F r r a i AVKBAfMD D AILt UIBUUIATIUN sting o f Manebeatar Dr. C. J. Sin, prasidaot a t tba bean compleled and promise to pre­ the New Testament and the Life of were dassmatss together and br- for ths Msatk s ( Marck. i9S9 Orange w&1 be heldheld^onday Mon evening Cbrlatiaa University at Foochow, sent a week of high spiritual liu^ri- Christ and has a rsputatlon for be­ MONSCNOR JOBN NEAU dalned to the priesthood about, tbs at 8 o’clock at the home o f Mr. and China, will speak and show motion LENTEN MISSION ration. Beginning Monday evening, ing an impressive speaker, aa well w m s time. MOnaigiior Neals rs- Mrs. Roy B. Warren of 673 Wood- pictures of "Rural ’ Ife In South April 8 and continuing through F ri­ aa a great teacher. Ha wrlll endea- ceived many honors and decorations b ild n street for the purpose o f re- China," at the Lenten lastituto at day evening the 12th, at 7:30 vor to lead In an exploration of the FRIEND OF REf.McCANN 5 . 4 9 9 Center church parish ball Sunday o’clock,- Prof. Alexander Purdy of resources o f our Christian faith and for his scboUrly attainments direct ■ *sr s( HM AU8K oalvlng appUutiona. AT SOUTH CHURCH from tbs Vatican, including tbs Pw - di----- at 6 o’clock. Special music will be Hartford Seminary foundation wrlll deepen the appreciation - of what rsM ol CIrwilsilews furnished by the church choir and toral cross and ring. ) Jarvis OtoTt Danea Hall. Tht Ths finai bridge and setback in lead in the oonaideratlon of themes that faith haa to offer us In the fac­ supper will be served by the Wom­ Deceased Meriden Prelate W as Rev. C. T . McCann when he cele­ frcaa tba outlylnf iBiteiet^ the present series will take place to­ vital to the every day religious life. ing of life's difficult experiences. ^ j tta travaUac baa baw bad. en's Federation und:;r the chair­ The general subject is, “A Working Thla Mission is not Jimply a denom­ LifekMiR Friend of Late Man­ brated his fortieth anniversary aa a night at the Green school ball. The Hiem es Vital to Eyery Day priest a number of years ago, invit­ VOL. U V n NO. 1«0. Afivsrttslag sa Pag* 1A| I to tba daooaa In in- committee from the Manchester manship of Mrs. J. B. Johnston. Rellpon,’’ and the following topics inational conference but writh on chester Priest. appeal and Interest :or all Chris­ ed Monslgnor Neale to make the MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 1935. (TWELVE PAGES! PRICE TUUBB < r Biunbara aach weak. Mod- Green Community club will continue wrlll be dealt wrlth on successive ___ I old-faablonad daaoaa make The Junior choir of the Emanuel nights: Monday, "The Gospel for tiana and seekers after the truth aa principal address, and there are to conduct weekly socials for the Reiigioas Life WiD Be many in the parish today who re- M tba procram and tba priea o f ad- Lutheran church wrlll not rehearse Our Day:’’ Tuesday, "How Shall We it Is in Christ. All are wrelcome. No News of the death yesterday of present on slightly different plans. call his eloquence and the trib­ jpaaloa ia aa low aa poaslble. tills evening, due to the supper be­ Think of Christ?": Wednesday, charge is made for attendance. Monsignor John Neale o f St. Rose’s ing held at the church. Discussed.. "Cultivating the Life of the Spirit;" Free-wrill offerings may be sent in utes he paid to bis Ufelong friend. Congressman Shows Real Way To Farm Relief Jeanette Buchanan will have church, Meriden, recalled to parish­ Monsignor Neale baa been ill for w Ctaiaaca fcunlan. preaidant o f U>- Thursday, "The Church and the So­ for the support of the Mission. charge of the meeting of Forget-me- The Coast to Coast Setback club cial Order;’’ Friday, "The Dynamic ioners o f St. Bridget’s church, the some time, and it will be recalled EXPENSE ACCOUNTS No. SU8, VUtad Textile Work- not Junior Circle of Kings Daugh­ will go to Glastonbury tonight to .of the Cross." Local Union, No. 2125, U. T. W., lifelong friendship that existed be­ that Father McCann dropped dead dra o f Aniarica. waa elected aa a The plana for the conducting of tween the late Rev. C. T. McCann, in the church-yard on February 14, paamlier o f the board of tniateea of ters. to bo held tomorrow afternoon play the ICC club there. Members A question period wrill follow the haa set the date of Saturday, April BIG WORK BILL WAITS at 8 o’clock sharp at the home of are asked to meet at the Maple the Lenten Mission at the South presentation each evening. Dr. 13, for its monthly dance in OJd for 21 years rector at the local 1934, on returning from an errand Chaney Brotbera Sick Benefit aaao- church and Honsignor Neale. They to the business center of the church. flatioo, it waa announced yesterday the leader, Mias Beatrice L. Lydall street tavern at 7 o'clock. Methodist Episcopal church have Purdy is a recognized authority on Fellows hall. OF STATE WORKERS afternoon. of 22 Hudson street Judaa Raymond A. Johnaon will Mrs. Msiry Strong, Mrs. Jennie ROOSEVELT SIGNATURE # K U M "Juvenile Courts" at the Schubert and Miss Flora Nelson left jB iitln f o f the Manchester Kiwanis DECLARED ILLEI^L last night for Washington, D. C., in Salted N u t s ______lb. 49c alnb. Monday noon at the Manches­ company with a group of Hartford Doctors’ Prescriptions ter Country club. The attendance, girls, for the National Bowling con­ Fresh, crunchy salted mixed nuts. A Congress Completes Actien prise will be furnished by James C!arefully and efflcleiiUy filled by our reg­ test to be held in the capitol city. istered pbarmscistA (Main Floor, right.). great Lenten treat! (Front Entrance.) Many Appomtees in Panic as Ethiopia Breaks Off f ^ b u U . Th«J.W HALCco W e Give Chit Green Stamps. RAY HAMILTON, on Mammoth Relief M eat- , B. L. Holland of Hartford, a law­ ’The Simple Simon Sandwich Shop Cnstom of Paying for yer on the staff of the Phoenix will open for its third season, ’Tues­ Italian Negotiations Mutual Life Insurance company, will day, April 16, under the same man­ nre When Senate Votes agement, the Ladies Aid society of NO. 1 BAD MAN, be the speaker at the session of the the North Methodist church. Transport and Meals Is Xveryman’s Bible class, Sunday at (Copyrirht. t»J5 by Anoctated Prcii)Altalian and Ethiopian representa- 66 to 13 for Approyal^ 9:80 a. m., at the Second Congrega­ Addis Ababa, April 6.—Hard tlves to reach a decision regarding tional church. Knocked Ont by Attorney- C A U G ^ IN N E T Follow These Fashion Clues To A Smarter Faster! working Hails Selassie, King of responsibility for‘ the Ualual fron­ tier Incident and the question o f leaders Wonder Who Will Oak Lodge, No. 43, International CHEVROLET Kings o f Ethiopia, confirmed today .VASIW General; Some Have Been reparations. Brotherhood of Papermakers, will The Talk Of Choose Southwest Desperado Ar­ In an interview that his nation haa bold its rejtular meeting tomorrow Prices Delivered. broken off negotiations with Italy in End In Deadlock Be Named to Direct the Your Easter Negotiations ended in a deadlock morning at 9:30 in Tinker ball. A Manchester The Town . . Hale’s Drawing $1,500 a Year. the East African dispute but em­ full attendance of the members is rested Withont a Shot Be­ phatically denied that war has been after agreement bad been recalled requested. Important business will -SMisSIMPLICITY declared on either side. only on establishment of a neutral ba brought up for discussion. Re­ 4 Door Sedan ...... |648 Costume Is H ere. • *.. zone. It was understood that the Followed by three cocker spaniels ports from the delcgstes to the New Smart for a (Special to The Herald). Emperor, in mentioning arbitration, 2 Door S ed a n ...... $581 ing Fired— Note Gives and a servant c;arrytng a red um­ Xngland District Council will be ■ Hartford, April 6.n—The opinion had in mind the British minister to Washington, April 6— (A P )—Tho Coupe $571 well gnximed brella— sign of the master’s pow'er heard. given by Attorney General EMward Ethiopia, who acted as inter­ New Deal today staked $4,880,000,- an a descendant of the Queen of appearance Clue to the PoUce. mediary. OOO-^vastest peace-time appropria­ The degree team of Manchester RII.EY CHEVROLET CO., J. Daly to Senator Kenneth F. Cra­ Sheba.—the Emperor received his in­ S i l k ■The British minister’s instruc­ Tent, No. 2, Knights of the Macca­ Incl and mer of the Appropriations Commit­ terviewer in a library of the palace tion In history—on Its plan to owing bees, will go to Meriden Monday tee of the General Assembly that where he gave a terse but complete tions, however, had been to urge a from relief to public w orlu wbOs OaHas, Tex., April 6.— ( A P ) ~ direct settlement between Ethiopia evening, April 8, to work the degree 60 Wells 8t. TeL 6874 none but members of the General statement of the Itolo-Bthioplan the Nation watched to see who on a class of about 75 candidates, Assembly and the six elective offi­ Haympn(l Hamilton, southwestern diplomatic situation: and Italy with arbitration only as a F r o c k s cers o f the state could collect for desperado and one o f a labelled lost resort. As 1 result Ethiopia has would be chosen to direct the task hleiiden has been Inactive and it is "We have tried to negotiate di­ and just bbw the job would be hoped to revive Interest and renew transportation charges from their ■by the Department o f Justice as No. rectly with Italy, or through an In­ now appealed to the League of Na­ homes to the state capitol and re­ tions. tackled. betivities. The trip will be made in AMATEUR NIGHT! SUITS 1 Public Ehiemies, was behind bars termediary. Unfortunately Italy has Showing a bit of last-minute speed turn. and for personal expenditures kutoa furnished by members of the SATU RD AY, April 6, 8 P. M. today for the flrst time since he es­ the excessive rents o f the national capital and also get relief from legislative duties has beeif declined arbitration and has not re­ Asked concerning reports that a after 75 days of struggle and delay, tent. The party will leave Depot while In Hartford, has caused con- caped from the Texas penitentiary found by Representative Uaher L. Bu:click (Rep.. N. D.). Operating a 140-acre farm near Brandywine, Md . plied to our proposals. Therefore we state of war ailready exicted with HIOHLAND PARK steraatlon on Capitol Hill. Ckingress completed action on ' t M Square at 7 p. m. Monday. All offi- death row. his mule and horse trio, teaching Charlie, Negro helper, how have broken off negotiations and Italy, the Emperor gave an em­ CO.MMIINITY CI.UB The State Comptroller has already mammoth measure yesterijay when 'Cers and members o f the degree The slippery 22-year-oId bandit, to drill-plant swMt clover. Rising a t dawn, Burdick docs his chores aqd commutes to Washington to rep- submitted the matter to Geneva.” phatic reply. the Senate passed a conference re­ DANCING — lYUbaldo Brothers’ returned to the department heads resent nfs constituents. . ^ ® ^ team are requested to appear for Orchestra. $ 1 0 . 7 5 an understudy o f the slain (Tlyde Is Hard Worker "Yellem !’’ he said in a loud voice, port on It, M to 13, and the House girisearsal and final instructions, Sun- bills for expenditures during March Barrow and ranked In the criminal (Collection for Dancing.) with a request that they be revised Emperor Haile Selassie, if not for gesturing with his small hands. did likewise, 317 to 70. 'Aay at 1:30 p. m. at the Balch and MlsSimpIlcity will give world with Alvin Karpls and Thom- his picturesque costume, could have “Yeliem!” again he repeated the The President, fishing off the In accordance with the opinion. aif H. Robinson, waa captured lu t you that correct Spring Some state appointees who in the been taken for a sun-burned Buro- word. In Ethiopian It means an em­ Florida coast, was expected to sign night without a shot being fired. the legislation into law as toon aa ROSE silhouette. The cross-strap past have been acimstomed to sub­ lean. The Emperor had been up phatic "no.” Although he had sworn never to FRANCE CONTINUES Ince five o’clock In the morning, his it could be sent to him by airplane. BEIGE back outlines your riba so mit their accounts quarterly now bo taken alive, Hamilton submitted UBUCAN LEADERS During the Interview Emperor Vice President Garner and Speaker find they will be unable to collect usual rising time. Often he works Haile Selassie, who has an extreme­ NAVY JTOU may wear your belt meekly when Sheriff Smoot Schmid, Byrns planned to affix their signa­ for the past three months, whereas until midnight. All government work ly high forehead and a finely chisel­ NOTICE It's just two weeks 'til J his deputies and Fort Worth officers tures today, winding up the Con­ POWDER BLUE high, low or normal. some of their associates who ren­ TO CALL SOLDIERS of the more important class is under ed countenance, gave the impression Easter. Don't wait until encountered the bandit In the rail­ gressional formalities. PRINTS Vv** (Sketched) Model 3702 Is dered accounts monthly or weekly road yards at Fort Worth. DODGE TALK ON 1936 his immediate supervision. His of a ruler who knows his business. Where’s the Money T Are You Holiday Oak T.iodg:e, No. 43 the last week to buy your of pre-shrunk figured ba­ lose much less by the ruling. Some ministers are constantly at his beck He wore the. national dress of Deputy Sheriff BUI Decker of The question, "where Is ths coat or suit. Buy now would have the comptroller rule that DaUas county poked a gun Into his and call in the palace. Ethiopia, a long, white shirt and I.B.P.M. We simply can’t keep tiste, woven elastic and money coming from?" was raised our stock complete, .they while sclectiona are com­ the new order o f things should start ribs and told him "Holst ’Em, Ray," Sixty Thousand Men Sched­ The Emperor’s brief words In re­ Jodhpur breeches, a sbamma (a sort fine lace. A perfect gar^ on April 1, but the attorney-general and Hamilton obeyed. M e d Peisl Bhnk If Tkey ply to a question afforded a sum­ of Roman T oga) and a black, short In last-minute Senate debate yes­ Cleaning ? sell so fast? They’re cop­ plete and fresh. We're EDWIN A. ROBINSON, terday. Senator Thomas (D., Regular Monthly Meeting i ment for Spring wear. having held the whole system Is Ille­ Hamilton waa rushed to the Dal­ mary of the abortive attempt of coat called a kabo. ies of $6. and $10. sellers! ready with a grand assort­ Okla.), asserted there had been Ut- Tomorrow at 9 :.io A. M. in You'll like their polka dot gal. it Is doubtful if the comptroller las county jail, wheru plans were Will Be ip Race They uled to leave Army A re L et ns wash ytmr windows at ment at $16.75. can be persuaded to attempt to put made to take him to the prison at tie talk about that phase o f the Tinker' Hall. All mem­ touches, lingerie details, Corsets— Main Floor, rear. matter and protested that the bUl special Holiday Price. buttons, smart jackets. through somethmg which has been Huntsville for electrocution as the FAMOUS POET, DIES bers are requested to at­ declared to be Illegal. should contain his plan for Issuing Sizes 14 right up to 48. murderer o f Major'Crowson, prison Fight Shy of Question— Ordered to Stay Longer. tend thin meeting; Cuts Som e'91AOO. guard slain in a penitentiary deliv­ more sUverbacked..currency. It is the future with which most ery engineered by Barrow. GREAT BRITAIN IS READY Senator Glass (D., Va.), retorted Main Floor, rear. of the appointive officers are more Manager Lee Simmons o f . the The Answers. the $4,880,000,000 would come from MANCHESTER Dsshing Suits! Free awingiujr swaggers with Won PuUtzer Prize Three Paris. April 6.—(AP)—SUty the taxpayers and that "when It concerned, however. To find that Texas prison system and Warden thousand soldiers belonging to the three-quarter coats trimmed with printed silk collars, New Gotham^ G 5tp ,?huPE suddenly they are deprived of a con' W. W. Wald left Huntsville Imme­ comes there wUl be .the biggest OLD FASHIONED • MODERN taffeta bows, plain tailored. Also dashing two-piece diately after the cuture for Dallas class which ws due to leave the FOR STRESA CONFERENCE howl ever heard." WINDOW W e’ve The Correct slderable sum of money, which in Washington, April 6— (A P ) — One Tunes; ni Since January; mannish affairs. effect might be considered part of to arrange to have Hamilton return­ army on April 13 will be kept under To Start July 1 engrossing, fascInatUig question July 1 was circled on the adminis­ their compensation, is not at all ed to the prison. the colors until July 14, under a de­ runs deep and strong behind and be­ tration’s calendar today as the data CLEANING CO. DANCE plying. In some instances It will Air of Bravado Was 65 Years OM. cision reached today by the Minis­ Orange Hall, Vernon (.'enter CHIFFON HOSE for putting the main part of ths Phone 7614 Tailored Sports Coats! The cream of our coat mean a deduction o f more than T i^ desperado maintained, even neath the daily drama of Washing­ terial (Uuncil. Her Major Job Will Be to Ladlea' and Oenla’ Door Prises. STAGE BIG BATTLE program into effect, Op that data. crop! Balmacaans! Swaggers! Keefers! In feather­ $1,500 a year, which is some deduc­ In the face o f the capture that ton political life— who’ll be the Re­ The class originally contained , !4aturda.v Night, April 6 SILK B l o u s e s Officials said, the government will weight woolens. W'anted dolors. tion from any individual salary. meant Uls almost certain death, the publican nominee for the Presi­ New York; April 6.—(AP)—Ed­ 120,000 men, but exemptions made Admission 25e. dency In 1936? Keep France from Wreck­ move to provide $50-a-month jobs Added to thla is the elimination of air o f bravado he had carried win Arlington Robinson, thrice win­ In favor of those serving a post­ for your suit -Absolutely FREE the practice of eating dally at the through his widespread depreda More than a score of Ckingresslon- ON BIRTH C0N1R0L for able-lrodied men and women now ner of the Pulitzer prize and honor­ poned period of duty, and for other on the dole. An effort will be mads Dressy Coats! with the soft dressmaker,,detail3 expense of the state. tions. al names have been mentioned, reasons, brought the total down to ing the Work Done by From Rings to increase the number on work re­ that stamp them Spring 193.'>! Some with fur trims of When the comptroller or the au In sharp contrast to the fate of some fr^ u en tly in print, some ed as "America’s foremost living approximately half that number. dltors seta out to deduct from ex John Dllllnger, Baby Face Nelson, chiefly by their colleagues in Capi­ poet,” died early today. lief quickly from tbe present total galyac and squirrel. Black, tan and navy. The men kept under colors will be o f 2,500,000 (o 3,500,000. Darrow and others trailed relent- tol cloak rooms, some by political The 65-year-old poet had been In used to guard frontiers and de­ Her Envoys. Pros and Antis Argue Vigor­ Choice Liquor Offerings , A t HALE'S Croats and Suits— Main Floor, rear. .$CU9C leaders about the country searching N ew York hospital since January Tbe relief administration has said fensive organizations. They will be it would go ahead at that time also — -----r ——— . prob­ (Oontimied on Page Ten) for a man who can be groomed for 17 for treatment of a chronic ail­ tMjj exempted from part of their or­ with its plan, to remove "unemploy- $ ■ lem present^vU not too difficult, the coming battle with the Demo­ ment. He recently underwent an op­ dinary reserve duty. While July 14 London, April 6.— (A P )—The first ously at Hartford Over cratic standard-bearer. ables” from relief rolls and return A t Money-Saving Prices but there are^ores who have state eration and on Wednesday suffered was fixed as the final date for their formal move to weigh the complete owned automobiles' who have been Unlike Senator Huey P. Long, a relapse. them to the care of states and com­ army service, they may be liberated results of the European tours of Sir Proposed liberalizmg law munities. This transfer has been Tempting Offers In Our Drug and Candy Departments using these cars not only to get to FORMERGOVERNOR Louisiana Democrat, who is more With Robinson when he died were earlier if training of the new con­ Of Course, It’s Hale’s For Your the state capitol dally, but for per­ or less in the open as a candidate, two old friends. George Burnham, a John Simon and Anthony Eden and delayed In the hope that Congress script class Is sufficiently advanced, will pass pending social security For the Week-End! sonal uses in addition, and this com­ some of the Republicans about railroad man. of 857 West Newton it was announced. to define more definitely the British W H ITE When a maker os famous wbom the flrst tentative strokes of legislation to aid the states os they plicates matters in attempting to street, Boston, and Carty Ranck, Today’s decision will keep the program at the Stresa conference Hartford, April 6.— (A P)— Pro­ Gotham says a stocking is rlng- lightning are flashing are coy as re-shoulder this task. EGGSHELL create a dividing line. OF VERMONT DIES retired New York newspaper man. active army stationed in France up will be made on Monday. fessional and lay (kmnecticut today ~less, you can rest assured it is. sphool girls ■with their flrst beau — Look to President Gallant Knight .Silver Crest Gin U’HERRY RED Draw Travel Two Ways. They planned to announce funeral to 350,000 trained men for the next It was intimated that Britain’s awaited with deep interest the re­ Easter STRAWS That's why we recommend these not sure they're going to have a arrangements later. Leaders of New Deal agencies A Hiram Walker product—a Then there are some members of major job at Stresa will be to try to Whiskey ' p i n k RINGLESS sheer chiffons for date at all. three months. B y that time it was port of the Judiciary (Committee of and the unemployed thus fa r looked most delicious cocktail gin. the General Assembly who in addi­ Several other friends had been at expected that the 120,000 conscripts keep France’s Condemnation of Ger­ Full ^ r t , regular at 82.25. POWDER BUTE . Easter wear (and all special oc- Some are positive in their poai; the General Assembly on the Birth an dthe unemployed thus far looked tion to their compensation of $300 the hospital last night, among them due to enter the army immediately man rearmament from wrecking Our offer Is, * w Q A ' casions). Pure silk from tip to Edward Cnrtis Smith W as tions— they’re not interested. Others Control bill, which was aired before to tbe President for an early an­ Full fifth m e o C MAIZE receive transportation allowances of Miss Elizabeth Starbuck-Jones after Easter will have been suffi­ the work of the two British states­ full quart ...... $ I e O t/ toe. Two leading shades: apparently could be drafted. that group yesterday, receiving ver­ nouncement o f detailed arrahgs- for ...... e Z D BROWN What have you In mind for your 10 cents a mile. This causes no Philadelphia artist, and Miss Eliza­ ciently trained to take their place in men on the continent. It was feared Frankfort distilled. Pints at 90c. We recommend new hat? A Bfetton sailor . . $ 1 .9 8 Asked Point Blank beth Marsh, librarian at Dartmouth bal bangs and boosts. menta for the new job-making ef- complication generally but in some Railroad Director and the ranks. that too strong a protest would in­ So it seemed a good idea to ask ' college. forL this very highly. shallow brim sailor . . off-the-face Instances legislators have also been crease the tension which Simon and The measure, probably the most Cedar Dale them point blank about It— Sena­ Keep France Strong Horry L. Hopkins, the relief ad­ A fascinating collection of tailored stripes, prints . . clo.'ic-flttlng style. Wc have Grey Dusk— for navy, holding positions In the state gov­ Robinson, to whom U12 world was Eden have sought to relieve. controversial yet before the Legis­ PnUisher of Newspaper. tors Arthur H. Vandenberg, of The decision was reached at a ministrator; Rexford G. Tugwell, and solid colors. No matter what you have in mind them all! black, gray. ernment which entitle them to the "a kind of spiritual kindergarten." Eden, who is taking a week-end lature. was ' supported by Mrs. Whiskey Michigan; William E. Borah, of was forced to submerge his literary council of ministers presided over Thomas N. Hepburn, mother of undersecretary of agriculture, 8sc- One year old, 92 proof a; good Wines for your ault. we have what you want. An exciting Hosiery— rest at bis London home pending a Malibu—for brown cos­ Idaho; Charles L. McNary, Minor- expression for years In prosaic Joba by President Albert Lebrun. It fol­ Katharine Hepburn, the motion pic­ retary Ickes and Rear Admiral value at $1.25 a pint. We offer To reduce stock, we offer reg­ selection of stylca and colors you just can't resist. Main Floor, (OsBUnnsd on Pag* Tw o) full Cabinet meeting which will tumes. Born In Maine lowed the advice of the Superior ture actress, and herself tbe w ife of C!bristlan J. Peoples o f the Treasury ; for the week-end, ular 49c wines, I right. St. Albsas. Vt., April 6.— ( A P ) — Second Floor. Edward Curtiss bmith, 81, former (Oontianed on Page Seven) He was bom in Head Tide, Maine, War Council which met yesterday to a physician. Mrs. Hwbuni advo­ procurement office have been men­ a p in t...... O t / C 8 f o r ...... You'll find our EB.ster hats the last word in style—at l^udgct (Continued on Page Seven) 1.00 $ 0 .9 8 Vermont governor, director -of the on December 22, 1869. His family consider measures necessary to keep cated liberalization of (Connecticut’s tioned as likely appointees to tbs 49c a half pipt. prices! W e've both rough and lincn-like straws in navy, black, O n tra l Vermont Railroad and pub­ moved to Gardiner, in the same France strong In the face of a re­ 50 year old statute making the use board which the White House in­ brown, high colors. Styles for young and not-so-young, girls. and arming Germany. JEALOUSY M OnVE lisher of the St. Albans Messenger, state, when he was a baby. Gardi­ o f contraceptives, under any cir­ tends to set up to handle the huge Cabindale Whiskey fund. Our Own Label died today at bis home after a long ner, he later wrote, was at that time The general staff waq In favor of cumstances, illegal and punlshaBle Fastest selling fifth In town! A t H ALE 'S Millinery— Main Floor, center. ARMY DAY PARADE maintaining the' men under colors Hopkins has been the adminlatm- Would be a good buy at $1.25. Easter Apparel illness. "bleak with an air of Seventeenth SAYS G .O .P . MUST by a fine. Imprisonment or both. Spring Apparel Ontury Puritanism.’’ for the six months period normally tion’B ace spender to date. His reUet Our offer r \ r \ Wines FOR MAN’S SLAYING The son o f J. Gregory Smith, who Free Hand for Doctors. He attended public schools, and allotted for training a new class, organization dktributed $2,105,075,- Bottled to sell for $1.00 each; was Vermont governor' during the Together with proponents of the i«...... 99c For Young: Americans 7 to 14 Years! SEES 50,000 MARCH went to Harvard University for two but the government decided three 882 from the time it was establish­ now we offer for A e t \ t \ For Sweet Little 1 to 6 *ers! - Imported (TlvU War, Smith served as chief PLAN TO W IN YOUTH bill, Mrs. Hepburn urged the com­ thla sale, 2 (or . . . 9 A o v i v i years. The Illness o f his father months was enough. mittee to amend the present law to ed on May 23, 1983, until March SL Pirate’s Chest executive from 1898 to 1900, He was this year. In,addition he directed Sherry. I compelled him to leave the school, Oomplets Fortinoathma make It legally possible for a physi­ Labor Official Becomes En­ a recognized authority on banking and then came the serious huslnesa Meanwhile military authorities tbe spending o f $800,000,000 o f Fed­ Good Whiskey Growing Girls’ matters and bad been actively con­ cian to give contraceptive advt^ From a certified dl.stlller—fine Girls* Spring of making a living. proceeded methodically with com­ when in his opinion pregnancy w o « eral funds on civil works. Canada Dry KID GLOVES nected with the railroad since he be­ 18th AmiiYersary of W orld value! evgv He held various jobs in New York pletion o f fortifications along the Bay State lead er Asserts N. be d e trim e n t to the health o f Ickes, the present public works raged Wben He Fmds came a director at the age of 27. fie Full q u a rt...... S y ^ C Ginger Ale with "fine” details City. Once he worked In the Cus­ Rhine frontier and the occupation of patient or to the children of su^' administrator, has given the rellaf He waa elected president of the War Entry Ohsenred To- toms House. Again, he was a sub­ those sections already completed. patient. chief a close race. PWA officials Regular at 25c each. A Q _ SPRING COATS/^ L Conference Most Con- A FEW OF THE DRUG COAT SETS Other Man With F rfe. railroad at the age o f 37 and held way inspector. A ll tU s time his A battalion of the 146th Infantry The arguments advanced by those said a few da}rs ago that $2,000,- Now on sale, 8 fo r ... C the post until It was forced Into first and deepest love was poetry, SPECIALS Regiment at Metz was proceeding favoring s^/h legislation included 000,000 worth of projects had besa Chelmsford Ginger 9 bankruptcy by the disastrous Ver­ day at National Capital and be waa. continually engaged in with the occupation of a section of those that deaths from abortions contracted for under the 8S,80(K^ Hallver Oil Capsules. 60’s, for mont flood of 1927. Since lu re­ Its composition. 000,000 appropriated for pub' 96r. Ale, each ...... 1 9 C defense works just completed. Their would be reduced, moral standards Chicago, AprU 6.— (AP)—Jeal- works two years ago, and that $1,- More of thos4 Cbcktall Book­ organisation he had served qs direc­ would be Improved and tbe number Milk of Magneaia, regular at $5 .9 8 ousy, the authorities said today, tor. (OontiniMd on Page 030,000,000 actually bad been j ^ d '^ (Oontinned on Page Ten) 60c, now S9e. » lets— find out how to mix 'em. Perfect for Easter wear! ! prompted Thomas Oonln, president Washington, April 6-:-(AP)— On of children in families on relief $3 .9 8 Member of ttm A P. this 18th anniversary of America’s Boston, April 6— (A P) — Vernon out With PWA promised the r^ : They are free. A famous importer offered would be smaller, besides making for Fcen-a-mint, regular 25c, now I of Local 704 of the International W. Marr, chairman of the Republi­ turn of millions which it has loanKt-' ..17c. us regular $2.98 fine im­ (Toats that have a grown-up air. N atty Brotherhood of Teamsters to slay A member of the Associated entry Into the World War, the Qipl- happier marriages. checks with pleated back and half bcIL Press, Smith was bom in St. Albans, tal called 50,000 marchers to a can State (Committee, said today .It to FERA, Ickes said recently that ' Castoria, large; we offer It for ported French kid gloves William Bahnfletb, 43, after a bitter was the ballots of the new voters Opponents of the bill said contra­ Shs'll be too cute for words In one Also navy regulations in fine woolens. attended high school there and later giant parade down Constitution he expected his administration to : 59c. as a spoeg)! . .. that ac­ quarrel in (E n in 's home. o f independent tendencies which the ceptives are dangerous and detri­ CANDY SPECIALS o f these English style woolen coat sets. went to Phillips Academy, Andover, Avenue In Honor o f Arm y Day. experience greater activity thia) ^rhip or'Flgs, regular $1.00, counts for thii low ,prlce. Babnfleth waa shot four times Russians Invent Plane Republican party is most earnest mental to health, being a violation Princess style with velvet collar and i$2.98 Grades Mass. With 40 bands to spur their steps year than lost. v.- ^ for 69c. Treat the lybole fam ily—a big Interesting cuff' trims. last night while Oonin’s wife and to corral. of tbe laws o f God and nature. They Johnson's Baby Powder for half-pound bar of Nestle's, belted back. Double breasted effect. Black, brown, eggshell, He was graduated from Tale in the paraders—soldiers, reservists, said such legislation would promote Much Bpecnlattoa 9-ysar-oId son, Thomas, Jr., looked He said the power of youth In There baa been much speculattoa J 19c. Peter's, or Oialier's Choco­ Tan and blue checks. 3 to 6 years. white. on. Police said the labor official 1875 and from Columbia Law school cadets, veterans, members of patrio­ Run by an Auto Engine immorality among the married and tic societies—^wUl mass for the present day politics would be stress­ as to which officials may be placed ? Squlbb'a Petroleum OU, regu­ lates—with almonds or hazel SILK FROCKS became enraged over his wife’s two years later. ed at the New England Oinference immarried alike and give physicians lar at $1.00, for 69c. nuts—Only ISe, 9 for 29c. He was prominent in Republican demonstration at 1:30 p. m. all over privileges which might be abused by in charge o f different phases a t ths ■> friendship fo r the victim, and that a o f Republicans to be held here AprU new work relief program. Russian Mineral Oil, regular quarrel ensued wben be found Bahn. politics In 'Vermont for many years. the country, too, the army waa on Moscow, April 6—(AP) — Rus-^ The plane has undergone success­ the tmscrupulous In their profession. Mary Oliver (Chocolates, regu­ review. 80, and added that speakers wlU tell Many observers have predictsd: at $1.00, for 49c. fleth at his home last night. His wife died two years ago. Sian experts sifter long experimenta­ ful tests, the makers said and only a o f the work being done and the work Mrs. Hepburn told the committee; lar at 60c. Now 2 Iba. for New! Genuine Leather Not to Glorify War Ickes will spend the $900,000,000 e l ■ MUk o f Magneaia Tooth Paste. Used Blackjack Also He was a member of the Universi­ tion announced today the develop­ few changes were made in ffte planned for the young Republicans "You have listened to the horrible 91.00. Cunning Little Leaders emphasized that the work relief money earmarked tor: 99cl $1 .9 8 Cronin fired the four shots after ty, Tale and Union League Clubs of ment of an airplane powered by an motor to reduce the weight. and for new voters of independent predictions of what will happen if loans and grants to states and com-] (A 25c tooth brush free with day’s celebration was not to glorify ordinary light automobile engine. the law is changed. You listened Our Own Special Box—a good beating Bahhfletb with a black­ New York, the University and Yale There Is an immense interest in tendencies. munities. Some have asserted each tube.) jack, police said, and was beating CHuba of Boston, the Mount Royal war. "It is not my conception of The engine In the type manufac­ aviation in the Soviet Union. Thous­ to the same dire predictions on worn' value at 75c, Now at 40c. Girlish frocks in pastels and prints with Army day that its purpose is to " I t is the ballot of the new voters that he will be in charge of WUUama' Shaving Cream. 50c HAND BAGS hts wife with the blackjack wben and the 8L James (Tlubs of Montreal tured in great quantities by the ands of civilians have learned to o f Independent tendencies which the an suffrage. People with money a grown-up air! Trimmed with white col­ glorify war," said SecreUry Dern $100,000,000 provided for rural 1 tube for 99c. Salted Nut$_— Kemp's beet SILK FROCKS with "new” details police, summoned by a maid, ar­ and the Rideau d u b o f Ottawa. Gorky motor factory. operate gliders, and thousands have Republicans now plan most earnest­ can get this advice,’’ she said. lars, button trims, pleated effects. In a message from Miami. "Rather, triflcatlon and tbe $450,000,0 (A 25c package Blades free grade—no seconds or throw- rived. The Soviet government attached learned to make parachute jumps. “Amend the law and make it avail­ it Is my view that the Intent is to ly to corral,” Marr said. bousing fund. Hopkins, howev with each tube.) outs. 49o a pound. i ] i Mrs. Cronin told police Bahnfleth t b e a s u b t b a la n c e great importance to the achieve­ Women’s enthusiasm is marked. Congressman and' former Gover­ able to all. focus attention on the Constitution­ ment as it is expected to make dy­ has won the President’s praise had been friendly with her since her The Russian air fleet is reputed nor Christiansen of Minnesota, was Speaks for Bishop. speedy bousing work dona in estrangement from (>onin for two al mandate that one of the primary ing available to civilians on a large to be one of the world’s strongest The torch of the opposition waa Washington, April 6.— (A P )—The duties of government Is to provtds announced as the principal speaker past. Save With Safety At ^ $1 .9 8 $1.95 years prior to last July, and that posttion o f ths tYessui^r on ApoU scale. but few figures have been made on a program which Includes party borne chiefly by Mrs. Herbert Fisher for the common defense.’’ Other Projects Straw slnco she returned to Cronin. Bahn­ waa: The new plans was constructed public on this arm o f the Soviet of Hartford who brought a message Just unpacked! The best-look­ 4 j The army’s chief o f staff. General leaders from many states. Other funds set up by tha fleth had been a welcome guest in by a group of technical experts In­ Union’s defense force of 1,000,000 from Bishop McAullffa of the Han­ Shell be a dream Easter Sunday ing genuine leather hand bags Receipts, $46,543,791.45; expendi­ Douglas MscArtbur, interpreted the Kej’note for Nation relief bill, with the provialoa In one of these dainty silica. (Thoose we've seen so far this season. Half- Hats their home. tures, 841,197,830.16; balance, 82,- cluding A. I. Pleskoff, noted glider men. "The real keynote of the next ford Catholic Diocese. "I want to day as one In which the public was pHot. It Is a two-seater croft which President Roosevelt may ctaangs I THE CENTER PHARMACY a soft pastel or a little print— moon vagabonds, top-handle and " I’m not sorry," police quoteff C!ro- 438,803,086.16; Customs receipts for It is generally believed to consist year’s campaign will be sounded at register the opposition of Bishop figures materially by tranafan^j Brand new Easter models nln aa sasrlng. given "special opportunity to in­ operates on ordinary gaoollne. Inas­ o f more than 2,000 planes, manned they're both girlish and sweetl plain pouches, envelopes. Black, the month, 85,170,144.28. spect, examine and become more the conference," M arr said, "not McAullffe to this bill," she said, “be­ dude; -j:- Formerly Packard’s Washable. 1 to 6 years. Drown, navy. that young modems will love! "W hat do you expect me to do, Receipts for the fiscal year (since much as It attains a speed of only 70 by trained pilots. The manufactur­ alone for New England but for the cause It is against the laws o f God closely acquainted with its soldiers, miles an hour Its chief value aside For highways, roads, streets break down In tears? If I had it July 1), $3,916,372,903.91; expendi­ ing companies are understood to nation." and nature and mutates against hu­ grade crossings, $800,000,000. Post Office Square Baby Shop—Main Floor, rear. Gloves and Hand Bags-::- to do over Pd do I t ” both professional and civilian.’’ from touring, is for training pur­ have reached a point where mass Girls’ Shop— Second Floor. tures, $5,137,921,087.88 (Including Invited to review-^ the parade He described the conference os man welfare.” For rural rehabilitation a a (| :'! Front Elntrance. Bahnfleth, an oil salesman, la sur­ 82,645,1U,423.45 o f emergency ex­ poses. production Is n o b b le should the the first great gktbering of Republi­ TVo ministers and one rabbi, lent were Vice-President (jsmer, S p ^ - It can be produced cheaply and in lief in stricken agrieultunl vived by a widow, Ellzalieth. and penditures); excess of expenditures, fleet need quick reinforcements. A cans since tbe campaign last faU. support to the bill. The medical and water conservation, two children, residing in CUlfor- er Byins, cabinet officers and their such quantities, the Russians said, fast new fighting plane has bera de­ 82,321.548.183.97. Gold assets, $8,- wives, members o f Congress and M arr announced that constructive profession also took sides on the mountain water dU Bla. 568,103,967.60. as to allow distribution on collective veloped. 'There are believed to be Ugh army officials. farms as well as lujyw centers. I about 300 o f these In senrice. (Ooat

Recreation Center EEFENSE ACCOONTS • Waakly Smiday School attand our oarvtcaa or wish to units vatlona are to be Umlted and must furniahed by a aavan-placa orehsa- iU O O D N C IL TO FILL PROMINENT Manchester PUTSHVERSTEIN CHURCHES with our eeogragatlon. be made early. Phone either chair­ tra. The drawing for tba grud Items of Interest "Ohvst to Ckilvary” will be sung man or the church office. The mem­ prise will taka place at toe conclu­ VETERANS OFFlgf^' Date Book ■T. B H ID «rB ». a OF STATE WORKERS , by our Emanuel CHiolr assisted by bers of toe Order of toe Rainbow R O C K V I L t E sion o f - toe dsneing tonight. I L O F C DRIVE CONVENTION PLACE TOPLEATODAY Our Heavenly Father stagers from ths several other with their advioora wUI attend the A g M t e f EUlngton OsoMlary A otra and f a c ia l aolototo oa Palm morning service tomorrow in a body. A t a trustees matting o f tha El­ Saturday EDUCATION DEdARED niEGAl HERETHEYAREi Sunday evening, April I4tb. The pastor wiU preach Sunday lington Cemetery Asaodation, Tim Bsea'a plunga p ^ e d vritl bs Tonight Meeeee will be at 8:00, 8ig0 and Salvation Army concert In Cita­ T ext! Jetoi, 16:8JM The Brotherhood will meet on evening in the North Methodist Charles B. Sikes waa appointed held from 7 to 8 o'clock. Men must 10:30. A t tbe 8:00 male the Junior Those 3tt gorgeous del. Oommandar Alax Damon and Tuesday evening at 8 o’clock. A de­ Episcopal church, Hartford. EXHIBinON BY BUND cemetery agent and L. R. (jampbell get plunge tiekets at tha offlee. choir will sing. (OnuRaead Page iJaa) M lh n n iM t local M jftic Review to Be b Fore vlstting bands. Also Emanuel Lu­ To Bo Am ignod Before Jos Gold Diggers yon’ve Uniform Bnn- bate on the Townsend Plan has been sexton for 1935. The ftollowing com­ A public wU st party will ba bald Hsrmii—To Thee O Heart e f Jeeue. Lenten Mission theran choir. use o f state owned automobUes, and day School 1 fer AprU 7. arranged by some o f toe men and mittees were named: Finance com­ Hose Who H m Semij'||1 at tha Wast Side Rec on O d ar Hymn—M y God and Father While waited two yean to see Various groups and organizations N ext Week It davriepe that tha state has been THE HEAVENLY FATHER w ill ba held In connection with this IN ROCKVIUE MAY S mittee, H. H. McKnigbt, M. E. t t i kj Fm Poiali —71 ■treat. Play will start at 8 o'clock It SetibDs of W. B. A. b . tico Eaton H iit Afternoon of tha church are planning on am- I Stray. again—and they*vrgot By WM. E. GILBOY, D JL meeting. A most cordial inviUUon Charter, F. O. Wood; membership and priata will be awarded. April 12.—“Ratotlvely ■peaUng,” Hymn—Mother Dearest paying 10 cents a mile to thsaa lag- By GEORGE HENRY DOLE phaalalng certain nights during the F oreip Cooifarws W iriit'! a three-act play by Paint and Pow­ telatora for transportatlim for wUcb BdHor et Advenes la sxtonded to all members and committee, H. L. Hayden, N. N. Neaday Hymn—Jeaua, Come to Me. more than ev«r what it frienda. coming week for their members to Mayor Goorge Scheets Chair­ Haw If c e k n Belt. Hartford. der elub at Hi|^ sehool. on Arson Cliarge. the stata had already paid in an­ attend toe Lenten Mission being KIbbe and John Bahler. Tba woman's gym claaa will maet Organ and vocal selecUona at 8;S0. takM to get along! Interaatlonal Simday-SeiMol LM-,sOanaider a natural father; ha loves irhe Ladles’ Aid society will hold man of Committee in Charge April IS.—l^ ca monmata by other transaction. To figure out With this lesson we begin n conducted by Prof. Alexander Pur­ Those wishing their lots cared for m k from 7:18 to 8 ^riock. Tbs SsBlor choir wUI slag at SOB Text, April 7—"Like ae a father his children,' watches over them, their regular meeting on Thursday of Week’s Observance. TeflPDp9s Abort H Local Taxtila Union, No. 3138, at tha whela problem so that» may be new quarter, tie IS lessons dealing dy of Hartford Seminary In toe or repairs made, should communi­ Tba man’s gym claaa will meat 10:30. pitleth hie chUdren, eo the Lord sscrlflcea srif for them, tries to fit afternoon at 2:30. Membera and cate with Mr. Sikes. QuRpMI CSMaell. K. a( C. of from 8:15 to 8 o’eloek. Myatle Ravlew, No. 3, Woman’s Odd Fallows h«U. R a try SUrarststn, tonnar M t o a onaratod ia acoordanoe with tha with great ChrisUnn teachings and chapel of toe chui-ch. Much interest Aapargta Ma Qregnrten opbiteB o f tha atterasy gaaaral will piUeth them tliat fear Him.” — Pa. them for uses and moke them hap­ frienda always welcome. Tha week o f May 5 to l i is to Children of Mary Ittm d w ter, wUl t e l A In M«ond Tbe men'a plunge period will ba Benefit aaaoctatlon, will have a oiiki BrHrti < ^ r mUl opamtor, wUl ba arralgn- Kyrie—Rosewig. purpoaaa, with a concluding temper- it being shown in this aeries o f talks Manchester veteran uMta may ea« targe datagaUon and taka a promi­ April nX-SaU ta, ‘The Story of ^ bafOrs Justlea o f tba Peace L . D. cause more than one headache. 108:18. py. FinoUy be resigns his ambitions be known aa a “Week for toe BUnd” The Children of Mary o f St. Ber­ m from 7 to 8 o'clock. Crtdo—Rosewif. Monday: 7:30—Beethoven. by Dr. Purdy on too theme—"A operate vilth tha Suparlntawtent of ptoM In tb « sU U of OonnwUeut nent part In tba coming qiMdren- tha Creas,” Conoordla Lutheran Eaton in Bolton thia aftaraoen on Thaaa AppetetaMata. aaoa lesson - on "Liberty Under to them and tbe Joy o f his Ufa is In In Rockville and community. - The nard's church will go to Communion Tha woman's plunga parted will be Banctue—Rosewig. Tuesday: 4:00—Confirmation. Working Religion”. At toe close of tn a body at toe 8 o'clock mass Sun­ to pttflMtoc* of InerMM in memr nlal convention of the order at tha church, 7:30 p. a charge o f arson. Law ." Nothing is SO sustaining, comfort­ them. Conceive o f the most perfect Schools and faculty in a novel plan from 8 to 8 o'clock. Benedletuo—Rosewig. GoTemor Cross on Tuesdny aant 6:15—Children's Ctoonis. each evening thei speaker wlU an­ plans for toe week are being made day morning. The regular meeting ben la the three weeks' campaign Hotel Bond, Hartford, Wednesday, April 33.—Fo33.—Formal baU at Knights Cottstabla Chaatorfiald Plrla nnd The flrst of tbeae gn w t teach- ing and uplifting aa definite knowl­ parent that we can Imagine; then to acquaint the chUdren o f Hanebae- Tha women’e dancing cIs m will ba Agnee Dei— Rosewig. to tba state ssnata bis nomlnatteas 8:05—Brotherhood. swer quesUons A box will be placed by toe State Board of Education of of toe society will be belt' in toe . ^ r il 10. Delegates and membera o f Columbus. tba stata peUea ofRear who Invaati- inga concerns the Heavenly I'a- multiply that ideal by infinity. TTuit ter schools with conditions In saany that haa been eoaducted throughout held from 8 to 8:45. O OeaM and Mourn With Me e f John A . Bloc kail of Hartford to edge of our heavenly Father. Be­ Wednesday: 7:15—Quiet Hour. at the rear o f the chapel where toe Blind, and toe plans- call for ex­ afternoon at 4 o'clock at which time will attend from revtewa In all parts April 38.— Fourth annual Irish gated 4ha riroumstancaa o f tba fire ther. This te basic in the teach­ is our highest poaslbte conception of foreign countries if a proposal -now Dm aUta. The flret place goee to A plunge period for men will fol* AwbUt, Choire bs lhaumnea eommlaalonsr; Joseph 8:00— Emanuel Choir. written questions may be placed. An hibits, demonstrations and enter­ the name of toe girl, who will have Tea and antartalnmant at Girls' which daatromd Stlvarstaln’s bouas ing o f Jaaua and In tbe conception cause o f this, the Father in Himself tbe heavenly Father. The natural under consideration te received with ■nuth Norwalk and aoeordlng to a low the gym class. Benedletion o f Blessed Seemment M. Tons of New Havan to ba com­ Thuraday: 2:30—Ladles' Aid. invitation Is extended to the people tainments by blind people in toe toe honor of crowning toe statue of Frisndly aodsty at St. Mary’s par- on N igger. HUl arraral weeks age, of Christianity, Infinite and therefoi;e Inaccessible to parent la Umlted and errs. The favor by the local aduoatloiwl report reeelTed from the area head* Tba girl's gym claaa league win at 4:00 Sunday. missioner o f labor and factory in- 7:80—0 a e f. of toe community to attend this mis­ Town Hall daUy from 10 In toe too Blessed Viegin In May, will be tih houM. art prtparad to ormant avtdanea the finite, came into the world in a beavently Father la infinite and autboriUes. ouartera thia morning, when the lo* use the bowling alleys from 8 to 10. spaeUon and John A . Macdonald of If we examine carefully all that Friday: 6:15—Junior Choir. sion, each evening at 7:30 o’clock. morning until 9 in (he evening. dru^wn. AprU 34.— (TanUUva). Spaclal ■uSlclant to bind tllvarstain over to human like ours and accommodated omniscient uid never falls. The lov­ Tbe proposed plan would antall eal eotmeil reported a total enroll* Tuesday west Hartford to be atate higfiway Jeatu did and 'taught, we shall 7:30— Emanuel Choir. Plans for toe Sunday Night Open There will be an opening meeting for To Present Play tdwn matting at High school. Superior Court Himself to the Umitations of man’s ing care o f such a One is ever over toe cooperation o f taachara and meat of 71 new memban the poet* Thera Is still time to gat into tha oommlaalonar. The last two are find that primarily what He Foruma such as were held last year toe week Sunday at 3 o'clock In the The Friendly Class of toe Union April 38.—Community Players in Atteraaya WllUam S. Hyde and finite mind. Hence Jesus declared: us. N ot the least thing can happen pupils to be successful. I t Is propos­ ttoa o f CnmpbeU CouneU waa well new term of women'a awlmmlng les­ FIND SUICIDE C O U m rw^poiatmenta and In tha flrst Sen­ brought to the world waa not a THE SALVATION ARMY so successfully each Sunday night Sykes auditorium. A t tola time, 35 church co-operating with toe' Sun­ “Tommy,” HoUtatsr strast acbool, Oaorgo C Laowtor hare tom command, but a gospel. The first "H e that hath seen me hath seen that does not beat promote our hap­ ed to have members of local posts ' aeeured in aeeond place, but a few sons. The term consists of 13 lea- ator Blaekall will replace the pres­ Capt. and Mrw N. J. Cnrtia during the month of May, are under­ boys and girla from toe Connecticut day school, will present toe play, pointa behind South Norwalk. ■oDs and tonight will make the sec­ auspleas o f Bunaat Rebakah Lodge. tainad to defend Bilvarstaln. and primary thing in Hia teach­ the Father. The Father and i are piness now and forever. This does address the pupils of the elemantaiy ent Incumbent, P. Dunham way. Speakers who are well inform­ School for toe Blind will sing and ■’The(Ready Made Family,” at toe TIM eampaign elioaes at 'noon to­ ond lesson of tba term. Time Is as April S7.—"Night of Fr^c," DID NOT HAVE WEALTH ings waa not to tell men that they one.” Jesus declared that the worda not always appear to be true because grades on geography and natnimi o f Watharsfleld. Saturday evening—Great musical ed and interesting are being sched­ several prominent blind persons will chapel of tbe church Tuesday eve­ follows: 7:00 to 7:45, bagtnatra; ■ponaorad by Company K, nt stata should' love God, or- that they He spoke and the works that He did so many things war against our de­ be present at toe meeting. Mayor history of toe many countries in day. ______Tba speed with which these nom­ meeUng with Commissioner and uled to appear. Subjects of general ning, April 23. The cast will be as 7:45 to 8:80, Inta'rmadlata. armory. inations were approved by the Sen­ should love one another, but to were of the Father within Him. and sires. Rut without opposition, self- George Scheets is general chairman which Manchester veterans have April 3g.—Booster meeisting spon- RnaKHT Thst PeUrsons Were Mrs. A. M. Damon and CteloncI and vital importance will be present­ follows; Agnes Martyn. a widow, Tha men'a volley ball parted will ate should give some o f tbe teubting tcU them that there was a that o f Himself He could do noth­ love and its satisfaction would con­ of the local committee in charge of served during toe past 35 or 80 ■orad by Maneheatar L o ^ of ROAD PROJECTS Joseph Atkinson and a host o f other ed. Irene Scharf Isch; Bob, her son, C M . T .C ENROLLMENTS be from 8 to 6:15. Worth 140,000 S t One Time ’ntomaaes a clear insight as to the Heavenly Father who loved them. ing. Coneequentiy, in Jesus Is the sume us. Imagine a vast force and officers. Doors will open 7 p. m. It toe obaervance and a general com­ Leonard Dowdtng; Marie, her elder years. There are men now Uving Tbe Model Airplane Club wtn- Mooaa. mittee of about 60 local men and April 38.—Tenth annual concert HsTe Been Disprored. sort o f legislation to to anaetad in I t la tha. story o f the love that full revelaUon o f the very person of nothing opposing it. It would be re­ ia expected that toe citadel will be daughter. Dorothy Stoneman; here, men who have served on all meet In the club rooms at 7 o’clock. tbe remaining weeks of tbC session. God baa for ua that constitutes his heavenly Father. And, since His POU8H NATIONAL CHURCH women will be named to sponsor the Grade, her youngest child, Priscilla by Beethoven Glee Club at High ARE ANNOUNCED, lentless and disorganised. What a crowded out by 7:30. Come early! Oolway Street fronts in the World War, Slbarla, FOR SOMMER ARE OraN Special Features It bad been predicted in this column tbe gospel, and this story and person Is revealed tn Jesus, to Him event. Turner; Miss Lydia, he sister-in- school. change would be wrought were on The Sextet from New York Staff Rev. Francis B. MiklaszewskI, Mesopotamia, Paleatlna, B ^ p t , Wednesday—Roller skating In tha Rumors hare gained credence in that tha aubatltutlon o f Btackall for this message were Inherent in we must go to learn and to know of enemy suddenly to assaut it! It band will be one of toe special fea­ Eight Games Booked law, Gertrude Fuller: Henry Turner, Cuba, San Domingo, Haiti, Saa gym. May a.—Benefit dance for Me* Pastor The Rockville High achool base­ mortal hospital at state armory. Menebester, following tha discovery Dunham would to the only change everything that Jesus did and aald. the Father. This Jesus declared, in would be vitalized with energy, de­ tures. Following are the officers a widower, Roy A . Playdon; Doris, Domingo, Panama, Nicaragua, Military Training Camps To Be Friday— Dancing In tha gym, TOTAL 13 MILES ball team has booked eight games Alao Mothers' and DaughUra' of the bodlee o f Mr. and Mrs. John of the yaar. All that now remains Thia does not mean that our saying: "N o man cometh unto the termination and action. Tbe divine composing toe sextet: Adjutant hts daughter, Wilma Szalontal; China, toe , Japan and . Candnctcd from July 8 to 8:80 to 13:80. Saturday, April 6, 4 p. m.—Con­ for toe coming season. Twenty- banqust at North Methodist ebureb. A. Patanoa of 48 MyrUa street la to have the present commlasioner love to (Sod ie less a privilege Father, but by me." W e can find the virtum in man likewise need oppoal- William Bearchell, piano-cornet; Sammie, hia son, Edward Keller; aboard on all seven seas over fession for girls. five men have been turning out for August 6 InelusiTt. May 13.—Opening of Memorial who committed suicide earlier this of finance, Eklward F. Hall, and and duty, or that man's love to Father and know Him in Jesus tion to bring them out and establish Adjutant William Parkins, solo Beonia, toe Martyns* darky cook, this period. Sunday Services; practice, with only four of laat hoapital drive for mnda. week, that the couple et one time State Agent Raymond F. Gates re­ hia fOUow men is in any way of (3irist: and we are assured that it la them. Prayers are most earnest tn comet; Stanley Parkins, 2nd comet; Mary Gresut; Nicodemus, toe Msr- Instead of a display of poor ora- ' Major-aenaral fn x Conner, Com* appointed to bave the entire predic­ 8:30 a. m.— Children's mass and year’s squad in toe line-up, Louis tyns' colored handy man, Earl Ka- Mra. Bins W est MlUcr May 18.— (TenUUve). Cteneert by MacdooaU Askt R d i Oa were well-to-do. less importance. On the contrary, Ufe eternal to know Him. desperate affliction. The Lord wants Captain Kenneth Ayers, solo trom­ Communion. toiy by toe veterans. It te intended *• *^daHwai<>Oenera| of the r in t Corpa CAMBRIDCE WINS 121H Gessay, Herbert Berthold, John High school chorus and orchestra at The reports have gone eo far aa tion fulfilled. Thia will undoubted­ our love to God and our love to It Is life eternal to know Him, to give ua power to conquer all the bone; Captain H. Jackson, baritone; sulke. that toe chUdren should ask gusa jAraa, haa announced that enroll* ly to done and will follow the accep­ 10:00—General confession for Mack and William Plllus. o f tha state. Mrs. Thomas D. Smith High school hall. to make it appear that the couple, our fellow men are alike in har­ for through knowledge of Him He forces that assail His peace in us. Frank Fowler, bass. adults. tlona concerning u y phase o f ths maiU for the. C M. T. C. Campe held Serai Jobs; A l hrolre tance o f tbe governor's suggfestiun The games that have been book­ S1RAICHT CREW RACE and Mrs. Paulin# Barrett are tha Also annual Motheri’ . and Daugh- during their more proajwroua yeara, mony with and in expression of satisfies every mental desire, and by Knowledge o f God can take away all Sunday Servicea 10:30—High Mass and Commun­ country thst they i^ h t be atndy- -la tUa area for the etudenta of the that tha Depulmanta of Agencies the love that God has toward us. ed are: April 17, Hartford Trade, representatives from Mystic Re­ tera' banquet at Concordia Lutheran were worth ■■ much as $40,000 and following Him, tho heart niay be fill­ fears and bless with faith in Him 9:30 a. m.— Sunday school. ion. ing at the time. I^ e r e v e r Amsdrtcaa ,f1rat Corps Area, la now open. and Public Walfara be oombined, and John makes this very clear when here; April 19, Windham High view. church. th at next to the late Aaron John­ ed to the overflowing of Hts love. and give peace. 11:00 a. m.— Holtnesa meeting. 4:00 p. m.— A program and sup­ HEBRON ■oldlers or saUora have served t h v T te eampa for 1085 will be con­ Defeats Oxford by Pimr Federal Fm ncol ALL son, were tha wealthiest Swedish that old age pensions be administer­ he says, " I f God so loved us, we 3:00 p. m. — Christians I ^ la e school, away; May 22, Manchester Mrs. Grace Beat o f Hartford, per. Trade, here; May 29. Windham bave always made much od tba cbfl« ducted from July 8 to August 5 In­ state field director, will preside st people In Manchester. This haa ed by these departments. O)lonel ought also to love one another." meeting. The program at toe regular meet­ clusive, et Fort Adame. Newport, Lengths in 87th aasslc; Friday, April'B. 6:30 — Senior High, here; June 4. Stafford High, dren of toe lud u d nea^ all vet- the convention. Mrs. Best is tbe been entirely disproved by close Oataa may then be called upon to 7:00 p. m.—Open air meeting. (I!hoir rehearsal. ing of Hebron Grange laat Tuesday Rhode Island; Fort Devens, Ayer, Time for Course Is Slow. Seven new highway projecta, all here; June 6. Hartford Trade, here; erus have plenty of stories to tail daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. U friends of the couple, boweverj who admlnteter these activities — a full How do we know that th're 7:80 p. m.—Great Salvation meet­ evening was of unusual interest. As Ifaeeachueette;Fort Ethan AUea, ABOUT TOWN to be financed either in part or in sised Job. ing. 7:30—;Stations of toe Cross. June 7, , South Manchester Trade, of toe Ufe u d living of tba Uddlaa reveal that at no tlma waa the cou­ ia a Heavenly Father who. loves After the rehearsal the choir will it was officers' night toe officers put -EurUngten, Vermont, and at Fort toto with federal assistuee, were ple well-to-do. Oppoaltitoat The \^'4wk* away. Thomas Dwyer is toe cap­ of foreign ports which te always in­ Putney.On.Thamea, Eng., April Ever-Ready Circle of King's im T This waa the question that hold its regular monthly meeting. tain of toe team tots year. on toe program, which was a con­ teresting to. Amcricu boys and McKinley, Portland Harbor, Maine. announced today by . Highway Com­ A t the time o f their death they Of course there has been opposi­ Tuesday, 7:00 p. m.-^Glrl Guards tinuation of Hebron history. TTie 8.— (A PI— Cambridge today defeat­ Daughters will hold their regular waa troubling ' Philip when be District Meeting Tomorrow girls. A il espenaea of Cfavsitng to and missioner John A. Macdonald. The owed one month’s rent of 320, but tion to the plana and this w ill un­ and Corpa Ckuleta. subject taken up waa “The Elearly monthly meeting at the Whlton came- to Jesus and said, "Lord, CHURCH OF THE NAZARBNB The Fourth District, American . itrom tbe camp are paid by the ed Oxford for the I3tb straight yaar Jobs entail iiearly 13 miles of pav­ in a note Instructed their landlady doubtedly continue until they finally Wednesday 7:00 — Missionary Indians of Connecticut and Hebron." The p lu . If it te put into practiba, ' tinlted Stataa Oovemment; which Memorial Tuesday evening at 7:46 ing and aui-faclng aud the construc­ ■howeth ua the Father, and It suf- H. B. Anthony, Minister Legion and Auxiliary which com­ wUl be of inestimable value to tba In their 87tb beat race on itha to sell an Axminster rug and part are approved by the governor after fleeth us.” meeting, speaker. Miss Ann Brook­ Jesse Hills, who claims an Indian also provides wholesome food, uni­ o'clock. tion of one bridge. ings. prises Tolland and Windham coun­ teachers in toe study of geogntphy Thames. Oxford slipped far to the of their furniture to pay this obli­ passage. The Ju d lcU ^ (temmittee Jesus did not answer him in CHURCHES ancestor, read a paper on toe topic, 8:00 a. m.— Morning prayer. ties, will meet tomorrow, April 7, In forms, aqulpmaat, laundry aervlea, Six ef the projeota are of tha type gation. Their milk blU, with Bryant and its chief advisors are loath to Thursday, 7:30—Open A ir meet­ bringing in many facta about - the ud natural htetory ud wi^d- rear near tha finish and Cambridge vague or philosophical terms. He 9:30 a. m.— Church Bible school. South Coventry. At tola time fur­ 'BMdIeal Ktentton and all other nee* for which the federal government and cniapmaa, was paid up to date. have old aga pensiaoa administered THE CENTER CHURCH foabioned warm hearted Gospel ing. Pequot and Mohegan tribes, and in­ enable toe youngsters to get a mota finlahcdifour lengths In front o f tha Tbe Coast-to.Cteast club won a ■aid that the evidence o f God's 10:45 a. m.— Communion service. ther plana for the district entertain­ A an rv AceOBUBOdAtlofUi. paya 30 per cent of the cost of latter Theae facts. It Is hoped, will M t at by other than Inwyera, and certam (Congregational) Hymn Sing. Thursday, 8:00— Public aervice. cluding as much local, lore aa it was intimate insignt into toe often dull No obligation for further military Dark Bluaa. setback tournament with Glaston­ and materials with the state foot­ lovs and goodness were in the 2:30 p. m.—Junior Mission band. ment to be held April 26 in Stafford ease the exaggeratr ' nimora that women's organisdtiona are reluctant love and - goodness that we find Rev. Wateon Woodruff The week: Friday, 7:30— Holiness meeting. possible fo r him to get hold of. Dur­ u d interesting, aubjecta. ''aervlea cJ any kind la incurred hy Tha Light Blues held a alx-langth bury last night by a margin of 63 ing all other expenses, including the 6:80—Young People's Hour. Springs will be discussed. Mr. and Mrs. Peterson were pos­ to lose the present setup with rels> in human life, especially in His A t Vernon: Saturday, 7:30— Open A ir service. ing toe reading Indian scenes were Various details o£ toe p lu wlU ba citliena ecading themaelvee to the lead at one time but eased up near points. remaining 70 per cent of the cost of 7:30 p. m.— Evangelistic service High School Notes sessed of wealth before becoming tion to child welfare. They fear own life given over so completely Morning worship, 10:50. Sermon Thursday, 7:46 p. m. — Special Satqrday, JJ;0O—Public Service. presented, toe flrst representing brought to toe attention of toe Man­ M. T. C. training, and applica­ the finish and crossed the line at tha labor and materials. Tbe other Job victims of the depression. It la ap. by toe minister. F ifth in toe Lenten with sermon by the pastor. Mr. Dresser, chemistry teacher at The Holy Name aoclety of 8t. that conaoUdatlon will' result In the to doing the Father’s will that men i meeting qf toe church council to You are welcome to Join us In three Indians around a camp fire, in chester Veterans associatlu at- si n t may be filed for edmliaion by end of tba four and ona-quarter will be financed by direct federal re­ parent that since Mr. Peterson has lose of Commissioner o f Child W el­ series. The music; ' discuss matters o f Importance to worship. T1h9 toe High school, baa been elected milea rowing at the rate of 80 Brldgst'a church will attend the 8 might behold in Him the reality of native costumes. The parts were future meeting. any cltiam of tha Unitad Btatea who covery act appropriation. beta unemployed, during tha past fare Kenneth L. Messenger of Weth­ Prelude: Beneath the Cross of every member o f toe council. Tuesday at 7:30 p. ra.—Monthly chairman of toe High School Chem­ atrokea to th« minute. Oxford, after o'clock maos In the church tomor­ God. taken by Jules Rcbillard, William Recently, Samue! Pratt, Comman­ baa attained hU ITtb year and who Commissioner Macdonald baa call­ five years, the couple have lived on ersfield who has been very active Jesua— Keyser. A t Manchester: meeting of teh Sunday School Board. istry Teachers' Association. This keeping within striking distance for row morning. Later they will have I t ia Important to grasp this. CONCORDIA LUTHERAN Warner, and Jesae Hills, who was In der of Mons-Ypres Post, British W ar has a good moral character. Young ed for contractors' bids on the work, their meager savings. Anthem: Te Deum—Woodward.' Place to be announced later. Includes all sections of Connecticut more than onc-half of the race, had a communion breakfast to be served with them In the promotion o f child Jesus never made religion a thing Monday, 7:45 p. m.— The regular Garden and Winter Sts. . toe costume of a chieftain. There Veterans gave u interesting talk man realdenta of Connaetlcut de* to be submitted until 3:00 p. ra. Hymn, Anthem: Into the Woods meeting of toe church council will and part o f Massachusetts. dropped back to 38 strokes. . In the basement. About 35 mem­ welfare legislation. But whatever apart from life, or the revelation of K, Richter, Pastor Wednesday at 7:30 p. m.— Mid­ were also other songs and tableaux. on Mesopotamia before toe pupils of ■Mrlng to attand any of tbe C. M. T. Monday, April 32. at tbe b lgW a y My Master Went—Lanier. be held in toe Social Room. Miss Murphy, a teacher at toe In winning their 46th race of the bers of tbe Knights of Columbus will their fears or regardless of what it aomethlug apart from human week prayer meeting. Mrs. Wtnthrop S. Porter took the toe sixth grade of the Nathu Hala C « m p a to be held this aummer dspartment headquarters In the Poatlude: The CHianged Cross— Wednesday, 2:00 p. m. — The High school, is to be hostess for toe aeries, Cambridge oovered tha attend and it la axpectad between opposition they may create, tha re­ character and conduct. God Is not 9:00 a. m.— Sunday school and Friday at 7:30 p. ra.—a a s c meet­ part of “ Red Wing” in coatume, and school. Com m uder Pratt answarsd nre raqueated to eommunleeta with State Office Building, Hartford. CARD PARTY IN CHARCS St. Quintih. Ladies' Aid meeting will be held In spring meeting of toe Deans' Asso­ course in nineteen minutes and 48 139 and 150 ih all will be on hand. organisation of thsaa dspartmanta remote from man, but He ia In man, Bible classes. ing. Mr. Hills sang toe popular song by m u y questions put by tbe ctaildrsn John U Ollaon, Clvtllen Aida to the The seven new projecta are brief­ The CSiurch school, 9:30. toe Social room of toe church. ciation in Holyoke. •aeonds, far back of tha record of will coma, and with it will also coma and it la In tbe goodness in human 9:00 a. m.— EIngllsh service with that name. T h e . concluding u d toe visit of toe local veteran ■tatary of War for tha Stata of ly described os follows: The Women's class, 9:30. Mra. Hostesses for this meeting are The following girls of toe girls’ 18:03 made by tha Light Blues last Manchester Assembly No. 15, Or­ a commission for the study o f tbe life, finding its culmination in Jesus examination o f confirmation class. SHEDISH CONOREOA'nONAL tableaux was entitled "Lo, toe Poor was greatly appreciated by tba Oonnaetleut, at tha Stata Haadquar* Federal (70-30) Pnblle Works OF (HBBONS ASSEMBLY Leslie Hardy, leader. Mrs. Thomas Smith, Mrs. Walter basketball team will receive their yaar. The ofttclal margin of victory der of Rainbow, will hold Ite regu­ stats government, a pet bit of legis­ —the one supremely good—that wo Lenten services. 8. E. Green, Minister. Indian,” Mr. Hills rep.ding toe well- Aare, United States Federal building, Projects The Men’s League, 9:30. Presi­ Shipman and Mrs, Thomas Shaw. letters: COptain Harrington, Eliza­ teachen u d pupils. Commantter waa announced as four and one-balf lar meeting Mmiday evening at 7:80 lation sponsored nt three eeselous find the evidence t f God. Wednesday known poem, and toe role o f Indian N tw Havan, Conn. Town of Barkhamsted—About dent, Ernest F. Strong. 7:00 to 9:00 p. m. — The Junior beth Reichle, Gertrude Prokop, Pratt served two yeara with tba lengths. at tha Maaonlo Temple. The Initia­ Catholic Ladies of Columbus to by the governor. W e believe In Um sun because 6:80 p. m.—German service. Swedish Morning Worship 10:30. being aasuihed by Julea Rcbillard, 13,453 feet ef waterbound macadam Lenten Institute, 6:00. Leader, Quest. Memberriilp applications for Clarii Marcus, (Orolyn Stiles, Olga BriUsh Arm y In Palestine. tion et one candidata will ba in­ on the Canton and Granby roads. Conduct WednMdsy Night it gives us light. So beholding 7:30 p. m.— English service. English Morning Worship 11:10. May, M ary McChiaker, Pete Read, who represented the last o f hia race. the light that la in Jesua, we be­ Arthur H. niing. Speaker, Dr. C. J. tola club will not )>e received after Much credit is due to Mrs. Merton cluded In the bustneaa. Tomorrow Towns ef Canaan ami North Ca­ Wednesday, April 17, at 7:30 p. m. Sunday School 12:00.- manager. CHENEY PRINT^OOM Mrs. Grace Best Play in St. James’s HalL lieve in the Sim o f Righteous­ Sin, president o f Foochow Union April 17. English evening service 7:00. W. HiUa in the planning for the morning the Rainbow girls and the naan—About 11,700 feet of water- P A R O U 1$ DENIED College. Topic; Rural Life In South — The choir will render a (3ood F ri­ Tbe following girls who won In STOLTENFELDT AWARDED advisory board will attend the morn­ bound macadam on Belden street. ness and Love and Truth. There day Cantata; "The Story of the Communion 8:00. basketball will receive their numer­ program, arranging of customes, Oliver of this town and la a past ia a glory of God that permeates (3ilna. Special music by tbe church ST. MARY’S CHURCH. Wednesday evening service 7:30. etc. The program committee plans EMPLOYEES DINE president of Mystic Review. Com. ing service at the South Methodist Town of Cornwall—About 13,413 The regular weekly card party choir. Supper served y toe Women's .Crosa” by Dudley Buck. A cordial In­ als. They are all Juniors because toe WOMEN GOLFERS church at 10:80, on Invitation of feet nf waterbound macadam on the which will be held in St. James's the world, and we cannot see bow vitation is extended to all. v juniors won toe most games: Cap­ to continue tbe evenings on local CAPITAL BRIDGE PRIZE patitiva drills will take place In tha TOBILLINISACAIN Jesus lived for Hia fellow men, Federation, Mrs. James H. John­ Rev. James Btuart Neill, Rector. 8T. JAMES R. C. CHURCH history throughout toe year. Fol­ afternoon and the banquet In tha Rev. L. C. Harris. North (temwall road. hall, Wednesday evening, April 0, ston, chairman. The Week tain Rita St. Louis, Gertrude Wise, Go to Fruik Mnntelli’s in Bol­ Town o f East Havan—About 80,. will be sponsored by Gibbons Assem­ loved them, and died for them, Rev. William P. Reldy, Pastor Mary Flaherjy, Lucille Kuhniy, lowing toe program a social hour evening. without believing thst there is" a The Week Tuesday at 7:30 toe Sunday school PLAN AcrmnES ton for Chicken and Spnghat* Members of the Salvation Army 630 feet of waterbound macadam bly, Catholic Ladles of Ctelumbuf. Friand of Tom Mooney Refuaca Sunday, April 7to— Fifth Sunday Rev. Patrick Kineen Eleanor Butler, Catherine Bermont, was enjoyed, with refreshments of Leads All in Green Community The guejt of honor will be Mrs. Father of Love, of whose love Sunday, 12:00— The church com­ in Lent. teachers will meet for the monthly sandwiches, cake and coffee. band are requested to report to­ on High street. Attractive and practical prisea mittee irill meet. meeting. Rev. Thomaa Stack Hazel Barber, Barbara Heck. ti Lest Evening. Club’s Series Which Closed Bina West Miller of Port Huron, to Be Interviewed; Did Not this is the manifestation. 9:30 a. m.— CTiurch school. Men's I t The Misses Pendleton and Mrs. Mich., founder and supreme preal- night at 7 o'clock at tbe citadel. Town of Fairfield-About 6,833 will be awarded in auction bridge, Sunday, 5:00—Group E will meet Thursday at 2:00 p. m.— The Sew­ Bin of Sale Filed Last Night. Make the Application. Bible Class. Masses at 7, 8:80, 6:80 and 10:30. Ann C. Gilbert entertained toe ^.iployes of the printing depart* dent of the aaaoolatlon. Mrs. Miller feet of bituminous macadam on whist and setback games, Aa a In toe church, pofior. in g Circle WlU meet. Although toe sale of toe James 10:45 a. m.— Holy Communion and Children’s Mass at 8:30 in church Women’s Bridge club at their home Conotry Chib to Hit o T ot r-.ent at Cheney Brothers enjoyed e Is the only remaining acting presl- C. Elmore Watkins will be the broken itone base on the Reef road, special attraction a twelve-pound Bo Jeaua said to Philip, "He that Monday, 7:30— High-Y. J. Regan Manufacturing Company’s and about 1,077 feet of rolled bank Sacramento, Calif., April 6__ sermon. Sermon topic; "Passion.’ basement chapel. Vespers and property waa announced In Febru­ Inursday afternoon. Three tables clilcUtn and epaghetti dinner last The Msnebsster Gresn Com. dent and founder among fraternal soloist, and Rev. J. Qutnter Miller Swift'a Premium ham will be offer' hath seen,Me had seen the Father.” Monday, 7:30— Loyal Circle. ZION LUTHEBAN the gueit speaker at the meeting run gravel on Longfellow avenue. ed for door prise. (A P )—Tha parole which Warren K. Jesus goes on in this simple effec­ 3:00 p. m.— Highland Park Sun­ Benediction, at 3:30 in toe afternoon. ary, toe bill o f sale had not been of­ were in play. Miss Clarissa Pendle­ night at Frank Mantelll’a road* munity club gave another euceassful insurance executives, and to the K ing’s Daughters. day School. High and Cooper St. for New Members; Wed­ and tea of the Woman'i Chrlatlan Town of Hamden—A 40-foot span The committee tn cbarge la bend' Blllinga never aougbt haa been de­ tive sermon to Philip and the dieci- Music at the 8:30 Mass, Chorus ficially recorded at toe Town Clerk’s ton won flrst honors. Miss Susan houce on Andover read In Bolton. card party last night, ike final one great Insurance order for women nied again. Tuesday, 2:30—W. C. T. U. tea. 6:30 p. m.— Young People's Fel­ Rev. H. F. R. Stechholz, Pastor Pendleton, second. Refreshments Temperance Union, Tuesday after­ concrete eneaeed T-beanr bridge and log every effort toward making this iliM to emphasise what such faith Speaker, Dr. Miller, general secre­ Choir. office. Since toe time o f toe sale. Cigars were donated by the Spnice In the present tourney. Twenty which she founded goes the credit Tha "application’’ of BlUlngs, con­ lowship. o f sandwiches, cake and coffee were of weathering tha depression years noon at 8 o'clock In the parlore et about 917 feet of bituminous maca­ party one of the finest of tbe sea­ God and such vision of Him tary o f toe (tennecticut Council of Prelude— Andante, Lawrence. Herbert J. Regan, president and Day. ilreet tavern. The dinner and eni tables were filled with players. Carl victed along with Thomas J. Moo­ SI* 7:00 p. m.— Evening Prayer and Sunday school at 8:30 a. m. Serv­ served. Mrs. Gertrude Hough will nesday to Be Ladies the Center Congregational ehurch. dam approaches on Mount Carmel son. Judging from the number of means. Churches and Religious Education. Hymn— Come Holy Ghost. treasurer of toe Regan Company tcrtalnment were given under the Stnitcnfeldt waa high in bridge and with an Increase in flnsnoial hold- ney for tbe 1916 Preparedness Day sermon. Preacher, toe Rev. Donald ice at 9:80 a. m.. In English. 5th Sun­ entertain toe club next Thursday. Inga and a stable solvency rating. Dr. Miller Is general secretary nf avenue. tickets already sold, an unusually They are’ linked with a belief Tuesday, 7:00— Choir rehearsal. Hymn-Rule of Life. has died. supervision of John Polsen. also won the bridge price for the NaGenal Recovery Project parade bombing in Ban Francisco, W. Greene, St. Paul’s Oiurch, Wal­ day In Lent (Judies), Text of ser­ A meeting of the Farm Bureau Mra. Miller Is a staunch Rtpubllcsn the Connecticut Federation of lane crowd is expected. in G ^ 'a essential provision for Enlarged choir at 7:30. Hymn—Fading Still Fading. The bill o f sale and agreement MUSlb waa furnished by Tony ■eries. John Douglas was second In Town of Putnam—About 2,098 came automattca^ before ths Stata lingford. Ctenn. mon: 2, C!or. 6, 1-10. Theme: The Extension service wss held at toe Women golfers of tha Muchastar Carabino, Jr., at the drums, and by and a former national commlttse ehvirehes, and Religious Education ‘The following is tbe list of tbe His children and with the con­ Tuesday, 7:00—Troop III, Boy Hymn—Sweet Saviour Blesa Ua haa now been filed, dated aa o f Feb­ bridge and Mrs. Ann Johnson, third. feet of bituminous concrete on con­ Board o f Prison Terms and Paroles The w eek. (ThrisUan’s Hope of Henven. (1 ) The Ere We Go. ruary 13 and ia signed by Herbert Congregational Chapel at toe Green Country club held a meeting Thura­ Gustave Scballer, who played the woman. and Is an excellent apeaker. A committee in charge: Chairman, ception of prayer in which the Scouts. day evening at toe clubhouse to dte- In setback Mrs. H. Hemenway crete base on Pomfret street. last night and waa turned down Monday, 7:30 p. m.— G)rla’ Friend­ certainty, upon which it rests. (2) J. Regan and Lawrence M. Dillon. Wednesday afternoon, attended by accordion. Edward Broniile and Mystic Review officers and cordial invitation la extended to tbe Catherine Shea; Mrs. Loulaa Mur­ relation o f God ia ao close and Tuesday, 7:00—Group O business Chmmunton — Berceuse, Goddard. cuas g olf plana fo r 1986, at wbleb was high, John Unnell, sscond, and without comment. ly Society. The longing, which it awakens in Organ, Violin. - The purchase price is not revealed. women o f Hebron and Gilead. Miss John Rota, baritones, pleased with guards wlU exemplify tbs Junior public to attend tha tea. phy, Mrs. Lillian Mahoney, Mrs. clear, that tha • disciple aska In meeting, Robbins Room. several officers wsre elected to help Howard Fish, third. Jack Hayas And the only comment Billings Tuesday, 7:00 p. m.— Boy Scouts. U3. (8) The comfort, which It gives. The transaction includes toe ma­ Evelyn Plummer of toe extension singing old fireside songs. graduation ceremony at the session Mary Humphrey, Mrs. Belle Xlm- the name o f Jesus for what he Tuesday, 7:00—Girl Reserves. Postiuder—Harris. toe cbalrmu during the oomlnff was the winner of tbe capital prise had to make when asked for a state­ Wednesday, 7:30 p. ra.— Evening (4 ) The work, which It demands of chinery, equipment, real estate and service was in charge, and gave a Among then present were: John Wednesday afternoon, with Captain Chapman Court, Ordar of Ama­ mtrman. Mrs. John Shea, Mrs. needs for his spiritual life and Wednesday, 2:30—Women’s Guild. 9:30 Mass, Chorus Choir, season. A tea to welcome new mem­ In aetback. Mrs, Waltsr Borst won NEW B U R N E SAVES ment was: Prayer and sermon. Preacher, toe us. 10:30 High Masa. Mass in F, buildings, toe buyer being toe E. L. practical demonstration of home Learned, superintendent; William tha door prise. Home made eaka Lillian fiarvar in charge. A Junior ranth, followed, Ite meeting in tha Agnes Msasisr. Mrs. Turootts, Mrs. sustenance. Life becomes above Speaker, Mrs. Robbins W. Barstow. bers, in charge o f Mra. Harold A l- Masonie 'Temple last night with a “Tha umllcatlon ta dsnlad. The Rev. Francis 8. Lippitt, All Saints English Lenten service on Wed­ Rosewig- Smith Machinery Corporation of dressmaking. Custer, foreman; J. Poison, L. Rowe, and coffee were eervtd and a pageant will be held al Odd Fellows Bridget Taylor, Miss Mary Bo^e, all things a keeping o f the com­ Topic: The Next Step in Maternal vord, will be given, toe data to ba bridge party. Nineteen tablet were Interview ui de^ad," Church, Meriden, Conn. nesday at 7:30 p. m. Providence, R. I. Mr. and Mrs. George F. Kibbee of P. Rowe, C. Priest, J. Vesco, B. pleasant social Urns enjoyed. hall, Main street, Tuesday evening, Miss Beaete Tynan, DClsa Baatrica mandments o f Jesus in love, be­ Care and CThild Welfare. Piano se- Aspergis Me. Gregorian. auounced. later. ft) play. In progreaelva bridge Mra. 30 P. c m GAS BILL Prison offleiala. explained that Friday, 3:30 p. m.— Girls' Friend­ On Palm Sunday, April 14, Ger­ Kyrie. Candidate to Preach tola place, who bave spent toe win­ Bronkle, A. Bagleson, T. Struff, Q. The players all expressed a desire April 8, In which 300 Juniors will Sweeney, Mra. NelUa Barrett, Mrs. cause in ao doing one dwells- in lecUona by Miss Polly Olcott. Chil­ Wedoqaday w u chosen aa Ladlaa* participate. Friends will be wel­ Elisabeth Smith and N. B. Richards Etta Woodhouat, Mra. Wiiltar Buck- whan a man bts earvad his minimum ly Clkindidates. 8:00 p. m.— W om ­ man service at 9:30 a. m. Reunion Gloria. Roacoe F. Metzger, a graduate of ter months in Orlando, Fla., and Schaller, B. Crawshaw. R,-Crockett, to have the card parties continued the love of God. dren cared for. Hostesses, Mrs. Sed- toetr niece, Mrs. Lulu Lord of E l­ Day, u d tournaments are pteimad come to attend. were high, Mrs. Emma Bengi and ley, Mrs. Walter Gorman, Mre.1 "‘"J* *■ V"??* S*’® But thia life o f the Christian m an's Auxiliary Lenten Study Cnosa. service of all toe confirmed at 3 p. Credo. toe Union Theolo^cal Seminary of ^ H. Grant, ), Hunt, 8. Dunlap, J. for the present with a few slight rick Straughan, Mrs, George Hunt, lington are expected home from to commence on M ay 15, at 10:00 a. The coming convention In addl* Jamas Harrison, tew. In pivot FrancU Shea, Mra. AUoe AUteon.■appHwtioiis for Mrofc whether he faith in a Heavenly Father ia not Sunday, April 14th— 7:00 p. m.. m., in Egllsh. A ll conflrmands are Sanctus. New York, w)io has been Junior as­ tfn-. Rota, B. Bebrend, T. Carabino, ehangea. Mrs. Frank BIckmore, Mra. Watson their trip Sunday. m. In order that buoinaaa woman tion to its regular duties will, elect bridge Mrs. Marjorie Morrison and ImproTimMiti M idi u I(e< asks for it or not, and tha convict one-aided. The Father gives to Preacher, toe Rev. George D. Wil­ requested to meet in the basement Agnus Del. sistant at toe Broadway Tabernacle, Woodruff. H. Clinton Porter la building an who are members may partielpato delegates to ths intemsttonal au- WUIard Horton wars high, Mrs. ia glvaa a form to fill out. Prison Hia child^ through the Holy Wednesday, 6:30— Cub Pack. cox o f Grace Church. Stafford before toe service. Postiude, Harris. N. Y., will preach Sunday morning C. N. O. ORDERS. PROFESSIONAL NAMED. h oM msmtors said tbs aging radi­ Springs, (tenn. addition to his hen house in toe in these tournaments they w ill ba prems convention In Cleveland the Mina Olson, low. Doughnuts and suit of Liboritory T ^ s Spirit the sense o f communion and Wednesday, 6:30— Class In Aero­ at toe Eniington Ctengregationa) open for entries throughout the oa- week of July 15. A grfuid Prosperity cal labor laadar .asvar aaksd for a church, on tbe invitation of ths rear of hia place. Hartford, April •— (API— AdJ. Westport, April 8.—(A P )— P. A. coffee ware served after the games. CELEBRATE SD.VER giildance. Jesus taught clearly the plane Model Design. SOUTH CHURCH tire day. There will be two priaas parols appUeatlon. committee in Charge o f securing a Men from toe state highway de­ Oen. Wro. A. uxid, today announc^ Powers, president of the Lon Shore Pageant and Guard review will to reality of the Dlvihe Spirit Uiat Wednesday, 7:00—M argaret ,E . SECOND OONOREOA'nONAL (Methodist Bpisoopnl) each week; tew gross u d low nat. staged during W. B. A. week In the His nama first cams before tbe pastor for toe church. partment have been at work tha the promotion of. First Ueutenaiit Club today announced the appoint­ . A son was bom this morning at Bring Big Sivings. ■bides in man and that enriches bis Hood CHrcle, King's Daughters. Frederick C. AUen, Minister U«onard C. Harris, Minister) alternating with tow not and low civle stadium and puhllo auditorium. WEDDING TtNIAT board oa January 6 and tha appU- Mr. M etzgei wUI be ordained In past few days, cleaning, grading Wm, T. Babcock, baadquartsre 183nd ment of WlUlam l^an of Stamford Mrs. Howe's M atam t^ boms on life through love. Thursday, 7:30— (3holr rehearsal. putts. I t w u voted to asssss oach oatlon waa turned down. TALCOTTyniE May. He is toe son o f a minister, and seeding down the plot where toe Said arUllery as capUlp, F. A. Ha as goU prefessional for this saason. Wadsworth strast lo Rav. and Mrs. It is a wonderful saying of Jesus, Saturday, 6:00—Junior choir re­ Morning worship at 10:46. A d ­ Sunday Services golfer one dollar to help defray ths ■ l^ r d L. Hanson, o f 188 Liberty From 80 to 80 mtUlen dellart BUUnga and Mooney, both aarring was bom in Vermon), and ia a old Post house and store formerly baa baen aaslgnef at adjutant with Ryan was with the Weebum Mr. and Mra. Clanda D. MeKat worthy of much pondering and of hearsal. I ' dress by Rev.J^llson M. Hume of 9:30 a. m.—Church school. Pas­ expense o f prises. street, Middletown. would to eaved oa tba national gas Ufa aaauncaa, have Inslatad they The Ladies’ Missionary Society young man of much promise. He ia stood. They 'have also worked on baadquartars o f battalion leand Country club, Darien, for 30 years, taking deeply into our Uvea, "If a Saturday, 7:00-:-Cholr rehearsal. India. Topic: "Jesus .Christ in In­ tor’s Preparatory Church Member­ Hudlcaps are to be adjusted by Mil during tba next twelve moatna. of Finley Street Were Mar. should have pardons or nothing. dia." I will meet Tuesday, AprU 9 at the married. Hia father Is Dean o f Men tbe Green, putting ail tn apple pie r , A. 10 as the club pro. OPENING STOCKS If every gas rang# user In tbe United man love Me, he will keep U y word: ship Class meets at this hour. a flve-point raise over tbe 1984 han­ A son waa bom this morning to ried Here by Rev. Reynolds. Pardons have been consistently de­ and M y Father will love him, and MANCHESTER AND VERNON The music: Talcottville church. The hostesses at Rutgers College, New Brunswick, order. Meanwhile toe ruins of toe States were to tdke advantage of 10:45 a. m.— Moining worship fire which burned toe Ractamllowitz dicap with a maximum bandleap qf I:'- r Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Symington, nied Mooney by euceessive gover- will come imto him, and make PARISH Prelude: Ckmsonetta— Piroril. will be Mrs. C. Pitkin, chairman; N. J. He is highly recommended by the new tep-bumer effleicney, which with continuation o f aermon seriea house and store building last week 45. New York, April 6.—(AF)-*Ben- of ,.16 MtU street The baby was noft of CaUfomia. our abode with him." (Methodist Episcopal) Anthem: Send Out Thy Light— Mrs. Florence Lyman and Mrs. Er­ Dr. Frazier, state superintendent of haa been tnereaaed by 80 par cent in Mr. and Mra. Clauda D. MeXaa Two flights are plaued for elub Ument for the advance eontlnued to bom kt Mra. Howt'a Maternity horns of Because BUllags Is a "two-Uma To realise that is the~Yullnesa C. Homer OInns, Minister Gounod. on "The Meaning of toe Cross for nest Smith. toe Congregational denomination. present a doleful picture, nothing tha past six months as ths direct ra- 36 Finley street today are calabrat- as. yet having been done to take championship with 10 days being oik dominate early Stock Market deal- on Wadsworth street loser” his name cannot bo consider- at faith and tha greatest richness Offertory: Rosaura—Burgmeln. Our Day.” Subject—"The Fellow- An entertainment will be given by Morton B. Thompson is chairman suit ef work done by tbe American ing thalr 28Ui waddiu anniversary. lowed for qualifying, each match la I ings today. Tradlnp proceeded at ed for pardon without tba recom­ of Ufe. Sunday at Vernon: ship o f toe Cross." toe Vernon Grange Thuraday eve­ of toe pastoral committee. It is ex­ care of toe charred fragments, halt Gas Assoelatton research laboratory, They were married In Maneheatar by A Fini NiUeatl pItturs.wiA Postiude: Postiue B Flat—Stean. be played within one week tharu PARK TAVERN a steady gait after a moderately ac­ mendation of the Btste Supreme 9:25 a. M.— Morning worship with Church school aud Elveryman’a 6:00 p. m.— High School League. ning, April 11 at toe Grange hall. pected that a meeting of toe church burned beams, and general Utter Connaetlcut U tility executives say. the Rev. ( ^ r g e Reynolds, then after. Lower name on brackal tive opening and gains, generally, FRENCH ANIM.ALS Court, which be has been unable to sermon thoughts for both young Class at 9:30. Speaker, Miss Ann Brookings. Sub­ The name of the play will be "Her­ membera will be held Thursday left from toe fire. 711 Main Street Johnson Block T h e American Gas Association is pastor tbe Center Ctengregattonal should call u|>per name. 4' ranged from fractions tc around a PAY IRAN STUDY at obtain. and old. ., Cihristian Endeavor meeting at ject— "The Zulu People.” mit of Malre." ’^Ua play will be night o f next week to act on bis Mrs. Alice Thompson of Cam­ a body brought Into being largely church. .The McKees have three DICK POWELL bridge, Maas., Is spetedlng the week The Ringer Board will ba apon faip point. Ten were WUod and 30 wounded A t Manchester: 6:30. Leader, A lvar Berggren. 6:00 p. m.— Epworth League. Miss exciting and interesting. Tickets candidacy. MarsslUt, France.— (A P I-A fiock for the purpoie of eutUag eosta to children, Julia, 18. Claudia, 14, and DEMOLAY TRIBUTE with her son-in-law and daughter, entries May 15 and all aoorea win b i T O m O H T Advancing lasuas included Amer­ in tha 1916 Preparedaaaa Day bomb­ 8:45 a. m.—School of the church, Notee Jean Towle will continue the Lenten Lecturer at Service of sheep and a herd o f cattle are tha cotttumer through Incraaasd Howard. 8. may be purchased from members of baaed on 18-hole play, attoatod b!( ican Can, American Tobacco “ 8,” ings. ADOLPHE MENlDUi Mark Holmes, superintendent. Monday at 7—Boy Scouts.- series on toe subject—“Believing toe Orange. Captain Carl von Hoffman, ex­ Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Miner. being taken out to Teheran in ex­ effleleney In the consumption of Mrs, Charles W. Stewart of Tyler- some other player or caddie. Thecn Two Bkr Free PrizesI Santa Fe, Du Pont, General Motors, 10:45 a. m.— Service for Morning Wednesday at 7:80— Men's chorus Something vs Being Something." De­ The Vernon Civic Betterment held plorer, scientist, author, soldier and change for facilities to study ancient gas. It waa started by a group of vUle waa a visitor Thursday ^ter- will be a challenga board for romi Montgomery Ward, N. Y. Central, GLORIA STUART (TOMOTHERSAPR.il Worship. Children's Sermon on toe Thursday at 6:30—’Teachers' sup­ votional leader, Howard Holman. a meeting Monday evening. There ethnologist, will (Dve an Illustrat­ art and literature by Henri Lormian, gas companies In 1918, and R baa noon at toe home of her son-in-law petitive golf. I t w u dacMad to b 3 § Now Wo Offer You Westlnghouse, Western Union, subject "Dandeliona on toe Lawn". per. Speaker: Rev. W . F. ’ly ie r of 7:80 p. m.— The fifto service in was a business meeting first and ed lecture Sunday night at toe French savant. now made available to the gaa con­ HOSPITAL NOTES and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. N . C. mixed tournaniuth with bandlcan Union Paoifle and Air Reduetlon. NEW PASTOR TO PREACH Music by augmented Vested Chorus Vernon Center. the special Lenten series will have then cards. Mrs. WlUeke won flrst Union Congregational church at 7 about once a month on Sunday afb« Hull's Cream Ale and Ballantine’g Beer The animals, alt o f apecially se­ sumer not only a higher heating ALICE BRADY! Johnson. Initial stock dealings found the Choir. Sermon by (be pastor. Sub­ Friday at 7:45— Three-act com­ as preacher. Rev. Dunran F. Dodd prize for toe women and Howard o’clock. The lecture wll. be illus­ lected etocka, were ahipped by tea efficiency in gaa cohere, but a T. Henry Kellogg of West Hart­ ernoona. The benefit tournamanl .Petf Portons aerving them up tha way you like beat! market guided to seme extent by a Robert Koffner at 148 Bpruea ject, "The Tragedy of Waiting." edy. “Auntie Up,” presented by the o f toe North M. E. cjiurch, Hartford. Barton first for toe men. Refresh­ trated by motion pictures and hts will also be played u In previattl few hopeful Items In tbe day's news. to Beirut. From there M. Lormian hy R KIIAL SERMON SUNDAY Members to Ghre Binqaet it ford visited toe ruins o f his bouse ■treat, Cbarlae KasaUuakM M 17 9 OTHER STARSI Thia la tbe fifth of special Lenten Christian Endeavor Society. Sydney Strickland will be toe solo­ ments of coffee and doughnuts were subject will be "The Head Takers yeara. ' , n These Included; takes them in automobile trucks domestic hsatlng, aoctleas and of Formosa." in tbe Jones Street-Hopevsde sec­ 1,800 miles acroaa the desert to the greasslcss. starkweather etreet, Harlowt WUlU, sermons on toe subject "Victorious ist. Music at toe u om ln g hour: senred. The committees nomlnt-ted walNI Sales gains of ths tw« largest Jr., o f 84 Henry street, Mise Oladve Living.” Members of toe church are EMANUEL LUTHERAN Captain Von Hoffman has made tion, Thursday. It la beUeved bare capital o f Iron. Tbe modem thermostatically con­ Raw. Francis B. Miklaagcwski 3 SONG HITS Misonic Temple Next Prelude—Nocturne ...... DriffUl Several people frtfm this vicinity u follows: Mrs. Warren Kaitb, Mra. mall ordar bouss# whieh brought Kant E. Erlekaon, Patter 17 trips to Africa, and te toe only that toe Are which destroyed tho The Iran government, wishing to trolled water heating tank, for In­ Beccte of 46 Norman atraat, and Takes Up Residence at Pol- requested to do their best to fill Processional Hymn, No. 4 2 ...... attended the whist and bridge under Carl Norm , hoatoasea fo r LodtaF totals to naw highs for March In Mrs. AmtUa Jarvie of 873 Farkar their pews this Sunday. This Is toe scientist to succe^ In getting In house laat week was caused by a introduce French atoek, asked M. stance, ii several times more sffl- 1000 SURPRISESr . • ‘ Canonbury toe auspicca of the Women'a Relief Day for cards, etc.; Mra. Howard spits o f ths lata Esat^ir. Sears Roe- street were admitted and Jacob iah National Church Rectory. Thorsdiy ETenmg. first o f toe mon'th when the thanks Sunday achool and Bible classes, and studying the savage tribes of defective chimney. Boyd, Mra. Raycreft Wateh. flnancn Lormian, who U a vatarinary sur­ eiaat than the old-fsshleaed aon- Anthem—"O, Thou Whose Sweet Chrps Wednesday evening. Mrs. buck and Co., had a ride o f 38.7 per Hampton of 188 Summer etreet wae offering bart-els are being collected. 9:30. Interior Formosa. He spent six The number of children and young geon aa well as an nrehaologtat, to insulatsd tank formerly fitted. A Compassion” ...... Maunder William Smith won first priM. Re­ u d p riau ; Mra. BYed Bendall, M ra; eent for the four weeks snded dlscherged yesterday. Rav. Fraaeia B. Mlkisasawakl of I f a collector haa not come to your All services EkigUah tomorrow. months with toe natives 1>. toe cam­ people attending toe Sbrlnera’ Cir­ -THE TEA ROOM- select the henata. Ha artll stay three few yeara ago tha gaa beatad heme Hynm, No. 350—Angel's Story freshments were served. Eteri Seaman, luncheou; Mra. 8., March 36, while Montgomery Ward Bridgm^rt, who te to suceeed Rev. home this week, will you please phor Jungles and brought back toe cus at the State Armoiw, Hartford, N l Main Strttt Opposite St. Jamw'i ''hurch years. to aes that tha animale are wae a winter luxury of tha flrst or- A daughter waa bom yaatarday to John Mather Ch^tar, Order of Morning Worship at 10:45. Ser­ Anthem, “ Cteme Unto Him ” ...... Mias Helen Johnson of Vernon Oswald Johnson, d tairm u . > showed an advance ot 24.4 per eent Mr. and Mrs. Edwsrd Macauley at Peter Latas as pastor of the Polish bring your barrel to church Sunday, mon: “ It la Expedient.” The Eman­ flrst motion pictures of these peo­ Friday evening, from St. Peter’s In March over last yaar. ■ettled under the heat oondltteni, der, whereas today it is more or D.aYS DaMoIoy, wUl celebrate Ita aeventh haa been at toe St. Francis hospital 143 Pearl street. National church on (Aolway street, morning? __ uel and Junior Cboira will sing...... Gounod ple. He has circled toe globe numy Sunday school and choir, was Try Onr Uelieioiu Fall Course The largest steal ingot production and maanwhtle erill enjoy tha free­ leas a eemmonplaca, and higher anniversary by entertaining the Recessional Hymn, No. 421 ...... fo r an operation for appendicitis. sweUed to 40 instead of the 25 at A daughter was bom today to has arrivsd In town and toksn up starting Tomorrow 5:45 p. m.—The Epworth League Evening service at 7:00. Sermon; times, making photographic records SOUTHEAST BUYS MOBS OAWS foi the firat quarter alnee 1831, re- dom of arehivas and tibrs^aa. heating effideaey and lower rataa Mr. and Mrs. Adelbert Ward and first planned for. Seven cars from Mr. and Mrs. Deatar Pateram e l 148 his rsstdSBCs in ths rsotory. Hs will mothera o f the membera at a ban- will meet at toe parsonage at this "On toe Cross.” This will/be the ...... - ...... Marion and writings o f his experiences. He ported by tha Amariean Iron and have mads thia peaetbla even to fam- First Show Tomorrow A t 5 P. M. Postiude, “O Father Whose Almigh­ Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Smith attended toe Green, tronaporting the chUdren BIsaeil stm t. conduce masses at tbe church for che m e t in the Masonic Temple on time to discuss toe subject "Is Faith last of toe Pastor's picture sermons toe meeting of toe Pomona held at Is toe author of "Jungle Gods,” and Washington—(AP)—In ths year SUNDAY DINNER I Stael Institute. THE HUNGRIER SEX iliaa of medast means. Tha aatab* ty Power” ...... Handel were furnished by toe Rev. Harold first time tomorrow, with com­ 'hiuraday , AprU 11. The mothera in God Practical?” The leader for on scenes from the Lord's Passion. Hillstown Wednesday. o f a seriea of syndicated news arti­ m ding June, 1934, the shipments atf Tha Jump in profits o f Conaolldat. Ilsbmant of an oHtelal tasting labJ“ munion at both tba chlldren'a mass and sons’ banquet la tha second such the meeting tonight 1s Aitbur Alban W. Cooper, organist and cles. , Keen, John Horton, Clarence Porter. autos from Detroit to aouthsastetn- . PbUadalphia— University of Penn­ oratory marks ant of ths most pro- ______The G Clef club will sing appropri­ Tbe following children of thi« ad Oil from 81.38 In 1838 to $8.48 pro- at 8iS0 and tha high masa at 10;S0, affair given by the local chapter. A Pratt Let every member make a choirmaster. Lenten Preacher Her4 Harold Gray, Fitch N. Jones, Lewis states Increased 188 per cant, and' A 6 0 c o ) the preferred sbarea last year. sylvania atudanta approve of eoada neasive steps ever taken by aa in- ate selections. place sang at toe Maple Street with general oonfaaelon for adults chicken pie dinner wUl be served at special effort to be at every meet­ The r^ular acUviUes: for tbe A t the Lenten aervice In S t Phelps, and one o f two ot(>era. Mlaa the oUpm m t o f cooling macblnasy) On the other band, eentiment was aa "datea" but regard them aa "an duatry to raiaa tha standard of its •STATE* (teme to church tomorrow. school in a concert held Thursday • CMiulne NatiTc Calves' Liver and m h j t a b t c A M r a during the 10:30 mass. — 6:30. ing from now until June as we dis­ (teme once, an)rway. week will be extensively curtailed John’s Episcopal church last eve­ Clarissa L. Pendleton and Mrs. nad reMgeratora Jumped 901 somewhat chilled by the drop In net Invading mensM" whan it comes to ■arvtoas to tha pubUe, utility leaders evening: Mlasea Evelyn Myers, Claude W . Jones acted aa chap­ Jjtaia * . pwrk Chope nnd Umb Chops. At 4 o'clock tomorrow aftamoon ENDS TODAY Tha committee haa arranged for continue our meetings then. The last of our Lenten "Quiet because o f tbe Lenten Mission being ning the speaker was toe Rev. Sam­ cent over the prevteua y eu , the 6en>- earnings from fl.08 to 81.85 on the eating In the Houston hall dining dselars. and reasarch work of thia Faith Blinn,' EUeanor Webb, Teresa erons. This excursion has been an New Haven. April 6.—(AP)— the partshiooem wUl great thalr new "CARNIVAL" a short entertainment to follow the 7:00 p. m.— Special Sunday Eve­ Hours” will be held next Wednesday held each evening in the chapel. Tbe uel R. Colladay, dean of Christ ■umera' guide of A A A raporto. Also A La Carts Service. common atoek o f R. H. Macy and rooms. nature bensflta tba eooaumer first Albert and Jane Flynn. The teys annual affair for tbe paat few Major-Oensral Fon Conner baa aa- paetor. A program o f muslo under With JIM M Y D U R AN TE dinner. I t ta hoped that those who ning Lenten Service. Our frienda from 7:15 to 8:00. The attendance various choral groups will practice Church Cathedral of Hartford. afnilataa in sMta o f a rise in 1884 The girla, eomplains tha Pennsyl­ and foremost were Ralph Smith, Robert Sherman, years, with toe church, and la grow ­ neuneed tha opening o ( enrollment the direction at Organist Oliva "NIGHT .AT THE RITZ” ^ cannot bring their mothera wlU tell us that so far these meetings has been splendid. Let's fill toe at toe regular hours. Last Fashion Show Tonight ov win alw ya find a fresh supply of 8sa Food at Ths ■■lea to I I 18.811,078 eompared with vanian, student publication, era Ernest Richard and Emil Lee. ing iu popularity. for the etusens' military training Skrabacs will ba randartd In tbe bring soma other boy’s mother or a have been roost successful. Let us church next Wednesday. Tueaday. 2:80 p. m.— The PhUlp Tbe final showing of the Fashion OPPOBTUNITY LOST Oar aopply is varied and fresh from the 8113.871.769 in 1833. much too aglla in basting man to In tha Northern Hamlaphsra, The regular meeUng of toe Ver­ Show under toe auspices o f toe Tbe mid-week Lenten service was eampe for this year. auditorium and tha woman at tha Bister. not have even the few empty pewa Holy Communion will ba cele­ Embury Group wUI meet at tbe Tba pound atarling opened at tha tablaa, and "taka more Unm mrar cyelonai whirl in eirelas eouatar- Tbe eampe wfi] be eoaducted from ehurch under the direction o f tha The eommittea la charge la Wil­ non Orange won Friday evening. Tbe Rockville Lodge of Elks will take held at the home of Mrs. T. D. Mar­ Brooktand, Ark.—J. W. M i R 1 I4.MI4, up u ef a oant Tha French thalr toast than a ona-armad scan we bave had this week. A religious brated on Thursday and Friday c t church. flrst and secon'l degrees were given BIBB AND WINES clockwiss. while in tha Southam July 8 to August 4. Inclusive at Fort lAdlas' Aid aodaty wUl earva a sup- liam Fox, chairman; WUbert Had­ place this evening in toe Town Hall tin Thuraday evening, bringing out name written in on the InMMR' I aaUng shad." drama entitled "Barabbss" directed Holy Week. The service will be Wedneoday. 6:80 p. m.— Tbe to the new members. frane at S J tH cants was un> Hamlaphsra they wMrl eteekwlsa. Adams, Nei^iort. R. L; Fort Dev­ par. den; William Luettgena, Albert at 8 o’clock. Large crowda have at­ the largest attendance to date. The ceived plurallUes for both changed. Oulldtra ralUad .89 of a Tba men want tha ooads to eat m by Thomas Maxwell and produced Swedish on Thursday and English oa monthly Parish Supper will be serv­ Mrs. Etetoer Miner left Friday to trowing stsadlly on quality" Tin cans are planted In the ens, Ayer, Maas.; Fort Etbao Allan, R baa bean decided by the eon- Brown and William Kllitatrick. The tended the Home Progresa Ehiposl- Rev. Harold Keen gave a taifc on and city recorder, Tban hS’ cent to 87.34 cents, white the belga their own dining room—for woman Reid The Herald A d fi by toe Ocilian Club will be present­ Friday. ed. The committee in charge is Mra. visit friends in Cdventry. She Is greuad to fumlah Iren for grew, Burlington, v t. and Fort McXInloy, aregsUon to change the name to It. entertainment is in charge of WU­ ed. This will follow special musical tion each afternoon and evening “The Virgin EHrth,’~ and read from he did not'hold a.p0lt tatu i was off .08 o f s cant sL^8-*S cents. only—in Bargaant haU. They rsfusa. ins voffetablee in Gueas. New Membera will ba received at Ellen Croesen, Mrs. Paul Feiria. A t planning to aperd some time there. aince the start Thuraday. This eve­ a lecture on tbe subject by a lead­ Portland Harbor. Maine. John's Polteb church. bert Hadden, H arry Howland and ■ettinga by the chorus and quartet these services. A most eordial wel­ u d 7:15 the gathering w ill adjourn to Miss Lylabel Strong has been lU ning following the Fashion Show ing diving of toe church. An in- KeimeyL Hudson. o f the CecUian club and our good old come is extended all who care to tha chapel to hgar Dr. Purdy. Reser- at her home for several dayxi . there w ill In dancing with muale I formal dlKuaaioa foUowwt, t e l I '■ r

iV iin N G HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. SATURDAY, APRIL 8,18^ .BIANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN,. SATURDAY, APR IL 6, )tm . land street la being oiled for I 1-2 11:16— Press-Radio News. stall ea its invaatigatioB into the censed ea representation that they mllea. 11:20— Vivian DaUa (3ilesa, soprano 'GOUTDIGGERS’ Route No. 84, Groton-Stonlngtoa, DOCTOR DESCRIBES Concert Drebestra. Connecticut milk situation, reported were destined to eommerdal uses. BEHIND THE SCENES Health and Diet No. Stonlngtoa. Old Mystic R. I. Una Daily Accident 11:45—Baric Madriguera’s Orches­ DAILY RADIO PR(» to the national House of Represen- The eahoeUatkm o f th eir. p lie rs Q ^ D A R K WTIC trunk line. Bituminous macadam tra. f l r n U b Utlves yesterday. arises from disclosure that their ac­ IN WASHINGTON Advice HERE TOMORROW about 10 miles In length under cen- R eport WONDERS OF BRAIN Bartfarfi, Us«a. 8 9 ^ W. I M « B. C. IS3JI M SATURDAY, ARRIt • BBd Eadtern SUndtrS Tim o); ruWUltUKU Ht fM * . When It .Is realised that, accord­ tual puriMoe was military use In the ■ y Dr. W aali MeOai ■tnictkm. Traffic can pass. AS o r FRIDAY, APRIL 8 ------^------BY ROONEY DUTCHIR— ...... Route No. 85, Hebron, North Itovelera Braadsmrttog Ssrvk* Not*: AH procrmtnt to k«r AnS bMie elialns *or groupa t h « r ^ utiiem i [J> rftiNTINU OMPAMt. INC ing to this finding, the Mg milk Chaco war. BLOND fltd; cooot to coMt (e to •) doalcimtloo iBoIndea ail aeall^b^ 8tgtIo>V« II Bism II BtrMt 1955 Jr Cwuioa Mrcrwi street. 1 1-2 milee of waterbound 19M Rroflrama aubjtet to ehanfi. R. M* Cffit. Baet. '/ NsaikMiM. Cuaa. .. itslin g eombtnes have continued The facts embraced in the round­ Herald Waskingten Oerresnendent AiiUl was a dlstlact Impediment to macadam under construction. Open 5,797 ...... A c e W e w to ...... 5491 TMOMAB PBIUlUaUN A GOOD BBHAnrAST Mammodi Musical Spectacle If Half Is Removed the Bntortfay, April • NBC-WEAR NETWORK 4:80- 8:0O-Lltttf J.' LIHIo OrehMira'i throughout the depression to main­ about news from Chile are merely Washington, April 6.—The utiU-freco . •IMS Nss teevease 57 ...... V a t a H t le a ...... 79 Om ani Mvaaca' to traffic. P. M. SAtiC —’ Saatt weaf whr waal wtlc 4:80— 8:30—Along the V oM . C d fl^ fE ^ rosadtB uetabar I, t ill dramatically interesting. What the ties holding company Mil which j The ^ d l n g spirit In that antlobl ■¥------Route No. 93, Norwich. Gallows 5,454 ...... I n j a r l s a ...... 5,199 4(4S-? 8:40—Faeelnaling - wStU iwaty~^ tain their high profits while the President Roosevelt wants Is being I was the president of a world-famous For those who are trying to build 1:00— Farm-Home Program. wiar wuv wcah kyw whfo v^br «nro Between the Beekonda—west PfMlahaB «» a r » E n * '“ * BEGOT HEBE TODAY HIU road la being oiled for 1 mile. . K I L U B D Other Half W »l Take Up wgy wban ireaa wtam wwj waaf: midi ■ m S S r. a«a Hoii/ara Catarm St taa producing dairy fanners were losing governing body of this country, and fought with every back-stage device i manufacturing corporation who eras their way to better health I arould thoee keys in the pool. On the other ' to Play at State Theater 1:30— Tommy Tucker'a Orchestra. kad wmaq wefi who wow wdof wkbf 1:00.. 8 : ^ F . w. wne'g Oommefito. im XlOENT GBAVES, secretary hand, you have every evidence that Route No. 101, Canton. Albany 54 ...... Fedestrtaa ...... 51 ills — iil8 —Dick Mjtaaner • Qfghalfig ■asi Oftlea St llstialsstar, CoDa- »s money; that they have been taking Its pqople, should know Is the iden­ which can be conceived by a lobby. especially violent against the pro- suggest a good wholesome break­ te GEORGE DBIMOOLO, finds her 7-'00— Jules Lande's Concert Ensem­ NORTHWEST 4 CANADIAN — wtmj 8:3d— 8:30— by Benay Vafiuto be did not.” Turnpike. Bridge and approaches 55 ...... O e c a p a n t ...... 54 wlba katp wabc wday kfyr cret cfcf Ssaaaa Olsas Matt Msttsi. backed by MUlons of dollars. vision for making complete corpora- ble. Saturday, April 0, 1985 8:48— 8:^8—Beauty .Rregram — aaiat •uifciurnoN lUTi* „ profits on each quart of milk greater tity of the originators of this ex­ fast Many Americans eat the wreog aMflayw In Us oTBes MU- "W hat do you mean we’ve got Three Days. under eanatrucUoa. Open to traffic. 1 ...... fU e y t ls t ...... 1 Burden. tOUTH—wrvA wptf wwnc wia wiax Mlltan Charlfi. prganlit—weal ^ Oas Isar, b» msll ...... The latest secret move la on at-' Uon statements of assets and other Besnt fiM • nstihe ili In which 2:30—Week-end Revue. P.M. wria-wBUi) wiod warn wnic wab wapi tremely serious violation of our neu­ kind o f breakfast Either thsy oat every evidence that he didn't?” Route No. 108, Wilton. Chestnut 15 ...... C h i l d ...... 5 8:88— 8:88—Rreaa-Radlo Newa PdrlaB Par HobU. by ...... J than the total return to the grower tack from the rear and an attem pt' facts. Drfnsield hnd is gun to dietsto a 8:30—Music Guild. 1:80—4-H aub. wjd;i wamb k>voo wky wfo* wbap kpre 8HM>— 7:00—Historiaat Skatah — aaatt Jarvis Happ sighed after the man­ 77 • ••••••< AG qI3 •••••••• 97 wool ktba ktha waoe wava wtar Slaals Copy ...... * “• for its production; that they have trality In the BoUvivParaguay con­ to. bore from within the adminlstra- The stock market MU passed. And, too much, which makes them slug­ eanfesolen. In fin ie she ruahea HUl road. 1848’ waterboimd maca­ ♦ ;I5— Carol Dels, soprano. 1:45—Market News. Cleveland Concert Program—Peat CialTaaraa oaa yaar ...... I ner of a patient teacher explaining "Gold Diggers ef 1«3S." First Cleveland. April 6.— (AP) — The MOUNTAIN—koa kdyl k*lr kghi 8:30— 7:30 — Victor Ardan*a Bhow** Uon Itself. : by a peculiar coincidence, three gish all morning, or else they eat dam. Open to traffic. INJURED 4:80— Our Bam. 1:50— Metropolitan Opera __ PACIFIC - kfo kfl kgw komo khq been purposely creating a milk flic t away, regletare at a hotel under oomething to a rather dull school­ wonders o f the human brain, and east: Chicago ConeeH Oroh.—west mUSBR or THE AMOCIATED The weapon Is that darling of Sec- ' months after the BecuriUes Ehc- too litUe. National’s latest mammoth mustcsl Route No. 108, Shelton, Hunting- 754 ...... Pedestrian ...... 945 5:00— Eddie Duchln’e Orchestra. "Faust.” kfad ktar kfu kpo kax kga kyr kya 8:48— 7:48—Radio Rpatrum — Dixie: "surplus” by importing milk Into They will not be greatly concerned aa aeanmed name. boy. possibly the processes of thought PREU retary of Commerce Don Roper’s ' change Commission came Into exist- It is said that most people do dABVIB HAFT, a straagar, of- spectacle, opens at the State thea­ ton road is being oiled In short sec­ 1,975 ...... O o e n p a n t ...... 1454 5:30— Blue Room Echoes with Orrin 5:05— The Monitor Views the News. Cant. Eaat. Chlctfp Concert 5nOrehea.—mtdwoat * Tba Aasaataia# Pnss is sselusiraly "The note,” he said, "was deliv­ themselves, are shown from a new 7:< 3:08— Roxv>xy sndand Hit N«w Gang the state, and when It Is understood with the personalities o f the Indl- beart — his Busbnss Advisory and : ence, that world-famous corpora- their best work about eleven o’clock tion. 57 ...... B le y li a t ...... 54 White. 5:16— Time. 12:30— 1:3<^Tommy Tuekar Orehaat. mtltlad ta tbs oaa tor rspablleaiioB fm to hslp ton Be scads har to a ered to you. It was written for the ter tomorrow for a S days’ run. angle by brain surgery reported to 1:30”» 2:30 Qaorga Ouffy Orchaatra 7:48— 8:48—St."St. Leula L«tflt Blut»»B4uea» OrchettsOrohaat* ta the morning. Thla. ls only true Route No. 110, Sbelton and Mon­ 451 ...... C h i l d ...... 514 8:86— "Forasta with OCC’—Clar­ 5:16— Caiarles U ttle. Violinist. 8:08- 3r08-Riehard BenclU 4 Qfch. of all aaws dlspatabas crsaitaa to n that the 'large national dlatribuUng vlduals whose license have been can­ Planning Council, composed o f two tlon defaulted on Its bonds. baaaty shaf whom shs la tiaas- purpoee of enabling you to find the First performance tomorrow at five the American College of Surgeons 2:00— 3:00—Ravua of tha Waak-Knd or aot olharialsa ^rad.iaa la Hits or threescore leading Industrialists. ; ------when a person has had a good well ferasod late a hraast, tosa takas roe. Shelton-Monroe road. About 5 1467 ...... A d n t t ...... 1,759 ence H. Nickerson, engineer fore­ 6:80— Buccaneers Male Quartet. 3:0<^ 4:00—Our Barn, Kiddita Prog. 8:31^ 3:38— Richard Himbcr OrchesrP companies have extended their Con­ celed, nor very much with the iden­ mloelng kejra. You didn’t enter o’clock. here by WInehell H. Craig, H. D., 3t30”> 4:30—Te Bo Announced 3:08— 10:08— Ta Ba Annaunetd sad also tba loeal oava ottb* This council's chief funcUon, Did This Bom Bebl balanced breakfast Watch jrour- her heme, latredactag her as his miles o f bituminous macadam pave­ 79 ... Age-Not Staled ... 195 man, (^amp Ooas. 6:45— Children’s O raer. R i: : ; baralB. I upon Uie scene tmtU after Harry The picture is said to carry moi« of the Mayo clinic. 4:00”- 8:00—Eddla Duehin'a Orchaatra 3:38— 10:38— Mclediaa fram California necticut operations during the past tities o f tba persona who obtained though It furnishes rotating mem- i Senator Bob LaFoIlette was in- self. You arill find that on the aeeretary. fihs saesto Hapa's sea, ment. Open to traffic. 6:00— WrigbtvUle CUarion. 6:00— Jewish Program — Rabbi 4:30— 8:30—Amarican Bchoota. Talk 3:48— 10:48— Amor'n Bowling Congrtod • All rlfhia of rapublieatioa of W elding bad been murdered. N at­ unique and unusual numbers, great The entire half of a brain has been sparlai dtsoaiebas harala ara alio rs* several yrears"— Inqludlng the exist­ the plane licenses— for there is very bers for NRA's Industrial Advisory vlted to lunch the other day at a mornings when you a Mte of NOBMANi Us stoM»«. ROBERT Route No. 114, New Haven. Foun­ 6:80—Press-Radio News. Louis Mann, Chicago Sinai Con­ 8:00— 8:0(^T»m Coakley*a Orchaatra 10:0(^11:08— Qltn Qray'o Orchottro— breakfast in a rusk your whole day urally, therefore, the note was writ­ er song hits and more hilarious fun removed, and the other half has 8:3(^ 8:30—Rreaa*Radio Nawa Raried baoic: C. Dickinson Oreh.— midw oarvad. ____ little likelihood that any of these Board, Is to serve as a vehicle for man's house. He couldn’t quite CAISE; aad HER. h A p F. tain street, about 1-2 mile bitumin­ 6:35—Gems from Memory. gregation. 8:38— 8:30—Martha Maara and tonga 10:38— 11:30— Jo h n n y Oroon O rc h tttra ence of our Board of Milk Control— will most likely go wrong, and by ten after Felding’s murder. A dead than any other musical produced by picked up the extra burden and Bara- getUng Mr. Roper’s name in the place the man when he received the That alght a nets nadir htr ous macadam. Open to traffic. 6:41— Laurel Trio. 6:80—Preas-Radio News. 8:48— 8:48—To Bo Announced 11:08— 12:08— Claudt Hopkins OrChoit. rail aarates ollaat of N B the duty of the Legislature to taka flrst-Une offenders were anything man doesn’t write letters on a type­ this company. Busby Berkeley, carried on. H alf of the frontal por­ 8:00— 7:00—Religion from the Nawa — basic: Out Arnhsim Oroh.— mMw papers. Invitation by phone, but the name mid-momlag » u will be played out. doer tafenna MUReaat, "The wnu- • .Route No. 116, Harwtnton. Burl­ 6:46— Program From New York. 6:36— Songfellows Quartet. M. laa But on the other hand, eat a whole­ writer, even if he does have access musical comedy /genius, not only tion. where the higher mentality cen­ 8:18— 7:18—Whiaparlng Jack Smith 11:38— 12:S(^Frank DaMoy 4 Orchsst. cognisance of what has been going more than hired men. Every so often Uncle Dan pops sounded familiar and be went. aa to M a«k etintoa Is hara.” BUl- ington road Is being oiled for 2 SOUTH COVENTRY T:0O-=Jleal O’Hara on Sports. 6:45— Evening Radio Journal. 8:30— 7:3<^To Be Announced Pobltihara Rapraaaaialtaa; Tba some, healthful breakfast, and arhen to the room wher the typewriter created and stogied the numbers, ter is supposed to be seated, has 7:15— Whispering Jack Smith. NBC-WJ2 NETWORK on and to act upon that knowledge What la really Important Is the out with an announcement of some­ He stin couldn’t place the host loent sees the wemaa la black but directed the entire picture. miles.— 7:00— World in Review — Harland 8:40— 7:48—Thornton Fiaher. Sporta Jaliua alaiaaira Mpaclal a aney- naw you face the world with this type is kept. been removed, witbout the least re­ 7:30— “ Skin Infection” — Ehr. E. 7:00— 8K)0—Sigmund Romberg Muaic BASIC — East: wjs wbs-wbsa wbal Tork Chteaco. Uai'rot. and Boaioa thing very Important the council Is after be saw him, but there were driva away aad feUdws la Bebert Route No. 117, Hawlnton and Tor- Manchester. is very plain. placing o f the final responsibility of breakfast under your belt you “Now, on the other hand, some­ .The story by Robert Lord and There were seven tables of whist duction of Intellectual ability. Myles Standlsh. 8:00— t:0(^Chicage Muaic Jamborta wham kdka wgar wjr wlw wtyr wmaL about to do. First It was virtually others there and he had a good i;a!ae’e oenpe, bat laas eat ot gas. Peter Milne is a rollicking comedy rington. Torrlngton-Harwtnton road 7:16— O'Leary’s Iriih Minstrels. 8:30— 8:30—Al Jelaon 4 OuaiU wfll; Mid: wcky Tronr wU kwk kwer MEMBCK a u d it BUREAU UP It might be expecting too much of for the supplying of airplanes to a will be eager to get at your wrork. one knew those keys were In the in play at the American Legion par­ These are not the ordinary animal 7:45— Thornton Fisber on Sports. going to run the NRA. Later it was time. Shs walks kosM, satars Iks ohaal- with three separate love tangles. is being oiled for 10 miles. 7:30— Radio Nature League — 8:30—I0:3u-I Latbrop, Manchester Selectmen or the physi­ "Tiffany water,” on Broadway, Is Breakfast may be made moro ap­ house, but last night she didn’t Baseball players, tennis and foot­ 11:30— Temple o f Song. 4:00—Jolly Coburn and his Spartan Washington. — (AP) — By tea make It necessary that every at­ petizing If you use a variety of erly roiul Is bemg oiled for 3 miles. North Coventry: second, 8. J. Fo­ way o f meeting the attack—because cians of the community t ^ t they associations of these witnesses and champagne. A well-informed Indi­ have a key, imd this morning she ball players particularly are subject 12:00— SUent. TtioUans. end of 1934 the federal surplus- re­ tempt be made to permit the foot to foods, and any time spent in f l a r ­ Route No. 4, New Hartford. Tor- garty, Hartford; third, Harold Car- they lack the courage to demand a meet the avalanche o f lies with evi­ vidual is sold to "know the right didn’t have a key, and she didn't Buchanan suddenly dropped his TOLD BY EUGENE LYONS to “knee lock,” due to twists. The 4:80— Morton Downey— Ray Sina­ lief corporation has distributed to were doing anything remarkably develop and to act with restrictive ing up a wholesome menu \;mlch rington-Olllnsville road Is being penter. The door prize went to Mrs. time." Inconspicuous husbands of have accem to that typewriter." aUtude or hostility. Hla eyca glis­ twist comes from an Inward turn, tra and his orchestra. the needy 133,000,000 pounds o f progressive income tax. dence or testimony to offset it. covering and without Impairment ot is the same time different tened with interest. oiled for 8 mllea. D. J. O’Hanley, Mansfield, and the clever or Ingenlus when they insti­ women sUrs are called "colonels. "Then who did?" the detective such as pivoting toward the left, on 5:00— Roses and Drums— dramatic New York, April 6— (A P )—Spain canned beef; Sl.Oflio.OOO pounds o f its natural usefulneso. from the breakfaat you have Press Correspondent Writes Me of hearts prize to Mrs. Leo Thera can be no shadow of a tuted the system o f care for indigent And there are a great many colone'x aaked. “We atUI ain’t getting anywhere, Route No. U. S. 6, West.Hartford. the right leg. . sketch. is to be in the broadcaat news the fresh beef; 18,000,000 pounds o f Normally the foot has a tripodai been feeding the faniUy, Is wall Mr. Happ,” bs said, "because the Farmington Avenue. 1 1-4 roUes of His Impressions of the Com­ Bourgeois. Rrtreshmenta were When acute this injury can be next few weeks. The special broad- doubt that if the General Assem­ sick which has been In effect here on the rialto and In Hollywood. A t "Quite a few e f tha people la the served. Mrs. Arthur Tatro waa in 5:30— Malcolm LaPrsdo. boneless beef; and 75,000,000 pounds “ANGLING” the slightly sdcoholic "tea dances" balance, the three bases of weight­ spent. Get a pencil and a piece of person who tossed those keys Into sheet asphalt under construction. cured only by surgery. But a knee cast, one o f which be^ns Frlnic Schweyer’s home for the benefit of Program. Nelson and hla orchestra; A l Jolson show with Baer Brothers; for a few rides, he has walked four one meaning In the soap ads, but walking, must be held parallel to fore you go to bed tonight, so you you’re going to figure two people knee risk is even more importut. Conservation Department on Thurs­ "How about the chauffeur T" Route No. 8 and 20, Winchester. of it aU, the beat you can do la set the (Coventry League o f Women 2:00— Louis Panico and Orchestra. Harriet HlUlard. 10:80, Let's Dance. mUes each way between bis home resentment of nine-tenths of the pay for doctors’ services, by agree In the theater It stands for box each other, which position, in walk' will be sure to wake up early enough In on it, you might just as well fig­ Dr. Kreuscher said. He explained day dumped 560 legal alsed trout in­ Constructing bridge and cut-off on down a long aeries of Impressions. Voters. In the afternoon there were 2:30— Mickey of the Circus. 8:00—General Motors Symphony WABC-CBS. 7:30— Victor Arden and school every school day for four people of this commonwealth. Yet ment the Selectmen made all local office. To newspapermen it means Ing, permits the weight to be car so that everybody In the family will ure Harry Felding was the one advances in knee surgery. Jarvlaa Happ hesitated a moment, new location. Open to traffic. This, at any rate, la the view of four tables of conUwet with Mrs. 3:00— Emery Deutsch Dance Concert Program; 8, Roxy's Gang; 10, CaU- years. to the Bronx river at two points in business office, but In legal circles ried forwrard from the strong heel be ready and able to spend plenty who threw them in, os to flgiure The lay idea that when a knee is the opposition to the bill at Thurs­ practitioners town physicians, per. then sold slosly, ‘Tea. My chauf­ Route No. 10, Simsbury. College Eugene Lyons, the industrious Unit­ James Malcolm and Mrs. R. B. Ben­ Rhythms. the Borough of the Bronx, and today It's an abbreviation for "bound base along the outer and stronger of time at breakfaat without tM that some other person was.” opened by surgery its liquid runs out day's bearing was neither co-ordin­ mitted patients to call whichever one side of the foot to the fifth metatar­ much burry. Then all of you just feur had a key." Jarvis Happ nodded his bead Highway is being oiled for I 1-2 ed Press correspondent who spent nett receiving high score. Mrs. F. 3:30— Buffalo Variety Worship. an army of men and boys with over" . . . In Manhattan hotels, ‘His keys were found In his milee. and it is forever after dry and stiff, 4 ;00—Modem Mtnst^s. ated nor adequately voluminous. they preferred, and then divided up any guest who doesn't tip is sal head, to become thereupon sit dowm around the table and en­ slowly, and said, "That, of course, aix years in Moscow. He presents E. HuU received flrst prize in bridge sprinkling of women are snaking pocket,” Detective Buchanan said. Route No. 29, New Omaan. he said Is erroneous. What used to 6:00—Uttle Jack Uttle's Orchts- The sales tax bill la backed by a known among the ^ellbops as “Mr. equalised through the anterior joy that wholesome healthful break­ ts true if the possession o f those his impressions in "Moscow Cjar- and Mrs. H. Rose, second. There the appropriation for outdoor medi­ "Then the keys that are missing Oenoke and South avenues are being happen was that some foreign In­ tnu them out again. If there la a trout McGee” . . . Musicians have a wide metatarsal area to the bead of the fast together. keys was wrongful.” rouse!,’’ an absorbingly interesting was sewing, for those who did not amall but very powerful and influ. cal attendance among the doctors flret metatarsal. are those of Robert Calse. la that oUed for 4 miles. play cards, on holders for the com' fection was Introduced into the 5:30— Along the Volga. left In the shallow waters of the variety of slang terms for various “What do you mean?” BuebanSh booh which will give ^ d and com' knee durihg the operation. eatlal group—powerful and Influen­ according to the number of relief Feet trained to be held In this QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS righ t wanted to know. Route No. 14, Columbia. Ck>lum- ing carnival by the Girl and Boy 5:45—Art Dickson, baritone; instruments. Thus, an accordion fort to both radical and conserva­ With today’s technique, a surgeon Entrust Your Clothing Bronx by tonight It will be a mir­ equilateral position ara seldom, if (Daadm ff In the Ear LebeT) ‘Yes. CaUe said hs left his en' bia-Willimantlc Trunk Line. Con­ Scouts. Mrs. A. Hough received a Charles Morgan, pianist. tial not through superior Intelligence oases each attends. may be called a "stomach pump,” a "The only way that wa know tive. does not have to insert even a finger acle. Two days of freedom! ever, subject to undue stress or Question: X. Y. Z. wants to know; tire key container la the car. He crete pavement length 2 miles is un­ prize for making the most holders. 6:00—Frederic William Wile—Po­ or genius for political or economic baas fiddle a "dark house," a clari­ Robert Calse left those keys In tbo It isn’t enough, says Mr. Lyons, in any kind of knee operation. Steril­ Nothing could be more reasonable. strain upon any of the muscle "W hat could be the caUse o f dand­ doesn't usually do that He leaves der conitructlon. Traffic can pass. The door prize was given to Mrs. litical Situation In Washington That is carrying the out-agaln net a "gobble.stick," a saxophone a automobile,” Jarvis ' Happ said to study the recoid of concrete ized instruments do all the neces­ leadership but because either very Nothing could be less complicated. groups of the foot and leg, and ruff In the ear lobe?” big Ignition ' key on bis key con' Watorbury. (instructing bridge over Fred Clark. A buffet lunch was Tonight. To An Expert Cleaner feature o f the artificial stimulatiun •meerschaum.” ’ Leaders who wield ir. In that way be Isn't so slowly, "is that Robert, himself, achelvements, to read the spesches sary interior work. wealthy or entrusted with the con­ Nothing could be fairer. Y et every batons usually are termed “ magt- normal activity of th li musculature Answer: The condition to which ■ays so. On the other bond, isn’t it Mad River at mill plain. Closed to of Stalin and to tabulate the statis­ served from 8 to 7 o’clock. In the 8:15—“Electric Bye” Organ. of angling just n Uttle further than in aU weightbearing and ambula­ you refer to as dandruff In tha ear likely to forget It He’s rather evening there was whist and bridge. Medical men have learned that In­ 6:30— Ralph Mixer’s Stringed En­ trol of great wealth. The Influence now and then we see this subject of clans.” And when a magiclaa wants equally logical to believe that ho traffic. A short convenient detour la tics o f production and distribution. tory funcUona of the foot thus la lobe is.probably a scaling causM by abseat-mlnded at times. It seems. The prize winners in whist were; fections in throat, sinuses and teeth semble. It has been carried anywhere else his ork to play with particular feel­ was out last night, didn’t want posted. The essence eludes you .that way. of that group la palpably manifest town-supplied medical attendance accomplished. The mlstakea Idea ecsema. I wrould advlsa that you So, If your chauffeur took Colse’a First, Mrs. Leo Bourgeois; second, may settle In a bad knee, and know 6:48— Beauty Program —Margaret within our knowledge. ing he says, "P lay It 'with echmalts.'' anyone to know this and. therefore, Route No. 15, Vernon. Vernon It is better to look at little to- This in the findings of the Tax Study discussed In state exchanges more that the normal standing position is keep the ear cleansed with wrarm car and got Calsa’s keys, he’d have Mrs. < ^ n i^ Zuelcb, and third, Mrs. the means of guarding against this. Bralnard and Johnny Augustine’s One may regret Inability to be an a way to get Into your study.” shrouded his absence In secrecy? Center road Is being oiled for 2 cidents, study groups and crowds, Commission, which obviously con­ or less in the fashion of these par.i- Down on the fringee of the flnan one with the heels together and the water or with olive oil, as the latter Unfortunately, he ran out of gas. miles. Charles Jacobson; bridge, flrst, Mrs orchestra. onlooker at that Bronx river spec- toes pointed away from the center will tend to soften the scales. You "H e didn’t need to do thmV’ Happ take note of those unimportant hap­ A . Hugelman; second, Mrs. Portia 6:68— Press-Radio News. strued its job as the finding of a graphs from an editorial In 'Thurs elal dletrlct, Rtock-selling racketeers said, "because I ’v t already told you He ran out of gas at a time when Route No. IS and 20, Stafford. penings which are unexpectedly re­ tocle, but at least he can readily have a slanguage all their own. line of the body to an angle ot about may wish to write me again, he couldn’t t-eadUy replenish It. W eet Stafford underpaes under con­ B. FuUer, and third, Mrs. Carlton 7:00— Soconyland Sketehss. way not to tax the great possessions day's Meriden Journal; 45 degrees, has been the cause of questing mv arUcle on Skin DU- be could get In here any time he vealing. King. MACDONALD AWARDS 7:30— Outdoor Girt Beauty Parade imagine the complications certain Suckers ara. known as "Uliee,” wanted to. He had a key.” Therefore It became necessary for struction but open to traffic. Work So he gives a long list of such of the few. It la Just as transpar­ N ew Britain physicians want to ’’mugs'’ or "pushovers.” When a much structural foot weakness, and t^riiers which contains some inform­ him to leave his automobile by the closed down for the winter. Rehearsals wlU begin next week —Victor Arden’s Orchestra, Gladys to arise from the fouling of many a clearer imderstanding of foot ation which I fael sure you wHl find ' I n ’t It rather unusual to give a things—talks with workers, glimps­ ently obvloiM in the drafting of the get some poor business, which, Illy has been plucked by a swindler curb. Under those circumstances, Route No. 16, Colcheiter. Com­ on a minstrel show to be given late HIGHWAY CONTRACTS Baxter, soprano and K ay CarroU. lines and In fancy can hear again mecbanice has abollsbsa its use. In r.t value. With your letter send 1 chauffeur a key to your private es o f parades, scenes in factories and in June by the Coventry Girl Scouts 8:00— Roxy’s Revue. sales tax b ill.'T . paradoxically. Is about the best he becomes a "wrap-up.'' study T" nothing Is more logical than that stock bridge-Colchester Trunk Line. paying In these days. As a whole, High-pressure salesmen are known thie Incorrect position, the body large,, self-addressed, stamped en- he would have returned and tried rest camps, views of trials and par­ under the direction o f Mr. and Mrs. 8:45— St. Louis Blues. the traditional shout, learned by the Jarvis Happ’s tons was icily for­ Bituminous macadam, length about Oimmissioner John A. Macdonald And it is most of all obvious In they object to a few, who obvious­ weight, instead of falling principally vciupe. to cover up the fact that he had ty meetings—and Invites readers to T. C. OverholL 9:00— Richard BoneUl, Metropolitan veriest tyro among Nyw York cock­ aa ’’dynamiters,' who usually have mal. 'T can asure you, Buchanan," 6 1-3 miles is under construction. announced today the awarding of the utterly untruthful declaration of ly are In gootj political standing, on the outer border of the foot, as is been out in his own automobile by make their own decisions. The Methodist church wlU be open baritone; Andre Kostelanets’s or­ touting assistants called "bird doge," he said, "that 1 am not in the least Shut down for winter. Traffic con seven road Jobs, bids for which were getting all relief cases for ney anglers from bis experience on A "coxy” Is en Inexperienced Muee- normsl, lies mainly on the astra- (Have Teat Made for AMsita) pretending be left ,the keys in bis He finds that the Communlsta for service sgailn next Sunday, hav­ chestra: former Tax Commissioner Blodgett galo-scaphold joint with resultant Interested in the usual etlquet ap pass. received on January 28 and March wMch payment la prompt and ap­ the steamboat fishing excursions, man. who begins his career In a Question; Mrs. C. W. asks: *T am car and then hiding" the keys some­ have accomplished much, and he ing been dosed during the absence 9:30— Richard Hlmber’a orchestra. that the state must Inevitably choose strain upon that area, and the fis- plying to chauffeurs, er ths custom­ Route No. .32, Norwich. Norwlcb- 4. The awards are as followa: parently considered adequate. "holler room,” an office from which a woman of thirty years of sge, where, such as in the pool. scoffs at the notion that recent de­ of Rev. John Pearce, who has been 10:po— California Melodies. "Foist cut!” velopment of weakfoot or other ary relationships betwsen chauf­ town road la being oiled for 8 miles. Town of Norfolk; About 16,691 between a sales tax and bonding. A system in vogue in the ^w u stock sales are solicited by tele­ and I am so Urec that I feel I can­ “ Having done that, he ' would velopments constitute a swing to­ ■pending the winter In Florida. 10:45— ^American Bowling CXmgress. symptoma feurs aad employara. I manage my Franklin. Norwich and WlUimantlc feet of waterbound macadmn on the W e are restricted to no such narrow o f Manchester ui cited. There all phone. A fter a sale Is made, the not go on. Someone tells ms that 1 want the police to find the keys— ward capItaUsm. But he notes, also, 11:00—Glen Gray and (tesa Loma have anemia. Do you think (bia affairs for my own convenience, road Is being oiled for 2 miles. Wind­ Southfield Road—to OnegUa A Ger- the doctors are given relief trade account Is turned over to a "reload' In walking, the heel should strike first, because be would want the a growing teffdency toward bureau­ Orchestra. choice. And very well Mr. Blod­ the ground first. Cfivtiised people and I consider that I am thor­ ham. WiUlmantlc-Stafford road is vasini, Inc., of Torrington. and the public medical fund Is er” who tries to persuade the victim could be the cause o f my trouble? keys back, secondly, because the cracy. toward rigidity — toward CENTRAL LABOR UNION 11:30— Sims-Culbertsoa Bridgs gett knew It. who wear modem footgear ara nat­ oughly capable of doing so." being oiled for 1 1-2 miles. Town of Old Saybrook: About split among the doctors on the to surrender hie worthless stock and Answer: It Is difficult for o m to would want the police to find them something, in fact, that looks sus- ' Match. riN urally "heel and toe” walkers sad tell you whether or not you have ‘Wall, ws’ve got to Investigate Route No. 37, Danbury and New 5,924 feet of waterbound macadam SEASON Every dollar which It Is proposed basis o f the number o f cases some additional cash for more shares in, some place where they bad very plelously like osslflcatton; and his ll:30-^obnny Green’s Orchestra. this thing,” Buchanan said, ‘~and Fairfield. Pembroke road is being on the Plum Bank and Spencer to raise through taxing the ' thin hisodled by each. ^ o f an equally worthless stock. thus the weight carried fonvard anemia without having the oppor­ evidently been concealed by some­ summing-up may displease the un­ TO SPONSOR DiSTITDTE that’s one of tha funny facts." oiled for 4 miles. Plains Roads— to Arborio Road Con­ These high-pressure tales talks along the cuter segments ot the tunity of making laboratory tests one who was trying to cover up critical friends of tho Russlsn ven­ 7, 1M6 purse of the housewife can be raised Neither New Britain nor any other tarsus and metatarsus to the base In your own particular case. I would "There certainly Is nothing Route No. 58, Batbel. Main street struction Co., Wilson. NEW are known as the ” raxx.” Custom­ funny about it," Jarvis Happ re- the theft of the keys.” ture. A t a meeting of the local Central 10:00 a. m.— G hu r^ o f tlis Air. as surely by the Imposition of an In­ community has any good reason for of the fifth digit, when it Is trans­ suggest that you go to a doctor near Is being died for 1 mile. Town o f Columbia: About 9,145 ers often are dasxled by Impressive DiArkAd iftVftirAlv. Buchanan stared steadily at Published by Knopf, the hook sells Labor Union held last night a com- r 10:80— Press-Radio News. Don’t wait until the last posed across the metatarsal beads you and have your blood testod In Route No. 69, Waterbury. Wol- feet of reinforced concrete and come tax; and not a cent ot that In­ being harrassed by this particular "scenery.” which may bo a dummy ‘Well, call It queer If you want Jarvis Happ. Slowly. almost for $8.80. nilttee of three membera consisting 10:35— Patteriia In Harmony. to the great tos joint whsre the order to find out If you ars aasmlc. cott-Bristol road. About 7 1-2 miles about 800 feet o f bituminous mactui- come tax need be really burden­ problem. I f there are any reasons board of directors with important to. There are lots of queer things thoughtfully, he nodded his bead. o f Theodore 2Ummer, Albert H. 10:45—Seralce from the First Uni­ minute. Let us have your principal stress U absorbed ss the The symptom which you msnUoned bituminous macadam pavement. am on Route No. 14—^to Arborio YORK sounding nemea. Or maybe the about this murder. For Instance, '"Soldi" be exclaimed at length. L A D O F 8 B AK ES C AK E Merrer and Frank Qulah waa named tarian Meeting House. , some. That it would be utterly at all they are bad ones. . ••MMIAItllviCaMC foot propels the body wrelght for- in your letter is commonly found in Open to traffic. Road Construction Co., Wilson. names of well-knowm financiers are why should Harry Folding have "That’s damned good logic. You. AND WANTS TO BE CHEF to act with Clarence Luplen, Arthur 11:45— Italian Melodies. hateful to hundreds ot rich men and But, come to think of It, there are ivard and to the other foot at the anemia and would disappear when Town of ^Naw Haven: About coats, suits, dresses, etc., borrowed for the promotion of a thrown those car keys into the pool get Bob Calse up here and I ’m go­ Route No. 70, Meriden. Caieshire- Smith and Beverly Wright to ar­ 12:15—Your Garden o f Tomorrow. By PAITL HARRISON completion o f the atep. I f the feet your blood once more bMomea nor­ 2,291 feet of bituminous macadam . women may be true enough, but it no good reasons for any o f our social stock swindle. When the law steps below the fountain?’' ing to turn him wrong side out." So. Meriden road, 970’ concrete crib­ Toledo. Ohio. — (A P ) — A Isd range for an educational Institute to 12:30— Polish Program. ’ New York, April fl.— When a man ar« held In any other save a parallel mal. on a broken stone base on Fountain 1:00— Ctourch o f the Air. need impose no load beyond the and economic problems. A ll the In with Indictments, that's known as 'Ha didn’t," Jarvis Happ said Jarvis Happ reached for the tele­ bing and 795’ gravel berm. Open to who knows hla way -about In any be sponsored by Local 2125 and the NOW , and we will return confided the other day that be had position In walking, ths weight phone on his desk and said, "r il traffic. Waterbury. Cheshire road. street—to C W Blakeslee A ^ns, 1:30— Alfred Kettledon, tenor; Al ■htllty of the payer to carry. And "tagging." swiftly. housewife’s kitchen is eight-year- Central Labor Union on May 19. The Inc., New Haven. reasons for them are bad reasons -Just caught the last chance o f a Next time youre offered a eure- tends to fall more direcUy upon ths (■west Fotatoes es Half fiM I) communicate with the butler. Eliminating old trolley underpass at White, pianist. Question: Mrs; J. E. requests: "Wbst makes you think be old Robert Sweet of Tidedo. place for the meeting has not been Town ot Bea-on Falls: A 207-ft. them to ypu in faultless that is something that cannot be If everybody was disposed to play whodunit which will be a sure tur­ thlng Investment by some smooth weaker and Inner segments of the didn’t ? " He . . . " Reldvllle. Oradmg and installing cul­ He’s only in the second grade at ■elected ■■ it wUI require a hall that 1:45—Radio Voice of Religion — key once the crix get hold of It. the tarsus and metatarsus, the heel does "Would you please give me your in- span steel truss bridge and water- S'JRtd o f a sales tax. for it would fain^-^a the authorities and physl. stranger, you might try a little ex­ 'You haven’t any reason tw be. "Just one moment, please,’’ said verts. Open to traffic. school, but at home hla .mother. will seat at least 1,000. Rev. Nelson Rabbi Morris Silvermsa. not serve its full function os the ful­ etructlons for making sweet pota­ Iraund macadam approaches over Idea occurred to your correapondent periment. Bay. ” l f you’re a dyna­ Ilevlng that he did,” Happ pointed Cynthia Happ’s well modulated Route No. ix, Meriden-Berlln. Cat Mrs. Charles Sweet, says he’s just 2:00— Lssy Dan the Minstrel Man. shape, so beautifully renew­ ^^ptece an unbearable load upon thou- dans of Manchester were In the that he had better be up -ind about crum by which the body weight Is toes on the half shell.” CruUuhank of New Haven will be in the Naugatuck river on Depot miter and thtak you’ve got a lll.v, out, "except that someone has sent voice. " I happen to have been Hole pass road. 7 mllto'of water- about a graduate cook. He was 2:30— EMdIe Dunstedter, organist. " and thousands of families matter of relief practice— this coun­ the bualneae of recording a gloesary Answer: Wash well and bake charge of the gathering and there street—to M. A. Gammino Construc­ you’d better cut the rams and lam propell^ forward, and the gripping you an unsigned typewritten docu- standing in the doorway. I have hound macadam under construction three, she says when he first start­ 8;0<)—New York Philharmonic Or­ of clang. function of the great toe In the for­ sweet potatoes. Cut them In two; wUI be several other well known tion Co., Providence, Rhode Island. ed in lustre and appearance tim t are already staggering In their try and the world could be out of before you get tagged." I f he knows raenl.** heard tha last part of your con­ but open to traffic. led her by turning out a delicious chestra. All that my confidant was trying ward push Is accomplished with scoop the pulp from the skins: mix speakers preaent at the meeting. Town of Madison: About 3,741 sOorts to make both ends meet. whet you're talking about, he'll "Oh yes, ws havs,” ths detective versation. I don’t think you will Route No. 76, Windsor. Poquo- pie crust 4:00— Reverend Charles E. (tougblln the depression and well on the way to aay was that he bad attended the the weight coming upon It directly this with butter, salt and crea feet of sheet asphalt on the Old ^ s - probably lam. Jd. ■end for Robert after you have Nowadays, Robert specialises In 6:00—Country (tourcb of Hollywood that you will be an enthusi­ V T o resort to bonds and borrowing to complete prosperity and happi­ dress rehearsal of a mystery play ^ ---->------from the rear and above, Instead of stir in some chopped roastsd pecans nock-Suffleld road Is being oiled for PREHISTORIC FISH EGOS ton Post Road and about 8,615 feet Hs pushed his band down Into his heard what I have to say." 4 miles. fancy cakes, pies and cookies, with 5:30—Julia Sanderson aad Frank and predicted that it would be a gradually from the outer aide o f the or almonds. FlU shell, brush with MAKE STONES FOB DOORS of bituminous macadam on East tor the paying ot current expendl. ness tomorrow. SORRY, MARVIN coat pocket, brought out the water- Mllllcent glanced up apprehen-. an occasional noodle dinner. WhUe Crumit. quick failure at soon aa the drs' foot across the anterior metatarsal melted butter and brown In hot Route No. 77, Guilford. North Wharf, Island and W est Wharf astic booster for our dry ^JWes would be worse than folly; it soaked leather key container, and sively. Mrs. Sweet admits she has helj^ Norman, Okla. — (AP) — Eggs 6:0(>—National Amateur Night with matlc prltica printed their reviews. axch. oven. Guilford road is being oUed for 2 roads— to New Haven Road Con­ Ray Perkins. ^gwUl ^ wicked. But to resort to Washlngtcm— When Leroy John­ It down OR Jarvla Happ's The diamond-hard, gray eyee of miles. the boy, ahe says his ability oomss of prehistoric fishes wlU adorn the A dreea rehearsal la a "last cbence' Emphaals must bs placsd on ths struction Co., N ew Haven. 6:30— Smiling EM McCtonnelL WHO SOLD THE PLANES? son got a pair ot army horses as Cynthia Happ were boring •teodily naturally and that he already has entnmoea of buildings of the Uni­ cleaning service. I.B sales tax—particularly such a for a direetor to smooth over a pro- prims neeeeslty ef teaching children Route No. 79, MadleoiL North Town of Lebanon; About 37,562 0:45— Voice o f Experience. s g ift ot artlUerymen, after he had "W a drained the pool,” he Into hers. surpassed her. versity of Oklahoma, but most peo­ tax as the one proposed— There would appear to be bustness ducUon before it la vtswed by tlie os well os adults to stand and walk Madison roaul Is being oiled for 2 feet of waterbound macadam on the 7:00— Roadways o f Romance. asked the government to let him “SCRENRCTAOT” TOUIMt ‘That's what we found in the bot­ "Close the door,” Cynthia .Happ When he grows up, Robert says ple WiU see only the likeness of be­ cash customers. A “ turkey" is a iy correctly, thus eliminating a poteU' mllea. Exeter Road—to John Arborio, Inc., 8:00— EMdle Cantor, RublnolPs Or­ bo worse than wicked; It for the Munitions Ck>mmittoe o f the have an old dobbin to help work the tom ot i t ’ ■aid, “and don’t let anyone leave be wants to be a chef — aad a loved university officials. enterprise doomed to failure— a soo- Johnson farm, 't n v e Marvin Ful­ tial source of foot weakness. this room." Route No. 80, Madison and KUl- Poughkeepsie, N. Y. chestra, Ted Hurtng aad Parity- be an unspeakable outrage. Senate in an Aasoctated Press dis­ According to letters recelvod by cowboy — If such an arrangement Three tons o f oolitic Umestone loglcal cousin o f the "white ele­ ton o f Belleville, O., an Idea. (To Be Continued) ingworth. No. Branford-Kil^- acacas. station W2XAF at Schenectady Jarvla Happ stared at the water- can be worked ou t from Bromide, Okla., have been patch from Santiago, ChUc, through phant.” A "whodunit” may be "I was wondering," he wrote to IT DIDNT HURT worth road about 7 miles bitumnlous HINDENBl’RO CRYPT 8:30— ^Will Rogers: H tlsa OIsssob, from Its foreign short-wave Usten- aoaked key container witbout e quarried, and op these art students which it U learned that the United either a m yitery play or novel, and the artillery chief, ‘if it would be Chicago—No dentist Is- going to FARMERS ENCOURAGED macadam pavement. Temporarily ENLARGED soprano: Frank Tours' Orehsstra. RIILK EXPOSE ers, the name "Sohenectady” appar- Uon, and MUUoent waa glad Buch CHILD DELINQUENTS will seulpturs the figures of past Is a term coined by the self-styled too much to ask you to send me s bend over Miss PetronaUa Marston, Bast Lansing, Mich.—(AP) — closed to traffic due to weather con­ 9:00—Ford Symphony Orchestra, States has canceled both the ma­ enOy is a “tongue twister" and has anan’a eyes were fastened upon NUMEROUS aad present school leaders. Dr. ’muggs" who srrite for theatrical motorcycle which Is liot ot much 15-year-old and say, "This may hurt Michigan farmers can look forward ditions. Tannerberg, Germany.— (A P ) - 10:00—Wayne King's Orchestra. to see bow the Ooo' chine permits and the pilots’ Ucenses many different waye of t Happ, for ahe realised her own face Frank A. Melton, Geology profes­ weekly, '‘Variety. service to you.” a little.” If she can help It. spelled. ■howad only too plainly her mental to a profitable year, says the eco> Route No. 82, Norwich and Bos- The tower of the impressive monu­ 10:80—Rosl, Old-Fasbloasd Aaut- Dougan Dye Woriis Washington. — (A P )— More than «| A B n s m b ly can poe- of a squadron of airplanes from this Much o f the slang current In show But the artillery tad to reply; That, at least sms tha explanation sor, said the white hard stone was ment In which President von Hln- One listener in India misunder­ confusion. nomics department of Michigan rrJi. Norwich-Hadlyme road is being 200,000 delinquent chUdren come be­ teur Night " t s o f the find- business conus from the terae col- The ones we have are atvaya oiled for 8 miles. formed by millions o f tiny eggs laid denburg’s body rests is being re­ oountiy now at Lima, Peru, en route her mother gave for the girl’s dls- stood the name of the Mty for Coo- " I stUI say.” JarvU Happ re-re State college which predicts a great- fore the courts each year, the chil­ 11:00—Hon. Percy U Gassaway at P h on e 7155 umns o f that Uvsly puhEcatloa. It| kept in sm vIcs untU they ars juak- ^gsuanee several d ^ ogo just by strange fishes, perhaps a million built and its entrance enlarged and Oklahoma — “The New Light to BoUvia. These planes were It- nectlcut, whUs otters often omit the marked, That you ha've no tvidcnce er demand for farm products with Route No. 83, Manehester. Oak- dren’s bureau has found. years a g a daoUmatss ■wet-itvsd Bifiys m finished with buge.-granite blocks. Plan" .J,.;;— ; prajtoMfi v M t to fi ItU ft imtotwir ttirt iNHikff Bttt' ifetglMrFCtMseala. ^ ^ A. MANCHiESrEft EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.. SATURDAY, APRIL 6,1985. udeimc MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CX)NN- SATURDAY, APRIL 6. i m INDIAN HISTORY,, ABOUT TOWN PROSPECT OF NEGRO Gassaway to Take a Shot WmiNEYISOlIT M K A D O tl m TRACED FOR d U B Mtoa Marion Stoe*. o f South JURORS NOT BRIGHT At Huey Over the Radio Windsor, won first prto* in tha OF MARKET RACE DEATHS RULE FOR T he H igh School W orld Radio Amateur conteet at th* State tbeAtsr tost night. Her fin* rendi­ tion of "Lullaby of Broadway” won Washington, April 6— (AP) —A ; ing the poor hardnsrerking foi ts Mr*. Oertmd* L. BMsveU Satnrday, April 6, 1935. CoiBpiivd by Students of Manchcotcr High School Miss Helen liBtes, 9'aculty Advieet the greatest acclaim from th* Sontli Sees Small LikeQiood booted Oklahoma cowboy today ] only 85,000 a year and letting the Mrs. Gertruda L. (Cobb) Bidw*l], V « L IL. No. 54. Papers Read Before Coino- Head of Stock Exchange of 69 Prospect street, died last night Jbp Emperor Breaks packed bouse. A piano occordeon, pushed hto lO-gallon hat to the ' big guys hav* millions, he still Isn’t violin and guitar trio, composed of destro^ng that root nt 6:30 after n long j^rlod o f illness. pofitaos Yesterday Prore Mtoa Florence Plano, Domanic Cam- Supreme Court Rule Will back o f Ms head and limbered up his "Now, I argue that tf we’r* going Annoiinces He Will Not Mrs. Bldwell waa born In Worces­ dent by Meeting RED CROSS PINS FAMOUS INVENTOR Lillian Humphrey Plays poseo and Adolph Oeorgettl won verbal six-sbooter for a pot shbt at i to do tbat, we ought to pick out the ter, Mass., M ay 10, 1867, snd had Student Delivers Advice •ccond prise. These two act* will Huey Long. richest man In the coimtry and say lived In .Manchester for tb* past 46 RELICS OF INDIANS hterestin^. be presented over Station w n c, Affect Their Status. “And I bop* my aim Is good,” that everybody 1s going to have as Seek ReelectioD; Pick Gay. years. She to tbe widow of IMwsrd Ruler at R. R. Station. Hartford, Monday night at 9:80. ■aid Rapreaentative Percy L. Gassa-' much mohey as he ba*. A ll ws’vs L. Bldwell who died on March 3, To Persons Hunting Jobs ARE GIVEN GIRLS KINDLY TO YOUTH Difficult Role As Rena way (D., Okla.), whose actions and ' got to do to print It 1932. Mr. Bldwell svas a membar Atlanta, April 6.—(AP) — Th* reputation belle the pacific connota-; of qne ot tbe first families to settle M t«. J. H. Hoed waa the hostees Mtmber* of the Manchester Y-D ‘,'We can close our eebooto, be­ New York. April 6.— (A P)—Rich­ Tokyo, April 8.— (A P )—En to the member* of the CoeroopoUtan club will meet In the Arm y and •ffect* of the United State* Supreme tions o f hto first name. cause it won't be necessary for any­ In Manchester. He was a machinist FOUND NEAR CAMP "Asia, I ’d appreciate a glass of^aupportlng rrl*. She Is active in ard W hlh*’y, president of the New TH« fODowtao *dvle« f l » « to “Job^ 8. Don’t ■«* on* man «M h d»y. club at their meeting yesterday Navy club tomorrow morning at II What Gassaway was actually do­ body to trj’ to get k n ow le^e In with tbe Mather Electric company Kang Teh o f Monehoukuo, dramatics at her church, having re­ Court declalon in th* Scottoboro inmtwa” iB til* F*bru*ry 23 l**u* of Be* ten. Sophomore Worked On Es­ iced tea." afternoon at Center church house. o’clock to dtocusa plans for the Na­ ing waa thinking over Ms radio order to get money; we can let Oon- York Stock'Exchange and target of at tbe time ot their marriage. For ed from th* Dragon Throne of Those m Swimming Classes cently token part la a minstrel oa*e on th* South’* Jury gyatem B v w ^ PoeV W*. 9. Don’t *eu your**lf; **n reiult*. "Yabs Um, fast as mah legs will Mrs. C. Elmore Watklne waJ'^hair- tional Convention of the Yankee Di­ speech at II o’clock, e.s.t, tomor­ greea phss one law to start the tb* aharpeat attack on the manage­ nearly 25 years he had bean srith Manchua by the Chines* revolut show. were the subject of official conjec­ row night In wMcb be saye “I'll: the Carlyle Johnson Machine com­ #nM by Herman Ulbrlch a* a part I 10. Don't quit Bearchtnf. carry me, M is UverwursL” man. Mrs. W. J. Thresher gave a vision Veteran* Association to b* printing press, and then w * can ment to echo outside its walls, has came to Japan today on s state ’ o f a current event repdrt In W»tory Do’* for Job Hunter* Have Been Taking Tests Elmer Trombly, at CCC Camp tate of Michael The role of Rena requires careful very Interesting historical record of held in N ew Haven. Alt member* ture today but It appeared acarcaty ■how up Mr. Senator Huey P. Long aboliah the Senate and House and notified the nom:natlng committee pany. He was a frequent contribu­ It to Emperor HlroMto to thank • : 1. Alway* Inclo** return pootage Thus doe* Rena Leverworth dls- ' acting and Lillian Is capsbl* of glv- South Windsor, Conn. In 1636 the are urged to be present If possible. probabl* tha Negro would gain much fo r the kind of ao-and-ao he really go home. he will not seek re-;election. tor to this paper. Japan*** foeter parent* for settl ' Don't* for Job Hunter* : In your letter*. pose of further conversation with ing a skillful interpretation of tha first roads were laid and deeds were advantage from M* right to alt on to.” “With all that money, we can Im­ Hto withdrawal virtually les'ves M l*. Bldwell leaves one son and Mm up at tha head o f tbe for Several Weeks. at West Cornwall, Writes Talked (href Problems. Asia, the Jobnsona’ talkativ* color­ seU-centered, grasping older alster. Leaning on the brass rail at the two daughters. They are Raymond 1 Don’t be afraid to tell friend* , 2. Alway* attach a email full-face Tb* April Fool played a “good” signed by twelve Indian chiefs. juries. port a bunch o f poor forelgiwrs to the nomination for president to Aalatlo Idngdom. ed maid in Paint and Powder’s 8am Leverworth, Rena’s husband, rear o f the House chamber, Gassa- do our dirty work. And we won’t C. Bldwell'and JAtm. Jonathan Moor- you need a Job. : photograph. prank, or should ^ say "did a good Twenty cloth coats were taken In The Supr*m* Court, In setting Charles R. Gay, senior partner of Tb* 29-year-old ruler was greet-; 8. Alway* write your own letter. three-act comedy “Relatively Speak­ la a shrewd, energetic bualnes* man way gave some Mnte of what be have to keep but one American on house of tMs town and Mrs. Allyns 2. Don’t write a letter of appUea- About Experiences in His­ deed," for eome of ye hungry stu­ payment, the deeds are still on rec­ aside Alabama’* conviction* In th* Whltehouee A CX>„ one t f the oldest ed at the railway station by tb* t '4. Alway* addreaa It to a specific The girla of tb* swimming classes ‘Professor Michael Pupin was one ing,” > to be presented Friday eve­ about fifty years old. Having been HILLIARD WORKERS would talk about. the job— the guy who bosses the Hazel 'of New York City. There are tion In longhand. Type I t dents Monday. The ‘Yool" was the ord In Hartford. She also told of Scottsboro cause celebr*—wherein firms In Wall street Japanese Emperor, a 'welcome un* i person. of tb* kindest persons whom I have ning, April 12, in the'High echiJol president of a chain store oorpora- ‘TU make Huey look slllv — 1 printing press. eight grandchildren. ; irecedented tn Japanese court Ms- 8. Don’t *ay you'll “ take any have been passing testa for the past girl who found th* lunch—In the the old tobacco laws. •evetzd negro ycmtbe were tried for Gay to the choice of a younger 5. Always ask for a specific job. torical Area. ever met," says John Bertrand, Man­ auditorium. tkm for many years, be fully realises Mrs. C. E. Watkins also gave a hope— almost as silly as he Is.” "W * can let him work a month, The funeral will be held Monday ory. Together with th* Emperor ; salary or do anything." Be definite. few weeks for Red Cross Pin*. The afternoon—and was afraid to open criminal asaatUtr-beld that negroes element in the membership ranks. 4. Don’t overlook any friends, ads, 6. Always make your letter com­ chester high school sophomore. Last With the aid of careful make-up the potentialities of W ill Johnson’s very Interesting talk on Current Gassaway salt, above the nols” de­ and with 48 states, that means that afternoon at 2 o’clock, at the Thom­ were the Mghest potentates of Jap-!'^ test includes treading water, float­ it! It was good, at least those who GET STRIKE REPORT bad been ’’syst^natlcally” excluded This group has attacked; the "Old plete with all facts. summer John worked in the flower and expensive clothes Rena, Hattie comer grocery and prepares a Events. Her title was “Woman's from jury rol)a In Jackam and Mor­ bate about a biU to take the profits each state every four years will as G. Dougan Funeral Home, 59'HoU an a- well aa all the prince* o f l or agencies. ate It thought so, because It was a Guard” as too slow to. irecognize 6. Don’t call on Saturdays, Mon­ 7. Always look neat and present­ ing, diving, distant swimming, arti­ From Elmer Trohibly, '81, a gsrdens oh th* Norfolk, Connectl' Johnson’s older sister, has managed ■rheme to purchase It so that be can Future,” based on qotee taken from gan counties. out of war. have to find one man who to willing street. Tbe Rev. Leonard C. Harris the blood—heads of th* collateral^ "supper” lunch for th* Girl Re­ popular trends and to accept sug- day*. or holidays. able In an Interview. ficial respiration, back swim, and member of th* CCC Camp at West cut estate of this famous scientist to keep her youth and good looks. make a fortune for himself. the N ew York Times. She spoke of Since reconstruction day* negro** " la the first place, I ’U aay that to work a month. of the South Methodlet church of branches of th* Imperial family—J serves’ Conference. You can’t be­ geitions. ^ • 6. Don’t write a letter on hotel . 8. Alway* know what you are th* surface dive. The American Na­ Cornwall. 'Wffo' entertained High snd inventor. She has known luxury and ease In The incidents following bis pui women In business^ politics and hav* had the legal right to aerva on the Bible— which Huey so often mis­ "That’s juat as sound as the plan which M i *. Bldwell waa a member, and all the high officers o f the Im -;' lieve everything you expect! , Meet This Morning to Hear Unmerited criticism. Guy’s sup­ atatloneiy. going to say beforehand. School World reader* with a deer Bom In Idvor, Hungary in 1858 New York city where her husband chase, carry the exciting plot foi sports and the emancipation of wom­ southern juriee, but they generally quotes—saya money to the root of that our friend from Louisiana sug­ will officiate and burial will be In perial Court and Ctoblnet mlniaters. tional Red Cross furnish the test •U evil. Then I ’ll add that by giv­ porters held, resulted from needless 7. Don’t apply to concern* which i 9. Always see things from the em­ story a few months ago, comes an­ and coming to the United States has been president o f the popular ward to a highly amusing climax. en in other countries. Mrs. C. F. hav* been reluctant to eerva because gests.” the East cemetery. . However, none but Japanese and; and the pins for those who pass It. World topics ar* being "raked friction with lawmakers at Wash­ are laying men off. { ployer’* viewpoint. other yam. Before beginning his during th* year 1874, Michael Pupin Leverworth Stores Inc. Meanwhile, Thurston Foster, '37B plays the Sumnor tbid the story of the "Squaw of precedent or other Influence*. In Manchoukuan dignitaries 'were on over” in almost every class lately, It was for years a professor at Colum' Committee Tefl of Pro­ ington and the failure to recognize Those who have passed ao far are: story, Elmer "Alexander Woollcott" Hattie has worked hard in her sim­ part of Sam. Although this la Thurs­ Hole” at Bolton Notch. many case* negro** are not able to Bln. OAthertne K idIIy hand to greet Kang Teh, the ambas- seems. That Is, every subject seems bla University, where be taught public Interest In exchange affairs. Ruth Martin, Margaret Wilson, Ida Trombly points out that "before ple ‘home, helping her husband ton’s first attempt In major drama­ It was In the year 1614 tbat the quoUfy at' juror*. fect, It to a payment of on* cent per Mn. Catherine Kelly of Taicott- tadors and mlniaters o f the U n ited' to lead to a similar subject in world mechanics and electro-mecbanlca. A Harmony Move States and other foreign nations not • Orfitelli, Frances Miner, Alice Mad­ relating this unusual adventure to manage their coiner grocery store tic*, be plays the role of bam, like R iver' Indiana o f Connecticut aaw gress If Has Made. Says Unwilling To Serve mile o f buaoperation for use o f the villa died last night at her home den, Helen Jarvli, Constance Gar­ the readers o f the High School affaire; Are the seniors prepared to In 1911 he waa appointed director TOWNS GET SHARE WMtney’s withdrawal waa viewed having been Invited to attend. in MIddleboro, Tennessee. Rena la so an experienced actor. the first white man. Adrian Block, Commenting on the action of Gov­ streets upon which that operation after a lingering Uinesa. She waa tbe dener, Nettle Gedraltia, Theresa World, may I first explain that the venture out into’ such mixups, etc. ? of the Phoenix Reeearcb Labora­ looK place. The recipients of th* u a harmony “move. uvc. It was reported Scores o f thouaanda o f curious ; selfish and grasping that she even Blodgett, agent of the Leverworth the Dutch navigator in his ship ernor Bibb Grave* of Alabama m took place. The recipients of th* widow of WiUlam Kelly and waa Acherman, Doriq^Stevenson, Arllne country around West Cornwall Is tories. During the war he pre­ prorata funds, as noted, are not r«- “ , - , nominating committee Japanese, carefully ahepherded by encourages her husband, Sam, to— Company. U played by Wesley "Restless.” He came to trade furs striking employees of tb* E. E. calling fo r Inclusion o f ntgroe*’ born In Ctounty Kerry, Ireland. Boynton, Sylvia Gyllephammer, Eva flaked on all sides by a scries of Here’s an economical bint; I f you sented to the United States govern­ with ths Indians. A young lad quired by thle etatutea to use them JT®*" designate him for a place on She leaves three eons, Edward of hundreds o f police, lined the streets but you must come to the play to Palmer, S8B. bindgett does much to Hilliard mills, who ar* members of name* in jury list*, Edwin R. Mc­ OF TAX ON BUSES ORANDM A'S GOOD BEHAVIOR ,^near you can enjoy the picture or Mattlse, Maude Hassett, Janice mountainous ridges known as the can’t manage to see every show that ment the use of his invention for from Holland, Peter Hager, waa one Neill, cM*f justlo* of th* Oklahoma either wholly or In part fo r th* up- noard of governors and that he New Haven, and Joseph an'l William through which the royal' procession find out what she does. Also you’ll relieve the tense atmosphere In the Local 2127, met In Uberty haU this can bear more than half of what Fraltag, Ruth Bassell, Amelia An Berkshtres." comes to town, as some of you would eliminating ataUc interference with of Captain Block’s crew. Peter Supreme Court, said h* bad never keep of municipal streets, but It sp- ’"’ouW accept IL of TalcottvUle; twe daughters, Ger­ passed. Windows In all office build- I "W e’re ready.” be Interested in a new way to sav* third act when the Leverwortha and Inga lining the route were closed. . This announcement ha* been made the actors say. You must get rest- drulot, Catherine Wilson, Mae Sloan, During* the French and Indian like to do, why not read Bob wireless transmission. wished to stay with the Indians, so morning and heard the report o f a found a negro who wanted to aerv*. pears probable that It waa the In- Friend* of WMtney had urged Mm trude and Teresa, both of Talcott- gas and oil on a long automobile Johnsons are not on speaking terms. The blinds too were drawn In ac- to all four of u* about forty-’leven less when the picture I* half over, Mary Saverick, Eleanor Thresher, ware, this part o f the country was Robert's column;in the Herald? It’s After a whllt Mr, Pupin had to the captain received eome furs for committee, consisting of Mary Bur­ JuaUc* McNeiU said It to not un­ tentlon of the etatute drafters that “ tor reelection, even in the vlUe; a sister, Mrs. George Kelly of retire because of his health, but al­ trip. Wesley has taken part in gram­ State Returns One Cent lor coidance with the law that nobody and kick the person sitting In front Mary Smith, Felicia PetrowskI, Kay invaded by a feared tribe called the called “ Off Stage,” and Is very in­ the lose of the young sailor. Peter rell, Franklin T. Miner, WilUam common to get a negro’s name In the money In theory at least should event o f someone else's siviLuisauun. nomlrAtlon this town; two sisters and two times before Grandma realizes that The difficult role of Rena Is play­ mar school dramatics and Is acting --——.w B mliy look down upon H I* Majesty. w* really wanted to get started on of you. Madden, Emma Flnkbeln, Peggy Mohawks—feared because of their teresting, covering at least the Sun­ though he could not go to the labor­ fell in love with the chief's daughter Naven, Clarence LaChappelle and a jury list He added each side of offset any wear or tear caused by They Thev heldhein fhntthat not try It? You atories, he worked every day at Wunnee and went to Boston to find Henry LaChappelle, which was ap­ legal action* has peremptory chal­ Each Mfle Run in Town the buses on those streets. took office In May, I930, had ahoul- The funeral will' be held Monday has taken part In various grammar unusual composure and quiet emo­ GEORGE F. 8HER'W(K>D because she want* to leave her In much the same manner ha you Mary BollnskI, Anna Haberen. of knowledge on the part of those can write In and tell him what’s home. Up until his death, last out about the marriage laws, but pointed to discus* with E. E. Hil­ lenges to remo've Jurors without In 1933, the Connecticut (Company dered the brunt of political and in. morning at "8 o’clock at the home month, Mr. Pupin ntver failed to school dramatics and In a popular tion as befite the’buave business man house epic and span, sweep* her | did when you entered. I f you follow Also Annie Kusek, Margaret that feared them. Their cr-npa were wrong with It too! waa arrested for descraUng the liard the declalon o f the National ■tattng cause. mileage taxable In this manner fo r ternal attacks for flve troubleaorn. and 8:30 o’clock at B t Bridget’s . . . > _ __ I tnAStskthese ln*it Instrurtlone, M i^4lM*«ai «msi*e your friends larJllwill work a little each day on bla inven­ production entitled, "Loose’Change” whom ha portrays. Labor Relation* Board. Norwalk, April 6.— (AP) — First kitchen floor, we sit packed In.the Lahey, Lillian Malek, Evelyn Tom­ secret and after having attacked Sabbath. Wunnee and her mother A negro juror could not be com­ During the Year street aid to thi towns ■was 5,679,- years and should be allowed a mor» church here. Burial wlU be In St. be cure to Invite you to the movies tions, the latest one appearing In In which she was given an important —Blanche Oattl, '88A. ' The committee It bad called Selectman George F. Sherwood, 72, car as compact as our luggage. linson, Madeline Scagnelll, Acquilla their enemy; the Mohawks vanished Don't miss that bulletin g t the helped him escape. Wunnee and pelled to serve If he did not wish to, 653. The tax waa paid one half in placid term. ' Bridget’s cemetery. often. 1932. at the Hilliard mtlla and asked to see of Weston, died last night In tha This little event starts us all off Petraltls, Ruth Shedd. Ulllan Weir, completely. leaving no .Uhces of library on travel! Some of th* fresh' Peter were finally married accord­ the Oklahoman aald. . j —Ernest Bengston, '36. Catherine Harris, Margaret Haugh, their course. Elmer's story fol­ John, who only aaw Professor ing to the Indian rites, but Peter Mr. Hilliard personally, but was met fhTveir'®®*’ ““ •Raln.t the Norwalk hospital. During Ms life­ with the most delightful disposi­ men have been inspecting it to date, Negroes have served on Georgia Thirty-four Connecticut cities year. bill for regulation .of aecurity ex- Dorothy Shedd, Vera England, Enea lows: Pupin twice, and only once to apeak senting scenes Showing various was an outcast, and for awhile they by Mr. Barbour, a nephew o f Mr. H il­ juriee. In the Richmond. (Augusta) time, Mr. Sherwood held' many pub­ tions. just to see how ‘jie airplane, boat and towns last month received from ' originally waa written. lic offices. He served two terms ss DISOOVRAOED Johnson, Beartice Irwin, Virginia "The day of Auyu had arrived! A to, described him as follows: stages of the progress of education. lived In a place called Toby Hill In liard, and told that the latter was county trial of Mr*. Lillian McKle FUNERALS ”We’r* off.” and car has been made to “stlek.” the State Treasurer their pro rate State Representative, bad been s When you're crosa end out ot Loomis, Margery McCormick, Mar­ great e.vpeditlon was about to be eet “Profeasor Pupin was a big-fea­ GRADUATION PLANS This year’s June pageant wlU be Manchester. They were often seen not in bis office. Later Mr. Hilliard for the murder o f her husband sev­ len This joyous announcement of re­ ■hares o f 856,796 which the Connec­ member of the Weston School Board sorts— ' jorie Nockcr, Marlon Olson, Irene forth upon by a few of us fellows. tured man with a harsh voice. He discussed with the members o f the walking hand in hand down what is appeared, referred to the Board’s eral years ago two negroes were on minutes' Dwight Jacobs lief la made by all flve of u* and we Even If Spring Isn’t quite “ all ticut Company paid to the State as PU6UC RECORDS noUs^ to appear before some com- Tired and lonely and blue. Johnson, Georgina DeWard, Eleanor We had recently learned that, due was always kind to children, and class through the senior English known os Lover’s Lane. At last ultimatum, and pointed out he had the jury that acquitted her after an The funeral of Dwight Jacobs of and Weston Board of Relief. alt back to enjoy the scenery. U ke here,” It seems so by the increased part o f Its taxej on motor bus oper­ mlttefe-.OT officials of the Securities In addition to holding tbe offlc* Why does someone have to come Davis Janie Harris, Florence Mc­ to a severe storm In the north­ talked to them as though they were INaUDE PAGEANTS classes. Suggestions for the general they found a secure hiding place in IS days, and the strikers 10 days, in earlier conviction had been set 10 Depot Square will be held to­ most journey* of this sort, the first number of girls going swimming! ations In 1933. The money to dis­ E xch an ^ Commission, of first selectman at M b death, Mr. To bore and bother you? Neil.' Dorothy Post, Eileen Venard, ern part o f the country, a great bis. own. outline and division Into scenes will a cave on the mountain at Bolton which to reply to the Board. aside. morrow afternoon at 2 o’clock at day or so passes as pleasantly as And they’re still borrowing bathing tributed among the communities In One rejiort in Wall street today Sherwood was also a member of th* Dorothy Wagner, Bernice Beebe, bund of moose had migrated down "He conversed with me about be talked over. Individual members Notch called “ Squaw’s Hole.” The strikers will continue to re­ Negro Convicted Negro Warrantee Deed the funeral home of Mark Holmes can be expected. By the third day, Ooah, and why when you're ao cross caps, too. I f it Isn’t one thing It’s wMch bus operations took place, was that Many of the retiring gov­ Weston Board of Assessors and he towever, we have com* Into a Mary Culotta, Dana Dardis, Von and were reported to be in a patch school and the course which I was of the class or amall groups will be main out on strike until acme kind There was another Richmond AnMe 8. Chapin to Ernest A. and on Woodbridge street. Rev. C. Does someone have to aay, another! theoretically for use In Improve­ ernor* would ^ denied renoznlnatlon. was Republican town chairman, a warmer climate. This cause* our Dardls, Charity Edgerton, Katbr3m of woods about ten miles from planning to take. HI* advice to asked to write the dlidogu* and In­ of an adjustment to made, through County cose In which a negro Juror Lillian Christ, lot seven and part of Homer Ginns o f the North Metho- "So you’ve fought with Frank Foley, Florence Leemon, Ellza^tb camp, a spot which had not been young people waa that if they Seniors to Write and Act the intercession of the Board, and ment, maintenance and repair of lot six In the “Foeter” Farm tract Some of the IWependente went so position he held 25 years. H e waa *ecohd strife. dicate the action for these scenes. REPUBUCAN LEADERS helped convict a member o f bto own municipal streets, although the dl.st church will officiate. Burial , again Luplen, Ruth McCormick, Bonnie acceisslbla for quite a number of Well, the “heat” is over in the worked hard during tha first two statei^ that Mr. Hilliard stated be on Foster street. far as to say Whitney would be the also a member o f tbe F a M e ld Coun­ I want to open th* window for Participants In the pageant will race on a criminal assault charge. funds may not necessarily be util­ will be In South Windsor ceme­ And couldn’t have your w ay?” Martin, Marlon Montle, Rose Orfl- years. What a wonderful chance shorthand classes, at least, for the years, they would find the last could not accede to Uie Board's de­ Probate Court ty Planning association. ' *om* cooler air. Cousin doesn't want Scenes from History of probably be, as has been the custom, Assistant Attorney General Ed­ ized for that purpoie. tery. telll, Wilhelm Sacherek, Peg Shea, for photographs If one could only "team " of three to attend the con­ years much easier. Professor Pupin DODGE TALK ON 1936 mand and would close the mills for August Brazowsky was appointed the window open because the breeze the students ranking In the upper win G. Gibson of Virglnto said tha The General Statutes provide tbat Why do paople aak for favors Agnes Shearer, Lillian BImIe, Edith come upon these almoat-extinct ani­ test at Stamford this coming Satur said that he thought the co-opera­ administrator of the estate of Tony will muss her hair; Auntie and her A t such an awful time. third o f th* senior class. an Indefinite period. law o f Ms atato regarding aelccUon on bus operation the company ehall a.^***.,^™ *” **^** ** to ..report Mon Burke, Viola DeOraw, Helen mals! day has already been chosen. Read tive course one of the best courses Brozowsky, late of Manchester, de­ day, with the election MSy 13. friend, (th a occupants o f the front Couldn't they pick another day Connectient (Oontinned from Page One) o f juries "does not dtocrimlnato one pay to tee State in lieu of other seat and Incidentally th* most rea­ Holmes, Francesca Oswald, Mar­ “ It was with this object In mind all about It, somewhere on the page. for a boy to take, because they pa^cle” against negroes. He said ceased. GREAT BRITAIN READY Personal Notices And ask to borrow a dime? guerite Peabody, Eleanor Schicldge, that three of us started out that would have a trade when they left taxes (except registration and gaso­ sonable people In the car) say that Ity lekder, and Frederick Stelwer, if (UacrimlnaUon exists It Is In th* Dog licensee Jeanette Pitkin, Lola Foard. morning loaded with cameras and achooL UNDER CLASSMEN PLAN line taxes) a total of three percent they think wre could stand some “Help a feller cut. will ya huh?” In order to begin work on the both o f Oregon; L. J. Dickinson, of DID YOU KNOW T H A T - administration of the law. Town Clerk Samuel J. Turktngton Why of all thoae other daya food, which we knew would be nec­ of lU gross revenues from that FOR STRESA CONFERENCE CARD OF THANKS fresh air. However, a* Grandma — B. Marsh. So the Girl Reserve* eelling candy — B. Irwin. graduation pageant which will form Iowa; and Hiram Johnson, of Cali Lawyers tn Texas gave the opin­ haa Issued but 40 o f the estimated STORY OF DAUGHTER When you are feeling dandy— essary, as we would probably be operation. They likewise provide W « Wish to thank our many nslffh- feels a little draught on the back of In the balls at noon seam to be say­ NEXT YEAR’S COURSE fornla; Representatives Hamilton ion the Scottsboro decision will not 1,400 dog licenses which will be Is­ Doea teacher have to pick this day gone the whole day. W e had no a part of the commencement activi­ tbat the Treasurer shall return to bora an