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Privacy Acts Release of

File # 174-304 I 1,.


" .. IIAIBH 2, I955-

F .- . A ...... - . F 1 .-' V .V - '.- :_; ;_ H 4: - _. 1 ._ _92 i5_ V . _ ,4. . 1 I M V 11251.2: k 1 _ _ , *5 '_»,~"j='1"*;;',;" -' '',:"" -=:~<=>i;'~ . ! ...... r I ... 33. . -"1;;'~_f._-=.**.. .1 is '>. - - ;- f -'-: =~:~-',<'*',~.-- l l ~ ' "»j-f92';¢".¢%,3"'§s{~92?§;',_».'§';' .;.~* -:- 1-3,;-1; . , _ 1, . 4 ,i;,-.,'<*;~ 'j$%;§»Q§§%§?-£pg@?u '9, , ' -="IfT-:7;-Z; ;"_.-*-':~ "- l -, - , q| , .§ "~- -"-Q,:,},;- . . , _ . i .- - '. ' » 92. ' . -. .1,-._ [._. . . . . >; e . . ,._-..-_.~. ,.,. 2" ~-,.-. . __: _.- . a. ~ .-LP-1'.-.-J_ .., ~55 1 '.f|;;'n.,,92_7¢ _. . .1 , __-.,.,- V_g-; _.-._.-' - -. 1 ¢§,-, ., _ ~: g. - '' . =.::-q - ;» I J - '=:.=+' . . _ - .- ' ,.=-":<_.._@;1 1.:.,. - " MI.__'._ ;"33>r§'- , _f1Z;_f~; . ¢r?.E"-m..;.",- 1- L-,1.--,_ ' , . -e- .2, ?*>| < _ 5- -- -K-<».~ l. - = -- .- ~= , . ,-.- 1--.-¢*~ - .-*:m,:--~_. , i . 92 . I ,. I -, - 92- --.;- .7 " V, , . - . . :4" I -'1. - ff -,--92-,*e;-..- we"-~¬i>-!=:15,--'92.~4.-92~_f'».: .~-,--.-,.92 ,-p---.,;¢~.-.~» .». .-.,,~.~ -»*--,£~.i~-HQ.-=.*~.-,. ».~»,"-1,.. em. a F ; ,92.-1,..-2.4..-.1?'J*' -l- :. .~;_h¢u_..A:_ 1". . ~ - 5.. .. _,._: ,, _ __. ~__: . n - ., 1 L: I -:. ,..v;J,¢__ _ ;_-, , Q V Q» __ hf ,&.; ?g,-gr WM} - 4. .1; - ~_~._ .1._--'_-,._.'3_'-P;,.- . ;§:v_¬,fY1_1-'-*,=v-' 4 5- F1?» §j6au§r,IB:-. . oi l -'1 _r=w.='+ , ;.-,» i: .1"§P":f%!%*-1!-*_.~= ,1 . .,;.=».q.~. _=--:>-;'1.-.1. ~- -- §if§3é;???§§}§5-aka:1'1-!.'~$Eg§?fi' ~ ' '14-i . 1. . 2 .'1-1,.» ; 1,-._ ..92 ,a_1.;§ '5-,_~.-,' "__ 4.=.1 1-_:Z,%e. u _'.__-2 ,; a-;};ei:_.z}ur.i,{; . "=~1f792-*".-,2-$' -.-.. >3. .. 3"? L-4§"-1?-;:-..|;g;_r;%..;;---Ff;. ,; -. .' . '- q~"'F'.:;<.._ 2 rP"'*¢_- 1 -. -" .,*-92...9.-F. .. ~. V -1,-. " - -#1 ~.Iv--':_;¢¢:' A "iv -,;-_q g -:;:_" i. W .1.-JP-..=.__J$- -= *3; , : ' '-. '0'? .. 1'11. " I " Q3, -nu, ml! v norm. gm, 'e go " '~.~-' /*5.-'=""-92=.r?&'3-5E"-§J"'?¬."{j.., um men. moms I . .:_11>!" I 1-1| P = ':- % - ..> 2» I , F,--e ' g ..'.:.:»..;,m 73+-1-66 l I _ . ' _. Q '.,~'j acunrm um-rm - numn

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RHA hw, ', '-:.";:_.i; .: '11 -.~. 4.5. ! . '..".'f . mi received NOTE:Miami Beachindicating Police that hand Department grenade wouldadvised be anonymous telephonethrown at Frank Sinatra?call Toison __._.i. sometime during - - the show 3-1-6 _ DeLouch i Moht L... Wick Casper ____i Callahan ii.- Conrad i REC- 951* Fe-l1 MAILED. .3.

[92 Yfi.-QR 2 1955 'M A |492P92R¥"$5,.-e/ iii I ..---3 /-"' ggseen yk COMM-FBI . 14 Sullivan 92 w Fo-sa.=._ Han. 5-.4-a4! ' Iii:92a .

"Q I Wad . FBI fr a _ -es, J" Date: 3/2/66

Transmit the following in V V are 7 ____ Type in plaintext or code! via AIRTEL _____

-: - H in Priority!M 1' From: SAC, Q 174" 125! 1 - I F, A ;'@i_ - ,- To; Director, F31 "* f G H H mph. . . M3/..1z66_ ! I ' 0 SUBJECT; _/ Subject:_ EA T0 some FRANK szmrzm, » ., ~,.:-romuxneemau HOTEL, MIAMI BEACH, FLA.

j___. J 1 /__, I, Enclosed [XIBOMBING are eight MATTERS copies of - THREATS a letterhead |:| memorandumRACIALMATTERS %J/-_,_/VF, / Re Miami teletype to Bureau dated 3/2/66.

.n 0 i -_ Miami will maintain liaison with the "" 35953Miami Beach Police Department regarding this matter.A1,! mromumou oozrmmnn 1 . . 3' C SEE 92 LJ~~ ";1n aenéem I8 I ' IIZLPI L-'-D DA -' D112 I=92';z':-*..____,_..._._--I3#L5Q-2---I966 {{.;<,-1 Fag".-2'-.'.__/i,Z;¬.____---------~="""

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'I 1 - Miami Ii /74° __ 4 I Bureau Enclosg-B-¥EX b 7 -1 mégl 92 1 I LLW2 <2! 11 S M-C T13 '" ,,.B.." "M.

/-.' .'l 4 5;

.-§ I {1}'1 t 1 8:1 92 I. 5ll ii. ,. 2

:1"- lg; i . g.pl. PM F -l '1 l;.

! n -3 : " ' '1»-' ;_ v . - , ' ,1 a ; . .. "1--' _ "- . ' . ;_ J M D-376 Rev. '1 l-12-65l '1. . I I . I I I In -0 - r." -92.. 1 > n1 i ~ O -. - - Q 1 1 " _ NITED sures DEPAR'lME_N'I or JUSTIGF; ;.; ,1*_'.{:.z., .<_,.?f3;j;§* 1 a-.;. - . -' - '' " 'i ' - .9 ~i..=_»- 1 >. ., - s 1-:4 r A -. > 1 .-.-+'T..»:?.. -1,. .-. ,1 FE _h __ _ rananaté ;AI;.;_..'._; N onIn no E_._.'._ilt_92'i8't!g -rrios in, é ,,_~s_%i1,;;;fi]_§ .7. RlrtY.P|IIIII4I"'v_ . 31 - _¢- = '-i"H'z'?' s= Mi 1 . .i.- . .rf57|,1-r_Ig~»;§_1f",' ::_.;'_=z.;"._-if. |';'_!"'!-;.J':'.;;'.f.;,¬-1-.I.Js. p - . -_ .-_ ; *,»'- J -.;_:~. - -"__.;_§-2.._:"! » i . . ;?-§;;..;.'=7'§ -2. -"ii! as ii!--1%?ii#"!""' .1, '1 -i i§n.=?~ 2:»-51it 0 ~L '1- -i ~.'-"--§';;=':,4,:;- -- pl ";,1usl!nc'|'ou, T5:-:.=,~;..,,;1==:e n. l§Z't"i.-son " - r -..,.J '. ..fs-"~'_"_;-H;-_=_;>. 5-. we:1 --_; 1»; it 17 1'-» I, .. _, l hr I,-__ £3 _;,-§:1.'['.:._- 1&4. h_1l!£92 :3 ~ 5! .3| -F? '|f .=,u'' ti Secret Service ' ' ' {.7 AI if f _-;* }|'j-'.-_._-- . =}§_ . Li ~ '1 z .' ..i»f{;g; -1?. Dellartment of the T1-eas92I1'¥ _' S U ' My ti'1i; De CI i -- . . L ': I 'It: _, H92l- . .§l rSir. ' . . __ 'i _ - 'id ~.=:9.;2"1'J = ~' flQ. - Yli".1.rla 1 .. .. 'l:. The information furnished herewith concerns an individual who is believed to be 51 ;_;_ covered by the agreement between the FBI and Secret Service concerning Presidential pro- . ' 4,-"' ' tection, and to fall within the category or categories checked. 1 ya ii -92 Ir. w . i [j Has attempted or threatened bodily harm to any government official or employee. .":2 P5- '1.1 _ including foreign government" officials residing in or planning an imminent visit to the I '4. .' v U. S., because of his official status. ' ~. §. 1- ;. I".- C. it |- f-_ ' - -_ . I I 1: . ,. {:1 Has attempted or threatened to redress a grievance against any public 1 , official by 1, other*.-f'-1-i~ : I 3 . W I J _ than legal means. ; 5- _ a» ,. .r 2'. 'i, 1l 51*! Because of background is potentially dangerous; or has been identified as member or -E I=i '3.:53-1! .- participant in communist movement; or has been under active investigation as member _j 4 ,.J5 '1 ~¢- -ii1 ;; Z of other group or organization inimical to U. S. , 7c;-,'l : £51. ii ¥ I [:1 U. S. citizens or residents who defect from the U. S. to countries in the Soviet or .- 3: - uiv- .4t fr -4.:} vii §l.~l,.l'i- Chinese Communist blocs and return. ' 5[if 1 _ 1.4 "1


V _ E Ti Vildj l"."'|3 ,, In Reply, Plane Referto t -.23, - - .'| File No. '.'.:_I-".¥fi 1-- . ,.-: ..< Ha~*4- 1114-, F1~rida av Tang March 2, 1966 , M1» T10 =. ml -4!I - ¢"e't-ea1 -'v- !1§2=;=@4~=£._19_ §9rB_,¥§»&rK _S_P.q§92?RTAl__ ' ""' FUNTAINEBLEAUHOTEL, MIAMI BEACII, FIORIDA, MARCH 1, 1966 BOMBING MATTERS - THREAT Miami At10BeachPolice 45 P M on Department, MarchMiami 1, 1966, Officer Beach, Floida, te1phOn!- cally advised that at 4:20 P.M. said date, he had received a telephone call from an anonymous male caller who said, 1% hand grenade will be thrown at FRANK SINATRAsometime tonight during the show." He did not know if he would recognize the voice again or not.

92 P "' _ '_n<>'¢1fi@d t '0 notified the.D:Ji.inLuiaE|.m:au.aL£

andle the show. They also advised the security staff at L;7c>'Fontainebleau the Hotel,Miami Beach,Florida. The following individuals were immediately notified by the Miami Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation: ! Secret Service; F Complaint Desk, DadeCounty - heriff's Office; 1'i1tn mrc Group. Copies of this memorandum are being disseminated locally to the lllth INTC Group and Secret Service. 7 This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not tp be distributed outside your agency.

/ - ":3 J; I L /1 £n§Q1X§UEG3,@> Kgs Freedom of Information

and ~

Privacy Acts Release of


File # 28-945

v"'-""v :1; *0 11"" °r 4% 4

11' 4 Ii -K or 1- Q;-"n9 Federal Bureauof In vestigation old"


JUNE 22, 1961 CODE

rmnzocmua unomrr vi: $5 WY 25

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rmmx smvrm, ET AL., commm-u'r HAT!-ER. REURAIRTEL JUNE


Date: 5/29/51 Transmit the following in _ 7' ______Type in plain text or code! vm AIRTELW AIR NAIL Priority or Method of Mailing!

TO: DIRECTO , F I FROM: SAC,1! LO ELES -new! /;/ I? |/ RE: FR HENR- OL I A, WI AA f//'MO S 7 _/ ; / _ , ,- I / 'J I H AGEN I RE-SCHARY, ii-~ V ' 'SOE"SANU '»~*J,"FTRO IEG Runo GOD1 ME%%;.//L , Inn; I '~ ;JOo_'' Q AK, IG~"L;'1 "LS CR BY, , I GI JOHN"oR_ IE » -- ru "', I, COLEA1-THY-C 4 - ,/I J /W /I Z/ _., » NICHOLIGEORGE 5§92»JJUNE gr. ysnsifr LL N,KY, 7 LOREN B , I e Y PECK, v, BRODLR *CRAwF LD, GRORGA SEAON, I X GEORGEJENKINS,-CAPITOL RECORLS,INC., , R; 92_ WARNERBROTHERS PICTURES,INC. _ 92 N TIO AL BROADCASTINGMP c Y, I ., In; . I I c T IA BROADCASTING s AN c _/~, 1. I BROADCASTING c A - / , . 92 P UNT THEATHERS,I .,L£G AND MIERSQ/@7 It »»,I ACCO COMPANY, INC. , BULOY WA CH COMPANY, 92 I _. G ERAL MOTORS CORPORATION}--DECCARECORDS, INC. I CO YRIGHT MATTER 921 fw 00; Los ANGELES I92 On 6/19/61,AUSA, M, TIMOTHY THORNTON,Los Angeles 1 advised that one EDWARD DUNBAR O'BRIENdelivered a copy I of an amended complaint II for infringe of copyright and 1 competition which involves a civil copyright against the I P ' . 5 92{'~' '-. I r-- fl Iiegeles w II 2? ""I:7'LI':'I I JEM:bje _ 92:92 , - ,"a "" "*? " A! , 54-I W, is JUN22 1961 I ,_I O, jcf LA 25-new

above subjects and requested an investigation under Title 17, U. S. Code, Section 10h. B10 On 6/20/61,SA reviewed the amended complaint which1 S consis eo o 9 pages. a id complaint alleges that O'BRIEN created and wrote certain books and music which were copyrighted by him in the years 19u3, iguu, 19u6, 1955 and 1956 and that the above subjects have conspired to and have infringed said copyright by marketing and exhibiting O'BRI£N's work in various motion pictures, TV and stage shows since 1555 without O'BRIEN's consent,

This matter will be presented to the USA, Los Angeles.


_ 2 _


- , ~.._...... _..-... ,. ii .,,.-_-_--.. .~_i,l....,~.-,_..-i - ,c'IFev. 4. 13 5-, I


Date: 'r'______1 IQIIISHIH. ihe foiiowinq ___ ,__ ,__ as __ _ : _,:___.. Type in plain ten: or code!

Via ,__ AIRTELI I AIR"T 7 W MAIL7 7?Pri0rit!?or Method0J'Mm'1irIgJ


OO : LOS ANGELES Re LosAngeles air-tel6/QV61, Bureauradiogram 6/22/61 and Los Angeles radiogram 6 23/61.

attempted to on contact 6/20/61, AUSA sine/1d TIM Y M. My'I'HORNTON. . ORNTON was unavailable and AUSA GARY B. FLEISCHMAN made available aof copy which oi isa. 19 enclosed page amended.for the complaintBureau. II a h staticSAcontacted copy [Jo AUSA THORNTON and the latter advised that e desired that the status of the civil case be determined and that he F be advised of said status,

EDWARD DREW, Chief Deputy, U. S. District t I Clerk's Office,Los Angeles, , advised S on o/21/61 that EDNARD DUNBAR O'BRIENwas known to him as I an individual who filed comp 1a ints in civil t of I co mewi ht in infri ements and has DREW conserve.had w on~ and e a er claimed that the songs used in the Democratic and Iepublican conventions were written by him several years ago under other titles and claimed he had filed copyright infringements in other districts for the /Pr"?I ' BureaI1-|1J1,5, a REC x9202I /"X 52 Encl,92;_._ §,_i'g D - Los el_e,s-7;- 9 .. e. JEM:bje _ <__§.3" V ii! _,92__ .- _. ~--- /92QIV" I , ______92 r.

Approved: W __ . * ,,_,,_ Sent M PEI Aqent in Charge i$- LA 28-263

past three or four conventions of both political parties. DREW referred to his files and noted that O'BRIEN also had civil actions under the following numbers: 1161-57, 43-59 and 1351-60. The present action, 131-6oHw, was filed 12/2/60 and there is a motion to be heard.on Q/27/51 for dismissal. O=ERIEN, through his attorney, has filed a motion of default. Both motions will be heard in U.S. District Court at Los Angeles on 6/27/61. AUSA THORNTON Chief Com S Attorney's b_I0o/22/61Office, Los that Angeles, O'BRIEN andhis attorney, SAsadtised on_ Ews appeared at the U. S. Attorney's Office and furnished a copy of the amended complaint II for the infringement of the copyright and unfair competition action at the U. S. District Court, alleging criminal violations of the copyright statute. Mr. THORNTON stated he did not read the 19 page complaint but had immdiately referred it to the FBI, therefore, he was not in a position to say whether or not he considered there was any criminal violation of this statute. Mr. THORNTON advised he had inadvertently stated in his letter to the FBI that he wanted the defendants investigated when he actually wanted to know more aboutime plaintiff prior to rendering his opinion or having any investigation conducted. Mr. THOR was informed of the other civil actions filed by O'BRIEN and of the statements made by Chief Deputy DREW, who is personally known to Mr. THORNTON.

Mr. THORNTON pointed out that he had not given this matter consideration or reviewed the complaint in view of the fact he was preparing to leave his present position within three days and become associated in another project within the United States Attorney's Office.

Mr. THORNTON then stated that in view of the

- 2 _

/3/ LA 28-253

' pending motions before the court, he did not desire any investigation and would defer any opinion at this time, pending the outcome of the court's decision on the above motions. Mr. THORNTON stated.that he desired this matter be again discussed with him after the decisions on the motions.

UACB, no other investigation will be conducted and Mr. THORNTON will be contacted after 6/2]/61.




, if , T F? // ._.;~ l I 4»!...J 2 = . .._...»..,.. 1 - - r ~ ~ "~11».+1»- p--7-F--qq-sq.-pm ----- I 3 orca-20 2-3-96! XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIPA DELETED PAGE INFORNIATION SHEET

Page s! withheldentirely atthis locationin the le. One or moreof the following statements,where indicated, explain this deletion.

El release to you.

Section 552

ElDeletions b!! weremade pursuantto the exemptionsEl b!! indicated A! below withno segregablematerial availablefor

El b!! El b!! B! Section 552a El b!! El b!! C! U d!!

E] i!! E] El kl! El U k!! El b!! El b!! E! El

El El k!! for review and direct response toyou. Information pertainedonly toa third party withno referenceto thesubject of your request orthe subjectof your E, Documents originatedwith anotherGovernment agency ies!.These documentswere referredto that agency ies!

Pages containinformation furnishedby anotherGovetnntent ageneyes!.You will be advisedby theFBI as to the releasabilityof this information followingour consultationwith the other agency ies!.-

Page s! withheld inasmuch asa nal release determinationhas not been made. You will be advisedas to the disposition at a later date.

Pages werenot consideredfor releaseas theyare duplicativeof ______l__ Page s! withheldfor the following reason s!:_ is uamo lg-tn-r 92 5 0-o..t lode 6/29/61 CODE


'm=sac, ms Am-mass 8-263! .- '



NOTE: Edward Dunbar O'Brien filed civil action against Sinatra ana othensalleging books and music written and copyrighted by O'Brien had been used illegally. U. S. Attorney following motion to dismiss civil action after which he will indicate whether allegation warrants investigation as criminal Copyright Matter violation. , Next radio contact with Lo Angeles 2 p.m. H zgg: mp -*"'r X 1" 92 U

'. ,f~' ,,/ ___..-..---- 9550- 1- --r ENC. ....¢;f2il»./;J_I.;. '.;--- _ . U7 - _.¢ 30 _ v F {XX 1 F_»,_ ,_H w+=»'£§4' tr, ,=_J BY."~ ~-

TolaenB|:lmOl'll .___.i ._-__& .§ BY ______~-'-* Mohr ___.?_ i » I - c=1:=hun__i ,-~_ -~-=;*~ --sass e~-5 C d ' ~ n:§'.'§.,¢h _ _ 3/EA RADZOGR/-92M Evan: _._.._._ ;*g1g;= J we 2+; 1961 Sullivan _.__.._ 5 Tuvel I__ | ,- I Trotter _....__._ ,1,-,1, 1 7 ,1 k92/*4 ~ v» J. I519; B.<><.>m -i _ , 5- P7" _, _' _ I :m_1___ u_ l:| TEILETYPE uurr -. 0 I ._ F

-¢ 4-41 Rev. 6-2-61! ' ." Tolaon I I _ 92 Belmont _,,,_..__ Mohr ----i A I CcllluhunE oicooin con Conrad ._..i.._

rval __i._...... In RadioI El_Tt|eIypp_'

<23J4 vi '| M I. La! " . Q r r ...... _ ..-. URGENT -25-61


- Tole. Room _.._._ /I7346 1 Ingram _i__ I 1. Gandyii I at |.INFGPIMTISN coummsn._ = as SSIFIED / ///////1% I N::¢@=z#;,,2xmI.@1;?%,3%~&FAg/i/<>I 7I!'IwSAC FROM LOSANGELES 231709H270-gm I"'.?1.:_. ¢.


SEX, DESIGNING WOMAN, WINGSOF RE N PENDI RAISING PROGRAM OF OCTOBER 20, OIBRIEN AS CHRONIC COMPLAINANT . I'92 4-41 Rev.6-2-61] _ Talia" __ Belmont ______,_ Mohr Culluhuni_. Conrad _,.,i_ A DECODED COPY DeLouch_._




I-il lP:?!1.'1f.1!92Ti!J[IOHTAiHElI

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17 JLYL. 1951 92A..§l*~

--Al. "92;'§ 92 ._' /fr"Xv 92 '31-.5 Q. 4--~-4" gm tr" .. _ _ A . . _. 92_- k 4 ___, _.UJ 1 If theintelli erasecontained the Inabove message is to be disseminated outsidethe Bureau, it issuggested it that besuitably porapbrosedinto protect orderthe Bureau:cryptographic systems. 6 . _/,5}: Form - -._-. FD-253 -12-S5.! . 92-D ~ FEDEl92 4 -, ...UREAU OF_lNVE$|..;i4_§92?TlON*dI92_ =:u""-""II:.r'@ Reporllnq Of 3? _ - §?p@+i¢J- 1 Oica 0: Origin uv;."***?-Ti"" ' 92 mm ',*=?7%EQ¥Q&?£g$£aP Inyuuqghor tori-3g_='~i*z_=_"~*n;_4._ -__ * - 1-_ _ TITLE ___ - OF C333 J__ _~9_._'_ - ; _ --,u.v:qm.4nma;&u*.¢¢%u..q743/ - Q. _ l T-.~.N..,.;_V 1., VI: 92 Rap- n_ad..by G .'.j..__E;:_;A.:____;w|;_ §,,.=.:,43;&6;.@,;. iu_v_5:,wm;__Q..__,;..?. <-,Tux _ "' " '1"" '- . . - - - ., -. a u ~- . .-"»"-2".- ', ..Y-"5'.<~éi92I-3?-"'§':-"1-r;T'i$f:~.:73;: bIO F1iAJH[:*!5.r. ja> i - ' -$";;%¢;" *»~1&??=Ak=*vw w -- ILL"'11-¢EL, ~ 1-'I,=_1#1; 1 r I1I'»."?|-A _u nlb _; mm A- INO., -. =osarn ¬-__-- - Tmmuc;; If Lu LII-LIB comnmni 08BY' £1-rugimxcx; a ~ COPYRIGHT A /mm SAMMY " 'NICHOLAS o zsmr , 792 u @LLIsuiii-"511 rm-%ss; - aEo1%ELx.s;Ln11>m_ cA;.r.;- 0 RI " A u / , 4/7- inglz? wFo_n_ ; }EORGEATON;j~; A , ,_/- _ 'F e:Ih'A1=mEn reonnon BRO'IHERS ms ;<"¢'RPI1'oL~n1:cenns- PICTURES, IN c. ; ..,,.f-/-",// .1 / vu f. 7"? E BROADCASTING syswnm, I QME§HL..INQu.; r 'I 1aao@L_As'.r ADC ING 01wPA1srr~nmC ' OUNT THEATRES INC.; -My mmm WATCH - n Ac MOTORS conronawrign; "" 5 -*3_ -. 9,A_ RECORDS, INq- _ 7 _ 92{ _ REFERENCES: Los Angeles airtels radiogramto to Bureau Bureau dated dated 6/27 16/2?6l. and 6/23/61. Bureau radiogram to Loa Angeles dated 6 22/61. . f ~ I -C F " ,' In .. Au-- _COVER PAGE _ Appmd W I Special ~/¢A1;<»~¢¢rr~éAqenl I ' I 7 7 M 1 usa, Los Angelea 1 'A '_10-;_ 1 - Los Angeles 8-263! ' ..;..- JLJL'-1-6'19 , D]

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,.!-.. _ r,/7' /3/' FD-204 Rev.3:3-50!



Copylo: 1 - USA, LOB AngQ1.QB


Character: COPYRIGHT MATTER _ , , 9292 '-_,-A~~ Synopsis : BF-tnei""U"if.g.h ;%Zo§§iZ§i;¬" Los Angeles an amended capy of a complaint, Civil Action No. 1351-6OHW, alleging Infringement of Copyright and Unfair Competition against FRANK SINATRA, et a1. U. S. Attorney,

1 T1 C f%i°°a¬°°E%/$322 V CO . 1'1 °"COIIIP 5??? 8. 1'1 W35 °"d2§E§:2i22 D %°.§°. - District Court, Los Angelest U. S. Attorney, Los Angelea, advised no further investigation desired in view of 0'BRIENs past history or groundless copyright matter suits and dismissals;


FRI...... W-...... .... a¢u9292|na92m&UUIIDIIIII __-92u&-l--u=....=- _-Jol-Aul¬IAniuuv|u||l|.lllIlI a¢@-mnnn--J-Lli-_-- nut wuncnliluul _-_I__I.-_- Lu. _l l.I.- um:III! nu. in. 11. u I_ A92-- nu:prove--.; ___¢.¢_I-o--I LL I-nu rm I'D?-nu __J 1- .l_mu-an I____JLA IA!gun ".-o|-n§¬u92.;| Qlbllllgill n. I6 U-l'I92l-nu] its contents are not to be distributed outside your lm!!!- .. -. /33 A _..._ ,._ _, ,,,,, _,____ * .. . 7, . LA 23-263

DETAILS: gm LQ§A§QELESL_QALIEOBNIA On June 19, 1961, a letter was received from the U. S. Attorney's Office at Los Angeles advising that on June 13, 1961, WILLEDD Anpnsws and his client, sswian DUNBAR O'BRIEN, hadappeared at the U. 8. Attorney's Office and delivered a copy of an amended conplaint for Infringement of Copyright and Unfair Competition, civil Action No. . -W15! 1351-soaw, whichinvolves civilcopyrights againstFRANK q,»f:,/ SINATRA,al The et complaint ais19-page dgc%genti_ ah, f requestedThe S. U.Attorney aninvestigation advised byhis the thatoffice defendant for whatvethey *J,#é 9yi K 92*>Y consider the criminal infringement of copyrights in >* / Y violation of Section 104, Title 17, U. S. Code. The Qd U. S. Attorney requesqd that a Special Agent contact his office in order to purview the l9page amended complaint and to discuss further action which might be considered appropriate. at onPdiscussed M thematter ui s s an Unie a es orney GARY B. FLEISOHMAN, who made available'a copy of the 19-page amended complaint. Mr, FLEISCHHAN stated that the letter directed to the FBI had originated from Assistant United States Attorney TIMOTHY M. THORNTON, THORNTGN should be contacted with reference and that Mr. 4-- 1.-.4.-. ...._-.-._--J..a--_ desires in this matter. UU I-LLU PI.'U§UULlU-1-VG The complaint was Photostated and the U. S. Attorney's Office. The complaint returned to is as follows: WILLEDD ANDREWS National Titlé Building, 126 West Third Street, Los Angeles, 13, California. MA 5-1177. "Attorney for the Plaintiff.


7, q6.? ,/,~. i, -J e _ W w-I>444V'QII92lIQ"'*l¥'-"*4~a..-...,....- H. |..H...H - |,.~,--->- P~ LA 28-263 _



"Comes Now The Plaintiff, EDNARD DDNBARO'BRIEN, and by leave of Court first had and obtained, for cause of action alleges:

III "The Court has original Jurisdiction, Title 28, United States Code, Section 1338 a!, this cause arising under the copyright laws of the United States, Title 17, United Statlncode, Copyright Code, Act of July 30, 1947, 61 Stat. 652, as amended, and the Universal Copyright Convention.


If/-"'»!f@i» 4

...... AA..<.-..>,...... _.,,_.. _...___. ,..,,..._._...... _.,....._,..,.. LA 28-263


"The plaintiff is a citizen of the Uhited States and resident of the State of California, and the defendants, where individuals, are domiciled, and where corporations, are domesticated in the State of California, in the Jurisidiction of the United States District Court for the 8outhern'Eistrict of California, Central Division, and the parties are therefore properly before the Court. ,--'4 "III '

"That plaintiff at all times mentioned herein has been and he is now engaged in the business of creating ad writing original books and music and publishing the same under the name of EDWARDDUNBAR O'BRIENan O'BRIEN MUSIC, the said containing material wholly original with plaintiff and copyrightable subject matter under the laws of the United States, and specifically and ever sincd the year l9#l the plaintiff has complied in all respects with the exclusivecopyright laws rights of theand Unitedpriveleges States in and and tosecured the cozyright the of the said books and music End received from the R gister of Copyrights the universal and individual certificates of registration dated and identified as follows:

O'BRIENa§5%;§ £33537;-,'6°; $h§§¬%°; e s ' ££ti- Mme, 5/1/nu,Q/18/56; lstEdition EditionHth 396858 A2837131/1a/12/31/56, 6;y3rgr%dition fromThes¥g2g88 Proclamation A283Tl3 12/31/56 and Eu268782 9/2/hi and Eu375473 13/4/H3 and au373848 5/1/ht; - "'45th- From Boadway To 8th Avenue, auno2n96 7/12/55, Eu3665& 8/25/R6,catalogue E96858l/13/56, catalogue a1on688 8/18/56, A283713 is/31/$6; "!Concerto of Two Hearts, Eu51047 8/2 /R6 and A2B37l3 i§£2%£2u,2%9%@23%§2/5%' 6 4 1 82/i3}56{19/55 4 and %25a°%%§3 catalggugs"'Lo 'H = E98320 l/12/56/and£36858 A 2 56 a A28 Egg4688 3/13/56? 71 12 31/56 and 6

-4- /I

LA 28-263 .

"'Miss Beautiful,Please Hill zee Be Mrse Me?' E9869l4/25/56 and catalogue 3104688 8/18/56, A283713 12/31/56; "'P&ddleem<>§ue°§96s5a Nb1, A2837l3 12 31 6 and1/12/56,/1143688 a/1s/56; Eu36653 8/ 25 / #6 B » "'Heartstringscatalogues 393858Msic1/13/56, On -The z1on688 Heartstr3/1§3§6,s' suand A2837lZ 12/31/56,19511 12/12/55 and ti L-+ii'rmu5-w" El04689 12/26/56,E115277 1/t/57,-3115276i/4/57; fl The:4. - E'v::- C1"u.-i$"9231ua.:: - -4.¢_ Ca.l"$!- ,.,.-....92 lugu 3/is/56 and El04690 12/7/56; and"'BUDDIES catalogue- The Elousggys/i9/52, st or Th Gett b = X/2/56 A233T13 z9866iandy§9g§gO 12 31and 56 /I n/25¢56 and Eu37547u 1a/h 43; 12104688H0811 Me MO 1' ands/18%; B93320/a/56; 12 31 56, C 1a °gue 1 / 12/ an C1 "'TheBattle 2nd of Gettysburg, SEE? A283713 d2/31/B6. III-V

"That plaintiff created and wrote the original books and music in Paragraph III above, and all of the original books and music inclusive thereof and comprehended in the Library Of A Lifetime of EDWARD DUNAR O'BRIEN,certificate of registration A2B3713 12/3l/56. , "V _

"Since September 2, 1941, plaintiff has been and is now the sole proprietor of all rights, title and interest in and to the copyrights in the said books and music.

"VI LA 28-253

"VII "Plaintiff is informed and believes, and therefore alleges, that the defendant FRAN SINATRA has been and at all times mentioned herein is now the owner and in charge of the business transactions conducted by Barton Music Publishers, Inc.,' a corporation, and that the said FBAHK SIHAEBA is therefore the alter ego of such corporation. "Plaintiff is informed and believes, and therefore alleges, that the defenant HARRY LILLIS-CROSBY at all times mentioned herein has been and is nee the csner and in charge of the business transactions conducted by Bing Crosby Enterprises, Inc., a corporation, and that the said HARRY LILLIS CROSBY is therefore the alter ego of such corporation. "Plaintiff is informed and believes, and therefore alleges, that the defendant COLUMBIA BIDADCASTINGSYSTEM, INC., at all times mentioned herein has been and is now the owner and in charge of the business transactions conducted by Bing Crosby Enterprises, Inc., a_corporation, and that the said -CCLUMBIA BROADCsSTIHG SYETEM, INC, is therefore the alter ego of such corporation. "Plaintiff is informed and believes, and therefore alleges, that the defendant SAMUEL GOLDWYNat all times mentioned herein has been and is now owner and in charge of the business transactions conducted by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Inc., a corporation, and that the said SAMUEL GOLDHYN is therefore the alter ego of such corporation.


"After July 12, 1955, defendants conspired and confederated, combined, concerted and agreed to infringe, and they have infringed said copyrights by copying and appropriating from manuscript and printed copies thereof and private letters of plaintiff referring thereto, submitted and communicated to defendants and retained in the possession of the defendants, and by marketing, exhibiting and selling to the general public against the will and secretly and witheut the consent, authority or license of the plaintiff, copyright proprietor, and by

-5- é 1 :1¢.;'f . 3 - w T I

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LA 28-253 A

"using the language, dialogue, eordinge, writing, eequenee, story, songs, lyrics, scenes, settings, costumes, characters, sense, substance, point, purpose, expression and effect of the plaintiff's copyrighted writings and private letters the motion pictures: H%sh Society,The OppositeSex, Designing woman, ' ings of Victory, The Joker Is wild, or The Joker, , 'Gigi, Say One For ne;

A-F3?!-L51 the msicalManhattan Tower;the pr%grams= Entertainmnt ggggramsérgationaégram, c o er , , Eogvengéonggggl92hé";g:nLDg:oc¬atighFund-na ra ow 1957-2% theand same Hay, 1960,and Hovenber,1960, the Bins Crosby Show, October, 1958 and September, 1959; the record album Lover's Hour, the songs: llth Hour Mebedy gd :MédSuccis:;Athe play: The Defendeggpress releases; e Ac em w s Ceremonies, 1957, 195 , 1959; broadcast: motionEd Sullivan pictures: Show,High February, Society, 1959, andMarch re- 22-25?rformance1961, Designing of the Woman, April 5-ll, 1961, and re-broadcasts from the motion picture High Socipty, March 5, 1961 and May 2, 1961, by and in the following manner and means: "1. July 12, 1955, plaintiff furnished to the defendantBroadway BRODERICK8th To Avenue CRAWFORDof plaintiff, thevolumes to of submit 5th,to - Fromthzt ' defendant FRANKSINATRA, andfrom wh%gh_the_motion_pi ares I HighDesigning Society, Woman, TheRoyal Opposite wedding, Sex, WingsSay of OneVictory,For Me_§§g__, co ied, the said volumes of 45th, - From Broadway To th

"zv§5ae=nnnnQ§n1nn plaintiff of continuingto be retained defendants in kI92JlI7lI92r92IhIJ-92JlJ I

"2. September 2, 1955, plaintiff furnished to the defendant WILLIAM MORRIS AGENCY,1sc., the volunjl of'45th, - From RoadwayTo 8thAvenue, concertoor TwoHharts, and l Psdd1ewhee1, of plaintiff, and from which the motion pictures High Society, The OppositeSéx, Designing woman, Royal wedding, 'Gigi, Say One For Me, and the .nong Mr. Success, and the Frank Sinatra Show, 1957-58 and press releases thereconcerning grg_gopied, cppies of the said volumes of plaintiff continuing"to b¬*retsined in defendants possession.

_'7_ -I-

L17], .. W. <...... e V V,,.'...._..,l_.. .. _.__ ,.-.->_>_._..._.A929292 ..._...,.,...,|.».a.._.4,__,_._.,,_,,,,--..-...._ LA 28-263 HEY:srb "3. March, 1956, the defendant DORE SCHARY, producer, and defendant WARNER BROTHERS PICTURES,INC., a Delaware corporation, manufacturer, exhibited to the general public the motion picture Wings of Victory copy- ing from the said '45th,- From Roadway To 8th Avenue, of the plaintiff as above obtained. "4. August 13, 1956, defendants FRANK SINRTR&, actor-singer; DORE SCHARY, now producer for defendant NITRO- GOLDWYN>MAYER, INC., a Delaware corporation, HENRY SANICOLA, manager of the defendant FRANK SINATRA,_and defendant WILLIAM MORRl$ AGENCY, INC., a corporation, forcibly appro- priated from plaintiff the Entertainent Program of the Democratic National Convention of 1956, and forcibly displaced plaintiff and the copyright property The Gettysburg Hm of plaintiff from such program proposed by plaintiff and communicated to the said defendants thereby, the said defen- .dants publicly announcing their intent of using such program to advertise the motion picture High Society, and the said displacement of plaintiff from such program proposed by plain- tiff involving the displacement and disparagement of The Gettysburg. Hymn= of plaintiff previously submitted to defendant COLUMBIA BROADCASTING SYSTEM,INC., a Calfornia corporation, and defendant FRANK SINATRA_in manuscript January 12, 1955, the said manuscript continuing to be retained in the possession of the defendant FRANK SINATRA. "5. August 20, 1956, defendant GEORGEMURPHY, public relations officer of defendant MTRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER, INC., a Delaware corporation, appropriated the Entertainment Program of the Republican National Convention of l956_from plaintiff, displacing plaintiff frm such program prop sed by plaintiff and communicated to defendant GEORGE MURPHY thereby.

92 -1-

, . . ......... ,......._., Q... .__ r ».. ~-,,. ,»~*,-~ LA 28-263

"6. August 28, 1956, the motion picture High Society I was exhibited to the general public displaying therein the copying of the volues of #5th, - From Boaduay Tb 8th Avenue of plaintiff and Lover's Hour, and Miss Beautiful, Please _ Will You Be Ms. Me? thereof by the defendants FRANK SINATRA, 1, 3t_s-$41-.~¥-"4 actor-singer, HARRY LILLIS CROSBY, actor-singer, MEERO-GOLDWYN- MAYER, INC., a Delaware corporation, manufacturer, DORE SCHARY, Chief of Production thereof, SOL SIEGEL, producer, music and lyrics by defendant COLE PORTER, written by defendant JOHN PATRICK, 'designer defendant HELENRDSE, advertised by defendant GEORGE MURPHY, public relations officer of defendant METROGOLDWYN-MAYER, INC., recorded by defendant CAPITOL RECORD&,INC., a California corporation, from the copies of the volumes of 5th, - From Broadway To Uth Avenue of plaintiff submitted thereby to the defendants BRODERICK CRAWFORD andWILLIAM MORRIS AGENCY, INC., a New York corporatio 1'1 corporation,"7. Defendant infringed the CAPITOL Lover's RECORDS,HourINC., ofplaintiff a California from April, 1956, by circulating, broadcasting and se ling to the general public the recording llth Hour Melody copying and appropriating from the lyrics of the said Lover's Hour of '01 aintiff -

_ 9 -

_4 .- OI. ; I? _ / la! »"'/,7 LA 28-263 HEY:Bnh

"8. August 30, 1956, plaintiff notified the defendants that defendants infringed copyrights of the plaintiff in the motion picture High Society. The defendants FRANK SINATRA, DORE SCHARY, HENRY SANICOLA, manager of defendant FRANK SINATRA, WILLIAM MORRIS AGENCY, INO., a New York dorporation, copied and appropriated the statements of plaintiff in such communication and published and broadcast the same in the Democratic Fund-Raising Program of October 20, 1956 thereby giving publication to a private letter without the consent of -aw. the writer or authority of law, and infringing therefore the same. -

"9. October 23, 1956, defendants exhibited to the general public the motion picture The Opposite Sex displaying therein the copying of the volumes of 45th, - From Broadway to 8th Avenue and Concerto Of Two Hearts of plaintiff by defendants MTRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER, INC., a Delaware corporation, DORE SCHAHY, Chief of Production thereof, JUNE ALLISON, actress-singer, JOSEPH PASTERNAK, producer, music and lyrics by defendants SAMMY CAHN and NIGHOLAS BRODZSKY, advertised by defendant GEORGE MURBHY, and with the motion picture High Society authorized by defendant SAMUEL GOLDWYN defendant by threatening communication to the plaintiff by defendant RUDOLF MONTA, employee representing the defendant METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER, INO., a Delaware corporation, the said motion picture The Opposite Sex made by copying from the volumes of 45th, - From Broadway to 8th Avenue of plaintiff furnished to the defendant BRODERICK CRAWFORD thereby, and the copies of h5th, - From Broadway to 8th Avenue and Concerto of Two Hearts of plaintiff in the possession of defendant- WILLIAM MORRIS AGENCY, INC.

"10. October 26, 1956, the defendant GORDON JENKINS, NATIONAL BROADCASTING COMPANY, INC., 3 Delaware corporation, GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION a Delaware corporation, infringed the work Heartstrings, - Music on The Heartstrings, of plaintiff by copying and appropriating therefrom and by exhibiting the said copying and appropriations therefrom toe the general public under

_ 19 _

/+/7' LA 28-263 HEY:snh

the name, style and title of the musical Manhattan Tower, written by the defendant GORDON JENKINS, broadcast by defendant-NATIONAL BROADCASTINGCOMPANY, INC., a Delaware corporation, the said broadcast sponsored by the defendant GENERAL_MOTORS CORPORATION,a defendant DelawareC§?ITOL co oration, RECORDS, and such musicala CaliforniaINC., recorded corporation, by "ll. From September, 1956, defendant FRANK SINATRA, manager HENRY SANICOLAand agent WILLIAM MORRIS :- AGENCY, INC., a New York corporation, copied from a private letter written by plaintiff and sent through the United States mails addressed to the defendant FRANK SINATRA , and thereafter advertised a motion picture under the name, style and title of The Joker, as copied from the said private letter and thereby giving publication thereto without the consent of the writer or authority of law and infringing therefore the same.

"12. February, 1957, defendant NATIONAL BROADCASTINGINC., COMEANY, aDelaware corporation,broadcast the the musical under the name, style and itle Buggies of Red Gap, with the intent of infringing The Gettysburg Hymn and "BUDDIES, The Story of The Gettysburg Hymn » of plaintiff submitted thereby to the said defendant.

"13. February 18, 1957, defendant COLUMBIA BROADCASTING SYSTEM,INC., a California corporation, infringed the work BUDDIES, - The Story of The Gettysburg Hymn of plaintiff by copying therefrom and altering and advertising The Defender and exhibiting - the same to the general public as copied from BUDDIES,- The Story of The Gettysburg Hymn of plaintiff. "14. March, 1957, defendantsMTROGOLDWYN-MAYER, INC.Chtf ofa DelawareProductD't ereof,corgoration, undermanufacturer, authorityof defendant DORESCHARY SAMUEL GOIDNYN,presenting the performers defendant LAUREN BACALLAND GREGORY PECK, written by defendant GEORGE WELLS, designed and suggested by defendant HLEN ROSE, advertised by defendant GEORGE MURPHYpublic relations officer of defendant METRO-GOLDwYNMA§ER,INC., a Delaware corporation,


/ i/ LA 28-263 HEY:snh infringed 5th, - From Broadway to 8th Avenue of plaintiff by copying the motion picture Designing woman therefrom and exhibiting the said motion picture to thengeneral public, copied from the volumes of the said 45th - From Broadway to 8th Avenue of plaintiff, submitted thereby t0 the defendants BRODERICK CRAWFORD and WILLIAM MORRIS AGENCY, INC., a New York corporation. i "15. April, 1957, defendant GEORGE SEATON,president the ACADEMY OE MOTION PICTURE ARTS AND SCIENCES, broadcast by defendant NATIONAL BROADCASTINGCOMPANY, INC., a Delaware corporation, sponsored by defendant GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation, with the defendants FRANK SINATR1, HARRY LILLIS CROSBY HENRY SANICOLA, METROGOLDWYN-MAYER,INC., a Delaware corporation, DOFETSCHARY,SOL SIEGEL, COLE PORTER, JOHN PATRICK, HELEN ROSE, GEORGE MURPHY, CAPITOL RECORDSf'INC.,California a corporation, infringed the said copyrights of the plaintiff by exhibiting to the general public from the motion picture High Society_ copied from the volumes of 45th, - From Braodway To 8th Avenue of plaintiff submitted thereby to the defendants BRODERICK CRAWFORDand WILLIAM MORRIS AGENCY, INC., a New York cdporation. "16. December, 1956 to January 25, 1958, defendants FRANK SINATRA, HENRY SANICOLA, WILLIAM MORRIS AGENCY,INC., a New York corporation, infringed H5th, - From Broadway to 8th Avenue and Concerto of Two Hearts of plaintiff by copying therefrom and exhibiting and publishing to the general public said copying by press- releases copied from the volumes of the said 45th, - From Bradway to 8th Avenue and Concerto of Two Hearts of plaintiff submitted thereby to the said defendants. "17. February, 1957, defendants METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER, INC., a Delaware corporation,manufacturer; DORE SCHARY, producer; authorized by defendant SAMUEL GOLDWYN: advertised by defendant GEORGE MURPHY;broadcast by defendant COLUMBIA BROADCASTING SYSTEM,INC., A California corporation, infringed 'll5th,From - Broadwayto 8th Avenue of plaintiff by copying therefrom and exhibiting said cqying to the ~ general public under the name, style and title of the motion picture Royal wedding, copied from the volumes of said R5th,- From Broadway to 8th Avenue of plaintiff submitted thereby to the defendants BRODERICK CRAWFORDand WILLIAM MonslsAGENCY, INC.,a New York corporation.

_ 12 _ Q /2 5;= J/' ,7 .+,/ LA 28-263 HY:snh '

"18. October, 1957 to June, 1958, defendants FRANK SINATRA, manager HNRY SANICOLA, WILLIAM MORRIS AGENCY, INC., a New York corporation, broadcaster AMERICAN BROADCASTINGCOMPANY - PARAMOUNT THEATRES INC., a California corporation, sponsored by defendants LIGGETT& MYERS TOBACCO COMPANY, a New Jersey corporation, and BULOVA WATCH COMPANY-BUIOVARESEARCH ANDDEVELOPMNT CORPORATION, a California corporation, infringed 'A5th,- From Broadway ngx to 8thAvenue Concerto ' Two of Heartsand privateletters of plaintiff By copyingtherefrom andexhibit ng said copying to the general public under the name, style and title of the Frank Sinatra Show, copied from the volumes of said works of plaintiff submitted thereby to the defendant WILLIAM MORRISAGENCY,,INC. New a Yorkcorgoration, and private letters of plaintiff sent through t e United States mails addressed to the said defendant FRANK SINATRA. "19. April, 1958, defendant GEORGE SEATON, president, the ACADEMY OFMOTION PICTUREARTS AN SCIENCES, broadcast by defendant NATIONALBROADCASTING COMPANYINC., a Delaware corporation, with the defendants MTROGOLDWYN-MAYER, INC_, a Delaware corporation, manufacturer; DORE SCHARY, producer, under authority of defendant SAMUEL GOLDWYN, defendants , GREGORYPECK, GEORGEWELLS, HELEN ROSE, GEORGEMURPHY, infringed 'A5th,- From Broadway to 8th Avenue of plaintiff by exhibiting to the general public the motion picture Designing woman copied from the volumes of the said 'A5th,- From Broadway To 8th _ Avenue of plaintiff submitted thereby to the defendants BRODERICK CRAWFORDand WILLIAM MORRIS AGENCY,INC., a New York corporation.

"20. April 7-27, 1958, defendant DECCA RECORDS, INC., a California corporation, and defendant COLUMIA BROADCASTING SYSTEM, INC., a California corporation, broadcaster, infringed the Lover'sHour copyrights of the plaintiff by copying the same and exhibiting said copy to the general public without the authority, license or consent of the said copyright proprietor.

_ 13 - /50 ,_ ._

LA 28-263 HEY:snh' the actsof "21. defengants A ril 18,herein, 1958, solicited terms of from settlement the for plaintiff by defendants NATIONAL BROADCASTING COMPANY, INC., a Delaware corporation; COLUMBIA BROADCASTING SYSTEM, INC., a California corporation: GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATIONDelaware a corporation,and DECCARECORDS INC., a California corporat on, were furnished to the defendants NATIONAL BROADCASTING COMANY, INC., and COLUMBIA BROADCAST~ M-=. ING SYSTEM, INC., by the plaintiff, sent through the United States mails addressed to the representatives of the said defendants NATIONAL BROADCASTING COMPANY INC., and OOLUMIA BROADCATINGSYSTEM, INC.,and respecting the manuscript copy of Heartstrings, ~ Music on the Heartstrings' of plaintiff demonstrating the infringment thereof charged in this Paragraph VIII, sub-paragraph 10, lines 10to 21,page of8 this Amended ComplaintII. Thereafter, the de endants NATIONAL BROADCASTINGCOMANY, INC., a Delaware corporation, and COLUMBIA BROADCASTINGSYSTEM, INC., a California corporation, infringed the said settlement statements solicited from the plaintiff thereby, by copying and exhibiting and broadcasting said copying to the general public, thereby giving publication to a private letter without the consent of the writer or authority of law and infringing therefore the same. The defendants NATIONAL BROADCASTING COMPANY,INC., a Delaware corporation, and COLUMBIA BROADCASTING SYSTEM,INC., a California corporation, further, retain in their possession the manuscript copy of 'Heartstrings, - Music On The Heartstrings,' of plaintiff mentioned herein. "22. July_9, I958, the defendants NILLIAM,MDRRIS AGENCY, INC.,:aeNew;!brk corporation, and SAMY CAHN infringed Concerto Of Two Hearts of plaintiff by copying therefrom and exhibiting said copying to the general public by press release copied from the volume a said 'Concertoof Two Hearts of plaintiff submitted thereby to defendant WILLIAM MORRIS AGENCY, INC., a New York corporation.

" ' ||I"'|'D 'lf92|EQA-n-J4-J.- l.III|nI|1I92J92 rq-l92-|I-|92vn--- Q.--w-we --- 4.3- -I-3'30, uuiczzluullu 1"lii'l.'-U UULUWXN MHXL11, .LNU,, a Delaware cuporation, manufacturer; DORE SCHARY,producer, under authority of defendant SAMUEL GOIDWYNadvertised by defendant GEORGE MURPHY, Public relations officer of defendant METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER,INC., and defendant WILLIAM MORRIS AGENCY, INC., a New York corporation, infringed Concerto of Two Hearts of plaintiff by " 1' I LA 28-263 E¥;enh . copying therefromand exhibitingsaid copyingto the genera public under the name, style and it e of the motion picture "Gigi", copied from the said Concerto of Two Hearts of plaintiff submitted thereby to the defendant WILLIAM MORRIS AGENCY,INC., a New York corporation. .':»1'J'aI';$ "24. October 1, 1959, defendants HARRY LILLIS CROSBY and AMERICAN BROADCASTINGCCMPAEYJPARAECCRT THEATRES, INC., a California corporattn, infringed the said copyrights of the plaintiff in Paragraph III of this Amended Complaint II and refermd-to in Paragraph VIII, sub- paragraph 6, High Society, lines 29-32, page 6, and 1-10, page 7 hereof, by copying therefrom and by exhibiting and broadcasting to the general public the said copying in the motionpicture HighSociety underthe name,gtyle / and title of the Big Crosby Show, October 1, 195 . I "25. October, 1958, the defendant FRANKSINATRA, HENRY SANICOLA, and WILLIAM MORRIS AGENCY, INC., a New York corporation, infringed 45th, - From Boadway To 8th Avenue of plaintiff by copying therefrom and exhibiting and broadcasting and selling to the general public the said copying under the name, style and title of the song M. Success copied from the vdumes of the said h5th, - From Broadway to 8th Avenue of plaintiff submitted thereby to the defendants BRODERICK CRAWFORD and WILLIAM MORRIS AGENCY, INC., a New York corporation. _ "26. December 1958, and through the year 1959, defendants HARRYLILLIS gHOSBYand SAMY CAHN infringed h5th,-From Broadway to th Avenue and The Eve-Christmas Cards of plaintiff by copying therefrom and exhibiting the said copying to the general public under the name, style and title of the motin picture "Say One For Me," manufactured by Bing Crosby Enterprises, Inc., a California corporation.

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I IfJ 5 Z- , If -.

LA 28-263 HEY:snh -1 _._. l"92 _¢92-L _ an 1| 1_ ;a92_un--.1- "27. February o, 1959, oerenoant UULUMBLA BROADCASTING SYSTEM, INC., a California corporation, infringed The Gettysburg Hmn', BUDDIES, - The Story of The Gettysburg Hymn of plaintiff and private letters given publication without the consent of the writer or authority of law and infringed therefore by said defendant COLUMIA BROADCASTING SYSTEM, INC., by copying and exhibiting i§it~.?@+-:5 to the general public program proposed and submitted thereto by the plaintiff January 12, 1955, January 12, 1956, January 12, 195?, and again January 22, 1959, the said epying presented to the general public by the defendant COLUMBIA BROADCASTING SYSTEM, INC., a California corporation, under the name, style and title or the Ed Sullivan Show, February 8, 1959.

"28. April, 1959, defendants GEORGE SEATON, presidnt, the ACADEMY OF MOTION PICTURE ARTS AND SCIENCES, NATIONAL BROADCASTING COMPANY, INC., a Delaare corporation, broadcaster, METRO-GOLDwYNMAYER, INC., a


_ 16 -

/ LA 28-263 HEY:SCM _ Delaware corporation, manufacturer, DORE SCHARY, producer, under authority of defendant SAMUEL GOLDYN, advertised by defendant GEORGE MURPHY, public relations officer of defendant MTRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER, INC., and defendant WILLIAM MORRIS AGENCY, INC., a New York corporation, infringed Concerto Of Two Hearts of plaintiff by copying therefrom =1-,~'-'~==," l*1 and exhibiting the said copying to the general public under the name, style and title of the motion picture 'Gigi' copiedfrom the said Concerto of Two Hearts of | plaintiff submitted thereby to the defendant WILLIAM MORRIS 1 AGENCY, INC., a New York corporation. "29. September 29, 1959, defendant HARRY LILLIS CROSBY, defendant FRANK SINATRA, and defendant AMERICAN BROADCASTING COMPANY-PARAMOUNT THEATRES, INC., a California corporation, infringed the said copyrights of the plaintiff in Paragraph III of this Amended Complaint II and referred-to in Para- graph VIII, sub-paragraph 6, High Society, lines 29-32, page 6, and 1-1;, page 7 hereof by copying thenefrom and by exhibiting and broadcasting to the general public the said copying in the motion picture High Society, by the defendants FRANK SINATRA, HARRY LILLIS CROSBY, METRO-GOLDWYN MAYER, INC., DORE SCHARY, SOL SIEGEL, COLE PORTER, JOHN PATRICK, HELEN ROSE, GEORGE MURPHY, CAPITOL RECORDS, INC., SAMUEL GOLDWYN, from the copies of the volumes under the said copyrights of the plaintiff submitted thereby to the defendants BRODERICK CRAWFORD and WILLIAM MORRIS AGENCY, INC., a New York corporation, the said infringement here dated and described being broadcast by the defendants HARRY LILLIS CROSBY, FRAN SINATRA, and AMRICAN BROAD- CASTING COMTANY-PARAMOUNTTRATRES, INC,, a California corporation, under the name, style and title of the Bing Crosby Show, September 29, 1959. "30. May, 1960, defendant FRANK SINATRA and SAMY CAHN, HENRY SANICOLA, WILLIAM MORRIS AGENCY, INC., a New York corporation, and AMRICAN BROADCASTINGCOMPANY-PARAMOUNT THEATRES, INC., a California corporation, infringed the said copyrights of the plaintiff, The 2nd Battle of

-17.- /5%

* - ------W ~ V » _ 4 w,..._-.,--»,»@. LA 28-263 HEY:SCM Gettysburg, - SEE? and the library or A Lifetime broadcasting therefore, by to copying the general therefrom public and the by exhibiting saidcopying andunder / the name, style and title of the Frank Sinatra Show, May, 1960. Vain "31. November 1, 1960, defendants FRANK SINATRA, HENRY SANICOLA, WILLIAM MORRIS AGENCY, INC,, a New York corporation, and AMERICAN BROADCASTING COMPANY-PARAMOUNT THEATRES, INC., a California corporation, infringed the said copyrights of the plaintiff in Paragraph III of this Amended Complaint II and referred-to in Paragraph VIII, sub-paragraph 6, =High Society, lines 29-32, page 6, and 1010, page ? hereof by copying therefrom and by exhibiting and broad- casting to the general public the said copying under the name, the Frank Sinatra Show, in the motion picture High Society, copied by the defendants FRANK SINATRA, HARRYLILLIS CROSBY, METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER, INC., DORE SCHARY, SOL SIEGEL, COLE PORTER, JOHN PATRICK IHELEN ROSE, GEORGE MURPHY, CAPITOL RECORDS, INC., SAMUEL GOLDWYN, from the copies of the volumes under the said copyrights of the plaintiff submitted thereby to the defendants BRODERICK CRAWFORD and WILLIAM MORRIS AGENCY, INC.-

"32. March 5, 1961, the defendant COLUMBIA BROADCASTING SYSTEM, INC., a California corporation, infringed said copy- rights of the plaintiff by copying therefrom and by exhibiting and broadcasting to the general public the said copying under the name style and title of the Ed Sullivan Show, March 5, 1961 in the motion picture High Society, copied by the defendants FRANK SINATRA, HARRY LILLIS CROSBY, METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER, INC., DORE SCHARY, SOL DIEGEL, COLE PORTER, JOHN PATRICK, HLEN ROSE, GEORGE MURPHY, CAPITOL RECORDS, INC., SAMUEL GOLDWYN, from the copies of the volumes under the said copyrights of the plaintiff submitted thereby to the defendants BRODERICK CRAWFORD and WILLIAM MORRIS AGENCY, INC. "33. March 22-28, 1961, defendants FRANK SINATRA, HARRY LILLIS caossv, METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER, INC., a Delaware corporation, DORE SCHARY, son sxscst, cons PORTER, JOH

_18_ 5 /asQ LA 28-263 HEY:SCM

PATRICK, HELEN ROSE, GEORGEMURPHY, CAPITOL RECORDS, INC., a California corporation, SAMUEL GOLDWYN, infringed the said copyrights of the plaintiff in Paragraph III of this Amended Complaint II .and referred-to in Paragraph YIII, sub-paragraph 6, High Society, lines 29-32, page 6, and 1-10, page 7 hereof by the copying therefrom and by re- -.5-'.?e,:'r exhibiting to the general public the said copying under the name, style and title of the motion picture High Society, copied by the said defendants'from the copies of the volumes under the said copyrights of the plaintiff submitted thereby to the defendants BRODERICK CRAWFORD and WILLIAM MORRIS AGENCY, a New York corporation.

"34. April 5=lO, l96l, defendants METRO=GOLDWYNeMAYER, INC., a Delaware corporation, DORE SCHARY, SAMUEL GOLDWYN, LAUREN BACALL, GREGORY PECK, csoncs WELLS, HLEN ROSE, GEORGE MURPHY, WILLIAM MORRIS AGENCY, INC., a New York corporation, infringed the said copyrights of the plaintiff in Paragraph III of this Amended Complaint II and referred-to in Paragraph VIII of this Amended Complaint II; sub-paragraph lh, lines 7-19, page 9 hereof by the copying therefrom and by re-exhibiting to the general public the said copying under the name, style and title of the motion picture Designing Woman, copied by the said defendants from the copies of the volumes under the said copyright of the plaintiff submitted thereby to the defendants BRODERICK CRAWFORD AND WILLIAM MORRIS AGENCY, INC., a New York corporation. "35. May 2, 1961, the defendant COLUMIA BROADCASTING SYSTEM, INC., a California copporation, infringed the said copyrights of the plaintiff by copying therefrom and by exhibiting and broadcasting to the general public the said copying underthe name,style and title of the motion I picture High Society, copied by the defendants FRANK " SINATRA, HARRY LILLIS CROSBY, METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER, INC., a Delaware corporation, DORE SCHARY, SOL SIEGEL, COLE PORTER, JOHN PATRICK, HELEN ROSE, GEORGE MURPHY, CAPITOL RECORDS, INC., a California corporation, SAMUEL GOLDWYN, from the copies of the volumes under the said copyrights of the plaintiff submitted therebt to the defendants BRODERICK

_19_ 545

' * H-~~+»----i i - » | -» ,,---~-.-,--.-.,-- --v-.,¢-

IX ' +;--1f- as "Copies of plaintiff's copyrighted works and copies of defendants' infringing works are filed_with the Clerk of the United States District Court for the Southern District of California, Central Division, marked 'EXHIBITIS.'


"Plaintiff has notified the defendants that defendants infringed the copyrights of the plaintiff and defendants have continued to infringe said popyrights, defendants at all times mentioned herein aware and apprised of said copyrights and infringing said copyrights with the intent of depriving plaintiff, the copyright proprietor, of the benefits due him thereunder and for the purpose o f pro fiti ng defendants.

XI "Defendants, since January 12, 1955,have thereby been I engaged in unfair trade practices and unfair competition against plaintiff to plaintiff's irreparable damage "Wherefore, plaintiff demands: 1. That the defendants, their agents and servants and attorneys, and all persons in active concert and participa- tion with them be enjoined during the pendency of this action and permanently from infringing the said copyrights of the plaintiff in any manner and from disposing of any copies of said infringements. 2. That the defendants be required to pay plaintiff damages in consequence of defendants infringements of said copyrights and said unfair trade practices and unfair competition and to account and pay over to the plaintiff

-20- y? //_£;,f' F

- ---»_..i.e._.. .__,___ P I __ q-~...... 4,...._,,,_.,4 ,' _ LA 28-263 . HEY:SCM a! all,gains, profits and advantages derived by defendants from said unfair trade practices and unfair competition and _ b! all gains, profits and advantages derived by defendants from their infringements of plaintiff's copy- 4. rights, or such damages as to the Court shall appear proper within the provisions of the Copyright Statutes, but not less than '

FRAN srnamaa...... $6,50o,0o0

HENRY SANICOLA ...... Acc0unting WILLIAM MORRISAGENCY, INC...... $8,500,000 DORE scnaay...... $6,000,000 METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER,. . INC...... , $23,500,000 SAMUEL GOLDWYN...... $1,000,000 sat SIEGEL...... $1,000,000 JOSEPH PASTERNAK...... $1,000,000 osoacs MURPHY...... $500,0oo

COLE PORTER...... Accounting and twice the sum thereof

JOHN PATRICK...... ,. . . Accounting and twice the sum thereof.

SAMMY CAHN...... $650,000 NICHOLAS BRODZSKY...... $250,000 HELEN ROSE...... Accounting and twice the sum thereof


/ as LA 28-263 HEY:SCM GEORGE WELLS...... Accounting and twice the sum thereof

JUNE ALLISON. . - - . - ...... Accounting and twice the sum thereof

~4---r LAUREN BACALL...... Accounting and twice the sum thereof

GREGORY PECK...... Accounting and twice the sum thereof


O I I Q O I I O I I I I I Q connou JENKINS...... $300,000

HAHHYLl].:.L|.l.5U1'iU55X..--.---...... _


RUDOLF MONTA...... _ . . . Accounting



"3. That the defendants be required to deliver up to be LA 28-263 _ "H. That the defendants pay to the plaintiff the costs of this action and reasonable attorney's fees to be allowed to the plaintiff by the Court.

" rm,5. 4.u&":.'¢ th c: A Al-92nA~. SUCH uv ll ll 1.-:.r cnuu. 4--Ii 3% iuru . -J-In.-92-up ci ' -.1 ... as is Just.


Attorney for Edward Dunbar O'Brien, Plaintiff. "STATE OF CALIFORNIA ! Countyof Los Angelesgss "EDWARD DUNBARO'BRIEN, beingby me first duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is the plaintiff in the foregoing and above-entitled action; that he has read theiforegoing Amended Complaint II and knows the contents thereof; that the same is true of his own knowledge, except as to matters stated upon his information and belief, and as to those matters that he believes them to he true.

TUUTTH§GTTF1§$E_TU§IHtTTTT "Subscribed and sworn to before me this 26th day of May, 1961

"Notary Public in and for the County of Los Angeles, State of California." LA 28-263 ' Onl June20, 1961,S contacted Assistant United States At ornt 6 y . QRNTON , Ih0 advised that he desired that the status of the civil case be determined, and that he, thereafter, be advised of such status. ' l92_ Ia__ 4. f921 1 f92:'IKL;-I Qf RQ_.--l||-- LI 175$ I92I'li.IIf un dine ci, lyvl, uni: uupuuy auwanu unnn, u 3 1: Court, Clerk'sOffice, LosAngeles, advisedsha- at was well known to 1 rme ers e'$'§B6gte~smr o 1 n thatha ouanxsn <1 B70 filed several complaints in civil actions of copyright infringements over the past three or four years, all of which had been dismissed in the U. S. District Court. DREW stated that from talking with O'BRIEN, he had determined that O'BRIENhad filed other similar copyright infringement suits in civil action in other parts of the United States. 92 In these actions, 0'B§IENthe alleged violation or his in he

had civil actions in the United States District Court for the Southern District -// of California at Los Angeles under the following numbers:

11R1_:v 43-59 1351-60

The present copyright infringement is listed on his records under Civil Action No. l35l60HH, which was filed December 2, 1960. M. nnsw stated there is a motion to be argued on June 27, 1961, in the U. S. District Court at Los Angeles for dismissal of all charges in the complaint. DREW stated that O'BRIEN, through his attorney, filed a mctiog grdefault. Bothmotions areto heheld onthe same a e.

On June 22, 1961, the foregoing information was discussed with Assistant United states Attorney TIMOTHY M. THORNTON, chief of the complaint Unit, U. S. Attorney's


l /,1 LA 28-263 Office, LosAngeles, by S an-. rnomrron stated he did not read the - n , but had immediately referred it to the FBI. Therefore, he was not in a position to say whether or not he considered there was any criminal violation of the Copyright Statute. Mr. THORNTON advised he had inadvertently stated in his letter to the FBI that the defendants had requested the investigation when, as a matter of Tact, He actually wanted tOihUI more ;_~':A:.~",;;2 -J. about O'BRIEN,the plaintiff in the civil-ahtion, prior to rendering any prosecutive opinion or having any investigation conducted. Mr. THORNTON stated that in-view of the pending 1,10 motions in the civil action filed by O'BRIEN, and in view of the statements made by Chief Deputy Clerk EDWARD DREW, he desired that no investigation be conducted, and would defer any opinion at this time pending the outcome of the court's decision on the above motions. ! advisedOn une SAQ=hat 27, 1961,plaintiff's Chief Deputy forClerk EDWARD default motionhad DREW been denied, that the complaint had been dismissed by the U. S. District Court at Los Angeles. I on June29, 1961,SA' vised Assistant United States Attorney TIMOTHY . TH N of the civil action in the U. S. District Court in this matter, at which time M. THORNTON stated he would decline to antherize.. prosecution in this matter in view of the dismissal and the fact that O'BRIEN had filed numerous similar suits in the past which have all beendismissed.


I {J r' / 2 . / / , ' H ,, .. r » . L? '1 - » - --»-.-- .--- _- .-.-....-._. ....¬_._..._._.i.. .._,, ...... ~»...._»- ~.-..._-..._.._-_._..._..._-._._,..,, ....-_._-, ....=.._.... _. . _ -._.._-..-in-.. _>4 __.a-at-.4 ~ n-1--~ -if- mi;-fl


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File # 9-50231

0"'4 g7'¢;;; A-T .'92 1'4" ¢I k F; * z :

Q 1% *5! 4- if;I or *4 Q0--".v9 Federal Bureauof Investigation

+7 1, L - rm-as Rev. s-22 at _,, lv' I 92 . ,___ . "1. 92K 92 FBi . Transmit the following in Dow: 10/16/69 ,_ _ 9292 Type in plaintezt or code! . ' 92 Vic AIRTEL , , AIRMAIL 1 ,_

I ,/ _.__.., .1, J , H 1U! WT if N H 7W ?ri0H'1y! /~ J», '

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.4- .92v- 92L:-i 92£?I

u-92----4-u--4;-a _a-92- - UIREUTUH, F51 -

;, ATTENTION: FBI LABORATORY I 92 1 FROM. saci , h§svEoa§9292e =1 -ew>< >N P oa10211u9 SUBJECT: - . bu FNgSINA'1RA - VICTIM A _ 3' EXTORTION ,/" e? , 00: LAS vseas 1 ' I 1. 31 M Q? 7 - .1 f On 10/15/69, LARRY sonx, Chief of Security, I Flamingo §_ Hotelihd Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada, furnished thirteen letters F received '-' 'S 'egS at that , hotel " u addressed " .1; to the hotel and to _ FRANK S1NhTRQa Readable postmarks on these letters reveal that they 923/ létggjmc , 1: _'.--_T:- Pt92 _ ¥ '92 , /92j.92fJ,¢. -I ,1 _, "'1 '~. FE p,» _* Hf. 5-_-2.1. __ ' E_"__--I ll were 1969, 2 MI mqaled ggd J October at if r Joliet, V r [6 14, 1969.Illinois, Vi ,L92Three NI-y 92'92 between of f the ,2 the letters dates contain Jof Octobera 11, '" postma n " which is not readable. ii*J* All = of - the mail ,1 received with Ft/@51et~@922~ thei ~- ~ contained e in to envelo ~es of Fx-4 /B1 I !ca o Illinois !!rs! of the le!!ers W!!! 1 LV 9-New

The additional letters received at the Flamingo Hotel are as follows:

! Letter postmarked October-12, 1969, Joliet, Illinois, addressed to "Flamingo Hotel, The Owners and Frank Sinatra, Las Vegas, Nevada". This envelope contain handwritten letter to an individual named unknown to Las Vegas Division or Flamingo Hotel officials and is rambling and refers to FRANK SINATRA and the Kennedys.

! letter postmarked October 12, 1969, Joliet, Illinois, to "Flamingo Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada," with notation at bottom of beginsenve ope1 ' indicating addressed nert and "Ow 1 f F amingo ' again is- P ersona1" rambling . Th' 1S 1 e er ttand fir5" incoherent and refers to a DOROTHZ"ll SINATRA, makes reference to WALTER CRONKITE, as well as "HAYNSWORTH", and probably President NIXON. The envelope also contained a color transparency 5mm! blb not further identified. ! Letter postmarked Joliet, Illinois, October 12, 1969, addressed to "Flaningo Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada," with , a notation at bottom of envelope "Reservations: Frank Sinatra". 1 This envelope contained book cover of "The Real and the Unreal" by BILL DAVIDSON with a notation on the back of the cover to have FRANK SINATRA contact WALTER CRONKITE, Thursday, October 30, and an ANDERSON at Providence, Rhode Island. This letter again is incoherent. -The envelope also contained two 35mm color transparencies not further identified. ' 92 0 I W ! Homemade envelope postmarked October 12, 1969, Joliet, Illinois, bearing notation in upper lefthand corner of "Mr 8 Brazil Diamonds". The envelope is addressed to "Mr. Frank Sinatra, Flamingo Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada", with a ! notation on the bottom "Reservations: Walter Cronkite Thursday @. October 30 - ". This envelope contained a plastic homemade 92 rrecord whi s written the title of Basin Street and recorder 92. - of 1 2 e signed" Th elope and refers contaitoalso a hand- nd--V '- tells ' gn 'veher a ring ||an o his diam n s or the writer will have Mr 8 Brazil kill him This envelope also contained a Readers Digest article entitled, "King of Colored Gems",*a brochure of the Gene - Judd Company, Lytton Building, Chicago, Illinois, which has an addressee of M. HYMAN and Son with no address. The envelope also contained a brochure regarding Quebec, Canada. F -2- /éé -'-uqI I

LV 9-New

1 -A _ ! Envelope postmarked Joliet, Illinois, October 13, 1969, addressed to the Flamingo Hotel, Las Vegas, evada, with a,no t ta ion a .et th b 0 ttom 0 f th e enve l "F ope, ra nk S'nat1 r a'. Reservation ' 30". This envelope contained a_ p54 57 L note signed addressed to FRANK SINATRA, which ' again makes itt e~sense. he envelope also contained a double-edge razor blade wrapped in a facial tissue,printed instructions for radio repair, and a pamphlet regarding car design and equipment.

! Letter postmarked October 13, 1969, Joliet, Illinois, to "Mr. Frank Sinatra, The Flamingo Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada," with notations at bottom "Reservations - The Owners ~ Gil MRsigne 1/1 " as' e elope wellcontained threeasa letter to unidentifiedFRANK color SINATRA 197° transparencie ogether with a tie tack. Due to the language used in this letter to SINATRA it has been marked obscene.

! Envelope postmarked October 14, 1969, at Joliet, Illinois, addressed to "Frank Sinatra, MR 1/16TH, F1amingo_ Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada," with a notation at the bottom of ,»l;f the envelope of "Reservations: October 30 Thursday! 5:30 PM, i Walter Cronkite". This envelope contains the following items: 2 unidentified color transparencies;~1 pencil eraser;"l gum wrapper; 1 strip of film not developed;5 pages from Popular Science Magazine;2 pages from a small pocket dictionary; 1 wooden cuticle stick; 1 comb;~l leather belt loop;'l page from an A1den's catalog,~and 1 page from a Penney's catalog.

8! Envelope postmarked Joliet, Illinois, October 14, 1969, addressed to "Frank Sinatra - Personal - The Flamingo Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada," with a notation at the bottom of the envelope of "Reservations - Owners - The Information". ~¥ C"_;~.J This envelope contained no letter but two color travel photos from a magazine, two pages from a book, and two pages from a book regarding the Caribbean area.

9! Envelope postmarked Joliet, Illinois, October 14, 1969, addressed to "Frank Sinatra, The Flamingo Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada," with a notation at the bottom of the envelope of él "Reservations: The Package - Owners". This envelope contained an uncancelled envelope of the Union League Foundation for Boys Clubs ulev W icago, Illinois, . addressed inc Joliet, Illinois, as well as a'p ography pamphlet, two pages torn from an unidentified book,~three business envelopes,a diet plan booklet, and a Selective Service classification stub. /g7 WW Ar" I _ _ _ ' , ..,...,-at ,---v-V-upw--~4~Q-I"r-1l'f-"" LV 9New

0! An envelope with an unreadable postmark addressed to "Frank Sinatra, Flamingo Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada," with a notation on the bottom of "Reservations The signedOwners and- 6TH:, another This envelope notation contained signed"Mr. a note 8 Organization Brazil", as well as an envelope of the Department iet, Illinois, addressed

Y :0-ac ocial Security Number aveiopeio a,Dd"'a1 stri1 faior b "sma in a facial tissue 1! nve o . Joliet, Illinois, with unreadable October date, addressed to "Flamingo Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada," with notation at the bottom of "Reservations - The Owners ~ MR 1/16TH". The envelope contained only a National QQE9 Geographic map of Greater New York and Tourist Manhattan. No writing appeared thereon except it was noted lines and circles were drawn on the Tourist Manhattan map.

2! Letter with unidentifiable postmark addressed to "Frank Sinatra, Mr. 8, Flamingo Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada,"6&3} with notation at bottom of "Reservations - October 30TH, Walter Cronkite". This envelope contained a National Geographic map of northwestern South America with incoherent writing on the back of it.

Mr. BORK advised that FRANK SINATRA is definitely not staying or connected with that hotel in any Way, nor do th offie cia 's 1of th a t h telo ave h k any now 1 e d ge as o t th e presentthat whereabouts hotelhas recordno of Mr. SINATRA.a r of He further advi that 1,7 LMr. BORK stated that - go a li e er wa received from a indicating he was supposed to be a sixteenth owner 0 e amingo Hotel - Casino. He advised this letter was turned over to the Clark County, Nevada, Sheriff's Office and the letter contained no threat. County,On OctoberSheriff's Nevada, 16, 1969, 0f1i Lac, that that office does have the letter described by Mr. R and that he,- has to date made inquiry of the penitentiary atthere Joliet, theby Illinois,name o an termined has that oneeverthere beenis noincarcerated inmate there.

_ 4 _ LV 9New

nn Qctsber 15 1959 gA di5cu55e;_1 this matter" with U. S. Attorney8 ! RO Vegas, Nevada. 'Hr. LINNELL stated that the letters indicate a definite threat to the life of FRANK SINATRA, and he felt that the matter definitely came under the extortion statutes. He stated that attempts should be made to identify the writer and to determine the mental condition of the individual.

One Xerox copy of each of the aforementioned letters together with notes written therein are being furnished here- with for the Chicago Division. One Xerox copy of the material is also being furnished to the FBI Laboratory along with the original letters as received under separate cover.

The FBI Laboratory is requested to search the material through the anonymous letter file and retain the letters for comparison*with handwriting of possible suspects developed in I970 this matter. It is further requested that when examination by the FBI Laboratory is completed, that they be furnished to the Latent Fingerprint Section of the Identification Division to 92 / determine if latent fingerprints can be found. With regard to latent fingerprints, it is noted that only the first letter referred to above was opened by personnel at the Flamingo Hotel and the letters were opened in the presence of S of the Las VegasDivision andany contentS therein were only handled where necessary by him. 92 I LEADS:


5@_JOLI§T,,ILLIN9lS to identify r a and if either of these cou e possible their mental condition and attempt to discreetly obtain handwriting specimens.

AT CICAQQ,_ILLINOIS ll also attemt o determine if there is a- 92 and determine if he has any now e ge a wou e p n s matter.

_ 5 _


itK é .1! LV 9New


Will continue to follow the matter with the officials of the Fiamingo Hotei to obtain any additionai ietters written. FA EP393

OCTOBI 22, 1969 PLAINTIXT mum unernr'

1 -- Ir. Icltinnoa /9/ ,1.-I rosacusvmu AE /i IBOI DIIICIOI Ill "R8118. run:@ snare;- vzcrxu. arroarxon





IIOTI: Lee Vegas has advised that 13 letters have been received through the nail at the rlaningo Hotel and Casino, Lae Vegas, Nevada, addressed to the hotel and to victin. Readable postmark: on the letter shows that they were nailed tron Joliet, Illinois, between 10/11 and 10/14/69. The 13 communications are rambling in nature and would indicate the writer may be mentally deranged. The USA in Las Vegas stated the letters indicate a definite threat to the lite of victim and investigation is underway to identity the writer. The victis and local authorities should be _.de aware ot the - communications received in Las Vegas.

swim aumu or IIMLSTIGATIIII COMMUNICATIONS SECTION 1';;':::;..:. 4 UCT22159I 0 7 19?? /V ;;;;~~- Wm TELETYPE Bishop _.___._ Casper Cullaho ---¢- Eat:-6-~onru _i_,._ REC 82 fr/ -' __, 1.2;? , 1 §:.:::..-"y_ ,_¢_"

I' e" , ;:;,:L,----i- .-¢ 19 OCT 231959F Tele Boom Holmes 9 TELETYPE um? "-"' -1-I_ FD-as now.5-22-54! I


Dme: 10/23/69 Trdnsmlt the following in __,* i _ _ _ _ ,______-Q Typein plainlext or cede! i ;r*92 v1._ Amrgn ____ a_ _a1Rw:~11» V i i I;riori-ly!_a_ i f _e 7 I / _._.-n- -_» ~ 92 11-.--...4-___--_¢-.,---_-.-____-¢-.---___-_.__.-_--___-_._-.__.---_.__- 9 1 .-. f7,___- -...-T--_ -

/' SUBJECT: FROM: sac, ms vseas "" - 9-263! P! b7a i * 92 - crux ,1, 92 T0: . EXTORTIONDIRECTOR, FBI ., »:§ .

92 DO: LAS VEGAS 92 '-*3

; iv l Enclosed herewith for the Los Angeles Division are _'_'-"I 92 two Xerox copies of Las Vegas airtel to the Bureau, Attention 1" FBI Laboratory, dated 10/16/69. Also enclosed for Los Angeles , 5 herewith are one Xerox copy each of letters received at the - Flamingo Hotel in this matter and furnished to the FBI Laboratory92 N with the above airtel. - The Bureau has instructed that SINATRA be made aware F In 1 of the threats in this matter. I

- Inasmuch as it is known that SINATRA is constantly 1 trave1in&,it is suggested that the Los Angeles Office contact , M SINATRA's attorney, HILTON RUDIN, Los Angeles area, and that 1 O he Sheriff'sbe apprised fffice of has the pertinent een advised facts of the s;h§£§t pertinent ClarkSINATRA County, facts may Nevada, andbe . 92 appropriately the threat. _ alerted. It is recalledsi during the FRANK SINATRA, JR., kidnapping several years~£§0 and the resulting , 3 4,trial, Attorney RUDIN's services __ were used to a great extent 92 M in contacting SINATRA. 92. i B Bureau REC-6 -~ B -B //~ 5K="-*5/' 5--- -- ---1 ,. .3, Los ChicagoAngeles-/gm. Inf 15! B OCT 25 1969 _[¢>n , 4___ J _ Vegas ¬ " 6} Q-?___ 7,7 _,_ _ If __ in ,___ _'Il1||||l|n _ __ i _ --_I||n J i i L92'--. 92' Approved: _ _ , ______Sent pg; '" Special Agent in Charge ,, 3'2. " - LV 9-263

For the information of the Bureau, Chicago, and Los Angeles, the Flamingo Hotel in Las Vegas has received approximately twelve more like letters from the same source. These letters have been reviewed and contain nothing but rambling writings and no threats were contained therein. The 1etters.are presently being retained by the Chief of Security, LARRY BORK, at the Flamingo Hotel in the event they are needed in the future.

_ 2 _

/3 GFIIQIMNO.ll Oil £~.-SOIO-ICC ' i R I I I no.on I noll :7 no. kw! 3 T°:5°" "i 92<;92STATES UNITED' °'°"°° GOVERNMENT waiter: hi Mohr Bis1'!OP ii- Cosner _- uliclh onii £7Memorandum Qnmd Fell -ro =sureM 1-,__,,_____-;-yiif ucuuauilf/u one; October23, 1969/IV! "';S'ub/an FROM, A.Roscezfm - - Mr. Mr. Rosen DeLoach. TM- 1212- mm- - Mr. Malley .__ / ]§§i'Z§s____ - Mr. Shrocler / J SUBJECT ECT, alsoknown as - Mr. McKinnonO / EXTORTION- VICTIM e " - Mr. Conrad , I'1';

. Our Las Vegas Office has advised that the Chief of Security, Flamingo Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada, has furnished 13 letters

received at that hotel addressed to the hotel and to Frank Sinatra. ¢~=..

The letters are rambling in nature and , while containing kl threatsSinatra, to indicatethey may have beenprepared a bymentally l'IQlI'92'Ql" in-1H-i1r'irnI:'|71"]-924:| +l"II"l§ll+ +1-92 . 'L'inr.92l-nu-in I-n +|na n'l'-Fnn'l-Inn ¢:'l1r92n1H I 92nl924l-II-Ila-v92»l 11].!-I.l.I'l-92A92AGlnl.Q.Lll.Ca I-Ill CG-In l¢92J[Jul-.ll.RI1L| J-9 UL] Irl-LC CLLCQL LIT EJll92JLl],92¢l 1% purchase some unmounted diamonds by Christmas, 1969, or donate two million dollars to the Vatican in Rome or else Sinatra will be killed. No other motive is contained for the threats. ylettersThe indicate Uniteda threat Statesto theAttorney, life Sinatraof Las Vegas,feels and has advisedviolation a the the of Federal Extortion Statutes exists. Investigation, therefore, has been instlnited to identify the writer. The letters were mailed from Jeliet, Illinois, between October 11 and 14, 1969. They are being examined in the FBI Laboratory and Identification Division. Sinatra, as well as appropriate local authorities, are being advised concerning the 2. threatening communications.

. ACTION: For information. You will be kept advised of any pertinent

developments. 92 I a

1-. ¬L;;.M:jny% 1'1 359,55 W.»§C-*Q?>| $5;J57 -e SGNOV3 1969 3 mi281259 _ s _|-nIp-mini ll!-*

/7%/O ._:|. 92

FD-36 Rev. 5-22-64] 7 g, L01 lg; ¬ . llfil!/1:1 FBI _ Date: 10/3;!/'69

Tra smit the followinq in e _ so 1 {Type in plninlext or code! dung? AIRTFLif 7 7 W77 AIR MAIL ijwi Priorilyf ..___.&__--,-.-._¢_._._.--...-..__---.-.-___.-_1__--__,

g l T0: DIRECTOR, FBI _,i mom sac, nos mosms 9-#205! P! i, ' RE / ""7 /.. bvc. I Jr _ ,4- »J EXTORTION I/: l O0: Las Vegas


Re Las Vegas airtel dated 10/23/69. '

Hr. HIUTOH A. RUBIN, Attorney, 6922 Hollywood at Sinatra Enterprises, 4000 Warner Boulevard, Burbank, Boulevard,California. The Los Angeles,pertinent details California, or was this contacted case were on 10/29/69, explained to Ir. RUDIN. Hr. RUDIH advised that he would relay the information concerning the threat to his client, Mr. FRANK SINATRA.

RUDIH as id h ide d not recognize the name of aka, and that the name also is not knpln t to . . Ir. RUBIN related that he laintains a file 51¢ or the letters received by Mr. SIHAERA fromthe nany . individuals who write demanding money or other favors and 92 general crank letters. He said he had caused a search to be ters aka, and orhadanything located no similar corresto letters.o dence from 1 . J 4..-64! ¢h1<=Bureauaso . p/j;;%2LéZ;2¬¬éiE§& 7__-,':...;-I 3" - Las Vegas 9-263! a I - Los Angeles . 1- 1_QQ _ S-L -» 1 E58 ?g?/kaf 1

g. J -<

iii _ i ii" ______it ______7 i i i I j Approvef: 7 _ 77 h Sent+_____.__M ___.+___._.._._ Pet '1- ,";1_." T.EJ 'Qqe'ntin Charge'- mu,-;_7o-ovluunrrnanrrnn-onlci:= amo - nu-no nu §§92;=uu~_ h#- g _ _ ._ i,,»~ _, //5 Q

LA 9-4205

Mr. RUBIN said he would appreciate it if he could moi"be advised other of any pertinent pertinent information developments so that developed he concerningmightices}; . INATRA advised.

Chica o g +5 reouested_ to furni- = s h Loe Angeles any pertinent informatio P oped concerning identity and -mental condition o '" Los Angeles advised 0.. lLas he generalVegas status requestedof this 1:, matserto 1{.c=:e-re.-fl;


- 2 -

1 /722; :_ ;_----; ~_____ ::_;-A - - _ ' {il- , ...--..--

___ _ ._ .1....-... . ._-.-._....-.--...... -»-_-¢--m.-u---an-v Laboratory Transrnlual Form 7-1'2 1 92 d¢;_LAnoEI§on1_4L_"-5-EbB¬'=='- I - MP- Stangel rsumn.BUREAU OF - INVESTIGATION - WASHINGTON, O. 20535

Tu: F51: has Vegas 9~n¢u! 9 Octoocr 1?. 19?? 4' f

92 .|92 ~ n p 6.1.. -3 B76 Re: u John Edgar Hoover, Dirac lor . 3 A LC:~ ¢L Zxnaira - VIPTI' I5T3nI1GY FB1File No. --92 1 ._ 1. ___ vv- uu8 vQ;uS Lab. No.

Examination requesied by: 1";l._- V. I l1H9 Fieierence: v_.' 1 -4.. _,,.|_n 5-. ,ns

Exornincnion requested: --In "~_.-,- - ... 1 1%/lb/L9

Remarks: "t ~ Tinyerprint

_ _ Ynu will Pfbilttn evidence examination. Y? ndviau 0? th- éisnositioa of the "£15 15" rnawltn of tie latent fingarnrint E/.-103

Z *'-i-1-I1 .1 %RE0-3519'?! 7,,/2,21, 2: Tclson _____i__ 4" Pv ! 9 L"* ?**¢rt! 1 DeLouch __i MOM _____i______- Cl :2-:-:{5TsCl¢92392_x1"@'?- £_ I.0 rggm-pt! 19 NOV L-2?» 10969 Blshop N _- P If Cu:P erN ' - - If iiiu-|i gulluhunonmd A _ , - __a A . -d 5! Feh ______iI Q _' ;;'- GuleiRosen .' Hi $2 _'!"'t§_ H Zhtué::' ~FF%', :::::..:=" _ - ~< . 1-$- TrollerTele. Rom-r.____ AQ -¢'- I -I Hoimes iui I G d :-U ADMINISTRATIVE nan. oou TELETYPEUNFT[:: PAGE -7°T0 iaresa 4 4" / 7/ ,-=-"3 1 b -1K "4

92~ of the.

....-l:._ LABORATORY ___|l...._ FEDERAL BUREAUOF INVESTIGATION T ;FEI, Len Veins WASHINGTON,"-now! D.C. 20535 Dale: ~ . Fle:- = II! FmFueNm October , 1959 bvo " Q__" '922I1 1_ab.No. l Q" ":_ u~E3l?¢i LC' I 92- -n Iiwil I", .', iii . >--. .4I ._'_I G "1ra.i15 JI?TIF; WM .. _. J F . 3.113:

Specimens received14 ./V? 1/: . . 3

' 1 -- .4- [v Julnvalope postmarkeJ "JULIET IL OCT ll PH IQFS, bearing handwritten airess "flexinpo Hotel Lea Vegas Neva¢e~- RRQERVATIOHS" ' 'Ijbe Qwners F1naac~~- .. ,._ 92__' L Faperback book cover Sinatra and His Rat Pack," bearing on vqverae aid~ handwritten massage beginning "Tell Frank Sinatra I have 11 million. . .' Q3 Grae Io Q" Qiéc

BHVCtin; card bearing handwritten message beginninz handthe O. ' h: Tlnin¢o. . .,' sihnad on reverse L70 loge p0BfmaTLcG Q6 §'i;!.Iiprinted address OCT 1? PW 1989. bearing . ....92*~. !'T-u-7|-T} ";"u v_ - /1 .f'I" ''o'r.."-L0J;~l.'2RS aw: A-FD- . ., .r.¢ Si-.5 '-.--|-- 1'1<- ... at. J1-ML --, bearing on reverse 1 LJ-..11;;'5.".'. ': JLY COITIDIHTIAL" Q? -1!-av:T'rst "ago '_';".::-rtof ta o-pagesr..".t handwritten over236 letterlettcrz..." beginning Q5- andwritten letter beginning Chicago, I11.~...," ending ' Tolson ___ Del..oor.-h i Mohr o Q9 B1SI'92O|!oi Casper i Lnvalopq postmarked "JULIET, in OCT 12 PH 1969, bearing Callahan i hanéuritton adircss "Flamingo Hotel Les Vegas Nevada Conrad_.i Fell i Owners of Flaminxo-~?orsona1»" Gale i Rosen i Sullivan __-i. Tuvel ...... i...._ Frat ageof twcwpaqohandwritten letterbeginning Q Trotter i DES;dl.it-iuat speak to Dorothyvia Co

Envelope postmarked "JOLIET, OCT 12-PM 1969 ih, bearing hand printed address "FLANINGO HOTEL LAS VEGAS NEVADA " Q11 RESERVATIONS: FRANK SINATRA," on reverse Bide hand printed words AND COSMETICS" -

Paperback book cover "The Real and the Unreal," bearing Q12 on reverasside handwritten message beginning "Frank Sinatra Flamingo Hotel Owners - Your. . ."

Large brown cardboard envelope postmarked "JOLIET IL OCT 12 PM 1969, bearing hand-printed address "HR. FRANK SIHATRA Q13 FLAMIHGO HOTEL LAS VEGAS NEVADA RESERVATIONS: Walter Cronkite: Thursday OCT. 30TE~"

0ne~pa;e handwritten letter berinning Frank Sinatra- Q11: Her name is I want you. . .,' signed on reverse s1-c

nnvclooo p0Stmar?e@ JOLTET OCT 13 PF 19%? TL, bearing Q1» handwritten address "Flazingo Votel La: Vegas Hevada Frank Sinatra: ?T$EPVATIQ?Tr TH? OWNERS

0ne~na;e handwritten letter besinnins Frank Sinatra--- .;-1% S ' Pa .-~ ou do vote. . ." signed on reverse side 'iii!IIilIIiiIIIII:cr" 'JOLIfT IL OCT 1? l9¢°." bcarini he -Envelope . postmarked. Q17 &iiJ?lffG aodrcs Hr. Frank Qinatra The Flaminsto Hotel Las Vegas, Nevada REC:RVTIUS~TWT OVTTQS HR 1/15TH

First page of three-page handwritten letter beinninv Q18 ix}: Sinatra Subject Personal - Business "'n n I. _

Q19 Second page of handwritten letter beinninq Frank Sinatra -- -also your expression Pal - is Pal-. . ." _ Third page of handwritten letter beyinning "Sinatra - t. I like Flying. . ., and ending on reverse side

n rayerbcq noon cover IRE unanswered Questioned About President Kennedy s Assassination bearing handwritten 92 message beginning "Frank Sinatra-~ Look Pa1 and I mean what I .'-'0 r on 3.n nding,d 8 Z: i. . . .so fl». '1 atw= H1 _

Q21 Envelope postmarked JOLIET FL OCT lb AH 1S§ft bearing handwritten address "Prank Sinatra "R 1/lth Flamingo kctcl Las Vegas Nevada RESEVATIJN$* Oct 30th Thursday 5:39 Pd waiter Cronkite D-69l0211uQPage 2 //' LC continuedi;7<%/next on oageléi I


Q23 First page of two-page handwritten letter beginning "Say Pal--Here is some exposed film for you If

Second page of handwritten letter beginningu---. "For a QER appointment sinatra,. . .," ending "HR 8 organization BRAZIL"

Envelope postmarked "JOLIET IL OCT 1% AH 1982, handwritten address "Frank Sinatra - Personal bearing Flamingo Hotel Las Vegas Nevada RESERVATIO?S The THE INFORMATION -J.*FT.'E- RS Envelope postmarked "JOLIET IL OCT lh AW 1969 "

'1bearin _ -...t_.J.-.,,-'4i-1...... -.:.:._.,_,... -*1:92...... _...1_. ¢"£_._.n.._..-. rm... 1:"-|.....,'.!'_._,-.1;.-.4--1 llCl.£..nNl .|_ LLCJL C.U'_AL'92:-bbI 1G.;1J92 Jlild Ll'd -LHZZ J» J..d.J192J..l-U in.! LL--L Q26 Las Vegas Hevada R¬SE2VTI*§E: T"C Envelopc ysotnarkei 'JULIU '2?13 handwritten address Fran? ~'"" Las Yepas Xevada~*-~ RISER .._.'--|-~-1,-92 ...» _ Ir-I--1 i 1-. / Q27 OjIH1 IE 1E3 - 13 l/IGTJ I..1.'.'=,~1O1.*ethe 36213-1:t::;c;'.'2 OI .2" "'=""'"'" '* 7.701"v¢n%o» Fawn u-___nh -ma 1-so-i192.- +-.r-=.-s'.~-n-T u:run-musum ++o-- - . j . In "2""=@? _ owvres nanowritten message be;innin' L10 r '1r- OCT. l2TK" many years ago in '~¢:_ u ;1 ij. bearing Cubz.etra 1ianin

Q29 Sheet list Lpublicau I - .-.-c.i'_._:. 1;»...... 3_"'!rT 92 9.. - . . .'-....-',_. hangar -- lette: " nM&mh Q-n92L924J.92..92..J i . signed ' .' bearirfon reverse S158 Q30 slfnv J Social Security card number1:>earing handwritten*r»= PA"TT. !' -. . w " ' '-d return to the authorities, sinned . . _. . rintin1 To. lrttcrheaz bearin Io: yon p:c;lc wizted . . . Q31

Paqc Envelope postmarked "JOLICT OCT 13 PK 129," bearing handwritten address "Flani1 notei gas Vegas Nevada Reservations - The Owners ~ 1/1???

Envelope bearing handwritten address Frank Sinatra HR 8 Flamingo Hotel Las Vegas Hevad; RIRZRVATIOHS Q32 Northwestern South America map from The National Geographic Magazine bearing on reverse side handwritten letter beginnin; "When I said Im taking some of you people " _. .1 _ 14 Blg 'WE NEUT V18 LT


Hoe _ . .1. .I vra .O_.. Q 1 B ln U¬T"""£

Five pages from the Reader's Digeet.magazine t Remembrance of First Communion of Josephine Hose One Kodachrome Transparency Two Kodachrome Transparencies Three page article from Reeders Digest magazine A brochure from Gene-Judd Co. Broken plastic record Brochure reqardin: depzrtment _ in Quebec one ooublse%gs razor wrap tissue Two-page instructions for red PCFEIT_ 3wopare narohlet ow Car osi"- ani Squipnent Three color trarsp=rercics helm to¢ethcr with tie tack color transparencies two pencil erascr One gum wrapper GHQOne strip oflm not deve1npe4 Five pages from Popular Poisson Ha1n:ine Two oases from a smell pocket dictionary One wooden cuticle stink One comb One leetner belt loop One page from an &1den's catrlcj One page from a Pcnncy's catalog Two color travel photos from s magazine Three pages from a book . Two pages from a book regarding the Caribbean area Uncanceled envelope ot the "rion League Foundation Boys Clubs A photography pamphlet Two pages from an unidentified hook Pafe H C Two business envelopes One business reply card A diet plan booklet A Selective Service A doub1eedge razor classification H stub A small strip of gumblade wrappedwrapper i in tissue A'Kational Geographic map of Greater New York and Tourist Wahhattan 1

Result of examination: The submitted evidence was searched through the appropriate sections of the Anonymous Letter File without effecting an identification. Photographs will be added to the file for future reference.

E0 indented writinq of value or other marks were noted on the submitted evidence which would indicate the source of this material.

Inc Submitted evidence he returned senrrately. -92 .-t-.--..-92-.-L..-. --.-. ...,a..-....-.-: _'_.. ___- -.--._. t...e.._.._ L,__.'.--,-.!-l--'-,- t._L'¬j.j:/n1: :1I.'t: 1.'!:Lr:_,L1I.:'i _',_Fi ;'=I-. ',.'.'-3:," .;.92;_i,u;*s; .';<'!_i|¬__¥~-.92'.1.!._LI:" . com risons are requested.

r-~ D- LC 5; _ 1-2 ' "D 1


Examination requested by: Las Vegas 9-new! A 10/16/89 I'92_:_ ____..£...-._I, Examination requested: DocumentFingerprint - LJULC ' LULELVIZLI 10/2 /694L Examination by: 10'?' 9 Result of Examination: St gel IBM T4;;.!'A:_r. te Lailoid ofoof.51 9./_.1 /U1-a/»-an-J92_»a % N1.<2!/192 f

77/? 41,1-f d

/jLwa¢qLuM!- J ti l lT+£5 J-417 . J@4».aa4¢¢¬HwvHMw~w¢u'?J ' r 4*;z:a' u/£ "'1/Ispeoifnens L -r of fa; examination subntitted viz

E 1 ' ' ' ii -'-""7"? _" *"iF'! --" """ Q1 nve ope postmarked dULlbl IL UL1 LI rm 19b9, bearing handwritten address "Flamingo Hotel Las Vegas Nevada-- The Owners Please--RESERVATIONS"

t Q2 Paperback book cover "Sinatra and His Rat Pack? bearing i on reverse side handwritten message beginning "Tell Frank Sinatra-- I have ll million. . ."

Q3 Greeting card bearing handwritten message beginning "To Gwners of the Flamingo. . .," signed on reverse

QR Envelope postmarked"JOLIET, IL OCT 12 PM1969," bearing 'J§ t hand printed address "FLAMINGU_HOTEL THE OWNERSAND ' 0 FRANK SINATRALAS VEGAS NEVADA--," bearing on reverse is side hand printed words "ABSOLUTELY CONFIDENTIAL" I First pageof two-paghandwritten letterbeginning $3 /{Q5-'HE|'.'92F¬S|_|c'i'..' 1%tt¬r$n ]u$t 1" ' 0'92r'¬1" bi QBR e o andwritten letter beginning 92o Chicago, I11.-...," ending 7 . -99,92ReturnPage ev;d- . $E°P¥9PEE19¥. 9 n9**R#$= 9-. r», - » / I Q7

K Q8 bIo in Envelope postmarked "JOLIET, IE OCT 12 -PM 1969," bearing handwritten address "Flamingo Hotel Las Vegas Nevada Owners of FlamingoPersonal-- -

Q10 FirstMust pageof speak two-page to Dorothyhandwritten via Code- Either.beginning letter . ."

r~______-| ____ _.c' 1__ ._=_____'_._.|_.__1._._.|____ 92___:___'__ ll t92.._J_ DECODG page OI nanowrltten LEITEP Dgllg . . -OUHUQ 10:00 AM Chicago time TV-9-- Drake. . .," and adding on 92 reverse side ". . .and Everything World Travel" Q12 Envelope postmarked JOEIET, OCT l2PM 1969 lg," bearing 92 hand printed address "FLANINGO HOTEL LAS VEGAS NEVADA RESERVATIONS: FRANK SINATRA," on reverse side hand printed words "AND COSMETICS" Q13 Paperback book cover The Real and the Unreali bearing on reverse side handwritten message beginning "FRAHK Sinatra Flamingo Hotel Owners - Your. . ." Qlu Large brown cardboard envelope postmarked "JOLIET IL OCT 12 PM 1969, bearing hand printed address "HR. FRANK SINATRA FLAHINGO HOTEL LAS VEGAS NEVADA RESERVATIONS: Walter Q15 Cronkite: Thursday OCT. 30TH--

One-pagef Z handwritten_1eiIer beginning'7" "Frank TILJ Sinatra- Her name is I want you. . ., signed l Q16 on reverse S1 e Envelope postmarked JOLIET OCT 13 PM 1969 IL," bearing handwritten address "Flamingo Hotel Las Vegas Nevada Q17 Frank Sinatra: RESERVATIONS: THE OWNERS" One-page handwritten letter beginning Frank Sinatra--- I . Say Pa1.you do vote. . " signed f-1 on reverse side Q18 Envelope postmnbked "JOLIET IL OCT 13 L969," bearing Q19 handwritten address "Mr. Frank Sinatra The Féamingto Hotel Las Vegas, Nevada RESERVATIONS-THE OWNERS MR1/16TH" First"Fr pagenk Sinatra of threepage Subject handwrittenPersonal letter Business be iinning i My Agents-. . ." Q20 Paperback aaxaxx book cover "The Unanswered Questioned About 61° President Kennedy'sAssassination" bearing handwritten messageI sai .beginning . ." andending Frank'. Sinatra--. .s0find Look a Pal-way. and_ I mean what

Q21 Envelope postmarked "JOLIET IL OCT 1H AM IQQQ," bearing handwritten address "Brank Sinatra MR 1/16th Flamingo Hotel Les Vegas Nevada RESEVATIONS: Oct 30th Thursday 5:30 PM Walter Cronkite"

Q22 First page of twopage handwritten letter beginning Say Pal--Here is some exposed film for you-. . ."

Q23 Second page of handwritten letter beginning "For a appointment sinatra,. . .," ending MR 8 Organization BRAZIL"

Q2u Envelope postmarked "JOLIET IL OCT 1H AM 1969, bearing handwritten address FRANK Sinatra Personal - The Flamingo Hotel Las Vegas Nevada RESERVATIONS - OWNERS - THE INFORMATION?

Q25 Envelope postmarked "JOLIET IL OCT 1H AH 1969," bearing handwritten address "Frank Sinatra The Flamingo Hotel L65 Vegas Nevada RESERVATIONS! THE PACKAGE OWNERS"

Q25 Envelope psotmarked JULIET OCT 13 M 1969," bearing handwritten address 'Frank_Sinatra#FlEmingo Hotel Las Vegas Hevada-- KKZEKEKK RESERVATIONS THE OWNERS HE 163 - HR l/16TH Q97 UelfareEnvelope of the' Departmentb typewritten ofaddress Health Ed ation and Joliet, Ill " bPaPl , - 1 e an WP1 ten message beginning ""opened and signed OCT. 13TH" many years ago in Cuba. . ." signed BRAZIL!"

I9292 . - -|-nu . u92 --|I q92 I .1 l92 -4 .. .5 Jq .__' . Q28 aneet or uoliet xepuolican rrinting U0. letterhead nearing 70 handwritten ter be inning "Now you people wanted .'. ." signed

Q29 Social Securitycard numberbearing handwritten r " ' 'and eturn to the authorities," signed L ii ii iiitiil i Q30 Envelope postmarked JOLIET IL OCT 13 PM 1969," bearing handwritten address "Flamingo Hotel Las Vegas Nevada Reservations - The Owners MR l/16TH"

Page 3 D69lO2I1H9 LC continued on next ggs page!


Q31 Envelope pesxmaxkedxkn bearing handwritten address Frank Sinatra MR 8 Flaminguootel Las Vegas Nevada RESERVETIOHS -- OCT. 30TH WALTER CRONKITE

Q32 Northwestern South America Map from The National Geographic Magazine bearing on reverse side handwritten letter beginning "When I said Im taking some of you people. . . and ending "We went via Italian Jet~2 MILLION-"

ALSO SUBMITTED: Five pages from the Readerss Digest magazine Remembrance of First Communion of Josephine Hese One Kodachrome Transparency Two Kodachrome Transparencies- 4. Thzzapaga Three page article from Readers Digest magazine A brochure from Gene-Budd Co. Broken plastic record Brochure regarding department store in Quebec One doubleedge razor wrapped in tissue Two-page instructions for radio repair Two-page pamphlet on Car Design and Equipment Three color transparencies held together with Twotie tack One One color transparencies Onepencil eraser gum wrapper v strip ofiilm not developed TwoFive pages from Popular Science Magazine One One A double-edge razor blade wrapped in tissue A small strip of gum wrapper A National Geographic map of Greater New York and Tourist Manhattan


Page 5 D-69lU2llu9 LC

/W 10/16/69



FROM: sac, LAS VEGAS 9-New! P! ! 1 }{1c/ - vlcrxu J EXTORTION O0: LAS VEGAS

On 10/15/69, LARRY BORE, Chief of Security, Flamingo Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada, furnished thirteen letters received at that hotel addressed to the hotel and to FRANK SIRATRA. Readable postnarks on these letters reveal that they were mailed at Joliet, Illinois, between the dates of October 11, I969, and October 14, 1969. Three of the lettero contain a postmark which is not readable. All of the nail received with the wt the Bou avC was postaarked October ll, 1969, and the only letter known to have been postnarked that date, contains a message on the back or a paperback book cover of "Sinatra and Hia Rat Pack" by RICHARD GEHIMI. The letter continues on a i Thiste.I1linoii letter in Securit? effect Connie? delandsand thatii FRAHK iiznedSl ven I million dollars in unmounted diamonds for two million dollars @- before Christmas of 1969, or the - writer will kill SIHATRA, with the alternative being that SINATRA donate two aillion dollars to the Vatican in Rene, Italy.

Bureau - Fickize!{AHSB-Regiiter 2 - Chicago Enc. 13! 2 - has Vegas K RJ:jnc M ! '2 LY 9-New

The additional letters received at the Flamingo hotel are as tollousz ! iLetter postmarked October 12, 1969, Joliet, Illinois, addressed to "Flamingo Hotel, The Owners and Frank Sinatra, Les handVegas, written Nevada". letter to This an envelope individual containenaned unknown to Les Vegas Division or Flamingo o c a s W and is renhling and refers to FRANK SIHATRA end the Kennedys.

! Letter postmarked October 12, 1969, Joliet, Illinois, to "Flamingo Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada," with notation at botton of envelope indicating "Owne ingo - Personal". This letter begins addressed to and again is rambling and Q7? incoherent and rote o a DOR Ht" SINATRA, sakes reference to WALTER CRONKITE, as Iell as "HAYNSWORTH", and probably President NIXON. The envelope also contained a color transparency 5nn! FY not further identified.

127° ! Letter postnarked Joliet, Illinois, October 12, 1969, addressed to "Flaningo Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada," with a notation at bottom of envelope "Reservations: Frank Sinatra". This envelope contained book cover 0! "The Real and the Unreal" by BILL DAVIDSON with a notation on the back of the cover to 92fI°lAM92.I have FRANK SINATRA contact WALTER CRONKITE, Thursday, October 30, and an ANDERSON at Providence, Rhode Island. This letter r E again is incoherent. The envelope also contained two 35am color 'transparencies 92 not further identified. .

! Homemade envelope postmarked October 12, 1969, Joliet, Illinois, bearing notation in upper left-hand corner , - or "Ir 8 Brazil Diamond". The envelope is addressed to 11--"r'.U"Hr. Print Sinatra, Flaningo Hotel, Ins Vegas, Nevada", with a notation on the bottom "Reservations: Inlter Cronkite Thursday October 30 - . This envelope contained a plastic homemade : F/5recgr_gn_gh1gh_1g written the title of Basin Street and recorder or 8/21/50". s envelope also conta hand- e tor s ed and refers to 92 nnd rlnii tells ATRA to g ve her a ring an e y I amends or the writer will have "Ir. 8 Brazil" kill hin. This envelope also contained a Readers Digest article entitled, "Kin: of Colored Gems", a brochure of the Gene - Judd Copany, Lytton Building, Chicago, Illinois, which has an addressee of M. HYMAN and Son with no address. The envelope also contained a brochure regarding Quebec, Canada._

I 2 - 1 ._ . - .. ~ W.»-. »v92|IIIIt-'QIP"*II""'I"T|"F 1

E LV 9-New

! Envelope postmarked Joliet, Illinois, October 13, 1969, addressed to the Flamingo Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada, with i a notation at the hottoe of the envelope, "Frank Sinatra: 1 Reservations: T 10 30". This envelope contained a note signed addressed to FRANK SIHATRA, which again makes . The envelope also contained a ' F1 /";=double-edge razor blade wrapped in a facial tissue,printed instructions for radio repair, and a pamphlet regarding car design and equipment.

! Letter postmarked October l3, 1969, Joliet, Illinois, to "Mr, Frank Sinatra, The Flnninge Hotel, Lee Vegas, ..@<"Nevada," with notations at bottom "Reservations - The Owners 54$ bq,signe MR 1/16 ll velope as well containedas three a letter unidentified to FRANK colorSINATRA transparenc es gether with a tie tack. Due to the language used in this le o SINATRA it has been marked obscene.

! Envelope postmarked October 14, 1969, at Joliet, Illinois, addressed to "Frank Sinatra, HR l/16TH, Flamingo Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada, Iith a notation at the bottom of 1! the envelope of Reservations: October 30 Thursday! 5:30 PM, , @10- Walter Cronkite". This envelope contains the following items: 92 . 2 unidentified color transparencies; 1 pencil eraser; 1 gum wrapper; 1 strip of til: not developed; 5 pages from Popular A! Science Magazine; 2 pages tron e snail pocket dictionary; F 1 wooden cuticle stick; l conb; 1 leather belt loop; 1 page i from an Alden's catalog, and l page from a Penney's catalog. I

8! Envelope postmarked Joliet, Illinois, October 14, i969, addressed to "Frank Sinatra - Personal ~ The Flamingo iQ':.'1-Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada," with a notation at the bottom of the envelope of "Reservations - Owners - The Information". This envelope contained no letter but two color travel photos tron a nagazine;f:Il pages tron a book, and two pages from a book regarding the Caribbean area.

9! Envelope postmarked Joliet, Illinois, October 14, 1969, addressed to "Frank Sinatra, The Flamingo Hotel, Las Vegas, Heraoa," with a notation at the hottoi of the envelope of 1.3 "Reservations: The Package - Ovners". This envelope contained l Q an uncancelled envelope of the Union League Foundation tor Boys b7C» Clubs - icago, mm Illinois, mm» addressed-5-.11 N 5 as i'phdT6§raphy pamphlet] two pagestorn from an unidentified book, SelectiveehreeFbusiness Service c1assificati4n envelopes a stub.diet plan booklet, and a -4?! IL} 4-.r.__. . .4 ,!_.L:/61 '"*¢{.I LV 9-New

0! An envelope with an unreadable postmark addressed to "Frank inatra, Flaainze Hotel, La; Vegas, I R Nevada," with a notation on the botton of Reservations - The Owners 6TH". This envelope contained a note/1: W signed and another notati nigned*Hr1 8 t Organ of the Department , Joliet, Illinois, iiliiiisl addreeeedand Al§ Social Security Who enve pe a so a double-edge razor b in a facial tissue and a small strip of gun wrapper.

ll! Envelope postlarked Joliet, Illinois, with unreadable October date, addressed to "Flamingo Hotel, Las Vegan, > Nevada, nith notation at tho bottom of "Reservations e The Owners - HR 1/16TH". The envelope contained only a National or Geographic nap of Greater New York and Tourist Manhattan. No writing appeared thereon except it was noted lines and circles were drawn on the Tourist Manhattan nap. i 2! Letter with unidentifiable postmark addressed to "Frank Sinatra, Hr. 8, Flamingo Hotel, has Vegas, Nevada," mi with notation at bottom of "Reservations - October 30TH, Walter Cronkite". This envelope contained a National Geographic nap of northwestern South America with incoherent writing on the back of it.

Hr. BORK advised that FRANK SINATRA is definitely not staying or connected oith that hotel in any oay, nor do the officials of that htel have any knowledge as to the present thathotel whereabouts of has no record of Hr. SI a ther ra that Ir. BORE stated that a cou 10 n like e er was glf, received from a indicating he was supposed to be a a ix toent h an i ago H otel - Casino . He advised this letter Ian turned over to the Clark County, Nevada, Sheriff: Office and the letter contained no threat. 1 OnOctober 16, 1969, - | B10 County, Nevada, Sheriff's Office, andthat that that off 1112* does has have to date the ladeletter inquiry descr of the penitentiary at thawJuliet, bi? the iiiinois, Illl Ofhnor an hai deteriined has one that ever there been ii incarceratedno innate there.


//=é?,/It I I I

| L-V 9--FBI On October 16, 1969, 8A_discussed 4 this latter with U. 8. Attorney ROBERT 8. LII0lEl.l., he Vegas, Nevada. Ir. LIRHELL stated that the letters indicate a definite threat to the lite of FRANK BIKATRA, and he felt that the latter definitely esle under the extortion statutes. B stated that -attespts should be made to identity the writer and to detersine the lental condition of the individual.

One Xerox copy oi each of the atoresentioned letters together with notes written therein are being tarnished here- eith for the Chicago ivision. ne Zero: copy of the sateriai 1 in also being furnished to the FBI laboratory along with the original letters as received under separate cover.

U10 The FBI laboratory is requested to search the mterial through the anonysoun letter tile and retain the letters for cosparison with handwriting oi possible suspects developed in this setter. It is further requested that when exasination by - the FBI Laboratory is coapleted, that they he furnished to the Latent Fingerprint Eection oi the Identification Division to detersine ii latent fingerprints can he found. Iith regard to I latent tinge:-urints, it is noted that only the first letter re! e rred to a bo we was opene d h y personne 1 at the Ilasingo Hotel L SA and e letters the has were Vegas opened Division in the and presence ofany contents therein were only ha ed where necessary by his.

I LEADS . 1 I 1'*i?J3§I§é99- Pl7I§L°_! .437 L": F34 ¥!-r12PE91§ pt to identity ager a nd it either oi t e could be possible snspec , era ne their sental condition and attespt to discreetly obtain handwriting specimens.

£17 5-'!i"?59° r .11-14.5913

tersine it there is a

ledge would he p n latter. _ » . 1 5 1 I

./* /_.

= r 92. I Q "92-


1lF§E:I:AS: jfvmjas n 1 vrs mu 5? H5 _'E9£$ 1!-3"_*_* P I111 continue to follow the litter Iith U30 officials of the Flaming 0 Hotel to obtain any addittanal letters Iritten.



' £ NO MP I-I LI; uvsu-.-,M I ak urn": F11 ,_G§_# .. 7 5"! ,, " " '3 " n!es1e2= b7 ', - 'IPP1:1- J

bee» ! --92 -er-"1 -~ .92,¢l:.:92.II'92¢'- ICU- 05 Lu; Vegas

Examination requested by: Les Veg? 9~new! A 10/16/69 Exqminaonrequested: I *~_ Dtere¢eived= Document Fingerprint 10/20/69 I .rf.l92-"QResult ofExamination: -,/41,? ;:5!,--¥=--I 1 1- _é__ 92 Examination by: A L F " '*r'_ :7 $_5,L¢;p.4»<;/my j!{lfu.92-.92,P- v/'»-'-'57-"*"'~*9292/0, ;/4%77_'T7»'s5#'g°1 It mi -9,-V-Ii}-tll " A ;IRéEeNeU%EE§ bi S P"-aTn" Er-~°1-» /L0 3//_/ //Q [L"92,;P",]I}"I i I 92 W '

vy-.92.i..-92..--;Qhur-imnnc ellhmilfn -.-...... -92...92.._ nrl92-Vb nvnmi _..-H.-.. e-eneere finn

Q1 Envelope postmarked JULIET IL 0CT Ll PK 1969, bearing haneuritten ecdress Flamingo Hotel Les Vegas Hevada-- ine Owner: Piease---RKSLRVHTIUSE" .

Q2 Paperback hook cover "Sinatra and Hie Rat Pack? bearing on reverse aide handwritten manage beginning Tell Frank / Sinatra I have ll million. . ." Q3 Greeting card hearing handwritten message beginning 92 if?"10 Flamingo. . . ," signed on reverse tide QM Envelope postmarked "JULIET, IL OCT 12 PM 1969," bearing hand printed l»ddIQIl "*1-'LA1IING5HO'1'ELTHE OWNERSAND FRANK SINATRA--LAS VEGAS NEVADA--, bearing on reverse / side hand printed words "ABSOLUTELY CONFIDENTIAL oi

Q7 Snvelopo postmarked "aournr, IL our 12 -PH 1969, beating handwritten address F1am1ngobte1 Lee Vegee Nevada Owners of Flamingo»-Pereona1~~ i ""

Q3 Hunt_- age speak of t1-aopege to handwrittenDorothy via Code" lcttetEither.beginnir.g, . .' Q9 Second page of handwritten letter beginning ". . .8unday 12th # 10:60 AH Chicago tin TV-9-- Drake. . .." and edling on ' 1 reverse aide ". . .and Everything Horld Travel-" . H Q10 L Envelope postmarked JOBIRT, OCT 12-PH 1§69 IL, bearing hand pvintei aidrass "rnanxuso uornn LAB vneE§ NEVADA RESERVATIONS: TRAWK SIHATRA," On reverse Bide hand printed words ARE CJ§H£TICS" I Q11 xi Paperback book cover "The Real and the Unreal? bearing on reverse side handwritten message beginning "FRAHH .1 Sinatra Flamingo Hotel Owners ~ Your. . ." Q12 Large brown oarboard envelope postmarked "JULIET TL OCT 12 PM 1969, bearing hand printed address "HR. FRANK SINATRA B70 FLAMINGO HOTEL LAS VEGAS NEVADA RESERVATIONS; Walter Cronkite: Thursday OCT. 30TH--" Q13 Ona-page hen tte nning Frank 81natra-- r Her name is want you. . ., eigged ll on revere: o e r Qlk F Envelope postmarked 'JSLTET OCT13 P? 1969 IL, bearing hanwrltten address flamingo Hotel Las Vegas Nevada Yrann Sinatra: RESERVATIONS: THE OWNERS Q15 vo'ce.One-page handwritten letter. ." beginning signed reverse Frank on Sinetre-- aide or" I i Q16 Envelope postmarked JOLIET IL OCT 13 L969, bearing handwritten aédreso Hr. Frank Sinatra The Fiaminzto Hotel 92 Lea Vegas, Nevada RESERVATIONS--THE OWNERS HRlllt Q17 first Sinatra page of three-page Subject - handwrittenPersonal letter- Bueineee be innin My Agent! ~- . .' Q18 Second page of handwritten letter beginning Frank Sinatra -- 92 also your expression Pal - in Pei-. . .' . Q19 soThird pageF1ying.- of-handwritten. . ,"'and letter endingon beginning reverse "81natreside t

Page 2 D-6910211h9 LC continued on next peg¢

J . , t ___'..;_.'._;.;__j"§ J-

QLD Paperback IIIIIX book cover Tho Unanawero Questioned """ir' 1' 11" ihdi kw

rues tent Ktnneny s Assess nut on beer ng an wr tten messageI uni-P. beginning. . and "Fran? Sinatra--ending;. . Jo find Look a Pal way. anf T H n whit

Q21 nvelope postmarked "JULIET IL OCT IN AH 1969, bearing handwritten address "Break Sinatra HR 1/16tF Flamingo Hotel La: Vegas Hevaéa RTQEVATIOHS: Oct 30th Thursday 5:36 PH Walter Cronkite

Q22 Pn1~-Here is some exposed film for you--

;§piRf1&t sinatra,. . .," lnding ERAZIL

First page of twn~nn;n handwritten letter beginning "Sn

Envelane pastmarked JGLIBT IL OCT Qnconi peg: of handwritten letter beginningALT l "Fbr 1 handwritten address PEAK! Sinatra ~ "HRPersonal 8 organization Flamingo Hotel Les Vegas Nevada RESERVATIONS Ti! E IN FDR?-IRTICN '. 1| :11": 1.30:1 , bearing Y :- The / -n OWNERS

at wt Envelope postnarked "JULIET IL OCT 1% AH 1969 5 bearing handwritten address Frank Sinatra The Flamingo Hotel Let; Vr-_-gas I-t?e'.'e,da. R119-YTEVLTIDTBIT3;'i['- - PACFIAGZ0WI1'F.R$"

92~ Envelape psatnarked "JOLIE? QC? 13 la

H 1-nnnv-1§nr! vvne mug, !1a*"'.E92;1i'tt¢~r"1rz=n~..'7; Br,c1'r~rx=.is Sizmtra.Fl<1mii_1;'-=:E>HOta1 Lna Vegas ¥eva¢a-~-~- KKKXEEKK RCSERVATIGHS T3: Giriis T; 1"? - YR 1/lrv" Q27 ' Enveloper of the _ Departmenttypewritten ofaddress Health, Education and Juliet, I11." bearing on re e s e_ hen wr tten message beginning "openad and signed Ki

$I>£?X§KIE sz:z;z;nz::;4x§z1zx

.- _ ,_ s'- . 92,-J_ . L1!-92 v '1-92 r laningbootel Laa Vsgas Havada RE32£¥I?IONS -- .-~10 op- O.-. 33.1 HALTCR CRO¥KITE .

Q32 orzhwsstern Snuvw -~r¥cr Ha from The Faticnal Guczraphle Hacezxns bnarin~ on rnversa Giée handwritten lottsr beginninf 'dhqn I 3¢{¢ In Tn¥inF snam of ytt pcoplc. - . ' nn9 eniux "He w="* via itslian Jet -2 EILLIOE-~

A1 l,|.a .- -. M131-=5;-f--92¢v92v~r~,<- ._aa.~.- Y£vn ?¬-1:-<19 Ofire Two

Ikrtpawas from the Eeaderia Digest nagaslna fLr4r¢@ of first Communion of Josephine Hols Kodachrome Transparency - ThrrKodachrome Transparencies apaxa Gpage article from H¢adars Dlgett magazine A brochure from Gene-uué co. .'?1"{'-3''1 en J S-I~1ant!c rsaord §?¢cHue F%;&?di ifff iiri is Quebec 0?, _: Tuc~ Tuc- ?hP ti 92-.- f, -B 1»-_-. 1-; On:

Tc; 51; 31. Five E913211i9 LC TY: £¢Jb1¢~a¢ge razor wrapnei in ticsus Onopazv inrtructione for radio repair ' .. :- ,0 0 | ' .4-

4 r

double-edge razor blade wrapped in tissue small strip of gum wrapper A arional Geographic map of Greater aw York nw~ *our£st Zanhattan

Page 5 D-69lO21lH9 LC

/W - _...... -.....¢--_ ~----o-n orca-20 2-3-96! XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX


Page s! withheldentirely atthis locationin the le. One or more of the following statements,where indicated explain this deletion.

U Deletions were madepursuant to the exemptions indicatedbelow withno segregablematerial availablefor release to you.

Section 552 Section 5529.

U b! l! U >!! A! U d!!

U b!! U b!! B! U l! Z!

U b!! U b!! C! U k!!

U b!! D! U 00!

U b!! E! U l

U b!! F! U K!!

U b!! 4|. U b!! U 00!

U b!! U b! 9! U

U b!! U k!!

D ~lnfo1-mationpertained onlyto a third party withno referenceto the subject ofyour requestor the subject ofyour request is listed in the title only.

El Documents originated withanother Governmentagency ies!. Thesedocuments werereferred tothat agency ies! for review and direct responseto you. . Pages contain informationfurnished by another Government agency ies!.You willbe advisedby the FBI as to the releasability of this information following our consultation with the other agency ies!. -

Page s! withheldinasmuch asa nal release determinationhas notbeen made.You will be advised asto the disposition at a later date.

Pages werenot consideredfor releaseas theyare duplicativeof _ g _g _ Page s! withheldfor thefollowing reasonrg C Q?! s!:Q5 OF eljjqagg [lg-92rgfrbgtd, jLb£_§;_&p_eac.L92.no:.nSe-wing-92.=tLe_ Q11; gs»-92_ 4} =e_e_e.u__'¢-e+..c>_ e.:.i_e._'v'ce. $_._Lct,+g¢-peag. n ti . . - _. [SI/The followingnumber to be is used referencefor regardingthese pages: - Q 5022.1]-C0 g i _g XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X Deleted PageX s! X No Duplication Fee X X for this page X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXxxxxxx ,' it ' ,.-4;; xxxxxx :+. F / / Q F-*,~ FBI/vol J 92 I {Y I. . 1 92 ? '1 I._J! F

1.1-5-69 PLAINTEXT

TELEIIYPE Umj-tum 1 s

-re: sm, ms vmas Z

mom nznmtroa, FBI 9-50231! H " 3." '.;. I X.1 .-J 107$ °" D08 EJ /I 1

nmmxnrsrz. ocmnm srxrsmr INSIART. POUR'I'H3N mm nmmwaxnrs nzvznopm on sfgnnrjzn snacnmrs IDENTIFIED AS rxmmu-am:-s or I

57° camera mom 1'0 1=-omow. 9

4 1 1 *1 1 I . . dyur ..' .2 -B3 so 943/"1 V - - H ~..:i;r7 1' K 92 ' l -uni 1-nil """'-"F - __..i____ _- P W ..

1...... DQLouchi.._ [c0:wmuiei¢Ag§r¢sLstcuow 1'- EX-1113 19 NOV 6 B69

._i_ : ___,~____1__ 1 4' ' X :5-1'5:-.T+:8uvwf @// OPTIONAL IDIOII IO DID-IGO ll? "II IIIIUOII li GIG GIN.HO. NO.II r .. Tolson .__._.i- ' DeLnacl| ' '<. ._._.._ -T. UNITED STATES 92_}'E.RNMENT ___ W In 92 "/-' 4/M6m0Tddum §§;§§un~-- ". l J c f- It TO _= MR. WAL- DATE: 1 1/6/69 f - = E Tove] .___.._..'-__

E FROM: CS VoelkerW Tale. Helm sRoom_.i.._..___- l, Gdhds .__._--

u ers______.__ H Mohr __.___.__ "*1 15° Basho ii-

u SUBJECT:AIrA _ 92_{f__ mu OW . " EXTORTION j t_ /*4 SUSPECT IDENTIFIEDBY FINGERPRINTS ON /.0 _/-it THREATENING COMMUNICATIONS TO1 7% FRANK SINATRA In the course of captioned investigation the Las Vegas Division forwarded to the ideniicaen Division numerous miscellaneous items such as letters, greeting cards, paperback books andother material, most of which had ibeen mailed to Frank Sinatra at the Flamingo Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada. These".-' items were processed for latent fingerprints and on 11/ 5/69 we developed and . ~' s on various items as being 'b7c who was also known


The_extor'-ionei this aswetease developedasa result oi the subject'sto sell Sinatra offer eleven milliondollars worthof unmounteddiamondsi for twomillion dollarsand thethreat tokill natrait thedeal wasnot conmmma 1 before Christmas,1969. Sinatra was offeredan alternative,which wasto pay the . money to thevatican. The natureof the letters indicatesthat thesender maybe_._;§ 2 mentally disturbed,which conclusion is supported by thengerprint cards from Q various Illinois statehospitals. Allof theenvelopes receivedby" uswere postm" 1 Joliet, Illinois. 1. _ g _ ST-105' gr-. -gn General Investigativeand liasnveigai" visions notified 4569', _ V ; RECOMMENDATION.' i " _ For. lnformation.. 0% Mm-_3n/Z._ >: ,5 / M _°_.. CSV:jm92p_e My? I6 NOV131969 .~-- '1 Ktotihiig f9292 /ve¬ --"'An - . -~- 1- 11.. =. __-.._.._..-4...i..;.__-.'.__ "J4; _, _ _ ___-______

0--lu Rev. 1-l9-67} FEDERAL BUREAU on INVESTLF m wAsmN0r.0N. 0. c. 20535 _ > 0Ai*i~:= 11/7/I ' Re: / TO. W» 1 F c'rm , sxrolmon E3 H £2 8 Bl vol! "i 4 i . V92 ,7 W _ , _, invoice Of Contents , Fl, _ " W £1, , W _ , _

T Q '1] Q] Crypt.-Trana. '- K Q Document A 18 anvalopes, 7 letters, 8 paperback boiipadiogggeen

,130¢iI.13001l1ll!0ll'dl1b,lI1IIg Q11! LFPS "I LA. > if , If § romPemcyl able; . _ .J roan other m.92seeQanoou items .5 Special lnrucficnlz FBI File No, Shipping Mail Room: Roonr Show Show shipment ' dajp/and t date; registry bill of lading number.nfiimber; initial invoice; return ' 'checked in block; a er . OE .- initialin in block. inv ' e b laced in administrative file. .'92', WW, $4

"P." 8 Q _n/mo i no A-18126

5: - I -I-_-»._..; . .


I _// I If LFITENT FBIF}: N'OCASIE NO.- __q gygmhgg I, Q9 A-18116 ' *°" mo, nu vqu

W |¢-m EXTGi'£!N

ZZZSINEANSZN mm1¥&X'P' ""1 I/W "4 °'1°'¢° "1 I/*7/I Lawns Q1h:'n:a¢hQ82,thIrhlucnalqu,|rna bt|an,th-cuppa-hckhookaun:-a,unn

'_*92 MAILEDS E9 CE NDV 2 - 1969 C noun-FBI C F T015011 D IVI Tm Beau-than-d FBI File N0. *9-50231 November 1, 1969 Letent Cue NO. A-13126 ;

FE: EUGENE 923-"1I_~LIA,-Y; JUDNICK, FBI #2388720

_ Fourteen latent fingerprint: deve ed ea tenors have been identified as fingerprints

Three on paperback book cover entitled "BIHATRA AND HIS RAT PACK"-bearing handwritten message, deelgnatc Q2 One on hariwrittcn letter begimming; "Bay P11 - Here is eomc expoaed lm for you --," designated Q22 - Three on envelope postmntei "J31..I1~IT IL OCT 14 AM 1969" beer-lug hndwritten address Freak Sinatra - Pereonal - The Flamingo Hotel La: Vegee Hench 57¢, R%EIiVA'!IC>NS - OWNERS - THE lll'FOMATION," dealgmted Q24 . Three on envelope postmarked "-701.51. IL OCT 14 AM 1969" hen-in handwritten each-one "Freak Slnetra The Flamingo Hotel Les Vegas Neveda RESERVATIONS: '!"=-IE1 PACKAGE - OWNE-IRS," designated Q25 One on sheet at Jolie! Papubltcen Printing 00. letter- head --:»= bee:-lag hendrrittea m% "ow you awe: Q28 e Two an Business Real; Hell eerd el lehh Ineueece Oumpenles . One en page entitled "£_;eey-to-Fellow MEASURING INSTRUCTIONS tor selected items" tram Penney: eetelog

The specimens are being returned under eepente emrer.

5' , /

r. -1 ,.. 92..,.,,. .92 - i M. .-.T---q|r-w-w--|»-v-1---- .-». . H

SAC, Lu Vegas _ Nvilr I, 1989

spggzmgg l._I.!m__. prints and six latent palm prints

1»7b plm prints gu- palm prints hem lor ldentical ngerprints oi

Beetheulachudpagotorruultaofadditlonul comparisons conducted.

Specimens being returned 881331119 cover. 4-

Q Page E." i , . .|_ |lA- 4;--a.a-.-.'A"4£w92<-,,.1 .

I " .. i .;_2 . ° I I .

- .. FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION ' RECORDED UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT 0? JUSTICE 1°5° 41 Recorded Io/so/_s9___1=1o p.l. Received 10/so/69 _ I..¢UbDl'7C1tD[Yw|O1'ksheet b-1Re; , Q _ '-b- F119f D-691021109 C 92 LC Frank 1n . a - VICTIM] LC § A'13126 .- EX.7OP.TIO"? 00: La? Vegas -

Cv»-u-ninnlinn I'QI1llQGQ!IHui I ** Las Va,-1:-:*.s 9-Rm-I A 10/16/69 Examination requested: Date I939 Wed? Document - Fingerprint , 10/20/65 Result ofExamination: I EXI11if1ti0I! bY1 ,9-39.5, Stangel IB1 P*°" *'L°""Spr-add Nu:/O-a/-4,;- $e:E092-'¢"92'92I'i|t norm BY: 1.-Z:cBri.de 1: sn-.0: 1 _ 92 L .-I-r c-¢:;.....r~_ _-KL:-92IJ¢¢L .-.-. I-_.1_ q-p grip; |-w __§____ -IQ-£r""I - 92r92-lb-é pp, |_ac,.§.;' 92»¢ms92n'?-I!. -Lo propl-Io"/=0 ll-3-69 _ @| Lo 4*9 . / 522% A !°"'!""v5"! I _ I S:p_Q E?im8l'If5;SUb!1'1iH9déxcimingtion _ ____L for QC-vCz92t¢928D_. ¢¢_c..R..m.l¢w4»9.u iL 5%;/! I runs?/8 1 Envelope1 postmarked "JULIETIL. OCT Ll PM19691 bearing handwrittan address "Flaninfd Hotel Las Vegas Nevada-- , / The Owners Please---RESERVATIONS" Kvé PaperbackBODk cove;;§1@lf&92k;BHi g?Piok bearing 1-7C! on reverse aidehandwritten messagebeginning "TellFrank 9 /' Sinatra- I have 11million. . ."_£.-M. at I " V63 Greeting cardbearing hnnéwrinken=§s=Ag= beginning I _ =m="To. th E F1 ngoEM RI I O . Q " signed on rev: Ha . I ~ :.I1J6% Envelope poItmnrkg6'@JOLI£?,!B> Q OCT12 PM_ 1959, bearingq E hand printed address "FLAHINGU_HOTEL THEOUIBRS AND II' HANK aidehand BINATRA--LAS printedjotfds VEGAS_"Aa39I.U*r§L.t NEVADA--,"" braving -on reverse $9 *= KVQS F t ageof two-pagehandyritten'1ettcr_bD¥1nn1ng - }$p I -Have just snetover 800 1etter|.." -,,,,aQg492p Q ftén lottcrI11-O""I baginningQ I Q" Iii] ',i . Page I A? V ~~1;-'1 I A '' °f W

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a W65 -5 - - A .' re e X-<5 Envelope postmarked "JOLIBT, QE OCT 12 -PH 1i69¢1fbearing e handwritten address Flamingo Hotel Laa Vegas Nevada #vQ- unnnn 92raI|aI92an-I-I MI- nF n P1aminan--PQWQQHA1-nQ-1-on-ee§Ir c 1- ww-a Fir-i"l" I:-ago of two-page handwritten letter beginning ~60 ---liust speak to Dorothy via Code-- Either. . ." l-.-em £e;ond page of handwritten letter beginning ". . .Snnda 13:30 An Chicago time TV-9-- Drake. . .," and ed%?g on reverse side ". . .and Everything World Travel-" ram $37

1 ~52

Envelope postmarked "JOEIBT, OCT l?~PH 1969 Eh," bearing hand printed address "FLAHINGO HOTEL LAS VEGAS NEVADA RESERVATIONS: FRANK SINATRA," on reverse side hand printed /i words "AK? COSHITICS" Paperback book cover "The Reel and the Unreal? bearing $41.;on reverse aide handwritten message beginnin "PEAK! r Sinatra Flamingo Hotel Owners - Your. . ." £&¢w=éLlc Large brown cardboard envelope postmarked "JOLIET IL OCT 12 ~65 PM 1969, bearing hand printed address HR. FiAK SIATRA PLAHINGO HOTEL LAS VEGAS NEVADA RESERVATIONS: Walter Cronkite: Thursday OCT. 30TH"

b One-page henduritten letter beginning Frank Sinatra- a Her I name is H§ nt you. . .," eigged on reverse s e - |w»926l/3~ ea-, EDVe1Ope postmarked *JOLIET OCT 13 PH 1969 IL," bearing handwritten addroeo "Flamingo Hotel Lao ¥egas Hevada G 92 Frank Sinatra: R3SER?ATi0KS: run OWHERSVy;p" .4518One-page handwritten letter beginning Frank Sinatra~- Sag Pal.-1ou do voteh . . signed on reverse side M» =1-1 _ H , _ --r-5" ...--gm-..1=., ..4:. , . =1. ,:"..'""--~...;»...5d;.*=:.n:92..- ,-- ff... . --.-. ",.~.."/..s..,4....*- , ,[email protected],.-l,-,-4,.... "1 , - -I"--' - - . , - » - A --~ '-ad. - - ~ -In,-P *1--


if ndg Paperback enterx book cover The Unanswered Questioned About President Kennedy's Assassination" bearing handwritten message beginning "Frank Sinatra-- Look Pal- and.I me: whit b7c, I 5i"---.. ." and ending". . .eo finda way.

x92162/1Envelope postmarked "JOLIET IL OCT lk AH 1969," bearing handwritten address "Break Sinatra HR lllth Flamingo Hotel Les ?ogas Hovada RESEVATIOHS: Oct 36th "Thursday" 5:30 PH Walter Cronkite"

K0622 First page of two-page handwritten letter beginning "Say Pal--here is some exposedfilm for you»-. . ." £t@»,@;;| xv6§3 Second page of handwritten letter beuinning "For a appointmept sinatra,.. ., ending MR8 organization BRAZIL".- r¢rn £191

at-4321+Envelope postmarked "JOLIET IL OCT 1H AM 1969, bearing handwritten address "fi Sinatra - Personal - Flamingo Hotel Leo Vegas Nevada RESERVATIONS - The THE INFORMATION? . OWNERS- xvtjzs Envelope postmarked "JULIET IL OCT lh AH 1969," bearing / handwritten address "Frank Sinatra The Flamingo Hotel M026 Les Vegas Nevada RESERVATIONS: THE PACKAGE - OWNERS Envelope paotmarked JULIET OCT 13 _ 1969," bearing handwritten addreos "fran 5inatr§*Flamingo Hotel . ¥6;; Lea Vegas ¥evada~~- KKEKRIII RESERVATIONS - THE OHIERS HF 153 NR 1/16TH

WeEnvelope ' the typewritten Departmentof address of Haa'J.th'

anJoliet, r tten message bglfnlng, . Ill." 1-: openednearing andon signed reverse s dop_ fi £;7c!viéén OCT. 13Th"_many years ago in Cuba. . ." signed BRAZIL!"'" 1.l_ ~1~/629handwrittenSheet of Juliet Republican inning Printing "Now Co. youpeople letterhead wantedbearing. . ." -c signed ¥on92GiE *' / ~L~4;'::0Social t Securitycard numberbearing to e an oritlee, ligned handwritten .92 Q35 Envelope poatnahked "JOLIET IL OCT l3 PH 1969," bearing Page handwritten address "Flamingo Hotel Lee Vegan Nevada Reservations - The Owners - HR l!l6TH

a D-6910221 LC "#1 /*3 1.,/P" continuedon next in pr O 92 ~ ' ' /

HBIX!-1'5.- £2511-£5 : -L~@:>'=$51.-II IL'}L;i£i_...}»|*Y'*' &¢1§3§§};'?I% ¢ ._'j~-.'.=a;.'io;»". ;<::;::..;12i:::92l."<5kx bear-ing handwritten address "Frank .31;-..;'t1u '.1.; IJ Flamingoootal La: Vegas Nevada RESERVITIONS - J-11'. SCTQI WALTER CROi'IKITF."

J QQ2 ifo;?cT92w-;-s1:c¢rn South .i.;;=.=¢ric-2 ap fr-om'The iiationni Geographic Magazine bearing on reverse aide handwritten letter beginning When I said In taking some of you people. . ." ET:'li E-1"il!::7,' ".=T-="~ '».";.:.I. via Italian Jet--2 HILLION--" fl-n»-Q31

L AT.--I J S BY-3!iITTEl' L; 92--aa. 5-... Lo # *V- ive pages from the Raaderis Digest magazine-1-Qt é Y-92'-gémembr-anoe of First Communion of Josephine Hose-fffi] Kodachrome Transparency - :P>5m Q1 n Q4 ~ ii W2»'Y.LrI'CKodachrome Transparencies» a hfv R *- Ipagl ,:, X"'F.'ree page article from ?.eaders Digest magazine -Q-m¬ 5 '1-/fbroohure from Gone-Bu d Co. -.¥~m Q!-9.. V, ,4, - *1 "Ago"6 '1 - ... to4l92-' _ A .4/».y----4. 7W'g92.c<.',t ,.3ke:~. ~. . plastic !"8CO!"d-~¬r~0mQ."3~ ,., chure regarding department store in Quebec--V-|mQli ah._do.1oleedge razor wrapped in ti:-:sue-§»¢m 0.10 ;>a-:.ge instructions for radio repair --Er-am 5-72" -;:ag:= p¢"apE.let on Car Design and Equipment~ Q"-="~Q.|7 ee color transparencies held together with J _ie tk-'£I~'n92Q|I¢ _ ' oc.lo1;- tra-"1s;>a1*e:mies -2»... 612.1 nonoil er.=us::r.. 5.-a». cow ;;un92_"uaa1_»;;'a_:r ...-9»-om QM G A M .== strip of 4-ilrn not -1eveloped-¥v-"- =1-fr E QM v pages from Popular Science Magaz1ne- °' IO pages from a small pocket dictionary --PPPM Q31 1. me wood-ex} cuticle Stik--Qrm $.94 ' :18 oo;rQ;~ r-M G-4' . + leather belt loop-1--~ Q1" 1 IK IQ page from an Aldens catalog;--9:-0"-Q9" i ua6'E_epage from a Penney: catalog-£w'~ Q9 _, color travel photos from a magazine -£"'"' Hg 1-as :1-e-63!Rev. t


FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION LATENT FINGERPRINT SECTION WORK SHEET Recorded: - -ICZLIC R .27.. Reference No: -5-$64 FBI File No: 9-5C23l" . Received: ]_]_-3-.69 11-j Latent Case No: 1'-.-13126 Ar1='»_werlo=Chicago SAC,

f Examination requested by: r.ddrE S See. Copy to: RE_ oi92:.I.,:..-T,.-...,.a. . 1.1:... ., we i"';.;.LYil Sl'..t..T...-".- VICTII. ll- ;TL1LxTI vii

1,. Date of reference communication: r.i112El I.C**27-6§ L Specimens: He. es -'== "'~" ' 1;/i-, l~4>-


Result of examination: Examination by: t-cBr i ée EL airedfrom L V 0_, Evidence noted by: 5':-e. 0'5-erwar/£911 eat. ale rt.-SvL'L$0 1?exam "F Qomfavusoug Cone/uc.£¢d ,v;.Hnn6m¢_d Suipeut

n ¬ 99/I» F17-as U-#..?. s-2:-on t 1 I 0 J - .. I


Dare: 10/21/as

Transmit the following in Type in plain text or ¢Gd¢1 v1=_ ; IURTEL


T0 Priority! Attention: Identification Division, Latent Fingerprint Section! I ; DIRECTOR, FBI 41-» §c>'Q92_',S/ FRQ SAC ! I

H : .- n - Q.nF.AR492 92Y lit?

B76, S"wEm:%__,__h____;___ - crm 4-an 1§L'l.92Jlf|.' I-UH .


Re Las Vegas airtel to Bureau, 10/16/69. --#7 / CG 9-5464 I bile

d that about te 1,10 were partners se abou an office in the Chicago, but went I1 a ew months, has received 01 tters, all ked Joliet, 1 who uses envelop th the 6.4 the letters, but about the con ents of of anv of the let L not know the contents I1 eturn to Chicagi

blr I270

aura-a --a J-1 I- I-Ullbl U1. -284 captione an! !!l$w|1|_ng1 setaka !ort! forinformationITOM" was reviewedthe of Bureau and Las Vegas

b-1c, Div


Page s!withheld entirely at this location in the le. One or more of the following statements, where indicated, explain this deletion.

El Deletions were made pursuant to the exemptionsindicated below with no segregable material available for release to you.

Section 552 Section 552a

U b!! U b!! A! El =i!!

U b!! El b!! B! El i!!

U W3! U l>!! C! El l

__ U b!!! U i

El b!! E! El k!!

El b!! F! El k!!

El b!! El b! 8! El 00!

El b!! El b! 9! El k!!

El b!! El l

El Information pertained only to a third party with no reference to the subject of your request or the subject of your request is listed in the title only.

El Documents originated with another Govemment agency ies!.These documents were referred to that agency ies! for review and direct response to you.

Pages contain information furnished by another Government agency ies!.You will be advised by the FBI as to the releasability of this information following our consultation with the other agency ies!.-

Page s! withheld inasmuch as a fmal release determination has not been made. You willbe advised as to the disposition at a later date.

Pages were not considered for release as they are duplicative of __ g g I 92'l92ens_e- Page Withheld s!for the foll0w1ngreason ¢ 05;/_v_td.I-vs!-A s!you 59+ $0 r op c.te.st;*e- r-od,:..t¢.¢d:t-of WE_es¢¢'92x_c.' e¢>p_Le$ or 45 -LO par Plain on IE, The following number is to be used for reference regarding these pages: ¢i- 50 3-3]-cl ¬-Y92¢J1s>_§92-"§- H , _ _

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X Deleted Page s! X X No Duplication Fee X X for this page X XXAXXL-92"".-»_,92"XXXXX.-"{."{ XXXXXX XXXXXX cg "*9 ,/ .1 /4! FBI/D0] I Q Q OHIOHMMAI [NI PM-llDIIIOII IO.ll 5lllPlIl4I11lOl-IIJ IJNITEIQ STATESGOV NMENT Memorandum

T° = nznecwoe, ml DATE; 12/15/69

/ff-U76Ac, 9-Sash! cnxcaeoRUG!

mnyecrr . ~ QB 1 EXTORTION O0! LAS VEGAS! Re Las Vegas airtel to Chicago dated 11/5/69.

The following investigation was conducted by EL-7;SA- residingwith 570 October 2h l 92

year from a s

at Joliet, Illinois:

having been released earlier this hospital. @- 2- 2- ye :»"<9;-2/ ~10 1.-gorgeK:8elea @r'!.1i2rg751!q2;1;1fo! EC62 __" """'- --_. - .1

CG 9-5464 f bl! 1,10 W

The following investigation was conducted B13 by $A_t Chicago, Illinois: 51¢ b7l>

51¢» mo 1'0!!! h C0 n ined newspaper clippings, coupons, pages n from b oo k s and magazines, Joliet High School Year- book photos and other miscellaneous items. He has re- bbceived no threatening mail from w° mv

Information copy to Los Angeles, in view of OFHONM QM IO. ll ll? " Iii CIA Dhlllll Ill-ll.l 92- UNITED STATE. "ER.NMENT M emomrldum T° - onmcwoa, FBI 9-50231! 1MT== 12/29/69 >=mom1 S VEGASP <9-263! 540 U 0 CTIMa EXTORTION


Re Chicago letter to the Bureau dated 12/18/69. Routine contacts with LARRY BORK, Flamingo Hotel - Casino, Las Vegas, reveal that that hotel is still receiving the same type mail in this matter. On December 29, 1969 AUSA JOHNL. THORNDAL, Las Vegas, Nevada, advised that he would no consider prosecution H Hein this matter requested, in view of the reportethat however, ta ' ' f ite cobe de acted ' and edmadewhat aware steps of are this matter.beingtaken ur ber at to havewlcommittedand todetermine he can if in u ce -:0 stop sending suchmail. Ch a o Division a Jol'et llinois, contact the b-7° A _ gzrrequesced by

Las Vegas will submit closing report upon receipt of answer from Chicago. 1'3"} .1 67- Bureau 2 - Chicago 9-5h6#! 1 - LosLas -VegasAngeles 1 Q?§2Q5!-flnfo!! E. E9 _;-A, . RmCirwl T?**.- 1 II. 3 !g2:" H :1;1"'---»-~-'"""" 69 Exd 10 DEC3119 /- .' ii "hill -n--w __..._..-"-'-

l- JAN?rem

IOIQ'|°l'.I_ BqylLS.£mMqp1%wd:Rqwkmb¢m1%eIQymHwg:Phm l V/7 orrluw. roll no. to us? ml: mrnuu on FPMI [11 am! m-||.a I UNITED STATES K ;VERNMEN'I $1 l Memorandum TO I: _DIR§CflOR, FBI DATE; 12/ 31/ 69

mod//I NggI 92 LOS mamas 9-uzos! P! 5-l sunjncrz V UB - .e /0 7c. 1 VICTIM - " EX;-'I'Q§!'i'I Q! O0: I-as Vegas

Re Chicago letter dated 12/18/69. On 12/214./69 information concerning identity of- was furnished to victim: attorney, Hr. HILTON A. RUDIH, 6922 Hollywood Boulevard, Lea Angelea, California. Hr. RUDIH said neither he nor t had been able to recall any information concerning- Mr. RUDIR aaid he would appre- ciate developedbeing concerning advised of £0 thatp ertinent he mighta dditionalkeep informationthe victim 92 advised.

K q - Las Bu-roan Vegas . ,__._--j.Z__'; --1-"" #- / Q! //»/ 2 - Loa lngelea '1-oi W, 2 Ln~ to mm/min . *2 ,/ .-vi 8 Q 1 F92 '-"I . _ _ '- " 'Buy U15. Saving: Bond: Regularly an the Payroll Savmg: Plan

Ir! ___"__I.;=_!,,_Ei . , . ._

- > 92___/'J"; 1%.- ... - _.-I IIIIIWU-II-4 4» -4 »-~----»-»._4-----»~------n-v--»~-- ~. i | » "FD-263 ,1 ",FEDERAlr.QRev.12- 19-61! ' OF BUREAU INVESTIGATION 7QEp°1'||qabg;|7gié7W OFITICEO? I ORiGlN 7 DATE INVESTIGATIVE 7 PERIOD LAS VEGAS LAS VEGAS , 4/29/70 10/15/69 4/16/70 TVITLE_ CQSE__ 92_ QF Wu-:non'ruA|:v: t e__ _,92 , __ ___ av _ _ _ t __ , WTYPED _ BY cl A 1 1»-H b7O _ CHARACTER OF CASE Z / . .1 EXTORTION M-'*

t 7- 7777 Title marked "Changed" to refleet the name and aliases of the subject obtained through investigation. Title of this casepreviously carriedas "UNSUB,Elk- _ FRANK SINATRA- vrcrm."

REFERENCE Las Vegas airtel to the Bureau, 10/16/69; Chicago airtel to the Bureau, 10/27/69; FBI Lab report dated l0/30/69; FBI Identification Division, Latent Fingerprint report 11/7/69; Chicago letter to Las Vegas, 4/6/70. ' i R92 "C" . 1;'=;l.= i ADMINISTRATIVE 5,-. ,,{,,9211 ;_¢_ ,if e -.. ..,-- -1"-1" ***"' "_,;~,,, , . , 7, _,cc°~i_PL|s-iEERTsI émaT 'ACQU|T~| case1 seen HAScLA¬ED -' '5;, :'.o.~:v:c1a-..-1e=EY rune; rue; T nvmcs F nzcovzmcs TN-5 L V ' "{ " '' W j , 1 Panama rnoi:cu1':oy4/one [:]!-£5/ vtanoven Elna ovln nxuou-ms, '~ mvzl[juo 3-=--owlf WW i W ,,,°;f,;,,§§'" no notVlRlTE,l*N sexual sraces i;

c°""*'- USA,Bureau Las Vegas9-50231! * f L52 2:1;/ E R 29c_-e

1 - LosChicago Angeles 9-5464! 94205 Info In¬o! i

T at t __

Agency__ 05,".-nu}-=11» W Record Mtuclndof Rgpo_ E W V Nill licqiicst Rccd.i W H" ' 7% 7 V Dane Fwd._,., ,Q - W 7 7 M?/LA, J14 ' - ~1?92<2."~92'°"W 1 MCIOLEEVEII ta ' %W' 7 Pm:u s. oo;|n|n|nn rlllfflltjfiltl = 10100-8?!-III J

LV 9- 263

' repor Information copies of this t are b eing fur nished Chicago-and Los Angeles in view of the int erest OI those divis ions in this case.

It is noted tha t the period of this report is extended however, the case has been kept c urrent through I0 communicati


-=. I ?__..»..92 £4 . ' _ ,1; 637/ g;/¬ ;a? ii

92 FD-204 Rev. 3-3-59I


°'= 1 - usa, LAS VEGAS L10 .'§I..';"° ml °"- LAS VEGAS Field OfficeFlle I: 4/2 Bufouu F. 1:


Chereeler: EXTORT ION

swmmm Numerous letters raeived at the Flamingo Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada, addressed to hotel and FRANK SINATRA. Letters contained threat to FRANK SINATRA according to AUSA ROBERT S, LINNELL at Las Vegas, who requested investigation to identify sender. Letter submitted to FBI Lab and Latent Fingerprint Section, Identification Division, Lab report set forth. Report of F ' a ed 14 latent prints ' £70 In of s. 1011y hicago 1v1s onrevea s thatfound on thisletter in- EL; dividual has rn enta1_1llness ' and as of IE! WILLIAMPATTERSON CASHI!!, prosecution , 15



On October 15, 1969, LARRY BORK, Chief of Security, Flamin 0 Hotel and Ca ino, Las Vegas, Nevada, furnished to 57¢ SA 3 letters l recei dve a t thathotel ad resse to the hotel and FRANK SINATRA. Readable post- marks on these letters reveal that they were mailed at

l,.. I I R I g;/e/ This documenteontatne neitherrecommendutlone norconcluelone ofthe FBI. It le the propertyof the FBI and 1e loaned to 1°"? ¢qencY: It and lte content: are nut to be dtetrtbuted outelde your agency. LV 9-263

Joiliet, Illinois, between the dates of October ll, 1969 and October 14, 1969. Three of the letters contain a postmark which is not readable. A11 of the mail received with the exception of one Eiiii ii Riga Sgntained in "nveloes of he

s rs which was postmarked October ll, 1969, and the only letter known to have been postmarked that date, contains b! a message on the back of a paperback book cover of "Sinatra and His Rat Pack" by RICHARD GEHMAN. The letter continues on a thank u ard o the Illinois Security Company and is Signed This letter in effect demands that FRANK purchase eleven million dollars in unmounted diamonds for two million dollars before Chistmas, 1969, or the writer will kill SINATRA, with the alternative being that SINATRA donate two million dollars to the Vatican in Rome, Italy.

The additional letters received at the Flamingo Hotel are as follows: F

! Letter postmarked October 12, 1969, Joliet, Illinois, addressed to "Flamingo Hotel, The Owners and~ Frank Sinatra, Las Vegas, Nevada". This envelope contained a e addwrittun letter to an individual named unknown to Las Vegas Division of Flamingo V___s , _ l _ c. l ls! and is rambling and refers to FHAEK SIHATRA t and the Kennedys. 3 b7c/ ! Letter postmarked October 12, 1969, Joliet, Illinois, to "Flamingo Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada, with notation at bottom of envelope indicating "Owners of - sonal". This letter begins addressed to and again is lmbling and incoherent and re ers to a "DOROTHYLSINATRA, makes relerence to WALTER QBQNKITE, as well as "H_AY!~IS?!I_!?.'lH", and probably President NIXON. The envelope also contained a color transparency 5mm! not further identified.


. - Ir V -' , _. ' . .4 ,. . ~..r ,,..- ,5 '3'*0;

1- ~ LV 9~263

! Lower postmarked Joliet, Illinois, October 12, 1969, addressed to "Flaningo Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada," with a notation at bottom ofihvelope "Reservations: Frank Sinatra This envelope contained book cover of "The Real and the Un- real" by BILL DAVIDSON with a notation on the back of the cover to have FRANK STNATRA contact WALTER CRONKITE, Thurs- day, October 30, and an ANDERSON at Providence, Rhode Island. This letter again is incoherent. The envelope also contained two 35mm color transparencies not further identified,

! Homemade envelope postmarked October 12, 1969, Joliet, Illinois, bearing notation inuupper left-hand corner of "Mr 8 Brazil Diamonds". The envelope is addressed to "Mr. Frank Sinatra, Flamingo Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada", with a notation on the bottom "Reservations: Walter ronkite Thursday October 30 -". This envelope contained a plastic homemade record 0 i h is written the title of Basin Street [>70 and recorder of 8/21/5 " ' pe also contained a han ' ned and refers to a and iie s to give her a ring an o buy his diamonds or the writer will have "Mr. 8 Brazil" kill him. This envelope also contained a Reader's Digest article entitled, "King of Colored Gems", a brochure of the Gene ~ Judd éompany, Lytton Building, Chicago, Illinois, which has an addressee of M, HYMAN and Son with no address. The envelope alsoanntained a brochure regarding Quebec, Canada.

! Envelope postmarked Joliet, Illinois, October 13, 1969, addressed to the Flamingo Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada, with a notation at the bottom of the envelope "Frank Sinatra Reservations1 This /30". envelope contained a note signed addressed to FRANK SINATRA, which again makes he envelope also contained a dougle-edge razor blade wrapped in a racial tissue, printed instructions for radio repair, and a pamphlet regarding car design and equipment.

! Letter postmarked October 13, 1969, Joliet, Illinois, to "Mr. Frank Sinatra, The Flamingo Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada, " with notations at the bottom "Reservations - The - an Mists". This envelope contained a letter


"Z; LV 9-263

to FRANKSINATRA E ned_ si as well asthree 0 unidentified color transparencies held togeher with a tie_ 107 tack. Due to the language used in this letter to SINATRA it has been marked obscene.

! Envelope postmarked October, 14, 1969, at Joilet, Illinois, addressed to "Frank Sinatra, MR 1/16TH, Flamingo Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada," with a notation at the bottom of the envelope of "Reservations: October 30 Thursday! 5:30 PM, Walter Oonkite". This envelope antains the following items: 2 unidentified color transparencies; 1 pencil eraser; 1 gum wrapper; 1 strip of film not developed; 5 pages from Popular Science Magazine; 2 pages from a small pocket dictionary; 1 wooden cuticle stick; 1 comb; 1 leather belt loop; 1 page from an A1dens catalog, and 1 page from a Penny's catalog. -3 -- B! Envelope postmarked Joliet, Tllinois, October I: 14, 1969, addressed to "Frank Sinatra - Personal - The Flamingo Hotel, Las Vegas, Hevada," with a notation at the bottom of 4 the envelope of "Reservations - Owners - The Information". 1 This envelope contained no letter but two color travel photos from a magazine, two pages from a book, and two pages from a book regarding the Caribbean area.

{9} Envelope postmarked Joliet, Illinois, October 14, 1969, addressed to "Frank Sinatra, The Flamingo Hotel, Las .1e Vegas, Nevada," with a notation at the bottom of the envelope of "Reservations: The Package - Owners". This envelope contained an uncancelled evelope of the Union League Foundation tor Boys , Illinois, addressed Joilet , Illinois , addwelled 57¢ horn from an unidentified d book, three business envelopes, a diet plan booklet, and a Selective Service classification stub. "'51

0! An envelope with an unreadable postmark it addressed to "Frank Sinatra, Flamingo Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada," ,- with163 a - 16T"". notation on the This bottom of envelopecontained "Reservations - note The Own signed a and another notation signed "Mr. 8 nizati razil" Q 107C, an envelope of the Dgartment of and Welfare, Joliet, Illinois, addfessed to


ff .-.!.1A E p7/ v", | if. _t 92

,,, .-|i...., -v-We--QR»:-w---rvf-r1~w'"' " LV 9-263

Joliet I1l_i.nnis- _a.nd a stuh_of a Social b7 / Securitycard in tne n am ' Socia1 Securit NumberY contained a double-edge razor blade wrapped in a facial tissue and a small strip of gum wrapper.

ll! Envelope postmarked Joliet, I11inois,with unreadable October date, addressed to "Flamingo Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada," with notation at the bottom of "Reservations - The Owners - MR l/16TH". The envelope contained only a National Geographic map of Greater Few York and Tourist Manhattan. No writing appeared thereon except it was noted lines and circles were drawn on the Tourist Manhattan map.

2! Letter with unidentifiable postmark addressed to "Frank Sinatra, Mr. 8, Flamingo Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada," with notation at bottom of "Reservations October 30TH, Walter Cronkite". This envelope contained a National Geographic map of northwestern South America with incoherent writing on the back of it.

Mr. BORK advised that FRANK SINATRA is definitely not saying or connected with that hotel in any way, nor do the officials of that hotel have any knowledge as to the present where abouts of Mr SIN . T He further ad e hat that hotel has no record of a r Mr. BORK stated that a e go a at e e er was received from indicating he was supposed Wt to be a sixteenth 0 ner o e amhgo Hotel - Casino.- He advised this letter was turned ever the Clark County, Nevada, Sheriff's Office and the letter contained no threat.

On October 16, 1969, Bro County, Nevada, Sheriff's Office, a v sed SA andthat thatthat he, office does has have thetodate letter made describeinquiry theofy Mr. penitentiary at Joliet, I s, and has determined that there is no inmate there bythe nameo1nor has one everbeen incarcerated there.


x! l pr.> --"""92 »',, -I F... J J " .1 I n

LV 9-263 On October 16, 1969,s / discussed this matter with United a es orney R ERT S. LINNELL, Las Vegas, Nevada, Mr. LINNELL stated that 1 the letters indicate a definite threat to the lite of FRANK I SINATRA, and he felt that the matter definitely came under 1 the extortion statutes. He stated that attempts should be I made to identify the writer and to detennne the mental condition of the individual.

The FBI Laboratory was requested to search the material through the anonymous letter file and retain the letters for comparison with handwriting of possible suspects developed inhis matter. Itvt further rquested that when I examination by the FBI Laboratory was completed, that they be furnishd to the Latent Fingerprint Section of the Identification i 51¢. Division to determine if latent fingerprints can be found. h Hith regard to latent ingerprints, it is noted that only the Flamingo first letter Hotel referred and thai to the above rest was of opened bythe letters personnel at were Openedthe .'.- in the presence of SA of the Las Vegas Division and "53 I any contents therein were only handled where necessary by him.

I I ? On Clark October County, 16, 1969,Nevada sAHdv1sed_ eriif s fice, oi the I per nent facts in this matter. I On October 23, 1969, at the instructions of the Bureau, the Los Angeles Division was requested to contact FRANK SINATRA's Attorney, MILTON RUDIN, regarding this matter so that FRANK SINATRA could be properly alerted.

, 1969, at the

I Q 92 rente o co space in that b 1958 as a jewelry salesman but went bankrupt after several months and moved out. Rental records prior to 1960 have been purged from Bdilding tiles; no iurther:hiormation available. "cTE direc ontained a listing for a Chicago. 3 -5- I

i _. 5 ixf*I LV 9-263 / 92 I570 HID 92

K I were en's ice in the but went pt after several past iew months, received about a dozen or so letters, all returnfromQ who a ress. u -mas lopes ex- postma t the contents of the letters, I with the old contents of any of the lettes. but not returnto Chicago,

63° Mr; MILTQN A, RUBIN, Attorney, 6922 . ywood Boulevard, Los Angeles, California, was contacted on October 29, 1969, at Sinatra Enterprises, 4000 Warner Boulevard, Burbank, California. The pertinent details of this case were explained to Mr. RUBIN. Mr. RUDIN advised that he would relay the information concerning the threat to his client, Mr. FRANK 92 SINATRA.

Mr RUDIN said he did not recognize the name of R--¢__ -_____..------also KHOWH as, and that the name also is not 1R.A. M RUDINI, m related thathe aintains a file of the letters received by Mr. SINATRA from the many individuals who write demanding money or other favors and general crank letters, He said he had caused a search to be ade of these tters and had located no correspondence from also known as or anything similar to 1 .- '1-11¢, REPORT of the

.Qm;_Li§e§I}6§1_HJe_ FEDERAL BUREAU BF INVESTIGMTOH WRSHNGTUH, D. C. 20535 TO: FBI, Las Vegas 9new! BM -October 30, 1959 PB Ft =~~*- 9-5u221 _ R" uz1sus.i92

Specimen! recelved

,1 ., . . - .. -____-_ ------a LHVQLOPQ postmarK-dQ "' JUL1ET IL OCT ll PM 1969, bear1n5 handwritten address 'F1aringo Hotel La: Veras Nevada-- The Owners Plea3e~--RESERVATIONS" Q2 Paperback book cover Sinatra and His Rat Pack," bearing onSinatra-~ reverse sidehave handwritten I million.ll nessaqe. ." beqinning "Tell Frank K Q3 Greeting card bearing handwritten messan beginning ' E To the uners. of tne. ngo. Flani . ., signed on reverse

| '. QH Envelope postmarked JOLIET_. IL OCT 12 PH 1909,. bearing. 1"Q hand printed address "FLAYIUCO HOTEL THE OWNERS AND @ FRANK SIHATRA~-L18 VEGAS HEVADA~~." bearinw on reverse side hand printed words "ABSOLUTELY COHFIDENTIAL" i Q5 First Rage of two-page handwritten letter beginning ' Have just sent over 800 letters.." _ - Q6 Second a of handwritten letter beginning ' P Chicago, Ill.-~...," ending inc; Q7 1Enve1opepostmarked "JOLIET,Qk OCT12 PM1959," bearing3% |. handwritten address "Flamingo Hotel Las Vegas Nevada Owners of Flamingo-~Persona1-" -A . 92:-';:. -d Q8 age of two-pagehandwritten letter beginning -Must speak to Dorothy via Code Eifh@P- - ." ; Q9 Second page of handwritten letter beginning ". . .Sunday 12th: 10:00 AM Chicago time TV~3-Drake. . .,'and ending on reverse side ". . .and everything World *"- "*- Page 1 continued .Zt l ' gr -I _- Ix I ~':_,92~=/ J »"~.= Q?/t».-~ ;92 -=1 ~ .

F __ - _ U 3 !

Q10 Envelope postmarked JULIET. OCT hand printed addrcs 1?PH 1?69 lg, bearing R:3T??hTIT3' T?' E-I FLAHIJCO HOTLLr :/-.'1';*-Jx . LAS VHGAS'X3VADA 1.51. 92_f r'-."--.. on reverse 2162 haul pvintod

"' ?apnvbacE bank counr 'The eal and thc Unreal. baarinn U-I q; P=ver12554" handwritten massage beginning ':rank Sinatra Flamingo Hotel Owners - Your. . ."' v

Lavme brown avdhoavd nvclope postmarked 'JOLI2T IL OCT 12 PH 1569," bvaring hand printed address HR. FRANK SINATRA '??.,'-;7'IT'I "'-I "T-T-'.'-"-1.. L-*3 '92.":'I:'..|'92$ ' 1I1"? 1 " £13.".' I ' 'T I '. Cronkite: Tnursday OCT. 1510. RESTRVAZIOLS Halter Q1 3 Eve --I"-71;? e 1 RT}'Ii-I--" ;;CI' HGT?-'3 OT! TI*.31"|"-'l-"S91 S LI-. Z {rank 5inJtra-- 1 I want you. . .,' signed JOL1

Lnve10$@ yostarhea 1 ET OCT 13 PH IGGQ IL." bearing hndwritfnu edrees I minwo Hotel Las Veins devada Frank ¬1n;trnr 2L$IRV£TTO??: THE

91-$113133 ' 2' Cnn~pajc hanwrittvn lnttnr neinninq Yr nk Si::tra~~~ = * ' Phi-~~* 1 91 vtc. . . sinad an ruvvrsa sin or Q18 Envelom 11 F*.m.>!1""- vntarkwd JWLTFT T5 0?? T1 l°?"." nin" I . :ircns "hr. Trzuk Hin=trn Thv F1em;n~to votel Y ':-1- J"."..:~, J At} B , . I" ':92- '92 on I. I .- 7- I 11'-v F _;:! '--"1' . 3 ::92.'a'.:£1:.L-»...'.V.'u1.-.I.--- 1 92.'- 1....-' 1-n J /J.r L '

E Q17 ?i- ' H]: 1:0 nf trrna-nafe i handwnittvn lntfwr bi"inP " - ~ ~- '3-' -».'..l'h-.92't'.q92 ..¬- "' ~-.1.L," M.-92... f - II» ~.'.'L.sO¢92-2... an 92 1" "' u-1.3.1.-~---e.'. e -92r-r-»- ' ll... IQ Lgcntc ~. .. I , 92 0 0 1 - I Q18 Second pave of nangwritten tter be:1nn1n Frank amnatra also your expression Pal ~ Pal-' 0 u 1

Q19 Thibd page of handwritten latter borinnirr Sina* - con llllliI 1n Flying. . .." and cndin; . On . pvversa s¢£e ,K Q23 Papcrhack bee? nova? THQ Unrwswuro 4unati0ncd About xrasident Knnnnnys B£SSRiHdtiO Wnarin: handwritten < '*""@3¢ b¢"inninr "frank inatrn-- Look ?a1 and I mnzn what M I sa -~. . 1" and encin" ". . . . so -J.n_!F - :4 unv. ~ i 1' I *.§'3l Irzvelope pas-;m.ra=¢a'0L1:;'r 11. -cc? 11: .-*1: 1=2'rsr'." b-tzzrrin. hundwrittan aCd?cssF?a:k Hfatrn VR'l/1$?H'HFlumin?o Fatal L25 Vzgas Scvnda RESEVATIQKS: Oct 30th 'Thu?sday . is '">

First haga of f~Ia..,_ ?al~ucr¢ is some exposed f

-- -. J ." ._ 1.5.,-*._1_ 21-*_ ,1 3.1;-


iln for you-~. . . ._ ___ -.-_.;-4 l9ttcP be in<{W1 T mp uii3¢Jt 5indtT&,.. ., ending kl 5 0wg1n 321"! I, T71 Q26 -Envelope postmarked JULIET IL OCT 1n AH 1989, andnritten rddress "Frank Sinatra Perscnaf It ,., 11 Fm-'.'n.r||-0 _:1r-ht]. L..=..':qagds n "*1!" :-::'.'!i:'.'v.---1',-'u1'-= K Ill. .L.'¬-1 92JI92.;'.J'., I .1 -'§i Q27 -I JQLI ' L -. - ' .. Invelos 'TL:t yoqt"a?k@¢annsc ?¢=n1

.~~au Wnviii @"@¬*v:T*Q _.92. . L.

-I b'7C, two-pqn handwritten letter heiinni

Fnvclopo pnot"=. C/.1 -J. L handwritten *GrQns 92 9 Q23 " ?"a9 Tuv1d1~-1»~ "'" Lntinn ~92'_4 J_|.,'92 _1927y_-wt-q -.i..._= u-'_1 ... ql ,:;. {.1 92:,'_,P.-,. ,

vada 492-'...--44% =*""*vx":nt$.' 1- 1 O30 Envnlona tf fz D2*1?f:2nt bearing =..',:.1f_...,,-. -- - '._:- -' ;.,.',...._.. ' - ..: I-'I'|"-U". ..i.-.=. ;. '.'_'... The s»>"1:'.=--r, 1?IL OTT 1" A7 1939, ?."l"T ." nancwrlttnn rnssaqe baiinni Finztra --'-_ T! ._. '-H 0.JmR¢ - OCT. 13TH wan? v@nTs urn 1 -.,',-q ,4-"1 , ,,.. _.,-q - 92- 92-u-.92'- .'.m:., - P.92C.w-.92-,:.- ."4. . ...-:'=:1IT-," . ?EnQT of J>]:+ ?w~ 'J'.f'.~' 3'] " 1 b~*:Ln Sinatra Flamin :TO"I-'21. - t!r~ v: vnrzou - "

71 . Jaarini cf Tea A1 W -3-~.& -1 - 92;."-. 35'!-.

'1ar1dt:+-._ _., .- :11: __. Q: l_;|_-- _; ______H-i -°=*~"*~'* ' -. tvnntinw. and . ' . a é F¬> ' g 1 . 3 2 } 92

E § Q3? Rorthweatern Sruth iunrica man from Tha ctional P0fP1?5i¢ Hagazine hearinn on reverse sins hanwrittcn letter be~inn$ ¥ '*?;1I tni T1 takinv some of you people. . - and ~n¢ir: "4 went via Italian Jat-? "*LLT§3~~ ¢

L? SU3HTTTYD' q-Q 4 "J pages from the Reader'sUitqst mazazine Remembrance of first Cnmwunicn of Joscrine Wase '92_-_-I - z "4...l___.._._-5-; '..- -92--..-1-44--gnaw ..'1l:.;-.L.-'._r.'.,;.;'&.i.L'C'u::.;J

Two n chnre rnrariin" dovartnnnt store in Quebec = :;n tack I I F cuhin-vqo razcr wracpad 1n tmnwc - -. -1 ' ..'..uJWO _|Jr1.;TP. .1 ova far raiio rapair ~a:-e4- awn0 I an C3? Ucsi"n and »qwi"H?vt Ganr"n "lm? c- zrncies hnld fngafhrr v;t1 ':rrr:

07:3 molar trnnsparnncins Five rcnuil uraqr 1"»-'~Jtear: 1;-7",.',':'~-;:" ::':.'.~f.'.1f.'.Z'.".1 rrf I-:-1.-.'}'r."4=--'5 :~.c1: G::r:pagés from Popular Saiqnt Eaqrzinc w -F - .!,1c ' rs ¬rsv % nrall puc?et dictionary .".~.'.'oen cutialu stick 1% ne r,!O.".!1 1;. . . _ !~n|r-H- ¢,_§¥¥='0_11I,};-_§if.*;W- ~*"-4 -1 fa!n l |''1-9222:: Trot 1 """"s cntalnn 4 1-r:-P7?-1''92é*.'1"$'-r. " - Three 1'"-" pare lnathr H 400p ] _. -:!,_»=§.'.1} rt - Twu pages _ .- ;;;._'.£'Uucance1ed_unvel0pe In-1:.of .L.-. The ' » Says-¢3t5srah:., iron' "2 ' .+rr;v~ ~ . E -I.5 c3=:l¢L ' '. Y - 4 - . cslrr +r:vr1 rF¢1¢< ;ro1 P . A phatography , pamphlet. ,¢ Tue payaa from5.ro: an a rcok - rv ! 9 . Two Business envelope: - One husincss reply F ivt plan hwoklat - "g I h 3P]0?t1?r from Service a book c1assifin1tinn rezarinq the stub Curirhaan J arqa Leagun Foundation Pafa H ankle-Qig: ?norh3aC1 D B91G2llh9 LC - shall strin of run wran;cr V - *aii¢na1 fsrfraphic nap E and Tourist "anhattan. . 21 . 3

esulf nf nxaninaciqnr

r-<- » - -we qu»~wir¢JV, . . . uvigcncc was searchug :1 ?§§ %?§Y5?"iaY¢nc?ti_nf tho Anonymous Lqtiar - _:hout :»¢uef1vz an 14cnt1I1¢:t133. Photozrapha will be to tun I110 :0? futura rcfnrance. '

Yo inentcd writinv of value or other marks were dial wn L32 :1>";t;c¥ wvidenca which would injlcatc tha _ i ncurpe of this Agterlal,

Tlilf. fl K-'.JTlittC92'l -'!Vj,F1|'_F':CI7':'- ' }u92_f_'r;f_92n,_'92S|_~~;;a11at '{ ,lv_ Fnntcqraphs are rafnfncd in tn: -' ,utu?e hanjariin. ' uomparlons arz 22q3e3t3 '


| ¢ Pagc'5 D~6910 1£ Ea. f _ 1*-"-"~'c"r:or*"1.Bugzgu Qrc gm/*=1:A1|oN '1= mom ' of the "" IDENTIFICATION LATENT Fii92iGERPRii92iT I YOUR FILENO _ Nbvember 7, 1969 rs: FILE NO. Q_5Q23]_ i LATENT cats;rao. A_13126 3 V W, . ___.,-_;:'.:,i_ Tc» SAC, ' VegasLas


51¢ iipnerm"Fl '9292T nu A .L92IJ-I

'3 nzrsnswcs L35 V¬g&S 3.1118110/16/69 and Chicago 311118110/27/69 EXAMINATION REQUESTEDBY: J1-I SPECIMENS Q1 through Q32, thirteen envelopes, seven :-

letters, three paperback book covers, one .11 Q----1-OQ"l"l=.F!I'.iIlD' ----- card-one '-_- Snr~.is|1 -w--- S¢=er~.m~-ifv-v-----J '--_- Parr! stub, and one map One business reply card One diet plan booklet ~._ I t One page from Penneys catalog M} 14 i Numerous other miscellaneous items -..|

-|~ - . ii . _» -u_ "F|92~iA-ll-I-LI c:I vnnnrf kw nnn'F-iawvs@ 92a92II-U!-I-I|Ill ii 1: an:-'l 92JUI-tllil-92.¢5AL92-udbwgi¢:|'|nn'| nni-:1 nrn W1nun . teietjrpe. to Las Vegas11/5/69, - _ _ . ~-s ,1. U - . The listed specimens are described in the _ i. Laboratory report, which is being furnished separately. , - - 1,, - _ _ . ' I; . I . 1 - Chicago 9-5464! I ,_ " '- . Continued on next page! -Ii. , _ , U- % _ - _ I F 1! V3

SAC, LasVegas November _7, 1969

Specimens examinedand twenty-twolatent finger- prints and six latent palm prints of value developed. __ 5- ._ _ _ . _ l V ,_!_l_V _ ... 1._::.__. -A fingerprints identical fingerprints of bvc, Iingerpr1| nl: Latent palm palm prints here for

See the attached page for results oi additional comparisons conducted. 4

Specimens being returned separate cover.


2; 1

znw" I I V _, > T ,,_ Y 1- » K

" 10 Yr. 'J . I 1-

It 1 .--.

1 /qr i ,1 s c 4. }- 4' ~_ '9'r . Page 2 1 -, 1"" LC #A-13126 . .=.=,/ if .. 1 - ___ _...... -.l+..-. _... _....._._7._.,_,...__.... __ , §__ _,_ W /:92

FBI File No. 9-50231 November 7, 1969 Latent Case No. A-13126

57° Re ~

Fourteen latent fingerprints de as follows have been identified as fingerprints of

Three on paperback book cover entitled "SINATRA AND HIS RAT PACK" bearing handwritten message, designated Q2 V One on handwritten letter beginning "Say Pat - Here

is'some exposedfilm for you --," designated Q22 1 Three on envelope postmarked "JOLIET IL OCT 14 AM 1969" bearing handwritten address "Frank Sinatra - J Personal - The Flamingo Hotel Las Vegas Nevada RESERVATIONS - OWNERS - THE INFORMATION,"

designated Q24 I Three on envelope postmarked "JOLIET IL OCT 14 Aivi 1969" bearing handwritten address "Frank Sinatra The Flamingo Hotel Las Vegas Nevada RESERVATIONS: THE PACKAGE - OWNERS," designated Q25 One on sheet of Joliet Republican Printing Co. letter 4" head bearing handwritten letter be inn "Now you :1 people wanted. . . " signed -11 designated Q28 _ _ ii Two on Business Reply Mail card of Allstate Insurance N4 -1 Companies _ _ . . Q .4 One on page entitled Easy-to-Follow MEASURING INSTRUCTIONS for selected items" from Penneys catalog

.. The specimens are being returned under separate cover. 5% / s i5 '


/- 57° b70

LV 9~263

b7Cr followingby S __ at Joliet, investigation Illinois: was conducted

mental ng wi ving been released earlier this vear from a hospital. b1¢ 1969, bu

57¢ bno bin

61¢. I The following investigation was conductedby : Chi.CagG' bnc. b7D 1'0m newspaper clippings, coupons, pgges torn from books and mag- / +17? Z5» LV 9-263 92

Casino, Las Routine Vegas, contacts by SArevea1ed with LARRY BORK, Flamingo thatthat Hotel-hotel is still receiving the same ype mail in this matter,

92 On December 29, 1969, Assistant United States Attorne JOHN L. THORNDAL, Las Vegas, Hevada, advised SA L-1:, that m_....er in view he ofwould there not consider prosecution 05%i ' He requested, however, that b e c o tactedn and made aware of this matte t termined what steps are being taken by have Wcommitted and to determine if he can in 0 stop sending such mail.

O mber 24, 1969, information concerning identity of as furnished to victim's attorney, Mr. /Icitlaliiornia. HILTQN A. . Mr; RUDIN 6922 Hollywood said neither Boulevard, he nor Les theAngeles,v im had b been able to recall any 1nf0I'm.t1On concerning Mr. RUDIN said he wold appreciate being advised of ny pertinent additional information developed concerning-so that he might keep the victim advised. I.-no L10

_l7_ LV 9 -263

{>10 :10 he is aware nan as 92-v92-Ill-92.:92: *'-- to FRANK SI b7¢ bu b11>

[ y int B10 facts of this On caseFebruary 23, with Assistant 1910, SA n revieweda es Attorneythe bl! WILLIAM Pi CASHIW Vegas. Mr. CASHILL requested tuan. h * - um: re~*"*-sted to determine if they have F een succ u E n hav i n qcommitted to a mental hospital. He stated that if not, e wants to consider moving against the subject on the instant case in order that he may poss i ough Federal Court. H e req uested that e made aware of this possibility. i* r LV 9-263 in Chicago, for treatment, and it appears he is going to receive mental treatment, he would recommend no futher action be taken in this matter and the case be considered closed.

He noted his interest was not to prosecute the subject, but to have him receive proper medical care.

