Frank Sinatra Part 02 of 29

Frank Sinatra Part 02 of 29

Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts Release of File # 174-304 I 1,. -92 " .. IIAIBH 2, I955-<l l F .- . A ... .. - . F 1 .-' V .V - '.- :_; ;_ H 4: - _. 1 ._ _92 i5_ V . _ ,4. 1 I M V 11251.2: k 1 _ _ , . .1 *5 is '>. '_»,~"j='1"*;;',;" - - ;- f -'-: =~:~-',<'*',~.-- -' l ' '.;.~* ',:"" -:- 1-3,;-1; . , _ ,i;,-.,'<*;~ -=:~<=>i;'~ '9, , '. ! -="IfT-:7;-Z; . ;"_.-*-':~ . .. r I "- ... l -, 33. -"1;;'~_f._-=.**.. l ~ "»j-f92';¢".¢%,3"'§s{~92?§;',_».'§';' 1, . 4 'j$%;§»Q§§%§?-£pg@?u - , q| , .§ "~- -"-Q,:,},;- . , _ . i .- - '. ' » 92. ' . -. [._ .1,-._. >; e . ,._-..-_.~. ,.,. 2" ~-,.-. __: _.- . a. ~ .-LP-1'.-.-J_ .., ~55 1 '.f|;;'n.,,92_7¢ _. .1 , __-.,.,- V_g-; _.-._.-' - -. 1 ¢§,-, ., _ ~: g. - '' . =.::-q - ;» I J - '=:.=+' . _ - .- ' ,.=-":<_.._@;1 1.:.,. - " MI.__'._ ;"33>r§'- , _f1Z;_f~; . ¢r?.E"-m..;.",- 1- L-,1.--,_ ' , . -e- .2, ?*>| < 5 _- -- -K-<».~ l. - = -- .- ~= , . ,-.- 1--.-¢*~ - .-*:m,:--~_. , i . 92 . I ,. 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[92 Yfi.-QR 2 1955 'M A |492P92R¥"$5,.-e/ iii I ..---3 /-"' ggseen yk COMM-FBI . 14 Sullivan 92 w Fo-sa.=._ Han. 5-.4-a4! ' Iii:92a . "Q I Wad . FBI fr a _ -es, J" Date: 3/2/66 Transmit the following in V V are 7 ____ Type in plaintext or code! via AIRTEL _____ -: - H in Priority!M 1' From: SAC, Q 174" 125! 1 - I F, A ;'@i_ - ,- To; Director, F31 "* f G H H mph. M3/..1z66_ ! I ' 0 SUBJECT; _/ Subject:_ EA T0 some FRANK szmrzm, » ., ~,.:-romuxneemau HOTEL, MIAMI BEACH, FLA. j___. J 1 /__, I, Enclosed [XIBOMBING are eight MATTERS copies of - THREATS a letterhead |:| memorandumRACIALMATTERS %J/-_,_/VF, / Re Miami teletype to Bureau dated 3/2/66. .n 0 i -_ Miami will maintain liaison with the "" 35953Miami Beach Police Department regarding this matter.A1,! mromumou oozrmmnn 1 . 3' C SEE 92 LJ~~ ";1n aenéem I8 I ' IIZLPI L-'-D DA -' D112 I=92';z':-*..____,_..._._--I3#L5Q-2---I966 {{.;<,-1 Fag".-2'-.'.__/i,Z;¬.____---------~=""" 92 13Y1[Z:>_,Z駣----r'"""'"".f¢'< /_e,~ /i/7 - ' '" " , ",._.y I £9 are es 'I 1 - Miami Ii /74° __ 4 I Bureau Enclosg-B-¥EX b 7 -1 mégl 92 1 I LLW2 <2! 11 S M-C T13 '" ,,.B.." "M. /-.' .'l 4 5; .-§ I {1}'1 t 1 8:1 92 I. 5ll ii. ,. 2 :1"- lg; i . PM F -l '1 l;. ! n -3 : " ' '1»-' ;_ v . - , ' ,1 a ; . .. "1--' _ "- . ' . ;_ J M D-376 Rev. '1 l-12-65l '1. I I . 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Dellartment of the T1-eas92I1'¥ _' S U ' My ti'1i; De CI i -- . L ': I 'It: _, H- 92l . .§l rSir. ' . __ 'i _ - 'id ~.=:9.;2"1'J = ~' flQ. - Yli".1.rla 1 .. .. 'l:. The information furnished herewith concerns an individual who is believed to be 51 ;_;_ covered by the agreement between the FBI and Secret Service concerning Presidential pro- . ' 4,-"' ' tection, and to fall within the category or categories checked. 1 ya ii -92 Ir. w . i [j Has attempted or threatened bodily harm to any government official or employee. .":2 P5- '1.1 _ including foreign government" officials residing in or planning an imminent visit to the I '4. .' v U. S., because of his official status. ' ~. §. 1- ;. I".- C. it |- f-_ ' - -_ . I I 1: . ,. {:1 Has attempted or threatened to redress a grievance against any public 1 , official by 1, other*.-f'-1-i~ : I 3 . W I J _ than legal means. ; 5- _ a» ,. .r 2'. 'i, 1l 51*! Because of background is potentially dangerous; or has been identified as member or -E I=i '3.:53-1! .- participant in communist movement; or has been under active investigation as member _j 4 ,.J5 '1 ~¢- -ii1 ;; Z of other group or organization inimical to U. S. , 7c;-,'l : £51. ii ¥ I [:1 U. S. citizens or residents who defect from the U. S. to countries in the Soviet or .- 3: - uiv- .4t fr -4.:} vii §l.~l,.l'i- Chinese Communist blocs and return. ' 5[if 1 _ 1.4 "1 %§5?3§a ;!" U1~ITED STATESDEPARTMENT orJUSTICE y FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION V _ E Ti Vildj l"."'|3 ,, In Reply, Plane Referto t -.23, - - .'| File No. '.'.:_I-".¥fi 1-- . ,.-: ..< Ha~*4- 1114-, F1~rida av Tang March 2, 1966 , M1» T10=. ml -4!I - ¢"e't-ea1 -'v- !1§2=;=@4~=£._19_ §9rB_,¥§»&rK _S_P.q§92?RTAl__ ' ""' FUNTAINEBLEAUHOTEL, MIAMI BEACII, FIORIDA, MARCH 1, 1966 BOMBING MATTERS - THREAT Miami At10BeachPolice 45 P M on Department, MarchMiami 1, 1966, Officer Beach, Floida, te1phOn!- cally advised that at 4:20 P.M. said date, he had received a telephone call from an anonymous male caller who said, 1% hand grenade will be thrown at FRANK SINATRAsometime tonight during the show." He did not know if he would recognize the voice again or not. 92 P "' _ '_n<>'¢1fi@d t '0 notified the.D:Ji.inLuiaE|.m:au.aL£ andle the show.

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