THE KBWTTCRir WHIE^ UWrtr u*« TnitM.

BT CRAFMAIV A SHini. n.Eiuivci8Biinc, nr., pkisay bokvcvg , apru . ia , isav. . V«l*. EUL-RB MJ

~ napw pinHJCJinoir. NOTICE. tbe nay-god ef»ine, they ______greater «reaae, thnnn largnaM m- iagbU pocket. Prealdeot, Iwaanota «3r“THB KENTl’CKYVHIC”wiil ^tlASWjaUaad Mean ^yatt, bein mg-R. TBOS. PHJLP, le^iectiellyin- fcepoUtiMwMUywu lafMrid diMt. lu. the citixew of Flemingabeig AdMMUig* itfSammi Bdiei^m^Whai- ad. for I bad two vigorooa aona^Mm very pic- Il tpoaU be a vnat toamit «f toviag to CT rf Nelly Mow deceaaed. Take Noliee outoplaiiaa vp may make with r^rd lore of.myaeir, with me. W«niabedio Uw ' rwa MUiAUpa*«saSBi if paid vitbiatW tkatoaSatnidavUw IStfa dayoTMay next, and EtoaviOe, awl Ute piAlie generaliy that tbe whole eoauwBity, if ererT^ pfivnto fiat thm aoatfia, tw« wvrrr if paid after totboaedefactaia toremaieai wU^aeen •pot, and, animatod by tW moat Wavatad owner were raquired to Inqp hk atoefc Aoto Ifie ■qiintita of ikiee aoatln ud wiUuo aatreotoly diScuk in our corrupt atoM of tbongbtt fijT the protection of iociety and rt man overwhelmed with , we wind the ^ Tear, or thu » »olli.m, pajaUe at tbe reoiedy, we kouw from ctpeneoce that the twotobboa (D tbe rerybet of oml-appnprw. Mficftka year. elerti office of the Putnam circuit eoort , tothawna of 18 «naka,ooe_leaiooper wook. ineoi to the rtgalar dergy, aa an No mOmuiftiomeMabe witUnwo until all m aa a safficteat aamber of tion. Eveiy good ci^ «ooU bare done theuw Iowalows ofoi Cieeneaatlc,urvencoauv, Pumaini u%4.«~. ewuityw-...., in... ■ . • , - order of men devoted to rcliyiua, it attend ­ The profit! of agrieuiiine(c(ber>a (mberiUi«» amanga are paid —uolen witbthe eonacat aa.1 imagcMlforourbelavadcaitotry the Stole of Indiaaa. •'llie evidence of aa.d 1 »*»>**•“" Petaooa wiabioy to ed with neoy nod great advaulagea — being eqwal) are in pnpmtiea to tbe of Ua paU^m:aad a&Uan to notify a dio- and the public at large are b. Uie. b.lbr. U»H<«. They cooiinually preach the docinne of ia tbe ^y att^ef a capiM t»«»P«dto aa*«riagitmagitlwitbto ia,ie, aa • lb* rantaianna wiU aiwayj la ragarded aa ,gu,n. P™.,d.M Judge of lie 7 U “*'■ J-™ FI|”»PWor M. Hubtinyton, Preaident Judgi iintuoraiiiy, and warn us uf ihe wrnili uf which ia not oely tbe . centre of Europe, extent tbe laaer, ao wiU be that of lUl JudicialJ«1»W circuitcirSTof of aaid-,J Stole,SUIT, antu.d to be ™d Jltti E1,„„U.. Heaven if wo Jive impenitcniiy. They ftjyrAdrertiweatt nal eicaeding aa^uaie but the centto of civiiiaatiMi, and aa 1 former. iaavtdroee before tfaa Fteait« cmoty coart , paMon a»d gtadfi to both tbe thW, the capjiuJ of the entire world. In Tbe corn crop, wtib tbe stalk at Win be ooaapktmiWy ineited niaar tiiuea ia prwf of Uicaaid wiU ol Nelly Mow.dee ’d..-■ nan' learned und unJearoed, and ebeerfuilj la- ihecMinef pursued, belteve no blame can from ibe growad aslira, at a mueb anrliaa- for mw dnltir and fifty oifia. and. tjiirfy* when ii'i* ’ 1 hrfTyv "'«^nd ifjoo aee fit. IHOIeEx Ml/ST SE HA0. fur the preacrvalico of tair aouls. — be attochpd to me for having token upon my- peripd than baa uraaify bees prorliari^ fo ■eveeaed a balf ceata par aquare for every Given tbii 17ibday of .March 1837- 'rElHR ondetelytimJ remind alJ indebted to Joaof Ha/MKoy. •elf. to-eer^octioa-wltli ay two vigorous * irnffb tbwH ffoi ihh "iwt it t« »*««— fUbtr JOHN HEDDLESOX. : JL the Kentucky Whig prjntine office sons, tte very picture of mytolf, to repiw jp Ltttoa addrewed to the editon oa bnai* JOHN OEBELL. > for subarripiioo or otberwin, before tle.ltkh M, and to become (hep beae, to iMore ttcegtioB, aboeJdbeiMrywaL E*ecoioraoftlielaatai!lai>dte«tonieot of October iaat, that they arc expected to Aasmeoff Boy*__An American otlea Prepared food of • I kinds.a»ilor. offensive drunkard. At all everts canseience of Nelly Mow dec'd. pay up immediately. Thedebuand accoucla twelve years of age ia as much of e animals, will go nearly, ifna^uite; don DO? reproach me. AGENTS. 22-d ' of tbe office previoua to that elate, are oot iwice as far as that wfaieb ia given in e row Sfardi 17, 1837. young niaii as a European at sixteen : and Precidfot —Why should HI On the cen- PeplK Pbine. J.W. StoekwelL ------! a eonditjoa to allow any kaigcr indulgence. and natural state. when arrived at (bat age, he (S as useful Ira^ much praise is due to yon. PtoeiH a, I>iaielficklin.jr. The ratsingof tobacco need oot tmfwv- SUaiLEa SidUL i TbcbbXlCoiibijCbon ..U..1 ID bukinecs, .md as much to be relied ou, ns .That isjtnt what I said to my­ rnmimnn MiOa. Jabs Aadrewa. - ^ day tbe Inst, when we truattboeebarng German of iventr-foor or a Proncfamait self; mahing in the werW ought tohiodaran trisfa the land, but it is odr to umiiw MmA Camel. R. Hendetaiw. b '.n-.f. .b„ „„„ circuit eouit, 1 abaJl aa comni<«ner i - — fifty. Sontoihiug similar lo it may ajeo himeit man from obeyiiy the ay of eoo- and dispioponionate qwee tM i* nMelMil Halm, Wilaca Wood. B be found in Eugland; but neither diipaie Kienec. to thU-ata^ cxmnodHv that ibe ntsebiaf fWmito a d.,B ^ to cloee our acconnto in tbe concern. jApril, being county court day, before tbe our educauon prumute il to lire samg President—Well, well! Tou have dis­ it b aaid to have praduMd,.is auriboinble. (.JoimN. Lee. CAVAN ic. .ANDREWS. M^lliUa,l .court bouw cf Pleming county, proceed to| lentAis to Africa. From liio (MrliCkl closed all you know; slTtfown. ..^.___IiUa, Robert C. Fant Dec.16.163C. 9-tf- H&bamgb, E. U. Hoot. sell Uirce uoilitided abarea in a tract of land ' periodr/ his Jn‘e a young Amcnc^o is ae- Witness—And to alfow any peromal mo ­ tives to binder me from acting would be Ml^aliek. Kirk fo Sanford. of about ItRI acrea, lying on Locust creek in PBOSPECn.'S I custijtned lu rely upon himself, oa the priit- truly be said to be tbe basis, or real fimnd- incur geaeral dii«]H>rohati«.for ------Gneaiiinliiirg Dr. A. BelU I said Fleming county —being the same tract roa wcaaxaiso THS eraacairriess TO THs 'cipal aruficer of lit* Ibriune. >Vhate»cf aiioo, on wkicb the successful introdiKtiaa 'of which Stephen Jonesdied seised, and tbe Prof,dent —Enough, ur; siidv.n. Willfoi. ” be luiios or studies I* With a^iew lo fu- of sll tbe new ankles of field cuJuira de­ MM »fMMUn, IthrceebarestobesoW beingtboecabicbde- _____ WiiiiCk* [coiiiiouiiig] —For the social wants iHE «uM,.!..t.cntof -Tbe Kentucky »urcappitcaiton. «ndtire nKiruem he lee»c* pend. When tbe ground is well tilled, it H^EMAINING in Ihe Poet Office at scended to M'illiam Jones, BenjainiBBenjami Jones, require ongto^^ Whig. ” in Fienimgvlwrg. ^ch.xJl ho tiiimergcs. into sem e Itfc. H.s u> in tbe perfect condittoo for receir- Bm. Flemlngsburg, on tbe‘ lat day |of' and Solomon Caywood and wife heirs of tbe B Prekidenl—8it down. , aas been recently purebased by the j •‘epuiaiiun, from the time he ts able Aprd, 1837. If oot taken beforeore tbe said Stephen Jones. Tbe nale will be made county Witofss —.MTordmotual help. tog tbe feitiluing principles of (be ntioae- Irt day of July will be aent U the General crodit 'of AtiBmoitbsV'tbe porclmser undcivigned, who are dcirou. to obtom an il.mi., ■* tl.c object ..f ln> roost anuous Pretident—Will vou sit down! pbere. Rain, , bail, dewa, and boor Pot Uffiea w dead lattm. IgTTing bond and good seeunty. SeJImg as . aecesskio to the present list of suhecribcr., U iuu*l uffi-ci hi: future standing io i Witness—Alone can be of real protection frosts, dtc. ctxivey the murunent of veget- A Abraham Jfogowaa cormciwioner I will convey to tbe purchaser order that they may be enabled to improre ciety aiul increase the sphere of his uf to ciiizetii------iiKin, which fiontt in tbe air, most pienti- Robert Andrews 7 Jamea 4fo.-*.-ia sod) title only as wrested is me by tbe said ! the general appearance of the paper. fuluea.- ___OruuTt Ameiicrou. Presideni-Officer, make the witnesi re- fuily into tbe boaom ef tbe eartb, as deep Nichnlaa Aabeny .Vary AfoCambell j To all ihoee who may fsror them with some hif seat. as it has been broken, and wall pulverised. Mary Allen Nichtdaa .Mclntire JOHN H. BOTTS. | their patronage, Uicy pledge tbemseiree that Asrfert ICOi. one W,lkio- Witiiere (speaking aa be is led away by It is tbe ooly efiectual neaus of rooting VrUliam Aign Charkta W Oforgan * Commutioncr. , no ezenion shall be wanting on their t>art soo published a leriuuo uo Proicrbs . the officer) —Agarust the ip»aaGo«s of the, oui weeds, so neceemry for tbe beoofieial Eban Adkina Wm. 4fyeia mar 31 1837. *J4-e ^ render satiaJaciion. Tbe cooienia of the 4l: ^She is like a roercbanT* *liv Dociuriial robbers ------| growthiwih oof all crops, and sbouid be repealed ------> pOWf. it is iwntompUtod. shall be ofadiver- Gilbert 4hagrove bfHigeib hsrJuOd frum ufor.' It contains Olto, [f..,]., tk.1 fill J,.y INSTRUCTOR! ' character, so that all mar find in the f>ine, come, wo have bad <)aiu enough. Gewge BartiB .\\liforriaon the fidfowing passage: B-Jtofall quali- :s end fibra of weeds are tbe tig- _____ perosal of it, something imtruciire enter- after- Benjania Brtrard Panny .Vlller ues, a wooiaii niubt oot have one quality of Wm.T. Dissebard Join J Aforlet WpY Virginian. This thorough bred , mmg and amusing. ship, and that is too much , John Bark Joseph .Heass , ■ ■ ■ horse will stood the erwuing season j-he political department will receive due what a aoider u is to a ship under sail, „m,.«,d.dMfu,l.«ia.miplU««J-and iDdiUJubl., 1.11 by being eapo.>l C Plau Jtuu hall of his lime at Marth Mills and the caber »ticoiioW from the Editor*, and no effort *iU i half at tbe Poplar Plains. His blood, form, be sFwred,to dissemmatc'correct political m- with her tocklios and her mast, and ; to the action of tbe air, tbe roots wiibiu Jefos Carpenter N Isabella Campbell J^s Newtomb isUenglb, beauty .and performancekoombiDed. formation/among tbe peoiile. Tbesupportof lops, add her tcpgalUots, with her upper '______j rot and deeay, and tbe dad*, slroost by I make him equal if not superior to any horse in* Constitution and Laws, and opposition to decks, and her lower docks, and so bedock BaWea C. Carpenter F' * Ban... o.™^.n_c.pj»Ma,J Wmiam carpenter UtoAtoiPtoer S in this part of the state. right of the president to sf^oiot hw suc- el wftb her ktrtruiiier«,fiagf, and cusigncf. ryan rdaica :he tolbn. iag anetiJu.e la • „y|,,riaauoo Daniel T.»Carter Henif PertoH > WILUAM STOCKWELL. duties from which tbesdiiori wil ynd 1 know not wtui: yea but a world March 3. 1837. 20-lf. | »ev*r shrink, and m the discharge of h.annn*,rJ-d«laaidon llntrnpnluao;| .n, rf j. Ha&riecfo CampbeB Jofaa Philfpi wcfHlers IS to ice a wuman created Jamee Crawford 4 Aweph PoUand untiring indasiry and all the abiiiiy they maj God ’* imagF, so iniscreaied oft liiiic* u Talk,„sabno,r.«a.ry,,bar..«a cn-,^^^ .n^ndlaU, l«n.B. aan™!., PRINCE HAl*. ______I, shall__be exerted. They regard Um r,„u,,n.,JMi ocan.nd «ann Cm. back, in Clerk HemingC. C.A»id Patton ./ deformed wiih her Fronib, her Sp.mijh, pr|p|HIS pore blooded and much admired„*ui_____I as no lime for coocoalmenlofopiniot Inch a raacal ... cnmidaldy oul.lUed. ;______•Jt.T’A.r.JI: WUliam T. fiMndlcIfobn B Payoa and her fooliAb foshiuiis, that he llial inade --. rns sod msggola of ixtanv different M, h°rhorse“*•w foin good health and vigor, and ^ „ij,e exciting .political lopice of the day A bacliclur gvoileinun, who was Bamnel Oaar K her. when he look* up, u her. si.ail hard \ ^'^''-':kiiula, mbich abound in moai'fietds may will stand the ensuing season st the stable ol ^ (,«n shall he fearlessly exjireared riuf drafisineQ aod caricaiuriti was Julia A. Carpenter Thomas Rolans know her, with her |es. her fauns, ai.d. D W F Reynolds Isaac Daniall. twonnhw south west of Hsm- ,iw.r eourve in this respect. tJiey trust ingvbnrg. P'urtber pameulars will be given ,ball ever be cliaracieriied by moderalkm a siikc-u MZord. wi h a rufic* like a kaile, Samod Dean ' Jowpfa Roes hereafter. ; by a due deference to tbe seotii^enti yea a ruffe like a nunbow, with a feather Lawronee Dye . Biclotd Robinsm y J R. Mc Dowell. I oUmto, wbo do sot coincide with .ru lo her top, lu tell, J ihiuk, \> Inch way i t-yt- Dent wind blow s.'” p. 15—.\ncark Adver. Wallsce Sfaanaoo Feb. 1-. 1837. 18-lf ^ Fin&y Wm. Stoekwell rery Friday ..lahad nil i>Ilxrv wil dcitrovrL-itroydi^ by Ibe grub of the coekehafier; ily of hw lute, and itie line of .Siiaksi>ean- hero II* be expected, he f*und die gen ­ Ge«eW Poremru John Stuart of one hundred acre* of bottom land, about ■ .nranahly be ehar^ if paymont he delaytyl that there are -{/xjakmg •eroiun* iti stones, ’ end many, hundreds of cabbage planU by tleman tjuite alone and helpless. -I on Jdro Flemiftg M*m. Shockley fifty of which ire cleared. T7»e hnd i« welt jmj] itn'end of the roar, by the<-lluu» ex|>cnnietiu • kind ^ grey grub of less siae. Both sfwrv tu see vou in such a siiuaifor.,' G L. D. Stockton watered and limber in the greatest ahundance. W. T. ni APMAN. of Mr. t'rosse, of iSornorselsliirc. lo wh-h these execute tbeir tnisebief under ground. MaxtbnE Griffith Diana Strode Tbe iinproveiDcnik are a good log dwelling I W. H. SMITH, have alludtsd. Chemistry hie ihusdi*-: -aid Che rogue: “vbq cannot move aod the The first cats ibe roots of tbe beans eves Gibnoce D- K. Stoc-kion bouse and fog bars, togMbcr witb other ne- Oct. 21, 1839. covered processes full aa woaderfnJ as the servaet is out. ” Tbeleelltmaa started. when to kid, when they wither, tall, and EdsrM Gootbnaut Jerry Spiera cesssry oot buildings. Tbe terms are $000 i _ iiiifacles of scriptures. At a late meeting “Jl is excessively-carolcto of you lo leave die; and the (bo lauer bUes of tbe item ef H Jfsjy Slierwood cash in hand. I »w<~cU wr« imcwmts^tertible of the Royal itiMilutKm. Loudon, Uie cele- Krtirseif so exposed, for, heboid ibe conse ­ the plant just under ibe surface. Tillaga Jane Hedrick J AT Stockwell JOHN REAMS. Trmlli*. ’ tiratcd ciiemuit Dr. Faraday delivered quence* ! I iivke Ibe liberty of renrovinf duly performed, always destroys Ibe vboiu Kobt.JrHendmai Wm. Singleton March 3, 1P37. ‘JO-e m XD it is a 'Fare that •TheColomU in which he alluded lo the recent dik- iIm« truicb and seaU tbe table, and Eliaba Savisr ------1 Kestorelive fur Hearing ’ prepared by Joab Hndost coreries of Mr. Cri*sc, a itii respect to Utc pu'ting ibeiii into my own poikct, and as Tbe -^IfcRroytBKnt lbs suU aequirsn JUt. E, Story ECLIPSE, !i)r. BROWN. hi< cured inarr prrmjut turmation or reriviU'-atxw of inswcUiufiiot. JamroR Hoed I percciveWouf keys sre here; 1 aball un by moans aftrequeat aad welUTkaH tiL mm Henry Sbaffer Den/nrs*. lu variatw parts of tbe L. 8. (a* wnich. aluiougli doubled by many, be knew S B Hala [FOMERRLY CALLED TARTAR, lock ihe»e/draw«rti,Bnd see wlml suits my hige, is gradual aod progrotsive, and ibe G«sg Headrick Charles Story tbe ccftilicaics in his powwssioo will show luasoiuch as. >y a conunuous Stand the ensumg season «the ' combined (that the pn> purpoae. ”( “Pray help yourseir longer u w kept ie tillage, ifduly perfbnn- HaU 4e Pbiiipa Jamw Sutton vvitojc kiToau) from silica ul potass, he biiB* e of the sttbwmbcr living an ever beard off.) and when it i* cons.- ll« ;;cntlrjnan—who was aware ibal be ed, the more fertile it becomes. One Saaiia Haitlwm S. A. SuBuon* self prodoc.d living aiiiiaaJculai. He also i of J-.Dudicy's plott^Jacfory . pueh tstiffaciory proof can be giv- could do ihoUiing to prevent turn- The plou|bing in the beginoiog ef winter, and Jshw D Howe 2 T produced some insecu ohu.oed from hard m Udf mifos north of Ffe^n^. _ eSe«y.and tW perfoctly safe mode rogue did so accordingly: he found the ' Ana-Trickel jolisheri atone, and which wore now enjoy ­ e secuod earlv ia tbe spring, will be noru ffisMit irdrriev piaie 10 the *idel«s.d, sod »rti> oOier Jaoies Tboopron burg. 00 Ib^ r«^ ^ MaywiHe- by ^ ^ppiicifoa. together with Uie important ing life after many thousand years. cffoctwirf-m pufortisrtg^ sml diap leffa t i thewayofTarior ’sMaL Tbe J-digroe dtc., ^ ^^ ^ p^ekage. (3 ibiog* ibai Mined him. and in leC mioutes; 8ss|ffiea Jenae Wm. L Tarbcme^ doMO at any other lima of tbe tear. Tb» willbegifonubilfo.will begi ’ •_____ riahiifkiltoeffoctacnre.amrials] foil to effect a core, and comiiared with hs ring made up his bundle, be made tbe JokaC Jew Arkrew Tbompeon AN ORATORICAL WITNESS. improvment is lillege'la so very clear and tbe object in view, the cost only Five DoUars. gentleman a low bow aod decamped. But Phans TbreepAtCo. The following very amusing scene took rtaie, ilirt n surprises one buk Ji thatu: ie Mareb 2-1. 1S37. isinrprismgany should neglect the use of the gentleman had the use of liis bsndf, Lewis D. Telfo place at the Police Correct lotieile to Pans. it—Of ^ity causes ofDcafoees noted in hit and bad not bee* idle—bs-had taken an MtaU Coru. Two men being placed at the bar. the Sand&tdn'h^ts B-A; six fonowing «tbe mo« frequent, exact Mseaert of tbe thief witb bis pencil, 'VW71I.L stouutlic ensuingling setseason at the against them beit^ tnus stotodT Snai What —An amumngaiulinsifim. wd are labelled tbac and OB bif servants returaing, soou after, Ww sUhle of tbe subscriber,Tiber. living on , Wuneas —^I * going down the suastSu live anecdote wax rebted to tot- vfa iem- Isaiah Vaasaat r* totte' (-'•) Where it artsesfroro taking coW and be despaicbH him immediately to Bow • the road lea ding from Fb aques. when I perceived a rtrang-r leaning er in Veni»ot,tewbam his neighbors wern MbtiUa A Kssky Samuel Weans igamst the roiU of tbs bomutol. rather the strert, with the diawii^ aad M-rticemiUof Jrofh Keene Wm. WaBtor c, for tbe purpose efse> burg and 6 mare from tbs tpper Lack- f, aevioe. andst time, a* the soond uf Bells. werae for liquor. Two peaoas were tup. EffitareWbig DESCRIPTION AND PEDIGREE. J i distort w«erfon.{cf thisdrocr.f^ porGng hiui, uoe oo the right the other on John Ly«aoa 63 yasro of age is ewrcd, awo- tbefoft. Whaiihqysawmethey wenlBway idaS^ kj .k. -a..... -1 D T Lee Jaenb Ward cd before bebmltime to dispose of a s.d -| «. hsads high, 4 years edd ffiit spring, be was ! ^ goyesro deaf mneb roqwoved. sodderOy. *• • tovely soene, aaid I to D. J. Winn myself; here are two mm perfonning tbe misribyoldHaICom.bebTTifginian.benai, oe oj IB.)- -Where...... there is a sensatUm—- gle arttole. He nas bna.ghi to the 8^, most sacred dnlies of holy atoralitv. in tf- Lomn.-oboar.aftor*a«i.,iden«6H (be by 8ir Arcbr, and be by tbe I’m* ! B tbe Ear. nod nw issessihility of ibe I klhceitoS ording asaistaoce tnto man tnespable of tok- A. S. MORROW, J». AT. mode. His' dam vat sired by TrimUe's by .dd-BSdford. and he by the ; uu* care of kiBself. This pore iHectton Afirt 7, 1CT7- was. however, soon followed by the most celts was on ms way <,garter. Ita jeefrt was at la»l dwctocv- impoitod Bedford, ' ~ liaister suspfo fo ns. Is giving anl to the cred. Hensedi%ofcreibseahingb«*bert __rteSher into bis psdigne. and dischnrga from tbe Ear. iTOBkea iadtridnal, perhaps tbe two stran- AC BICIXTEB Al*. to select tbe best sbeaves, cud sinking of Mamm'e OU------JAMES TRIMBLE. (D.) Where it arises from a vmba^ cm mP ••eskahntedaaashnretimigettor' to ere abort to rob him—aa actum gea- ibem over tbe bead of an open barrel, tbren March 34,1837. 83-iL ewsskmof Air.asby diachaiging ef roanm d Ihe >UT. aRogeUier bad, a cow- AcrtcciJCBai. AxHum.—Renjwnio F. or four limes before layiiy |bea down to ■«ATH »«,,«- T.i™ «.b,TW : U. s™. b.-. irdfycruoe, desUlote of dignity. Jor. m A Suuwo, Esq. in a leiier to d»e ediww of ibe be tbreabH, obtained ia this wsya ntpeii- ■■ BS PertiBB, of Bsdh ossa^. Iwiag ow f^ire a healtbT ^ of Wax. brt beee ohaerved in aacieni hieioiy------Farmera' Regirier, wys: “I «• orseed. As in ibis way tbe Lirgcat aad ^^rsSusoN. tbe Lick btmneb, ssnr Pleuart Groro Milfo, ' ^ Broduced an apteMUrt dry- (i.»ni,pO.,,)-K«- ^ .f- earliest kernels would be ^keu out, and Maseb », 1SS7. , I, fifteen hand. high, three yeare ; “ m^^dparom*. eiert birtixy. if you pfoasc. (all into tbe barrets, be obtained wbrt oW last spring, with a tax mrf stop * tbe Very welL just as yon pleare. inuk. .kid. •«" ‘•^4^ migbt becunai detedeffect s*• -rairaHip-1 Acerrarr. W.M.80BTOTH.CBC. aaaigned of pusiriimg lbs guilfy, thair friawda. by ealliac at Mb Dae. S3, MSB. snd saving the inarneiir Toeoneeal mfaalf ner of Exeter awdWiTbdwiyri K«|«r ' irtlienaf a A ywg farreer bnvii« purehaaed A EdrtmsiffI _ isrivec- Swgrert men cetmoiro gnat tbrngsatcritt. wrtcb, plaeed it» b» ftib» B«1 tnung X, raki Ww IMT. 'aHfieward tiba p^R maatka. calepocfos. cssHtbeflw, seysto biBWtfo. -Wham ’• riHlbacwti>isdtoa|si*sta (fertfaair ~ MSB jrmTPcm, Pnmdeat —Te tbe pabri-to lk« part*, tf shall I dose a nailtnhMg my Msc that Ufa ftisssl)atthe cIsMtf thrt u may noiw dirttnVri and bnAsaT* few «f tbeea are — -Very mjm^ *1 dn art kmam a aafimpfamn* n^*d h« FswaelilMWIi ltoBaaeirtaert^ Ttmi deep ^eu|^ p,—,l,IW.ddB««ra,*ra-WbeUfr«atbe|daeawir Mb| BttU or bo a boUK« o cooiteaa ’# omaiaiy profca ioB. ibe Ouonea Pone bed ihoe^trKlh^tekodH Hwrty oTI^ OmA. wriuM ad>nt><«»« Mly fmvtneek- ' IG. the FmotA estiasns; Mm-tSg JiMie* AAu. Vtif McA «r«•Vbitot. Th«,m and Ike VOroMtiiBw Imtghed TEN DAYS LATBa. ro4r, »m lemd to erj ihe letters of Ofi^ing pnlh%Hii caeet nn article (uoctr the tr^ of Adsiaac- Cr.*t^^iil, By ifffmTiH tilirtr eT th« fiM'HiKiig ^Bcaa,if moafe s am But innwdiateiy and embrace in the Imiher ball lu w|^ pie: it was therefuro with rega'tH io Eu­ .gj prff 14, J8ST. *l.ip SUegti;*, BUbee, from Liverpool, taken to ceeck il they am eoaaigned. Tbe General Poel rope that Roaem visbed toMlnWiabw right »l~. b. bi ordered by bis goveimmeni, in ordertoraeko wltcncai«lM.Milea oa Uio l^h March. Tbe Potawatamie Indians hare among o bfODcheo extend iolo er^ for bermlf. b this way Rumu BMwtged a report ss to the state of die epnnttv.' ‘ Uvorp<^ mpera to the 13:b ntid Lotnion them many half breeds, wome of tbem _____ ^ ^ «. ,„0 • ** *' AsMSWsEaq; 8», feeling tbe panof ihoeeuMrr, tbrougb wboee < lb supprcM enoiber of tbe States on tbe The warlike meeiago of Preetdcnl jacksoB to Oto 'M, bMi ueMihe, hove been' re­ educated men, and others wbo speak.tev- the life bloodr ’ ■ if' commerce, of agriculture, ^•Vlf''lhe“ftI^'sw.‘^AlTh"iwty^ intportance of the approaefaing crisis bu been temived very coolly at .the capitpL ceived hjr crallanguages,including tbe Eoglisb and of literaiurc, and oflove are roblinuairy ...... our n.liA... __J 1—:______• Adrisbopfo socurdd^ur Rosda the en- ouroatwotieeaI,ud being cenvioced of JB(ik.CiW A &s1«Bke oat faLworpooi OB the 9:h French. They aro all f>=d of liquor, and irtiog, u the most impotl ' innce to tbe Danube, wndtbp power uf ex­ the abeoluto necemtiy of baviog a Erm, which (In'.roTod 10 ilom and warebouees, will, in their driuking frolics, exchange tbe country. Wiitmt cluding Austria, ilw BUicK Sea and tnielligeni and parrimic repreaentation, and t .7c:hot«i>b eboal 10.000 bale* ooltoo, aay thing they have ftie whiskey. When lid be becalmed, scienno would , retro ­ coasts were shared between her and Tur­ believing you to bo craeniotly qualified to redsd—TVraiy 6re*re —Bythe Chorim. whiRACBUOod A« price uf .tbia uUcU to they bavo nolhiog left to buy whiskey, grade, tueralura would die, and love woabJ key,jvho Los bocooic suliject to Russia tM Courier of Match H1 st, we have adricco uJr»c«Don ^ to 1-3 pr Ib. they End themaelvea in o starviog condi- cook without its iDdespeoaabie aid tbe since tbe treaty of Unkiar Skclcsai. By dwcharge cliase duttes with honor to oor tbroegh the sebewerS. S. Mins. 'fieA'su Tbo oewa fraM iba coaliaeal it will bo tioo, and are reduced to tbo Beceaaiiy of creditor could not dun, cod the creditor district end safety to the nation, wo tbe treaty of Adrienople, the Black Sen Augustine to the 18tb. Ao exprns had just ■arllyw IOro rfeig . atealuigeretarviiig. could not complain —the love-lorn damsel has been mode a wore Cloumm, wJieru ncstly solicit you to become a cenditeie rj^ed then (be .morning of the sehooser'e Itengmation o/MatitUrt.—In eooio- In one ef the Bumeraiis drunken frolics would sigh over the negligence of ber Russia means to admit or exclude Euro ­ to represent us in the next Congress of the aoMMg tbe Indians, a man by the name of dWsnufe. MarcKirai.-statlng Ihalpicbhu oT tbo Irish Mooicipai Refurtn absent twain —the merchant would dream pean , according to ber good pleas- bjl_ bMitbeen otuckedat ...... the night before,- and the Bibi, a half bmed, io (be enplay of Mr. United States. Ikll hariati boeo reacted io tbo Uoum of of shipwreck end ruin—(be Indiaas were beaten off. Tbe troops of 8t. Roy a treder, was killed by an Om Indiao i Repectfully, r.:inia by 9 omiority, Um Riiaislert bad re- Icctioncer —llio puci routd nut borrow Augustine were mastering to proceed tbiiher wi.;nc(}; and tbo I|jdioof Welliagtoa and about the tame time an Oto Indian was moocjKj—the noimnoffwomm of fasliioo might wei 71e Jomal de St. Petersburg —the PLEBEIt^NS, tanned lately. Russian official organ contends that Tur­ Sir Bobt. Poel have again received iba killed by an loway; a few daye after, a bonnet OtetTuid been three days voted Col. Fanning had received order* fresa U» favor —the King having innoediatc- Potawetamie iu a drunken , killed down by tiie um—tbu State of weather ' key bad a right tu Iniusltr Circassia, Gen. Jessup,in core of no orders to theeau- Da. ■ Bx.'rsEBsoii A. A. Goonneo, ly sent f.-r ihem oa aaon as (be late niinis- squn.w of the now tribe. lllinnis would rentaio unkoown on the n. at^ that Russu in tbo blockade of ibe trary, to take the field, JIatcb 7, in cease- Circassian cuisls, is but exercising an un­ E.«qr, 8 the desire of the ura ionu Uiiblin, (be inbabi Government to instill...... into tbe mind,d of ih worse titan all, the Pearl and Galaxy would right wbicli Eng- come ciindidates to represent Fleming land and no other country has o right to Lattr jtfj /rosi Otn. «fsm>p.—An exprev* moMr, l.'»aK>Jiaiety repaired to College I o«!W»ity of reforming Ifrom not be circulated down East. county in the next Legislature of diLs «mh«i 8u A(.ugBstina ..March f’. 17lb, ^Jiua Green nn-I in d aortes of resi4u(i®‘'^'""*P«cnli»r savage mole of warirarfa violate. The Russian orderb thus willing Of how much intportance is it then that State. MANY VOTERS. ea as laU as 1,1 l.yHr.OH^i/miell, '»enounr4jdd the lioib... ; Revenue•enve is their dearest and must rheirherii -eigniy uf (his great thoroughfare of the 12th March. ‘z: d be is not of 1. 'nls in ao measui ed terms—1* ” «• C.i f litnt l-*.kcrs■*.kcrs on, engerlyeagerly Iwtcning to . ® poutiuasierx m regumto the custoin anti the senesirr R. Me-viri*, Esq. n» n candidate for Con- dians. Philip has a force of about 400’oteo. 4 rj|,becics of the better loWmcd. \ Late E*BTin»CAKa is P, letiem .nd.,..,»... I Cl,™„,| If ih.igr.,., Tb^erc is nodosbeit was apart of Philip's J■^raMC,^^arek7■—Grealconslernniion, ' Letter from Mr. Cliessebaud, the Brit,»h ten kettle, or Stow them up m I»«: . , , . • . ! '’*»">» w»sseizedon env of ihcsu printip- gang w ho attacked Picolata, and that they wysilie Pam Mouticur, was produced in Cunsul, dated Beyroiit, Junuary 25, 1837, ^ lU I ■ t,. „ porfoctly aware of tlto treaty nude ten liic cciy by some papers being haoJed io >nd addressed to ’Judah Benol ’ict, Esq. of ttl». ,h,„k rf.nrtl I..I, u„l,„„ Sk.ll.«,_„f ,li. The foreign oo' ,8 publiiibcd in another days before. The runaway negro, Andrew tlio D.ihe de Nemours, pur|>orting to be'Gibmliar. picks out a letter with a bnndsomo seal to ' •crcig'mv of Iho Blnck Ben—of iho |‘ “f t<-dn>’i |.per will be fuuod to Gue, a greai man among tlie Scminelcs, baa «role by Chiraiiiou, the assassin, before! “Dear Sir:—I linvea roost painful In-k give to iho ctiildren to keep ihi m quiet rigi i f the World lu miviguic it—if Eng- , posses unusual iiii 1 captored near fit. Auirostiney. Ita hi* dsaib. la one of his loiters, wiiidi is to perf.irm—that of ntinounciiig the dcnilis n lide ihu rcails the Lihiu upside clow u T__ iks of I luml—-if Frinro, of America —of cver\-»r______a pint to bura the town. t. th*l>--ike, bo exposes the wlwlc pU of B of .Mir much ositemed friends, Mr. and What sbtill «c think <.f a |Kisiini»trcss who body —uoJ, iherofurc, becomes a quesUoo n Sj.-toty f.rmcd and ownbined fji-the do- Mr*. Josliua Levy, of SjOci , and ilio iilltiWE the girts .jf ilic nci;:lit>r,rlioiMJ lu Fibe.—Property t the nniounlofelgh- of niiinicnluu! MORE INDIAN MASS.A.CRE3. rinicnm .,f tbo King, of which lio has greater part of their fumilv. 1 address squeeze up uml cvtminc all ilio rose color ­ ly or bT bct~,u member.^ 'A’hisS-'ciely being mace , myself to you on the occasiw, ipsieud of ed letters at u pi-niiy u pccji f Sumo of Wo watch the pr-igipss of (his enniro- ii « u «. ■ “» c- The I'lillnhasseu Wnichmnn of the 23J .cy ,v„i, i, I fi™ o. .h, 3in ui.>b. inst. sa_\r. By a letter directed to the Pl»t knjwn to ihQ utneers of the police, imine- ihung so to Mr. Joshua Lew’s brother those little ngciil.* of the p>Niufrice are a- I.. 1..J IO , 1,.|„„ loHc. .Muster ui his place, dated Mineral Spri^, ch .roarreswt^plcve^amuftg whom were : and other near rdativoa he limy bavo m' bout as cotM|ic:eiu to die link us n inunkcy and Russia. Euglund is joiiluus of Ibe !------March, lUth, we leani tlL-it m ihellili ■ ime of the first Alorchan's of the city, your place, in order that you may convey is to muoago a sieani engine. 'Phey with­; ever iiuiking in the i Ladv ’s Book.—The March nun inst. Il man and boy were kitted at eoe rf' 0 1 acorjnl U the arrc.sts hav ing been the roclancholy (idiags lu them after you hold letters by w ay uf poiiishment to their the S'ands, between the Si>rings nnd Jack­ 'f>B city broke out, shall li:.vo frepared them. This hor- neighbor*, w iib whuni they chance to have East, nil,I nireoily iremliles for her c.i*ti>in licr of this dcservcdlv popular pcriiidie- sonville. Also a CiniUy near P.irt mill*, but was immediatelyy suppressedB , by (be riblu ctilus’.rophy look plHce on Sind-it , H qu.irrc!—.and cannot think of deliver­ 1 r.m)>cnj A'* ’Tho r.i. Mllituryr ■'In diS officricr letter,It he ex|)oscs' (he Istlnst. lute in'(he ufiurn,M»,iliw of hb cumcjotts concerned in the bef.iro sunset, uhen a most violent sl|.,ek huml-le miliviJuul who Kuh-enbes fur it, heard the namcs«f three 'killed. upon the ihc Euglish peu Tl^psu dcprcdaiKins were doubtless i I'o:. 7'huir names s.iys liic Mouitcur, of cardiqtiake dcsirovcil the «li>ili: of S.if- ind the iMiiiisic’r ha»c •I of Ilic « de civilzed noiM. India Bella, by Miss I.. II, .Mcdii romed by sumeofroweti'a bamL ” hb. ; Iweii sii!,;.ftr-sod by ilic Dulio dc N, fit, T-bofiiis, and ni’iny of the surruuud- h -.d 1 then, il ' n, Ihe iliat ihe Uiii'cd S aicsiirc on the Cii loxoimt. it IS said, of the respeciuhiliiy ing villugcs, t.. whi-h imr much lacnenVd ihclo wtirhic* ccm.-iuer it u Ii.-vfiy IK-ad, Sopiiic —a (^nsdion Tulc. able f..ting «iih the KussiniT a ihcir l iuiilies. The slrcccsure throng- frieiiiU, Mr. and Mrs. Lew, and the grea^- dency.or eu'lculoied to eiu-. Iho Dying Sailor, to his c«, hv The Usi Bi. Augustiuo Herald sCntc*. Emperor «h..may be i-<.|i5;d.-rcd cur best «.! wtib inquiries after tbo troth ut the < r part of their f.imily, foil viciims%i-j. "pinten-.!ed in a measure u Uju I live iiuudrcd other I.^raelilcs, and : s dit fe.ft. II,.w liuppv, then, is llrii pciqile umrdu.-ed i. fow days siock at the SiRpker be l.!i d to, ilic iiucIiJcs iiifiicicd iiiHjn Con-c.'pondcnce, Israel's Prophet, by ibe crmstemation it has produced. , iminy Christians and Musulmans. at Suffoi uhu lui 'e a piwun r pi.«si-»,ing utl till-, Bjirtiig ou the Bantaffy river, sLoot s«se« diappy Fob Piio'iM to the Ec'itor, Hareili bnd Ami The affairs of this long diti- 'only, without including the great many and die sent|iiik>i>i> • mbs fnm Ncwmfasviile. Dr. IL arel ira.ted hiiigdotn, are now in n fair woy of porsons mortally wounded or innimod, a«d lUlegrilV required hv Ins cailmg ! Huw If then ihc! i two great putters, Eng- Ihe Tri ils uf Hie Diffident, Line* to r wrfo wt-rc kiHed, a nd enwiset wwm st- bi ing *et^l. The imiied foreo of Rcm JiI, tboso who were dug out of the ruins, ci:>hi I'avored'i* tbe people who h ive a -Nalban. | R''*' . go tu war, no should io-ili lovfil Fmiid, Litics.-id,Ircssedloa llii*li:.n.l, s'dmg •tli htift «** weueded im iw<» pOo- diet iinucu—fur It .1111- Lv> n^j^ovorul other* of the Queen’s or ten d.ivs nficr, tilivc, but start cd. iindin le), who is nil Inraelim iiidead, m wb»m • be O'. •iversanmc. the Now World, Iho II the ibigb." ll.;r»erils mjUo a cointiined auack upon a dying stale. Such an npfMlli ihcir i: lut he liisguLcd ilnil mch War i„.t nvcv. the Ibill.iwrd the Re l> ■« Cjtfa ’cn.iip, and eun>ii1ulely routed »leldom tob« met with in tbe eiiniCHi oUhjI (ho sovereignty uf ine i Tit rteovtrtd.Uwiry.—In nor last, ’ it &*<- killing l.tjOO and making nearly : history, and i»ybean (nils in aCeii.pi.og Blnck Sen nl, Ivluciuiou of the Young, by Mr*, i cami,- our uu|deiissut duly to reenrd ibw hw ENGLAND AND RUSSIA. the inc>»l importnnt |.rinc'Hi!c* of ri. hie : Scilzwick. 5.'Jik) pii..4jcrs. This victory conipleidy to give you any further paniculHrs. IVhilc I of upwards of iweniy-six sUea»sed ssllmi, erty. In fic. it would be •! slniggli! 1 c-ir»yy U m Carlos ’ prospceis. j I lament the loss of those friends wliu fell Tht Ciiiifyrt njthr DritUlt Sdtootifr ITrcn. thei \Yu deem it unnoecssnry mmmeni by lien. lild wards, the Casiirccof the l«e». ~ —TlMvDakeufLouehteoboco.iEumrg. , Lam boppyhappy to say that Mr. M-wes Levy. uidwi.rld bciwi-.'ii fV,r priflcipfcs The seizjru uf the Urt:i*h Irsilinv vea upon the moriis of o work Ibut ha*I* alrritrr ttranclt Bank, while .lining •« TaSsnlV tiie new king uf Purlugul, died suddenlyily I the cldetl•Isonsc of our fnenJ Mr. Ju»kua side, Englnnd amt Frertee le:Mmg- tbo wr- ' III this city, on Wediuaday the ItO: sol "\ixi-ii,'’ m liio Uluck Sea,- —off (be rrccived the deserved np|irubulion of tlic oa ike 5 h Feh., and strong suspicioni ray, :tiid itrp,:(ism on the .xlirr, Ru-st;, ii>:- Oil Thiinxlsy, as we kefore stated, ca Levy fa Ind of about fiwriecn vonrs i.ld,) const of Circussin, fur the viulaiion ol a were entertninod lint bis death m bs oeca- as well ax • ’ * ' lending f..rll, her t-'..'i*t;d.. t.iid her V;,m Icvding presse* of ilie country. 1-s exicn- e.\iiim,auoii was atteiuptcd to be !md, hwt s Mr. Joshua Levy ’ s sister. Mix blockade by the Russian Govcramenl, iuned by tuifiiirmean*. It will be recol- nuriliern H»n», Tin- omlr.l w.Mtld |.e Mve circubttuu nnd the audity with ubiclt w riH [j.'hiiH i.ed III the desire of (;cn. EdworAt* ; Deborah Chiheii, and two of her daughters, threatens something serious, and is now iocted tli-.t Djuna Maria ’s first husband escaped iinhuri, and they soy they intend frigbU'ol, for lul ll.c jmweif m it c:iii Uri.ig ningt! Iks chief topic uf discussicio io the Euro- also died very suddenly. ^ j soon returning to Gibraltar, li was only >_Hrd uf wa* oir.-ivd tiir tire recov* pcau Joiirinit*. Circussiu is clnimod ns a yfniHgSII Tvrkrt).—’1110 nows from this country the o^h inst. tfivedays afiortbeearihuu^ike) "I Pf'' u—.V Russian Province. Knglunil deni liiund lu ihe uj. *1111* of the tlas-l , isof luelur--'-'-lunilioly interest...... Tbo.. greatest- iliai• the• -few survivers of...... S.ifiirt recOvci ; York Exprets. d-thc lleti diiiui, und demunds ilio right of a free the lieail board ef a b«d end the part ol Biiiyrnn, end soroo of The vihnges i from their stupor, and dssp.itdicd laoss. Sacrr.' crciguiy of his Geld* airuik u|mn ii vault cuntnin- UaUiiicu uf the money wu foand by Eoegm buinaii bci^ig wore buried in the ruin*. surgical aid, die...... under iho treaty of Adriunoplc | Wo nre IndebcJ to Mr. Kulil of the mer —wiUu extensive coasts —•including : cbnni’s Exchange, I'-ir the riillnwinv' iti.ixir- mg a box filled niih gold and Hiitd. on a beap in tfie stable vanl of " An aueiiipi was made on the lifo of the ^ wounded, none of vhieb they could obtain Hotel...... ■» Ibe mouth ul the IXinubc, the riglil ^ lam addressed tu hii . r irt ' Ootcl. sliglitly cMCteJ with straw: skattlw Sultan, by one of the old Janissaries, by from Ike eurreundin valued il is aunnisod, I from ^ lO.OOOv^ after. Mr. Talbot tcccivcd a letter Ihrsogb dingvilsges, which had ulaii* steam oortgulioo there—and these dated — shouting at liim with pisiids, he mined fire shared the same fine. W. immediuicl .§>0,000. >*bc I’ Office, written no indifferentlodifiercnt paper.pau^. ehiims are yearly pushed so that sho now Jtpd Was immediately cut down by the royal opened a subecriplron here, and sent Ihcii '•TAiinro, 28ih Fob. 1837 Informing bin where llircatens Intake |>ussessioii of the nhnle Tho vault waMarlly of brick covered , guwrf. whst wo could." •Dear Sir—.\-ih iilnKinding Ihc tu be found, and saying clssc sen, and of the Bosphorus, And thus while ..V.,. ,.h imge S.O.. pm : Gnaxe.—King 0,ibu and hii new bride Another account estimate* the whole *en»icul ihc Anici'ionn pnpn a better man Ihan the petsew eb* Is invading Asia by land, to threalun 4 >v nil mortar. It ttn* o- idenily built for a ; that stole it. arrived at Athens on Ihe 25 h January, numberof victims at three ihoiwand. rermng ih ■ and thu cxpediiidii the Mediierranunn and all Europe by ihe and was very coldly received by the in- In consequence of Ihu nbovo incli... destined tu nporiiti • he Texnn«, depnsitc, nnd nduptcJ to Ihc sizcol •. Monday, f.'cQ Edward* rrtBTWjd frae* Sea \ England and France uf course are Leesburg, and on Tuesday nwinmig wasstxw- .h-ibPaoM.' Bovernf conspiracies a^intf , _____icIUgence^______the Hebrew_ community you shmild kmiw iliailiaMhothe MMexicans and ilio box lliat was enclosed within it for alarmed —Tho fucU .“cein to be these: moned befira x oiggistcotiE cn xs nSUsrie - discovered, andl of Gibraltar caused a funeral their Government nre resolved to mnke many yesnrs. Tho box was of mali igiu made by two genthmcD, in >o*lire ro tbcir aly of Adnanopic wax conelu- ’I'exas muer iU duty, ami ihev wiH- tJo «>! a revoluiwo broken out at ,! performed at the principal avnagogue there or endar, and much decayed, Tho coin I own characters t-f s'tvloi.y haviagBisn sw# which Uircatcns toa overthrow the govern- on tbo IStb15ih inst. duringdiirin- which all tbcir (Jed Wttt^eeo Russia unU Turkey in 1828,' Evcrvilung i* now roadv for I'ho mnrrh rff old, a"nd '^^"eoftkein.ane'.reooflhwBcErl lot. D.scontonl provaiU throughout the wben Iho Circasaions euj.ijed a compleic ; the irooii*, uliiH. nre cciinpreed of 6,000 was all over one hundred yean places of businecs were ciuecd, and itmue- against whom a.cliargo had in tho firsi io'- . consisted of Bpanish dollars, gui diaiely after a subscriptiun was .-p^nwl at uioiKio. Tlicy h..uerc., con- , mfaniry aod I'iOO ciivatry. will, llieir cor- stance been inoinniled, aail tbo otnpr, Ils* —'n»i#eeuntry, it appear*, is ID pay Ihc i, •>»» M,. J«irt B.«Krl, ZX.. young gciiUcman in-whose rooiniipErtoi'iliw mxLing iiiimonse prepartUuns fur war, Port partly os A to which tbe said axiWDutiiiy cooiributed . ""y “ .ml >. icch, c.i.iH.lcd Gc. licmmc.ic, .cll hoc,,,, moncjrhad- been ftftnA. on Sttitnfay mortw bosk hy land, uod tea, and app«ar dater- .chjm:,. of Ih. a.lm., .mi p.rlly f„,|,i, hi. pm.ici.m. vary hbarstly, so u to enable that wcoUe- It w ould appear that nalatcdi i^utc ing. Astiio magistrates ’court beforswhnoa mined |i> maintain' her aovercigntyrcignr over aan io forward a considerable mini of IJ™. "■f”I'-' ! “ «i.hs,.c, ,h.y iweon the Pasha of Tri,'fipolf aod Mr. Gen. Edwards wu ezamuicd hold iU s^. Ihe Block Sea, and exclode Ihe French and. their uciglibors against Russia. At ih'e ney by the packet about to depart fur Mal- been;n equipped threeil *, six *,' ton, the British Consul,sul, liretire civHitics-mteT- •ions Ul Ittrtt,-wa ora not nWo to gire th% aUive mcotiuned period, this luusr power I^iglialt fiaga. The English Minister bad U Cat the reliefof the aurviviog aiifrercrs. and twelve gunlicut*, and their arc cxpocl- changed were a blow from the farmer witli uauimony eis*n befo»-«{ bot merely konw^ dvinaadcxt bis passports, and had left Bi. Gibraltar Ckrensole of the l7lL availed iuclf to the forlurn xlale io which od from Jamaica (wo gaud stcamlin; lispipe. Id return for which be that the rerelt wot, that Gen. Edwards its* Ppter«B-..-v*—it wtu thought that the French EiigLnd". laid left Turkey,------’v; to’ "draw ...... Cin-aA...... J "ft i'«e bng, under eh* eomtnnnd of Mr. ‘•lowTrom.low. fro tho whip of the latter, wi.irh will recognised for his eppeorance os a witnestr AwVrtredur b« axarople. — Inmi theatlcgiunceOioof Sultan, wh.i, AIcKcuzie who served with Crmimodure PVO* ‘ably lead to a collision with the British St the -May session of Froderickcoanly court l*OST OFFICE. m tjre fum of $2000.and that Edward H. 7'ho enucs of the between Eng- gave over to the conqueror pnvi- \ in the war of iadepMtdenco. naval force, wbich haj gone from Malu to lend and Rusrfa, it wit,' recolleeicd waa The Boston Galaxy bae tbe following capi- legos wbieb be had no right (•• ulienuie.__' Tripoli to demand satisTscirdn. ' MePhersun, Esq. wo* Iwld to ball in the sum •‘A^monns iffose vessels arrive, about ffie^^re of M. jengUsli fcwl by ibe Ulea^ponPoaiOffims end 'Pret«u,a- Of course, tbe CircaMi.iaf, whus* love of' i ro^ of $5000 for hi# appearoDce at tbe saioj' ill be embarked, to operate ler*; die latter pan of which we erp^ bad induce, them to aeck | A coBtUble of Cin . John E. WiJ. ly remmend to Chore of our subscriber* ifiKt .a' ...... - h reflects great credit m the eilirens of ith them who had a political dispute with an who ever fiul to receive their papers p.r,o„l, p„,.K„l ..ui,., ;|„‘ '™T' »" '■> I, tnuui in mom, Frederick, tlwt fnmi the rnomont Uiai the re- ______.jto the Intsui D^'nrEBA.iCBa. —Fre«e ge»> Fram^C* nd uf UustacDcnic. port of the lore of this m«rey-wts divulged,, scourge nf th« oorib, cuhld uut thus time- house of the latter, armed wjtli a l«>wieknifb, daman reeeotly from the “Fan. We«,»v “ToWm-Kidd, Rsq.. a universal eiid deep mterest seemed to^-cr- Xoa:poobdfic9 isyourooiy irucdetnocrat ly submit tu be bougln end suU like sU____ and in a scuffle which ensced. subbed Ross leant, that tbo Polewaficnio0 Indiaas.Indians, retrstj- "Alori'hanl ’s Kvehange N.OrIcao*. vade all deasel of people to recove« again tor —Ihejyvei.’er afdulineinNu—iho patron* In ih«ir hearts they protested ■guiost the eight time*, lie survived but a few minnies dent in tbe vicinity uf CaiMoomoni Leer- the owner, the lost trearoro. Person, did of all trades and p.'ofeskion* —tho Lemld conduct uf Turkey aud the preientMBs of “P. 9. Tbo errival of Santa Anna vrill WilUafilliams is in custody. eawntth are beeomiag Iroubk'uome to the nothing, s|K>ke of nothieg and thought of tm- qf'ioven'aigke*,^ crxliten' duns—the Russia. To rise in amia they were afraid not ctunge, in Ilio least degree, the ospeci thing hut the lost money, and the MSin iivn friotier, reUlomoHi^ and that ad xtiempt dietribtttar ol' good end eriu-^ho annonn- tt’hiio the Rureiim army was still encuinp- the cliaractcrof the town. At rente (ioies val madtt a short time since by one of tho 1... i»» uorof ioielligeoeelokiilt^ iOtelligoocu the defiles of the Balkan, hut, us .....indeed,—• ll.e —excitementT’-—* “* ranran wanulijfoarfullj iirgA.lirrh, ^ trike upM the lift of Mr. Davia, .'heir oo which.depey^v ‘ho suuu as n fair chaoce offered itself of nt- and »pprohen«ion* were foil, that it SfoultL A •geol. fata at a Miion, mod which ____ - lackiug their tf presMWS with success, they Iba tniddlo of Match, if nut befurs. btoit 3,300 men. bad coalmen cod rmsaing umnifest iueif, «, deeds of violenca.. Tb* ‘ li seems, that aince the treaty made by >y bonover, having been recovered, (hi* .^le ef Ekml of potmtoes, am equal bare, n defiawee, end tho Autucni'a dts- their camp equipage. They w.iuU march Gqn. Clvk Usi September, exUngtnabiag teritog)g kashas in a great inresoninreenro been atUVM•IWred, bo.'k iweeiuB the Kke atteniiwa. With cij:)iB«d slaves were, oa several tictaisioBS, A Sptak ofTTor. —The Arkanres Gs on tbo lart of Mereb. **d had abuedout pro- the IndMo title to that vnltlabie ttut ef ftd It 11 to be hoped that the guilts pe.-ioo. equj emrei* ikep^ of ftesw end tbe Moodad by tb* free burn iah.ibitAnis ut sette slates that suBilry gnoc[ penplo of V.SJ.M1S by airrvali frMu New Orleans. The ©oun-vy between the wtmeni hoomkry whoever ke m#y he, wjlL be smde always rurttB** Uotind apatft prererved imkI for- iba^Mus. Wbai, then, did Russia do Altllsr county have refused in p.iy tbe had coeiracied for the S at# of Uiosouri Ebd Ike BUmri rit. loan of $1,5(i0jD(> headvanoed io mbotb- filter to confees, that baneirty m tho UM wmrdwlmiiuwey. lerfdre *Qroe tb* MMir uf Adrisoopi* f la the 4th utxes levied u(»n them by the State ef, wbiuk U tokme « part of Ike Biata I Jy Payntenle uf $150,000. Thirteen of the tor** imporiE.At package, oeatfts- in, che^ srtktertkte ,sb# Vfeatsd'Vfeatwi: b^bum ikethe Otbumnn0:bu thoriiy,nad el.iiin to bel mg tu Texas. tite tfkj'os keira driven tkeir s^ upon R by juwl, tk* greasy leuer of a soap boilor ’* Puna #11tbd^eewt ib* Black S.a, rroro > "« {iirumiert. Irtely Cwirincd at Ueumofs*, h«l Guveranrhas iheraupoo issned n mwt pn- arrived at New Orleans. ^ -vuicf nagfi, nod tk«t E part of Ike dn«q(htnr. 'ill* poet ’s burning Uaos OMUtb QfjlMl^bse lu Bl #iMol*a . Tits 'Raotonors. — JPuuwatau:fi51rt.vho wore - 1*.^ prncbmaii.m, calliog upoa them to oeaqMoy with ihe merebani ’k matter-oCftet port, ikat i# le#*}., All the cwwtries in the Tlie Preach Mintsier at Mexico bad re- Tbo iUbrawg xi^LiiuBa were recendv Mki..«d urFemsinB b© Ihia atrip of oountry, ceivod erdeis from hi* guveromsnt by tt.o End tbr^Qwker’a modeat thm westers of Ceueews whicb she pnaped is the Alaae#cbas«;u Soeso «t knd J-arrmioM by lha Govere- •fatbesbaBdE«itb«fwtiv«mTUa(iqsio# jtodWR .tiUk lotubffii*. But late EEgUsh packM. la iusistcsoti the reim.* by e vote of lo IC, lEusM-d .< #11 tk. fcr,^S|»1tnpo,m|«, I, ft# Moihs ^ Be^n^UvM r' «rtbe UnitMi SlBlM, in tfie motfh oir Jaa- ' 'teen4«BVs. ■ • 11317, U (b« 70^ of e«r Lonl one ibou- 'MXMMW CMUA; NcwOrie#i*Harch24.. npare Pieatdesit sail Uireetdif r/ the tftui baiadrad tod tbUty-tevea, did. Ji MaytvUlc Md M>unuierHj>g Tarnpike w ADr»RoaM.ANOLADjEaiai«. adopt a rcaoluUoa, whereby it waa.ovdcred IVEW AltiB. CHEAP Mjt RICAN MAGAZINE. Tbepraprw. )>.34a 85 perga! RoadOowpany. areao* prepared to cep- lint all patunoe, Aemorialt, ratolatw^ km .or t£-the Lady ’a Bo^k. ^tafiil Ibr the tract for tba coostraelioB of a portion of the OOOM9S, nnHESE aprings be.ast(fc»y attstec iMcoa Ham 18 eta. per. lb.} canras- c paper*, relatiog In JLin the county of Flemiar Ky. 10 railed mo.tobecenpleiedtalSSS. Staled Pr^ 'WMTE bars juat reccirod and s vrhWt be haa-nceived, ^ do 13 do; Middling. II and 18i do; from Flemiftgsbnrg and 30 front ilsyaville Way, or to aay uteai «baiaw, to the. ^soh will bo received at Ds*,*, flbrW, u, V V openiBgo; • frem■ t!»e crticirfBaltiEore SbonUora, g a 8i do-^lim&od tale*. and «m»ndodh,Uie,v«~maatic.i«i>ery twaly MMtaiDCd than owa "Book,"that U autieetef alarwy, erle tba abelitM of: Flemtngthnrg, antij Friday, the 86th day of and Pbiladelphia, a large ood superiar aMoR. T*i»pthc wishee <> bbti^MtcBS had ibateoe; end wtaereae, by iho reaUu- able Una io tha markoi; which we now o^ Coffee —12 and 12| ly rocka and towetuv. subcrdlni, ha hM joetued the raltti44<. •«« (ion aforesaid, which is adopted as a ala d- aod five uilea north of Moont- to oor costonerr and the poblic geneea^ aa Ums; clothing them at the same tina with log rale ofthe present House of Rt^n- Coro —90 and Oaia 75 to 87. low or lower than they can be obiaioed weal the maatle of health and security, for r—h Butter; Western La selling at 17. MRS. SARAH J. HALE. aentativea, the pciUionsor n largeouniber apeciflcuuiu road and oxplsi.-^ of tins Alleghany monntaina. , We are par ­ breeteMtatawoepa tiMlrnninit iafraa«bt B.vgging; Kentucky 24 a 25cts; Rope, the three days previous to the Icttincs boeiii- ' («^ateiidtD0a the ^ people of thia coinauou-ealtb prayiog ticularly anxious toaclland...... solicit the attee. with teoorating iullijenee, while ttm watmr rary d ___ _ 10a 11 eta. ningatMaysviile. by C. H. Fileh, AfUa^l tion i Bagging —Wer.em per yard, 23 a tnore fifty miles in length, togetlwr with Her ahUittea m fcmiliaetohar woMrywa. For the quality er properties of the water ihority, at vartence wiih the spirit arid in- cents. the Bridges and Masonry acnos Licking •Superior BlueandBlack.Grecij, Claret, Mix- and 00 both side, of the atUntic ah» ed, Olive and Ouhlin cluths. Md celubrityofiiMicliiuato.I teferperaons to taatoC Cunsiiuitiiin of the Uniicd Slates, Bile Rope —Per pmtitd 1 J il4i River, and tome of i a priiKipal tribouries, Ws a high lepntatioa aa «ma «f the .y-, Casimeres new sljle.Caeineits, dodo.,Meri .Mvsaia. John Brenni . ced James O. and injunoua to tha cauae of rrccdcin and offers greater iiKlocements to experionced graceful, vigerpuB, tad tccompliabad of qn Flour—Per Ih §9,50. and etuerprising eontract/irs than ar.v nos. Silk ami TaUby Velvet. Vwlwrca ' 1“ J--Shrttrre, ^. Lcu. "Tiale writers. free iaslitulioos; that it does viuleoco to Corn —ShcllcH, per bushe’. !.20. Btripc.Biripc. Suoimer wear.neww style. PriniiPrints Ur. John- T. Siiolwell.------Cinciunaii;Cincitinai: tho inherent and inaUenaHe rightaofniM : Road in the S5i-to. at it w.irprbbably'reqnire Under the judicioas managRaeBt of Mrs- Pork —Mess is quoted »l 33;pri. uf coliro new thabioca, A. U. January. Dr. J.M. Shackleibrd. A. if ; three or four years to coiiipl'enst the whole j iiagiiatns (Clay and that it tends essentially to impair (hose Bacon —lltnis sell at He; sides 15; and Wchclor.) H. Su«kmll.R. Lusk.™, w. B. Ptaip., Work. Materials plenty, end being a groin basalroady acqo». funikmenlal principles of natural justice j and shoulders at ICc Luteal rii.g, Becvlii :d Black Italian Silks, and John U. McHvain. MaysviUe. g-d, but it ii growing eruiitrj, provisions are loore abun- rpeetod tJiat it will ond natural law, which are aniccedem Ligfit d style. 0:>Hscksare at all times li^ in readiness dam,and perhajw lower, than in any giber be rendered note emiasMly woftliy of tha any tvrillcn coDstilulions of guvcranieni, I partof Kentucky. ieduckiiiiigdcdumenicc. Hardware. Quecas- to convey passengers from Maysville to the Louitviilo, April 5. supportofthoeetowboseiniorestaiiaju,Lw wwooseintorestandaniuse. iudopendcQt uf ibem all and usscniiut to' springs. 8AMULL FITCH, Ckir/Engwtr. ware, tlrocpries. Paints, and Dye Si.ilTs, mcoi II has been, and will eominuTso Lc. fVom To the security of freedom in u Suite. By order of the B<>rd, Liquors, Hals. IW^ts Shoes. Ihjnnets, W. GAYLE. specially devoted. Tlie superior Ulenti and CoUon perfotmi Merc!, 17. 18-27. JZeaofMd, Tliat our Senators and Rep- 14 t 15 THOMAS PORTER, Fret/. f’Tun Cvtton, *tc. fcc. ic. turn taste of ifeo Editor niUgite the work a. Sagar tesontativoa in Coogrosr, io mamJainiDg per pond 9 ' 9 .«arcA, It, 16a7. Besides x number of i.tber articles Staple and ■low iropulsci while her own cootributions. and advocating tho full right of ,.cUlioo, per gallon lOfi! Fancy l.« tedious to nn i.i,on; ail gf which CP L,a^D. ind tlwso received frem bhr personal frienda. Flour »L’ are deicrmiucd to sell low fur casli or ap ­ eotiiled Uiumselvcs luihs cordial ap ­ prr barrel 8 00; i O TATE of Kentucky, Fleming C.rcun lliv fvoinli Salu.dayj i April next, and other eorrespondewu. of whom a number Pork per barrel ! O e«.March Term 1637, Sarah Wa proved cuuntiy prolticc. resideucc of Jan.oi Dobvi., haie already promised, will reader it almoat probation of lllii cumniODWcalih. 11 :17 Bacon ingbforJ. cotiiplai Bl’jMJI.Eii STOCKWF-I.L.______' deceased, in Fleming cfMinly, will be (n Raoloed, 'J'lial Congrerr, having cx- per iiaund wuirrly orTginal. Amongst others who ara Lard Imgkt'cinl; ili-fi.-in]i FleraicgpLjrg, Marrli U •22-tf ; higherl bidder, U(h«ns, Mrs Caroline Lee Hem*, .Mrs E. , . to public good. per butkel 50 I ing fulled 1 aiqpearaiice hereii IhclnofMay has^lrcady been sold under execution to ! ^-tieii. SLm Leslie, Mias II. F. Guuld Miss per yard 22 1 I 23 ' agreeably to law and tba rules of this gouri ig w,!l, enure Fjlward L.DulLclt. And if one third ua-iL-E.Go«h,Mi*sL.H.Mgdina,U.8. ’aUc- iS?-'"* per pound 9 ' 10 ' Onmoliun of tho complainant, It is ordered I new muHiiiie.-y, a ;->r:;un < f w !u. !■ w.Jl be ‘ii' ideii as ruv cficn-ii «,11 not sell fir ciiougli kcnxie, L. L. D., Joseph U. ChandUr, Mor- The New Oleaos Cuui of (be 2ltb Tohaeeo^ per /iound ! that uiileas l>e does appear here on ur before calculaicd to card il.c i„.csi cf .M.-rico wed, to pay u.o hum li.r ii ,» decrecil lo br-,'-^h McMichael, Uobert T. Coarad. Alexan- till. DQticca the fact U»t tlit-ro bad bvou BuUer per pound 25 ' 371 I the first day uf the next June Term of ih.s which will !x! done in the ».-ry best order sold, then the "ud title of raid______Dohvnt' '■!« UiinUry. A. M.. H. *,_ Hab. E. Burke uo arrivals ibcrc from Vern Cruz ur Meta. With di»|iauh,B8\ve wiil l.avcM.r. « full rets children ar.d hein. bi Uw. in the doweroflii. Fisher, N. C. “ ‘ ' - • -Tohacei ’,” snys die Journal, -has i answer the com|damajil'i b.U (the...rMi fullrcti children ar.d heirs SI Uw. in the doweroriii. Fisher, N.'c. Broci^. A. M.. Wni. C- Bur- Rtona sineo iheSih Fch.-tary, ond says, the object of which oblain Alimony '" 'U.ierintoi.dco iy '‘ 'd-w after her death w ill bi- sidd iiiKin the !«»">•'Viliu Gaylord Clarke, Joseph C. Neal, gone diiwa almosiio notliing. ” (ho gcncrul supusiiiun is (lui our vessels le same Vi ill be taken for ■ !'• who stands I’rc-ommcnl as a carder. rrodit, or k> iiuicli as will piy tho sum i U. IJ. Tlmicher. II. Penn Rmillu tre detained by ihc Mexican oulhuniius. ' confessed D UE.\N, .S I'OCKWF.Ll., i Co, jdecr. edto ^imeuu H. Baker, 8dmini>irotcr Tl'c Froprieior of iho Lady's Book is d«. It U addl ’d that thorc were fil'icon Auieti- iiicinnnti. April .1. L. D- .STOCK ! U.\, c r c c Fleniingshurg. Jlarcli 17 1&3T. i>2- ■ of Win. lis.ker .•'eCd, in a stui (.endihg in ; tv-riniiicd to use evc^ means to msintain the can vestols m the port of ALiinmuras. Colton March 31. lf-37. 2 J-2ni HyifcTlOSPECTVs '.i’””'‘■ ''‘'’“'’6 firr»'A <«”« vs'd Jas, ! ««Pvriontywliichiiieiniblicstjonhasobtaincti, per pound 17 to 18j Roll. Arncr. •hildreii and heirs. jVmd and .ecuri-' For years he has gono steadily < flugor Si n.ic-ii’, M.f.y .hmrual ‘^t* 9-9* I ^ I -VI E of Kenuirk mg (•;, f the firui |,i His very ample subscription list ctublesliim Beef I>3U. held II ^ Is Cux.vcBav. to be liberal m his expeadilure upon it, and Tbs trials of Dr. Wiu,iaws. Occulist, Bultcr per » 16 “ It appearing to the satUfac- w batever can be accomplished by ciitcrprua Iiaatermioated. Tli thy faculty « GLCLCE .yiOtKlCN. lAird per yiotmrf r, tiqn of Iho cmirt. liiit the deOmdam. ia out fur wool, but camo home>e shorn: 'ii hey aud cost l.c is rotclvcd to effect. Beside# comroeoced prosecutions against Ur. "il. "'f"" per pound 8 Io ihn icrsuiis above-mentioned as Miitributnrs. iic fined km extend the cliarac. liams, which ended in tlie death of ti»o i>fo- ’ ’ "‘"'"y ------r.w«va»,.Tiwii------. l‘Cbisoxp3cLiUoti8 of receiving original ar- ter and urcfulncrs of if«ork. 'J-lic re. tu lcs fruiii several distinguished fdmxic wri- tended society which instituted tliem. Ur. ' per bush ■ soil t.f their dclibcr.t ■ MMS. U I. sistlic prcscu Jii- Williams was acquitlcU of all the charges I.' durlakjDg. 'OHN .SUockvy. Heiiry Sliockcy one) >'> I’lifoiK:; and as iiiduecrnent to writera T before .Martha Shockey, lieirs, aiid Morton i”‘ Uf own country, he if willing to pay for alleged sgoiumtuiu. 8o lias tins luaiier CoJ^ee per lb 111(0 Ui The pubiiehrr. in ht first dny of the next June tern of this ended. It ap|pLv to be the opinion ul an ^-e-ad Grieii, Adiiiiiiislfatiir of Joliu Mhockey dcc’d <^'ery article aiioptcd by him aa suitable tobiw do 5 W 0 Miirl, and answer the compkmant's lull, the fake N iadepeodent Arncncan jury, that ihot^upju Bacon do CJpialc 1 shall spiiiy tothc Flcm- n-T saU Blue will betaken furconf.-vsed agai as will bo girt who take care of their onu health and puck. Oalj T county court nl their June term. 1K37. 30 “ 33 .4 rnpy all. r:’l pr, ■rtiier periodical in the United Hutes. eUi and lliat, even if they cannnt, they at docs ho wi»h 111 exv. -|.|K.ii.t three coinmiirtioncro to conviy to L. D. STOCKTO.N.ef. least, arw of tbe opinion that the learned may nut be reiliivd. ; a tra-t of laml which John Shnekey dc- Thu looclMoical potuou of the Lady's March 11. )tv37. ,i It and ah I r¥^HE psrtnerellip of Drs. Andrews Book Will likew ise be improved. TheTypo- medical fraternity, already sutTicicuily over ­ mark a wmk r>: ared si.ld tiFlnc and bound himself to con- I Anderson, is ifis- daylay dldissolved bv i Curuii p a y in his lifetime but failed to do. grapliy will be more elegant, and the paper burdened by Iho vast weiglit ol' tiieir own w liicti ane6tim.uu of ttnl cfinFcm, Beth the debtnre and crvilTtors ' TATE of Kentucky, Flem: of a letter quality. DuringDuring!the year per- eeiviicc and multiplied duties, shall uot hare :ky, Fleming Ct If a high and maniy JUH.N J. MOORE. of Uie firm are desired to moke mtiement. .March terma 1S37.KS37. JuhnJohn 1Todd, psrtcvl to March 3. 1837. trails, engraved onu steel,' ’ of' several e load imposed upon them of Uking care of Uie S a doubt :ann>“»« iiimcm»citiiii,A:they 1 chu.,hj r™™. u >a«ing fiidi-dl . ,,1„ ,0 invikca u.ikc,„ '<'>1 P-rpoM a p'i'r.i their appearance hereir two o ’clock, fMthe purpose of I agreenhiy to ill be irrelevant, ni '■ .I.O.U k« .vll v.n.,„kv>l ,1„ ,ko .....U or PVO-vmvne.. , ncing your ginia, the Carolina,. Crorgui. F!ct -„>-1. .4r„.s<- and the rules of this court' banevdeac e tothe jioor w ho f 11,e [Wnple. sml In : unable to States north and wr, revrard-yoD ibr benefitsreceived, of the ■ (lie complainants. It u ordern/, that unless ! to iTistriirt, prcci.ii .. V on have Ohio and Mississippi rivers, tmle-s , should c my sineere wishes aod pray jyment J the said defendaiils, John T. Edgar and .Mary for the bles- be made before the 1st riiy of Jolv itcj? e Bill to be derived from the dislingoishcd sing of .Almighty God, on all 1K17. . bis wifcdo appear on or before the lirtt day 1, f.gni rot,-; your well mo.ot tot ’anv^ ’:: i.ncl s;icciiUtive codearors and labors of Kvc. Very alTec nv Inti- i »fthe next June term of this court, ar.d