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Aeronautics and Space Report Aeronautics andSpaceReportofthePresident•FiscalYear2001Activities of the President

Fiscal Year 2001 National Activities Aeronautics and Space Administration

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a Aeronautics F and Activities iscal Year1997 Space Report of the President

Fiscal Year 2001 Activities

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Washington, DC 20546 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page b


The National Aeronautics and Space Act of

1958 directed the annual Aeronautics and

Space Report to include a “comprehensive

description of the programmed activities and the

accomplishments of all agencies of the United

States in the field of aeronautics and space

activities during the preceding calendar year.”

In recent years, the reports have been prepared

on a fiscal-year basis, consistent with the Aeronautics and Space Report of the President budgetary period now used in programs of the

Federal Government. This year’s report covers

activities that took place from October 1, 2000,

through September 30, 2001. c F iscal Year 2001 Activities ...... 1 ...... 85 ...... 143 ...... 33 ...... 142 ...... 95 ...... 87 ...... 47 ...... 71 ...... 29 ...... 147 (adjusted for inflation) ...... 103 ...... 109 ONTENTS ...... 101 C (in millions of real-year dollars) (in millions of real-year ...... 113 Attaining Earth Orbit or Beyond ...... 115 Vehicles, to Orbit on U.S. Launch Successful Launches October 1, 2000–September 30, 2001 ...... 116 U.S. and Russian Human Space Flights, 1961–September 30, 2001...... 120 VehiclesU.S. Space Launch ...... 139 Budget Authority Equivalent FY 2001 Dollars Equivalent ABLE OF ederal Aviation Administration Aviation ederal Communications Commission ederal Department of State Department of Energy Smithsonian Institution Appendices Department of Agriculture of Department National Science Foundation Glossary and Acronyms and Glossary A-1 U.S. Government Spacecraft Record ...... 114 A-2 in Successful Record of Space Launches World B C D E-1A Summary– Budget of the U.S. Government—Historical Activities Space National Aeronautics and Space Administration Space and Aeronautics National of Defense Department F of Commerce Department of the Interior Department F T E-2 Activities Space Budget Federal ...... 144 E-3Aeronautics Budget Federal ...... 145 E-1B in Millions of Authority of the U.S. Government—Budget Activities Space 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page c Page PM 3:25 3/20/03 report 2001 2001 report3/20/033:25PMPaged d Aeronautics and Space Report of the President 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 1

1 F iscal Year 2001 Activities iscal Year2001


In FY 2001, NASA’s safety quest continued to build momentum. In the past year, NASA continued its successful plan for reducing injuries to a rate of 0.75 occur- rences per 100 workers, well below the goal specified by the President’s direction arising from the Federal Worker 2000 Presidential Initiative. To continue this pos- itive trend, NASA’s Centers are working to be certified under the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s Voluntary Protection Program (VPP). NASA has set a goal for all of its Centers to be VPP certified. By the end of FY 2001, 2 of the 10 Centers had been certified. NASA safety and mission assurance experts provided assessment, oversight, and critical evaluation for NASA missions, International missions and operations, and NASA space- craft missions. In addition, NASA conducted several focused assessments including operational and engineering reviews of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory microdevices laboratory and Unitary Wind Tunnel at the Ames Research Center; a critical facilities maintenance assessment to determine the safety and mission support posture of critical facilities across NASA; an assessment of X-37 safety and mission assurance processes and design features; the United Space Alliance Ground Operations workforce survey; and the Boeing Seal Beach onsite assess- ment and review. NASA instituted an Aviation Safety Board to oversee aviation safety programs. To strengthen the Agency’s safety and mission assurance capabil- ities, NASA introduced the following two new tools: the Systems Analysis Program for Hands-On Integrated Reliability Evaluations (SAPHIRE), a Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) software application developed for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, which now serves as the baseline PRA tool for NASA; and the Process-Based Mission Assurance Web resource, which provides 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 2

2 NASA’s program managers with the framework to help build the right level of safety and mission assurance activity into their program. In the human space flight area, NASA successfully accomplished seven Space Shuttle missions in support of complex International Space Station (ISS) assembly operations during FY 2001. From the launch of STS-98 in February 2001 to the landing of STS-105 in August 2001, NASA flew five flights in six months, maintaining a vehicle in orbit for more than one third of that time. The ISS had its first permanent occupants in FY 2001, beginning with the launch of the Expedition 1 crew aboard a Russian Soyuz on October 31, 2000. The Expedition 2 and 3 crews also began their stays on the ISS during FY 2001. The STS-92 mission, which launched on October 11, 2000, was the 100th Shuttle mission. For STS-92, during its 12-day mission to the ISS, all assigned objectives to install the Zenith Z1 Truss structure and the third pressurized mating adapter (PMA3) for use as a docking port on subsequent Shuttle missions were completed. On flight day three, Japanese Koichi Wakata deftly maneu- vered Discovery’s robotic arm to lift the Zenith Z1 Truss from the Shuttle’s payload bay and berthed it to a port on the Unity connecting module. Inside Unity, pilot Pam Melroy and crewmate Jeff Wisoff opened the hatch where the new truss was attached and installed grounding connections between the framework and the Station. Discovery’s five mission specialists performed a total of four extravehicular activities (EVAs) during the STS-92 mission. The crew also successfully com- pleted testing of the four control moment gyroscopes that will be used to orient the Aeronautics and Space Report of the President ISS as it orbits Earth. On November 30, 2000, the STS-97 mission was successfully launched. For STS-97, an 11-day mission, the completed three spacewalks to deliver and connect the first set of U.S.-provided solar arrays to the ISS, prepare a dock- ing port for arrival of the U.S. Laboratory Destiny, install a sophisticated instrumentation package to measure electrical potential surrounding the Station, install a camera cable outside the Unity module, and transfer supplies, equipment, and refuse between Endeavour and the ISS. The successful checkout of the extravehicular mobility units (EMUs), the Simplified Aid for EVA Rescue (SAFER) units, the Remote Manipulator System RMS, the Orbiter Space Vision System (OSVS), and the Orbiter Docking System (ODS) were all completed nominally. Also, the ODS centerline camera was installed smoothly. 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 3

The STS-98 mission launched on February 7, 2001. On STS-98, after dock- 3 ing to the ISS, Station and Shuttle crews opened hatches and unloaded supplies: F

bags of water, a spare computer, cables to be installed inside the Station to power Activities iscal Year2001 up the Destiny Laboratory, and various personal items for the Station crew. The U.S. Laboratory Destiny was successfully installed on the ISS using the RMS and concurrent EVAs. Shuttle and Station astronauts also activated air systems, fire extinguishers, alarm systems, computers, and internal communications, plus con- tinued equipment transfers from the Shuttle to the Station. They also filmed onboard scenes using an IMAX camera. On March 8, 2001, the STS-102 mission launched at sunrise and carried the second resident crew (Expedition 2) to the ISS, as well as the first Multi- Purpose Logistics Module, Leonardo, full of supplies and equipment plus science racks for transfer to the U.S. Laboratory Destiny. Joint operations between the Shuttle and the Station crews resulted in unloading almost 5 tons of experiments and equipment from Leonardo and packing almost 1 ton of items for return to Earth. Discovery’s spacewalkers—James Voss, Susan Helms, Andrew Thomas, and Paul Richards—set the stage for continued expansion of the Station by installing a platform that will eventually be used to mount a Canadian-built robotic arm, the Space Station Remote Manipulator System (SSRMS), to the Station on a future mission. They also removed a Lab Cradle Assembly from Discovery’s cargo bay and installed it on the side of the U.S. Lab Destiny, where it will form the base for the SSRMS that was delivered on a mission in April 2001. The STS-100 mission launched on April 19 and docked with the ISS 2 days later. The advanced robotic arm, called Canadarm2, was attached to a pallet on the outside of Destiny. It later was directed to “walk off” the pallet and grab onto an electrical grapple fixture on the Lab, which would provide data, power, and telemetry to the arm. Days later, the arm was used to hand off the cradle, on which it rested inside Endeavour’s payload bay during launch, to the orbiter’s arm. The exchange of the cradle from Station arm to Shuttle arm marked the first-ever robotic-to-robotic transfer in space. Other crew activities during the mission included attaching an ultra-high-frequency antenna on the outside of the Station and, inside, calibrating the Space Vision System, an alignment aid for operating the robotic arm, plus helping repair the Space Station’s treadmill and filming for IMAX. 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 4

4 For STS-104, liftoff occurred on July 12, 2001. The primary mission goal was to deliver the joint airlock Quest module to the ISS. This mission marked the end of the second phase of Station assembly. After docking with the ISS on July 13, both Atlantis and ISS crews prepared for the planned three EVAs. In a series of three spacewalks, the joint airlock module was attached to the Unity Node an high-pressure gas tanks attached to the airlock. Both Station and Shuttle crews checked out and activated the new Quest airlock, conducting a dry run before the inaugural event. This mission was the first launch of the Block II Space Shuttle Main Engine. Approximately a month later, on August 10, 2001, the STS-105 mission launched. Part of the mission was to bring the next resident crew, Expedition 3, to the ISS and return Expedition 2 to Earth. The payload included the Early Ammonia Servicer (EAS), to be installed on the outside of the ISS, and Multi-Purpose Logistics Module (MPLM) Leonardo. During the time docked with the ISS, crews unloaded 7,000 pounds of supplies, equipment, and science racks from the MPLM Leonardo, storing it on the Space Station. This was the second flight of the Leonardo to the ISS. Mission specialists completed the first of two EVAs to install the EAS on August 16, 2001. The Expedition 1 crew began their stay on the ISS in November 2000, fol- lowing an October 31 launch (Flight 2R). The outfitting of the ISS continued with the delivery of supplies via a Russian supply vehicle (2P) in mid- November. The STS-97 crew then launched on November 30, 2000, delivering the first U.S. solar array and radiator (Flight 4A), the 11th flight in the ISS assem- Aeronautics and Space Report of the President bly sequence. Next, the Expedition 1 crew received the 12th flight in the ISS assembly sequence, 5A, the delivery of the U.S. Lab on STS-98 in February 2001. This mission was followed by the third Russian Progress supply mission and the 13th ISS flight (3P) on February 25, 2001. The Station’s first permanent crew spent more than 4 months on the ISS and supported four assembly and logistics missions before the arrival of the Expedition 2 crew. Increment 2 crew operations were initiated on STS-102, the premier launch of the first Italian-made MPLM Leonardo (Flight 5A.1) on March 8. It was the first docking with the ISS under U.S. Orbital Segment (USOS) attitude con- trol and the first ISS crew rotation. On April 16, the Progress M-244 resupply ship (3P) was jettisoned from the (SM) aft port, after having delivered approximately 2 metric tons of goods and propellants, and conducted three reboost maneuvers of the ISS. On April 19, 2001, STS-100 lifted off on ISS mission 6A 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 5

with a crew of seven (including one Russian) to deliver the second Italian-built 5 MPLM “Raffaello” and the Canadian space station remote manipulator system F

“Canadarm2” to the ISS. The first Soyuz () exchange (2S) was Activities iscal Year2001 accomplished with an April 28 launch to provide the replacement Soyuz and return the “spent” Soyuz TM-31 (2R) to Earth. Following this mission, the fourth Progress logistics flight (4P) was launched to the ISS on May 20. On July 12, STS-104 was launched with five crewmembers on assembly mission 7A to conduct joint operations with the Expedition 2 crew and, in three spacewalks, to install the Joint Airlock “Quest” and outfit it with four high-pressure gas tanks. As NASA has accelerated the transition from ISS development work into operations, all elements for ISS assembly flight elements through 12A have been delivered either to orbit (Node 1 Unity, the FGB, the first solar arrays, thermal radiators, the Z1 Truss, Control Moment Gyros (CMG) attitude control systems, PMA-1, 2, and 3, and the U.S. Laboratory, Destiny) or to KSC (the remaining truss segments, communications system, integrated electronics, and the U.S. Airlock). NASA determined that it is in the best interest of the Government to concentrate resources on assembly planning, operations, and utilization readiness, and on the on-orbit assembly of the ISS. From an operational perspective, the communications systems with Mission Control Center (MCC)-, MCC-Moscow, and the U.S.-led international control teams have been vigorously exercised as they worked anomaly resolution, avoidance maneuvers, Soyuz and Progress dockings, and redocking tests at differ- ent ISS ports, as well as ISS reboosts as required. Mission Control was officially handed over to MCC-Houston after the 5A.1 mission in March 2001. The establishment of a permanent human presence on the ISS created remarkable opportunities for the Space Medicine Program. While traditional sup- port continued for astronaut healthcare, medical certification, and Shuttle medical operations, the space medicine emphasis at the (JSC) shifted to worldwide long-duration operations, onorbit deconditioning countermeasures, onorbit medical certification and intervention, and comprehen- sive rehabilitation services postflight. In addition, the planning process was begun to integrate exciting new capabilities such as the onorbit ultrasound to improve both astronaut healthcare and research possibilities. 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 6

6 The Space Medicine Program successfully implemented many changes to medical operations that included 24-hour-per-day medical support at multiple sites such as JSC, the (KSC), the Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center, and in Kazakhstan. Preflight, inflight, and postflight medical support was provided for seven Shuttle missions and ISS Expeditions 1, 2, and 3. Preparation for each mission included preflight medical screening, crew training on the use of medical, exercise, and environmental monitoring hardware, cross-cultural and iso- lation- coping techniques training, contingency medical procedures training, medical kit preparation, strength and endurance physical training, and ground crew mission-specific preparation. Initial ISS support operations were conducted from Moscow utilizing an integrated medical team approach developed between the Russian and U.S. sup- port staff. The integrated medical team continued daily communication and planning when flight control shifted to Houston during Expedition 2. All of the ISS International Partners participated in multilateral flight crew certification and in integrated flight readiness program reviews. An integrated catalog of all Russian and U.S. medical systems and hardware was also developed. The Crew Health Care System (CHeCS) comprised of the Environmental Monitoring System, Health Maintenance System, and Countermeasure System was launched and operationally deployed. Medical systems for ISS are unique in that components of CHeCS can be commanded from the ground. These com- mands can implement a verification of onorbit systems or initiate data downlink Aeronautics and Space Report of the President operations. Data within JSC are transferred using a file transfer protocol server with virtual private network (VPN) connectivity to MCC-Houston and JSC Medical Lab facilities. Medical services were enhanced with the implementation of an electronic medical record, replacing the paper-based system in the flight medicine clinic. Data are now automatically entered into the Longitudinal Study of Astronaut Health (LSAH) database. The LSAH project provides data for evidence-based decisionmaking for the development of selection standards and appropriate Earth and space-based prevention and treatment capabilities within the Space Medicine Program. A critical new part of the Space Medicine Program is the physical training, preflight conditioning, and postflight rehabilitation of the astronauts. The 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 7

Astronaut Strength, Conditioning, and Rehabilitation (ASCR) program was 7 implemented for long-duration ISS crewmembers. EVA-assigned crewmembers F

received physical training specifically to address conditioning for the required task Activities iscal Year2001 of EVA. ISS crewmembers exercise activities were monitored and specific exercise prescriptions uplinked weekly. As a result, ISS crewmembers returned to Earth with acceptable performance margins to be able to exit the Shuttle with minimal assistance. The postflight program is designed to return the astronauts to their normal state of health while providing safety factors to prevent injury during their rehabilitation. Upgrading the onboard space medicine preventive, diagnostic, and treat- ment capabilities is an ongoing process. Among many new developments this year, an important concept was improving telepresence techniques to optimally utilize Earth-based resources and expertise to extend crewmember capabilities. One example this year was the development of procedures to use ultrasound techniques to provide high-quality diagnostic imaging with nonmedical personnel. Using this technique, onorbit crew can be guided by a remotely located flight surgeon and Earth-based experts via the ISS telecommunications infrastructure. It has also become clear that the crewmembers on long-duration missions need considerable support for psychosocial considerations. Behavioral health pro- grams were implemented in 2001 to support the ISS crewmembers and their families. These support elements included cross-cultural training, cognitive self- assessment, and fatigue self-assessment tools to enable maximum performance and safety of the crew. The primary goal of the Space Shuttle Safety Upgrade Program continued to be the improvement of crew flight safety and situational awareness, protect people both during flight and on the ground, and increase the overall reliability of the Shuttle system. During FY 2001, NASA continued working on improving existing Space Shuttle operational mission assurance and reliability through sev- eral safety and supportability upgrade initiatives. To improve Shuttle safety, an effort was initiated to proactively upgrade the Shuttle elements and keep it flying safely and efficiently through FY 2012 and beyond to meet Agency commitments and goals for human access to space. The suite of high- priority safety upgrades included the Cockpit Avionics Upgrade (CAU), the Space Shuttle Main Engine (SSME), Advance Health Management System (AHMS), Electric Auxiliary Power Unit (EAPU), and the Solid Rocket Booster Advance Thrust Vector 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 8

8 Control system. CAU, which will enhance crew situational awareness and reduce crew workload by providing automated control of complex procedures, is currently underway. The EAPU would have replaced the hydrazine-powered units by using battery-powered electric motors, but, due to technology development required before initiating the implementation, this project was cancelled. In addition, the Solid Rocket Booster Advance Thrust Vector Control upgrade, which if imple- mented could replace the hydrazine-powered turbines, was delayed due to budget constraints. FY 2001 included the first flight of the upgraded SSME designated Block II on the STS-104 flight. The Block II Maine Engine configuration included a new Pratt & Whitney high-pressure fuel turbopump. The main modification to the engine was the elimination of welds by using a casting process for the housing and in integral shaft/disk with thin-wall blades and ceramic bearings. These changes doubled the reliability of the engine. This modification should increase the number of flights between major overhauls. The operational character of the places a significant burden on NASA resources. Although “operational” by NASA standards, the Space Shuttle requires significant specialized skills and facilities to maintain and operate at appropriate safety levels. Over the past 6 years, NASA has reduced the annual oper- ation cost of the Space Shuttle by almost 40 percent. NASA has already made significant strides toward privatization of the Space Shuttle by completing a series of contract consolidations. In 1997, NASA turned over daily operations of the Shuttle Aeronautics and Space Report of the President to a jointly owned corporation called United Space Alliance (USA). During FY 2001, however, the Shuttle program still required about 1,800 highly skilled civil service personnel to carry out the remaining Government operational and oversight responsibilities. Additionally, for continued safe operations of the Space Shuttle until the middle of the next decade, significant investments are required to maintain Space Shuttle flight system and aging ground infrastructure assets. The challenges to complete Space Shuttle privatization continued to be centered on ensuring that safety is not compromised while at the same time achieving further cost benefit to the Government. During FY 2001, NASA began the current Space Shuttle privatization effort by chartering an internal task team to perform a review and assessment of options for privatizing the Shuttle, devel- oping screening criteria for all privatization options, and providing recommendations on the best options to senior Agency officials. 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 9

In the area of space communications, NASA’s Space, Deep Space, Ground, 9 and Wide-Area Networks successfully supported all NASA flight missions and F

numerous commercial, foreign, and other U.S. Government agency missions. Activities iscal Year2001 Included were the launch of ISS hardware, Mars Odyssey, Microwave Anisotrophy Probe, Genesis, , and GOES-M. Emergency support of spacecraft anom- alies were provided to Artemis, GOES, Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, Mars Global Surveyor, Terra, Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission, and Cassini. Other support included the NEAR landing on the asteroid Eros, Deep Space-1 encounter with comet Borrelly, Astro-D re-entry with impact in the Pacific Ocean, and Landsat-4 end-of-life maneuvers. The Consolidated Space Operations Contract (CSOC) completed its 33rd month of a 5-year basic period of performance. Operations support continued at Johnson Space Center, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Goddard Space Flight Center, Marshall Space Flight Center, and Kennedy Space Center. Other significant activities included installation of Ka-Band uplink capa- bility at Goldstone Deep Space Communications Complex to support the Cassini mission; installation of 70-meter X-Band uplink capability at the Madrid, Spain, and Canberra, Australia, stations; completion of the mechanical life extension study for the Deep ’s 70-meter antennas; automation of the 26- meter antenna operations at Goldstone station; automation of the packet telemetry processing facility that supports the ; installa- tion of a 5-meter Ka-Band antenna at Wallops Flight Facility to support flight demonstrations; initiation of construction of a new 34-meter antenna at Madrid, to be operational for the armada of spacecraft arriving at Mars in late 2003/early 2004; and preparations for the launch of TDRS-I and TDRS-J. There were 18 U.S. Expendable launches in FY 2001. Seven of the 18 launches were NASA-managed missions, 9 were Department of Defense (DoD)-managed missions, and 2 were FAA-licensed commercial launches. In addition, NASA flew one payload as a secondary payload on one of the FAA-licensed commercial launches. The last launch of the fiscal year was a NASA-managed launch from the Alaska on Kodiak Island, the first orbital launch from the new commercial Spaceport. There was one launch failure this year. An FAA-licensed launch of the Orbital Sciences Corporation (OSC) Taurus with a NASA secondary payload onboard did not achieve orbit due to a launch vehicle first-stage failure. 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 10

10 NASA began a new Spaceport and Range Technology Development Initiative to develop and demonstrate advanced spaceport and range technologies to keep pace with the upgrades of current and the development of new launch vehicles. This initiative was an outgrowth of an Administration interagency study on the primary Federal launch ranges. The Kennedy Space Center is leading the initiative. Throughout FY 2001, NASA continued to define potential human/robotic exploration architectures and technologies through the efforts of an interagency planning team. As reported in FY 2000, the Decadal Planning Team (now known as the NASA Exploration Team or NEXT) focused upon sci- ence-driven and technology-enabled capabilities for future applications and destinations. These studies have changed the way NASA has approached explo- ration, and, at the end of the fiscal year, NASA planned to continue them. To tackle the many technical challenges, the HEDS Technology and Commercialization Initiative (HTCI) was initiated following a 6-month program formulation involving numerous NASA Enterprises, Field Centers, universities, and companies. The focus of this initiative was to identify new concepts and develop new technologies to enable the future human/robotic exploration and commercial development of space. In February 2001, HTCI issued a Cooperative Agreement Notice that yielded 152 proposals, from which 43 were recommended for funding in May 2001. Unfortunately, however, a few months later, HTCI funds were frozen, and then the funds were transferred to the ISS Program to cover budget issues. Aeronautics and Space Report of the President In lieu of HTCI as a means of implementing technology research in the near term, efforts to foster development continued by cooperative interaction among the NASA Enterprises and Centers. The cooperation encompasses a con- tinuing specific focus in the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs. The SBIR/STTR programs in the Advanced Programs Office are geared to support HEDS technology research with focused topics in high-priority technologies. In addition, the programs have been given a push in nontraditional research avenues via the Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) outreach activity. This activity resulted in a new STTR phase one contract in FY 2001 and is expected to generate additional contracts in FY 2002. The HBCU research institutions represent a far underuti- lized resource that could form a new approach toward meeting the HEDS technology challenges. 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 11

In the space science arena, NASA successfully launched three spacecraft in 11 FY 2001: the , the Microwave Anisotropy Probe (MAP), and F

Genesis. In addition, the many spacecraft already operating delivered a wealth of Activities iscal Year2001 scientific data. The launch of Odyssey in April 2001 represented a milestone for space sci- ence: the rebirth of the Mars program after the devastating losses of Mars Climate Orbiter and Mars Polar Lander in late 1999. Odyssey was the first Mars mission designed under the newly renovated Mars program, so naturally all eyes were focused closely on this particular mission. From the beginning, the spacecraft oper- ated beautifully, but the proof would not come until the spacecraft successfully achieved Mars Orbit Insertion after the close of FY 2001. In June 2001, NASA launched the Microwave Anisotropy Probe, a mission designed to measure the temperature of the cosmic background radiation over the full sky with unprecedented accuracy. This map of the remnant heat from the Big Bang will provide answers to fundamental questions about the origin and fate of our universe. Immediately after the end of FY 2001, MAP arrived safely at its per- manent observing station at L2 Point, some 1.5 million kilometers from Earth, and scientists eagerly await the data it will deliver over its 2-year prime mis- sion. In August 2001, NASA launched a unique Sun-Earth Connection mission called Genesis. Genesis is designed to collect particles of solar wind in an attempt to answer two fundamental scientific questions: What is the Sun made of? Are the Earth and other planets made of the same stuff? At the end of FY 2001, the space- craft was on its million-mile journey toward the Sun. NASA’s other orbiting spacecraft continued to deliver many new scientific discoveries and fascinating images. The Hubble Space Telescope—now in orbit for 12 years—discovered a supernova blast in the early universe that greatly bolsters the case for the existence of a mysterious form of “dark energy” pervading the uni- verse. The concept of dark energy, which shoves galaxies away from each other at an ever-increasing speed, was first proposed—and then discarded—by Albert Einstein early in the last century. The Hubble discovery also reinforces the star- tling idea that the universe only recently began to speed up. The Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR) Shoemaker spacecraft achieved an unprecedented feat in FY 2001. It conducted the first soft landing on 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 12

12 an asteroid following a year-long orbital mission at the asteroid Eros, during which the mission returned enormous quantities of scientific data and images. The Chandra X-Ray Observatory celebrated 2 years in orbit and continued unlocking secrets of mysterious high-energy astrophysical events. Chandra enhanced our understanding of black holes on many fronts. It took the deepest x- ray images ever and found the early universe teeming with black holes, it probed the theoretical edge of a black hole known as the event horizon, and it captured the first x-ray flare ever seen from the supermassive black hole in the center of the Milky Way. The Submillimeter Wave Astronomy Satellite (SWAS) made news when a stellar apocalypse yielded the first evidence of water-bearing worlds beyond our solar system. The SWAS observations provided the first evidence that extra-solar planetary systems contain water, an essential ingredient for known forms of life. The Mars Global Surveyor continued to send back tens of thousands of sur- face images over the past year that featured dust storms, dust devils, 3-D sand dunes, a recent image of “the face,” and dark streaks that may have been caused by dust avalanches. Other images revealed evidence of ground ice on Mars as recently as 10 million years ago. With more than 30 space science missions currently in operation, these highlights represent only a fraction of the scientific discoveries and insights that the Office of Space Science gained over the past year. At the end of FY 2001, the Space Science Enterprise planned to launch seven new missions before the end of Aeronautics and Space Report of the President 2002, covering a wide variety of new scientific objectives. FY 2001 was the successful year to date for NASA’s Earth Science Enterprise (ESE) in fulfilling its mission to develop a scientific understanding of the Earth system and its response to natural and human-induced changes so as to enable improved prediction of climate, weather, and natural hazards for present and future generations. ESE’s unique vantage point of space allowed unprece- dented global views of the Earth system’s atmosphere, land, oceans, ice, and life. ESE combines space observations with airborne and in situ measurements, data analysis, and modeling to conduct basic research and provide validated data prod- ucts. In FY 2001, ESE more than doubled its output of top-rated scientific discoveries compared to previous years. Together with its partners, ESE enhanced the availability of Earth science results to decisionmakers, providing a sound, sci- entific basis for economic investment and policy decisions. ESE’s strategic goals in 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 13

FY 2001 were to expand scientific knowledge by characterizing the Earth system, 13 disseminate information about the Earth system, and enable the productive use of F

ESE science and technology in the public and private sectors. Activities iscal Year2001 On November 21, 2000, ESE successfully launched the Earth Observing-1 (EO-1) technology demonstration satellite, its first New Millennium Program mis- sion. EO-1 included the world’s first space-based hyperspectral sensor. At one-quarter the weight and one-third the cost of traditional Landsat satellites, EO- 1 demonstrated its ability to produce Landsat-like imagery at a fraction of the mission costs. EO-1 flies in formation with the Terra (EOS-Terra) satellite, Landsat 7, and the joint U.S.-Argentina SAC-C satellite, and has demonstrated the satellite constellation concept in which the combined capabilities create a super-satellite. Once validated, several of the EO-1 technolo- gies will be turned over to the private sector for commercial development. Two international collaborations in FY 2001 provided new tools that should allow policymakers and scientists to identify major sources of air pollution and to track the movement of pollution globally. ESE and its partners tracked hazardous smoke and smog around the globe using the Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer Earth Probe (TOMS-EP). By examining data from Indonesian and African fires in 1997, researchers discovered that smoke and smog move through the atmosphere in different ways. In the second collaboration, ESE developed the most complete view of the world’s air pollution using new observations from the Canadian Measurements of Pollution in the Troposphere (MOPITT) instrument on the Terra spacecraft. Analysis of the new data revealed that plumes of carbon monox- ide travel across the world, and that air pollution therefore is not just a local issue. Early warning of pollution events can help to mitigate their potentially hazardous effects on human health. ESE successfully conducted an international field experiment, the Transport and Chemical Evolution over the Pacific (TRACE-P) airborne campaign. During the 45-day campaign in March/April 2001, ESE scientists combined data collected by two specially equipped NASA airplanes flying near Hong Kong and Japan with satellite and ground station measurements. By studying the seasonal airflow from Asia across the Pacific, researchers gained insight into the way in which natural and human-induced changes affect our global climate and contributed to our understanding of the dynamics of atmospheric chemistry. 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 14

14 Using 3 years of continuous, daily observations of ocean algae and land plants from the Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-View Sensor (SeaWiFS) launched in 1997, ESE created the most comprehensive global biological record of the Earth ever assembled. Researchers are using the record, which ESE plans to extend to 10 years or more, to study the fate of carbon in the atmosphere, the length of grow- ing seasons, and the vitality of the ocean’s food web. Other uses include monitoring the health of coral reefs, tracking harmful “red tides” and algae blooms, and improving global climate models. In FY 2001, ESE made advances in understanding seasonal to interannual climate change. The Clouds and Earth’s Radiation Energy System (CERES) instrument on the Terra spacecraft provided the most accurate and first complete year of global radiation measurements. Using Terra’s ability to collect data twice per day over the entire planet, the new measurements captured both incoming and outgoing energy globally. The results from a second NASA-funded study suggested that solar activity affects the jet stream over North America, possibly causing a change in cloud cover patterns. In years of increased solar activity, more ultravio- let radiation is absorbed by stratospheric ozone, which warms the stratosphere and may affect circulation in the troposphere. Researchers found that the U.S. is on average 2 percent cloudier in years of solar maximum. Understanding the links between solar radiation, atmospheric chemistry, cloud cover, and atmospheric cir- culation will help narrow the uncertainties in predictions of both weather and future climate change. ESE and the (CSA) completed Aeronautics and Space Report of the President the second Antarctic Mapping Mission that was begun in FY 2000. By precisely navigating the CSA’s RADARSAT-1 satellite to obtain data from six passes, researchers created detailed topographic maps and were able to measure the speed of moving glaciers. The first-ever velocity map of the Lambert Glacier revealed that the ice stream reaches speeds of more than 1 kilometer per year. By compar- ing the new map of Antarctica with the first map made in 1997, researches found that some glaciers are retreating while others are advancing. The full map should be completed in FY 2002. ESE researchers also monitored the development of a crack 15 miles long in Antarctica’s Pine Island Glacier—evidence of the immi- nent birth of a massive iceberg—using images from Landsat 7, Terra, CSA’s RADARSAT, and the ’s radar imager. These results are giving scientists a better understanding of long-term change in the polar regions, a very sensitive component of the Earth system. 15 F iscal Year 2001 Activities improve access to and understanding of remote-sensing data, ESE hosted improve access to and understanding of

Finally, FY 2001 was also a successful year for enabling productive use of Finally, To In FY 2001, ESE worked to extend the benefits of remote sensing to policy- ESE was also highly successful in disseminating Earth science data and Earth science data in disseminating also highly successful ESE was erra satellites. The combination of a faster computer, more accurate climate faster computer, erra satellites. The combination of a ESE science and technology. Using a newly developed 512-node Silicon Graphics, ESE science and technology. more than 900 days of the Earth’s ESE researchers simulated Inc., supercomputer, capability had been limited to the sim- climate in 1 day of computer time. Previous experimental seasonal climate ulation of 70 days. Researchers demonstrated TRMM, and TOPEX/Poseidon, SeaWiFS, predictions using ESE data sets from the T models, will result in more accu- and the use of more global satellite observations makers. rate prediction of climate change for policy The workshops demonstrated the use of five workshops around the . decisionmakers representing nearly every ESE science and technology to over 550 found that 35 percent of respon- state. A survey conducted during the workshops dents had never used satellite data. A follow-up survey after the workshops demonstrated that the number fell to 20 percent. makers in urban and rural areas. Researchers at the Mid-Atlantic Regional Earth Science Applications Center produced more accurate and detailed maps of major cities around the country using Landsat-7 data. These maps should help urban planners studying city growth and how rainfall runoff over paved surfaces impacts satellite to ESE also provided imagery from the EOS-Terra regional water quality. the Rapid Response Project for tracking and combating wildfires in the Western the United States. Federal, State and local Governments, and firefighters used In a third effort, ESE created a com- data to help mitigate this natural disaster. information. The Earth Observing System Data and Information System Data and Information System The Earth Observing information. Earth science research past and current NASA’s manages data from (EOSDIS) network was very suc- measurement programs. The EOSDIS satellites and field product distributing more data faster as the median cessful in FY 2001, delivery 1.2 million EOSDIS distributed approximately less than 1 day. time was reduced to data products In to approximately 150,000 user requests. per month in response on Earth science 482 workshops training K–12 teachers addition, ESE conducted education products, in educators (K–12). Schools participating reaching 9,295 (GLOBE) and Observation to Benefit the Environment Global Learning countries increased to 97. increased to 13,800, and participating 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 15 Page PM 3:25 3/20/03 report 2001 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 16

16 mercial partnership that will place advanced Global Positioning Satellite tech- nologies in tractors, giving American farmers access to precision farming technologies. Precision farming helps farmers use less water, fertilizer, and weed control, reducing the environmental impacts of agriculture and increasing effi- ciencies in food and fiber production. Through a collaborative project with the Department of Defense, ESE con- tinued to monitor and predict disease outbreaks in an effort to reduce their impact on society. Using near-real-time satellite vegetation measurements and associated climate data sets, scientists developed the capability to make predictions about emerging Rift Valley Fever (RVF) epidemics in East Africa several months before an outbreak occurs. Additionally, ESE investigators provided data support to the Walter Reed Army Institute for Research during an RVF outbreak in Saudi Arabia and Yemen. In the area of aeronautics and aerospace technology, NASA's Office of Aerospace Technology (OAT) continued to manage a portfolio of technology development activities designed to improve air travel, making it safer, faster, and quieter, as well as more affordable, accessible, and environmentally sound. It also continued working to develop more affordable, reliable, and safe access to space; improve the way in which air and space vehicles are designed and built; and ensure new aerospace technologies are available to benefit the public. In the area of aviation safety, there were a number of significant accom- plishments. NASA demonstrated a “daisy-chain flight control allocation scheme,” Aeronautics and Space Report of the President based on a second-generation neural flight control architecture applied to generic transport aircraft simulation. The daisy-chain scheme utilizes remaining opera- tional surfaces and the propulsion system in an unconventional manner (e.g., symmetric ailerons or symmetric throttles for pitch control and rudder or differen- tial throttles for yaw-based roll control) in order to compensate for more severe failures. These simulations showed that the system provided redundant control power in the event of the loss of actuator control, additional control authority in the event of actuator control saturation, and demonstrated ability to provide improved handling qualities for severe failures in a reduced flight envelope that would otherwise result in a catastrophic event. The aviation safety program system selected design concepts that showed the greatest promise for accident prevention in the areas of fire prevention, fire detection, synthetic vision, and an integrated vehicle health management for con- 17 F iscal Year 2001 Activities Studies have shown that 5 to 10 percent of rotorcraft accidents are the Studies have shown that 5 to 10 percent the Collaborative Arrival Planner During FY 2001, NASA developed result of gear failure and drive train failure. NASA personnel established design result of gear failure and drive train failure. This work should enable ultra-safe guidelines to prevent catastrophic rim fractures. all catastrophic failure modesgears to be designed, eliminating nearly for light- The modelweight thin-rimmed aircraft gears. predicts crack accurately Rig. using the NASA Gear Fatigue Test propagation paths and has been validated traffic control information with Airline (CAP) tool to exchange real-time air Operational Control (AOC) centers such that decisions made by AOCs regarding on the most up-to-date information possi- their aircraft operations could be based in the AOCsble. This increased arrival prediction accuracy has enabled airlines to make better decisions regarding flight diversions, gate utilization, and push-back addi- times, leading to improved operational efficiency and financial savings. In also tion, an en route decision support tool for efficient, conflict-free routing was in developed. The “Direct-to” (D-2) decision support tool underwent field testing The D-2 controller tool identi- Center. Control Air Route Traffic the Fort Worth fies aircraft that can save flight time by flying directly to a down-stream fix along its route of flight. This technology has demonstrated the ability to save several minutes per flight, with commensurate reductions in fuel consumption and emis- Control NASA personnel developed and flight tested an Air Traffic sions. Finally, Software tools that support deci- capability. information exchange (ATC)/cockpit to accurately predict future aircraft positions require an ability sionmaking by ATC tinued development. One of these, the tactical Synthetic Vision System (SVS) is System Vision these, the tactical Synthetic One of tinued development. as a low-visibility conditions to eliminate that has the potential a technology benefits replicate the operational as well as to civil aircraft accidents, causal factor weather condi- regardless of the outside sunny day, on a clear, of flight operations head-up and demonstration of conventional media Flight tion or time of day. in commercial and SVS display concepts intended for retrofit head-down tactical period conducted over a three-week business aircraft were and in August and three the FAA, evaluation pilots representing Boeing, September 2001. Seven 106 airport approaches. 11 research flights for a total of major airlines conducted pilot acceptabil- evaluated in flight tests designed to evaluate The concepts were Early results indicated that pilot ity/usability and terrain awareness benefits. the selected SVS display concepts com- terrain awareness was higher when using pared to present-day displays. 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 17 Page PM 3:25 3/20/03 report 2001 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 18

18 during flight. To perform long-range trajectory predictions, Center TRACON Automation System (CTAS) relies on the availability of aircraft state, aircraft per- formance, flight plan intent, and atmospheric data. The ATC/cockpit information exchange successfully demonstrated the capability to downlink aircraft state and intent information from the cockpit directly to CTAS by means of a real-time air- to-ground data link. A comparison of climb predictions at 15,000 feet to actual radar tracks showed that the direct downlink predictions reduced the peak altitude error by over 3,000 feet from the standard system. NASA continued conducting a balanced effort at making major advances in aircraft noise reduction. Previously, NASA had demonstrated technologies that resulted in a 5-decibel reduction in aviation noise. In FY 2001, researchers tested additional technologies including a Pratt & Whitney 4098 engine and improved inlets. NASA personnel also conducted tests to separate and assess core noise. Airframe noise-reduction concepts (flap edge, slat cove, flap and slat trailing edge treatments, and landing gear modifications) were validated on the Subsonic Technology Assessment Research model, a detailed 26 percent Boeing 777, which was tested in the 40 x 80-foot tunnel at NASA’s Ames Research Center. Two flight tests were conducted to validate engine system noise reduction. A “chevron” nozzle and other jet noise-reduction concepts were validated on a Lear 25, and both jet and fan noise-reduction concepts were validated on a Falcon 20. A system analysis of the test results demonstrated an additional 2-decibel reduction for large transport aircraft and 3 decibels for regional and business classes Aeronautics and Space Report of the President of aircraft. In the area of technology innovation, NASA set a new world altitude record for a solar-powered aircraft, reaching an altitude of 96,863 feet on August 13, 2001 from the U.S. Navy’s Pacific Missile Range Facility (PMRF) on the Hawaiian island of Kaua’i. Although short of the 100,000-foot altitude that proj- ect officials hoped for, the altitude is the highest ever flown by a nonrocket-powered aircraft in sustained horizontal flight and well above the cur- rent world altitude record of 85,068 feet for sustained horizontal flight by a conventional aircraft, set by a U.S. Air Force Lockheed SR-71A reconnaissance aircraft in July 1976. It also surpassed the existing altitude record for propeller- driven aircraft, 80,201 feet, set by the Helios Prototype’s predecessor, the Pathfinder-Plus, in August 1998. The 96,863-foot record altitude remains unoffi- cial, however, until certified by the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale. 19 F iscal Year 2001 Activities ith the cessation of the X-33 and the X-34 programs, the Aerospace ith the cessation of the X-33 and the Production see service as long-term Earth envi- variants of Helios might The X-43A is designed to be Another aircraft mission was not as successful. W At the beginning of FY 2001, NASA created the Biological and Physical The Helios Prototype flew for more than 40 minutes above a 96,000-foot more than 40 minutes Prototype flew for The Helios echnology Enterprise has taken a new approach toward developing reusable echnology Enterprise has taken a new ronmental monitors, disaster monitoring, as well as communications relays, disaster monitoring, as well as ronmental monitors, in areas not covered by on satellites and providing service reducing dependence and AeroVironment altitude flight also provided NASA satellites. The record fly in a Mars-like atmospheric condi- with information on how an aircraft would above the Earth is similar to the tion, since the atmosphere at that altitude atmosphere near the Martian surface. of attaining speeds as high as Mach 10. the first scramjet-powered vehicle, capable was lost moments after the X-43A and its The X-43A mission on June 2, 2001 wing of the NASA B-52 carrier aircraft. launch vehicle were released from the combined launch vehicle and X-43A expe- Following launch vehicle ignition, the its flight path, and was deliberately rienced structural failure, deviated from (MIB) was immediately formed and terminated. A Mishap Investigation Board the failure. The MIB results were released began conducting a thorough review of to scheduling the next X-43 flight. in April 2002 and will be addressed prior T routine access to space. technologies to enable the eventual launch vehicle (RLV) Program. In FY 2001, NASA This effort is called the Second-Generation RLV and awarded contracts valued at $767 million to 22 contractors, including large to small companies, to allow maximum competition. The money will be used develop concepts and the technologies needed to pioneer this extraordinary effort, which is expected to make the vehicle at least 10 times safer and crew survivabil- space launch systems. all at one-tenth the cost of today’s ity 100 times greater, interdisciplinary program of Research Enterprise (BPR) to strengthen NASA’s we research in space. As humans make the first steps off Earth and into space, old, enter a new realm of opportunity to explore profound questions, new and altitude before beginning its descent. It was in the air for almost 17 hours on the air for almost 17 descent. It was in the beginning its altitude before at 1:43 at 8:48 a.m. and landing the PMRF runway having lifted off record flight, power for post- morning after a 9.5-hour descent. Electrical a.m. the following of the motors using the by the generating capability sunset flight was provided the propellers as the aircraft glided down. windmill effects of 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 19 Page PM 3:25 3/20/03 report 2001 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 20

20 about the laws of nature. At the same time, we enter an environment unique in our evolutionary history that poses serious physiological, psychological, and envi- ronmental challenges. NASA’s Biological and Physical Research Enterprise addresses the opportunities and challenges of space flight through basic and applied research on the ground and in space. BPR seeks to exploit the rich oppor- tunities of space flight for fundamental research and commercial development, while conducting research to enable efficient and effective systems for protecting and sustaining humans in space. The Biological and Physical Research Enterprise (BPRE) closed its first fiscal year with a significant record of accomplishment. The Enterprise initiated a program of research on the International Space Station to take advantage of avail- able resources during the construction phase, released three NASA research announcements, and strengthened its research investigator community. BPR established a new Memorandum of Understanding with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, conducted a joint research solicitation with the National Cancer Institute, and continued work under 18 other agreements with the National Institutes of Health. In a truly auspicious sign of things to come, a BPRE investigator received the Nobel Prize in physics for ground-based research that he plans to extend and expand on the International Space Station. FY 2001 also included major efforts to restructure International Space Station research. These efforts respond to substantial reductions in available budg- ets for research equipment (facilities), support, and operations. In addition, BPR Aeronautics and Space Report of the President continued working to address potential reductions in available onorbit resources for research. While this restructuring is of central importance for the future of ISS research, it did not materially affect resources necessary for executing BPR’s planned research program in fiscal year 2001. ISS outfitting for research began with the delivery of the Human Research Facility in March 2001. NASA delivered two research equipment racks in mid- April and an additional two at the beginning of Expedition 3 in August 2001. At the end of the fiscal year, the Agency is on track to deliver another five research equipment racks by the end of 2002. Despite underestimation of Station mainte- nance requirements and a greater-than-expected volume of “off-normal” activities during Expeditions 1 and 2, the ISS team was able to meet the minimum research objectives of these increments. 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 21

The Expedition 1 crew initiated a small number of U.S. research activities, 21 including crew Earth observations, the Educational SEEDS experiment (plant F

growth in microgravity), biological crystal growth (structural biology), space tech- Activities iscal Year2001 nology motion and vibration experiments, and human research baseline data collection. With Expedition 2, completed in July, the research program on the ISS was underway. Eighteen experiments were conducted. The Expedition focus was on biomedical research and included studies of biological effects of space radiation, characterization of the ISS radiation environment, bone loss and spinal cord response during space flight, and interpersonal influences on crewmember and crew-ground interactions. Other experiments included plant germination and growth; Earth observations; and experiments aimed at resolving the exact struc- tures of important biological molecules. Research on Expedition 3 included 8 new and 10 continuing experiments. New Expedition 3 experiments included investigation of the mechanism that causes space travelers to suffer from dizziness and an inability to stand on return- ing to Earth (a condition called orthostatic intolerance); a study of heart and lung function in space and as affected by spacewalks; a study of the risk factors associ- ated with kidney stone formation during and after space flight; new techniques for structural biology in space; and a study of materials passively exposed to the space environment around the ISS to better define changes in material properties and onorbit degradation trends. Research results from the ISS will be forthcoming as data are collected and analyzed. Results reported in FY 2001 based on earlier research missions and ground-based experiments support continued progress in understanding and con- trolling the negative effects of space travel. Research published in 2001 suggests that the human brain contains an internal model of gravity and that this model may be very difficult or potentially even impossible to “unlearn.” (Nature Neuroscience, 4, 693–694, 2001). Astronauts quickly adjust to many of the challenges of orientation and movement associated with space flight, but the new results suggest there may be limits to this adaptability. Astronauts attempted to catch a “falling” object moving at different constant speeds. The test subjects proved unable to adjust to the fact that such objects do not “fall” faster and faster in space. The expectation that a “falling” 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 22

22 object would accelerate proved impossible to unlearn over the course of this brief experiment. This experiment raises the possibility that the nervous system may contain a “hardwired” model of gravity. If confirmed, this would be a fundamental discovery that could influence medical treatments for people with damaged or impaired nervous systems. In addition, this finding has important implications for the design of safe and efficient environments and systems for human space flight. In what may be a breakthrough for astronauts and osteoporosis victims alike, researchers were able to prevent bone loss using mild vibrations (FASEB J, October 2001). Normally, rats lose bone when their hind limbs are suspended and no longer support the weight of the body. BPRE researchers were able to counteract this bone loss by exposing the rats to mild vibrations. This study opens the door to a new method for controlling the 1% per month loss of bone that astronauts experience in space, and clinical studies are planned to determine the usefulness of vibration for treating or preventing osteoporosis on Earth. In addition to research aimed at controlling the physical challenges of space flight, BPR exploits the space environment to conduct unique experiments in physics, chemistry, and biology that would be impossible to conduct on Earth. A broader pro- gram of ground-based research supports research progress in space and develops new hypotheses for testing. 2001 was a banner year for BPRE basic physics research. Early in the year, BPRE researchers reported that they had “brought light to a full stop, held it, and then sent it on its way.” (Physical Review Letters, January 29, 2001, Vol. 86, Issue 5). Aeronautics and Space Report of the President Researchers used lasers they developed under BPRE funding to bring a beam of light to a complete stop in a specially designed trap, and then released it again. Another team of BPRE researchers created a gas cloud riddled with tiny whirlpools like those that cause “starquakes.” (Science, Vol. 292, No. 5516, 20 April 2001). The researchers used an ultra-cold cloud of sodium gas and quantum effects to create a physical model of phenomena that take place deep inside distant stars. The importance of this kind of low-temperature physics research was rein- forced at the end of 2001 when Dr. Ketterle was awarded the Nobel Prize in physics for his seminal BPRE-funded work on Bose-Einstein Condensate, a new state of matter in which individual atoms merge into each other. These experiments represent substantial milestones in physicists’ quest to study quantum phenomena (physical phenomena that are ordinarily only observable at 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 23

microscopic scales) in macroscopic systems. This research could have far-reaching 23 implications for the future of information and communication technologies. F

In biotechnology research, a research group at the Massachusetts Institute of Activities iscal Year2001 Technology grew heart tissue with “significantly improved” structural and electro- physiological properties using NASA bioreactor technology (Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology, Jan. 2001). Unlike tissue grown using more conventional technology, the tissue grown in the NASA bioreactor was actu- ally made to beat like native heart tissue. The NASA bioreactor allows researchers to grow tissues in the laboratory that much more faithfully reproduce the properties of natural tissues in the body. These tissues allow researchers to explore mechanisms of disease and may ultimately improve processes for creating engineered tissue for use in treatment and transplant. Twenty-four cell cultures, including colon, kidney, neuroendocrine, and ovar- ian cell cultures, were grown aboard the ISS in 2001. This represents our first opportunity to use a sophisticated bioreactor to grow cells in space. Bioreactor cell growth in microgravity permits cultivation of tissue cultures of sizes and quantities not possible on Earth. Cells may grow in low gravity more like they grow in the human body, increasing research capability in areas pertinent to the study of human diseases. BPR provides knowledge, policies, and technical support to facilitate industry investment in space research. BPR enables commercial researchers to take advantage of space flight opportunities for proprietary research. FY 2001 included continued growth in the number of commercial partners participating in the program and an ini- tial set of 5–6 experiments conducted aboard the ISS. In fiscal year 2001, StelSys (a joint venture of FVI and In Vitro Technologies) signed an agreement with NASA to explore commercial applications of bioreactor technology research specifically in areas related to biological systems. Bristol-Myers Squibb and the Center for BioServe Space Technologies reported that production of antibiotics is substantially greater in microgravity than on the ground with more antibiotic produced in flight samples. They are working to apply this research to ground-based processes. BPR’s Center for Biophysical Sciences and Engineering (CBSE) formed an exclusive partnership with Athersys, Inc., a premier genomics company. Genomics is the science of describing the proteins that are encoded by the genes in our DNA. CBSE has developed a world-class capability to determine the exact shapes and struc- tures of proteins through the process of protein crystallography. Precise information 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 24

24 on the protein structure is critical to the design of highly specific and effective new drugs. BPR seeks to use its research activities to encourage educational excellence and to improve scientific literacy from primary school through the university level and beyond. We deliver value to the American people by facilitating access to the experience and excitement of space research. BPRE strives to involve society as a whole in the transformations that will be brought about by research in space. During FY 2001, BPR held its first interactive education and public out- reach broadcast as part of a technically oriented Pan Pacific Microgravity Workshop. BPR revamped its material on the Worldwide Web to reflect our new NASA Enterprise status and mission, and to group material specifically for public, educational, and technical audiences. The Enterprise had requests for and distrib- uted over 4,000 interactive CDs explaining space flight and space research to the layperson and educator as a result of our electric light tower exhibit touring the country. In collaboration with the USAF Academy Department of Biology, we completed development of an undergraduate-level course in Space Biology. During FY 2001, NASA continued its international activities, expanding cooperation with its partners through new agreements, discussions in multilateral fora, and support for ongoing missions. NASA concluded over 90 cooperative and reimbursable international agreements for projects in each of NASA’s five Strategic Enterprises. These agreements included ground-based research, aircraft campaigns, and satellite missions in the fields of Earth science, space science, and Aeronautics and Space Report of the President human space flight and research. Significant international agreements signed during FY 2001 include several government-to-government framework agree- ments, under which future cooperation will be carried out, and agency-to-agency Memoranda of Understanding for specific projects. In the area of framework agreements, the Agreement Between the United States of America and the Republic of Hungary on Cooperation in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space for Peaceful Purposes was signed on May 14, 2001. This agreement establishes the foundation for future bilateral cooperation between the U.S. and Hungary in the areas of space science, Earth and atmospheric science, and human space exploration. The Agreement Between NASA and the National Commission for Space Activities of the Argentine Republic for Cooperation in the Civil Uses of Space was extended on August 2, 2001, for an additional l5 years. 25 F iscal Year 2001 Activities In space science, specifically in the area of solar system exploration, NASA system exploration, in the area of solar specifically In space science, In Earth science, NASA and the CSA signed a Memorandum of and the Russian Aviation and Space Agency (Rosaviakosmos) signed an and Space Agency (Rosaviakosmos) Aviation and the Russian Neutron Detector for Flight of the Russian High-Energy Implementing Agreement This mission was Mars 2001 Odyssey mission. to fly on NASA’s (HEND) instrument of Mars after the end of on April 7, 2001 and entered the orbit launched by NASA scientists to assist in the instrument will provide unique data to FY 2001. The HEND agreements for sci- on Mars. NASA also signed project-level ongoing search for water Rover Mars Exploration by Germany and Denmark in NASA’s entific participation area of space physics, NASA signed project- mission, to be launched in 2003. In the planned of several nations in NASA’s level agreements covering the participation the United Italy, Observatory mission: Germany, Relations Solar-Terrestrial and the European Space Agency Kingdom, France, Switzerland, and Hungary, project-level agreements with the ESA (ESA). In astrophysics, NASA signed initial for cooperation in the Next-Generation and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) planned follow-on to the highly successful Hubble mission, NASA’s Space Telescope agree- mission. In addition, NASA signed a series of project-level Space Telescope in several future ESA astrophysics and ments with ESA covering U.S. participation the Laser Astrophysics Laboratory, planetary missions: the International Gamma-Ray mission (an in situ investi- Interferometer Space Antenna, the International and . The NASA Astrobiology gation of the Comet Wirtanen), affiliate members during FY 2001, the Institute accepted two new international the Australia Centre for Astrobiology. United Kingdom Astrobiology Forum and Understanding (MoU) for the SciSat-1 Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment (ACE) mission on October 24, 2000. As of the end of FY 2001, the SciSat-1 ACE mission the was scheduled for launch no earlier than December 2002. The objective of SciSat-1 ACE mission is to improve our understanding of the chemical processes with particular emphasis on the processes involved in the depletion of the ozone layer, The occurring over Canada and the Arctic. On May 29, 2001, NASA and Netherlands Agency for Aerospace Programmes signed an MoU for the Dutch-built Earth Observing System Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) to fly on NASA’s total (EOS) Aura spacecraft, scheduled for launch in mid-2003. OMI will measure and column ozone, ozone profiles, and other atmospheric constituents, such as clouds This agreement provides the framework for strengthening cooperation in the uses cooperation framework for strengthening provides the This agreement climate change. science and global research in Earth of space for 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 25 Page PM 3:25 3/20/03 report 2001 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 26

26 aerosols. These important measurements will help scientists determine how the Earth’s ozone layer and ultraviolet radiation is responding to the phase-out of ozone- destroying chemicals, as well as to the increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases and atmospheric particulates (e.g., dust and soot) caused by human activity. Also in Earth science, NASA and the Israel Space Agency signed an MOU for cooperation related to the Mediterranean Israeli Dust Experiment (MEIDEX) in Tel Aviv, Israel, on August 16, 2001. Both agencies are now completing work on the Israeli instrument, which is scheduled for flight as a secondary payload on the Space Shuttle Columbia in 2002. The primary objective of the MEIDEX payload is to inves- tigate the geographical variation of the optical, physical, and chemical properties of desert aerosols, including the location and temporal variation of its sinks, sources, and transport. An Israeli , Colonel Ilan Ramon, who will be the first Israeli to fly in space, will conduct the MEIDEX experiment in flight. NASA estab- lished a series of agreements with institutes from Japan, China, Taiwan, and Germany in support of the NASA Transport and Chemical Evolution over the Pacific atmos- pheric science experiment. This experiment, which included NASA aircraft and ground-validation sites, was conducted in March and April 2001 in Hong Kong, Japan, and Taiwan. In addition, NASA and the Argentine Space Commission (CONAE) signed an agreement for an airborne validation campaign on December 27, 2000, to com- plement cooperation between NASA and CONAE under the Memorandum of Understanding for the Scientific Applications Satellite-C (SAC-C) Earth Observing Aeronautics and Space Report of the President Mission (signed October 28, 1996). Under this agreement, the NASA Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) was deployed to Argentina to con- duct calibration and validation activities for the EO-1 and SAC-C satellites shortly after their joint launch in November 2000. In human space flight and research, the NASA Administrator led a NASA delegation to witness the historic launch of the first crew (Expedition 1) to the International Space Station (ISS), which took place at the Baikonur launch facility in Kazakhstan on October 31, 2000. Following approval procedures in the U.S., Japan, and Russia, the Inter-Governmental Agreement (IGA) Concerning Cooperation on the Civil International Space Station entered into force on March 28, 2001. The International Space Station Partners approved the flight of the first space flight participant, Mr. , to the ISS in April 2001 aboard a Soyuz taxi 27 F iscal Year 2001 Activities Also during FY 2001, NASA participated in numerous multilateral fora and NASA participated in numerous multilateral Also during FY 2001, urkey on potential civil space cooperation. A Turkish Space Symposium was held Space Symposium was A Turkish urkey on potential civil space cooperation. meetings designed to review ongoing cooperation or to foster new cooperation. to review ongoing cooperation or to meetings designed for Space Science and its Consultative Group Inter-Agency These included: the on Earth Observing Group; the Committee with a Star Task International Living on Peaceful Uses of Outer Space and its Satellites; the United Nations Committee the Review; the ISS Forum 2001; and subcommittees; the ISS IGA Triennial NASA senior management engaged in International Astronautical Federation. future international partners, host- bilateral discussions with current and potential the world, and visiting foreign space ing meetings with space officials from around in this regard was the initiation of officials and facilities. One of the developments Government and the government of preliminary discussions between the U.S. T NASA management participated in and senior in May 2001 in Ankara, Turkey, delegation visited NASA Turkish a high-level this meeting. Several months later, Centers in August 2001 to continue the Headquarters and several NASA Field exploratory discussions. mission. In December 2000, as part of the U.S. Government team, NASA success- team, NASA part of the U.S. Government December 2000, as mission. In and updated of Japan that clarified the government discussions with fully concluded of Japan and the Government the United States Agreement Between the 1995 Exploration and Use of of Liability for Cooperation in the Concerning Cross-Waiver and the United States This agreement ensures that Japan Space for Peaceful Purposes. activities. claims for cooperative U.S./Japan space agree to waive liability 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 27 Page PM 3:25 3/20/03 report 2001 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 28 29 F iscal Year 2001 Activities The Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES)-M DoD, NASA, NOAA, and other Federal agencies continued to make DoD, NASA, NOAA, and other Federal EFENSE EPARTMENT OF During FY 2001, the Department of Defense (DoD) engaged in a wide variety of During FY 2001, the Department of Defense monitoring, the National Polar- aerospace activities. In terms of environmental Satellite System (NPOESS), a tri-agency orbiting Operational Environmental of Commerce (DoC) that con- program of NASA, DoD, and the Department weather satellite programs, verges the DoD and DOC/NOAA polar-orbiting NPOESS Integrated Program Office (IPO) continued to progress. In FY 2001, the and Risk-Reduction (PDRR) contracts by 6 extended the two Program-Definition contract awards for all remaining major months and down-selected development (NPP), an IPO/NASA joint mission to sensors. The NPOESS Preparatory Project opportunity for several major provide a crucial early-flight and risk-reduction in FY 2001. The PDRR contractors NPOESS sensors, also continued to progress of system concepts and designs each held several promising early demonstrations to accommodate the planned 2005 NPP mission launch. goodin FY 2001 on implementing activities for the Space Weather progress in a new NASA initiative, Living Plan. DoD participated Architecture Transition a systems approach to studies of Sun-Earth connections. In 2001, DoD with a Star, to help develop a defi- Architecture Team Science participated fully in the LWS connect the scientific objectives of LWS program. The nition of the LWS understanding of the Sun-Earth system with an ultimate operational forecasting a major DoD concern. capability, spacecraft was launched successfully on July 23, 2001. This DoD/NOAA/NASA data spacecraft continued a series of capabilities in weather imagery and sounding on to support operational weather forecasting and meteorological research. New D DoD D 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 29 Page PM 3:25 3/20/03 report 2001 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 30

30 this mission was the DoD/NOAA/NASA-sponsored Solar X-ray Imager, the first operational instrument for monitoring x rays that originate in the atmosphere of the Sun. Solar forecasters now get a real-time downlink of images that helps them make more accurate predictions of geomagnetic storms on Earth. Some affected activities and impacts that benefit from these forecasts are GPS navigation errors, radio communication blackouts, radiation danger to high-flying crews and passen- gers, and interruptions to satellite operations. Regarding the highly protected SatCom systems, Milstar Flight 4 was launched from the Eastern Range during February 2001. This was the first suc- cessful medium data rate EHF satellite on orbit for the DoD. In the area of positioning and navigation, two Global Positioning System (GPS) Block IIR satellites were launched and subsequently declared operational. At the end of the fiscal year, the GPS constellation consisted of a total of 28 satel- lites providing unprecedented levels of accuracy in support of national security, as well as worldwide transportation safety, scientific, and commercial interests. Development efforts continued on the GPS modernization program to add new military signals (known as the M-code) to Block IIR and IIF satellites, a second civil signal on IIR satellites, and a third civil signal (L5) on IIF satellites. As the first step in a major effort over the next several years to modernize GPS to enhance its ability to meet both military and civil needs for the foreseeable future, System Architecture and Requirements Development (SA/RD) contracts were awarded to Boeing and Lockheed Martin. The yearlong SA/RD contracts, also called Concept Aeronautics and Space Report of the President Exploration, are intended to evaluate military and civil utility, as well as define the system performance trade space for the subsequent phases of GPS III development. As part of the DoD restructure of its Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (EELV) program, DoD sought and won congressional approval of a Heavy Lift Vehicle demonstration launch as a risk-reduction step. Launch was scheduled for 2003. In the areas of intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance, the Space- Based Infrared System (SBIRS) made progress toward fielding the follow-on system to the Nation’s Defense Support Program (DSP) missile launch early warn- ing satellites. SBIRS is fielded in three increments. The technical difficulties in 1999 that had set back the transition to a new mission control station were resolved. Increment 1 consolidated the DSP’s overseas ground stations, located in Europe and Australia, with the old U.S. ground station into a single mission con- 31 F iscal Year 2001 Activities The DoD Space Test Program (STP) teamed again with NASA in launch- Program (STP) teamed again with The DoD Space Test STP had two successful Shuttle/ISS missions in FY 2001 as well. STS-105 ehicles Directorate to develop a secondary payload adapter ring for the Evolved ehicles Directorate to develop a secondary ing the Kodiak vehicle—the first orbital Star mission on an Athena I launch launch out of KodiakNASA's Starshine III space- Island, Alaska. In addition to DoD spacecraft (PICOSat, PCSat, and craft, this mission included three small space technologies, including flexible ) which tested a variety of new measurements, and advanced command polymer batteries, ionospheric occultation STP and the Naval Research fiscal year, and control techniques. At the end of the II launch of Coriolis, a the 2002 Titan Laboratory were progressing well toward Rapid Satellite acquired under NASA’s risk-reduction effort for NPOESS, contract to Spectrum Astro to build and Acquisition process. STP awarded a Outage Forecasting System mission, launch the Communication/Navigation outages due to ionospheric which will test the ability to forecast communications Space Air Force Research Laboratory’s scintillation. STP teamed with the V which can host up to six 400-pound micro (EELV), Expendable Launch Vehicle the satellites. STP also worked closely with NASA and the U.S. Navy on Spectrometer/Indian Ocean Geosynchronous Imaging Fourier Transform Meteorology and Oceanography Imager project. delivered and successfully deployed the Materials International Space Station Experiment (MISSE) externally on the ISS. MISSE, a passive materials exposure experiment, is the first external experiment on ISS. In addition, STS-105 from retrieved and returned MACE II (Middeck Active Control Experiment II) a the ISS. MACE II was the first experiment on ISS and was operated for nearly Through the efforts of Commander Bill Shepherd and astronaut Susan year. Helms, Mace II surpassed all anticipated data results. trol station located at Buckley Air Force Base, Colorado. The overseas sites were The overseas Air Force Base, Colorado. located at Buckley trol station savings in in order to realize relay ground stations minimally staffed replaced with high compo- of the SBIRS The addition and maintenance. staffing, operations, difficulties, however, “SBIRS Increment 2,” has encountered nent, also known as FY 2007. The Highly probably be slipped from FY 2005 to and first launch will processors both passed payload and the mobile multimission Elliptical Orbit sensor fabrication of HEO reviews, paving the way to begin successful critical design has also continued SBIRS mobile ground stations. The DoD flight payloads and SBIRS low. and program definition phase for with the risk-reduction 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 31 Page PM 3:25 3/20/03 report 2001 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 32

32 DoD continued to coordinate and oversee a wide array of space control ini- tiatives spanning all four space control mission areas: surveillance of space; protection of space assets; prevention; and negation. Particular emphasis was placed on space surveillance programs leading to an approved modernization and investment strategy that will transform the existing surveillance network from a track-based system to a search-based system that will eventually be able to provide true space situational awareness. Plans were also made for a new Space Situational Awareness Integration Office within the Air Force Space Command to serve as an advocate for space surveillance and improve program management and collabora- tion among DoD components and other interested Government agencies. In the area of space system protection, the U.S. Space Command led an effort to develop a new analytic tool to assist decisionmakers in establishing protection priorities for space systems. The results of this effort will be used to help develop a Space Protection Roadmap that will ensure the availability of critical space capabilities during all levels of conflict. Research also continued on a number of space pre- vention and negation concepts in response to emerging DoD requirements. Aeronautics and Space Report of the President 33 F iscal Year 2001 Activities VIATION A The FAA, in cooperation with the Air Force, conducted a study on vehicle in cooperation The FAA, In the area of airport safety and pavement technology research, the FAA In the area of airport safety and pavement DMINISTRATION EDERAL AA worked closely with the Boeing Company and an international working AA worked closely with the Boeing stability enhancements for heavy airport rescue and firefighting vehicles, since a stability enhancements for heavy airport rescue and firefighting vehicles, since The number of these vehicles have suffered rollover accidents in recent years. sys- study focused on active and reactive suspension systems and shock-dampening to establish more stringent static and conducted testing tems. Technicians FAA dynamic testing criteria for newly manufactured vehicles. As a result, the air- incorporated changes into the latest revision of the advisory circular for heavy port rescue vehicle design in the areas of performance testing and vehicle suspension systems. These changes will help prevent rollover accident by ensuring that future airport rescue and firefighting vehicles have the new suspension as well as allowing for retrofitting the existing fleet. technology, group in planning these tests. Researchers recorded the pavement response instru- group in planning these tests. Researchers for future retrieval. mentation data and stored it in a database completed the first set of full-scale trafficking tests at the National Airport completed the first set of full-scale test Facility during FY 2001.These tests involved subjecting nine Pavement Test loading at speeds of 2.5 and 5 mph. The pavements to simulated B-747 and B-777 F The FAA continued in its mission to ensure a safe, secure, efficient, and environ- continued in its The FAA commercial space transportation system. mentally friendly civil air navigation and and sponsored research and development During FY 2001, the agency performed of its mission; issued regulations and guide- programs to enhance the effectiveness and maintenance; and provided lines for better flight standards, operations, equipment and training for a modernized system. air traffic control A FAA F 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 33 Page PM 3:25 3/20/03 report 2001 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 34

34 The FAA also initiated research to prevent new large aircraft wingtips from intruding in the safety areas of adjacent taxiways, runways, and terminal areas. In particular, the FAA selected Anchorage International Airport for this research due to its large number of Boeing 747 traffic and availability of varying weather conditions. FAA specialists completed the first phase of data collection in August 2001, with a second phase beginning in September 2001. The FAA expected to begin analysis of the data in FY 2002. In the area of fire safety research, the FAA has emphasized fuel tank safety since the TWA flight 800 accident in July 1996. One proposed method of reduc- ing the flammability of fuel tanks is fuel tank inerting, which is commonly used by the military. However, the systems weight, resource requirements, and low dis- patch reliability have indicated that military fuel tank inerting systems would not be practical for application in transport airplanes. The Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Committee (ARAC) Fuel Tank Harmonization Working Group, com- missioned by the FAA to evaluate various concepts for preventing fuel tank explosions in commercial transport aircraft, concluded that the most potentially cost-effective method of fuel tank flammability reduction is ground-based inerting (GBI). Ground-based inerting is defined by inerting fuel tanks during ground oper- ations, when the threat of explosion is perceived to be the greatest. FAA and Boeing personnel therefore performed a series of aircraft flight and ground tests to evaluate the effectiveness of GBI as a means of reducing the flam- mability of fuel tanks in the commercial transport fleet. Boeing made available a Aeronautics and Space Report of the President model 737-700 for modification and testing. A series of 10 tests were performed (five flight, five ground) under different ground and flight conditions to demon- strate the ability of GBI to reduce fuel tank flammability. Results with low fuel loads showed that, under quiescent conditions, the oxygen concentration in the fuel tank remained somewhat constant, keeping the CWT inert (below 10- to 12- percent oxygen by volume) for relatively long periods of time. Results were in reasonably good agreement with predictions, and the FAA planned to continue this research in FY 2002. Aircraft cargo compartments’ fire-detection systems currently consist of either ionization or photoelectric smoke detectors. However, the ratio of false alarms to actual fires detected by U.S.-registered airlines during the previous 5 years is approximately 200 to 1. There are no certification criteria for new multi- 35 F iscal Year 2001 Activities wo fire sources were initially developed as proposed standards and the initially developed as proposed standards wo fire sources were Regarding suppression of inflight cargo compartment fires, FAA personnel compartment fires, FAA Regarding suppression of inflight cargo also investigated ways to reduce the flam- personnel During FY 2001, FAA Fire Research Program continued to seek ways to predict the fire The FAA’s T AA-conducted testing was done at its William J. Hughes Technical Center. J. Hughes Technical was done at its William AA-conducted testing conducted full-scale tests to investigate the effectiveness of several types of water conducted full-scale tests to investigate an alternative agent for Halon 1301, spray is being considered spray systems. Water which is no longer being produced stratospheric ozone. Because because it depletes effective in other applications and because water spray technologies have proven nontoxic, and abundant, it is being considered water is environmentally friendly, cargo compartments. as a halon-replacement agent for use in of rubber and foam in aircraft. New mability of seat cushions and other sources assistance of industry such as polyphosp- materials that were developed with the hazene and polysilphenylene-siloxane provide as much as a 50-percent reduction an in flammability compared to the best commercial semi-inorganic rubbers and reduction in flammability compared to the polyurethane cur- order-of-magnitude specialists planned to explore the use of rently used in aircraft seating. FAA com- relatively low-cost expandable graphite technology in semi-inorganic rubber pounds to obtain a fireproof (zero heat release rate) seat cushion foam by 2005. and resistance of new polymers from their chemical structure without the time expense (about 6 months and $50,000 per material) of synthesis, purification, has been developing com- end, the FAA this characterization, and fire testing. To fuel generation process of polymers puter programs to simulate the molecular-level Concurrent with the development and testing of fire sources, under NASA fund- development and testing of fire sources, Concurrent with the fluid dynamics Laboratories developed a computational ing, Sandia National (CFD) model an air- of smoke, heat, and gases throughout to predict the transport by expanding an NASA also contributed to the research craft cargo compartment. for space applications into use on aircraft. ongoing project on miniature gas sensors further related tests to evaluate detector placement planned to conduct The FAA and possibly reduce some of the required and alarm algorithms on detection times certification tests. F sensor detectors employing algorithms that attempt to discriminate between real to discriminate that attempt employing algorithms sensor detectors the research to standardize conducted The FAA alarm sources. fires and nuisance data to and to provide technical systems must detect fire-detection fire that cargo guidelines for multisensor fire detectors. develop certification 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 35 Page PM 3:25 3/20/03 report 2001 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 36

36 in fires. FAA scientists measured over 100 polymers of known chemical structure for heat-release capacity using a special FAA-developed technique. A comparison of calculated to measured heat release capacities for 80 polymers showed good agreement, indicating that the fire hazard of a polymer in an aircraft cabin is pro- portional to its heat-release rate in flaming combustion. Thus, the potential fire resistance of polymers can be simply calculated a priori from the chemical struc- ture without the need for synthesis and/or testing. In terms of crash research, FAA researchers conducted a vertical drop test of a B737-100 fuselage section at its Atlantic City, NJ, facility. The airframe sec- tion was configured to simulate the load density at the maximum takeoff condition and contained cabin seats, dummy occupants, overhead stowage bins with con- tents, and cargo compartment luggage. The test article was fully instrumented. The objective of the test was to evaluate the response behavior of the overhead stowage bin installations when subjected to a severe, but survivable, impact con- dition. Of particular interest was a comparison of the pretest static, steady state forces to which the bins were subjected during their calibration versus the dynamic forces generated during the impact test. Researchers at Wichita State University used an FAA grant to study the use of composite materials in commercial and general aviation aircraft. In particular, scientists investigated impact damage states. It is crucial to understand the effects of impact damage on static ultimate strength and damage tolerance criteria in terms of safety, as well as the implications to maintenance. Aeronautics and Space Report of the President The FAA also funded researchers at Syracuse University who developed a methodology to address the problem of delamination growth, a common failure mode in laminated composite aircraft structures. This methodology has the poten- tial of profoundly affecting design, analysis, and certification procedures for composite aircraft structures. First, it will allow a relatively rapid assessment at a large number of possible locations, under a wide range of loadings, whether delam- ination growth is likely. This will provide an early identification of possible failure sites that may not be found by the current selective testing approach, resulting in improved flight safety. Second, knowledge of the critical size and location of delaminations will reduce aircraft maintenance activity as it will serve as a guide for repair actions. Finally, this methodology may allow the implementation of a more economic certification procedure based on a mix of analysis and testing to 37 F iscal Year 2001 Activities predict crack growth and residual strength of riveted joints subjected to predict crack growth and residual strength

In a related area, the FAA funded the development of an analytical In a related area, the FAA Operational Loads Monitoring Research Program continued to The FAA A virtue of fabricating aircraft components from composite materials is that composite materials components from fabricating aircraft A virtue of To a methodology also developed to assess the development of WFD The FAA AA personnel added airplane models A-320 and Cessna-172 to the research pro- AA is a combination of analytical methodology and experimental development gram in FY 2001, and models B-747 and B-777 were scheduled to be incorporated into the program in FY 2002. methodology provide stress-intensity factors to predict fatigue crack growth for to rotorcraft applications. The methodology (Automated Global, Intermediate, and hier- Local Evaluation) is a suite of software tools developed for the automation of archical analysis of complex structures. collect and analyze both flight and landing loads data on civil transport aircraft. F validation. Advanced analytical methods and validated over the were developed the support and sponsorship of NASA and the U.S. with past decade by the FAA Air Force Research Laboratory. the designer is afforded significant flexibility to vary materials and adhesives to significant flexibility to vary materials the designer is afforded The same wide weight and load-carrying performance. optimize the component’s cause signifi- can however, is so appealing to the designer, range of variables that who must buy nondestructive inspection (NDI) practitioner cant concern to the encountered when con- standards for each type of structure or fabricate calibration developed some important NDI tests. Thus the FAA ducting comparative-type manufacturers said in this regard, and a number of aircraft new reference standards they would comply. stress and fracture analyses of corner widespread fatigue damage (WFD), accurate need, address this hole are needed. To and surface cracks emanating from a rivet existing database of three-dimensional stress-intensity expanded the the FAA factor solutions and modeled bulging factors. of aircraft structure. WFD in a structure is and its effect on the residual strength of cracks at multiple structural com- characterized by the simultaneous presence size and density that the structure will ponents where the cracks are of sufficient The approach developed by the no longer meet its damage-tolerance requirement. F assure a damage-tolerant structure similar to that presently in use for to that presently structure similar damage-tolerant assure a metallic structures. 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 37 Page PM 3:25 3/20/03 report 2001 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 38

38 In partnership with the Naval Air Systems Command and the Office of Naval Research, the FAA continued research and development of arc fault circuit breakers (AFCB) intended to replace existing thermal circuit breakers used in air- craft today. AFCBs detect electrical arcing and rapidly remove power to the affected circuit, drastically reducing the chances of fire and other damage. During FY 2001, the FAA successfully fabricated and tested these AFCB prototypes. In addition, the FAA initiated an extensive program to evaluate the condition of aging circuit breakers. In the area of aviation security research, the FAA continued to develop and deploy products that prevent explosives, weapons, and other threat material from being introduced onto aircraft. Major areas of concentration include: certification testing, checked and carry-on baggage screening using bulk and trace explosives detection, human factors, aircraft hardening, aviation security technology integration, and airport deployment of systems by the Security Equipment Integrated Product Team. The Aviation Security Laboratory (ASL) conducted certification tests on the InVision CTX 9000Dsi Explosives Detection System (EDS) production unit, the CTX-2500, and the L3 eXaminer 3DX 6000 unit. All these systems passed. FAA researchers also continued their advanced work in bulk-detection techniques such as x-ray diffraction. In the area of personnel screening, the FAA evaluated several explosive detection prototypes. In the weapons detection area, the ASL evaluated the response of metal detector systems to additional types of weapons in Aeronautics and Space Report of the President anticipation of upgrading the standard. The ASL also evaluated several large cargo inspection systems and a large bulk EDS for break-bulk cargo. The human factors program continued to enhance the performance of screeners through the development of Threat Image Projection software. This soft- ware, which continued to be installed on systems for both carry-on and checked baggage, improves screener training and enhances awareness. The program also developed a networked Screener Readiness Test. The Aircraft Hardening Program conducted a series of explosive tests on 737s, 747s, and Airbus aircraft under pressurized conditions for the purpose of refining the vulnerability criteria for carry-on luggage. The program also evaluated liners to protect the overhead bin area and performed additional tests to determine the least risk bomb location. 39 F iscal Year 2001 Activities In FY 2001, human factors and aeromedical scientists conducted research aeromedical scientists human factors and In FY 2001, The air transportation human factors research program conducted investi- human factors research program conducted The air transportation an analysis of causal factors in acci- General aviation researchers completed researched a new incident-investigation technique In FY 2001, the FAA to provide the FAA and industry with human performance information critical to information critical human performance and industry with the FAA to provide training, and of equipment, and certification operation, regulation, the design, Airspace System facilitating safe and efficient National procedures, thereby factor. and reducing operator error as an accident-causation (NAS) operations with a focus on improving conducted aeromedical research the FAA Specifically, of aircraft crews and passengers. and survivability the health, safety, responses to crew error. analyze data on the antecedents and gations to collect and to modify investigations were used by the air carriers The results of these current Researchers com- to enhance safety. line operations and pilot training programs carrier pilots regarding the effectiveness of pleted a survey of over 12,000 U.S. air revealed that pilots view their training current pilot training programs. The results them to fly in the NAS. Researchers also as effective and important in preparing analysis and development system that is continued the development of a training offices in designing pilot training simulator used by air carriers and local FAA and operationally relevant fair, scenarios and other tests that are challenging, system allows air carriers to design an when evaluating pilot performance. This using performance data collection and Advanced Qualification Program (AQP) analysis. Phase 2 of the Model 2001. AQP was completed in error using the military Human Factors dents and incidents attributed to human maintenance researchers also con- Analysis and Classification System. Aviation tinued their investigation of methods that can be used to reduce and guidelines fatigue-producing factors in the maintenance environment. The results of both of these research projects will facilitate development of regulatory and certification guidance material. that assesses underlying causal factors of operational errors in air traffic control. This project was coordinated with a similar European project. Research also exam- new ined human-factor issues in runway incursions, including development of a Everybody’s booklet for controllers and pilots entitled “Runway Safety: It’s pilot-controller commu- Business,” that provides helpful information on memory, nication, and situational awareness. 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 39 Page PM 3:25 3/20/03 report 2001 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 40

40 In terms of aircraft occupant safety, the FAA completed the largest cabin evacuation study ever conducted evaluating aircraft design and human factors affecting passenger egress through Type III (over wing) emergency exits in trans- port aircraft. The FAA also completed an altitude research study evaluating the physiological protection provided by three different types of continuous-flow oxygen masks used with portable oxygen bottles for flight attendants. The 747 Aircraft Environmental Research Facility was completed and is in service sup- porting a variety of safety, security, training, and testing functions and programs. Researchers also conducted investigations to address the FAA’s goal for an equiv- alent level of safety for all aircraft occupants, with targeted areas including seats/restraints/inflation devices for infants and small children, and side-facing seats in corporate aircraft. In addition, three research studies aimed at providing information on 1) the accessibility of under-seat life preservers on transport air- craft, 2) the tension average passengers apply to their seatbelts during normal and emergency conditions, and 3) the optimum lever motion for rapid seatbelt release were completed. Researchers also continued to investigate the nature of inflight medical emergencies and the use of defibrillators on commercial flights, as well as perform epidemiological assessment of biochemical and toxicological factors from fatal civilian aviation accidents. The FAA and private industry continued to collaborate on the Safe Flight 21 Program, an initiative to validate the capabilities of advanced communication, navigation, and surveillance technologies and related air traffic procedures. During Aeronautics and Space Report of the President FY 2001, the FAA continued to demonstrate the uses of Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) technologies at various airports across the coun- try. ADS-B has been identified in the FAA “Blueprint for NAS Modernization” as a key surveillance technology to supplement, and possibly replace, radar. On January 1, 2001, FAA began initial operations using ADS-B in Alaska for air traffic control representing the first-ever use of this technology to provide radar- like services. To accomplish these results, the FAA conducted extensive testing to vali- date the suitability for use of ADS-B to provide air traffic control services similar to radar-based air traffic control services. Problems were identified and solutions developed. New air traffic and certification procedures for using ADS-B were developed and implemented. The FAA’s en route automated radar tracking system in Anchorage, Alaska, was upgraded to receive, process, and display ADS-B reports. In October 2000, an operational evaluation involving 17 aircraft from the 41 F iscal Year 2001 Activities The FAA awarded six contracts in February 2001 under the initial Surface awarded six contracts The FAA continued progress toward implementation of the In FY 2001, the FAA ide Area Augmentation System (WAAS) that will provide availability, ide Area Augmentation System (WAAS) AAS final operating capability, and researched issues for AAS final operating capability, echnology Broad Agency Announcement which is designed to explore echnology Broad Agency Announcement ennessee, in June 2001. In addition, four ADS-B safety assessments were com- In addition, four ADS-B safety ennessee, in June 2001. T to reduce runway incursions at the new/emerging lower cost technology options and addressable signs, proposed solutions, ground markers airports. Two Nation’s for functional and operational testing showed promise and were being considered also continued to pursue surveillance- in an airport environment. The FAA controlled runway status light solutions for both large and small airports. W and accuracy for the Global Positioning System (GPS) to be used for en integrity, WAAS route navigation and precision civilian navigation. During the fiscal year, Test employees performed data collection and analyses using the National Satellite developed interference detection and mitigation tech- Bed (NSTB). The FAA for niques, collected and analyzed ionospheric data, analyzed satellite alternatives W funding to provide key Alaska. Researchers from Stanford University used FAA Integrity and Performance Panel and Independent Review support to the WAAS Cargo Airline Association, the FAA, and avionics manufacturers was conducted and avionics manufacturers FAA, Association, the Cargo Airline spac- in final approach the use of ADS-B to demonstrate Kentucky, in Louisville, A moving map applications. awareness, and surface situational ing, airport in Memphis, safety applications was also conducted demonstration of surface T continued its work in 2001. The Alaska Capstone Program pleted in September and began expan- Delta region, Kuskokwim (Y-K) the Yukon Bethel, Alaska, and Air Route Traffic Alaska. On January 1, 2001, the Anchorage sion into southeast services in the Bethel, using ADS-B to provide radar-like Control Center began operating in avionics were installed in 140 aircraft the year, Alaska, area. During six Delta. Pilots use this equipment, in conjunction with Bethel and the Y-K a NEXRAD map, and other traffic data. ground stations, to receive weather data, also began. A useable Instrument Flight Program expansion to southeast Alaska Rules (IFR) is planned to address the terrain challenges presented by infrastructure a request for proposal During the year, Juneau, Alaska, and the surrounding area. upgraded avionics suites. Approximately (RFP) was released to solicit vendors for helicopters will be equipped with the 200 commercial service airplanes and Alaska. enhanced ADS-B systems in southeast 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 41 Page PM 3:25 3/20/03 report 2001 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 42

42 Board. The FAA continued pursuing a North American Satellite Augmentation System with Mexico and Canada. These agreements may significantly cut the FAA’s expenses by reducing the agency’s need to field WAAS reference stations along the southern and northern U.S. borders. In addition, the FAA assisted the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) with plans and strategies for the development of a WAAS- based Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) test bed capability for the Caribbean South American region. The FAA expected that the resulting South American test bed would pave the way for an operational system in the region that is completely compatible with the U.S. systems. This future capability, based on U.S. technology, may also provide cost-sharing opportunities on Geostationary Earth Orbit satellite services, significantly reducing projected FAA leasing expenses for satellites. The successful completion of all flight tests and other activ- ities helped to demonstrate U.S. technological leadership in satellite navigation, ensure the seamless transfer from one regional satellite-based navigation system to another, and promote the adoption of satellite navigation in regions where improved navigation capability will increase the safety of flight for U.S. citizens traveling abroad. The FAA expected it to provide the groundwork necessary to achieve the ICAO's vision of a future, worldwide, seamless navigation capability. In FY 2001, FAA researchers made significant progress in the quest to use the Local Area Augmentation System to achieve Category I and Category III precision approaches. The FAA cooperated with private companies such as Aeronautics and Space Report of the President United Parcel Service (UPS) and Federal Express (FedEx) in successful tests using this system. During the fiscal year, the FAA worked with the aviation industry to increase the level of detail contained in the National Airspace System Plan. The plan provides the communities strategic plan for Air Traffic Management through 2015. The plan is based on the “Free Flight” operational concept in which pilots may choose the most efficient and economical routes to their destinations. As part of these modernization efforts, the FAA delivered all the domestic Terminal Doppler Weather Radars. The radar and its associated display are impor- tant safety features for helping to identify hazardous weather such as wind shear and microbursts. During FY 2001, the FAA’s William J. Hughes Technical Center worked in partnership with NASA's Ames Research Center as the cosponsors of a technol- 43 F iscal Year 2001 Activities The Technical Center team has also supported the mission of the The Technical development of an advanced tool to cali- completed In FY 2001, the FAA Center also completed a study of the Airport The Hughes Technical In partnership with the Department of Defense and the National Oceanic echnical Center recruited and hired subject-matter experts to participate in the and hired subject-matter experts echnical Center recruited Interagency Air Traffic Management Integrated Product Team by providing tech- Management Integrated Product Team Interagency Air Traffic research projects and project leads for nical experts to serve as coleads for joint benefit for the NAS. In addition, the key those projects that have shown some in the Interagency Air Traffic team members were active participants Team. Management Integrated Management in the NAS, including the new Airport brate and certify many secondary radars and Control Beacon Interrogator upgrade, the Air Traffic Surveillance Radar, Center conducted tests verifying the per- existing Mode S radars. The Technical inference and environmental formance envelope and the electromagnetic the first five accepted the FAA characteristics of this new test set. Subsequently, production Nation. units for use at operational sites around the Movement Area Safety System intersecting runways alert parameters. The purpose of of the study was to determine a recommended set of parameters to initiate alerts vari- potential runway collisions for aircraft operating on intersecting runways at of ous airports. After collecting live data at these airports and thorough analysis the data, the study recommended a set of parameters that maximize safety benefits while minimizing the number of nuisance alerts generated. Center initiated research on the and Atmospheric Administration, the Technical feasibility of using multifunction-phased array radars to perform weather detection and warning, and to track aircraft. The ultimate goal of this project was to provide expected much earlier warning of impending severe weather conditions. The FAA ogy transition initiative. The purpose of this initiative was to acquire technical was to acquire purpose of this initiative initiative. The ogy transition and pro- early in the concept developed by NASA of new technologies knowledge development through joint The knowledge acquired phases. totype development takes to go from concept assist in reducing the time it participation will potentially effort, the team at the implementation. In support of this development to field T transition initiative initiative. The success of the technology technology transition plans, which pro- increase in the number of implementation was validated by an for collaborative joint between NASA and the FAA vide the formal agreement transition efforts. development and technology 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 43 Page PM 3:25 3/20/03 report 2001 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 44

44 that this project would create a research facility in the aptly named “Tornado Alley” at the National Severe Storm Laboratories in Norman, Oklahoma. Airborne laboratories in the FAA’s Research and Development Flight Program participated in unique flight-test and high-altitude data collection to sup- port development of new procedures and technology to improve navigation and safety for our Nation’s pilots and their passengers. The wide variety of programs included GPS navigation and precision approach development, air traffic control circuit breakers tests, human factors, WAAS, and the Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS). These tests utilized a specially modified Boeing 727, a Sikorsky helicopter, and a Convair 580 aircraft. The Technical Center established an advanced differential GPS test bed in Brazil. Under a memorandum of understanding between FAA and the aviation authority in Brazil, Technical Center engineers procured and installed hardware and software for the test bed and provided training on the fundamental concepts of GPS wide-area differential systems and how to operate and maintain the test bed. The safe operation of our Nation’s airspace depends on reliable communi- cations and navigation signals, but radio frequency interference (RFI) can damage or cancel those signals. The Technical Center supported several high-visibility RFI projects such as innovative training courses for FAA inspectors and personnel at ATC facilities. In FY 2001, FAA instructors reached out to over 300 FAA regional, flight inspection, and international technicians, inspectors, Aeronautics and Space Report of the President and engineers. The Technical Center completed the final phase of an air traffic control simulation study designed to reduce delays into Newark International Airport. More than 100 air traffic controllers from four facilities in the eastern region par- ticipated in a series of simulations. They tested different procedures along existing flight paths to better enable controllers to sequence aircraft into the busy New York metropolitan area. The completion of this study represented more than a year of development and testing involving hundreds of hours of simulation, and involved airspace in four air traffic control facilities: New York Center, Washington Center, Philadelphia Air Traffic Control Tower, and the New York TRACON. Separate standalone simulations were conducted for each facility, and these simulations were conducted using the high-fidelity equipment in the air traf- fic labs at the Technical Center. The controllers, programmers, airspace specialists, 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 45

union representatives, and managers all worked together throughout the year to 45 overcome the many challenges faced by the participants, and the final phase of F

simulations was completed in May 2001. The Administrator also initiated a Activities iscal Year2001 unique study in the fall of 2000 to identify several points of congestion in the NAS and provide relief in an expeditious manner. Human factors researchers at the Technical Center conducted rapid proto- typing efforts, early user involvement events, and computer-human interface (CHI) validation simulations on multiple new or upgraded systems for the NAS. In addition, they revised the Human Factors Design Guide to reflect the most cur- rent research and information. Human factors scientists at the Technical Center also examined the effects of automation tools on air traffic controllers’ workload and situational awareness. The first study investigated the effect of increasing levels of decision support automation. A second study, conducted in collaboration with the Civil Aeromedical Institute, explored the potential benefits and information require- ments of an operational position, airspace coordinator, which could more strategically plan traffic through airspace sectors. Finally, researchers examined the potential human factors issues associated with collocating three Free Flight automation tools. FAA’s Office of the Associate Administrator for Commercial Space Transportation (AST) continued to license and regulate U.S. commercial space launch activity, ensuring public health and safety, and the safety of property, and protecting national security and foreign policy interests of the United States. AST also licensed operation of non-Federal launch sites and facilitated and promoted commercial space launches by the private sector. During fiscal year 2001, AST licensed six orbital space launches. Three launches were conducted by Sea Launch (Zenit 3SL vehicle), two by Orbital Sciences Corporation (Pegasus and Taurus), and one by International Launch Services (Atlas IIAS). AST also established the System Engineering and Training division to define safety standards for existing and emerging space launch systems, launch sites, re-entry systems, and re-entry sites. The new division responds to the training needs of AST employees. Several reports were released, including “The Economic Impact of Commercial Space Transportation on the U.S. Economy.” The first-ever U.S. study of its kind, the report showed that in a single year (1999), the U.S. com- 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 46

46 mercial launch industry was responsible for yielding more than $61.3 billion in economic activity and for supporting nearly half a million jobs in the United States. The “2001 Commercial Space Transportation Forecasts” were released by AST and FAA’s Commercial Space Transportation Advisory Committee. The forecasts projected an average demand for 32 worldwide commercial space launches per year through 2010. The Air Force and the FAA signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Safety for Space Transportation and Range Activities. AST completed the draft and preliminary versions of the Rulemaking Project Record for the Reusable Launch Vehicle Operations and Maintenance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM). In addition, AST participated on a committee to advise NASA in selecting initial contracts for the Space Launch Initiative (second-generation Reusable Launch Vehicle), revised and updated its environmental guidelines, and began preparation on licensing new and Delta IV launch vehicles. Aeronautics and Space Report of the President 47 F iscal Year 2001 Activities NOS’s National Geodetic Survey (NGS) directly supported search and NOS’s EPARTMENT OF OMMERCE viation Operations, Optech, Inc., and the University of teamed up to fly viation Operations, Optech, Inc., and the University of Florida teamed up to recovery efforts at both the World Trade Center and the Pentagon disaster sites by Trade recovery efforts at both the World using its mapping and remote-sensing capabilities. The Army Joint Precision dis- Strike Demonstration coordinated a highly detailed mapping mission at both LIDAR is an active remote-sensing system aster sites using LIDAR technology. and used to profile or scan terrain elevations. NOS, the NOAA Office of Marine A In FY 2001, the Department of Commerce (DoC) engaged in a wide variety of In FY 2001, the Department of Commerce in aeronautics and space, including satellite activities that furthered U.S. interests trade promotion, and civilian operations and licensing, technology development, DoC joined other U.S. Most notably, and commercial space policy support. and space-based resources to the relief Government agencies in applying airborne and Center Trade attacks on the World efforts following the September 11 terrorist a number of National Oceanic and Atmospheric the Pentagon. Specifically, contributed significantly to these efforts, Administration (NOAA) line offices Operations (OMAO), National Ocean namely the Office of Marine and Aviation Research (OAR). The OMAO’s Service (NOS), and Oceanic and Atmospheric Remote Sensing Aircraft Operations Center (AOC) provided support to NOS’s with NOS, Optech, Inc., and the University of Florida, AOC Division. Teaming jet, and coordinated its flights Citation made available and operated NOAA’s and North American Administration (FAA) with the Federal Aviation Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD). The Citation flew over both sites at the Joint Precision Strike Demonstration project, collecting request of the Army’s high-resolution aerial photography and LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) data from a system provided by Optech, Inc., of Canada. C DoC D 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 47 Page PM 3:25 3/20/03 report 2001 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 48

48 the LIDAR in NOAA’s Cessna Citation. The images, which were created by the LIDAR system and produced by NOAA, were provided as digital surface models that offered an accurate bird’s eye view of the scene. They provided three-dimensional positioning of the building structures and the surrounding area, at 15cm accuracy, which helped the rescuers and engineers locate original support structures, stairwells, elevator shafts, and basements. The LIDAR data, traditional high-resolution aerial photography, and accurate Global Positioning System (GPS) measurements are all connected to the National Spatial Reference System (NSRS), which serves as a base reference for location information, and proved to be invaluable to the rescue efforts. In this way, the rescuers had one base reference system to efficiently locate utilities and building structures, which had been ren- dered indistinguishable as a consequence of the attacks. NOAA later returned to the World Trade Center site to provide data for change analysis. The crews were able to pinpoint their recovery efforts by using photographs that revealed the degree of the damage and the distribution of debris. LIDAR data was also used to monitor structural movement of damaged buildings in the area of the disaster and to calculate the volume of rubble. For example, as the recovery efforts descended into the World Trade Center Tower basements, LIDAR images provided very accurate height measurements that could be used to mitigate potential flooding from the surrounding rivers. NOAA also flew a mission over the Pentagon site to map it with LIDAR for reconstruc- tion purposes. Aeronautics and Space Report of the President A NOAA pilot on temporary duty with NASA flew an aircraft equipped with the Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) system at the request of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in order to identify and locate asbestos fallout from the WTC plume. NOAA/OAR scientists also assisted EPA efforts to assess ground-level air pollution problems in New York that were primarily associated with asbestos released as the buildings fell. On July 23, 2001, NOAA’s National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NESDIS) launched the Nation’s newest Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-12 (GOES-12). GOES-12 is the first in the GOES series to carry a new Solar X-Ray Imager (SXI) capable of producing images of the Sun at 1-minute intervals. The SXI provides a continuous sequence of coronal x-ray images that will be used by NOAA’s Space Environment Center 49 F iscal Year 2001 Activities GOES-8 continued to view environmental events over the East Coast of over the East Coast environmental events to view GOES-8 continued operations. in May 2001 after 24 years of onorbit GOES-2 was de-orbited environmental satellites, NESDIS continued to operate two polar-orbiting interagency activities, it represented the DoC interests As part of NOAA’s North and South America and over the Atlantic Ocean; GOES-10 continued to and over the Atlantic Ocean; North and South America Similar to the and the Pacific Ocean, including Hawaii. Coast view the West place to be used to mon- GOES-11 and GOES-12 are in other operational GOES, forecasting and warning and surface to support NOAA’s atmosphere itor Earth’s programs. operations and later the satellite was initially used for imaging Launched in 1977, Communication Experiment (PEACE- supported the Pan-Pacific Education and was administered by the University of Hawaii. In addition, NOAA-10 SAT) in 1986, the satellite was fully operational deactivated in August. Since its launch functions until its deactivation. for almost 5 years, and served secondary a continuous flow of data to support NOAA-15 and NOAA-16, to provide environmental events around the world. In weather forecasting and monitoring of used the data primarily for Service (NWS) National Weather the U.S., NOAA’s These satellites are the first of 2 in a long-range weather and climate forecasts. with improved imaging and sounding capabili- satellites series of 5 polar-orbiting years. The new microwave instruments on ties that will operate over the next 12 NOAA short-term weather forecasting NOAA-15 and NOAA-16 have enabled in the atmosphere for identifying heavy and warning programs to measure moisture broadcast, on a free and open basis, of precipitation conditions. The direct instrument data provides High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) Advanced Very imagery to scientific, commercial, and educational groups throughout the world. sup- In addition, the search and rescue instruments on these satellites continue to for port a global community that has established ground stations that “listen” and Russian Cospas distress beacons relayed through the NOAA polar-orbiting satellites. in several subteams under the National Security Council Space Policy of Coordinating Committee. NOAA also continued its work with the Department is Defense (DoD) and NASA as part of the Integrated Program Office (IPO) that (NOAA/SEC) and the broader community to monitor solar activity for its effects solar activity community to monitor and the broader (NOAA/SEC) and near space. upper atmosphere on the Earth’s 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 49 Page PM 3:25 3/20/03 report 2001 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 50

50 managing the development of the National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS) commenced 7 years ago. NPOESS represents a major step toward the merger of U.S. civilian and military operational meteorological satellites into a single, integrated, end-to-end satellite system. NPOESS is designed to replace the current NOAA Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellites (POES) and the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) systems. Under a robust sensor risk-reduction effort that has been focused on early development of the critical sensor suites and algorithms necessary to support NPOESS, the IPO has awarded contracts for design and development of the fol- lowing NPOESS instruments: Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS); Cross-track Infrared Sounder (CrIS); Global Positioning System Occultation Sensor (GPSOS); and the Visible/Infrared Imager Radiometer Suite (VIIRS). In August 2001, preliminary design efforts were completed for the last of five critical advanced technology imaging/sounding instruments for NPOESS, and an instru- ment development contract was awarded for the Conical-scanning Microwave Imager Sounder (CMIS). In 2001, the IPO continued work on competitive Program Definition and Risk Reduction contracts to define the requirements for the NPOESS total system architecture, including space, ground processing, and command, control, and communications components, as well as to develop speci- fications for sensor/spacecraft integration. The IPO continued to support its partners in final development of the joint Aeronautics and Space Report of the President DoD/IPO WindSat/Coriolis mission that is designed to provide a space-based test and demonstration of passive microwave polarimetric techniques to derive meas- urements of ocean surface wind speed and direction. This 3-year mission will continue the development of improved microwave measurement capabilities from the Special Sensor Microwave Imager and Sounder (SSMI/S) on DMSP to CMIS on NPOESS. In addition, the IPO continued to comanage development of the NPOESS Preparatory Project (NPP) designed to reduce the potential risks incurred during the transition from POES and DMSP to NPOESS. NPP is also designed to provide continuity of the calibrated, validated, and geo-located NASA EOS Terra and missions systematic global imaging and sounding observations for NASA Earth Science research. As part of the convergence of the DoC and DoD meteorological satellite programs (POES and DMSP) into 51 F iscal Year 2001 Activities NOAA/NESDIS continued to lead the National Hazard Information to lead the National Hazard NOAA/NESDIS continued Rescue Satellite-Aided Tracking In FY 2001, the national Search and In FY 2001, the NESDIS/National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) Strategy (NHIS), which is an interagency initiative to reduce disaster losses which is an interagency initiative to Strategy (NHIS), to develop the Hazard Under this initiative, efforts through better information. on applications for succeeded in achieving progress Mapping System (HMS) The HMS is an interac- for State and Federal agencies. smoke and fire detection in the NESDIS Office of Satellite Data tive processing system that allows analysts data from various sources, such as GOES, Processing and Distribution to integrate fire from the NASA Moderate detection of data (AVHRR), polar-orbiting (MODIS), and Defense Meteorological Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer System (DMSP/OLS) nighttime lights Satellite Program/Operational Linescan data set is used to compile a quality- detection technique. This composite the continental United States. controlled display of fire locations for in and international Cospas-Sarsat programs, led by NOAA/NESDIS (SARSAT) U.S. Air Force, and NASA, contributed collaboration with the U.S. Coast Guard, and more than 1,000 worldwide. The to the rescue of 178 lives in the U.S. program uses search and rescue payloads on NOAA and Russian satel- SARSAT by aviators and mariners in distress. During lites to detect emergency beacons used the Cospas-Sarsat program, bringing the South Africa and Nigeria joined the year, total number of member States to 33. Planning also continued for placing search and rescue payloads on the European Second Generation and Indian Insat-3 geostationary satellites. data. archived 2.3 terabytes of POES data and 16.2 terabytes of GOES Approximately 300 customers requested satellite products. A data set of surface ship, temperatures was recently developed from a combination of in situ, satellite, and buoy observations. This blended source of information provides a comprehen- of sive analysis of surface temperature anomalies throughout the globe. In support a NOAA efforts to improve access to GOES retrospective data, NCDC awarded NPOESS, the IPO and NESDIS continued to operate the DMSP satellites to operate the DMSP continued the IPO and NESDIS NPOESS, F-16). satellite (DMSP of the next replacement for the launch and prepared atmos- continued to contribute DMSP satellites four course of the year, During the and NOAA operational space weather measurements to DoD pheric, ocean, and forecast centers. 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 51 Page PM 3:25 3/20/03 report 2001 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 52

52 contract to Marada Corporation in June 2001 to conduct a 1-year study of design options for online access to GOES data. NCDC supported the International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP) by serving as the Sector Processing Center (SPC) for both operational morning and afternoon NOAA polar orbiter satellites and, secondly, as the ISCCP Central Archive (ICA). In its role as the SPC, NCDC provided ISCCP level B2 data, which consists of a spatially sampled version (approximately 30 km resolu- tion) of the Global Area Coverage (GAC) data routinely produced by NOAA from the AVHRR instrument onboard the operational NOAA polar orbiters. In its role as the ICA, NCDC acted as the official archive of ISCCP data, serviced customer orders from this archive, and also provided correlative data to some of the ISCCP participants. Throughout FY 2001, NCDC responded to data requests from customers supporting the NOAA mission. The Great Lakes Environmental Research Lab, which is part of NOAA, ordered approximately 1,000 GOES images to study the El Niño-induced weather patterns from Central America and South America. The National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) acquired GOES-8 data to help map aerosol distribution from space. Scientists developed new algorithms to study the effects of aerosols on regional climate patterns and used aerosol proper- ties retrieved from the GOES-8 Imager to compare against ground-based Sun photometer measurements. Space environment monitoring data from the geostationary and Aeronautics and Space Report of the President polar-orbiting operational satellites were processed and archived at the NOAA/NESDIS National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC). Space environ- ment, atmospheric, and oceanic monitoring data recorded on operational Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) satellites were also processed and archived. Analyses of the DMSP archives produced the first global database of vis- ible-to-near-infrared emissions. The emission database was used to produce a map of changes in emission intensity from 1992 to 2000, which are then related to analysis of urban sprawl. NOAA personnel developed a new Satellite Archive Browse and Retrieval system to provide a variety of online, automated services from imagery browsers to high volume, full resolution data transfers. This archive and access system was modified to accept moderate resolution imagery collected on NASA’s Earth Observing Satellite (EOS) as a joint venture with NASA to address the long-term archive of EOS data. 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 53

In conjunction with the GOES-12 satellite launch and the Solar X-ray 53 Imager (SXI) that it carries, the first new instrument in over 20 years designed to F

improve space weather forecasting and monitoring, NGDC helped to develop a Activities iscal Year2001 real-time system that will provide data to commercial space weather vendors, sci- entists, educators, and the public. NGDC worked in close cooperation with NOAA’s Space Environment Center to produce the software to process, archive, and access SXI data within minutes of the recording. Charged under the 1992 Land Remote Sensing Policy Act to license private remote-sensing satellite systems, NOAA approved four new licenses for commer- cial systems in FY 2001, including second-generation electro-optical/multispectral systems, and high-resolution synthetic aperture radar. NOAA also approved 6 foreign agreements of its licensees, totaling an investment of up to $110 million in U.S. systems. Additionally, NOAA and DoC’s International Trade Administration (ITA) commissioned a remote-sensing policy study from the RAND Corporation. This study was conducted with the aim of better understanding the role that U.S. Government policies and regulations play in shaping prospects for the commercial remote-sensing satellite industry. The study provided recommenda- tions to U.S. Government and industry to mitigate technical, market, policy, and regulatory risks. In the international space arena, NOAA/NESDIS continued to improve and enhance its ongoing activities in FY 2001. NOAA participation in the United Nations Committee on Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) played a key role in facilitating negotiations that established the U.N. COPUOS Action Team on Disaster Management. State Department Environmental Defense Funding was awarded to NOAA through its role as the Chair of the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) Disaster Management Support Group (DMSG). This funding, together with assistance from the United Nations Office of Outer Space Affairs (OOSA) and the European Space Agency (ESA), is to be used in support of disaster workshops to bring together practitioners and space agencies that have developed space technology solutions for disaster management in devel- oping countries. NOAA managers also negotiated a renewal of the Radarsat-1 Memorandum of Understanding resulting in signature by the NOAA and NASA Administrators and the Director-General of the Canadian Space Agency. This agreement maintains NOAA access to Radarsat-1 data until Radarsat-2 becomes 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 54

54 operational. NOAA’s ongoing space relations with Japan also continued in 2001, with completion of a new proposal to NASDA for cooperation on their Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS) mission. NOAA continued to provide, as the sole DoC representative, overall responsibility for observational issues on the U.S. delegations to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD). NESDIS’s significant multilateral space activities also continued through its prominent activities in the Integrated Global Observing Strategy (IGOS). NOAA developed, with an IGOS visibility team, IGOS-related language and concepts for endorsement at the April 2001 intergovernmental Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City. In particular, they worked to insert language in support of full and open data sharing, and to find an integrated global observing strategy for documents being prepared for the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD). NOAA also organ- ized, with its IGOS Partners, an IGOS exhibit and side-event in connection with the CSD. In coordination with the French, Canadian, and European Space Agencies, the DoS, and other U.S. agencies, NOAA became a member to the International Charter on Space and Major Disasters. NOAA also worked closely with the DoS to obtain an Export License for four-line elements and perturbation software to allow EUMETSAT to calibrate and validate NOAA instruments on their METOP Aeronautics and Space Report of the President satellites. In addition, the NOAA/DoS collaboration helped to expedite approval of a Technology Assistance Agreement between EUMETSAT and ITT. European cooperation with NOAA was further enhanced through an energetic effort to re- focus NOAA and U.S. Government polar satellite cooperation with EUMETSAT. NOAA obtained EUMETSAT funds, in agreement with NASA, for testing NOAA instruments scheduled to fly in a changed METOP-1 launch environment. NOAA, with NASA and DoD, its partners in the NPOESS, drafted a new Joint Polar Transition Agreement for negotiation with EUMETSAT. The NOAA Assistant Administrator for Satellite and Information Services participated in a July 26, 2001, inaugural ceremony in San Jose, Costa Rica, that celebrated the NOAA-facilitated transfer to Costa Rica of a satellite ground sta- 55 F iscal Year 2001 Activities In addition, Australia and NOAA signed a historic Science and and NOAA signed a historic In addition, Australia and the French space agency, NOAA/NESDIS worked with NASA, In FY 2001, the NOAA/NESDIS Office of Research and Applications echnology Arrangement for collaboration on coral reef research. The Acting for collaboration on coral reef echnology Arrangement T 2001 to establish a signed the Arrangement in January NOAA Administrator understand and that will help researchers better Laboratory Coral Reef Virtual bleaching of the corals Excessive temperatures can cause monitor coral reef health. and the attendant marine ecosystem. that are detrimental to island reef structures monitored by using satellite-observed sea The health of the coral reefs will be to mitigation activities under the surface temperatures and will contribute arrangement. to fashion cooperation for the eventual transitioning of research EUMETSAT Jason series of satellites to operational satellite altimetry missions of the follow-on recognition for preparing to commit status. The four agencies also received requirements in the Oceans Theme resources to the identified satellite altimetry efforts of the Assistant Administrator, of the IGOS. NOAA/NESDIS also focused counterparts, to represent U.S. in coordination with NASA and NOAA/NWS (WMO) Meteorological Organization interests in the January 2001 World on Satellite Matters. This effort also Consultative Meeting on High-Level Policy satel- Document on the role of Technical included NOAA inputs to a new WMO lites in WMO programs. NOAA/NESDIS contributed, and prompted contribution by other foreign space agencies, to a May 2001 University of Miami exercise in international infrared radiometer calibration and inter-comparison Group on Calibration and Validation. connection with the CEOS Working (ORA) and NASA established the Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation models. The (JCSDA) to accelerate the use of satellite data in weather-prediction involving scientists from NASA and NOAA who JCSDA is a “virtual center,” data work in tandem to transition research, algorithms, and techniques in satellite has assimilation. The objective is to maximize the significant investment that tion that brings high-resolution digital imagery from GOES satellites to the from GOES satellites digital imagery brings high-resolution tion that units through RAMSDIS imagery is collected region. The Central American commenced NOAA has and Guatemala. in Costa Rica, Nicaragua, installed Honduras, Guatemala, agreements with Belize, El Salvador, efforts to establish for installation of RAMSDIS systems. Nicaragua, and Panama 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 55 Page PM 3:25 3/20/03 report 2001 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 56

56 been put into current observing systems and prepare for the explosion of data that will be available from future systems, such as the convergence of the NPOESS constellation of satellites. NOAA’s AOC supported hurricane research and surveillance, winter storms research, coastal mapping, snow surveys (for hydrological forecasting), air chemistry studies, and global climate research by providing specially designed and instrumented aircraft for operations. Highly trained pilots, scientists, engineers, and technicians operate these aircraft. In FY 2001, AOC also made significant improvements to NOAA’s “hurricane hunter” technology. In conjunction with flights of the NOAA G-IV hurricane surveillance jet far out over the Pacific Ocean, a WP-3D flew into winter storms off the West Coast, collecting meteorological data for computer models to improve forecasts of severe Pacific storms approaching the United States. An Inmarsat communications system was installed on the P-3 for this mission that enabled immediate, real-time storm data and voice transmissions to forecasters. The system was later installed on NOAA’s other P-3, giving both aircraft the capability to transmit immediately to the National Hurricane Center during missions flown over the course of the 2001 hur- ricane season. NOAA’s NOS continued to use GPS and remote-sensing technology to meet its mission of mapping the national shoreline, producing airport obstruction charts, and monitoring and analyzing coastal and landscape changes. NOS/NGS continued work on advancing centimeter-level positioning accuracy of GPS Aeronautics and Space Report of the President through its National Continuously Operating Reference Stations (CORS) pro- gram. It added 31 new stations to the National CORS network during FY 2001. At the end of the fiscal year, the network contained 229 sites. NOS continued upgrading the sampling rate of all Nationwide Differential GPS (NDGPS)/DGPS sites from 30 seconds to 5 seconds to better serve those involved in Geographical Information Systems (GIS) development and/or kinematic applications. In another effort to better serve those in the GPS and GIS communities, NOS hosted a CORS Industry Forum in March 2001. The Forum presented the current status of the CORS program and solicited input from existing and prospective partners to determine the future direction of CORS. A joint effort was undertaken between NOS and the FAA Tech Center in Atlantic City, NJ, to establish a T1 Internet connection to download GPS data from approximately 50 sites contained in the Wide Area Augmentation System/National Satellite Test Bed (WAAS/NSTB) 57 F iscal Year 2001 Activities Also in the past year, NOS developed the Online Positioning User Service NOS developed the Online Positioning Also in the past year, in the NASA Synthetic Vision NGS continued its effort as a key partner it currently collects and maintains NOS continued to provide access to data Systems Standards (AVN), Aviation NOS has collaborated with the FAA NOS continued to participate in the Safe Flight 21 program, which is led AA programs (AVN-Flight Check/National Aeronautical Charting Office AA programs (AVN-Flight (OPUS) as a means to facilitate GPS users’ access to the NSRS. OPUS allows to facilitate GPS users’ access to the (OPUS) as a means will be processed to GPS data files to NOS, where the data users to submit their Each submitted file is using NOS computers and software. determine a position processed with respect to three CORS sites. While it is not a real-time feedback, is brought in from the field. it is very valuable for checking data that data and information to be incorpo- System (SVS) program by providing essential with industry to create Synthetic Vision, rated into this system. NASA is working cockpit. This program could offer pilots a a virtual reality display system for the their windows, regardless of the weather electronic picture of what is outside clear, or time of day. (ASP). It also continued to derive spe- within the Aeronautical Survey Program data include obstruction data, runway cialized data to support the SVS. These In FY models,positional information, digital terrain imagery. and orthorectified and Eagle County, , Worth, 2001, two test sites were selected, Dallas-Fort of the SVS system, which is used to Colorado. This data provides the backbone for provide the required positional accuracy and the scene replication data needed safe air navigation in low-visibility situations. fea- the University of Florida Geomatics Department, and Optech Inc. to test the for Mapper (ALTM) sibility of using an Optech 33 kHz Airborne Laser Terrain F (NACO)-Flight Edit) and the NOS Aeronautical Survey Program. This is a joint Government/industry initiative designed to demon- by the FAA. strate and validate, in a real-world environment, the capabilities of advanced surveillance systems and air traffic procedures that will move the national airspace network. Many of these sites are being incorporated into the CORSare being incorporated of these sites network. Many This network. files. CORS data into hourly uti- was also of FAA allow the streaming software will The Center disaster. Trade World efforts of the response and recovery lized in the increased the data and the U.S. Coast Guard of Technology New Jersey Institute that were map- stations to better position the airplanes collection rate at nearby via remote-sensing techniques. ping the affected area 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 57 Page PM 3:25 3/20/03 report 2001 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 58

58 system forward in the 21st century. Enabling technologies include Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) and Traffic Information Services- Broadcast (TIS-B). The NOS role is to provide accurate data referenced to the NSRS. It provides orthorectified imagery and then generates a highly detailed digital map of the test airports. The data sets include runways, taxiways, vehicle roads, signs, centerline paint stripes, all movement areas, and other detailed infor- mation to help air traffic controllers safely move aircraft and ground vehicles around the airfield. The NOS Coastal Services Center (CSC) continued to expand its efforts to make remote-sensing data, information, and technology accessible to the coastal resource management community in FY 2001. One of CSC’s most significant efforts was to manage the NOS coral mapping efforts in the Pacific Ocean. This effort is based primarily on remote-sensing technology, using satellite and airborne platforms to develop the coral reef map products. This is an ongoing collaborative activity and includes the participation of many program offices within NOS, as well as contracts with the private sector for product development. Another significant activity included the beginning of outsourcing efforts for remote-sensing products and services. NOS released a contract to private industry for the development of satellite-based, land cover and “change” data sets in the coastal areas of the Great Lakes region. These products will meet the guide- lines and standards of the NOAA Coastal Change Analysis Program (CCAP). In FY 2001, NOS also developed these products for the main eight islands of Hawaii. Aeronautics and Space Report of the President Commercial, high-resolution satellite data were purchased to support various land- based resource management projects in the Pacific Islands and coastal regions of the mainland. Other outsourcing activities included the initiation of a contract to collect elevation data from LIDAR technology for the Willapa Bay region of Washington. NOS also continued to support remote-sensing and GIS activities in part- nership with the coastal management community. These data were used to support the land cover mapping of the main eight islands of Hawaii, to verify historical logging activities for an ecological characterization project in Alaska, and to esti- mate visitor use for two National Marine Sanctuaries located off the coasts of Georgia and Texas. 59 F iscal Year 2001 Activities The NOAA/National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) Office of Habitat The NOAA/National Marine Fisheries During FY 2001, following completion of a NMFS-led restoration effort to NOS outreach and educational activities included the development of a the development activities included and educational NOS outreach etlands Planning, Protection, and Restoration Act (CWPPRA), the NMFS Conservation has been interacting with the Naval Oceanographic Office at Conservation has been interacting with several years on a project to acquire high- Stennis Space Center in Mississippi for The aim is to monitor areas along the resolution imagery of the Sacramento River. and endangered species of interest to river that are accessible by threatened the Navy collected very-high-quality imagery along the NMFS. Previously, to the Delta (i.e., the entire por- from Shasta Dam downstream Sacramento River, of interest to NMFS). That imagery was tion of the river accessible to resources Office and sent to NMFS as 2 sets of a processed by the Naval Oceanographic The last volume was the Sacramento River. 6-volume series of hard-copy images of were then sent to the NMFS field office in received during summer 2001. Copies use in assessments for both the Endangered Santa Rosa, California, for immediate Act. The imagery has allowed NMFS Species Act and the Sustainable Fisheries details of the river that have enhanced staff engineers and biologists to examine project planning, impact assessment, and evaluation of potential restoration activ- ities. enhance lateral growth of the Atchafalaya River Delta under the Coastal W to Office of Habitat Conservation used National Imagery Systems and other data in track changes in the delta from 1998. Louisiana has 40 percent of the wetlands (the the continental U.S., yet the State experiences 80 percent of the loss this CWPPRA was instituted to combat this loss). The imagery collected under has project was utilized by the USGS and analyzed by NMFS. This imagery remote-sensing training course for GIS professionals, Web-based materials that materials Web-based for GIS professionals, training course remote-sensing products and CD-ROM of remote sensing, coastal applications focus on the that in specific State and technology is being used demonstrate how remote-sensing to develop its management applications. NOS continued local coastal resource with other civil agen- and to foster its relationships internal NOAA relationships Earth observation interests in remote-sensing and cies that have mutual Survey (USGS), the coastal zone, such as the U.S. Geological technologies within Earth NASA’s and Management Agency (FEMA), EPA, the Federal Emergency Science Enterprise. 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 59 Page PM 3:25 3/20/03 report 2001 2001 report3/20/033:25PMPage60 60

Aeronautics and Space Report of the President and forsubsequentarchiving byNOAA’s NGDC. rent spaceweatherdatafordistribution toGovernmentandprivatesectorusers SEC continuedtooperateaDataAcquisitionandDisplay Systemtogathercur- ditions; andactastheWorld Warning Agencyforthespaceenvironment. The changes inthespaceenvironment;issuedailyforecastsof space environmentcon- commercial, Government,andmilitaryuserstopossible disruptive ordangerous seminate informationonthesolar-terrestrial environment; alertprivate, Operations (SWO)tomonitorsolarandgeomagneticactivity 24hoursaday;dis- conjunction withtheU.S.AirForce,SECcontinuedto conduct SpaceWeather between thesolarwindandEarth’s magneticfield,ionosphere,andatmosphere.In Sun, thetransmissionofsolarenergytoEarthviawind,andinteractions ment, includingtheemissionofelectromagneticradiationandparticlesfrom providing accurate,reliable,andusefulsolar-terrestrial information. ings, continuedtomonitorcontinuallyandforecastEarth’s spaceenvironmentby ment andVMSmonitoringoffices. the abilitytoaffordwide-areanetworkconnectivityforallofmajorenforce- nications software,andformats.AnintegralpartofthenationalVMSprogramis designed tobelinkedOLEHQserversandusestandardizedhardware,commu- security, andlegal evidencehandling.ThecurrentregionalVMSsystemsare for enactingnationalpoliciesconcerningfishingdataconfidentiality, systems Fisheries’ regionsandoffices.Itisdesignedtoensurestandards-basedconsistency provide infrastructure,economiesofscaleandcoordinationacrossNOAA tinued toexpanditsnationalVMSprogram.Thisprogramisthevehicle real-time catchdata.NOAA’s FisheriesOfficeforLawEnforcement(OLE)con- pliance withdomesticandinternationalfishingregulations,aswellreceive (VMS), whichroutinelyusessatellite-basedmonitoringsystemstomonitorcom- marine livingresources.OneofthesetoolsisanationalVessel MonitoringSystem tech toolstoassistthemintheirworkofprotectingandmanagingtheNation’s which demonstratesthesuccessofNMFS-ledrestorationeffort. revealed observationsoflargeareasaccretiononthelateraledgesdelta, SEC conductedresearchintophenomenaaffectingtheSun-Earthenviron- NOAA’s SEC,theNation’s officialsourceofspaceweatheralertsandwarn- NOAA’s SpecialAgents andFisheriesmanagementofficialsleveragedhigh- 61 F iscal Year 2001 Activities , a guide pro- report, provid- 2001 Trends in Space Commerce 2001 Trends Real-time tracking of NASA’s Imager for Magnetopause-to-Aurora Global Imager for Magnetopause-to-Aurora Real-time tracking of NASA’s SEC collaborated with NASA in planning More than 20 years of joint effort between the U.S. Air Force, NASA, and Air Force, NASA, between the U.S. 20 years of joint effort More than DoC also engaged in a variety of non-NOAA aerospace activities. The DoC also engaged in a variety of non-NOAA In June, OSC published the echnology Administration (TA) engaged in a number of space-related activities echnology Administration (TA) Exploration (IMAGE) commenced from NOAA’s Fairbanks ground station. from NOAA’s Exploration (IMAGE) commenced space environment and to “seeing” Earth’s IMAGE is the first mission dedicated Through a partnership between weather. watching solar activity drive space Research Laboratory in Japan, the NASA, NOAA, and the Communications space weather in real time, and ground sta- IMAGE satellite broadcasts images of to the SEC. tions receive the images and transfer them NOAA culminated in the development of a real-time image processing system, to image processing of a real-time in the development NOAA culminated The effects of such disturbances. and forecast the weather alerts improve space includes geostationary satellites (GOES-12), one of NOAA’s system, installed on of dynamic changes in for visualization and assessment a flexible “movie” player the instrument was by the new SXI data. Data from corona, as provided the sun’s solar details such 7, 2001. The images, which revealed first recorded on September wealth of other detail, regions, flare locations, and a as coronal holes, active and calibrated to opti- The instrument is being tested achieved all expectations. mize productsof the images. that will come out viding K–12 educators with materials and resources that are useful for viding K–12 educators with materials Sun and Earth. The two primary goals of understanding connections between the resources about the Sun and to facilitate this effort are to disseminate educational education. the involvement of space scientists in T through the Office of Space Commercialization (OSC) and the National Institute OSC continued to serve as the principal (NIST). of Standards and Technology coordinating unit within the DoC on space-related issues, coordinating positions with and disseminating information to various bureaus with separate space-related the International Trade NOAA, responsibilities and authorities, including NIST, and Information the National Telecommunications Administration (ITA), Administration (NTIA), and the Bureau of Export Administration (BXA). ing an overview of the commercial space market and projections for future growth. with The analysis included highlights on competitiveness comparing the U.S. 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 61 Page PM 3:25 3/20/03 report 2001 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 62

62 other nations in the fields of space commerce, space transportation, satellite com- munications, remote sensing and the Global Positioning System. The report projected a $93.4 billion worldwide market for the space industry in 2001, with $77.74 billion in revenue expected from satellite communications, the largest and fastest growing segment of the industry. OSC assumed an active role in interagency space matters under the Space Policy Coordinating Committee (PCC) established by the National Security Council. OSC cochaired the Space PCC Sub-Team on commercial space issues, overseeing the development of strategies for the use of commercial remote-sensing satellite systems by the military and for commercial use of the International Space Station. OSC also participated in Space PCC Sub-Teams focused on space trans- portation, spectrum, and international issues. Within the White House-led Interagency Working Group on the Future Use and Management of the U.S. Space Launch Bases and Ranges, OSC collabo- rated with the U.S. Air Force and the FAA Office of the Associate Administrator for Commercial Space Transportation (AST) to assure full consideration of the needs of commercial users of the two major Federal space launch facilities. As part of a separate effort, OSC, FAA/AST and IT’s Office of Aerospace worked closely to coordinate industry positions on outside funding for Federal launch bases and ranges. Through OSC and NOAA, DoC continued to promote the interests of commercial, scientific, and Government users of GPS as a key member of the Aeronautics and Space Report of the President Interagency GPS Executive Board. OSC played a critical role in defending GPS radio spectrum from encroachment by ultra-wideband emitters and other potential interference sources, working with the NTIA as well as civil and military Federal agencies. OSC also continued to host the offices and meetings of the IGEB, to engage in international outreach missions to promote GPS, and to participate in the GPS modernization program. OSC continued to represent U.S. industry interests during bilateral negoti- ations with the European Commission on satellite navigation. OSC also participated in bilateral consultations with Japan led by the DoS to affirm the two nations’ mutual commitment to promote and use GPS as an international standard for satellite navigation and timing. In the area of satellite remote sensing, OSC, NOAA, and IT’s Office of Aerospace (OA) continued to represent commercial interests as part of the 63 F iscal Year 2001 Activities improve the security of communications between space-based and

During FY 2001, NIST performed a broad range of measurements and performed a broad range of measurements During FY 2001, NIST (MEP) helped hundreds The NIST Manufacturing Extension Partnership To ground-based operations, NIST’s Cryptographic Module Validation Program Cryptographic Module Validation ground-based operations, NIST’s worked with NASA to develop and use new cryptographic modules and crypto- reduce interference between aircraft graphic algorithm implementations. To the navigation systems, external radiation, and onboard laptops and cell phones, Center provided funding to NIST to compare alternatives Naval Surface Warfare and to deliver efficient techniques and methodologies for measuring aircraft radi- NIST helped set interference funding from FAA, ation shielding. With between ultra-wideband reduce potential interference To measurement policy. standards-related research, technology transfer, and industry support in the areas and industry technology transfer, standards-related research, calibration sup- NIST continued to provide radiometric of aeronautics and space. of the sensors used in global EOS program to ensure the accuracy port for NASA’s calibration of NOAA’s also provided the radiometric remote sensing. NIST data necessary to cali- (MOBY), which furnishes accurate Marine Optical Buoy measuring instruments such as the brate and validate satellite ocean color NIST started a and MODIS. (SeaWifs) Sensor Field-of-View Wide Sea-Viewing techniques for radiometers used for remote multi-year effort to improve calibration provide greater measurement accuracy in sensing. These new developments should temperature, wind speed over the Earth’s satellite applications such as measuring and locating resource position. ocean, sea salinity, increase sales and productivityof U.S. aerospace parts and systems manufacturers lean manufacturing and other competitive and reduce costs through adoption of & Engineering, Inc., an 80-employee processes. As one example, RoBrad Tool subassemblies for Boeing and Honeywell, machine shop that supplies precision to reengineer its setup processes. came to the Arizona extension center setup the Arizona center reduced RoBrad’s Conversion techniques prescribed by a year in setup costs. times by 42 percent and saved $300,000 Remote Sensing Interagency Working Group (RSIWG). Led by the DoS, the Led by the Group (RSIWG). Working Interagency Remote Sensing the export of U.S. remote-sensing policy for charged with coordinating RSIWG is covering agreements government-to-government and negotiating satellite systems those systems’ technology. the safeguarding of 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 63 Page PM 3:25 3/20/03 report 2001 2001 report3/20/033:25PMPage64 64

Aeronautics and Space Report of the President Space Station. being conductedinNASAdrop towers,theSpaceShuttle,andInternational developed tosimulatetheeffects ofg-jitteronsmallcombustionexperiments predictions.Acomputerprogramwas smoke detectorswith1-gresultsandmodel NASA researchersmeasuredandcomparedtheoutput ofapprovedspacecraft characterize thesizedistributionofsmokegeneratedin microgravity, NIST and forensuringfiresafetyduringlong-durationspacemissions.Toimprove methods fire suppression.NISTstudiedflameextinctioninmicrogravity inorderto engine, nacelle,andfuelnozzle. in arangeofindustries.Demonstrationthetechnologywillfocusonjet time, improvingquality, andpotentiallyreducingthecostofcreatingnewproducts designconcurrentwithmanufacturing,therebyreducing make product team attheOhioAerospaceInstituteofClevelandtodeveloptechnologiesthat Space andElectronics. Astronautics, McDonnellDouglasCorporation,NorthropGrumman,andTRW aerospace corporationssuchasBoeing,GeneralDynamics,LockheedMartin in theareasofelectricalmeasurementsandmicrowaveparameterstonumerous pressure, andultrasonicpower).Forexample,NISTprovidedcalibrationservices of length,mass,andtime,aswelltheirderivedunits(force,acceleration,sound maintain theiraccurateandtraceableuseoftheInternationalSystemUnits(SI) urement servicesneededbyaerospacepartsmanufacturersandassemblersto help predictflowsoccurringinthemanufactureofordinaryplastics. thing neverseenbeforeinsuchasimplefluid.Resultsfromthisexperimentshould rapid stirringofxenoninmicrogravity, aprocessthatdecreasesitsviscosity, some- Prize inphysics.NISTscientistsalsopreparedaShuttleexperimentinvolvingthe atomic-level phenomenonforwhichaNISTscientistreceivedthe2001Nobel develop microgravitymeasurementinstrumentsforBose-Einsteincondensates,an Condensate LaboratoryAboardtheSpaceStation(CLASS)project,whichwill ultra-wideband emissionsforsimulatedinterferencestudies. broadcast signalsandGPSsystems,NISTtheNTIAworkedoncharacterizing NIST continueditsNASA-fundedresearchonmicrogravity-based firesand NIST’s AdvancedTechnology Programsupportedeffortsofanindustry standards,andmeas- NIST continuedtoprovidethetools,methodologies, NIST continuedtoworkwiththeNASAJetPropulsionLaboratoryon 65 F iscal Year 2001 Activities NIST worked with NASA to develop an optics metrology laboratory and NASA to develop an optics metrology NIST worked with the introductionNIST scientists developed tools to accelerate of new mate- NIST continued to support the Primary Atomic Reference Clock in Space NIST worked with aerospace manufacturers to develop “predictive process “predictive manufacturers to develop with aerospace NIST worked capability for NASA optics. NIST also developed optical disk image and storage capability for NASA optics. NIST also in using optical tape for storing satellite standards for NASA, which is interested funding from NASA and in collaboration with Stanford University, With imagery. with sufficient speed and resolution NIST deployed a new class of optical detectors space, such as the detailed characteriza- to provide entirely new information from tion of light being emitted from pulsars. of aerospace engine components; these rials and processes in the manufacture include multi-component alloy thermodynamics, diagrams, solidification, phase NIST cooperated with the NASA Glenn Research and diffusion. Additionally, ceramic materials that, due to their brit- Center to broaden the use of advanced The two agencies developed standard tleness, currently have limited applications. test methods brittle, monolithic ceramics for quantifying the fracture resistance of designers. NIST also developed object- in a manner suitable for use by aerospace oriented finite element software to enable virtual measurements of the thermal conductivity of ceramic thermal barrier coatings used to extend the operating temperature and life of jet turbine blades. being developed for deployment on and use cesium clock a laser-cooled (PARCS), onboard scientific and technical applica- with the International Space Station’s project has completed its first two NASA reviews and is tions. The PARCS scheduled to fly in early 2005. NIST also continued to provide synchronization Deep Space Network, used for space navigation and tracking. support for NASA’s NIST provided a number of key NIST facilities to NASA science missions, includ- synchrotron (SURF III), the Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment ing NIST’s engineering” models, metrology, and standards, intelligent manufacturing control intelligent manufacturing and standards, models,engineering” metrology, productsystems, and representation and knowledge protocols interoperability NIST developed software Design (CAD) systems. schemes for Computer-Aided that allows IGExchange, a specification Association’s for testing the Air Transport Language (XML)-based to develop Extensible Markup the aerospace industry deploy on a tele- collaboration with NASA, NIST helped dynamic graphics. In to NIST systems unique infrared-imaging instrument similar scope in Hawaii a have commercialized for space missions. aerospace companies 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 65 Page PM 3:25 3/20/03 report 2001 2001 report3/20/033:25PMPage66 66

Aeronautics and Space Report of the President aerospace marketmetwith some successduringFY2001.InAugust2001,the accession process. sign theWTOAgreement on Trade inCivil AircraftaspartoftheirWTO multilateral tradenegotiations.OAencouragesasmany countries aspossibleto other things,bindstariffsonaircraftandpartstozero) aspartofanyfuture T EU aircraft.TheCzechgovernmentconfirmeditsintention tojointheWorld Republic leviesa4.8percenttariffonU.S.aircraft,while notariffisassessedon U.S. andEUaircraftbyrenewingthetariffwaiver. Without thewaiver, theCzech efforts inconvincingCzechofficialstoeliminatethetariff differentialbetween the U.S.Trade Representative(USTR),andtheU.S.EmbassyinPraguejoined ters, andcertainsparepartsthroughDecember31,2002.TheDoS,theofficeof government’s 1-yeartariffwaiveronimportsofU.S.largecivilaircraft,helicop- and standards,internationalmergersteaming. technology transfers,subsidies/offsets,tradeagreementsandpolicies,regulations Commission indevelopingrecommendationsonissuesincludingexportcontrol, OA contributedastaffmembertocoleadteamonglobalissuesandassistthe mending actionsbyFederalagenciestomaintainarobustindustryinthefuture. is requiredtoissueareportforthePresidentandCongressinlate2002recom- the globalcontext,particularlyinrelationtonationalsecurity. TheCommission established byCongresstostudyissuesassociatedwiththefutureofindustryin nation oftheCommissiononFutureUnitedStatesAerospaceIndustry, atmosphere. urements ofcloudproperties,andozoneaerosollevelstheEarth’s absolute irradianceoftheEarth.EPICwillprovidehourly, spatiallyresolvedmeas- planned fordeploymentontheNASATriana satellite.NISTAR willmeasurethe Radiometer (NISTAR) andEarthPolychromaticImagingCamera(EPIC),both craft thatstudysolarflaresandastronomicalbodies. ultraviolet lighttocalibratemirrors,detectors,andspectrometersusedinspace- and Dynamics)spacecraft.SURFIIIwasusedasasourceofsoftxraysvacuum andtheTIMED(ThermosphereIonosphereMesosphereEnergetics (SORCE), rade Organization(WTO)Trade inCivilAircraftAgreement (which,among Efforts byOA,USTR,andthe DoStoopenRussia’s highly protectionist OA workedcloselywithotherU.S.agenciestorenewtheCzech In FY2001,ITA’s OAplayedacentralroleintheorganizationand coordi- NIST completedtheradiometriccalibrationofAdvanced 67 F iscal Year 2001 Activities OA continued to monitor and address European government loans to government loans and address European to monitor OA continued activities under the U.S.- OA organized a number of aerospace-related the U.S. Government team seeking OA continued to play a critical role in ashington. U.S. officials expressed concern about Government loans and the expressed concern about Government ashington. U.S. officials Airbus for the development of the A380 super jumbo jet. In January 2001, a U.S. of the A380 super jumbo jet. Airbus for the development with the EU in led by USTR and DoC, held consultations interagency team, W EU responded that any are compatible with the WTO. The extent to which they U.S.-EU Large Civil would be compatible with the 1992 Government loans loans that match up to which allows for direct Government Aircraft Agreement, 2001, the EU provided aircraft development costs. In April 33 percent of total in the 1992 agreement. OA personnel information about the loans as required U.S. Government requested further infor- continued analyzing this data, and the their compatibility with both the 1992 mation from the EU to better understand Agreement and WTO disciplines. (JCCT) aimed at fostering and Trade China Joint Commission on Commerce participated in training programs The Chinese greater bilateral trade in this sector. and offered by the American Association of Airport sponsored by the FAA various disciplines in the aviation com- Executives. Delegations of Chinese from participated in the annual meetings of the munity visited the United States and Association, and Business Aviation Airports Council International, the National Manufacturers Association. the General Aviation Union regulation that restricts the reg- resolution of the dispute over the European istration and operation in the EU of aircraft modified with noise suppression including aircraft engine “hushkits” and replacement engines. OA and technology, other agency representatives participated in bilateral discussions with EU officials Organization (ICAO) under the mediation of the International Civil Aviation rec- Council President. The U.S. Government team also vigorously supported the ommendation for a new aircraft noise standard and related procedures by an ICAO technical working group and subsequent adoption of the standard by the ICAO Council. Through extensive technical discussions and negotiations with other of ICAO members, the U.S. Government successfully achieved the key objective endorsement by all ICAO members of new aircraft-noise-related policy guidance. to ICAO adoption of this policy guidance is anticipated to significantly contribute Russian government repealed Resolution #716, which had linked obtaining tariff which had linked obtaining Resolution #716, repealed Russian government aircraft. to purchases of Russian-made imported aircraft waivers for 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 67 Page PM 3:25 3/20/03 report 2001 2001 report3/20/033:25PMPage68 68

Aeronautics and Space Report of the President United States.Thosevisitshelped generatesalesleadsforU.S.exhibitors. arranged visitstotheU.S.Pavilion bymorethan20delegationsfromoutsidethe ments intheinternational trade regimetofacilitateU.S.exportsales.OA with hiscounterpartsinforeigngovernments,SecretaryEvans calledforimprove- 2001. InmeetingswithrepresentativesofleadingU.S. aerospace exportersand andservices. showcased avarietyofU.S.products Rockefeller, CongressmanOberstar, andFederalagencies,aChinaseminar that Show inBudapest,Hungary. Theofficealsocosponsored, withSenator 6th AnnualEasternEuropeanAirportandInfrastructure ConferenceandTrade W Kingdom. Morethan4,000tradeleadsweregeneratedthroughthisprogram. bitions andairshowsinAustralia,China,France,Taiwan, andtheUnited LiteratureCentersatfivemajorinternationalexhi- sponsored AerospaceProduct trade promotionevents.To ITA promotetheexportofU.S.aerospaceproducts, violations oftheagreement. new commercialcontracts,andtheinteragencyworkinggroupdiscoveredno reducing China’s participationinthecommercialmarket.Chinahadrelativelyfew lite manufacturersandoperatorstoselectaChineselaunchvehicle,thereby proliferation-related sanctionsonChinahavelimitedtheabilityofforeignsatel- of theU.S.-ChinaCommercialSpaceLaunchAgreement.Ongoingandnew itor Chinesecompliancewiththequantitativerestrictionsandpricingprovisions trade considerationsandtheoversightofaircraftsafety. amend theEASAregulationinawaythatwouldremovelinkagebetween craft safetytointernationaltradeconsiderations.DoCchampionedaproposal the EUandotherEuropeanstates.OAhasconcernswithprovisionsthatlinkair- lish aEuropeanAviation SafetyAgency(EASA)toregulatecivilaircraftsafetyin Federal agenciesraisedconcernsovertheEuropeanCommission’s planstoestab- prior toApril2002. negotiations withEuropeanofficialstoseekwithdrawalofthehushkitregulation resolution ofthe“hushkit”dispute.TheU.S.Governmentwillcontinuebilateral orking withtheAmericanAssociationofAirportExecutives,OAsponsored W In FY2001,OAcontinuedtoassisttheU.S.aerospaceindustrythrough OA andTA’s OSCcontinuedtoparticipateineffortsledbyUSTR tomon- During discussionswithEuropeanofficialsinFY2001,OAandother ith supportfromOA,SecretaryEvansvisitedtheParisAir ShowinJune 69 F iscal Year 2001 Activities OA, in coordination with ITA’s Advocacy Center and overseas offices, pro- overseas offices, Advocacy Center and with ITA’s OA, in coordination the sale of 30 the official signing ceremony for Secretary Evans oversaw Government telecommunications As the lead advisory agency for Federal vided advocacy to support U.S. companies in international aerospace in international U.S. companies to support vided advocacy for the Boeing aircraft sales include commercial The competitions competitions. projects, and air construction, commercial space helicopters, airport Company, projects. traffic management The contract and over $1.6 billion to four Chinese airlines. Boeing aircraft worth of interna- by OA, highlighted the importance coordinated signing ceremony, of the September 11 especially in the wake in this sector, tional cooperation their toll on the U.S. aircraft industry. terrorist attacks and and Information Administration issues, the National Telecommunications initiatives regarding satellites and other (NTIA) undertook a number of policy NTIA provided policy guid- Specifically, space-based communications systems. Satellite Telecommunications ance on the restructuring of the International Organization and the International Mobile Satellite (INMARSAT) (INTELSAT) successfully completed. NTIA continued Organization. The restructuring has been of the radio spectrum, including assign- use to manage the Federal Government’s other Government satellite programs. ments for NASA, DoD, NOAA, and authorities and commercial satel- NTIA worked closely with other U.S. regulatory Radio Conference at the ITU World lite users to prepare for U.S. participation for GPS. (2003) to protect spectrum allocations 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 69 Page PM 3:25 3/20/03 report 2001 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 70 71 F iscal Year 2001 Activities The commercial operator of the Landsat-5 satellite officially relinquished The Land Remote Sensing Policy Act of 1992 requires U.S. Government EPARTMENT OF THE NTERIOR commercial rights to market Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) data on July 1, 2001. oper- The operator had informed USGS earlier that it would no longer support the ation of Landsats 4 and 5 at no cost to the Government. Because USGS manages con- Landsat-7 operations, it assumed responsibility for Landsat-5 operations and in tinued to operate Landsat-5 through FY 2001. Landsat-4 was decommissioned June 2001 because it was no longer able to provide useful data. suc- Landsat Program Management (NASA and USGS) to “assess options for a cessor land remote-sensing system to Landsat 7.” NASA and the USGS proceeded The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and NASA continued their partnership to Survey (USGS) and NASA continued The U.S. Geological important new data to the global science manage the Landsat-7 satellite, providing assumed complete mission operation and operational user communities. USGS in October 2000, and USGS continued responsibility for Landsat-7 from NASA collection, archiving, and distribution. to have responsibility for Landsat-7 data management with USGS staff and con- NASA shared its expertise in mission and the potential uses of Landsat ducted research in the technical characteristics 200,000 scenes of Landsat-7 Enhanced data. At the end of FY 2001, nearly were collected for the U.S. archive at the Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) data Earth Total (EROS) Data Center. USGS Earth Resources Observation Systems repetitive coverage, exceeds 6.2 billion coverage, including record amounts of supported the Landsat-7 International square kilometers. USGS successfully 350 scenes per day to 16 oper- Cooperator Network by downlinking approximately stations. Eight ground stations are now ational Landsat-7 ground receiving submitting metadata on a regular basis. I DoI D 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 71 Page PM 3:25 3/20/03 report 2001 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 72

72 with a two-step procurement strategy for the Landsat Data Continuity Mission (LDCM) under which the private sector would provide multispectral digital image data for global coverage of the Earth’s land mass on a seasonal basis and in a manner that ensures continuity with the Landsat-7 mission. In FY 2001, NASA requested industry comment on a draft Request for Proposals (RFP) for a set of Formulation Phase contracts. In response to the final RFP for this phase, NASA may award several contracts in FY 2002 to companies that will develop plans for a mission that is mutually beneficial to the Government and the private sector. The winning contractor for the Implementation Phase will deliver data as specified in the LDCM Data Specification for the 5-year period starting in 2006, with an option to extend the contract for a second 5-year period. Landsat data were used in many studies of human-induced and natural alter- ations to the Earth during FY 2001. For example, USGS collected Landsat-7 ETM+ data over Siren, Wisconsin, on June 18, 2001, the day after a tornado destroyed much of the community; the data clearly showed the geographic extent of the affected area. State and Federal emergency response agencies used the data to study the path of the tornado and to assess its effects on the communities involved by comparing that scene with one collected shortly before the storm. The Land Cover Trends project is a 4-year collaborative research project between USGS, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and NASA to use Landsat and other data to document the rates, driving forces, and consequences of land use and land cover change over the past 30 years for the conterminous United Aeronautics and Space Report of the President States. The project is based on the hypothesis that land cover changes unevenly over time and space. In order to understand and manage the consequences of the change, it is necessary to have reliable information on the forces that cause change and the actual rates of change from time-to-time and from place-to-place. During FY 2001, project scientists began to determine the rates of change for 84 regions of the conterminous United States, using a probability sample methodology with over 800 20-km by 20-km sites and Landsat data covering five dates from 1972 to 2000. Preliminary results showed that land cover has changed little between 1972 and 1992 in some regions such as North Central Appalachia in Pennsylvania and New York. In other areas, such as the Northern Piedmont stretching from New Jersey through Virginia, there has been significant conversion of agricultural land to urban cover. 73 F iscal Year 2001 Activities ith funding support from NASA, primary team members from the USGS primary team members support from NASA, ith funding W USGS leads the combination camera-and-spectrometer instrument on the USGS leads the combination camera-and-spectrometer and Enforcement (OSMRE) The Office of Surface Mining Reclamation Information Processing System to distribute OSMRE used its Technology Astrogeology Program had outstanding success supporting several missions in the several missions success supporting Program had outstanding Astrogeology roles on sev- they hold leadership Program, and Planetary Science FY 2001 NASA the Galileo spacecraft's USGS is part of the imaging team on eral future missions. image and geophys- largest . Galileo returned Jupiter’s continuing survey of passing through the , Io, to within 180 km of Jupiter’s ical data as it closed Global Surveyor col- of one of its volcanic plumes. The Mars sulfurous snowflakes Camera and the images of Mars with the Mars Observer lected spectacular global dust storm on especially of the largest Spectrometer, Thermal Emission USGS team members As Mars 2001 Odyssey reached orbit, Mars in over 20 years. of minerals on the surface of Mars collected data to help determine the distribution and how that relates to its geological landforms. return- encounter with comet Borrelly, Deep Space 1 probe that had a successful nucleus of that comet from ing images of the 10-km-long “bowling-pin-shaped” USGS leads the micro-imager camera team on the only 2,200 kilometers away. be launched in 2003. Astrogeology scien- Mars Excursion Rover mission that will team for the ultra-high spatial resolution tists are also part of the primary camera (25 cm) camera on the Mars 2005 orbiter. pan-sharpened multispectral stereo satellite used IKONOS 1-meter-resolution eastern coal mines for regulatory purposes, imagery covering active western and making topographic measurements at including review of coal mining permits, mine operators comply with regulations. active coal mines, and ensuring that OSMRE successfully orthorectified this imagery by collecting high-accuracy global positioning system (GPS) ground control and generating digital elevation model productsthe IKONOS stereo pairs on a photogrammetric workstation. from the Landsat orthorectified imagery mosaics (imagery from approximately 1990) of conterminous 48 States to over 70 State agencies, tribes, and OSMRE field offices involved in surface coal mining to promote the use of remote sensing. OSMRE dis- installed a terabyte imagery server in Denver and began testing software to tribute the data to agencies and tribes involved in surface coal mine permitting the issues. OSMRE personnel conducted briefings and training sessions during 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 73 Page PM 3:25 3/20/03 report 2001 2001 report3/20/033:25PMPage74 74

Aeronautics and Space Report of the President health indicatorsinwestern Colorado.BLMpersonnelanalyzedNOAA tosupportidentificationof rangeland hydrologic andterrainlandscape models hazardous fuelsinthe11Western States thatBLMmanages,andtodevelop wetland areasinSouthPark,Colorado.LandsatTMdata werealsousedtomap to conservationplanningforthe11BLM-managedWestern States; andriparian increased soildetailthroughouttheWestern U.S.;sagegrousehabitat asaninput partnership withUSGS);leafyspurge,aninvasiveplant speciesinWyoming; Southwestern States—Arizona,Colorado,Nevada,New Mexico,andUtah(in scape components,including:vegetationandinvasive speciesforfive rangeland, timber, fire,minerals,andhazardousmaterials. management activitiesassociatedwithwildlifehabitat,wilderness,recreation, spectral andhyperspectralsensorsweresupplementedbyGPSGIStosupport well asurbangrowth.Datafromtraditionalanddigitalaerialcameras,multi- that wereunderincreasedpressureforenergyandmineralresourceextraction,as of remote-sensingtechnologiesinFY2001toinventoryandmonitorpubliclands ground waterflow. aid inresolvingcomplaintsofwaterlossduetotheimpactminingactivitieson Eastern States,OSMREtechnicalstaffmappeddomesticwellsandhomesitesto drainage dischargesandtolocateinventoryabandonedmineentries.Inthe reclaimed topography. OSMREusedGPSinMidwesternStatestomapacidmine field verificationofminefeaturessuchaschannels,surfacedepressions,and inspectors routinelyusedGPSonlargewesternsurfaceminesfornavigationand reclamation verification,technicalassistanceprojects,andtraining.OSMREmine orthophotography. OSMREusedGPStechnologyinFY2001surfacemine of Measurement Unitdatatolowertheoverallcostofinternalproduction fromcommercialvendors and usedairborneGPSInertial phy products land sitesandactivecoalmines.OSMREalsoacquiredstandardaerialphotogra- Ranging (LIDAR)imageryfordetailedtopographicmappingatabandonedmine computing activities. its fullintegrationwithgeographicinformationsystems(GIS),GPS,andmobile year toexpandtheuseofremotelysenseddatawithinagencyandstimulate In FY2001,BLMspecialistsusedLandsatTMdatatomap avarietyofland- Bureau ofLandManagement(BLM)resourcespecialistsusedawidevariety OSMRE continuedtoacquireandsuccessfullyuseLightDetection 75 F iscal Year 2001 Activities BLM used digital orthophoto quadrangles to identify off-highway vehicle quadrangles to identify off-highway BLM used digital orthophoto IKONOS satel- and Landsat, SPOT, The National Park Service (NPS) used map vegetation and obtain uniform NPS continued to work with USGS to Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) and USGS personnel used NASA estern States. BLM personnel mapped historical changes in pinyon-juniper com- personnel mapped historical changes in estern States. BLM URORA data were collected to develop a hazardous waste materi- hyperspectral routes for land use assessments on BLM-managed lands. Color-infrared and black- on BLM-managed lands. Color-infrared routes for land use assessments conditions in numerous were used to assess riparian and-white aerial photographs W Airborne Utah to support site-specific fuels management. munities in western camera data were used Registration (ADAR) multispectral Data Acquisition and in northern Wyoming. succession following wildland fire to monitor vegetation A BLM-managed lands; for coal bed methane als inventory for remediation efforts on an invasive and to inventory Wyoming; inventory in Colorado, Montana, and plant species in Wyoming. LIDAR data, and digital photography, lite data, along with conventional aerial vegetation, cultural features, land cover, orthophotography to map and monitor national parks. Approximately 400 GPS and other specific features in many navigation to support a variety of NPS receivers were used for mapping and applications. resource management and park maintenance of vegetation types for 270 U.S. baseline data on the composition and distribution mapping was completed in FY 2001 for Badlands national park units. Vegetation (Minnesota), (South Dakota), Theodore Voyageurs Roosevelt (North Dakota), Isle Royale (Michigan), and Rock Creek (District of Colombia) National Parks. in The pace of mapping increased substantially in FY 2001, with work beginning 30 29 new park units. For comparison, mapping was performed in a total of only parks since the program began in 1994. hyperspectral and Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) Advanced Visible data of a portion of the Owyhee Basin in eastern Oregon to map surface minerals the and identify source areas of mercury within the basin that are contributing to These high mer- Owyhee Reservoir. high levels of mercury found in Reclamation’s cury levels exceed standards set for fish and wildlife populations, and have resulted Advanced Very-High-Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) satellite data for detec- satellite data Radiometer (AVHRR) Very-High-Resolution Advanced to support Great Basin region species, in the an invasive tion of cheatgrass, fire. following wildland restoration efforts vegetation 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 75 Page PM 3:25 3/20/03 report 2001 2001 report3/20/033:25PMPage76 76

Aeronautics and Space Report of the President and GPStosupportBIA tribalinitiativestomaplanduse,inventorynatural events. eled flood other Federalagenciestodeterminethehumanandeconomic impactsofthemod- Department ofTransportation, FederalEmergency Management Agency, and lation andinfrastructuredataderivedfromUSGS, theCensusBureau, maximum wettedareaanddepthontogeographically referencedpopu- result fromatheoreticaldambreachorspillevent.GISanalysts overlaidmapsof waterperimetersanddepthsforspecifictimeintervalsthatwould predict flood to these DEMsinconjunctionwithone-ortwo-dimensional hydraulicmodels (DEMs)frommultireturnairborneLIDARdata.Hydraulicengineersused models reclamation dams.Imageanalystsdevelopedhigh-accuracydigitalelevation mate datatocalculateagriculturalconsumptivewateruse. status andcrop-typedatawithcropwaterusecoefficientslocallyvaryingcli- Nevada, andtheCentralValley ofCalifornia.Water managersusedirrigation map agriculturalcropsintheColoradoRiverbasin,LahontanBasin tispectral andpanchromaticdata,USGSdigitalorthophotoquarterquadsto and theCaliforniaDepartmentofForestry. Statewide changedetectionprojectbeingcoordinatedbytheU.S.ForestService tified usingtheLandsatdata.Thesedatawillalsobeincorporatedinto focusing moreexpensivehigh-resolutionimageacquisitionsonspecificareasiden- photography acquiredin2001.Thistwo-tieredapproachreducedoverallcostsby changed between1993and2000willbemappedagainusing1:120,000-scaleaerial V imageanalystsusedmultitemporalLandsatTMdataoftheCentral (FWS). BOR negotiations withirrigationdistrictsandtheU.S.FishWildlife Service Opinion requiresthatdataonwildlifehabitatchangebeusedinwater-related the influxofmercuryintoreservoir. are finalized,theycouldbeusedtoinstituteland-managementpracticesretard whenthesemaps Preliminary mapsofmercurysourceareashavebeenproduced; in advisoriesbeingplacedontheconsumptionoffishtakenfromreservoir. alley toidentifysuchareasofchangebetween1993and2000.Areasthat During FY2001,theBureau ofIndianAffairs(BIA)usedremotesensing inundationperimetersanddepthsbelow continuedmappingflood BOR continuedtouseLandsatTM,IndianRemote-SensingSatellite mul- BOR The CaliforniaCentralValley ProjectImprovementActBiological 77 F iscal Year 2001 Activities Commercial GPS receivers were used to collect data for 1,539 ditch miles were used to collect data for Commercial GPS receivers (MMS) supported University of The Minerals Management Service MMS continued to use GPS data to assist in determining baseline points synthetic aperture The USGS and BLM used Landsat-7, RADARSAT-2 and 19,518 associated structures in BIA-managed irrigation systems. In addition, and 19,518 associated structures in BIA-managed were collected for all structures. digital aerial photographs with GPS coordinates irrigation system and structure condition These data sets were combined to map on Indian Reservations in the Western on seven major BIA Irrigation Projects data were also key components in the United States. Aerial photos and satellite and Safety of Dams Projects. The BIA also mapping process in both the Irrigation GPS Receivers (PLGRs) to access continued its use of the Precision Lightweight Service (PPS), primarily at the field the DoD Navstar GPS Precise Positioning out, where appropriate, in favor of com- office level. The PLGRs are being phased is being reached. mercial systems as the life span of PLGRs altimetry using the TOPEX/Poseidon Colorado scientists in research on satellite satellites. This work has improved esti- and European Remote Sensing-2 (ERS-2) currents, particularly for the large Loop mates of sea surface height and ocean for Current eddies in the Gulf of Mexico. Accurate ocean currents are important estimating oil spill trajectories and can affect offshore oil and gas operations. Islands. Accurate that are used to delineate offshore boundaries in the U.S. Virgin Submerged Lands jurisdictions, as boundaries were needed to support Territorial the well as a proposed national monument for protection of coral reefs around islands of St. Thomas and St. Croix. radar (SAR) images to investigate glacier dynamics and change at Bering Glacier, as it Alaska. The observations are used to map the retreat of the glacier terminus resources, conduct environmental assessments, support Safety of Dams program support Safety of assessments, conduct environmental resources, used Application specialists irrigation systems. and map and inventory initiatives, aerial Program (NAPP) Aerial Photography National digital orthophotography, Raster Graphics Dataset (NED) data, Digital National Elevation photography, modeling satellite imagery as backdrops for (DRG), and IKONOS inundation earthen dams. BIA per- the potential catastrophic failure of zones associated with BIA jurisdiction. BIA GPS data on high-priority dams under sonnel also collected Action Plans for inundation maps for input to Emergency personnel developed reporting period.five dams during the 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 77 Page PM 3:25 3/20/03 report 2001 2001 report3/20/033:25PMPage78 78

Aeronautics and Space Report of the President which ismostlikelycausedby intrusionofmagma,appearedfromInSARanalysis to seeifthereareanyearthquakes associatedwiththedeformation.Theuplift, Cascades Volcano Observatoryinstalledaseismometernear thecenterofarea inspections ofthearearevealed nounusualsurfacefeatures.Scientistsfromthe with themaximumamountofupliftbeingabout10centimeters. Closeaerial occurred between1996and2000,coversanareaabout15 to20kmindiameter, Sisters regionofthecentralOregonCascadeRange.The initialuplift,which over abroadareacentered5kilometerswestofSouthSister Volcano intheThree interferometric SAR(InSAR)techniquetodetectuplift ofthegroundsurface monitored seismicallyattheendoffiscalyear. Cleveland Volcano (whichhaseruptedatleast11timessince1893)wasnotyet public. Satellitedatawasthemainmonitoringtoolforthiseruptionbecause eruptions totheairlinesanddangerinconveniencetheypose mation onthepositionofashcloudshelpsminimizebothcostsuch Pacific corridorduringthefirst48hoursaftereachofexplosions.Timely infor- of thehazard.TheseashcloudsdisruptedinternationalairtrafficinbusyNorth Administration, theNationalWeather Service,andlocalAirForceinstallations, informed FederalandStateagencies,includingtheAviation using datafrommeteorologicalsatellites,Landsat7,andothersources,quickly Scientists attheUSGSAlaskaVolcano Observatorydetectedtheashcloudsby the airlanesofNorthPacificthreetimesinFebruaryandMarch2001. Great Plains,withtheheavysnowyearof1997usedasatestcase. by SSM/IobservationswhenthetechniquewasappliedtoU.S.Northern measurements haveyieldedmoreaccuratesnowdepthsthanpreviouslyattained Meteorological SatelliteandthedualfrequencyTOPEX/Poseidonradaraltimetry obtained bytheSpecialSensorMicrowaveImager(SSM/I)onDefense microwave instruments.Thecombinationofpassiveobservations sensor techniquestoestimatesnowpackthicknessandwaterequivalentfrom dam fail. water inBergLakeremainedunderstudytoassesspotentialhazardsshouldthe marine ecosystemisrapidlyevolving.Thestabilityoftheicedamthatimpounds undergoes large-scalecalvinginVitus Lake.Vitus Lakeisnowexpanding,anda In FY2001,USGSscientistsusedSARdatafromtheERS satellitesandthe Cleveland Volcano intheAleutianIslands,Alaska,sentashplumesacross The USGSandtheFrenchSpaceAgency(CNES)havedevelopedmulti- 79 F iscal Year 2001 Activities USGS also used the InSAR technique to study land surface deformation InSAR technique to study land surface USGS also used the tested the fea- of Washington, USGS, in collaboration with the University USGS scientists used key predator bird species as part of long-term con- associated with natural recharge in the San Bernardino ground water basin of recharge in the San Bernardino associated with natural during the first Several centimeters of uplift were detected Southern California. of ERS-1 and ERS- areas of the basin based on InSAR analysis half of 1993 in two from the surrounding correlates with unusually high runoff 2 images. This uplift The deformation of ground water levels in nearby wells. mountains and increased ground water flow, the location of faults that restrict the land surface identifies the areal distribution of fine-grained maps the location of recharge, and suggests that naturally occurring runoff aquifer materials. Preliminary results demonstrate with interferometric deformation mapping and the resultant recharge can be used hydrogeologic features of a ground to help define the structure and important useful in investigations of remote water basin. This approach may be particularly data. areas with limited ground-based hydrogeologic radar equipment that is to measure river sibility of using helicopter-mounted has been measured by using sounding discharge. River discharge traditionally and rotating cups to determine river weights to determine average river depth For these experiments, standard ground-penetrating radar measured river velocity. radar developed by the Applied Physics cross-sectional areas, and microwave Preliminary analy- measured river velocity. University of Washington, Laboratory, within +/-10 percent of the discharge sis indicates that discharge can be measured value computed from stage readings at streamflow-gaging stations. Discharge measurements using the radar method were made in an average of about 45 sec- onds each, compared with several hours using the traditional method. The radar method an important application during large regional floods may have dis- when short charge measurements are needed at many streamflow-gaging stations in a period or for other applications in which the physical properties of a river of time, need to be defined. and taminant monitoring systems to assess the health of large river systems, bays, to estuaries in the United States. In the past, scientists have used bird banding results to be continuing. The USGS continued to monitor the area to assess the to monitor the area USGS continued be continuing. The results to technique use of the InSAR was the first successful of an eruption. This probability region. in the Cascades 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 79 Page PM 3:25 3/20/03 report 2001 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 80

track where one such species, the American osprey, spent the winter and the routes used to reach wintering sites. Scientists from USGS and the University of Minnesota used NOAA satellites to track osprey migration routes by using small radios. Knowledge about the speed of migration and the location of wintering grounds gained in this way provides a better understanding of contaminant expo- sure away from the nesting grounds in the United States. Sandhill cranes migrate through the Platte River valleys of Nebraska, but much is not known about their habitat use and ultimate destinations. During FY 2001, researchers marked 51 cranes with satellite-monitored transmitters attached to plastic leg bands and tracked them continuously from their staging area along the Platte and North Platte Rivers in Nebraska, to their breeding grounds. At the end of the fiscal year, results showed that lesser sandhill cranes staging along the North Platte River breed mostly in Siberia and western Alaska. Data show that most of the midcontinent population was present in late March when the FWS conducted their annual population survey, providing man- agers with key information on reliability of population size estimates derived from the survey. USGS biologists completed a pilot study of the year-to-year movements of snowy owls in the Arctic. They used satellite telemetry to map the annual flight paths of adult female snowy owls from Barrow, Alaska, through remote areas and during periods of Arctic darkness. These data would have been impractical or impossible to obtain with traditional tracking methods. USGS biologists developed methods to predict brood and duckling survival across the extensive Prairie Pothole region of the upper Great Plains by analyzing habitat information in a GIS. They also used satellite radiotelemetry to monitor mallard and gadwall duckling survival rates in relation to wetland and upland habitat conditions. They collected imagery from a digital color-infrared camera to monitor the availability of seasonal wetland habitat and to estimate the percent- age of the landscape in perennial vegetation cover. USGS biologists used similar satellite telemetry techniques to determine the survival, dispersal, and long-range movements of prairie falcons from the Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area, Idaho. In FY 2001, the USGS Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center collected digital, high-resolution black-and-white and color-infrared aerial 81 F iscal Year 2001 Activities USGS scientists cooperated with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers with the U.S. Army Corps USGS scientists cooperated in FY 2001 to support scientific USGS scientists regularly used GPS USGS scientists used GPS to conduct annual fish stock assessments in all (USACE) and a private firm to complete initial high-definition airborne mapping firm to complete initial high-definition (USACE) and a private northern Lake Michigan that are used by of glacial and bedrock outcrop sites in was done with the USACE/Navy lake trout as spawning habitat. Mapping LIDAR Survey (SHOALS) system Scanning Hydrographic Operational Airborne maps in areas too shallow for practi- that uses a LIDAR sensor to make lake-floor areas. Fishery such as reefs and near-shore cal use of conventional sonar systems, this information to determine whether resource management agencies used factors adversely affecting the rehabilita- degraded spawning habitat is one of the tion of trout populations in Lake Michigan. basin. Side-scan sonar surveys conducted research conducted in the Great Lakes habitat-mapping projects in the St. Claire- throughout the Great Lakes basin and to locate sample sites and provide Detroit River System required GPS technology Larval fish habitat preference studies in geographic reference for biological data. sampling procedures and simplify naviga- Lake Erie used GPS to guide repetitive GPS was also used for locating field sites while conducting tion in open water. native clam research in several NPS national parks and lakeshores in Michigan and wetland restoration projects in cooperation with FWS on national wildlife refuges in Michigan and Ohio. five Great Lakes in cooperation with the international Great Lakes Fishery Commission and State, tribal, and Canadian fishery management agencies. These data are used to make management decisions on fish stocking and harvest quotas to promote the ecological and economic sustainability of Great Lakes commercial, the sport, and tribal fisheries. USGS scientists also used GPS to guide studies on imagery over approximately two thirds of the Colorado River Ecosystem between River Ecosystem thirds of the Colorado approximately two imagery over annually collected aerial imagery The USGS has and Lake Mead. Lake Powell within the cultural resources in the natural and to monitor change since 1990 Dam. This informa- from the operation of the Glen Canyon ecosystem resulting Program to make Glen Canyon Adaptive Management tion is used by the the values for which on the operation of the dam that improve informed decisions National Recreation National Park and the Glen Canyon the Grand Canyon Area were created. 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 81 Page PM 3:25 3/20/03 report 2001 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 82

82 recovery of the burrowing mayfly (Hexagenia) populations in western Lake Erie, Saginaw Bay (Lake Huron), and Green Bay (Lake Michigan). Hexagenia is an important food source for many kinds of Great Lakes fishes, and its increasing numbers in recent years is an indicator of improving Great Lakes water and bottom sediment quality. In contrast, another important fish food organism is the deep- water amphipod, Diporeia, and its declining numbers were investigated at sites located by GPS in Lakes Ontario and Huron. USGS scientists on the NASA Earth Observing-1 (EO-1) satellite Science Validation Team worked to determine whether data from the EO-1 satellite could be used to detect and map leafy spurge, an invasive plant species in Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota. Preliminary analysis of multiple data sets collected during the 2001 growing season with the EO-1 Hyperion hyperspectral sensor indicated the feasibility of delineating stands of leafy spurge larger than 30 m in diameter in grassland and badland environments of the park. USGS scientists used high-spatial-resolution IKONOS satellite data and NASA’s Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) multispectral satellite data to map small but important and sensitive bird habitat types such as pockets of forested wetlands on islands in the Great Lakes. These features were essentially unidentifiable with other commercially available spaceborne sensors. Protection of Great Lakes island habitats is one of the highest management priorities of the FWS in the Great Lakes region. Landsat ETM+ images were used for project planning and wetland research at Seney Aeronautics and Space Report of the President National Wildlife Refuge, a very large refuge on the Upper Peninsula of Michigan where a USGS/FWS wetland restoration project is ongoing. USGS and a private company began developing new techniques to moni- tor infestations of water hyacinth, an exotic aquatic weed infestation that is causing major damage to the ecosystem and economy of the Lake Victoria basin of East Africa. They used RADARSAT, Landsat, and IKONOS satellite data to pro- vide timely information to aquatic plant managers in East Africa. USGS scientists documented a major infestation in Winam Gulf, Kenya, which peaked at 180 km2 of areal extent in November 1998, and subsequently declined to under 1 km2 by February 2000. USGS and the company are helping East African governments to implement an operational monitoring system. 83 F iscal Year 2001 Activities Since 1975, the USGS has chaired the Civil Applications Committee, chaired the Civil the USGS has Since 1975, chartered by the Office of the President, to facilitate the use of classified imagery the use of classified President, to facilitate by the Office of the chartered environmental missions, such as to many agency that are central for applications hazards, and emer- natural management, homeland security, monitoring, resource this growing demand USGS continued to support gency response applications. NCAP staff employed Civil Applications Project (NCAP). through the National users acquire these data national and regional facilities to help a network of secure products. and to generate custom and derived for science investigations, FY 2001 and delineation of data included glacier monitoring applications of classified patterns of animals tracking of migration and breeding glacial karst features; surface characteristics of sea ice melt in remote locations; determining the for floodponds; gathering river stage information forecasting; and water quality monitoring. 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 83 Page PM 3:25 3/20/03 report 2001 2001 report3/20/033:25PMPage84 84

Aeronautics and Space Report of the President 85 F iscal Year 2001 Activities The FCC issued construction authorizations and authorized a number of The FCC issued construction authorizations Celsat to The Boeing Company, The FCC granted operational licenses Several satellites authorized by the FCC became operational during FY 2001. During FY 2001, the FCC was also active in international satellite coordi- OMMUNICATIONS OMMISSION EDERAL All FCC accomplishments in space during FY 2001 were related to communica- All FCC accomplishments in space during The FCC formulates rules to facilitate and tions and Earth observation satellites. and the licensing of all stations and regulate the U.S. domestic satellite industry FCC continued to coordinate satellite place- the satellite launches. Internationally, accomplishments are outlined for FY 2001. ment with other countries. FCC specific There were 34 Ka-band Geostationary launches of communications satellites. satellites authorized for construction. In Orbit/Fixed Satellite Service (GSO/FSS) Americom for two satellites which were the C/Ku bands, the FCC authorized SES launched in October and December 2000. L.P., Holdings, Inc., Globalstar, America, Inc., Constellation Communications Holdings, Inc., ICO Services Ltd., and TMI Iridium LLC, Mobile Communications in the 2 GHz band. An Earth Exploration L.P., Communications and Company, and the DirecTV 5 Satellite Service (EESS) license was granted to AstroVision, space station license was granted in November 2000. In addition, 34 Ka-band GSO/FSS satellites were licensed to 11 companies. an EESS licensee. Also, a little LEO licensee; and EarthWatch, These were VITA, in XM Radio began providing Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service broadcast September 2001. nation with Argentina, Brazil, Canada, ESA, INTERSPUTNIK, Mexico, C C FCC F 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 85 Page PM 3:25 3/20/03 report 2001 2001 report3/20/033:25PMPage86 86

Aeronautics and Space Report of the President concluded withJapan,Norway, andtheRussianFederation. Uruguay, andVenezuela intheC/Ku-band.Othercoordinationmeetingswerealso Netherlands, PapuaNewGuinea,UnitedArabEmirates,Kingdom, 87 F iscal Year 2001 Activities The ARS research program used remotely sensed data and related tech- The ARS research program used remotely EPARTMENT OF GRICULTURE During FY 2001, several USDA agencies regularly used remotely sensed data to During FY 2001, several USDA agencies These agencies include, but are not support operational and research activities. (ARS), Foreign Agricultural Service limited to, the Agricultural Research Service (FSA), Forest Service (FS), National Agricultural Farm Service Agency (FAS), Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). Statistics Service (NASS), and Natural six agencies describing how remotely Following are brief summaries from these departmental goals and objectives during sensed data were used to accomplish FY 2001. assess, and methodologiesnologies to develop techniques and to monitor, natural resources. ARS identified eight administer agricultural, rangeland, and remotely sensed information to agricultural areas for research of the application of areas encompassed 1) soil properties and and natural resource problems. These 3) crop management, 4) range management, 5) assessment, 2) hydrometeorology, land use evaluation, 6) water quality and aquatic ecosystems, 7) sensor develop- ment and calibration, and 8) development of analytical tools for remotely sensed data. ARS scientists were involved in a broad remote-sensing research program that involved more than 30 laboratories. These laboratories cooperated exten- sively with other Federal and State agencies, in this country and abroad, to extend man- the applications of remotely sensed data for agricultural and natural resources agement. This research resulted in the development of new and cost-effective methods agricultural and natural resources at local, regional, and global to assess scales. The following examples epitomize the breadth and depth of remote-sensing research in ARS. D A USDA 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 87 Page PM 3:25 3/20/03 report 2001 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 88

88 ARS scientists used remote-sensing data from ground, aircraft, and satellite platforms to develop methods to monitor, assess, and manage the Nation’s waters on small and large scales. For example, at the Kika de la Garza Subtropical Agricultural Research Center in Weslaco, Texas, scientists used aerial photogra- phy and videography to detect water-lettuce infestations in Texas waterways. Similarly, scientists at the Northwest Watershed Research Center in Boise, Idaho, used very-large-scale, color-infrared aerial photography of stream segments to quantify stream shading by riparian vegetation. Stream shading was under consid- eration by the Environmental Protection Agency as a possible remotely sensed surrogate for direct stream temperature measurements because it is logistically impossible to use ground-based techniques to characterize the spatial dynamics of stream temperature within extensive and remote rangeland stream systems. Researchers in Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, and Texas used remote sensing to develop methods to monitor water quality. A prototype submersible sensor to monitor harmful algal species, such as those responsible for red tide and dead zones, was being tested in the St. John’s River in collaboration with other regional, State, and Federal agencies. ARS scientists in Arizona, Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Maryland, New Mexico, Mississippi, Oklahoma, and Texas collaborated with personnel from NASA and other Federal and international agencies to study interactions between the Earth’s surface and atmosphere, and how these interactions influence climate change and the management of agricultural and natural resources. For example, researchers Aeronautics and Space Report of the President from the ARS Hydrology and Remote Sensing Laboratory and the University of Virginia, Department of Environmental Sciences, explored the coupling between the land and the atmospheric boundary layer using a three-dimensional turbulence large eddy simulation model and remotely sensed land surface images. An analysis of the results revealed the existence of scale-dependent earth/atmosphere interac- tions, suggesting that significant changes in regional land use or agricultural practices could affect local and regional climate. This research was a fundamental step in addressing the effects of climate change on agricultural resources and will help in the development of mitigation strategies. In Arizona, California, Colorado, Iowa, Maryland, Missouri, Nebraska, and Texas, ARS scientists worked on developing remote sensors and techniques to monitor crop growth, soil conditions, and plant water and fertilizer requirements. 89 F iscal Year 2001 Activities ARS personnel applied remote sensing in recent studies of insect, weed, and ARS personnel applied remote sensing remote-sensing program is administered by the Production The FAS disease infestations and rangeland conditions. One goal of this research was to disease infestations and rangeland conditions. techniques to help decisionmakers better develop new remote-sensing tools and and natural resources. For example, manage pests and weeds affecting agriculture found that screwworm population densi- the ARS Screwworm Research Program forests and open fields in the tropics. ties were highest in edges between mature Researchers developed methods using Landsat Thematic to identify these habitats satellite data. The ability to locate prob- and RADARSAT Mapper (TM), SPOT, sensed data would increase the able screwworm populations using remotely control of screwworm. biological efficiency and effectiveness of USDA’s Estimates and Crop Assessment Division (PECAD). PECAD is the focal point and USDA for assessing global agricultural production and conditions within FAS and longest most extensive PECAD is the world’s that affect world food security. running (20 years) operational user of commercial satellite data, using numerous satellite platforms to evaluate agronomic situations worldwide. This basic market 1954 intelligence effort was mandated in the legislation, establishing the agency in VI of the Agricultural Act of 1954). PECAD is the only operational unit of (Title its type in the world. These sensors and techniques have helped in the development of precision farm- development of precision have helped in the and techniques These sensors crop production to maximize that enable farmers ing techniques while minimizing calibration. focused on sensor also Work effects on the environment. agricultural in Phoenix, Conservation Laboratory the U.S. Water ARS scientists from Arizona, Research Center in Tucson, Southwest Watershed Arizona, and from the and the National from NASA Stennis Space Center teamed with personnel calibration in July Agency to perform a multiple-platform Imaging and Mapping Center were Maricopa Agricultural University of Arizona’s 2001. Images of the Earth Observing aboard IKONOS, Landsat 7, and NASA acquired via sensors a Learjet to a powered as well as aircraft ranging from System (EOS) satellites, and soil parameters, surface properties, parachute. Ground crews measured plant of this project. ARS scientists used these and atmospheric conditions in support helping growers make better informed suitability for data to evaluate each sensor’s and nutrient needs of their crops. management decisions related to the water 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 89 Page PM 3:25 3/20/03 report 2001 2001 report3/20/033:25PMPage90 90

Aeronautics and Space Report of the President and deliver, within60daysofthe flying window, Datafor 51 usableproducts. imagery. FSAchallengedtheprivatesectorto collect, rectify, packagebycounty, with aprogramthatdelivered1to2mgeo-referenced digital methodology 35-millimeter camerasandcolorslidefilm.FSAtestedapproaches toreplacethis acquired mostoftheU.S.agriculturalareadatausinglight aircraftequippedwith collecting aerialphotographyforfarmprogramcompliance. DuringFY2001,FSA Agency (AFWA) providedthesatelliteweatherdata. was acquiredfromNASAandNOAA.NOAAthe U.S. AirForceWeather resolution satellitedatawerepurchasedcommercially. Some low-resolutiondata reducing individualagencycosts.Allhigh-andmedium-resolutionsomelow- archived, andsharedsatellitedatawithsixotherUSDAagencies,substantially repository andmanageroftheUSDASatelliteImageryArchive.FAS purchased, securityneeds.In2000,USDAdesignatedFASments andassessglobalfood asthe other USDAandU.S.Governmentagenciestomeetnationalsecurityrequire- Center forRemote-SensingAnalysis.FAS alsoshareddataandanalyses with condition assessmentsandearlywarningsofcropdisastersthroughtheFSA/FAS time supporttotheUSDAFarmServiceAgency(FSA)byprovidingcrop supplies.Twoweather andothereventsonfood divisionanalystsprovidedfull- emergency responseeffortsbyprovidingunbiasedassessmentsoftheinfluence U.S.-based analysts. of maintainingstaffinoverseasofficesorcontinuallyfundingtravelfor sources. Furthermore,satellitedatawerequiteinexpensivecomparedtothecost frequently moretimelyandreliable,oftencomplete,thanconventional where suchinformationisoftendifficulttoobtain.Satellitedatawere private sources.RemotesensingenabledPECADtoobtaininformationinregions “convergence ofevidence”methodology. Thesedatacamefrompublicand by incorporatingeconomic,weather, and fieldobservationdataina cropmodel, observations. In2001,thedivisionconfirmedandenhancedremote-sensingdata key marketsandcompetitors,providingreliable,repeatable,comparable andconditionestimatesfor critical componentsusedinmakingcropproduction Satelliteremote-sensingdataarea world grain,oilseed,andcottonproduction. FSA completed a three-state pilot that compared alternative methods for FSA completedathree-statepilotthatcomparedalternative methods aidandother PECAD helpedUSDAandotheragencies“rightsize”food PECAD wasresponsibleforglobalcropconditionanalysisandestimatesof 91 F iscal Year 2001 Activities As a result of the Kansas and Nebraska pilots, FSA began a major paradigm and Nebraska pilots, FSA began As a result of the Kansas in Minnesota. Here, compa- The FSA also tested a lower cost alternative of public lands in national forests FS continued to manage 191 million acres shift. FSA began redirecting its $500,000 NAPP cost-share money to contract its $500,000 NAPP cost-share shift. FSA began redirecting digital productsinternally to create that can serve FSA compliance requirements. These products State be a great national asset, used by Federal, were anticipated to public, to obtain low-cost, high-resolution and local Governments, as well as the areas. FSA spent about $2 per square mile digital images of domestic agricultural compliance program. In contrast, this new to acquire film for the 35- millimeter digital acquisition method mile. The FSA FY 2002 required $12 to $14 per square innovation to be fielded. and 2003 budgets would not allow this and 35-millimeter film-based cameras. nies flew small aircraft with digital sensors These products combined with a small foot- were not geo-referenced as well and, new digital acquisition methodprint, were more difficult to use. This required $4 to $8 per square mile. and financial assistance to State and pri- and grasslands, and provided technical its role as the largest forestry research vate forestry agencies. FS also continued more frequent, in 2000 and 2001 were larger, organization in the world. Wildfires of and more numerous than those seen in recent years. The number and severity FS these fires severely taxed Federal and State wildfire management resources. The Remote Sensing Applications Center (RSAC) collaborated with staff at NASA Goddard Flight Center and the University of Maryland to develop the Space Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Land Rapid Response Fire System, providing a range of time-critical data to the National Interagency Center (NIFC) and other Federal and State users. Staff at the RSAC used MODIS maps data to generate cumulative and daily active fire maps, and disseminated the Federal wildfire community used system. The to users via an Internet Web-based data to assist in the strategic allocation of assets and in post-fire this near-real-time counties in Kansas and Nebraska were collected through this project, and the through this project, were collected Kansas and Nebraska counties in images. As high-quality digital for inexpensive, an amazing achievement result was through the to that available color film, similar benefit, FSA had the an added the Aerial Photography Program (NAPP), stored at National Aerial Photography being scanned to Utah. The film was capable of Lake City, Field Office in Salt Orthophoto Quadrangles. create 1-meter Digital 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 91 Page PM 3:25 3/20/03 report 2001 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 92

92 rehabilitation efforts. Before the end of the fiscal year, technicians installed an antenna at the RSAC facility in Salt Lake City, Utah, to receive Direct Broadcast MODIS data that was expected to become operational in FY 2002. NASA also supported FS by acquiring high-altitude color photography over the nearly 1,600,000 acres of the Deschutes National Forest. The imagery included large format camera 9 x 18-inch color-infrared photography at 1:30,000 scale and 9 x 9-inch color-infrared photography at 1:60,000 scale. FS staff used this photog- raphy for a wide range of resource management applications, including recreational planning and forest health management. The mission of NASS continued to be the provision of timely, accurate, and useful statistics describing U.S. agriculture. These statistics cover virtually every facet of domestic agriculture, from the production and supply of food and fiber to the prices paid and received by farmers and ranchers. During FY 2001, NASS personnel used remote-sensing data to construct area frames for statistical sampling, estimate crop area, and create crop-specific land-cover data layers for geographic information systems (GIS). For area frame construction, NASS staff combined digital Landsat and SPOT data with U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) digital line-graph data, enabling users to assign a cat- egory to each piece of land in a State based on the percentage of cultivated land and other variables. NASS implemented a new remote-sensing-based area frame and sample for Tennessee and Wisconsin. The remote-sensing acreage estimation project analyzed Landsat data from the 2000 crop season in Arkansas, Illinois, Aeronautics and Space Report of the President Indiana, Iowa, Mississippi, New Mexico, and North Dakota. These data were used to produce crop acreage estimates for major crops at State and county levels, and to develop a crop-specific categorization of a digital mosaic of TM scenes, which was distributed to users on a CD-ROM. For the 2001 crop season, NASS head- quarters and several NASS field offices continued partnership agreements with State organizations, working to decentralize Landsat processing and analysis tasks, and expanding into the boot heel of Missouri and a pilot area in southeastern Nebraska. The pilot area in southeastern Nebraska was a joint project with FSA to examine the accuracy of NASS crop-specific categorizations. Data for 2001 acreage estimation analyses were collected in Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Mississippi, Missouri, New Mexico, and North Dakota. NASS, in conjunction with ARS, began studying data obtained from the MODIS sensor on the NASA 93 F iscal Year 2001 Activities NRCS is the primary Federal agency working with private landowners to Federal agency working with private NRCS is the primary resolution) were and orthoimagery (1-meter In FY 2001, aerial photography and digital orthoimagery from NRCS obtained all of its aerial photography The NRI program required high-resolution imagery over confidential sta- erra satellite for use as an additional input for setting yield estimates and as a pos- yield estimates input for setting for use as an additional erra satellite help them protect their natural resources. Much of the land management business natural resources. Much of the land help them protect their requires the use of goodconducted by NRCS science and practical technology, and related remote- NRCS has used aerial photography such as remote sensing. sensing products to conduct agency programs and business. for over 50 years as part of the National for conducting soil surveys used extensively nationwide scientists used digital orthoimagery to map Cooperative Soil Survey program. Soil on the ground. NRCS personnel also and digitize soils at their true map positions planning, wetland delineations, water- used digital orthoimagery for conservation assistance to landowners and shed planning, and to provide technical high-quality (1-foot resolution) aerial communities. NRCS acquired and used continuous National Resources Inventory photography to conduct the annual use of GIS to most county field offices. (NRI). In FY 2001, the agency expanded for use as a mapping and planning As a result, the need for digital orthoimagery base map also increased. with USDA and other Federal agencies in commercial sources. NRCS coordinated Much of the aerial digital orthoimagery. the purchase of aerial photography and State agen- a partnership of Federal and photography was obtained through NAPP, and obtained through the National cies. Digital orthoimagery was coordinated Digital Orthophoto Program (NDOP), a partnership of Federal and State agencies these having common imagery requirements. All of the data developed through national imagery programs became part of the public domain, permitting agencies or to share these data and imagery internally and externally without licensing use restrictions. for tistical sampling sites. In FY 2001, NRCS purchased high-quality imagery Field approximately 72,500 sites nationwide. The USDA Aerial Photography The FSA office had responsibility for Office of FSA contracted for the imagery. contracting aerial photography in the USDA. T Radiometer (AVHRR) Very-High-Resolution for Advanced sible replacement condition images. vegetation data in generating 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 93 Page PM 3:25 3/20/03 report 2001 2001 report3/20/033:25PMPage94 94

Aeronautics and Space Report of the President tract forcommercialoff-the-shelfGPSreceivers. contact supporttothedepartmentforawardingofanUSDA-wideGPScon- application requirements,equipmentconfigurationspecifications,andtoprovide ernization teamofUSDAcountyservicecenteragenciestodevelopbusiness receivers wereinuseatcountyfieldoffices.InFY2001,NRCSledaGPSmod- carrying outconservationprogramsandtechnicalassistance.Over1,000GPS sharing ofimageryandgeodata. mittees resultedinpartnershipstocostsharethedevelopment,acquisition,and GPS ExecutiveBoard,andothergroups.Coordinationeffortswithinthesecom- the workofFederalGeographicDataCommittee,NAPP, NDOP, Interagency committees.Significanttimeand resourcesweredevotedtosupporting geodata resolution imagerytoNRCSatacostcomparableairbornesystems. imagery fromairbornesystems.Satellitesystemswerenotabletoprovidehigh- of satelliteimagery. MostNRCSprogramsandactivitiesrequiredhigh-resolution amount derived fromairbornesystems,NRCSpurchasedandusedonlyamodest NRCS hasactivelyusedGPSformorethansixyearsasatoolinsupportof NRCS waswellrepresentedonFederalmapping,remotesensing,GPS,and Compared tothepurchaseanduseofaerialphotographydigitalimagery 95 F iscal Year 2001 Activities OUNDATION F TIONAL NSF-supported researchers extended their work to measure the very faint NSF-supported researchers extended their Researchers involved in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey discovered, in the A CIENCE S NSF N fluctuations in the microwave light emitted by the hot gas in the early universe, fluctuations in the microwave light emitted These additional data have strength- from a time before stars and galaxies formed. nearly spatially flat and added information ened the conclusion that the universe is spectrum of primordial sound waves, about the higher order peaks in the power parameters, such as the expansion which have been used to estimate cosmological universe, and how much of that mass is rate, the age, and the total mass of the Models which have a “flat” of the universe comprised of normal (baryonic) matter. geometry are dominated by (up to 90 percent) “dark” matter and fit the standard nuclear physics models for the generation of the elements hydrogen and helium during the big bang, and have been shown to be consistent with the observations. in spectrum of the most distant quasar known, the signature of neutral hydrogen the intergalactic medium, indicating that their observations are probing redshifts the before large numbers of quasars and galaxies formed. Recent observations of highest redshift quasar yet discovered showed the signature of a high optical depth this of neutral hydrogen. The existence of this neutral hydrogen indicates that in NSF continued to serve as the lead Federal agency for the support of ground-based as the lead Federal agency for the NSF continued to serve a broad base of observational, theo- astronomy and space science, and sponsored at understanding the states of matter and retical, and laboratory research aimed and the universe. , our Milky Way physical processes in the solar system, and instrumentation, and optical and NSF also supported advanced technologies instrumentation and observing radio observatories that maintain state-of-the-art on the basis of scientific merit. capabilities accessible to the community 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 95 Page PM 3:25 3/20/03 report 2001 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 96

distant epoch, the universe had not yet been flooded with a substantial density of ionizing photons from stars and quasars. Recent radio observations of the prototypical starburst galaxy M82 revealed a complex and dynamic system. NSF-funded researchers used the Owens Valley Radio Observatory array to map the large-scale structure of molecular gas in M82. The sensitivity and area coverage of the resulting high-angular-resolution data was an order of magnitude better than previous interferometric observations. Their images showed tidal stripping of the molecular gas along the plane of the galaxy and coincident with streams of neutral hydrogen. The distribution of molecular gas also coincides with the dramatic dust features seen in optical absorption. As much as 25 percent of the total molecular mass of M82 is situated at large galactocentric radii. Researchers with the Five College Radio Astronomy Observatory used the 14-meter telescope and the focal plane array system to identify molecular gas located as high as 3 kiloparsecs above the plane of the disk of M82. Some of the carbon monoxide (CO) emission is clearly associated with neutral hydrogen tidal features that arise from the interaction of M82 with the large, neighboring spiral galaxy M81. The molecular gas in these tidal features may have been directly extracted from the molecular gas rich reservoir of M82 or formed in situ within the tidal streams. The large, spherical halo component of our own galaxy is believed to harbor a substantial amount of unseen . NSF researchers recently observed microlensing events toward the nearby Magellanic Clouds, indicating that 10 to 50 percent of this dark matter may be in the form of very old white dwarfs, the remnants of a population of stars as old as the galaxy itself. A team of astronomers used the Cerro Tololo InterAmerican Observatory 4-meter telescope to carry out a survey to find faint, cool white dwarfs in the solar neighborhood that would be members of the halo. The survey revealed a substantial population of white dwarfs, too faint and cool to have been seen in previous surveys. The newly discovered population accounts for at least 2 percent of the dark matter, or about an order of magnitude larger than previously thought, and represents the first direct detection of galactic halo dark matter. The objects are also found in astrometric survey pho- tographs with other telescopes, and spectra taken at the Cerro Tololo InterAmerican Observatory confirmed their white dwarf nature. 97 F iscal Year 2001 Activities A major impetus to the observational and theoretical studies of the forma- A major impetus to the observational masses between that of Jupiter and Brown dwarfs are cool, dim objects with Research into the birth and the death of stars and their planetary systems their planetary the death of stars and into the birth and Research ashington University have developed cool cloud models appropriate to the cool, tion of stars and their planetary disks has been provided in the last few years by the tion of stars and their planetary disks has supported much of this work. A recent discovery of extra-solar planets. NSF has found a planet and Vogt, Fischer, Butler, again by the team of Marcy, discovery, star 47 circular orbit around the solar-like three-quarters the mass of Jupiter in a this is the planets have been found thus far, Ursa Majoris. Although 70 extra-solar orbits—at distances that make the plane- first system with two planets in circular tary system similar to our own. become hot enough to burn hydrogen into the Sun, so small that their cores never limited amount of deuterium in the stellar helium. Only the slow cooking of the and study of brown dwarfs has been interior is possible. Progress in the discovery efforts of the 2 Micron All Sky Survey and possible through the large coordinated both of which have been supported partly by NSF. Sloan Digital Sky Survey, Individual researchers have been following up these discoveries and investigating the physical properties of these new objects. Under an award in a joint NSF- and NASA grants program, investigators from New Mexico State University W substellar temperatures found in brown dwarf atmospheres. Their new models their explain the color changes seen in the spectral sequence of brown dwarfs, and thermochemical calculations have wide application to the derivation of tempera- ture and pressure indicators for gas giant planets, as well as brown dwarfs. Their models that large grains precipitate out of the brown dwarf atmos- also predicted pheres, just as rain does on Earth. continued to be an active area of investigation and discovery. Radio and infrared Radio and and discovery. of investigation to be an active area continued structures and extended the process of formation protostars in studies revealed evolutionary stars at different preplanetary disks. Young around them that indicate images of CO outflows of wind and jets. High-resolution stages show complex between the mor- structures and reveal close associations emission show shell The CO kinematics molecular hydrogen emission features. phologies of CO and and evidence for interactions in a number of sources show evidence of bow-shock found that neither of Scientists running simulations wide-angle wind interactions. pure jet wind, or wide-angle wind modelsthe current popular outflow, for stellar kinematics. adequately explain all morphologies and 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 97 Page PM 3:25 3/20/03 report 2001 2001 report3/20/033:25PMPage98 98

Aeronautics and Space Report of the President have begunaprogramofrecording high-speeddatasamplesofsignalsthatare University, OhioStateUniversity, andtheUniversityofCalifornia atBerkeley Researchers attheNational RadioAstronomyObservatory, BrighamYoung interference usingadaptivedigitalfiltersandspecialsignal-processing algorithms. omy thatinvolvesthereal-timeadaptivecancellation ofunwantedradio forming significantlybetterthantheHubbleSpaceTelescope. Ganymede. ImagesobtainedwithAEOSresolvedetailsonly 270kminsize,per- entific researchisillustratedwithitsrecentobservations ofJupiter’s satellite Hawaii. Thecapabilityofthis3.76-meteradvancedtechnology telescopeforsci- art facilitiesattheAdvancedElectro-OpticalSystem(AEOS)telescope,inMaui, Research toprovidetheU.S.astronomicalcommunitywithaccessstate-of-the- of stellarstructureandatmospheres,temperature,ultimatelydistancescales. larger thanpreviousmeasurements,changesthathaveimplicationsforourmodels evolved stars.NewmeasurementswithISIshowstellarradiisome10to25percent understanding ofstellarsizeshasbeenconfusedbythedustandgassurrounding of suchinstrumentation—measurementsnearbystarsindicatethatourprevious Interferometer, underdevelopmentbyTownes atUCBerkeley, showthepotential tures upto1kilometerindiameter. RecentresultsfromtheInfraredStellar tocreateimagesfromtelescopeswitheffectiveaper- aperture synthesismethods NSF isopticalinterferometry, whichwillenablediffraction-limitedimagingusing ies andquasars,rarestellarpopulations,thestructureofMilkyWay. study large-scalestructuresintheuniverse,formationandevolutionofgalax- deep imagesinboththevisibleandinfrared.With it,astronomerswillbeable to is completedinspring2002,thefullareawillbe15timesthissizeandprovide 300,000 faintgalaxiesandstars,werereleasedinJanuary2001.Whenthesurvey T year, multicolorsurveyusingthe4-metertelescopesatKittPeakandCerro Optical AstronomyObservatory’s DeepWide-Field Survey, anextensive,multi- beyond thescopeofasingleresearcher. ArecentexamplewastheNational of observationaldata,oftenthroughcoordinatedsurveys,whichenableresearch ololo. Thefirstresults,coveringanareaof1.15degreessquare,andwithitover NSF alsosupportedtechnologicaldevelopmentinthefield ofradioastron- NSF continuedajointactivitywiththeAirForceOfficeofScientific Among theareasofdevelopmentsupportedbyinstrumentationprogramsat The nationalastronomycentersgeneratesubstantialdatabasesandarchives 99 F iscal Year 2001 Activities known to cause interference to radio astronomical observations. With these With observations. to radio astronomical cause interference known to the end of the were underway at algorithms hand, tests of canceling samples in kinds of well- for certain to be very successful and have proven fiscal year of a signal from the signals, as in the cancellation characterized and predictable GLONASS satellite. 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 99 Page PM 3:25 3/20/03 report 2001 2001 report3/20/033:25PMPage100 100

Aeronautics and Space Report of the President 101 F iscal Year 2001 Activities During FY 2001, the Department of State led U.S. Government participa- During FY 2001, the Department of State for a series of four regional The Department of State provided funding In addition to the GNSS workshops, the DoS led GPS international out- EPARTMENT OF TATE S DoS D tion in the United Nations’ Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space tion in the United Nations’ Committee undertook significant work in the committee (COPUOS). Over the past year, of orbital space debris, global navigation areas such as addressing the problem astronomy and astrophysics, space transportation, satellite systems, meteorology, and environmental monitoring. The human space flight, planetary exploration, to international liability and respon- committee also considered legal issues related financial security interests in space sibility of launching nations, international the geostationary orbit. equipment, and the equitable access to and one Plenary Session Workshops Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) to be held during 2001–2002. These workshops are being held under the auspices held of the United Nations and the United States. The first two workshops were Austria, Malaysia, for the Asia Pacific regions, and in Vienna, in Kuala Lumpur, for the Eastern European region. Both workshops were highly successful in bring- and ing together regional experts and decisionmakers to advance awareness support for use of GNSS applications for sustained growth, transportation safety, and environmental management. the reach efforts for the interagency GPS Executive Board Secretariat. As a result, The Department of State (DoS) conducted successful negotiations with the State (DoS) conducted successful The Department of related to the 1995 U.S.-Japan Agreement Japanese government to resolve issues for Space Cooperation that had been of Liability Concerning Cross-Waiver the agreement. impeding successful implementation of 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 101 Page PM 3:25 3/20/03 report 2001 2001 report3/20/033:25PMPage102 102

Aeronautics and Space Report of the President Community basedonthedraft. Systems inOctober2000.ThisledtotwonegotiationsessionswiththeEuropean between theUnitedStatesandEuropeanCommunityonSatelliteNavigation W International CivilAviation OrganizationGeneralAssemblyinMontrealandthe GPS exhibitandsupportteamcarriedtheU.S.messagetosuchvenuesas orking Party8DoftheInternationalTelecommunication UnioninGeneva. The DepartmentofStatealsopresentedadraftframeworkagreement 103 F iscal Year 2001 Activities In FY 2001, DoE’s Office of Science cooperated with NASA in a wide vari- In FY 2001, DoE’s EPARTMENT OF NERGY DoE D E ety of activities, such as bringing the experimental techniques of fundamental to physics for use in outer space, using the science and technology plasma science envi- devise new propulsion systems, joint efforts to understand atmospheric and ronmental phenomena, and a working partnership in advanced computing of research. These activities were carried out under a Memorandum Understanding between NASA and DoE signed by NASA Administrator Goldin in 1992. and DoE Secretary Watkins DoE’s Office of Nuclear Energy continued to support NASA’s Space Exploration Energy continued to support NASA’s Office of Nuclear DoE’s units, and developing radioisotope power sources and heater Program by providing the range of power levels required to meet new advanced power systems covering for future missions. DoE personnel pro- more stringent power system requirements Environmental Impact Statement for vided safety analyses to support the NASA units on the Mars 2003 mission. DoE con- the potential use of radioisotope heater several potential system contractors for ducted competitive procurements with a Stirling radioisotope power system. A development of conceptual designs for performed by the expansion of gas at high Stirling engine is one in which work is a wall. At the end of the fiscal year, temperature to which heat is supplied through contractor designs and expected to select DoE specialists were evaluating these DoE initiated actions to procure a one for further development. Additionally, radioisotope thermoelectric generator system contractor to develop a multimission such as the surface of Mars and suitable for use in a variety of environments (RTG) following a bench-scale demonstration in 2000, DoE pro- deep space. Finally, recover Plutonium-238 scrap for reuse as an ceeded to install a full-scale process to energy source for radioisotope power systems for future NASA missions. 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 103 Page PM 3:25 3/20/03 report 2001 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 104

Through an Implementing Arrangement with NASA signed in 1995, the Office of Science continued in 2001 to build the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) for use on the International Space Station. The AMS is an international experiment designed to use the unique environment of space to search for and measure, with a much greater sensitivity than heretofore possible, various unusual types of matter. AMS will study the properties and origin of cosmic particles and nuclei, including and dark matter. Discovering the presence of either material will increase scientists’ understanding of the early universe and could potentially lead to a clearer understanding of the actual origin of the universe. Funding in FY 2001 was used for analysis of data acquired during a 10-day Shuttle flight in 1998, and for planning and fabrication for an upcoming Shuttle flight, for the eventual deployment on the International Space Station in 2003. DoE’s Office of Science and NASA’s Office of Space Science worked together in FY 2001 to build the Large-Area Telescope (LAT), the primary instru- ment for the Gamma-ray Large-Area Space Telescope (GLAST) project. This device, using the techniques of experimental particle physics research, detects gamma rays emitted by the most energetic objects and phenomena in the universe. Stanford University and the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) are responsible to the Office of Science and to NASA for overall project direction. SLAC, a DoE facility at Stanford University, is responsible for the assembly and integration of the complete instrument, data acquisition system management, as well as software development for GLAST’s flight system and science analysis. DoE provided funding in FY 2001 for R&D, design, and fabrication of the telescope, in conjunction with NASA and international partners. At the end of FY 2001, the launch was anticipated to take place in 2004. DoE’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) and NASA’s Johnson Space Center collaborated in FY 2001 on the development of an advanced rocket technology that could cut in half the time required to reach Mars. Called the Variable-Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket (VASIMR), the technology is a precursor to fusion and was developed in DoE’s magnetic fusion program. The VASIMR concept could provide a powerful means of propulsion by utilizing plasma as the propellant. A key to the technology is the capability to vary the plasma exhaust to maintain optimal propulsive efficiency. 105 F iscal Year 2001 Activities The Office of Science also worked with NASA to evaluate the responses of also worked with NASA to evaluate The Office of Science worked together to calculate the Office of Science and NASA also DoE’s The Atmospheric Radiation Measurement program of the Office of Science Some of the new fusion technologies being developed for VASIMIR include for VASIMIR being developed new fusion technologies Some of the ecosystems to increasing concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide and to ecosystems to increasing concentrations due to such increases. In FY 2001, the make predictions of future climate variation its modelsOffice of Science made available to NASA of carbon dynamics in ter- Carbon Processes Program. Terrestrial restrial ecosystems developed under the Scientists began to use these modelscomparison with a variety of as a basis for Model Analysis Program. Vegetation models developed under NASA’s biweekly primary productivity regions in the United of various representative of the Office of Science provided real- States. In FY 2001, the AmeriFlux Program data for these calculations, and NASA time meteorological and solar radiation active radiation. This joint work provided data on leaf-area and photosynthetically of seasonal and geographic patterns of made possible continental-scale estimates Program produced The AmeriFlux unique measurements of net productivity. ecosystem production the U.S. These results pro- from about 25 locations across productivity calculations. vided an independent calibration of NASA’s conducted a joint field campaign with NASA that is designed to provide accurate the measurements of water vapor in the upper troposphere. Data on water vapor in upper troposphere are one of the key elements required to improve the perform- ance of large-scale weather and climate-prediction models. The Office of Science and NASA provided ground and airborne instrumentation for water vapor meas- urements for the campaign. In addition, NASA provided the new Proteus aircraft, an airborne platform designed for high-altitude and long-endurance research water flights. This campaign represented the most extensive study of upper-level vapor to date—a critical step forward in climate model improvements. magnets that are super-conducting at space temperatures, compact power genera- temperatures, compact at space are super-conducting magnets that for plasma systems and robust radio-frequency and compact tion equipment, Division continued to play a key Fusion Energy ORNL’s generation and heating. plasma on the VASIMR adapting these technologies for use role in developing and ORNL Center provided direct support to Johnson Space to fund NASA’s thruster. DoE's Office of In addition, specific to the VASIMR. technology development research on creat- the NASA effort by supporting related Science complemented by radio-frequency heating. ing high-density plasmas 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 105 Page PM 3:25 3/20/03 report 2001 2001 report3/20/033:25PMPage106 106

Aeronautics and Space Report of the President sis ofexperimentalresultsat BNL. expand therangeoftechnical resourcesavailableforexperimentationandanaly- biology studies.TheOfficeof ScienceandNASAcontinuedworkingtogetherto completion in2003,willbe used tomoreeffectivelycontinueNASA’s radiation plex, theBoosterApplicationsFacility. Thisnewuserfacility, scheduledfor Program. AnewNASA-fundedfacilityisunderconstruction attheRHICcom- the AGS.NASAfundedtheseexperimentsaspartofits Space RadiationHealth radiobiology havebeenperformedusingbeamsofiron,gold, orsiliconionsfrom energies ofinterestforspaceradiobiology. Sincethefallof1995,experiments in only acceleratorintheUnitedStatescapableofproviding heavyionbeamsat Collider (RHIC)complexatBrookhavenNationalLaboratory. TheAGS isthe Alternating GradientSynchrotron(AGS),partoftheRelativisticHeavyIon human healtheffectsandrisksofexposurestolowdosesradiation. FY 2001forresearchthataddressesbothDoEandNASAneedstounderstandthe DoE andNASA.NASAalsoissuedajointRequestforApplicationsin sentations byrepresentativesofallradiationbiologyresearchprojectsfunded jointly sponsoredaradiationinvestigatorsworkshopinFY2001thatincludedpre- risks resultingfromlow-doseradiation.InadditiontotheMoA,DoEandNASA DoE istoenhanceprogressinunderstandingandpredictingtheeffectshealth approval attheendoffiscalyear. ThisclosecollaborationbetweenNASAand (MoA) tobettercoordinatetheircommonintereststhatwerependingfinal the biologicaleffectsofspaceradiationthataccountforrisks. sis oftheNASASpaceRadiationHealthProgramcontinuedtobeunderstanding that areatorbelowcurrentworkplaceexposurelimits.Theprimaryareaofempha- DoE Low-DoseRadiationResearchProgramcontinuedtobeondosesofradiation NASA’s OfficeofBiological andPhysicalResearch.Thefocusofresearchinthe to haveanongoinginteractionwiththeSpaceRadiationHealthProgramin standards forspecificmeasurements. has ledtonewalgorithmsfortheinstrumentsthatwillbeusedbyeachagencyas instruments, whichenabledresearcherstocomparetwosetsofdata.Thisresearch ure watervaporinthelowertroposphere.Bothagenciesprovidedground-based The OfficeofSciencecontinuedtomakeavailableNASAthe In FY2001,NASAandDoEdevelopedaMemorandumofAgreement The OfficeofScience’s Low-DoseRadiationResearchProgramcontinued The OfficeofScienceandNASAalsocollaboratedinajointefforttomeas- 107 F iscal Year 2001 Activities Most users of Grids will access Grid services via discipline-specific frame- will access Grid services via discipline-specific Most users of Grids In the computing area, the Office of Science and NASA continued their NASA continued of Science and area, the Office In the computing works that are built from services that use the World Wide Web. The Office of Web. Wide from services that use the World works that are built on various technologies that made Grid Science supplied and continued working The Office of Science has developed environment. services available in the Web movement of terabyte-sized datasets, data a range of basic Grid services for reliable techniques to minimize data access times, replication, and location management Berkeley National Office of Science laboratories, the Lawrence etc. Two set up experimental Grids with Laboratory, Laboratory and the Argonne National to identify and resolve the technical and NASA's Ames Research Center in order operation of the authenti- configuration issues that arise from cross-institutional cross-operation of the directory services cation and security infrastructure, and for Grids. that are the central information service collaboration on “Grids,” an innovative way to transfer data among geographically data among innovative way to transfer on “Grids,” an collaboration and higher. per second at rates of a gigabyte computer systems disbursed multidisciplinary benefiting from Grid technology include Disciplines that are climate analysis and high-energy physics data analysis, aerospace system design, The Office of Science remote instrument operation. prediction, and large-scale definition and the Global Grid Forum, a technology and NASA also conducted to the field. that is providing an invaluable contribution standards organization 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 107 Page PM 3:25 3/20/03 report 2001 2001 report3/20/033:25PMPage108 108

Aeronautics and Space Report of the President 109 F iscal Year 2001 Activities NSTITUTION I SAO continued to operate NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory, which X-ray Observatory, Chandra SAO continued to operate NASA’s MITHSONIAN The Smithsonian Institution continued to contribute to national aerospace goals The Smithsonian Institution continued Astrophysical Observatory (SAO), through the activities of the Smithsonian College Observatory in Cambridge, which is joined with the Harvard Center for Astrophysics (CfA). Massachusetts, to form the Harvard-Smithsonian broad program of research in astronomy, Here, over 300 scientists engage in a Smithsonian National Air and Space astrophysics, and science education. The also contributed to national aerospace DC, Museum (NASM) in Washington, activities. goals through its research and education in FY 2001 with a series of widely completed its second year of observations FY 2001, Chandra observations led to an reported results and discoveries. During Chandra took the deepest x-ray images enhanced understanding of black holes. to be teeming with black holes, probed the ever and found the early universe likely as the “event horizon,” observed the x-ray theoretical edge of a black hole known the afterglows of gamma-ray bursts, and captured the first x-ray flare ever seen from data also shed light Chandra massive black hole in the center of the Milky Way. date on the distribution of dark matter by yielding the most accurate estimate to of the amount of dark matter in galaxy clusters. In the field of supernova research, in Chandra associated a pulsar with a supernova recorded by Chinese astronomers 386 AD (only the second pulsar to be associated with a historically observed super- and nova), and a team of three high school students using x-ray data from Chandra Large Array Very radio data from the National Radio Astronomy Observatory’s discovered a neutron star within a nearby supernova remnant. S 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 109 Page PM 3:25 3/20/03 report 2001 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 110

110 SAO also continued its role as the leader of another NASA satellite, the Submillimeter Wave Astronomy Satellite (SWAS), a space telescope used to study the chemistry and dynamics of the interstellar gas clouds in the Milky Way galaxy. In FY 2001, SWAS observed massive amounts of water vapor surrounding an aging giant star about 500 light years from Earth. The SWAS observations provided the first evidence that extrasolar planetary systems contain water. Scientists concluded that this water likely comes from a of icy comets surrounding the star which are gradually being vaporized. This result was the subject of a NASA Space Science Update news conference held at NASA Headquarters in Washington, DC. In FY 2001, using ground-based observations, SAO scientists discovered high-energy gamma-ray emissions from so-called “extreme” galaxies and created the first large-scale map of the galactic center using emissions from carbon monox- ide molecules at submillimeter wavelengths. They also discovered a young star repeatedly emitting spheres of gas into space. An international team of astronomers including a member from SAO discovered dusty disks surrounding young brown dwarfs in the Orion Nebula, indicating that brown dwarfs probably form in a manner similar to stars. SAO scientists set new limits on the amount of material in the outer reaches of the solar system by studying the diffused light from Kuiper Belt Objects too small to be seen directly. Their data set constraints on the- ories of planet formation in our solar system. Solar scientists at SAO continued to study the electrically charged atoms Aeronautics and Space Report of the President (ions) that the Sun expels into the solar system via coronal mass ejections. New observations from SAO’s UltraViolet Coronagraph Spectrometer (UVCS) aboard the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) spacecraft allowed scientists to: 1) probe physical processes in the explosive coronal mass ejections that can have a strong impact on Earth’s local space environment, and 2) observe, for the first time, the properties of the sources of the high-speed solar wind as these sources reform in conjunction with the Sun’s switch in magnetic polarity. These measure- ments are coordinated with other SOHO instruments and with the extreme ultraviolet images from the Transition Region and Coronal Explorer satellite. UVCS ultraviolet spectra of sungrazing comets indicated that the nuclei of those comets are in the range of 10–20 meters in diameter. These spectra also provided unique probes of the density and speed of the solar wind. 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 111

The Science Education Department (SED) at CfA continued to host teach- 111 ers from across the United States at sessions designed to train them in the use of F

the department’s many curriculum programs for grades 3–12. SED activities Activities iscal Year2001 included the “MicroObservatory Program,” which enables classrooms to control small telescopes located around the world. Using MicroObservatory, students can plan observations, take data, and share their results with other schools. SED worked with a consortium of teachers from across the Nation to develop the “From the Ground UP!” program—a series of investigations in physical science for middle and high school students using the MicroObservatory network. SED’s Science Media Group produced four television workshops and documentaries, ranging from a 1-hour special on science and sports to an eight- part workshop exploring the science of force and motion. SED also continued managing the Annenberg/CPB Channel, a satellite/Web service broadcasting free educational programming nationwide for schools, colleges, and communities. The channel’s reach has grown over the past year to 62,000 schools and 38 million households. SAO continued to offer its popular Observatory Night lectures and tele- scope observing to the public on a monthly basis. Lectures aimed at general audiences drew more than 100 people to most events. A new program of monthly “Sci-Fi Movie Nights” was introduced, offering attendees the chance to learn about science in a fun way by comparing what Hollywood got right versus what it got wrong. A CfA scientist introduced each film by discussing the science shown and the social context in which the film was made. These movie nights, with the theme “Everything we learned about science, we learned at the movies,” proved extremely popular, with attendances of up to 100 people, and were frequented by science and science-fiction enthusiasts of all ages. SAO also continued to offer “Children’s Night” programs aimed at younger audiences. Staff of the Center for Earth & Planetary Studies (CEPS) at the National Air and Space Museum were selected as science team members for the 2005 Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. Dr. John Grant is a co-investigator for the HiRISE High- Resolution Imager, which will be capable of color and stereo imaging with about six times higher resolution than any current images of Mars. This imagery will be crucial for understanding the evolution of Mars and the changing role that water has played in shaping the surface of the planet. CEPS chairman Dr. Bruce 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 112

112 Campbell is a member of the science team for the Shallow Subsurface Sounding Radar. This system will use radio waves to penetrate the upper kilometer of the Martian crust, map subsurface geologic layering, and search for buried ice and water deposits. Dr. Campbell was also selected as one of 10 principal investigators to receive NASA funding for a 6-month concept study of the Mars Scout Radar instrument proposed for the Mars Scout missions. CEPS staff were further involved in planetary mission planning through co-chairing the Mars Landing Site Steering Group, participating in the Mars Exploration Payload Analysis Group, serving on the Messenger Science Team, and working on numerous other NASA evaluation groups. CEPS continued its active research program in planetary and terrestrial geology and geophysics using remote-sensing data from Earth-orbiting satellites and manned and unmanned space missions. The scope of research activities included work on Mercury, Venus, the Moon, and Mars, and corresponding field studies in terrestrial analog regions. CEPS staff studied a variety of geologic processes such as volcanism, cratering, tectonics, and sand movement. As a NASA Regional Planetary Imagery Facility, CEPS continued to house an extensive collection of images of the planets and their satellites. In addition, CEPS staff participated in the development and presentation of exhibits and public programs, including teacher workshops, special events, and outreach activ- ities in the community. Staff continued to be responsible for developing and maintaining the National Air and Space Museum Web site, including innovative Aeronautics and Space Report of the President online exhibit materials, interactive educational programs, research highlights, and virtual tours of the museum’s galleries. 113 F iscal Year 2001 Activities PPENDICES A 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 113 Page PM 3:25 3/20/03 report 2001 2001 report3/20/033:25PMPage114 114

Aeronautics and Space Report of the President OA ,9 5 715 97 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 153 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,499 0 0 7 1 2 0 1 1 0 4 0 0 1 1 0 1 3 1 The criterionofsuccessorfailureusedisattainmentEarthorbit escaperatherthanjudgmentofmissionsuccess 8 1 4 a. 8 0 1 3 32 3 0 TOTAL 8 40 0 1 24 0 3 2 16 1 10 2 2 9 4 7 4 4 11 0 0 4 37 2 35 2 0 31 0 4 21 4 0 20 2 1 1 16 2 0 18 2 0 1991 34 2 1990 27 1 1989 33 1 1988 30 1987 15 27 4 1986 23 1985 12 33 7 1984 45 8 1983 36 1982 11 58 1981 12 61 1980 12 78 1979 12 9 94 1978 8 93 1977 1 69 1976 62 1975 55 1974 35 1973 16 1972 9 1971 5 1970 0 1969 1968 1967 EarthOrbit 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 Y Calendar 963 0 3 0 0 2 2 1 31 OPAL, CountsOCS, FALCONSAT, andASUSAT microsatellitesasoneset,andThePicosats 4-8asanotherset. f. This includestheSSTILewisspacecraftthatbeganspinningoutofcontrol shortlyafteritachievedEarthorbit. e. Thiscountsthefiveorbitaldebrisradarcalibrationspheres thatwerelaunchedfromSTS-63asonesetofspacecraft. d. This excludescommercialsatellites.Itcountsseparatelyspacecraftlaunched bythesamelaunchvehicle. 30 c. ThisEarth-escapefailuredidattainEarthorbitand,therefore, isincludedintheEarth-orbitsuccesstotals. 24 b. 31 4 28 0 26 2001 2000 1999 35 1998 23 1997 22 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 a ucs alr ucs Failure Success Failure Success ear include allthatwereintendedtogo atleastanaltitudeequaltolunardistancefromEarth. (through September30,2001) (Includes spacecraftfromcooperatingcountrieslaunchedbyU.S.launchvehicles.) U .S. Government Spacecraft Record 6030 3 0 16 c c c c f e c, d A a PPENDIX 000010210110110010000 A-1 Earth Escape . “Escape”flights a b 115 F iscal Year 2001 Activities 1 2 2 r than spacecraft, it does b b b b 12 10 1 mmunications satellite. b d People’s European A-2 11 211 1 1 2 Japan of China Australia Kingdom Agency India Israel PPENDIX A b b b a Italy a b 93123 45 1 1545 1 49 2 33 25 7 6 1 3 6255 2 2 1 3 9 7 1 in Attaining Earth Orbit or Beyond Earth Orbit Attaining in orld Record of Space Launches Successful Launches of Space orld Record c c c c c c (Enumerates launches rather than spacecraft; some launches orbited multiple spacecraft.) rather than spacecraft; some launches orbited (Enumerates launches W not include separate spacecraft released from the Shuttle. for this co This includes the launch of ChinaSat 7, even though a third stage rocket failure led to a virtually useless orbit ear States CIS France TOTAL 1,233a.b. have been joint and are listed under ESA. Since 1979, all launches for ESA member countries 3,657c. Includes foreign launches of U.S. spacecraft. and launches of the Space Shuttle, but because this table records launches rathe This includes commercial expendable launches 54 10 8 64 1 1 137 11 3 1994 26 d. 197119721973811974 22 301975 3019761 2319771978 83 271979 74 1 261980 86 24 981981101 32 1 2 1982 18 8 1698 1 1983 22 99 131984 22 181985 88 3 2 1986 871987 89 971988 98 1719891990 61991 8 121992 98 17 2 1993 91 27 1 95 20 1995 90 3 1 31 1996 74 24 1997 75 1 1998 2 27 11999 2 2 32 32000 3 372001 36(through September 30, 2001) 30 3 29 19 1 2 18 25 2 29 3 36 2 23 1 3 2 3 2 2 4 7 2 5 1 1 4 2 2 2 1 1 6 6 2 4 2 5 1 7 5 1 1 11 11 10 1 12 7 1 195719581959 10 3 1960 16 3 196120 1962 52 5 1 17 1963 38 1964 29 6 1965 2 19661967 571968 631969 731970 57 30 45 48 1 40 44 28 66 74 70 1 81 2 2 1 1 1 CalendarY United USSR/ Republic United Space 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 115 Page PM 3:25 3/20/03 report 2001 2001 report3/20/033:25PMPage116 116

Aeronautics and Space Report of the President anhDt Apogeeand Perigee(km), Period(min), Remarks InclinationtoEquator(°) MissionObjectives Launch Vehicle COSPAR Designation Spacecraft Name Launch Date pc htl 51.6° 91.7min unknown nanosatellite 110min 98.7min 98.7min reconnaissance 724.3min Atlas 2AS 2000-80A USA 155 Dec. 6,2000 20,177km Space Shuttle 2000-78A STS-97/ Nov. 30,2000 Delta 2 2000-75C 51.6° Munin Nov. 21,2000 Delta 2 unknown 2000-75B SAC-C Nov. 21,2000 Delta 2 2000-75A EO-1 Nov. 21,2000 Delta 2 2000-71A Navstar 49(USA154) Nov. 10,2000 Zenit 3SL/SeaLaunch Communications 2000-66A Thuraya 1* Oct. 21,2000 Atlas 2A 2000-65A USA 153 Oct. 20,2000 Space Shuttle 2000-62A STS-92/ Oct. 11,2000 Pegasus 2000-61A HETE 2* Oct. 9,2000 Successful Launches toOrbitonU.S. Launch Vehicles Endeavour Discovery iiayOrbitalparameters 365km Swedishauroral 1,794km International 701km Military 700km ISS Assembly 20,498km Earth Science Earth Science UnitedArab Geosynchronous OrbitalParameters Earth Science 381km GPS navigation 637km Communications Military ISS Assembly Science October 1,2000–September30,2001 A PPENDIX B 352 km research 693 km mission 682 km 690 km 380 km 594 km 92 min 97 min 95.4° 98.2° 98.2° 55.1° 2° Emirates satellite 117 F iscal Year 2001 Activities technology demonstrator 39.1° 92 min 365 km 357 min B PPENDIX (Continued) A October 1, 2000–September 30, 2001 October 1, 2000–September GPS navigationISS assemblyISS moduleMilitary 20,390 km ISS crew andsupplies 378 km Radio broadcast ISS orbital Space Science Geosynchronous ISS crew andassembly ISS orbital Geosynchronous parameters Radio broadcast Also known as XM Interplanetary Military 394 km Geosynchronous 377 km Also known as XM Geosynchronous Reportedly a laser Discovery Endeavour Atlantis Successful Launches to Orbit on U.S. Launch Vehicles Launch on U.S. to Orbit Launches Successful itan 4/Centaur Jan. 30, 2001 Launch DateSpacecraft NameCOSPAR DesignationLaunch Vehicle Mission ObjectivesNavstar 50 (USA 156)2001-4A Delta 2 Feb. 7, 2001 STS-98/ 2001-6A (°) Inclination to Equator Space Shuttle Remarks Feb. 7, 2001 Destiny module2001-6B Space Shuttle Feb. 27, 2001 USA 157 Period (min), 2001-9A (km), Perigee T Apogee and March 8, 2001 STS-102/ 2001-10A communications Space Shuttle km 158 March 18, 2001 XM 2*2001-12A Zenit 3SL/Sea Launch April 7, 2001 Mars Odyssey2001-14A Delta 2 satelliteApril 19, 2001 STS-100/ 51.5° parameters 2001-16ASpace ShuttleMay 8, 2001 XM 1*2001-18A Zenit/Sea Launch May 18, 2001 USA 1582001-20A Delta 2 satellite communications Rock mission 92.3 min 51.6° Roll communications 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 117 Page PM 3:25 3/20/03 report 2001 2001 report3/20/033:25PMPage118 118

Aeronautics and Space Report of the President anhDt Apogeeand Perigee(km), Period(min), Remarks InclinationtoEquator(°) MissionObjectives Launch Vehicle COSPAR Designation Spacecraft Name Launch Date Starshine 3 472 km the Kodiak Launch theKodiak 472km 51.6° 92.3min unknown Program(DSP)-21 Athena-1 2001-43B Picosat 9 Sept. 30,2001 Athena-1 reconnaissance 2001-43A 51.6° Starshine 3 92.2min Sept. 30,2001 Atlas 2AS/Centaur 2001-40A USA 160 Sept. 8,2001 AnisotropyProbe Space Shuttle secondLagrangian 2001-35A STS-105/ satellite 351min Aug. 10,2001 10,104km Delta 2 reconnaissance 2001-34A Genesis Aug. 8,2001 T 2001-33A USA 159 Aug. 6,2001 Atlas 2A 2001-31A 12 GOES July 23,2001 Space Shuttle 2001-28A STS-104/ July 12,2001 Delta 2 2001-27A MAP June 30,2001 Atlas 2AS 2001-26A ICO-F2* June 19,2001 itan 4B Successful Launches toOrbitonU.S. Launch Vehicles Discovery Atlantis cec 9 mBritish-built,U.S. 794km Firstlaunchfrom 472km Orbitalparameters 373km 402km Science Science DefenseSupport Varying parameters Geosynchronous Military assembly ISS crewand 390km Space Science Microwave Military Initial“parking”at Britishrelay W 10,216km ISS assembly Space Science Communications ahrGeosynchronous eather October 1,2000–September30,2001 A (Continued) PPENDIX B 0 i satellitetotest 101 min 9 mDoD-funded 794 km 372 km 4mnComplexinAlaska 94 min on astrophysics point 7 electronic 67° 67° 45° components satellite spacecraft 119 F iscal Year 2001 Activities Naval Academy as relay for amateur radio transmissions with and faculty, voice synthesizer 67° midshipmen at U.S. 67° University students 794 km communications 794 km microsatellite built on the Web. B PPENDIX (Continued) A October 1, 1998–September 30, 2001 October 1, 1998–September ScienceScience 794 km Prototype 794 km DoD-funded Successful Launches to Orbit on U.S. Launch Vehicles Launch on U.S. to Orbit Launches Successful Sept. 30, 2001 Launch DateSpacecraft NameCOSPAR DesignationLaunch Vehicle Mission ObjectivesPCSat 2001-43CAthena-1 (°) Inclination to Equator Sept. 30, 2001 Sapphire Remarks 2001-43DAthena-1 Period (min), Administration. Aviation * Commercial launch licensed as such by the Federal (km), Perigee More launch data is available at Apogee and 101 min satellite built by 101 min by Stanford 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 119 Page PM 3:25 3/20/03 report 2001 2001 report3/20/033:25PMPage120 120

Aeronautics and Space Report of the President plo9Mr ,16 ae .MDvt 011Successfullysimulatedin Earth orbitoperationof cosmonautsfromSoyuz5to Soyuz4. 10:1:1 3:0:56 Soyuz4and5dockedtransferredtwo Firsthumanorbit(s)ofMoon; firsthuman JamesA.McDivitt 2:23:23 6:3:1 Mar. 3,1969 ManeuverednearuncrewedSoyuz2. BorisV. Volynov VladimirA.Shatalov 3:22:51 Jan.15,1969 Jan.14,1969 FirstU.S.three-personmission. Cosmonautkilledinreentryaccident. FrankBorman GeorgiyT. 10:20:9 Beregovoy Apollo 9 1:2:37 LongestEVA todate(Aldrin,5hrs.). Dec.21,1968 Oct.26,1968 Firstinitial-orbitdocking;firsttetheredflight; 3:22:35 Firstdualrendezvous(Gemini 10with Soyuz 5 Walter M.Schirra, Jr. VladimirM.Komarov Soyuz 4 2:23:17 2:22:47 Oct.11,1968 Apr. 23,1967 EVA; rendezvous. Apollo 8 JamesA.Lovell,Jr. Soyuz 3 Firstdockingoftwoorbitingspacecraft 3:0:21 CharlesConrad, Jr. Nov. 11,1966 0:10:41 Longesthumanflighttodate. JohnW. Young Sep.12, 1966 Apollo 7 Rendezvouswithin30cmofGemini7. Soyuz 1 13:18:35 July18, 1966 ThomasP. Stafford 1:1:51 Gemini 12 NeilA.Armstrong 21-min.EVA (White). Longestdurationhumanflighttodate. June3,1966 Gemini 11 Mar. 16,1966 FirstU.S.two-personflight;firstmanual 4:1:56 7:22:55 Walter M.Schirra,Jr. Gemini 10 FrankBorman 0:4:53 Dec.15,1965 Gemini 9-A Dec.4,1965 L.GordonCooper, Jr. Gemini 8 JamesA.McDivitt Aug.21,1965 Gemini 6-A June3,1965 Virgil I.Grissom Gemini 7 Mar. 23,1965 Gemini 5 Gemini 4 FirstU.S.flightexceeding24hrs. Landed8kmfromtarget. Gemini 3 1:10:20 0:9:13 Landed400kmbeyondtarget. FirstAmericantoorbit. V 0:4:56 0:4:55 L.GordonCooper, Jr. Walter M.Schirra,Jr. Suborbital;capsulesankafterlanding; May15,1963 V 3,1962 Oct. V Highlights 0:0:16 FirstU.S.flight;suborbital. M.ScottCarpenter V JohnH.Glenn,Jr. Mercury-Atlas 9 Flight Time 0:0:15 May24,1962 Mercury-Atlas 8 Feb.20,1962 V V Mercury-Atlas 7 Virgil I.Grissom AlanB.Shepard,Jr. Mercury-Atlas 6 V July21,1961 May5,1961 Crew Mercury-Redstone 4 Mercury-Redstone 3 LaunchDate V Spacecraft shd2Mr 8 95PvlI eyyv122Firstextravehicularactivity (EVA), byLeonov, 1:2:2 Firstthree-personcrew. Seconddualmission(with Vostok 6). Firstwomaninspace;within5kmofVostok 1:0:17 5. 4:23:6 PavelI.Belyayev Camewithin6kmofVostok 3. 2:22:50 Mar. 18,1965 2:22:59 VladimirM.Komarov Valentina V. Firstflightexceeding24hrs. Tereshkova Firstdualmission(withVostok 4). Valery F. Bykovskiy Oct.12,1964 June16,1963 1:1:18 3:22:25 June14,1963 2 oskhod PavelR.Popovich Firsthumanflight. AndriyanG.Nikolayev Aug.12,1962 0:1:48 1 oskhod Aug.11,1962 GermanS.Titov ostok 6 ostok 5 Aug.6,1961 ostok 4 Yury A.Gagarin ostok 3 Apr. 12,1961 ostok 2 ostok 1 U .S. andRussianHumanSpaceFlights David R. Scott lunar module tolanding andtakeofffromlunar lunarmodule surfaceandrejoining withcommandmodule. departurefromEarth’s sphereofinfluence; Russell L.Schweickart David R.Scott Y Aleksey A.Yeliseyev W Agena10,then8). James A.Lovell,Jr. highestEarth-orbit altitude(1,372km.). R. Walter Cunningham (Gemini8withAgenatargetrocket). Donn F. Eisele Edwin E.Aldrin,Jr. Richard F. Gordon,Jr. Michael Collins Eugene A.Cernan maneuversinorbit. David R.Scott Thomas P. Stafford James A.Lovell,Jr. Charles Conrad,Jr. Edward H.White,II John W. Young Aleksey A.Leonov Boris G.Yegorov Konstantin P. Feoktistov 1961–September 30,2001 evgeniy V. Khrunov illiam A.Anders A PPENDIX (days:hrs:min) C highest speedattainedinhumanflighttodate. 10 min. astronaut safe. 121 F iscal Year 2001 Activities experiments on lunar surface. certain experiments, 19, 1967. on Apr. recovery on June 30, 1971. 12 sec. was performed during return trip. C (days:hrs:min) PPENDIX (Continued) A iktor N. Gorbatko observation. italiy I. Sevastyanov iktor I. Patsayev of Soyuz 11 capsule perished in final phase alery N. Kubasov without actually docking. Each conducted 1961–September 30, 2001 1961–September John W. YoungJohn W. Eugene A. CernanMichael CollinsEdwin E. Aldrin, Jr.V V Vladislav N. Volkov lunar surface. including lunar module to 14,300 m from the Aleksey S. Yeliseyev and human deployment of samples to Earth return of rock and soil return to Earth. First Gordon, Jr.Richard F. Alan L. Bean Haise, Jr.Fred W. John L. Swigert, Jr.V Moon and retrieved parts of Surveyor 3 Stuart A. RoosaEdgar D. MitchellAleksey S. YeliseyevNikolay N. Rukavishnikov spacecraft, which landed in Ocean of Storms Ship circled Moon, with crew using Lunar Vladislav N. Volkov Module as “lifeboat” until just before reentry. V Alfred M. WordenJames B. Irwin strated pinpoint landing capability and 24, 1971. recovered Apr. continued human exploration. 19. Crew space station launched Apr. Charles M. Duke, Jr. Thomas K. Mattingly II occupied space station for 22 days. Crew Harrison H. SchmittRonald E. Evans KerwinJoseph P. series mission, which carried Lunar Roving Paul J. Weitz of 38 min., inflight EVA Worden’s Vehicle. Jack R. Lousma Owen K. Garriott Oleg G. Makarov again with roving vehicle. 14) for 28 days. Repaired damaged station. .S. and Russian Human Space Flights Human Space Russian .S. and U Apollo 11Soyuz 6 July 16, 1969Soyuz 7 Neil A. ArmstrongSoyuz 8 Oct. 11, 1969Apollo 12 Georgiy Shonin 8:3:9 Oct. 12, 1969 surface and safe First human landing on lunar Filipchenko A. V. Apollo 13 Oct. 13, 1969 1969 14, Nov. 4:22:42 Vladimir A. ShatalovSoyuz 9 Charles Conrad, Jr. Soyuz 6, 7, and 8 operated as a group flight 4:22:41Apollo 14 11, 1970 Apr. 4:22:50 including welding and Earth and celestial Jr. James A. Lovell, 10:4:36Soyuz 10 June 1, 1970 surface of Second human lunar landing explored Jan. 31, 1971Soyuz 11 5:22:55 Andriyan G. Nikolayev Alan B. Shepard, Jr. Mission aborted; explosion in service module. 22, 1971 Apr. 17:16:59Apollo 15 Vladimir A. Shatalov Longest human space flight to date. June 6, 1971 9:0:2Apollo 16 Dobrovolskiy Georgiy T. 1:23:46 Third human lunar landing. Mission demon- July 26, 1971 23:18:22 Docked with , but crew did not board Apollo 17 David R. Scott Docked with Salyut 1, and Soyuz 11 crew 16, 1972 Apr. 2 Young John W. Dec. 7, 1972Skylab 3 12:7:12 Eugene A. Cernan Fourth human lunar landing and first Apollo “J” May 25, 1973Soyuz 12 11:1:51 Charles Conrad, Jr. July 28, 1973 12:13:52 with roving vehicle. Fifth human lunar landing, Sixth and final Apollo human lunar landing, Alan L. Bean Sep. 27, 1973 28:0:50 G. Lazarev Vasiliy Docked with Skylab 1 (launched uncrewed May 59:11:9 1:23:16 than 59 days. Docked with Skylab 1 for more Checkout of improved Soyuz. Apollo 10 1969 May 18, Stafford Thomas P. 8:0:3 complete system, Successfully demonstrated Spacecraft Date Launch Crew Flight Time Highlights 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 121 Page PM 3:25 3/20/03 report 2001 2001 report3/20/033:25PMPage122 122

Aeronautics and Space Report of the President pccatLuc aeCe lgtTm Highlights Flight Time Crew LaunchDate Spacecraft ou 3Ar 0 99Gog .Iao :31Failedtoachievedockingwith Salyut6station. DockedwithSalyut6,laterservedasferryfor 1:23:1 7:18:17 (unmannedat launch) 108:4:24 June6,1979 GeorgiI.Ivanov DockedwithSalyut6.Hermaszewski wasfirst Apr. 10,1979 7:22:4 VladimirA.Lyakhov 67:20:14 Feb.25,1979 Soyuz 34 DockedwithSalyut6.RemekwasfirstCzech Valery F. Bykovskiy Soyuz 33 9:15:23 7:22:17 Aug.26,1978 PetrI.Klimuk Soyuz 32 June27,1978 VladimirV. Kovalenok DockedwithSalyut6.Crewreturnedin DockedwithSalyut6.Crewreturnedin AlekseyA.Gubarev June15,1978 37:10:6 FailedtoachieveharddockwithSalyut6 64:22:53 DockedwithSalyut5andoccupiedstation. VladimirA.Dzhanibekov Soyuz 31 Mar. 2,1978 2:0:46 FailedtodockwithSalyut 5. 17:17:23 Soyuz 30 Jan.10,1978 Yury V. Romanenko 2:0:6 VladimirV. Kovalenok Earthresourcesstudywithmultispectralcamera Soyuz 29 Dec.10,1977 DockedwithSalyut5and occupied station. Viktor V. Gorbatko 7:21:54 Soyuz 28 Oct.9,1977 48:1:32 DockedwithSoyuz19injoint(ASTP) Soyuz 27 Vyacheslav Feb.7,1977 D. Zudov 9:1:28 Soyuz 26 Valery F. Oct.14,1976 Bykovskiy Target forApolloindocking andjoint DockedwithSalyut4and occupied station. BorisV. Volynov Soyuz 25 Sep.15,1976 5:22:31 62:23:20 Soyuz 24 July6,1976 ThomasP. Stafford Soyuz 23 July15,1975 AlekseyA.Leonov DockedwithSalyut4andoccupiedstation. Soyuz 22 Soyuzstagesfailedtoseparate;crewrecovered PetrI.Klimuk July15,1975 29:13:20 Soyuz 21 Test ofApollo-SoyuzTest Project(ASTP) 0:0:20 May24,1975 RendezvousedbutdidnotdockwithSalyut3. 5:22:24 DockedwithSalyut3andSoyuz14crew AlekseyA.Gubarev Apollo Astrophysical,biological,andEarthresources 2:0:12 15:17:30 AnatolyV. Filipchenko Soyuz 19 7:20:55 Jan.10,1975 Vasiliy G.Lazarev DockedwithSkylab1inlong-duration mission; Soyuz 18 Dec.2,1974 GennadyV. Sarafanov Apr. 5,1975 84:1:16 PavelR.Popovich Anomaly (Soyuz18A) Aug.26,1974 Soyuz 17 July3,1974 PetrI.Klimuk Soyuz 16 Dec.18,1973 GeraldP. Carr Soyuz 15 Nov. 16,1973 Soyuz 14 Soyuz 13 Skylab 4 U .S. andRussianHumanSpaceFlights 1961–September 30,2001 imn ah crewduration7days, 20hrs.,49min. Polishcosmonaut toorbit. cosmonauttoorbit. Nikolay N.Rukavishnikov V crewduration139days,14hrs.,48min. Sigmund Jaehn Soyuz27;crewduration96days,10hrs. Miroslaw Hermaszewski Aleksandr S.Ivanchenkov Vladimir Remek Oleg G.Makarov system. Georgiy M.Grechko V experimentsofASTP mission. Y V Vladimir V. Aksenov afterabort. V V Donald K.Slayton V configuration. V Oleg G.Makarov Georgiy M.Grechko lastofSkylabprogram. Nikolay N.Rukavishnikov Lev S.Demin Y V W Edward G.Gibson ury N.Glazkov occupiedspacestation. ury P. Artyukhin lr .Rui crewduration175days, 36min. alery V. Ryumin station. alery V. Ryumin experimentsofASTPmission. alery I.Rozhdestvenskiy ance D.Brand alery N.Kubasov experiments. alentin V. Lebedev italiy M.Zholobov italiy I.Sevastyanov illiam R.Pogue A (Continued) PPENDIX (days:hrs:min) C Docked withSalyut6.CrewreturnedinSoyuz34; Docked withSalyut6.CrewreturnedinSoyuz29; Docked withSalyut6.CrewreturnedinSoyuz31; without acrew. Soyuz 32crewwhilereturned Ivanov wasfirstBulgariancosmonaut toorbit. cosmonaut toorbit. Jaehn wasfirstGermanDemocraticRepublic Soyuz 26;crewduration5days,22hrs.,59min. 123 F iscal Year 2001 Activities ested remote manipulator of Space Shuttle; first DoD payload; with . Gurragcha first Mongolian Farkas was first Hungarian to orbit. Farkas was first Hungarian to orbit. Pham was first Vietnamese orbit for reuse. 1). T payload (OSTA arm. Returned for reuse. manipulator arm. Flight extended 1 day because of flooding landing site; at primary alternate landing site used. Returned for reuse. additional scientific payloads. Returned July 4. Completed testing program. Returned for reuse. spacesuits malfunctioned. Docked with Salyut 6. Crew returned in Soyuz 37. Docked with Salyut 6. Crew returned in Soyuz 35. Docked with Salyut 6. Crew Docked with Salyut 6. Crew returned in Soyuz 36. Second flight of Space Shuttle; first scientific Docked with . Crew duration of 211 days. 7:1:9 Fourth flight 7:20:43 Docked C (days:hrs:min) PPENDIX (Continued) A illiam B. Lenoir test canceled when crew members. EVA Story Musgrave iktor P. Savinykh iktor P. alery V. Ryuminalery V. Crew duration 184 days, 20 hrs., 12 min. alentin Lebedev Crew returned in Soyuz T-7.

V Bertalan Farkas AksenovVladimir V. Pham Tuan MendezArnaldo Tamayo Oleg G. MakarovGennady M. Strekalov Crew duration 7 days, 20 hrs., 46 min. generation ferry. V Jugderdemidiyn Gurragcha to orbit. Crew duration 7 days, 20 hrs., 42 min. Dumitru Prunariu in Soviet program since 1971. cosmonaut to orbit. cosmonaut to orbit. V Aleksandr IvanchenkovJean-Loup Chrétien Aleksandr SerebrovSvetlana Savitskaya orbit. cosmonaut to AllenJoseph P. W Donald H. Peterson to orbit. Crew returned in Soyuz T-5. F. (SBS 3 and C-3); first flight with four 1961–September 30, 2001 1961–September .S. and Russian Human Space Flights Human Space Russian .S. and U (STS-6) Karol J. Bobko (STS-1) Robert L. Crippen(STS-3) C. Gordon Fullerton orbit. First landing of airplane-like craft from (STS-5) payload (OSS 1). Second test of remote Overmyer F. Robert flight; launched two commercial satellites (STS-4) Hartsfield, Jr. W. Henry (STS-2) Richard H. Truly Columbia Columbia Columbia Challenger Columbia Columbia Soyuz 35 9, 1980 Apr. Leonid I. Popov 55:1:29 Spacecraft Date Launch Soyuz 36 CrewSoyuz T-2Soyuz 37 May 26, 1980 N. Kubasov Valery Flight TimeSoyuz 38 June 5, 1980 Highlights Soyuz T-3 Malyshev V. Yury July 23, 1980 65:20:54 Gorbatko V. Soyuz T-4 Viktor Sep. 18, 1980Soyuz 39 27, 1980 Nov. 3:22:21 Romanenko V. Yury 79:15:17 Space Shuttle Leonid D. Kizim Docked with Salyut 6. First crewed flight of new- 12, 1981 Mar. 7:20:43Soyuz 40 Kovalenok Vladimir V. Apr .12, 1981 22, 1981 Mar. was first Cuban Docked with Salyut 6. Tamayo 12:19:8 Young W. John 74:18:38 Vladimir A. Dzhanibekov Space Shuttle Docked with Salyut 6. First three-person flight Docked with Salyut 6. May 14, 1981Space Shuttle 12, 1981 Nov. Leonid I. Popov Joe H. Engle 2:6:21 22, 1982 Mar. spacecraft in First flight of Space Shuttle; tested Soyuz T-5 R. Lousma Jack Soyuz T-6 7:20:41 Docked with Salyut 6. Prunariu first Romanian 2:6:13 Space Shuttle May 13, 1982 8:0:5 June 24, 1982 Anatoly BerezovoySoyuz T-7 June 27, 1982 second scientific Third flight of Space Shuttle; Vladimir Dzhanibekov Thomas K. Mattingly II Space Shuttle 211:9:5 7:21:51 Aug. 19, 1982 Docked with Salyut 7. Chrétien first French 11, 1982 Nov. Leonid PopovSpace Shuttle D. Brand Vance 4, 1983 Apr. 7:21:52 Paul J. Weitz 5:2:14 Docked with Salyut 7. Savitskaya second woman Fifth flight of Space Shuttle; first operational 5:0:24 Sixth flight of Space Shuttle; launched TDRS-1. 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 123 Page PM 3:25 3/20/03 report 2001 2001 report3/20/033:25PMPage124 124

Aeronautics and Space Report of the President pccatLuc aeCe lgtTm Highlights Flight Time Crew LaunchDate Spacecraft pc htl c.5 94Rbr .Cipn852 ThirteenthflightofSpaceShuttle;firstwith 8:5:24 RobertL.Crippen Twelfth flightofSpaceShuttle.First 6:0:56 Oct.5,1984 DockedwithSalyut7station.FirstfemaleEVA. 11:19:14 Space Shuttle HenryW. Hartsfield EleventhflightofSpaceShuttle;deployment VladimirDzhanibekov Aug.30,1984 DockedwithSalyut7station. Sharmafirst 6:23:41 July17,1984 DockedwithSalyut7station. Crewsetspace 181:21:48 Space Shuttle 62:22:43 RobertL.Crippen Soyuz T-12 Yury Malyshev Apr. 6,1984 Tenth flightofSpaceShuttle;twocommunica- Apr. 3,1984 LeonidKizim 7:23:16 Space Shuttle Feb.8,1984 Soyuz T-11 NinthflightofSpaceShuttle;first Vance D.Brand 10:7:47 Soyuz T-10 Feb.3,1984 EighthflightofSpaceShuttle;launchedone 6:1:9 DockedwithSalyut7station. Space Shuttle JohnW. Young 149:9:46 Nov. 28,1983 SeventhflightofSpaceShuttle;launchedtwo RichardH.Truly Failedtoachievedockingwith Salyut7station. VladimirLyakhov Space Shuttle 6:2:24 Aug.30,1983 2:0:18 June28,1983 Space Shuttle RobertL.Crippen Soyuz T-9 VladimirTitov June18,1983 Apr. 20,1983 Space Shuttle Soyuz T-8 SS4-)KtrnD ulvnoftwoU.S.womenandoneCanadian KathrynD.Sullivan forlaterretrieval;SolarMaximumSatellite RichardM.Mullane (STS 41-G) Challenger Terry J.Hart useofMannedManeuveringUnitinspace. (STS 41-D) Discovery BruceMcCandless (STS 41-C) Challenger (STS 41-B) Challenger Columbia Challenger Challenger SS9 rwtrW hwSpacelab1;firstflightofsixcrewmembers, BrewsterW. Shaw (STS-9) SS8 ailC rnesencommercialsatellite(Insat1-B);firstflight of commercialsatellites(AnikC-2andPalapa DanielC.Brandenstein FrederickH.Hauck (STS-8) (STS-7) U .S. andRussianHumanSpaceFlights 1961–September 30,2001 al .Rd (Garneau). sevencrewmembers, includingfirstflight U.S.nonastronaut. Paul D.Scully-Power David Leestma Sally K.Ride Jon A.McBride retrieved,repaired,andredeployed. Charles D.Walker Judith A.Resnik Long-DurationExposure Facility(LDEF-1) Steven A.Hawley SoyuzT-10. Michael L.Coats inSoyuzT-11. Indianinspace. Crew returnedin Igor Volk Svetlana Savistskaya durationrecordof237days.Crewreturned James D.vanHoften George D.Nelson Francis R.Scobee tionsatellitesfailed toachieveorbit;first Rakesh Sharma Gennady Strekalov (Merbold). Oleg Atkov astronauttoflyinU.S.spaceprogram Vladimir Solovev Robert L.Stewart Ronald E.McNair U.S.blackastronaut. Robert L.Gibson Ulf Merbold Byron K.Lichtenberg firstflightwithfivecrewmembers,including Robert A.R.Parker Owen K.Garriott firstwomanU.S.astronaut. B-1);alsolaunchedandretrievedSPAS 01; W Guion S.Bluford,Jr. Dale A.Gardner Aleksandr Aleksandrov Norman T. Thagard Sally K.Ride John M.Fabian Aleksandr Serebrov Gennady Strekalov illiam E.Thornton A (Continued) PPENDIX (days:hrs:min) C one ofwhomwasWest German;firstnon-U.S. 125 F iscal Year 2001 Activities asyutin became ill. Sept. 26, 1985. V C (days:hrs:min) PPENDIX (Continued) A illiam E. Thornton illiam A. Pailes illiam F. Fisher illiam F. Story Musgrave iktor Savinykh spacecraft, Earth with Grechko on Soyuz T-13

aylor Wang David M. WalkerAnna L. Fisher Dale A. Gardner Loren J. Shriver Buchli James F. Gary E. Payton Donald E. Williams communications and return of two disabled S. David Griggs Jeffrey A. Hoffman Charles D. Walker E. J. Garn Frederick D. GregoryNorman E. Thagard satellites. First U.S. Senator in space (Garn). W Lodewijk van den Berg T of Shuttle. V John O. CreightonJohn M. FabianSteven R. Nagel Patrick Baudry Prince Sultan Salman Al-Saud Roy D. Bridges England Anthony W. F. satellites. One reusable payload, Spartan-1. Arabian crew members. Ronald J. Grabe David C. Hilmers W Loren W. Acton Loren W. Bartoe John-David F. Richard O. CoveyW John M. Lounge Georgiy GrechkoAleksandr Volkov cations satellites. Repaired Syncom IV-3. and Vladimir Vasyutin Aleksandr Volkov, 21, 1985, when returned to Earth Nov. 1961–September 30, 2001 1961–September .S. and Russian Human Space Flights Human Space Russian .S. and U Discovery (STS 51-A)Discovery (STS 51-C)Discovery (STS 51-D) Allen Joseph P. Challenger Ellison S. Onizuka (STS 51-B) M. Rhea Seddon 6, Palapa B2) to Earth. satellites (Westar L. Lind Don Discovery (STS 51-G)Challenger (STS 51-F) Lucid Shannon W. Karl C. Henize First U.S. flight with French and Saudi Atlantis (STS 51-J) Robert L. Stewart Discovery (STS 51-I) James D. van Hoften Space Shuttle 8, 1984 Nov. Frederick H. Hauck 7:23:45 first retrieval Fourteenth flight of Space Shuttle; Spacecraft Date Launch CrewSpace Shuttle Jan. 24, 1985 Flight TimeSpace Shuttle Thomas K. Mattingly Highlights 12, 1985 Apr. 3:1:33 Karol J. BobkoSpace Shuttle STS flight. Dedicated DoD mission. Fifteenth 29, 1985 Apr. 6:23:55 Overmyer Robert F. communications Sixteenth STS flight. Two 7:0:9 Seventeenth STS flight. Spacelab-3 in cargo bay Soyuz T-13 June 5, 1985 Vladimir Dzhanibekov 112:3:12 Repair of Salyut-7. Dzhanibekov returned to Space Shuttle June 17, 1985 C. Brandenstein Daniel Space Shuttle 7:1:3929, 1985 July Eighteenth STS flight. Three communications Charles G. Fullerton 7:22:45 in cargo bay. Nineteenth STS flight. Spacelab-2 Space Shuttle Oct. 3, 1985 Karol J. Bobko 4:1:45 STS flight. Dedicated DoD mission. Twenty-first Space Shuttle Aug. 27, 1985Soyuz T-14 Joe H. Engle Sep. 17, 1985 Vladimir Vasyutin 7:2:18 three communi- STS flight. Launched Twentieth 64:21:52 Savinykh, Docked with Salyut 7 station. Viktor 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 125 Page PM 3:25 3/20/03 report 2001 2001 report3/20/033:25PMPage126 126

Aeronautics and Space Report of the President ou M7Nv 6 98AesnrVlo 5:1Dockedwith 151:11 AleksandrVolkov Nov. 26, 1988 Soyuz TM-7 Highlights Flight Time Crew LaunchDate Spacecraft pc htl e.2,18 rdrc .Huk41Twenty-sixth STSflight.LaunchedTDRS-3. 4:1 Dockedwith Dockedwith 8:19:27 9:20:13 FrederickH.Hauck Dockedwith Sep.29,1988 VladimirLyakhov 180:5 Aug.29, 1988 Viktor Savinykh Space Shuttle June7,1988 Soyuz TM-6 VladimirTitov Dockedwith Dockedwith Dec.21, 1987 Soyuz TM-5 160:7:16 Dockedwith 174:3:26 125:1:1 AleksandrViktorenko Soyuz TM-4 July22,1987 Yury Romanenko Feb.5,1987 Twenty-fourth STSflight.Launchedonecom- LeonidKizim Soyuz TM-3 6:2:4 Mar. 13,1986 Soyuz TM-2 Soyuz T-15 RobertL.Gibson Twenty-third STSflight.Launchedthreecom- 6:21:4 Jan.12,1986 Space Shuttle BrewsterH.Shaw Twenty-second STSflight.DedicatedGerman Nov. 26,1985 7:0:45 Space Shuttle HenryW. Hartsfield Oct.30,1985 Space Shuttle Discovery HouseofRepresentativesinspace(Bill astronaut(NeriVela). FranklinChang-Díaz MaryL.Cleave (STS 61-C) Columbia BonnieJ.Dunbar (STS 61-B) Atlantis (STS 61-A) Challenger SS2)RichardO.Covey (STS-26) U .S. andRussianHumanSpaceFlights 1961–September 30,2001 egyKiae returnedwithChrétien, VladimirTitov, andMusaManarov. Titov andManarov Jean-Loup Chrétien Sergey Krikalev George D.Nelson David C.Hilmers John M.Lounge bu omn inSoyuzTM-5. CrewreturnedJun. 17in SoyuzTM-4. Romanenko,Aleksandr Aleksandrov, and AnatolyLevchenkoreturnedDec.29in Abdul Mohmand V returnedwithYury Romanenko.Viktorenko Aleksandr Aleksandrov Anatoly Solovyev Aleksandrovremainedin Anatoly Levchenko establishedlong-distance stayinspacerecord Musa Manarov Mohammed Faris Aleksandr Aleksandrov Nelson). Aleksandr Laveykin municationssatellite. FirstmemberofU.S. Vladimir Solovyov Bill Nelson Robert Cenker George D.Nelson municationssatellites.FirstflightofMexican Steve A.Hawley Charles F. BoldenJr. Charles D.Walker Rudolfo NeriVela SpacelabD-1inshuttlecargobay.Jerry L.Ross C.Spring Sherwood Bryan D.O’Connor W Reinhard Furrer(FRG) Ernst Messerschmid Guion S.Bluford,Jr. James F. Buchli Steven R.Nagel lr oykvAfghanistaniinspace. CrewreturnedSept.7, alery Polyakov ubbo J.Ockels(ESA) A (Continued) PPENDIX (days:hrs:min) C returned Apr. 27,1989,inSoyuzTM-7. Krikalev, Volkov, andValery Polyakov completed 366-daymissionDec.21. Crewof Soyuz TM-3. medical problems.FarisfirstSyrianinspace. with AleksandrLaveykinwhoexperienced and FarisreturnedinSoyuzTM-2,July30, of 326days. transferred fromSalyut7backto transferred toSalyut7complex.OnJune25/26 Mir Mir Mir Mir Mir Mir space station.SoyuzTM-6 space station;Mohmandfirst space station. space station.CrewofYury space station.Aleksandr space station.Romanenko space stationonMay5/6 Mir 160 days, Mir . 127 F iscal Year 2001 Activities space station. Crew of space station. Crew returned space station. Crew returned Mir Mir Mir Soyuz TM-8, Feb. 9, 1990. Japanese cosmonaut and journalist in space. C (days:hrs:min) PPENDIX (Continued) A illiam M. Shepherd Story Musgrave

Richard M. Mullane Jerry L. Ross W Bagian James P. Buchli James F. Robert C. Springer Norman E. Thagard Mary L. Cleave Mark C. Lee James C. Adamson David C. Leestma Mark N. Brown Aleksandr Serebrov Lucid Shannon W. Franklin R. Chang-Díaz Ellen S. Baker Kathryn C. Thornton and Serebrov returned in Viktorenko F. Aleksandr BalandinDavid C. Hilmers Richard H. Mullane Pierre J. Thuot Steven A. Hawley Bruce McCandless II Aug. 9, 1990, in Soyuz TM-9. Kathryn D. Sullivan Gennady Strekalov Akiyama, Dec. 10, 1990, with Toyohiro Manley L. “Sonny” Carter Bonnie J. Dunbar Marsha S. Ivins G. David Low 1961–September 30, 2001 1961–September .S. and Russian Human Space Flights Human Space Russian .S. and U (STS-28) Richard N. Richards (STS-32) James D. Wetherbee and retrieved LDEF. (STS-29) John E. Blaha (STS-33) John E. Blaha(STS-31) mission. Bolden, Jr. Charles F. (HST). Telescope (STS-27) Guy S. Gardner(STS-30) Ronald J. Grabe mission. (STS-34) launched. Michael J. McCulley(STS-36) and orbiter Galileo. John H. Casper mission. Atlantis Discovery Atlantis Columbia Atlantis Discovery Atlantis Discovery Columbia Space Shuttle Dec. 2, 1988 Robert “Hoot” Gibson 4:9:6 STS flight. Dedicated DoD Twenty-seventh Spacecraft Date Launch CrewSpace Shuttle 13, 1989 Mar. Flight TimeSpace Shuttle Michael L. Coats Highlights May 4, 1989Space Shuttle 4:23:39 David M. Walker TDRS-4. STS flight. Launched Twenty-eighth Aug. 8, 1989Soyuz TM-8 Brewster H. Shaw 4:0:57Space Shuttle orbiter STS flight. Venus Twenty-ninth Sep. 5, 1989 Oct. 18, 1989 Aleksandr Viktorenko 5:1Space Shuttle Donald E. Williams DoD mission. Thirtieth STS flight. Dedicated 166:6 22, 1989 Nov. with Docked 4:23:39 D. Gregory Frederick Thirty-first STS flight. Launched Jupiter probe 5:0:7Space Shuttle DoD Thirty-second STS flight. Dedicated Feb. 28, 1990Space Shuttle John O. Creighton 24, 1990 Apr. Soyuz TM-10 4:10:19 Loren J. Shriver Thirty-fourth STS flight. Dedicated DoD Aug. 1, 1990 Gennady Manakov 5:1:16 Thirty-fifth STS flight. Launched Hubble Space 130:20:36 with Docked Space Shuttle9, 1990 Jan. Soyuz TM-9 Daniel C. Brandenstein Feb. 11, 1990 10:21 Anatoly Solovyov Thirty-third STS flight. Launched Syncom IV-5 178:22:19 Docked with 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 127 Page PM 3:25 3/20/03 report 2001 2001 report3/20/033:25PMPage128 128

Aeronautics and Space Report of the President pccatLuc aeCe lgtTm Highlights Flight Time Crew LaunchDate Spacecraft ou M1 e.2 90Vko fnse 7:15 Dockedwith 175:01:52 Thirty-eighthSTSflight. Astro-1incargobay. Viktor Afanasyev 8:23:5 Dec.2,1990 Thirty-seventhSTSflight.DedicatedDoD Soyuz TM-11 Vance D.Brand 4:21:55 Dec.2,1990 Thirty-sixthSTSflight.Ulyssesspacecraftto RichardO.Covey 4:2:10 Space Shuttle Nov. 15,1990 RichardN.Richards Space Shuttle Oct.6,1990 Space Shuttle pc htl e.1,19 onCegtn582 Forty-thirdSTSflight.LaunchedUpper 5:8:28 Forty-secondSTSflight. Launchedfourth 8:21:21 JohnCreighton Sep. 12,1991 JohnE.Blaha Forty-firstSTSflight.CarriedSpacelabLife Space Shuttle 9:2:15 Aug.2,1991 Space Shuttle BryanD.O’Connor June5,1991 Space Shuttle ou M1 a 8 91AaoyAteasi 4:52 Dockedwith 144:15:22 FortiethSTSflight.DedicatedDoDmission. AnatolyArtsebarskiy 8:7:22 May 18, 1991 Thirty-ninthSTSflight.LaunchedGammaRay 6:0:32 Soyuz TM-12 MichaelL.Coats Apr. 28,1991 StevenR.Nagel Space Shuttle Apr. 5,1991 Space Shuttle Columbia Atlantis Discovery Discovery Atlantis Columbia Discovery Atlantis SS3)FakL ubrsn r mission. FrankL.Culbertson,Jr. (STS-38) SS4)McalA ae Tracking andDataRelaySatellite MichaelA.Baker (STS-43) SS3)KnehD aeo Observatorytomeasurecelestialgamma-rays. KennethD.Cameron (STS-37) SS4)Rbr .Cbn investigateinterstellarspaceandtheSun. RobertD.Cabana (STS-41) SS4)KnehRihlr r AtmosphereResearchSatellite(UARS). KennethReightler, Jr. (STS-48) SS3)BlaineHammond,Jr. (STS-39) SS3)GuyS.Gardner (STS-35) SS4)Sde .GterzSciences(SLS-1)incargobay. SidneyM.Gutierrez (STS-40) U .S. andRussianHumanSpaceFlights 1961–September 30,2001 uaMnrvAkiyamareturnedDec.10,1990,with T Musa Manarov Ronald A.Parise Samuel T. Durrance Robert A.R.Parker John M.“Mike”Lounge Jeffrey A.Hoffman Carl J.Meade Robert C.Springer Charles “Sam”Gemar Thomas D.Akers W Bruce E.Melnick hno .Lcd(TDRS-5). Mark N.Brown James F. Buchli Charles D.Gemar James C.Adamson G. DavidLow Shannon W. Lucid CrewofViktorMillie Hughes-Fulford Afanasyev, MusaManarov, firstfromUnitedKingdom toflyinspace. Francis A.“Drew”Gaffney M. RheaSeddon T James P. Bagian Helen Sharman Sergei Krikalev Richard J.Hieb Lacy Veach Guion S.Bluford,Jr. Donald R.McMonagle Gregory L.Harbaugh Jay Apt Jerry L.Ross Linda Godwin yhr kym previous oyohiro Akiyama amara E.Jernigan illiam M.Shepherd A (Continued) PPENDIX (days:hrs:min) C and KrikalevdoingsoMar. 25,1992. Mir Artsebarskiy andKrikalevremainedonboard and HelenSharmanreturnedMay20,1991. and GennadyStrekalov. , withArtsebarskiyreturningOct.10,1991, Mir Mir Mir crew ofGennadyManakov space station.Toyohiro space station.HelenSharman 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 129

APPENDIX C (Continued) 129 F

U.S. and Russian Human Space Flights Activities iscal Year2001 1961–September 30, 2001

Spacecraft Launch Date Crew Flight Time Highlights (days:hrs:min)

Soyuz TM-13 Oct. 2, 1991 Aleksandr Volkov 90:16:00 Docked with Mir space station. Crew returned Toktar Aubakirov Oct. 10, 1991, with Anatoly Artsebarskiy (Kazakh Republic) in the TM-12 spacecraft. Franz Viehboeck (Austria) Space Shuttle Nov. 24, 1991 Frederick D. Gregory 6:22:51 Forty-fourth STS flight. Launched Defense Atlantis (STS-44) Tom Henricks Support Program (DSP) satellite. Jim Voss F. Story Musgrave Mario Runco, Jr. Tom Hennen Space Shuttle Jan. 22, 1992 Ronald J. Grabe 8:1:15 Forty-fifth STS flight. Carried International Discovery (STS-42) Stephen S. Oswald Microgravity Laboratory-1 in cargo bay. Norman E. Thagard David C. Hilmers William F. Readdy Roberta L. Bondar Ulf Merbold (ESA) Soyuz TM-14 Mar. 17, 1992 Aleksandr Viktorenko 145:15:11 First manned CIS space mission. Docked with Aleksandr Kaleri Mir space station Mar. 19. The TM-13 Klaus-Dietrich Flade capsule with Flade, Aleksandr Volkov, and (Germany) Sergei Krikalev returned to Earth Mar. 25. Krikalev had been in space 313 days. Viktorenko and Kaleri remained on the Mir space station. Space Shuttle Mar. 24, 1992 Charles F. Bolden 8:22:9 Forty-sixth STS flight. Carried Atmospheric Atlantis (STS-45) Brian Duffy Laboratory for Applications and Science Kathryn D. Sullivan (ATLAS-1). David C. Leestma Michael Foale Dirk D. Frimout Byron K. Lichtenberg Space Shuttle May 7, 1992 Daniel C. Brandenstein 8:21:18 Forty-seventh STS flight. Reboosted a crippled Endeavour (STS-49) Kevin P. Chilton INTELSAT VI . Richard J. Hieb Bruce E. Melnick Pierre J. Thuot Kathryn C. Thornton Thomas D. Akers Space Shuttle June 25, 1992 Richard N. Richards 13:19:30 Forty-eighth STS flight. Carried U.S. Columbia (STS-50) Kenneth D. Bowersox Microgravity Laboratory-1. Bonnie Dunbar Ellen Baker Carl Meade Lawrence J. DeLucas Eugene H. Trinh Soyuz TM-15 July 27, 1992 Anatoly Solovyov 189:17:43 Docked with Mir space station July 29. Tognini Sergei Avdeyev returned to Earth in TM-14 capsule with Michel Tognini (France) Aleksandr Viktorenko and Aleksandr Kaleri. Solovyov and Avdeyev spent over six months in the Mir orbital complex and returned to Earth in the descent vehicle of the TM-15 spacecraft on Feb. 1, 1993. 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 130

APPENDIX C 130 (Continued) U.S. and Russian Human Space Flights 1961–September 30, 2001

Spacecraft Launch Date Crew Flight Time Highlights (days:hrs:min)

Space Shuttle Jul. 31, 1992 Loren J. Shriver 7:23:16 Forty-ninth STS flight. Deployed Tethered Atlantis (STS-46) Andrew M. Allen Satellite System-1 and Eureca 1. Claude Nicollier (ESA) Marsha S. Ivins Jeffrey A. Hoffman Franklin R. Chang-Díaz Franco Malerba (Italy) Space Shuttle Sep. 12, 1992 Robert L. Gibson 7:22:30 Fiftieth STS flight. Carried Spacelab J. Jemison Endeavour (STS-47) Curtis L. Brown, Jr. first African American woman to fly in Mark C. Lee space. Mohri first Japanese to fly on NASA Jerome Apt spacecraft. Lee and Davis first married couple N. Jan Davis in space together. Mae C. Jemison Mamoru Mohri Space Shuttle Oct. 22, 1992 James D. Wetherbee 9:20:57 Fifty-first STS flight. Studied influence of Columbia (STS-52) Michael A. Baker gravity on basic fluid and solidification William M. Shepherd processes using U.S. Microgravity Tamara E. Jernigan Payload-1 in an international mission. Charles L. Veach Deployed second Laser Geodynamics Satellite Steven G. MacLean and Canadian Target Assembly. Space Shuttle Dec. 2, 1992 David M. Walker 7:7:19 Fifty-second STS flight. Deployed the last major Discovery (STS-53) Robert D. Cabana DoD classified payload planned for Shuttle Guion S. Bluford, Jr. (DoD 1) with ten different secondary payloads. James S. Voss Michael Richard Clifford Space Shuttle Jan. 13, 1993 John H. Casper 5:23:39 Fifty-third STS flight. Deployed Tracking and Endeavour (STS-54) Donald R. McMonagle Data Relay Satellite-6. Operated Diffused Gregory J. Harbaugh X-ray Spectrometer Hitchhiker experiment to Mario Runco, Jr. collect data on stars and galactic gases. Susan J. Helms

Aeronautics and Space Report of the President Soyuz TM-16 Jan. 24, 1993 Gennady Manakov 179:0:44 Docked with Mir space station Jan. 26. On Aleksandr Poleschuk July 22, 1993, the TM-16 descent cabin landed back on Earth with Manakov, Poleschuk, and French cosmonaut Jean-Pierre Haignere from Soyuz TM-17 on board. Space Shuttle Apr. 8, 1993 Kenneth D. Cameron 9:6:9 Fifty-fourth STS flight. Completed second flight Discovery (STS-56) Stephen S. Oswald of Atmospheric Laboratory for Applications C. Michael Foale and Science and deployed Spartan-201. Kenneth D. Cockerell Ellen Ochoa Space Shuttle Apr. 26, 1993 Steven R. Nagel 9:23:39 Fifty-fifth STS flight. Completed second Columbia (STS-55) Terence T. Henricks German microgravity research program in Jerry L. Ross Spacelab D-2. Charles J. Precourt Bernard A. Harris, Jr. Ulrich Walter (Germany) Hans W. Schlegel (Germany) Space Shuttle June 21, 1993 Ronald J. Grabe 9:23:46 Fifty-sixth STS flight. Carried Spacelab com- Endeavour (STS-57) Brian J. Duffy mercial payload module and retrieved G. David Low European Retrievable Carrier in orbit since Nancy J. Sherlock August 1992. Peter J. K. Wisoff Janice E. Voss 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 131

APPENDIX C (Continued) 131 F

U.S. and Russian Human Space Flights Activities iscal Year2001 1961–September 30, 2001

Spacecraft Launch Date Crew Flight Time Highlights (days:hrs:min)

Soyuz TM-17 July 1, 1993 Vasiliy Tsibliyev 196:17:45 Docked with Mir space station July 3. Haignere Aleksandr Serebrov returned to Earth with Soyuz TM-16. Serebrov Jean-Pierre Haignere and Tsibliyev landed in TM-17 spacecraft on Jan. 14, 1994. Space Shuttle Sep. 12, 1993 Frank L. Culbertson, Jr. 9:20:11 Fifty-seventh STS flight. Deployed ACTS Discovery (STS-51) William F. Readdy satellite to serve as testbed for new James H. Newman communications satellite technology and Daniel W. Bursch U.S./German ORFEUS-SPAS. Carl E. Walz Space Shuttle Oct. 18, 1993 John E. Blaha 14:0:29 Fifty-eighth STS flight. Carried Spacelab Life Columbia (STS-58) Richard A. Searfoss Sciences-2 payload to determine the effects Shannon W. Lucid of microgravity on M. Rhea Seddon David A. Wolf and animal subjects. William S. McArthur Martin J. Fettman Space Shuttle Dec. 2, 1993 Richard O. Covey 10:19:58 Fifty-ninth STS flight. Restored planned Endeavour (STS-61) Kenneth D. Bowersox scientific capabilities and reliability of the Tom Akers Hubble Space Telescope. Jeffrey A. Hoffman Kathryn C. Thornton Claude Nicollier F. Story Musgrave Soyuz TM-18 Jan. 8, 1994 Viktor Afanasyev 182:0:27 Docked with Mir space station Jan. 10. Yuri Usachev Afanasyev and Usachev landed in the TM-18 Valery Polyakov spacecraft on July 9, 1994. Polyakov remained aboard Mir in the attempt to establish a new record for endurance in space. Space Shuttle Feb. 3, 1994 Charles F. Bolden, Jr. 8:7:9 Sixtieth STS flight. Carried the Wake Shield Discovery (STS-60) Kenneth S. Reightler, Jr. Facility to generate new semi-conductor N. Jan Davis films for advanced electronics. Also carried Ronald M. Sega SPACEHAB. Krikalev’s presence signified a Franklin R. Chang-Díaz new era in cooperation in space between Sergei K. Krikalev (Russia) Russia and the United States. Space Shuttle Mar. 4, 1994 John H. Casper 13:23:17 Sixty-first STS flight. Carried U.S. Microgravity Columbia (STS-62) Andrew M. Allen Payload-2 to conduct experiments in materials Pierre J. Thuot processing, biotechnology, and other areas. Charles D. Gemar Marsha S. Ivins Space Shuttle Apr. 9, 1994 Sidney M. Gutierrez 11:5:50 Sixty-second STS flight. Carried the Space Endeavour (STS-59) Kevin P. Chilton Radar Laboratory-1 to gather data on the Jerome Apt Earth and the effects humans have on its Michael R. Clifford carbon, water, and energy cycles. Linda M. Godwin Thomas D. Jones Soyuz TM-19 July 1, 1994 Yuri I. Malenchenko 125:22:53 Docked with Mir space station July 3. Both Talgat A. Musabayev Malenchenko and Musabayev returned to Earth with the Soyuz TM-19 spacecraft, landing in Kazakhstan on Nov. 4 together with Ulf Merbold of Germany, who went up aboard Soyuz TM-20 on Oct 3, 1994. Merbold gathered biological samples on the effects of weightlessness on the human body body in the first of two ESA missions to Mir to prepare for the International Space Station. 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 132

APPENDIX C 132 (Continued) U.S. and Russian Human Space Flights 1961–September 30, 2001

Spacecraft Launch Date Crew Flight Time Highlights (days:hrs:min)

Space Shuttle July 8, 1994 Robert D. Cabana 14:17:55 Sixty-third STS flight. Carried International Columbia (STS-65) James D. Halsell, Jr. Microgravity Laboratory-2 to conduct research Richard J. Hieb into the behavior of materials and life in near Carl E. Walz weightlessness. Leroy Chiao Donald A. Thomas Chiaki Naito-Mukai (Japan) Space Shuttle Sep. 9, 1994 Richard N. Richards 10:22:50 Sixty-fourth STS flight. Used LIDAR In-Space Discovery (STS-64) L. Blaine Hammond, Jr. Technology Experiment to perform atmos- J. M. Linenger pheric research. Included the first untethered Susan J. Helms spacewalk by astronauts in over 10 years. Carl J. Meade Mark C. Lee Space Shuttle Sep. 30, 1994 Michael A. Baker 11:5:36 Sixty-fifth STS flight. Used Space Radar Endeavour (STS-68) Terrence W. Wilcutt Laboratory-2 to provide scientists with data to Thomas D. Jones help distinguish human-induced environmental Steven L. Smith change from other natural forms of change. Daniel W. Bursch Peter J. K. Wisoff Soyuz TM-20 Oct. 3, 1994 Aleksandr Viktorenko * Soyuz TM-19 returned to Earth on Nov. 4, 1994, Yelena Kondakova with Yuri Malenchenko, Talgat Musabayev, Ulf Merbold (ESA) and Ulf Merbold. Valeriy Polyakov remained aboard Mir. Space Shuttle Nov. 3, 1994 Donald R. McMonagle 10:22:34 Sixty-sixth STS flight. Three main payloads: the Atlantis (STS-66) Curtis L. Brown, Jr. third Atmospheric Laboratory for Applications Ellen Ochoa and Science (ATLAS-3), the first Cryogenic Joseph R. Tanner Infrared Spectrometers and Telescopes for the Jean-François Clervoy (ESA) Atmosphere-Shuttle Pallet Satellite (CRISTA- Scott E. Parazynski SPAS-1), and the Shuttle Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet (SSBUV) spectrometer. Astronauts

Aeronautics and Space Report of the President also conducted protein crystal growth experiments. Space Shuttle Feb. 3, 1995 James D. Wetherbee 8:6:28 Sixty-seventh STS flight. Primary objective: first Discovery (STS-63) Eileen M. Collins close encounter in nearly 20 years between Bernard A. Harris, Jr. American and Russian spacecraft as a prelude C. Michael Foale to establishment of International Space Janice E. Voss Station. (Shuttle flew close by to Mir.) Main Vladimir G. Titov (Russia) Payloads: Spacehab 3 experiments and Shuttle Pointed Autonomous Research Tool for Astronomy (Spartan) 204, Solid Surface Combustion Experiment (SSCE), and Air Force Maui Optical Site (AMOS) Calibration Test. Also launched very small Orbital Debris Radar Calibration Spheres (ODERACS). Space Shuttle Mar. 2, 1995 Stephen S. Oswald 16:15:8 Sixty-eighth STS flight. Longest Shuttle mission Endeavour (STS-67) William G. Gregory to date. Primary payload was a trio of ultra- John M. Grunsfeld violet telescopes called Astro-2. Wendy B. Lawrence Tamara E. Jernigan Ronald A. Parise Samuel T. Durrance 133 F iscal Year 2001 Activities Mir space Mir Mir 20 crew (Yuri Gidzenko, Sergei 20 crew (Yuri Mir vdeev, and Thomas Reiter). vdeev, on Mar. 22, 1995, with Valeriy Polyakov, Polyakov, 22, 1995, with Valeriy on Mar. Yelena and Alexsandr Viktorenko, world record by Kondakova. Polyakov set days. remaining in space for 438 and Gennady M. Strekalov, Dezhurov, Norman Thagard). Thagard set an American record by remaining in space for 115 days. A Soyuz TM-21 returned to Earth on Sep. 11, 1995, Soyuz TM-21 returned to Earth on Sep. 11, 1995, Soyuz TM-22 returned to Earth on Feb. 29, 1996, C (days:hrs:min) PPENDIX (Continued) A illiam S. McArthur, Jr. illiam S. McArthur, inston E. Scott performed spacewalks to build experience uri Usachyou with Gennadi StrekalovNorman Thagard (U.S.)Ellen S. BakerGregory Harbaugh space station. Soyuz TM-20 returned to Earth Bonnie J. Dunbar on a Russian rocket and to stay on the M. Budarin). Returned Solovyev and Nikolai station. Brought up Mir 19 crew (Anatoly Y. to Earth with Mir 18 crew (Vladimir N. Nancy J. CurrieDonald A. Thomas Mary Ellen Weber various biomedical experiments. Sergei AvdeevThomas Reiter (ESA)James S. Voss James H. Newman Michael L. Gernhardt Nikolay Budarin). with Mir 19 crew (Anatoliy Solovyev and Catherine G. ColemanMichael Lopez-AlegriaKathryn C. Thornton Leslie Fred W. Albert Sacco, Jr. Microgravity Laboratory (USML-2) payload. Chris A. Hadfield (CSA)Jerry L. Ross W Leroy ChiaoW (Japan)Koichi Wakata Station (ISS) Phase I efforts. Barry Daniel T. Y for ISS construction. satellite. Crew Japanese 1961–September 30, 2001 1961–September .S. and Russian Human Space Flights Human Space Russian .S. and U (STS-69) Kenneth D. Cockrell Facility (WSF-2) and Spartan 201-03. (STS-72) Jett, Jr. Brent W. Retrieved previously launched Flyer. (STS-73) Rominger Kent V. gravity experiments with the U.S. (STS-70) Kevin R. Kregel Data Relay Satellite (TDRS). Also conducted (STS-71) J. Precourt Charles human space flight. Docked with (STS-74) James D. Halsell, Jr. space station as part of International Space Atlantis Discovery Endeavour Columbia Atlantis Endeavour Soyuz TM-21 14, 1995 Mar. Dezhurov Vladimir * astronaut to fly Thagard was the first American Spacecraft Date Launch CrewSpace Shuttle Flight Time June 27, 1995 Highlights Robert L. GibsonSpace Shuttle 9:19:22 July 13, 1995 hundredth U.S. Sixty-ninth STS flight and one Henricks Terence 8:22:20 and Tracking Seventieth STS flight. Deployed Soyuz TM-223, 1995 Sep. Gidzenko Yuri * Space Shuttle Sep. 7, 1995Space Shuttle David M. Walker Oct. 20, 1995 Kenneth D. Bowersox 10:20:28 Shield Seventy-first STS flight. Deployed Wake 15:21:52 Seventy-second STS flight. Carried out micro- Space Shuttle 12, 1995 Nov. Kenneth D. Cameron 8:4:31 Seventy-third STS flight. Docked with Space Shuttle Jan. 11, 1996Soyuz TM-23 Brian Duffy Feb. 21, 1996 Onufrienko Yuri 8:22:1 Seventy-fourth STS flight. Deployed OAST * 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 133 Page PM 3:25 3/20/03 report 2001 2001 report3/20/033:25PMPage134 134

Aeronautics and Space Report of the President pc htl e.1,19 ila .Rad 031 Seventy-ninthSTSflight.Dockedwith 10:3:19 SoyuzTM-23returnedtoEarthonSep.2,1996, William F. Readdy * Sep.16,1996 ClaudieAndre-Deshays(ESA) Aug.17,1996 Seventy-eighthSTSflight.SetShuttlerecord Space Shuttle 16:21:48 Seventy-seventhSTSflight.Deployed Soyuz TM-24 Terrence T. Henricks 10:2:30 June20,1996 Seventy-sixthSTSflight.Dockedwith JohnH.Casper Space Shuttle 9:5:16 May19,1996 Space Shuttle KevinP. Chilton Seventy-fifthSTSflight.DeployedTethered Highlights Mar. 22,1996 13:16:14 FlightTime Space Shuttle AndrewM.Allen Feb.22,1996 Crew LaunchDate Space Shuttle Spacecraft pc htl o.1,19 ent .Ccrl 71:3SetrecordforlongestShuttleflight.Atage61, 17:15:53 KennethD.Cockrell Nov. 19,1996 Space Shuttle pc htl a.1,19 ihe .Bkr1::6FifthShuttlemissionto 10:4:56 MichaelA.Baker Jan.12,1997 Space Shuttle Atlantis Columbia Endeavour Columbia Atlantis Atlantis Columbia SS7)RcadA erosspacestationandleftastronautShannon RichardA.Searfoss (STS-76) SS7)Trec .Wlutspacestation.PickedupastronautShannon Terrence W. Wilcutt (STS-79) SS8)BetW etreplacedJohnBlahaasU.S.residenton BrentW. Jett (STS-81) SS7)KvnKee forthen-longestflight.CarriedLifeand KevinKregel SatelliteSystem,U.S.MicrogravityPayload (STS-78) ScottJ.Horowitz (STS-75) SS8)Kn .Rmne Musgravebecameoldestpersontoflyin KentV. Rominger (STS-80) SS7)Cri .BonSpartan/InflatableAntennaExperiment, CurtisL.Brown (STS-77) U .S. andRussianHumanSpaceFlights 1961–September 30,2001 lxne aeiOnufrienko,andYuri Usachev. MicrogravitySciencesSpacelab. Alexander Kaleri V Robert B.Thirsk(ESA) Jean-Jacques Favier(CSA) SPACEHAB, andPAMS-STU payloads. Charles E.Brady, Jr. Susan J.Helms Richard M.Linnehan module. Marc Garneau(CSA) Mario Runco,Jr. Daniel W. Bursch Andrew S.W. Thomas (USMP-3),andprotein crystalgrowth Shannon W. experiments. Lucid** Ronald M.Sega Michael R.Clifford Umberto Guidoni(ESA) Franklin R.Chang-Díaz Claude Nicollier(ESA) Maurizio Cheli(ESA) Jeffrey A.Hoffman id .Gdi Lucidaboard Linda M.Godwin hmsDvdJnsflights(six)bya singleperson.Crew LucidanddroppedoffastronautJohnBlaha. F. Thomas DavidJones T Shannon W. Lucid*** John E.Blaha** Carl E.Walz Thomas D.Akers Jerome Apt John E.Blaha*** Jerry M.Linenger** Marsha S.Ivins John M.Grunsfeld Peter J.K.“Jeff”Wisoff mr .Jria space.Healsotiedrecordformostspace amara E.Jernigan

lr oznwithClaudieAndre-Deshays, Yuri alery Korzun tr ugaesuccessfullydeployed ORFEUS-SPAS II Story Musgrave A (Continued) PPENDIX (days:hrs:min) C Facility payloads. ultraviolet observatoryandWake Shield Mir. Also carriedSPACEHAB Mir . JerryLinenger Mir Mir Mir . 135 F iscal Year 2001 Activities Spektr . David Wolf . David Wolf . Parazynski . Mir Mir Mir . Michael Foale Mir Environmental Effects Payload Mir Lazutkin. robotic arm. C (days:hrs:min) PPENDIX (Continued) A endy B. Lawrence module and left a solar array cover cap for Aleksandr LazutkinReinhold Ewald Korzun, Ewald, Valery 1997, with Reinhold and Aleksandr Kaleri. Joseph R. Tanner Steven A. Hawley Gregory J. Harbaugh Mark C. Lee Steven L. Smith Jean-François Clervoy Carlos I. Noriega Lu Edward Tsang Kondakova Elena V. Michael Foale** Jerry M. Linenger*** Janice VossMichael L. GernhardtDonald A. Thomas Roger K. Crouch Linteris Gregory T. early termination of the mission. necessitated an Shuttle fuel cell malfunction Janice VossMichael L. Gernhardt Donald A. Thomas Roger K. Crouch Linteris Gregory T. Pavel Vinogradov proceeded successfully. and Aleksandr Tsibliev 1997, with Vasily Jean-Loup ChrétienW David A. Wolf**C. Michael Foale*** experiments from the exterior of the docking module. possible future repair of the damaged N. Jan DavisRobert L. Curbeam, Jr.Stephen K. Robinson TryggvasonBjarni V. experiments on ultraviolet radiation. The crew also successfully performed the Japanese Manipulator Flight Demonstration of a an international Hitchhiker package of four Scott E. ParazynskiVladimir Titov a spacewalk to retrieve performed and Titov four 1961–September 30, 2001 1961–September .S. and Russian Human Space Flights Human Space Russian .S. and U (STS-83) Susan L. Still(STS-94) first Microgravity Science Laboratory. the Susan L. Still Mission Science Laboratory. Microgravity (STS-82) Scott J. Horowitz mission of the Hubble Space Telescope. (STS-85) Rominger Kent V. on infrared radiation and CRISTA-SPAS-2 (STS-84) Marie Collins Eileen replaced Jerry Linenger on (STS-86) Michael J. Bloomfield replaced Michael Foale on Discovery Columbia Columbia Atlantis Discovery Atlantis Soyuz TM-25 Feb. 10, 1997 Tsibliev Vasily * on March 2, Soyuz TM-24 returned to Earth Spacecraft Date Launch CrewSpace Shuttle Feb. 11, 1997 Kenneth D. Bowersox Flight Time Highlights 9:23:36 second servicing Crew successfully performed Space Shuttle 4, 1997 Apr. James D. Halsell, Jr. 3:23:34 Crew deployed a Spacelab module configured as Space Shuttle July 1, 1997 James D. Halsell, Jr. 15:16:45 Reflight of STS-83 and the same payload, the Space Shuttle May 15, 1997 Charles J. Precourt 9:5:21 mission to Sixth Shuttle Soyuz TM-26Space Shuttle Aug. 5, 1997 Anatoly Solovyev 7, 1997 Aug. Curtis L. Brown, Jr. 11:20:27 * Crew successfully deployed two payloads: Soyuz TM-25 returned to Earth on August 14, Space Shuttle Sep. 25, 1997 James D. Wetherbee 10:19:21 Seventh Shuttle docking with 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 135 Page PM 3:25 3/20/03 report 2001 2001 report3/20/033:25PMPage136 136

Aeronautics and Space Report of the President ou M2 e.2,19 itrAaayv*Soyuzmissionto * Viktor Afanasyev 1),the PayloadsincludedUnity(Node Feb. 20, 1999 11:19:18 Soyuz TM-29 RobertD.Cabana PayloadsincludedaSPACEHAB Dec.4,1998 8:21:44 Dockedto * Space Shuttle CurtisL.Brown,Jr. Oct.29,1998 GennadyPadalka Space Shuttle Aug. 13,1998 Soyuz TM-28 pc htl ue2 98CalsJ rcut91:8Lastofninedockingmissionswith 9:19:48 CharlesJ.Precourt SoyuzTM-26left formicrogravity CarriedNeurolabmodule June2,1998 * 15:21:50 Space Shuttle RichardA.Searfoss Apr. 17,1998 Talgat Musabayev Jan.29,1998 Space Shuttle Soyuz TM-27 pc htl a.2,19 erneW ict :94 EighthShuttledockingmissionto 8:19:47 PayloadsincludedUSMP-4,Spartan201-04 Terrence W. Wilcutt Highlights 15:16:34 Jan.22,1998 Flight Time Space Shuttle KevinR.Kregel Nov. 19,1997 Crew LaunchDate Space Shuttle Spacecraft Endeavour Discovery Discovery Endeavour Columbia Columbia (STS-95) Steven W. Lindsey pressurized module, thePansat pressurizedmodule, StevenW. Lindsey broughthomeAndrewThomas.Payloads (STS-95) DominicL.PudwillGorie (STS-91) SS9)SotD lmnresearchinthehumannervoussystem. ScottD.Altman (STS-90) SS8)See .Lnsyfree-flyer, CollaborativeUkrainian StevenW. Lindsey (STS-87) (STS-88) Frederick W. Sturckow first U.S. module oftheISS,aswell firstU.S.module FrederickW. Sturckow (STS-88) SS8)JeF dad,J.ThomasreplacedDavidWolf on JoeF. Edwards,Jr. (STS-89) U .S. andRussianHumanSpaceFlights 1961–September 30,2001 ae .Nwa SAC-AandMightysat 1. JohnGlenn. Ivan Bella Jean-Pierre Haignere(ESA) Performedbiomedical experimentson Sergei K.Krikalev(RSA) spaceflightandaging.Secondof theSpartan201-05 solarobservatory. communications amateur satellite,and Jerry L.Ross Nancy J.Currie James H.Newman becauseofpriorfailureonetwo John H.Glenn Chiaki Mukai(NASDA) Pedro Duque(ESA) Stephen K.Robinson Scott E.Parazynski space,fourGetAway Specials,andtwoSpace includedDoE’s AlphaMagneticSpectrometer Y Sergei Avdeev Andrew S.Thomas*** V Janet Lynn Kavandi W Franklin R.Chang-Díaz a lr uky r GetAway Specialpayloads. Shuttlevibrationforces,demonstrationofthe bioreactorsystem forcellgrowth,andthree Secondarygoalsincludedmeasurementof Vinogradov, andLeopold Eyharts. February19withAnatolySolovyev, Pavel James A.Pawelczyk Jay ClarkBuckey, Jr. Dafydd RhysWilliams Kathryn P. Hire Richard M.Linnehan payloadsincludedSPACEHAB double ofscienceexperiments. module Leopold Eyharts Nikolai Budarin David A.Wolf*** Andrew S.Thomas** Salizhan S.Sharipov Bonnie J.Dunbar Michael P. Anderson James F. ReillyII apn hwaExperiment(CUE)inspacebiology, and Leonid K.Kadenyuk T W Kalpana Chawla r aui automaticsystems.Soyuz TM-27left uri Baturin akao Doi lr .Rui ExperimentModules. alery V. Ryumin nyB arnetostudyhigh-energyparticlesfromdeep endy B.Lawrence ntnE ct severalother“hitchhiker”payloads. inston E.Scott A (Continued) PPENDIX (days:hrs:min) C Nikolai Budarin,andYuri Baturin. returned toEarthwithTalgat Musabayev, Mir using manualbackupsystem Mir Mir . and returnedtoEarthon Mir. Mir, Mir. Andrew Mir this one Shuttle 137 F iscal Year 2001 Activities . Mir was the 100th mission in Shuttle Discovery’s C (days:hrs:min) PPENDIX (Continued) A illiam S. McArthur alery I. Tokarev (RSA) alery I. Tokarev amara E. Jernigan uri Gidzenko to the ISS. ury V. Usachev ury V. uri I. Malenchenko 1961–September 30, 2001 1961–September Daniel T. BarryDaniel T. V Ellen Ochoa (CSA) T (CNES)Michel Tognini Steven A. Hawley Catherine G. Coleman reflector satellite. Steven L. Smith C. Michael Foale John M. Grunsfeld Claude Nicollier Shuttle mission. Jean-Francois Clervoy ThieleGerhard P.J. Janet KavandiJanice VossMamoru Mohri the most complete high-resolution digital of Earth, using topographic database a special radar system. Leroy Chiao W Peter J.K. Wisoff Michael E. Lopez-Alegria Koichi Wakata Y Sergei Krikalev Alexander Kaleri Susan HelmsY James Voss Mary Ellen Weber Jeff Williams Daniel Burbank Lu Edward T. Y Rick Mastracchio Morukov Boris V. reboost its orbit. perform maintenance, and .S. and Russian Human Space Flights Human Space Russian .S. and U (STS-99) Dominic Gorie The main objective of STS-99 was to obtain (STS-93) Jeffrey S. Ashby Collins was first female commander of a (STS-96) D. Husband Rick launched the Starshine student passive (STS-103) J. Kelly Scott (STS-92) Pamela A. Melroy ISS assembly mission. Program history. (STS-101) (STS-106) Scott Horowitz Scott Altman Station ISS (2A.2a), to deliver supplies, to prepare the station for its first resident crew. Discovery Columbia Discovery Endeavour Discovery Atlantis Atlantis Space Shuttle May 27, 1999 Rominger Kent V. 9:19:13also ISS supply and repair mission; Spacecraft Date Launch CrewSpace Shuttle Flight Time July 23, 1999 Highlights Space Shuttle Eileen M. Collins Dec. 19, 1999 Curtis L. Brown 4:22:50Space Shuttle Deployed Chandra X-ray Observatory. Feb. 11, 2000 7:23:11Soyuz TM-30 Kevin Kregel Servicing Mission #3 Telescope Hubble Space 4, 2000 Apr. Sergei Zalyotin 11:5:38 Mission (SRTM). Shuttle Radar Topography 72:19:43 Final Soyuz mission to Soyuz TM-31 Oct. 31, 2000 Shepherd William 140 1) Launch of 1st resident crew (Expedition Space Shuttle May 19, 2000 James Halsell, Jr.Space Shuttle Sept. 8, 2000 9:20:9 Wilcutt Terrence Second crew visit to the International Space Space Shuttle 11:19:11 Oct. 11, 2000 to ISS (2A.2b) Third logistics/outfitting flight Duffy Brian 12:21:43 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 137 Page PM 3:25 3/20/03 report 2001 2001 report3/20/033:25PMPage138 138

Aeronautics and Space Report of the President pc htl u.1,20 ct .Hrwt 12:3ReturnedtheExpedition2crewtoEarth. 11:21:13 MissiontotheISS. ScottJ.Horowitz 12:18:35 Aug.10,2001 Launchofthe1st“taxi”flighttoISS, StevenW. Lindsey 7:22:4 Space Shuttle July12,2001 Talgat A.Musabaev Space Shuttle MissiontotheISS. April28,2001 11:21:30 Soyuz TM-32 KentV. Rominger April19,2001 DeliveredExpedition2crewtotheISSand 12:19:49 Space Shuttle Destinyto DeliveredU.S.Laboratorymodule JamesD.Wetherbee 12:21:20 March8,2001 MissiontotheISS. Highlights 10:19:58 KennethD.Cockrell Space Shuttle Flight Time Feb.7,2001 BrentW. Jett Space Shuttle Nov. 30,2000 Crew LaunchDate Space Shuttle Spacecraft * ReturnedtoEarthviaSpaceShuttlefromRussian *** *FlewuponSpaceShuttle; remainedinspaceaboardRussian ** Discovery Atlantis Endeavour Discovery Attlantis Endeavour * Mir crew membersstayedforvariousandoverlappinglengthsoftime. SS14 CharlesO.Hobaugh (STS-104) SS9)Mr .Plnk theISS. MarkL.Polansky (STS-98) SS15 FrederickW. Sturckow (STS-105) returnedtheExpedition1crewtoEarth. JamesM.Kelly (STS-102) SS10 JeffreyS.Ashby (STS-100) MichaelJ.Bloomfield (STS-97) U .S. andRussianHumanSpaceFlights Susan J.Helms(down) James S.Voss (down) Y Mikhail Tyurin (up) Vladimir N.Dezhurov(up) fortheISScrew. Frank L.Culbertson(up) Daniel T. Barry Patrick G.Forrester James F. Reilly Janet L.Kavandi Michael L.Gernhardt Dennis Tito Y Y Umberto Guidoni Scott E.Parazynski John L.Phillips Chris A.Hadfield Y W Y Susan J.Helms(up) James S.Voss (up) Paul W. Richards Andrew S.W. Thomas Thomas D.Jones Marsha S.Ivins Robert L.Curbeam Carlos I.Noriega Marc Garneau Joseph R.Tanner 1961–September 30,2001 ury V. Usachev(down) bringinga“fresh”Soyuzcrewreturnvehicle uri M.Baturin uri V. Lonchakov uri P. Gidzenko(down) uri V. Usachev(up) illiam Shepherd(down) Mir space station. A (Continued) Mir PPENDIX space station. (days:hrs:min) C This missionalsocarriedthefirstcommercial space tourist,U.S.businessmanDennisTito. 139 F iscal Year 2001 Activities f g [1966, [1958, Launch IIA [1966, Delta-7925 1968, Atlas F Atlas Centaur] Atlas Centaur] k e 910 3,175 1990, d i — e e e e e e e e Max. Payload (kg) 7,300 6,170 e, k 5,510 380 — 210 1990 280 3,890 1,860 h (m) Orbit Orbit Orbit D Max. Dia Geosynch. Sun- b, c PPENDIX (Continued) A 73.4/ 3.05x9.14 (kilonewtons) 73.4/engine 3.05x10.05 92.53/engine 3.05x10.05 92.53/engine 3.05x10.05 a .S. Space Launch Vehicles Launch .S. Space 2 2 2 2 U Solid 433.6 (SL) 1.01x11.16 Solid 66.4 1.25x2.04 j j Stages: Thrust x Height 185-km Transfer Synch. First 0. Castor 1200. Castor Solid 1,687.7 2.34x11.86 1,080 1. Orion 50S-XL1. Orion 50-XL2. Orion 383. Orion Solid Solid50S1. Orion 50 Solid2. Orion 383. Orion Solid Solid 743.3 Solid 201.5 1.28x10.29 31.9 1.28x3.58 580.5 350 0.97x1.34 138.6 31.9 1.28x8.88 1.28x2.66 0.97x1.34 1. Orion 50S1. Orion 502. Orion 383. Orion Solid Solid Solid 484.9 118.2 31.9 1.28x8.88 1.28x2.66 0.97x1.34 RL10A-4 (2) RL10A-4 (2) RL10A-3-3A (2) RL10A-3-3A (2) engine aurus 2.34x28.3 1,400 255 1,020 1994 2. Centaur II:2. Centaur LOX/LH Pegasus 6.71x15.5 T Delta II 2.44x29.70 5,089 1,842 Pegasus XL 6.71x16.93 460 — 335 1994 1. Athena Solid 1450 2.36x19.8 520 245 1995 Atlas E 3.05x28.1 820 Hercules GEM (9) Solid 487.6 (SL) 1.01x12.95 Castor IVA (4) Castor IVA Atlas IIASAthena 4.2x47.5 8,640 3,606 5,800 1993, IIAS Atlas IIA 4.2x47.5 6,828 3,062 4,750 1992, Atlas ehicle Engine/Motor Propellant Atlas II 4.2x47.5 6,580 2,810 4,300 1991, II [1966, V 1. Atlas: MA-5A1. Atlas: II:2. Centaur LOX/RP-1 LOX/LH 2,110.0 (SL) 3.05x24.9 1. RS-270/A2. AJ10-118K48B 3. Star LOX/RP-1 N204/A-50 1,043.0 (SL) 3.05x38.1 42.4 2.44x5.97 Delta] [1960, 1. II: Atlas: MA-5A2. Centaur LOX/RP-1 LOX/LH 2,110.0 (SL) 3.05x24.9 Atlas Centaur] 1. Atlas: MA-5A LOX/RP-1 2,110.0 (SL) 3.05x24.9 Atlas Centaur] 1. Atlas: MA-3MA-51. Atlas: I:2. Centaur LOX/RP-1 LOX/RP-1 LOX/LH 1,739.5 (SL) 3.05x21.3 1,952.0 (SL) 3.05x22.16 Atlas LV-3A] (7920, 7925) 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 139 Page PM 3:25 3/20/03 report 2001 Atlas I 4.2x43.9 — 2,255 — 1990, I [1966, 2001 report3/20/033:25PMPage140 140 T T tnI/436. 5,760 — 4.3x62.2 itan IV/ T tnI .56. 7706,350 17,700 3.05x62.2 itan IV tnII30x731,1 5,000 14,515 3.05x47.3 itan III Aeronautics 3.05x10.0 3.05x26.4 462.8 1,214.5 and N204/A-50 N204/A-50 Space2. LR91-AJ-11 1. LR87-AJ-11 (2) Report of the President . ia I R 2 oi ,1. .12. Titan III Titan IIIA] 14,110 3.11x34.1 3.05x10.0 7,000.0 3.11x27.6 462.8 3.05x24.0 6,210.0 1,214.5 Solid N204/A-50 Titan IVSRM(2) 0. N204/A-50 Solid 2. LR91-AJ-11 1. LR87-AJ-11 (2) Titan IIISRM(2) 0. . ia VSM()Sld700031x41Titan IV 3.70x45.46 (SL) 11,790.0 LOX/LH Solid 3.05x10.0 3.11x34.1 2. Orbiter/ET: 462.5 7,000.0 3.05x26.4 1. SRB: 1,214.5/engine N204/A-50 Centaur: N204/A-50 3. Solid 2. LR91-AJ-11(1) 1. LR87-AJ-11 (2) Titan IVSRM(2) 0. V .L-1A- 24A5 4. .51. [1964, Titan Titan IISLV II 3.05x12.2 3.05x21.5 440.0 1,045.0 N204/A-50 N204/A-50 2. LR-91-AJ-5 LR-87-AJ-5(2) 1. Space Shuttle hceEgn/oo Propellant Engine/Motor ehicle (7 segments) .ObtrOS N 3. Orbiter/OMS: (5-1/2 segments) Shuttle SRB(2) LOX/LH RL-10A-3-3A (7 segments) .Sa 8 oi 641.25x2.04 66.4 Solid 3. Star 48B .SRMU 4. Delta III T tnI .54. 1,905 3.05x42.9 itan II 3sget)79 3.3x34.3 7690 (3 segments) SE()23.79x37.24 SSME (3) .R-7 LXR- ,4. S)43. ,9 ,1 ,6 1998 6,768 3,810 8,292 4x39.1 (SL) 1,043.0 LOX/LH LOX/RP-1 2. RL-10B-2 1. RS-27A tgs hutxHih 8-mTase yc.First Synch. Transfer 185-km xHeight Thrust Stages: lin E 9 oi 0. 1.16x14.7 608.8 Solid Alliant GEM(9) OMS engines(2) n 2 0 4 MH2. 23.79x37.24 26.7 /MMH U 2 2 2 .S. SpaceLaunch Vehicles a (kilonewtons) ,6. S)84x70 (ET) 8.41x47.00 (SL) 1,668.7 344.3x9.0 73.4 1 4x8.8 110 A (Continued) PPENDIX b, c 23.79x56.14 a.DaGoyc.Sun- Geosynch. Max. Dia D m ri ri Orbit Orbit Orbit (m) h h h (orbiter) 24,900 Max. Payload(kg) o e e 5,900 —— m p a l d — — — — e Launch T Columbia itan IV Centaur Gemini] [1964, 1989, 1989, 1981, 1994, 1988, g f 141 F iscal Year 2001 Activities D oxidizer from the External Tank. The boosters stage first, with oxidizer from the External Tank. before the orbiter attains orbit. The Orbiter Maneuvering Orbiter Vehicle. m. appropriate upper stage With n. Rocket Boosters fire in parallel with the Space Shuttle Solid o. circular orbit. 204-km p. Orbit Stage. or Transfer Inertial Upper Stage With PPENDIX (Continued) A .S. Space Launch Vehicles Launch .S. Space U Director of Space Transportation System Support Programs. Director of Space Transportation Data should not be used for detailed NASA mission planning without concurrence of the Data should not be used for detailed NASA NOTE: = Nitrogen Tetroxide 50% Unsymmetrical Dimethyl Hydrazine)50% Unsymmetrical Dimethyl j. Castor IVA motors ignited at liftoff. Two Castor IVA Two = Liquid Hydrogen k. TE-M-364-4 upper stage. With 4 2 0 2 thrust per stage. and burn fuel, and of the Shuttle Orbiter Vehicle the aft end A-50 = Aerozine 50 (50% Monomethyl Hydrazine, A-50 = Aerozine 50 (50% 1 (kerosene)RP-1 = Rocket Propellant (any type) Solid = Solid Propellant LH flight. motors ignited at approximately 57 seconds into LOX = Liquid Oxygen MMH = Monomethyl HydrazineN l. Orbit Stage. Transfer With b. at vacuum except where indicated at sea level (SL). Thrust c. engines for Thrust per engine. Multiply by number of d. of 28.5˚ except where indicated. Inclination e. AFB, CA. Polar launch from Vandenberg (SSME), which are mounted on Space Shuttle Main Engines f. First successful orbital launch [ditto of initial version]. g. First launch was a failure h. represents vehicle wing span. Diameter dimension stages next, just to fire. The External Tank continuing SSME’s Subsystem is then used to maneuver or change the orbit of the NOTES: a. used are as follows: Propellant abbreviations i. Applies to Delta II-7925 version only. 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 141 Page PM 3:25 3/20/03 report 2001 2001 report3/20/033:25PMPage142 142

Aeronautics and Space Report of the President 001,0 2511,4 9 0 7 04 0 26,708 28,703 26,644 25,519 24,973 24,911 23,946 26,820 12 27,901 6 29,020 6 27,999 6 232 27,582 6 207 28,563 6 200 26,742 21,76 26,562 6 213 219 49 5 44 20,277 231 37 17,448 15,674 4 278 39 4 179 39 12,520 59 60 10,054 4 37 8,759 4 180 1,352 59 7,314 32 3 181 43 576 1 31 42 571 6,587 211 1 6,046 124 36 575 25 121 31 435 145 29 115 448 102 5,376 31 112 4,965 26 472 105 108 25 1,073 4,683 33 352 103 110 21 990 34 18 312 35 103 4,863 14,326 19 982 85 4,611 29 46 23 12,941 31 324 839 13,304 4,775 60 80 15 13,203 17 327 789 78 12,521 14 74 19 12,359 14,230 251 828 72 12,459 20 12 8 243 165 11,727 13,601 73 2 759 12,321 301 223 15 11,514 13,653 2001 2 352 632 71 12,457 16 251 10,644 13,648 65 2000 3 278 731 12,569 14 79 5 13,166 309 13,709 1999 1 798 12,543 8 97 12 14,106 423 13,884 241 59 1998 772 13,022 12 54 8 15,023 236 13,854 1997 48 506 13,064 6 12 178 44 14,181 14,570 35 1996 560 13,199 10 145 741 3 15,616 14,310 34 41 1995 13,046 4 87 39 10 17,906 14,317 34 466 2 17,679 1994 11,460 10 93 39 477 37 14,016 3 1993 10,097 16,287 98 61 584 22 12,324 8,322 14,126 1992 2 10 103 41 395 10,969 2 12,768 1991 327 9,809 8 91 40 9,062 7,165 1 10,195 1990 313 9 59 10,923 6,925 9,019 5 1989 234 10 72 34 7,807 6,858 6,679 1988 231 6 64 22 7,573 6,328 4,828 1987 248 2 60 7,458 5,528 3,848 1986 226 31 40 23 6,875 4,992 3,036 1985 194 31 30 6,044 4,680 2,738 1984 27 42 460 5,518 4,030 2,412 1983 168 54 5,240 3,623 1982 158 55 4,596 3,440 1,983 1981 158 849 95 4,060 1,892 1980 147 3,818 3,225 1,766 1979 133 932 2,915 1,623 1978 162 3,550 2,759 1,407 1977 3,229 3,093 1,512 TQ* 3,037 3,071 1976 3,406 3,101 1975 3,307 1974 3,311 1973 1972 1971 9749648016423142 6,707 6,005 6,526 6,968 6,953 1,808 6,828 1,066 5,433 3,294 31 1 1 0.2 0.2 20 28 103 29 118 27 145 12 141 184 3 170 187 43 1,678 174 229 51 2,013 213 210 3,547 1,922 214 68 214 3,822 1,664 241 43 148 3,746 4,430 1,689 213 34785 3,991 4,830 1,574 257 68 4,587 5,065 1,599 199 1970 43 4,966 5,138 1,550 1969 34 814 5,175 5,016 1,298 1968 561 5,250 3,626 1967 490 5,100 1,797 1966 926 3,673 1965 462 1,825 1964 261 964 1963 524 1962 331 1961 1960 1959 .“Other”column isthetotalofnon-NASA,non-DoDbudgetauthorityfiguresthatappearinsucceeding columns.Thetotalis Includes$2.1billionforreplacementofSpaceShuttle c. NSFhasrecalculated itsspaceexpendituressince1980,makingthemsignificantlyhigherthanreported inpreviousyears. b. a. *T Space Total FY SOURCE: DoE hasrecalculateditsspaceexpendituressince1998, makingthemslightlydifferent. d. figures fortheEnvironmentalProtection Agency(EPA). because itincludesbudgetauthorityfor aeronauticsaswellinspace.Fortheyears1989–1997,this“Other”column alsoinc different fromthesumofindividual figuresbecauseofrounding.The“Total Space”columndoesnotincludethe“NASATotal ransition Quarter Office ofManagement andBudget AANASA NASA Space Activities oftheU.S. Government b HISTORICAL BUDGETSUMMARY—BUDGET AUTHORITY o Other DoD c (in millionsofreal-yeardollars) DoE Challenger A d PPENDIX (Continued) in 1987 81128 NSF Ag DoI DoC . E-1A a o Space DoT ludes small

sometimes ” column 5,366 T otal 143 F iscal Year 2001 Activities otal T 28,703 DoT Space a DoC DoI Ag NSF E-1B d DoE (Continued) c PPENDIX A (adjusted for inflation) DoD Other b Space Activities of the U.S. Government the U.S. of Activities Space BUDGET AUTHORITY IN MILLIONS OF EQUIVALENT FY 2001 DOLLARS FY IN MILLIONS OF EQUIVALENT BUDGET AUTHORITY Inflation NASA NASA 195919601961 4.88691962 4.7940 1,6181963 4.7489 2,5121964 4.6858 1,275 4,5781965 4.6285 2,215 8,5521966 4.5745 2,395 4,397 17,0001967 4.5160 2,689 8,420 23,3301968 4.4403 16,783 166 3,866 23,7091969 4.2581 22,946 206 6,082 22,978 7,1741970 4.2107 23,203 323 21,146 7,3151971 166 4.0606 22,490 932 1,190 19,315 7,1081972 206 3.8877 20,567 974 16,206 7,5001973 323 3.6899 18,654 990 1,088 14,563 7,0861974 694 3.5078 15,520 950 12,217 8,0931975 3.3460 13,790 961 1,034 907 11,600 8,1741976 3.1994 11,442 199 734 11,396 6,524 239TQ 2.9873 10,772 830 54 692 9,717 5,579 141977 2.7168 10,349 783 548 9,646 4,9351978 611 8,827 2.5341 598 9,645 5,431 1201979 2.4514 479 8,708 468 1231980 2,362 2.3507 400 5,650 8,762 493 9,359 1181981 2.2012 351 5,652 9,544 811982 2,151 2.0420 193 506 5,387 8,433 10,117 311983 1.8803 181 0.8 471 8,517 10,700 1001984 1,166 1.7153 8,871 457 5,913 10,376 109 0.81985 134 1.6055 9,557 6,436 10,367 134 4 1091986 90 6,683 1.5366 9,387 4 7 474 11,0381987 62 7,858 1.4811 9,482 21 531 11,460 4 1921988 546 9,078 1.4346 10,160 33 13 11,2171989 472 54 11,456 191 1.4012 10,538 4 11,200 14,480 41990 441 80 196 1.3650 10,257 29 7 536 15,305 130 15,6651991 127 1.3224 10,279 525 7 56 12,370 82 18,911 241992 223 1.2731 13,744 607 14,506 77 3,836 20,265 27 1091993 242 1.2265 11,360 865 105 216 10 136 25,147 15,690 5,110 22,821 63 138 15,435 1994 1.1821 13,353 684 8 17,191 8,586 24,133 190 25 6 52 1381995 1.1561 14,590 653 31,400 31,235 16,925 23,679 164 24 11 50 249 221996 1.1276 16,002 1,012 141 16,544 19,881 50 2861997 30,940 1.1022 15,603 741 25 27,480 16,428 17,394 24,385 15 67 3631998 28,559 3 1.0794 329 15,103 644 161 23 21 15,270 17,759 19 161 627 181999 1.0590 14,683 947 20,861 8 14,986 16,308 128 443 17,619 2000 1.0413 13,825 943 29 5 16,176 14,518 14,845 480 158 101 3902001 1.0282 13,567 845 30 3 26 16,273 30 14,212 11,732 167 308 161 1.0150 13,192 713 398 3 14,037 12,428 264 32 14,983 1 12,830 836 19 147 309 11 13,804 12,419 191 29 12,810 894 147 308 137 12,869 14,831 83 22 22 13,134 836 14,606 387 13,575 66 33 137 39 874 25 375 27 14,230 12,708 50 158 36 1,010 14,820 37 352 162 40 28 13,304 1,071 15,484 16,100 107 388 155 38 3,426 32 108 157 157 14,326 509 17,886 32 166 35 474 18,905 34 160 21,475 1,073 453 34 591 1 29 157 1 39 25,165 584 259 145 44 35 26,810 4 45 214 61 35 30,032 5 208 61 40 31,227 36,504 37,218 5 576 41 202 5 41 37,773 38 306 5 35,115 59 45 249 6 34,342 232 222 7 34,305 206 6 32,257 49 210 6 30,242 6 6 26,393 6 232 26,889 26,447 26,573 27,394 12 26,914 FY Factors Total Space 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 143 Page PM 3:25 3/20/03 report 2001 2001 report3/20/033:25PMPage144 144

Aeronautics and Space Report of the President eea gnisBde uhrt BudgetOutlays BudgetAuthority Federal Agencies giutr ...... 3 44 74 49 213 59 207 44 519 60 143 216 37 517 165 59 431 103 232 13,046 49 13,197 59 13,207 207 12,427 576 44 145 12,453 60 12,466 200 575 164 SOURCE: 37 14,326 59 13,304 575 . NSF 105 12,941 12,521 T . Agriculture 13,203 . Interior 12,459 . Commerce . Energy . Defense . NASA asotto 26612 6 6 12 6 6 . ransportation Office ofManagementandBudget. F ederal Space Activities Budget (in millionsofdollarsbyfiscalyear) culata s.ata culest. actual actual est. actual actual 9920 0119 002001 2000 1999 2001 2000 1999 A PPENDIX (Continued) E-2 145 F iscal Year 2001 Activities E-3 (Continued) PPENDIX A 1999 2000 2001 1999 2000 2001 actual actual est. actual actual est. (in millions of dollars by fiscal year) (in millions of dollars ederal Aeronautics Aeronautics ederal Budget F ...... 2,271 2,201 2,792 2,369 2,243 2,571 c Office of Management and Budget...... 5,532 6,587 6,149 5,913 6,320 6,297 ...... 1,194 1,060 926 1,217 1,014 867 b a ransportation a. Research and Program Management Research, Development, Construction of Facilities, b. and Evaluation of aircraft and related equipment. Development, Testing, Research, c. Facilities, Engineering, and Development Administration: Research, Engineering, and Development; Federal Aviation SOURCE: NASA Defense T Federal Agencies Authority Budget Budget Outlays 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 145 Page PM 3:25 3/20/03 report 2001 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 146 147 F iscal Year 2001 Activities CRONYMS A Bureau of Indian Affairs (DoI) whose gravitational field is so A completely collapsed, massive dead star its it; because of this property, powerful that no radiation can escape from from radiation emissions existence must be inferred rather than recorded Bureau of Export Administration (DoC) Committee on Earth Observation Satellites Commonwealth of Independent States Telecommunications Commission on Inter-American Coronal Mass Ejections Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (France) Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (United Nations) The outer atmosphere of the Sun, extending about a million miles above the surface Continuously Operating Reference Station such as x-rays or gamma rays, but particles of Not forms of energy, matter Committee on Space Research Cross-track Infrared Sounder for the Cryogenic Infrared Spectrometers and Telescopes Atmosphere-Shuttle Pallet Satellite Commercial Space Center Consolidated Space Operations Contract Computerized Tomography Collaborative Ukrainian Experiment Advanced Communications Technology Satellite Technology Advanced Communications Satellite Advanced Earth Observing Surveillance-Broadcast Automated Dependent Project of Aviation Atmospheric Effects Experiment Technology Advanced General Aviation Site Air Force Maui Optical Service (USDA) Agricultural Research (Program) Advanced Subsonic Technology Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer Advanced Spaceborne Project Apollo-Soyuz Test and Science Atmospheric Laboratory for Applications High Resolution Radiometer Advanced Very Spectrometer and Infrared Imaging Airborne Visible Sensing System Advanced Vortex name of Chandra X-ray Advanced X-ray Astrophysics Facility (former Observatory) LOSSARY AND Black hole BXA C CEOS CIS CITEL CME CNES COPUOS Corona CORS Cosmic rays COSPAR CrIS CRISTA-SPAS CSC CSOC CT CUE B BIA A ACTS ADEOS ADS-B AEAP AGATE AMOS ARS AST ASTER ASTP ATLAS AVHRR AVIRIS AVOSS AXAF G 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 147 Page PM 3:25 3/20/03 report 2001 2001 report3/20/033:25PMPage148 148

Aeronautics and Space Report of the President Fly-by-wire Fly-by-light FGB FCC FAS FAR FACE FAA F EVA EUV ETM+ ET ESA ESE ERS EROS ERAST EPIC EPA EOS El Niño EHF EELV E DSP DSN DoT DoS DoI DoE DoD DoC DMSP DAAC D the aircraftcontrolsurfaces;or theuseofelectricalcontrolconnections The useofelectricalsignalsto connect thepilot’s controldeviceswith direct controlofaircraftmotion ratherthancontrolsurfaceposition connections withnomechanical backuplinkagesandprovidingthepilot aircraft controlsurfaces;orthe useoflight(fiberoptic)control The useoflightsignalstoconnectthepilot’s controldeviceswiththe Functional CargoBlock(Russianacronym) Federal CommunicationsCommission Foreign AgriculturalService(USDA) Federal AcquisitionRegulation Free AirCarbondioxideEnrichment Federal Aviation Administration Extreme ultraviolet Enhanced ThematicMapper-Plus (Landsatinstrument) External Tank European SpaceAgency Earth ScienceEnterprise European Remote-SensingSatellite Earth ResourcesObservationSystem(USGS) Environmental ResearchAircraftandSensorTechnology (project) Environmental PhotographicInterpretationCenter(EPA) Environmental ProtectionAgency togather dataonglobalchange Science Enterprise,beingdesignedforlaunchattheendof1990’s Earth ObservingSystem—aseriesofsatellites,partNASA’s Earth 10 yearsdownthecoastofPeru Ecuador aroundtheendofDecemberandextendingaboutevery7to A warminshorecurrentannuallyflowingsouthalongthecoastof Extremely HighFrequency Evolved ExpendableLaunchVehicle (program) Defense SupportProgram Deep SpaceNetwork Department ofTransportation Department ofState Department oftheInterior Department ofEnergy Department ofDefense Department ofCommerce weather satellitesystem Defense MeteorologicalSatelliteProgram—DoD’s polar-orbiting Design AssessmentofReliabilityWith Inspection Distributed ActiveArchiveCenter 149 F iscal Year 2001 Activities raveling around the Earth’s equator at an altitude of at least equator raveling around the Earth’s Aircraft-unique avionics cabinet that replace multiple black boxes with shared common equipment and generic software Satellite (Organization) International Telecommunications The region of the Sun’s influence, including the Sun and the inter influence, The region of the Sun’s planetary medium Hubble Space Telescope Faster than Mach 4; faster than “high speed” narrow spectral frequency An instrument capability using many very passive sensor to bands (300 or more), enabling a satellite-based on the body being discriminate specific features or phenomena observed (such as Earth) International GPS Executive Board Integrated Global Observing Strategy International GPS Service for Geodynamics Integrated Noise Model International Mobile Satellite Organization Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar Indian Remote Sensing Satellite with no mechanical backup linkages and providing the and providing backup linkages with no mechanical rather than control control of aircraft motion pilot direct surface position com- and the aviation FAA being developed by the A concept could ultimately choose their own munity in which pilots in flight, thus improving safety, routes, speeds, and altitudes and natural resources. while saving fuel, time, (USDA) Farm Service Agency Fixed Satellite Service Service (DoI) (U.S.) Fish and Wildlife Fiscal Year radiations, emitted by some The shortest of electromagnetic radioactive substances Global Disaster Information Network T that of the Earth’s 35,000 kilometers and at a speed matching relation to points on rotation, thereby maintaining a constant the Earth Geostationary Geographic Information System Satellite Geostationary Operational Environmental Global Observation Information Network Global Positioning System Integrated modular avionics INTELSAT I ICM Heliosphere HST Hypersonic Hyperspectral IGEB IGOS IGS INM INMARSAT InSAR INSAT H G Gamma rays Free flight FSA FSS FWS FY GDIN Geo-stationary Geosynchronous GIS GOES GOIN GPS 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 149 Page PM 3:25 3/20/03 report 2001 2001 report3/20/033:25PMPage150 150

Aeronautics and Space Report of the President Magnetosphere Mach M LVIS LOX LIDAR LH2 LEO LDEF Laser Landsat L Ku-band KSC Ka-band K-band K JPL JEM J ITU ITA ISS ISO IPO Ionosphere Internet Interferometry magnetospheres thataresimilarinmanyrespects toEarth’s influence;other magnetic planets,suchasJupiter, have consequently, thegeomagneticfieldalsoexertsanimportant important roleintheatmospheric dynamicsandwhere, The regionofEarth’s atmosphereinwhichionizedgasplaysan (1,192 kilometersperhour) level, forexample,Mach1=approximately 741milesperhour a givenmedium;indryairat32degreesFahrenheitandsea (1838–1916) andindicatingspeedwithrespecttothatofsound in A relativenumbernamedafterAustrianphysicistErnstMach Laser Vegetation ImagingSensor Liquid Oxygen Light IntersectionDirectionandRanging Liquid Hydrogen Low-Earth Orbit—100to350nauticalmilesaboveEarth Long-Duration ExposureFacility constructed in1960 vaporize thehardestandmostheat-resistantmaterials,first produces anintensebeamoflightthatmaybestrongenoughto Light amplifiedbysimulatedemissionofradiation—adevicethat collect informationaboutEarth’s naturalresources Land [remotesensing]Satellite—aseriesofsatellitesdesignedto Radio frequenciesinthe11–12-gigahertzrange Kennedy SpaceCenter Radio frequenciesinthe30-gigahertzrange Radio frequenciesinthe20-gigahertzrange Jet PropulsionLaboratory(NASA) Japanese ExperimentalModule International Telecommunications Union International Trade Administration(DoC) International SpaceStation International OrganizationforStandardization Integrated ProgramOffice short-wave transmissions presence ofionizedatomsinlayersthatreflectradiowavesand That regionofEarth’s atmospheresonamedbecauseofthe information adopted commonprotocolstopermittheexchangeofelectronic independently managedcomputernetworksworldwidethathave NSF Net;veryslowlyitbecameacollectionofmorethan40,000 An internationalcomputernetworkthatbeganabout1970asthe more coherentwavetrainsemittedfromthesamesource The productionandmeasurementofinterferencefromtwoor 151 F iscal Year 2001 Activities Mission Control Center–Houston Mission Control Center–Moscow Mission Control Orbiter Mars Climate Megahertz Military Satellite Communications Multiangle Imaging Spectroradiometer Monomethyl Hydrazine Service (DoI) Minerals Management Imaging Spectrometer Moderate Resolution Mars Polar Lander Module Multi-Purpose Logistics Program National Aerial Photography National Airspace System (FAA) National Aeronautics and Space Administration Japan) National Space Development Agency (of National Air and Space Museum National Agricultural Statistics Service (USDA) Organization North Atlantic Treaty Quality Assessment National Water National Civil Applications Program (USGS) Nationwide Differential GPS National Digital Orthoquad Program Information Service National Environmental Satellite, Data and (NOAA) stars thought to be com- Any of a class of extremely dense, compact posed primarily of neutrons; see pulsar Radar Next Generation Weather National Geodetic Survey Nongeostationary satellite (DoC) National Institute of Standards and Technology (DoC); also the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Sun-synchronous satellites in designation of that administration’s polar orbit Functioning as designed Oxides of nitrogen Environmental Satellite System Operational National Polar-orbiting NPOESS Preparatory Project National Park Service (DoI) NASA Research Announcement National Resources Conservation Service (USDA) National Reconnaissance Office (DoD) National Security Council National Science Foundation and Information Administration National Telecommunications which radio spectrum manager, (DoC)—the Federal Government’s coordinates the use of LEO satellite networks, such as those for and Landsat, Navstar GPS, the Space Shuttle, and the Television Infrared Operational Satellite (TIROS), with other countries of the world N NAPP MCC-M MCO MHz MilSatCom MISR MMH MMS MODIS MPL MPLM NAS NASA NASDA NASM NASS NATO NAWQA NCAP NDGPS NDOP NESDIS Neutron star NEXRAD NGS NGSO NIST NOAA Nominal NOx NPOESS NPP NPS NRA NRCS NRO NSC NSF NTIA MCC-H 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 151 Page PM 3:25 3/20/03 report 2001 2001 report3/20/033:25PMPage152 152

Aeronautics and Space Report of the President Ramjet RADARSAT R QuikSCAT Quasar Q Pulsar PRA PPS POES PMA grammetry Photo- PECAD PEACESAT PCB Pathfinder PARCS PAMS-STU P OSTP OSS OSMRE SPAS ORFEUS- magnitude Order of OMPS OLMSA ODERACS O NWRC shaped tubesorductsopenatboth ends,alongwiththeairnecessary A jetenginewithnomechanical compressor, consistingofspecially Canadian RadarSatellite Quick Scatterometer gas spiralingathighvelocityintoamassiveblackhole emission; manyinvestigatorsattributetheirhigh-energygeneration to A classofrarecosmicobjectsextremeluminosityandstrong radio waves compressed together;pulsarsemitextremelyregularpulsesof radio exploding star, calledasupernova,collapsesinwardandbecomes neutron star;thelatterisformedwhencoreofaviolently A pulsatingradiostar, whichisthoughttobearapidlyspinning Probabilistic RiskAssessment Precise PositioningService Polar-orbiting OperationalEnvironmentalSatellite(program) Pressurized MatingAdapter photography The scienceorartofobtainingreliablemeasurementsbymeans Production EstimatesandCropAssessmentDivision(FAS) Pan-Pacific EducationandCommunicationsExperimentbySatellite Polychlorinated biphenyl involved inspecificPathfinderefforts them moreusefultoresearchers;NASA,NOAA,andUSGSare archiving, anddistributingexistingEarthsciencedatasetstomake A programthatfocusesontheprocessing,reprocessing,maintaining, Primary AtomicReferenceClockinSpace Satellite Test Unit Passive AerodynamicallyStabilizedMagneticallyDampedSatellite- Office ofScienceandTechnology Policy Office ofSpaceScience(NASA) Office ofSurfaceMiningReclamationandEnforcement(DoI) Shuttle PalletSatellite Orbiting andRetrievableFarExtremeUltravioletSpectrograph- would belargerbytwoordersofmagnitude be anorderofmagnitudegreater;if100timesasgreat,it quantity was10timesasgreatanotherquantity, itwould An amountequalto10timesagivenvalue;thusifsome Ozone MappingandProfilerSuite Office ofLifeandMicrogravitySciencesApplications(NASA) Orbital DebrisRadarCalibrationSpheres Northwest Watershed ResearchCenter(ARS) 153 F iscal Year 2001 Activities echnology Administration (DoC) riacetone triperoxide (terrorist explosive) racking and Data Relay Satellite omographic Experiment using Radiative Recombinative Ionospheric T T T T for combustion being shoved into the duct and compressed by the the duct and compressed being shoved into for combustion of the engine forward motion Identification Radio Frequency Vehicle Reusable Launch Remotely Piloted Aircraft Russian Space Agency Modeling Laboratory (ARS) Remote Sensing and Remote Sensing System Shafter Airborne Multispectral Observatory Smithsonian Astrophysical Synthetic Aperture Radar System Space Based Infrared Satellite Business Systems Supersonic-combustion ramjet Field-of-view Sensor Sea-viewing Wide Spacelab Life Sciences Safety and Mission Assurance Student Nitric Oxide Experiment Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy Solar and Heliospheric Observatory of the solar corona (outer A stream of particles accelerated by the heat to permit them to escape region of the Sun) to velocities great enough gravitational field from the Sun’s experiments Commercial module for housing Shuttle for Astronomy Shuttle Pointed Autonomous Research Tool (French satellite for the Satellite Pour l’Observation de la Terre observation of Earth) Solid Rocket Booster Solid Rocket Motor Solid Rocket Motor Upgrade Shuttle Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet Space Station Control Center Solid Surface Combustion Experiment Space Shuttle Main Engine Special Sensor Microwave Imager Space Station Remote Manipulator System Facility Space Station Training Initiative Technology Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty System Space Transportation Astronomy Satellite Submillimeter Wave T TA TATP TDRS TERRIERS SAMRSS RFID RLV RPA RSA RSML S SAO SAR SBIRS SBS Scramjet SeaWiFS SLS SMA SNOE SOFIA SOHO Solar wind SPACEHAB SPARTAN SPOT SRB SRM SRMU SSBUV SSCC SSCE SSME SSM/I SSRMS SSTF SSTI START STS SWAS 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 153 Page PM 3:25 3/20/03 report 2001 2001 report3/20/033:25PMPage154 154

Aeronautics and Space Report of the President TOMS XRSIM X rays X-Y-Z WSF WSDDM WRC WIRE Wind shear WAAS W VLSA VLBA VHF VCL V USWCL USMP USML USGS USDA USAID U.S. URET UNISPACE UHF UARS U TRMM TRACON TRACE TOPEX T EUV andRadioSources X-ray simulationsoftware spectrum Radiations ofveryshortwavelengths,beyondtheultravioletin the W W W W underneath force anaircrafttothegroundnosefirstifiscaught focus intenseamountsofverticalenergyinanarrowfunnelthatcan or verticalplane;powerfulbutinvisibledowndraftscalledmicrobursts V W V V megacycles persecond V V U.S. Water ConservationLaboratory(ARS) U.S. MicrogravityPayload U.S. MicrogravityLaboratory U.S. GeologicalSurvey(DoI) U.S. DepartmentofAgriculture U.S. AgencyforInternationalDevelopment United States User RequestEvaluationTool Outer Space United NationsConferenceontheExplorationandPeacefulUsesof cles persecond Ultrahigh Frequency—anyfrequencybetween300and3,000megacy- Upper AtmosphereResearchSatellite T T T Ocean Topography Experiment otal OzoneMappingSpectrometer ropical RainfallMeasuringMission erminal RadarApproachControl(system) ransition RegionandCoronalExplorer ariation ofwindspeedanddirectionwithrespecttoahorizontal ery LargeScaleAerial ery LargeBaselineArray ery HighFrequency—anyradiofrequencybetween30and300 egetation CanopyLidar ake ShieldFacility eather SupporttoDeicingDecisionMaking orld RadiocommunicationConference ide-field InfraredExplorer ide AreaAugmentationSystem 155 F iscal Year 2001 Activities 2001 report 3/20/03 3:25 PM Page 155 Page PM 3:25 3/20/03 report 2001