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DISCUSSION PAPERS Irén Szörényiné KUKORELLI CENTRE FOR REGIONAL STUDIES OF HUNGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES DISCUSSION PAPERS No. 56 Relation Analysis in Rural Space – A Research Method for Exploring the Spatial Structure in Hungary – by Irén Szörényiné KUKORELLI Series editor Zoltán GÁL Pécs 2007 ISSN 0238–2008 ISBN 978–963–9052–74–1 2007 by Centre for Regional Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Technical editor: Ilona Csapó Printed in Hungary by Sümegi Nyomdaipari, Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Ltd., Pécs. CONTENTS 1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 5 2 Spatial relation analysis – a method for verifying changing shift directions and for micro-space research ................................................................................................. 5 2.1 The spatial relationship analysis of Répcesík microregion ................................... 11 2.1.1 The structure of spatial relations in the microregion’ ................................ 12 2.1.2 Summary of spatial trajectory analysis ...................................................... 13 2.2 The spatial relationship analysis of the settlements of Lake Balaton ................... 18 2.2.1 Administrative spatial trajectories ............................................................. 19 2.2.2 Spatial relations in health service .............................................................. 20 2.2.3 The spatial relations of education .............................................................. 21 2.2.4 The spatial trajectories of commercial relations ........................................ 23 2.2.5 The spatial relations of financial services .................................................. 25 2.2.6 The spatial relations of recreational activities ........................................... 26 2.2.7 The spatial relations of tourist accommodation ........................................ 27 2.2.8. The general features of spatial relations .................................................... 29 2.2.9 Spatial structure in the reflection of spatial trajectory analysis ................. 33 2.3 The analysis of the spatial relations of Szigetköz ................................................. 34 2.3.1 Administrative and official spatial relations ................................................ 37 2.3.2 Commercial spatial relations ..................................................................... 38 2.3.3 The spatial relations of services................................................................. 39 2.3.4 The breakdown of educational spatial trajectories .................................... 39 2.3.5 The special features of recreational spatial trajectories ............................... 40 2.3.6 The spatial trajectories of second-home functions .................................... 41 2.3.7 The spatial trajectories of commuters ........................................................ 42 2.3.8 The microregion’s crossborder relations ................................................... 44 2.3.9 Summary of spatial relations ..................................................................... 44 2.4 The spatial relationship analysis in the urban zone of Gy ır ................................. 49 2.4.1 The microregion within the sphere of three cities ..................................... 49 2.4.2 The spatial trajectories of administration .................................................. 50 2.4.3 Commercial spatial trajectories ................................................................. 50 2.4.4 The spatial trajectories of financial and other services .............................. 51 2.4.5 The spatial trajectories of cultural and sports events ................................. 51 2.4.6 Family relationships .................................................................................. 52 2.4.7 Crossborder spatial trajectories ................................................................. 52 2.4.8 Summary of spatial relations ..................................................................... 53 3 Conclusion .................................................................................................................... 56 References ............................................................................................................................ 57 Annex .............................................................................................................................. 59 List of figures Figure 1 The intensity and network of spatial relations in Répcesík ............................... 14 Figure 2 The breakdown and intensity of spatial trajectories at Lake Balaton ................ 31 Figure 3 The intensity and breakdown of residential spatial trajectories in Rábcatorok microregion ............................................................................... 55 List of tables Table 1 The summary of spatial trajectories originating from the settlements of Répcesík (%) ..................................................................................................... 16 Table 2 Cohesion and centralisation values of the settlements in Répcesík ................... 17 Table 3 Orientation of spatial trajectories departing from the settlements of Lake Balaton Resort District ...................................................................................... 30 Table 4 Types of settlement categories resulting from spatial trajectory analysis ........... 35 Table 5 Orientation of spatial trajectories originating from Szigetköz settlements ........ 45 Table 6 The cohesion and centralisation values of the settlements of Szigetköz ........... 48 Table 7 The relational matrix of the spatial trajectories of the settlements in Rábcatorok microregion ................................................................................ 54 1 Introduction This paper is introducing a method for analysing the differences and dynamics of the social utilisation of space. The essence of this method lies in the registration of changes in the spatial structure of settlements through analysing the spatial shifts of settlements within settlement network hierarchy with the identification of coherent spatial units. The analysis of spatial relations, i.e. microregional planning is a very useful method as it helps in mapping the interrelationship of settlements, and their major linking points, as well as in identifying their positions in the settlement hierarchy and – through the analysis of the directions of gravitational force – may localise their gravitational zones as well. Hereinafter, this method will be named as spatial relationship analysis. The startup phase for the workout of this method was funded by the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund’s Programme titled ‘The Integration Ability of Rural Spaces in Hungary’s Socio-economic Process’ (registration no. T 7236). 2 Spatial relation analysis – a method for verifying changing shift directions and for micro-space research The links and relations of rural spaces to urban and other central settlements are the major shaping forces of the actual settlement structure. Until the 1990s the administrative system of Hungary was favouring for a hierarchical system of inter- settlement relations and state initiated spatial formations such as school districts, cooperative centres, panel doctor service centre, and other centralised functions had large impacts and in many cases had determining force on the spatial shift orientations of local population. The socio-economic transformation of Hungary terminated the earlier rigidity and forced nature of inter-settlement relations. The passing of Local Government Act put an end to joint municipalities and the new independent local governments were managing local public affairs only, the earlier strict centralised system of school districts and health services has been dissolved. The emerging new foreign- owned companies, with their opening new subsidiary branches settling down in West-Transdanubia have changed commuter directions. The opening of new shops by private entrepreneurs generated quick changes in retail trade in small and big settlements and the emergence of various never before seen private services enhanced the local business supply of villages. The emergence of the new forms of commerce and services was such a new phenomenon in villages that they generated new trajectories not only on local but on inter-settlement level as well. The direc- tions of recreational relations have also changed and the international relations of rural areas were gaining new force in the 1990s. As the functional content of spaces be rural or urban will be formulated by the activity of their population these new social shift directions have had great impacts on shaping the politically and economically transforming spatial structure of Hungary. The researches to be presented below were aimed at clarifying which residential shifts and spatial trajectories can serve as a model for the representation of chang- ing inter-settlement relations in the 1990s and what changes they have induced in microregions. These investigations launched in the midst of ‘the ecstasy of free- dom’ of the socio-economic transformation of Hungary when local governance rights were granted to settlements and the growing number of personal cars in- creased residential mobility. The rapidly changing patterns of consumption have redirected the destinations of residential shifts as this was the dawn of the rise of consumer society in Hungary.
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