PRESS KIT/JUNE 2011 Aquarius/SAC-D Launch Contents Media Services Information. 5 Quick Facts .................................................................6 Mission Overview .............................................................7 Why Study Ocean Surface Salinity? .............................................15 Science Goals and Objectives . 22 Spacecraft .................................................................23 Instruments ................................................................ .27 Program/Project Management ..................................................33 Media Contacts Steve Cole Policy/Program 202-358-0918 NASA Headquarters, Management
[email protected] Washington Alan Buis Aquarius Mission 818-354-0474 NASA Jet Propulsion
[email protected] Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. Laura Sarrate Aquarius/SAC-D 011 54 03547 431 075 Comisión Nacional de Observatory
[email protected] Actividades Espaciales (CONAE) Jessica Rye Launch Vehicle 321-730-5646 United Launch Alliance
[email protected] Cape Canaveral, Fla. George Diller Launch Operations 321-867-2468 NASA Kennedy Space
[email protected] Center, Fla. Media Services Information NASA Television News Conferences All NASA Television Channels (Public, Education, Media, A mission and science overview news conference on occasional HD feed and the Live Interactive Media Aquarius/SAC-D will be held at NASA Headquarters on Outlet) are available on Satellite AMC 3. Cable and satel- May 17, 2011, at 1 p.m. EDT. The news conference will lite