Canadian Rail No299 1976
--- NO. 299 DECEMBER 1976 ...• , .. - ;. ~l,:..._ ".-... .: --. ::- . ~ .. -~ ... .--- ;..-. -=....:= ''-=-:-. -. --... -:--; ~ •• '- .. ~ -,-- . - ~ - -.-- ... -: .. ...,. - ',,. ... - ~ ! .. --"'" " r.·:· . :~ ... lfiE NIP Ii TUCKaIe Wihac t Bruce Mines, Ontario, on Lake Huron's north shore, copper mining and ore con centrating was carried on successfully A from the 1840s until almost 1870. Some of the waste from these operations, in the form of quartz tailings, was used as bal last when the Sault Ste. Marie branch of the Canadian Pacific Railway was built in 1887. Due to the primitive concentrating process used, these tailings contained a significant amount of residual copper and some precious metals and, one day, Can adian Pacific Limited may find it worth while to mine this part of CP RAIL's own roadbed. Back in 1898, two new copper mining concerns appeared at the "Bruce", one at the town and the other at Rock Lake, some ten miles to the north. Bruce Copper Mines Limited, the "town" company, spent large sums of money on surface installations, like a stamp mill for crushing ore, a coal dock and over a mile of railway to connect mill and mine and dock. Rock Lake Mining Company also erected expensive facilities above ground, the most impressive being a huge mill on the shores of Rock Lake, about two miles from the mine. A standard-gauge railway was built to connect the two sites. The mill's production was to be sent to a smelter in Michigan for refining and, in order to transport it out of Rock Lake, the Bruce Mines and Algoma Railway Company ~as chartered in 1899 to build north to Rock Lake from a point (junction) on the Canadian Pacific's Sault Branch.
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