Todd Hall Year
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THE OCE ~ LAM RON VOLUME XXVI OREGON COLLEGE OF EDUCATION, MONDAY, MAY 23, 1949 'NUMBER !l7 ATTENDS STATE MEETING CO-WEDS TO MEET TONl'GHT Mrs. Pearl B. Heath of the OCE The Co-Weds will meet at the Jr.-Sr~ Prom Is art department attended a state Hamilton, Others home of Mrs. Twila Hufford, Apt. AMS, AWS Elect meeting of Delta Kappa Gamma, 3-C, Veterans' Village at eight o' Gala Affair national honorary of outstanding Enjoy Sun Valley clock tonight, Monday, May 23. New Officers women, in La Grande on Friday Plans will be made for the family In a splendid May-pole setting, OOE delegates Bruce Hamilton, In the election of Associated and Saturday, May 20 and 21. Mrs. picnic to be held in the near fu members of the OCE student body Men Student officers held Wednes Heath is first vice-president of the John Ulrich and Betty Dooley, ture. All students' wives are invit danced gaily to the strains of day, May 18, John Herbert was Delta chapter of Alpha Rho state a.ccompanied by Mrs. Hamilton, ed to attend. sweet spring music at the annual elected president; Jimmie King, of Delta Kappa Gamma. Junior-Senior Prom held in the arrived at the Pacific Student vice-president; and Carl Peoples OOE gymnasium Saturday even Presidents' association conference won the secretary position. ing from 9:30 to 12:30. in Sun Valley, Idaho, in time to Theta Delta Elects The ballot results are reproduc Jerry Larsen's band from OSC FTA Chapter register on Thursday morning, ed below: furnished the orchestral arrange May 12. Theme of the conference For president: John Herbert, 30; ments. Chaperones for the affair Plans Banquet Ted Shorack, 25; Bob MacDonald, were Mr. and Mrs. Oscar c. Chris Chooses Officers was: "Make Democracy Live." At 3. the opening afternoon session del Theta Delta Phi, national men's tensen, Dr. and Mrs. Denis Baron, A special meeting was held in scholastic honorary will hold its For vice-president: Jim King, . Dr. and Mrs. Louis Kaplan, and egates were welcomed by Dr. c. A . 32; Robin Lee, 15; Bill Somppi, 10. room 212 of the administration Dobbins, governor of Idaho, and final banquet at 6:30 p.m. on Fri Miss Sylvia Claggett, junior class building on Thursday, May 19, day, June 3, at the Monmouth ho For secretary: Carl Peoples, 20; adviser. by Brock Adams, president of P.S. Andy Sandwick, 19; Tom Yano, 19. for the purpose of organizing the P.A. The assembly was then di tel. Initiation ceremonies for two During intermission Miss Char- Future Teachers of America chap neophytes, Ted Martin and Chris • • • • • lene Meler, the seniors' candidate vided into 10 discussion groups to ter on the OCE campus. The fol consider the following topics: Stu May, will be held at 5:45 p.m. pre Associated Women students will for Prom Queen, was crowned by lowing students were elected to ceding the banquet. Dr. J. F. San be headed by Joyce Martin. The ASB President Bruce Hamilton. dent finances, organization of stu office: Herman H. Johnson, pres dent government, honor systems, tee, adviser of the fraternity since vice-president position was won Junior Class President Wally Agee ident; Elaine Foltz, vice-president; its establishment on the OCE by Deanne Thompson and Nelda officiated at the coronation cere athletic management and promo Gwendolyn Stillwell, secretary tion, union buildings, school spir campus, will be the main speaker. Sitz was elected secretary. Ballot mony. Queen Charlene looked treasurer. A social time is to be held follow results were: very regal as she accepted the it, college celebrations, publicity, The chapter now awaits the na and intercollegiate relations. Re ing the banquet, during which the For president: Joyce Martin, 28; honor. tional charter forthcoming from "pinochle champion of the year" Margaret Mills, 15; Jeanne Dar Refreshments for the dance sults of these discussions will be the National Education Associa included in the written report of will be crowned. All members are by, 14. were as pleasing to the palate as tion in Washington, D.C., with urged to signify their intentions For vice - president: Deanne the many new formals were pleas the conference. which it is affiliated as well as Thursday evening there was a of attending by signing the sheet Thompson, 33; Trudy Kohler, 25. ing to the eye. The gymnasium with the Oregon Education Asso on the bulletin board in Campbell For secretary: Nelda Sitz, 22; contained a capacity crowd. real western barbecue-complete ciation. with picturesque river and moun hall. Ruth Frick, 21; Letha Thomas, 14. Dr. Louis Kaplan, head of the tain setting, an orchestra, special New officers for the year 1949-50 OCE department of education and will also be installed. They are: Zoology Ill Classes Go entertainment by several presi psychology and director of train dents - and then rain. Ralph Gibbs, president; Jim King, To Coad for Specimens ing schools, is sponsor of the lo Special speakers on Friday in vice-president; Dave Dillon, sec Assembly May20 cal chapter of FTA and a tenta cluded John Beall of the U. S. retary-treasurer; Willis Keithley, Sunday, May 15, the Zoology III tive list of co-sponsors are as fol treasury department on savings historian-reporter. Features Dancers class and guests made a trip to lows: Miss Emma Henkle, super bonds, and Merrill Gee, a war the coast to gather marine speci visor of intermediate grade edu tribunal judge in Germany follow By the request of students and mens for dissection. Boiler Bay cation; Miss Ruth Lautenbach, ing world war II. General assem Dr. Barrows Offers faculty the modern dance group proved to be this year's best col assistant professor of physical ed blies were held in which group re presented a repeat performance lecting spot in spite of Reed col ucation; Roy E. Lieuallen, OCE ports were given and recommen Time Solution of the Mother's week-end program lege's similar raid there a few registrar; and Dr. Denis Baron, dations considered. Formal and By Dr. Fletcher Barrows at an assembly on Friday, May 20. assistant professor of psychology. The program consisted of: days before. Just before dark the informal discussion group meet In order that we may all finally There are 32 members in the Troubles, folk song, Negro spir tide ran out enough to uncover a ings were held from 9 a.m. to 5:30 agree on this daylight saving good number of starfish and small FTA organization at present. An itual, sung by girls sextet and na p.m. During part of the morning business, I wish to recommend the crabs, which were secured-along organization committee i s in Schunk. session delegates met according to following. with wet feet. Some of the same charge of signing up members and Tango, a Venezuelan folk song, the size of the student body they Freshmen and juniors (except (all three) were obtained also at any student interested in joining represented-those less than 3000 by Jerry Leabo and girls sextet. should contact Gwendolyn Still those with a GPA of 3.14159 or The Women, Jelobinsky, a poem Seal :i;:tocks. in one group and the rest in an better) shall be on standard time The aquariums at Delake and well, Deanne Thompson, or Carl by Frances Frost, by Jerry Leabo, other. This was of great value as for all classes held in even-num Depoe Bay had varied displays, Peoples. it was found that problems and Dorothy Lund and Jean Swaim, bered rooms on · Mondays, Tues dancers, and Ila Schunk, reader. but the Pilot House cafe at Nel solutions of large schools would days, Wednesdays and Fridays, scott had disposed of most of its not be feasible in small-school Pedestrians, by Freda Miller. Financial Secy. Named provided the instructor's name be Triolog.y;, Menton Gould, Bar tropical situations. One of the recommen gins with a letter· from A to Q At the last student council bara Gates, Mary Pointer, Ruth dations for next year's confer inclusive. Thursdays shall be in meeting Ted Shorack was appoint ence was that there be more time Schulti!. Hiebert Chosen Prexy ed financial secretary for next cluded only in case of rain. The Mood in three-quarter rhythm, for such meetings. registrar's office and Todd hall year. Appointed bY the executive Kahn-Blaufuss. After dinner, pictures of the shall be on daylight saving morn Of Junior Class committee to replace Jim Beach, Rose Bowl game were shown in Dancers were Barbara Gates, who has done an able job this ings and on standard time after Jerry Leabo, Dorothy Lund, Mary As a result of the junior class the dining room, followed by a noons, thereby allowing a beauti election held Thursday, May 20, year, Ted will handle student dance in the Duchin Room of the Pointer, Thelma Serbousek, Ruth body fees, make financial reports ful two-hour lunch period. All Schultz, Jean Swaim and Adalie the following students were chos lodge and a midnight ice skating students not specifically mention to the council, and handle game Winters. en as class officers for next year: party. ed above shall be on daylight sav Marvin Hiebert, president; Bruce receipts. This position is the only The general assembly at 9 a.m. The club has made many plans one of the student body offices ing exoept while in Campbell hall, for the coming year. Among them Hamilton,, vice-president; Lois on Saturday was addressed by when they shall operate on east Agee, secretary; Elinor Winther, which carries some monetary re Paul J.