
Boy," at least in comparison with overdieting. Glenn says Elite never phone, she says, but Greg is not the AMUSEMENTS the sketches the playwright has pro- felt better In her life. type she wants to marry. vided in the past. He gets noble Llzabeth Scott hu a new romance Cornel Wilde. Gene Tierney and assistance from Alan Webb in coin- Hollywood: —A socialite New Yorker. Lizzie has others are making a mistake, in my Commoner Defeats the ing Arthur Wlnslow, an English King father who will have no king and Cholera Cancels been seeing a lot of him during re- opinion, by refusing to work in the his bureaucrats telling him that his Lana's cent weeks In the big town. "The Walls of Jericho."' It's a good In National's 'Winslow son is a petty thief. This Is a man Flight plans to star in a script, with five strong roles. That's wno believes in justice, who would musical on Broadway next year, with Boy' To Africa why, I gather, they don't want to By Jay Carmody just as resolutely have administered Irving Berlin writing its words and it to Ronnie had the lad been music. Bob it will be a little (See B-13.) Terence Rattigan makes certain you are on his side in his choice of young By Sheiloh Graham says GRAHAM, Page of the offense of which he is different for with theme in "The Winslow Boy," which had its American premiere at the guilty Lena Turner has canceled her him—comedy accused. This is a man who also is in the ι AMUSEMENTS National last night. That theme is the of the individual is his ι to because of an heartbreak, early Chaplin majesty flight Casablanca TODAY THRU and humorous and a ■ manner. WEDNESDAY! elaims to Justice, decency and dignity. His choice is a smart one, and it is gentile, wise outbreak of cholertl in Africa. In- asset to a Joan Crawford asks me to tell elever of Mr. Rattigan, too, to have choosen to make a loveable play on the very considerable play stead, she will fly direct to Paris and you j to affection. that she has no intention of getting subject instead of trying to write a great one. Because it does not aspire which hopes inspire ; Ty Power will meet her there. I NATIONAL JM2B. ONE OF THE MOST married to Bautzer. "W **» »« \jVJ Little less is Sir Robert Greg Sure, j yVfWÎWIV lUlglTL engaging Donald O'Connor is moving Mail mm Wtfcwfay» ui WINSLOW BOY.'· a new play in i talk to each other on the tele- M ri»r ThMtra G0IM-AT8 BELOVED BRITISH "The Winslow Boy" some of its •THE Norton «Frank Allenby.), the cold, heaven and earth—I mean Metro— they two acts by Terence Rattigan. produced by one of barrister who takes the j •hortcomings, which is occa- Atlantis Productions (The Theater Guild- scholarly to borrow Keenan Wynn for his ATLANTIS FtOOUCTNMS FILMS OF ALL TIMES H. M. Tennent, Ltd.-John C. Wilson), di-: relations sional theatricality, and another, an Winslow case and, in his movie, "Are You With It?" That AMUSEMENTS IMi MM-* a taml M.-M» ( rected by Glen Byam Shaw with settings excess of so RETURNS BY POPULAR talk. and costumes by Michael Weight. At the with the family, suffers many would be a great twosome. Under the circumstances, it is National. knicks in his veneer that the Georgie Jessel's engagement to The Cast. · mart 1· stats! REQUEST! more than normally excusable for humanist comes popping out at Abigail Adams was on-again, off- Only days biy Ronnie Winslow Michael Newell "The WinsJow Boy" suddenly to every other turn. I five last week. Now it's <7 Violet .Betty Sinclair; again tiipes NATIONAL SYMPHONY ( In ^ In» >iwi,· like a even HH/COLOR! start looking play. It Grace Winslow Madge Compton The feminine charm Is on again. And as a make-up pres- //V Tee Arthur Winslow Alan Webb deposited ludndr Ira. Ττ,ί Half. $1.5·. Orrfc. SS.M te understandable that Author Rat- the with a HANS KIIDLER, Catherine Winslow Valerie White, rewardingly in the hands of Valerie ent, George gifted gal Mo*·. tiMl lUlc. St.*·. Or»*» ·*.·· should be more carried away Winslow Owen Holder, and 10—WEDNESDAYS—10 tigan Dickie Ball serves as White a.s the -Winslow a tiny heart set in diamonds SKATS A Τ AIT,ΛΒΙ.Γ John Watherstone Michael Kingslpy: DECOY-^Lucille daughter, by his dialogue than audiences are with a arrow—his heart (ALL SUBSCRIPTION) [ Desmond Curry ..George Benson the bait in the trap Scotland spirited liberal with a passion for pierced ruby likely to be. He is a man of wit and "Miss Barnes Dorothy Hamilton is to be bleeding! OPENING CONCERT OCT. 15 [ Leonard Michell Yard sets to a villain human rights and a stubborness supposed If he Is not wise to Pred j capture F.ZIO ARTFR RU- always enough Prank Allenby Glenn Ford is furious with a radio SOLOISTS: ΡΙΝΖΛ, uluJ? j Sir Robert Morton j comes to the equal to her father's in seeing they VKONSKV * BABIN. Sidney realize some of it is Irrelevant, that in "Lured," which who said his BINSTEIN, arp realized. commentator wife, ERICA M OR INI. Τ 088 Τ 9PTVAKOT- does not his more sub- is screen on Thursday. 8KY. JT ANITA CARTER. RENNO eut I deny play termined that his son, Ronnie, 14, Capitol as , was sick, because of Some facile playing h,v such MOISE1WITSCH. ΟΓΕ8Τ CON1HTT- TOWtR 5800 stance than many recent exhibit's. a money DRIVE-IN innocent of stealing "postal Michael Madge ORS: GEORGES EVESCO Λ TAUNO BALTO PIKE M BUTSVIUE On the It is refresh- c Rre of that department of play- young Newell, whole, quite order at the school, the government Michael AMUSEMENTS HANNIKAINEN. 5 Mill MSI U OF MD. Titing. Compton, George Benson, f 14.4·. 818. *24, ing to hear a sacred truth discussed is in for it. flerS**: $8:48. lO.ftO. f |v It never leaves any doubt that the Kingsley and Owen Holder lifts the |80, Box (8 neat*) 9182 (tax inrl). TWO BIG HITS! with something less than passionate nan. un. m ai n;oir What it is in for is a terrific fight, others the of stock Constitution Nation»! Symphony Box Of fir*. Kitt*· ^ /inslows are quite a family from' out of category C. C. Cappel Presents OPEN 6:30 pomposity. "The Winslow Boy" 138Θ G 8t. N.W. NA. 783# one of those reverberating, exciting j fiscal se- with the NIGHT makes this possible and Atlantis t if father who wrecks the characters. They belong LAST battles of principle which have agi- c the lot of them to win his ! who make "The GARY DANA. Its sltck urity of pleasant principals RISE m ra ra ra Productions, and English than 1 cio ra rararfl rrora tated the British empire more the causis belli,: a heart-warm- COOPER ANDREWS east, are quit* deserving along with oint, to Ronnie, Winslow Boy" quite many of its impersonal wars. The ; PATRICK HAYES Present, "THE WESTERNER" Author Rettigan. ^ rho sleeps through the empire- ing experience. conflict, however, is as polite as it is At 7:00 »nd 10:30 g taking climax of his case. Michael the STEVENS • · * * * * to it man- Weight's setting, CONCERTS 2nd BIG HIT! deadly and all the parties * * Giamorou* Star of * * * Winslow living room, is an atmos- Mont· Critto" I It Is a good, genuine and timely age to find amusing implications in CONSTITUTION HALL "Wife of of Metropolitan Opera, 0:00 of them to do with There is a surprisingly full-bodied pheric clutter becoming modesty. Story that provides the structure it, some of having Radio and Motion Pictures Adm.: Adults. 50c; Ch.. 2.V 1< >ok to the of "The Winslow Nathan MILSTEIN "The Winslow Boy." It speaks of an the fact that the whole thing some- : people Tickets: BOc to $:!, Incl. Tax middle-class father who, times looks quite absurd. AMUSEMENTS On Salt at CAPPEI. CONCERT Bl'REAU In Recital III English In Miller'* Music Store. MOVIES YOBR CAR single-handedly, before World War Since he is not at to choose AMUSEMENTS 1338 G St. N.W. RE. 3503 liberty ONLY THEATRE Friday, Oct. 17—8:30 P.M. I, takes on the British Admiralty to the law courts and Parliament ΐ4ΪΛίt-Bitfafe asj- 7414 WISCONSIN AVENUf remove Its stain on the Winslow the actual settings of "The Winslow j [13th Nea< f, NOW SHOWING SPECIAL EVENT name resulting from the explusion of Boy," Mr. Rattigan locates it rather < SHOWS START "Sensational Hungarian Tenor" IÎI his son from naval prep school. On sensibly in the Winslow living room. : 10. 321, I'M. 7:43. BARTER THEATER the docket, where the case lives in This necessitates talking about the DOORS OPtN NOW SHOWING (State Theater of Virginia) Mikios GAFNI it 10.30 AM NEIGHBORHOOD MOVIES constant and desperate jeopardy, fight that is being carried on in CHARLES Presents In Recital TODAY'S is listed as Winslow vs. Rex. It in- those other settings, instead of show- Thursday, Oct. 23—8:30 P.M. 1 1th <1 Ν. ι. Αν·., ».Ε. flates a trifle te tremendousness and ing it with the resultant benefit to HUMPHREY BOGART ί TWELFTH NIGHT CAROLINA $2.40. WARNER BROS.' THEATERS when a play does that, it has earned the action of "The Winslow Price»: «Oc. $1.Î0, SI .80, RAZORS EDGE." TYRONE POWER. Boy." CHAPLIN Washington-Lee H. S. Auditorium. oo incl.) For Phone m (tax Additional Arlinrton. V*. GENE TIERNEY, HERBERT MARSHALL; Information Its keep. LAllEN RACUiL Theater» Direct or Catt MlvvbUe $999 The talk, fortunately, is quite PI its Short Subject». the Patrick Hayes Presentations Warner Patbe News Shown Arthur, the senior Winslow, is IN WARNER BROS.' 9—8 O'clock 01,4 good. In the main it represents an Thursday, Oct. BUREAU 2,03 r* Av*'N W' ,e key figure In the comedy-melodrama Tickets: SNOW CONCERT CIRCLE Theaters Having Matinees expertish blend of philosophic ideal- Tickets on Sale at: (III Cam»beil Music Co.) a MONSIEUR *433 IDA LUPINO. DANE at National. He is ferocious "DEEP VALLEY." the ism. observations on 3 1 OS Ο St. N.W. REpublic drolly amusing dark Passage Wiiiard Hotel CLARK. WAYNE MORRIS. Open 5:.1(1. defender of human rights and the AMBASSADOR p.m. English character, and with a proper (Arlington) Feature at 5:45. 7:4ft. fl:45. Co%h43CM0*di Also L· Sun Newspaper Office Humphrey Bogari, "Darfc Winslow honor, which he regards as of romantic asides to take VERDOUX" number At Door 1349 Av·· Passage." 1. 3:10. 5:20, 7:30. p.45. a entity. Once he has de- MARCH OF TIME NOW AT REDUCED! single IN CAR ENJOY THE/MWS DUMBARTON s N "IS EVERYBODY ADMISSION Adm.: $1.50, $1.20 Incl. Tox SIT YOUR AND nrvrni ν l5,h * E· PRICES] Today and Tomorrow, Two Bif Hits, ALAN DbTIrllLI Mat. , p.M. 1.4· tr> ST at H Ν W bl u 3300 LISTENING?" »· S p.» Sponsored by the Arlinrton LAKE In THIS GUN AMUSEMENTS Ε. M. LOEW'S LADD. VERONICA Jda Lupino. Dane Clark. Deep Vallef," · * S ρ *· «· CUaina County Civic Federation ; Plus JANE WITHERS. ROB- TEAKS CHOPS FOWLllllHlllllI FOR HIRE at J. 3:05. 5:15. 7:20. 9:30. ALSO NOW 30c ·>·« MT. VERNON ERT LOWERY in DANGER STREET. 2324 Wii. Av.. N.W. IAN AMaiw PHcm ...L.ε,TRANS-LUX OPENS 10 ISA M SUNDAYS PM Λ\*ίJ Comedy. Cartoon. PSI VPRT bHLTUll SHOWING Ι,κΙυ* Mm! Tail ELM4^Ρ;1Ι:*ΐ:ΐ7ΛΙ:1- 2222 wo 234j Mo, , pM WEDNESDAY SPECIAL! and Jon θΓ"ηΐΜ,,< Md GR AT AMBASSADOR URΟ Ρ Ε HUNGRY Maria Montel GREENBELT Ida Lupino. Dane Clark. Deeo Valley,'* "EXCELS IN SUSPENSE!" Hall in "SUDAN" I. 3:Q5. 5:10. 7:20. !»::<<ι HOT ASKED TO HELP in technicolor. At RONALD COLEMAN. MARY ASTOR In f NEAR U, S. 7:20. 10:20. Preston OF ZENDA" ireisnut). T. ». 435 s·· n.w. Ν. Y. DAILY NEWS WARNER 8W& αηιιτ i·'. "PRISONER rnrruai ijFoster in "HS'SIDE 2841. 10:43 AM. GAvm^iB l>MinilbME s'- N W· M'· 5890 Ορ·π. ITALIAN MASSES PROTEST ÎlOlIR' Cont. 3227 M JOB." At 8:50. LIDO Bay Millartd. "Trouble With Women." METROPOLITAN HIGH COST OF LIVING from 7 P.M. II. 1 :.*ln. 4:50. 7:05. 9:50 "Heart- Sea Food Platter Today »nd Tomorrow. Double Feature. a chef." 15 : "5. 3:10. 5:55. g:35. Lait S D*yι GIRLS TOWN"; Plu« "THE RIDDLE This delicious platter includes SUGAR GERMANY BOUND CONT EVE Kennedy Nr. 4th N.W. I am I .KIDDIES FRfi RANCH" _____ vnmrnv filet of crob TODAY A.M. STARTS FRENCH RIOTS Ablinuil é600 Μα, , ρ M fish chowder, sole, BOOIS OPEN 10:30 [cont event N,ξJ-r( Ρ w St. Abov· F RA §;? I ΙΤΠ Wonder Who's Kisslni French fried po- "'limflnLHIIC» · Lll ILL Air Conditioned June Haver, "I cake, scallops, HIROHITO FLOOD Γί *-m? 7:20. VISITS JACK LA M ON Τ ARTH LLOYD SEATS ON RT. I-ONLY 3 Ml SO. OF ALEX Her Now," I. 3:05, 5:15. 9 30, tatoes, Tarter sauce, fo 5 "MAYERLING." AREAS AND VICTIMS ΡΓΜΙΙ Pa. Ave. at 7th St. cole slaw, rum bun, «fiaC Va. ΓΙιΠΠ , ψM WMAt, · Laat Hhow 10ΐ4β M-T Γλ|Ι Country Theater, McLean, FR Λ00 Mat. bread and butter, cof- FlCleXaJtn A|| N.w Sound & Projection Dane Clark. Ida Lupino. "Deep Valley." cap/tac/ en Route 13.1. 5:10. 7:20. 9:30. fee or tea. $HowpiAceorr//em7/qa/'s % Miles From Chain Bridire 1. 3. Last Day. 2 Famous Hits, at 7 and 10. g°. a*·. * siwidon in "THE SEVENTH VEIL", cnrmn&u Served 11:30 a.m. M Midnit· JAMES MASON ntMiunn ίΑ 2400 Mat.-1 ρ m. at 8:30. REX HARRISON in Noel Coward's "Cry BLITHE SPIRIT." in . Errol Flynn. . Wolf." 1. 3:10. 5:15. 7:25. 9 35 WASHINGTON MiMHM At M 2402 M». Vern. Ave., Del Roy, Alex. λΙ$* Ρ VFD Ga. Av·. 4 Colesville Pike OWN 145 rnbFi ov 3560 Cont from 6:30 CIV NOW ... Ofirs Optn 10:30 AlliTUI SH 5500 Mat , P M. By Popular Demand We Brlnf Back "A BELL TOR ADANO Errol Flynn. Barbara Stanwyck. "Cry Wolf." 1:35. 3:35. 5 40. 7.45. 9 50. M,h °nd p°rk Rd· N w· -iiuflLi mai inuiibiu- ττνηι τ ODonntll's lITUltl CO. 1800 Mat. 1 P.M. nmvr fil On Bolts. Pik·, S Min. Ida Lupino. Dane Clark. Deep Valley," VedSKUTOH• ^ UniTb-lH IN M-G-M'i HOWLARIOUS ro„ υ of M xo 3800 3. 3:05. 5:10. 7:20. 9:30. Two HIT ABOUT HOLLYWOOD Big Hits. Open β : 30. Last Night, Conn- Av*· end Newark . in IfPTAWIf "Tanp o' The Sen" Food UriWTTn 5400. Mat. 1 P.M. "THE WESTERNER.·· at 7. 10:30; Sec- wo, TWa τ.ιιηίηη Dan* rMark. "Dflen Valley." THOS. A. O'DONNELL ond Big Hit. 'WIFE OF MONTE WORLD PREMIERE MOVIES CRI3TO." at » 1. 5:16. 7:30. 8:30. Ε Sh H.W. MERTON 1 1207-1221 N Tha»ter»~H»vlnt Eynlnt Tntmrmtmtm Originatort of Rum Bunt VIRGINIA O'BRIEN HIPPODROME Vv*»m · · VERA CASPAtY—«vtfior of thrill- Apollo Wines Iter Itvtragti L Doors Open 1:45. 6U*. z™· Second Week. . 8tar June Haver. "I Wonder Who's Kiseing » l«f "IAU*A"—now brings you ON THE BIG STAGE of "The Hucksters," in "THE* ADVEN- Her Now." 5:45. 7:35. 9:30. TURE Sg" 5612"Conn. Αν·. Ν W. 4oiightfvl romontic comody to give , BVftl All ^uifcir w·*· just A f AkUH WO. 2600 Av·. « Dillfirm nun re η Aδ yew the Bott Tim· of Your Lifo LEE HENDERSON Patf Eost.w#ft Errol Plynn. Barbara Stanwyck. "Cry Hwy. Ρ WI. 2**e or 9636. Wolf.·' β: 15. 7:55. 35. DANCERS / Free Parking Doors Open 6. "5 s t- G£ORG£ VIR&NIA TURHAM Last Day. 'CARNEGIE HALL. with AVE. GRAND Al Ο ~~ & C Ο guest appearances by Olin Downes, Heading a / Ga'a Van Johnson. Romance of Rosy Ridge," Shew wi#». Joseph Buloff. Walter Damrosch. the J) Ρ : 4P PROMPT DELIVERY 5:45. 7:45. New York Philharmonic Symphony Or- chestra of New York. Lily Pons. ~49" Nw· Vo. anthracite U LIΝ Ε ARENA Gregor Piatigorsky. Rise Stevens, Ar- COLONY GGE9iésooe' Λ A MAYO BEY tur Rodzinski, Artur Rubinstein. Jan i|A BRENT· 6 Larry Parks, "Jolson story." 4P 9:20. MMMU Peerce. Ezio Pinza. Jascha Heifetz, CAROLE WwaW» Egg end stove I^.^U ANN I Fritz Reiner. . Plus Vaughn Monroe and Harry James with HOME" 1230Tr. |Îmni' Chestnut,-14.65 PEA__ 11.75 R Ο DEO Their Bands, at 6:40. Ρ.24. "Stairway to Heaven." β.15. 9 15. 'Cig- arette Girl." 8:10. Aockvillt, Md. Reck. 2434 Hard strnctnre coal KEN MAITNARD—TARZAN MTI A LANDIS NOW Deer* open 10:30 Parking—Air Conditioned. Λ" Blue Egg 11.32 DVORAK The Wot)4rr Hors» Doors Open 6:45. MacARTHUR Today. Tomorrow, at oYAlwoo,w' 14.44 T, P:12, JOAN "Carnegie Hall." 6 45. Ρ 30. Pocahontas Egg CRAWFORD in "POSSESSED." Pocahontas Stove 14.35 2:30 & 8:30 Eastern* Ave. Bet. R. I. SAVOY TODAY. Il KAYWOOD Mich. Ave». WA. 8899 3<,30^\59'68ΝΛν· Quality SUN. Clark Gable, "The Huckster»." Λ:Λ0. PeiuD. Anthracite—Highmt AND DAILY THRU NEXT Equipped with Hearing-Aid Set·, »:20. η ___ All Steea—Cell for Price·. Free Parking. AT ULINE ARENA Doors Open 6. CPf A 8244 Go. Av·., Silver Spring m TICKETS Last at dfal/U PLAN Day. 7, 9:25. IDA LUPINO, SH 7J40 ρα,ι,ί„β Spec. LONG TERMS FINANCE Warner Bros. F near 10th DANE CLARK In "DEEP VALLEY." "Sea ο( Grasi." 7ΛΛ; rt*ι»λ··' k r Spencer Tracy. "Topper Takes a Trip." β 15, P:5(V BLUE RIDQE COAL CO., INC. «IMS 34,h Ν Ε· EAGLE·LION CANEO 4th *· ««η·™* s·*. JA. 1900 -^Â: 97^'· ταιμμδmnUFMI ME. 3545 Today. Tomorrow. Two Big Hits. GE. 4312. Parking Spue· METROPOLITAN GUEST IN THE HOUSE" : Plus Lamarr, "Dishonored β: IS, Second Hedy Lady," β? Big Hit. "SAN DEMENTRIO LONDON." 7:55, 9:45. S in M-G-M'S Last Complete Show 8:30. AMUSEMENTS VORV G"· Av*. end Quebec Pl. N.W. HTATTSVILLE zuniv „A 4400 "Great Expectations." β 40. 9:15. UN. 1330 er Hyatta. 05Λ2. TOMORROW DESIRE Pr*. P.rVU. STARTS Door* Op mi β. îgPf 48th It Μα». Αν». N.W. W'-h ME/«SHICHAM Today. Tomorrow. at T:Oft. 8:30. ΜΓΕιΛ i K08ÎRT W/?/?(/fjT' -ν/Ο. 4600. Cent. 1-11 p.m A.M. GRODCHO MARX. CARMEN MIRANDA DE CARLO. BIOR Gi DOORS OPEN 10:45 in YVONNE COPACABANA." BRENT in "SLAVE GIRL." (Teehni- color). 1:45, 3:45. 5:45, 7:45. 8:45 ENDS TODAY—"SINGAPORE" KEITH'S«· *· ·» '5» ^MITCHUM Highway at RKO Trfmry CHEVERLY H N E· AT INSTITUTION «M- 1331 St· *300 A WASHINGTON HARTfe^so, landover Rd., Md. ATI KK UN. 01041. nilCl)nt. j.u fκ Double Fraturr Program Dali». Free Parklnr on Payed I,»t. Door» Open fi. MAUREEN O HARA in "MIRACLE ON and ANN SHERIDAN Today. Tomorrow. at 6:15. R. fl 4Λ. 34th STREET" in "THE UNFAITHFUL NOW DoorsΣ2ΖΖΙΞΓΕ,. ·ρ«η 10 45. Γ~~ ™UHSDKY.- YVONNE DE CARLO. GEORGE BRENT STORY In "SLAVE GIRL." (Technicolor'. CrilATflR Minn. Ava. at tanning MAN'S Firtl lilt THIS Washington Showing UHFIHISHFfiniu jtnaiun ^ „d N C γ„ 2400 »»" MARLBORO Γγγλ Parklni—C-8 Bui t« Deer. Robert /'THE VIGILANTES RETMRITJ ™ÎÏSîj1 Upp~Myb9°8% JOHN HODIAK. GEORGE MURPHY ÙRIVÎ-IN Color Cartoon»w TEQfwimi Door· Open β:48. ond .G.M. Acad amy Award ARNELO AFFAIR," 1:35. Today. Tomorrow, at 7:30. P:,W. RAT in "THE THE A THE 5:45. 7:50. Ρ .55. HIKHUHI MILLAND. TERESA WRIGHT In 'THE 3:40. IS A CHALLENGE »«<« TROUBLE WITH WOMEN ." H λ Vf Mt 28,h 4 Aloboma Αν». S t ΠΗΙ1.υΠνι 4000 Cent. 1-11 'hen# Fall» Church 1J55 Free Parklnr 0-2 Bo« te Deer. STATFat nib DE CARLO. Ο Ε Ο R G Ε Show., 7 and 9 P.M. YVONNE BRENT in "SLAVE GIRL." «Tech- "VARIETY GIRL." MARY HATCHER. nicolor*. 1:50. 3:50. 5:50. 7 80. 0:55 DE FOREST KELLY TO YOUR HEART!, HENRY DDIllrrCC 1119 Η St. N.I. # J PP A Treat for th· Entire Family riuiivMe χ», woo. Con>. 1.11. FONDA Show«, 7 and 9 P.M. TYRONE POWER. GENE TTERNTY In Mm A LIKELY STORY." BILL WIL- •THE RAZOR'S EDGE" and JO AND BARBARA LIAM6, BARBARA HALE. MARLOWE in LITTLE IODINE." 1 sJui1 BEL ARLINGTON «ÏZriïSi, F lirlawn Am nie. Ço. Theatm "GHOST AND MRS MUIR," GENE GEODES 2333 *"""·'•nno. Αν·Avi 11 TIERNEY. REX HARRISON. HIGHLAND AT. 7311 VINCENT LUFINO, DANE CLARK In "DEEP IDA WILSON Ιΐ29 Wnvon ,ΐ^·1410. at 6:55, 9:26 PRICE Phone OX. VALLEY." FERRUCCIO "VARIETY GIRL.·· MARY HATCHER, " iW· ANN DE FOREST KELLY. ATLANTIC A CUT(1 If 3146 Wilton ilvd. YVONNE DB CARLO, GBORGE BRENT Han I un phone Oxford 1199. in "SLAVE GIRL,-· Un Technicolor), at SOp. fl:50 DVORAK "EASY COME, EASY GO," BONNY B:20. TACLIAVINI wi Nichoi» a*·. s.e. TOFTS. DIANA LYNN. rnifPRrcc lununus γ„ i700. AIR COND. TITO GOBBI· NELLY CORRADI BUCKINGHAM TOMMY and JIMMY DORSET «nd ErSUt JANET BLAIR in "THE FABULOUS ITALO TAJO m GHOST AND MRS MUIR," GENE DORSEY8." it Λ : 1 Λ. 8. P:45. TIERNEY. REX HARRISON. ROSSINI'S CV ΡΒΓ 2130 No. Olebe Kd. rAIRLAWN3420^,^"-11 UliUI· Fr#, perkIng. oxford 4266 Double Feâture ReriTal HiU, JOSEPH T*E COTTEN in "LOVE LETTERS," *t COMIC ΟΡΜΑ Aid·—Air Conditioned. Reirlm β:30, 8:30; JOEL McCREA in "THE "WELCOME STRANGER. Β I Ν Ο VIRGINIAN." Mn Technicolor), at g CROSBY, BARRY FITZGERALD. Laur*'' Md- leur*' 1,1 et iiu t w.v·· It LAUREL **έ"έ " 1 "** Arlington, Va. OX. 173» BING CROSBY. BARRY rmSOERALD Air rendition Ml—HMrlu'Alli. in "WELCOME STRANGER." Ample Parking Space. 141S Hep. H 0 ÎNÏCÔSTTÎ leur WELCOME STRANGER." Β I MAVUallA ltd. S.E. m. U34 -ROSBY. BARRY FITZGERALD Matlnw Dmilr. TRAPPED by police in his JOHN HODLAK. OBOROE MTTRPHT In "THE ARNELO ΑΪΤΑΠΙ," at 1. 3:46, bullet-spattered room.. THE VILLAGE ^NV 4:30. 6:15. 8. 9:48. Phone MI. »M7. *'■ CARNEGIE HALL," MARSHA ÏOTT CAPITOL WILLIAM PRINCE. ALONE with the wreck of HXDY LAMARR. DENNIS O'KEEFB In "DISHONORED LADY," at β:2β, «OS I 3 romance that drove NEWTON 1M£NNTn PAS. EailnH with awrlnj-ÎM Pkoaw. him to kill... WOLF." BARBARA STAN- CRT » m Κ il. WYCK. ERROL FLYNN. (ne AUxTÏmS Poritlna Spec*. Air Cond an to ΒΕΤΓΤ GRABLE. DVf PAILEY M DESPERATE for end JESSE THEATER »%* fc. "MOTHER WORX TIOHTS." IN HI ACTS Phone DO. MM1. MMflMM M 11.^1 ■ «.a the torture of believing 3ouble Feature. "RAMROD." VE- JOEL McCRXA "OAS νηβΠΠΑ love RONICA LAKE, his betrayed SOUSE KIDe IN HOLLYWOOD,' VICTOR MATURE. COLEEN GKaX' CARL SWITZER. RDDY WIB6LER in "KIM Or DEATE NARRATED BY DEEMS TAYLOR CTI VIM '»* St. & It. I. Ay·, n.w. aibTJUI phen. 9M9 Hicmoim DoUble Feature, "CYNTHIA." ELIZA- Teiturt "i,"aSrS2S IN NEW YORK! MURPHY Doubl» Profnm. "MUTINT DIRECT FROM A 4-MONTH RUN BETH TAYLOR. GEORGE IN THE BIO HOtTSE". end DILLIft "CODE OF THE WEST," JAM» OER." WTARREN. DEBRA ALPEN. la 3707 Mt. Vornor rnrmr νμι«··οιι, v«. : "Opera lover· may rejoice Quit at last a full "A pretty good comedy—drsessd up THt mini buiinx· who like NEW » WUiW" Av·., Alex., Ve. Ttmp\» looo : music. Those CORPSE CAME C O D length opera has been produced as a movie Rossini's rmry good One Block From Preofdentlal Garten· OEORCB time tâ Us picture." ALex. «424. Β RENT. JOAN BLONPELL r. opera will bar· a good Phono with the finest Italian singers." .. N. Y. SUN TIME "CARNEGIE HALL." MARSHA HUNT. PRINCE SHBLIX6T0N WILLIAM __ THE* WON'T BELIEVE ME." RO*. TONIGHT THRU FRIDAY—8:40 P.M ACADEMY «·**;" ERT YOUNG. SUSAN HAYWARD Double Feature, "LIVINO IN A BIO AVAILABLE AT THE BOX OFFICE TONIGHT! WAT," , MARIE Me· SEt-BETHESDA TICKETS DONALD; "THE TRESPASSER.' ,414wrUv? DOLE EVANS. WARREN DOUOLAS Ot The Uoit Belored BrltUh Film» & All Time Returns HALLc'M STAVTOR 313 , ANN A BELLA la CONSTITUTION J. ZJ1· of the I Double Mature. "SCARLET STREET.'' "Wings Morning.** EDWARD G ROBINSON, JOAÏ Technicolor The β to 17 Of The Hon· s.75 1%. HsssAss.1 At e if
