F r r a i AVKBAfMD D AILt UIBUUIATIUN sting o f Manebeatar Dr. C. J. Sin, prasidaot a t tba bean compleled and promise to pre­ the New Testament and the Life of were dassmatss together and br- for ths Msatk s ( Marck. i9S9 Orange w&1 be held^ondayheld Mon evening Cbrlatiaa University at Foochow, sent a week of high spiritual liu^ri- Christ and has a rsputatlon for be­ MONSCNOR JOBN NEAU dalned to the priesthood about, tbs at 8 o’clock at the home o f Mr. and China, will speak and show motion LENTEN MISSION ration. Beginning Monday evening, ing an impressive speaker, aa well w m s time. MOnaigiior Neals rs- Mrs. Roy B. Warren of 673 Wood- pictures of "Rural ’ Ife In South April 8 and continuing through F ri­ aa a great teacher. Ha wrlll endea- ceived many honors and decorations b ild n street for the purpose o f re- China," at the Lenten lastituto at day evening the 12th, at 7:30 vor to lead In an exploration of the FRIEND OF REf.McCANN 5 . 4 9 9 Center church parish ball Sunday o’clock,- Prof. Alexander Purdy of resources o f our Christian faith and for his scboUrly attainments direct ■ *sr s( HM AU8K oalvlng appUutiona. AT SOUTH CHURCH from tbs Vatican, including tbs Pw - di----- at 6 o’clock. Special music will be Hartford Seminary foundation wrlll deepen the appreciation - of what rsM ol CIrwilsilews furnished by the church choir and toral cross and ring. ) Jarvis OtoTt Danea Hall. Tht Ths finai bridge and setback in lead in the oonaideratlon of themes that faith haa to offer us In the fac­ supper will be served by the Wom­ Deceased Meriden Prelate W as Rev. C. T . McCann when he cele­ frcaa tba outlylnf iBiteiet^ the present series will take place to­ vital to the every day religious life. ing of life's difficult experiences. ^ j tta travaUac baa baw bad. en's Federation und:;r the chair­ The general subject is, “A Working Thla Mission is not Jimply a denom­ LifekMiR Friend of Late Man­ brated his fortieth anniversary aa a night at the Green school ball. The Hiem es Vital to Eyery Day priest a number of years ago, invit­ VOL. U V n NO. 1«0. Afivsrttslag sa Pag* 1A| I to tba daooaa In in- committee from the Manchester manship of Mrs. J. B. Johnston. Rellpon,’’ and the following topics inational conference but writh on chester Priest. appeal and Interest :or all Chris­ ed Monslgnor Neale to make the MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 1935. (TWELVE PAGES! PRICE TUUBB < r Biunbara aach weak. Mod- Green Community club will continue wrlll be dealt wrlth on successive ___ I old-faablonad daaoaa make The Junior choir of the Emanuel nights: Monday, "The Gospel for tiana and seekers after the truth aa principal address, and there are to conduct weekly socials for the Reiigioas Life WiD Be many in the parish today who re- M tba procram and tba priea o f ad- Lutheran church wrlll not rehearse Our Day:’’ Tuesday, "How Shall We it Is in Christ. All are wrelcome. No News of the death yesterday of present on slightly different plans. call his eloquence and the trib­ jpaaloa ia aa low aa poaslble. tills evening, due to the supper be­ Think of Christ?": Wednesday, charge is made for attendance. Monsignor John Neale o f St. Rose’s ing held at the church. Discussed.. "Cultivating the Life of the Spirit;" Free-wrill offerings may be sent in utes he paid to bis Ufelong friend. Congressman Shows Real Way To Farm Relief Jeanette Buchanan will have church, Meriden, recalled to parish­ Monsignor Neale baa been ill for w Ctaiaaca fcunlan. preaidant o f U>- Thursday, "The Church and the So­ for the support of the Mission. charge of the meeting of Forget-me- The Coast to Coast Setback club cial Order;’’ Friday, "The Dynamic ioners o f St. Bridget’s church, the some time, and it will be recalled EXPENSE ACCOUNTS No. SU8, VUtad Textile Work- not Junior Circle of Kings Daugh­ will go to Glastonbury tonight to .of the Cross." Local Union, No. 2125, U. T. W., lifelong friendship that existed be­ that Father McCann dropped dead dra o f Aniarica. waa elected aa a The plana for the conducting of tween the late Rev. C. T. McCann, in the church-yard on February 14, paamlier o f the board of tniateea of ters. to bo held tomorrow afternoon play the ICC club there. Members A question period wrill follow the haa set the date of Saturday, April BIG WORK BILL WAITS at 8 o’clock sharp at the home of are asked to meet at the Maple the Lenten Mission at the South presentation each evening. Dr. 13, for its monthly dance in OJd for 21 years rector at the local 1934, on returning from an errand Chaney Brotbera Sick Benefit aaao- church and Honsignor Neale. They to the business center of the church. flatioo, it waa announced yesterday the leader, Mias Beatrice L. Lydall street tavern at 7 o'clock. Methodist Episcopal church have Purdy is a recognized authority on Fellows hall. OF STATE WORKERS afternoon. of 22 Hudson street Judaa Raymond A. Johnaon will Mrs. Msiry Strong, Mrs. Jennie ROOSEVELT SIGNATURE # K U M "Juvenile Courts" at the Schubert and Miss Flora Nelson left jB iitln f o f the Manchester Kiwanis DECLARED ILLEI^L last night for Washington, D. C., in Salted N u t s ___ ___ lb. 49c alnb. Monday noon at the Manches­ company with a group of Hartford Doctors’ Prescriptions ter Country club. The attendance, girls, for the National Bowling con­ Fresh, crunchy salted mixed nuts. A Congress Completes Actien prise will be furnished by James C!arefully and efflcleiiUy filled by our reg­ test to be held in the capitol city. istered pbarmscistA (Main Floor, right.). great Lenten treat! (Front Entrance.) Many Appomtees in Panic as Ethiopia Breaks Off f ^ b u U . Th«J.W HALCco W e Give Chit Green Stamps. RAY HAMILTON, on Mammoth Relief M eat- , B. L. Holland of Hartford, a law­ ’The Simple Simon Sandwich Shop Cnstom of Paying for yer on the staff of the Phoenix will open for its third season, ’Tues­ Italian Negotiations Mutual Life Insurance company, will day, April 16, under the same man­ nre When Senate Votes agement, the Ladies Aid society of NO. 1 BAD MAN, be the speaker at the session of the Transport and Meals Is Xveryman’s Bible class, Sunday at the North Methodist church. (Copyrirht. t»J5 by Anoctated Prcii)Altalian and Ethiopian representa- 66 to 13 for Approyal^ 9:80 a. m., at the Second Congrega­ Addis Ababa, April 6.—Hard tlves to reach a decision regarding tional church. Knocked Ont by Attorney- C A U G ^ IN N E T Follow These Fashion Clues To A Smarter Faster! working Hails Selassie, King of responsibility for‘ the Ualual fron­ tier Incident and the question o f leaders Wonder Who Will Oak Lodge, No. 43, International CHEVROLET Kings o f Ethiopia, confirmed today .VASIW General; Some Have Been reparations. Brotherhood of Papermakers, will The Talk Of Choose Southwest Desperado Ar­ In an interview that his nation haa bold its rejtular meeting tomorrow Prices Delivered. broken off negotiations with Italy in End In Deadlock Be Named to Direct the Your Easter Negotiations ended in a deadlock morning at 9:30 in Tinker ball. A Manchester The Town . Hale’s Drawing $1,500 a Year. the East African dispute but em­ full attendance of the members is rested Withont a Shot Be­ phatically denied that war has been after agreement bad been recalled requested. Important business will -SMisSIMPLICITY declared on either side. only on establishment of a neutral ba brought up for discussion. Re­ 4 Door Sedan ........|648 Costume Is H ere. • *.. zone. It was understood that the Followed by three cocker spaniels ports from the delcgstes to the New Smart for a (Special to The Herald). Emperor, in mentioning arbitration, 2 Door S ed a n ...........$581 ing Fired— Note Gives and a servant c;arrytng a red um­ Xngland District Council will be ■ Hartford, April 6.n—The opinion had in mind the British minister to Washington, April 6— (A P )—Tho Coupe $571 well gnximed brella— sign of the master’s pow'er heard. given by Attorney General EMward Ethiopia, who acted as inter­ New Deal today staked $4,880,000,- an a descendant of the Queen of appearance Clue to the PoUce. mediary. OOO-^vastest peace-time appropria­ The degree team of Manchester RII.EY CHEVROLET CO., J. Daly to Senator Kenneth F. Cra­ Sheba.—the Emperor received his in­ S i l k ■The British minister’s instruc­ Tent, No. 2, Knights of the Macca­ Incl and mer of the Appropriations Commit­ terviewer in a library of the palace tion In history—on Its plan to owing bees, will go to Meriden Monday tee of the General Assembly that where he gave a terse but complete tions, however, had been to urge a from relief to public w orlu wbOs OaHas, Tex., April 6.— ( A P ) ~ direct settlement between Ethiopia evening, April 8, to work the degree 60 Wells 8t. TeL 6874 none but members of the General statement of the Itolo-Bthioplan the Nation watched to see who on a class of about 75 candidates, Assembly and the six elective offi­ Haympn(l Hamilton, southwestern diplomatic situation: and Italy with arbitration only as a F r o c k s cers o f the state could collect for desperado and one o f a trio labelled lost resort.
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