S´raddha• Publication Details Frequency of publication : Quarterly. Published on 15 August, 24 November, 21 February, A Quarterly devoted to an exposition of the teachings of 24 April. The Mother and Annual Subscription : Rs 150.00 Single copy : Rs. 50.00 Those wishing to have the journal mailed to them may please send an additional Rs. 100.00 Annual Subscription for soft copy of the journal : Rs.150.00 Vol.3 No. 2 For overseas readers : Annual subscription :US$ 45 inclusive of postal and bank charges for hard copy; US$ 20 for soft copy

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S´raddha• 24 November, 2011 Sri Aurobindo Bhavan 8 Shakespeare Sarani Kolkata 700 071

Editor: Arup Basu Phone: 98302 58723 E-mail : [email protected] , [email protected]

Published by Sri Aurobindo Centre for Research in Social Sciences Sri Aurobindo Bhavan 8 Shakespeare Sarani Kolkata700071 Phone : 2282 3057, 2282 2162, 2282 1819

Printed by Basab Chattopadhyaya Shilalipi Sri Aurobindo Bhavan 16 A Tamer Lane Kolkata 700 009 8 Shakespeare Sarani • Kolkata 700 071 Phone 22414580 Contents

Sri Aurobindo’s Teaching And Method Of Sadhana Sri Aurobindo 7

Two Master-Conceptions Of The Gita: Purushottama And Para Prakriti Kireet Joshi 9

Veda ’s In Sri Aurobindo’s Prema Nandakumar 14 êFÊFÙFFcááFÚF¶FW £FFÎFk ´ • • · • · Savitri, Book I, Canto I, S raddha va m l labhate jña nam The Symbol Dawn, Pt.2 Debashish Banerji 23 Who has ...... he attains knowledge Sri Aurobindo’s Perspective On Reality Martha SG Orton 40 —Gita IV. 39

Syncretism In Sri Aurobindo’s Thought Sandeep Joshi` 47

Intuition And The Limits To Reason: A Cross-Cultural Study Richard Hartz 61

The Present Situation And The Need To Change The Political System Kittu Reddy 78

Sarasvati And Her Vedic Symbolism Sampada Savardekar 87

Language: A Means Of Spiritual Realisation Ananda Reddy 97

Being Human And The Copernican Principle 107

Inayat Khan And The Mystic Nada Nancy A Barta-Norton 124

Notes On Authors 148

Cover : Usha R Patel’s painting Voice Of The Higher Mind Reders of Sraddha will be interested to know that we have started a Facebook page for Sri Aurobindo Bhavan, Kolkata. The page can be accessed by all Facebook users, to exchange views and share information. This way we will be able to share news about events, lectures and other programmes that are regularly held on our premises. Members or other interested people who are not on Facebook, can also access our site through the following link : Editorial https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sri- Aurobindo-Bhavan-Kolkata/192973247443055

Sri Aurobindo once said that he had been sent to bring down the Supermind into the earth-consciousness. The Supermind or the Divine Gnosis is the Divine’s own Power, Knowledge, Will, Bliss not only in its supreme status or absolute self-existence but in its dynamis as well; it is the ‘Wisdom-Power-Light-Bliss by which the Divine knows and upholds and governs and enjoys the universe’. No amount of personal effort or tapasya, however hard and long, can help one to attain this Supreme Truth- Consciousness; a descent of the Supreme Divine Nature, Parama Prakriti, alone can effect the divinisation of the human instrument. For this, self-surrender to a ‘supreme tran