Listing of Transboundary

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Listing of Transboundary List of transboundary cases Planned activities subject to the UNECE Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context (Espoo, 1991) Made available to the public as agreed by the Meeting of the Parties to the Espoo Convention at its fifth session, 20–23 June 2011 The information below has been gathered from a variety of sources, as indicated. The information is unofficial and is likely inaccurate as well as incomplete, but provides an indication of planned activities subject to the Convention Key: Affected Party (besides Parties of origin in joint proceedings): º did not participate º º requested participation Source: ISO 2-character country codes used. Party Year Project type / classification RED YELLOW GREEN Uncertain Uncertain, perhaps Uncertain reported as underway in the indicated year range PRODUCED JULY 2011. Party of origin Affected Party Project name, Proponent Year Project type Major Competent Status of Classification, Source Joint (besides Parties Change Authority project Appendix of origin in joint Amended proceedings) Armenia Azerbaijan; new nuclear power plant on the 2010 nuclear power Notification 2 b correspondence Georgia; Iran; Armenia Nuclear Power Plant plant sent Turkey Site near Metsamor Town, Armavir Marz No Austria Czech Republic A5 North: Poysbrunn- 2006 motorway Austrian pending 7 a 1 questionnaire 2006 Drasenhofen (Mikulov, CZ), (9 Ministry of CZ, km) By ASFINAG (Federal transport motorway company) (BMVIT) 6_eit_casestudies.pdf No Austria Slovakia General Danube river 2006 waterways Land ongoing 9 questionnaire 2010 AT engeneering project governments of Lower Austria and Vienna No Austria Hungary thermal waste treatment in 2007 Treatment plant of Land finished 10 b questionnaire 2010 AT Heiligenkreuz/ BEGAS waste non hazardous government of incineration installation in the waste Burgenland business park Heiligenkreuz by Begas AG No Austria Czech Republic Equipment for the production of 2008 chemical Austrian finished 6 glucose, Pernhofen, extension installation Ministry of Review 2010 AT, CZ of an integrated chemical transport http://www.jungbunzlauer. installation, by Jungbunzlauer (BMVIT) com/about- AG jungbunzlauer/history.htm l No Austria Hungary° “S7” federal express road 2009 motorway HU did not 7 a 2 questionnaire 2010 HU construction – subsection east take part in project the procedure No Austria Slovakia° Highway near Kitsee, A 6 2010 motorway Austrian SK did not 7 a 1 questionnaire 2006 SK hihgway north - east, conection Ministry of take part in A4 - Kitsee transport the (BMVIT) precedure No Austria Hungary Windfarm Andau/Halbturn 2010 windpower Land pending 22 government of Burgenland no Austria Slovakia Windfarm near Kitsee 2010 windpower Land SK did not 22 questionnaire 2006 SK government of take part in Burgenland the procedure No Austria Italy Brenner basis tunnel (joint 2006 - high capacity Austrian finished, 7 a 3 project) 2010 railway Ministry of appeals transport against the (BMVIT) decision pending before the Environment al Senate response from austria no Belarus Austria, Lithuania, nuclear power plant, by 2009 nuclear power ongoing 2 b http://www.umweltbun Latvia, Poland, Directorate for the Construction plant Russia, Ukraine, of the Nuclear Power Plant, mation/uvpsup/espoov sub-contractor Belnipergoprom erfahren/espoo_belaru s/uvpkkwbelarus/ No Belarus Lithuania hydroelectric power plant on 2006- hydropower Soon to be 11 Nemunas river, Nemnovskaya 2009 finished - /eia/documents/ActivityRe HPS on the river Neman final decision ports/Belarus_pilot_09/pu pending blic_hearing_Druskininkai _25.09.09/report.pdf No Belarus Ukraine chalk quarry "Hotislavsky" 2006- quarry 14 Questionnaire 2010 BY Malaryta district, Brest region 2009 No Belgium France hypermarket in Mons 2003 commercial other development /eia/documents/Implemen tationCommittee/2008- 2011/eia.ic.sci.2.6_messa ge_from_Belgium.pdf No Belgium Luxembourg IKEA shop in Arlon 2004 commercial other development /eia/documents/Implemen tationCommittee/2008- 2011/eia.ic.sci.2.6_messa ge_from_Belgium.pdf /eia/documents/Implemen tationCommittee/2008- 2011/eia.ic.sci.2.6_inform ation_from_Belgium.pdf No Belgium Netherlands nuclear power station Doel-1 2007 nuclear power yes 2 b questionnaire BE 2010 replacement of the steam plant generators No Belgium Netherlands Thermal power plant by SPE 2007 thermal power Municipality of 2 a IC Correspondence, Company plant Visé? EIA/IC/INFO/4 No Belgium Netherlands nuclear power station Doel-4 2008 nuclear power yes 2 b questionnaire BE 2010 modification of exploitation plant regime No Belgium Netherlands Production of organical 2010 chemical Flanders 6 questionnaire BE 2006 chemicals with a capacity of installation 100.000 ton/year or more and production of anorganical chemicals with a capacity of 250.000 ton/year or more No Belgium Netherlands chemical installation by Solvic 2010 chemical 6 questionnaire NL 2006 NV installation No 04/07/2011 1 Cases reported until 2010 Party of origin Affected Party Project name, Proponent Year Project type Major Competent Status of Classification, Source Joint (besides Parties Change Authority project Appendix of origin in joint Amended proceedings) Belgium Germany Trilogiport Liège; Service 2010 harbour enlarging District Government Public de Wallonie, Liège Cologne: Files no Belgium Netherlands Installation for the intensive 2010 Poultry farm 20 questionnaire BE 2006 rearing of poultry with more than 60000 places for hens. There were two transboundary procedures between Flanders (party of origin) and the Netherlands (affected party). No Belgium Netherlands chemical installation by BASF 2003- chemical 6 questionnaire 2006 NL Antwerpen 2005 installation (BE?), Appendix 2 NL questionnaire 2010 No Belgium Netherlands Production of organical 2003- chemical Flanders? 6 questionnaire BE 2006 chemicals with a capacity of 2005 installation 100.000 ton/year or more and production of anorganical chemicals with a capacity of 250.000 ton/year or more No Belgium Netherlands Chemical installation with a 2003- chemical Flanders 6 questionnaire BE 2006 production capacity of organic 2005 installation chemicals of more then 100.000 ton/year. No Belgium Netherlands Treatment of intermediate 2003- chemical 6 questionnaire BE 2006 products and production of 2005 installation chemicals. There was one transboundary procedure between Flanders (party of origin) and the Netherlands (affected party). No Belgium Netherlands An industrial estate 2003- commercial other questionnaire BE 2006 development prjoect with a 2005 development surface of 50 hectare or more. There was one transboundary procedure between Flanders (party of origin) and the Netherlands (affected party). No Belgium Netherlands Holiday village project. The 2003- commercial other questionnaire BE 2006 transboundary procedure was 2005 development between Flanders (party of origin) and the Netherlands (affected party). No Belgium Netherlands Ground water abstraction with 2003- Groundwater 12 questionnaire BE 2006 a capacity of 2.500 m3 a day or 2005 abstraction more. No Belgium Netherlands Ground water abstraction with 2003- Groundwater 12 a capacity of 2.500 m3 a day or 2005 abstraction more No Belgium Netherlands Integrated works for the initial 2003- metal smelting 4 questionnaire BE 2006 smelting of cast-iron and steel. 2005 There was one transboundary procedure between Flanders (party of origin) and the Netherlands (affected party). No Belgium Netherlands Installation for the smelting of 2003- metal smelting 4 questionnaire BE 2006 non-ferrous metals. There was 2005 one transboundary procedure between Flanders (party of origin) and the Netherlands (affected party). No Belgium Netherlands Extraction of minerals by 2003- mining 14 questionnaire BE 2006 marine of fluvial dredging. 2005 There was one transboundary procedure between Flanders (party of origin) and the Netherlands (affected party). No Belgium Netherlands Nature conservation Stropers, 2003- nature other questionnaire NL 2006 St.-Gillis-Waas en Stekene 2005 conservation (SEA?) No Belgium Netherlands Renewal of permit for a nuclear 2003- nuclear power 2 b questionnaire BE 2006 power station. There was one 2005 plant transboundary procedure between Flanders (party of origin) and the Netherlands (affected party). No Belgium Netherlands The Nuclear Electrabel Doel, 2003- nuclear power Federal 2 b questionnaire BE 2006 power station (notified), 2005 plant Agency for replacement of the Nuclear steamgenerator and power control increase at the Nuclear power (FANC) station Doel 2 by Federal Agency for Nuclear control (FANC) No Belgium Netherlands Industrial plants for the 2003- paper Flanders 13 questionnaire BE 2006 production of pulp from timber 2005 or similar fibrous materials and the production of paper and board with a production capacity exceeding 200 tonnes per day No Belgium Netherlands Paper factory Sappi N.V, 2003- paper 13 questionnaire NL 2006 Lanaken 2005 No 04/07/2011 2 Cases reported until 2010 Party of origin Affected Party Project name, Proponent Year Project type Major Competent Status of Classification, Source Joint (besides Parties Change Authority project Appendix of origin in joint Amended proceedings) Belgium Netherlands Installations for the intensive 2003- pig farm Flanders 20 questionnaire BE 2006 rearing of pigs with more than 2005 3 000 places for production pigs (over
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