THE KBWTTCRir WHIE^ UWrtr u*« TnitM. BT CRAFMAIV A SHini. n.Eiuivci8Biinc, nr., pkisay bokvcvg , apru . ia , isav. V«l*. EUL-RB MJ ~ napw pinHJCJinoir. NOTICE. tbe nay-god ef»ine, they _______ greater «reaae, thnnn largnaM m- iagbU pocket. Prealdeot, Iwaanota «3r“THB KENTl’CKYVHIC”wiil ^tlASWjaUaad Mean ^yatt, bein mg-R. TBOS. PHJLP, le^iectiellyin- AdMMUig* itfSammi Bdiei^m^Whai- ad. for I bad two vigorooa aona^Mm very pic- fcepoUtiMwMUywu lafMrid diMt. lu. the citixew of Flemingabeig Il tpoaU be a vnat toamit «f toviag to CT rf Nelly Mow deceaaed. Take Noliee outoplaiiaa vp may make with r^rd lore of.myaeir, with me. W«niabedio Uw ' rwa MUiAUpa*«saSBi if paid vitbiatW tkatoaSatnidavUw IStfa dayoTMay next, and EtoaviOe, awl Ute piAlie generaliy that tbe whole eoauwBity, if ererT^ pfivnto totboaedefactaia toremaieai wU^aeen •pot, and, animatod by tW moat Wavatad fiat thm aoatfia, tw« wvrrr if paid after tbongbtt fijT the protection of iociety and rt owner were raquired to Inqp hk atoefc Aoto Ifie ■qiintita of ikiee aoatln ud wiUuo aatreotoly diScuk in our corrupt atoM of man overwhelmed with trine, we wind the ^ Tear, or thu » »olli.m, pajaUe at tbe reoiedy, we kouw from ctpeneoce that the Mficftka year. ineoi to the rtgalar dergy, aa an twotobboa (D tbe rerybet of oml-appnprw. elerti office of the Putnam circuit eoort , tothawna of 18 «naka,ooe_leaiooper wook. No mOmuiftiomeMabe witUnwo until all m aa a safficteat aamber of tion. Eveiy good ci^ «ooU bare done theuw Iowalows ofoi Cieeneaatlc,urvencoauv, Pumaini u%4.«~. ewuityw-...., in... ■ . • , - order of men devoted to rcliyiua, it attend ­ The profit! of agrieuiiine(c(ber>a (mberiUi«» amanga are paid —uolen witbthe eonacat aa.1 imagcMlforourbelavadcaitotry the Stole of Indiaaa. •'llie evidence of aa.d 1 »*»>**•“" Petaooa wiabioy to ed with neoy nod great advaulagea — being eqwal) are in pnpmtiea to tbe of Ua paU^m:aad a&Uan to notify a dio- and the public at large are b. Uie. b.lbr. U»H<«. They cooiinually preach the docinne of rantaianna wiU aiwayj la ragarded aa ia tbe ^y att^ef a capiM t»«» P«d to aa*«riagitmagitlwi tbto ia,ie, aa • lb* M. Hubtinyton,,gu,n. PreaidentP™.,d.M JudgiJudge of lie 7 U “ *'■ J-™ FI|”»PW or iintuoraiiiy, and warn us uf ihe wrnili uf which ia not oely tbe . centre of Europe, extent tbe laaer, ao wiU be that of lUl JudicialJ«1»W circuitcirSTof of aaid-,J Stole,SUIT, antu.d to be ™d Jltti E1,„„U.. Heaven if wo Jive impenitcniiy. They but the centto of civiiiaatiMi, and aa 1 former. ftjyrAdrertiweatt nal eicaeding aa^uaie iaavtdroee before tfaa Fteait« cmoty coart , paMon a»d gtadfi to both tbe thW, the capjiuJ of the entire world. In Tbe corn crop, wtib tbe stalk at Win be ooaapktmiWy ineited niaar tiiuea ia prwf of Uicaaid wiU ol Nelly Mow.dee ’d..-■ nan' learned und unJearoed, and ebeerfuilj la- ihecMinef pursued, belteve no blame can from ibe growad aslira, at a mueb anrliaa- for mw dnltir and fifty oifia. and. tjiirfy* when ii'i* ’ 1 hrfTyv "'«j.tt^nd ifjoo aee fit. IHOIeEx Ml/ST SE HA0. fur the preacrvalico of tair aouls. — be attochpd to me for having token upon my- peripd than baa uraaify bees prorliari^ fo ■eveeaed a balf ceata par aquare for every Given tbii 17ibday of .March 1837- 'rElHR ondetelytimJ remind alJ indebted to Joaof Ha/MKoy. •elf. to-eer^octioa-wltli ay two vigorous * irnffb tbwH ffoi ihh "iwt it t« »*««— fUbtr JOHN HEDDLESOX. : JL the Kentucky Whig prjntine office sons, tte very picture of mytolf, to repiw jp Ltttoa addrewed to the editon oa bnai* JOHN OEBELL. > for subarripiioo or otberwin, before tle.ltkh M, and to become (hep beae, to iMore ttcegtioB, aboeJdbeiMrywaL E*ecoioraoftlielaatai!lai>dte«tonieot of October iaat, that they arc expected to Aasmeoff Boy*__An American otlea Prepared food of • I kinds.a»ilor. offensive drunkard. At all everts canseience of Nelly Mow dec'd. pay up immediately. Thedebuand accoucla twelve years of age ia as much of e animals, will go nearly, ifna^uite; don DO? reproach me. AGENTS. iwice as far as that wfaieb ia given in e row Sfardi 17, 1837. 22-d ' of tbe office previoua to that elate, are oot young niaii as a European at sixteen : and PeplK Pbine. J.W. StoekwelL Precidfot —Why should HI On the cen- ----------------- ! a eonditjoa to allow any kaigcr indulgence. when arrived at (bat age, he (S as useful and natural state. Ira^ much praise is due to yon. PtoeiH a, I>iaielficklin.jr. SUaiLEa SidUL i TbcbbXlCoiibijCbon..U..1 ID bukinecs, .md as much to be relied ou, ns The ratsingof tobacco need oot tmfwv- .That isjtnt what I said to my­ rnmimnn MiOa. Jabs Aadrewa. - ^ day tbe Inst, when we truattboeebarng trisfa the land, but it is odr to umiiw German of iventr-foor or a Proncfamait self; mahing in the werW ought tohiodaran MmA Camel. R. Hendetaiw. b '.n-.f. .b„ „„„ and dispioponionate qwee tM i* nMelMil Halm, Wilaca Wood. circuit eouit, 1 abaJl aa comni<«<i<>ner i - — fifty. Sontoihiug similar lo it may ajeo himeit man from obeyiiy the ay of eoo- B to thU-ata^ cxmnodHv that ibe ntsebiaf fWmito a d.,B be found in Eugland; but neither diipaie Kienec. ^ to cloee our acconnto in tbe concern. President—Well, well! Tou have dis­ it b aaid to have praduMd,.is auriboinble. (.JoimN. Lee. jApril, being county court day, before tbe our educauon prumute il to lire samg CAVAN ic. .ANDREWS. closed all you know; slTtfown. M^lliUa,l..^.___IiUa, Robert C. Fant .court bouw cf Pleming county, proceed to| lentAis to Africa. From liio (MrliCkl Dec.16.163C. 9-tf- Witness—And to alfow any peromal mo ­ H&bamgb, E. U. Hoot. sell Uirce uoilitided abarea in a tract of land ' periodr/ his Jn‘e a young Amcnc^o is ae- tives to binder me from acting would be Ml^aliek. Kirk fo Sanford. of about ItRI acrea, lying on Locust creek in PBOSPECn.'S I custijtned lu rely upon himself, oa the priit- truly be said to be tbe basis, or real fimnd- incur geaeral dii«]H>rohati«.for ------- Gneaiiinliiirg Dr. A. BelU I said Fleming county —being the same tract roa wcaaxaiso THS eraacairriess TO THs 'cipal aruficer of lit* Ibriune. >Vhate»cf aiioo, on wkicb the successful introdiKtiaa Prof,dent —Enough, ur; siidv.n. 'of which Stephen Jones died seised, and tbe Willfoi. ” be luiios or studies I* With a^iew lo fu- WiiiiCk* [coiiiiouiiig] —For the social wants of sll tbe new ankles of field cuJuira de­ MM »f MMUn, IthrceebarestobesoW beingtboecabicbde- _____ iHE «uM,.!..t.cnt of -Tbe Kentucky »urc appitcaiton. «nd tire nKiruem he lee» c* require ongto^^ pend. When tbe ground is well tilled, it H^EMAINING in Ihe Poet Office at scended to M'illiam Jones, BenjainiBBenjami Jones, Whig. ” in Fienimgvlwrg. KIcn.mg ^ch.xJl ho tiiimergcs. into sem e Itfc. H.s Prekidenl—8it down. u> in tbe mast perfect condittoo for receir- Bm. Flemlngsburg, on tbe‘ lat day |of' and Solomon Caywood and wife heirs of tbe B , aas been recently purebased by the j •‘epuiaiiun, from the time he ts able Witofss —.MTordmotual help. tog tbe feitiluing principles of (be ntioae- Aprd, 1837. If oot taken beforeore tbe said Stephen Jones. Tbe nale will be made county crodit 'of AtiBmoitbsV'tbe porclmser undcivigned, who are dcirou. to obtom an il.mi., ■* tl.c object ..f ln> roost anuous Pretident—Will vou sit down! pbere. Rain, snow, bail, dewa, and boor Irt day of July will be aent U the General IgTTing bond and good seeunty. SeJImg as . aecesskio to the present list of suhecribcr., U iuu*l uffi-ci hi: future standing io i Witness—Alone can be of real protection frosts, dtc. ctxivey the murunent of veget- Pot Uffiea w dead lattm. ciety aiul increase the sphere of his uf to ciiizetii------- iiKin, which fiontt in tbe air, most pienti- A Abraham Jfogowaa cormciwioner I will convey to tbe purchaser order that they may be enabled to improre sod) title only as wrested is me by tbe said ! the general appearance of the paper. fuluea.- ___OruuTt Ameiicrou. Presideni-Officer, make the witnesi re- fuily into tbe boaom ef tbe eartb, as deep Robert Andrews 7 Jamea 4fo.-*.-ia j To all ihoee who may fsror them with some hif seat. Nichnlaa Aabeny .Vary AfoCambell as it has been broken, and wall pulverised. JOHN H. BOTTS. | their patronage, Uicy pledge tbemseiree that Witiiere (speaking aa be is led away by Mary Allen Nichtdaa .Mclntire Asrfert ICOi. one W,lkio- It is tbe ooly efiectual neaus of rooting * Commutioncr., no ezenion shall be wanting on their t>art the officer) —Agarust the ip»aaGo«s of the, VrUliam Aign Charkta W Oforgan soo published a leriuuo uo Proicrbs . oui weeds, so neceemry for tbe beoofieial Eban Adkina Wm. 4fyeia mar 31 1837. *J4-e ^ render satiaJaciion. Tbe cooienia of the 4l: ^She is like a roercbanT* ship *liv Dociuriial robbers ------- | growthiwih oof all crops, and sbouid be repealed --------------------------------------------------------------- > pOWf. it is iwntompUtod. shall be ofadiver- Gilbert 4hagrove bfHigeib hsrJuOd frum ufor.' It contains Olto, [f..,]., tk.1 fill J,.y INSTRUCTOR! ' character, so that all mar find in the f>ine, come, wo have bad <)aiu enough. Gewge BartiB .\\liforriaon the fidfowing passage: B-Jtofall quali- :s end fibra of weeds are tbe tig- _____ perosal of it, something imtruciire enter- after- Benjania Brtrard Panny .Vlller ues, a wooiaii niubt oot have one quality of Wm.T.
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