spreading branches Worrying the Angels. der the tree, picking up the fallen apples. The i western lever. Ho writes : get his living by seating himself every m orn-'sLowed me all this with his fingers.” lime and have followed it nearly every year ainco of a hugo banyan ; peacocks glittered in the and the roof is better now than it was then, “ Mamma, don’t it worry»the angels to see first one he bites is small and gnarly, and has a i 1 could not advise any family to remove W est ing on a beam in one of the timber-yards, Upon this Luck and Catherine were arrest- sun upon tbe lower boughs, aau troops of mon worm-Iiole within. He casts it from him in dis-j without first going out there and looking for with a wooden bowl at his feet, into which ct4 ’ an<^ *4 was pertained that she had ac- and to all appearance, if I follow my hand, it keys grinned and chatted atove. The horses you fretting about so?” will last ten years longer. The shingles have gust, and picks up another, which proves to be themselves. “ Look before you leap," is the passengers cast their alms. This long- totally been married to Michel in the year were fastened under tho surreunding trees, and It was a blue-eyed, eurly haired, “ little rotten though fair outwardly. The next one I an old maxim, and not a bad one. Do not ba been on the roof thirty yours. There is no more Georgia,” who said this to his mother, as she contined practice had made him well known L81b, at Kherson. They at first denied the there fanned ofl the insects vith their flowing looks brown, and mashes in his hand. Disgust- i excited by the stories of any m an, the more ha risk about sparks catching on the roof than on tails, and pawed the ground vith their graceful entered the room where he was playing, with to the inhabitants, and, as he was believed accusaD°n, but Powleska insisted, and they a newly shingled roof. Those who have no tho same impatient step, and anxious, frowning ed, ho turns away, forgetting to look up into ' urges, the more you may be convinced that ha to have been formerly a soldier, his blind- ■ subsequently confessed the crime. When feet; farther oil'stood a statelf elephant, watch the branches, which droop over his head, full o f ! lias an axe to grind ; that is, land for sale, lime near by, can use good strong wood ashes, ing the progress of his evening repast prepar oye, which all that morning he had observed in ness was attributed to the numerous wounds eoninmnicated tbe circumstances of the and these will answer a very good purpose to wonder and silence. rich ripe fruit. So tlie scoffers go about, pick- Thousands.liave been decoyed to the West in this ing by his driver, and taking under his special ing up the rotten members of the church, and he had received in battle. For his own part, I con*'essioii to Powleska, she said, “ I was the same end.’ “ Why. Georgia! Whatever put tho thought way, who would give all they possess to get protection the pets of his ma»ter a small dog, a judging of the tree by its untimely fruit, for back. he spoke little, and never contradicted th isi40™?.4 last night.” The action of the lime is to cleanse the sur handsome bird, six feet high, decked in plum iu your head !” the mother answered, taken by face of all impediments to tho free and rapid surprise. getting to look up a t the ripe fruit of the Tree Would the people of Maine, or any New Eng opinion. 1 This affair naturally excited great interest, age of lilac and black ; and a couple of goats, of Life. land State, be content to live as they would be passage of the rain water off. This enables tho who, knowing their safest asjlum kept close to “ 0, nothing, I guess. It just happened in One night, Michel by some accident fell anJ PeoPle a11 round the neighborhood hast- shingles to dry, very soon, and consequently there as 1 was thinking what a beautiful morn There are some men, men of business, men of obliged to live, in most new States, they could in with a little girl ten years old, named unCli into tlie city to learu tlie sentence. his trunk or under the shelter of his huge limbs. wealth, men of standing in the community, lav up all the money they wish. It costs much prevents rotting. Moss covered roofs will rot Beyond reposed a group of young camels with ing it was, and how everything seemed to be very rapidly. smiling, except you, mamma, and you looked so who are not willing to “ become as little chil to buy a few comlorts in that land. Let ma Powleska, who was friendless, and on the ------------------------------ thair drivers—some lying dtwn, others stand dren,” that they may enter into the Kingdom of cite a cast. I know a family of five persons for verge of perishing with cold and hunger.* J ost in T ime.— A young physician hav- ing or kneeling. Numeroui white bullocks, troubled. Wasitnaughty to say so?” “ Not at all, my dear, I was the naughty one; God in Heaven, or into his church on earth. So whom .■JloOO, in cool cash has been spent with The old man took her home and adopted iog in vain to get into practice, at last Time is Gold. their companions in labor, rested ut their feet; they fold their arms, and conclude that when in two years, including the expenses of moving while paek-saddles, panniers, and sacks piled but do you know why I have felt so fretful and her; and, from that time, instead of sitting fell upo 1 the following expedient to set the troubled this morning ?” tho church receives them, it shall be honored from N. U, to Iowa; in purchasing horses, cat- A QUEER BUSINESS SCENE. around, completed the picture. in the timber yard, he went about the streets ball rolling. He sprang upon his horse once “ Yes, I heard you say that uncle, and aunt, by tbe acquisition, and God shall bo glorified tie, farming tuols, erecting a cheap house, such in her company, asking alms at the doors of a day and drove at full speed through the Within the circle ol the camp alively scene by their good name—and they expect that the as the purest family ia one of our towns would The following scone, taken from a new work was passing, fires blazed in every purter, and and Mrs.