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Santa Fe New Mexican, 1883-1913 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

8-3-1912 Santa Fe New Mexican, 08-03-1912 New Mexican Printing Company

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Recommended Citation New Mexican Printing Company. "Santa Fe New Mexican, 08-03-1912." (1912). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/sfnm_news/900

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essary. ' The governor declared that the LYON CALLS RESIDENT TAFT TO fight promoters in the state mig'ht just as well realize that his order had TAFT'S HAND been given advisedly and that he in- G truded to enforce it. 0 WOOL DILL In addition to his statement this Sherman, Texas. Aug. ,1. Colonel morning, he the following Cecil A. Lyon, chairman of the s!at! TENE which was his statement and original republican executive committee, SOME OF HiS SUPPORTERS ARE PASSING which he still upholds: made a to the White The roused and s'hocked morel public reply AROUND A CUfET TIP THAT NONE CF sense of our will never toler- House statement relating to Presi people PROGRESSIVE BILLS WILL GET BY. ate or permit such another mistake dent Tuft's nomination. The Lyon GOVERNORIIMCDONALD DECLARES to be made by the misled action of statement deals with the selection 'i j any locality. Those who stand ever THAT HE iS KEAO CF Tr!E MILI- Texas delegates to the national con- Washington, V. C Aug. ".Some i ready to take advantage of a bad ex- vention. of President Taft's supporters in the TIA IN NEW MEXICO ample and attempt to make a rule of senate declared had infor- AND THE "Respect for your office." the state- today they ; an exception will do well to prove mation that the president would veto ment read, "precludes such an answer ORDER WiLL STICK the contrary of this statement fuund OF UNCLE' SAM'S TROOPS STRUCK, BUT BULLETS FATTER UPON ROOFS ANO every one of the tariff bills now un- ME to your statement on of in the Chicago Record-Heral- of the merits der consideration. The the contests as would he cotton, wool, June 16, 1912: Chicago and steel bills are AGAINST WALLS OF HOMES IN EL PASO -- REPORTED THE AFFAIR WAS A RUSE made by to sugar nearly ready "With these four bouts being plan- nip any other citizen of to to LEGISLATURE CAN the United go the White House for signa- ned now and many more in the mak- Stales. Referring to the ture. TO PERMIT Texas case, I will say that your state- ing, Las Vegas sure is in right as far MEXICAN GUNNERS TO CARRY ARMS AND AHITION ACROSS RIVER ISy a vote of 33 to 2S, the senate to- PASS A LAW LATER ment as to the number of counties of as the boxing game is concerned. The day to recede from its Cana Texas is correct, hut the agreed law makers of Xew Mexico are help- WITHOUT DETECTION BY PATROL practically dian reciprocity repeal amendment on the cause of as much as entire statement of facts concerning that he is the head of ing pugilism the steel bill. This leaves the bill Declaring and are for the Texas cases is incorrect. Colonel the militia in New Mexico and that possible paving the way approved by both houses. It will go future Lyon denied he had been in the habit po- entertainments by passing; to the president at once. his recent order to the mounted of controlling the republican state measures boosting the game. The The house today agreed to the, con- lice to stop all boxing bouts at tn convention by from two fed- legislators are making of New Mexi- securing ference report on the wool tariff revi- rounds was going to stick, Governor eral office holders in ninety-nin- e co a mecca for boxers and the men RETAIN THEIR RIFLES AND ARE sion bill a vote of ICO to 02. McDonald again today Texas counties a certificate by The of the profession are beginning to un- - granting measure now will go to the what he has always said about prize a proxy to Colonel Lyon or a friend president. derstand this fact.'' 'T have been informed,-- ' said Sena- fighting in New Mexico. of his to the as if The time is not long between now OFF TO FEDERALS IN represent county tor Simmons, "that the will The governor declared that he was JOIN COMING ATTLE conferred a re- president and the next session of the legisla-- , regularly by regular veto these tariff bills and I no willing to take the odium heaped up- have ture. Then if are consid- publican county convention." doubt on him at the time of the Las Vegas prize fights that word has already been ered desirable two-third- s of that body sent to the iron and steel fight for he felt that he saw into the manufac- can pass a bill that may make such turers that the future clear enough to know that in El Paso, Aug. About fifty sh.it s today started an investigation. It lias Casas Grandes. ag'iinst which the proposed reduction expositions possible after that time. WILSON WILL will not go into the law. the long run, the result of that light were exchanged between l":,!i'.u been reported that the firing was federals are now marching from the at- Senator Gronna. of Xorth would convince the people that they States soldiers and unidentified men done by Mexican rebels to attract west and from the south. A train Dakota, who introduced the amendment for did not want to harbor the game in TO PREVENT A STRIKE. from the Mexican side of the river tention of American soldiers to a came up to Juarez 22 wound- NOT STUMP bearing the of ob- their midst. Chicago, 111., Aug. 3. Negotiations in east El Paso. Xo one spot on the Rio Grande while rebel ed who had been repeal the reciprocity law last night rebels, in the hospi- to "It's like a oad toward the of a strike on was were no gun runners crossed at another point, jected its being dropped from the just giving boy, prevention hit. There arrests tal at Casas Grandes, and Sea .1. not been confirmed off- returning, Girt, X. X, Aug. Governor bill. medicine to make him well," said the Chicago's street railway and elevated made. but this has it the PHI reinforcements. A carried Woodrow Wi'son will not the On a roll senate voted 33 governor. "It is sometimes quite nec systems were scheduled icially. stump call, the today. Three shots were fired from the hi'.ndred Mormons, armed with rifles, in his to 2S El I'aso, Tex., Aug. ?,. Nearly two country campaign for the pres- to drop the amendment. Mexican side, a house be- which they did not surrender to the and striking hundred tents arrived today from the idency will indulge in no person- longing to C. H. Cole. rebels last week, left Casas Grandes alities. United States quartermaster depart- After first or four shots this morning headed westward, osten- - The Governor him- XXXXXXXXXXXSS the three ment at St. Louis for housing the thus declared X GRIFFIN 13 CASHIER X were the soldiers on on sihly to round up cattle, hut the reb- self He will follow PROGRESSIVE TICKET IN heard, guard American refugees now here from today. a program X OF BANK AND TRUST CO. X tiie American side fire toward els fear they are going to join the fed- of scheduled opened Mexico. Eighty were set up this af- addresses to be based V At a meeting of the board of X Mexico. erals and fight wi'H them to avenge on calls from various ternoon and many of the Mormon fam- states. directors of the U. S. Bank and X their treatment last week at rebel The Governor The bullets then came faster from ilies housed in the lumber sheds, admitted that, he X Trust company held this after- - X ILLINOIS NOW CERTAIN one of them strik- hands. might reach some of coast X the Mexican side, where they have been for a week, the states noon, the resignation of H. F. X A. D. Martinez's house. Ariz., 3. The distribu-- i but that a call from far west X ing The moved into the tents, where they can Globe, Aug. the Stephens as cashier and director X houses of Messrs. Williams, tion of .Mormon from Mexi- wou'd he a order." V was - Curtis, secure some privacy. The United refugees "big accepted and Wm. E. Grif- X and Yonkers near the river, were co Mormon colonies in Arizona lie expects to about V fin - DELEGATES THER States continues issuing rations. among begin Septem- was elected to take both post- X SAY struck by bullets as was the roof of began today with the arrival here ot ber 1. The Governor declined to com X tions. Members of the director- - X The fact that the rebels have stop- and the El Paso foundry buildings. After three carloads of men, women ment on President Taft's speech of X ate stated that no other changes X ped the operation of trains over ih'i of the persons on the Mexican side of children, who (led from the state acceptance. X were contemplated at this time. X the river had fired 30 or 10 times Mexico Northwestern railroad to th-- i Sonora. More than a hundred were MEMBERS OF BULL MOOSE PARTY ARE ASSEMBLING IN CHICAGO FOR they ceased and the American sol- American colonies nd towns in nor- sent on to Thatcher, 20 to Stafford,' diers went toward the river to inves- thern Chihuahua, prevents any fur- and the remainder to Pima, where BIG CONVENTION WHICH WiLL OPEN ON MONDAY MORE ARE ARRIV- tigate.. ther refugees coming to El Paso, hut they will be looked after by members it is believed all women 1S ING THAN EXPECTED AND QUESTION OF SEATING THEM IS WORRYING At this moment a posse composed that and of their church. those in Dolores min- - ot Sheriff Peyton .1. Edwards and dep- children, except i Washington, D. C, Aug. Xeith- COMMITTEE uties arrived and started a search of ing famp have been removed to the er Consul Edwards at. Juarez, nor the thick brush growing in the old States. There is some uneasiness for Colonel Stever at EI Paso mentioned the American men who were working in fill river bed. Xo trace of the men who last night's filing across the line fired from the Mexican side could be on a railroad extension between Par- reports today. Officials 'here are dis- iff EiGHT-HOU- R DAY FOR MEN WOMEN AND found. The police officers returned, sons and Pachua, who started over- posed to minimize the affair. leaving further investigation to the land after the rebels had taken their International law requires that such AND WOMEN SUFFRAGE IN PLATFORM soldiers. provisions and horses. General Oroz-c- o troops be disarmed and interned nn- It was the opinion of some of the is still in Juarez, planning to de- itil the end of hostilities. Hut there residents of that section that the fir- part in a few days or perhaps a few are no federal statutes bearing on the had been done by Mexican rebels hours. Tin- - is current that ing .ivorl case nor is thia any appropriation WESTERN to draw the attention of the Ameri- the town will be fired before he to NEWSPAPER UNION ANO AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION ARE X X ranged for, it is shIC, which may be drawn upon feel XXXXXXXX can soldiers so that a of am- leaves. and maintain such an alien force. It..' CHEERS FOR TEDDY. will send forty-nine- , each delvfsj.'.te quantity CHARGED WITH ATTEMPTING TO INFLUENCE THE MINDS OF MILLIONS Il- munition could be smuggled across El Paso, Tex., 3. Four hund- he to to con- Chicago, 111., Aug. 3 The having h vote. Oilier sta'es Aug. might necessary appeal the river at another point. red rebel soldier were sent out of for an if an at-- OF COUNTRY NEWSPAPER READERS TKEY linois state progressive conven- will split their votes into halves, gress appropriation ' EXPOSED EACH OTHER en- Captain D. G. Perry, who was in Juarez at noon today to reinforce tempt were made by the rebels to tion opened today with an thirds and fourths. IN A BITTER BUSINESS WAR command of the United States guards, Genera! Salazar's thousand men at j cross into Texas. thusiastic demonstration for The national committee will s:.'t;e Colonel Roosevelt. The conven- Contests for several states, incl.nlin;; tion whistled and shouted, sang Gtcrgia, Mississippi, and South Caro- CORPORATIONS ".AN THEODORE AFRICANUS for fifteen minutes when THE DAY IN CONGRESS NAME INVENTED near'y lina and Florida. The contestants, NOT ELECT cENATORS IS AGREED FILED a of Colonel Roose- BY HENRY FOR T. R. DECREE IS WHEREBY BOTH large picture principally, are negroes. UNDER THIS NEW BILL. velt was unveiled on the stage. Colonel Roosevelt's message to Colonel in a tele- SENATE. X Texas Democrat in House Today Roosevelt, Merriam, was in as follows: "1 No One Candidate Him- WILL COMPLY WITH THE part Met at U a. m. X Except the Scores Roosevelt as "Mad Mullah" SHERMAN LAW gram congratulated the delegates wish to Dur- congratulate the Illinois Pro- Repeal of Canadian reciprocity X self Can Put Up Over $5,000 and Likewise Harsh on their stand for a third state on Says Things gressives their stand for a third dropped from the steel tariff X ing An Election Contest. About Taft. ticket. ticket. This is the course that has bill. X D. C 3. After Chairman had Washington, Aug. Repre- 111., 3 fi- Merriam been decided in - D. 3. An en- Chicago. Aug. With the certain economic ideas in minds upon Indiana, Michi- Elections compared a new cam- X Washington, C, Aug. sentative Henry of Texas, democrat, the delivered his address and rules ling of an agreed decree in a civil anti- of the and it de- gan, Missouri; while there are cer- paign contribution bill. X tirely new bill passed on Senator Cul- in a in the house attack- public, that was the were a recess was tak- speech today trust suit the western news- that such adopted, tain states where the conditions ren- Postoffice appropriation bill X ed Colonel Roosevelt and President against sign a disposition of it en. berson's measure to forbid corpora- paper union and the American should be made. der it unnecessary, l am firmly con- continued unde.r consideration to X Taft. He referred to the former as pre?.s tion contributions to an election association, the federal government The circulation from week to xxxxxxxxxxxxx vinced, that must normally be fol- the finance committee. X Theodore Afrieanus; the mad Mullah week in which or today took an advanced step under of information and of articles lowed and certainly in all cases unless HOUSE. X a prospective senator rep- of American politics, and declared that dealing 111., 3. doubt the Sherman law to prevent what the with question of Chicago, Aug. Little there is a ticket already in the field Met at 11 a. m. X resentative is to be voted for, and t'he former president throughout his public importance is 700 who de- - department of justice regarded as t'he of itself interstate commerce and. for existed among the delegates which the Progressives are willing to Refused to set a day for X it unlawful for administration had been in league with conven- making any person possibility of a combination to influ- one concern to the p.re here for the third party endorse and the nominees on which hate on the Stanley steel report X "big business." Mr. assailed acquire power to other than a candidate to contrib i' ? Henry ence the thought of sixty million distribute all such information tion, early that a full state tick- el- Edwin J. X de- and to today are openly in favor of Progressive Higgins, recognized Mr. Taft's record on the tariff and readers of et would be in the field in as of the X more than $5,000 to such an election, rural newspapers. Tha deceive the public by its perversion placed ectoral ticket." legal representative clared he had "shown his contempt anti-trus- proceedings in this t were is itself a serious and re- third Connecticut district. X was prepared today and will be re- for labor." He defended Governor substantial After a temporary organization had terminated in record time, United straint a The it was said, would X commended to the senate by the com- Wilson's career and and ex- upon monopolizing of inter- platform, been effected the convention adjourn- writings States District Kenesa Landis state other declare for wom- mittee on privileges and elections. tolled record. Judge trade and commerce. among things, ed until 2:30 when it was announced xxxxxxxxxxxs his the decree immediate- Such a an the initiative and referen- entering agreed restraint and monopoly will suffrage, that Governor Johnson of ly following the filing of the govern- unless an hour for men and result, defendants be restrain- dum, eight day, and Gifford Pinchot would deliver ments petition and the answers of the ed from on women alike in clas- carrying their warfare engaged pursuits addresses. BACK AGAIN! defendants. against each other. sed as labor. ' The convention at 3 The suit was directed against the "If all plate and ready print wera Medill of ivIcCormick, chairman the o'clock when Governor Hiram W. following corporate and individual supplied by one concern," the peti- Tirnvicinnnl ctata iinminiltflo pfltTort ttip Johnson of California, addressed the defendants: tion adds, "then the news thus distrib- delegates. He was given an ovation. Central West uted and the discussion of economies Publishing Company, and o'clock and Introduced Charles E. "We've come 2000 miles for the (Holding company of the Western other important questions thus Merriam, as temporary chairman. cause and the man," said Governor Newspaper Union.) supplied, would all be designed to mold the of William Flinn, the Johnson in opening. Western Xewspaper Union. sentiments the readers to one view Roosevelt who arrived here to- "We come to you believing that you Western Newspaper Union of Xew particular and that presen- leader, tation of diverse views said he was "still a will show that it w"l be impossible to York. and full and day, republican" free discussion of and that he the witness such a disgraceful proceeding George A. Joslyn, of Omaha, Xeb. important questions regarded Progressive from different which convention next as as was witnessed in Chicago a month John F. Cramer, Milwaukee. standpoints is Monday republi- essential to their understand- can. and a half ago. H. H. Fish, Omaha. proper ing and hence to the best Pro- "In our state we have M. H. McMillan, Chicago. necessary California's delegation to the a preferential public would be which was set aside American Press Association, organ- interest, prevented." gressive convention arrived today, primary by the William T. Chantland, convention in ized in New York. special headed by Governor . Chicago. to the attorney inves- have the referendum American Press Association, organ- general, The Californians brought with them ")Ve initiative, ized in West tigated and developed the govern- and recall and we make the judicial. Virginia. the game two state tanners used at Cortland W. G. and ment's case. If you have these isn't it ob- Smith, Brogan, the republican national convention in weapons Marcus F. Germond. James A. Fowler, assistant to the vious June. that the disgraceful scenes ot attorney general, conducted the nego- The decree is designed to end William Flinn and Governor John-so- the late republican convention can- i tiations which about a friend- bitter trade war between these cor- brought were called into conference with not be repeated. ly settlement. The in porations, which furnishes boiler petition equity Dixon and the other "Beyond these things," continued also is signed by Attorney General Senator Joseph plate and ready plate to thousands of the Governor, "there is yet a Wickersham and James H. Wllker-so- n, leaders. greater country newspapers. The defendants numbar-e- d problem which must be solved in pro- United States at Chi- The California delegation are restrained from or con- attorney one third gressive fashion. The of combining cago. 39, each delegate having problem tinuing alleged unfair methods in votes how to this chasm between Mr. Wilkerson explained the defend- vote. This splitting of with bridge competition which would result in de- those rich who are ants had agreed to the decree on be- enlarged delegations is making the constantly grow- stroying one or the other and com- a richer and who con- ing shown copies of the Beating problem in the convention ing the poor are plete monopoly for the survivor with government's difficult one. stantly growing poorer." petition before the appearance in all its potential power of influencing court. Cecil former republican na- "And so this movement, of which on" oth- Lyon, the sentiments economic and The answer to the tional committeeman from Texas, ar- you are a part, is founded on human- er important questions of the readers government's s petition, as presented the Ameri- rived after noon with the Tjx-a- ity and the of human kind. of the 16,0or small ol by shortly rights newspapers can Press Association, its delegation. And so, in the the United States which is estimated through present struggle the attorney, Charles A. Brodek, of New ultimate result will pro- fall into the hands of two-third- s of It will not be known until Monday be a sane, was an admission of all al- the of the York, the just how many delegates will attend gressive system that shall be antidote people country. legations the Western of concerning the convention. While the call fov arnachy and the defeat of social- Pointing out that an attempt was Xewspaper Union and a denial of all ism." the gathering allotted delegates to the made in 1909 to bring about a consoli- the allegations against the Western different states according to their Amid the continued applause Gov- dation of these interests, the govern- Press Association. Charles F. Hard- ment representation in Congress, many ernor Johnson concluded his speech petition says: ing, counsel for t)he Western Newspa- states will split their votes and in- and gave way to James R. Garfield, "The expectation was that In view per Union, also submitted an answer stead ot the 500 odd delegates first former secretary of the Interior. Mr. of the great power thus acquired in denying all the allegations against provided for, the committee on ar- Grrfield was given a reception equal- disseminating information the united that organization but admitting the rangements expects more than 1000. ly as hearty as that given to Governor property could be disposed of at great allegations against . the American Instead of seven delegates as first ar Johnson. it profit to those interested in installing Press Association. PAGF TWO SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN SATURDAY, AUGUST 3, 1912.

'languages by learned antiquarians, j who incorporated it into grammars and treaties upon the Quichua lan-- , The Little Store guage and the Incas of Peru; but. in none of these previous translations was the rhythm of the original pre-- : served. Again Reminds You of the Superior THE FLIGHT OF TIME. candy and n its. Those who wished Mrs. Brewster's translation is re-- "It's three months since I saw you the little hostess many happy returns r.iarkable in that, she has kept the last," of the day were: Virginia McManus, f.pirit of the lyric drama of the Child- - The one who mot her plainly slates. Josephine McManus. Parker Wilson, ren of the Sun and at the same time and of the Says she: "Can that he possible? Mary Hughes, Levi Hughes, Jr., Ther-es-- a put it into remarkably pure and ex- - Quality Large Variety It's awful how t:tn;' aviates." May Hampel, Peter Lieiiau, Cath- pressive English verse. Her descrip-- ! Harper's Weekly. erine Lienau, Mary Wagner, Grace tions of the scenes are impressive Stauffer, D. Stauffer. Josephine word-pictur- of the lavish splendor, Francis " " The Santo Domingo dance toraor-- j llersch, Ernestine Delgado, and beauty of the Peruvian palaces Soltaire Goods. Always the Leader row is drawing a large crowd of Santa Andrews. and landscapes. Mrs. Brewster's Feans. The green corn dance is the BRIDGE PARTY. charm as a dramatic, reader 'held her largest dance given in any o the audience's attention as well as the' Mrs. G. Wallington Hoover was interest in drama. pueblos near Santa Fe and is an the hostess Friday afternoon at a most Mrs. on this n ceremony, even to Xew Mex-- ; Brewster's lecture enjoyable auction bridge party, The drama is icans who have seen Indian dances interesting and illuminating, rooms were very attractive in their means of a short introduction one OCERY CO. many times. By INTER decoration of many colored sweet his- - gets an insight into the life and for Santo Do--i Miss Witt man had the Several parties left peas. Amy tory of a remarkable people. The the score and won the first Southern Corner Plaza, Santa Fe. Telephone No. 40. mingo this afternoon making trip highest prize. ea(ling of the picturesque lines of the via La Bajada Hill some went in After several games of auction bridge text holds the close of the WITH ALL CASH PURCHASES. GIVE REGISTER TICKETS ' attention WE some hack had been a two-cour- large picnic wagons, horse played dainty audience from the beginning to the and still others in automobiles. The luncheon was served. Mrs. Hoover's erd. road over La Bajada Hill is in good guests were: Mrs J. A. French, Mrs. condition now and the trip will no G. A. Hayden, Mrs. R. F. Asplund, Mrs. H. K. Gilmour, Mrs. Charles PURELY doubt be thoroughly enjoyed. Among PERSONAL WE SOCK THE KNIFE IN TO PRICES ON HARDWARE. .A BIG WHOLESALE AND RETAIL those who left this afternoon were Stauffer, Mrs. F. T. Blandy, Miss Colonel C. D. ColMer is again a wel- - Air. end Mrs. Karl W. Greene, Mr. and Elizabeth Brown, Miss Florence Spitz, come visitor in Santa Fe. BUSINESS AT LITTLE PRICES I SOUR WAY OF DOING BUSI- Mrs. D. E. Scheele, Mrs. Addison Hal!, Miss Amy Wittman, Miss Ruth Miss Grace Helen met with NESS. ' Keifer, Williamson, The Ladies' Aid Society Gildersleeve, Matilde Vanderbeck, ARCHAEOLOGICAL Mrs. A. J. Fischer Friday afternoon. WE ARE NOT AFRAID THAT OUR BUSINESS IS SOON Flour Grain, Potatoes and 5alt. Helen Laughlin, Ruth Laughlin, T. A. Hay, GOING TO BLOW OU. WE ARE HERE TO STAY, BY CARRYING Bakley, L. R. Faville and II. F. Her-- 1 SCHOOL Sole Agents For INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD. School ring. The summer session of the Governor W. C. McDonald returned WHAT THE PEOPLE WANT AND BY DOING A SQUARE BUSI- of which op- The pueblo the evening before the American Archaeology, from a in Carrizo- - ALFALFA SEED. All kinds of flowers, garden & field seeds in bulk and packages Friday short visit NESS. dance is one of the most picturesque ened last Thursday evening, promises zo. scenes The bonfires to be the most successful and inter- - imaginable. Wood-Davi- The exclusive house in Santa Fe are all about the and fating session yet held. The lecture s Hardware Co. only grain that built pueblo Miss May Bergere has returned to especially in the plaza, throw a rudy room in the historic old Palace of the Santa Fe after a month spent on the Phone 14. If It Hardware We Have It Phone 14 elow on houses. The Indians who re Governors was entirely filled with an audience of Fe Pecos. to dance next day are going through enthusiastic Santa Phone Black Phone Black in school i their weird preparatory service in residents and students the who showed for M's- S. G. Cartwright will leave, 45 LEO HERSCH 45 the kivas below ground, but there are their appreciation the' lecture that was of the week for Fay wood ? enough Indians left to add a unique splendid given. andthe.first Water untold and this Springs, Mineral touch to the scene. Even, pink lemon-iad- e the value interest that Why Import school of to San--; stands do a rushing business archaeology brings ta Fe. r : THE : : while the Widow Waltz" is Miss Mathilda Vanderbeck of East WHEN YOU CAN GET "Merry house wheezed out from an ancient phono-- 1 Santa Fe is essentially a residence Orange, Xew Jersey, is the lola Dawson Coal town since are no no of Miss Helen Buttee Mineral 'graph merely, and the Mexican yells there factories, guest Laughlin. Celebrated Maiden Water, PORTLAND CEMENT Sawed Wood immediate El Toro an invitation to his "chuck-a-luck- " mines within the vicinity, the of commerce is not the lead- - Mrs. Edward A. Smith of Gallup, is All Kinds of Soda, gambling game. About three o clock spirit and on account the a month with her motner, most of those sounds subside and the ing factor this spending Ball Ale of should be Mrs. at her home on Gal- - Special High Ginger who ready for a long spirit culture encouraged Rivenberg, R. J. CRICHTON campers get to the The ot isteo road. Leave orders at discover how many in- - fullest extent. people Delivered to your house. Patronize home industry. night's sleep Santa Fe are to realize the sects and canines there are in the beginning FHONE value of such encouragement, for it Mrs. E. J. McClean returned to her KAUNE & CO.'S STORE, 26. Coal neighborhood. is the of the culture of home in morn- Lumber and Yard sav--; study eariy Denver, Wednesday CO. All weddings in the pueblo are SANTA FE MINERAL WATER days, the monuments that were built ing after a short visit with her sister THE ed up to take place at six o'clock on here centuries ago by the Spanish, Mrs. R. J. Palen. All Kinds of Materials. of Santo when a Building the past Domingo and still filter back into tihe past, the from some comes unl.-nnu-- linl-l- priest nearby parish rotif-- nf ttinco n i 11 PC Miss Annette McGibbon came in Screen Doors, Red and White Cedar Fence Posts to as nmn.v a - in get sometimes j the djff dvveiiers that will make this, Friday evening from a visit in Socor- M. Vard 333 Hickox Street, Near Union Depot. marriage fees. (ne 1I10St unique and quaint town in ro, Silver City and El Paso. FRANK JONES, S.6 Fe reaches a The train from Santa t))e Unlted gtateg And tQ make the , , , 100 about half ten, Phone, Red 100 Phone, Red Phone, Red 100 the pueblo past just mogt of QUr attractjonSi the spirit of! Miss Frances Abbott and Miss .lay LIFE, ACCIDENT, HEALTH, FIRE INSURANCE, as the Green Corn dance is at its must not he lacking. In Washburn have returned from a visit enterprise AND FIDELITY BONDS. Writes all the Modern J height. Some of the excursionists the eagt one findg that the t0ll.jsts at-- ! with Judge and Mrs. A. J. Abbott in going down on the train are: Miss tcntion is centered on one epoch the Rito de los Frijoles. Policies at Lowest Rates. Gallager, Miss Marmon, Miss Barton, that of the American revolution.! Miss Whittman, Mr. and Mrs. Lainee, Museums are filled with yellowed let-- ; Rev. Leonidas Smith returned to ESTATE Mrs. Carver, T. H. ters of General with Fe flhis week from Silver REAL Mrs. Livingston, Washington, Santa City and Or- COAL YARD Parkhurst, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Free-- I "earliest" copies of the Declaration of and will resume his wrork in the For Sale, Improved and Unimproved City Property CAPITAL - man, Mr. and Mrs. Linney, Mrs. Aik--i with faded satin slip- ish of the Church of the Holy Faith chards. Ranches With and Without Improvements. PHONE 85 MAIN. I. B. in which some colonial dame had this en, Mrs. Morrison, Mrs. Hanna, pers Sunday, For Full Information Call, Or. Phone No. rfed 76 WHOLESALE Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Hanna, John Van danced the minuet. In California ev-- 1 AND RETAIL de Vries, Kate Muller, Florence Spitz erything dates to the Franciscan via- - Mrs. Jay Turley and three children Wood and Jessie Nusbaunl. dres and their missions. In Santa Fe arrived in Santa Fe yesterday for an SWASTIKA LUMP FACTORY WOOD Four automobiles will leave for we have our historical periods of extended visit with Mrs. Turley's par-uniq- is first the Mr. W. Hickox CERRILLOS LUMP SAWED WOOD Domingo tomorrow morning also, be- interest. There ents, and Mrs. George cave-awene- r wnose longing to S. G Cartwright, A. B. premstonc siory ot tne soutn siae. STEAM COAL CORD WOOD - is still a In-- i Renehan, E. C. Abbott, and S. A. Mor- only surmise, then the ALL Qlan civilization wnn ,nrs. uie ANTHRACITE COAL, SIZES. ley. The motorists are Mr and Mrs. j ineir legenus rranK javan enieruuneu emu r Montezuma Avenue, near A., T. & S. F. Railroad Depot S. G. Cartwright, II. B, Cartwright, aml customs, uie opauisu rumiurai lnineen riuay anerujon. inune i 01 auu xue s me Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Renehan Frank wl au ule laies uruvery uar present uesiues niemuei ui ot Baca and his tollow- - club were Mrs. A. Mr. E. C. Ab- ing Cabeza de l.narles wneeion, McCane, Went, Judge T. La-ver- ers besides the fortitude of the and Mrs. A. McCarthy, bott, Mrs. D. Small, Mrs. Stanley friars who were left behind to bring Mr. and Mrs. James Seligman, European civilization into the west-- 1 Mrs. William B. Prince, who has S. G. Frank Crandall, Theo- Merley, ern hemisphere, and which later the been visiting Gov. and Mrs. Prince for dore J. H. Morley and Dr. F. THESE DAYS OF MODERN METH- Espe, American conquest with tihe hundreds a few days this week, left this morn-o- f THE STAR BARN stories of Kit Carson and his ing for her home on the Sunshine IN ODS, Electricity plays a most impor- Successor to scouts and then you ask if Santa Fe Ranch near Espanola. would will ever be a tourist niecca? Of! tant part. The grandfather L. will serve tea - MORGAN LIVERY CO., Mrs. Edgar Hewett course it will, and this advertising Dr. T. Harmon Parkhurst of Call- be amazed at the radiance of the mod- Monday afternoon in the Puye room tnat summer fornia who is in the it js getting through the Riving lectures To FIRST-CLAS- in of the Governors after j all this S LIVERY RIGS. the Palace E(.ij00; js going to mean a great deal summer school course, is registered ern home and why light? menus the alternoon lecture. ah toward that end. at the Pa ace and will remain in home more homelike to make and students connected with the month. make the First-Clas- Each summer a group of noted men Santa Fe during the Also s Busses and school are invited to come in on earth Hacks, Baggage Wagons cordially and women are gathered here and the home the most pleasant spot and have a cup of tea. their coming is not only important in1 "ZTITZ wT77w for mother and children. Good light Phone Main 139 R. 310 San Fracisco St. ..., father, J. CREATH, is much to be SANTA FE, N. M. DINNER that is easy on the eyes very D0UE Known Windsor e take away with them an as Ranch, How would you like a pot-pi- din- impression Formerly desired. of if will ner? and especially dove pot pie? the town, which, favorable, COWLES, N. M. (PECOS RIVER), "Four and wild doves cause more people to come here. twenty UNDER NEW MANAUbmtN I . Baked into a pie Dr. Hewett opened the session with And when the pie was opened a short introduction, telling why the Hunting, Fishing a place where sportsmen WOODY'SSTAGE LINE Of man was of such interest my lke families. Clean, pleasant OPEN DAY AND NIGHT The doves began to sing. study rooms, line ."eir and service. Uames, camp Now wouldn't that be a pretty dish to us now. tie spoKe oi uie laci uiai tires, postoffice and store. Write for booklet La From set before a Sir Francis Bacon's "famous epoch-makin- g Salle Restaurant jTo king?" RITZHEIMER & MATTY, BARRANCA TO TAOS Mr. Hoover killed the doves himself book "The Advancement of Props. was in CHAS. i Learning" published 1605, the llPOWBR GANN, Prop. Meets Both North at Agua Fria with his own little South same in which the Pal II. gun he did it, and plenty of year present Telephone Bounds Trains. ace of Governors was that nIwstaYe isquare shot. And then he invited a the built baggageTnd Two Doors Below F. Andrews Store. Leaves Barranca on the arrival ot those two different move- - few friends to eat home-kille- d bird entirely IS SO Regular Meals 25 cents. the north bound train and at ments, which were as far from each EXPRESS LINE. QUITE arrives pie. And did like it? Wrell, they ' they other as the miles between them had Rooms for Pent 25c and 50c. Taos at 7 p. m. said it tasted like "more" right down as to touch the button and Short Orders at All Hours. Ten miles finally come to the same objective Phone Red 161. NOTHING shorter than any other to the bottom of the dish. Those par is ready to cook your BOARD BY THE WEEK way. Good covered hacks and good ticipating in the feast last Tuesday Orders at Butt Bros. Drug Store $5.00 ' ErXr! Sen teams. Fare $5.00 round trip. Teams evening besides the host were Dr. sp iron ready to use, your toasted french Noodle Order fOc a disn, tures for the session and tne list of furnished commercial men to take In Murray, C. A Bishop and Frank Hill. vacu- Kew York Chop Suey 60c names and subjects is alone'7?tenough to J. for the hurried breakfast, your the surrounding to ns. Wire B.ibude ready stat,on draw many students to the school. um cleaner ready for the fray, your washer BIRTHDAV PARTV Dr. Hewett then introduced Mr. to cleanse, fan ready to cool the heat- And the small kiddies are having James H. Brewster, who gave a read- JULIUS ready ' IHIER do their parties this summer too. Didn't ing from an old drama of the Incas of ed rooms. Electricity will every thing you see them marching through the Feru. 3Trs. Brewster is a scholar of for you. We furnish it at reasonable rates, last unusual and her was plaza Wednesday afternoon, short ability reading ami n:ght Estimates and full infor- NEW MEXICO MILITARY INSTITUTE fluffy white shirts, short fat white of the greatest interest. She has been The day legs, white collars and Buster Brown able to use old documents found in Tailor mation cheeer fully given. Peru which makes her translation ex- ROSWELL, NEW MEXICO. ceedingly valuable. The drama it- self was of course acted and 'TheWeslPoint of the Southwest.' spoken SANTAFE WATER & LIGHT CO. as a dialogue by the aborigines for Will clean, press, repair Ranked as centuries before the spoken language "Distinguished a written form. or alter Ladies' and Institution " gained by the U. S. Mrs. Brewster in her presentation Garments War Department. of this ancient drama of the Incas Gents' at has a NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. IS THE TIME to Located In the beautiful liberated "literary mummy'' reasonable and Pecos in prices Department of the Interior, Valley,3,700 feetabove from the wrappings of erudition NOW sealevel, TJ. Office at Santa e, is. m. sunshine which it has long been enclosed. She will his work. S. Land Porch, Park every day. Open air guarantee July 3, 1912. work throughout the entire ses- has given it life, by restoring it, xviHcn l eiven that Francis Law.n Sets, sion. Conditions for physical translation to its original Orders taken for Ladies' hereby and Swings, through Martinez of Espanola, and mental development are metrical form, and has by graphic co Montoya y IDEAL such as be who on Dec. 30, 1910, aiaae AwningsandScreensmade cannot found developed the dramatic and Gents' Custom N. M., elsewhere in America. Four- description for SW one who knows and beauties of the Made Homestead Entry No. 014,735, to order by poetic play. Overcoats, 2 teen officers and Suits, 2 SW1-4-, W JTW instructors, nil 4 SE S and from East- The drama, Ollantai, was composed 21 how. hruit Ladders a graduates standard or Suits. SW Section 23, Township ern colleges. Ten buildings, in the flfteentlh century, a hundred Skirts Riding N., Range 2 E., N. M. Meridian, has 1! modern in every respect. years or more before the coming of final specialty. of in filed notice of intention to make : the It was not experience Regents Spanish conquerors. Thirty years' to establish claim to reduced to writing, however, until five year proof, K. A. CAHOOM. President. tailoring in seme of the largest described, before Reg- J.F.RHOADS some time after the conquest, when the land above J. E. RHEA, or Receiver at Santa Fe, N. M., on j ties for the boys and and in and America. ister 104 Galisteo Street i J. P. WHITE, Treasurer. big pink an unknown Spanish monk took it cities Europe blue bows for Sept 5, 1912. 157 W. SANTA FE, N. W mm JOHN' W. POE, Secretary. butterfly the girls? down in Quichua, the language of the Telephone :: MANUEL R, OTfcRO, W. A. F1NLAY. They were on their way to Irene he heard it from the Indians Incas, as Register. Hersch's party, for she was celebrat- themselves. 101 Washington Avenue. mm For particulars and Illustrated cata-jogu- It will not pay you to waste your ing her sixth birthday. They played This for centuries address, manuscript lay for the Santa Fe New tiem writing out your legal form every known game from "Pussy Wants unknown .and untranslated in the Phone. Black 223. Subscribe the paper that boosts all ot when you can get them already print COL. JAS. W. WIL LSON, Supt. a Corner" to monastery of Santo Domingo, at Cuz-- 1 Mexican, and works for the upbuild-to- ed at th New Mexicun Printing and then they had eats such good co; after it was discovered it was1 Goods Called for and Delivered. the time ot our new State. Company. eats too ice cream and cake and copied and: translated into several SATURDAY, AUGUST 3, 1912. SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN PAGE THREE

THE WEATHER FOR THE MONTH OF JULY. TWO WOMEN The mean for the temperature MAsoNi- -. montli of July was CS.2 degrees or Montezuma (1.5 degree below the average. There TESTIFY Lodpi No. 1. wore no great variations in tempera- A. F. & A. M Round Trip From ture during the month, the greatest Regular cnmmuii. was minus 10 degrees on WhatLydiaEPinkham'sVeg. cation first Mondn; departure of each Fe the 1th. This day was the coldest of month a Santa to Alountainair, etable Compound Did For - the month, with a mean of 59 degrees, Masonic Hall a maximum of 67 degrees and a mini-- Their Health Their own 33 'J 7.30. July 19th to Anju2t 2nd, 1912. ALAN R. M. mum of 51 degrees. The warmest day Statements Follow. McCORD, W. CHAS. E. UXXEV, of the month was the 11th wit.h a ! 1 Secretary. of "I 5 e'e-- NEW MEXICO CENTRAL mean temperature degrees. j New Moorefield, Ohio. take Is To Do It above the normal, u niuxmi'tm "I great Everybody Trying Sama Fe Chapter N grees pleasure in thanking you for what S5 a de- your 1, R. A. M. Hegula: of degrees and minimum of til V The was egetableCompound ! convocation s e c o n grees. highest temperature has done for me. I We Are It Dr. C. H. Ellsworth, Dentist, 30 87 on the lath and the low- Doing: Right Monday of ecb moat degrees had bearing down P.aldwin St., Rochester, N. Y., says est 50 on the 5th. The at Masonic Hall a. degrees great- pains, was dizzy and FoU.'.v Kidney Pills pave him immedi- est was :!0 on 7:30 p. m. daily range degrees the weak, had pains in ate relief and si him won- 2Sth and the least 15 de CHAS. A. WHEELON, lengthened daily range lower back and could derfully. "I have been bothered with grees on the 3d. The absolute max- - not be ! H. f upon my feet WATCH OUR SMOKE ARTHUR weal; kidneys and bladder trouble and imum for this month for years is to SEUGMAX. Secretary. long enough get a suffered much pain. Foley Kidney DC degrees, in 1S7S. and the absolute meal. As as long I Pills gave me immediate relief and minimum 4:5 degrees in l!i0(i. Since laid on back Santa Fe Commander; my I me I am January 1st there has been an accu- would feel Rigulaj strengthened wonderfully. better, ! to recommend their use." mulated deficiency in temperature of but when I would There is no or hot air about it s Sjs.' conclave fourth Mon pleased gas For sale by all TS.7 degrees or an average of 1.8 de- (ret un those henrincp C! , day In each mon.th a' druggists. gree per day. down pains would come back, and the ! 'f,'ifc": Af Kr.nl Heft ".. doctor I We do what we NOTICE. Thunderstorms occurred quite fre- said had female trouble. Lydia advertise V. ..' will be received quently during the month but there E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound was W. H. KENNEDY, E. C. Proposals by the was a deficiency in the the only medicine that helped me and I W. E. GRIFFIN, Recorder. City Council of the City of Santa Fe, precipitation have been New the of 1.22 inches. The precipitation fell growing stronger ever since Now for For Women Mexico, for construction of I commenced to take it. I Big Men, one on Cerrilos and mostly in light showers, but on the hope it will Santa Fe x,oi3go o: bridge street, help other women as has two on Galisteo with- 21st a heavy rain fell, and from 7:25 suffering it me. Peifection No. 1, I4tt bridges street, You can use this Mrs. in in to 7:.10 p. m 0.30 of an inch was re- letter." Cassie Bargains and Children. degree. Ancient and Ac the city limits of the City of Santa Lloyd, New Moorefield, Clark Ohio. corded, and for the 24 hours the totai Co., cepted Scottish Rite oi Fe. Plans and specifications are now on file in was 0.59 of an inch. Compared with Read What This Woman Says: Free Masonry meet or the office of the City the usual July rainfall, the month was the third of each montt. Cierk. Bidders will be permitted to South Williamstown, Mass.- -" Lydia Monday dry. Since 1st the accumu- OFF ON OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF at In submit and of January E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound cer- 7:30 o'clock tho oveniag li plans specifications lated in is 0.51 their own to deficiency precipitation tainly has done a great deal forme. Be- Masonic Hall, iouth iido of Plata. (subject the approval of an inch. j fore taking it I suffered with backache OXFORDS Vltiting FootU'a Rite Maaons ar cor of the City Council) together with The wind the month was in bid. All bids will be on during and pains my side. I was very irreg- dlally Invited to attnd. their opened with a 7.4 light, total of 5542, or miles ular and I had a bad female weakness, S. G. CAitTWRIGHT. 32. the 0th day of August, A. D., 1912, at hour. The direction S re- per prevailing especially after periods. I was always AND LOW SHOES Venerable Maiter o'clock p. m. The City Council y.'as southeast and the highest velo- tired, so I thought I would try your med- BENRY 5'. STEPHEN'S, 32 serves the right to reject any and all was 31 miles hour icine. city per from the After taking one bottle of Lvdia Secretary. bids. &outh on tihe 3rd. E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I We CELSO LOPEZ. There were 8 classed as felt so much better that I have several hundred pairs of broken lines which are at days clear, got another going n. p. o. e. Attest: Mayor. 21 as partly cloudy and 2 as cloudy. and now I am a well woman. I wish HALh PRICE. are These all this season's styles and worth as 0. D. P. O. R. holdi FACUNDO ORTIZ, The percentage of sunshine was SO or more women would take your medicine. just if Santa Fa No City Clerk. 12 per cent above the normal. Th?re I have told my friends about it." Mrs. much to you as we had a full line. But they have lost their com- Lodge iti session July 9, 1912. were 3 days with 100 per cent, 22 Robert Colt, Box 45, South Williams-tow- regular oi mercial value to us. the second and with 75 per cent or more, and the Mass. founl ' of NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. least daily per cent was 49 on the 15th Wednesday eac) CIVIL month. (01591) and 21st. The forenoons were re- SERVICE OFFERS AT- Visiting broth era are Department of the Interior, free from clouds.' The! TRACTIVE EMPLOYMENT. 100 Pairs of Ladies Oxfords and invitea ant markably welcome. V. S. Itnd Office at Santa Fe, N. M. early morning hours were somewhat FRANK T. BLANDY, July 29, 1912. cloudy, but between S and 9 a. the Uncle Sam has 350,000 lobs held by ni. in Black and Tan. All Exalted Ruler. Notice is hereby given that Antonio average for the month was 90 tltose who must competitive exa- Slippers per; pass P. M. A. Villanueva of Galisteo, N. M., who, on cent, and from 9 to 10 and 10 to 11 minations. There are 50.000 LIENAU, nearly July S, 1907, made homestead entry a m., the was 100 made each odds Secretary. average per cent, appointments year. The and ends. Values to $3.00 No. 1171S for NW Section 11, but the salaries up unusually bright sky did not are excellent, hours short, 13 N., 9 N. M. P. render the Santa Fe Township Range E., forenoons uncomfortably! work pleasant, and splendid opportu- Carai Meridian, has filed notice of intention warm. However, the nities a While last 13514, M. W. A. afternoons were for advancement. Government pair. they to make final proof, to estab- generally more or less and d fleets second Tues cloudy emp'oyes. whether in Washington, lish claim to the land above described, the from day each month, so temperature rising the leading cities, or scattered per pair before Harry C. Kinsell, V. S. Commr. to an uncomfortable the tym-ca- l cial meeting tLlr degree, throughout the country have a fine at Stanley, N. lies., on the 1G day of summer conditions at Fe.1 .... Tuesday at Fire- Santa opportunity for study, September, 1912. and f! mi man's Hall '!alr by evening or between and 7 or outside work. Claimant names as witnesses: p. m the for ing neighbors welcome. percentage the hour; There is but one way to get into Thomas Villanueva, Pino Villanue for the month was as low as A. G. WHITHER, Crnsul 27, ind the government service: that is by 300 Women's Oxfords. All va, Gregorio Padia, and Jose Villa- the cloudiness continued into pairs CHAS. A. RISING, Clerk. the passing a rigid examination. nueva, all of Galisteo, N. If. night, them cool and rendering pleas- Special for these exa- MANUEL R. OTERO, ant and a comfortable preparation this season's in Gun F. W. FARMEK assuring night's; minations is essential and style Tan, Register. rest. absolutely Homesterd No. i.i order to provide this, the Albuquer- Thunderstorms occurred from the' 2879. que Business College has Suedes and Kid. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. 1st to 3d, 11th, 12th. 14th to ISth, 20th organized Metal, Patent Brotherhood of a special civil service department to 27th, 29th and 30tli, or on 21 days.; American and has employed Mr. Geo. C. Taylor, Department of the Interior, The mean 'maximum temperature for' and First Fri- of Washington, U. C, to take Regular $3.50 V. S. Land Offic at Santa Fe, N. the month was 79.4 degrees, and mean charge day oi the month of di- St A 1 Ilex., July Ti, 1912. minimum 5G.9 degrees. The mean! this work. Mr. Taylor comes W at the Fireman's Notice is hereby given that Chas. relative 6 a. m. rectly from the service of the govern- values. V o humidity at was fi2. a4 rice w Hall. H. Foremab A. son and of 6 held a respon- f Siringo, heir Bridget per cent, p. m. 40 per cent, and for ment, having recent'y EM A. E. P. Robinson. Siringo, who on June 11 190S, made the month 51 sible position in the bureau of ap- 1877-- A per cent. There were No. Cor. bee. Fred F. 3 3 civil commission. Homestead Entry No. 144SG, for Lot days on which 0.01 of an inch, or pointments, service AlariO. SW 4 SW 4 Sec. N 2 NW 4 more, of occurred. He has also had extensive experience 7; 3, precipitation Section 1G N. 9 in other departments of the service. 10, Township Range ODD 140.70 N. M. A. S. Jones of the Lee The Albuquerque Business College The lat- FELLOWS, E., Area acres Meridian, Pharmacy, very No. 2, I. O. O. F. has filed notice of intention to make Chico, Cal., who has handled Foley & in the only school in the west employ- 1 I) Santa Fe final Homestead 5 year proof, to estab- Co.'s medicines for many years ing a specialist to conduct the work Lodge says: est and meets regularly lish claim to 1the land above describ- "I consider that Foley's and of a civil service department and COLONIALS thing Honey every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock ed, before V. S. Land Office at Santa Tar Compound has no and is students enrolling for this course will equal, in Odd Fellows Hull. Visiting broth- Fe, N. II., on the 12lh day of Septem- the one medicine I can recom- be instruction of cough under the personal the season's ers welcome. ber, 1912. mend as will also always containing no narcotics or Mr. Taylor. These course Claimant names as witnesses: Geo. other harmful e properties." The gen-nin- be by mail. taught best in Tans Gun FRATERNAL UNION S Tweedy of Santa Fe, N. Mex., in a yellow package. For sale The school has prepared a special styles Suedes, and OF AMERICA. No. 2311, Pen Romero of Santa Fe, N. Mex., by all druggists. "How to Enter Civil Ser- Lodge holds its regular circular, on the first of each Nevas Romero of Santa Fe, N. Mex., vice," which will be sent on request. Metal. meeting Thursday $4.00. month at m Samuel Failor of Santa Fe, N. Mex. A Want Ad. in the New Mexican Regular Fireman's hall at 7:30 p. sees Visiting brothers are invited and wel MANUEL R. OTERO, more people in one day than you news You get it in Today's todry. come. J. A. F. M Register. can see in a month. Try one. the New Mexican. Your choice, RAEL, $265 DAVID GONZALES, Secretary. You cannot get up to date printing unless you have material MEN'S OXFORDS D. C. Pyhee, teaming contractor and faculties. The New Mexican living at CO!) Keeling Court, Canton, Printing Company has both, and at All 111., is now well rid of severe and the same time expert mechanics. Your One lot of Men's Oxfords. annoying case of Kidney trouble. His orders are always assured personal HE WHITE HOUSE back pained rnd he was bothered kinds of leathers and styles. with headaches and dizzy spells. "I took Foley Kidney Pills just as direc- You cannot get up to date printing ted and in a few days I felt much jnless you have material Values up to $4.50. belter. My life and strength seemed and facilities. The New Mexican Great Muslin Underwear Sale! to come back, and I sleep well. I Printing Company has both, and at Your choice ! $2.00 am now all over my trouble and gkid the same time expert mechanics. to recommend Foley Kidney Pills." Your orders are always assured per Try them. For sale by all druggists sonal attention.

200 pairs of Tan, Gun Metal MiMU,..P1JpfiJla and Patent Colt. Regular VOLUME 16. - ;c reauct. phases $3.50 and $4.00 NEW MEXICO REPORTS Sale price $2.75 even Wi 0 NOW READY. eartv. f , " .. . " inp best ure u c,0;. One lot of $4.50 Oxfords, Black and Price, $2.70. Express Prepaid, $3.00. Blucher Tan. Button, jh 4 or Lace. Your choice 4) 3 Send your orders in now for this latest volume covering the decisions of the FORBUSH MAKE. Supreme Court up to January 15, 1912. We also carry in stock all numbers from CHILDREN'S OXFORDS AND SLIPPERS. one to fifteen inclusive. Copies of the Compiled Laws of 1897 and all subse- Regular, $2.50, Sale Price, $1.55 Regular, $1.35, Sale Price, $ .95 A Lot of Lingeree, White Cordoroy and Linen " " quent Session Laws. Money's and Der-den- 's 2,25, 1.75 1.15, " " .75 Dresses. Values up to $12.50 Digestsof the New Mexico Reports. " 11 2.00, 1.45 Boys' Shoes and Oxfords for a Song Missouri Code Pleadings and Missouri NEXT WEEK-$- 4.95 -N- EXT WEEK j Pleading Forms. SEE OUR WINDOW FOR OTHCS PRICES Notice Our Notice Our ICf FOR SALE BY Windows THE HOUSE Windows III New Mexican Printing Co--, CATRON BLOCK. JOHN PFLUEGER. PUBLISHERS, SANTA FE, N. M. PAGE FOUR SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN SATURDAY, AUGUST 3, 1912.

! State of Ohio, city of Toledo, immunities as set forth in its said reports required by any other law. issued is: $ None. Lucas County ss. declaration In the said Probate Court Such reports shall be made on blanks The character of the business Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he of tne sai(1 county of Madison, upon provided by the Insurance Commis-i- s which it is to transact in this State, senior partner of the firm of F. J. which the certificate of Organization sioners and shall be verified under is: Fraternal Beneficial Insurance. & Cheney Co., doing business in thevas jSSued, Be it known that oatn- - y tne duly authorized officers In Witness Whereof, the said Her- City of To'edo, County and State t;v,e members of the Heralds of - sa' corporation and shall be pub- - alds of Liberty, Huntsville, Ala., has will aforesai.., and that said firm pay Liberty, a benevolent society, desire 1:snea or tne suustance tnereot, caused its name to be hereunto sub- the sum DOL- of ONE HUNDRED to become incorporated under the the annual report of the Insurance scribed and its corporate seal to be LARS for each and every case of provisions of Article Fifteen, Chapter 'Commissioner under the head ot hereto affixed, and these presents to INDIAN PITCHER FORIWHITE SOX HAS HURRICANE SPEED ' Catarrh, that cannot be cured by the Twenty-eigh- t of the Code of 1S96 of Fraternal Beneficiary Societies. be executed by its President and "Western leaguers profess thot in league, and the only backstop in the t se of HALL'S CATARRH CURE. the State of Alabama. The said mem- Section 5. Be it further enacted, Secretary, this Sth day of May, A. D., George Murphy Johnson, a half blood organization that cares to handle the FRANK J. CHENEY. bers have duly elected the under- That the Insurance Commissioner 1012. Irish-India- Sworn to me and subscribed some Indian, the White Sox have purchased terrific speed of the before signed as three trustees, with the may personally or by person HERALDS OF LIBERTY, in my presence this 6th day of De- oy mm, examine into tne F. W. another "Chief" Bender. Johnson went to St. Joe in the privilege of increasing said number cesignatea By PRATT, Chief" and cember, A. D., 18S6. condition of affairs, character, Attest: President. Johnson alias '"Big of been with to nine Trustees whenever in the spring 1910, having (Seal) A. W. GLEASON, of ness methods, accounts and books of EMANUAL Lincoln and Sioux He has been the said Trustees, the BARRICK, Secretary. City. Notary Public. number shall be increased. The suen corporation at its home office, (Corporate Seal) the ever since. He pitching mainstay Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern names and residents nt snid Trust, which examination shall be at the ex Foreign. Endorsed No. 7264. Cor. is reckoned a half blood by virtue ally and acts directly upon the blood are as follows: 1. Tracy W. Pritt pense ot said corporation. But such Rec'd. Vol. 6, Page 177. of his each one-quart- parents being and mucous surfaces of the system. Huntsville, Alabama. 2. Willard I. expense shall not exceed ten ($10) Statement of Heralds of Liberty Indian. His real name is George Send for testimonials, free. Wellman, Huntsville, Alabama. dollars per day, in addition to reason- Designating principal office, agent, his a veteran of the .7. Murphy, father, F. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, 0., :James R. Boyd, Huntsville, Alabama. able expenses of the person 'making etc., in New Mexico. civil strife, having enlisted under the bold by all druggists, 7oc, And said Trustees now file this cer- such examination. Filed in office of State Corporation name of Johnson, which the young- Take Hall's Family Pills for tificate in Che office of the Judge of Section 6. Be it further enacted Commission, Jul. 22, 1912; 11 a. m. ster adopted. He ' hailed as "Chief stipation. Probate of said County of Madison, That in the event said corporation GEO. W. ARMIJO, Johnson" by Western league fans. State of Alabama, for the purpose of shall refuse to make reports to the Clerk. EDC to Johnson is a spit-bal- l and POSTOFFICE BILL UP. perfecting said and duly Insurance Commissioner, as herein Compared JJO. pitcher organization ' possesses hurricane speed which he j Washington, D. C, Aug. 3. The incorporating the same, as provided provided, then it shall be excluded mixes with an assortment of curve postoffice appropriation bill was today by law. 1. The said members of said from doing business; and, any officer, IT'S A MISTAKE. balls and slow stuff that have made before the senate again. The parcels Benevolent Society desire to be form-- : agent or person acting for said cor- ' him unbeatable. post provision was expected to take ed into a body corporate for social, poration after said corporation nas Made By Many Santa Fe Residents. hours of debate. On the tar- Gossett is serving his second year up many charitable and benevolent purposes. been excluded from doing business, as ; iff bills, formal action of the in of Many people in a effort in organized base ball. He went to only conformity with the laws of the aforesaid shall be deemed guilty misguided JW two houses is required to bring about State of Alabama such or- - a misdemeanor and on conviction to get rid of kidney backache, rely on St. Joseph from the lots of central governing the proposed on the steel, 2. shall be a fine of liniments and other make- Ohio and developed rapidly under agreements ganizations. Said corporation thereof, punished by plasters, wool tariff and excise tax bills. Twenty-fiv- e dol- - shifts. The treatment is kid- Jack owner of the St. Joe shall be known as and have the name not less than ($25) right Holland, The cotton tariff the ney treatment and a rec- team. bill, passed by of "Heralds of Liberty," with its situs lars nor more than One Hundred remarkably house yesterday was reported to the and principal place of business, for ($100) dollars, ommended kidney medicine is Doan's senate at the opening of ses- - the of the functions of Feb. 12, 1901. Kidney Pills. Santa Fe is no excep- BALL GAME SUNDAY. today's performance Approved sion arfd referred to the finance com-- , its corporate organization in the City Foreign. Endorsed No. 7263. tion. will - The Santa Fe White Sox play of Huntsville, County of Madison, titled Copy of Articles of Incorpora- The proof is at your very door. The Sunday with Company E. John Mares State of Alabama, and such name tion of Heralds of Liberty. following is an experience typical of Robert W. Herter, Lawrencevllle by will be one of the pitchers. Mr. and title shall have succes- - Filed in office of State Corporation the work of Doan's Kidney Pills in Mo., who had been bothered with perpetual Mares is one of the best pitchers in sion and be capable in law of suing Commission, Jul." 22, 1912; 11 a. m. Santa Fe. trouble for two says: Santa Fe, and has been one of the kidney years, and being sued, pleading and being GEO. W. ARMI.IO, Thomas M. Baca, Cerrillos St., San- "I tried three different kinds of kid- - best in Denver, too. He belonged to impleaded, and of purchasing, leas- - Clerk ta Fe, New Mex., says: "My faith in ney but with no relief. My the Healters and Harveys, both teams pills ing, holding, granting and receiving Compared EDC to J.IO. Doan's Kidney Pills is just as strojg me to use Kid- of Denver. neighbor told Foley in its corporate name, property, real, State of New Mexico, today as when I publicly recommend- ney I took three bottles of Jose Ortiz and Dufflernever will run Pi!ls, personal and mixed, and of instituting Office of the State Corporation Com-- ' ed them in 1902. I was caused much and a cure. I e a race them, got permanent Grand and Bodies, as it mission. suffering by backaches for three Sunday. recommend them to For GEORG12 MURPHY JOHNSON, everybody." may see proper, under sudh Laws, It is hereby certified, that the an- years and though I was never laid off sale by all - from back was so THE INDIAN PITCHER (BELOW), San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 3 Be- druggists. Rules and Regulations as the corpora- nexed is a full, true and complete work, my painful GOS-SET- not. that it was all I could do to get around. AND HIS CATCHER, JOHN fore the gong struck today, for the tion may enact, in conflict with transcript of the Statement of Heralds pro- ARTICLES 3. en-Th- e Doan's Pills relieved "Winnebago," is the best pitching twenty round match between Harlem OF INCORPORATION. the laws of the State of Alabama. of Liberty (No. 7261) with .the Kidney entirely Stale of New Mexico. as same me and I had no return attack of the position in the league that produced Tommy Murphy of New York and Abe principal object of this organiza-- dorsements thereon, appears "Buck" and saved seven more Office of the State Com tion shall be: To in bonds of on file and of record in office of trouble for six months. At that time Marty O'Toole, "Babe" Adams, Comiskey Attell, the local man. who formerly Corporation unite the To when other flaunted mission. and benevolence alii - t'he State Commission, my work brought on a recurrence of O'Brien and Cosey Hagerman. games pitchers held the world's lightweight cham- fraternity accep Corporation to influence distress It is certified, that the an table white of moral! In whereof, the Chair- - my trouble. I at once took Doan's him, more than any other signals. pionship, Jim Griffin was chosen re- hereby persons good testimony Sox nexed is a true and character sound man and Chief Clerk of said Commis- - Kidney Pills and gave me relief. la due the position of St. Joe, in the With Johnson, the White pur- feree. Jack Welsh backed out at the full, complete and bodily health, they 14 of the Certified Copy of who believe in the of a sion have hereunto set hands A medicine that lives up to the claims Western league race. He von out chased John Cosset, the last minuto transcript existence their im- - - for it like Doan's Pills de- of 21 games before he was sold to kid catcher, who is the best in the Articles of Incorporation of Heralds Supreme Being; to educate and and affixed the seal of said Commis- Kidney do, of Liberty (No. 7263) with the en- - prove its members morally, socially sion, at the City of Santa Fe, on thi-- serves the strongest endorsement." HOTEL ARRIUALS. dorsements thereon, as same appears and intellectually and to furnish in- - 22nd day of July, A. D. 1912. For sale by all- dealers. Price 50 Batteries: Benz and Elock; Cald- on file and of record in the office of surance protection and benefits upon HUGH H. WILLIAMS, cents. Foster-.Milbur- n Co., Buffalo, STANDING OF THE well and Sweeney. PALACE. the State Corporation Commission. the lives of such of its members as Attest: Chairman. New York, sole agents for the United States. At St. Louis. R. H. E. Clara D. True, Ranch. In testimony whereof, the chairman may be entitled thereto, under the! GEO. W. ARMIJO, CLUBS Pajarito Remember the name Doan's and St. Louis 4 10 0 H. A. Ilfeld, Las Vegas. and chief e'erk of said Commission Laws, Rules and Regulations of the Chief Clerk. ' 2 7 1 set af- - Order for hus- - take no other. '" NATIONAL LEAGUE. Boston Jno. M. Roberts and wife, Joplin. have hereunto their hands and themselves, their wives, (SEAL) fixed of said at affianced wife or affianced hus- - Statement of the Heralds of Won Lost Pet. Batteries: Baumgardner and Steph- Mo. the seal Commission, bands, child or mo - ens; Hail, Bedient, Pape and Cady. W. S. Davidson and wife, Cliicagj. the City of Santa Fe, on this 22nd day band, children, father, Liberty, of July, A. 1912. tlier, sister, brother or'other relatives A foreign corporation organized New York TO 21 .743 Arthur E. Plummer, Baltimore. t., Motor HUGH H. lor as the member and under and by virtue of Pope Cycle 59 34 .634 W. A. Grubb, San Francisco. WILLIAMS, dependents may existing 4 Horse Power Chicago Attest: Chairman, direct, and to insure, and the laws of Alabama, and to 54 37 .593 INTERVENTION MUST BE MONTEZUMA. protect desiring Pittsburg GEO. W. Chief Clerk. benefit its members in the event of transact business in the State of New PRICE, $165.00 19 44 .327 C. H. Starkweather, Chicago. ARMIJO, Philadelphia (SEAL) loss, by death, accident, sickness or Mexico, makes the following state-othe- r With Imported Magneto. Cincinnati 43 52 .404 J. H. Cerrillos. a McHughes, The State of disability, old age or other .ent: A'iMotort'yc-l- without doubt with trouble St. Louis 42 56 .429 THE RESULT Jas. Cerrillos. Alabama, left Rt the factory. Coleman, of State. causes, and to allow surrender values The name of the corporation is: Brooklyn 35 61 .365 R. Easley, City. Department I, Cyrus B. Brown, of of its contracts or certificates to its Heralds of Liberty. Boston 23 6S .269 II. Amarillo, Tex. Secretary Hagelstein, State, do that the members surrendering the same, and The location of its principal office THA f. Denver. hereby certify JUDGE E. R. WRIGHT DECLARES W. Shroder, a aso to accumulate, in this State is: Santa and the AMERICAN pages hereto attached, contain true, maintain, apply Fe, LEAGUE. F. N. Weiner, Denver. - of CONDITION OF AMERICANS ARE 1NTDL accurate and literal copy of Articles or disburse among its members, a re- name the agent in charge of such A. C. Won Lost Pet. Thomas, City. of Incorporation of the Heralds of serve, emergency or other fund as, office upon whom process against the 69 31 .690 ERABLE WOMEN ARE ABUSED Mrs. J. F. Valley Ranch. Super-Act- , Boston Miller, Liberty, incorporated under Special n:aT be provided in its Laws, Rules corporation may be served is: 62 37 .626 Miss Ruth Miller, Valley Ranch. Washington approved February 12th, 190l, as ard Regulations. 4. Said corporation intendent of Insurance, Philadelphia 55 42 .367 Chas. R. Easley. City. the on file and of record in s,iall have a Supreme Body, to be The amount of its authorized capital Albuquerque, X. M., Aug. 3. De- appears LIGHT. SILENT AND RELIABLE. Chicago 30 46 .521 A. J. Loomis, City. this office. known as the Supreme Lodge, or by stock is: $ None. 4S 52 .480 that the public has Hiram ! PASM Fe. Detroit claring general Bennett, City. In testimony whereof, I have here-- ; sonle other name of the order parti-- The amount of capital stock actually BROS., Agts., Santa Cleveland 43 52 .464 little idea of the condition among S. S. Mler. Denver. unto set my hand and' affixed the cularly designated in its Laws, New York 31 63 .330 in Mexico and that appar- - Americans EUROPEAN. Great Seal of the State, at the Capi- Rllles and Regulations. Said Supreme 30 67 .309 to intol- stiaI1 St. Louis ently the only solution the S. S. Carroll, Denver. tol, in the City of Montgomery, this Body have the power to collect erable situation is for the United Jas. Warner, Kirt'md, N. M. 14th. day of March. One Thousand from its members and from the mem-Nin- e WESTERN LEAGUE. States to intervene In Mexico, Judge D. O. Harris, Table Grove, 111. Hundred and Twelve. bers ot subordinate bodies or lodges, Won Lost Pet. E. R. Wright of Santa Fe, who is in J. H. McHughes, Cerrillos. CYRUS B. BROWN, by assessment or otherwise, upon its SCHOOL OF AMERICAN ARCHAEOLOGY Denver 39 45 .567 this city having just arrived from Kenneth Balcomb, Albuquerque. Secretary of State. elleral' membership, moneys for the St. Joseph 56 47 .344 El Paso, talked with a New Mexican L. R. Faville, Las Vegas. (STATE SEAL) purpose of creating and maintaining fund to be disbursed - Omaha 36 47 .544 correspondent yesterday about what II. T. Herring, Las Vegas. No. 374. H. S;!6. (a for the pur- Des Moines 53 47 .530 he saw at the border. CORONADO. v. apt poses nerein set torth, the expenses; Sioux 52 49 .515 D. Diamonte, N. M. - l business of the organ-- ' SUMMER SESSION City "I believe that half has not been Felipe Pacheco, To confirm the incorporation of "Her- incfdent Wichita 49 54 .476 Jose y Pacheco, Diamonte, N. M. aids nf nnd tA """"" puipobes sei ionn told. There are now over 2500 re- Liberty" riefinp rierlr.ro Lincoln 46 56 .451 H. R. Peabody, Stanley, N. M. and the of said in its said Laws, Rules and Regula- fugees in E! Paso, driven oat of Mex- enlarge powers organ- tions. Topeka 3G 64 .360 ization. The funds so accumulated ico by the rebels after they had sub- from such assessments shall be ex- IS OFFENDED. Section 1. Be it enacted the SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO, mitted to form ot Insult and ENGLAND by from every General of Alabama: That empt execution among said mem- known. are affidavits London, Aug. 3. Commenting on Assembly bers and TODAY'S REPORT outrage There the and ot shall under no conditions, to show that of the terrified American senate's reaffirmation incorporation organization seizure or NATIONAL. many the Heralds of Liberty heretofore Habl? to, appropriation 1st to 3 19 12. women now in El Paso were actually of the Monroe the Pall Mall "J 8 1st, Cincinnati at New York. Doctrine, under the general laws of the Slate ,. ' Atsgost ravished the Mexicans. Such af- Gazette It Tm ,1. ul 118 ur e- - at Boston, two games. by today speaks strongly. and by and under the proceedings ' "J"1 "cula llv,us Pittsburg fidavits as these have been forwarded "International relations would r or us St. Louis at Philadelphia. says: had in the Probate Court of Madison T "'emoers to the state and have met be made easier and the Monroe doc- r r auuorainate aoaies or Chicago at Brooklyn. department County, be and the same is in an 'n with no response. These refugees trine more acceptable to other .powers things ratified and confirmed. i"' T """' " l uuenuai concerns ab- if to re- snan oe AMERICAN. are in a state of abject poverty, the opportunity vere taken Section 2. Be it further enacted,!"' L1? ""1'urauon managed controlled fol- - solutely penniless, ruined financially affirm the determination of the United That said corporation shall have and!fnd.lts PrPerty by the Xew York at Chicago. ex- lowing officers, under such and in the case of many women, much States to seek further territorial possess all the rights, powers, fran Laws, ESSION will be held the historic Boston at St. Louis. Rules and as here- at worse. I am told of a case support- pansion and to avoid the same kind chises, and immunities by Regulations may at Cleveland. privileges after be Philadelphia ed by affidavits where a woman in an of colorable acquisition of places con- the laws of the legally adopted, viz.: Palace of the Governors in Santa at Detroit. general State confer A Washington condition was murdered by venient for naval bases which the red on Fraternal and Past Supreme Commander, s1 expectant Corporations a Su- Fe. on Euro Mexicans in the presence of her hus- senate declare it would view with shall have and possess all the rights, Supreme Commander, a Illustrated lectures band in a manner which would curdle concern on the of other nations." preme Master, a Supreme Record-- , TODAY'S GAMES part powers, franchises, privileges and a and American and Art ; the blood of the most hardened crim- er, Supreme Treasurer, a Supreme pean Archaeology S Medical Director, a Supreme Chaplain, NATIONAL. inal. Nothing has been done about and on the Evolution of Man. Excursions a Supreme Guide, a Supreme Warden, it. It is possible, iowever, that the At Boston (1st game) R. H. E. a Supreme Sentinel. 6. The said Laws, to of interest in case of the hanging of a man said and walking trips points Boston 13 15 0 Rules and Regulations shall be first to be a German citizen may force Pittsburg S S 3 approved a board to be known which the about Santa Fe abounds. the hand. The claims by region Batteries: Pardue and Kling; government's as the Supreme Council, which shall of nations for for out- Excursions Indian Dances Adams and Robinson and Gibson. other indemnity be composed of not less than three to the at the not half so have been ' rages gross and not more than nine members, and in sums Pueblos of Santo Domingo and Santa At Brooklyn (1st game) R. H. E. paid heavy by Mexico; but said officers shall be elected as here- - have Brooklyn 0 3 0 barbarities against Americans in provided. The officers, except the Clara. Visits to the ruins of Pecos but occasional warn- Puye, Chicago 2 8 3 elicited nothing Supreme Recorder, Supreme Treas Batteries: Rucker and Miller; Lie- - ings from this country. A visit to urer and Supreme Medical Director and the Rito de los Frijoles. The last two field and Archer. El Paso and the sight of some of shall be elected by a viva voce vote these a man a new idea weeks of the session will be in refugees gives of all delegates, present at a meeting; spent camp At Brooklyn (2d game) R. H. E o" the state of affairs and the feeling of said membership. The said Trus- at the Rito de los Frijoles, where the exca- Brooklyn 1 6 3 lor intervention is easy to under- tees shall constitute the "Supreme Chicago 5 3 2 stand." Council," and by the Supreme Coun- - vation of the Ancient Cliff Dwelling ruins Batteries: Allen and Erwin; Richie cil the following officers shall be elec- - and Needham. TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS. ted, viz: Supreme Recorder, Supreme! will be in progress. Camping accommo- Washington, D. C, Aug. 3. The Treasurer and Supreme Medical Dl- - " v. minimum cost. At Philadelphia. R.H. E. committee of representatives which rector. 7. The said Supreme Lodge: dations at Philadelphia 5 9 1 took testimony against Federal Judge shall have a common seal, which may St. Louis 7 10 3 Cornelius Hanford at Seattle, today When a New Perfection Comes be altered and changed at the pleas- - Batteries: Rixey, Ritter and Dooin, recommended to the house judiciary ure of the said Lodge. 8. The said and Walsh; Steele and Bliss. committee that the impeachment pro- in at the Door Heat and Dirt Trustees have been elected to serve ceedings be dropped, and that Presi- until the first meeting of said mem- - At Xew York. R. H. succes- - E. dent Taft accept the judge's resigna- Out at the Window. rjers is neia, and until their I D ATP New York 3 5 2 tion. Fly sors are duly elected and qualified, nw Cincinnati 2 10 0 Trenton, N. J., 3. A final de- would have as provided by the Laws, Rules and Aug. What it mean to you to This Stove One and one-fif- th fare, Batteries: Mathewson, Meyers, cree was Issued today by the court Regulations of said corporation. m heat and dirt banished from kitchen saves Time Fromme, McLean. . of chancery cancelling 99,000 shares your Section 3. Be it further enacted, It saves Labor " of common stock of the National Re- this summer to be free from the that said corporation shall lhave the nuunu inir un uuimi iuniL ILmi, blazing It saves Fuel ' AMERICAN. fining Company, which Norman B power to hold, and free from ashes and soot ? It saves YOU acquire purchase, IN THE STATE At Detroit. R. H. E. Vooker and other stockholders of the range, real and personal property, and for ALL POINTS Detroit 2 5 2 company charged had been issued Made with 1, 2 ana 3 the better protection of its member-- ' burners, handsomely fin- TO Washington 1 7 a without any consideration in the name New may Invest Its funds in mort- - IterSciion; ished throughout. Cabi- ship, Batteries: Dubuc and of James H. Post, for O. Have-- I and Stanage; Henry net top, drop shelves, gages, debentures, stocks, bonds, N. M. and Williams. Cook-stov- e SANTA FE, Vaughn meyer, who has since died. Oil towel racks, etc. other securities, under the discretion Coot-Boo- valdez, Alaska. Aug. 3. Suit has Free k with of its said Supreme Council. ' the the Cook-Boo- ON JULY TO AUG. 15th At Cleveland (1st game) R.H.E. begun here to set aside the transfer With New Perfection Oven, New every stove. k Section 4. Be It TICKETS SALE 25th send- further enacted, Cleveland 4 9 1 Hubbard-Elliot- t Perfection is also given to of the assets of the Stove the most complete cooking anyone that said on or be--., J cents to cover mail- corporation shall STATE. Philadelphia 7 16 4 mines company to the Hubbard-El- - device on the market It is as quick and ing THROUGHOUT THE just ing cost. fore the 1st day of March, of each Batteries: Blanding, Kahler, and liott copper company, a Washington handy, too, for washing and ironing. year, make and file with the Insurance Return Limit Sept. 5th, 1912. Coombs and O'Neill; Lapp. ( company with offices in Seattle, the Commissioner, a report of its affairs j complainants, stockholders of the CONTINENTAL OIL CO. and operations during the year end-- 1 At R. H. E. former H. 'WrW;'-;ftll- Santa N. AT Chicago. company, alleging fraud with Denver, Pueblo, Albuquerque, Cheyenne, Butte, ing on the 31st day of December im-- S. LUTZ, Agt., Fe, Chicago 1 4 1 intent to deprive them of their hold-Ne- Boise, Salt LaIts City mediately proceeding, which annual York 2 6 3 ings. rennrt Khnll hp In lien nf nil nthet PAGE FIVE SATURDAY, AUGUST 3, 1912. SANTA FE NEW ftEXICAN

Miss Jessie Lujan lt-- l day before for El Ojo He i.a Baca to & yesterday Great UNITED STATES BANK TRUST CO. SOCIETY visit her relatives and friends. Bargains N IMPORTANT SALE Donaoiano clerk of school begins Ortiz, IN- - H. G. Herring and S. A. Taville distrh-t- . No. Xl, 'is in the sty on Imsi-hav- CAPITAL 850,000 00 been visitors in town this ness with Snpt. John Conway, A Monday, the entire n lasting week. They drove over from Las Attorney F. C. Wii.-o- lei. this MILLINERY Vegas in their ear, Monday and say morning for La Cruces, whither he on Sum- - week all Season's Dogs a General Banking Business that the roads are in fairly good con- has been called on legal business. the balance of this month this dition despite the recent rains. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Doir.iirinez left this morning for Del None, where mer Goods. Miss Pauline Kins-ell- the pretty tley will attend the Mum1 institute MRS. W. Your Solicited to be held week, LINDIiAEDT, Patronage daughter of George Kinsell, returned next This line consists of all Piece Goods and Ladies' Suits, to Santa Fe for the summer vacation State Kngineer Froivli, w'm has 125 Palace Ave. ve-- Coats Dresses. after spending a year with relatives away, omcially for the imr.i and Un 'iit and KI re- - F Columbus, Ohio, where she was Elephant Ilutte Paso, 1. 6. lAUGHLIN, President H. STEPHENS. Cashier, Benc-dictiot- eraduated from the hicb school this turned to Santa Fe this noon. W. E. GRIFFIN Asst. Cashier - of spring. C. A. Hathburn of the stale engin- Lady Cuadalupe. H First mass 7 a. in. Second mass , eer s onrce, returneu um hlepruint fl.no a. H. i KiieniliiiB- Unite last where he had in. Sermon in and JULIUS GERDES r.rnhnWi Vrnai has hnon evening, Spanish 'the week in Santa Fe "seeinir the been on matters connected with the English. CHURCH Or THE HOLY FAITH. boys" and the girls some say and office, having a general good lime ra A. Hay. representative of the Kpiseopal.) just ''ln jJESBSESEEESal' Established 1856 Incorporated 190 being at home again, 'lie will leave geological survey, is now established Rev. l.eonidas Smith, Priest. Sunday for Oklahoma to continue his in Santa Fe. The installation of this Services. Sunday. Aug. I: 2 ad- - OL'R ENTIRE STOCK OF work there. service here, should he of great Holy conrnunioii and soiMion. S o. to vantage the community. m. Sunday school promptly at !t:4." A of arrived Dr. and Mrs. Mitchell Carroll and large gang 'wys night a. m. Teachers' mee'ing, 10: !." a. m. before last from Las Animas. three small sons, and Dr. and Mrs. Colo., Holy communion anil address, 11 a. Ladies' Linen where they were working. Among Suits Harry Wilson will arrive in Santa Fe m. The rector earnest'' requests Low Cut Sunday to he present at the summer them were Auastacio Montoya, Abel the to Shoes, every member of congregation Iienavedes and Louis Kscudero. school. They have been spending a be present at the 11 a. m. celebration CHILDREN'S, MISSES'. LADIES', BOYS' AND MEN'S Hev. J. M. Shinier of St. John's IN ALL COLORS month in Colorado Springs at the if possible. The date for the annuel - Methodist church will the pul- - meeting of the School of Archaeolo- occupy school excursion will be an- church Sunday are on sale for one week gy there. l"t 'be First Presbyterian nounced next week. only at onehalf the 00 in Albuquerque tomorrow morning Valuesfrom$4 00to$8 in FIRST PRESBYTERIAN. regular price. Judge and Mrs. V. H. Pope. Mr. and the First Methodist church NOW FOR ONLY and Mrs. Harry Lee, Miss Hull and the evening. B. Z. McCollough, Minister. Mc- - Miss Pa thie Hull made a short Visit George Armijo will accomiiany Sunday school . m. Fred to the Valley ranch this week. Thev Hugh Williams to Albuquerque this Rride, superintendent. Morning ADOLF SELIGMAN CO r ! OR! G000S drove over in Judge Pope's new Cad- - evening and return tomorrow. Next preaching 11 o'clock. Theme. iliac, arriving there Wednesday after- - week Chief Clerk Armijo will be pret- me to live is ( ?), and to Die i.; ( ?).'' noon and returning to Santa Fe the ' near tne whole commission as the peenu music, rae junior tuiaoavoi of-- , nave no .u-fici- tc.llowing day. members are absent, attending to win meetings during I (:-l.- " See Window matters. gust. Young people's service Display. Hon. Arthur Seligman and nephews Rev. James M. Shinier, pastor of P in. Subject. Temperance." On 1 and John Cohen of Philadel- - the .Methodist church, was in attend- - count of the 1'nion services in the Ladies' and Misses' Low Cut Shoes. Newest M - THE ECONOMY FRUIT JARS ph.'a arrived todav from the east. Mr. ance at the Chautauqua at Mounpiin- Capitol, there will he no evening Styles in and Mrs. Seligman have been visil- - air during tne week, and stopped over preaenmg service in ine ciiurcn dur- The Best Fruit in the in Usual mid-wee- AT COST Jar Market. ing friends and relative j in the east Albuquerque and will occupy the ing August. prayer Al- - A Kasy to Open, Easy to Close. OXFORDS, PUHPS AND COLONIAL TIES, for the past four months. Mrs. Selig- - IJUlpit of the Methodist church in service Wednesday 7:1.") o'clock. i man will remain i:i Cleveland until buquerque Sunday. cordial invitation is extended to evcry-sh- e has fully recovered from her Corporation Commissioner Hugh one. FANCY HAND-PAINTE- D DISHES .$1.25, $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 for only $1.00 recent illness. Maurice and John Co- - Williams goes to Albuquerque, this ST. JOHN'S METHODIST, hen will be the guests of Mr. and evening where he will be joined by Sunday school at !):4" a. m. At 11 AT LOW PRICES. DON'T MISS THIS CHANCE. 'CALL AND SEE US. H rom there will .T. m Hi'. H Mrs. James Seligman during the Mrs. iams. they ;l m. morning worship. Hev. J. month of August. go to Denver, where .Mr. Williams Kunyan, pastor of the First. Haplist will attend the K. P. national conclave church in Albuquerque, will preach. BEAUTIFUL BRUSSELS RUGS It will be of interest lo his many Ul be held next week. .... and his subject w ill be, "The Gospel friends in Santa Fe to know that s,iss Karolyn Krachenlierg of St. Kevealcd in Christ," and the text is Lieutenant Robert C. Garrett has re- - Louis. Mo., is the guest of Miss Edyih Titus 2nd Chapter, 11 to ir.ih verse:,. cently been transferred from Fort Humiwl. ot Agua street. Mis? Junior League at :!:U0 p. m. Kpworth mmos.com Warden. Washington, to Fort Kranclienberg found the heat so ex- at T p. m. Jliss a THE AKERS WAGNER FURNITURE CO. Strong. League Peregrine, cessive in St. that she P. O. Box, 219 Phone 36. 11 Mass., which is a suburb of Boston. Louis, thought missionary l'ro:u China, will lead the. Lieutenant Garrett intends to take f,he would spend the summer in Santa devotional meeting and will choose 1 SAN FRANCISCO STREET. courses in electrical engineering in Fe, the climate here being ideal. her own subject. There will be no Rev. J. J. of the Massachusetts Institute of Tech- Runyan, pastor the evening worship during the month of First church in nology this winter. Baptist Albuquerque, August, in order that the congrega- an able and well known is in devine, tion may attend the illustrated lec- the the summer ?es-sio- n city attending tures to be under the auspices of t'he American School of Arch- given of the School of American Archaeo- aeology, and will occupy the FIRE INSURANCE FIRE PERSONALS pulpit logy, in the bouse of representatives. of the Methodist church Sunday If yon miss any of the series of lec- morning. Clara D. True is here from it will be loss. Regular Can Afford to Overlook This? Miss Peregrine, a returned mission tures your YOU ranch'. mid-wee- at 7:15 ary from China, is in the city, and will prayer meeting One mile from of If. R. is from led the Yo-- j Plaza, Peabody up Stanley ;lcad in the devotional meeting of the Wednesday, by pastor. THIRTY ACRE TRACT r on business. uu . or five acres TO LOAN today F.pworth League at. he Methodist lre coruiany mwieu iu uiu any Willie Reed is from a M. are in alfalfa. All under recovering church Sunday evening. Miss Pere- il services. J. sm.ner, I'asto.. two sickness. fence and tillable land No Buildings. PRICE $1,800.00 on business not days' grine will relate some of her exper--; improved property only. Why E. R. is in Sum- FOR IMMEDIATE SALE. Judge Wright, Ft, 111 (..lima and which will no ner put this with what you have and purchase a on legal business. doubt be very interesting. H. A. Ilfeld is over from Las Ve-- ITCHING SCALP JOSEPH B. HAY WARD,"MANAGER, GOOD income ? We have for sale some Miss Maude Hancock has returned property A gas today on business. s from a montn-- visit with her sister's Room 8, Capital Cily Bank Santa Fe, N. Al. of in A W'. S. arc in Building, the best residence property the city. See Davidson and wife the ramily at Tucumcari. and will re-- wuiv noin v in a of DANDRUFF us before closing a deal elsewhere. aicago. main the citv coinile weeks; -- v John M. Roberts and Mrs. Roberts antj wjj attemi' the summer session ACCIDENT HEALTH LIABILITY - from Mo. H .are here Joplin, f ne school o f Archaeology, after Coleman is here on a busi which she will leave for rfPfc Alamogordo Pimples Festered Then Formed iness visit from Cerrillos. to take her duties as a teacher in C WATCAM up Scales. Hair Came Out in Bun- J. H. McHughes. mounted policeman Hie high school teacher's institute. i5 here from Cerrillos, his "home. in White Crusts. I Miss Claribel Fischer has won 'he ches. Scab Phone, Red 189. D. O. Harris of Table Grove, II!., distinguished honor of a two Used Cuticura Soap and Oint- 1 : : is in the on business. years' 19 San Francisco St., Santa Fe, New Mexico. 51! city today in Colorado Grew. J. W. Shrader and F. X. Weiner of scholarship the College ment. Scalp Cured. Hair S- as the result of the j - Denver, are business visitors today. high standing PEAS which she gained in her work he.'.', SWEET - .. Kenneth Malcomb of Albuquerque rrrTrT!?Tr?!r To those who were 'amiliar with MiiiS Stratford, Cal. "My daughter's scalp is among the Santa Fe visitors today. trouble as and festered, then Claribel's in the Santa Fe began pimples Joseph Warner is here from Kirt-lan- scholarship formed scales. Her scalp itched and she schools, this honor does not occasion had dandruff. Her hair X. M., for a brief business visit. JAMES C. McCONVERY, MULLIGAN & Miss Fischer will camo out in bunches, RISING, Felipe D. Pacheeo and Jose y g;cat surprise. Colorado the falling entirely in spots W 204. :::: 415 Palace Avenue are in Santa Fe today from attend College coming Phone. school as largo as a silver dollar. Diamonte. year. A kind of scab would FUNERAL DIRECTORS with Mrs. J. F. Mille- - and Miss Ruth We learn regret that Clinton form In little white License Numbers, 66-6- Day or Night Phone, 130 Red. J is ill with ii m a. on are down from the Valley Ranch for Crandall, Jr., typhoid crusts the spots. would bo Next Door to Postoffice. a few fever at the sanitarium. These spots days. VjI the Cuti- - L. 15. Prince, who has V'vIV, sore. Knowing and Cuticura been absent in Denver for the cura Soap left this for Raton and other past Ointment were for the skin and scalp, SILVERWARE AND JEWELRY. morning - good is home tomorrow ev- in , points in New Mex'co. week, expected we washed her scalp each morning with Large assortment of the Best and Latest Patterns ...... cniTicro nr ATrtnrlnv ovaninc Cuticura and then applied the Cuti- Mr- - and Mrs. diaries k. Linney win ..w.....0. Soap STERLING SILVEW. cura it In well with the be among tnose to attend tne aanio .Mrs. Ij. h. rnnce returned weones' Ointment, rubbing Special and Staple Patterns of High fnade Table Silverware. tomorrow. on delated from . HAND DtCORATED CHINA, WATCHES, CLOCKS. Domingo dance day evening the train ma ntirrll n.ntrmmt and onB cake Walt? the Prince orchards at Kspanola. of Cuticura then her scalp was cured Gold in all the Patterns. Why Soap, and Silver Filigree Jewelry where she had gone to visit her son, and her hair grew again. It has been more JEWELS AND PRECIOUS STONES. SEND YOUR OPTICAL REPAIRS DIRECT TO W. B. Prince, who met with a painful than a year since and her scalp Is clear and accident at the end of last week. His healthy." (Signed) Hiram Crabtree. Jan. H. 5. 8 05 1912 nose is broken and face bruised, Reliable cuticura Soap is best for skin and hair H. C. YONTZ,SMfS though it is healing satisfactorily we becauso of Us extreme purity, delicate yet TAUPERT, Where Prices are Lowest understand. With Airs. Prince came effective medication, and refreshing fra for Safe Mrs. Will Prince and her children who grance. It costs but little more than ordi- Quality. remained until this when nary soaps, wears to a wafer and gives morning satisfaction moment of returned to their ranch home. comfort and every Dispensing Optician, they Its use, for toilet, bath and nursery. Cuti- cura Soap and Ointment are sold everywhere. Sample of each free, with32-p- . Skin Book. Ad- SHAM BATTLE SPECTACULAR. E. LAS VEGAS, :: :: :: NEW MEXICO. dress post-car- d "Cuticura, Dept. T, Boston." AT TESUQLE, FORMER mASPBEW!) Laramie, Wyo., Aug. 3. The last men should use Cuticura Soap Shaving Stick, 25c. Samplo free. STROBER and WELT general maneuvers or the season at FOR Pole mountain, involving a sham bat- SALE MER RANCHES COM Accurate Work Quick Returns! tle in which the Wyoming and Neb- BINED. acres-we- ll RED raska troops were. engaged with the Sixty veterans of the Eleventh Infantry, fenced. Onehalf under ditch. 600 fruit and Fourth Field Artil- s Ninth Cavalry J 1 owner sell lery, occurred today. trees, small fruits. Present must OR Tomorrow the Wyoming troops whl of FIRST-CLAS- S owing to poor health. Inquire ! HACK SERVICE strike camp, and on Monday the Neb- raska regiments will leave for home. For Hire at Popular Prices Buggies and Saddle Horses- - BLACK out of some track INSURANCE LEONARD, j. By the washing Te o-- 4 CORRICK'S HACK LINE THEODORE CORRICK,Pro?'r on the Colorado and Southern rail- City Property and Loans. j I road, over which the Wyoming troopi; X Phore Black 9. reached the maneuvers, they may be Fire, Life. Accident, v Now jis the time brought to this city for entraining Plate Glass, Etc. Etc. to place your or- ders for preserv- SEVERE STORM AT BAKER. REAL ESTATE READ'S: Now are Ore 3. A severe e'ec-tric- MEXIOaU fKINTING CO. ing. they Baker, Aug. ,NEW V storm which passed over Baker . MEXICO II .Local Agents lor W at their and vicinity last night washed out City Property, Farms, LLUSTRATED HISTORY the main track of the Oregon-Washingto- n Ranches, Orchards, M Railroad and Navigation com- Land (Grants, Etjc The most accurate and best written history of the State, giving the de- west of and no traf- of the settlers to the Bc'okcase cowest and Best pany Huntington tails of the struggles and danger early Spanish up i "Elastic" BBBgfi v I fic is moving. present era. It is the history of facts concerning New Mexico, as Mr. Read and Desk combined. is in possession of the original documents that in themselves are priceless V V Bonds treasures. Over hundred pages bound in ilarge T 1 ' T We can take care Surety eight A AA A Desk Unit with few ot f SpJpi: THE CHURCHES readable . . . m many Book Units as desired. f of type, 4lUvU your business. ETC. lS5SS52iprl CATHEDRAL. SPECIAL PKICIiS TO EDUCATORS. INSTITUTION'S, desk and bookcase ever made, a llljnrowvW !J Of All I r?rtnSuPi B fl Kinds. NEW MEXICO H attrac- - First mass at 6 o'clock, a. m. THE HISTORY Roomy, convenient 5--p raW.Sf''' i? fl oTiiaWlN W tive. We want to snow Second mass at 9:30. Sermon in Meant to Settlement you - II A Concise Hi tory of the Important Part that Education the its - fiSSHSStP- J. a paper-boun- - advantages and possi- II English by Most Rev. Archbishop 194 Room and growth or Our State, lly Mr. Read, in pbum- bilities. Ci H. S. KAUNE GO, Telephone W., U , VCI11J jwriUorpnont' II a E. Pitaval. let, something that should be in every home in the State. Price, lmmSr Third mass at 10:30. Sermon in New Mexican office, or address the LAUGHLIN BUILDING, Leave your orders at the Spanish by Most Rev. Archbishop J. BENJAMIN M. READ, Santa Fe. Where Prices are Lowest! B. Pitaval. , author, for Safe Oualitv At 6:30 o'clock p. m. Rosary and SANTA FE,-- - - NEW MEXICO. ?AGE SIX SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN SATURDAY, AUGUST 3, t912. SANTqR FE NEW MEXICAN jTHE SWITZER THE NEW MEXICAN PRINTING COMPANY, PUBLISHERS. " r - , ..... ? SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN. .... r.,.. Oldest Daily In the Southwest and Only Daily at State Capital. FIRST NATIONAL BANK NEW MEXICAN REVIEW. i!" axes Specialty of Mining, Political and Industrial News. Goes to Every Post Office of State. $2.00 a Year. OF SANTA FE EL NUEVO MEXICANO. Lirger Circulation Than Any Other Spanish Paper in United States. $2.50 THE a Year. OLDEST BANKING INSTITUTION ERONSON CUTTING President IN NEW MEXICO. J WIGHT GIDDINGS Editor WILLIAM F. BROGAN Associate Editor Loansmoney on the most favorable terms on all kinds of CHARLES M. STAUFFER General Manager personal and collateral security. Buys and sells bonds and Entered as Second Class Matte r at the Santa Fe I'ostoffice. stocks in all The Ranch of the RockiesOpen the ear Round. markets for its customers. Buys and sells SUBSCRIPTION RATES. domestic and foreign and makes Beautiful Illustrated Booklet on request. exchange telegraphic Daily, per year, by mail So. 00 Daily, per quarter, by mail $1.23 transfers of money to all parts of the civilized world on as Daily, six months, by mail $2.50Daily, per quarter, by carrier. .$1.50 THE M. liberal terms as are ng VALLEY RANCH, VALLEY RANCH, N. given by any money-transmitti- Weekly, per year 2.00 Weekly, six months 1.00 agency, public or private. Liberal advances made on Weekly, per quarter 50 every field. of livestock and products. The bank executes I I from tkf THE BYSTANDER Gradually we are getting in line in all orders of its patrons in the banking line, and will extend (UNION A Oft? nrtaanifk our and becom- rEL)L SEES IT personal appearance to them as liberal treatment in all KuflHImd ing quite spruce. The water cart is directions as is consist- IcElkjil doing good work; the weed harvest ent with sound banking. is being garnered; the unsightly spot ' THE RIGHT IDEA. How is on Palace avenue is cleared and OFFICERS. UUCdilUdl im KOYVnULUUY. your judicial temperament At the movies last night at the being Did Nathan Schwartz, the New York boy who brutally murdered poor this now: the that the Bystander is R. J. PALEN, evening? Elks, one of the views was a parade thing President. J. B. READ. Cashier. little Julia Connors, "cheat the electiie chair," as the dispatches said, when going to pound on is the question of and a feature of it. was a huge flag of L. A. HUGHES, t. F. McKANE, he killed himself a few days later. The situation has become too papers in the street by the Assistant Cashier. just carried dozen men, the throwing This is a question which we should answer as a people. We should trivial for use. flowers, by citizens themselves. any flat and a strik- answer it not in passion for revenge, or in lust after a life for a life, but flag lying presenting Let's he consistent about this thing. As Old came with such calmness as be commanded in the of such a horrid thin?. ing appearance. Glory of our citizens have been tell- may si;;ht j Many PAID When the Federals retake Juarez, slides a 0f ON TIME DEPOSITS Young Schwartz killed little Julia Connors in such a wise tihat the de- int0 view on the mirst ing the that he was on the h. I'aso win tie hard nit lor an ex- - It Bystander 4t 4 tails are known to few. J!ut we know this it was one of tho;;e sex crimes applause came tvol the audience. right track in hammering for cleaner ruse to keep the soldiers there any -- in which the victim is dreadfully mutilated for no apparent reason. ,,,,,, nnf, fm. it showed that in streets and for the water wagon. longer. The modern world had its attention first focussed on such tilings when spile of the present tendency in this Now the city officials have been years ago, "Jack the carried terror to the women of the White-chape-l 'nation particularly, to forget the their the do Ripper" A band of chi'dren is to doing part. .Let people district in London. For months, at intervals, these women were going Sf,nti.npntf,i Ririp in the struggle for theirs. Give just a little care to this search for fairies in Central found slashed and dismembered by senseless and blind insanity. Since then Park, commercial prominence. We have not thing; give your brain a little chance; there has been a "Jack the Ripper" on the. criminal map somewhere almost ,"h- - "e sugfcesi uuu uit j uj entirely lost our patriotic spirit, for head work and tell you to be more all the time. Probably such crimes have been a part of the mystery of sex firoachvay. j Iu tlle yearg gone i,y w-- were a pe neat; do a little manual labor and psychology from before the dawn of history. j pie who were given to rather vocifer- - carry your papers to the cans set at Governor Wilson sets a praisewor- - THE The case of Nathan Schwartz should be studied if for no other reason ou& we were exubernant the cornels of the plaza. It won't PALACE expression: our never than to demonstrate that t5ie perpetrators of such deeds arc not necessarily ."'y example to young men, m otil feeiing anti m action; we were over tax your think tank to remember SANTA FE, N. M. bad men. They are mad men. Nathan Schwartz no more understood why to quit the old job until you have.fllje(j wjt)l patriotic impulses, because this matter; it won't overwork your he did the thing for which he punished himself by death than any normal landed the new one. of the i,ist0ry we have made, and ws physical system to carry your waste S. A. AKINS Proprietor. man knows. did not care who knew it. Then, papers a few yards, and it will make - heart-breakin- As a side bchool of Ar- like a if NEW MANAGEMENT. AND "Tell mother," says he in that pathetic, tragic, g letter line, the gramu,ny came into being the big you feel better citizen you AMERICAN EUROPEAN PLAN. secure some to a bet- - which he left behind, "that I am really guiltj, and that she shall not cry her might great tel.ests jn the commercial world; know you are helping make Do eyes and heart out. 1 know she thinks 1 am innocent. I am sorry I done it, prehistoric data by digging into the me the desPerate struggle for ter looking city. your part. LEADING COMMERCIAL HOTEL. but I got crazy, as I often do, and you can't blame nie for it, nor any one public spirit of some of our staid old . , evervbodv wanted to keep and make He was more severe with himself than enlightened criminology will be. citizens. un witll everybody; the pace became Hay fever asthma August of to man For where he says "guilty" and "crazy", the world will one day agree to j t00 Swift to think of anything but to a month intense suffering European Rate, $1.00 and up, And we wonder 1 and Tar say only "insane." if that Progressive-- .,Ret tilere"; the whole aim and people. Foley's Honey combination in sen-- ease and re- He was not a bad boy. He wrote "This is to my dear mother who I am Democratic the tlionsltt- of life was to win wealth and Compound gives prompt American Plan, $2.50 and up. in not have a hut trivial and is and to always homesick for." He told this last letter of two days' wages owing ate may slight ))( somPUOdy. So in the struggle that lief, soothing heaMng him and asked that the money be given "to mother for she is very poor. ". effect on some of those Taft' votes,, become universal it is a relief the inflamed membranes. Wm. M. He wrote that he was 10 make all that trouble for his tne that were ! Merethew, Me., says. "A few dosor, of sorry "neighbor," recently appointed, and delight to hear once in a while the 50 boardinghouse keeper. "But," said he, "all he will have to do will be to ., .1. . - f Foley's Honey and Tar Compound re Meals, Cents. i ui !., ui vjiu soiinii uie t'.ii t'shniu as- call a in-- 1 lieved me of a severe attack of cop." Orozco is gomg to try to escape smi.jt; t'he spirit that gave us birth; Rooms en or The letter shows that this soul, like was not esse ntial'v ' thma and less than a bottle caused a suite with without bath. boy's Othello's, the I'nited States. He nvay think j the spirit that makes what private but iu t lie extreme." He was ruled a fixed js cure." Refuse substitutes. evil, "perplexed by recurring, he is getting out of trouble but he we are; the without which we complete Local and Long Distance in and uncontrollable So are all those men whose dreadful sex crir.'es spirit For sale all Telephones impulse. probably hasn't heard that we are in ean do nothing and be nothing. When by druggists. rooms. bring fheni into the grip of the law habitually. Hot and cold water, the midst of a presidential campaign, j the time comes that we do not feel running Every "Jack the Ripper" is a madman. Instead of they BAND PROGRAM. being punished, thrill at the sight of Old Glory, steam heat, electric should be cured. .Most of tihom can be cured by hypnotic treatment accord- jn lights. And we Mr. when all it stands for becomes merely ing to the nractices of the new school of therapeutists, of which .Morton rise. Chairman, for the "There's a Girl in Havana' -- March LARGE, FREE SAMPLE ROOMS IN CONNECTION. 11 Of Mr. was a fact in and we cannot turn Pi'ltwn M nf n.ninii ic nor).,i, lliu liu,i,l Time ,..,,., 1, ,, PUl'POSe ating that Taft history E. Ray Goetz & Sloane. and he for a moment from the sordid af- cured iii that way. may be cured by surgery. And if any remain uncurtd agreeably surprised that has "A Viscayan Belle" Serenade Fili-- ! ses- - fairs of to recall the they belong in sanitoria. and not in the electric chair or state nrisons. accepted. We move that the life, beautiful, pino Paul Eno the if you They are better dead than alive, if they cannot he healed, but we cannot sion do now adjourn human, the sentimental, "Klysian" Overture afford to murder them. please, then we have begun the ret- - Edward Hazel of national and are If we had had some agency for the treatment of such cases of perverted The senate went into executive regression life, Grand Selection From Bizet's Opera! psychology, perhaps Nathan Schwartz might have been treated years ago, session to consider that Magdalena inking tne u.ilk udciv. Arr. by Mackie-Beye- The Montezuma Hotel and Julia Connors saved. Hay resolution and after stating that vernier in pmmc anaus, in "Recuerdo de Cadiz" Spanish Fan- n hl can we reach SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO. the doors were closed and the chain-- ! life. national growth, dango A. Schwartz ' Ollt l.er Honrorl tho A r.cnciltprl Press "est if We Crush that spirit Hey! Mister Joshua Medley, Schot- - IT IS THE BIGGEST. cr' which is giv- proceeds to tc:l us just, what took patriotic sentiment, tische L. W. Keith THE TRAVELING MAN'S HOME the movement in Just at this time progressive is the biggest thing the session. en to all of us and the cultivation of Grizzly Bear George Botzford in place at the country, and is the hearts and minds of more people than any other cpies-tio- which makes up a better and a "1 Want to Be in Dixie" Cuisine and Table Service Unexcelled. Rooms en suit with It has taken a most surprising hold on those who have long been dis- It was a Berlin & Trivial in the morning, stronger people. mighty Snyder; private baths. Electric Steam Heat, gusted with present conditions and continued and overbearing dictation of a to the B. light, Trivial too, at night, pleasant thing hear applause Ramirez, Director. few. in to coinci- Central Location. Trivial at elections, lost night when the flag appeared Owing ar, unfortunate Already everybody who is not forcing himself to say something else is the lecture of tb sum- Trivial in a fight. the procession. dence, opening Rooms. saying that the presidential race is between Roosevelt and Wilson. Taft and mer Sclhool of Large Sample THOS. DORAN, Trivial after session of the American Prorpietor. the republican organization are conceded to be in the dead mackerel class. breakfast, on a even- Trivial in the lid MUST CHANGE. Archaeology fell Thursday i2 And that has disposed of the false statements of the machine leaders of movement the same as mid-wee- Trivial all In the present among ing, night the both that is nearly the time, as-- parties the progressive fight merely a republican movement or women to be like men, which I j band concert. Through the courtesy at. best a The original Trivial Kid. political bolt. sume is one of tihe meanings of the of Director Bartolo Ramirez however, This means progressive party the getting together, with their votes all suffragette movement, the ladies will the concert; was closed at S:30 p. m. tihose who are tired of the old methods and the old management which had SOME have to make some radical changes so as not to interfere wit'h the lec- a hold on both old CQUNTRV strangle political organizations, and knocking them into in their methods of doing things. ture. smithereens How About That Fire Insurance? THIS JOHNNV I give herewith a few of the things The need for this will not arise And they are doing that same smithereens act at this very day and which men and women do in a radic- again as there will be no Thursday and date, artistically, enthusiastically effectually from ocean to ocean and (By the Office Kid.) ally different way, and which, of evening lectures of the summer ses- from Canada to the Gulf. YOUR PROPERTY n. y., Aug. a. aiet it a terribel course our lady friends should take sion of the school in the future. IS FULLY PROTECTED ? a e For this is sure enough national movement, by confederation of the what a like into consideration if they really There follows the program for to- slates. thing grate guverment yunited states can do when it onct'tend to do things as men do them, morrow evening's concert. The movement has grown prodigiously since the fraudulent perform- -- makes up its mind. j Women. About ances at and the imebcile showdown at Haltimore - Think It! Then Act! Chicago when the Parker- it can a trust ' vemcies, tace to tne rear. ho why, take big like e!i'.!;"ft'ic,lltmi,ial1e"' progressive party is not on the defensive bust! Buttons on left, buttonholes on right, today. been taken by its opponents, and Clothes MOULTON-ESP- E preliminary 11 fasten behind, Young THE COAPAN Y troubles of the ne w have been party passed. rocl afeller Threading needle, hold needle in The only troubles that remain are stub legal obstacles as the "lp in machine; 'u t right hand, thread left, man in tne woiid, MOTHE ran throw in the way of the people and those obstacles only make the ueirf, GENERAL AGENTS. SANTA FE, N. M. f to feer- - passing. would be able prevent sutch a No of people angry and a little bit more determined than before to win against Men. young woman, in the joy ful to his bizness interests .schemers. calamity Leave vehicles face to front. coming motherhood, should neglect but. no, all his cannot avail, to A movement that simply bubbles up and over from the hearts of plain, gold Buttons on buttonholes on left. prepare her system lor the physi- when tinkle Mm this here trust. right, cal hard headed men of all the vocations of life is a winner. There aren't enough sas, Clothes fasten in front. ordeal she is to undergo. The has to be she is nasMfflEES'i steam rollers in the country to beat it. got busted, going Hold needle in left hand, thread in health of both herself and the coming (i to be and dont it busted, you forgit right. child depends largely upon the care ZARAPERIA jondee might even rite a letter to Xllrn to Tif( in she bestows upon herself during the MEXICANA, NOT LARGE ENOUGH. passing. EDDY DELGADO, PROPRIETOR. the president, and say, o, sir, think i am not discussing here which waiting months. Mother's Friend The attitude of Mayor Gaynor in New York City, toward Lieut. Becker MANUFACTURER OF of a!! the widders and orlins what has method of doing things is right, for prepares the expectant mother's sys- - i' :kes every citizen who studies affairs, glad that he was not the choice of got their dough invested in our stock my has me that torn for the coming event, and its US3 MEXICAN BLANKETS, RUGS, PILLOW TOPS, NAVAJO PATTERNS, Mih ISaltimore convention for president, of the I'nited States. experience taught will do when min- - woman's intuition, or judgment or makes her comfortable during all the Both It is a good quality to possess the quality of loyalty to a friend or to an what they your Native and Uermantown Wool Used. in- - '?vel or by whatever term. It works with and for nature. appointee or to a fellow official, but that trait be yons goes to work and nocks our headedness, Send for Price List. Orders Taken and Filled. iniir carripd entirelv ion name we choose to call it is a ana grauuany an Promptly far. and as the chief o.Ticer of a has too much at !i;',t,)' a" t0 Dits' nngnty dj expanding great city Mayor Onynor thing, but I am bound to say sues, muscles and tendons, involved, 119 Don Avenue. stake to let his loyalty to one man stand in the light of the or he mite even say, think of me, i Caspar city's good that 1 never could understand why and keeping the breasts in good the earry'.i'K out of The evidence Becker as the of am an old man cn-- J i have worked zssamziztisssEaBXBsa Susanna! justice. against slayer insisted on getting off a car, dition, brings the woman to the crisis Rosenthal is very, very strong. If he is the it a condition hurd to build this little oil bis-i- slayer, opens up up face to the rear or why thev insist on in splendid physical condition. The the American is and no i of metropolis that simply appalling step should be niss, must see the fruits my tiheir clothes in the back. baby, too, is more apt to he and AN UNUSUAL missed fhat will fastening perfect LIFE INSURANCE CONTRACT lead to the discovery and the of those who 'labor in crool back-stron- punishment may perrish this manner, Whether stepping off a car where the mother has thus be in a movement which to be almost in our f0r I ld THE RELIANCE FAMOUS "SELF SUSTAINING " POLICY appears unparalleled history, all know, jondee mite ward is obstinacy or a habit that prepared herself for nature's supreme It is at least, Mayor to Becker from just Gaynor's duty suspend his position have sed all them things to the cannot be overcome, I do not know; function. No better advice could ba pending the investigation. If he is not his reinstatement would The Most Liberal Proposition Written. It is Self Sustaining After the Tenth Year. guilty bring guverment but one would think that after being Ben a young expectant mother thaa It Has a Return Premium Provision. him even honor: if he is he should be ::nd It Has a Total Clause. This greater guilty removed at once, but the guverment just went thrown to the with the that sne U39 Mother's Friend; it is a Disability Alone Is Worth the Priue. an exami.'.e be made of him and all his pavement Let Us Explain It to You. confederates. ahed nd smasned the standard oil force of a from an medicine that has proven its value In all this. sand bag dropping GENERAL AGENTS Mayor Gaynor has shown a weakness that does not make llust and brokfi it all int0 little oornnlnno ., nc,r t fVnn, Tnhn. iH thousands Of HALL & HALL UOOMrBTuJicu,y him as the kind of demanded in a appear timber candidate for president of pi1(,pSj and snowed and nU son's as a woman has E??e'. - jondee catapult,I many ,Mt,elL? m- i uiie-'- i s. rie is inn a grave coiiiuuon wun me ami Friend OTHER'S jiiiii lacing courage sang that they were up agenst the been, by to alight wrong stamina demanded of a man in a and trying facej store8- - very high very responsible position. real when unkel sam got to, that would their style drug Gaynor i., net size. thing busy they change Write for free K1JUJU presidential o, showed of a and do as men tt&l n . yes. they them, all rite alighting from car book for expect- "Honest-Tom- before the standard oil trust was do; and one would th'i:k too, that they ant mothers which contains much " was cm; of the Detroit aldermen arrested for bribery. smashed, its stock was 675 dollars a would get tired of going through valuable and What's in ,i name. ar,;. way? When arrested, Tom naively "I information, many sug- remarked, share gymnastic exercises like the india of a would not have taken the money if 1 had known you were to tell gestions helpful nature. going it is G months now slnse the .rubber man used to do in the circus, about it."r No. probably not, and neither would he have talked quite so grate BRADFiraD REGULATOR CO.. . Ca. monopoly-busti- n act was off cverytime they try to button up a had he known 'he was to a pulled ' freely talking dictagraph. shirt waist. is Rooms With Bath $1.50 and $2.00 Per 0 and shares is selling for 1000 dollars Maybe that regarded Day as a ana recom- of today Kd thing, thougn, is The advance guard the meeting has arrived in Santa - standpatters' mended by the physical culture so- CLEVELAND, 0., Fe and will be holding those famous Becret councils which are a matter of jondee owns quite a few Bhares, ciety and from that per-- 1 New Mexico political history. The order lists will be for their and the old boy has a little more than standpoint prepared haps should be held in the feminine-repertoire- AND henchmen, but there are fewer to carry the orders out than there was SI milyen doUers ritcher than he was THE ALBANY wont to be. before the trust was busted HOTEL Of as far as a 0 aint this a grate little country we course, threading needle is concerned, the ladies can We are "so far from our rails" that it will be for "ve in? nececssary the trunk thread it anyway they want to as) line to send its usual to the committee next believe me, it is for jondee representative standpat meeting long as thread it. If there is; This is new for a Denver Hotel. week, so as to know just'what is being done at the secret they something meetings. johny any one a man hates to do it is 0 thing $63.00 rooms to try and thread a needle or to use Larger with bath, $2.50 and $3.00 per Woodrow Wilson has himself to ic-1 THE "PROGRESSIVE" gone away by write his letter of PARTY, a needle after it's threaded. NATIONAL CONVENTION i'optance. That's funny. They're not going to tell him about it till next h tne individual, man or woman, who FRATERNAL day. Try one of these moderate priced rooms the Wilson could not uses for Wednesday. Maybe girls keep the secret and gave it Foley Kidney Pills backache GOOD WORK. away. weak iack, and other ORDER OF EAGLES. with bath, and you will be pleased. New Fire rheumatism, The clean up process is to be com-- i 0 kidney and bladder Fol- - irregularities. mended. I notice this morning that) 12th to 1912 Proof Annex, room with bath. Chauncey M. Depew, discarded and discredited Pills are f Aug. 17th, every by the people ey Kidney healing, strength-o- the boxes which have been piled on his state, has been joking again. He is the in and to Dates of telling reporters Europe ening, tonic, quick produce the lot between the postoffice and the Sale, will be elected. - that Taft beneficial results. Contain no harm- Catron block and have been an Aug 2nd to 4th, 1912. 0 eye) ful drugs. Never sold in bulk. Put re-- Return 14th, 1912. ' sore to every passer by have been Limit, . . Aupst In the Hon. See's, paper, the Hon. Sec. says that the progressives have up in two sizes In sealed bottles. The Fe for Particulars. ' moved. This is a move along right See Santa Agents an organ hut no votes. That is intended by the Hon. Sec. to be is in a just trivial, genuine yellow package. For lines, and is a part of the progressive H. S. LL'TZ, Agt, Santa Fe, N. M. we suppose. i a11 j sale b? druggists. movement which is gaining ground in SATURDAY, AUGUST 3, 1912. SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN VAC 7 SEVEN.


Foi; 1! KNT Nice'y fu: n:s)i.;i fioat ir i tiiilistco .strict.

n:!l siory WKidenee on a;::r. Lot ll'ixiO feet. O. C. I V. at.- on Co. f 4 Elegar.t'y Fuinisnea Rooms for Rent A Uoon.s furni.-hi-d and hav-n- all modern ( onvi nii nces, including electric light, team heat and baths, r. in ISpB the l'irst N'aiional Bank buildinft Apjily to F. M. Jones.

TYPEWRITERS. ("leaned, adjusted and repaired. New platens furnished. Ribbons :irnl sup- r--J . plies. Typewriti sold, exchangeij and rir.ted. Standard makes handled. All repair work and typew liters i'liteeil. Hania Pi- - Typiwriter I'hone 2'!1.

HOY.S AND C.IRI.S Earn goo-- J money during vacation at pleasit.it wori;. boosting for New Mexico. Cut-I- ll free. Write today for our offer. New Mexico .Magazine, Iis ('nicet, New Mexico.

WANTED 1 00. 000 people to drink the mineral, cool, clear water of the ' Aztec Spring. It can be procured by applying to Mr. Henry Krirk, who j furnishes same to all the leading sa- loons and dreg stores in the ci'y. Why drink muddy water from the hy. dront or pipes when you can drink clear and beneficial water from th OX LEFT, POLICE LIEUT. BlXXKIt, CHARCED WITH THE AC- Aztec Spring. CHARLES SEYMOUR WHITMAN', DISTRICT ATTORNEY. TIVE WORK OK KILLING OAMBLE'. ROSENTHAL, ON RIGHT, JACK ROSE, WHO SAYS HE OBEYED BECKER'S ORDERS AND IS NOW CANDELARIO MARTINEZ, (By Harry Burton.) I ver "goodies" from the home pantry THE LEADING CONFESSOR. THE "DEATH ALTO." Proprietor. New 3. Just lilain fear- York, Aug. to parishioners, ill or Travel- less. needy. SALESMEN ESTABLISH A ling inder starlight, in an uncut wild-- ; BUSINESS OF YOUR OWN WITH- These three simple words describe THE THUGS WHO DID THE KILLING IN NEW YORK POLICE MUFSDER erness, does not brood faint hearts in OUT CAPITAL. Charles Sey mour Whitman, youthful beys. And when boys, so trained, Our of district attorney of New York, who, original plan selling grocer- come to manhood, traveling through ies to against big odds, has uncovered che by samples formers, stockmen, the uncut wilderness of a i world's great city's tsiatirants, boarding houses and police j greatest conspiracy wickedness does not unsettle them, ener- and murder here in New York. o;her large consumers, enables either. They go straight, just as getic hi'.Icsmet to establish quickly a "Fearless" is the word that comes young Dist Atty. Whitman is going permanent business of their own to as see Whitman AT TOP, "BALD" JACK ROSE, you you for the straight on to his destination un- yielding a splendid income. Com- first MIDDLE, HARRY VALLON, BOT- time see his slate eyes that look the of Semi-monthl- set- covering po'ice "system" the TOM, "BRIDGEY" WEBBER. mission advanced. straight at you, his firm motith and city of New York a system which, tlements. Goods so'd subject to trial. his long, aggressive jaw that snaps he says, does not protect citizens Experience not essential. Write for like a steel trap. from crime, but protects crime from today, giving references. doesn't wear the fact all over him. particulars His words come without bravado, the citizens. JOHN SEXTON & CO., lie attended Amherst and later was but with a determination that you Whitman is a republican in poli- Wliolesals Grocers, graduated from New York university know will not be put aside. tics, but a real democrat by disposi- Lake and Franklin Sts.. C hicago. law school. He was appointed as Whitman's is res- tion. He hobnobs wiih the "400" as Perhaps training sistant corporation counsel of New ponsible ior this fearlessness, this readily as with the '4,000,000." Re- HERE TO STAY. York and assigned to watch state le- What I complete indifference, for instance, to cently he spent the week end at New- poor excuses. "Oh, haven't gislation affecting the city. So well time.'' "Can't afford it." You can the power of the great New York po- port along with his wife and daughter did he acquit himself that he was LEFT TO RIGHT : "GYP THE ALIAS HARRY "WHITEY ALIAS Ilnd time to go to a show and lice system. Whitman's daddy, yon i as guests of Mrs. O. H. P. Belmont, BLOOD," HOROWITZ; LEWIS," picture made confidential adviser of Mayor i I' RANK "DAGO ALIAS ROS- - see a stab a cat with a see, was one of those old fashioned at her wonderful summer mansion, MULLER; FRANK," FRANK CIROITCI, AND "LEFTY LOUIE," ALIAS LOUIS hoy toothpick. Seth Low and later given a position ENSWEIG. After you are out of bed and washed, New England circuit riders that jog- "Marble House." The next day he as city magistrate. In 190". Gov. t partly dressed or you'll fancy the ged on horseback from Dan to Bers-heba- , came back and ate his lunch at a lit- Hughes made him judge of the court wot Id can't get on without you), ten through Middlesex tle beanery "with some of the boys." spreading of. general sessions and in 11)09 he ed and backed by the entire county minutes will show you how easy the village and farm the accord- There is much talk of his gospel, being put elected district attorney. He has and will be made the oasis of a coun- A. 15. C. Shorthand is; then when you ing to John Wesley. And very often up for governor. But. Whitman says: raided saloons and dives personally NEWS OF THE STATI ty exhibit at the slate fair at Albu- !are through, you'll sing praises and it was little lot to accom- let's do this real work first and Charley's "Oh, and has convicted many bank de- which a week later. draw the money. Iet the ignorant, on of big querque opens pany father trips through then we'll smoke some the heavy faulters. Wi'.lard Record. uneducated, and lazy in mind, do the dark woods. And as he brand and see we can again, grew what things IT TAKRS GRIT. ing the scent was received from the emptying of the riust bins, livvoop bo a little older, the boy often traveled 'dream' up along that, line." - or drive the burro. Just now the Estancia Valley farm- Capitan mountains, where it is said THEY WERE HUNGRY. floor, alone over the solitary roads to deli- - Whitman is a conege man, but he Come in, say what you can afford ers are engaged in one of the most the fugitive is secreted. The officers 1 OFFICIAL NEWS A ha a peculiar ex- not some jobs m the farm that were heavily stocked with guns and weekly. Yes, now; other disagreeable perience in Denting last week. lie time. It's the sometimes that of keeping the erons clean. It takes ammunition, and it is probable they drag THE CORPORATION COMMISSION. had been down on the Southwestern on. and then e comes. You are and patience to do the tinpleas- - w ill return some time today with their The rate t Roswell will grit and the quickest way home was to the loser, the longer you put it off. hearing ant part. Moriarty Messenger. man. Roswell News. be held on Monday. This is an impor- take the train to Deming and catch Do come in and see signed testi- tant matter involving the question of Xo. 7. His train was delayed, and he monials from: M. 13. Academy and the R SERIOUS SPORT. f WHICH IS BEST? TOURIST RATES rates in the Pecos valley in did not get lo Deming until long alter lielknap Schools, Beaver. Utah. New- touching of G. W. intra-stat- e Owens, the son voters No. 7 a Sill ter and commerce. Com- Harry j Thousands, yea millions of had left, lie found that port Beach School, Calif. Thistle missioners Groves and Owen are on Owens, had the misfortune the early in this land of the free are at the freight train was soon due, and hav-;- ' District School, Utah, arm brok- the ground and will take the testi- part of the week to get his parting of the ways. Men of sober ing a pull with the train men con- Prof. A. K. King, Scofield, Utah, and some lit- TO mony. B. F. Segerson and Mrs. Min- en. He was on a horse thought and honest purpose, are cluded to come home on that. It was writes: "The students are intensely nie Brumbach of the commission of- tle hoys playfully pulled him off, wavering in the maelstrom of natio- a long time since he had eaten, and it terested in Prof. Norton's Short- which resulted in a broken arm. H; hand. He won the admiration of fice, leave today to be present at. the nal politics the upheaval resultant i he concluded to patronize the Harvey All Stations East and West hearing. is getting along nicely at the last re- from the events of the past few House lunch counter for coffee and every student present.'' Winter GAME WARDEN. port. Clovis Journal. months. These men, of the great sandwiches. The young iady told Quarters School; Greenriver. Moab, common in the of the him coffee was out sand- Monticello Public Schools, and Conn-- : Game Warden Ba found the Elk people, quiet the and the BRING TOP PRICES. 'home, in the office, in their daily wiches were all He tried hard ty Superintendent of Grand County, FROM which were imported last year into gone. ll'tah. Mrs. W. L. Gumm and daughter, j toil, are mastering the problem of the boiled eggs and pie, but there were New Mexico in fine condition. Two PUEBLO. Milton C. and J. were in town j age the batt'e for supremacy of the no hard boiled eggs, and the pie Potter, bands were held in enclosures, as Mrs. Clyde Bloodgod p'at K. Stations on the Denver & Rio Grande last Satnrdav. Mrs. Gumm says the modern political institution. The was empty. After an Investigation Keating, Superintendents. they have been since their importa- - Co- Mim-bre- s it were wise to re- he found some or- Bessemer, Minneqtta. Danforth, and fruit crop on her ranch on the question whether coffee rolls, and tion the third band, about which battle-scarre- lumbian, and Summerfield The main in time-trie- d dered them with a of milk. Irving, IN will about be "0 to average. the old, glass Ths - EFFECT i the farmers are mflking complaints Public Schools, the Benedictine Col- ranch is one of the most famous ap- organizations, to purge these girl said she could give him the rolls, on account of their destructive ten lege and Fort Collins Agricultural orchards in New Mexico and every of faulty principles, to rid them of but there was no milk left. The dencies, are at large. The game ple College. June 1st to 30th from five to six cars corrupt leaders to give new birth to Lordsburger wanted to know what September warden has given free hand for any year produces Facts are Fads. Truth is Truth, of that the top price in liberty of thought and action, or was the trouble with the Harvey one who can this band, with- apples bring More evidence if you ask. capture market. Silver whether it were better to raise new house; he had it for years, out and if are successful the City Enterprise. patronized All commercial subjects taught, injury they desert the and never had seen it so the warden will cancel the contract at standards, completely The Santa Fe Business College, the follow and into out of provisions in his life. The Return October 31st. in force. Warden Baca SPREADING OUT. rulers, justice right girl Business University of New Mexico. Limit, present says the conflict with new ambitions, new said: "The governor was here last j that if the elk are not captured soon, Manager Burton is pushing the life and new manhood. The next few night; all the democrats in Luna FOR PUBLICATION. he may get Buffalo Jones to take a work of stringing three telephone NOTICE Liberal Stopovers. months will mark a revolution in the county turned out to meet him am: hand in the game and see what he can lines into the countrv. Last week a thought and action of the manhood gave him a banquet. When they got do. The game licenses are now line was run north about S milei (010493) of the nation. Rio Grande Republi through there was not of from throueh the district ?nd eating enough 'Department the Interior, being sent out the warden's Sunnye'de in to r-- can. left the house feed a canary. U. S. Land Office at Santa N. For information to office. several phones attached. We und j Fe, M., as rates, reservations, Those democrats must be peo- 1912. stmd a line is soon to be run east j hungry July 22, . ple." Liberal. Sefer-- etc., call on or write to D. & R. Q. or from town, likewise, parties livir. FRUIT FOR THE EDITOR. l.ordshurg Notice is hereby given that j any Agent Secretary of state Lucero is samp- ino of New south of town are anxious to have The modest and retiring young Vigil, Santa Fe, Mexico, W. D. T. F. & P. Fe. ling the automobile tags demanded un- OUTLOOK PROMISING. on made home-- ! Shea, A., Santa connections Columbus Cour person who has charge of the night who, July 20, 1004, der the law. He has about decided on Many sa'es have bee:: No. 010493-799- 2 ier. editorial work on the News is deeply important stead entry for E a combination of green and white made the last ten days in the Carls- NV NV SW Sec. Lot appreciative of a basket of delicious 13, which, seem to be the most effective. bad project. This is the quiet sea- in. Section 21, 18 N., MAY SURPRISE 'EM. I Mamie Ross Peaches and what we Township Range son in the homeseekers' business, but 10 E., N. M. P. has filed no-- ; A lot of Roswell who are take to be Golden Satsum plums from Meridian, SANTA FE TAILOR people io many prospectors have come in tice of intention to make Final Five to "we have heard the orchard of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. BUYS NEW LINE. given remark, that that it hardly looks like the busy Year Proof, to establish c'aim to the such railroad tales before and don't Bryant, on Garden avenue. The fruit farming season. Mr. II. J. Hood cl land above described, before SUMMER believe in them," may wake up a sad- in itself was a gloious quality, and Register A. E. Leaves San Los Angeles, California, has purchase i and Ilec iver, U. S. Land Office, Syufy for Francisco der and wiser set some day. The dis they are reminders of what can be on Vacation and Will Go To New eighty acres just of Loving au.i Santa Fe, New Mexico, on the 10th patch from Quanah, Texas, to the ef- accomplished under difficulties. Mr. TOURIST York Before He Returns. will move to the farm and further im- day of Sept., 1912. feet that work is to be started there j Bryant is almost totsU'y blind and his prove it. William Keene of San Diego Claimant names as witnesses: soon is borne out by the letter re- wife is a woman of frail health yet California, has bought forty acres Rafael Montoya, Beatriz Vigil, Anas- - A. E. Syufy Santa Fe tailor, of the ceived here by Mr. Shrader from a di- they look after their nice little place TICKETS near Ma'aga and is on the way with tacio Montoya, Atanacio T igil, all of Capital Tailor shop, left last night for rector of that company. Roswell with a faithfulness that is a lesson his to take W. U. Santa Fe, N. M. San Francisco and other points where Record. to all who have their strength and family possession. r Scott has 120, acres at MANUEL R. OTERO, On Sale Until he will spend a month's vacation. have much fruit, mostly apples, in bought Otis, Daily, a of the townsite. Kegister. From there he will go to New York STILL ON CHASE. addition to the sor's of which samples including part This is one of the best tracts in the 1912. City where he will buy a modern and Deputy Sheriff Jim Johnson and Of- were given us. Roswell Register ' Sept. 30, entire Carlsbad project. Mr. Scott up to date line of fall and winter ficer Fred Higgins, who left early Tribune. bought, the place for a home and will fabrics for his trade in this city. Mr. Tuesday morning to. begin the chase make extensive improvements. He has IN CONNECTION WITH THE NEW MEXICO CENTRAL Syufy expects to be absent for about for Pedro Madrid, alleged of FAIR AT WILLARD. KANSAS slayer made Tor un- CITY, MO, two months on the trip. This is the Alonzo a few had Wi'lard is now actively preparing already plans plowing Beall, days ago, der the old alfalfa nd CHICAGO, BOSTON, second trip he has made to New York not returned to an hour for the first annual Torrance County $50.35 $85.95 BUFFALO, $69.85 up early The will be remodeled. Part since he his - ! held 2 and 3. buildings NEW YORK, ST. ST. opened shop here. Thursday. A telephone message giv fair to be here October LOUIS, PAIL, I of Mr. $79.35 $44.35 $50.35 A number of fairs been held in the residence is brick. Scott jave has made of " the Estancia valley heretofore with careful study many CLOSE CONNECTION AT TORRANCE before but found success, but they have been more or coming here, WITH THE less local. This vear the whole what he wanted and invested. A num- ber of other are $26.30 county is uniting in the county fair at sales pending tint Economists will be closed in a short time. The are busy with the problems of today, Willard. The fair will include agri--; 24thAnnua!C3nvention GOLDEN STATE LIMITED outlook for the Carlsbad was And Scientific has come to cultural displays, which because of project via EI Paso and Southern Pacific Management they say stay, never and the class of farm- LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE AI IFHBMIA Goinjr, and returning But when the favorable season should be excep-- j brighter f it comes to cutting down both bills and household ers coming on now insure a rapid and UHmii same route, or via A T. & S. F, good and there will also be n ! lALil tionally solid Carlsbad 19th to 1912., fuss, showing of livestock, with especial development. Argus. August 23rd, LOS ANGELES and SAN DIEGO, SAN FRANCISCO, I tell you what, POST TOAST1ES are just the food for us. 'attention to dairy cattle. The dairy-- i Dates of Sale, August 16th to 19th. has assumed con-- J $46.90 $55.90 ing industry CHICHESTER S PILLS Return Limit, Aug. 31st, 1912. Written by S. S HAYDEN. siderable proportions all through the Station A, Lincoln, Nebraska. Amk your for For further information address Eugene Fox, Gen'l Pas- i valley and is growing rapidly. The .y. llrupaNt i SANTA FE ALL THE WAY I'lllnin ncl Uoltl BirtiliAV E. P. & S. W. El or people see that It is a source of fcsyyj-- - with nine Ril.bon. senger Agt. System, Paso, Texas, One of the SO Jtnples for which the Postum Jrv '2 x, siwl V Co., and income and are AGENT, H. A. COOMER, C. Hal tie Creek, Mien., puirt ).',OoO.U0 in June. steady dependable H.S.LUTZ, General Manager N. M. R. R., SANTA FE, N. M I J" Jk l!l!NI I'M.I.M. f as I following it closely. IAlt 'A years knuwn u Uest, Salt, Always Keliai Santa Fe, New Mexico. The Willard fair will be encourag- - f AGE EiviHT SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN SATURDAY, AUGUST 3, 1912.,

sane from having brooded over theisfiowers in distatrc along southern What is the difference between a ' MAN his wife several Arizona in Forecast, local LOUE LORN desertion by young evening. ONLY. prrze fisht ana our meat shop? THE HOIilE OF months ago, and that the Wallbrecht's showers in north portion tonight or WOMEN . That is the nature of Pierce's Favorite the one for RUNS AMUCK were attacked because Ballew held , Sunday. Dr. Prescription remedy Groceries the delusion that Mrs. Wallbrecht n.vf OUR $4.93 DSESSES HAVE NO women which contains, so- cloohol and no g drugs. Made irom native Quality caused the estrangement. EQUAL. THE WHITE HOUSE. medicinal forest roots. Dr. Pierce tells its ever ingredient on the bottie-wrap-pe- r. South Colo.. Aug. Platte, ".Geo. hours the The Palace Hotel will serve Prominent physicians and some of the best medical authorities endorse these Eellen-- , 2t a native of For several following j aged years, and as being tlia bebt known remedies for ailments and weaknesses amuck a UuHew iheM the summer; day each Sunday thereafter until ingredients very Tennessee, last ran at din-o- night colonists in terror and with a threat further notice a special Sunday f peculiar tc women. summer hotel here, shot and serious- " 16 uns. ui death, tried to prevent T learaph ner from 12;:!0 to 2:30 p. m. Price illlS wn:ltj 1j. .LAmM.rri'b, ly wounded three persons, set fire to feel it to write, and Ml what author-- ( cents. A one dollar and s Ttv., say?;: t my duty you and for held Operator Paine from voti!yi:ig regular done mo. was a the hotel several hours l'a.lf will be with your liiedicires have for I groat sufferer - ities in Denver. dinner given good the summer colony in terror, threat- f ir six year. from a trouble peculiar to women, but I BALLEW TO NEW MEXICO. nnisic for only 73 cents a plate. ' ening to shoot "the first one to open to say, r.fter taking four bottles of your Favorite J actions we'l with his mouth.' Denver, Colo., Aug. 3. That George Charming go Prescription' I am not bothered with that dreadful diseaso C X. looks. ou w ill have The wounded who were taken to a Ballew is headed for Las charming charm any more. I feel like a new woman. When I first wroto - ing looks if you use ZooU's 12T,. i Denver hospital, are: Charles Wall- M., to carry out former threats againet Benzoin, yuu for advice I only welshed 115 pounds now I weifih u.--, - t"-- ... Witch Hazel and Almond Cream. brecht, proprietor ot tne notel, snot m uie in ui ma u.. "I thank you very much for your kindness. You havo - so :uin- Mrs Charles Wallbrecht. shot Denver authorities. This afternoon The annual meeting of the Woman's been as a father to mo in advising mo what to do, may In hnflv spWnns .tnines word was received here that a man Christian Temperance Cnion for the God l;h ss you in every ciTurt you put forth for good. will bo means of some At the you see rounds of a tourist, believed to be from Kansas meeting the description of Ballew state of Xew .Mexico will be held in "I hope this testimm.u'.l tho poor prize fight 25 woman healtii. here see of City, shot in arm. rode a jaded horse into Sedalia, this city during the taming week, and Mas. CorFEV. suffering .whins pound, but you pounds miles south of 'here, today and will hold both ses- - round! Ballew is being trailed by a posse farly day and evening Dr. Pierce's MedictJ Adviser, newly revised edition, answers hosts sheriff of Jefferson boarded a Colorado & Southern train sions jn tne st John's Methodist headed by the of de!ica!3 abnnt which every woman, single or married ouiht to know. for the told the opera- - church on Don avenue. questions county but up to noon he had not south, having Gaspar The PORTERHOUSE SIRLOIN been sighted. tor that he had a ticket for Trinidad, 'meetings will be public and every one and Authorities today explained that Colo. It was learned, however, that jinterestd in the work is invited to a BILL POSTERS HAVE A TRUST. WOMAN WRITER IS ARRESTED. they believed Ballew temporarily in- - the man left the train at Breed, attend. The attendance from the n Short Steak, Flank, 111., 3. Suit for dis- a few miles north or Colora-- i side i,nj0ns will be and nianv Chicago, Aug. large solution of the Associated Bill Post- 3. Miss Alice Oram do Springs, where trace of him has the have their Lisbon, Aug. Round Steak, Pork Steak, Appetizing, jot delegates signified ers and Distributors of the United been lost. intentions of remaining in attend- - the correspondent of a London dally That's About Seda-janc- e States and Canada, who have been . Before boarding the train at at the session of the American paper, was arrested today after a succeeded by the Gratifying lia, the man sent a telegram to his School of Archaeology. Posting Advertising domiciliary search of her residence The Way They Rank ! See G. S. who Is said toi Association, was filed in the United had been authorized the father, Ballew, 9(1 msr.niiMT dim am op nup by military him to Slates district court today. who seized a number of The Mere Mention Satisfying reside in Tennessee, notifying STANDARD QUALITY LOW SHOES authorities, once ana mat. documents. The minister of Portugal "come at aaaing EVERY PAIR GUARANTEED, NONE Of The Above Choice Cuts Meals lias defense. . "George is dead." BETTER. THE WHITE HOUSE. taken up the This information was 1912. interpreted' skin clean. Use Saturday, August 3rd, Should Bring some to mean that Ballew intend- Keep your pure, 3:30. "Monuments of the Az- Always by crtt 5.i!rl, t.rt'.iim clleli no Zook ! ed to commit suicide. i 1: 1 A tecs," by E. L. Hewett. i. auu nnntl.:nn Post-Haste- On 99 sens, it is neaiuio ouutums. iai S:00. Second of a series of ! for Violet. Every Woman You Here on Evo- " AS. lectures "Heredity and is Interested and should lenow LOCAL MENTION The now for Sr,ViiVa Palace hotel is serving lution," by T. D. A. Cockerel. eVr5 'OT1J!)1. swat the wonderful ' Tap MARVEL Whirling How Good the benefit of the Business Men and Lecture on "Taos and the Feast FmMlSVl'li Spray They'll Taste! their families a six run- WSWf?!y4l The new Wa9inal Syringe. Here! o'clock dinner of San Geronimo," illustrated, by 5C?W5w Best most convenient. It from six to seven-thirty- , cleanses instantly. -- WEATHER FORECAST. ning o'clock T. H. Parkhurst. n. m. each Ask druRCistfor it." 8k A3L 1 Denver, Colo., Aug. 3. New evening except Sundays. 1912. your litSjjrji Sunday August 4th, If he cannot supply thi?S An excellent .Menu wit:i good music j Mexico: Generally fair in south 8:00. "Religion of the Ancient MARVEL, accent no otherN Co. day is furnished for on:y DO cents per but send staruD for illustrated Plaza Market V local showers in north Wil- - portion, Romans," by Dr. Harry L. book sealed. It gives full partlcu- rjjlti '; portion tonight or Sunday. X plate. will be held in lars and directions ...valua'nleto ladies. A NEW CARLOAD OF son. This lectur" W&tftL CO.. i-- East 23d Slreet.New YorkT Phone 92. in MONA the Hall of Representatives on LISA COPY to the Capitol and will be free WATERMELONS MUSLIN UNDERWEAR SALE AT IS RETURNED AS ORIGINAL PICTURE. the public as wi'l all the Sunday THE WHITE HOUSE. lectures of he school dur- By the Grace of God, Goebel's Store night ing its summer session. 3. hi twenty-on- e old Who Mysterious Brought years today. Stranger Remember the special will Page Back Carried Only an Ex- Budweiser, Fa staff and Neef Bros. Painting leave at 8 o'clock Sunday morn- bottle beer for saio Krick. cellent Imitation of Real Thing, De- F.ANDREWS by Henry for Santo 'Phone Red 36. clares Director. ing Domingo, returning so as to arrive in Santa Fe at Phone 4. ITHE WHITE HOUSE. Seligman Brothers company have C m. on a that you cannot afford 3. The director of the p. put special Paris, Aug. 1912. to ex- Monday, August 5, pass bj Ladies' suits for J1.99. Louvre museum, E. Pujalet quickly - 10 ar. m. First series of walk- How is that? Other bargains. See tinguished today the liopes of the Carpenters, advertisement. lovers of the famous "Mona ing excursions, conducted by picture Students meet Mr. Business Man. Did you ever Lisa'' the masterpiece of Leonardo da rector Hewett. room at 10:00. a. m. ! notice that the man that has the best Vinci, which disappeared mysterious- V in lecture Contractors trade is the man that has the best ly from the museum last August. Walk to Ft. Marcy. m. of floor of business. These had been raised Sunday by the 3:30 p. "Monuments the lighted People's Director We specialize on Electric Supply co. appearance of an unknown man at the Aztecs," illustrated, by V TOOLS of QUAL- OUR SHOES LEAD IN PRICE AND British. embassy in Paris with a pic- Hewett. THE m. "Roman Archaeo- ITY. All of the JEWELER. QUALITY. THE WHITE HOUSE. ture he declared he had been charged 8:00 P. L. lines Whatever your doctor prescribes to restore to the Louvre by means ot V logy and Art," by Dr. Harry standard HEADQUATERS FOR for July stomach troubles can be the British ambassador. Wi'son. M. Pro- Can Be Found Here. supplied At Zooks. Pupalet said today: "It. certainly s "Heredity and Involution," HIGH-GRAD- is an' admirable copy of the Mona V fessor T. D. A. Cockerel!. E j Do you know what kind of a dress Lisa." HAVE YOUR WATCH you can get for $1.05 at the White CLEANED OCCASIONALLY1 House? If not pay a visit to the store. The great muslin underwear sale is WATCH will run without Watches 'now on. A oil or clcanin.T longer than Two rooms for rent. Inquire at 235 other of inschin-cr- v East Palace avenue. sii any piece Bs33 S- - iPH & and ; Furnished Rooms Rent Santa Fe Hardware Supply Company bul it needs both occasion-clj- y. Elegantly for jlJ jSEH j Rooms elegantly furnished and hav-- j ing all modern conveniences, includ-- ! Ii you will consider tliat the rim of electric steam and AT THE CLARENDON GARDEN the balance wheel traveis over fifteen Clocks.. ing light, heat baths, in the First National Bank miles a day, you will not grudge your Located One Block East from Old San Miguel Church. watch a speck of oil and a cleaning Time Pieces That Are building. Apply to p. M. Jones. tve a year. It will increase the Yesterday's high temperature was Phone Black 12. R. V. BOYLE, Mgr. li e and accuracy of your watcll Reliable." S3 at 4:10 p. m. and low, 61 at 5:30 Down Town Stand i.i Butt Bros.' Store. J,eave watch with us Drug i your a. m. Clear, warm and pleasant with ....ii . m ! iiMfttiui

auou It seems as though every man in .CMS. this town should know about the Neat STRIPES, FIGURED Madras, goodness of our Nathon Shirts Percale, Muslineand linens . we sell so many of tnem. We've More YOU the most refined and the hand patterns than care to see. AH new. somest SHIRTS that you can $1.25, imagine. They're beauties! $1.50, $1.75 $2.00 $3.50.

THE COAT SHIRT. DRESS SHIRTS. Easy to get into and easy to get out of. A great favorite with a FULL DRESS SHIRTS that fit perfectly, are always appreciated great many men. We have a splendid line of these SHIRTS and we'll by Society Men. We've all the correct models of Dress Shirts. Made simply say that very few men who have ever tested the Coat Shirt are hv snp'ifll mnkpr that knnws hnw to make thpm rnfrectlv. If vnil have willing to take any other style. been having trouble with you Dress Shirts Sir, we offer your relief.

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