THE ST.JOHNS NEWS VOLUME XXVI—MO. 7 TIStT.JOHM8 NEWS,THUMDAT APTERMOOK—SEPTEMBER 17 . 1914. OME DOLLAR A YEAR mrAwm i 9Wn LRCmTHL. iirpR ACTiMniT llsimtrs cm the bswtlag piMt at the The free lecture on (*hrlatlan dclaoce MESTBURiyiE A paity of people fnMB Ithaca raa Ceattwl sehool^hullfltag ars mam oom- lu be given at the ('Irriilt Court room Into a tsiapkxaia poat wICh thair auto, gfaii gwi HBITFn plMad. It waa saipaatart that tbia In flt. Johns, noai Bolurday afternoon. amir the fair grmuifla flonflay. aboat wor k wvmi M ha eaaiplaiafl haCora the Bept. 20. at 3 o'Hack to wi.lrh the pub­ INI IV o ’cloek. while paaoMig a hOM aad opsatag of arhool bat aatMaaaaa dr- lic Is < ordlalt) invited, will Ih- a rarrlaae. The aulo waa Ja aimed aome- laira occurrMl. aai darflig the eoalar SI might forward, authoiitaltv** siate- irmiRM AirRBM’RR wr mmN’AL PLANT TR Ml HIBTALUIII BT A what. aad oae of tha man had hla nUMPM* weather of laat week the bulMlag was iiieni ot what Christian Sr* u* is *iad arm hurt, but not aaiioaaly. They aat ccMBfortahle at Uama. Rrtflair af- ART NMNRTT. what It teacha* and bell .* •». and vh.* LMML MLUMI PR. wore able to proeeod oa their journey. tsmoaa sehool waa dlmalaaai owlag reasons for such teaching .tnd i***li*-fs. «ArMI5ll': H.IRTN to the cold aad to alloar the worttamn There will be no pro«**.yfl/tii4. ror MU TTPB PRLAINI CHOUR TSAR WAN NMMAWBR SRIIMAT ni riLL raiHABT. to go oa with thair wotfe. A fairly dood rrowd greatad Prof. any aiicmpi at it. and n*« attiM* ’s -i|K*n. Westphalia paople are aooA lu ao|oy The hind that brood larRs llttura aad ■▼BHtlNL C. Nevlson Roberts. Wednsaday evo- uor crlllclam of any rhuich .-•llnous cooveslaocoa affordad by alaeCilc make larae boas, flaraa aown farrow ­ rHAMc AmmtL uliig. at the Coacredatkmal church, dcncHiilnatlon. sect or crt<**.i Ph** Uc- lights. It la expactod that la the very ed seventy pigs loot April aad May. Program for (!haae Arbor. No. 70S. when he gave an organ rarltal. as- lur*- Is for tbe purpose of correcting near future a plant vrlth oapartty oaf* Dur plia are sired by Bnular No. HKK OMIIV HMCm for Friday evealag. flaptaaihor S&: slBitwJ by Mrs. Roy Moore, soprano, any false Ideas. miM <»n>-ei>ii ci'. or Acient to (urnlsb all the lights needed hhmM. s very larae. snsooth hag. and SCniETDGETJMEKUB Hoag. "Rattle Hyma of Republic," by Mias Hslso Athlna. violin, and Mrs. wrong lmpr**ss1onH whtei; iHsiple i .y la the town will be laatallad In the out of a fine buach ot aows. Our Arbor: rerltaltoa. Knna Katoo; read ­ M. l«. Mnrahnll. accompanist. **ntertaiii relative ft* 1*. s i’»i.--*. „nd West (dial Is Floorlag Mills, the piiaui- prices are I90.M eoch, this moatb. Be ing. (Henna Peck; quaaUoo. Reaolved Mr. Roberts oiiened the progmni is piirelv l•du<-allot1al. 5HI PIII.%4il*I.K IRfULVRS KIT r> purpose of wMch will be to light sure and saa our Itae of atoah before •IT NOME 09 ATTRBIIRT AMR Wm, that home laffuoace is graator than with an explanation of the pipe-organ, the tiiills. Howevor, thore trill be buying. We alon oflOr two cholee ukkkh for stoilm . that tif schtvol, %frs VsnVIeet; reclta- and before «*arh of his numbers on etiuuKh extra power lu take care of all short-hornad hulls. Murdo Bancroft. 1. M. LTRN. ttno. Malian VanVIeei: luuslr, Olenuw the program, told whst feature of the tlie outside business (hat cornea. An Fowler. Mich. .U. F. D. 32.. l*boae. Pack. urgati that iiumher was to bring out. ••x|M'rt will arrive from l>etrolt la a Maple Rapids. a«-21^IH. 6tf R* tkr Tas|My«r« T» *HN Meeting Ui he held at ('om|ianiuii .Mrs. .Moor*-, v*>ry sbly aerouipanted by- FM PROSTEGTS few iJays to look over the place and to Mnerewsfol Saassa Endad Hy Fred VanVIeet s .\ll members are In­ Mrs. K. I,. .Mareball at the piano, was (••Ml iMi^f (• H^lti a rci-oifimend the sixe plant he t-onalders tbe Cenfoal L sagas Tana at vited to a water melon supper .-njoyed by .-veryt-tidy. having a full I *'St adaptetl to the town's needs. RLLSiaMi FHtaIr sweet soprano voire, which captlvale<l Joseph S. .N'oeker. W. J. Arens and .ill h«*r hearers. Miss Alkins' number MEPROMSi; .lorei'h Puiig are own< ‘rs of the mill «>a the violin was another feature of i.ii'l .ire also public s|ilrlt**d eititens. RBBBBREO EMFT TBO .. .t|t|Ntinltii«-ut of |)<Mn W Kt'lir) NOMN'S CUB HES the evening. Hiid was certainly splen ­ 1 hey have a tin*- e'|uipm*mt but an- The bostdbiil seaaoo of 1914. ao for 'A» Juda*' of CIliiUiii rounty, did. for so young a violinist l*mr. BILL hi; UIHHKII l.^li BlITTKK haudlrapived In o|H-rattnx during the as St. Johns Is concerned, was cloaofl whi« h H.n. made b> (Jovemor F«*ni» PUBS FOR COMM YEM Roberts secomiNinled her on the piin.- THA^ i:VKK. M-ason wh**ii artlfletal lights are re- t»Ni: UVNRIIIIR TWENTY TE.M'H. Sunday when the local team defaatad lai>t wi't'k. i» H iborn in th<- ficith of tti«* organ. •Itiln-d. owing to inconvenience and EKM PttENENT HATI M>AY the Ceotral l^aague taam of Oraad r«'ptilili(-aii loUtUal tnarhlm*, Ih** or- The pnigraui was given as follows danger. They have Invited suggestions Rapids In a fast game hy a score of it.iti of wtiK'h hu» tui Iona waxed fat t'lVIl' ('tlVlIITTKK Ih INIIRK RITH (•raMl (’horns In D, (Alla Handeli. IIS to the kind of eleetriral plant that 3 to I. on .t iirai-tUal iiiuiiu|>ol> of thr ieaal (iuilinaut. Prelude .-lOd Fugue in (!. would Im* best oduptf'd to their use and The season, which opaned May 2dth. (MNIR RORh. About 120 teachers were present at prinitna whirh ha* rome thronati that Mendelsson. .Mr. Uotierts; Reveries. EXCELLBtTfflSRTTRRCTIONS have det-ld***! u|ion a storage systetii. the teachers' meeting held st the has l*een a moat successful ooa. Start­ o?Tir«- Hhelley, A Ilirthday. Woodman. Mrs. They use steam |>ow-er fur the mill, but court house Saturday. Sept. 12. All ing with a naw team aad with mam For iiearl> tweuty-iwo y*-ar» Judge .M«»ore; Hw-*Hliah W*Mtdlng March, du not run nights and by the storage grounds. St. Johns has won the semi- The St Johns Woman's (iuh das Is­ l\RiriTI»AH PRINT TB RKCORR school distiicu In the northern part Merrill held lh«“ ofllce <if juda«‘ of pro- Sod*-riiiun. Funeral Man-h. (’hopin, system they will Im- able to pump up pro chantploBsblp of the state aad Um sued its twenty-third annual an- of ('Union county were repreaentad nan . and for a areat iMirtlon of that Schiller March. Meyerbeer. Mr. Rob ­ HRKAKINH RXNIRITh. enough energy dining the daytime to except the villages of Klsle and Grid. title is iindlaputed by any taam wllb time the iiiembera of all iioUtieal par­ nouncemsni and the first meeting will erts; lieloved. It Is Mom. Aylwsrd, enough courage to play a seiiaa of b«- held at the home of Mrs. W. 11. llen- run the lights all night, and at a min ­ A goodly number of school oflleors ties have considered it an ofllce which Mrs. Moore; Communion in C. Ilstlate, imum cost. were present also. Tbe chief pur- games for It. Non. Se|)tember 23. Feofare. |.<siiiniens. .Mr. Roberts; Ma- should be kept out of imlltlca. and the .Many Spasd Horsra Arr ('•aiiag Te .N'«i negotiations have tM‘en **citered poee of the meeting was to lay plans Much rrodit (or the siiccaas of tbe (fenuM-rata have left that ofllce blank The club Is looking forward to an xurka de Concert. Musln. Mlos Atklus; liistnictive aad pleaaant year. Thore Take Part la the Hnrinn into t»etw-een the millers aad the village for the year's work. Points In tha seaaon Just cloood. Is due to tbe eg- on the liallot. Diirina all of that time To a Wild Kcsm-. Macliowell, Salome tiring efforts of the able proa* will Im- .ighteen meetings held and council but as acetylene gas lights are school work, which especially naed the republican organ has had most of Intermexxo. Ia>ralne, Mr. Roberts; It Eienta. now used on tbe streets, at consider ­ Ident of tbe St Johns Base Ball ae- the o|»eii days arc pioneer day. presi­ I Were a Bird. l*ogan. IJfi Thine Kyes. emphasis wen- Indicated by County the piintlng. Fearing to lose iwrt of dents' day and civic day. On presi­ able expense. It Is quite probable th*'y School Coiiimlssiouer. T. H. Tuwuaanil. sociatlou. who baa had the support at It. now that Mr. Kelley holds the offlce. Mrs. Moore; Serenade RtM-coro. .Mey. will give way to electric lights when the board of directora aad of tte bns- dents' day It Is expected the stale er-Heliiiund. Iroprovlzatlou. March*- All supplies for the year wen* given every effort is being made by the president will address the club and The offleers of the (air arc putting the plant Is ready to operate.' The out. laeas mm aad (aas gegemlly. rtna to get him off the )ob. although Triumphale. Roberts. Mr. Roberts. forth every effort to make the rorolag The taembera of the taam have won on civic ds.y, Mrw.
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