University of Nebraska at Omaha DigitalCommons@UNO Kabul Times Digitized Newspaper Archives 5-27-1967 Kabul Times (May 27, 1967, vol. 6, no. 54) Bakhtar News Agency Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes Part of the International and Area Studies Commons Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (May 27, 1967, vol. 6, no. 54)" (1967). Kabul Times. 1467. https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes/1467 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Digitized Newspaper Archives at DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kabul Times by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ~_._..-= "":'_1 --'-__-' _ -:s.:.I!1 • f , .' h•.'. ". , ~ ~ ,." •t, , , ~-----..-:;-T'~~--:'" \ ' ,i , . I, -' \ \ . \ , .' I ," I ./ I.. -, • '. , f • , " , , , • , , r ,. J " .. ' \"'-'-""" ~-' - , ' , " .. ~ - "-~ , '" • '.\ \, _.L--:"--<- --.-1'_ .. _ ....... -=- .. --; - -I- ......... -- '. - .' ,\' \ " ' " ~ , ... " , . , . "AGE 4 THE kABUL TIMEs I " -'-"'......:.--'-.:...:----:.~..,.__._...,:.:.:=~..:.:......~'! .....:......l....~, ~ ~-"- ~.".:,_+-~--'-.-:......-:::..~---:.~-~-':'-:;-~-'-:-: FOR ----: --'- ---;" .. SHEER. .' DELIGHT' " S~~n~s, ~j;M8'''G NEWS·I~t~hBR:IEfi:x. !~' " , . Soviet Protocol Johnson, De KONG UN;R,EST i ... 'I(V~"'" r:~ill:JL';Fti&M'EM~;'A2~: eW<i!'i\~n~I'- dev~\~Pll\erit At' W' ~ '.• "....." ., "f.#l~ --,PiD~';'~:J.'If:,;", .,'';~ot< l"\"~o.,' /, • ',"(Bakhtar),.J the'" .~~\ President Here Speak or '' (Cont';'ued f1OB' 1)" Sh.n' hii .. ;Quring h! last'14 months thc Sptn- plan. :' '" I' . " ,'.. from' 'ifOil;i1'~"ipY'I.ftist InUmida- 'Und.' Sec~tary"Wil1Jam toJaers zar Company lIas .•xported' 11,741 The 'villagers have donat<:d : " , ,~ . a r on erence lion -... , , at the Foiali!l'\Qffice~1 :'br41';forlli;\ ,'ions til;c<luonjto tIIe,Sovl.t:Uiiion, 'constr,;'ctlon cllsts of ,the ~scftool. KABUL, May 25. (Bakhtar) W te C f /. l ' ;l'oken strikes or stop-work appeal' who immediately rejected} it. I' " Czcdloslovakla. West Ocr-many, the --~ Malochkov. president of protocol In to Oe the lutest weapons employed Rodgers' add.d, however. tlUit BrI- Netherlands, and Switzerland. HERAT, May 25, ,(Bakhtar).- Ihe Soviet Foreign MInIstry. arriv­ WASHINGTON, May 25.-U.S, by the lelusls In theix,conUontauon tam was r.ady. to discuss matters During the sam. time the Com' Justlce_ Minister 'Dr. Mohat'ruil.d ed here yesterday to take part In accompa~ied -' .. PrCSH.Jent Johnson Tuesday pledged Ynlh the government. ; ..., bf common interest ,iOt a, sensible' pany provided 8,720 tons of cotton liIalder. by; \he gOyer.. Price Af. 3 pi epan\tlons for the ViSit of Nlko­ l S.H.) the United States "to continue to Yesterday. employees. of the ~ bus, manner.. ,~ .)./··t"' to '~ocJlI textile, mills, nor of Her-at viSited" the '·cdurt 10 10.1 Podgorny. president of rhe Pre­ work 10 every area whIch holds cQmpany in Kow16on did riot rep'ort' Am~>ng other \lluogs, the \Cbarge Kushk wolesw8h yeste~day, j '. 'I. I sidIUm of the Supreme Soviet of the ,/ ir" promise {or the ~orld's water needs." lor work lor three hours, ,," d'Affalres'.had d.mand.d ,.!'.'~ply 'to -~- Kushk IS located 60 kilomelres Soviet Union hert "And: he told the nO-naUon .. About half 'the workers ,at Hong th~ ~~~ing deman<\s' of fd"Xi;,I~.:' TALOQAN. May 25, (Il'akhtar).- west of Herat city .. Jirgah Committees General Mohammad Aref Af- , Royld, ludience Minister Operis New Ginning, Water for Peace cOl1ference here, ~ong and China gos company stay. JihIS five-pomt statem'ent- mclud· The Daraz Cailal, which was da­ I' ",-,' , • ghan .Imbassador 10 the Soviet 'KABUU;', May , 27. _ (Bakhtar).­ 'we pledge to share the fruits of ~ea\~"Ja':llrom work for four hours. cd requests that the ,Br~,ti'sli;~}l~ori- maged by the' recent ftoods, was re­ , KABUL, May 25, Bakhtar).­ UnIOn also a.TTlved yesterday to l During \he,week elldl/il May 25 the Hold Sessions thiS technology With all who wish Supp.lie5 wel'e however maintained lIes In Hong Kong sh~til,~, ,r.dmme- paired by the iakhllr Department or Education MInister Dr Moham­ Pressing Plants In K,unduz take pari 10 welcoming Podgorny Osm~n followio~;~.~'riCelXfd, in audleoce n~xt to share " Workers at' the Whampoa dock dc~aht.olY ludlfill the dt·m.apll'l of i. the Pubbc ~orks' wuh the hclp of the mad Anwari yesterday week , " mesc emonstra ors; . to stop a( local people. by His MaJ.sty' lIie Kina: A five-member learn uf Soviet VIsited the Women's HospItal of" KABUL, May 27. (Bakhtar).­ KABUL, May 27. (Bakhtar).­ com,pan;)'t also staeed a two-hour once' "all fascist m.llsur..... and The canaI•Irngates..' 6,vvv... tul. acresJ< of Pr.sident of the :Wol.si Jirgah•. Wol.si Jlrgah Committ••s on Legis­ Juurnahsts h,IS also !:omc to Afgha­ Johnson addre.ssed the opemng Kabul UniversIty. The hospital, New ginning and pressing plants constructed by the Splnzar s oppage pledge that such things will not hap- land In Saral and Khataian, i~ Dr. Abdul Zabir; Minister of Na­ lation and Legal Affalrs Hearing of nistan Dunng Its stay the tcam sesSion o! the week-long conference whIch has 300 beds, the only Company In Hazrate Emam 'lUId Archl woleswaIls .1 Kunduz were t Apart, Irom Ple transport dlsrup- pen In future. I I tional D.f.nce; General Khan Mo­ Complaints, Internal Affairs, Agri­ will galher materml On Afghanistan which IS seeking solutions to Ute 9r~~f, 10~~~er./,wa~' Foreip'}~j'lislCr one in Kabul beSIdes the mater­ De, Gaqlle Counsels Israel hammad; Minister Of Education, Dr. Inaugurated by Mines and Industries MinIster Eng. Abdul Samad world s growing water problem. lion and ,n Chlna's Deputy nIt' houses, which takes only culture and Irrlgatlon, and Cultural lor SovIet teleVISion r"dlo ('mcma eVerything. was 'qWe~ Yesjei.'day, ''<; . \ • walk.d out when'BritlSh /Charge d' Mohammad Osman Anwarl; Minis­ Salim on Friday. In hne with the uS pledge of KABUL, May 25, (Bakhtar),­ women patients. Affairs met Thu,.day and debat.d 4nd newspaper ,lUdtcnces The- governlTll'nt h~.~l'Fji:ctOd ~s, Affalres Dohald Hopsoli tried' to de­ t.r of Jrifoimation and Culture. Th. ginning plant co,n handle 180 satisfaction the st.ady growth of l'ooperatlOn, Johnson noted that. A delcgallon from the Soviet-Af­ The rest of the hospitals in Ka­ Against' Sending Test Ship subjects referred to them. ~~~ ni8~t Mohammad osman Sidky; chi.f of the company, which 10 coUabora· "baseless nonsensc""a :" ... ,China liver a protest Monday at ghan, Friendship Society arrived yes· tons of cotton In 24 hours and the In the Committee on Internal American SClenttsts Will begin dlS­ bul take men as well as women In News Agency chUm that. at I least orders to close the ,Britisn consul 77F» staff the D.fence Ministry, Cl.n. pressing and baling plant 250 bales tion with cotton farmers contributes tcrday mornmg It was received in I 'AQABA, May 27, (Combined News Servlces).­ Affairs which m.t und.r the chair­ (llSS10ns next month wIth India on patIents Ghulam Fatouk; Torm.r Afghan to the expansion of cotton produc­ 200 Chlnf!se had been 'killed or sen- onice Ih Shanghai" informed sources th. airport by Mrs Sal.ha Farouk of cotton per day. mainship of D.puty Abdul Awal experimental rainmaking proJects disttub~nces P1'ki~,a: yeste'r~Y;" It; :' " The slUpper of a West German freighter said iFriday Dight he ambassador in Tokyo, Dr. Abdul tion ahd textile. soap, and edible ously Injured hi here SHld ,in , Et,emadl. preSident o( the Women's ~'- A diesel electricity generating Kuraisbi, a number of petitions Aqaba Blockade which may hold promIse for dr()u­ saUed through the Straits of Tlran into the GuU 01 Aqaba without. Rahim; gov.'rDor and pr.sideot of industries In the country. It challenged them to "produce ,As: Hopson's protest t was being Institutc The delegalion vlstied the plant with a 1200 kw capacity to 011 were studied. ght·ndden countnes all over the 'KABUL, May 25, (Bakhtar).­ seeing any eVidence 01 a UAB blockade. ' Pakthia developm.ot authority, G.n. power the new ginning and pres­ Minister Eng. Salim thlinked all IC,mlwlit'd Jrol1l pagr I) the bodies or show us the graves." translated Chinese offldal, 1..0 Kuei· Women's Instttute and toured Its Th. Committee on H.aring of world" The United Slates IS prepared w~lk.ll Kabul UniversIty Rector Touria· He said he .passed ·th. straits ear- Inchid. th. Am.rlcan freighter Mohammad AzIm; commandaot of those who had tak.n parI, including The (tcnch government does not Cruncse Charg. d·Affair.s In Lon- Po, stood up and out of the vanous branches. sing plants as well as an oil extract­ Complairits met under the chair­ to help found regional water resou­ roo~: lai Etemadl yesterday pressed the lier Frldoy and saw no mines or Green ISland ona tpe GreeK SDJp Military T.chnology Acad.my, G.n. ing plant nOw under construction the for.ign speCialists, m the build­ inlc:nd to propose Its arbitrary use don Shen Ping yestdrday protested DUring ItS four.day stay here manship of D.prjfY Ghulam Farouk ne centres around the world which button and started a new prlnit­ any Egyptlap naval units, . Trans Mooowi comIng via the Suez Mlr Ali Ahmad; advisor to the' Edu­ was also inauguratc4, tng of the n.w plants, ill Inr((' 111 the ('TlSIS the tn10rmants to Bntam about the alleged "con­ the delegation Will also Inspect a Ghoznavi and discussed a number will prOVide leAdership and ,.sUmu mg press at the Umversity's ma­ "W. passed through the StraIts of canal.
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