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5-27-1967 Times (May 27, 1967, vol. 6, no. 54) Bakhtar News Agency

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Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (May 27, 1967, vol. 6, no. 54)" (1967). Kabul Times. 1467.

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'I(V~"'" r:~ill:JL';Fti&M'EM~;'A2~: eWng other \lluogs, the \Cbarge Kushk wolesw8h yeste~day, j '. 'I. I sidIUm of the Supreme Soviet of the ,/ ir" promise {or the ~orld's water needs." lor work lor three hours, ,," d'Affalres'.had d.mand.d ,.!'.'~ply 'to -~- Kushk IS located 60 kilomelres Soviet Union hert "And: he told the nO-naUon .. About half 'the workers ,at Hong th~ ~~~ing deman<\s' of fd"Xi;,I~.:' TALOQAN. May 25, (Il'akhtar).- west of Herat city .. Jirgah Committees General Mohammad Aref Af- , Royld, ludience Minister Operis New Ginning, Water for Peace cOl1ference here, ~ong and China gos company stay. JihIS five-pomt statem'ent- mclud· The Daraz Cailal, which was da­ I' ",-,' , • ghan .Imbassador 10 the Soviet 'KABUU;', May , 27. _ (Bakhtar).­ 'we pledge to share the fruits of ~ea\~"Ja':llrom work for four hours. cd requests that the ,Br~,ti'sli;~}l~ori- maged by the' recent ftoods, was re­ , KABUL, May 25, Bakhtar).­ UnIOn also a.TTlved yesterday to l During \he,week elldl/il May 25 the Hold Sessions thiS technology With all who wish Supp.lie5 wel'e however maintained lIes In Hong Kong sh~til,~, ,r.dmme- paired by the iakhllr Department or Education MInister Dr Moham­ Pressing Plants In K,unduz take pari 10 welcoming Podgorny Osm~n followio~;~.~'riCelXfd, in audleoce n~xt to share " Workers at' the Whampoa dock dc~aht.olY ludlfill the dt·m.apll'l of i. the Pubbc ~orks' wuh the hclp of the mad Anwari yesterday week , " mesc emonstra ors; . to stop a( local people. by His MaJ.sty' lIie Kina: A five-member learn uf Soviet VIsited the Women's HospItal of" KABUL, May 27. (Bakhtar).­ KABUL, May 27. (Bakhtar).­ com,pan;)'t also staeed a two-hour once' "all fascist m.llsur..... and The canaI•Irngates..' 6,vvv... tul. acresJ< of Pr.sident of the Jirgah•. Jlrgah Committ••s on Legis­ Juurnahsts h,IS also !:omc to Afgha­ Johnson addre.ssed the opemng Kabul UniversIty. The hospital, New ginning and pressing plants constructed by the Splnzar s oppage pledge that such things will not hap- land In Saral and Khataian, i~ Dr. Abdul Zabir; Minister of Na­ lation and Legal Affalrs Hearing of nistan Dunng Its stay the tcam sesSion o! the week-long conference whIch has 300 beds, the only Company In Hazrate Emam 'lUId Archl woleswaIls .1 Kunduz were t Apart, Irom Ple transport dlsrup- pen In future. . I I tional D.f.nce; General Khan Mo­ Complaints, Internal Affairs, Agri­ will galher materml On which IS seeking solutions to Ute 9r~~f, 10~~~er./,wa~' Foreip'}~j'lislCr one in Kabul beSIdes the mater­ De, Gaqlle Counsels Israel hammad; Minister Of Education, Dr. Inaugurated by Mines and Industries MinIster Eng. Abdul Samad world s growing water problem. lion and ,n Chlna's Deputy nIt' houses, which takes only culture and Irrlgatlon, and Cultural lor SovIet teleVISion r"dlo ('mcma eVerything. was 'qWe~ Yesjei.'day, ''<; . \ • walk.d out when'BritlSh /Charge d' Mohammad Osman Anwarl; Minis­ Salim on Friday. In hne with the uS pledge of KABUL, May 25, (Bakhtar),­ women patients. Affairs met Thu,.day and debat.d 4nd newspaper ,lUdtcnces The- governlTll'nt h~.~l'Fji:ctOd ~s, Affalres Dohald Hopsoli tried' to de­ t.r of Jrifoimation and Culture. Th. ginning plant co,n handle 180 satisfaction the st.ady growth of l'ooperatlOn, Johnson noted that. A delcgallon from the Soviet-Af­ The rest of the hospitals in Ka­ Against' Sending Test Ship subjects referred to them. ~~~ ni8~t Mohammad osman Sidky; chi.f of the company, which 10 coUabora· "baseless nonsensc""a :" ... ,China liver a protest Monday at ghan, Friendship Society arrived yes· tons of cotton In 24 hours and the In the Committee on Internal American SClenttsts Will begin dlS­ bul take men as well as women In News Agency chUm that. at I least orders to close the ,Britisn consul 77F» staff the D.fence Ministry, Cl.n. pressing and baling plant 250 bales tion with cotton farmers contributes tcrday mornmg It was received in I 'AQABA, May 27, (Combined News Servlces).­ Affairs which m.t und.r the chair­ (llSS10ns next month wIth India on patIents Ghulam Fatouk; Torm.r Afghan to the expansion of cotton produc­ 200 Chlnf!se had been 'killed or sen- onice Ih Shanghai" informed sources th. airport by Mrs Sal.ha Farouk of cotton per day. mainship of D.puty Abdul Awal experimental rainmaking proJects disttub~nces P1'ki~,a: yeste'r~Y;" It; :' " The slUpper of a West German freighter said iFriday Dight he ambassador in Tokyo, Dr. Abdul tion ahd textile. soap, and edible ously Injured hi here SHld ,in , Et,emadl. preSident o( the Women's ~'- A diesel electricity generating Kuraisbi, a number of petitions Aqaba Blockade which may hold promIse for dr()u­ saUed through the Straits of Tlran into the GuU 01 Aqaba without. Rahim; gov.'rDor and pr.sideot of industries In the country. It challenged them to "produce ,As: Hopson's protest t was being Institutc The delegalion vlstied the plant with a 1200 kw capacity to 011 were studied. ght·ndden countnes all over the 'KABUL, May 25, (Bakhtar).­ seeing any eVidence 01 a UAB blockade. . ' Pakthia developm.ot authority, G.n. power the new ginning and pres­ Minister Eng. Salim thlinked all IC,mlwlit'd Jrol1l pagr I) the bodies or show us the graves." translated Chinese offldal, 1..0 Kuei· Women's Instttute and toured Its Th. Committee on H.aring of world" The United Slates IS prepared w~lk.ll Kabul UniversIty Rector Touria· He said he .passed ·th. straits ear- Inchid. th. Am.rlcan freighter Mohammad AzIm; commandaot of those who had tak.n parI, including The (tcnch government does not Cruncse Charg. d·Affair.s In Lon- Po, stood up and out of the vanous branches. sing plants as well as an oil extract­ Complairits met under the chair­ to help found regional water resou­ roo~: lai Etemadl yesterday pressed the lier Frldoy and saw no mines or Green ISland ona tpe GreeK SDJp Military T.chnology, G.n. ing plant nOw under construction the for.ign speCialists, m the build­ inlc:nd to propose Its arbitrary use don Shen Ping yestdrday protested DUring ItS stay here manship of D.prjfY Ghulam Farouk ne centres around the world which button and started a new prlnit­ any Egyptlap naval units, . Trans Mooowi comIng via the Suez Mlr Ali Ahmad; advisor to the' Edu­ was also inauguratc4, tng of the n.w plants, ill Inr((' 111 the ('TlSIS the tn10rmants to Bntam about the alleged "con­ the delegation Will also Inspect a Ghoznavi and discussed a number will prOVide leAdership and ,.sUmu mg press at the Umversity's ma­ "W. passed through the StraIts of canal. :;IUPPUlg agents said, how· cation Mioistry, Ahmad Ali Kohzad; The latt.r will turn 75 tons of cot­ Skov.tin spoke about th. fri.ndly s,lld bllt Instead It hopes 10 use Its tinUing oruelty" of British nutHorl­ number of development projects of petitions submitted to 11. latc cooperation, Johnson saId" We terial centre Tiron at 1100 hours Friday I anti ever, the .uamsn sn.1p may be delay­ advisor to the F~rei8n Mimstry, IlCS towards demonstrators In Hong ton s••d into .d,bl. oil a day, relallons which pr.vial betw••n Af­ Pr.sidents of Ihe Kabul Bus InAllent e In the Mu1c1le East 10 ease Mohammad Mousa Shafik; and ad­ Will provide our fair share of the Kong. 'Anne So far the centre has rehed on there was absolutely no cODt(ol, no eo because ot bad weather, The Dew plants were financed by ghahistan and the Soviet'Union, . Company and the Jabul Scral the (nS1S Queen expert assistance the supplies and mlmeographmg machmes m dup-­ search, no dpotay," Captain Ionannes 1'rance has advised Israel not to visor to the Prime Ministry, Dr. SovIet credit. Two water coollng cement plant appeared be"fore tbe Meanwhile In Washington the equipment and the fman('lOg:' . (CUfH;ntt~d from- page 3) KABUL, May 25. (Bakhlur)- IIcatmg readm@ materials and Bus:e of the freIghter Stolzenfels send a test snip through the Str~its Mohammad Ehsan Tarak!. plants Were also Inaugurated in committee and answered questions Unlletl Slales amJ Brtl.tln npt.."noo .Johnson promised 21. to take place Prolessor Deltbor Povoiny of textbooks for the colleges said of Tiran into the Gull ot Aqaba, Archl and Hazrate Emam. These urgent talks WedncsdetY un Interna­ FAO To Give Wheat It was also deCided at Thorsday's Thlt conference IS the fJrst mter" Brno Agrrcultural UniversIty Buse, 57, said he saw no evidence lOformed sources here said. were set up with FRO assistance. the llOnal .Idlon lu open the Gulr or Asian BankPlans meetmg that Mines and Indus­ national meeting to conSider the who headed a team of Czechosla: o! any mmes laid in the Strait of • The sources said the ,French gov· Minister Eng Abdul Samad Salim KABUL, May 27, (Bakhtar).­ tnes M10 Ister be asked to appear to­ r\tI,I",1 In the fal.:c of Ihe UAR po 22, fitting whole spectrum of the world's vak SCientIsts at the Medical Tlran or m the Gulf. ernment had advised Israel • not to HM Notes Jordan expressed the hope that the new The World Food and Agriculture day to answer questions related to ll(,;y of blodade water problems '\nd needs Its goal Flexi,hle Policy College of Nangarahar Univer­ plants will Improve the reputatlon OrganIsation has decided to give Rntlsh Mlnlsler of Slale <;..ieorge He said If there were such mines auect the problem into a fatal chan­ hiS mlOlstry IS a shanng of knowledge and SIty, left COJ Czechoslovakia on and acceptance of Afghan cotton in a grant of 10,000 tons of wheat to I hnmpson senl hert' overnight by 23 climax he would assume he would have nel" at the moment. Independence Day The CommLtlee on Agriculture tn Tuesday after spending two mtematlonal markets. Afghanistan. Pr me Mmlsler Harold Wilson be­ te('hnolog) the area of water In Making Loans been given eithe; an escort vessel or Earlier Friday President de Gaulle and IrngatlOn studied conditions I ('soun.'es develol)menl and (ontrol months of lectunng parasltology Others present at the maugural The Plannmg Ministry was of dlsfnbullon of water pumps and g,In mcellngs Wllh slale departmcnl a chart to get through safely had a 45-minute meeting With MANILA, May 25, (Reuter)­ 24, career In KABUL, May 27, (Bakhlar)­ ceremomes were governor of Kun­ notified of the deCISIOn of the Iractors. lis meellog was lJreslded tllllL1P1 I... Rppresented at the {'onfereDce are The reat test on whether UAR Egyptian Ambassador Abdel Mo­ rhe ASian Development Bank The information department of the duz, Fakir Nabl Aleft, Deputy Ml­ world body Wednesday The over by Deputy KamaluddlO Eshaq­ PIt.:<;Il!cnl lohnson III ,1 <;talement 1)1} mltlons IIldudlng Afghantstan controls were more than a matter nelm el Naggar and accordmg to has denied that It IS hmltmg loans Foreign MiOlstry announce'd Thurs­ OJsler of Plannmg, Abdul Wahab 1,1 (l' luc<;t!;n denotlnl.:ed the blo~· SIX terrltorlcs eight speCialised 25. niece of words is expected to come today presidential sources he made a wheat IS to be dehvered short­ lal tu particIpating countnes to only day that His Maj.sty the King has Haider; president of IOdustrtes de­ ly The Committee On Cultural AffaIrs Illt.: ,I' tllcg,d and potentially tllsas ,lgenclcs of the Unltcd Nations and KUNDUZ, May 25, lBakhtar) n. when a Danish ship, identified here st(ong plea lor UAR to refrain from 55000 000 each congratulated Kmg Hussain of Jor­ partment in the MlOes and Indus­ which mct under the ch.urmanship llIIU' III Ihe l;HIse Ilf peace l:l other IOternatlOllal organisations -A VIllage school was opend yes­ IIlliN IIIR as the Estelle Maersky, is due here taking matters to the point of no The grant was made at the req­ dan On the independence day of the tries MIQlstry, Eng Gult Jan, and Phl1tppe de S€'\ nt's United NatIOns A Bank spokesman 10 a press 26. housekeeper terday In Zar Kharld Village near The Damsh vessel is the first one return uest of the Planmng Ministry. of Depu1Y HaJI Mohammad Zam­ latter's country 1 other provinCial offiCials, SP( statement clanfled reports that of IS kaOl, approved artlcJes 13 to 20 of I ht.: PreSident repurtedly hopes lIndpl reHln for e,conomlc and the centre Kunduz TR1s bound for Aqaba via Aden. This t Meanwhile. government I sources HIS Majesty has also sent a cong­ The CommercIal counsellor to the the draft Jaw on education 1.1,1 firm (!Iplomal.:Y I.:an mmlmlSC sO{ (al ,IHall!iO who also spoke at the the Bank had agreed to reconsI­ the 14th VIllage school opened du­ means she does not go through the satd the French ambassador in MOTHER'S DAY GETS 27, evening ratulatory telegram to John Carlos SovIet embassy m Kabul, A Skove­ The committee on Commercial Ihe danger lu rcal..:e ,tnd he made Ol)(~nln~ SC~SI()n Sfll \ III hdp loordlOate thiS led Britaln a "la~key" of the 'UIllted sult of a proposal made by tbe 'n,lrUCllons .l:-i Prime.: MlnlSler WIJ­ Ing out 1aflons. and lnternauonal AccOJ;ds 30. to bury @ States and accused both countries Britain Reviews Mid East; Women's InstItute, and approved and ConvenllOns met Thursday and ,(In Indlt.:,lted publldy 10 keep at.::!­ Phlhpplne PreSident Ferdm­ 8 Lufthan'sa Thant To Report of being to Israel, Cairo Radio re­ by the Educahon M1Olstry, the discussed the draft law on Issuance Illg nn plans within the framcwork and Marcos In hiS press confer­ cablJlet, and H,s Majesty the of credential's and raftlficatIon IOS­ lIf the Unlled NatIOns Apart from Security Council ence last week had expressed dis­ 31. citizen Summer - Schedule from April 1,1967 ported. Brown Returning From USSR Kmg truments hi" talks wah state department 0111 appOJn trnent over the report that To UN Council The Radio was broadcasting a re­ LONDON, May 27. (BBC and Beuter).­ ll,lls pdrtlcularly Under Sccretarv I(Uflnlwed lrom pagl' II TEHRAN - GERMANY corded speech In whicb President The date coincides wltli the Articles one through four of the 'ih,pplng In the Strall of ',ran, en­ the Bank had hmlted Its loans, The British cabinet, in an emergency meetlilg yesterday. discussed ot Siale f{ostllw .lnd Scdctary of Nasser paid tribute (0 PresIdent de annIversary of the establishment draft law were approved at the tranr.::c to Ihe gulr 01 Aq.lba-Israel S saYing that no country could :~'ulnday the situation in the M1dcUe East. British PrIme MinIster Harold "'il.lle DC.!n Rusk. h~ was sr.::hedulcd MAHTABZADA SARDAR Or Monday Gaulle. ... of the Women's Institute formed meetmg whIch was preSIded over by tlnlv lHlllet to the Indian ocean hope to develop anythmg on a SUN - TUE - WED - FRI WUson Is to report to the House 01 Commons on the situatIon this \0 go to New York for 1,llk<; With STORES Although France bad taken part 22 years ago.under the name of the Senator Abdul Hadl Dawl, preSI­ InformatIOn M 100Slcr Georges $5,000,000 loan week. Women's Welfare SOCIety. UN aUlhortlles OUer you the best in maIerIa1 UNTED NATIONS, May 27, 10 the 1956 Suez campaign it was dent of the Meshrano Jirgah Gorse speaking hI newsmen after The preSident \n a conference BEIRUT - GERMANY The cabinet also liad before It The Soviet Foreign Mimstry Olhclals <;ald theY believe lhe first for dresses curtains and chiId­ (ComblOed Wue Servlces),-UN not ahgned With Israel "thanks to a rcgulolf t.::,lbJnt."t meeting said thai Ove" the weekend Wlth Bank reports from FOl'­ response trom the USSR to a sug­ gardens wllI be welcome There Please contact your Travel Agent or tary was a Ilcontinuatlon of per- monstrations came to a ,halt several "firmly protested agamst the atro· Kandahar 29C HC WASHINGTON. May 25, (DPA) ealUy in pagIunan.. near Baghe Israel. gestion that the big four make a wl1l be an admlsstOll cbage or Iodical consultations and meetlDgs CitIes of Bntlsh Impenahsm" MF 57F Omuml For rurther lnformaUon common effort to ease the crilus. days ago -The US government Tuesday Ars. 30, the p~s or wIrldl B.rltish Mlmster of State George which take place between Soviet Accordmg to Hsmhua, Wu was 64F 39F It was reported that the Soviet A government spokesman saId the aavised all AmerIcan cItlZens wUl be donated tG local chari­ COme to house No 2Sll Share Lufthansa Thomson has Just concluded two and Bntlsh governments." Pravda Comments the pnnclpal speaker at the rally, (;"rd.. 20C 7C Nau.. across rrom the e e Unton would exert her infuence' to three-hour token strike by marine IranIan agam:-it vlsltmg Honk Kong at ties. Shar - e • Nou - Phone 22501 days of talks with U.S. Secretary of George Brown Was received by held to "denounce the MongolIan re­ 68F 44F embassy. try to calm tensions in the Middle pollee yesterday was peoceful and pi esent because of the current Children wUl be States Dean Rusk and Under Sec­ Premier Alexei Kosygin and the admitted at East but rejects a bIg four summIt On Afghan-USSR no publIc servIces were affected. VISIOniSts for antl-ChlOa outrages" unre:-it lhere But a state depart­ halt price. Light refreshments retary for Polltical Aflalrs Eugene PreSident of the PreSIdium of the The Chmese demands presented to approach to the cnSIS, Wghly·placed It involved 250 men and affected ment spokesman stressed that the will also be on sale, Rostow, Supreme SovIet Nikolai Podgor­ the Brtl1sh charge d'affaires in Pek· 6000 In sources saId Friday. about 57 craIt of the manne depart­ Amellcans !Ivmg Hong ny.' Friendly Ties tog called among other things for a Kong were not I equested to lea­ Israel's ForeIgn Miruster Abba Although the USSR has given Before .mbarkmg on bis plan. for ment Fly Your Summer Eban began a round of consultations The Governor of Hong Kong, Sir stop to aU "FaSCIst measures" In ve The St lush crown colony VIgorous support to the Arabs, offi­ London, Brown, said his discus­ Hong Kong and the release of per­ INTERNATIONAL CLUB With Rusk. Rostow aod LucIUS DaVId Trench. target of leftist cntl" wuuld contmue to be used as a Cials have let it become known that sions on the Middle East with MOSCOW, May 27. (Tass),­ sonS under arrest. holld.IY spot fnr US mlhtary Every Thursday nlght;' d1DDer Holiday Battle, ASSIstant Secretary for Near the Soviet government has no inter­ Soviet leaders were "very full, "For almost 50 years the Soviet Clsms over hlS handling of the dIS­ ~nd pelsonnel un leave from Viet­ dance and music by the Blue East South Asian, He est 10 a MIddle East war. very detailed, exceedingly friend­ and Afghan p.opl.s have been turbances, last mght spoke of the nam !iharks. Direct Kabul/Europe also met U.S Defence Secretary (Continued on Pagt 4) lY and I thmk constructive," hvmg In peace and good coopera­ pOSSibility of further trouble m Robert McNamara. non," Pravda says, In an arUcle ti­ Hong Kong HONOURED GUESTS SEE By Czechoslovak Airlirres The press officer accompanymg --- med for the forthcoming mdepen­ He saId In a radIO and televiSIon ~OVIET UZBEKI TROUPE ARIANA CINEMA OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Tha,nl reported that the Secretary· dence day of Afghanistan, Such mterview that substitutlon of token AI :! ~ ..J 30, 7 JO and lJ 30 p m General bad talks over dinner with up-ta-date enterprises have been • stoppages for the earher Ieftist­ KABUL. May 27. (Bakhlarl­ t\I1Wfll.:an t.:lOemas~up l.:olour film Which is the most convenient bUilt With SOViet aSSistance m .PIA intends subletting its present sales office premises at PreSident Nasser 10 t\ "cordIal atrnos· US Plane On N. V..Mission agItated VIolence represented a At the invitation of InformatIOn and IIIOS,E MAGNIFI( EN7 MEN family flight friendly Afghamstan as the Ka­ Pashtany Tejaraty Bank. It has four large rooms with phere" fresh tactic and new phase of the Culture MinIster Mohammad, Osman IN IHEIR FLYING MArHINf.\ bul bakery, the Naghlu hydroelec­ Do not Forget CSA Sunday Flight Pnor to his departure Thant hod 'May Have Flown Over China' dIsturbances. Sldky HRH M,,,shal Shahwall PARK CINEMA large show windows for display purposes. For further a second meeting with Egyptian tric power statlOn, the Jangalak AI 2 30 5. 8 and 10 pm Amen­ on 4th of June "They carry with them an ele· Khan Ghazl. HRH Sardar Abdul information please contact phone 22866/22155 during Foreign Minister Mahmoud Rtad automobIle repair works, the Ja­ ment of intimIdation," he comment· WaH, Pnme MinIster Mohammad can l.:olour film In FarSI 11'1 f WASHINGTON, May 27, (DPA).­ lalabad lITigation canal and also A VFNGFR office hours. A U,S. plane may have Inadvertently Down over China whOe re, ed, Hashim Malwandw;tl, preSident of dozens of other economic pro­ Sut he said the government would Ih. Wolesl J"gah Dr Abdul Zahlr. turning from a, mission against mllltary targets in North Vietnam. jects. lry to prevent workers from being cabinet members, lhe royal army the Defence' Department announeed FrIday, The author of the arhcle FII­ mtimldated. generals and high ranking C1VlI aod In a statem.nt to th. press, it A U.s. military spokesman in ippov writes mllilary offiCials and theIr WIVes Death Toll From saId: "A U,S. Navy aircraft 00 a Dong Ha, eIght mIles (12 km) south He urged those who were being threatened to lnlorm the pollee Thursday artend.d the 5 pm, p.r­ S'E,E THE USSR misst~n. agalDst mt1itary targets in of. the zone, ~aid it would assume "Construction projects are typi- formance of the Soviet .Uzbekistan the VICInIty of K.p 10 North V,.t- Ihls status With the Withdrawal of cal of Afghanistan today M r Meanwhile. the Hong Kong Genc· Brussel Fire ha~. t~O?!,s ~r: ral Chamber of Commerce IS mount· Bahar troupe \ nam Friday m,,:y inadvert.ntly and th•. evacuation of the I and more schools aod hospiials At 9 pm. Thursday of We need 2-4 persons for a trip to the Soviet Union. from mg a c~mpaIgn to convince over­ crossed the Ch,n.s. No~ Vt.tna- clvlltan po,pula~lon, 'bemg built, The ress rls the two houses of parliament also at­ Down To 311 m.~ border ~fore re\Jlrnmg Th. desIgnation m.ans that any that the Third Fiv.:~ear pfa~PO of seas customers tha\ md1J.stry 10 the tended the show at the MlDister's in.. June 11 to June 28. The itinerary is Kabul-Tdshkent-Moscow to ilS carrier, • mov.m.nt In the ar.a would be eon- economic d cult 1 d I coRmy has not been rumed by riot­ vltatlon U.S. officials reCltll.d that wh.n slrtered hostile ami subj.cted to m nt f n' ura. eve op- BRUSSELS, May 27, (Reuter) ffh Ing The 62 strong dance troupe is two inadvortent intrWlions occurr.ed imm.diat. air and artill.ry strjkes. ,e f ~'lled~' a iStan is now be- Leningrad - Kiev -Yolta - Sochi - Tbilisi - Baku - Tashkent Forty,six of the 357 people re­ With peace prevailing In Hong headed by Mousahckov and is cl}o' ov.r China last the United A U.S. Marin. Spokesman said mg U I. Kong agam after 10 days of rioting reograph.d by rs. Makdobyova ported to have died when pre Stat~s apologised through. public that the last contact b.tweeo Ame- Af~han!slan is confid.ntly 11:I and demonstrations, a government Th. show mcludes and Uz­ gutted a department ~tore ' In stat.m.nts issu.d in Washlpgton, rican aod North Vietnam.s. forces lookmg mto the fUt1;'re. the ~r- Kabul. All-inclusive service of "Intourist" on the basis of spokesman deplored th(! "nasty songs and danc.s, An Afghan the heart of Brussels this week, 1n Saigon. reports Reuter. a in the three-mile?wide (4.8 km) ticle s~s. 15 developmg extens~ve tnck" of some local newspapers in dance 1S also perf01~med by one of have turned up alive, making the spok.sman saId Thursd8Y that south.rn Part of the zone was light. mternatlOnal, COntacts, . carrymg tourist class. Two sightseeing trips every day. Two. visits to unofficial death, roll now 311. ltav~, thr~ugh p~slbye lntllnidatlng the polIce. the dancers United Stat.s forces withdrawn Th. Marines were now moving on a polley of ne!'­ In a statement the spokesman said from the south.rn half ~ d.mi- the .dge of the zone and just south trallty .and non-partiCipation m Relatives of the 46 reported the "certain newspapers" had published they were missing following Mon­ Iitarised 'ZOO. betw••o th. Vi.t. of It while other. h.lpiog in aggreSSive blocs. the theatre and the circus. Air transportation. The Whole two the numbers Qf pollce constables KARACHI. May 27, (Reuter).­ day's blaze, but when they nams which t1;l.y into last th. car. of 9,600 .vacuees whose "Soviet-Afghan relations are re­ carrYing out theIr duty of maln\ain· Rumama's Foreign Ministry Cor­ turned home they forgot to tell w••k. ' hom.s in the 47 haml.ts in . strengthenmg and expanding mg law and order. nellu Manescu Friday wound up ,price of the trip is $500. the authorities, • Th. pullback from the huJrer the area. I from year to year," Filippov In Peking a' top Chinese offiCIal a Six-day offiCial VISIt to Pakis­ Meanwhile. the Louvain branch slJ;ip. which American officials all.1I" Ao Am.rican military says. "The established practice of ;:;;:: --..-.;;" , .. c yesterday called on the BritIsh gov­ tan which is expected to help of the gutted "4ulovations" store ..d bad been used as a sanc\Jlary for in Saigon r.v.aled that the- U,S. lost personal contacts between states­ Contact "Intourist," USSR Embassy compound, from 8 ~LNES , - , ~~~ ernment and authorIties in Hong foster closer economic and cultu­ CZECHOSLOVAK - closed yesterday afternoon for inllJitratlng North VI.tnameso a r.cord numb.r of m.n kl1led 10 men and political leaders of the _., "I .. Kong to accept himmedla.tely and ral ties between the two coun­ OFFER ALWAYS COMFORT, ... more than three hours because troops. m.ans the area noW becom.s fighting m VI.tnam last week. Th. two countries is of great import- a.m; to 1 p.m. Tel. 20514. a "fr... bombing" zoo.. (Conrd on pog< 4) ance for their development...... unconditionally" Peking's !\Ve-poinl tries. SPEED AND RELIABILITY FOR BOOKING CONTACT CSA of an anonY1llous bomb threat. TH~ AS WELL AS mADITJONAL At Park Hotel. Tel 21072 S'E,E' USSR CZECHOSLOVAK' HOSPITALITY ) PAGE 2 MAY 27 1967

~£:~~,> \ 'j 1,>1 ~,$se 's ~~ew 1~Ulol)' t I ~11 A ~~ Provincial Press , til/Or's ,,,'!Ie 7'''~ ;[hllow)1J1 IS SYria IMIlY , , Uf4.R Presid.n' May 14 We contacted our Syr til. lOxia/ NIlssers ::> f I\. Mall 'Nrlter at a forward "lr Force bate Ian brothers and General FawzY edge of tho flat mche 10 the moull talB IS a storehouse for the gun lltelaqt IJl0m publtshed In Herat There IS "0 dilly we lIndurate to til. VAR on May 23 left for Syna to coordmate the us~d rr: efforts of the UAR and SYria pOWder and rags IJl, firlDg the n a recent editOrial on electIons In 1956 we had not a chance to • canl\ons It take. about ,nine I cld n the provincIal Chamber of May 16 we asked for the WIth lomm rce says that the role or thiS fight Israel and our troops WIth drawal of the UN :Emergency pOunds of gunpowder and a buncb so milch as lite dUly of hemg of rags for ono firlOg ns ItU IOn n chanell og capital pas drew before figlitlllg actually bl? Force ThIS request sparked off !lan rhe d,J(erence between 1956 Thel cannons, which pam! toward sed by our merchants m develop a campaign led by America BrI Sher Darawaza S flval lmountam mcnt ae IV ties and promotlon of IIappy and 1967 IS thai' Israel today hall tallh and Canada. o~pnsmg the THE KABUL TIMES nnt got Brltalil and Frahce She Asmal are also fit'cd to announce C 0 10m c IOterest s of v tal Impor _. UAR request Tliere /Were certalIl the two Elds They boom 21 tImes tance has the Umted ,States of Amen attempta ,to Iturn the U!'fEF 'into to mform Citizens of the arnval of The pJpcr says that trade IS a ell supplying lIer With arms, but a flltce pe't;¥.,,?g the • pU!1l0se of Pllbhslaed every day exupt Fridays and A/gharz pub -Robert LolliS Steven ron the yearly hoi days Our ng Rama leg t mate socl3l occupatlOn 31\d res the 1956 conspiracy could not be neocololllalislll fie holidays by the Kabul TJ lles P "blt.shthg Agem:y zan a cannon is /lred to mark the pansIble merchants can play a lcad acoepted agam by the world U Thallt took an honest un begmmng and end of fastIng each ng role n a society Not only can Today we are face to face WIth bIased dec'SIOn anI! ref~sed to be day they cng3Ge n the Import an1 ex -IIilll II 1lI11111111 III 111111111111111 UII 1111111111111 III 1111 I II 1111 ISrael whIch has tlireatened ag pressured by the US Bl;ltam and Actually the tope chashl Kabul port I ne but they can work for the ~esslon Israel began m a rude Canada If the UNEF changed Its as It IS known tS not one cannon Perhaps once the shooting off the ndustr131 S;Jt on of the country as VelD makmg statements May fundamental duty to reallse Illl but two fired on alternate days In cannon marked the beglnnmg and well by I nportlllg mach nery and AFGHAN INDEPENDENCE DAY 12 threatenmg occupation of Da perlallstIc suns we wotlld pave the tIme of KlDg Hab bullah they end of each day the times when the orgaOlsmg Ilctor es and lIght mdus W)ascus and the overthrow of the j conSIdered It hnh,le and \lisar were situated on the Hebe Mabroo ga,les of the clty then complelely trial plants Tomorrow IS the 49th anmversary of the presenl regIme pomtmg out that I he p3 per S Iys ve can assume ela 10 thc hIstory of the economic development h lis near the road lead,"~ to the aIT surrounded by a wall were opened tlie UAR cnuld not move smce reganung of Afghan mdependence We Afghans of the country as the emphasis has ~hi1ted port When and why they were and closed When the tradltmn of tInt mcmbers or Ihe Heral Cham It-"\vas engaged m Yemen But ber of Co:nmer e have been elected take pride ID the fact that as a small nation In from one level of development to another moved to Dabur Shah hill IS UD'1cr firing the cannon at nOon began IS :We can do our duty III Yemen and tum but now they Sit an a flat spot obt known but stones passed from from among exper enced and em the heart of ASIa we will be celebratmg the Of special significance III the developments golden anDlversary of our IDdependenee next /obr nattonal duty defendmg our made by plhQg up rocks whIch generatIOn seem to IOdlC'ate that the Clent members o( our Irad ng com that have taken place during the past decade mun ty They should noJ only be year at thIS time This not only mdicates the borders or launchmg defenSIve looks lIke a fortress wall from be practice started With the .era of the are the country s constitUtional and democratic atttons If Israel attacks any other neath Mohammndzals In any case hnng ablc to sol\e Ihe d !ficull cs \Vh ch zealous safeguardmg of mdependenee by the aclnevements The Parliament of AfghanIstan Arnb state confront our lr Idcrs but also DC ... Afghans but also the fact that we have heen The two cannons both about u the cannon at nooo IS now a t me now 10 session IS the direct resnlt IIf the Cons 'May 13 we had defmlte mfor metre and a half high are placed honoured custom not only n Kabul able to proy de helpful gUIdance to one of the first among the Afro Asian conntries tltubon The laws and regulations now 'under matlon that Israel was concent 20 metres apart On the eastern but 10 mnny of the provinces Mohammad Saber poscs proudly by the cannons which merchan s IOvest Dg their money In to fight colomahsm and set an example for consideration by Parliament will have, after !fltIng between 11 and 13 bnga useful proJects-ellher commerc al he has fired more than 20000 times using more than 180 tons or Industnal say~ the newspaper other countries of thiS region of Asia and show their passage a great Impact upon the establish des on the Synan border and of gunpowder through the last 50 years the rest of the colomal territories that the Idea these huge forces were diVided The newspaper also praises the mcnt of democratle institutIOns In Afghanistan RACING CHAMPION EXTRAORDINARY deCISIon of the newly eleded Cham that Imperlahsm IS IDvmclhle Is wrong WIth the passage of the Political Parties Bill between two fronts one north of The aUDlversary IS also an occasion to look liake T'benas and the other south The Fight For Wild Life ber of Commerce 10 lnvlt ng publ c whIch IS now under study by Parhament and Australta s Jack Br(lbham 'l.8 not Al strahan motor sport but few had turers championshIp as well v cws to be expressed through Itle back aud evaluate our successes Although the of It The deCISIon was taken Its endorsement the lights of democracy WIll be ,pIOn he even heard o( him 10 the more uc A lhough at 41 Brabham s !(lql Islam aimed at ImprovlOg the to carry out aggression against on11,1 ella1 racHiO dnver Preservoti,on Civil waJ; m 1928 which lasted about 10 months COlDe hrlghter leads the world as a manufacturer r311ve and glamorous CIrCUits of the Grand Old Man of mOlar rae work of Ihe Chamber ral m,lllon years old but some of wrecked natIOnal construction ellorts and rum One of thc most significant trends ID the too No one won the double be Europe ng he has the expenence and Ice Unless a speclal Island reserve The newsp3j:1;Cr says t IS ready to had been created for the Aye­ the younger ones have volcanoes ed cducatlonal and cultural changes then Intro directIOn of natIOnal constructIOn Is the new so fare Can Brabham repeat hls um In 1954 he took the first b g step cool nerve 10 keep him In !the fore Pl bl sh all those views nnd cOm Aye a rare Madagascan lemur wh'ch st.lI erupt duced the efforts of HIS late benevolent and clal awareness of the people They are keen to Que perfor nance m 1961? He tll1nks -IOta Europe but only (or one JUlUre holus- Id need a crystal menls whll.:h Will serve the 10 ercsl t would not surVlve