

MML. Election Coverage The Weather Asit election returns will be covered live tonight at 9 over Weatherman predicts showers campus FM radio stations for today and the temperature KSJS at 90.7 megacycles. The should be five to ten degrees same program will be video- below normal. Students are taped and aired tomorrow at PARTAN DAILY 14 a.m, over television station urged to vote M.-spite rainy }CCTV, channel 11. 11 SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE sides.

Vol. 54 SAN JOSE, 95114, THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1967 No. 103 RAIN TAKES TOLL AT POLLS Dumke Rulings No Pencils, Violations Dr. Clark Awaits Cause Election Woes Council Opinion By JEFF BRENT Spartan Daily Staff Writer By FRANCINE MILLER pliance with Dr. Clark's wishes. Pencils were almost as hot an item as IBM election ballots yesterday as 2,000 Spartan Daily Staff Writer But, said Spotter, only Phil Whit- Students often complain about ten, who recently resigned as grad- students braving adverse weather conditions flocked to campus polls to cast votes for administrative red tape slowing up uate representative, replied, and SJS elective officials. Today marks the end of elections. the works in academia, but Stu- that orally. Typical of election time, charges and counter-charges continued to pile up with the dent Council yesterday was re- In the meantime the Student minded that, at least in one in- Activities Committee of Academic election board concerning election code violations. Both political parties as well as stance, the shoe is on the other Council reviewed the Chancellor's independent candidates have been implicated in the violations. Photo by Yoshi Hasegawa foot. rulings and drew up its own docu- According to Paul Morey, elec- A lull in the council session was ment listing additional provisions ONE OF THESE WOMEN will be crowned International Queen tion board chairman, IBM pencils occasion for a reminder that this on time, manner, place, amplifi- at the International Ball Friday, April 28. From left to right they Murphy To Speak supplied to mark IBM ballots dis- year's student legislature has yet cation, and security involved in the are: Helen Callahan, Virginia Moy, Gloria Anthony, Ladan appeared as fast as did ballots into to take action on college President use of campus facilities. Esfandiari, present queen, Soon Whang Chun, Linda Kline, the ballot box. Robert Clark's directive regarding COMMENTS RELAYED Suzanne Fine, and Cecelia Boroman. Tickets are now on sale for "We started off with 75 pencils," use of State College buildings and Whitten's comments, at the same the ball in the Student Affairs Business Office, Building R. Morey said, but before 2 p.m. we grounds. time, were relayed to Academic Dedication Day Set had lost all but ten of them. I had eds. Copies of the directive were Council by the two student mem- to buy an additional 80 pencils given to council and the college able bers of the Student Affairs Com- today and hope they will last lots, Academic Council earlier this year mittee, Spotter and ASB Vice Prof Examines 'Thinkers' through today's voting." dock so that the president could ascer- President Vic Lee. "Dangerous Thinkers" by Yamada Munemutsu was reviewed by For Moss Landing Commenting on the expected rage tain faculty and student opinion Now the document put .out by Dr. Harris Martin, associate professor of history, yesterday at the record election turnout, Morey 9 S. varied marine life in the Senator Murphy helped write on the document. The directive is Academic Council is in the hands Faculty Book Talk, Cafeteria A and B. The sloughs and mud and in the deep the Sea Grant Colleges Act which nate a compilation of regulations of President Clark, who is post- Yamada, described by Dr. Martin as ex-Commurdst and liberal, two miles will promote marine sciences in nest handed clown by State College poning approval of those provis- believes that there are 12 men in post-war Japan whose trend of submarine canyon Daily Error nth. Chancellor Glenn Dumke on sell- ions until the student body's rep- from the shore at Moss Landing the same way that agriculture thought threatens the survival of freedom and democracy. He criticizes EDITOR'S NOTE: The Spar- ing. advertising, and soliciting on resentatives give some indication away from probably doesn't realize the sig- was aided by the historic land these men and their contributions toward Japan's shift tan Daily inadvertently omit- e of state college campuses. of their feelings on Chancellor nificance of Friday, April 28. grant colleges act of more than Dom democracy. ted Jim Caldwell, Independent SPOLTER REQUEST Dumke's regulations. Martin, "these men were It is dedication day for the a century ago. "In the wartime" commented Dr. write-In candidate for senior ASB President Jerry Spotter Little more than a week ago, opponents of the war policy. They made a transition to con- Monterey Bay Marine Sciences The act is administered by the liberal representative, from its ballot asked council members last sem- Spotter sent the president's direc- reaction during the post-war period." Laboratories of the Central Cali- National Science Foundation servative defenders of listing yesterday. The Daily ester to read the directive and tive to the Campus Policy Commit- Yamada realized that such men can be adept at manipulating fornia State Colleges. which granted the Moss Landing pelt- regrets any inconvenience or make appropriate comment in corn- tee of Student Council. But the thoughts and feelings. Yet, it is when they move beyond the literary The laboratories presently con- Laboratories $180,000 for the pur- confusion caused by Its over- committee has yet to meet in con- is a danger. sist of a 14,000-square-foot, white chase of the land and equipment. field into ideology that there sight. An- sideration of the document. The Japanese author has long been a member of the Science stucco building surrounded by The NSF grant for the purchase Hain Dorm To Sponsor Spotter said yesterday, however, Thought Study Group which believes that thought has the power to three acres of ground, one of was the first of its kind. that he will get together with com- influence and motivate the masses. which is under water. Private funds from the founda- said that as of 2 p.m. yesterday, mittee chairman Dick Miner next Dr. Martin, who came to SJS in 1955, received his Ph.D. from Presently used by 30 to 35 stu- tion of the participating colleges 2,000 students had voted but the Coed Slave Sale week to draft a position statement Stanford in 1959. He was born and brought up in Japan which resulted dents concerned with marine biol- (San Jose, Hayward, San Fran- rain and cold weather made voters ling for the president. in his interest in Asian history. ogy, the small operation is ex- cisco, Fresno, Sacramento) aug- scarce the rest of the afternoon. and pected to fulfill a potential of mented the needed money. "The chances for a record voter 60,000 from the five participat- Also speaking at the dedication election turnout were my- For Philanthropy good until ing colleges and include other program will be Dr. Glenn S. the rain came," Morey said. "If isor "What am I bid for this charm- 373 disciplines in chemical, physical, Dumke, chancellor of the Cali- it clears up tomorrow the chances ing SJS coed," will be the call geological, and meteorological fornia State Colleges, and Dr. of a record vote are still good. from Hoover Hall's Recreation From Hippie to Square, oceanography. Earl S. Herald, associate direc- However, the number of late vot- Room today at 6:30 p.m. A plaque that will be perman- tor of Steinhart Aquarium in ers will increase today because of a slave sale The scene will be ently mounted at the Marine San Francisco. yesterday's rain. els sponsored by the dorm in con- Laboratories will be unveiled in The program begins at the fa- Student voting, being conducted junction with its annual Honey ens the dedication ceremony by Sen. cility at 10 am., followed by an at Seventh Street, Spartan Book- Bunny Project to raise money on They're Caught in 'Bag' George Murphy, R.-Calif. open house from 3 to 6 p.m. store, and between the men's and eve for Zonta, a day care center for woman's gyms, received an extra emotionally disturbed children. BY VICKI MAY wallader explained the character- cate, to be real, to turn on, and heavy turnout yesterday morning. d. Auctioneers Wendel Reid and Spartan Deny Staff Writer istics of these three groups and to trip out." "It remained this way until 2 Bob Davis, will start the bidding ed- the misconceptions they all have The straights are a heterogen- p.m.," Morey said. People were for slaves at $1. It will be an Students and faculty at SJS about higher education. eous group who really enjoy the Ballot Lists Candidates waiting in lines to vote until the opportunity to get work done at fall into three categories, "the Each group is "hung-up" in an classes in their major. Contrast- rains came." low prices and an tntekaining hippies, the straights, and the "education bag." And each group ingly there are the squares, who, (EDITOR'S NOTE: The following is a complete listing of candidatet for all 'FLAGRANT VIOLATION' show, according to Ruth Drewek, squares," according to Dr. Mer- affiliation with believes they have the answer, he thinks, just want a degree. ASB offices. The designations "5" and "CNP" indicate Referring to the usual election vice president of Hoover Hall. vyn L. Cadwallader, professor of Politics. "I" stands he stated. Cadwallader added that every- political parties: Sparta Party and Committee for New code violations, Morey said it has Each slave will be in a costume sociology and director of the tu- designates candidate.) one gripes about the "mickey for independent. and "W" write-in been brought to his attention that and will be sold to cook, sew, torials program. HIPPIE PROFS mouse," general education cour- both major political parties are in fl wash cars, type, clean house or Speaking Monday afternoon in Cadwallader asked, "What does PRESIDENT SENIOR REPRESENTATIVE ses. "Some courses are obsolete "flagrant violation" of the election any other tasks within reason, Morris Dailey Auditorium, Cad- the faculty want to do? The an. and not necessary." DICK MINER 1 JEFF MULLINS (I) code. hippie profs want to groove with 94- Cadwallader concluded his ad- EARL HANSEN JOSE ALVAREZ (I) The rivalry between Sparta the students. They claim that dress with his reaction to the JOHN BRUCKMAN BARBARA BARR (5) Party and CNP is greater titan Socrates was the first hippie Peace March, April 15. NICK KOPKE (CNP that of rivalries in any other elec- wee teacher. There are about ten of CAROL WOODS (CNP) "I went to see what they were VIC LEE (W) tion. It seems that the differeace 94- them in 1,000." DANIEL SCAFANI (CNP) doing. And I have never been so in ideology between the two par- The straight professors, "who VICE PRESIDENT BILL DALRYMPLE turned on. Never have I been (CNP) ties has caused them to resort to are potential, would-be hippies, LARRY LUNDBERG an. so optimistic. I want to thank BOB GOTTSCHALK (5) illegal action, by means of Vio- rarely get to know their stu- BILL CLARK _ these very creative students." LARRY BOALES (CNP) lating the election board code contends. MORELA and dents," Cadwallader The Cadwallader address was (CHARLES) C.K. rules. He added that the square prof JR. Noi BARRY BROWN (W) (I) sponsored by the College Union "I have received many verbal considers the students as a threat JIM CALDWELL (W) (I) Programs Board. complaints that both parties to himself personally. TREASURER have violated the code, but we "But all professors have their GEORGE JUNIOR REPRESENTATIVE must WATTSHARLES wait until these charges theories on how things should be. C DEEN JOHN MAXON (CNP have been filed with us and thoroughly in- Some of them have fun listening Surveyor Lands RON GARCIA (CNP EXECUTIVE SECRETARY vestigated before any action to students, t ho ugh they are KENNETH PIASECKI (S Can SUZANNE CAVANAUGH be taken." Morey said. pretty rare birds," Cadwallader BOB PLATT (S A-OK on Moon (CNP) Morey was referring to said. CINDY HAEBIG (CNP the fact (W) . (I) that the election board Surveyor 3, America's newest, SUE HARRIGER JULIE AHLENIUS (CNP can decide whether or not the STUDENTS DIFFER most advanced spacecraft, landed BILL LANGAN (W) (S case merits ATTORNEY GENERAL going to the ASB He concluded his discussion of on the moon yesterday at 4 p.m. RICH HARDER (W) Judiciary for ap- professors with "most have a (PST) in the Ocean of Storms, LARRY A. HOFF propriate punitive measures. SCOTT LEFAVER Many in ASH secret dream of tenure at UC future landing site for the Ameri- SOPHOMORE government pre- GERRY RONEY dicted the old Berkeley. can astronauts. 11} REPRESENTATIVE school record of "Each student is an individ- The spidery-legged craft tbuched 5,161 voters in 1965 would be GRADUATE REPRESENTATIVE GARY CUSHING .(S " Cadwaller said, but he down only slightly off-course from smashed because of the pressing RICHARD REEB MADELEINE TURNER (CNP !hints that they may be divided its planned landing site and with- issues concerning this year's gen- JOE BROOKS (CNP JANET HOLGERSON . ( into categories also. in an hour was transmitting pho- eral ASH election. JULES LOVENTHAL (CNP VIKKI BENNETT (CNP "The strident hippies were in On the lighter side of the tos of the moon's sueface. JOHN OGLE (S AL CARROLL politi- Kezar Stadium last Saturday. cal shenanigans. the Greek's AN UGLY MAN from last year's Ugly Man Contest is pictured Elated scientists and workers at RON LEVERENZ (CNP JOHN CARRAH on Entry The straights went to Sparta the Jet Laboratory in campus will not he allowed to con- above with Jacque Saalas, sophomore music major. blanks Propulsion BOB SERRANO (S DOUG DECOSTA S Camp and the squares were at Pasadena, which guided the craft sume their dinners tonight unless for the contest are available in the Student Activities Office and FRANK MAGUIRE (W) (1 ALAN HYMAN .. S from this year's contest Sparta Sings." he mused. on its intricate course, clapped they show a punched student body must be turned in by Friday. Proceeds JIM CRANDALL (W) (I LINDA HARPER (CNP will be used by the Santa Clara Blind Center to translate books Calwallader believes the hip- their hands in glee when the an- card proving they voted in the into braille. pies are at school, -to Catnaltuti- nouncement was made. election. 2SPARTA54 DAILY Thureday, April 20, 19C7 owls MINIM i#I_,ARTAN DAILY SIDE -EYES SRN JOSE STATE COLLEGE By RICK SKINNER it, that's pretty dangerous. Editor JERRY TOWNSEND Ads Mgr. JACK (MOHAN Ban! Flan! Baa-aa-aa! Sheep are very viclou.s animal,. I am a Greek. I am a sheep. My grandfather. who was once But for all my paranoid, nun - a chiel ram, told me about a Staff Editorial thinking, follow-the-flock atti- herd of sheep who trampled a tude, I can't help wishing I was whole bunch of people to death! a human being like the rest of Now that was pretty awful. SJS students. But there are ways to prevent Some of my friends in the such disasters. Hubert Unearthed Fist of all, don't ever listen flock aren't very typical sheep to either, and we have fun talking a sheep remember, he has a Lyndon Johnson. in his infinite wisdom, has decided as if we were really human small brain. Be film. Sheep have that since George Romney and are run- beings. no busi- And pretending we have brains ness in student affairs, so even ning ahead of I in the opinion polls. and Bobby and considering issues just as if if a sheep offers to help, tell Kennedy is kicking his backside harder every day. and they affected us. Just as if we him to remember his place. the war is unpopular. and other unpleasantries... were real students. SHEEP VOTE? And, when I get really brave, And why do you let sheep Well. Lyndon has decided that someone else should I talk to the feared independents, have a vote in your affairs? Cer- because I find real people can feel the lash of the whip. tainly they aren't concerned with teach sheep an awful lot, Some- issues confronting students. Consequently. he unearthed Happy Hubert from times I forget who are sheep The only problem is that sheep his tomb on the Potomac and sent him to Europe to paint and who are people --- we all are pretty dumb. We can't seem seem to have so much in com- the place red. Unfortunately for Ilube. someone got the to catch on too fast. We keep mon. call signals reversed and the natives greeted him with thinking we're just like you. So, OUTSIDE MAINSTREAM be tolerant. We're only (tying the Yellow Mellowpaint, that is. to help. Some of my flock-mates tell freaked. But of course, the idea of The real reasons. of course. for Humphrey's me the same thing. Why, some- sheep trying to help people is tint trip to Europe were manysome overt, some secret, times, it doesn't seem like we awfully presumptious. Being only have a flock at all, because there some subtle. in typical Johnsonian fool -the-public style. sheep, we have very little to are actually some sheep I know offer. On the surface. Humphrey's cavalcade through the who have thought and spoken So, if you'll concentrate real America is and loved quite outside the capitals of Europe was intended to show that hard on reminding us we mainstream of sheeplife. still the g I buddy of Europe. despite the icy stares of shouldn't bother with campus It's a good thing the people activities, I'll try and tell all my King DeGaulle. the local yazoo in France. and despite tolerate sheep in their midst. sheep friends to keep within their Because we sheep are out- Britain's refusal to support the . pen. "Other than that, Hubert, how did you enjoy the 'trip?" numbered about 10-1, and if the The only trouble is, I'm afraid The Vire President's trip didn't accomplish what real people ever got mad at us, a lot of my flockmates won't it was supposed to on one level. easing the relations be- they could chop us up into lamb listen to me they keep saying chops without much fuss. tween Europe and America. but I.13.1 the politician got they have minds of their own. The problem is really bad. Thrust and Parry Just like real people. what he wanted on the other levelthe beginning of Most of the sheep in the flock Iltunphrey's campaign for VI' next year. won't do sheep-like things at all. If LBJ hail gone to Europe and been insulted They keep pretending they have Spotlight on Election Issues brains and thoughts Just like Special Discount publicly, it would have hurt him because of his already students. And when we talk, it's so sel- FACULTY low rating at home. But sending Humphrey abroad was (EDITOR'S NOTE: The Daily will not Street that afternoon, mainly be- policy are claimed to be in favor dom about good old flock sub- STUDENTS a masterstroke. for he has sunk into virtual oblivion as publish letters concerning the ASS cause it could and would disturb of that policy. ALUMNI campaign which either promote or jects. All the time, we hear classes in session. Yet the band But, let us see what happens just present your staff or a public figure and thus has few friends or enemies. And criticize individual candidates. We nothing but real issues like will, however, print comment which went on. when I adapt this game to the ASB card an Independent Daily. Student seeing him insulted by the Europeans thus makes him out is limited exclusively to issues.) Now, even realizing that the upcoming student body elections. Cameros Supplies south end of Seventh Street is, I will propose that we eliminate Involvement. National or Cam- to be a valiant knight of Atnericanism and puts him on Projectors Equipment by President Clark's approval student government because the pus Based Issues. Opinion Polls. 'Students Cheated Community page one again. and encouragement, an open only power 'student government' involvement. developing printing rentals repairs Thus the Texas Ranger strikes again. And the public In Daily Issue' forum area even then, this really has is that which is al- REAL ISSUES? action is not justifiable. lowed it by the Administration. can be sure he will send Mr. Humphrey on many more Editor: Who ever heard SAB, although it OK'd the The next thing I have to do is of sheep cam- On the Spartan Daily vs. ASB .cint )(me ‘goodwill missions" before the '68 elections arrive. R.J. poetry readings for that specific obtain support for my proposaL paigning for issues they believed Government question I'd just requested time, did say, never- That's pretty easy. All those who in? Who ever heard of sheep like to thank Student Council theless, most emphatically, "NO!" support my proposal, do so by voting on real people issues? for NOT allowing (us) students CAMERA SHOP to the band. not voting in the upcoming elec- Boy, I sure wish we'd quit to have any say in the matter. 245 South First ditif3RTAN DAILY Authority exists for regulation. tions -- that's right, just don't trying to pretend we were peo- It would have been such a --SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE Until that authority is modified vote. And, if I can get over 50 ple. We should just stay in our .olorsesisigiersismirsioraesigik simple decision to make. We pens and be sheep. Class postage paid at San Jose, California. Member California News- or abolished, we must live by its per cent of the people to support Second would have either told you to Just the other day, I was be- Publishers Association and Audit Bureau of Circulations. Published daily regulations. me by not voting, then it would paper FREE the Daily from your fi- by students of San Jose State College, except Saturday and Sunday, during I wish certain candidates would seem apparent that there is ginning to think I had an opinion "The New 1 nancial control or we would college year. Subscription accepted only on a remainder-of-semester basis. Full keep their campaigns clear and ample justification for abolish- of my own. academic year, $9; each semester. $4.50. Off-campus price par copy, 10 cents. have implored you (by two- Wineskin" clean by not overstepping or ig- ing student government. It must be pretty frightening National advertising representative: National Educational Advertising Service, thirds vote) to keep your hand College Student Center Inc., It E. 50th St., N.Y.C. Phone 294.6414 Editorial Ext. 2383, 2384, 2385, noring said authority. To enhance the success of to the students. Sheep having 10th & San F. do Streets display in the Daily's pocketbook. But 2386. Advertising Ext. 2081, 2082, 2083, 2084. Editorial officeJC208, Anna Martinson my campaign, I contend that opinions! When you think about where the atnumphere is - advertising officeJC207, classified officeJC206. Office hours 2.4:20 p.m. you didn't give us this chance to those voting in this election are Monday through Friday. Printed at Globe Printing Co., 1445 S. 1st St., San Jose. judge, do you? What kind of A6527 (Political Advertisement) CASUAL either "Greek dupes" or sub- Students enjoy coffee and Conner- I JERRY TOWNSEND democracy is this? Editor versives implanted by the admin- sation in our modern lounge. Advertising Manager JACK GROBAN By announcing that we are 'Interesting Games istration . . . Vote QUIET Day Editor GARY BENJAMIN "uninformed" and by NOT plac- If only 18 per cent (4,000) of Our study rooms provide en ex- Managing Editor RICK SKINNER ing the Daily question on today's cellent place for concentrated Governments Play' the registered voters voted, this ballot (via Constitutional Amend- study. !Political Advertisement) means that approximately 82 Jon Carah Poftical Advertisemor!. ment) you have indirectly be- Editor: LIVELY per cent (17,000 give or take smirched the student body as a There is an interesting game Sophomore Use of pool and ping pong tables a thousand) of the electorate and gymnasium. bunch of ignorant fools and you presently being played by the supported my campaign by not HOFF have cheated us out of having government of the United States. Representative STIMULATING Bob Gottschalk voting. Therefore, it follows that Watch for our Thursday and Sun- any significant voice in ASB The object of the game is to day night programs. Representatit'e Atty. General students feel student government Senior affairs. prove that the people of the Sparta ALL STUDENTS WELCOME should be abolished. Party Thank you Student Council! United States support their gov- 8 a.m.-Midnight Mon. to Thurs. Interesting game, isn't it? Bob Gottschalk ASB A15456 Mark Lancaster A5435 Sincerely, ernment's policy in Vietnam ... 8 a.m.-I a.m. Fri. & Sat. (J. Carah ASB A10412) Jeff Mullins Now, let us take a look at the Tony Andrade A15851 DO-IT-YOURSELFERS A5I22 game as it was played re- "Absolutely the funniest" SAVE 40-60/0 ON FRAMES cently. The opposition plans a mass rally. To make sure the Now from our huge selection of TONIGHT, APRIL 20 Certain Campaigns opposition's Nuremberg Trials custom picture frame mouldings rally will not be a success something that would MOULDING BY-THE-FOOT 'Ignore Authority' be phenomenal itself in that the Related to Vietnam HOBSON'S CHOICE * Largest selection Editor: government controls mass com- By Harold Brighouse * Finished & raw mouldings Editor: * Museum & contemporary As an SJS student I am inter- munications and consequently styles ested in seeing campaigns run public opinion the government Question to Mr. Bowman and "Delightfully performed," Spartan Daily * Accurate corners cut at slight ethically, and also authorizedly. says that the leaders of the Miss Harriger: added charge College Students 75c 3 STORES TO SERVE YOU Last Friday (April 14) on Sev- march are subversives, the fol- Considering the precedent set Theatre SJSC DOWNTOWN SAN JOSE VALLEY FAIR MT. VIEW enth Street, I witnessed a fla- lowers are 'communist dupes,' down in the Nuremberg trials, 1:15 p.m. General $1.50 112 S SECOND ST. OPEN 5 NIGHTS 365 SAN ANTONIO RD. 292-1447 248.4171 941-3600 grant overlooking, or ignoring and the demonstrations are pro- What kind of action would the lox Office open 1-5 p.m. 294-1931 (if not violation, deliberate and longing the war and consequent- government of the United States known), of the Student Activities ly costing more American lives. have to be making before you (Political Advertisement) Board (SAB) ruling on matters Then, after the rally is com- would decide to dissent. I ask of this sort * . . (i.e., activities pleted, two things are done: (1) for a lengthy consideration of the * on Seventh Street). the size of the crowd is vastly question before replying; the : : In the first place, SAB flatly underestimated and (2) all those Vietnamese people deserve it * denied this certain candidate the not demonstrating their opposi- William R. Wee II * right to have a band i Write In ... on Seventh tion to present governmental A6999 . * . * XEROX® COPIES . * Auto Stereo Tape Cartridge 10c each ! : Special Quantify Discounts * 4 Track Special $5.49 No Wolfing * Copies Anything Printed * 8 Track Special $6.49 VIC LEE * Damn Din nultri (11) RENT * (student rates) * Featuring suds outstanding artists as I ASB PRESIDENT Ramsey Lewis, * rt Carve cr The Beatles, Sandy Nelson, The New Vaudeville * Band and many other favorites. * From the name most honored in diamonds * striking news in engagement ring design! Oh, Also * so slender sculptures raising the diamond to * utmost freedom, utmost glory. Come, compare! Head Cleaner Cartridge for 4 and 8 Track Mayers * 4 Late model standard only logical * $2.49 New portables "Vic Lee the * Rental-purchase * II taxi_ s Free delivery choice for those who ... want * Camp' *talc Co. * 56 South First Street : 1 an honest student government." * 60 S. First OFFICE MAC ilrJE:r. Convenient Credit Available Phone: 295-0587 St. 36 Valley Fair Open Thursday Night. Parking In Rear of Store 293.9290 243-8210 16 I. SAN FERNANDO IT. 1 -- 211-6761 1************************************************* (Bob Stall: A10385) Apt It :'11 1'41 SPARTAN If AIT.T-.41' What Is Understanding? Furnished You re invited to consider this arid other subjch with us. Netmen Perform Plays Gators Today and 2 -Bedroom Meeting tonight at 7:30 p.m. - erott, Chapel at the c of S. Apartments Troth and San Carlos Woofs. once from out a Sun led a In Arizona Team Stopped by Rain leath! , face Arizona's Golf Science SJS racketeers shunned Cali- yestenlay and will swful. tomtit weather and umbrellas as tennis team today. The SJS golf team joined their to make the Gators their ninth to practice for the last three days event they headed for Arizona and the Defending the 4-5 Spartan rec- $90 Organization athletic counterparts Tuesday straight dual meet victim, and Vroom admits, "We are dry courts of Arizona State Uni- ord will be No. 1 singles player when they fell to the rain for the Cal State of Hayward helped hurting. WALNUT GROVE len to versity and University of Ari- Greg Shephard, who has lost only first time this season, make the season opener for SJS "The guys have to keep prac- has a zona Tuesday. twice in dual competition this year, APARTMENTS Coach Jerry Vroom was sched- a successful one. ticing to stay sharp," he com- Rained out against USF on Gordy Miller, Mary Parsons, Steve (Seven minutes horn campus) uled to take his team to the In the roughest dual match of mented. basi- Tuesday, the Spartans tackled Ari- Jones, Mike Price and Yoh De- the season, Fresno State barely Orinda Country Club in Berke- "We are grateful there is not a call even zona State University at Tempe Guchi. ley Tuesday, but rain forced post- lost to the Spartans in Fresno. , tell Coach Butch Krikorian's net- big tournament coming up." 297.1430 or 253-2213 Advertisement ponement. SJS followed with a win over ee. Pol ticat S.F. State would not pose much men will return to Arizona State The team will try again today USF in San Francisco, Cal State CIGS on Friday to round out their sun of a threat to SJS under normal when it returns to Almaden Coon- of Los Angeles, Fresno State at stay. conditions, but anything can hap- sheep HOFF try Club in a 1 p.m. showdown Almaden, Santa Clara, California pen today, he warns. The tennis team will return to with San Francisco State. and Stanford. Cer- their San Jose Saturday and will next The Spartans will be shooting The Spartans have been unable The Gators lost most of wit h Atty. General face Stanford University, Tuesday. players last season and finished s. at Stanford and University of San far down the pack at the Western sheep 15' Mark Lancaster A1415 ta Clara, Thursday, on the South Intercollegiate Champions at Pasa- seem KI 10e Campus courts, the last match be- tiempo. (Political Advertisement) keep fore the Calif. State Champion- Gators with 3 Hershey Sc ctivet,:s Cent& SJS will battle the So, Bars ships, May 1-7 in Alpine. The West its regular six linksters, headed tying STREET THE COLLEGE PLAN 2 Rolls Toilet Paper 10c For ASB Treasurer Coast Athletic Conference By JIM by Ross Randall. Craig Harmon, (WCACI at SJS will be held May Spartan Daily Sports Editor Ken Slasor, Bob Eastwood, Tom exclusively for a of 2 Rolls Paper Towels 19c CHARLES DEEN 5-6. One of the vital points that a coach looks for in an athlete O'Kane and Dick McClean round de is The Spartans have been rained out the team. THE COLLEGE MAN only 1 Box Cheer Soap 24e Accounting major is the athlete's ability to "find" himself. out seven times in their last twelve Many potential stars in the sports world go through many !e to 2 Bars Ivory Soap _ Sc meets. Alpha Eta Sigma member seasons before blossoming, into what they could have been at the 7/Ia3fer real Ajax Cleanser Sc Currently Inter-Doritory start of a career. College we Crest large size 29c Council representative At the professional level one may think of Gaylord Perry of JET mpus from coast to coast for Moulder Hall Frosh Nine the Giants. He finally realized what kind of a pitcher he was, 11 my One Item With Minimum the leader in their Purchase of $2 IDC Tree and wanted to be, and the result was an amazing campaign. NEW YORK On the SJS front, one may Fall 1966 IDC Attorney insurance sales f ra id General look at Bill Langdon. Posesses- von't Meets S.C. Leave June 17 to college men. CASH sing the structural build of tying student body The slightly soggy SJS fresh- own Goal: Keep many distance stars, tall and from Oakland DISCOUNT man baseball team makes another because financially informed by effort to reach some sort of a thin, Langdon went through last non stop- ON MAJOR monthly reports in the decision against the Santa Clara year's cross-country season as an .. Guaranteed by a top Spartan Daily. frosh today in a doubleheader be- above average runner, but did -one way Corn puny ginning at 3 p.m. on the Spartan set the not rt-ally courses on . . No War Clause BRAND diamond. fire with his performances. Deen The two teams battled to a 0-0 Elect Ask Tracy Walters who is the $8940 . . Exclusive Benefits at GASOLINE 5'm -inning standoff Monday before Special Rates Accountant. somebody turned the hose on. best distance r tttttt er on tin- SJS Treasurer Lefthander John White, who varsity right now and the an- . . . Premiums Deferred Puritan Oil Co. gave Santa Clara only a scratch swer will loubiedly he: Bill Special charter for students, until you are out of Co-chairmen: Ralph Cathell, single in Monday's abbreviated Langdon. faculty and their immediate school 4th one of the Sparta- sat & William Pres., Alpha Eta Sigma; contest will be What causes an athlete to dis- families. babe pitchers today, and Gary Enos 6th & Keyes Jim Forcier, 1st Vice coYer his real talents? It may For Your 10th & Taylor President, AES is scheduled to pitch the second game. BILLLANGirprovern be the coaching. It may be the Call-297-8000 COLLEGE MASTER 13th & Julian steady improvement White, a converted outfielder competition. It may even he outline . . . COMNIC1 C. Dean ASB AI576 was in trouble in the first inning Prof. David Mage hidden conditions, known only to the athlete. Jim Hargef Frank Hoey against Santa Clara, yielding two In Langdon's case, the first two possibilities are certain Travel Service J. M. Eaton Darwin Shoop walks and the single before re- c/o San Jose and perhaps the third is also correct. ESCAPE TO THE CLUB tiring a hitter. However, the hard 223 S. 1st St. Fidelity Union Life I NEED RIGHT KIND OF throwing southpaw settled down COMPETITION San Jose 505 5 lOth St MEDITERRANEE . . . to pitch himself out of his only It takes the right kind of competition to break a record by 286-6700 difficulty. more than 30 seconds and this is exactly what happened to Lang- the village of thatched Tahitian bungalows The only SJS scoring threat oc- don in the Easter Relays in Santa Barbara. (Political Advertisement along a white coral beach where' the. warm curred hi the sixth, just before When considering the race was 5,000 meters, the mark blue waters of the Pacific lap gently on white the rain, when Roger Riggs singled with one out and went to second becomes more comprehendable, but by 30 seconds seems un- State wants "U"! sands. Enjoy two weeks in on a wild pitch. Unfortunately the believable. San Jose best the next two Spartababe hit- Walters thought it was at the time, but after watching his ters could do was to move Riggs ace runner the last few weeks, he too, has become a believer. HANSEN to third where he was stranded. Langdon's "bread-and-butter- race is the three-mile or more . Yesterday the Spartababes were ASB President TAHITI but he can, and does, run the shorter distance races well. slated to play the California frosh Introducer of meaningful legislation: $585 total on Spartan diamond. Results of For the first time this season he doubled last week in that game will appear in tomor- Lemoore. He won the mile with all-time best of Commuter Committee TRIP INCLUDES: 4:13.5, clipping row's Daily. almost four seconds off his former top time. Independent Spartan Daily Round Trip Air Fare Later he came back to run the three-mile. He took the lead Ear. Hansen A9566 as Hotel and Meals early and except for a short time midway through the grueling = race, led all the way. Teammate Byron Lowry held a short lead Free Scuba Diving, Snorkel. Intramurals ing, Sailing, Water Skiing, and at the two-mile mark, but couldn't stay with Langdon the final SPRING SPORTS mile. Deep Sea Fishing. Three Weeks $630 total Track and field entries are due May 5, with competition to be Bill finished in a time of 14:22.2, which was good considering a slow pace at the start. Langdon didn't do it alone, 4 held May 11 and 12. The deadline however, and Si. afire 5ravel Service for golf entries is May 11. Play this is where the coaching aspect comes in. 74 W. San Carlos 219 Town & Country Village will start May 19 with tee-off Standing on one turn of the track was Walters, informing Phone 297-1700 Phone 241-2100 time between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. his runners exactly what times they were turning inand what on the Santa Teresa Golf Course. times Co-ed volleyball entries can be he was EXPECTING them to turn in the following trip submitted until May 2, with the around the oval. tourney getting underway May 8. COACH BLASTS OUT PROGRESS REPORT The gymnastic tournament entries "Pretty slow, Bill," he called out. are due May 3 with competition "See if you can make this lap in 65 seconds." .2P beginning the following day . '4348 Late in the race came the high point. Political Advertisement "Only one lap to go, Bill. Turn it on and see if you can make Cut To Size 0 A Pure Classic! it in 60 seconds." Plexiglas Complete Resincraft Supplies Bob Gottschalk A sly smile crossed the face of Langdon something that Senior Representative resembled a "You're kidding me coach!!" smile. For Langdon the big test comes Saturday when he faces Cal's 1_2 TAP PLASTICS INC. Bob Gottschalk ASB A15456 Rich Price and possibly Gerry Lindgren in Berkeley. For Langdon the big test comes 1212 The Alameda, San Jose Saturday when he tams Cal's Rich Open Mon & until 9 p.m. 292-8685 Price and possibly Gerry Lindgren in Berkeley. Typewriters -.1111111.- Drive-in and Dining Room Service Big or Small We Love Our Customers TlICO S OUR BLAZER GOES ALMOST Rent or Buy WITH DISTINCTION a Typewriter 'TACOS ANYWHERE New Used There are blazers and blazers, but none quite like this one. Soft, unpadded shoulders, wide Most Makes welt seams. Tailored only for us of fine, pure UP LATE STUDYING? Most Models wool flannel. Navy Blue and Dartmouth Green. When you're up late at night studying and 42.50 Low Student Rates hunger strikes you, come to Tico's. Pick up a couple of barbecued ligcos. They're only two for Other Natural Shoulder Sport Coats from $36 a quarter. We're open 24 hours to take care of to $110. Modern Office your hunger, whenever i+ might be. GRODI NS Machines Volley Fair Center--open Mondar.FrIday until 1:30 p.m. 124 E. San Fernando Phone Orders 297-8421 4th and St. James Saturday until 5:30 p.m. 293-4588 San Antonio CenterMountain Viewopen Monday-Friday until 9 p.m.Saturday until 5:30 p.m. ismassisseift \Er-

4-15PARTAN DAILY Thttrat9ny, April 20, 1467 Psych Student .1 Spartaguide Wins Fellowship TO EUROPE TODAY AFROTC, 12:30 p.m., CH235. Jonah's Wail, 9:30 p.m., 10th & JET Phi Kappa Phi, psychology hon- Epsilon Eta Sigma, English Hon- Film series of recent news releases San Carlos. Panel discussion on or society, has awarded or Society, 3:30 p.m., F0104. Elec- on Vietnam, Red China and the drugs will be held. a $3.000 THIS SUMMER Graduate Fellowship to Alan Kaz- tions will be held and a film shown. space program. All students wel- Student Mobilization, 3:30 p.m., din, senior psychology major from Home Economics Club, 4:30 p.m., come to attend. Discussion period JC136. Hawthorne. Calif. barbecue pits. The club will host afterwards. Tau Delta Phi, I() a.m., Cafeteria The award is for full-time grad- ' junior college home economies Mist:Ian science Organization, B. Luncheon for actives and uate studies at an institute of clubs. 7:30 p.m., Chapel of Reconcilia- pledges. Members should bring EUROPE his choice. - tion, Tenth and San Carlos. their own lunches. (Political Advertisement) More Couples Chi Sigma Epsilon, 3:30 p.m., SUNDAY, APRIL 23 Attention Art Students E346A. Spartan Tri-C. At 9:45 a.m., a are coming to Young Republicans, 8 p.m., Special on Clear Casting Resin seminar on "The Boldness to Pro- ED100. A film will be shown. '67 Carlyle Jewelers be held. At 6 p.m. the HOFF Pints .89 claim" will in Palo Alto Phi Epsilon Kappa, 7 p.m., E132. evening church service will be Quarts $1.44 Award night given, A Haggai Crusade at the Atty. General tor their Gallons $3.95 Parents Day Committee, 6 p.m., Fair Grounds will be held at From inc. fax Tower Hall, President's Conference Diamond Rings. 7:30 p.m. Mark Lancaster A5435 '399 Shop and e pare and you will Pabco Paint Mart Room. Mountaineering Club, 10 a.m., Ask for final. as others hase found. that Open until HMel. 7:30 p.m., Newman Cen- Al MacInnes recreation field between dorms. JET ROUND TRIP' Carlyle's pricea are neser high- 530 per. Daily ter, 79 South Fifth Street. Dr. sub- 563 E. Castlerock hiking trip. Students er-and. ist moot instances. Sat., until 1 p.m. Lucius R. Eastman, associate pro- stantially lower than prices Santa Clara should bring their own luncheon. elsewhere for the same quality 293-5393 Free Prking fessor of philosophy, will speak on Open Tonight CHARTERED FLIGHT diamond... "Philosophy in the 20th Century." (for state collsg students, faculty and their immediate families) TOMORROW PAUL'S CYCLES Ski Club, 6 p.m., Fourth and San 1435 Alameda From Los Angeles to London: June 13-Sept. 5 293.9766 Until 9 p.m. EUROPE Carlos Streets. Students wishing to Phone via 707 Jet take the Russian River trip should Rediscover Cycling Joy FPNIII Oakland to Brussels: June 17 ONE WAY -Aug. 29 sign up at the student affairs office. via 707 Jet ($437) SALES CHARTER JET Persian Students' Organization. From San Francisco June 20- 1 p.m., HE 1. REA TALS to Madrid, London or Paris: Aug. 30 FLIGHTS International Students' Organiza- SERVICE ($476.50) Group flight. tion, 3:30 p.m., Cafeteria A and B. ficitOsPOORI From Sin Francisco June 15- Paris to San Francisco Inter-Varsity Christian Fellow- to Madrid, London or Paris: Sept. 6 August 2 & August 4. 1967 ship, 7 p.m., 860 Jansen Avenue. ($476.50) Group flight. Topic: The Psychology WINNER OF 6 INCLUDING - San Francisco to Paris or Brussels of Non- Call or Write Air and land arrangements by: August 31 & Septembr 3, 1967 Corrunittment Prayer fellowship Prof. David Maga in ED107 at 3:30 p.m. BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR! SAN JOSE TRAVEL SERVICE A limited number of spaces is 1526 Arbutus Dr., S.J. 223 S. First St., S.J. PRICED FROM $100. BEST ACTOR, Paul Scofield, and 4 others available for faculty. staff, 264-9275 after 8 p.m. 29743000 SAN JOSE STUDENTS students of the California State COLUMBIA PICTURES presents in TECHNICOLORe SAYE 20. Collages Job Interviews Not date college sponsored or controlled. WITH ASB CARD Fare: $225 one way MONDAY. APRIL 24 ON ALL PURCHASES Please send me information on charter flights to Europe. Tax included Alameda County Civil Service. A MAN FOR Any majors wanted for accounting- Carlyle For information: Name Office of International Programs auditors, administration trainees, ALL SEASONS The California State Colleges appraiser trainees, assistant plan- Address Jewelers 1600 Holloway Avenue ner, assistant right-of-way agent. San Francisco, California 94132 assistant staff analyst, civil engi- CINEMA 150 City NOW PLAYING 535 Bryant Street NOTE: Flights ere designed to neering position, deputy sheriff, 244-8543 Phone Downtown Palo Alto take students to Europe for th dietition position, group counseling, Santa Clara -this is not 323-2834 academic year occupational therapy position, pro- roundtrip flight to Europe. Open Thursday night until 9 grammer trainee, public health nurse, public health statistician. sanitarian trainee, social worker (Political Advertisement) trainee and staff nursing positions. Department of Health, Educa- Daily Viva La Cause! tion and Welfare Audit Agency. Spartan Classifieds Accounting majors wanted for jun- ior auditors GS five and GS seven. POSITIONS FURNISHED APARTMENT. Available ANNOUNCEMENTS ill HOUSING (51 JOSE Hoffman Electronics Corpora- FOR May lot, I bedroom, twin beds. Modern, tion. Electrical and mechanical en- LIBERAL ARTS spacious closets, well insulated. 1/2 block ROOM MUSICIANS: FOR SALE-Fender Bats- GRADUATES & PRIVATE BATH, twin beds. from college. $100. Water and garbage gineering majors wanted for cir- Private man. piano bass, echo-reverb unit, new in central California's Tulare County. home. 87 S. 10th St, paid. 463 S. 7th St. #I. Inquire 499 S. cuit design, systems engineering bassman bottom. 292-2222 / 292-2352. Commitments can be made for June em- RESPONSIBLE 7th: 295-5362. ALVAREZ TENANTS to fake clean and test equipment design and ployment. Testing is on a continuous COMPLETELY furnished apartment for UPPER DIVISION female roommate UGLY MEN. WE WANT YOU! basis Mondays and Thursdays. writ- Senior Representative high density packaging. The summer. I bedroom. I Can- wanted for large 3 -bedroom apartment ten, oral, and block from Alameda County Probation De- medical examination can pus. All utilities paid, $75 month. 294- in fall. Recreation room, pool. $48 month. (Jcse Alvarez: A5618) ATTENTION AYN RAND ADMIRERS: be completed in one day. The beginning 5125. 9 p.m.-midnight, weekdays. 297-0641. partment. Sociology, social wel- Is there a discussion group on campus? salary range, $458-$556, will be consid If not, I am forming one. Please contact MARRIED COUPLES: Take advantage rcf fare, psychology, social science and ered for adjustment in July. For an ap- ROOM - FURNISHED. Close to Cam- A. M. Jepson. 656-3420, summer rates now! Furnished I -bedroom penology majors wanted for depu- pointment write the Personnel Depart- pus, quiet, linen service, in retired teach- ment. Courthouse, apartments. 465 S. 4th. 286-6667. Little Things Count ty probation officer trainees. Visalia, Calif. 93277. ers' home. $30. 293-1421. AUTOMOTIVE 12) FEMALE ROOMMATE needed. Own room, 15 minutes to campus. Senior or LITTLE MAN grad preferred, Call 287-0665. A Cappello Choir '57 FORD HARDTOP convertible, 2- ON CAMPUS door, V8 automatic transmission. After 6 To Give Concert p.m., 294-5800, Steve. LOST AND FOUND 161 The SJS A Cappella Choir, un- '63 VW. Clean. One owner. Recent gen- LOST THURSDAY: Female puppy. An- erator, battery, and white wall tires. Re- swers to name Zelda, vory friendly. Chain (...moisom..smcc=erec direction of William Erlendson, der built motor. Abarth exhaust. $1000. 353. collar. Reward. Call 293-7302. professor of music, will perform 2371. in concert with the Santa Clara PERSONALS (7) 1963 VOLKSWAGEN. Grey. 31,000 Philharmonic Orchestra tomor- miles. Excellent mechanical condition for CUSTOM MADE contemporary wedding row night. $925. Call 248-8204. rings. Original jewelry in cast gold and The precise roll of a collar, a stitch where a stitch is The orchestra will be conducted silver. George Larimore, DAMAGED '60 FORD. V8, 292 cubic 354-1273, needed, a button where a button belongs, careful han- by Dr. Gibson Walters, chairman inch, automatic. New tires. Call 296-8471 SLIM DOWN waist, hips, thighs, or any- dling of knits . e refer to our service as clothing of the SJS Music Department. It after 5 p.m. where else. Originally $100. Relax-a-sisor for sale, $25 or best offer. Call care because we do care about a Ititude of extra little starts at 8:30 at the Buchser High 293-4373 '67 MG1 - SHOWROOM condition. between 5-7 pin. Will dernorrtrate. things ... things that give you the exhilarating feeling School auditorium, 3000 Benton Factory warranty. 5,700 miles. Wire of poise and self-confidence. that yott enjoy when you St., Santa Clara. Admission is wheels. $2795. 292-7784 after 6. SERVICES (8). know you are immaculately dressed. Anyone can hang free. '62 MGA MK II 1600. Black, Wire TYPING. II* 'out a dry cleaning sign but only the most fastidious The choraliers, a small group of Wheels, Tonneau cover, excellent condi- Thesis, term papers. etc.. perienced & fast. Phone 269-8674. professional dry cleaner can hung out a sign that 12 performers chosen from the tion. Make offer, 298-2581. reads ... choir, and the chorus will per- 21 & MARRIED. Liability, property dent. '67 MGA: INSTANT STATUS! Needs age & uninsured motorist coverage on form "Chichester Psalms for motor work, but still runs. Good radio auto insurance. $21 for 3 months. Dave Chorus and Orchestra," written and tires. $225. 298-3470 after 9 p.m. Towle, 244-9600. in 1965 by Leonard Bernstein. The BULTACO SHERPA 200 cc. Set for Ti's. TYPING. Pica Electric. Work guaranteed. CLEANING CENTER full chorus will perform Rimsky- Extra fires, Perelli 350's. Gears. Must sell Call 243-6313 between 9 a.m. and 8 p.m. now. $375. 296-9063. 266 E Sent Clara (Nowt to Lucky Market) Korsakov's suite from the opera TYPING-ALL KINDS. Al! work auarnn- -The Golden Cockerel." 1959 RENAULT DAUPHINE in good con. cad. Experienced. Reasonable. Call 294- dition and runs well. Call 286-6372 after 3772 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. 7 p.m.for Bill $175 cash PHOTOGRAPHS BY GEORGE. Wed- CLEAN '66 HONDA 160. 5000 miles. dings, portraits, groups. 356-2839. $400. '60 CORVAIR, 3-speed. $200. GIRL NEEDS WORK during summer, Good transportation. Cell 286-1227, June 24-August 5. Preferably in exchange for room and board. Call Margie, 294. MG' HARDTOP. Black, BMC model. ITS FROAA TH' CLA55-YEIZ SCREEN SCENES iterlDRY -to gRof NAIZF 4 WM' 2916, room 108-B. SPRITE/MIDGET bolt-in 5TLIPI7 A55IGNMENT SCREEN roll-bar $125. EXPRESSED Ti-IE OPINION OF ALL OF LI4. 2.75 inch diameter. $45. 245-6196. EXPERT TYPING. Theses, term papers, Oheit'r /12,14-t,pletife lift/ .1/re ailto ./ manuscripts. IBM Electric. Work guaran- 1963 VW sedan, sunroof, radio. New teed. Jo Ann Vine, 378-8577. THE FINEST FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FILMS ------brakes, clutch. $950 Call after 5 p.m CLASSIFIED RATES 293-6352. To buy, sell, rent or KNOW WHAT YOU want to Say, bit not sure how to say it? Rewriting, edit. '63 TRIUMPH 'Ti' Special. Street equip- simians anything, Minimum V101VM114 EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT Three lines One time ing. Jane, 867-1065. SCENES Throe ment. Many extras. C111 287-1920, just fill out end clip times Five times 1433 THE ALAMEDA 24th SMASH WEEK One time I 2973060 this handy order WINNER OF TWO ACADEMY AWARDS 1966-1275 AUSTIN COOPER S. Fully 3 lines I 1.50 2.25 LSO equipped. $1995. Call 297-1552 or 292 blank. "MST FOREIGN FILM" "BEST STORY-SCREENPLAY" STUDIO 6918. 4 lines I Lel 2.75 3.00 ANOUK AIMEE JEAN LOUIS TR1NTIGNANT 396 Smelt Platt 292-6771 5 lines I 2.50 :5 3.50 To place an ad: GRAND PRIZE WINNER 1966 '66 GTO, Tri-power, 4 speed, posi-trac- MAN "DOCTOR YOU'VE GOT tion, heavy duty suspension. Must sell- Sand to: Spartan Dully CANNES FILM FESTIVAL A 6 lines 3.00 3.75 4.00 TO BE KIDDING" drafted. 269-5454. CLASSIFIEDS, Call at ADULTS ONLY Add this ANd A WOMAN plus '66 TRIUMPH 500cc motorcycle. 3000, 1206, Seri lose State amount for, -.55 - le - .55 "PENELOPE" excellent. Street equipped, never raced. College, San lose each ad& I EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT Best offer. 296-7543. tional line Classified Adv. Office -J206 Student Discount Rates Calif. 95114. 17th HILARIOUS WEEK CONIERCI FOR SALE 731 Print you ad has: 1U11.0111. 151 S IIASCOM -295-7231 TROPICAIRE N. Sawn CHECK A (Count approximately 33 Latins lid WON Monday, Wednesday & Friday Everyone should go sen DELUXE ZIGZAG Singer sewing machine for Each 1969 Alum Rock CLASSIFICATION Lbw) "Georgy Girl" Lynn -only one year old. Originally cost $350. Do Not Abbrevials 10:30 a.m.-I2:30 pm, & hdqrs.,* is irresistible -Life GeOkePY "115 PARIS 11.1114ING7" Will sell for $250. Call 264-3096 after 5. CI Announcements No refunds 1:21/ (1) Possible en 111d Ids 1:15 p.m.-3:45 p.m. SUGGESTED FOR MATURE AUDIENCES plus RCA-STEREO 24" 11-AMIIPM combina- O Automotive (2) tion console. Excellent condition, 6 speak. ID For Sale (3) ors, $135 or