Public Dismay Over Greenpeace Episode Identical in U.S

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Public Dismay Over Greenpeace Episode Identical in U.S The Harris Survey For Release: Monday AM, September 30th, 1985 1985 #79 ISSN 0273-1037 PUBLIC DISMAY OVER GREENPEACE EPISODE IDENTICAL IN U.S. AND FRANCE By Louis Harris As was the case with Watergate here in the United States, the role of media exposure and public opinion has also proved to be crucial and decisive in the scandal in France over the sinking of the Greenpeace ship in New Zealand. The ship, the Rainbow Warrior, had been monitoring French nuclear weapons tests in the South Pacific on behalf of anti­ nuclear and pro-environmental protest groups. A Harris Poll in France (conducted in-person between August 22nd and 25th, among 1,000 adults nationwide in France) reported that a 70-11 percent majority of the French people felt that the official report that exonerated the French government of any participatio~ in the sinking of the ship was not credible. Indeed, coupled with previously slipping confidence ratings for the presidency of Francois Mitterand and the consistently poor showing of his Socialist Party in the polls, the expression of little or no confidence in the way the government has handled the Greenpeace episode has triggered a crisis of major proportions in France. The Defense Minister resigned and the head of intelligence was asked to step down. The French have admitted having ordered the sinking of the ship and have apologized to the government of New Zealand, ~here the 1ncident took place. In addition to the Harris Pell, the other element that has proved decisive has been the role of the media. The press, particularly Le Monde, a leading French newspaper, charaed in an invest1gative report that the government officially ordered the sinking. This expose, along with the certainty that public opinion sU5pected the worst, proved to be the catalysts which could now cause the downfall of the regime of Prime Minister Fabius. This organ1zation also conducted a telephone poll in this country on reaction to the Greenpeace episode, among a national cross-section of 1,255 adults between September 5th and 8th: --By 70-21 percent, a nearly ident1cal majority to that in France, says they do not believe the French gover~~ent claim of non involvement in the sinking of the Greenpeace ship. --By 73-21 percent, a sizable majority agrees with the claim that "New Zealand police who caught and indicted two French secret agents who had been seen involved in the sinking and found they had false passports and were operating under assumed names seem to have a conv1ncing case." --By 78-16 percent, an even bigger majority agrees with the view that "the Prime Minister of New Zealand was right when he demanded a complete apology from the French government, called the French investigation 'so transparent it could not be called a white­ wash' and said he would sue the French if it is proven they ordered the sinking." --By 60-36 percent, a flat majority feels that the French were engaged in a cover-up of its government's involvement in the sinking. In France, the abhorrence with the entire episode was reflected in this key finding: --By 50-19 percent, a plurality of the public across France is convinced that "a country like France does not have the right to use methods like those which were used against the Greenpeace boat." By almost 3 to 1, public opinion rejects the view that "the secret services were right in wanting to hinder by force the campaign against French nuclear testing, but they shouldn't have allowed themselves to be caught." Particularly disturbed were young people under 34 years of age, those who are sympathetic with the ecological move­ ment in the country, and voters who cast their ballots for the rul1ng Socialists, the party of Pres1der.t Mitterand. (over) THE HARRIS SURVEY -2- September 30th, 1985 Nonetheless, it is apparent from results in both countries that pUblic opinion will not tolerate what appears to many to be covert governmental intelligence activity to stifle and to thwart anti-nuclear protests by violent means. As happened in the U.S. over the past several years, excesses by intelligence agencies simply will not be tolerated by the French people. TAB L E S Between August 22nd and 25th Louis Harris France asked 1,000 adults nationwide in France, in-person: "In regard to the Greenpeace affair, with which one of these two opinions do you most agree?" FRENCH SECRET SERVICES RIGHT IN GREENPEACE AFFAIR? % The secret services were right in wanting to hinder by force the campaign against French nuclear testing, but they shouldn't have allowed themselves to be caught 19 A country like France does not have the right to use methods like those which were used against the Greenpeace boat 50 No opinion 31 "For each one of the following people, tell me if you believe they should have resigned after the Greenpeace affair:" VARIOUS PEOPLE RESIGN AFTER GREENPEACE INCIDENT? Not Yes No Sure -% % -%­ Head of the secret services, Admiral Lacoste 26 35 39 The defense minister, Charles Hernu 19 43 38 The prime minister, Laurent Fabius 9 58 33 The president of the Republic, Francois Mitterand 7 61 32 "An investigation into this affair was assigned to a high official, Mr. Bernard Tricot. Do you think this investigation: TRICOT'S INVESTIGATION TELL WHOLE TRUTH? % Will tell the whole truth 11 Will hide part of the truth 70 No opinion 19 TAB L E S Between September 5th and 8th, the Harris Survey asked a nationwide cross-section of 1,255 adults by telephone: (continued) THE HARRIS SURVEY -3- September 30th, 1985 "On July 10th, a ship was sunk which belonged to Greenpeace, the antinuclear and environmental group, that had conducted protests by ships in areas where the French govern­ ment has been testing nuclear weapons in the South Pacific. The ship was sunk in the harbor in Auckland, New Zealand. Six French citizens, all intelligence agents of the French govern­ ment, were held or were sought by the New Zealand police in connection with the bombing of the ship. The French government held an investigation and claims that their agents had nothing to do with the sinking, even though witnesses say they saw some of the French agents partici­ pating in the sinking. Let me read you some statements about this episode. For each, tell me if you agree or disagree: STATEMENTS ON SINKING OF GREENPEACE SHIP Not Agree Disagree Sure % % --%­ New Zealand police who caught and indicted two French secret agents who had been seen involved in the sink­ ing and found they had false passports and were opera­ ting under assumed names seem to have a convincing case 73 21 6 The French gove~nment is convincing when it says it wanted to monitor the protests against its nuclear tests, but would never order a sinking of ship by secret agents 30 64 6 The Prime Minister of New Zealand was right when he demanded a complete apology from the French government, called the French investigation "so transparent it could not be called a whitewash," and said he would sue the French if it is proven they ordered the sink­ ing 78 16 6 Even if the French were guilty of ordering the sink­ ing of the ship, they had to deny that they had anything to do with it 60 36 4 "All in all, if you had to say, would you say you believe or do not believe the French investigation that claims the French government had nothing to do with the sinking of the Greenpeace ship in the New Zealand harbor?" BELIEVE FRENCH CLAIMS ABOUT GREENPEACE INCIDENT? Believe the report 21 Do not believe the report 70 Not sure 9 MET HOD 0 LOG Y This Harris Survey was conducted by telephone within the United States between September 5th and 8th, among a cross section of 1,255 adults nationwide. Figures for age, sex, race and education were weighted where necessary to bring them into line with their actual proportions in the population. In a sample of this size, one can say with 95 percent certainty that the results have a statistical precision of plus or minus three percentage points of what they would be if the entire adult population had been polled. This statement conforms to the principles of disclosure of the National Council on Publlc Polls. (c) 1985 Tribune Media Se~vices 720 North Orange Ave., Orlando, FL 32801 851104 7a,b .
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