mrAwm i 9Wn LRCmTHL. iirpR ACTiMniT llsimtrs cm the bswtlag piMt at the The free lecture on (*hrlatlan dclaoce MESTBURiyiE A paity of people fnMB Ithaca raa Ceattwl sehool^hullfltag ars mam oom- lu be given at the ('Irriilt Court room Into a tsiapkxaia poat wICh thair auto, gfaii gwi HBITFn plMad. It waa saipaatart that tbia In flt. Johns, noai Bolurday afternoon. amir the fair grmuifla flonflay. aboat wor k wvmi M ha eaaiplaiafl haCora the Bept. 20. at 3 o'Hack to wi.lrh the pub­ INI IV o ’cloek. while paaoMig a hOM aad opsatag of arhool bat aatMaaaaa dr- lic Is < ordlalt) invited, will Ih- a rarrlaae. The aulo waa Ja aimed aome- laira occurrMl. aai darflig the eoalar SI might forward, authoiitaltv** siate- irmiRM AirRBM’RR wr mmN’AL PLANT TR Ml HIBTALUIII BT A what. aad oae of tha man had hla nUMPM* weather of laat week the bulMlag was iiieni ot what Christian Sr* u* is *iad arm hurt, but not aaiioaaly. They aat ccMBfortahle at Uama. Rrtflair af- ART NMNRTT. what It teacha* and bell .* •». and vh.* LMML MLUMI PR. wore able to proeeod oa their journey. tsmoaa sehool waa dlmalaaai owlag reasons for such teaching .tnd i***li*-fs. «ArMI5ll': H.IRTN to the cold aad to alloar the worttamn There will be no pro«**.yfl/tii4. ror MU TTPB PRLAINI CHOUR TSAR WAN NMMAWBR SRIIMAT ni riLL raiHABT. to go oa with thair wotfe. A fairly dood rrowd greatad Prof. any aiicmpi at it. and n*« attiM* ’s -i|K*n. Westphalia paople are aooA lu ao|oy The hind that brood larRs llttura aad ■▼BHtlNL C. Nevlson Roberts. Wednsaday evo- uor crlllclam of any rhuich .-•llnous cooveslaocoa affordad by alaeCilc make larae boas, flaraa aown farrow ­ rHAMc AmmtL uliig. at the Coacredatkmal church, dcncHiilnatlon. sect or crt<**.i Ph** Uc- lights. It la expactod that la the very ed seventy pigs loot April aad May. Program for (!haae Arbor. No. 70S. when he gave an organ rarltal. as- lur*- Is for tbe purpose of correcting near future a plant vrlth oapartty oaf* Dur plia are sired by Bnular No. HKK OMIIV HMCm for Friday evealag. flaptaaihor S&: slBitwJ by Mrs. Roy Moore, soprano, any false Ideas. miM <»n>-ei>ii ci'. or Acient to (urnlsb all the lights needed hhmM. s very larae. snsooth hag. and SCniETDGETJMEKUB Hoag. "Rattle Hyma of Republic," by Mias Hslso Athlna. violin, and Mrs. wrong lmpr**ss1onH whtei; iHsiple i .y la the town will be laatallad In the out of a fine buach ot aows. Our Arbor: rerltaltoa. Knna Katoo; read ­ M. l«. Mnrahnll. accompanist. **ntertaiii relative ft* 1*. s i’»i.--*. „nd West (dial Is Floorlag Mills, the piiaui- prices are I90.M eoch, this moatb. Be ing. (Henna Peck; quaaUoo. Reaolved Mr. Roberts oiiened the progmni is piirelv l•du<-allot1al. 5HI PIII.%4il*I.K IRfULVRS KIT r> purpose of wMch will be to light sure and saa our Itae of atoah before •IT NOME 09 ATTRBIIRT AMR Wm, that home laffuoace is graator than with an explanation of the pipe-organ, the tiiills. Howevor, thore trill be buying. We alon oflOr two cholee ukkkh for stoilm . that tif schtvol, %frs VsnVIeet; reclta- and before «*arh of his numbers on etiuuKh extra power lu take care of all short-hornad hulls. Murdo Bancroft. 1. M. LTRN. ttno. Malian VanVIeei: luuslr, Olenuw the program, told whst feature of the tlie outside business (hat cornea. An Fowler. Mich. .U. F. D. 32.. l*boae. Pack. urgati that iiumher was to bring out. ••x|M'rt will arrive from l>etrolt la a Maple Rapids. a«-21^IH. 6tf R* tkr Tas|My«r« T» *HN Meeting Ui he held at ('om|ianiuii .Mrs. .Moor*-, v*>ry sbly aerouipanted by- FM PROSTEGTS few iJays to look over the place and to Mnerewsfol Saassa Endad Hy Fred VanVIeet s .\ll members are In­ Mrs. K. I,. .Mareball at the piano, was (••Ml iMi^f (• H^lti a rci-oifimend the sixe plant he t-onalders tbe Cenfoal L sagas Tana at vited to a water melon supper .-njoyed by .-veryt-tidy. having a full I *'St adaptetl to the town's needs. RLLSiaMi FHtaIr sweet soprano voire, which captlvalea the violin was another feature of i.ii'l .ire also public s|ilrlt**d eititens. RBBBBREO EMFT TBO .. .t|t|Ntinltii«-ut of |) (Jovemor F«*ni» PUBS FOR COMM YEM Roberts secomiNinled her on the piin.- THA^ i:VKK. M-ason wh**ii artlfletal lights are re- t»Ni: UVNRIIIIR TWENTY TE.M'H. Sunday when the local team defaatad lai>t wi't'k. i» H iborn in th<- ficith of tti«* organ. •Itiln-d. owing to inconvenience and EKM PttENENT HATI M>AY the Ceotral l^aague taam of Oraad r«'ptilili(-aii loUtUal tnarhlm*, Ih** or- The pnigraui was given as follows danger. They have Invited suggestions Rapids In a fast game hy a score of it.iti of wtiK'h hu» tui Iona waxed fat t'lVIl' ('tlVlIITTKK Ih INIIRK RITH (•raMl (’horns In D, (Alla Handeli. IIS to the kind of eleetriral plant that 3 to I. on .t iirai-tUal iiiuiiu|>ol> of thr ieaal (iuilinaut. Prelude .-lOd Fugue in (!. would Im* best oduptf'd to their use and The season, which opaned May 2dth. (MNIR RORh. About 120 teachers were present at prinitna whirh ha* rome thronati that Mendelsson. .Mr. Uotierts; Reveries. EXCELLBtTfflSRTTRRCTIONS have det-ld***! u|ion a storage systetii. the teachers' meeting held st the has l*een a moat successful ooa. Start­ o?Tir«- Hhelley, A Ilirthday. Woodman. Mrs. They use steam |>ow-er fur the mill, but court house Saturday. Sept. 12. All ing with a naw team aad with mam For iiearl> tweuty-iwo y*-ar» Judge .M«»ore; Hw-*Hliah W*Mtdlng March, du not run nights and by the storage grounds. St. Johns has won the semi- The St Johns Woman's (iuh das Is­ l\RiriTI»AH PRINT TB RKCORR school distiicu In the northern part Merrill held lh«“ ofllce

MpwC tiiBM. um t»wm—t “It tmnt dn nny nnnd in ptdni It. I wouWl tolerate no doUr. Tko earil- No ona to Intaraatad In It." to hto fln- Tha apHttinn up of ratnil tmda Into nala worv atonrad ont. an Jnrioa am niitlnr aoundinn plaa. too many aoMdl units Incmnsaa tha AK INI>KPBM)K.VT NKWSrAPBR forcad to an laau« In tlila country. If No nood purpoae la aorved by the cMiat of distrihution. If there are ttiv «l(^tloii waa dclayad «dnht dnya. auppmaalon of aurh Iniddaota. The Xn provlalon atoraa In a town of 10.- nixs th*^ rntglity I'hurrliiiiao ar«ra raduead only raault la that the oftendins rltl- Thursda) uf(«>rn<>on to braiid and water. For many yenra aao la apnred a port of the rondemna- amall affaira. In which overhead nt 115 W’siker •«Mt, 8t. Jolias. the#*- rlcora havf t>een relaxed, but tlon that la hla juat punlahment. Aa a cbame.H and clerk hire are relatively MlchiRati, by tht* HI. John, News in miMit reaperta the event atUI haa reaolt. he la much more likely to make larpe. llavInR but a narrow Income, Prtotliiic <' till- auat< re aud lofty liinnity of medie ­ all aaa of himaelf ansin. jthe smaller inerehaiitH often lack the val monaatte life. It Ik a very different alory when the i-ourage to attend enough In advertia- rHAMLKN S. f'LAKk. Kdftor. newBpnper man comen in eoniarl ' ing ao that the public can ktmw whsi I'MITKAMK with the iioltre or other rek|iniiaible they have to aeli, Hupplying 2n The ricbtinit ill Kurope throw* linht public oBIclala. If the newa|ia|»era atiisil atore, involves an enormous THK?ITY-FII^TM YKAK i>n the iiiurli dettated iiueallon. wheth- ^ . prlnteil sll fhev know, criminal* amount of work, for the whoieaalem -r .1,. „( 1.1, Entered ae aecond-claa* matter at the Ilvi,,, thl. rouolry L.,„. |ha^« made people i»oft. ae mi many i-oalofllre at .•^t Johiib. Ml« h- The creai iiiaiority of the newaiM- The lisrrel of aecond xrade apiilea I iH-opit believe Um POUnr CATMAKTIC TABURSto iRan under the act of )ier)( are lianOllnR tsctfuliy and iwtri- that ie worth nnthinr a» It llee under MMlIbk aWwa la aam PILbU. Thao It Ik certain that the einuller imlna dkaaaa ttw kkawal, tkawaStov aaS afithkat .March 3, iv7!*. oilcally the new* altniil the war. They the tree In the countr.v. is probably aaia. toapae twtii. TWv atwat, sp# aau I tit life ari nut iMirne aa euklly a> fur- freely print lioth aide* Tliey have worth from one to two dollsr* in the tfiaataw lakaha. WbaiHsma and mtoitou inierly Me. Mere rumor ought cea* from pnalucer to conaumer governor not liei-aiiio he U a Ite- rr- I a ko

headlliiea that HAI'lilNI* tIHBtIHX I *tlf *11111 III. AOVCRTISlNd BY THE '«ith u hatchet l>ec:tuke he doekli t: not liecatiae iu* I would be given to an authenticated ^ , ,, . , ,, ... Ik any thing ladltirally. beemuke he! .VuwudHVk tiiokl |ie«ip|r rarely have ' rht following fr., ., Mt 1 luenk h hae iMtiier con- I ti-eiti (Hit hIiIiuui takiiiK tCae or eth«*r. Monitor undoiibtediv •« « "nHely d. k- prtnrlph , riben how ao'r'- «.f r-Muicilt an ' or loyalty j They even dread th* Hllichier iiainx of IIKTTm; M INTE FRI’IT T« THE *dU(r« In thik necK ot tin- '\«HMlk f*fl a* to iieraona. tiei uune he bak not I ------rmr“f havins I’liUMi'Wu ‘about si.pfiortitii; !l'» uomiiic* of Ibi-ke thlngk; not l>ecauae he Itui't a* NKW YOMK AMO CMICAflO f,...,!, fijp-d * • wKK ifbetr party for .'oiern«»r ilii.'* year ladith ui fiirzy-wiirry t>t-cauiie In* la. BPANCHCS III dU>THE BMUUrALOYHi The auiterb (-(luraxi nhuan un the One of tb. common Klght* at thl!«:The Monitor man . o«nea o.i and t. ll.,j-' , tiiiie of vear In rural aectlon* I* the|J>t«t bo'* be feel* alxtiit It, when the for gttvemor?are we for ('huke s. ^______(Kurn|M-an flelilh uf battle, however. large aiitouiif of fruit* and vegetable* nwallow ib.* dose .mu preti nd . |.rimarily for the reakun* iwtwer-J WhereL ■ SDo'" Yoa Eat ? >h., ...-r, >-.r '5', ■ Thr... -'•■".■ e« dining ought U. be th« BRIGHTEST, HAP- dy ^)lrom the old Htnriea of heroluni The In apple producing neighiMirhiKMi*. |c argo! rargfi* «' pnoiigb. we Mupiatri him PIEST room in the whole house. There YOU est SO vou OBO ♦ T<» tiru FKIEMIK ^ Holdicrk march on to what is practl-■’‘•Jill particular. If i* common to *ee the All •fargo. cirga. villi tiiua l*nf j,, the eerie iiianifeatatlonk . n TrvvirTTT nTTTV 'pu.-anr aoeennnil. ♦ ground strewed with fruit that ha*,.. 'o»r primary election law he waa' Uro. This should be s really JOYFUL DUTY. Pleassnt surround ♦ ilur reader* and friend* of ♦ followH another to death, and finally ♦ The St. .lohn* New* who have ♦ v-r, " ""■ """"'“'■VrT'"'.h 7!"'^;"!? ,hu the following rank* win the |Mt*ltlon, ♦ probate notice* to publiah or ♦ in... other product*, .....if there I* a large ' iu»Hko*All * Well That Kn.l* Uell | jf,,. Kepubllcanenough, ticketwe *up|K.rt And himIf tht*as ings aid in making mesltinie joytime. If you are JUST START­ befor*- the defender* havi- time to op ­ ♦ who control them, will confer ♦ crop or If the quality I* a little off. Tlie Monitor, '•.lic’i i* alway* en- ^ jiennance for our kin*, even aw the ING OUT St HOU8EKEEPDIG you CANT GO WRONG if ♦ a favor u|*»n the publisher by ♦ erate their weai>on» it proven unprofitable to market f he i ** “"*•’**" “"** « lamon* i« •*“ ( one-time merry nun of the Droll you select your DINING ROOM FURNTTURE—table, buil^ ♦ reque«tlng Judge Merrill to ♦ I'robably the rapacity for enduring .whole *upp|v. ticket, kupiairtk i ha** S Didetm jjjorie* dedicated her *romarhlc and ♦ have the printing done in The ♦ cbBiTS, etc.—HERE. We’U HELP YOU with NEW IDEAH ^ New*. If Hitch request I* made ^ minor IIU111 of# litfIlf#- kU hh iHmiiilhli#-#!,li i I I I I |t |iltlfiil lo j##^* a harro| of^ihal KovprtiorIf llk# H tin-•ill 1 iI'.irn**''iIojyo I^WKt n 4ri#|a^tinij*i, ontlont-int-nt wrfthttiKh of her lo offenreHh#*sv#*ii im UVsi ^ Judge Merrill will kindly grant ^ ak flu hard*hit>k of the world bave^ppl^, beginning to mt under a tree; writer wak • hik.iM boy itier wa* him l»ecau*c he I* the only. ♦ it IM'HI.ISHKR. ♦ been .illevtaleil There i* a growing j jn the eountrv. while onlv a hundred “ yl.o v pitrl.. ' that kio-»d ♦ w♦ *..„,uivene*k to pain alarm nt ! mile* awav there ...... are muir. .w-ople„ who^------•...... " ‘''‘“r:.,!.** .* Jusn alive who wai> for Tafi, for W. R. OSGOOD ♦' i 111 jniil Hiaiid, iuHi under h.- - airw..y, nooaevell. all in a iM»rlod of 4u day*. smb I danger Hut as the aoldier grow* Von afford no fruit to brighten up a part of the *i»out wa* broken off Herein 1- ...... TIsw Umdlws'tmltor ^ Fssswsitssww Owmlwr, 4t. JolSAB (iiior*' *ubje«iibject lo lhe*e(he*e influence* of aaltn....- I their meager------tnhle Its' 11...... "’C”" "I il' T *...... Herein i* demun*trated the WH.IT HEf’lME OF THE IYf'OWF I refln.-d age. hi* fear of ridicule and Sotnetinre* the trnubb i* .h 1 l oh ‘ *0 thick 'll a^'Ti wT* Ihu »*t*'X- * ’*’ * '* ‘lh j nnrtmK sH >01. can almut it...... ,..Y V..,..., 1, ij xunettme* the trouble i* the la, k *“» A declarallon* for flu- suffering i»oor '*» "»' »be geogrsph-Vou E»»ily riaiaified ^ ,Hhame liecome* keener He msy |of farm help More often It |* *|,„. ^”''* »*'*rUK^b'«n.' H wa* *,„,i the -down-trodden rich." gta** to bs|. racial, hisiortcal and imlltlcal The gowrnmeni guen-ed very death more Hut hi* dr.-ad ofi,,|x i.r.-aktlown nf «..r ____ appropriate to crowd a table- - • ' - - lleniiiiaiirih:. w who w.... reel ■'aorinji higher prov .H... ranain Ih $n.o(«ii ...HI irn this cl:ts- I nature I* Jiihi a* « apahle of meeihiK the fearful wa*teH of .MadawgaHcar he ''‘V »"• «* .lug uj. an egg of the extinct epyor- (»nd about tbe to Hav. ..iir ulllu'nair-k «l«MlK.-(i the ih. dark* r ..tul deeper I.-m;< .* of life .nis l.v ibi* time -quaMy ,.alatable >'“««- •''•«“• l>»rralne neutral- tax ' It 'v.»iil.l .ar.lly -••-m .1 >af* a* it ever w.-i« witb other ot hi* amellor.vitv* pro- , . reHerv|*ts. . ..utraband .vf war. Hu- gattu (•(•iiHidt ring tiu indifl. r- iu * , IpoHiiions If »H no more rntu „ than ru es of goveruing Hu- capture of that liil« rual reV*mu- ^ olb* t'-rs nhnw . I'KllEII l-lllt l‘t. \l'E the .i.-matid that h.h lall*m be •‘blp* al sea. bba-kaUe. and other rule* I Cluhircn grow- bv nourishment —not t.« -••nttni*-nt 1 Kev.-u ilu man wh*> l.hik* at life j.-. t.-d into Ih* H. putdb an state plat- warfar and about many otlu-i overlop)iiii< And iiai ik in tli. g* tu ral'.ttr.-nd « hur. : on ttciober 1. the day He. how closely al| pari- of flu- world .liKestivr ^V'wer- r.vnnot procure these iinder*'atuiiiig. .•■ tb< law I* in'er that lT*-HUb-nt Wll-oi. has “e. ajiart SCHOOL MONEY .ir< now relai»-.l and how the war af- quahtie* front or.linary- fo,*!* which rt**uita pr*''**d 'lia! ;..>-«••* in inv^^-t* 'nts can for i.rav^ r ior pear* Th* r«- f*-cik the I'ntt.'d .Stale- and how it* to weakness, (IuIIii<-s.s and sickness. Influence ••xiend- ev.-n to own If v.iur chiMren arc utuleT-siic. under ­ l»e dxi ;(t> i| from itudfiu Tlu re . mor* ihiag* in lu avi-n and •-artii than IHtM ItHtTIfiri** HtFFFII IMH- town or f-lly .\nd vou < .annot fail weight, catch cold easily, arc languid, wak during flo last < ..l•‘nda^ '••.tr. a .ir< rlr*aiiif of iti th. philo*ophy of to reali/i vCbat an awful thing in wai liackward, pale or frail, give them Sookt's larg( -hriiikag*- in ilu -oork :i...rk(’i .•.••n.. of i- M Mil Ht*\FY. and how wasteful and fooli*h is such Kmulston which is pun- medicinal nourish­ ment. It sliarpcns the appetite, build* A great ;i...iiy million.tir* *. -obi hum k a horrible conflict Th* ratlonali*! finds tiu- obler ron- health V fft-sh, firm muscles awl active at a lo.-- Til*--* hrinkag'— w-r l»i*irlc* :.i...rdH and . i liu fed froin ,iifi ’“’ji/* Y»'i .luv ibougiitfiil tiuly of tiu- Jkiich duly qu.lltl.Ml l.-ach.-rH as may that nothli taxabii wa- bit THOIFTY TEHCHIlie . liferattir. of tiu- abject will r<-v<-ui a j b*- r*-qiiir*-d W.. p* rson -hall be it tr t> a itg r.-t•irn p••o(l hav- iiioHt ot striking .iii.l .v.-ll ,iti.-*t*-»l oc- jcr.n-idcred a (luallfted teach.-r wfihin ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ I la ' •• a oi' g* of > ".I OW ll iig t!i« -Wii.-h wl.u h in-tantly fliMMis|>be nuaiiing of rhik ar t. nor -hall anv hnih i h hf hivkv iv b'^eti ja-r tc valu' tb-it .•-enf ‘ ('irr. iu'-s indb utlug ilu • ft'i a.-v of rim.MM; . . ♦ ♦ NN ••11. 'Vfi> lu'T t(i*-ir I otn**' Hlh light Irfiiij (cllar to, kch.iul offli-.*r employ or .-ontra. t wlrli bolding .»t tin a. .if 'I iuot.>iion infl.u-iu • not acroiint* d ff*r Hi'Nimi.f* ♦ F.INT HEM in ♦ I ‘li .inv \ mail w.tti It a coni; or ,. ... i-'b> P- r-on to leacti in public ♦ ♦ prev ailiiti: ,.»-i I let •■|ltl••'r • •.-..isands mate rial b.o-ik man without a luuiu ar> .,nder.-r ■ riu-r*- i.a b*,.Mi mm-ii improv*-- 'd fh* -taf*- who has not a .-••rtifi. at* ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Ilf p*-rkoi: III gr*-ai "••.illli V ■ ;bl •• i If th< nation* .vf Knrop* • onl.l but o. Ilu- lai — ••' itu- » artb iiu-iit altiui.-t iiHiti .-(-a a.- lainl. vvinle In ffir. granted l.v the t)o.trd or ytreruan .s,»cief» f,ir Thrlff. :.i.b t«. •'..V t' fii*-v n' t \abb A* ptt.v ..If >'»ul, w n* : i:; .1. tb- inorb-rn paliniaii . ,.a« h was Iwing H.h.I .-xainliu-r- or fvt|i.-r lawful .ii. organi/<-.l in iH-iober. I!»tl5. ha* for .t* Ml*' t;. rtru.b Haker b.-gan teacb- «»k .1 'b‘-ir q.iarr»-l. -iflur fr. n tb*- -> •tiiaii 11 .arg* ••iu*ugt. !•> .,..| to lak.. th.- pla. . of tb* flu.ntv Any dl-irmi that **mpl.'.yk P'.riH.H.- th. promotion of thrift bv |n- Ing at th. IVar-.»n itu"nu lio r • fair VU-V. -he. Wfril.l -I ttb- them .III*! c.ill !..*|IU .til illl*- li*-- I.-- -n raft ..... enilr.-h dlsai.|M ar-l • rtifi. at. sj.j.ll forfeit th.-ir primarv Hd',*ory . oun,-|| i* mad. up of -ot,,.* Mr- __ -|.eni .Saturday wav o( makii-- ll. f..*-r«* .• Ml worth Itvin., l.»r •;• lint |..fT l .' ir ..rrii.d ;s.. n it. a .la\ S*-*-ii 1 le r >ni . .r a a j Iiii.Mu-v ..rt liu-r.-ot for the ,.k followingth. numlH*r y.-ar of orun.iual *u, h .-‘lucaiors'’x.-i of nilv.**ih.- vartou- .,nd manyst,.t«-k leadingOn*- in^ i>hv.l-aiver .vitb b*-r i>ar*-n ’k. Mr and Mrs. ti.) •■ th.- tom. It ,11 1. li- Md* (1 th W -n t lb. ’ In* r ;i tiu Ill-Ill iion Tiu .la III Ih. -l.M.p ami tb* r--. h.H.n- j t. aclu-r- employ*. 1 b.-ar- to fbe phu*- of fh.- work ih Hh Introduction V'uih Wllli.-lm pla« iitg a m-w tiu of lb- i-a. tiing- of our IV 11.7, M.'ll 1.11.1 w!ai ,a'. advam . li i.- r ar**. .. I*. - -..k that p*-rii«'lb kchool* The tfui. is .m-. r.H.f on hi* granary -1. u r iron. Hi. :;ioHt -ordtd 1* ff- till- -ill: • «.»v i- : .N'.tiiona. 't* *1. -Ignat, a.- l--tor< ‘' . ihi.hi hol/1 . certlfb .t*- 1*'. to is for mi.-Ii t.-achtng .State l-•*ul' .1 Voisinef aft-nd.-d fh*-f’oiin- a I- t ’(.• ar i ‘iiH wmuv .itid i'o iiH - • irrci.ili r»'.i Miat t •"*ar 'I, ,h. ' r.k'..K .h...... V,..l 1. K...-1-r I. 0 ...... in. S. Inb.,.. U.t tiiat tb< taxih. - - . • ill W : itiaK.- gov minetlt laj.-Hil.i.- . - r. , fiisr .imi mo. Itrst .lawn o (ftt* tiling on. iat-r ilo.-H not mak* th*- ‘’•***■ "’'rk tiioHi lm|M*rtant mid is l’rt--l for*--!-, b ,t aiii) - a- : iiiderptatid- file it her w do titiiai.-. ..p.-rating m Michigan community»|>.-rliy This vry ill at Hu- bom.- ol Mr and Mrs. «-ult l» won hi --.m at fir*' igi.i til*-- w.-r*- '.oiiu-s -ill-lt:. ay , .Sch.H.l board* mu*i ..ii.*w th. author- ""IM c«.-.mdlnale with such prob- .los. ph l^•lf|.•r. ha* ho far r.-< overed. 1 tol.l ilu'iv. that tlu fnvnriilil. opltt- s i.ia 'ill‘ lly ,ii(i*-rMid.-r which ih.vth* > a.f,t hen.iu-n* • th*- ..... '*'• •’** The to h. r.-mov,*<| to h.-r horn* flta' siic/i (hang* - in v.-ilu. r-b-oi); »». lu .- 'ti.- -tav .lawn ot int>-tig.-iu •- If - hor’ If t.. ev.r f‘MMR •*«"• *;loot bo.nt hould -** th* cerfificit. ‘‘v talk* alone. Mr* I M !»ry.-r .d Math called on i .»f flu Stall-- vv.i- going fo *v*- ’,a'< iiiit iir.*t> pro calf .ilaf»- I . . «• t irc saw w iixtt 4fl fits- IktIAt faution on th. part .d hoard* 11. thl* «««■•«•»»* school Having* ar-|ln..l last Tii.-dav

lav* i.ik.-ti far mor* .iiu-ntion hn«| Moveiiient 1* general and m hool* muKi .Mr and Mr* M’llliam Calder and "v-r'...... "> noZ- i. .h-r-...... not (hi- ilia, k t.ea.fliiu-H in th* ii--ws ..... any period of* 'r'fh»* world* hisforv T It ir fall in lln.- In teaching the pr “' ’nvpi.ed the stream* • ’- “J■ iaueeyear- tlu-vfrom willnow tliink ‘dropping the .inward «»'•«. pre*-”** *rh,*ol than th*he«oim- training luifrinllr, of the loyaltmy* mgstw,. of Thrifte wer* .ill fh* fa.wer* *-qu»l-i,,.. ,*1^1 .. .. . ______at Mellevue i» now teaching at the ,1111. would think also that a common The prairie *ch.»oner an.l the ox team built, for the ver' reastui that.ovtdent than today Su|»erintendent IJttle New* laners Bring Big Heeult* l»ewitt .No T ach.ail iv re|.re*ente,|repre*ente«i HutMilt thelite ItalianItalian t ... .41 . j * of the .-migrant ernsatng the . ontlnent , ontentci to live in a but, ^-,.^1,.^ in urging the ol»*ervance of sen*.- of shame and decent regard for element is not *0 strong a* forim-rlv in sear* b ol a h,iine in the wild* of the otlier* waitte,! something 1*ei-l,.ver> occasion w hich may serve to the ..pinion of mankind would lead wea, la a thing of the |ia*t The .-I.H lion of l*o|H IMu* r* pre ter and * *|w^le,l u|.." jiTou**- and Increaa. iMitrlotl*iit .Hep- Ih* jHvwer* to ke«. in thi* demnnstra- The low iKiy and the rancher whf tlu tiiiu* lo- de«lrahUliy .if All the world I* at war. nearly, ex | lemlH-r 14. Il»14. I* the centenary .if nding *0 l.‘****ri!l*'* !*'* '!*'*** “'*^ I}**" „.,r Hreat .Nation What doe*jthe writing of the .SUr .S|iangled ilari- ward dem.H-rmib fc-llng Mreviou* *hrdinate their new* to a .urbwittv lielonging '« *" •*•* tallow dip .if the i«*t word* of the song should be memor ­ 11*. coming from an ob*» ur* family , the aervic.- of the country He par- pioneer* wer** plenty and the ax and ' ised The rlministanre* (-onnecied the lH.ei|e were implement* of dailv Knien»n*e progree*. a« «a* in striking • ontraai ticiilarly felt, that in tht* tim. when with ihe writing will Ih- Interesting .ise ment. . to— pupils .ind I’nlted r.States history Th. choice of Mencdlei XV i» held International Isavie* are Involved. The ( arding ma« hine and the spin- «Mivl*e you dear tT*'***^ ***■ ground th. rfencie event In repre-ent in a measure the rever-i newsimper* should lie careful what nlng Wh*.el were carted to the garret a Havings lawket mad* with *lan io the older tv|H of diplomati* they print year* ago i*ecau*e the dav of their '*^1 Intv- a iww kei into w r passing in the march of pmgres* had certain »um everv week, |M»|w- The Inten*.- racial and na- Thl* I* gtHMl advice lliit few iwo. come Brine the amount *«> *ave«| to The cm Bcirs rionai antugonlMni now excited, call pie reaiivc how largely .tlllor- .ilway* Tin- < arriag.- dmil.le or single, mst,. Bank of Rl .lohn* anti o|H-ti a for this mastery in «tr*iegy Th.- do follow these (•oiin*e|* •trap” or landau which but a .lecade «iiving* a.connt save *«ve. sav. i|*ME«4KNT l*4V HE4N4KIPNV IB U» Wc wish everybody In the world were welL Of Italian tcmiH rament is keen acut., Where there are rontmv. rsle« a* j{ago richly were < aiMirisone*! drawn hv ' handsometurn outs" horse*ele chasewhen a vonborne have or .-nougba lot ui*on •**•*•** wnten’” '”10’/ YIM’ITEB course there woukln*t be any need for druiitor» then IH-n.traiing. seeing with un< anm the publication or non-piihliratlon of (ant and faultless have pra.-tlrailv bniUI a horn.- se«- that 'ou swiftnea* Into i.umar motive* {new*, they almont alwav.- arise over dl«a?»|.eared from the piibll. highwar v|*ioti for ’^7 reiiienT.inon 1 S.iiH-nni. ud.-ni Fred U Keeler end we would be making our living at something elae. Without armie. or n.vit- back -ome per-onal wrongdoing A man snd the automobile now ha* the track Zr ^ following mes.agc to the but this world unfortunately la heir to aU sorts of ills them.. Ih. iH.i-ui hav. usually fo||e«| get* too much tmd whisker .in U.him. «t> itself ,„rne**e«l Iheelc trl. cur theroof mor sno lei insi . . , ir‘,iH.v*»nd girl*,and girl*do vouof kn.iwMichigan that iheBov* big and aches and p^ns. That*s why there ere to numy the most roBsumait imllttclans of Ru- then break* loose and aasaiill* »ome l^j.k imck upmt Hie d*v of Vo«i are living In the greate*i ag. ^ going on in Kuro|H offer* proprietary medicines on the nMuiiet. Some of these n>p« -one Next morning, after paving hisjhuming pit»h in a •aueer with a rag the world'* hDtorv vow av* gr^ e ^ *plendtd educational opportiinl- V .1 •peftarle, the election of a'fine he call* around at the newspaper Ur»Ht. In a lamp with a w|ek. or a iai ’7!*' ’ “J, ^^^'r Sre »> * A- *.h. read the tmper* .nd are of recognised standing and heva merit. Others are rx,jH na* no counterparf The_ ren-»o«.I «■ e tiHe .how.w an appreciation.... .1-... » low dll' hv which ,hhto 1 reada* a therelk new*t.a of the ,hc worker*>0*1 -ave of .omeihlnt the w rd intaga*li»*^ (arefiillvK.iro|H vouve*. should and .me have of made iuet to sell. We carry only retlpbie klnda. eral purpOB, la to dignify th. cere Ih. editor* fiiend«hlp that wa» never vet It I* all within the bta TF BANK OF BT. JOHNS iHie world tH.fore you You may monlal. and to shut .ff the electing n.anifeated beforr ineidentally. hejmemorx of our olde«t Inhahtianta who B j learn much about geography by look (w.illnala from outside influence In*..ska the paper to keep the story quiet jare today |.reaalng the Mttton. or Him 1 i»- *»•. ...a e* —h.— mjfrrs Dftuc stokej J W. Kltxacrald raahisr !lng up svsry place tnsnilo«ied and a w. WL m Hn. omm «f M. E. Cm, inilafa asBaania laaw me amip MMl^^a pBHr^ai^deMaat waai Or. ■. J. w. Varna Drawkalisr laal tkraa vala* Special on Glaaawafc this week M aMa oowa laat Baiariair as a raaait a< aM dartas kla TaSoml Fall Suit Wm. Wa olkara Umi ■d aas oat of Watch our windowb for apecials ___ a. L. AMri^h. Mr* ll»l- near at tMs data. 1 Ml Parr aad Mta. Muia Mavara wara Wllkar Marrtraa aad Caially of Oak- lajr aad Mr. aad Mrs. J. C. Hay of A few more Sample Purses left. Going at 25 cents. mm Bird ara vtalt- Cartaad wara tiaadajr vlaltara kora. lac ralartraa ▼tefcaryaina. Mr. aad Mrs. Mwt Pimjr ara rtattlac aiaaa Htmi Mt to Mair Mtaiday at tka koaaa of tkolr aaa. Milo Pray, to work la tBo o kaaaa faolorr oa ae* aad ■ttaadlaa tka »tata fair at lia- eoaat of CBa lllaaaa at Thao. WekaWr. trolt tkls woak. rrifda Allae aad wifa of Cryatal Mias .NuaoauUiar of Chlcaao Is via | ' wora guaota of his paraals.^______Mr. ___ Itlas har friaad. Mrs. F. \V. iioiaar-l Tka Ikk Mrs x; H. AlTaa. Thursday and FrI- aoraral waaks. 1 Amy Mr. and^Mrs. Joka Uurcaas of Poa* Mr. and Mrs. Haary Hiataad of 8t. visltad tato alstar. Mrs. Hobart i Louis wara tka auaots of Mr. and Mrs. eahoon. orar Hua^y. in •Mrt In Mw Janias Bird from Saturday until Tuas- Mias Kluranca Baaoh bat relumed loj fbnay kuMstMahmiwd: iwBa i\ \ Wattanu mtmtL In her home in Ann Arbor, after spend* > whan aak ta ka tkinanft. Mrs. Sarah Hewitt returned home Miveml waaks with her Krsndtmr-f I \\ pWd far mrjto. Wadnemlay after an <«xtaadad rlalt Mr. sad Mrs. Jas. Andrus. | with har dauahter, Mrs. A. I), .\ohle. **• Aid will meat Wednesday, | Season and family at Orchard I.nke. 23, with Dr. aad Mrs. (Jreitory,; flMt Pi 7 Saldan Hack and aoo. Roll, of Un- “ aarllar tkls month on account ; sluR vialted at Mrs. Van Bcojr ’s Run- ' All are invited to come, fketioM day, Rav. Anna Shultz laft Monday Mrs. Kdna Hathi iincton and Miss i»»omln« to visit her tlsler In Ow«isso ParMl is ofer MBoa asMinna^ Kdith Wilbur ara vlalUnc thalr slater, before attendlai the V. II. oonfarance Pmi BAEiia(§ Kin;^’s ciiiuiiies Mrs Inez Psyna. and family. lirand Kapids thin waak. ba«lnnlng TUb Mt. $17.50 mmmn onaa Mrs. Nattia Riirltaa aad dnugkter of Tuesday. WON. tin l«» buy Salt Ijika nty are visiUnr ralathas Hchurer called on uid here. frlendn here the fore part of the your groccrifs at a right price. Fine stf»ck to .select waak. Dr. kklwsrd Kills of llanzonia visit­ from ami g attended the state ^ ^ are doing carpenter work on the CLINTON AVENUE ST JOHNS. kMCMICAN of l.4inslag and Mrs. Adams of Granu Prank Van Haun houae. medical aaaociatlon at l^anslng last Ledge called at (teorge Brown's Run* waak. Mrs. James McCamey* Is a little bet­ .\. Rusaell and O. I* Ingerool] want ay aftarooon. ter at this writing. Ueorae and John Kain made a bust- •'** ’- ***** ^'‘* Thonuza I.dtpham en- to l.AOstng Tuasdsy to attend the Cusrh^e­ '♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ neaa trip to Rt. Louis ItoiidaT! ter llrigade Reunion held than Mlaa Hemire t'hapnian of the Battle 16th and ITth. '♦ ♦ Mrn Haarw- fiakar Afitart.inad bar'*"** JohnSOn Of Mlddla- ♦ MBBLE be ACM ♦ cousin 8. B. lisat of Minneapolis. Minn. 11®”; ** ’^* ‘’‘ ®' ‘’«*‘*on»la Run- Creak Rnnltaiium was the gueat of her Henry Ralst and Mlsn Floranrc day parents. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Chap- Weller of Ashley were guests of bar. ^I last waak. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Ixtcher enter­ man. Raturday and Sunday. - aunt. Mrs. O. P. Ingersoll. Hunday. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Mr. and Mrs. Ixiuis Myers of Merle tained Mrs. Rllen Arts. Mr. and Mrs. I M’aUce RUtar was the guest of rel- .Mrs. ('lyde Pershing and son. Keith,, Beach spant Sunday with (ieorse My* .Melvin Arts and family of Fitchburg, stives in Ovid the first of the weak, of Rad Axe visited relatives here a Mias Anna Meuller and Mias Anna ***** fumily. He seriirad employment there and will imrt of last week. , Werener spabt laat week with Mrs ~Ployd Ridenour of Riley was a call- er of Mark Hill's Sunday. ^ ^ ^ * *** move his family to that place In the The remains of Mrs. Prank Young- Arthur Meuller. The Fowler Athletic Asaoclation *»** 'Vni. K. Townsend of Midleton tvaa near future. love, a fomter resident here, were laid Mrs. William l^ nberson of Lxnaing k . , . , . Stanley Dean from Ovid visited his .Mr. and Mrs. (Silben I.aRipani ana elected the following offleera tor the tn 'own on husinesn Wednesday last. Ka. Waldron and Clyde Walls were at rest in the Kureka ramatary last brother. Haymoad Dean, this week, s|>ent Wednesday vltn h. r sister, Mra. "“** acHvb (tordsnier was iialnfully In- c L Reynolds family entertained Mr. and Mrs. Gtia firat aemesier of the preaeat aekool in Ionia on biisineao Raturday. Thursday. Hoiirhez of Saginaw, Mr. and Mrs. year: l^resldent. Harold Fox; trlee* )ur-d Wadnesda>. shen his horse be- .Mr. W. H Monroe vialted Mr. Raw- Mr. and .Mrs Martxke a^ L:;::"L""J! .Hilly Heist is attending the state <’arroI Hamaby moved his family . yer Sunday. M.US visited at Mr. and Mrs. E. Cr«3s. **,1' president, (iladys Altvater; secretary rR!.ie frightened, throwink him from fnW in l>etrolt. from the Prank Palmer house into J. th buggy and steiipinR on his chest. Mr. aad Mrs. Pitch. Miss Ethel's in .North Olive Sunday. “f surg the past week. town. se\. whan the accident «icruraewltt and Wheat off ball, Victor (.eller. George Daniels of Carson City spent >*«■■ Mrs Bent Rtevens and chll- u-..- funiw. Th-y h«l . Mr. l^„nr, Sm,- ’",4;SS lhr F.r.i»r.' ,.hon. The tearhers of tb«- school attended iral ahl was summoned and he was Runday with his sister. Mrs Charles dren. .Mr. and Mrs. June Rtevens and Merle Reach fine catch of black baas. the county teachers' meeting at St. brought home on a cot where he is Allen. children. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bis. Johns last Saturda>. S.-UniDR as rapidl> as ••oiild he expaet- installed laal week. Mr. and -Mrs. P. W. Redfem of St. hop and children, Mr. and Mrs. Ployd Harvey Shaffer. Harry Redferd and I Mr. and Mrs. Carl Siaub entertained Mr. and Mrs. George Hiink t>oarri Homan Thelen has been appointed a«l Johns were guests of friends here laat Wagner and children. Mr. and Mrs. Hob Tre«* spent Sunday with Cliffton her sister and husband. Mr. and Mrs. the tearher al the Brown schol. to act as librarian during the (Iret Mr and Mrs K. F Owen are vislUng week. .Mr. Redfem returned home H. V. Smith and son, Ralph, and Allen Plowman. L H. Iddings of Maple RapMa. ______month of school. relatives at Weldiiian tFriday hut Mrs Keilfern remained un- Rniith of (Ireenhush. Mr. and Mrs. C.| Mrs. ('has. Dean and daughter. Mar- Prank Huffman and mother visited i • los Jones, for many years a real. til .Monday. I*' VanStckle and Mrs. .Nora Stevens guerlte. spent Tuesday in l>ewttt with.her neire and huaband. Mr. aad Mrs CIMn HBPT DOWN— ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ d« nt of this place, and father of t'lay- Dr. and Mrs. H. H Moss mov«^ their '*" ‘1 Johns Mr. friends Walter Saxton, in KmU- Sunday, QrALITT KEPT ITP lon Jone*. i>ased away at the home household goods to Carann City Tues- I Mr. Amos l*almer spent Monday Mrs. James ('layten has a new Xo better medicine could be made t OLIVE CENTER t oJ his daiiichler. Mrs Kva Coo|M»r. Sap- dav Dr Moss_ will be in his office in Hiihbardston. Mr. and Mrs .Selden _ |,ls_ son. Byron_ Palmer. _ kitchen range. for coughs, colds, croup, hoarseness te ; l»er n . 1!*H The funeral was held ♦ ♦ this village Monday and" Tliesday o7 ««^'ens and children and Mr. and Mrs.| Mrs. Peter HotUworth who has been! Mrs George Myers visited her sis- tickling throat, bronchitis, etc., than a’ Matherum at two o'clock Thursday each week the same as ever. .Mr. and '». ant^lv**!**—3i_i.i------and1 Jdaiighter------u.------of# L-ht^x,------%*_Mr. iv# jii Friday iitoming - at , Mrs .S. J. Dyer, in I-ansing Sun- >fn.Foleys • wHoney i and > Tar Compound.; and The burial in the Ileach cenietary. Mrs F .M Crook expect,pect to move Into '*'■'' "“V®** Stevens of l»oiiipell. „viock.clock. ‘ ‘*** ‘‘> That'sThat a why they can't improve the qual-qual-i i Mr. and Mrs. Jay Jarvis and sons of Those who attendeii from this vicinity bv them Mr. **and“* '*'■Mrs’* Julius (('easer easer .and chll- . Arthur Chant____ _i...who ihas__ been»___ -Mrs.Mrs. ^:dlthKdith Manzke.Manzkf entertained her •*> »«** no war, the price re-1 near {.nnsing spent .Sunday in the w. re Clayton Jones and fnnilly, Mrs. the house varat«‘d by them G*M»rge Sim • mson and sister. Mrs ‘** ‘'‘'* *^* ‘'‘c** of Middleton and'^^ ^ ^ lictrolt has: •‘“(•‘•’s. Mrs. Kthel Oessmau of North '»*‘»»>‘ »*»^ K. J. Sargent. Dallas,, home of his brother C. P. Davis, H-len I’arr. Mrs Maria .Mayers. Mr. of Gaines vialted their ^ Stevens of lainslng, Ayera rp,i,med home 'Olive and Mrs Anna Shaflev of Hen- Texas, says. "I l>elleve Foley's Hon-' Mias .Anna Stempfly returned last an. ; Mrs I'.irr and S L Al- Sarah Foster brother. W W Simonson, .ind wife the Stevens and lady friend of Baaex all, gal Thuraday. *)' a®*! Tar has no equal tor it com- 1 week to the home of J. H. Howe after dneh i.u.i t,««L attended a family reunion at the home Mr. Kd. Blssel attended the state ' .Miss MUdml Diinkel of Ovid Is the pletely relieved me from all symtoms spending thre- weeks in Powlervilie Mrs n F Owen .ind family spent wees. j, Teets here last ^** ’' ** l>«trolt Friday and .Saturday. t»*acher at the HrowTi. MyrI laiphani tuberculosis and ray cough has en- and l.ainslDg. .Sunday with relatives In laznsins. i.*>therMrs. Herthaat Vewnrk Stringer (Uibi and are •l««khter. viaittnv 1p ------' "*****'th.. *oo***l e*»reunion , Mr. and .Mrs Wm. Foster fromKontl. St **'•** •'Xldle i^her are the ncw pupils, tirely dlaa|)|>eared." Don't accept any Saturday evening the Y. P. L. C will •Mr and .Mr- Cha^ Floale of Hart­ Kather. of Newark. Ohio, are visiting J ^eld at the home of Mr. »»<> Sunday at the honii of ^vnilain J, .Miller attended the meet- aiibsfituie. for Poley'a Honey and Tar meet with Gertrude and .Myron Howe, ford Mich., are vUitinc relatives In [her daughter. Mr J. W'. YantL and Mrs Henl .Stevens next year in Orto-1 *'"'** »*•"<**■ i g church in .St. Johns is the heat Fruit and melons will l»e served. You Thix Van Sekle & Glaspie. villag) and vicinity I family her. ' ' Mr. Hazen l^tt from lainsinK. s|H-nt ,^,4 Thursday evening. are invited. ■'Ir and Mrs .\ H. Allen v^ere • A. H. Wager, who has been visiting Mrs Bessie Cuhoon and son. 1-ionel. 1 .Momlay at Merle Hearh. Mrs Mary Herbley and daughter, At their business meeting the Y. P. Cl. -ts of their son in Klsi< Sunday ■ his S4in, retiim«*d to his home In were guests of Mrs. It K. Whitlock of j Mias Fern Hamer sp-'ut .Stin lav .\r- Kugeca. Mrs. Anna Nicholas of CKEMNNA.N KErXION L C elected the following officers for Kd Fl'iatf of Montana is visiting his win the itast week Greenhiish last Monday. i ning with Miss Marguerite Dean. S«hwab'H Cro««!n-.f l•..Ped on Mrs C T fhe fifth annual reunion of tin the next six months* President. .Miss hr ‘her Hen. and other relatives and Mr and Mrs K«l Waldron were Mrs Albert HIxon Is seriously ill { Ruth and Ho 'cti . hint havo «11 Rik kwell .Siinda' ( ressman family was held at the .i Taylor. Secretary. Miss Lydia fr-i.ds here called to Crystal last W»-dnesdav to with blood itoison at this writing hhe sick list, for the irnsi w**ek. Mr and .Mrs Kllsworth .<0011 of l)(- of .Mr and Mr.s. Ahah Steeves of Ring-1 K|,4v,»p, Treasurer.Homer Knight. Rev- Mr and .Mrs L it Iddings returned attend the funeral of a nelce. l,eo Martin and .Mrs. Jennie Olgeri Hcinember the dance at MerP Ilea, h '»•** s|*ent Sunday with Mr. ham Saturday. Sept IHil. Twenty-romnilttees wen- .apiminted ,md W ■ dn.-iwlav from Houghton I-ike,. .Mr an Mrs S, I*. Horr spent Sun- were niarrie.) last W.sinesday and arc and Mrs. Fred Huot. tw«i gathen>d to partake of th<‘ pl<'nl<' lieing made for an entertain- w. - re they Hi.ent the -umiiier i.lay in Crysial. F'rlday evening. Sept. 2it. dtiiner serv**re in here in Kureka. 1 (aln.Hl Mr and Mrs Oral Granger. Sn lnlslnes^ Thursday .Mr Mrs J K KIrhv suffered a slight APPENDK'ITIH HIKIk FREE. .Mrs. A. Granger. Mrs. Flora nixby, son order by the president F'lv. dollar- All .m* Invited. The {tennant is still in to oleninn the tlrs- of the week to I wnght has Iwen apiminted adniitiis- sin>kc of aitoplexy last .Saturday, | The Adler-i-ka iKxzk. telling how IJncoln, and daughter Olive, .if St wer» given for flower fund an I <'*o.t|ie |K»ssesston of the adult bible class ? Mr< Tb hnor- son. Kiicene Rob-j(rator for the esiati o| the late Eliza leaving her almost entirely blind. She|you can KARILY guard against up- Johns Sunday. dollars for cemetery work. Dn d *at .Mrs. Alson Hamilton entc.-tainnd her - .ind family, INeal Is somewhat Improvi-d al this wrlling. l»endlcltls. and how you can relieve Mr and .Mrs. Mark Hill entertained and <»ii< birth wer*' recorded In the sister .Mrs, .Nellie K Smp't of Mapl*- I. (asterline J t reok. Dr H. 1 jyr. i^ion and .Mton Gls-e wer. in Mr and Mr*; Lloyd G.-irirlght and 1 constipation or gas on the stomach ]ier -isler. Mrs. Ellen .\rtz...... and neph.. l‘«»torv as having occurefl lur- n^pids week before last. (os^ and John N\ right. Jr . were In Johns Wednesday Mr and .Mrs Clias. Yokum autoe«l' I.NSTANTLY, is offered free this we«a ^w. .Mr. and Mrs Melvin Art/, and »•*** “ •7'*[ , Mr. and Mrs William l•'1zleIIe and -olf Uetlnesdsy and Thur-day. j Wm .Schneider and S J. Dunstall , here from Mnyville Sunday to visit by VnnSickle A Glaspie, druggists. daughters. Beatrice. Krtna and Kthel fleers were e|ecte«l preslden*. I. C. .Mr. and .Mrs .\lton Fizzelle and son ('reaaiiian. vie* preMdeni, Johr. Cr**"*- Dean of Diiplain were callers Sunday mat secretary. Kthel ('reaaman. and In the home of C A. .McArthur. n^mHBHHiiiiiiiiiiiiHtWHin ’ treaaurcr. IJnda Koaht, I*lan*t w.t«* ______made to meet next year with .Mr. ami Iaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Getting IIK.\L V.ALCK Is simply getting the FT.MttST :b QI'.XLITY for a g iven price—and that's what you'rf a'" ay »ure of here Mn< Frank ('reaamaii of Olive. After.J ♦ Uie biiainewn meeting. Ice-creai.i and ^ IIKNG IL-II tLL IS ♦ cake were nervet) and all depart-d tO|^ ^ their homea. having aftent a Jay full of enjoymeni. ____ Fr**d Welter and family apent .Sun­ day at Ih** home of George Lancaster Today is the day to out tof St. Johne ^ l>rPI..U>' ^ lywia Sudrow and daughter Amelia ^ ^ a|>ent from Saturday until Monday In ♦ laiiialng. ______Julius Motz and family apent Sun- ...... I'ldy *t the home of Tony Motz of Hlng- that Bne FaUSuk Uev Robinoon left for conference | Monday morning It la the wish of' Fred Hiidzier and Fred the community at large that he will tie; p^,, 3^^ aon. Otto, were at Muir **''^ ‘* i Sundav on a llahlng trip. AND ready for you at Merrill’s are all the real new and good things Roy Mole and wife vialted in .Ashley and Mrs. (’has. Zell and Fred Sunday. o, ^ ^ w k Bpkey and Mary light spent Sunday Mre. ( lare Richards haa a brother ,4 41,^ home of Martin Kpkey <»f Bnoex. new styles, new weaves, new colorings and in such a great divers ­ ' *^1! Iletrolt. j Krford Fatteraon purchasod a new •Hie MIsalonary meeUng of the| ^,4 ,,,4 gaturdny. Church of Chrtai will meet with Mrs.' p,^h and daughter. ity that you ’re sure to find something that strikes your fancy jus: Pearl Coleman the llrat Thuraday Ini ^,,*3 ^^^e in St. Johne 8aluitla>. October. Krneat Fox was tn SI. Johns Thura- .Normon t'levelond of Grand Rapids bualneaa right! Tremenduously good are the values, especially in these visited hla nephews, Frank and Ham, .yr. and Mm. ('ha. Rehulu and ISSt Mr. and Mrs. Karl F. Sturgla of Fow. IVIII Metore. wife and little aon vla- ler spent Sunday with relatlvoe In four great groups of lled at Hdd Walker's Sunday and call* Middleton. ed on otker friends August Miller sod tamlly of Btng* ('. A. Rkermnn and wife visited at ham and Fred L Pnoch and tnnrtly Karl Smitli'a Snnday. atient Sunday with friends la Ionia. at $12J0, IISJM), II&OO aid $2000 The Dale Bond enjoyod a “water* melon fanat" at the home of Glann Pack TBured ay evening. All report a Kuppenheimtrr and other splendid makes—clothes noted for their ori^^inality of tleai^n, their lively Sne time yet digpiified style, and most im|>ortant of ail for their wonderful serx'ice ability. V'our clo»est inspection ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ IlMaa who Bad Mair bmalh hadlalha is invited. ^ ^ ^ ^ teonuoff, a bnd hale in the mooUi, a t BBTTHWBNT RKNAAI. t aanind tongue, n tiwan !• cling ia thn ♦ ♦ laad. wUl do well to $17 llakMs, thn ana Inxniire. Oomnipation. which tbose aymptaaw dMKie, M dnngeroua heramae it meoM The Ice rream t»-»c*al b'»hl nt the that neisonona ninianala which Mieald Ties NewFal Hats home of Fred Martin, by Uic ijidlea hnva naen exreileil from the body ara Aid Roelat) of 'he lUely Church was a bMng rrteinnl. It ia a condition which, The swellest ever ! The richest silks' in all shapes and colors. Everything; for good auccaofl. a i.irgr nuuil>er uf bcHh Mnotoorrer tcil, liemmee chronic. The newest ideas ’ A remaHcahle sh(»winjj, young and oli turned out to hare a Even chronic ro!« hell, went of Blata. aaMaaad prarmR congretkm. With n c'Olortnipi. tarlii4lag blum aad blacks, Rtlla pafOMtanee, which tl>e rsaadtlawaU ing in Rliponw, etc., at t&.d®. Bal- aati the iitmoat value to be bad at Mr. sad Mrs. Will Boaisra aad Mra. macatin. t1* (k«. MERRILL the*e pricea. RttA Raawrs spaat Snaday wtth Mr. waMh, thpy ranny correct chroale mm and Mra. Mt. Walters la Raak. ^^Ror ^fag g iet sella tlnklewarthof wM E O. Millar aai tferaa L Roth. DorotBr aad Natei hnaMt, pastpaiil, on reeeiiH of ggnia par bottle, by the Dr. lOa., flilianartad y, R. T. day wlIB iBalr lirss 660050629768932 It

Ooa*t aaflbr! Oat a battla taday! Itia a fawlly Imiloiae lar all paJaa. barta, MAXWELL aiaaa. cata. save tbraal, aoaralgla Mr. aai Mra. Bg aaesr Coariry are] d ebaat pabia. Provama iafaetlaa. vlsltlag tbair aaaa la Wlaeoa ala. Mr. Chan. H. Wcatwortb. Callfarala. ______(Miff Ball_____ toft on a viaH to Dakota | for anr ww^^ar wrMsn:—“It dM wogdpr ^ Mr. aai Mra. laii Hbpumgllgm. palp Is goga aa aooB aa ilhafer of ■■Dl■HM iClMfV 19 BEUBlhBH Tito atpr uraak* Um atotoratw f^l 1 apply It. 1 raaommwidai It to my Jobas apaat Buaiay with Mr. TltoaMB florion. Jr., is raaiy. bat will friswds M Uto haal UaliMPl I svar Mra. R. D. Latta. aai bo laotailod aatlkaoat yoar. uaad.'* (luaraataed. 25c. at yoar Mr. aai Mrs. (*. M. abelion. Mel Bm gtaator tbaa Umoo csoatly gitts Urugglsi. ■bslina aai Loala HboMoo atteoiai la Uto ^ft of iaSlBltoly patioat. sood Uto faaaral of (toorge BbeMoa In Alnm A5I» BMHMTLX VKX aatarod work ibrough tbe tollooi Saaiay. yaars bostowod by tbopo bmo . Las Mra. Clay ('lark of Hooae la vlsltlag M’MrBCTm IN' TNHKT. live uur geaorous frtoada! ralatlvea here. "I hope you will novor lot tbe aa- Mra. Cliff Bell is vlsltlag in Mil­ aoaibly go down at Bay View,*' aaid an waukee. I'Hoskey Th^ KoNton krjr to Blk> ialalllgaat lady frcNn a aoicbborlaic re- iminFinfflB Mii Harrington returned to hla $985 SniDEBAKER $1385 doni. which wm sIo Imi from the IfiM' aort. “Wo aood oao laaart In tbia re- koson Klka l.

5 n. aiNTON COUNH The Week of the Year for the People of This and Surrounding Counties! St. Johns Michigan, Sept. 29,30; Oct. 1,2 Three Davs Races SHAW’S EUROPEAN CIRCUS Band Concerts Every effort is bcin^ made to ^et together the best An excellent band has been engaged to give con ­ lot of horses ever seen on the local track. There will certs every day. be three davs races, two Wednesday and three races each day. Thursday and Friday, seven harness races and a motorcvcle ra Base Ball There will be base ball games in the forenoons of vVEDNE^DA . SEPTEMBER 30th. each (lay between good teams. Green Race SIOO.OO 2 14 Pa-e S250.00 u Motorcycle Race THURSDAY. OCTOBER 1ST. Many noted motorcycle riders are expected here to 2:27 Trot ...... $200.00 2 18 Pace . $250.00 rs','.;:Tlwsensc. It will be both instructive and enter­ Merry-Go-Round taining for them. This year there will surely be a Merry-Go-Round on the grounds. Bring your children and let them en­ Two wonderful acrobats who joy the time of their lives. Grange Exhibits will perform in front of the Four of the Granges of the county will make exhib­ Grand Stand School Exhibit its in Vegetable Hall. This will be one of the big In Floral Hall will be seen an exhibit of the work things at the fair. Elach grange is making a special done in the schools of the county. This feature will effort to have the best exhibit. DAILY be worth coming to see. Larier Exhiits in al the Departments Than Ever Befire. Send to the Secretary for Free Premium List and Come and Win a Prize. THE CLINTON COUNTY FAIR September 29th and 30th; October 1st and 2d C J. SOWLE, PreMdemt. C & CLARK, THE ST. JOHNS NEWS. THURSDAY AFTERNOON—SERTKMHER 17. PAGE w GREAT CLINTON COUNTY FAIR The Week of the Year for the People of This and Surrounding Counties! St. Johns Miehi;^an, , 29,30: Oct. 1.2

\w* ; {Hr. \ GiRCrS ? )' OS ITiiid C(jnci*rts

•V ■ . ;4'~. ^5 V V r.

I'V» ^'•gs % ~- hiirsiiny Hcinber Ici. Splendid l.xhiJjit'^

.Meet ^ our Friends ^ K'(ia -iiui ( hli^tL?r()^^

i .Merrv-( io-Round

i ! 1 - ^ i ’C ^ 1 ♦* 1 ■ Crnn^e ! \hihits ‘ (li itnJ Stanci Sehool h.xhihit DAIL’^ i aro^r Exhibits in all Departments Than Ever Before. i ' Seeretnrx for I re. -N eniinsii ? .i-I uid Come :?nd in .i Prize

? i 3 : ' '1 I % ’ ' y ^ f l\ I . I > i ( i : N i Y EA ik September 2^)tfi tuid ^Olsi; ;erober 1st und 2d .1. l J.. PrcslJcin. (7. S. (d..\RK. Secretary. r- ““■/-.'?*cir>-T-r: 'xe. * * iki PPto ik^MI dMkOI Mtok iMik ’ WHm

jmM T,. nm a tfu. MiatoPHktok wmmm tor mm wmm rnmm ^ Moved hr AMaMBoa fkrkta. sottowted by AManana UstNu. gbsl BaSao lOod rialoi Nw IT4. bs aMaasad ot MMa and Fadw load elalai Mo. Ml at Mijaa. Area AMinwisa CurMo, UeWttl, Tto*.- tor tka W. M. ------jTia to J. ity af stailve ml Uw H. A. •I aad fe­ to tka laal lat. A. D.. Itl4. te iHoi toa toa*.o A. C. W4.-laa .MX. 4* to»«aM«c wees ateaa ttm Itae ml tlietr wOwa it. aa. Ik tka dark to t . Me«ed b> Aldtrama UeWlit. suppetSed It to Mtorai tto dl pmtolkk to tka CIroalt Gtowt by Ald sraasti OirMa. Ual tbe take up H m- «|tiesU«»...... X.TI akoar caaaa wkr a llaaaM to hat rsoliM at tka dm to Whereas. In*e iMiblhaitoa has bee.i JaOn muMsvs ....------—— 1-9* Mb—doha C. IHsks______Mt.41 tka lataraai to aald aatau to aaldfaal MI tlmdlas par Maaar IMt to road, amde of lie- immsv aedsied by tbe oona- H. C. Woleb —------.... l.tefMI—C. J. LltasOar Kiectrtr Oo. ilMa akoald aal ba ataatad: lya In tka ktolo to Now Tkak, which shall laclada prapavlas tko Hl and re(|ulr«- . ; I Complalat to be flM aad a eopy Imvtaa the road ready for travel. Total Klevtilr Kuad IMsbU.. t9l4A4 JudRe of Probata 18) A lump price oa tka oomplatad •lutrict liiiB iiml ta-i-mlses tf> Iw assrae-||2i—HI. Johaa Newa ...... t.lS hr said mortiTMK** or i nrt ..uTf* f. (A true copy) 5wl thereof to be aorvod oa aald Com- Ho further buatweia appgarlog. on gm- plalaaat'a Sollcitora. within ftftom roadway by eighty rod saatloaa. tba .'I ihertfia; Htul iliH- «onslderalton belnp 1-2—Clinton RepuMlean ...._____s.l* Hon, Hie •xMincll adjowmad to TueaOar and tka pu«v< r oi u.o « «>iitaiu«Hl In Wool eighty rods 10 be* roasldarad aa Itud. It is lierf-i^ I Csmsat WaOi Oabata. days after service oa her to a copy cxeniiui. dept saw bar »th. 1914. atod Hiort-iC I - “pera- lti'M>lvc-d. Tiiat the (•ounril lierebv' (’laiai Mo IXX— IIBINIK to aaM Mil; aad that la daiaulti aoetloa ouaihea aae. aad Mds ba made Wm. IXM.’IIRANK. City dsvO. tfoe- thereof, said MB to ba taken as coa-i»® coasaeutlve eighty rods adofttB lb«- »|M-«iftrattaas of work, ma- ftow tharefore notice |« hereby el*- W’HKKKAB. The aaaaaamant for tka James Besla>. CKstate of) _____ fte-t? CotMivll Itoom, St. Johna, d#pt. 8. 19X4. lertais and <-onstrucllon. aad estltaalss of ______rkUi. Tluit the i-otimil do nas *aM Mto pltrsi or parools to land situate aad nawepaper prlatod. publlahod aad County Rood Commloaloaara. to per­ John M. Ctwtias ...... XI 47 lie Will, Tcancitell and Walker. aad batos ki tba Toamahlp to.kaaox. WHKHlCAS. Sold aaoaaaasMt rolla cirealntiag la aald county, aad that form the work arcordtag to tko spoe- wi>rk a iHitillt- Improvnwenl and nsroe- Isnnc R. Habnrt ...... 23 7s The fuiiow'UMi sras received from Hie St. Okitaa Ootoity. Mlehlsan. more par^ are now subject to Inapoetlon by tka such puhllpatioa to be oonttuued Iftoutlona ihoreof. aeeMtpMlad hy Mir> f«ir III-- puliltf- mnvenlanoe. and «le- Jamaa Hmith ...... Ib.lS Johns Hews. n-rmines to make ilie same In ae<’ordanca liaHlaalir daacrlbad aa: Conineaotac Id Board of State Tax Commlaalooers to tborela at least once la aaeh weak, good aad aufflMaat bonda. one guar- Ml Johns land Ob ...... I9.X4 The Comnnui i.'aunrll. Ctty of Ht. Johna: lada aooth aad 10 rods BMt to tka the State to Mlrhlaan. or hy any mom- for alx weeks la succoaalaa. or tkat aatoolag the faMkful parformnnci) to with aald spei-lflostl-NW. plat and dla- • ')»nr)ea Travis ...... ______44.34 tJvntlemen. As per >x»ur reaoeat. we oornor to the Nortkwoat her thereof, aad he canoe a copy to this ordor to be the work la aceordaaco with tko tanas aram and hereby dsst gna tea the route. Onwm W. Kleattng ...... Iti4 are herrhx su'jmlltliig twxi bite fear the l-M-aiton. depth. gracte ami dlasen- foartor to tka Baathaast quarter to tke parooaally served on said aou-raut- to the ooairact. aad tba other guar- Wm rtmllh ______.....___ 19.75 prlniina of M b(»nds and •xHtpooo tar tko WHKRKA8, It has bean made to ap­ sions of the said amrk tn be as Indicated itof tfcwaat quarter to Section t. Town- pear to said Board of State Tax Coan dent Defendant, at least twaaty days aataatng tba payment of all bills in ­ l^nils Throoi* _____-______*.99 some, lo lx •-•mplet'-d .ty Hetohar 1, 1914. In said map aial diasram and fortltar skip t. Morth to Ransa 3 west, tkaaca mlaaloaers that property In aald elty before tba time above preucrllsMl for curred for labor aad materials oa ae- I^wenao Klrlt ______lbJ7 as follows •oath 10 roda. theoce Waal 10 rods to^ii^ ^ Irrscularly and unlawtnl her appearaare. ccNHit to this contract. iierehv deatanatea the fidknetng dtatrtrt. ,\tfre,l 8. midew ...... 14.54 Bid Ho I. IS SB follows: Wo orlli hoop ■Mdla to atraat. thaoea Nortk 10 rods |j. nMOfos that ada quate conpllaaca Kelly 8. Saart. Circuit Judge. Tko Board of County Road Commla* lands aiNl premlaes to be aaaeaard to par Olenn Wilbur ...... 1X.I2 an areurNie ret-ord of all thoe usad In tkoaea Bast lO roda to plaea to bo-j^m, in^ rannoi lie aaeiired exeopt by John Walker. Rogtatar In Chan­ aioaars reserves the right to rajoet use.22 for the coats and etpenaes of anki Kmma Kevs ___ ....___ ...... 13.94 making of s«iid itonds and charor yuu at ^aakic akd load commaoctac at tkoin review of said aaaeoameat rolla; It cery. any aad all bids or to aceopt tke bMo Improvement, to adt. I»ta 7. t. S, )S, H c 1.. Xtlshury ______15.15 the mie of tl.3« per hour for Itnatyps kontkwoat cornor to the Nortkwaatiig WALBRIDCIE A KRLLY. Complala- per llaaar foot or sectloa for only ao an.! I*, hka-k 3S. lots 1. 2. 3. t. 3. 4. • wiwpnsttkwi 11.00 per hour far hood oaoi- aat’a Solicitors. Boataeae address: mpeh to the mile as the numey allot- hhx k 44. whU-h 1144 22 mats ami -xpen- Total rebate ...... $4dX.X3 to the Soathaast qaartar to THKRKPORK ORI>KRED. That In paotllnn. 11.4m per liour for yroos wooit. ^ ____ enaSMVdMV M# llBriHftol ft. I 1 n h#«%l FSkSBAS#. t HM tW St. Johns. Michigan. ad this towaahip will covor. •M-s sliall lo' paM by sparlal assi ssmsnt Total .Street and flower DMbU.. f9i4.4t and 41.33 per hour for Mndlng and an ad- accordance with the provlaloas toSac- iilMMi the lots iind premises above desertb- Townahtp 8. Raam^W^ (Jeoeral Tax Law. aa 6«rd All Mds muat be filed arlth tba Clark Water fund rHobursemsnts. additional 2« per ••ent will l»e added tn e«l In |ir«*port)ot> to Hie lienefits reaulling I'talm No. 277 — !—*— bL. ^io JSm amended by Act Number IM to the of CHatoa county by five o'eloek la the above price for profit tke afternoon of rtaptemker 88. 1914. •well btl •IT parrel of saki tami raaper- .\rchle Riahnp. tPar Hell)..._____ 942.34 iMrtaaa faat. thence kaat 10 roda. Public Acta of 1913. aald aaseaaasent HM Ho 2 Is a flat bid of fT-** m for the South 9 roda and tourtsan font. MHC K ICTIMi K ■■ ^ op«ncd Monday. Septam- HvHv *•' the drainage In he provided by A »• Oray ------...______45.44 rollb shall be subject to review aad fumlahlny of above mentk»ned lionda aOd thMce WMt 10 rods to place to hagto- lOTIIK IT LblMM IB BHS 2K- I9I<- o'clock p. m. sakl w«wk. anil l)»al Hie remainder of said K J Fakw ...... 47.28 noupons that K. L. Doo IIor . supervisor of the •sis ami exi»enses. vis* IIS 44 slukll ba kh«rl rimtls ...... 4f.7S mmt’ to*the*^tkeMt Mraar of tho The Board of County Rood Commla- Yours verx tnil>. slooors to tko County to Cllatea. fs'kl froin Hie aeneral sewer fund: smi ba Jt- Kasper -______47.25 ST JOHNS HKWS O. C. Hollister. II furllier .\ .Vkterman Walker, supoartc-i Uesi>lv«<«l. TImiI Hie liaard of assesanrs SSTm f i North Of H. Armbrustmaekor. hy Alderman l>eWlit. Hwl the hM of the James Doan. CoomMaaloaera. ar»- herein ' a Bp»-* lal as ­ ** ’* * jfli. Johns Hews to fiirnlstv 84 bonds with The Hoard of County Road Com weTtTo 1^‘21S'n ^‘io “* “*«• «»““«•» Hated, at Ml. Johns. Michigan. Sep. sessment on said district, lands and Rxtra Pay Roll I the ne«-i'saarx' ci»upons for 173.44 he ac- missloners of the County of CItetoa i-mm-r it ihu Ilf' mise* In .ic»- ""*> ***»> them at sa d the coastructloti of a coaaty rood. IHK the r-fisiB and •■xpenses of said lm-|»-x—Aliev .fa< kxvav rhell nnil Walker, navs non« “ SdTreserved for street And said **'"** "f** Pl**'*-/he a^ment mils (*lass "fi." In Victor towaahip. (Tin- rarAx emriit IncliMilnx therein the fosts of ton county. Michigan, bagtanlng at ^ „ I Ni> further i.osiness appsartag. on mo- daaenbed premises win be sold M ‘heir resper.lve warts for the w siirvfvs. puns assessments ami losis ofj Total I'av Roll ------...... 8X72.3s t'ouncll ailjourned. public auction to tbe hlahest bidder ^9 J and all sworn -** ‘»*n«enu flirt east line of section 24. Victor town ­ fCon'inurt from First Page.i «'onslru'tk>n herehv delermlncil hv the 279—Archie nisltnp ...... Wm r**CHRAHK. Cttv Clerk at the west front door of the Court ^‘th then, for said year; and It is ship, 22. t:> ciinlns south of Hast % .... u . —j . ll Co. ____ ------l«^hioijae. and .Mrs Hlecker vas In some o ’clock In tbe afternoon of said day. Icenlh days of .September. A. I). 1914. 1 :!2 miles flravellrt aurfare. nine (9) rroiliw for the county r^a In the .Xves .xklermen <*orkln. PeWltt, Tran - ^ 284- Michigan Supply Co...... -’"doubt aa to her Intelligence. Ho she J, KAR1.AS BROWN. Mortgagee. | begtnninx at nine (»‘cl<»ck In the fore- fret wide and eight «*» Inches deep .*P»**"^** rliell. VaiiConsanl Walker and Wats-^ r-mndall Packing Co . • - 47 . asked ml duak. Datod tbe 30th day of July. A. D.. 1914. noon; and It Is Total width of grade twenty-four (24) **** ^*5 wiwHi Hays none. 2** II W Johns-Manvtlle Co 1«A| “Bridget, have rnu turnrt on the WALBRIDOK A KBLUCT. Attor-| FCRTHKR ORDKRKI). That at said ff.^ I made, applying for state rewards, aad The ('■•mmlttee on arades ami walks 287 John C Hicks ____ 444.94 u,„ In the parlor, as I old vour' neys for Mortgagee. Bualneoa ad- hearings the Hoard of State Tax Corn- The (ooirartor shall furnish ell mn- ^l*** •**? floMltted to Mi-oinim nded Hiat a ••r«isswalk lie con- ——I "Yea. mum Ivery hnm"r Ciin ’t dress; St. Johns. Michigan. 52wl2 mlsaloners. or any member thereof, terlals. tools, machinery aad labor •’I*** /’•**' H** ’**' . ‘•epartment. The siruci«-. and shall take such action as will tbr ii.aterial and flniahlag the road- Westem company was received, < tnton ss. rorreef aiiv frregiilartttes that may be wav complete In every respect aa re- wherein they siatet] that a previous —1 h\ .\kl*-rmati corkin. ttiat the re«-<»m- At u ^ •sMhi of the Probate Court found to exist, .md that an> |>ers4tn af- qiilrrt hy the ■peciricaUooe. '’■“*** ’* m*mlaHoti •*! Hh- committee on grades for the I'ounty of Clinton, holdm at f*H t«‘il «t liable to l»e affected by said •fhe work shall be performed In a *" aibl walks Ite ae«eptep:HKI>. That dm --•ork. 7oMea orwhHh“'aV^’<^'7ile'VlTh «««»«»''nl<'«llon was placrt tm file, i u'nisw.ei. off.r.d the foi Present, CHARLKF M, MKKHII*!.. sotice «»f said lie.'«rinKs b«* alven In »v- the Clerk of (Tlnlon County. Z ! lowira Judge of Probate. < ordan* • with law Contrariora will Im required to tub- township transiiilted releas- ]:..*•> \.lr< 1 111 Hi. •.r.sent “f th.' T‘->rih.»ee NVIT.N'K.SS our haIn^^ .inrt seal this < h.- ;iui Ikw U—I to pur.-ii»se ^ deceasrt. On reading -rep.eml-er. \ n i'*n tenau they proimte to furnish, and and flllnx the f^tltlon. nriandn K lUrnes all______materials_ used in ...tbt contract______rencf and ;t KaufmanKa'Hmsn The hoardhoart dl-dl 1 (SV, lor Uii»T.- If lie ilrem II ncessurv) of Perley R llyler praying that Rob- it Horton shall be required to be equal In quail- P***-*^ iM-nss tits* ,x|.p,«»prlslely numl>ere.l wllhi on the re<*«»rd In the <>fllre of the reg- ert Mc<’onkcy or some .uUah^ Thomas D Kearney ty to the samples furnished. , ni,ml«ers of the fir.- .llstTicls In H>e peraon may be appointed Admlnlstra- M..:n,..,rs of th. Hoard of St.*.te Bidders must name prices on the lsl» r of derts I*). of m Jolins. nn.1 stve th.- mailer III tin malH-r of the roads advertia tor of said hstate _. Tax Commissioners .;w 1 following items. il.. re.|ul«ll. i.iil.ll. It) lo the .lt\ nn|.ert. Thereupon It Is Ordered, That (1) trading imr linear foot of road, 'trT !i‘’?r,oll7h *" , to Jm' .1rfr«ve.i hv H,e <’lt'. * clerk re| orirt that no bids have been llMrMtey tke 94lh day of )4op4ember which shall Include preparing ibe St «n.l n..t to exceeti *5o o« revelved The board Instructed that A* Bu ISI4» at one o ’clock In the after- PWtBITK flRBRN. road tied and shoulders, trimming the Tl'« fo,-«olna veas •uprorted b' Mler- ■oen, be asslgnrt for the hearlnx of MICHHIAN Count) of Aitoh... ».iiio. •!,« ...K ...A.. mmA ***** “ »>•' fhe Bingham :!!.' *17- nengni roads and that Hiipr Jos. msii VmiC.-nwint an*l artof,te.l .\ves aald petition, at the Probate Ofhee * llnl«>n ss making the road ready to receive the six. nsvs It CamplH'll Im- dircctetl to roli«lruct la the (Miy of St Johns And it is , Crohaie Court first course of gravel Ceatleowat Fund fMaOursemeats farther ordered that notice be given ^ •»untv of Clinton, .ti.ld- n at • he same hy day labor .Special Poll.-e i2i Cravi-ling per linear foot la two. I Conin.lssioner Dean bmught up the to the persons Interested In said ea- *^* ’ ITobate ttfpre. in the C|t\ of St, t^mrses as per .i^lflcallons incliid- ' I'IrtIm Ne — tato. of the time and place of said Johns, on Monday, the 14th dj*» of ^e|^- IT! Msrvev I. I*srk* 120 .sv Ing all the sprinkling and rolling, and In regard to the many men now em- koartag. by causing a copy of this or- •**'*'l»er. tn the vt-ar one thousand nine leaving the road ready for travel. IT"' VVtirrcn H;,wb 14 a. 4ur to be publlshrt In "^e St. Johns l'‘'**dred and founeen ployrt on the roads, and reeommendrt 13, A ‘»«"1' the ^pletod iii.'i iV/rouniy Talie" MritobUHv In- Mows, a newspaper printed and clr- Present. HKA.V \t KKI.I.K^, Judge fit <8* eulatlag in said county of f'linton, for I'rnbste j: nrotect itself against loaa- .North eight) rods to Im considered as arising from accidents to any of Its PU«lm H.. Ix.' - thru* sucreaalve weeks previous to ^ /I** * estate of WII- r» W Kellev •t2.*.« aald day of hearing. kelmlua Hottwfi. deceased. •ectlon numlH-r one. and bids to be employees on the mads, ('ommisslon- msde covering each consecutive eighty Armhriisimacher moved that the J.MierHi lirtvwri - --- . - .loss (A Trtie (’.opy.l reading and filing the iietlllon. II Jii<4 veiiflrt. of Peter Botroff. praying roxis Houthweai [lK»art appoint u committee to one to Bldf must be made on bloaks fur- investigate and report fully at the Wm I’ochrwn.- .... . 38 Judge of l»robale. .'.wS *• ’•1 l>‘‘ '’f other suitable person .Viln J "ocfimne ... IS 47 — ------— —------iiiav l*e appointrt admlnl«*m>83.14; surveys sod areomor- J.»hn «*richfoo ... tloas thereof, accoaipaalod by spoa,!**. Ilflc.44). thiitoon voan private sorrHar)* to Napoloon Bonaparto. ho hoard by tbe Judge to Probate to pHItlon at the l*rr>bale OSIre In the •IS.-; XS auM County, at the Probate Qltee la City of .St Johns. And It Is further or- and sufflrloat bead a. oaa goaraatoa-' briag out. at no hittory can, many onlifhtaning and I'rlmnry KlecHnn tko Cttjr to 81. Johns. 00 tke Mk 4m derrt that aoilre be given to the por- lag tke faithful parfOgoMaeB to tka intoraating tido ligkts on the charartor to that giaatatt to ■KCIftRK I'Ulm H.> 1X3 Of BMMritor* A. Bu. ItM* aM that tko stma Interested in said eatate. to the work In aecordaaca wttk tke tonna to loodara. He Mdnovars daicriptM*^ * havo tko piquancy IMxmr.1 l« lh«»llaa 3.00 OTCiHoni of sold do caaaai are allowog time and plare of aald hearing, hr the eoatract. aad tko other soaroatea- and iniaraM posat hla only kacauao he was an aaual oyo- aki OMatba from date to thIa notlea la eauaing a ropy of thIa orSar to be pub- log the paymeat to all Mils knairaS nKuMa Jedtn Tmnrfmll . 3 »0 wttnaaa to tho aronos and incidont* to which ho writes. wMefc to preoont their clalass for aS- Ushrt In ’The St Johns .Mows, a nowa- tor lokor aad materials aeeaoat to Frwnk K. Mln*»e .. 3.00 . paper printed aad rlrrulattog la aaM this coatrart. He«WS<' K Jud«l 3.00 l*hair raiiabiiity and htatoncal inteio n ran ho indkod hy Dated Aogoat 87tb. A. D.. 1914. conaty of fTIntao. for throe aaecooelve ‘rbe Board to (toaoty Baad OaoMRio- l/orlns I Irani 1.49 the tact that rite vary contervative Krtnch Aradomy CHARLBB M. MBBBILL. ; weeka previoaa to aoM day to koartog. sloaars roa irves tka right la lolMt ,*lMirleB Voiina 2.44 pahhely itBcootmanda thorn. Jodsa to Prokatf I DKAN W. KBLIABT. KUmenal T Mumner .. I (A true <-opy,» 7wS Judge to Prohate. Kuaene Hliullers 3 M A MciAL o ppftft TO aim mumam ^ reuuiwr iiw.-^Haa ef Hw ('..mmtM .V. J. VNuCHtmant .. 3.94 hlMlT OliOtOa x-„uax ii ..f Uu. iqi> hi Jaims was hePt Orwesf It lkirte» . .•* 3.44 ■laagimwii wkk ite poMOkm to fflBkl^. The HTATK BT BMIBWAII—Tka PMksla •w— OI IWMIP will ——. „„ .I,,.. Mavwr, Hworw* 14. WteMy, wo see oMe m { ■"i OooM tor to Rnheri McCnnkev .. 3.44 All bldi moot ba fUoi wMh tka Clotk . HrhoeniMis pri sMImi WlUlnm Mull ______. 2.44 iol49 koo wOk a year's I At a sssstew aaM Ooart. koM at to (TiBtaa (to aaty ^ ma n^iltak la| The cuncii was caiieu i.. order ..i 7 ;4e •■••I to Wrwm Ih^wer ass a, ai a price km than tl ■mmIm O. Dattoroag. daaoi tke Prnkale Otoee la tke (Tty of SI. *5* ?..*y* *"**y* •**" ITewm Aieermen I'orkln Ttimilhv 14 I'Inrfc 3.44 wo papart. Only a Itankod a*4tek*y to tka» Maomki k kaaad by tke Jodas to Pi 9 to Johaa. la ooM eooaty. oa tke liik day iMi. kowoeii, te to gn the hsosdt to iWs ip9«*9* 4^ rt* I Oaaatj. at tke Prakote r”.**.**?~, Mtadiy.lle-m... Tr-m-lH-n v-u«'..w.snt. W.lker lee .\ imWIii 3.44 \to of Hsptiaiafr. A. D.. 1914, B. |V14, At 1 oeiMk. p. W. arMl %VMl*worth art qaiakly. Ctm to SI. Jokaa. «a tke Preooat: HON. DBAN W KBLLBY. • ’hnries It illffets . 3.44 tf^toSMlkH ’* A* ^ M<» ood tkat tka Judge to Probate Tke Board off t'aoaiy TIh- miniMes of the last rvaukir aad Kr«sl K itwain 3.44 alaoi rs to tko Cioa ty to CBatoo. WHAT YOU GKT IN taoMtora to mM da wsaaid are allowad in tke metier of« the eotale of Iniervenina apctal nM-*-Hna wer. rx«d Wm II Flekt .....__ _ 3 04 dki aMOtka fyoto tko da ta to tkia ooitoa .Ifooa. ilaeaaaad. o. c. neiimte. and aeer.,ictl Jnivn J Kstsitna ...... 2.44 Wesklv ml Hw wtmAe Ik wklck to proosat tkotr elolma tmr Joaoph R. Bokr. axacutor In oaM no ­ H. Anal Tite •'•■•Mmlllc. on i'lslm* preeenietl iha Fre«| M Kelsling - ....__ 2.04 ky P9999 14 the Uitom. fwttwwlaa reinwi ta ttenis shro jn for i tate. haviag Slod la oaM reort kla p»- John I YIehlun 1.00 Aosost 27tk. A. D.. 1914. Doted at m. Jnkoa. Mlefco Septeaibar T. th. Msvx smi <'.Mnn.ou ('oviih II of ihe M. F WsslilHtrk 404 tee oaopis. /vowog mm oMk wriiere m limmtm nttoo. praytog tor Heeooe to sell tke 14. 1914 7w rriARLBS M. MMIRILU (*llv of Ht Johns rtelvsHon .%rmi .. . . 444 d •• 'Oei.BlrtrttoMli' Waliir-* — Internet to aaM sotaie tn certain raal Btvoi. H. G. WeMs, Hemliot Jodoe to Prnkate tetale tkoraln doanibod. bolag lot HenHewieo Wc, v.>ur Co*i imHte»- oa f'Inim No w^mmj ■ smmoo^ i ■■teosimi sy ■>■■■■ f " imasi vw ^mp SIC. It immksn niiniber twelve (IS) to blaeli aumkor I'talm* li. wic.m wa* leferrxMl OmHnasol |si HwllMin RIHs 4 24 fun.I .Uims .Vos |v: i,. im. senerwl soMng 488 carrssasadsatB tack OMO m Jack Oo, Aniiur Bwkl, Mx Id) to tke Vlllaoe to Weetpkalta. la jamm S. Caanally, and Meory Bateseiakl. noM eooaty ffmmwm Mreet fuiMl claims Hos lit to |22. water •73 24 r givea tkat all _ It Is ordered. Tkat tke Mk dug of fund claims N«*s 277 In 2X7 and electrlo |x. Mb hlmin Invewtor Pvib44s4»lag It is a magastae tar tke w4mIs tenkly—Bdkasmls, CamoMtes on d dooMOda aoniaat tke eataia A* Ik* MM* iM 10 o'rlook In llahi fiiml claims .v..* 13| m IM. do here- f’.'misinx *83 Cfwgfwa, rboMgfapkh Nests to tke IVerM, Mmrt and dattel lAatoa. Jr., deooaoed. will ba the toreooim . at 4 l.v r-|s.rt Htai w. loiv. .arefully exsmlii- ix« J.. IWfier 3 44 dearies ky rke grsaresr ^srlse^s of ike day . j»*i H’. -an*. fimi itu-m «iwre< i at 1t7 1' ft lNve<«*mre 97 ! Hteo f.-HInas sn.1 wc reopectfullr ree. ixx r H p« (inffyee 99 ■ - • • ausi The Boaro to t'oiuity Rotsi coa»-!""*"* ”• '•** “ ^ aiw»we,i h> the )ss I'lintnn RepuMIrnn 13 04 rnmm iltei miaaleaars off tko Cwooty to atatao.'* ' • I' 111.- < h-rk Is lnBtr,iete.| to 19* Hi John* Hewrs 1 40 will roeolve oaolod bMs at tho lllTMs •*raw orders on the prwpsr fuada f«r Hm' 181 •*, .l-hns Hexes 2X.I4 C'ftll m mmi m iMt <4bv. to the (Tofk to Ckataa nooaty. tor •^•eni amounts 182 K 1. l»nnUn« 145 44 kkMmrfrHftVt %oitf will be tosM tke eaaatraftMg to a ('sooty rood. t k i’orkik |82 -linnf a rirng fltnre 18 '4 (’loos "R” M Both towaahip. CTNotaa lAiR a nRWrrr. 194 Dr W M Hale tte trtk. A. Do 1914. .pot ka grOkted; •4 10 iMtkiBMLn. iCft SnntlkMBsalSR ol —uatkiiBm Ii a jraaoMNse VAmmaAKT aw OMoe. 191 .\terf Itws rV* fFhs Qftll) «. MBBBILL D Is IktMur mmm. ^ 794 Itneli A U (V (tore oam 94 to Judge to Prakote. jiiotlee tkttioff he gtraa by to 4001 I* PMt. 0000000 to 940-1 Mnved hv klde-nain toOlsaailh sup- 17. 11

Sobtoka R. R. Iota 11« and 117, 8t. TMb Io yoor hoato aai Jokaa. CITY DUtBCTOar rmr wUm’m Hmmmr , Heorge Jonas to Alfred dquler. lA>ia BUI'S ayobrowa wont iMood Iu. II. and 12. Haase's Mutn-dlv. of PlfMCIAJHk In aufprtea ’

w rill** of the represenialives of a fa- AT. A SCOTT, Physician and Surgaoa !4L ESTATE t I mulls jewelry firm glve>> a wor*l of ad ­ ()Ak;e hrs. 1 to 3. 7 to g p. m. Other vice u|NMi the preservation and treal- hours and Sundays by appointmaat. or op toi im ni of |M*arls liimn no ac<*uuni. he Thto g iant laoMlT h** pn Mi Ito worth yoMT alli said, should they he locked up In a ROBERT C. BUCK, H. U.. dfaansM of AHg yMia. iM It prove iu rurth toyoo. Soldlqr TIANSmS safe iir other dark place for lengthy* the eye. ear. nose and throat oaly. in toMot or Itoaid form or aaoi iSOn for totol b« by m |M*ri*»ds **ln*-e such treatment soon OAlre over Chapman'u store. <*aus**s Hi**m to los*- their "life" und J. B. DOIHJE. M. D. OfDce and rosl* Mary I’errln to Juhn Kl>nn. .NU of liecoiiie dull. If tlieir fair owners find .N'4 of hik H. and XX'», *»f S4 of .N4 of dance over Spaulding's bardwora. that for Mime r*'aaMto they should make a |ioint of w**arinK Ii A. CULUN8. O. O., rjataopatbla ler 1.411 27. X'HUi-onsaiil's Add. HI. ■ iheiii iinderiiealh the 4>n«<«l diPiKily Into tlir oiMTiitlns hint and tk him from his wife, "Ihtss." Ill* gr«*aiie4l. "Montg4MU4'ry man akin g|v*Mi to the stones light, lus­ to a p. m. Union Phone No. 7. Oet IS III III** vvorhi. 11 v.iln** iiiu«ie liy ter- .NS of lots II and |u. block ♦>. Van room. Kroniry Uortn) fin* imrrini; t»f ' ftinu the people lie had worked with vras tile kind id man wlm w'oiiid be ter. gloss and .-.heen Tin* best (Hisslhle rill* cfftirt. h\ kiiitlii**s-.. hy (*om|uis Densen'k .Xild vlllngc of KIsle. thr mtcblnrrr liM*r»‘;i»<* In xoli»in«* ji« . and fur, t» la* taken away and he bur- rrucllled for thoiw* im loved " wny to keep th*- |M*nrls In a perfect DK.NTfHTN. Sion, ht siriiggic iiii*l h.v liil«*ll*s-t The Mary K Davis to IJxxie A ilallln- Nolvoii tliroii'i;ti tin* o|M ‘n (ItMir. le*! alive? stilt** of preservation, as well as to "How did you trail him?" Woman h< l•^v«>•l ha*! tukt-n that naiiM* ger. .N4 of ,N4 *»f .SXX'4 of se<*t. 2. prolong Ihelr life is to w**ar Hn in al­ DR. B. C. LiEX’ANSKiaSR. D. D. 8 — Ill* now fHt Hint N«*Kon wji* Molly hail started toward her bua twp of Riley. “I went to Ills iioiiie town .Hid foood Th** i.asiph* iiiii*iii:: «Imiii Im* hud work- ways. iKith hy night and hy day lum- Office over State Bank. St. Johns. Jami*!* .Monicoin«*ry nntl llu* llnttrr band, but her woman's nature waa not Xlury C.enstcrhiiiiti et al to John that his inother was deed." esplalned M«*nling all *l*»n Tlt-HUs. print woiihl |ir«*vv It lM*yoncnm«-nt • wa. icoinc to hinacU of ilansor Nol- . Kearney was thi* n4.arest man to • ATTORNBT8. "lildu't you have lieart enough or from Hm* **Mirt wa* pta* ‘e«l In Hie ar • not) waa fairly 111011x4*11 hy tbi* |*oople I him • •moiiK wh<‘m he had found refuge I “Just move that iron n«d to the right t/raliis ermugh to sto(»''” rliivi>s III llu- *|.ii»* uJHioiit (iiihllclly. • EL H, K XX'albrldge, D. XV. Kelley fron: the law. Thi*ae |M.o|ile W€.r«* "When 1 reached him I wanted to Will!** Ill** la«t of Hm*«** ilf*lnils. **lear • VALLA WALIIRIDC.E A KELi.JuY. Attorneya ' tliere." he heard .Nels«Mi soy. "Move It • nion* or l<*aa iirimltive and had a aetiw* I alowly just an Inch tiackward. ” stop. I wanted to stop, boas. Hut you ing awav Ho* past uih I making straight e at l*aw, over (!orner Drug Store. of jiirtire not hullt ui»on atatuten trained me never fo let up" I the fiitnri* lor .\eU*in. *v**ri* lielug at • Money to Loan. St. JobiM. Mlell. Kearney obeyetl. and the jawa re^ • reeled off yiHirly l»y t'omipt leci*latoni ilanscoinbe kicked liark his chair teinhsl to by lawyers, .hihii .Nelson him ^ leaseil flirir hold. • J. EARLE BROWN. Attomay at Law. If the news sfiread that Nelaon had and iiacetl the rouin. hoMiog in bla sell, his wife ami her iiarenis wen* • RAJAH i • GRAND Offices over State Bank, 8L Jobaa t>e**n made a primmer and wa* to In* "There Is a physician In the Itoady hands the telegram he had taken from ' oralklm; liupuHeiiHy up and down the • Wbarw a alckla buys a diaies mUls." called Nelson to one of the hia desk. He aliuddert«d when he paua* RiUd Havana Cigar in all aiaas - * taken fmm the 4*nininunity he had i atatlon platform of the Southarn rath e srorCli WILL H. BRUNSON, Attorney at Law 1 white faced girls "Telephime him tfd lief ore his sb«uth whom be bad • Sc up to made lietter and liaiMder for hta exlat- wiiy in itreeiivllie • 25c • St. Johns, Mich. ent ’e there, at len«t the much eouutry I quickly " traliHsI so well. • 0 Mr I'.ryan’s lliiesi liorMes and tra|M. LYON A MOINETT, Attomeye at Lav, people would protest. Thi*se |»eople he , He turiievi to another girl, ignoring "Head that." he said, handing him • . Ills negri* iviacliiiieii In tikf freshest e a St Johns, Mleb. Ofllees In new bad fisl when huiiBry. had siieeored I Kearney. the telegram. • 'of linen sitilM ainl hr*>wn »lrun lien- • National Bank Building. from diatreaa and had sheltensl when "Quick." ho tiiatriicted her. •’Tie Kearney scratebad hia head as be Tufo of thoboHmr clam of Cigar* aold mocrymharm t IvePs. wen* there uIso (Diests uuU very a sbelterleM aomo of this material tightly almut my reail the words of this message: • • lui|M»rtant guests, *•* i*l**nHy —were ex* 0 ■OlVBT TO LOAN lint he waa still the linplaeahle law wrists ” Tucson, Ariaoos. |ie<*te«l. offlcer. the maehlne like (imdurt of He held forth his ilrippiiig hands. Ilanscombe. Chief IistsctivM. Nsw York: MONEY TO LOAN—On mortgice an- machine government, and he would The sleuth, his mind for a moment Harry OuttJrr, uM yeas, dying bars of The <*n»v»il Hint iilwnys galliertsl to : cutity at reasonable ratae aad on consuropiloti. font ras es murder of True- 0. P. Dewitt & Son i run no ehanee of hia man allppltit: blank with horror at this deliberate gr**el tile express Iruiii rr*un the north • aatlafactory terms at The Stata blooil. bank watchman New York, eleven a from him after all the»4* yean*. He sacrifice, grablssl up a piece of knitted yssm ago Kx-iwnvict named Hawkins Ihlgeleil with inipalieioe |Vrlia|M u Dittributorg 2 Bank of St. Johns. LATge or small followe*! Nelson Into the ojieratlns I material ami made a toumiqnet, tirat found him In bad landa and brought him party ul fHiinuis niillionaires or re- * St Johns, - MichifBii n amouou. Call and see us. J. W. room and saw him greet hia wife I tor one wrist and then for the other. in AI .grip. Chief. nowiMsI »Uilesiii«*n was isiining t** • • Fitzgerald. Cashier. tf I Till* mill physician arrived as this n Upper atnl nether files of bright new The Inspector had gone to a window nes of four lingers In the right | tin* tclegnim on Ills desk and moved the tnick.s Iu |M*er imrHiwanI aiiil get hainl and of thre<* in the left seem to | U0.VaBR€lAL AND SATIIHIB. trrr*>-te'l ;is yonug women an* In a gingerly from the nmni He «lid not II gllmiisi* of till* oii*'*uning tram CAPITAL PAID IN PULL. $80,000. bride and groom, tnrmsl at their work Is* broken." he said as he lN.gan tiniid- ! lift Ilia I’yes or sfieak a wonl as be .Mully N«*lson **lupp*s| her Iiands with 1.^ F. A TRAVIS. Presldaot to w.ifrh 4vlfh tnniiv >.tnlles and tiotW aging "They will memi 4*aKily; in a i IHHUM**! Jimmy Dunn, fiercbed round il**liglit. Mr llryan's fa*i* was wreath M. WELLER - Vice Praaldent Ih*- grei'flng |iefw«H*n Vi*lsoit .and Mol ­ month, only the sears will lie left." and cherub like on a chair at the big *sl with sinll**s Till* **oachiii»*n fllrk«sl ]. W. FITZdERALD - - Caablar ly • Um* of the girls wif|, .n In-avx Molly had come frvun her awixui and . desk of the asiM*mbly room ills travel­ Hie i*ar>> of their IIm* ti*:iiiis und ftiurt E. A. TALlAlADtiK Aasisunt Cashier E A. TALLAIADtJE - - Teller« of Idaek hair, had il’-opinsl her holding her husband's bamlagfHl ing bag lay ouisHit* He pick***] it up eil th**ni f<*c«|*ering Jauntily uinJ gayly iiands lightly In lier own. her tears j Three {ler cent Interest paid on oer- tressos lM.eans4* of tin* heat of tin* dav without sto|«ping and *leparti*n*siil**iit *»f III** I’nilisl Stnl**s wetting them Slit* was fully cognl- j tlflcatea of deposit and on savlnga Ne’soii saw li«T turn with a smile fo lieadi|uarter> '111*1 his i*ahin«*t ha*l ts-en coining t** rant of all that had liapi»4*msl Sh»* 1 book accounts. Drafts issued good on sp.-ak to anofh**r i»{H‘ratlve soveral feet K**arney ih*ven yi-arK he had had too banking. Superior facilities for mak­ tM*ople. *uie a lN*nt, while halrml man Ills way furtively from the building. many Hiingv to think over to liother ing coliectlona of all kinds. with long arms and a fa**** that woiilil • •••••• I alHUit wash li.'isins and coml>s and Money I'laned on approved securi­ I lns(>e<-tnr llnnscomls* was i*li>nnlng bnish**?* On the sioni> of th<> old fash have |M*«*n grotesque In its ugliness ties. luit for a sinlli* of paHeni*e and gentl**- DIKBITORN. I out Ills desk. |on«*«l h*>uiM ‘ in tillver street he found 'irrs aUBT-OiKHTEN US The eml of his isiilc** o.-iri-cr had ■ a group t»f ohl Irish w*uiieti of fh«* n**ss that (tlaytsi alMuit his cli*an shaven J. Karic Hrown, ritls Fuller •'oiiie H** h:nl l>4-»*ii jilii«*isl on tin* re neighls»rh*MMl He knew their face- lips, thi* other was a Hli*n*ler woman J. W. Fitzgerald. H. B. Knealand F. L. Thome. F. A. Travla , tlresl list, and an onler fn>tn a new , and iXMliled to them w-«>ll lieyoinl miiltlle age, *lressc4l In Complete The Kinds ridng lunl broken black, with a ilolmnii and hat that hail C. T Babcock. Dr. M. Wellar Th«*y huddhsi in ;i Hght**r knot of LAMPS C. n ('.Iffels fin* iieW". to him sinl«li*nl>. vielously. worri)**! Iinniiinlty lM**>n long years out of fashion Line For That Give that In* was m* longer wanie*! "What's the mntler?" he )iemaiid*-«l To this Inmndy and hiimhh* |ialr the Iji-uleiiant .llinmy I Minn, in tin* hig LANTERNS "Y«*'re 11**11** i*s> s*s(n. ” sni*l *>im* of Itryiins and the Nelsons rnslnsl vvlth MirHIiaN I'NITEI) TRACTION CO. risim oiifside. had ln*anl Hn* old man them crl**ji of joyful greetings Lighting Best Light ELKCTKIC CNTBRCBBAN. r«*.nr Uiins4*oinlM* w.mitsl t*» polnt«-4- The "lid" had Btemliisl himself an*l *‘ nt**re*l th«* h*>us** The cniwd «•xclalm*sl In one long BKST and CHK.M’KST kinds. . 5; 10. 7:10, I*. 15. 11.45. I4eave DeWitt lss*n ket*t oil .Sew York a little loo mounting Hm* stairs -uiwly He walk *lnivvn ".Xh!’’ as Hn* pretty Mrs. .Nel- for l-anslng A. M. 7:25, 0:35, 11.35, I'Tg. am! the gainhier' and others wh" • ■<1 Into the kitrhi‘ii **f th** lltth* tiat s*ui ilelll>ernt**ly kissisi (hi* Iwnl *il*l 1* M. 1 3:.. 3 35, 5 3... 7:35, H.lo, mail*' th**lr fortune-* b> violating Hn* nn*l f*Minit It s|*«>tl«-s|y « l.*an visitor niul thiMi put her arm nlsuit Hn* 12:07 a. m. (night). l.'w /mil s<|iiis*/fs| down on Hn* mayor licavtng lamsing for DeXX’itt and St. .\n *)lii u**uian -at in a chair h\ tiie ivaist of the w<»ni,aii who had «**»ni** BR£SI£N BROTHERS .\n elis Was at hand, and tin* may* with liiiii. Johnis A. M.. U.iHj, S-.tK). 9:40, 11:40. \\iix!*iw. till* Im*.i*|s .tf .1 r****ary |*iiss I‘. .M 1 4*1. 3 III, *1 *»**, S.23. 10;.5*J. or had to o Im*> or reiiri* to jirlvate Ilf** .X w( Hu* *ul«i of liK •»l*l noili**- J**hn .N'**ls«in .M.. 1 32. 3 32. .'. 32. 7.32 I.ocj ;1- A and In his eyes, ns Unn« iHsIriMtrii. ^‘h** la* In l" *l an*l .at iti *i “Ki.i:" II,. •« '20. S:0.5. 10:05. P. M., 12:05, onils* ted his (H>rsonHl fia|s*ra 2:05, 4 05. iJ.05. 8:05, 9:30, 11:00. • a /; * I i * ' hi* thought li**r nsh>ep "Illil!" was the ri*ply from ihos.. Hint wen* d«*|»artm4'nlnl. H**r h:in*ls, llk«* lirown \. w.-r. Tin* stately .Xlrs llryan vvas making l.aasing-Rwesso Diviaiaa. was a glint ot Idfier proii*st. clas(»ed alMOit th** ..f I'l ns much of Ihe Hnstcre*!, IlHl**, ol*l vv*» I.eave l.ansing as follows A. M. He Gave a Mighty Twisting Pull. Then* was a tnii at the do«ir. "Kej- of H•*aven" h** h'*| I . lit I man whom Hi«* cn»vv*l h**anl **alle*l iiy »>.2o. *> 22. 10 ‘22. P Xl., 12.22. 2.22. "Who is It'r What dyiih want?*' he 4 22. ii.22. 7 35. !*:.3o. 11 iki. \ sti mk I of her hair In one her the nann* of Jennie us .XIr llryan amt growlisl angrily. • - Except Sunday. • Ill- mai hii.ery ami she ll**sld** Hm* he.iil of Hi** IhsI t o • If*. Mr. Ni*Iimmi wer«* making of Hn* h*uin*iy K«*arney showisl his face In the door ♦- Capitol Flyer through car to De­ " 1 ii:e. I a frightful di*ath I'andles hiiriMsl on :i IjitI* tal: • man (*allrin th** iI** >r, pi i.*ni;. ii- The train pnlle«l *uif on Its way t** Jackaou. "t'ome in, IsrssT* In* askisl. ni. ii iteiiigh Ills own fate, tretnldlng Hm* soul of the irk and s|Mn in new •pelling. arithmetic, oral aad writ­ ten ; theory and art Afternoon, geo ­ Her cry was eelKMsI |iy a roar from he n*aehed for a telegram on his desk. CHAPTER XVI. iwint. Its garden ii tangle of glorious graphy, Hnvernmsnt and U. 8. Hta- Nelson to the man In charge of the "Yes. sir, but I didn't bring him back Rastitutian. iiksMiwins. Its luuxuis whleuml coni and •witch eontn»ning lh«- eiirrenl. Uvry. with roe " HK last act of lns|iector Hans Its gruumls sireirbing ii gouil ten acres In two hniimls In* rearhrsi the girl Second day —Morning. Grammar, "Oh. .vcHi diiln't? That waa cooahlar- * (lOilie. Iieforv* turning over his about it. Illil and Ids wife thought It Physiology, Raadlag. Aftenioaa, •Di! caught the fnstemsl braid of hair ate. I guess yon found ovt that we oflirv to his sii*\.'**aaor, was to tiM* hitUM* *if the Itryans. Bcbool L^w, State Manual aad Coofo* with l.otb harnls. Her lieail fell utid«r had the wrong man in 'stir,’ ahT* semi to John .Nelson the origtiMl They luitersU the house. It vvas Due* of Study. Algebra. Botany aad Pby* his -**.*ht arm He gave a mighty. "No. sir It wasn't that. 1 finitid that I T ly, hul modestly, furnlaheil Hllver sles (second gradel, General Htatory. fmllca records taken *»f James Mont- fwl-.tiii_ pnll aa the current waa eat ha was on the level all these years He gooterr. He offeTMl Ids aervlecs In any glistened on Ihe stdatward. and vases (Second gradel. off ami the machine itegati to slow was just narriad. and lie ebanaad bis step that lie might lake to hare tbe and jars of cut glass were ftllad with Third day —For first grade appll- eaat only) General Hiatory, Phyelea (town The hair was tom free of the meaaaraaients so that all I I'oald gat I coorts of New York right the wrong freshly cut rtowers. Every whore was emd Geomatry. caps .and the gtrt dropped In a daad rn pmre ha was tba man waa hia Otiflar that had been done him Tbe inspec­ u touch of femininity and cootnaas. Save yov tires. RMe hi coa dort Wei panp fhlnt f«* the door The needles atill firints Whan I tried to gat thaoi from Certifleates of all grades will bn tor also wrote **«>oMeiiltally to tbe gov ­ showing tiH* liaml *>f M«>lly .Nelson. grantad at the examlnattoM la Aug ­ flashed iMit slnwlr. I him be stock his hsnds In some ms- ernor of tbe state giving full details There were *-omfortat>le ileaks ao*l ym sp a vy diae. Doemt cost a ceot ust aad April Kearney bad nin toward Nelaon to * chlnery and" — of tbe case. easy chairs, lamim that hung low and All examinations will begin at 8 a •lalp In the resetir of the girl If he "Whatr* Neisod, his hands again liealed, and •l>read soft lights for (dd eyaa awl TM's not the oaly tHag s« give sway free. eanid He saw the mill iirestdent star Ttie Inspector half rose frooi hU his wife Slid her family grateful that many rugs There was even a fat. THEO. H. TOY/ W—WD. IMw as If faint III* fsee was whiter chair Hia haavy jaws f*aine togatbar he had not liecii permanently crippted. sleepy tahhy doxlug on a cushion In Wc give better eervice at lower prices ttasa say tiMn Hie sheet of |Mper he hsd used to with s snap took Mr llryan into his contMenoc one of the wlml**w Meets iMdd his rharenal dnst "Tes. sir. He'd made a good name, ami piarevl the whole matter before .Molly tmik Mrs Hawkins to her heal other gwage b tWs sectioa. GRAND TRUNK R. R. The defective saw Nelwin's lips come and rattier than «tlsgraee It and tils him. asking his adrin*. room, a front room with a vernmta. topether In a firm, bbte line The wife and H m* |»e«ple he llvtsl among" — The (mtlce *»f Turaou provided tbe She threw wl«|e Hie *|eep vvimlows, .UMi TIHE CARD "IVyiih nown to say that you let him Fast Service between Detroit aai btosl had left them He spread furth New York niiihorities with ample de the «>.i»t «i*le woman gaxasi *uit Into H m* The extra attentiao aad tiie cot in make that sacrtllce’*' fails of the ■*onreiMlon of tbe dying lov**M ii**hm u I the garden Rraad Rapids will to* raaaawel awd hts hnmia and In one terrible, ghastly TIm* liis|iec|or's face was sploirheil win ran as (ollawst yegg He was Iimi far gone to aenil “It's gram! ’" sli** ga**|ssl ".Mrs. .Nel moment made his sacrfflee . with thi* fMirfiie ast a prisoner. When Nelaon laorn ••11. It *• grand irni'ani Central |wrk Tlo* tw«» hsmis fell liefween the ••| illdirt know he waa going to do l^ioaio 7'5& a.m. ed of Ibis he saketi that efforts lie ti**ver li.ul anything *Hi this" bright iie«stles. ami the npiier ami It, " Ki*aniey replied In a cbohln*g Steamboat Kxpre«s’ K:47 a.m. made In let tbe roan die ootalde of .NeNoii ii;«d tmuighl liehiml them lit** Cars of nil makes r^Mured. Cam nether tiles sunk lnliee "I’d 'a' thrown down my Joli lioraia 12:30 p.m. prison Ttie yegg's *iwn Maker had •kl friemi ami tieliwr. Ihe man win* Itetrnit IJnilt**d* 5:27 p. m. through every finger, destroying com liefore I'd 'a stood for that " taken hl« case from tt»e hands of the w .;^ *»f Hie fy|s’ Hial -Mr lety hsd given cleaned. Cam rented. Cara storad. I.o<*al* 7:03 p.m. pletely the one strange stamfi of abso IliinsconilH* brought hhi right fist law Inte human Imllvmiiallty Hist nature up as unreuciierai**. Th** *lem;imla *if down on his desk and shot out tita low Mr. Bryan engaged eminent coottsel Traia* Deal fram Hi. Jataa has provfdeil —the rvs'onl of the (lesti his iwolMUon from Hltig Slug lis*! ail ' er Jsw as Im* stared at Kearney. In New York to have the case of James Cara sold. Gran«l Rapids Idnilted* ...... 10:37 a.m. itself l*cen met. Tht* rest of his life was to "Y«ai bloodhound ’" lie lialf acraamesl M*>nlgoD»ery formally reopened by the lioral* ...... 11:0a ajn. No cry earaped Nelson ’s lips The Is* what lie wouhl make It for himself Keame* sat down In s chair tiaald*' aiqieilate dUlsloii of the saiireme court Nelson stgnalad to Molly to **ome to l^ocal* 3:58 lua. ••My was haeti Hut what was s«ch the desk aiMl half covered hia face with Bteambivat Express* .. 7:37 pjn. A reverasi of IIm» verdict fovind hy the him mmj cowparad to that which would his trig, rtsl fsiwa C. O. ll£.NDE.ll.f HOT tiocaia StM pMi. lower

IMgg Mky Ollchftot Is sssmiliig la iim ■illtasiT ilgas at Mas. Lsaa CNasy Matsr of Isskssa mhmi with Miss O mm. Vnsrhsss ovw Baa* ■ImIIm TuMtey m t€» ladtmm ’ aid aorloty mt tli«> M- K- IM II ratei Mr. I. J. H. ekuivh h»ld tiiair aanual iii««4laa laat I WWrtta, Olil*. ^ I. Jr.. W^T radar aft»nioo« In tlia parlara ot ■ asBla Uli* ap fcar arfeoal wmu (Ms tito church. Rrimrt* •* the year a I year. . ~ . Mrs. A. r. JasUss visitai f warh were r«NMl. after which the la mat tha latlar gait aC tha la oara lor the eoaulac yaar were elected ' baa boea elaltlac with frtaada la imd Clsais Marshaaas at Psatfae i ae followa. ^•reaideal. Ufa. Hdaaa ^ thia week, Ma fhthar. Oaalal llTeowisd b> Uaued Maiaa m€ I ■warthaat: rice pruldeat. Mra. <»eo. | Mra. C ^ Jackaoa wae aa Oweeaa n^Moa* aecrrtarr Mra. (TiaHea i*o- caller Taeeday. Cl«nni» fNolMloa apawt BnMay wttli It la amy wMMa eerTTri^aaurer. Mn. Mary Jane. Mra B. Oowlea baa laoeed lato the frtoMla In Dntrmt. iMMae oe Wam Wnimn went In AlMon ltmm~ Any. wiMffw b« will attand aohaal IMa Jira K. D Beebe afienl Tueaday ybkr. tffg gaacMeal aM «r tha to rmar. la tha The Baalor riaaa cave a reception dauchier. Mra. MaroM Uuaie. Mr. and Mra. Charlas Alias hava .\nd tht re is much {^ratification haaor of the new teechera Frhla> evo -1 Owooeo la the htah arhool aeaetnbh ( arrle aMvad trotti Um Bayd farai laio Mm thia iiaack warn ahaaat whally ah- Raynold'a progorty oa aaat Paarl < »ver the opportunity to secure such raaai. After a abort prucraui the Hen*I fag^rfdae were Owoaao 'mllcrti Mon- straat. oavkad la oklalalag aparhaaos ot la- lar glria nerved punch and wafera to Clifford Bqular left Friday for Al­ aacta and daartlMag thaw, la tha Iiantisome new coats and suits dur the cneata Mlaa Marcuerlte I'owera of Corey. bion. where he will eater eollaffe thla laaaatlam tha tornwr kaaw as llttla In{; these early days when women ------Pa., la aaalstinc as trluuiier In the year abaat •*aatomolag y" as the actaatlat l.eelafe I'aarae IfTBoaed. millinery atore of Mra. I^na Hlffh. Mr aad Mrs Carl Bllverthorae and kaaw abaat agrtraltarr Mlaroarag- The Udiea' clubs have ajpiln arrana* Lewis went to Albion Monday, children relumed to their iMNne In are so anxious to chan{ve from ihei ed a lecture course for the season of w||| attend achon. acaln this Erie. Pa.. Thuraday. after vielUng rel- tloaa among fana aia rogardlag tha or- l>14-lt»l^. to he fumtahed by the Colt alivea in Ovld for two weeke, corraaca of daotrurtive laaorts were .summer {garments to the bt^autiful Ldrretini Bureau of Cleveland. Ohio John Koac was a caller In Ijanatiic Mrs. Hobeii Ktaon and children vis­ arlda apraad. and the only men who new .ipparel of .lutumn. Tile ctuirac c«iniprls»*s of alv nuii'lu ’ra, and Crand l^edce Hunda> ited relatives In Jackson the latter laally kaow anything ahoat the Inaocts an Inrrca**' of two ln*'t vcar th** Rev K. K. Mpracue of rllate was a part of the week. canalng Ike dootnirtlon kept their for ilu- •♦•MMU' t*c ‘‘.iH r-»»’ i-tn-r caller in Ovid Tueaday momiUK. Mrs. Oeorge Kdeon and aoa. Don, knowledge to thomaelvea. Wooltcx j,j;irmeiiis express ait tli< mii • Til* •>!'M' » ir'*" I t Mr and Mrs Pred Parka vnd dauah- visited with Mr. and Mra. Oeorge Ed. Daring the dm hundred vaars of V ;! Kl\en T > • * *■ ler. Ambra. visited with the former's son. Jr.. In Port Huron last week. agiienliuta In Ainem'a we hava only solutt* correctness in style, with the • tti. wluMi »h* '»vffr»l I •• fX slater In Bltb|>erd over 8unda>. Mr. and Mrs K. C. Hmith were call­ fragmentary recorda of the ravagaa Ctvc a iiiui>l " Inc with friends In Ovid. F M*. Redfem f Bt. Johns vMted XovcT ’ j>».r ■** T’ •• I* ■ • .Mrs Ceorge .Nicholas and son. I.ieo. with his aon. Hcott Kedfem. Saturday. certain vary dlaaatrvMM ootbreaks. and finish known to women ’s ready-to- {laay. an lllustrat»Hl lectim '•n *h' went to Oetroit Friday to attend the Mrs James McOllliruddy aad Alver- much of the vast amount of Injary l*anamM Caual wedding of the former's nephew na Crone were vieltora In Owoaao Sat­ wear j^arments. Januarv Tlte Canibiidc Players Mra Claude Hlcok and son of Alma urday. x: In aong and drama have tieen visiting with her par>‘nta, Fred VanDyne and William Colljrer January Jh Mli .'tarah NVlIlmer. Joaeph Youngs of OwoasH called on Ovid friends Fri­ ^ ___ 4“*' Ever)' coal .lud suit is »; entertainer (ieorge Brooks of Flint visited with da) March It* Or .xrthur Kvana. hum­ .Mrs. Bd. Potter Tuesday, Mr and .Mra. Kine Moneypenny and /'---- t**cd by the manufacturers, and us. orist Mr. and Mrs Fred Olson apent S’ln- .Mr. aad Mrs. D K. Barnia motored to April 1 Itenton C Crowl. lecturer tt> j^ive two sea.sons of .satisfactor\ Ci«rt*tai tvu day with the former'a parents. Mr. Ithaca Thuraday and attendod tbe* 1 M M Cm ------and Mra. Alex Olaon, in Bbepnrdavllle. Knight Templar diatrict field meet. serx’ice. IMr* Ifler a Lei« lllheas. Clarence Mllater of Owoeao Is as J^n K. Oerow was In Detroit sev­ Henr> Ihiveniiort paaed away at the slating In tlw Imrher shop of Oeorge eral daya last week. In buyinj.; WiMiltex apparel there is security, both as to its correctness in home of his mother. Just north of Ovid. .Nicholas Mra. E. E. Burgess and Mra. Mill­ Hundav evenina. following a long 111- Messrs. U B. Hicks. Oeorge Jarvis. ard Baker were callers In St. Johns fashion tnd the durability of the yrarinent; and prices ihroujrboui are tjuite l> K. Bamis. Oeorge Youngs and E. Thursday. moderate f). Beebe were in Ithaca Monday ewe- E. n. Bailey of Allegan was a caller Mr. Kllr..l~.|t. l>or.-r .mt to W-W. »' In Ovid the laat of tbe week. Mr. and Mra. John Bartlstt attend ­ TflK Taoa aawT woaa —a. Tiuui last w«*ek. where she will visit Jay Voorhees was th* guest of ed the state fair In Detroit several uaava: <*. pura. with Mrs Harriet Thompson for sev­ days last week. friends in Film Mondav eauaad by iiaaia weat unaotk-ed ba- eral Wf^eka Messrs K J iMirkee. Andrew J. Mr. and Mrs M*. J. Martin Mwd Mr. Mr. and Mrs A C Justice of Flta- Williams sad William Brown visited and Mra. James M’oodworth were call­ ennaa tba fartaarw ware often uaac- gerald. Oeorgia. have been visiting with M. C. Campbell Monday. ers In Owoao Friday evening. qaalBtad with tbe reaana tor tbeir JOHN HICKS with hla slater. Mrs Jennie nilta, for Mrs W. O. Hunter has been on the .Mias .Marie Morgan of lioulavtlle, N. ^*Carl Johnson and Jay .^choch left 'k list ..111**this week. Y , a|ient M'veral daya last week at By tble time ordinary Insert out- The Mrs IJhhIe Bmith and Mrs (iaytoa the home of Mr. and Mra. Thomas Itraaks appear to have h^-onie so com- 8unda> for Kalamaxoo. where they .Nethsway visited friends in Owossn Meehan mao at to tie tboagbt unwortby of rac will attend Kalamaxoo College Tuesday .Mr and Mrs Mark Piitnani of Cleve­ ord, aad we have notblag mure until 33 CLINTOft AVE 9T. JOHM8. kMCHICAN .Mlae Itessle McAlliater of Flint was land. O.. have l»een visiting with rel­ a guest at the home of Mr and_ Mrs. James Mullen was taken to the CnI. tbe .rear 1743. when It Is stated that I. E Tucker several dsvs last week, versitv Hospital at Ann Arbor Satur- atives near Ovid. “mllllona of dovouiing worma in ar She also visited with her uncle. B H. da) for an operation for appendicitis. Hov Al»erl) of Owoaso was a raller talas thraateoed to cat off every grae n 111 Ovid recent 1). Ttieker. l»efore returning home The oi»eratlon took place Monday thing, ilay very scarce: £7 tu £S a Mr and Mr« Hohert lavree of Iain- uiornlng and at the present w riting he Mrs Sarah Brown and Mrs Jose ­ phine Hlhhani returned Thiirsday load " While this |iarti<-iilar re<-on1 ap sing v|>ent Sundav with his parents !• resting comfortably pilea lu .New Euglaud. It certainly i|(n >« Mr and Mr- M l» I/>ree •' .\lnaworth of Owoso was a vis- fmin Hon*'«>ye Falls. .N. Y . where they hav# vialtevi for several months not cover tin- entire iir«»ii of deva«lu- Mr and Mrs Julius Finch >nd son ‘‘or In tKld Tu**sday afternoon lion. NS Joliii Hnrtmiii. •liirlnc .Inly of and Mr aiid Mr?- Bav tlreen visited •'If*' In Dewitt l»r and Mrs J. T Abbott. Dr and k the Ckvehes LSI Johna. Thuraday. Sapt. 17. 1SI4 Dr J D Parr of Marietta. Ohio, has -Mrs A. T Pariish. Dr and Mrs J.^E. ent». .Mr and Mrs Oeorge Hdson. the occurreine of wrorms v» lik*h he i graos can Iw rradiratad by growing l»een Msliing with relaiDet. near Ovid Taylor and Dr ami Mrs Jas Mr<»ll- .Mr .ind Mrs M'llliam Hicks and aajra have done much mischief 'iiy de s hemp la tbe opiniou of L. Stows of for -everai days llciiddv were in lainstng Thursday at- faiiiilv v IsBihI relatives In Bancroft a sUoylag the gmsw niMl t-ven i-nrn for .\mmmmmrmamta at m thr collage of agrtniiturr. tlnliaiMty WBAimi. fev» ilaV". last week Ihr fharahgu wf SI. J« Mlss Mverna Crone left Momlav for tending the .Medical Convention, two aamtuers ” Hr ais*! ot»serves Ihnt of Wis«'unain Wheal, while (new or oldi ivefroli. where she will enter Harper Miss Orare Johnson went to tJrand .Mr. and Mrs E K. Davis have ronve«t the worms Hte off tin* liladeM iM»t only Irtbaiwl by the ggatotii tt It I Wheat. reJT (new or oldl their famil) from Ovid to Plainweli. ■xprrlinauU have boon triad on tbe Hospital and l*eeoiue a nurse l-edge Mondav when nh« will vlalt of com. lull alan of loiu: white grasK. iData Mr and .Mrs Charles Austin and priaon farm at Waupun and on othor Krl« D. I.iiiiarier of Chicago vUitfd '‘Hb Mrs lla McMullen for .» short an that tin* stems of Isitli -t'ssl iuik*s| f’om.ahclied Darr Austin were in .‘tt John* on bus- farma in that vicinity, and tbo cowclo- w:th hi iMireriis. Rev gnd Mrs Ia>uls time four feel high He ohaerve« that thev fbiiatlaa Sr Ivo r*' SariH). ■ion drawn frvmi tlie^H? feats Is tbat I l»e I^inarter. th. first of the week Mis- (Jeraldtn.- Mahanej of Owosao inees Thursdav aeem to lie |wrtu«llcn]. like the locust SrrvR-r* *»vcrv Sunday morning at Canada tblaile* can Iw cninpirtaly do- I Com, in ear Mr and Mrs I- T Storrer. laiw- was the gu.-st of Mrs Ia*na High 'Ir mill Mrx Charles Affeldt of lu:.iu A m»*«*tRig fur tratitiionlra li'lioice hand picked lieane l.;Hising were entertained at the hoiiH- aih I calerpllinr. ■troyed by one i-rop ot hemp ami that 1.25 r.’Uce and Linda. Mr and Mrs D K. Tu»*Hda> cverv \V«>dticiidMy evening at 7 4'* It rente off for each lb. pick. of Mr anil .Mr- Rov Hartman Duriiic the yeat 174P we .ire lold that Barms and son . Ueno .and Rosco*- Mr , Miss Huse| K»-ll> .utd Ja> Vo<*rhe«'s SuhJ*-ct of the Icsavui-ivemion for next a ilrld liadly Infeateil with qnack graos Clover aead. June 17 .So to Tlionia.*- Waltr went to Omnd Rap­ iu July Krnssliuti|s*rs niiftefired lu myr and Mrs W J Mathawav and Donald \isii«*d with th. aunt In Hh- , Sunday In 'Matter cordial InvRa- most lie cropiietl with hemp for twn Clover aead. Mammoth fT.f»o to IS.uO id- Frldav when he is undergolni> lads Ti'oier.'.l t -tartnaw and spent the day aca Sunday afteni« .Ml f reattiienr S 'ndav Mr and Mr*- M J JohnMin and tuy iHuiitry. aUn ’.t n hiimlred. eat Rt tenUr*! to all thr weeds. LITE STBCK. *; «»rg» ciiiilli reiiirticii 'o Ov'.l Fri­ iinissliopiier.s everv day Tin- In .Sundav lu-hiMil Sundav morning al Mr- <■' K>«lg. has piirchas.-.! the. vislte«l with .Mr and Mrs Cllf- Since hetup will grow only on vrrv Sheep IS.MI 0 $4.00 Klmer ell pmiM-rtv on east Main I ford .tohnson in lanK Utg Sundav day after --|H>ndltig the >«umii er .it I’e- hatilianiB of .N'alinnt Mas- formevi ii 11 l-'. All under tweniv ar*- welrom*' toskv frrtlie aoll. Iietivy i-viata of fertlliaot Cattle, fatted 16.00 ff t7.')0 stree! Mr. .Mason Irving returne.! to her line and with luishes drove tin* grass Donald Diithnwa.v .iiiil Cliar!'-^ Be* are neceaanry to Instin* a good atand. VenI calvsa «M» ff IP.OO Mr all Mrs J ) i’err.u. Mr .in.l Immii. Id Central laik. Mondav after hoppers iitio Hie s«si hv iiiiilioiis ’* In le w<-r<- c.illers In EDI. Satiirda -ve It la al<*o liu|iortant tbat the land hr Hogs, par ewt ---- 97.00 to It 50 Mrs Fr ink l>en Hou* n and daughter. s|r.-tii|lnK s.-veral ilav In ttvld. ili.* 1701 ’ a lerrlhie ilrooghl apiwars to have plowed the preceding fall and kefM latrnba. par gwt II.Ou to $7.00 XIar;.atK .in.) Mr and Mr f.lovd Wehh of h.-r ; ar.-n ’ Mr and .Mr.--. iitng o» ctirre*!. and. ovvlug to .i very late fr< fr< w..«.«N until R freeaea up In INntSHBD VEAm :inav nfw.r. wa- iKvrn Rov Wlaner aixi M>rtl. Walt, were culturl-t. vvh*» ha- for twv» year- lieen John Mondav luorriing recortls are very Incoinptete. althmigli Uoost<-rs 6 III IxKkiHvn \ V Febriiarv 11 <|iiieT|v in KIsl.- Sundav. Sep­ carrying on an Riv>—ilgatlon of the at- ami dl.-d ii. ar tivi.l Michigan. Septetn- Mr .Hill Mrs E H Thome oi 'tw >« there are indettiiRe references In extat- (Seese g tember dth Thev will reside on a feet of raallum u |m>ii the growth of 1..T 1.” VM at til. ag. ‘ of .'3 vears T so H* n- callers in Ovid .*tiindav elice to show- that HiIh D not owing to Turkeys, large fat 10 farn. west of th. village Mr- Martha .Mack spent .‘^slur-lav piauta. aom'rt- Ihni Hie Itest rsgolts aiw month'- Hid - -lavs Wh.n fiv.- y.-ars Mr and Mrs A H Moulton visli.d n lack of lns<iil one ssTon- HniBR Mr. R.-lfetn ind Mis- Klw.- Bev I!d''ari| Dickinson ol Sidtie). hundredth |>art of a gmin of radium Igati lor.-itlllK ill lalltigsl.urc ill C'TI* Wellington w.-r. • ..ll.-r- in Owoss4i In IT7d Hiere apiM-.ii— to iiave hern B«-*>f hides 13 h went to n.irthem Miehiggn n u.aln Iowa. Visited with his ii plievt. i; 'i with one ton of earth ThU mllinte Horse hides ... $3.00 Salll^la^ peep, over .-^utidav a wide-prv*ail onilir«*ak of oiir conjinon Ing r* iw.-nty-on* vear-. w ii.-n lo- Kclwar.l VatiDvir .tlt.-ndeil th. state anny worm, which. R Is -iate U.iv*-. to Tiio; rn h|. deparlur.- .'4unda> evening . all»*d on K It V.w>rh.-es th.- latter William MagVMtn visited with his anvl dlsap|ieare«l im If liv magte. leav REV .N D IHTTER Mr. Baker says th«> liest results hava Hints 29 fronf Mil- world, hi. mother Mrs R..- part of Ml.- w.-.-s liesti with earmi- ami radlthes. wblcb 1‘otatoes .. .M> .mall Dav.-ni'ort and one sister Mrs daughter Mr- Omy Kellev. In OxfonI lug nothing hut the Istre stalka of Mr and Mr. Herman Tubb. w.-nt till first of th«' week th«sH> •■n>|M It seem- that tbe farm­ BIPTINT KIIXV BAY In some ca>H*- iMve grown uanrly Mx NAT. STNAW. WOOII J M D'-nnls both "f whom resld* In i.t l_in.tng S.I* rday. wher tlx'v viM Clan- .'4ton« spent .Sunday at the ers In onler i«i protect their iteMa drew Rullv dav in the Raptiat Sunday times as heiwy as those raised In ar- No I Timothy 911.0d Ovid • d wilh Mr and Mrs Flovd Tubluv ivehool Sundav waa well attended. Th. fun. ral -.-rvic- s wer.-held Tiies- home of his brother. Roy Stone, in ropes over them. hni«hiiig the worma dlnarv soil. ^No. 2 Timothy .. _____ 910J9 ov.-r Siimlav .'4agln:tw . ... I*carl Hobart D riaaa won the ribbon jjfo. 1 Clover, heavy mixed .... k to 90 dav afternoon at 2 •«' o clo< k from th.- from the «iulka. which cXiiedlenL we having the largest percentage of hon'e of his m.oth.'r The tiurial wa« .1 .M Wolf tf 1ol»-d.< Oil*.I ra present They had 91^ made in Maple (Irove renieten Haturdai and Sundav with bis mother,, loving (dgs will need shade, wntor Wood herd 91.50 laiwreiice Richards has purrhased •Mrs Ella Johnson tlw ••n»in iteRig lliMlIy ,|«MHned to de per cent A fine program of reelta- Wood, mixed 91.15 Miss Ida Mo-.ilion and Harold stntctlun Trencbea were iliig In the ; tione and music waa given by the uk I -iiRaldr food If tbe sown mmI sle«- wer.‘ '-allers in Ow-oaso Monda' a new Biilek car T C Schnon of Illinois vlsltfd H Wood, eoft 1.50 • 9140 Mr and Mrs le held at IU.3U. prigwr deroinpaent vlnrlng the Mff vators will not be la a poeittaa to re­ farultv of the high school Friday -- cllJeland. D.. let has been the gueat of Mr. aad Mra po aaeealon ..f the Hiterdictnl food I «»»>**«> achw.l al no.*n Junior Kn- Seat inoaths at tholr llvga ceive !t. Hugh Anderaon for aeverml days llolea were atHiirtlme« matir In the hot- m , Alfr.Hl .S.,»ler was a caller m De. w.-ek where he . . .m. . i In the evening at . .to there will be trolf th. flrwi of the week daughter. Mrs Robert Kroui for MN'K MiTTMi PBfflBB tom- of these ^tche-. every two ,|,„.erafe.l travelogue on the Pan- And blgheal standard of workman- or Ii.r.-. feel. Into whieb the woroH f.n,, -nu. will contlat of ai Mias Minnie Hunter of lauistng vis- ""*** fell .xnd were then killed hr the fimi- Red with Mr and Mrs MMlIlam Huf- Frank Cain went to Owoaao Satur- skip. Ry tkla we do not nsaan to any largo numiver of heaiitiful vlears on ter Sunday *la) for a few daya that our prices are ckonger than' ers goliig over tbe field- ami plnagtOg the canal which has been completad. Mias Althea Carpenter .»f Ionia Li Mrs Almond Jolly vlalted with h#T otker launffrlsB. b«t we do elnim to iMrs or sticks of w«ssl Rili> these betas Wh«*rever shown iheae views hare FREE FREE FREE viatting with Mr and Mrs Frank daughter. Mra Don Filch. In Ht Jcvhna give yon hlffbor grade work at tha It ss»ms however, tbat only a tow been greeted by great crosrds Millie Frtda) ■Mae cool Coattaiie to send your farmer- were able to save engagb com Mr and .Mrs tieorge Ymings, Mrs.! Mrs Harold Hume of Owoaao araa work to Mr. NIebola. Ovid affint tor f*ir seed the tollowlag yeor. JoM M. Johas Steam Imoadry —Adv. 4tf St. Jeha*s rhMvh. With ftvcr\' barrel of Marvel Flour we arejpvinf^ D K Barms and aon, Keno. si»entlan Ovid vlaltor Thuraday eierefi fears afterwnnt In ITSl. the Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity. same peat I- aoeln reeo n led It OOMhe Holy Commuloaa k'«ai o'clock. Morn ­ the finest article for the Icitchtrn that a housewife atan to have reappeared In ITSP TVgff- ing prayer and eermon. 10:20. Text, TIME MORAL—TMt pliig hr means iff ditches and botae li "Meklng Full Proof of Thy Ministry." ever hatl. ttiffirtitmq cutumnt art ti»'fiaeit In present day nfethods of eon- Rvenlng prayer aad addreos. 7 too. tml. hat th«- wvanns are killed hy pear Hubleci, ‘Filling IJto Fvill." The bakeries have been usin^ marvel and this ing kervnaetie Inft) tbe Ootes l*arenta--Plaaae take note of the Sundav arhool at 11'45. is what they say .Vot only is the American farmer veer LMONAKCH STOK Itv. It TNu tiapreii lo fiaad a sesisf t,, ' **"*•* ’ aointtan of Ike nMoey reeHvtng essHfanrr thrmtOT the UUiM- j ^ |||^ rkureb to ant to devtne "Thf Best Flour I ever uietl” Wm. J. Murray hpff partoi carofft you wM tot ^ metlot) of sHefitHt- cesarding cevnnl }* ^av to get along withoet moMy. ind forage inserts h«ii tbooe affSetlgff This cannot be done. Rat to get more "Makrs more brttad (ter barr**i .tnd better bread a Mt mare intefeeted r a car- fmits ami truck ct»»»w are also rniStr- | money m a way In which In^tto loRffer This is the last week you tag attention That the f'nlted ffintan t giving grudgtnglv or of n* regeltf . bin than .my wr • vrr used ” E. B. Parr pM ad. than m a paraor.iiih la In edraiM-r of nthrr oatlofis In the | •b^vfullv " about imi Joiiet' ntwly pai*.ted prectlml anpHrsthwi of the study at t _ Tf)’ .1 barrel anti {»ft that M»uvenir, ' cap buy peaches tor canning. Insect- to tne needs nf the farmer Is Nntnml Redneflon 1I bam. That’s why everybody ^ medr plain l»y the fact that sfndenis tm*> dav two farm lain rmi wire Idisciissliig the srlseite-rt nf the present ami expert- are coming frani all over Get in with your order at m this vicinity reads this pa­ generstiun Ssid th* first the worki to stndr oor ayetem ORi ■\\.- lie wDor Ihsn * ur f.-vth-rs v.«», Geo. F. methods per’s adh. Iand thev v»rre v-'io-r their fath -rs l*honr lo -St Johns. Michifpin once. < w as TRADE MURAL—IntrodiicitiQ the Th* -«-* tMid (vn* after i>ondertng a ! ivkhlle and gatlne )t ’vl- ronquvn'oii re- buyer to the merchant is the plle«| I "Mcll. tioorg eh-ft s f*il' 'hv D.C purpota aoc emphihed by our ilOLa ^ m-r * grsn*lfaih'-r uvu*t *'/ir l»r,-u’ advetiisifif eoHjfimt. The m- -- «ik»e T JCJMfW •NCNICAM i*n'M Nod Look Bau lv<( k Is on*' of th# things (hat ttfrity ol bilh are veuehtd ler. MMfMMgfS imWMm -om* to ihoo who sR ilown and wall little Newt Unera Kf Resoki