ANNALES HISTORICO-NATURALES MUSEI NATIONALIS HUNGARICI Volume 100 Budapest, 2008 pp. 385–397. Data for the calculation of body height on the basis of extremities of individuals living in different historical periods in the Carpathian Basin ZS. BERNERT Department of Anthropology, Hungarian Natural History Museum H-1082 Budapest, Ludovika tér 2. Hungary. E-mail:
[email protected] – On the basis of individual data of several thousands of human bones excavated in the Carpathian Basin, 1) numerical correlations of the length of bones of the same individual was described. This can help us for instance when assorting bones found in ossuaries; 2) a body height calculation method considering figure and sex differences of individuals living in the Carpathian Basin was proposed; 3) tables were created showing the chances that various postcranial bones belonged to males or females based on the length; 4) stature categories were proposed corresponding to height estimation methods. With 8 tables and 5 figures. – Age estimation, body height, Carpathian Basin, human skeletal remains, ossuary, physical anthropology, stature categories. INTRODUCTION In classic anthropological publications, it is almost obligatory to deal with estimated body height of ancient people. Namely, we cannot imagine how these people looked like without knowing their height. The height is often estimated on the basis of metric data of postcranial bones. In this work, I will examine length data of long bones of people living in the Carpathian Basin. Knowing the correlations of limb bones of individuals may help in comparing different populations and sorting bones found in ossuaries. At the same time, the large number of individual data can also be used for the estimation of height of people living in the historical ages of the Carpathian Basin.