Wirtschaftsdaten Baden-Württemberg 2020
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Economic Facts and Figures Baden-Württemberg 2020 Area and Population 2010 2015 2019 Unit Area km² 35 751 35 751 35 748 Total population 1 000 10 754 10 880 11 070 less than 20 years 1 000 2 129 2 098 2 111 65 years and over 1 000 2 091 2 152 2 232 density of population population per km2 301 304 310 Economic Strength Gross domestic product in current prices EUR mill. 382 897 464 178 524 325 Baden- per capita EUR 36 534 42 987 47 290 Württemberg real economic growth % 7,8 2,7 0,1 Distribution of gross value added (current prices) Agriculture, forestry and fishing % 0,6 0,5 0,6 This south-west state of Germany is a top quality location for enter- prises with international standing. Industry, excluding construction % 33,7 34,9 33,7 Manufacturing % 30,9 32,9 31,8 Baden-Württemberg’s strength is its high economic performance. This strong export-oriented economy invests enormous amounts Construction % 4,2 4,4 5,3 in research and development as well as in innovations. Flagship Service activities % 61,6 60,2 60,3 branches are the technology sectors like automobile production and mechanical and electrical engineering. Trade, transportation and storage, acco- modation, information and communication % 18,6 18,3 18,6 A successful network of small, medium-sized and large manu- Financial, insurance and real estate facturers, closely intertwined to research facilities and producti- activities, professional service activities % 24,5 24,2 23,7 on-oriented services, is the motor behind the strong economic development. Public administration and other service activities, education and human health % 18,4 17,7 18,1 Baden-Württemberg‘s high quality standards are an ideal location for successful business. For more information please refer to the addresses and telephone Labor market numbers on the last page. Unemployed 1 000 258,7 181,1 144,6 Unemployment rate (ILO) % 4,8 3,1 2,4 Area and Population 2010 2015 2019 Total employment 2010 2015 2019 Unit Unit Area km² 35 751 35 751 35 748 Total employment 1 000 5 720 6 091 6 395 Total population 1 000 10 754 10 880 11 070 Percentage of total employment Agriculture, forestry and fishing % 1,3 1,1 1,1 less than 20 years 1 000 2 129 2 098 2 111 Industry, excluding construction % 25,9 25,8 25,8 65 years and over 1 000 2 091 2 152 2 232 Manufacturing % 24,9 24,7 24,7 density of population population per km2 301 304 310 Construction % 5,2 5,1 5,4 Service activities % 67,6 68,0 67,7 Trade, transportation and storage, acco- modation, information and communication % 24,6 24,5 24,3 Economic Strength Gross domestic product Financial, insurance and real estate activities, professional service activities % 15,3 15,8 15,5 in current prices EUR mill. 382 897 464 178 524 325 per capita EUR 36 534 42 987 47 290 Public administration and other service activities, education and human health % 27,8 27,7 27,9 real economic growth % 7,8 2,7 0,1 Distribution of gross value added (current prices) Agriculture, forestry and fishing % 0,6 0,5 0,6 Industry, excluding construction % 33,7 34,9 33,7 Manufacturing % 30,9 32,9 31,8 Construction % 4,2 4,4 5,3 Service activities % 61,6 60,2 60,3 Trade, transportation and storage, acco- modation, information and communication % 18,6 18,3 18,6 Financial, insurance and real estate activities, professional service activities % 24,5 24,2 23,7 Public administration and other service activities, education and human health % 18,4 17,7 18,1 Labor market Unemployed 1 000 258,7 181,1 144,6 Unemployment rate (ILO) % 4,8 3,1 2,4 Total employment 2010 2015 2019 Industry 2010 2015 2019 Unit (manufacturing) Unit Total employment 1 000 5 720 6 091 6 395 Local units Number 8 047 8 187 8 550 Percentage of total employment Employees 1 000 1 155 1 245 1 334 Agriculture, forestry and fishing % 1,3 1,1 1,1 Turnover EUR mill. 272 873 345 729 369 855 Industry, excluding construction % 25,9 25,8 25,8 Domestic Turnover EUR mill. 136 666 153 115 165 643 Manufacturing % 24,9 24,7 24,7 Foreign Turnover EUR mill. 136 207 192 614 204 212 Construction % 5,2 5,1 5,4 Export rate % 49,9 55,7 55,2 Service activities % 67,6 68,0 67,7 Wages and salaries per employee EUR 43 319 50 697 55 700 Trade, transportation and storage, acco- modation, information and communication % 24,6 24,5 24,3 Industrial Structure (Percentage in proportion to the Financial, insurance and real estate turnover in manufacturing) activities, professional service activities % 15,3 15,8 15,5 Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers % 25,9 31,0 29,8 Public administration and other service activities, education and human health % 27,8 27,7 27,9 Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c. % 20,5 21,4 21,5 Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment % 7,3 7,0 7,4 Companies in Baden-Württemberg in 2018 Manufacture of electrical equipment % 7,3 6,5 6,8 Enterprises Manufacture of computer, electronic and Employees optical products % 5,3 4,2 4,4 subject to Economic sector Number Turnover social Manufacture of food products % 5,2 4,1 4,1 insurance Manufacture of rubber and plastic products % 4,0 3,8 3,9 1 000 EUR bill. Manufacture of chemicals and chemical Manifacturing 40,9 1 569,5 488,9 products % 3,6 3,3 3,1 Construction 49,7 240,9 45,0 Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical pro- Wholesale and retail trade; repair of ducts and pharmaceutical preparations % 2,7 2,7 2,9 motor vehicles and motorcycles 84,2 674,0 331,8 Transportation and storage 13,9 159,3 22,6 Craft Accommodation and food service activities 36,8 123,2 11,7 Local units Number 106 844 109 044 110 791 Information and communication 17,5 175,8 35,6 Employees 1 000 704 740 753 Financial and insurance activities 10,3 115,6 12,3 Turnover EUR bill. 76,1 88,4 103,2 Real estate activities 21,2 25,7 12,8 Professional, scientific and technical activities 72,0 293,7 48,1 Primary Construction Industry Administrative and support service Local units (June) Number 6 921 7 158 7 481 activities 26,5 247,2 23,4 Employees (June) 1 000 86 93 107 Human health and social work activities 30,6 576,7 10,5 Turnover EUR mill. 10 301 13 454 19 068 Arts, entertainment and recreation 13,6 38,0 5,7 Other service activities 34,3 122,3 5,2 Industry 2010 2015 2019 Education 2010 2015 2019 (manufacturing) Unit Unit Local units Number 8 047 8 187 8 550 Total students 1 000 1 651 1 545 1 521 Employees 1 000 1 155 1 245 1 334 General education schools 1 000 1 219 1 121 1 104 Turnover EUR mill. 272 873 345 729 369 855 Vocational training 1 000 432 424 417 Domestic Turnover EUR mill. 136 666 153 115 165 643 Foreign Turnover EUR mill. 136 207 192 614 204 212 Total college and university students 1 000 287 357 357 Export rate % 49,9 55,7 55,2 Law, economic and social sciences 1 000 86 122 127 Wages and salaries per employee EUR 43 319 50 697 55 700 Mathematics, natural sciences 1 000 54 39 39 Engineering sciences 1 000 60 111 107 Industrial Structure (Percentage in proportion to the turnover in manufacturing) Vocational Training Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers % 25,9 31,0 29,8 Total trainees (apprentices) 1 000 205 190 190 Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c. % 20,5 21,4 21,5 Industry and commerce 1 000 124 118 117 Manufacture of fabricated metal products, Craft 1 000 55 47 47 except machinery and equipment % 7,3 7,0 7,4 Manufacture of electrical equipment % 7,3 6,5 6,8 Agriculture 1 000 4 4 4 Manufacture of computer, electronic and Civil service 1 000 6 5 6 optical products % 5,3 4,2 4,4 Liberal professions 1 000 15 15 15 Manufacture of food products % 5,2 4,1 4,1 Home economics 1 000 2 1 1 Manufacture of rubber and plastic products % 4,0 3,8 3,9 Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products % 3,6 3,3 3,1 Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical pro- ducts and pharmaceutical preparations % 2,7 2,7 2,9 Science and Research State expenditures Craft (incl. communities) EUR mill. 3 585 4 529 4 994 Local units Number 106 844 109 044 110 791 Total college and university staff 1 000 61 72 68 Employees 1 000 704 740 753 Natural and engineering sciences 1 000 21 25 23 Turnover EUR bill. 76,1 88,4 103,2 Total staff in research and development work in the industrial sector 1 000 97,5 114,0 131,9 Primary Construction Industry R&D intensity % 4,4 4,9 5,6 Domestic applications for a patent Number 14 783 14 221 15 230 Local units (June) Number 6 921 7 158 7 481 Engineer density % . 3,7 4,0 Employees (June) 1 000 86 93 107 Turnover EUR mill. 10 301 13 454 19 068 Education 2010 2015 2019 Unit Total students 1 000 1 651 1 545 1 521 General education schools 1 000 1 219 1 121 1 104 Vocational training 1 000 432 424 417 Total college and university students 1 000 287 357 357 Law, economic and social sciences 1 000 86 122 127 Mathematics, natural sciences 1 000 54 39 39 Engineering sciences 1 000 60 111 107 Vocational Training Total trainees (apprentices) 1 000 205 190 190 Industry and commerce 1 000 124 118 117 Craft 1 000 55 47 47 Agriculture 1 000 4 4 4 Civil service 1 000 6 5 6 Liberal professions 1 000 15 15 15 Home economics 1 000 2 1 1 Science and Research State expenditures (incl.