frimids bavu stood hy hm*. while my loy' AN KX(’lTlN(i FIGHT. PdKMEK ST. JOHNS MA.N. ol^ b iuuats. 1 have always bsea a rspubBean aad am still. I lierewith niAMKAMI.K WITM EXCELLED BY FEW Of VMM C’MMOIT P(NI «IOOU WOMK OM UHDItWlYTOIEST pisdge myself, my deisgutiun aiidflintoa XIIM DESIRE i BflUNSOII THE MIW. riHk IN A kAHM. TWM NVMSnMCI MHW». I'uoaty for the support of the nominee. ” He mode a witty rsauuk about the Mr. aii«I Mm. R. A. Iliamaii who Hr* 11. Herron, wbo publiabed tbe h ssemiag arillshuess writh which every bar­ He is SiMd For tlie St. Jo Imw Spieiid Ceaditioa of St. Johos W. A. Nortofl'i fniurfinaRl To Kill Sheriff JoitiM SeM n«' would stand loyally by with liebluinic ab«iut oa** o'rlnck and »*| Bat that Gentlemaii BeUeres la the Immediately After He liad Beea kmd Has the **Piiir With the afln* liotli Mr. 11 Inman and his wib* It Now RtBks With Towns JDonble oi Tm* .X**«fi and |iointii iiut t^* tborny tlie nominee. These were no bolters path be trod iu yettiny timt iwper <>n its Resarrectlon, among them; iu fact tliey dhl not know SRot Near DeWltt. Powers That Be. w«*mdrtwtM>d at tbs tims aad M'riaic tbs the Size. feet. Ill referriny to “the first stuff,” h** what bolters wsri* up in their miMlel liirhtaiuic from tbsir h«»us»* wsri* in tbs mentions Mr. Herron “who Imil recently oount^'. The sarcastic Judg*'DalMill had Imm only a iiiorosnt allsrward tbchtii k lie**ii piiblisbiiiy a pn|>er in Ht. JohiMt." Aad He H oa the SagtaaM' sat on th** bench for ten years ami by Ao Aarvcacat Was Reached aa Tata* tbs flamss which bail startsil in a |ii)s of WM Seoa Cestaie Fear HaadaeMe Farth**r on in the article be says “Mr. this (ireaent tiim'i'very liolter was either A Lack «f the AImnh Sarad Striiac day Atteraaoa. straw in tbs mow. Mr llininaii had a Herron later turned his attention with dead or in state |irisoii. .Mr. F'ordney, Treakk. lilaokst at hand and innds uimm I iiss of yreat sucresN to tbese«?nriny of a state said Mr Nortoo. is theereatun-ofthecon- il with which to siiiothsr tb«’ tiniiiss. circulation for Tb** News. He may pro|e ventioii, and as such is *mtiile4| to the whils bis wils ran for water. Ilurintc erly lie nyarde*! a« th«* father id tb** PactloBs la Sactaaw Coaaty Pttebed up iiuiti'il supfMirt of not «inly every dele ­ Whereby the Other Caodidates Are to thissxntsinsot tlisliam was struck tbs As Two flew Oaes Arc Belnz Erected pns***tit buM** eirruintioii in tb** iuttrior tbelr Rows. gate in tUeconi'i'ntioii, hut of the *mtir* ‘ The mtoaer Has Decided to Plead Gallty Withdraw Their NaaMs ssrtaid tints and ilw ls*st hors** on ths This Snminer. of Alichiyan.’* Mr. Herron is well re- constituency **Hch om- re|ires»mte*l, Mr. 08 Retaralnc. liini's killsd. Kortaiiiifsiy Mr. IliiiiiiHii nieiiil»er«sl by tbe <»lder rewideiits lien*. F'oniney believes iu all that is true n- w-ns ill tIts op|MMfits Slid of lbs liani and H*'I'am** to Ht. Johns from l*nw I’nw, itRDNKY LAXDKD ItublNmiiisni nud iiobk .Aiiii'rH'aoism. the «-«>ngr>wsionul Hsh klloM .M.l. did not icst any of ths fores of llis shis-k. and bail so mneh to say about timt On the labor <|nestion, on th** tariff .\ftsr an boar of ban! work tbs ixiiipls l.I.TIIISUK **ui will Iw unto him n.. less Ibildwiii reiiiemlsTs Mr. Herron in «'**n- ilif<*ovsrs«i snioks niilinic out of tbs luiy. Who ran tatjoy than un­ n*x*tioii with Th*' Xews and savs the with a simph* twist flag goes up, tben* it shoiihl remain lor- shot through tbe tin* iH*\i l^»‘^^lm>‘t^•^ .\f|sr another hani rontsst tlisy rstnrnsil to them who .iwn tirsi be iHsinl ol Hie pnblM'ation was of the line, and AA'. .A. ever. II(K}n the •-onclusiun of Mr. Nor ­ lung by Hh*'riff Jor ­ to tlisir house ami on KoiiiK laick latsr, .trsswrslssi iiismirtvsn Norton ’s little - ton's clever, interesting and uiiselHsh dan. near DeAA’itt, ill St Joliti^ to JMNHWSW when .Air. IDiron s*dk*it*'*l his nulas-rip ths third tims, to M'S if strsrythiiiK was Kor llsarsn (• iNoinll. tion s*»oii after it was Htiirt*sl. l*ort«T let lias been laid away speech, he was acconled an publicaiis nr*'all say so. Naturally frsshly hrok*'!! out Ity this tinw .Mr. To inaks ni<*no|M)l.r of l••tlst. .Air Norton pledging th**ir loyal MU|ip«irt to .Mr. .Hheriffs Dutiu aad will In* ii -.iiriiriiw* to ouKhi thst's fsir " iss'iiliarith's and says h** saw him not ami Mrs llimnan wsrs alaiut exhausts*! louy ayo ill iMniit wh*T** h** thinks Im told the i-uuventioii I'ordney. .Ionian liavc I'on- Th*' eonstnietion of rlud*xl that tl^ bad iiiiiiiy iiJ* it wiu« not and Mrs. Ilinmaii ran for h«*lp and tlis| two hitmlstiim' new now r*-si«le**. after it wae all ov**r iM'iichhofs who rss|M»iids*l pitchs*! thsj that he had tn**! to ­ a (iretty bad roan wnli-ly kiiowti that vaults ill .St. Johns WILL BE PERNISIIED FREE to deal with in this straw out of tin* luini and the hlaxs was I «**'mstsry this s*ats iirartinilly hroimlit ! which was •'ntirsly surroiimhil by hay hardly iipfiresnitsd at half Its worth by Me made a splendid iiiipxwsion and now WHS sbattcnil hut tlw hay was not has a host 01 warm fri* ‘nds in .Sogiuaw Tio: Nkws is in nx-eipt of n n»|»ort T*i a r**(iort*T for th*' l.uusing .Founial. th»* iiiatt*>r to a fiM iiH. tliiMS' who visit it olteii. Th*‘ <-Iihiiici's (>v*Tly ixx-ounted th** stori' of his capture iicnifs*!. Many of the rafters ivsrs toni and tin* luiditioii oi hamieoni*'new moii- .Adtdpli .Hutro, the Califomia inillitiii- and Tus) ola I'ounties as well us nt home of the F'ann»-rs' Institute work in this stat«* fluring the |inst siviimiii . by the offh-ers luid said tlM' information Th«- I aiMli«lat**n wIio »m* iiaiiHt> liav.* t I iiiscsH ami one cUlNiia was alsiul 'k- j miisnts liavi* Iss-n iroiny steadily on aiiil ind in Shiawassee. inolishsil. It WHS an cxcilinic iiitcbt for air*', has arraage*! for tbe (mynient of Til*' Clinton ••oiinty delegatioti w*'iit The voliiin*' is a IwMik of alsait liT.'* of his wheri'abouts in .Als-hignii was iiuMt U-.Mi iii* “inioii*^l \v*T»‘ iMwitt II. theicrtntnds tisiny ar*'•'••rtainlyinfin'tty taki'n from a lett*T he had sent to his the lliniwan fntnily. | mid attraetiv*. eomlitioii tbroiiyhoiit $;t,iHHieacii to sevi'rai of th** (Vinyrews- over with a Hrni dep'riiiinatioii to imie Itages, eoiitainiiig li very «'oin|ilet«' re|Mirr tun* til*' place lor .Air. .Norton and some of the institiit*' work of th** stnt** in till liest girl in .Marion, by thi'otfiren* then*, limit. II. L. Kftulrnk ami \Valt*T AV and th*T*. are very lew eiii*a. th*' six** of men who ai«ie«| him in yettiny a bill who had se*'ur*sl the letter befon* its de ­ .St. .Dditis. or ••v«'n niany tini*-s lary*-r, v**ry liv*'iy plugging was imiulgial, but its phosn*; a eompl**t«' re)Mirt ol the Wyi-off ami lu* ii«*ar a** it I'liti |«‘atlH‘«l srcCKSjTKmiKKTINtlS ' t II roily II I'onyrces yrun liny certain privi- theSagiimw deli-giition united on F«ml- state n>und-up F'armers’ Institu*** whk-h li v«'ry to the |s*rsoii )uldr**sse4l. He in- I that I'Hii Is-yiii to eoni|s>te with it in was held at th** .Agrieiiltunil College last t**iids to investigate the matter wh*'ii he llhMv wiif all iimliTwtiimliiur Uawitii tli«* |Ntint of Isaintiful and well kept burial iK'V and with th** aid of tiie Tuscola vot** tVKKK TIIKONKs 11 IN TilK (IKOVK ; leyet. for a .X*'vada tunnell which he "on- they simply had ••verythiag tln-ir own F** ‘braury. tuid also n hirg*- niiiniH'r of returns hoiii**. Nrnt two inriitiom'ni. of F'seex; F^llis Doty, *il foiKi i-ach. The tthe iiiiMt iu my mind. I told Hheriff Jordan \Vvioffha»aUo witlulrawii a** h*- mivk MapI*' Uajudf, pH'iwlmil. II*' *l«'liv*'r»*«l Chairman K. F. AA’aldron, who stat*al yi-ar was 11H,GII2. Th«iiuinls*rof m*'ni- l^oiinds III spleiiibd )iro|Nirtion. man «>f (trnml llnphls, Mrs. Hatti*' .Alla- Is-rs of iustitut*' societies was 7,OHtl. m.v naiiK* was Wisiver. tuid it worried aimllisr MTiiuai that ••vcnmic. Satunliy Th** n* ‘W itals ts-k vault now ls-inyi*on. bri**tly ami plainly tin* I’nil of tin* eon- In* ••oui»i*h*r». that .Mr. l»niU"ou ii-.'iitithtl Im-ii of Uorkford, III., and tb** ymnd- v*'ntion and the object of the I'oll. F'or The avi'ragi' attendauc*' i»er h*x «siou , of tiini quite a littl** wh**ii I denied lieing llsv. .f. It. \V*Mitcii. of .Shspanlsvilh*. stmets*! east and north of Uie Klin vault i-nunty institutes, was 211; of om'^ay AA’illinni Overly. F'innily, when I liad to tlm plao* if h*' rar* — to ifo lu for it. prsach*-*! in th*- morning mill cvcniiiK. the |iast two yrurs, he said, this district will ^naitly aild tt> the grounds lyiny t«j eliihl is the little daughter oi Dr. (istrnii- institutes, l.‘>2. Of the total nttendniice inaile u|i my mind that I would sandy and Ilcv F. I., .\ilss of IW'Witt prsnch*il th*' north wIim'Ii Iimv ** not h♦•rslolo^'l^e*•ll has been n'pn*sent*'d in the halls of *'011- .Mr Hnim>ou now ha.» th♦•^upIM^rf of th»* d**r now of KalamiUfMi. gress by a man not in acc«)rd with th** ut all institutes, •’II,.’i.’'il> wen* reacheil by di«‘, I told him th** truth and he b(s.*ame ti. Kuyh iiev*'lo|sal as nipidly as in other ilire*'- much I'asier in his mind. roiiui.i «oiuiiiitt* ’** ami th** [Militii iaiu* om-of tin's*'s»'rvi<-ss wcri' v»Ty instiiribi;. tioiis Th«* aiiproacln's and yrnss plots iidministrntiou. in fart by a man ilia- «in** day institutes, the remainder H7,l.*l. ’t .Sunday niominir Itsv K. •!. Hradnsr of metrically opisss'*! to republicau prinei- bytlieeounty institutes. The women's “Y*« h. I hav** thought of suing Hheriff who otaml to th«> a«lniiui»tration Hurromidiiiy til*'Kiln vault nn* in alsiut .Ionian for dainag* that h** wUl •••'"••MVi* th»‘ < oniniif^ion. the«!*'im'tery hut from th*' street on the state last .vear, as re|iort«*«| to tlie sufier- ab (IHI’HVMRS. of tin* votiTs. .AftiT the name of .losi*fth AA’. F'onliiey inP'ndeut, was $1,4G4.(U>. Kvit .v (mid- (blessa. Only one l,ansiog iawver lias TIn * ^alari of tlw' oftlci* now is surromidiiiK towns. .\ (•olh'ction was tay*'til*'«‘iin ‘ atnl pains b*Mtow*ai con ­ iiM-ntione*! the matter to me. 'racy are tak*'!! .Siindiiy afitTiiiwin to dHiray ex- The I'.Hst Michiyaii Free Methodist an- had Iswti plans I in nomination Jiidg*- up mem lier of our County Iustitut** Ho- ami It iff pnilmhli a^ u ;o «mI a |»nhlif stantly on them. ciiiMi.Y ia uotatlMl U> um* of H mss* bulletins, all willing to take the (vise on shores aad is'iissH and U* ‘v K. .1. liradiMT was pn'- iitial eonl»*r*ni<'*' has c«>mplet*'*l its work Dnboll pn'nent*sl th** name ol AA'. A. Nor ­ The location on tln'tnaiudnvethmuyh and they will h** duitribute«i thmugli the (Niy all expenses, but 1 bavn ’t fully mode oftiiIlf th*Tf if in tiiiiton ' of that so*'iety, II. F. K«'ys. up my mind whether I will commence fiih* of tlKfi'in nit .Imliof hip. hibits to yu*Hl ailvantay from iilm«Mit th*' Ht. .lohns district is: H. Montgom ­ suit or not. Hheriff Jordan has been very ehurrh in St. .lohiisSuiidar niirbt. Many any |M»int on theyroitnds this hfindsonis ery, diet riut. elder; Ht. Johns and Honth his Hih' presentation speech. He wae Matter Is Noit-ResMeNl Ha Nils. evidently somewhat nettled at the kuid to 111** since the shooting aad it is I'lfMiiniiflffr .Mcf'alH'M f-oicimMmni mx who at»eiid* ‘*l wen* jcn'Htly aiih'il spiritu­ and <’oiii|Miet stmetun'. tliesoUdsirsuyth ()vi*l, .1. D. Kemiett; KIsi*', Ovid and .At the regular meeting of the scbcHil ally and th*'ims'tinics w»T*'ii sun-sss ill course pumani hy the Saginaw people owing to his (wrsonal guarantee tbatth*' nud b***«uty of which iniprmses on** by its IlniiiiisftT. AA‘. (i. Uoe; Xorth Htar. boanl of the village of Ht. .lohns the fol ­ bills will be (laid that 1 uni getting the pir»*i* n**xt .Miitvh ami folhiwinu tho rtih* ••vi-ry way. simplicity of d«*siyti. Ithaca and Htrkles. D. D, Mamtoii, suie and was on his metal. Hedid not mince matters at all but talked freely open ami lowing rales in nHatioii to uon-rasident tnnitment nnd care accorded roe. Idon ’t llial liiif l«»'**n olwM-rvffl lai** yran*. tin* The eharacter of the work pluc***! in the ply: < lakly. Ka*-y, FeryusamI Brynut. AA'. tmpils and imyroent of tuition was con- .1. .liw'ks«>u. (iaiiies and Linden. II. H. u Imiv *' iHMtnl of some methods ticrsiie«l think th«* Indiana ufflcirs will foot th<‘ n<>w man will prohahly tak** rlianrfai *'*?metsrv has rapidly impniv*"*! th** fiast siden-*! ami tbe fullnwiog changes are bills. (iVEItADlAKTElK’ENTrin ten yt-ars ami many fine monuments have ium I O wos - by the Saginaw |sxip|e which b** did not (inen. Corunna. New Haven made from the old ruin*: “Y*w. my brother-in-law was sent over that tiiiM Iss'ii set ilunny that time, which not so, S. H. !*ort**rfl*-ld: AA'illiaiiiston, Fer­ consiiicr *itii*T fnuik «ir manly. In its IIA.NIRI. IIATII.AKSII UAi> I.IVRU IN afToiiiit of tb*' eoiiventioii th*' Coari**r- That uon-renid«Hit pupils hereafter de ­ for burglarizing a (nxx'ery stoix* at only help to is-HUiify the yromids, but ry and leick, AA’. T. Humner; Living ­ siring to attend the Ht. Johns scbiMils Marion, and I was implicated in the deal ST. .MIHNN. Ills* I aid in set tiny a liiyher staudanl. ston. H. iiartlett; Hoiith Lyons and Hil- Ilcnild Miid ; THEY AKEOLI) LIVED. liidg** DalMill grew v*Ty «*lcM|u«‘nt in will hare to, liriore entering the school, with him. H** led m** into it and when I The inayiiiHetait ap|sx«miH-*‘ of tb** i-cr Imke, K. AV. Hiirdiny; Diirnnd and pa.v as follows; am tokfNi Iwck I don ’t beiinve I will de ­ yromids is not due t1. AA’, furrier, ment the sum of 9L') to In * (loid as fol ­ aud (lieod guilty. It is my (lest offense IIH.AIN.XKI) K.%.MII.V. lot owimrs, and to the ('«'inet».ry lloani, su|ieniiiunt*'d without claiin; K. Cook, till* Saginaw camp, n'fcrring to so-tuUleroniis*s in by-gone <*onventions, which lows: .At th*‘ comimmcement of the fall lUid coneidering whut I have undergone riiluia af the heart, at tlieaicsof THyi'am. th*‘ laidi«s*' .Assoeiatioii amt to tb** •‘ttlci- K D. Ilint'kniaii ami F. .A. F**rkins, left term #5, at tbe comiiiern'ement of tbe AV AA' llraiiianl jii'*t r*'tiini*'«l from a le seeme«i to think warranted .Saginaw sine*'the del'd was <-oinmitted it ought lie was only taken ill «iurtiiK the mum- ••nt i-fmifieralioii of .S*'xt«in Smith. Tin* without ap|s)iiitmeiit. sfiring term 94 nud at the cummmene- not to go hard with me.” visit near .lamsstnwii. X. A., ainl tls'fol- eonihtn***! work sh«iws itself in many dif- l•degafes breaking their instructions inu ami th*' shock to his family was very and voting for soiii*' i-andidate who did ment of the summer term $4. Fhigliali AVhile confiiH'd at lAtiising (tverly is re- lowinjr from a iMijs'r in that I'lty shows seven*. Mr. Dsi harsh was Imni in l’*'m|. hTefit ways as a drive or walk thnniyh course, for the year 91(>, (laid as follows: th*'stnnly kiml ^'l a family Mi Itrainani THINK THEY IIAVEIT .NOW. not hail from Saginaw ixiunty —in oth* ’r (sirted to linve won the heart of a win­ Iston. .Xsw York and was iiihitmsI forty* til*' yrtiunds will Siiyyest. Th*- eaP* lie- romnn'iicement of fall term pi, summer If a iiisnilM'f Ilf; words, his own <-andidat* ’. Th** t*i' evi* ti'rni 95, conini*>iicem**nt |of s|iriug term maiden who )'ailed on him daily and kept ••.A. t*. Itrainani. an *d«l r*'sii|ent of dent frfim the ynk isTasion to mb it into the I'ekin. .X*.w A'ork. Ilseam*' t«iKt. .lohns Couri**r-H*'mld Is'i-ause this |iaper had 9«*>. Imtin or sHentiflr «.'oiirwe (or th** him supplied with flowers and delicaciss. *1111 pine*', has Isf'ii entertainiiiR tin* (uift in IHTlJuinlhas simv rssi«ls«l hen*. He tlow*-rs |>lH)***d there nlniost daily by IM» ITW WOlIK. year 920. to tie (mid as follows: Cff«)rts ol S4I larye a nnmlier of lot built ytrtrs ago at (tvid, tht'o* has lieen mi'nrement of the summer term 9<*, the ily ar*'<>f .N'«'W Knuhind amsstry. tln-ir owners to I'ontrihute to the y<>n* ‘ral more «ir l*ws annoyance ironi the varitiiis man should b*- nominated who could Fens, (lenciis, (smboldcrs. slates and rsprss»‘ntation for **|>olicv ’s sak**." He not carr>'his own ••onnty. “AVhen will same to Is* (mill in advance, that is. for l»ar*'ntf eiiittrriitiiiic from A'**mnint. sst- was a i-arp*'ntsr and huihler and had ♦■ffert is npjMirenl t*i lUiy »ile*er«'er. kinds of beatiuy ap|>amttis which have (•encils. tablets, ink and all the aecssoary the tiinecom*' wh**ti we may liavencou- th*'term, to the assessor, .1. AA’. F'itxger- iirtlHee to properly fit out a school boy tlinu III < Hiio in 1 Th** followinirar*' workeil at that trade all his Ilf**. Ths 'ni**re ar*' hiidi*'ds f«i fssiple throuyh- ls*eii ins*ailed there, anil on severe *lays aid, who is alwn.vs found at th** State Ilium— HIT* —. t Ti«*s*'ltoii I'ri* —t out l'lint«iii • (imitt who often com** to it liss sometini*'s Iswn im|MMisible to didat*'? ” i|ueri*xl the M|svik*T. “Fi'hii or girl. Clean, fresh, new stock. fitosnil s**rvicss wsr*' lislil y«*st«u-«lHy at HiiswiTs. whifi. dintoii county has al­ Bank. The (lupii im.ving tuition will lie Itniiiiani. **4 y«'m>. a fartii**r. Miins«ui. hnir oVhs'k, isinduetisl by Usv. I.ony Ht. .lohns and who hav** n*'V*T vis- warm th*- bnildiay. .A slenm lientiny given recei(it for the saim* and it will lie .Ai.dnn 'h's llnog Htokk. tt.. wh*'r»' h*' has liv*fl years; Sinn*«in ways I s-iti in the most loyal ranks of man. it*'«l the I'enietery, hut it will nxilly lie (ilant was iiistaHetl a year ago, niid this neresaary lor them to present this re­ Rest Vala«Hi la Hosiery . td t’sCsro isr l>**«>nar from out of town in attsndanse F'remoiit ran for president, she show***! ceipt to <*ither the superintendent of .At John llirgs'. a farmer: .Alls*rT tiallitin llniinanl. TO w*Ti ‘ .lacoh Dayhiirsh and s«iii, Frank niak** it a |s*int to d«i so when in town. , lins ln*eii diac«>vcre«l that it was doe tt> teacher at the cnmimmceaient of the ystirs. KlUiiirton. X. Y..a furnn'r; AA illiam ,\ visit to tbe*s' spl**ndid yrouiids will act tb*' loct that tbe boiler was impmiwrly li*T tni*' Is'art. Hh** «'arrie*l n torch in Foldwal*'r. Mrs. M. Dspnison, of Milo, Lincoln ’s first isiradeaiid a gun in his t*>rm, nod a failure to (irsoent the receipt Do you want your winter cloak re- AA'idla*"** llrmiiar*l. 74 y*'iirs, •■oniriM'l«ir (’has. (irov*'. of l.ainimburK, and C. Z. as lui im-eiitivt* to tlios** who may have set nt the ls>ginniny. tb* ‘ steam pifee in will raiise their rejection. Th** nlMive modeied? Bring it to Tbe .Mercoatllc ami Iniihkr the jwist ."iu yixii-. .St. .loliiis hits ill s«iiii** of th*' many litth* •'<-ni- tile lower nsims bring lielow tb*- water sei-ond. .Sh*'is entitle*! to rei-ognition. ” drove, of (Ivid. He also entcreii a plea against business ruiew ami ragulat ions io regard to iioii- Tuesday, .August .'Kith. Hinton I'omitv. Mh'Ii.; Mary .Alatilda teries throuyhout tlm *xiuuty. to swiirt' line, enusiny the drip to stnatl in tbe resident (inpils will be strictly enfon-ed. liraiiiani linfi. 71 years, Mmisoii. it.; lietter ami more |Nunstpkiiiy work on hiwer |ii|ies. The change, although at men, lieeaus** as a rale they do nut shin** When io Ht. Johns yon will find it pa3ni as orators. “IIowev*T. ” continued b*', H rnnv J. Fattrrson ', .Martha Marahia llniinanl Kesiiy. .'dt A SIKIKT DilZE.N. th*ar home yroiinds. i-omaderable exfiense. will renH<

BomifM Dirbctoby . 7 ATTH^i^ 51 lteil*8 Prices Mmkm It Expensive to Trade Elsewhere. mommom 4 WOMAN AND HOMB rmmmmmmimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ommor9ri3mnmf\»rmmwSm!. ■. —inWDW,AM«fy» lAkiv. W . ____ THE HOUSE SCREEN. JELLY MAKINa hhiH The Racket 5tore ■. M. Pmmmu. P. K. Pmmmtm. A. J. Bal »wim >PM VMMUIM * ■AUUWIM. ACtonMfvat aatl MalltHori la CAammrj, laal m- IT ■xinrB IN vAmcTv ano m iRVIS aa4 tmmtmf taaawa. The wbya and the wbatafaraa of Jelly UUaa. pmr taiaa. raaMt* matloa MANY OOOO PUfIPOaU. rivriir in nia ME DOWN with tm kice of nm papav*. aad auik* coll wtinaa. All baalaMa amkiag ooa aa easily waDvrad aa tbooe IKMMAlr aad aac«ra(«ljr a>fa4«te lunr <1. wooDMurr, Joattw oi tiM no maana oammen. end many • boose- amount of j^oods for the fall trade and have Harj^^ains that will Auqirisc every­ R Mwa. (^Arflal atlaatloB ^r«a «o. all wife wboae p«rfeet aomance mnkaa ,aa. (Mka ovar AtMao^f Jrwatory body. We are Rtill the and anyone needing anything oanniBg, preaerving aad pickling onoy Headquarters for Tinware in that line will do well to call and ace ua. We have dwin D. atom , Attoraair at Law. M. ■vary how, hoaraaar onpr o liUoRa work laohiea a bngbaor of Jolly iwoking How the time has ocom when the Jotoa. ______ia teahioHbbla fnmialiiaaL oboold bow and from fliat to last is apprabenaiva bouaawifo who doas mnofa of bar own TIa Milk l*aaa. 6 aad H qu____ .....— ...... «A, Oft aad TOr 1 gal. OR Caa. kHkwy Ua.—.—. _____lac E Tta Uaalaii of all aiasa rraos...... —...... Or afi I...... galvaalssd iroa ...... «^16C at laaat oho ■nrai. aithar iB atlkallBa, tbot it will not "coma, "or if it does nrnAlng qt prsearvlng must oftan have Its T«a aad OiOap l*i>ta...«...... >.~...... 6, H aad lOr IHparrs of all slass from ...... d U. imnu, Attut^^baar. M. Jobaa 3 qt Dtsavr Palls...... 4r up Mleli. CDm ofar Hrllara' Baaaar. liaon or Ja|HUMa» papor or oikMr oiinplo will be olondy, dork colored or pnu* her flngsrs otainsd with the Juice of llsavjT ettpaor iMiitoai dtaarm...... 6 aad Mr laafwlal Tlw aaaa at ■omw aia tammy, borrias. peaohao. ole., and it may be tiood Tta lirrad Poos ...... lo qt (Mils, good tta.,...... gent. For tbia maann a writer in Good 1 awl *J f|t Milk Cam___ _ ...... O aad Or Hrov.r poNidi dairy polls ...... , ...... ~..I6 aad 10c IlUaiC TEACHER8. and nowadaya thwe la no flxad mia TInneaheaping fnmiabas acme informa ­ wall to raaaind her tJM the fonma at W<»rkla«a>«>a‘B DIaasr psilfei...... 1C aad XOr t'haaihsr palls..„...... — ...... lU aad 31r bbaat tbem. Tbay ara made aoeopdiair onlpbur will remove moot fmit ataina Milk Htralasia...... M aad lor t pt tia raps...... ______4 lor .V -m 0^. uoiMUI. Taaabar of l*laao. Or< tion thoS will make tbe whole thing Narprtas egg bsatsr ...... HM. Vocal Maalr aad UaraMa^ to ftuioy and Reaarmlly aalaotad for a plain sailing from the beginning to the from the flagera Pnt a tiny lump of >*•rforats•l paa stralasca...... ----- ilTf'aad Oc ’J gal tialvaalssil iwrtakHag soaa.... ******? VRSic rMBM urar apaakHaN'* .Hardwar*. purpoae to abut off a door, aa a Roanl anlpbur in a tin plate, poar on a little Maavjr rsUaasd inassrclag boStls. .JB, H aad 10c. TAfl bsst Rstraaa wirr rlotbssUar I Or end. Uottoa aad Jats dothsa liar ...... ID a window whan opaned or aa a daoo- alcohol aad oat it on lira. Hold tbe Au­ —...... M aad lOe PHYBICIAN8 . ______The obokse of tbe fruit ia tbe diflionit Woatill kasfiour naoal atoek of LoceCartaUu,ToMc IJBCBt, TOfwds. Laiit*saad Gent's UacnCoUan aad CRffk, ration for a baat room. In abort, tbay port at tbe work. One nuy am well ex­ ger tips above tbe flame, and tbe diacol- Gears tkm Laaadred Skirts, iniest style. Gears fine Laiadred Fercale SMrts. Wa have oaly a law Ladle's Wrappers D. auVAID. Pbyalcfaa aa4 aar> aia vtilinad in a doaan wnya to meat alt avatkm will diagppaar. —Harper's Ha- diDcaorar Haat’ani^ Mora. pect to ‘'gather figs of tblatlas" oa to Mt. ThfMi* wo arc ekiaiag out at coat in onler to fliapoot- of tbamfbaforf rvesiviiig our full stork. damanda. aa The Daoorator and Fnr- make Arm aad dalioate flnvorad Jelly at Midi. ______Ws karr a airr Has of rtm itavs aa rlrg aat assohotcat of Ws bars BMtIs arraagsaisuts to ctoss oat ADY r.DATDNa. D. D. ODra oa» half grown or overrtpa frait Paetooe, a large NoMr Baraatt'a atora Ht. Jobaa. UDca tbe sobstanoe wbieh gives flimiiaai to Tnmksl Traveling Bags Toilet Sets boaiat »to 11 a. M.aad J to 6 p. 1_ Dmit and whan freed by boiling yieMa ® of tW latest Skapr aad dacoratl oBs that Stock of nniinery Goods, FREE Tslsaaopsa of ail slaas. WsoeVr at wtualalilanty loo prlssa. ^ M.PONTW.O. Hbjrd^.MinDoaa^ Jelly, is at its boos in every reapaot when Aad to do tMs ws will mabs a 5). .Motarjr Pablle. Ws kavf* adSsd a flMtoo ’a MOUa^ atora. N.. 14 CHato a Aaa- tbe fruit ia perfoetly ripe, but from Ws bars a TSC7 alas ■oa Itrrti-----coraar Laaataa aad Kodpara that time it cont meuoea to de teriorate. C0N5LJLTAT10N M.. Nt. Jobaa, Mleb. ___ As a oboioe botweou two evils, than, Stock of Crockery Line of Glassware Sale Beginning Saturday, For ths taMaaaiatrr trad# aad ws oOter It that wsssll ebsapsr tboa aayoas rias-la IIXAM'ANUCIUDT. Pbyalelaaa aad Hor- underripe fmit is preferable to arm- —BY—• at priess wblch defy roaspstltloa. towa. la tort ws ars tbs ebsapsst Aogast 6. aad coatiasiag till all lagoos «oa' ODca aad raatdao ra waat alda of ripe, bat tbe Jelly prodnroil foam tbe plars la tows. Ws eoa savs yoa Aavoas wtsblag aaytblag la tbat Has Ooart Booaa apaara. ODti boara 1 to n Ws alatt bars aasorsesd rbaaiOsrB at 40c iBOBoy oa sTsry parrbass, an will do well to roll aad gst oar prlssa bs- former will he soittHr as fine flavored I’aeorsrsd ebaaibsTa at...... OOr aMttsr bow satall. fors baytsg d sswbrrr. -T'am. J. W. POUUAKD, M. D., rhyabjaa nor ooloted as thongh tba fruit were jJ'lutd '•arpMa, bt. Joliaa. MIcb. ODra ripe. As a rule large barriM aad enr- Wo also givs a flae Drayon Portrait with oav dollar in frada. Hoping for a sharpof your patioaagt* in tba oaariMateBaak. Fsnla jitlfl man Jnioe thou the omaller future aa in tba past, wo raniaiQ, Yours for trade. onea In ^t it is good economy to bay IINDERTAKBRH. prime fruit at all kinds for Jelly. 1. HULL Uadartabar. No. 16 aiatoa aawipo nooM aennsH £.Aaa. Itaaldaacr bUO 8 tat* Nt. Waat. The prevaloat belief that Jelly mnot niabar aaplaina in prafnea to ranw naa* be taada on a clear day ia utter uon- fnl information and illnatmtiana, in* •J*HK CLINTON COCNTT HA VINOS BANK ■ssMe. At tho seam time many varietiee iTHE RACKET STORE, olndinK tbe followins: of imall fruit will abeorb moiature. and NT. JOHNS. MICH.. Amonir the noveltiaa tbe aawinfr room if picked Just after a heavy xmin the iierean ia a dainty affair. It has a pood Juice will require longer boiling. Win H. Hall, Proprietor. PATH S P*?R CENT INTEREHT ON DE pine frame and ia wall corerad in draim Aawitb cunning so in all other meth­ POHITNAND LOA.NH MONRV ON: A V- of a broam bne. On tbe inaide are a ods of preparing ^it. neither tin vea* PROVED DONDH and REAL ER. Tarietr of poekata. one, oaad for bat- aela nor iron spoona most be ooed in any tana, cotton, eciaaora and tbe like, be- TATE HBCIIRITT. of tbe variooa nporatiaos. (trannlated j inn tbe workbnx of tbe aobenit*. Another ALBERT J, DALDW'IN. ITaaldaat. sugar ia tbe purest, moat delioute flavor ­ ia a eloae pocket for tbe keepinn of bita ed and inexpsnsiviv O. PENNELL. Vtaa-Praaklaat. of ailk, embroidery and tbe ndda and P. E. WALNWOHTII. Traaaarar Have two hags, one made nf ooaraa eoda 80 neceaaary for good hotiaabecp- linen crash, tbe oiber of cbeeaecloth. iBR. At different anglee tbaro are very with strong linen cord for sospending THE email baga mode of aome riob ailk for the former. holding epecial aiticlaa of embroider ­ None at tbe small fmita reqniro any Not an Everyday Occurrence ing. Tbir excellent device ia a perfect water in rooking if a qnart of the State Bank of St Johns, arrangement for a fitting room, where fmit is first pot in tbe preaarving ket­ mending, tnakiug and weakly wwing ia of St. Johns, Michigan. tle. maabed and slowly cooked until the Dr. McDonald Buying a Wind Mill is something a farmer doesn ’t do every done for a large family and a nombar joice flows freely. Than draw tbe ket­ of eqnipmentM uinet be employed. day. Thc\' cost too much money to set one up in every field, but COMMERCIAL AND SAVINOS. tle to tbe book at tbe range; add the THE SPECIALIST. For tbe clever home woman who ia remainder of tbe fmit by degrees, stir­ it’s getting so that almost ever}' farmer, either has, or is arrang ­ away from tbe big oantem and baa • ring oocaaicnally : draw to tbe fraat ing to put one up. Xow this advertisement is to call your atten ­ a knack for Mcreenmakiug. Hbeie are and cook gently but ateedily until soft. Capital paid in $50,000.00 triflea which con be made noefal for OFFICE. PARLORS AT tion to the Of tbe larger fmita plums and pauebes bay windowa and co mera in holla where a fnmiabing ia needed. Tben tbe require little water, while crabepplea. HOTEL STEEL, ST. JOHNS, HNtTER E. PERRHf, PresMent, arreen is nuuk* in a frame picked ont in quinoes and common apples ahnnld have enough to show through from tbe top 0. W. NOIVGn. Vice rresMeat, artiatic enrvea. ^ tbe oovering there nftCT tbe r*n — has been shaken down. Aermotor Wind Mill J. W. PrrZfiEhALD. Casbkr. can be a pattern In ailk and linen of While tho fmit ia cooking, soak tbe R. A. BEEBE. Teller. Hnoll atripea, in which tiny blnaaoma linen drip bag in hoi water. As soon bs .\nd to suggest to you that l>clore you buy, vou let me know and are tbe deaign. Thia tnoSerial ia looeely tbe fmit is soft enough to break easily, Saturday, September 3rd. gatbered at top and bottom and tied on we will look theground over together, find a shady place on the Tbrrr |iar cant Intrreai on orrtifl* wring tbe bag dry, bold over a deep by ribhona of whatever tint. From the earthen bowl or stonowaro crook, fence or under a big tree, and I will tell you aB I know about entra nf dafNiait and on aaritiiDt bmik ae- i^de removable poekata aoapeofled by ONE DAY EACH MONTH. Office eonnta. l^fta iiaaiad rocm I in any port put in tbe fmit, tie tbe top Unnly ami Wind Mills, and while it isn ’t everything it’s what I have learned bnttona can be hnng at all fonr uoruara. of tin* f^nitad Statra or Canada oih I in suspend, to hang free, in a warm plaot^ Hoars from 9 a. m. to 7 p. m. after years of experience in the business. tbf prinnfNil ctliaa of Earof>(>. .^moanfa In tbeoe Inga of different aiaea work of and away from drafts. As it cools, oc- of farmiTH. mrrrhantN ao receptaclea can be employed, than at Itag with two wo^eu ladles, bnt never tbt9 top of tbe frame let tb^ he fasten­ CONSULTATION AND EXAHINA- ooinodatinti «>xt«aidMl I'onaiarant with sqneeae with tbe bands if yen would market over carefully and study details —This will make aafr liankiiiif. Hnpahor farilitiM for ed aome five or aix braoa hooka, on which makiafr nolla^iona of all kind*. main* first quality Jelly. (A little in ­ TIOfi riffiE. you the greater admirer of THE AERMOTOR. It is equipped any number of bogs can find room. For ferior jelly for cooking purposes can with rolter bearings now and seldom needs oiling. aommer work tbia pretty affair will be afterward be made by siineexuig and j Dr. McDonald for ymra mode a stndy lOMj liOUMd on Approved Seeirlties. fonnd to lie invalnable, paitienlarly wringing, but the game ia hardly worth and Npeeiiilty of chronii* nod Ungeriag whan* than* are a number of gneata, A postal card will bring me out to your place—Drop it in the Dr. McDoa^. tbs wsll-kaown spsriallat Sealer Is aoi akis to sopplr yon, writs aa.** St JoImB ncii. ont, dried ap btr blood aad eat bar Thane are elegant affhira fit for drawing ia tbs cure of rhroaic aad liogeriag dis- OppoMle Pott amce. narvae on edgn All of tbeaa things are rooBM and well edaplad to ouraara and snam, baa bsoows a bouealiokl woH ia ealenbuad to uMdto woman look old be­ thoosaads of hoowa wbieh his skill aad ftraptacea. fore bw timt. Aooardiag to iijglaniii ! wo adsv fni remedies have mads kanpy by nUT DOOR BUT ortOllBRkHLL ooa too i rsstor ing dear oaaa to bealfh afisr all autborlty, we all hopes wees loto. Tbs doctor ia a griada- A goad and at tbe mnw Unw iaax- at# of tbe bigbsa t sad beat madieal col- panaive mads of treating woodwurii ia legaa. aad his odraaesd tbsoriss in tbs 10B WALKER ST. EAST. a country honae is in traaapnreat wood iaf. so dtoUaoUy dain ­ trsatmsut nf chmair dissama surprise RELIABILITY Florist&~ atnina. wbfob can be bad ia any oolar. ty, to pietnrad by Tbs Dallnaatar for the fuust aksptisul. All rbrnaic disoasss tito bonofft at any laOae- aatlaa and tall portlvaloes oak eo Uaaci^i Jhm OB offeet of light- of all dabeato aOd ohocure (Haoaaaa pecal- wat few* _ It prints tbe news—all the news—and teib the truth and isouty io very attraetive, iar to woma n . Opposite Wnasiiaaa Mk.. UmaO about It Interohaagr. la Dr. MeDonald's Hpseiul Remed laa avs RasMs. MIefc. Braacli aOles the walla of the a twrmaasnt care for man suBariag from WaaONagtoa. D. r* It b the only American newspaper outside New York cHy Court th chieaaelotb in nervo us aid ssxuul dsbillly and early and veHow to demy. Kbeumutlr aad paralyrir crip- that has ib own exdusiYe dispatch bott service and Hs plea uMde to walk: rutarrbal deafasm mntefi tbe ate srk. 'Dm oar* pualtlvsly cured aad many made to boar own staff correspondems and artbts at tbe front in both tahn were of the 1 Ued Haddiug plaafa and haagiag a whisper ia a very few miautea. All GBI. HTZHUGH LS’S hemispheres. bnok wttb* ribbons, prodaoe d a aim- aabsa aad pains fads away uadsr his naakaVa a apmialty. pla effeot that wna tly lihad. For magical remedlss. DpWspsv or falling on UoOm Tlw whole H b the best ilhistrited daily iieirspBper in the world. m mmm who mn mM It w lor funorabi aad wad- RgUHingto however. for upholotarT oisknssn poaitivsiy c«rad ibroogh this trath ojr the one now nwtbod of traaraasut. Hnscial at all. iNi other hi Hs war news service b unapproidiBbly the best taTulabad oa abort ao- Urn' ia aothiBg meo Tiau hNr. (»rer AUO iSetiim. The Utw le anal and leot- isatioB givsa to catarrh aad (Nsaasss of Stys the Urhana (ID.) Dtily Courier: Uaa at aaooanM** prisaa. |tal nto n hot day. The t be Mood. ACMm Iowa dwu ld be with while Tboas naaMe to call writs for qaaa mm nmnwAiMi nAntm o newtov. Whoearsv there Is a **We read the war sews is the other papen, to lighten the« \ tioa Idnak. Ilnndrada cured by citras AmsrOsa at leosi one f«my Cut Plowsrs of narrow, ronl vatanatounaa Inoortkm, poader wv. MedMnss seut everywhere, 1^‘m hook ma hs aoto hsjento*^ Maay ageoOs aeeeage oesr Ooomees thea we tora to THE CNICAQO RECORD to Always flgd. la tnm, to tbls Inaarrion to oawed r>oasoltatl<*a free aad atvtokly t aafldrar- WhseaHeeias QOUajs lightly, dx \m n frill at oM fboblunsd foaUag about inl. ,kddrisB ilMto lor urais aad taeeltorr. see bow omkH of it is tros.'* at grannlatedi iMbaa wMa. la mm coraar of tba gw Jotoa of a lanwa aad jnet orator tba Mtlala or lacuog ram of tba DR. Ds A. MCDOIIALD, L. p. otwTu n on.. n raovjrwbwv and sabacrtpfloui raoaivod ooraor oMgbawMitod. A prato lw tot at m. Adtom THE CmCAOO RtCORD. iBt CF. owing add a half plat of sweot TUB rpgtoALnrr. F. W. EPAPP. unld bnrtly ba Wellington FWita. ll-wO *** dla^wtthS^ Orand RapMb IMab. CLINTON COUNTV. ELSIE. Mr. JfMMB im cm tW Mek IMt. 'To Gain and Re­ Mr. Mttleoin baa two fframlMou* visit* Geo. A. Alderton, !■« bin. tain Cuatomers E. P. WaUroi, Continually Coming It •• HxusctMl tlmt tbt* fail tmn o(| will ttHwmswci* H«pt. 5. D. G. Steel. Prices *>• Quality Mrs. L.1^ Via wad otbar frimda in IMtroit. (WMSoue BwsptiM) A littla boy flv«> ymm tiM wan dn>woc«l | H. B. Kock. pleasyre in callins: your attention to the many new thingfs we can Must be as Adver­ mirtii of llanniatiT whil«> in swimmina Thos. HriNBley, Jr. Friday. Wt* (ail«d to l«am bi« nam**. show you for fall and winter wear and use. tised. Miw. iMivrr McQoiation baa gom- to bar upw Iioiim * in South l.yoaa. bwl inothor iciuoK with brr to help b«r Kat| HOODS artUrU. Visit Our Special FUR SALE Tue sday, Augrust 30th, OBPARTME.NT. Mrw. Ellla Kaudolph luul «lauichtrr, of I Uatruit, hav** limi viaitinit brr itiairr, | Mra. II. h. .illru, und friinida in Ht. Jidiua. DRY GOODS DEFT. SHOE DEP'T. CLOTHUfG DEP*!. A Inric** number w«*nt fmm Hlatr on th«* Axcnraiou lo I.iinHnK last Thuntda^, luid iwfiurt u very pntlitubh* up Nrlliutal pi^Naiit turn* und u duy wHIafirnt. K. i!. Ilnntbletou uud luniily am viait* inic rrlativer in Kleir uud thf town of | BETTER PUT OFF Fairfield for u few werka. lie ia au|M>r intetidmt of tin* city arhtMila at Sniid j llruili. This is Pant Mra. Henry Tuttle, who hoa been visit* Buying Your Furs iiiK her father ill I Detroit, returned home Saturday eveniairbriiiuiiiKhome with her a wheel for little I'earirO pmaent from tier Or Having: your Old Garments Hade Over. Krnnd|Ni|ia. The borytlar put in hia ap|auia, ia viaitiug his| and ^ Values to go at daughter, Mra. .tltenburg, this week. Because and have it remodled to suit you and School Shoes. Mra. Heribner of laroy. Oaneola the work guaranteed to l>e satis- j oouaty, ia risitiiig Mra. N. L. Hniaa this j Tuesday factory. weak. For Boys and Girls. I Henry Ilolister, of lauiiion,Hhiawaaia county, ia visitiug friemls hen*. K. A. .ten* will start this week with his | Plush and BunclcCapes will be shown exhibition ol thontugh bml awine. He Because $1.00 $1.25 $1.50! $3.60. will take in about three atatea. in great quantities upon that daj ’. The iiiiuuul reunion of romimny 11 ofj Tuesday New Fall Styles These goods must be seen to appreciate the quality. We tlie First .Mirh. mvelry waa held at Ovid. Included. ^ are giving you at this Special Sale our complete line of Pants Satuniay, .tiigust 2t>. .tlaiiif .*lf> of lh«- Will be the oiiK' chance 3'ou will have m«*mbera of the I'omfHiity wen* |»rea«*ut. FnrentH will ared to enjoy them* Because to sec such a variety' of outside gar ­ iimim* ottr ItarKiiim* in tinue for one week^that means six days and not ten. aelvea hugely. .V hoHM* la*lougin;; to llolteii Carter | Tuesday ments this fall. Boys* and Girls School Shoes. mil away last Satiinlay momiui; ■■.■lua- Briorr ItuyinK {ir»*{inmlory ti* .Sch ml j Don ’t Forget we are Agents for aomeexritement hut doinu no materini damage which waa im’Venteii hy tliej A representative of a large Eastern 0|Mming. m« w** |MHtitiv«*l ;;iianuit*rt of all •t’oiiomically { driver reining inti* the feni***. Because Tues- Fur House will be here to back up inrliii«*

Miw* IMI Snyd<*r wiu* bntn** Siiuday. .inhn Biixxiinl aiid famiiv riaitwj in .St. John* Sunday. making an «*xtenfled eojoum in th** Fh.v and Fiwd Hnid<*r and VemH* Milh*r LEBANON. EIKEKA. KACILE. EAST »i.n <;iiam : Mr*. D. D. .Martin and children are via* northern conutry where he bent a few daye at . Mr. Dnvid Knight had th«* miefortunc j writing. from I.*wntly. to fall from hie wagon wheti returning of hie young imttle. Harrev Keaxeil ro«>Te«l .Mtindu.v on liiii from I.ancing iati%*eH at thie place lost week. Went Owosso, Saturday. E. Lore and F. lx>ve wheeled to Bound verely luifl ie now confined to hi* bed at Wm. Smith vi*it«*edge. Sunday. wife was buri« to 7. REAL ESTATE TKA.VSFERS ploy*'d to let tbe public know where enp- the xhow in laineing, lant Wcfluenday. wne a f'all<*r in I,ebanon, la«t week. Mm. Mary Wnttw of (irami llafadw, ie .\ giMx) time woe report***!. Daniel Manniiig'e bore rid** a new vieiting her mother. Mm. Palmer, and Program in the •>vening. I(v> cream will piug or bliMMi-lettiiig was profeaeionalfy ,%H WIIOWN IIT HMDIWrKK mil’LlM' {terfortned, cloee shaves were of daily oe- itelativef* from Ionia an* vieitiug iu the wheel. other friend* hen*. be for i*nie. Threehing w nearly over for thin iieAiM)ii home of .Mr. and Mm. Frank Skutt. currenci*, not the easy removal of the and the farmere an* hiiniiy •‘iigaged What about that Wacoueta crime? I«adiew’ prayernH*eting at Mm. Uetta Ha*ii<*rg** .Millie, who iiv«*H on the Emer- ntvMia.v. .Mr. und Mm. Biwliof* .Miller,of Breckcii- «»iit l«*t .li»ht*»»...... t tereil the Itarlter nargeon ’e *loorway to “Well," the cruel mao replied, as he Mn*. .\n»*n’H jiarejite, Mr. and Mre. ,1. Hoii Yanc** farm in thic townehif*. ii/id an Born t** .Mr. ami .Mre. John I,«>liniaii lui rulg*'. viwit***! fri»HuIi* h**r»* liMt w*>**k fr**m I .\l«>tixo Kll-oii to l.eiirM KIImiii, lot .t lenv«> it It cons*** or so weak that Wfwks Sny*ler. auction Thunafa.i. H |H)und girl. W«*diiemlny to Fri«h»v. fondle*! the golden braid that waa 4*id Itbn-k :f7, ttrld...... l 00 w*4e miuire*! to get tb** victim of mal­ .Mie- .\lie** Cutler, who hae lMae I .*>tct>tilit-. t llU^o Mild wlf«-to Semtl 11. practice on his feet. Rh*o*«• - w *4 uneil for eT**ryfhiiig from a beartnch** to a i*Hig whit**. n •* in South (dialia fri«mil>i. I whcel*^! to (»w*»ww«* hiwf Satunlay when* »4*<'ll*in W, Ktlt-y...... M OU BUey. .Moiida.v morning. The tun**ntl Biiu*eil farm iienr P<>wami*. I they are visiting frieudii. since you seem to have bleached for II corn, and a pain in tbe loiue wm* in ­ Fr***! B<**s*eau M eiiff<*ring fmm aitcene LilM'Mnl .\. IMirkc*-Mini wifi- ti> ohNM. wuh held at th** lumiM*, and the rcmiiim* n* ‘rman Sfiriigu**, who di**utii Itiley o<*ni* in ]iuhhanl*it*>n at th«* ag** of INi, wae J*»H. Platt** woM taken very nick while Kanweft. is vieitiug at Mm. Eiixaheth Whereuiion a solemn stlllneea en* tli ...... 140) 00 ' «*ne of |,elNinoirH j*i«»m*er»*. H»* *ii one and liniments, thcae heip»Hl from the et**ry. thri*««hing Krida.v. Smith’s ami .Mm. Eveline Steven**. I foldetl them.—Cleveland I.muler. I.ury .*«li4‘l«d*>ngtng t<* counter irritation they created, and we |Vt*T Wahl j»tteo*le*l fb** circuH at Mm. Seiliert ami children, of ('ariMin ul.’lMinlon I* w frurtloiiMl >« M-clloit I Valentine l.,ewiH. It, lu*list»«>n...... •« 00 (tresume that had Mr. i^vin M’ilson, lOli.AL I^aoeing W«*«|iit*Mla.v. nty, ami .Miss Mcilintk*, *»f Sh«*|ih*^, ItepaMir* Arm l>sgrsl*r*l. Irrln It. l(irhin«*iHl mimI wifi* to .Mrhi*<*l prourietor of tlie lendiog Abavtug {mrior Wni. Fnyrwenther ie having a iuini were gneeti* at J. E. Kirhv'w last Sunday. The etatesman—“I think my country of Mihw. Mkh., lived in tbe time of Om Trnvie ie home from .Vnn .\rbor. I built. B. If. McDonald hae a iM*w granary. A tin** gra|>ho{thonc (idom> the show ituirict .\o I, llrr>**nlNi«li. ImikI on h<- caeee of the drug eton*. Howard Smith ol TuhMlo, is viidting has treated me shamefully." Hia wife cornrr nrctloi* tln*«‘nhii«ii, tl.tK* (teorm* III, of Engtand, in (dace of tak­ Frwl Kmet, Sr., ie eeriouely ill with Frank Skutt ie enlarging hie liouw* and mimI other (*<>ni*ldrnilli*n<*. ing the course be did u short time ago Wm. Dix<*n hae (lut up a t**n lout xteel A new fanning mill hae lie«ni |*laced in frmad^ Here. His {Mnaite, .Munne- Smith —"Ye*, indeed! To think that, altar heart trouble. and wife, are moving fmm Tole«lo to Dn* being concerned In ninetocn rcvolu* .\nnlc UcvnosMii t** John VUIrt *> with his Imck, bl*HMl*lettiag would have I. eroy Pope left Tuemlav morning for a Perfciu'e wind mill. »{ienition in the griet mill. lurrKMon n H «>f 11 w i« ela arroaa tba lolea. with lama Weller. lawn vieiting in Weetphalia. Mm ('atherineC-overetone and *laugh* naaa aed iioreaaas, cTarytlow you move tbe Hoy L.yon, of Petoekey, made a dying John Hewrett hae recoven*d suffictentiy Aiexamler J. Hingbem et sit** Albert Mr. and Mm. John C. Ileogebaugfi ter. Mm. Hala Dueh, drove to Brecken* J. ItallentliH*. lutMtieml It* and 11 It maai**aa of tbe arm, loeg. load balorc yoer vMt to llengal. hie *)ld Imme, th** latter to be about the bonae. ofH. Iiloek II. Kmisonsville...... lion 00 daily leak la ovar yoe *>flaa vriab you coaM went to l.rfin*«ng Wed n endny. ridge last YVedneaday, thence to Berooe gt* to alarp. 1 tHml erarythlag to batter my )Hirt of laat week. Mm. .Mary ('onklin hae reated lier to visit friends. Kdwanl M. Itswore et el. by t’. t’. t Van., coadltloe bat was uasaccaaaral aatJI I oasd .\rthar Broek, wife and daughter, of place to ('barlee Perkin*. It I* rnmoiwd that the apple •vap*>ra- to John Keetre. 11 V« of ■ e H «>f • r I4 tbrae linsas of Doaa'a Kkleay PtUa. Tbara* tor will be worked again thie year. •lectlfMi 77 , Wetertown...... Mnir, and Bobert Buck, ni St. Johne, ilev. llltiiau, of Bay Cltv, held eervice* Mm. Lucy I’attemoo who ha* been IBO 00 llaf tbar i>rna|dit to a maa who baa workad were gneete at tb** hou,e of C. (1. Pope, staying hem tor some time with her in­ bard all bla IHk sod la aow past tba tbrae at Maeonic hall loot Hnnday. ('hae. (leorge, Joe. Smith and Jm. Edward M. Ilsvre et el. by f. Coot., arara sad tae hi much aealar to apprertata Hnnday. Freund wheeled to Portland Hnnday. valid laeter. Mm. Joe Walker, retnroeil to CltUU t** John Kceve. *• H of 11 w uf «* w H tbaa to daacrlba la words. Ooaa'a KIdasy Miner Hatton, who hae been ver>' Mck .Mm. F. B. Joiwe and eone of Victor Ohi** last Friday. CeSsrrA#/ /As Aswe/s. As* xeettouSS. Watertown...... lAOO 00 Pllla Dwrform what tbay promlaa." viaited at N. L. Webb'e, Sunday. A number ol Weetphaliaitce attended SOPS»'/IS sees//rsns/ss/ss Albert J. Hellentlse snd wife PtAlex- with typboifi fever, ie elowly (*onvaiew ’- lUngliag Rroe. ’ '‘ircae at I.iaa*ing Wed- MMter lUngbem «t si. •• 43 » of ■ w >4 Ilonn ’e Kidney Pflle for anle by all E. L. (lermau and wile, of .\drian, are Mre. A. A. W«>llinai. who lias been /As smmmmtr —ssisAs. it tmUtd dealers, i^rlne .V) (wnto. Mniledliy Foo ­ ing under tbe care of I>r. Emeet Sclietner nneday. making her mother, llm. Bolds, and her ami w 4 w 4 • « *4 nectlon tV. (ireen* vieiting Mr. and Mm. Homer Ilrasee. jsswsr fsAsrrA. Insm Ii...... \...... name Doan ’s and take ao eubetltute. Htateof Michigaa. The Irndiee ’ .\id eoeiety of the Evangei* 10 00 Saturday till Mondr^, and attended the •Many fmm tbie |*laee attendel Ring- rhal. Dr. Hartman's lUtlllp Remliart et si. to Wm II. New­ flmee meeting. John Armbmeter m th** iuckieet frog inul church will meet, at tbe home of Mm. hooks make this plain. man et sL, n e 4 of a wH of neetltMi ling Rroe'. cirroe at loiueing laet week. tt. Blngbem ---- - • J. Peter Plowman, who bat reeently hunter in thi* county. He eprumf a f^lara f'^ter, on Wedneeilay. August Write to the Pe*Tu*na returned from Santiago, te at (wenent S. H. Heynttld* hoe rented hie farm to .'L|)oander tbe other day. filet, at 2 |>. m. Ie*cream ami cmke will t’harloU*' II. Ne«r«MUi et si. U* Philip Floyd Richmond, who wrill eoon take lie served from (I to 8 p. m. ,411 are oor* Mndieine Co., Colambns, O., for ihnm. A. Ilarnbert et *i.. lot 3, block i. Mtriving to rennperate from yellow fever Ilnmn'M Mab. imt kH J. Mt. Jobe** at f he h*>me rd hie eiefeer. Mm. Clark E. {MNMteeeion. Kd. Platt** hew tmded hie gra.v man*, dially invited to attend. Thny toll all about oatarrh and how MS (It timed 1 (1:011. to Frank Stomp, for hie Fe-rn-na eona it wherever loaa ted . Martin Klee nnd wife to :44epben D. Htowell. Etta W*4)b hae returne*! fmm flmud A large nnmlier pf the I.’. B. and .Idem*. » H tif • w 4 of ncethN* I. Allison’s Im.v geiding, time*! 10:IT*. Iele pientried at "I had chroniediarrhma Knees for a few daye. John Stump anti Wm. Bademnelier YVnteon ’** grove, Dnniain, laet Wedne«^ for fifteen yenre," writua Kllsatastb Eedewa et el. to tteo. W. TTie .M. W. of A, will pkaik* at flrnnd went to Detmit Tne*wlav, Mr. Stnm|* Mr. T. K. Miller, (iraad tOeltb. lot 4. block JS. k'owler k|. c.t 'Tiny. A rmrr enjoyable gathering is re* TImb*. j. I'lementM to Wllllne H. I'letn- Having: an extra diMcoiiat levlge, Wedn***Mla.v. The Mamon Imnd will Itring Iteck a new hranw-. {wtrtMl, (be littl*« <»nen getting all the fun Prairie. Tex. •• 1 tried cntM, 4* *. on c 4 of II e 4 of neetbm many medicines aatd will nccomimn.v them. Mienew Jiff ia and llilah Ilinman, who IwMMbI*' out of their rme day's outing. to. W»trrt»»wn. ti w fr. «*f n w fr. 4 on 1847 Rogers Bros. A Hocial tlaaeing {terty for the Iwmeflt doetavnin vain. At last of neetlon IS. Dewitt I m liave lieeii attimtliog th** inwiitute at Pe-rn-na was reooai Tboe. J. t’lemcnw* end wtfe to .lulls 8. of the liand will lie held at MnMiiiH- hall, St. John*, returned home Friday. I'lementMe 3n* 4* Kine. of w 4 of n «* Sefit. 1. Rill, .’irtct*. and a jolly time in mend ed, and it relievod Knives, Forks and Spoons. (H'XMSUNmLE. and onred me ntooue.** 4 of Bectbm IX. Watertown IITTLE warranted. Mr. and Mm. IWer 7*hoine, Mm. Tb«iM. t’Icmsnte snd wife to Mert Nnu ami Mr. and .Mm. Nieholae Thom* .V lawn party will be held at the home Mbw Nellie Hail is vieitiagin the home Mr. John Hnrting. OU I'lementM w sSn. of w 4 of n e 4 of have left for an •*xreafled tour thmugfa of P. Hodman. Main St.. Cincinnati. O., aectlon U, Wntertowntq-c.l of Mice Florenc** PenneH.Tmwde.vereo* the enetem etatm. Thtw. J. t'lemenm eml wife a* Ar­ IVER ing of tbM week. Over Ad invBrd gneeta writen; ** My wife and Mies .Nellie i’Hne, of loumiug, is visit thur L. t'lemenl*. e $-7 of w MS IS7 ar** expiv*te*l to be preeent. Tbefe ebould be eome alteration in the mynelf took yoar Pe* of w 4 ig n r fr. 4 of acctlon IS. PILLS iag friends here. rn-nn fbr ehronio dlar- Wetertown I « huh taxation *)f h«MMe fiete. It in not ver>’ Low The DeWttt Maroon Military I I at* Mmiter M.vron Mci'arty has retnrnud rhmn and it oared os. lienlel HntUn to tv»re L. NatUn. kH Al tende«l tbe tri-etale **oaveati«in at Jack* fm*{nt*at that «ioM will interfere with 77 endm, Petterwon'eaU.. ttvld tbe wweet {deaeoie^ of dreamland. **ven to bis booN*. in TtSedo. Bo doetor or mndle ioe % *4Mi, loot Wednmday. ami wrere higbly we tried bofore helped Wllllem II. Femlll to ArUinr K Ker- compfimeoted mm oeoai on tbolr MptendM if a f«»w boundw will now and tbm bowl. Miss Fave Kinne and Dora l«ott speat nlll. nMofe4<*f*e4of aeirtkin ft. ^ ^ ____ ua." Rath It ie the rontinnone erring and qnarrel* Tuesday with friends at DeWitt. We will give our customerej drill. Mr. Uwarri Wnnaaek. Mm. J. E. Jayne, Mm. Samuel Toeher ing of tbe cate that *M,iHald not be. Tax Angellne I trillway nt *1. to Freak M. tbe oat*. Floyd Richmond has reated Mr. Ludbettor, 7^KK., write*: I trdiway, n 4 of Iota a 7. a, S, Mock and nevwml otbem fmm tbie place will Ik Perrtn'a ad.. Ht. Johmi imi the benefit. Fwitiwly tmwmd tiff Reynoldi' farm and expeein to move on *• P»Tn*aa for bowul ta^ia tbe excwmton to Petookey tMe ft this fail. troublaa la nn eqnailed , Asgellse itrUtwey et ell to lynnk M. Uttle PUls. week. Mm. Tooke r will aim* vWt friend* ' ilvdiwey, n 4 of lo4a A, 7 .a.eada EAST RILEY. by anything in my nar- Mook S, Pmis’a ad., m. Johns I SO Knives and Forks - $21.79 TWf ahamitove DbmamRnai at Rondo. purinaw. I owe nqr ' Frank M. twotwey to Frank andder. lodigcelion nod Too Ilenrty HsHng. A per* There will be a Mg borne ram* ia town Edward Haswll is oa tbs sick Mat. Itfn to Ps*ni*nn. and nM(»rio0a«,7 , a and U. Moeh i, IVr- iKt lamedy for DitabMm, Haoma, Draint* on Hntardnjr, .%ugne* 27, ni A o ’Moek p. Watebmaker- Tbe Brut ttam f ria4 od.. m. Jn IA»« ^ doc. Tea Spoons - $1.39 m., beineen tbe two runnin g bomoe Fred Waadle of Kaonaa. is vietttag Rt eleaaud yoor watch It woo la a gold NaUwn B. Hood *• aL to KttUe K. nms Bad Tameln Urn Mootb, Tonfoa mead It tothMeaMur* ('may l)nn and B«y Billy* Tbie prnniinm Joba Woadle ’e. eanu. tbe aomt tlmn la a goM flllui caou, lag on I wan." SST.itltt*' ’** ”'"'* —' « Ml la tba SUa, TORPID LIVER. Thof to be n eknrp rnae. KikAla Waadle vkMud friuatia in Ana sad BOW tt’u In a sllvur caue.—Hariap Mr. John ■dgartoa. lOBO Third Aeo., MnalaiitbaBiwmh. PamlyViiimMi Dr. P. H. RDbi hi enBwlug with an Arbor luai wuek. —Tuu; "eireoamiaBMu aMur oMto."roa Altonaa. Pa., * ‘I eaMwnd from nMnok nl bay Ivrer and ban retnm ed to Oauiau Jaoob oad Jobo Tbaaw oro kaow.—Up-to-Duto. Byanak^ for tkvan ipuBdIag tbaW ootiag at Oryolal Labu. I aaamumt Prices. bin bonw Mar Ana Arbor piupamtory to THE ST. JOHNS NEWS, THURSDAY ocm, AUGUST Si, isses.

Tik St. Johns News IIUBBARDSTON. SHEPABDSiaLE. IfODCRN SHBAPraL HAN ABOUT TOWN. M. M. riTBUlWALl). PVMLIUMHK M. E. Umit had boaiasaa ia loohs otM Joy Moaaon apeut Hoaday wfth day this wash. frbods in Coroaoa. OCAOLV lyffCT Oft THIS FtARPUL ninth ye :a .r. Maooa HoiiUi, of MeUrkle, waa in Iowa Mm. Mary Hnmmoas opoat Haturday IMPLlklCNT OF WAR. Th* |Miw«r of Sfothn* Uoopp ia Imi on oae day loot weak. and Hundoy in < Ivid. Mibu «at «o ainda of rliildiHn waa iBMiaMMit on Miil MmA HlM«a. df Ionia, b vbiUog Mbs M. Cxjf^oll, of JoBksoa, b nolt- I OP* Um* ofliar eraniaK ■** I ** oartatu frboda in thb vbiaity. mil at N. W. LonugharyW. The taH rush is on Mm^mrwipUmm li,r Mall. PMst-PBirf Httk* t-«o-jear-uf«f boy. wrlth whom 1 ain John McKooiia, of loaia, bod buolaeoa Mm. Haroh Taft, of Dv44, to apsnding a and we wnat to OlHC YKAK...... \ qnita faiHiar, oa my lap. Wawareroek- in town loot Tharodoy. few daya at A. S. Txigpeor'a. HlX MONTHH...... Mm. Kate Holbrook, of Detroit, vbitod keep things hum­ OA ' ''NC on n varantla, wban* wr** could aai* tba Mbs Althea drove fa tha gueat of Mba TIIMBK MONTHH...... frieoda hors last weak. .Inob Hulien of I'ottvmville. moon, ttad tba yonn^Mer aaid, vary aart* Tbe improremaata in modem guns ming. If you have David Nelsorg, 6f (!braunfTity,c*albdon F'lftoao tiekois woranold bar** (or the hate embraced all oalibera, from that of Tmk .N vw « wUI crat^talljr rrrMv* all i-a«. oualy : ■MBlcaituM «•! liN-al ur arwral lalarMl wl>«n frienda bore loat Moadoy. Toledo excuroioo last Huoday. the email am firing a projectile imly not bought your MBOMpaMlwl bj I Imp wrttar'a BaaM*. “ i'a|a, I wriah I waa a cow." Mioa Jaonie Haring, of Ithaca, b violt Mbs Kbetu Hmitb, of Ovid, called on une-tbird of on inch in diameter to tbe Thla pafMT la ral*x taialppad U> mal prtatiaa. Ita laatarlala mrr uf monoCer which oeads a eoJid piece of tba lataai aijrla, aa«T workoiaaahip la paar- “So J rottid jump ovar tha rocMto,* ’ wiia Mlsa .Inna MeClunn bos gone to siiead Misses droei* la>ngeor and Lilib ilir ■tael 19 inches through end weighing can give you some ^ apirad i>l tM hlclMai <|ualltjr. tba uUiHVrr. some time in (Jrmad Hopids. ininicbani Hundayed in rtt. Johns. oTor half a ton. Not only have the gnus Advartlaara altaat to Iha aacallaBt arrvlca Newrorob aofl family have gone to very interesting rmdirad by Tmb Nawa Ita rlrralatloa la And tbeu I fall to wondariiiK if aurb Miss .Martha Met'aw. of Kewlaittom, is improved, but elan all their occemortea. vMt relatives in Moncelooo. u|^ Ui*Taa|MJrt*bjo""**"^^******'* **** *" ** ’^*^* I .Tsrija iia rtiv naiid foibtaa, ao “Wrlically,’’ rafdiad tba child, wit bout lire visiting friends in Weidmiui tbb Misses .Minuie .Hcndder. f^ra I.AiUsbury One of tbe moot effective of modem have Ml* all, but it a'auda as an axonipb* u iw*coud'H iHwitutiou. week. and Martha MH'iiw ttnik ten with .Mm. projectiles is the shrapnel. It is one of or oriitiiiaiity in jtiiimaiMiD aud ita tra- liev. Mr. Itnndnll, of Eaton coiint.v, Frank H<-udder, Hatanla.v p. m. the forms of oooe obot. The others were “I am going to atop ilrinkiiig,'* said a visitisl old frieuds in this vicinity Inst Notwitlistundiog th** rnin.v da.v a larx** the old faohiooed grape end canister. A mandoua aiiorHsa is a miffbty tribiiti* to w««ek. bibulous friend to me tha other day. nuiiils*r iittende*! the Hiiuday school cnoe shot may be said to be a oollectioti WILSON&50N a tba aide and w«*ll dliwctni afforta of a Tlie (ihio (iboic will be held in Hrown's picnic at Itound lade**, W’eduesdu.v. of luiosilea in a oooe, which breaks up man wboaa force, anantj' and atrauKth of “Tbe other night I u-eiit out and tlraiik gnive north of the villag** next Hat unlay, either in the gnu or at some point in 11%'e or six variatint of liquor and went to .lugtist *27. buaiiiaaa ability wan* aa latund to win ua flight, thne setting free its tleath deal ­ Iasi. .4ftar I got to aleafi I saw a cake of I'KK’E. tiM* moniing auii to rise. Tba Nawa .Mrs. L. .1. llunihimi, of ('arson City. ing particlee. has lawn a faitaut factor in the upbuild* crystal ice reaching from tba school house WHS th4*go* of tba o|a*oad his mouUi. which was large and 60 in front of tbe enemy. Uerhardt Hauptmann, the Uermon plgy- I'etoskey and UoyneCit.v. Walter Viges started yestenla.v for tbe axsl has stwred in the Wisconsin state leg- wright. Is only 36 years old, and yet he early hiatorj-of The .News as told by Mr. «»»«»»*' **. swallow the court house. state of Washington, when* Is* has a .Miss Vem Itedner and Ihiyd Iledner .Ir. Colonel Shrapnel of tbe Britioh serv­ isisturc. has produced nine drontas, each of which Hcripfis himiwlf shows in that gentlaroan i Three lags gmdunlly grew out of his of .New York state, are visiting at the sister living. ice flm invented obimpnel in 1H08. Tbia Poity-six years ago Bishop McLaren is pronounced groat. Indeed the critics nobla and ganan.UK traitsjof character, as ? ««‘l •»«* Pn'i^l up a telephone |K>la horn** of tbeir nude, Ikiyd Hedner. Then* will be an ice cream M(M*iaJ at early form oonsioted simply of a sfdier- was M reporter on s (Ueveland paper, and, consider that the (ierroan poet has a claim with one limb and |>icka«] his t**eth with Mr. and Mrs. .1. .1. Ellsworth and Mrs. Mm. Howe ’s next Fridayeveoing. Every- ioal shell filled with bullets and a bunt ­ with on*' assistant, had to cover tht* entire to be (»llwl the leader of tbe poets now well as the eridem**' of that stning will tMMly invited. it. Thau I woke up and solamul.v swore deorg** Walker left Tuesday for their new- ing charge of powder in the spaces be­ rlty In every way. He was succeedsd by oUvs. ______fores which has l»ean the dinTting |Miwar •Maud l«attimer is at borne ugnin, hav- A Item us Wont to let the Howiug'lstwl iiloua." home ill Dig Hapids when- I'mf. Ells­ tween. This waa a crude invention, tbmugh all tliwM* years of wonderful at- worth will attend the Ferris Industrial imr Isteti Hve weeks in Ht. Johns attend* which scattered tbe fragments too mnoh A latter from an offloer on tbe Brooklyn SPANISH OMELET. tainiiM*nt. PATRIOTIC DODSON. srhotil. ing institute. and xvas liable to go off when not ex­ says that everybody on tbe ship, high end .Mrs. T. .H. Hrrtekiiiig nod son Th**odon* Harry Doty, of White I.ake, who has pected and not do so when desareri. low. Is weortUK a Hidiley beard, and they If Spain had paid mom attention to our intend t4i Introdur** Um fashion when next Odltoiials, she would be better off today Thk XKws agrees with tls* New York Aald Whm OesMd Hlsa t« CiMaae nto returned home fnmi Ohio Inst week. lieeti visiting at J. Cbaffei*'s. returned This form was improved upon during home Tuesda.v. they go to New York. than she is.—Kuxbury (losctte. World that it is an araiixing thing for a Mlsd AbMst ney Island" Iwfore hi* went to .***lng lost territory" on* rather slim.—Duluth Doreiiius. a<^*(iiiijNiai«*d her to his h«>me Hiiiidiiv. th*' body either by electric vreldim: (V foiigresp. certaiiil.v intandeil that that i With the secoinl tall for tmnps came by screwing. Leading from tbe lia*t» Hing jirison. and wh*i when hi* conic a recuptlon, in the Invitations to It is said that cmrbolic acid, if dio- with jHitriotic cuthusiasiu. and lie re- l*rtot**, Htanlon. Vickeryvilh*. Carson Wilhelmiuli. who is to Is* crowned rest upon a diaphragm just over th*' i which Im* ruquesu'd guests to coiuedrt'iwed is that it was iiileudeil to tax the rich City, Perriugton, Middleton, l*ewaiiio, solve*! ill glyceriu or alcohol, is not solvwl to ileluy no longer. He felt that (fne*>ii ol the .Nefh**rinnd tin Hepiemlierd, powder charge. 'Tliese or*' held in plac** simply ami obtwply. He himself wore a caustic, wliaU’V*'r bi* the degree of con ­ corporations ehich enjoy vast privih*ges Paif». Mapl«‘l(ii|>ids and Ht. Johns wen* 94.50 suit. his conutry uei'ded him more than his next, has iierwiimll.v sent to Mr. Bok, by a matrix of rosin which is melted centration. A .tmull proport i(ui of water ail refireeeiit**d. An interesting iiritgram th** * ’ ’s Horn** .loimial- liod protis-tion. and wlietber that lieiief wife did. and poured upon the bull«*tH wlien in •Mr. lilodston** was onoo 6 f*v*t 11 inchos oddivl t«i lb** alcohol or glycerin sola- WHS remleml. Uev. N. M. Dames, of this himself a lloliiiiider tiy birth-«in*‘of her in height, but with tiiu weight uf years was right or wnaig is a miitteroii which To fortify himself against his wife's villag* ’. deliv**n*n*|ian-«i sketch,shosing th** |iersnnaliiy inserted tbe projectile is ready for use. Cody rsceived tht* name “ Buffalo Hill” in the bicycle ordiiianci* and Tin: .\ku s He pictured the gJnrinus life of the sol ­ Is- a siie«*sas III every way, not •*ven ex- ol III* ’ Hrsi ijiieeti of Holland fnmi every Home shrapnels have the bursting charge from tho toot that h** hod the contract t*i The oncieut jest regarding tbe ditto dier fighting for the flag he loves so e**fiting tls* dinner, which is always d**- |Miint of vi**A. in tbe btnri instood of the baai*. The supply meat to the men wh*i wore uon- sign was mvived in Cleveland not long Is-iieves with good grounds and that is eland to Is* the prilH'iple jiart «if a jticoM ’. that all wheelmen be giv»-ii the privilege ' He bode her be brave. He showed t'limlns tw W J«»hna. fnae used ia rather complicated, but the structlng tbe Ksnsss Pacific roilruod and ego, and it losaa little of its sparkle be- PrivMt** Ferguson, of Palo, a meinls*r of that ho dmost always gave them buffalo cansn of its age. of riding on th*- sidewalk in the hlis'k in her bow shi- could do her duty at home th«*.'t4th Michigau. was preeent and n*- Ilr. Doniild .\ .M<'Do*iiiii1. of (irnii** United Htates has as go*id a *Mie as meat. Into tbe office of a local manafactar- which they live. Tlie jiniviso is iiiserteil while he was fighting at the front. iviv***! a warm W’elcome by all, ♦*s|s*rially itafiKls. Mirh., h*wt kmiwn s|ierinlisi. hue there is. It ia a time fas** and in artuai ,She lay very still and quiet in his theohl soldiers. He was wtiiiiideii in tls* lest has shown its reliability. Th*» dedication of a religious work rr- ing cuocem, whose product is wire end in the hicyrh* oolinances in fore > in iiian.v reiiirn***l fniin his summer tour of the oently written by Theodore F. SewnnI, the arms when he liail finished. Dodson luittle at Hantiago aud is hoiis* on lakes. He will be III Hi. .lohns at Hot**l It can readily be seen that on** great wire hardwor** specialties, on elderly otlier towns ami is certainly reasonable. “Don ’t \V*}rry man,"indicates that be has i costnmrr from out of town recently felt it was a solemn hour for both of furiougii. .Hteei, on Saturdiiy. Hept. Jl. (!n«* da.v objection to the shrapnel is its high a touch of humor and a piMMible Uwuing Tbe r«i»son is at one*** ap|*arent and Tut; them. Mtill h** would do his duty. only t'rtch month. He is <*ii«|nri«e«i by th** cost. Tbe fuse alone (vists about $3.50. toward heresy. It reads os follows: “1 stalked. N kws does nut ls*lieve there woulil Is* Finally bis wife raised her heail from j press, th** «*ierg.v, lllwnil physieians and Tbe some gun is usually supplied with dedlcoUi this book to my fellow sinners In “This here bill,“be remarked, “is any e»bjection miseil if an atnendm»*iit of where she had pillowed it anti looked OVID. I th** |s*«i|ile in K**ii*Tnl as a refiutuble |ih.v thm* styles of ammunition —the solid and out of tbe churches. “ ! wrong. Yon 'to odd'.d where you shr **.Iohn. ” she said in a low, sweet liinim Dwley. for use at close (]uarteni. The bullets timl of the cloae conU ’st and hod atnut koeper. the whol** ar»* a v«*rA' reusonabl** set of .* home when h«* was told that now much peuxj.m dis*s a widow draw? ••essfiilly all ehniiii*’ «lisenses H** n*»»*ls becoos*' tbe ooai' lireaks up iu the gmi. when 1 don ’t owe you but $13.’’ replied ho was winning. Since then he has served ** ”**•' ’“’ ______Dfwlsnii is very patriotic, hut uever- Fre«l Ev*Tert to«»k in the exciioioii to dise«iM’at a glniice. Coiisultatinn fre** Canister was used to tepcl the famous ! the stroogcr. .Mni’kitisr, Tneerlay. seven successive terms uim I has always thelew< he has reoolved to stay at home, Dr. .McDonal*! nev**r turns the jMinr from oharg*' led by tbe ('onfederat*' general bsen nnmliiatsd by arriamatlon. j “But J don ’t see bow yon moke that (1X111:11 nstoiitM set In gtAbl j oml white tafTeta silk arc Iwautlfully com fuse and burotiug cbaig** of jxiwder. “Well, it calls for $30.” and linked with Is^ary chain. PERT PERSONALS. II. M Digh ie|iirne«l to lIvKlInst w*vk. < btneil In i-legaiit fi-U* sn«l evening toilets Thu famous sliot flred daring th** cut­ “Yes. it doos, added, bnt not mb- Mrs. High an«l .Mnjel nr** visiting (rH*tiils Tht* c*illsrless iHidioe —tb«* \Trjr lost fan ­ i for th*' suminsr. The waists are trimmed ting of tbe cables at Cienfoegos is a Hobnon appears to have as much *x)ntrDl trseted. ’’ Till; «lynumite miiser V**suvius will Is* cy In tlsy dr«*si* for summer—of (*oursn III I'onlinc. ' with nwl Inees. gocsl ozampl*' of its use. Tbg Hisuiiords of his tunguu as he has of his nerves — “What in the world do ytm moanr* retin*d fnmi serviw. Hit guns an* im- means an *ixtend ’ large jsirtion of the smart sum- having token refuge in and liehind a Pittsburg Times. “I mean this,’’ mid tbe aged patron. niovubl** and did not thmw tls* sh**lls err kind and iiuallty .\nn .IrtMir. have Item visiting n4aiiv*v* ' imT hols art' lowcrowiu'd, Imiod brIniiiitMl. lighthouso, H shell was tired by one of Captain Kulolt* says ho wns much struck And he spread tbe bill flat on the oonu- with **1101^11 Hi-cumcy to ls>oi aii.v value. Th*' tall vats' reniniiis tbe flower holder hen* tlie |tast w nnmlier have retumeffectiTt*. It silver gilt buckle gives just the uorrrct Mr. Hiid Mrs. E. It. Hiieneer n*tiiriieil to Admiral Dewey (xintlnuca to maintain sbts that .S|iaiii shouhl pay a cash in- th*‘ir horn** last week. They sen* ;M-rlabt>- sends a perfect shower of mioaibw which, his mputatlun os th** greatest news exm- m touch Ui the faohlonabU ’ “all whlUi” sum­ ; rot*' trlmiiiiugs on the front from shoulder deniuit.v for tls* .Main** and some com* mer costume (Mtnied by Mrs. HfietMwr's son, .Mnsler falling iu the midst of a rtimpaiiy, denser of the age. — Uoobi'ster Demurmt. “Kindly tall me,” mid tbe book ­ (‘haiHee I'engm. ' to skirt liem. IsuuMition to the families of the victims. One uf tbt- new wrtnkleii lielts Is provid ­ wooltl almost anuihilato it Many tests A deocrlptlon given of Blanco hy one keeper, “bow yon figure that total any { Th*' lac*' yokes on some of the handsoms have been made to show this who knowo him soys that h** Is an rnthu- lower. ” ed with pretty clasps In shaded silver. .Mrs. .MrDnweli nnd ilaiighien* niov*<«l I hot w«satbar <*veolng toilets are sbapsd .1 Messing alike to young nnd old ; Dr. Tbssr arc not nion* than an Inch In width, tlietr household go*>os*41 { amis, and art* ettber curved or pointed up- away in one inscanci* and a mils and nmphantly. Zola ’s deportom for Hwltserlond to Nutun*'s afsTtllc for dyseni*>ry, diarrisen down into the nomiw t«nd that so wrli will t**ach the fourth primary rtHtni of I word Ui shorten them exactly In tbe center two-tbirds in the other were made to “Easy,” be cried. “Here yon'Ta and summer complaint. •ocentuaU's a trim waist.—Jewelers’ Clr our sehools, tbe comiog y**ar. I of th*' yoke front and bock. strike a board target une inch thick. avoid arrest was a iMnstble move. This Is charged me with four wheelbarrows, a practioal age, oimI the discomforts of ottlor. Ikmion IV. .Hooith, su|ierintend**nt of I Th*' chief feature of tbe new collarettss Tbe fnosa were ott off by the contact $16. That’s all right. And tben right TSS gABKKTB. ('haiiel Car .'♦ervice of llie .Imeriran lln|e martynlom am to ho ronsldcmd os well as and fichus Is the excess of ribbon. Inee and and burst the projectile into 300 0094 W .Hontlogo Is UM) Hponlsh form for Ht s«in. I and fancy VQjvct, tucked and shirred silk, a peacemaker and a mopmaker. —Ht. Louis ...... 9U«Mte»a4«Mi In one shot 159 hits wars made by a Poot-Dlepateb. bronght np on a creditor ’s bill by the Isob Im ...... 94 nostoa to James. f'om is lieiog )iarreste*i. It seems Ui' Daworc of the circular skirt, uoMli you The tx»llea plaster their faeea with fom- tonglo shrapnel. In another 315 hita are In another month the dramatists and cmel tailor before a very kind hearted WSni.k:*Al.lL eSOStVE A<«l> rSlIT MAMHXT heII good crop not withstanding tin* dr.r , have a piwfeet figura and your goods art* Kcnrdcd, but these aiv< not so well scat­ d sri'il t*ggshrlls. weallier during tlie ennng season. of Iwavy aoSln bmoado or utber very llmi actors will begin t*i fight this war In eor- vice cboncellor, who liked tke ynath. tmios* ...... 'lABi.'tO tered. Imagme, then, tbe effect of a ■ssse tsT Su...... 7fV4ts«i Inhabitants 40,000—leas than moot motcrtol If jrou on* at all sSout, your nost. —Philadelphia North American. He was Iwndiomely dreeead and wore a* .Ml im-mIsTs of K. D. T. M., of Dew,are • well placed shrapnel upon a group of coolly diamoatl stnd in bis shirt bosooi. Hesks lissd plrht* ’l ...... T.'iMSfi Philadelphia wants. mjneste<| to Is* pressnf at th** next legii- | niunded clitiular skirt, minus a perpon- Whatsacrlflcaa men moke for their coun ­ Hstler ...... lAwia men soch as is here repreosnted. try t Tbe Kentucky tmops am drinking do - (Cheese...... |0 The harimr of NIpc embraces 06 square lar Iferiew, .\ugnst *J7. Busiiiees of ini- dlculor llmx will moke you look stouter. bat declared under (mtb that be hod bulled water.—Hioux City Journal. K«W* ...... -...... tla. n miles of deef> water. |Mir1anee to In * tmiisnrte«l. If you art' very thin. It Is the worst chtAloa The reeds r oou readily iiuderatnad propert y except his wearing apparel. HIsisMer ■•w<»lie«l |>ee It* ...... a you con nsakc.—New York INiot. why warn ore now waged at greater About thenniy triumph of Spanish arms Tbe tailor ’o lawyer claimed that a dia- l.srytTe 5«*li Hhv will take l«> to }•a«ta braisss about his swie, shouliierand ben*l hosttattiin he Is In hlotorkial iMpnrsaaee ami Ysnkse voior. — Chicago Tlmoa- ■*s*wax pee lb...... the gres isei ttgurt* In pAdltlool hlstoey since A enhie to Hawaii will bn n nssnswHy If the Iwak. Tbe cooit will not require Tolbtw pir lft....s... Mr*, rhorles W. Mw9h of Rllawnvth, He is getttag bstter very slowly at |»fvs- Uoimld the death of Napoleon. —New York Trlb- for no other ran son than to snllafy puMIe the defsmdant to submil to on examine- Ualiskloe grma Me., Is exhIMItng a full bkrwn mee whtsli sat writing. onn. eorkwlty on i Iwtien ntghk. —Hyrannns ttoa tn robot tbe preaamptton. ’ And m» ...... 7*, •hedeelorM grew uistn an apple tree on Hoot PEN, CHISEL AND BRUSH. Wbii p*Uila*....~...... lACcI O** “1 had a running, Itrhing sore iwi mv ’ (Hadetonr was a demoenat; Dlemarek the diaamml reoMuaed in the boooxs I>esr*>a aklss...... Ubs* a.* S Bter< ber plow Hertag *^at she sapposeri woe Tbe Hnwnitnn nlphobst hen tint It Itt- Here itW<**e • rw* ...... 9*1 o 4Mr, IN* a belated bbiaisai. Mrs. .Mason pltwbwd It Isg. Hatfereit tortures. Doan'sointment was on autocrat. iilasUsMSM* heltsred that It It but a few weoks Unee Edwin A. which ohertohed It." Pwrh «tr»ssi| e**t ... A4 .Vl twik away the burning and itrhing la- autharity rastsd In ths psatpls; Hismarek lors. nnd new sm've got m go to work luni W. ***1 hard sod *lrr . and was astonishW) to And that It was not tenoh these 14 mnee Thai's one at Um Abhoy was made a Hoyal oeademlrMn, raIrsB Hire I...... (tn apple blim*w»' -kt all. but a roaa la stantly and tiuiekly Hlerted |wriaane«ii uphsht the baltaf the divine light of sad bo has jnst boon eiected a msnihgr at klnge togorrm. —tlsrslgnd I'lotn Uonisr. dmwbaeJka wn sto uster hy taking thom Hulmerllie (or the Ht. Johae Mews. ColTWeidresaedl .— pneoi one ♦.•hlMr* the flcwar. 'Oire." C W l^-nhurr. H«»arfing(irwTi,

Horn, tMa Moraiac to HMlordCordray WANT COLUMN. aad wilr. of tlraeabaak, a aiaa aad oa»- haU |ioaad||iri. |JiilU'RAMrB.-Plrv. U* M«l tyetomm. T. Rav. E. J. Ilradavr will preark for Rav. O. Bailvr. THE NEWS IN BRIEF. ffjl U. 1). Martin Haadar moraiac wkila Iw r«llt HALK«t« taarsaUi. Imwi mmI ktt. ia abaaat lialpiaR dadinata a ckarah ia htork JitlMB. Kur iMUtWIar* ••Ml f^rbit Valentin^ . tireaabaah. & nu«« •Mfl 1 Mra. O. L. li^ vWtad friamla in ' Mil Hnupr nlr^ Marriail in Ht. Jnbaa. Aaatnik 2tMb, by I M'illard Lyon 1vm|., J. IJ. Moaroa to M» f'A lkli^^fr»mp^\m»wmK^. Qmtek vaalardny. ^ tw------It ol MrTFrMik Hwaiu laat mm4 rpMwMi ■•r^tov. 0«* ur !«*«• p««au«> Mire .lllea l>oty, b«*lb id WmmkimttUm 'Jt*. torn* fMir U» «ir lf««i Rara4lr«i Maior l*riea ia apmdinft » Imv dnjra in tuwaakip. tiratiot .HMiaty. •Irmy aarrMw raaily mt all Mmmm. T>4ajifci>a> Trart^naCiljr. Mias Hattie lAimbia ol Mafila Itafiids. Mr. and Mm. T. fl. Itaynohla. wboluivt. j Hardware and Implements. < TtoMlMl. lUiaAMMlav. Iliaa Ota Lrllnmn a|MHit H«Mtn.v witli waHtba icauat of .MIm -'.tla rtmith last I bam viailiatf ralallva* in St. Jobna tor < W.kXTKIi. •! •••••. Wm. i*rtrk iMiy* ra«h fna wtla in ttata. waak. I tba itadl two waaka. retunmi tu tluHr fur ■•ro«4 kauU •tons mmI wmiib ■»•■• at .V. H. KihWw wml Ui UHntil Taainrdny Mm. Willard Lyrui returaad howia Mat- ioMwa in Tulado, ynatarday. | • •■ar. Alat> bay* raaa. ro| Hiar. sIik -. Wail aa4 We Lead Others Follow. We Sell'the mblirr. Kasua * Klrhaiuail b4urk* for a law dnya. urday from a two w. aka oattNic at Hay .Mire FInraaea Hose waat to Kuiamn-1 View. sou Tuesday, to afawMl a faw .liiya bafora KtlK MAUiur amrbaaar Ibr lana arar Hi. Jii'lcr iHilmll ama in Otroano on Imai- J. ika nrofwrly roraar of lllonaai aad IMWa. >a«l*^la>'. Mm. H. I*. Uaan. who baa Iwsa viailiaic i ratoraiaic to tlrand iiaiMda wban- ska HprtaH airaata. ■ .taatoilaB ul toU 11 aaU ly liar sun iu Uuraad. rHamcd boaia Sat* tearban in tba imbUe acboota l4cwk 7 . luirtac a frualana of lticr viaifMl frtoutin in urdaj ’. illjlliaai atraal. raaalaa back HA im in lA Orid. .vrairrtin.v. Rav. J. 1). Uannatt, paatur of tba Free Empire Disc allay. Tbta U vaiaaMc pro|tarfy fur .Mire tiraea Holmre of Ijuuniis , is via* Matbodi*! eburrh, aceompaiiiaci by hi* baalaaaa parfMMca. air kaar Irttm ttmtr Miaa llnttia f'aaa afiaat Sunday wiUi itiuR ralativaa in Mt. Johns fur a faw family, bnva lieaii sfiaadinR tbr |taat two • •aa. AaHrraii J. kl. UniHiK, MoatnaMcr, latl. raiatltma in Ovid. weeks. weak* atlamliuR confareaoa at I*upaar. MIHT. ttark bmaro (Kickn bonk roalala- .MiM* Julia Httirkrr is vMlian frianda in Jokii Unlfrry of Kvanatoii. III., ia Mm. Cliae. Yarka* and ilaaRbtar firact*, tan tea dollar Mil aad aoiar »alaaMa fiaarfa lonin. thia wask. sfiandiBR tba weak with raintivaa in Mt. Heward will Iw itabi to i^arty laarlaK Ti al of Northvilla, have been Roast* at J. H. Tak Nkwa <••••. Miaa llinl Cbnrrh viaitMl Irtanda in .lokna. Brial4d's north ol St. John*, this waak. Drill Ovid, laat tvaak. Mm. Frank HaJiinRer of flare, wa* tba Mm. Yerkaa and Mm. Ilristol are siatam HKKIi WIImat POK HAI.K.-Aboai NiMt ol Uawaua'a Holden Tkaff. All Mm. O. U. IViakm wastbaifaaat f Mm. Joeiali lAiMT. •oaM'wberr la Ml. Jobaa. two Ate fivdiiy for tan days. Mm. .\rtbor Uouirtas of Fantoii. wa* I'pton, who has bean mukliiR bar honia •IttUar bUla foldwl tu«»tbrr. l^adar will .Mm. It. It. MrCniw ia viailinie raintivaa tiiaipiaat of .Mr. iiud Mm. tiao. Smith fur soim* tiiua with Mr. and Vim. f'pton, t>l*>aar Marc at Tai; Niewa oMrr aad ■rl rr- laat waak. ratariMil to liar old home in Varmuut, ward in llatrttit thia woak. Tureday. Mm. ItuiHr Wbitf viait«al n4«tiv«a in Howard I*arkar, wlioiaat Island lAika, aallail on Ills sistar. Mm. tIao. Krily, yaN- .Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Williams, who Miifbartun inat waak. $4 Per Day Sure lalaalon i>o yon tiTdny. huva liaati s|s*ndiUR tha |Mi«t thrta waaka Frank Morria wont to Naw York I'lfy Price $55.00 Waal boaorabir. ateady aai|>loy>nant tbr Mr. and Mm. i‘. Xicwarsia of Yisulanti, with Mr. aad Mm. Myron lliRbae, re- vaar roaad. at himiH wanaa. at roar own Toruday, on buaiuaaa. turnatl to tbair huxa in (iraiid Ra|Hd*, ituaM> or travrl? If an aaad for oar wbola* viaflad relative* in St. Juba* and vicinity Look over our stock of •al* priaa Hat aad parttralara. Wa faralab li. C. Stock of Onoasit. afiant Kuntlay last wat4. Sntunlny. bant of bank rafaraacaa. Amartraa Taa t'o.. with St. Jnhna frianda. Ilatmlt. Mkh. ilMaaTi Marriad ut < Ivhi, AoRuat UU. by Rav. Th* liaoRal Fnion .Vid sueiatv will rivc Miwt Kittio M'aatH viaitad frianda in (I. F. Uitchali, Mire Muioch* Hniith to Jay an tea rrenm siirial at James J«aoca*tar ’s .\nn AriM>r laat waak. f'off man. oa Tuesday* aTi*aiiiR, .VuRUst .*1(1. l*ro. Miaa Mildred Mamh ia viaitinic laialivaa aaads to help |Miat tba «*barch. Evary. Blankets and Robes Mm. l>r. Uonaldaon of Kant (Ity, was body i*onia. in CumnDu. thia waak. tbagUMit of Mm. E. C. Cbadwiek tba Hmt Before buylnx. New stock just arrived. Mire Sara i'nuch ia ^psodiiifc Um* waak td tha weak. Nobla lluroatt woa taken «|uitM sar. They with frianda in Datroit. iuusly ill while on tba way htraH* from itev. J. T. Ew’iiiR and *00 want to .lobn Ilia stor«* Sutarday avanioR. 11a ea* M’illiaina want to Thraa Hivara, 1.4iwtoii, Haturdny, to spand tm days threatamil Sunday with farar but it was An Answer to M. L. Kenyon’s Statements: Monday, on buaintwa. with iriaod*. wanlad off. M this matter bas bean axplainad ao proniioantly to tha public by Mr. Kenyon.* in jaatin* to royoalf 1 wiab to Miaa .N'aila* Itare of Ovid, viait«al fhatidn Itav. W. C. Allen and wife, of Fontiac, Mm. ii. V. .Vbbutt, who was sarioualy Must in St. Johoa laat waak. will sfiefid tb«- «x>miui{ waak with Mt. ill tba Hmt of tha waak, is i-nnsidarably make soma corraetions. What liar tbay are wH or sliOMld be asbamad of tha (act*. I Irava tba reader to J. I. Shavar w«ot to Hay Viaw Toaa- Johns friends. batter today. Sba was taken ivitlibowri judRi* from an acenuot of tba transaction. In tb** eoriy winter oPO? I <*ontractad for a MH'ormiek binder* day to a|a*iid tan tlaya. Hoy (I. Iy, was the troubh- tin4l aftarwanls uttadoil with a Took it boim* in Mny und E^xiiart Duttno sat it op in time for harraet. f’imn trial it faiW to bind nRoiariy, That stock of Ward Kimunaon ia viailinfc n^ntivaa in Ruaef of bis unch*. Willard ('. Lyon, tba serious t*u*a of hieeouRbs from which it nod ordinarily liRbt Rraiu stopp*il tba maebina. Expert Ihittoti was seat ont to lulinat the machine, bat withoat KREPPS Hmt ol tka waak. Hrarkaoridjia lor a waak. wiwdittlcult tu secure raliet. soccran. Mm. Harry E. Mark and cbildran Mt & DEWITT H. !.. Mareii of Vamoii, apant Snnday Isaac Hewitt and wifa orriveil in Ht. As to Dnttou's ability an an exfiart, i a* wall as othamqii«wtion wbatliar a Mefkmnick hinder uttacbmaiit at Ilia hoin«‘ in St. Jobna. for SaRinaw Tiiesdoy, to visit rriativee Johns last iiiRht from (Irand Marias. F. sbonid be wedRcd apart nnd (ItharwisarhanRfil after betOR teatad by man of ability nt tbair factory. .Vloo tha Mm. M. K. Ilolmaa ia viaitinic raintivaa for sararal wtwks. P., whan* they liava Itaan viallinK tbnr Must be Turned in I iwoaaii lor a faw daya. Mm. M. (.lark nnd Mire Mabal (lark son Rny and family. Tbay ware Ruaate common nana** which iin expert Ranarnlly is expeetwl to poareas, roiRht ba doubtiil when altar rattiUR about Are Mm. .Max Hlaak apant lha drat of th*- are spaudioR u (*ou|»la ol waake with rrla- of Mayor Travis and wile nnd returned aerreof wheat. heRavao* tha nouMin for the bio4*r'«sroppinR in ordinary Rrain was that tb** maebina did not tivae in Umnil Iam Iri'. wrak with frianda in * »vid. to tbair boin«* in Mapta l(n|ii(^ Tuasdny. work freely owiiiR to imint. Into Cash Wolcott t Uanlay want nay <|uaDtity F. E. IK'Wltt ia a^diuK « daya Tba (.udHi*' .Vhl society will Riva thair After three nr four viaits by Expert Mnttoii. E:xpart E'rnok Brnocli urns sent out with no hatter rraalt*. j of ro

plaa iMivaml at raiTaatiiiK at frjataJ lAdta. naxt sup|iar ill tlia hunia of Mm. John I Byron Uanlay's ston*. Micks E^nday alt«*rb«Min nnd avaniiiR of With refarence to "E'rouk Branch, whoa** honesty wo* naTfu* (ioabt*>d" nlao that of any othar <*x|iarts it liseniiMai anil proHts arc not now Miaa MarBiii*nto Funatoii IHt for< ‘bM*a- [ E. T. Samnar went to flwoeso yaatar- this waak, AuRUst UU. Suppar will be idain, but somewhat carious that whan tha i-oiiipany dictates the ton** tif thair cxfiart’s rafiort*, tbair varnrity ICo, yaatanln.v. with frianda. < dny, to iittand .\dri*nt mmp iiHi'tiuR tlia sarv»ij from r» to ti oVluck. A Hne inusi- onnld not h** doubted. to he considered. IMitnr li. S. I'orhit and wifa a|»ant llw ' nHnaindar of tin* w«i«k. j «wl proRrani iu th«* •■vaniuR. Sup|s*r U5r. My harvest of *117 consistail of ;ID am** of wheat, 17 acm* of Barley, nod h actm of oats, a laiR** pamntaRe Hmt of tin* wrek in llatmit. If you want first class I Tha Miaans (lara fhadwirk iiml Eva El. E. M'hipph* nnd aoii E'anamon* Jir- of which wa* cot by an 'nh Clinmiuou, |iarf«irmiaR satifactory work with less trouble und nniinyanca than the new S. \V. liiirrahiuii and family are at i FluaHar of Iauisidr . iin* thcKuastsof Mire rtv«ii in .St. .lohns this inuniinR from tin* Jewelery and Silver­ I'ryatal I^ika for thia •••••k. I Suaia iNiwall this waak. anst. VIrs. Whippla and .Vfire VV’hippia McCormiek. .Iiiat previous to oat iiarv*>st. as Kenyon wus ilasiroo* **f hiivimr tb** t'oinimiiy ’s buaioare in settled ware you should not Ur. and Mm. L. .loiiaa 4irv a|H>ndinfc tlw I Mr. and Mm. U. e and irraiii taken from table. The nR**nt InvommioR tlireatisHed with Tnaatlay, t»» afand ii h-w dll.Va. tiiroad home Hat unlay. I ol |ianiiR uml cidar npph-s. ()t rottan, at UD I'anis j with the miimhal if I Mt it near thair |»lnc** of business. .Vlso they elainisd ro knowl*ilR«* of the aRniunant of '07. Receiver. .Mm. J. W. Hradnar frianda in .Mm. H. L. Mamh, Friday. I oar hundml. Wa an* purrhasinR aRants | St. Louia th.* Hmt of tb.- weak. <1. I*. UaWitt. II. W. Holton and J. S. I ittr th«’ St. .lohn<4 (liyar. .Vpidas must Is* ■ wliari-by they wan* to make said laiidar do Hmt clare work frn* *if •*xp**naa to me, Mm. S. I’raof of Faiiton. ia vi*itiiiir .Vdaiiis want to Uatndt, TiiasdNy, on iIm* I sort«i) and kafit sa|Hirat**. | l4anraiuR that tha former aRaiit, of whom I |iarrhaaa«| the binder, would be ill St. Johns that afterniMin I Or. Walbar'* lurraaa In tha TraalinanI ttl .Mm. K, F. Chatlwick thi» wrek. biisi nare man's ax cu mioii . I Mr. and .VIre. 11. I.. .Vllaii.of Ellsi**,s|iant I %vail*il to see him. .Vfter eonsaltnthiii with the oReiit I lumul to take anotbar machine home and trv that. Thay f'bra.nlr OI»raaa». riipramlaalnl. Mire Jenan* Hnwar ia apandinic tlia fim Travis was calMI lioiiia (nim .Vnn jI .Sunday at (). C. Clark's. had my mite for tha 'U7 machim* and tbay daelarcd It did Hmt ( liias work, so tha only way I euuht Rat u new ma- Ur. iV. r. Wiilkrr. tha Kminmt Siai-ia-t in (Vvaiand and Uatroit. .VrlHir, last waak. on lofount ol the 1 liat, Ilf liatroit, will la* lit th«‘ llota! .St. Mr. luid Mm. T. E*. Rambdpli and child- chin** was hv |myiiiR them (or tis* use of tb** former raacbiii**. .Mm. Jns. Van SlyWa of livid, spent Sun- sarioue illness of his mol bar. I ran. of liatroit. wan* Rtiaste at tlia home .lohiia Its uaiiul on .Vuirust \i~. Ur. •liiv with ralntives in St. Johns. Mm. .\. Haem uwl Mm. E. liawatt of 1 July ."* anotliar expert i*ama and starts*! the himliH* iu another flal*l of heavy Rraiu. .Vfter a tiuartir of a *lay iValkar'a un|*r«iiilantad auorare ia liaii'K ' ol (I C. Clark tha Hmt ol th»* weak. Mr. j Mm. Uran Wick* retnmad Saturday ! HiHsd^a. si*u«m of Ur. Fo*!, nre Ruaets Randolph returaad tu Batnat. Monday, j of hnni work lie adiiiittad to no* that the iiiachiiH* could not handle the Rrain. That p. m. on < hiborna wan triad in .*oroni«>ntiil a|M)ii hy tha powa und|.aop|a fn.m a two wreks visit in Hint. nt tb* Fost houM* thia week. tiH* san*** Held. July 7th I triad a Champion, and altar ndjastmant it worked satisfactory. That afternoon 1 sent avary whrre iind hare in ninton ••ounty, R. S. Clark and (iimily raturanl homa j where tin* doctor liaa visitnl for ymm Miss.K Mills*! Clark and Mnad Spayd Bom to Mr. and Mm. Thomas lioxaof Tiinwlay ••v«*niaR from .Vkron. Ohio whan*) tha .MrC*irmiek to St. John* and it was Mt in front of Corbit A Valentin**'* warabnuse. I racrived worrl to come Ih* has uu .wtabliahail rrpntntioii tis an sisHit laat wrak at Crvetul Isike. WashinRton township, hnday laat, a tliav hav»* l*ren visitiiiR friande. and explain mattem, July Nth not heioR able to do husintwH with the .St. Johns aR«*nte I Rained interview with an ax part on rlimnir .liaaaare. Tha remark Mire lA*nu Nanins visited rrlativre in ' M. .V. IiIlls**, aai (iin|Miiiiad by his s«in, ' iiRent by tal«*phone. H** ORrssd to hrioR snid mnehlne out and try It with any oth»T binder in any pwr** ui Rrain I (irorRa Martin, of Battle Creak, is vis- haa barn frujiiafitlv bannj, •‘Sar Ur. j Wrstobnliit. tha Hist of tha w«neidamlii«* ' .Mm. E. Kuhns of Fowlar, sf»anl thr Ii«* daninnded m«* to ro and Rat the inarhioe nr he would (doc** the matter in the bands of a lawyer. In talk- skillMfblll andIkUEJ knowladip-ikllA* of th.> various 1 . - I I i of TBIVn, Ohio, sis-nt tin* (ore iiart «»f the intenKt flriviiiR iintund and iiotinR tha' iuR ov*H* th** matt«*r with father. ha<*laim*il that his representative* at St. Johns had minrepnwsntad affairs to him phnu»*M of rhronic hi* in «*Dftbl«*il t fwirt of th#* t. . o i I weak with friends in St. Johns. many chnnRas by ioformiiiR him that I was wall satisHed with my machine. So ont of t'onsidaratioii for his iRnorniies of affaim I to affart a |s*rmiuiant mre in a larRt* Miss Fhirann- Wilstin was thaRiiaet of Miss MatlRt’ Biiiiday, whit has lsa*n at- numliar ol casas which have hitb«*rto Vlire Ada K«*tsav of Ionia, hist waak. Pulsa«il .Naw York C*i. filnya*! tin* w«i*k I aRrea*! to hrioR the machine Imck and Rive it anotbar trial. i t«*ndiuR the summer normni at .Vnn of.VuRiiat 7 at Whitney’s Theatre, I be 1 rreistail all othar nirtli«Mts of trmtmaiit. Mm. ti. .V. Tairy ol lAi|s*ar. was th** j .VriMjr, retiimatl horoa Saturday. July Uth I s*mt lor tb** biinlar and that afteraiKMi two .McCortiii<*k URants and two othar McCormick axjsTts Th«*data of Ur. M'ulkrr's naxt visit n- tnut, lo rrtmiinl housre. Sea tham at | Ruast «»l Mm. .V. B. Ciislti*! laat waak. (i|s*rn liousa. .St. .lohns. .Vuiriist UU. j came *iut ami start*il (lieir hinder. With the aid of two **xi»arts to adjust the machine and twooReiitetocoach their inamltar is is .Snfiinliiy .Vur . UT. OHire K. C. Chapin and .Mire .Vniia ('bapin tiro. Jack wav wi-nf to FarminRton, want to I’antwatar, .VIoiidiiy. ttt sfsuid a l oMtlMK Kvaels I (**X|sTts ’) ability, the machine did fair work in iiandlitiR Rrain. not in enttiuR. The Champion hinder was ofiaratad hiium H-.'lo a. m. to Ti p. m. Vloiitlav. to visit rriativas Ihraa w«i*ks . aoiipla of weeks visilinR rrlatirre. TIm* ledlaa'sl.l Mtflaljr. fit lha Prirr M. K. I by one not familiar with its mtsie of iMijustmeiit and with very little assistaiic** from the Cham|Hnn exfiert. I Mm. W. Ihtty ol (liiraRti, was tin* rherrh. will mrat with Mrs Oraati. | Mire (irrtnnia (irran. who risitail handled th«* McCormiek and had tin* nhl of ••ne«*xfsTt alro«>st (iinstnntly althouRh familiar with the mnehim*. I'n- THE GREATEST BOOK OF THE AGE I Rinut of Mm. (•! B, .Vtdrews last wrek. frhiids in .St. Johns last weak, retnmad WatliMiMlajr. .lusual *Jlal. j Tharhuirh fond s4M*«et)r. »f tha Prbi* M. K. 1 der tlisMe *1 nidi t ions Isitli mnehinre «li*i fair work. McC«irniick **Xf*ert was askdlifltecnnld pick up certain down Rrain SkoffM ke li Enrj Hoiw ud Uknrr. W. E. Moore of Boyn*- CUy, was the to her hoina in (.uiisiiiR. Salutilny. church, will xlra'sii Ic^ rra«*li ms-IsI sI lha Ruast of Mm. II. M. I’arrin over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs EM. Ricf of Paris, Ky., h<*ina lit Mrs. Jniia ||um> nrsl Tuaasley . of the difficulty. I was allowed ten ilollam for drnwitiR said machines to and from St. Johns. To said ni*ommandntioo ibFniiie’siMiiMiii Miss .Maude Farr of Mafth* Itapids, is .Mire Mnry Hunt will lanra tin* Inliar H 'J |>. ni. til saa a Imiu I sanrlBK inawls oti lha i U vnuas by lUelit lias. Wiiiiaai Fsarf OlaSMaaa. lntsudhe wants 1 loshow it t » those in ikiuRimpiin*i«. TheMS'orniick Ma Prasnar of Ofaa« Hvitioa osA ItaiasS. lliaalar. thaRurst «>f Mm. Wm. Miildar this waak. part of the weak for ChirHRit. wln*resba refirescfltdtires iRiinrinr the Chnnifiion cballenRa iium«iliiitaly left. .Vft<*r snpfier the ('ham|Hon mticbine was uaed lee . Ila* A H. !>•>•• Oaoos'a (Mlaaa. OflarS, Ma . intends visitiuR friends (or savarnl.wraks Tha I tilifil liraihrae. tR Itaesel rinull.j na«. Haw««ai laaa fVirtiaa U. Ii. (VkiaaMi Tbaotaataai Vim. ('has. Atkinson i* s|i^dinR a will h<4i4| iIm Ir fiturih auartarl.r lerailea <>( | on said down Rrain with flret (dans nsults. HaaMsan.(Xiicaao III Ire IraSariaW Karrsf, l> It. r«tU|tlaof H. rasiaOmrr. tss, l.a< Haflainltar .'tol itMtl 4lh. A a<4*Ml Hew la as* | wll.Oii^a. O.II..Tan« IMtaea. ScBiarvilla, Maa« i s|s*iidiuR sararal Marks with tri**nds in I then RHi'e iny note for the Champion hinder with the underslHiidiiiR that theCham|unii iiRents wpnld ilin- I'ras* W llaeaaalaa. I> It. Arassar laaMtata. Mire (iartruda Stividmaii of Mmr. was IHTltsI .1 riirtllal Intllsllon la ril«*s«araa«, O l>. Maol» tht’RUast of .Mire (Irara I’irrca laat w^wk, Ht. .Uthns and vicinity, retuniad hom«* all llav. II II. Trian I liaaab, laitSaa. I •• , Ita* H M I Tuesday. Mhb., will omHsla. I Irthar, OU. Caltorr Uaisia* 41,arrli. N»« (lanlity of work it did. RALPH C(riVLE;s. fitTr___N N V Ha* UartTK HamaiaHiail. ii|i. Mats MireStrila Tharman of KalamaoMi. is i .Miss Blanchf U«M»littla who has haan 4tfaat Krao Homi ** Ckar, ii. l.aaisaa, Mr ■. hat t rasa thaRiiaet ol bar sietrr. Mm. Uao. U. WII- .S«i* th** Lilth* TiKiinireui Tuts. Thay i M Hrtal4>i I'lrW MnllMiSiat 11'laroial I kairS. s|H*iidiuR savartil wa4*ks With friends in an* Hiia. .Vt (l|s*ra ll*ius«*, ViiriisI UU. j htasalas, lit , Ha* W. T Mosa-. I l..l> , '1 ba I fan*- Sttll. iMUi I'nsiMaaaaalil. ’ lamSas. Iwa Ha«. I'clsaai St. Johns, returmil to O wimmi Mtiuduy .Vdmissioti U."*. -'I"* ami I Raaret Hair, li|>. .reab I asirfrarOnaal I hirrii Mire .Miiuda Hnf! of Flymonth. whs tin* aT«*niaR areas. Mast, Mat. Jaiaah irar Ir**, I* |i, Ureataa Ruart ttf Vfr. iiml .VIre. d. H- Soula .Mon- I'erif «t TiMiMhs. j (Mllaaa. HirliBiaa I. I.m IIm haaa t,raa«>r>, i John .Vodraws ol E'ni*mont, tihio. re­ Irersia raivaraili. I airat..' (tartsaa,. |,r« j tlny. Vlaibwira i«i tb«Bl> oer hliol friaeita serf i :*l aaaar Wilkiaaos. O U . i’n>*aatii> ol t SianS". < turned lioma Saturday, after s|M*ndinR natahtMirs wIhi ao wlilleatr saalaiail ua In oer I II'.. ire Har.iaal llatt. Tha Miset^ Thiirui Judd ainl Mahia ta tan days with friends in St. Johns and lala l•ara*lva•naal Wa wlah t«i iseka spaalel *1 vicinity. «ckBitwla l> lall.rsvo I 'nar*- llanry Tromp is spandinR a vacation MH. .l.ND MRS A. I*. •.'UwKLI. Knil Williams, of Uatmit. vieitnl at Bay View, .Vrthur Post is HssMliaR >*dmra*Tie*.taiTie*. —ijst1 jet r»a»».psar*. y»'isii-paaa?•' tall-raaa iiirer*Hirer* Ifnatidsat Brottk Farm tbr Hmt of tin* at the "Little White Store" duriiiR his lioli't f*lil to saa tha bast i»b«>w «f( tha :tare Htrla A-atli latl Irruu*. ti'r, irr'o*, .o«o- <04 i-r|,.»-ir Iloae**. E'riday aT«»niaR, .Vurusi UU. toaar ■aaor , •areS, fnaiatre >11 -S'lt. 'I^t tarh lart Miss (Inui* Jonre of Mania llaphls. ie Married in Ht. Johns. .VuRuet U<1. by Far «sl« rt 041 linoSMttrr. as ' liv l«*s.oof 4.44 t - I (artsar lalieret’tao rec- 10 • «t i.ii» ftwi vi tiuR her aunt. .Mm. I. White, thin Willard C. Lyon Erei.. John B. Ridanour FMSlaSar,212aatl :il } ?-ra* •.-ar I 1.04 - • weak. of tlrranbosh. to Mm. .Vda Liddar, of ftr lA*baaoii. ft Mire Statin Kays Mt thia w-rak for Urea, PME persons say THE TATTLER. i New York, where eba experts to atteml it is natural for j tba .Normal eabiml in that city dnrinRtba llriro Kcllor, U m* deaf, dumb and blind I cnniiOR year. them to lose flesh fOvidlRy, riden a tandem duriK summer. Sarah 11. llarriB ia the editor of a 12 Having: ifot mj' new building finished I am Mire Clara Ht. (lair of (ivid, who liaa But losi V flah is losinf pan** weakly publlaheri In lAacnln. NHi AT THE BUSY LITTLE WHITE STORE._ ♦ I bren sfieadiaR tba pant fonr weeks with She ie neatetrt bjr Annie L. Miller, who pared to handle any quantity of j bar aunt. Mm. J. 11. Mock, ratnrmd ground. Can you afford has charae of the iiewa of the women's I home Monilay. to approach another win­ elnbs Mm. E. Barber, wbo ban bean spandinR ter in this weakened con- Loti lee M. Klrae of MnrahelUtiwn, la., Extraordinary One Week ♦ I tba iiaet two montbs with bar moibar, dition? who U aeiltiR as piwea oRent for two Live Poultry and Apples : Mm. M. (lark, ratunwil to her hom<* in Coughs and colds,weak theatem In Maonarhueetts. U anhl to bo I Howail, Mondav. j the only woman In the Unltctl .states en- .\Iro handle all kinds of Mm. 1. llolt4*n and Mm. I.,4*wie Haver- throats and lungs, come , RaRtil In aueh w«wk. anea Irif (nr Harbor S|mnmi Tuanday, quickest to those who tre Sarah Urrn'iuwdt'sepeeta) train of palaoe I Fine Shoe Sale* ) wbarr tbay will sfiand a ninplauf weeks thin in flesh, to those eas­ I oars was ownplemly deetrnyed by oolllsloa C Grass Seeds, D. fl. Osborne & ' vieIttnR rHativee. ily chilled, to those who I with A frelRht train at Maneheatrr recent- ^ I Mm. Fred Uiirkae and littb* dauRbtar have poor circulation and j ly. Mine. Hera hard! and her company had ^ All our LadieAChocolate Fine Hand Tumed $4.00 ^ ^ returnail to their home in I'nifMivilla. Sat- ' fttrtunately left the onre. Co’s Farm Implements, Car­ ^ ' unlay, after stiaadinR two weeks with feeble digestion. j Mme Anne VVelee, who Ie wt4l known # and $4.50 Shoes to jco at ^ I St. Jobna relallvee. I In Chicaicn's rausloal otrelee. atone tlnm riages, Buckeye Grain ▼ . Mieeae Ualia iiml E'mma Trad Wi*re tba I took muelo leeeons In Vienna with the i Rueata ol Rav. J. L. lekre ami wife ul J qneen of Spain, who was the l^neem Drills, both disc or ^ ' llauRal, last Saturday and Sunday, Delia I Uhrlsllna. 'Their teaeher wae Mr*. Fraakl. , remainitoR this week. Mlea E'oany .stewnit, dauRhter of the hoe, tk. Kraus ^, .\ pieaeant surpnee was Riven Rev. I late Judm* John A. .Stewart of Trrntnn. hne startril for China to be married to the ^ wifant tbair avaniOR, H of cotf fkitr oft wffM Asps* I .Vilen and MiNHlay ! H«t. ilonTt rnewr Moaher, a mloalnnary la Wheel Cultivator. I hr twenty-llva or thirty inemberM nt tba pkaipi#rj does just as ^ I Itaptlet cooRraRation. i that coantry. TW loremnay wUl tahe much good in summer as pinee MB noon ae tw Indy orrlvea Swe He Before You Buy or 5ell. Mm. K. VY. Katba nt tlavetand, Ohio. in winter. It makes flesh j Mre. l^Mollne (.>nfi. fonaerly CnraHne |e SpandinR a cnnpb* of waake with in August as well as April. I AMipUl Brswi r of Uaeton. hne left IIQO.. Exclusively for Cash. I; Fratlarirk KatbaKi aad family. Mr. Katba 000 tr» two prominent phyeteten* of that was here over Snaday. You certainly need as eltyf*v InventIpattone to Ond naane way of Mire Millia Hoffman of tiraod Rapids. strong nerves in July as in eoflnir cnaerr, oonoampthwi and other dle- January. And your weak aaaas now rapimdMl aa Inenrahle. wIhi ba* liean a unset In the borne of J. Byron Dan ley. (SbindoH for tba past two weeks, ra* throat and lungs should Thr Intr Krnares R. Wlllnrd Woodruff & Tromp, j tnraed bcMwa Satnrday. be healed and strength­ added to the Bat of notable wamen w pnetraltn ere to be oarved In the pmad New building first cast of Spaulding & Co. ’s THE SHOE DEALERS. Mine Rarthn WnnKniR. who has been ened without delay. etnlrway of the new rapltol nt Albany tba Rvaet of Mbw Mamie fVdawa (or the AB nreamnaM*. ana IL E# hat dwarc. •ooffT * novki. omaaan. mw t Thr iithiif* oro ftwaan 11 Aathonv. Clara , pent two waak*. ratnrmd to bar borta in Hartnii. Molly l*tteher aad Harriet tteerh* ‘ (frand Rapida, Monday. A


Today ’s^ FARM AND GARDEN. aveasllo The DeMt It bigteB with a flhUV A Beautiful aad any Uom an aahoal la fnand hlA* News don away ia his *»«*»«**»§. ahlruHag.* ■M» I* AN* MODEL BOY. ar«n» to morlag. or ia tha laiw Maga with a rliiag taot pse—aaa. talw tha uMt; Present Today in band at onee, or yon will 08 ttalaly| THB OariKJIT JOtTWIAL feM Ml mn a good ohaoesof bslag oat ooa hog, In the parfeotins of typea in thaaai* Oet tha raat of the animals away at Tiw Dvraorr jouiinal . ambm mm fm nfmoMolhatoafl aiMi of Ika laal kinudooi, aaya Tbe Breedar'a Oa- coee aad rratoh olondy for new caaaa A —rt II of Uw fraa IS Mw BLASne STARCH, (FlatiMa aalte, three fhetora are iadiapahaahla cholwB caae will cough, tbe eyes will ■Mod). To ladace poa to try thin brood of THB Dvniorr tocnnAL, etmttm, la liBeoffe, mdiYidnality and onrirontaent, run. aad the skta will ba reddeoad in MnCrbea Boon after the beginning of •tofdMothot yoonbayflod oot far yoomtf raHaM*. l« which latter inclndea * ‘the comerib that all rlaiiaa far Us anpariotity aodaea» THB DBTMOrr JOTTHMAL kM a Mlilit. ornaa " If the perpetnation of exiatins tbu attack diarrhea will set in, tbe dis ­ charge being watery and olfenaire in ooiy are tma, tha gmiwra boos hart praporsd, kwutav MMt Ml vravT (Mm Mi MlrMIjia attainmenta or their further derelop* m wUI MTV* jrwi fMr !• mam par «•*. Br ! CURIOUS FOSTER MOTHER. Uie extremei at graot soiMaao, o aatfaa of •tJi tar S aaMSa. meat ia daaired, tbe three are alike im* Tb(* germs of cholera ore spread in ! la tlw War •! Raarlaj; portant. Jodiiinit thenabiM^ Df the er> many waya It is posaiMo that they MaUMriMM laaiMa moipanyiuK illoatmtion by thia crucial Aoat in the air. They are ('crtaiuly car­ 71i« LnodflC Mketcli mjn tbal a t»rw teat, bt> Mtanda forth with probably aa ried by tbe feet of man. by loafing dogs, ' (Icpartum in tbe way of ranriuR luoUi* many claim* to naperiiwitr a* any boft posMbly liy birds, esprcially the scar* GAA\E PLAQUES mtIpoh Uniba ia b«iuK anoi ’tMBfDlIy mr* of like afce of tbe breed. M«m1«1 Boy (Higars, crows and huzzanla nrd ont thia anaaon uu a farm ut Weal 18.UAP(T. P..O. H.. 18..V».’iS. H..C. R.. Preventioa is rastly (sister than (Uirs. enact raprodnetioas of tbo $10,000 orighmla by MarUte, wWch wM ho gfaca Hadilou, in Northanipumaiiinv in Uie wa* lately purrba«ed liy K. K. Axliue, Keep the pigs' quartirs cl(«u. They ore yon ABTOLUTBLY FRBE by your grocer on coodltkaw nomad below. nrrupatina of Mr. F. Inrloy. An cxoa|»- Oak (IrofTc, Mu., at a f'lot of #l,U00 and no funder of Alth than other auimaia Tbaaa Ploqaes ore 40 iochee in draeafereacc, ore free of aor sagguation of placed at t^ bead of bi* benl of Poland* tinoallj iMitintt oow happcDPil fn be in Lei them hare clean mud to \rallow in. odrertMag abatem, aad rrtU ornament tha amt rligaat apartmsori No ; tbe Tanl when tbe laiuba wrm flmt (Jbinaii. He* ia a ana of Klercr'a Model. They do it only to keep insfx;U away, maaafsrtanag co ncam ever before gave away each rabmble preaeats to Mb limaKht in, anti one of tbe laniba ^raa Model Boy wa* Hbown at the Iowa and Ales, musiiaitoes, etc.. Finally, (l(raa redneed to four. Tbeae are famished with them in plenty. ■«# T# BtlTIwK tbririuK wowderfnlly well, apparently Put salt wbsrs tbe stuck can gat at AU ssrrbsMW ot time 10 mat or six Sesat pe^aae* a< Bsstk mofcb aa well aa with their namral mother, it all the tima Then they will eat just TWBKTY.TWO MUXION what they need, and you will not hare (Fist Iraa Braaai.siseirtiUsd toes- and ail tbo drawhacka which are inevi* padmeuo of thia bro o d were aold csiTefroai tbslrspsesr oa* at thaw SUBJECTS: table in reailux lamba with tbe Imttle to go to bed worrying some night be­ bssstlfal dpOM ahaoss fiss. 1W loot year. ThoPa how good M ia. j^ssB wUTm b* asat br waU. cause it waa your day to salt ai^ you Taw eeo b* oblaiasd oolr tram fomt I Tr«»lmr I second lesson) and three forgot it.—Laiml aad aLiring. ASK YOUR DHAIJR Ugfly Trlary others, concluding with to Nmw yoa tbe pfagaes aod tali MOOKL BOT. Du eet dsler. HMssA w the teachinjj of one of these subjects to drive with- An Illinois fanner and bora* breeder is for- saboftI Um* our. of the day. HU easy adaptability to all out bit, bridle or reins. climes a^ cnadltians, bis early niatn* j who always baa nn band a lot of likely young borms and does an imnsual rity and groat feeding qualities and bis amount of (hiring around cm tbe roads beauty of ocafomaatiou make him in* last rear bad in his pasture a pair of riacible. Talk aboat Tamwortb*. razor- YOUR LAST CHANCE. DO NOT MISS larg(*, luMMisooM' geldiuipL full bmthers. baeka, etc., being the bogs to Halt the .*1 and 4 years old. For his mod driring market! If tbe market wants bm'oti bogs be used his jaded farm horses, allowing > and wants them bad enoogb to par for Doctors B. S. & Co. tbe Ano, big geldings to mminato in \ th(^ change, we will fnruisb tbem qniidc idleness. Ttiward fall be ('cncluded to ' enoogh right from among the Poland* sell the geldings, and after hitching ^ Chinas. Nor will tb«’T )** thin runogb them to thf* fami wageu a few tinioH The Celebrated Specialists of the American fledical moTxu Mo-niKiL I to split a snubixuu nor wild enough to enter th«* chase, and it is lufe to say led them "to town" and sold tbem to arr- alm^it. The row fnlfill* tbo datim tbe l(]oal barer for #‘.'00 or leas. Tbu and Surgical Institute of Muskejiron, Mich. of a mother in «>TerT way and rcfiuen they will not be **cat hammed," nor Farmers with };rain, H will they tnni up their noses at the purchaser put a rr cbarRrw. In them, hitched them to his rcsul wagnu Will be at the stock or anything else ^ fact, when taken away to Rrax>< in ou change. By selection and proper feed wo can juct 80 quickly produce the a few times, t(Mik tbem in baud and adjoiuiuR field uln* bellow* and fret* taught them a "thmg tw two," and in choicest bacon bog as tbesocalled bar«Hi to sell can reach u until allowed to «'ome liack to her little about ten days aold* tbem for #400 or family. Very pretty it i* to aro lier lick bog will lose those <|ualities <«i the food STEEL HOTEL, St. Johns Mich., of the present Poland-tTliinas. This talk #500. A wealthy (dry geatlemou was the lamb* when, liaviuR liad their All the purchaser, and, with their uducaition of milk, they come mond to her head. of introdocing a new bn'iil to improve 15,000 ^ ^ ^ tbe bacon iiualitice of tbe bugs m the still farther advanced, thiwn geldings Tbo incident i* tbe more nmiarkablu n* are now tbe iiaixlaaaM'at and highest Friday, August 19, 1898. com belt is ail rot Tbe whole argu* tbe oow ha* not bad a calf for IH (daas team in the central states and 5( No mat- mnatba. Tbe pbotograpb. which ahow* ment is founded m a fala* basis, its supporters confosi* the bre d with tbe would doubt lem sell for #i,00U. m Readers tbo lamb* coRcrly takiuR their All of Such instances am plmtiful, and if milk, while the iyiw is patiently wait* feeil and environments. Tliey lose sight ^ ter, trv the of tbo fart that tbe breed tiier mi mneb breolers and farmers weald pay more init their pieasim'. waa taken Moinc miu* att(mti(io to odo(»tiug their young 1 ® ,, r ute* after tbe reonioo of tbe family admire for bis bacon has Isna finl bacon Weekly, producing fcxid for many generations, I borseH far the mad aod street and spend j after a few honra’ coapnlaory nepora- less time and maa(7 in trying to de ­ g Want tioo. whicli is neoeoaary for tbu welfare and wen' be imported into tbe com belt relop speed they would make a great j of tbe mother. it would only be a short time and a comcrib cross or two when bis bacon deal mom mcoer and derire a great ! deal mom mtufacti(m from the opera- ! 8 Column Oarlaa Mark WIto Cm*. idantity woold be lost and wi* woold I will (tiTe your reader* a core for only hare bis miserable rNitlines left as tion. In thia day and age an uneducat* | wire enta A draft oolt threw hi* foot a Old reminder of our folly. od hone is just as nbj^i(mabio os an j g found on paxe 5, and orer a wire and aawed tbe ankle half uneducated persoo. —Teoneesee Farmer. way roond and clear to tbe lioae and ■***•*' P*U. Ctoesr Far Pigs. m see the results. down the bone Co tbe hoof. He had Med Tbe Loodou Lire Htock Joonud re­ The ralue of clorer for pigs is rery | terribly. Tbe enow waa a toot deep, and marks that a large, broad foot, ap­ little while it is in its green state. ^ This column is a winner tbe blood had melted it in nereral proaching to rrmndnesM, is no indica ­ place*, bat it bad stopped bleeding Despite all that is said about tbo hap- tion of strength and durability of tbo pinem of "pigs in clomr" it is a fact' no matter whether pocket when I fimnd him. Ixxif—rather a sign of weakness, os that well br^ pigs will dege nerate A* cheap a* I hod hoogfat tbe colt I tending to liecxime flat soled. When m book you lost or a kitchen more rapidly when turned into ciorer ' felt that 1^ wa* dear tainagh. and my seen in a horse used for riding or drir ­ ^ you want. Amt tboogbt waa to shoot him. bat I to grazn than they will oa any other ing, it may bn taken as a rule to Iw a fe(Hl. Tbe pig's stomach is small, and ^ did not hare a gmi with me. I picked sign of rommen or f'carsn blocsl in one most of its food most cxaitain nutrition the foot up and looked at it, and tb«' of his near ancestors, anil that be him­ I % TRY IT. in condensed form. In all its early joint waa plainly aecii. I cxmcludeil to self has probably inherited their slug ­ growUi clorcr is very iunutritious. It : try an experiment with a meat rind. I gish temperament as well as foot (nu- is ut its best wbm in full lilossum, but «SSSSSSSSSSSSfSSSSSSSSSSSS9 cut n riiMl from a atdi' of pork abnat formation. The wall nf the h(Kif Mbcnld half on inch thick .-ind put the fat nidi' to turn pigs into clover at this time not txilge iiicliu«'d tnlst and au soiling Um* remuiuder of tbu litrap witii bot'kle, iu«ert<s brluve tlie epin- Tbe only way in which clover can be 1 It in place. Tile liorpi' baa licen laid up ion lia* no foundstimi in fact. Wliat prnfltably fed to bogs is to make bay of | for four week* and ia now able to mn lias tbe pnwruct: of pigment or ubi-emx) good bright clorer. chop this in small ' and play orer paatnre and doe* not of it III the hairs which sumimid the bits and giro only each day in winter limp. 1 do not beliore tbo blemish will (Xirnuet to do witii tbe durability of tb horse witii ibe bee; f(nined bogs this onall ration of cut clorcr each | • I'NF.i Aral three week* be ran oat lutb* ’ anew, and soundest foot of all inodcra breeds • FNEorAl.I.KD lor th.irttuah Inalmriinn. day is of great importance to keep tbe : Consultation and Examinations Free and Strictly Confldential Mtaiul • I'.VlUvAl.KD lor ularlna atuilaitta In rhulr,* |M»aiil*s foot is Preeant Indleations point to higher LIST. Aammatioo in the wound. I stake my meant the angle formed by tbe wall and K CRIES AFTER OTIIRS FML prices for prime, well fattened beef cat­ t. W.J.Ilarlaraj. Ilookkaapar, .HHah Kwr I'o.. Grand Itapida. Mirb. repotation that the rind will core aoch a* 'airna. Htaau., Maaiar Uacbaalr'a OMrr. *»•IJ. b.K. A I . RK. R.. (iraad Raptda. tbe grrmad surface of the foot at the tle befom fall, as there bam not been rhu il aad dctonlitlc Traotomut of AH Dlfl n Addia MlHa, .Hia«o . Klaiball IMaao i’.o . (Iraad Hapida. Uleb wire enta —Joaephas Fuller in Breed* canter of the toe. In order to get the e oC Mankind Poniblu to Ohtala. 4. (' W. I.awraa«a. IbKtkhaapar and Mlaai... Pobba A MHrbaH. I'adlllar er's Gaaptta. ae many Stoc kers sad feeitom taken to .%. Maramrifr Yarax. Htawo.. Krad Marar llaak Co., ilra»d Rapida. MIrb feet alike in shoeing trotters horae- the larger rBOges ee ueual. and few of rt. Uda lA^k. Rookkaapar. Alabaatiaa tTorka. Grand lUptda. MIrb. Theiaoat wMsi;Maly ead mrftntoty kaown Npstxiat to the ITaMsd mats* Raloaeeaam*- ahoers usually meaauro tbe length of the them will be fit to mil until late, ae Usbill aad qnlvsraal snBsxsein Uu lecrsrt ho^iaM te th* werMeeatom *• Ga^l, Htaao.. Dr. Roaara. Inaana Aarlnm. KalamaMxi, MIrb. toe and the height of the heel from the N. Ia4la Mmllb, flark. Dnan ('radii Agrmry, (Iraad Raidda. MIrh. The sheepof all ages that am fatteoed they will need corn to finish off, after itate traataUCIIItOMia NRRVnUR, HKIN sad BtswiD iMsaeeas apoathslsMat osisa- P. AaM Gallllard. Mtarn... Aldlaa Mm. Oo.. Graatl Rapida. MIeb. coronet to the bottom of the wall. It is ;tfle_prl wrtplsa ami oniitlm him to tbs (OU ronSesass of Uw aflitetod essrrebsr*. 10 Frad Janaao j, with Mnilth 1‘ramiar Co.. Grand Rapida. Mlab in Colorado am of three kinde —Mexi­ bei^ gram fed, to make tbem sell well. well to rmnember that different bora m DR* OTTMAFI .\rtitoaad CheoaK 11 Madia llaaar. Rookkaapar and Mtano., Lakraidr efab. Grand Rapida Mtrb. can. improred Merino aad English The toouk in band has been rednoed to la. Hraait Kualti. Htaau.. I>r. Wblaaary, Grand Knptda. Mteb may ham toes and heels of the same nKArrh.]„ lot toe K;Km Ror. Neae, Tbieat sad lomus, Drep*F*>M> Hrtehf* 18 . .\*aim Rydar. Rookkaapar. Saw Cn» Ilotal, lliAlnnd. UIrh. breeds. Oar best ■pecimens of the a oonshtorabto exiant by the fattening Dinhsua KMnsr. Umr. Waddar, Chtoole FssssU sod Rsziml Dtaswsa* spsedl^ e length and height, and yet the angle of timimaoS toot ba* asmr SUIsd Io toauMUMbiaf mmss Uwi bad base prnaesassd 14. I.. B. Downtmi. Hiaoo.. For. f>».. Grand Rapida, .\llrb. American bread am the large, blooky ot moeb yonag aloeh that bereto fom bae bor*. Many psoj||k^tossi d(Mto #r*r.* wbo wusht ham hsaa iwlosed to pitolst bealtb 15' * ‘«M»kkai^. Tboa. K. Wykaa. Floor, Coal. a«c.. Oraad Rapida. typea from Uregoo. The natire ehoep the foot may be different in eaidi cooe. been kept a year longer befom potting bsd (bay ptaecd toair ossa* m tor baads oi sspstu. 15. Roar llnal. Htaao . wlUi Lua Aaaolaa Aral. A study of a ptotum of tbe bonss o# tbe 11. Klla IMak. Maao., Kriadiaan'a. Graad Rapida, MIrh am raiaad on tbe open range, with no into market. If oattle now in paatnie Bssrisaes, beadlsssvsrsd !.** 2'???'*'??•• beekkaapar. Mb-k. Fralt Growar. (Iraad Haidda. Mirk. shelter and bat Utile extra feed during leg will ahow jnst what ia meant by can be Antohad off in Heptemher or eren llertotbaaas. Tommia sl^sss pesaHstycsied IH. II. A. MrDoaald, Htrao . Papa WIra Faacaio.. Graad Rapida. Mirk, a straight line striking the center nf »,tiaa,>ra_MT,aUTS TW can 1* •dactsd br bsantnatassst. CmlrUT if?- U*'«»k aad Kya (k».. Graad Rapida Mkh. the winter. The cent for raaging raries Oolobar. proepeeto are Hood for the feed ­ barmlaas aadssaily sppll*S ejd flmcm CnafldiBilal, **t*** ‘l** bookkaafiar. Monla.r A maraa#, GraadRat^da. Mirk. from SO to 80 oanu a year, and tbe m- the paetern and cnflln jointa D means ers to obtain a fair proflt. With this io IML OmgASr oparau* sacesasf ally sad inUbFinMfl. I can to ycr cset. ot all M V ^^•**". ‘**** 5" * llarvaatlaaOt., Graad Rapida. MIrh. when a straight line will pass through pslalsssly tor aesiat syss. p4*rTV(*(B. IGdsc aaa*«. raacararad is es*(r*ataMat. ^ J.*IITT****»- bookkaapar Rorktord Rnrlal f’ankat Co.. Rorklord, III. tum is a fleam worth from 50 to 80 ▼lew, it will pay Id feed liberally and wny, israisf la *r ost si m Ixib** or lids, DmilAaOXHG BABfl cared iasvsrr Andbor-Gaaaral'a OAW. l.aaala«. MIrb. oaota aad a lamb worth #1.50 to flS.Sfi. the renter of both poaitlan bo n es and to alrim to fmee an extra growth to ftsssr* ot tsar dact aad aU stosr cysoptra- il!' !.*. **■ ***H f1ark. Gliwy A Jndaoa. Graiei Rapida MIrb the coflhi bone. —Hone Rcriew. ttss*. ______CATAMia or TH» HOgH. bcsscbttls »« HInarba Rmwa. Clark. Wrraaka Kwr. Cn.. Graad lUpMa. Wlob Tbe wether lambs am usually sold in reach the earlier fall market, or saeb cnaOHlC gOMI OTMA sad rraas- aed tsar (issblss (ssxsd fisoi esurrb, pmU »L‘ bookkaaprr. Aldlaa Ml*. Co.. Grand Raidda. Mbdi. tbe fall, bnt am sometimes kept and are tbe iadioations now.— Amrrtoau tStsd Itosoaicbly cans. timlycsrsd. in 1.. Af^la DaKnbliar. HtaiMi Dndlar Wsirr*. Grand Rapid*. MIrh, *a>i at Uetag na»sS**t. ^ A CMHTAXh AJID rOfllYFfg COBS iU ****mMa Dapr.. G, l( A I R. It.. Grand Raptda. MIrb. aold as yearlings or eren at a gnwter Culllrator. tST U m avfsl •#•<(• si s*ri 7 vm awd iM- TO YOUNQ ANO MIDDLB- JJO. l-anala 1 an .Nawlaad. Mlaa««.. Grand Rapida MrbonI Knr. age lor stock sheep. The tmrm am sold It is aa benefloial to horses as to peo ­ esitirriM ayil* (bai lellorr is «t« (rsis Si b«M.hkaafiar nn;;maa| Plan. ltody, WMb All lu drasdlsl ills, irrni 1 j 8,. H U. cm^ Mit^,., Mr«'orntlrk llarraairr Mnrb Co Gmnd Rnidda. Mb-b. soutbweat. There food hi the shape of WIrBfl. Ttdtutu Atn> BBCTAX,)**'*, railroad is need for lambs and small (SM'. bnt tbe font must lie watched lest ffT- Wbaalar lUartrIr Co.. Gmnd tlnplda MIrb. (Xittanaeed meal and rough forage is vY.CBBN msMctne cseod w.t ?? brltlnn, Rookkaapar M. K. nrot 1, Gmnd Mnpida, Ml*h. ; boBcbee. The well fatteoed abmp go to It beremeesore or the iKsif hrsahs off. If A4tssG«»* (fwn I'l. »*• u ___ “ ____ abundant aad laexpensire. rtkelter 1* OTTuiAN W. Idn Maarla. Hfaa«(.. Fox Marblna Co.. Gmn«l lUpb'a. MIrb. ; tbe c aetern markets. Tbe poorer gradm tbe honf hrmiiB off, a good way will be “*TB1 *• I ."i, OOnanBfnSA,OUnrr, I pairsd (brsnst*** by i art ladsl • “mad Raptda Flaa laa c^. . iimad Rapida, Mb-b. little needed. If the young hewn ii get a 'psnasi ssliisry bsMu. wblcii rsIs b*tb sMad 4a. John Miaadrr. Clark. Rraant Ifonaa. FMnl. Mbdi are sold for Icml cnosuniptinti after In file it amoulh oari ereti with a rasp. VXaiMto h'KS* 5***»'^ Fscsl- I sad b*dy. ssSiilae (bsei l*r bs*ls>*s. stsd^ j Roeri toart these and are thm shipped 48 ^Ir Molar. Mtaao . MaalClolbtaw Co .Gmatl liapida. MIrb. j haring been fattened at tbe tanna — U** r**»sl* a*aba*** sad all dtltcsMdls- nctrty n isarrlsgr. 44. Ilattir Paal. Miaao.. M||«b For. Co.. Gmnd Ratdda. Mirk. farther north to be Aniahori off. It will •rd*r* p*csnar (••ito*r wa.p^linly esnd, MADRIF.D Br.JI. or (b«a* •swrtsr sa o ••rH. lUMtkkaapar aad Htroo . T..rk A Hr.aa Grand Rapida MIrb ! National tftoekman and Farmer. fiLT*" «*»8 » (bm bsppy nir. srran ot pbyaicsl dsMlIty. !. ♦•(•Hla. bookkrgwr. « wafa Carrlapa Worka. Gmnd Rapida Mbdt. "flee besv. Laey." said the fsaehsx be right profliabto. In many parts of iron yss(btslf*lliss*rtoa*asass*f nsiarsl^aicblr M*U(e 4. 47 . brrtba Darla. Htaao.. laibitt Hatl«*a (miawst as pars 1 by Madias 88 linbt linnntbal Rookkaapar. Yoantr A Moat. Graad Rapida Mirk. For ewee abaM to drop their tomna Sp*v»*l>»(« nt AMrrws **4 B* b*( prrammml i itatiM pr*4*rr*d. A4. Kralya MNIar. Htrao.. Frad Marar Daak Co . (Iraad Rapid*. Mirk. amttan ia onr market stalls, aad tbsra rsaehing for the elate to amke the oor- rwuikm. "I mast bam baaa thiakiag the beet food to aoaa loo good. Oh 1 mXB HXABTNATXOir OT______a||plylar tor lasdtosi ir*a«« will ke a battsr proflt ia their pmdae* them good hay. with a few roots ever, nssf •AmsM mm4 nr brisp f ms } ia 4 assess ot aria* (ib*i Int ia II lioa. The sheep shmld not ba b^ aa a this was one ct thoae moalha when torrsd V wbleb will trrorro acanlal rbanieAl asd aMcrassMdssI asssKsaGas. sad If them to nn r ia oyslasa. "—Damn Nsrwa- day. If they are at band, aad aaest s-wrMwii saalys** wGI ba plaas. Faraasa rs(aad t* btoltb by asMaraad irilis ■ravaag w to sot brisra, reeada and tIUih wheat bran if It aeanm to he nooMid Io triai(to wHb (bswi nswrb altar aMstS. ptvtap Use. tant Mmald iozariate in rtah Bssai* THbmm. »*Mly. Daisy*an Sasparw* heap them la proper ooadittoa. d ia Aid caas* irblab bavAbaaai pd ac seaUnihMIy M*aapatMaaMs w fallaraa. I (laasad by wm . ^ "'LyeeHyl *«» O® alsswbsr* Ow s fusrs* hi russswcial aaS abi il aaasaMartaa la pratorrad. Ci Att^ TIIK waOT. U Is suustuo asoM fsr tivs ssM I* Uwriwaaart Is tbs •ag. W* aOnw yonapla- Mat C. O. hi to am mnrntv. •tsAssts fHMR a IIKsBd tb*tr rsOsray far* bw*. It It Sum mmt nmmt #a Hwotoa lattaarmommsadsd byPm- day. Mm. ttoytoar Hsart Aw s list nl oer nssOi at wnrti. sag tor tb* twn Maall bimblxai •uMUsA •WHAT Mta. “ "ia1 ama tog of I e taoqi (MTR PfTpIlJt NAY (IF ira.’^iMMI “WHAT RITNINRWt MR.X NAT OF OUR PtTPI amr Hsnry for a ball: Two poanda of eoauaittod oa yeei toa Adtna wUhpea(MM. •arm Atjta^ NtaOaam SMF •amr at aar Uam. If tsiirmSsC. ssadtar a MUad omm, two of oata. two of bran md he aom U to I brmal cua. Da ye leassufaMb ------■M aHS of oUsahs, with iltHty a# Rriihai A blaik ahap why 1 tooald aal D. mcLACNLAN A CO., Oraud Rapid*, ItUcMiaii. II Mia &—Yoa: me ora DOCTORS B. S. A COMPANY. will Prti THE ST. JOHNS, NEWS THURSDAY AFTERNOON. AUGUST 25. 1898.

Tlw tMi is aMHV having bam Mown from tbair hadtm. Mr. Tillam. “ha la nat Ily bIHclitrd thiw t!i* “Signal them to slop flrlngP* oam- ap. Mow wa shall drop hill• blo«rti nwr A *J?‘ mandad Mr. Kdism. “Wa have got him tight bMbia ha can > ■MW vnl is Morr sas- them down, and we are not going to rp(':W to srroknsoB mordar them witbont neoasaiiy. Ba- M d issost tboi will sso • • WboDwauameto fated our priaooar vw Il h«T inowmosn- sides. “be added, “I want tooaptnre with streag ropoa, we wara ssotu'than ly w«y Ihsn slMr i« shet soma at them alive. “ ever irapraassd with his gigaatle stature bss sttstncfl to Iwslthy Tbu signal waa given m ba bad or- i wiitsoboiwl. ThouMUHls uf and strmigtb. Bvidautly in Mngi# oom- woOMti bow tb«^r livrs dared. The flagship than alone d ro pped but with equal wsapous ba would have ^wrrckMl by trooblr* of ibis slowly toward ttie place on the aalaroid been a mai^ for iO of oo. dslicatr description br- where tba prostrate Martiaaa wsra. c—se of tbeir torn tanur- All that I bad rapd at giaata had snev sod tbr prodcry of As we got near tbvtu a terrible sesM failed to produeu npoa my mind the im- thrir inotbrr* unfolded itaelf to onr eyas. There bad pression of auormoua stea aad twmsu- j Mlicoci^r tbr wonder* evidently bem nnt more tbau halt a dons physical euargy wbiob tba sleep- ' ^inf clcni(«n of ill lusllh donen at the monslsrs iu tba beginning. ftwl* s »hip -drift npot. lag body of this immetisa Martian pro- t tbr acs of isTiorancr. be 'RICgyeSB. BY CARRCTT P itRV/Oi Two of these wsrti stretched beadlem dooed. He bad tellan on bis back and | steps soAirr from weakness saparable advantage. charged into bis face that be remained i and dtiwaac pecttliar to tbeir sea Her under more tbau six mnutbn ago, at tbe end It is impossible for me to describe tbe perfectly occouacious while wo tnrned a terriblr nervous tension, and if tbrv of tbe oonferenou in WasbiuRtou. that Un tbe ntbar baud, if it sbonld tom appearance of this creatore in terms escape death are always threatened witn him halfover, in order the more secure­ MNnethiiiR which to indioate tbe ont that onr range waa greater than titat would be readily amierstoad. Was insanity. Tbe srbole nervons system is tbeirs tba advantage woold be on onr ly to bind bis muscular limbo. adectra by tbr constant dr^ atid drain defMtrtore of a new expedition from be like u man? Yea and no. He posmm- In tbe meantime tbe ntbar eleetrioal upon tbe delicate and feminine organs Mars bad been noticed by tbem? We sida, or~-whleb was perbaps most ed many bumau charasiaristics, bnt Dt. Pierce’s Fai-orite Prescription is tbe probable —there might be practically no ships approached and several of them one perfect and unfailina spendc for every have beard uothiuR of that expedition they were exaggerated and moattrons in ma^ a landing upon tbe astero id. Ev­ ■ince. We know ibat it did not maob difference in tbe elfaetive range of tbe scale and in d^il. His head was of derangement and disorder of this descrip- engines. erybody waa eager tu see this wonderful tiem. It fits a woman for wifebomt and tbe earth. It mast Itave fallen foal of eoarmoos siae, and bis huge proje cting little world, wbleb, as 1 have already motberbood It is the best of all snosm this asteroid, mu opou this rook in tba Anyhow we were going to find ont eym gleamed with a strange fire at in- nerve tonics. It is tbe diacovrry of one of bow tba case stood aad that without da- remarked, was only flve milm in diam- ocean of space and Lean wrecked here. '* j talligeuoe. Ilia (acu was like a rarioa- tbe most eminent and skillful specialists lay. atcr. in disease of women. “We'vagot 'em, tbeu!'* nboated oar Brarytbing being in readiness, tba Several of ns from the flagship startad •• 1 wastraabled three years with fetnaie weak- elaotric staereiiian. wbo had been a out hastily to explore tfee miniature asm " writes Miss K»en (Nev. of Hoifonl Cby. workman in Mr. Edison ’s laboratory disintegnitara all in working order, sod asdfoeri Oo. Va. "1 bad two phvswiaas. taW tbe men wbo were able to handle them, planet. And now onr attention waa re­ ncMtier did ssr any imod I was trontded with and bad unlimited confidcooe in bis called to an inteumly interaating pbe- aaia* In my left skfr all tbe lime When it was chief. moat of whom were experieocad marks­ time for mv monlhlv period* I ihonaht I woald men, cbosso from among the ofBoars of nomenen wbiob bad «iigagcd onr Tbe electrical ships were immediate ­ die wttii pains »a my bach and stemacb- 1 aiao tbe regular army of tbe United States tboogbts DOC only when we were upon had chills I coaki not ert up trilhoat (aiatiaa ly instmeted by signal to slow down, PInally I took three battle* of I)r Pierre's Ha- and accnstcunad to tbe straight shooting tbe moon, but during onr flight througb an operation that was easily effected eorHe Prescription and tmiof his •cielden Med­ and tbe rare bits of tbe west, standing ■puce. Ihia waa tbo admost eotire ab- ical INacovery.' I do not have aay pains at all tbmagb tbe electrical repnisiim of tbe and am in better baalth now than I ever waa at tbeir poata, tba sqnadron again ad ­ ■snoe of weight asteroid. Gilumbttt discovered AmericA — but to my life." vanced. On tbo moon, where tbe force at Tbe nearer we got ibe more terrifying I have diffcovered BATTLE AX! How to preserve health and Iwauty am In order to diatract tbe attention of gravitation is onc-eixtb os greot as upon was tbe appearance of tbe gigantio told in I>r Pierce's Medical Adviser. It is tbe Martians tbe electrical ships bad tbe earth, wo bad found onrmlves as- free Hot a paper-covered copy send at creatares who were riding upon tbe lit­ There is a satisfied —srlad I've got it—cacprciskw oa been diatribntad over a wide space. tooisbingly light Pive-sixtbs of our one-cent stamps to tovrr matUmg tle world befon> os like castaway sailors the faces of ail who (mover the rich quality of cloth bindina. ti stamps Address Dr. Some dropped straight down toward tbe ov . weight and of tbe weight of tbe ». V. Pierce, Buffalo N Y. upon a block of ire. Like men, and yet asteroid ; others approachixl it by flank airtight suits in wbicb we were incaaed not like men. combining the haiuau and attack, from this side and that. Tbe bad magically dr o pped from ns. It was the besut in tbeir appeurance, it requir­ therefore comparatively easy for ns. in ­ THE SPY. flagsliip moved stTaight in towani tbe I / »i es! u steady nerve to look a( them. If potnt where tbe first d imeter uooorrcd. cumbered as we were, to make onr way we bad not known tbeir malignity ami Its intrepid commander felt that bis about on tbe moon. A spy la A person sent Into nn memya tbeir power to work evil, it would have (Munp to Inspi'ct hla works. aarcrtAlu hi* poet abould be that of tbe greatest dan ­ Bnt when wn were far from both tbe PUICa akaenittli anil report on hla imivmitcnta. lieen different, but in onr eyes tbeir ger and where tbe severest blows would earth and tbo moon tbe loss of weight It is an admirable chew Bt for an Admiral. moral cbararier sbom* fhrongh their By the laws of war amotiR rivlllztxl be given and received. was more astonishing still—not aston ­ physical aspect ami thus n-uderni them tions A spy la subjt'ct to cnpltnl punish- The approach of the ships was made ishing because wo bad not known that In no other way can you get as large a piece of as good more ti-rribietbau they would otherwise mont. with grtiat lautiou. Watching tbe Mar­ it would be so. but nevcrtbaless a sur­ tobacco — for 10 cents. A sUUc of war must exist before any have been. tians with onr talearopesweoouldciear- prising phenomenon iu contrast'with person ran Im exerutcxl an a spy. and lio When We first saw them, their ap­ ly see that they were disconcerted by onr lifelong experience on tbe earth. must. In tbe first place, tm enuRht inside pearance was most forlorn, and theirnt • In open space we were practically pemember the name the enemy's linen. tbe scattered «nder of our attack. Kven titudes imlimted only desfsiir uiiil des ­ if nil of their engines of war bad been ll'( irrrr more tfioit rtvr finpressrd irffA without weight, (inly tbe mass of the To be tnwtixl AS a spy It must lio shown peration. bnt as they caught sight of us hit ffiifiMtir tiulttix electrical oar in which w«' were inrloseil ■ ^ when /CM buy agam. that at the tliiu* of mptun* In’was In dtvaa in proper condition (or ose it woold tort', hut not one to make tbe beholder thi-ir malign |iowi-r of intellect instant ­ have Isfen impossible for tbcm to meet attracted ns, and inside that wo oould other than the odoptixl iullitar>' ttnifomi ly iieneimteil the mystery, uiid they rec- laugh, lirawiiig birasclf up, ba towered of his country'. tbe simultamnus assault of so msuy place ourselves iu any position without ugnizdl ns for what we were. to A height of at K«sl 16 feet. A soldier oauKht within the enemy’s enemies dropping down upon litem from falling. Wo could float in tbe air. Tbeir despair immeiliateir gave place But let tbf reader not suppose from KMitATK (IKIlKIt.—Mtatr of UlrbtoaD. . lines weariuK his riRhtful uniform t«n the sky. There was no up and oo down, no top to reawakeneil uialevolence. (hi the in ­ tills inadequate description that tbe P t'ouRijr nl (Hinton, m. At a ■wwltm ,*( thr > only Im' belli us u prisoner of war. But they were roailo of fighting metal, and no bottom for na Stopping outside I'mlMiir Coart fur tbr ('.imiiIv nt (lininn . Not every iierwui {mssitiK secretly stant they were astir, witli such heart Martians stirrixl in tbe beholder pre- tbe car, it would have been easy for ns hnlf know how to deiusiid a aurremlcr. Be­ One of the most startling experiences I'rohair. Northern Michigan, Ohio and that his ermniJ in RcttlnK thniURh wan of Not imagiuiug that they would be in trial jungles liuddenly confronting him Iu thr laatlrr nt tbr flsUktr of fiarearet sides. tbe destructitai of tbe two elec- that I have ever had was uno day wlien A personal natiin*. be oan only la* held an a condition to make serioos resistance, iu its native wilds. wo were navigating spare about half Fasllojrrr, itrrraartl itn rradina an«l OllaK ' 11 prisoner of war. trtral ships with the 40 men, iiiatiy of thr |>rllllon daljr vrriini of WllllaM H<|UlrrM all Southern Points. wo bad lieeii somewhat incaatiuns in With all bis horrible characteristics way lietween thoearth and Mars. 1 ha«l ItraylDR this roart to adludicair and eat ixuistltute spyiiiR. the lueinliers of the squadron which Tin, both of Us, of conrMi. wearing our ment than usual among the Martians, a dneed tbe impression of being a pursou rral rsialr and tiir sharr or |M>rtlou Ihrvrof' To la' treaUvl as n spy It must bi> ctoarlr callwi for Tetigiwucv. airtight suits. Wo were perfectly well that rach of saltVhrlrs wrrr rnitllrtl to at | T'lmti T'ul>lc». shown that tie fthjiet of the acruM140 A. M...... 4MMl ...... ai50P. M kiKiw.—Piwmon’* We«-kly. that bis couutenanoe boro ('onsiderable thr I.Itn dar of ^*rf>lrmlN>r. I>. laua, at coop was nlwerved. Again u blinding thn forwaivl motion at the car, auL.v. Ilnrawd. instaiitaueoosly a sbiver ran tbrengh would be no falling <«ie way or tbe (•rrsons Inlrfralr*! In saldraiatr, arr rr>|ulrr,l } \ shiver througb the soul uf the beholder. • tSA A. m...... aa.1...... diAO I'. M Scrofula, a Vile the frame of tbe flagship. The air with­ other. The car would have a tendency to afiiirar at n srsalon (iiddrti at thr Frnbatr ofltrr In thr rlllaar all Honthrrn Points, in quiveml with strange pulmtions and to draw us back again by its uttractiou. beri' was intellect, intelligence devel ­ of .Ht. Johns and show rausr. If anr thrrr hr, i II, HKXNKTT. (1. P. A. Toledo.Ohio ■eeiutxl suddenly to have assnmixl tbe bnt this tendency would bn very slight, a hy thr iirayrr of thr iirtttlnnrr shituld not oped to tbe highest degree, bnt iu tbu and practioally inappreciable at a dls- hr Rraninl ' And It Is fnrtbrr orftrrr*], that temperature of a blast furnact-. m Inheritance. direction of evil lusceotl of good. noilrr I -Rtren to thr |ierso«s latrrrstrd in ■ Weall gasiMxl for brtath. Our throats tauou. sail! rsiair cf thr prmlrery of said (irtlliun Tbe seumtions of one who bad stood and thr hraiinR Ihrrrof hy ranslaK a ropy id Scrofula is thn most obstinato of blood and lungs seeuiwl scorched iu the act of “I am going to step off," 1 roddenly (ace to (acu with satau when be was this onirr to lr> puldlsh**! In Thi riT. Johms troubles, ami is often the result uf an breathing, .''oou* fell unconscious a|x>u aaid tu Lord Kelvin. “Of coarse 1 shall N i:ws, a nrws|Ni|»sr |•rtntr«l and rirrnlatrd In tirivt'ii from tbe inttli nieuts of beavon sa'd rouniy of (?1lnU>n for thrrraerrmslr,- Aa /^ELLS the fluor. Tbe tuarksmeu, oarryiug the ke^p right along with the car end step inhcritetl taint in tbe blmid. 8. B. S. by tlie Kwords of bis fellow srrbangels wrrk* prrTlons to ssld ilar fit hrartnv disintegratort) ready for use. staggeretl, atxMrd again when 1 am ready. “ ('llAUUfX ll. MKKItll.l.. is the only remedy which Roes deep uiiii bad beheld biui tronsformtxl from I,\ TKff. lol'l.l JlldRr of I'rfilHitr, and one of them droppml his instru ­ “i^uitn right on general principles, enouRh to reach Scrofula ; it forces out 1=- Lucifer, tbe sou of tbe morning, into ment. young won," replied thn great reraut, >:ot'..VTK iiltHKI:.—Htair of Mlrhlcan. Both Tubular and every trace of the dlseasi>, and curas the prince of night and bvll, might not ffiunty of t'llniou, «s. At a srsshm of But wo had not been ilestroyrii like “but beware iu wbat manner yon step P have betu unlike thoM< wbicb we now tbr I'rfilfair • f>nrt tor thr Coanlr ftf'llniftn. the worst cases. onr eeronuiea before tu. Iu a uiomeut off. Kcmcmbar, if yon give your body bffifirii at tbr I'mhalr tiflirr. In Itw villaRr of ' My sea. Chsrlte.wsssiBIcMd from Infaney experienced as wo gaxcil upr;n this dread ­ an impulse Hnfllrient tu carry it away Ml. Jithns, on Friday. thr I'Jlh flav fd .\uR-. Tile made and re­ tbe wave of heat Those who ful iMrsrtiage. wbo seeing tu combine ii«l. In thr yrar tinr thonoaud riaht hundml i with SerofuU. and b« suSersd so ibsl It wsa r hud fulleu reonwred from their uinuieii- from tbe car to any contiderable dis ­ ami nInrty-rtRht. ImposslUe u> dress him tbe intellectual powers of u man. raised l-rrsmt, fhas .q. Merrill. JuilRrfffl'lohatr. tary stupor ami staggeml to their feet. tance you will be nuabln to get back toi three years. Ills 4 to their liigbest pitch, with some of tbe in (hr 11 alter fff thr f'siatrfifliarrfi Hunt, i paired by Kimball The electrical steersman stisid hesi­ again unless wn can catch you with a rr. ilrrrasrfl. I’.irlrr K. I'rrrln, Iru.lfrolsalil ■ bead a id body were a physical features of a Uast and all the tating at his post. boathook or a flslilltio. Ont there in ralalr. nnitrr thr will of ilrrrasrd, liarlnR j amas of soren, and his mural depravity of a fiend. made appllratlon ff>r the allowanrr of bis eyeslRht also became “Move an." said Mr. K«lisoii sternly, empty •‘pace you will have nothing to trasir. aix-onnt of snid rstair. & Love, successor ' Ir . The appi'aniiic*' of tbe Martian waa affected. No treatment bis ftwtures set with detormiuatusi and kick against, and von will to- unable to TlirrrMifou It I* f»rdrmi. That Thursflay. was spareli that we indeed su tbriNitciiiiignud repellent that thr **111 day f-f Srjflrinls-r, A. I».. iHim. at his eyes utin». “We an< still lieroufl propil yourself in thn direction at tlm one ttVIorli In thr atirrnffon. Or asshrnrft ftir tholurht woutil rrllsvs '■ / we jwused at the bl ight of 6Uteet above him. t>ut hr vrrw vrorss v" , .“I ’’f'i V' il their effective range. Let ns get ohsN'r car, and its nttrarticai is so feeble tliat thr ryamlnatlffli of said arrtiuat. at the I'ro- to F. C. Young. tbe ground, hesitating to approach IfSlr I mirr In thr » IllaiC- nt St.Johns. A«fl , until Ills c.ii-ituon u-.-, j '* ■ iu order to make sure work wheu we wn sbonld probably arrive ot Mars be­ It Is furihrr orflrrrfl. that nfitlrr lir Rtirn tfi liKfeeil |>ttiaieu u man, timr and |darr tif sahl hrarlnR by raiislnic ever brttiK cureU, wh si The ship moved on. < hie could h««r All this was, of course, perfectly self a t ffliy of t ht* ortlrr Iff Iw puhllshwl In Tut by the sf « llntfin, for! I Swift's >tMX'lOe). .\«h- members uf the M)ondr(»i, thinking fur warning word of Luni Kelvin 1 should thrrr snm-ssirr nrrks prrrlons |t> salil day ‘ eKied Impoivemetit was thr result, sml after UKire telling pantomime Jiis hatred and he he*! t«krn s ft.»srn tsitlles, nuuilltt,m wouUl have tbe tiagsbip, had paused uud seemed to rmpty spnov, with safllcltiit form to Trnrt'fipy.l JudRrf*! I'rttltair. ive*iRnlsr*l him. All the sure* on hts body us to shreds if be could onoe get cs have healed, he «hin is perfectly clear and swift adjustmt-nt of titat one of tbeir be mtxlitatiug fiigbt. have separated myself hopelessly from within bis clutcbca. saHsrth, and he nae bevn reetored perfect engines of war which, as already no- “Signal them to mnvoou." mid Mr. thn eleetrioal ship. KtillATK •IKIIKK.—Hlatr uf MhUlanu. : Gland Ifunk Railway Systeni hoalUi. Ms* <* o. MasBT. Mr. Edison and 1 still stood upon tbe t'ffnntT of tiinton. aa. At a .i sshm of’ 8 K Ltm ot., Macon, lia. ticed, reeniMl to be practically uniujar- As it was. I took good care to retain P Arrival anti drpartarr attralaeat Ht. Edison. deck uf tbe ship, where aeveral others thr Froisitr t'oMrt tor thr ronnly tff • llaton i ed, and then there dartid from it and Tbe signal was given, and tbe circle a bold upon a projecting portion of thr hfddm at thr l*rot>atr oflirr In thr vlllairr of Johns. IneflrrtMa.i Itl, laps. For real blond troubles it is a waste l>.4d gathend around us. Tba ntmoa- •I. JokHs OH ThttCMlay. theIfMih dav «ff July. alighttxl Qpon iMie of the foremost ships of uleciricni ships closed in upon the as­ car. OrowloDally cautionsly releasing trKSTBnrvo Arrlre of time to exi«»H»t u run* front the dor- pbere of tbe little asteroid was so rare In thr yrar f>ar iitoNsand HRht hHaarr«l aad a dauling lightning atmke a mile in teroid. grip, I expcrieactxl for a few min ­ niHrtv'rtoht. tom. Blond insi'nsea are beyond tbeir Ibat it practically amounted to uutbiog. (Id. Harm a .MnsksRon fIttdTani tA ITpoi length at whoas tonch tint nietallio In tbe meantime Mr. Edison bad been utes the dalicioas. iudevcribable picas- i-trssnt. ('has. M. Mrrrtll. Judarfit I'rohatr. skill. Bwift’s BpeciHc, and we could not possibly have tart trad in thr mailer fff thr rslatr of John WofMf. fa .tXpe* flifpe> ■Idas of tbe csir carted and withered douuiug bis airtight rait. Before wo nre of being a little planet swingiog worth, fieri asTfl Jamr* W. WiMMlwortb, lid. Harm A latmaedlatstT f (• pin aoi It If we had not oaotlnusd to wear our • Id. Hsvm a MwHiraon *lt AM aai*! 1 4a,aai and. licked for a moment by what seem­ coold fully (nmprebeud his intenliuu through space, with nothing to bold me rvrrnior ol the last will aad irstanHSil f>f airtight suita Huw tba Martians ccti sahl drrraard. havlaa laadr aepfiraisui fnr UlieO to Hd. Hpds f to SA am. H AO p » ed lambent flames, collapsed into a mere be bad pos^ ttarongb tbt^ doable trap­ thr alhfwakrr of hla flaal arroaat aa«l for hla i SAkTatit'sn. • trived to live here was a mystery to us. (TO iiK (t>Jmvrxii.) disrhatRr. | Det . Canada A rast tN 3A aan t7 .Aft pai SSS%.Bk)od cindar. ped door whiefa gave aocem to tbe ex­ |let..ChtraRovtalHiiraad tl'JtiA pw tA OXpoi It was anotber of tbair saonts which ThsrrapwH It U ordered, that Thareday, | ranches alt deep-aeated cases which For an instant not a word was spo- terior of tbe car witbont permitting tbe tbrV.lth day of Auaast. A. H,. iai»s. at f»ar j Ifot.. f'aaada * earn fA 17 pm tlo 47 ask wa ware yai to Isaro. A Clevsr Aaswee. llet., Canada A mat *11 40 pai *A .AH am other remedies barn mieffeei upon, kan, so soddsn and oaexpectad bad bean lorn of air and was standing upon wbat o'rhirk la the afternoon hr aastaaed for the i Mr. Edisoti rocaiaad his dlaintagratox rsatnlaalloN fd aahl aemaat. at thr I'rohatr ! Utie*l !<• Ilwneeo 14 All pm f lO If.A aoi la the only bbsal remedy guaranteed tbe blow. ssTvad for tbe dock of tbe ship. Rev. Anna Shaw, at a receat meet­ Itihrr fa the rtltaae of Ht. Johaa. Aad It la titxcep* Haaday. *Dally. meeptaa aad purely vegetable, and contains no pot- We know that ovary aonl in tba in his hand. ing. gave a clever answer to the qnes- farther or«lrred that a«»tfee heolvrnlothe patinrrar eerrfee. ■ah, mereury, or other mineral. In bis band be carried a disintegrator. “Kill him." mid soma oa all the liaht, title atMl latereat of Rrtdae. Baffhlit. New York aad Boatoa. Merchant Tailor, Marly all the maaibsrs of the expadi- tloD. Let Anna have a ohaace to vote If a 'j.A a. m. aad 13 o4 p. m. iratas roaacet It waa an iaanspieioas bagi nn ing for larly 1 noticed a poltsbed knob projact- thr said lisatei llltMtd la aa thefollowlaa ns. Two of onr alaetrloal sblpa, with tlon. Mr. ■dlson. however, bad coafldod ehe wanu to. ” dsar lihed real eotate. towtt: The aadlTt4e«l at Daraad wrtth C. a «1. T. Plrtotoa fnr OM- Ing from it, whioh seamad to have baso to me btfure wu left the earth the Ihet nar-isath. sahfret In the IM* estate of Sanaa ra#o. tbair satire crawa had baan wiped nnt tbe focne fnan which its dea tructiva IthMMl. of the m.atb half of the aorthweat s 3,', a. m. aad A 17 p. m.tralaa rnaaert at that he bad Inveutad a little Instrumant qaarler aad the west half <»f the aortheast Daraa«l with t'. M. a M. fbr Haatnaw aad Bay Opposite “The Steel* ’. of extstanoa. aad tbia appalling blow bait emanated. nty aad wtthr. a at Chtrago Detroft wban wa came to anconatar tba mlllloaa dlstaaea into the faee of an saemy, door of the t',Mirt lioaee. In I he rlllatos of HI, r n n M A H H R(79 LF. V. Aaaat. Ht. J okas* upna it aad instanianefiaoly shattarad it where, axpladlag without ntbar dam ­ Johae. la tfiat.Mi rtMtaty. Mfehlnaa. oa Hat- of Mars iiaalf on tbair own gmaad and anlav, the 3TtH day of Aaaast, IsUH. at one into atooM. age, it woaM instantly put him to liatpL prapnred for war? “That Axes tbcm," mid Mr. Bdlonn. o'rlorfc In the afteeaooa of that day. However, Whan Tom bad placed the iustru- Hated Jaly lllh. |mvm . it wnnid not do to despond. tarniag In am, with a Mails. AUiNXo F. orwh, PtMlWALPIlU Wa bad baan incantiona. aad wa sboaM nwnt in bis bands. Mr. Kdiaco ordarwl Hhertif of tniatoa « oaaty, Mtrhhtaa wneiRDoueT Latest Novelties. And indeed It did fix them. Wa had tba alaetrloal ship to forgs slightly FRDKWA a WAi.lINllNIK, taka good oara not to ocanmit tka mum saost effaatnally spiked their gna. It Attort*»ea for I'tatatWf 4Tw7 ■a - ee*s« sf i fanlt again. ahead aad drop a little lower toward tey •^'Edth would deal an more dsatbblowa. the Martian, who, with walohful oym makHaet eiis«ekii*t. stofoa Ce- Tba flrst tbing to do was to avsaga (HffiiENT pRfiBATF .YffTICK.—Prohate r.Hirt. f-Ma- rstmoasat ef eraeas s«4 kedy ifo TEACHER'S EXAMDIATIORS Tba doings of the flogahlp had bom kaewa reaMdr lev w*»s»a eaaam tba dea th of oar co mmdaa. TbaqnaMiaa and ikrmtsBlng g aatares. notsd our ap- 4 tow ('oaaty. m. Aotire la hrrshy Rtvm ,h*m. Ueaee, de harm lit# fee. aloaaly watched throngboat the M|aad- presMh in the attitodo of a wild boaM that ail rtatme aad demaadc aaatasi them- tceevv. • ■*»*■■*' ai peehea wbathar wa were able to mast tbaaa ron. Tbe effaet of lleblowhad bsmavl- tate of Kathartaa HartSMta. drri asrd will 'hp awsf- aetd Im dramtofee- Martiaaa aad uvwnmas tbam might m on lha spring. .**addsnly Mr. Kdissn he heard hy the Jadar of I'mhate of eaM abrr 0CTgi eai.rotg A. Ml _____ Jiarfiaaa was aakanwn to na Wa did “You houa kilM himr* bseo habM ema, I Par sate hy O. K. VaaRfoMe. m. M WIIMTOK. Itha rata at tbair saglhs. thalT banda paa. A •al;MibsM not avan knaw tba limit of tba aflbativa THE ST. JOHNS, NEWS THl?RSDAY AFTERNOON. AUGUST 26. 189S. MAPLE KAPfDS. MAKVELIIl’S elites Work on thn mnnodsUaiK of Chrifftinn -BY— ekuroh has bsican. llr.AMl Mfh. B. W. Hnwitt tun viaitias Dr. W. a Walcerj ai Orehard IddM. Superior Grain Drilla. MUa Banna Wilaoa of loaia, is visltias rslatieas la this rieiaity. Liberty Britksa of (.*kieafy>. is visitiBir # A r next scasuo'8 crops depend in no small degree on the n UMlwr In wMcil TW EmiiiMit mk I HarfivoWt ol rsiativas in this vieiBity. ^ the seed is sewn« eveni ’ larmer is interested in buying the machine best Datroit. Mkh.. (onMfljr ol Now York, Jas. Bird has.bssa Rrantad a pmaioa of six doMars |mr moath. will make tbr foUowiaK Kcmilor J calculated, by its mechanical construction, to give good results. I am satisfied A daaciag party was icivaa at IVtry's Moatbly Vkita. hall fMi Friday eveaiafc last. ^ that a careful study of the drill market by any discriminating farmer will con- Kberiff Ihinn made an official visit to ^ vince him that the the villaMsoa Monday last. Jerry Cole, son of John Cole, is danaer- ously ill with typhoid fever. nt Euaifiia OF smir w FNs ia doe not only to the oriifinalUy 44 Frauk Kedfem made a ImsinesH trip to l.jMtsta«during the past wtwk. simplicity of the oumbinatbMi, but also to tbe oart) and skill with which it is Mr. nod Mrs. Isaac Hewitt bave re- Superior” manafactarml by scientific proceeses turned from tbetr northern trip. known to the CAuroHMiA Fin Srari* The Missee Maidie and .\una .Newton (kx only, and we wiah to impress upon Is the drill to buy. Read what some of the Clinton county farmers have to say: are visitina in Betmit this wens. all the importance of pur(*hasinir the Dr. (iso. Y uuimi is at iinwent enjoyioit true and original remedy. As the NdKTIlWKST 1)1 PLAIN. u vacatiem in northern Ilirbifcsn. genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured This ia to rartify that th** Huparior SiogI** Disc llrill I purrhasc*! of Xi. L. Kenyon is bv long odds the lieat Kraak H.(h>nle.v inaile a hiisia«e*t trip ^ the CALiroMXiA Fici Hvaui* Co. drill I ever followed, have used it in all kinds of grunnd ami it «lnea the lieat kiml of work. I tak** giwit iitensure in \liaa Sharft u( Knaex, riaited nt Dan to Hamoac, durioa the past week. only, a knn\vle«lge uf tliat fact will rvcommenditig it to my tietgbimm. ff. ami XX’\i. L.XNDKKH. I'orkin ’s lant wo(4. Tbe roiisqueradt* eortal nt (1. .1. It. ball aaaist one in avoiding the worthless Tlie .Sufierior Single Disc Drill I |,nrchaeefl of M. L. Kenyon is without any ex*wptioas the best Drill I ever Hoy lluUe ia riaitiiiK bin ffrtiuiiiatbtn- hits lieeu furntponefl for two weekN. imitations uuuuifacture*! by other par­ used. Have iiae«l Iwith Ho** and Shoe Drills hut after uoing the Ibsi* !>rill would not bay one at aiiv price, bave use*! iiotl uiiHa anil family ol Victor. The<*uniract for the dredirina of Maple ties. The high standing of the Cali * my Disc I>rill in places where ! wonid not try to use a Hoe Drill, have sewed lieet seed with it and am mon* tbau (ieiirgy, IWkiuN anil fuiiiily, alao .Mra. Hirer will be let f^ptember 24. next. roaxiA Flo Syicup Co. with the inereman ol Judge Daboll ’s fnrtii. • lay. cmpan\' a guaranty tofi dressing and it is im|s»ssible to chig it. Have used a Su|M*rior Drill f*ir yearn and can say It sows just what it of theoxotdlcnc*, *»f its remeclj*. It is ST. JOHNS. Hotel St. Johns, day. .VnotbiT lara** tlao. Uev. K. Miidge wii« calle l to piTarh n bowels withr Uirtrude. of selv'es of tin*'*hen|i mtew to Detroit, last the ('ompany — SFPEIHOll DRILL COMPAN), day. Auk * 26. week. ItiuKbain, viaiteil bin dniiifbtrr. .Mm. U. CAUFORNIA HG SYRUP CO. M. I.. Kenyon. Jigent. V. KonutT, StiiiiJay. Fretl Hosley of Dnpliiin, was the aitcet SAK PHANCISOa. OaL .XD jiskms ;—IWort* s|iriug cmpiiing I iiur< hased one of your Disc Drills. | ha*l a hoe drill as any one of .Ml*, and Mm. XV. L. Hane n iu«ount *>f the mughritws of the Th«* .Methofk in'tlw Hart llulin,anil family nttPiiilevia tartb< UKTisviLi.r. K>. xrw vaaa. N. t. day iiarty at .Mm. liula**' fatber'H. .1. lant. Kuriac** anil the condition of the soil, it being swnm|> or mamli lantl. XX'ith tb** Dis<* Drill I was abh* to do tbe work Tniitinwit of .\U iiud Ilrtnk, of Victor, iaat Thurmiay. .Xttomey XV. .V. Norton of St. Johns, with iwrieet satisfaction. I alsti fouml it e«|ually giHMl for luiy soil and «*oiidiuons wher** a drill would lie use«l. I IMormitirH Kiiiiwn to tb«* Till* little iMiys of thin iilare thoutfhi made It business trift to our viilua* ‘(m I'MDN think a w*41 mad** Dis** llrill the heat general pur|HiM** drill that «*au lie made. HK.N'IIX’ P.XLMKH, .XL D. tbey wtaild tiave a |»icnifi«o tliey prapaosl .Monday lust. LaittKt M<-«licnl an** ’ .Snyder Ar Perrin ’s dmii* will make .Mr. lleHs* vrtHNis for the orcaaion and ,Mor** min is btoily iiiw*l*-*l hm*. while Siinn»‘«l f'kii*. invited all of tbe netxbiMim last Wedinv.- their arobd cntrnnci, into this villaa** on day. to mine and hriiiif tb«*ir dinnem amt .*^itiir,fa.v next. ill Mini** lo(*alilieH tli*>m in too much. The tliernioineter sttMMi at IN', in the •Hi imin llietr tables. \ very nice dinner Mm. K. M. Itichnrdiion mhI childmn of CONSULTATIONS AND EXAMI- WHH enjoy,>.l liy nil after which itv cream. 4 iwoMMi. nm tin* auests of .XIr. anil Mm. etijide on tlie north sid** of th** lioiiw Inst L-. KENYON ImhiiiiIh ainl (*andy wa« Hwrrcd. .V ifotMl XX. Birhiinison. Tuetolay at tso o ’clock atS. McMnsier's. TIONS FREE TO Al-L. tini,- was had by all. F. XX’. Iteilfern atteinhd tlieeiahth con- There will Is* a Mteial at the Fiiitm .\ little laty alaillt seven y,*nr>> itf Uffe. anwsionitl | house for tlie lienetlt of the Agent, 5t. Johns, nich. j son of .lamce Sharp, reuidiu^ alHtiit two SutfiniiM litst Friday. Suinlay wdiool, Friday wveniug, Sept«an- tier 2nys in llie water. Tlien* was a when* they formerly live*!, to visit mla* MEltLKBKACIl. WKSTI’IIAI.IA. low place ill the river Itottoin and li,* Mm. iJilliert Terry of l4a|Ms*r, is visit- live** o! Iit*r fiamiits. And Will So lofonn Yoo. Htepiied off in It and whm drown lieiure ilia at the bum,* of her imrents, .Mr. and Mm. Martin XX'ebster, of this villaae. Til** llinvdiing whiitiic is lieanl in all .Miss Kittle l(ee rtwctied. .Services were lieid •«ertifrief stricken mother Inis visit itinona relatives and frienils. Mr. IsMiiiiis ol .Xlt. Plensant, is visiting (NRIlEin Examination by Reflection. |iend**«i. Kd. Uudeiiiaker drives a tlw* rig. Bring all your work to “The Old R**- lieen uiimnseiuus siiitv. Thos** who nttendevi tbe«*ainp meeiiua his enusin, Tb*<». Loomis, <*f Merle Dench. Frank Smith and wife wen- culle*! to Math Helen was iu Detroit last Sunday. liable Repair Shop,” heotl of (Unton iljr tlM> UtMit ma^urrliw iM.ah by at laina Luke from this eection, havere- niouni Ihe dentil ol their little daughter (In account ol luckness sereral items liBpr«»vr«i iMtruaiiriit. itntl inftlnul. tbr “ (illAL tiirn**d anvrr I hr Itror Tb«‘ Lailies' I'niou of the ('hnstian ea<*e. The fiinerai won Saturday, Ilev, ll thr ilIrriuM*, i»D€l I liK'Bir liearsit. Mr. iind Mm. Sutton retumtsl from church will meet at tbe reeidcnc,* of Mm. .Xliidge officiating. (teorg** McDonnld is now acting in the Kstiiblisheti in iHfll, and every job Ibr ..riKata «»r iMirtu •ffrcir,! nod aiiBii.r 4le*,. Newton tomorrow, Friday afier- Josef>h Hmitli is i*,BdiDg bar lor John th,‘ir Ohio trip on Wetlneetlay. Married, in .St. .lohns. .Xugusi 2Htli. hy caiMicity of mail I'amer to and from tlie done nt (kmper's is-Aairrated —that’s dlarA*— and rompllratlnn. «birh ha.vr 110*111. .Xlerietiench. Hnitgen. hrmofurr pr»»vr«l laaoat l», Mm. .Merritt Lyon, of I'aiwon f'ity, is .lustim Lytm. .1. .Xloimi** to Miw* .Xlice why w*- are always busy. Kvery- visiting H'latives in this vicinity. I'lmer Mcikinney was the rcripient of a Doty, Initli of Fiiiun Home. .May they Floyd Taylor ol .Xlt. Pleaaant. young* Mrs. Dr. XX'atley is sfwnding the week thr Mrdlral I'roIrw.Uiu yWd llkr majtir aaaidrr in I^ausing. thing done in tbe repair lim- at bla .kill and .y.i.’inatlc trraianrnl. Thr Henry Hay has rejiaire*! his ham where |il••nnnllt sur|,««e*> on Saturday evenina l»HaM their weddetl life in hn|ipin*i««*. is •«t son ol Mm. .XI. A. Taylor, is visiting C*M>|s*r ’H. doctor I. rndowcl with thr wonairrful irlft it was recently struck by lif^htninK. last, hy his many youna friends in this til** wisli l Iwlns ablr to dlasioMM* without •|iar«tlon- I'eiTv lllanehard and bride visit'd .Mr. and .Mis. Luniau Biimh liadc Myrtelli* .Xlmm*, who has been seriously luK, and will ilriwiibr with thr itrratral ac- with his uiiele, .Inbii Blanchard, a few Thomas Uedfern of llocheetcr. N. Y. adieu to their friends Tii*w*lny m«>miug. ill fnmi tonsilitis lor the |iast ten ilays. XVillie Marlin in the •*mploy of Simon cut ary your achr. aad iiain. whrrrrrr lo­ days this we«*k. WHS the aiieet of his brother anil wif**, and starl«>«| for their new hoineinth** is inucli improvMl at this writlug. S[ Ck)., is enjoying a week’s vacation. cated. tril. brttrr how a prem IrrI. that .Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Kedfem, durina the Fpfier Peninsula, wbem Mr. Burrh has Frank Baumgardner again Haims •Mm. J. P. (Jroos. who recently fright­ Bicycles, Sewing Hoy I.,you. who has lieen visilinK rela­ fiaet week. they can tril thrmarlvra. tives in this vicinity the (last week n*- sMcun ’d the (Mioitina of prinri[inl in a cbaiii|>iuiiship as tisberniau, he having fully cut her wrist, has lully recovered. Tb«^ la no nml ta, lire In con.tant mlarry. school for thei*omiag yesr. turnetl to his home m I'etoskey on Tues- A. T. f'mes of (irand llapids, ninl a caught on XVedneaday a tw-Hve p«iund A numlier uf teachers have applied for It cMl. nnthlUK to hltn. Thr fullrat rs- diiv . former resident of this villaae, has l>e*m The little daughter of .Mr. and .Xtm. pickerd Iswidc »\ nnmlier of smaller Hah. tbe public school tbe fiost three weeks. Machines, Lawn amlnatlon. arr frrr and hi. price, for treat- in town durina the pant week (raosact- IWt Fields WHS severely scalded last The mail nmie from M**rielsvich to St. inml arr within the reach of all. Hr I. a .\ nurnis'r nf the neiiciibom met nt th** ina business. .Mr. Hud Mm. John ('. iicogsbaugh Stoney ('peek •'emeteiy last W^diMvulny I week. H«ue mother had just tlrnined the Johns will b»* let hy contract to the low ­ took iu tbe Ringling Hrrus nt I.>ansing frtrnd t<, thr aflHcied and will turn none Kditnr TaJmaa*' ol tbe Portland anuice. server, arc4iro|Mvnien, J hnvtd, when thi'cbihl cam** iiitothsnHini ceived at .Xlcricliettcli poetofflee until Se{»- the artlaan while MeklnK *tl hi. band, were th** aue*ts of Maple Uu{N«ls frien«ls I and seiaug th** ImiwI on the table slip|»e*l temlier 2. XX’estpbalia boosts of the best shl** and hundred, are cured etrery rrmr Mrs. Orel (ironer lett W,dneMlay for walks in the state, <*onipariag the po|»u* darina the iMSt week. I up to it to see what was in it and tip|s*d Cariu, tbe |>et dog nt the Beach and a limiid Ita.vids, wlier>> she will visit lui old I the cnnt**nts on her chest, and washsdly lotion with taat of other villages. las, Saws, eolhyf,* friend. Mr. (froner follows her Sev**ml of tin* old pion****m in this vi- gemml favorite, was stniek by light mug READ WHAT THE PEOPLE SAY. duity wem iu attendance at tb** (iniliot 1 bum*sl liefnn* h«u* clothing could Is* rc- dunug the storm of Tatwday night. ^ His Michael Hpltsley was in I-oosing laat and they will then pnssvsl to their bom** I move«|, week looking for a smokestack suitahl*, in Maoistniue. roiint.v pioneer aath«>rina field nt Itham death was alnioat instantaneous, (^lo Hheurontlaui rmrd.—Mr. Chaa. .Maltby, on XX'^nesday last, .Xiuust 24. Mr. and .Xlm. ('orbit with tw'o children was a (treat Dane lUid Mastiff and was for the evaperator in which he is inter ­ Anything and everything in neeil of one of Ibr n«Mil reaprctnl rltlaen. In thi. rl- of HowanI City, als tb<* gu**sts of I). H. kind disiMisitioii. and sathfnetion gnaranteeil at aOectlBK my whole .yateni. My .iifferlna. Biaa* ’ ^vas at on** time imst nr of the .Xbirrusm and family the |tast week. Tbe fiarty given on the 12 inst. was .X laundry sad a bakery would be a (’o«»|s,r’s. ('all in and see us. at time, wete Inienae an«l in a abort time I Mr. Ctirhit and family have mtam«*«l to very {•ayiag business in oor little Hty. ha>l iieroiue ao emaciated that 1 wa. a werr I'dwiii Jastram is the proud jmssessur Conareantioniil chnrrh in this villna**. well attended. The winiiem of tbe prizes akelrtoti, and only by the ahl of crutche. of a new wheel. their h«Miie while XJm. Clark and daugh ­ for the two Bleii wen* Fred Jackson of sspet-iHlIy th** latter. .1 stranger, ol i-ould I roovr around at all. I tiotk lea. The I.uidies' ,Xi*l eoriety of th** M, K, ter will mmain for s«inie time to visit ('ourse. would have tostorti^ns it would Cooper Makes the BIk than three laontb. treatment of Hr. Walker .\u(nist .liisirain and family 'visit,>d« in church aave a ten *'ent siipiier at their St, Johns, and .Miae Mabeile Taylor t>f other relativm and frtemle. .Xlm. Clark (Hive. The prizm wen* a ftair ol gold uot be u suceass providing s«>ni«* XX'cst* who completely reattire,! air to health. Lansmif .'sunduy. imriom on Main stre**!, on Friday last, Is-ing a sister of Xlm. XX'twtIy Bryant also pbalian should start it. “C” Bicycle. Mm. Thoina. t'rotty ala., tflre teetlinony. which was «|uite lilierally Hatroniie*!. cuff buttons and a shirt waist set. .Xu- .HheMiya: Hr. Walker .are«l my life. Three .\lbert lleibn ami .\rrhi,* Hildreth have .Xanm 11. and Palmer Phillips, whoso each a new buKjf.r. other part.T will Is'giveo Friday the2(lth, uhy.lcUn. t(dd me I had cancer of the The reunion «if th** 2Jfd Beat. Mich. X'ol. lately departe*! this life. when a prizt* to tbe l»esl waltzcn* will l»e iMt'wela and advise.! an operation, lieforr I'has. Milh’r has added a new eniciae to Inft. will be h«Sii at Flint, XX’,**lneiMlay, roaeentluir to tbi. I derld^i t«, consult Hr. given. Bill ADc. sorrii oLivK. Geo. D. Cooper. his threshiuK outfit. .Septemlier 14. Several «»f lbe*>ld vettH*- W. r. Walker, of Hetrvdt. Itelu« confine,! to Among the oideat pioneers who wen* my ln-w Neuralala The Ixwtor «H»n relleve»l me nrmnaenwnte to attend the fifth annual shoft time. an,! In a short time I wa. entirely rore«l. S. N. Hildreth die,! Moiida.v eviaiiuir of ('nluael Itawsim Heed. The ladies an* .Mr. oml Mm. XX’m. Dills nnd Mm. Sam reunniii tif the Northe«ei*Tn Soldiem, It. C. Smith went to St..lohns, Monday Mrs. L. I'earl. who live, near St. John., .Xuifust 21’. INHH. His remains were in- itg**il respectively 7*1 awl 71* Team. They Tucker went to I’etoskey on th«* <-xcar- say. also .Viler Ireatlns with Hr. Walker lemsi in the Bouirhton cemetery, Wed- ainl Saihim' .Xseoeiation to lie held nt St. fill busmens. were attentive liatanen* t4i the afterntHtn sion this week. Peaches! for one month I have not Iwen so well for nemlay. l. .Xiina Ryan visited in lAinsing a few Tbe llaptiut social at Mm. XX’m. I.ank- year.. program, tmjoying bMrtily tbe reminis- ^ Mr. Heo llatchel say. .Viler laklaK a Mr. and .Mm. Orel (imner, after spend- The annual picnir of tiie i >d held at Pom - The harher shop has Iswn reopemvl by Imth participated. Col. Ilewi cleared Mr. and Mm. I’has. Henning Jr., went W alker I feel like a new man. My lieart and I will have this season ■tuiuacli had tronnled me teriiblv for a Iouk ents, .Mr. and .Mm. XVm. alf the while. dny for their horn** in tlieupper|i«ninsnla. aation from Maph* llapids loda** are in Isvich. At tb«* time of his diakth he was Itr. W'alkrr hel|ietire dise ases yield Miss hllla Smith returned from hervieit Hischke are attending th** .XI. K. camp 1,000 Bushels Hhs say. *'l wish every |MM,r .ullHvr miaht M. K, chnmh in (Irwmbnali, will occor *m to Kis'hiwler. .New X'ork. on Saturday KIIKIBonoM. meeting at I.akeside, Ohio. know the ■r night. Mr. nnd Mrs l.ocber Hatty who know how ntlaerable I hnve lieen M. K. church in this villaae, on Sunday T. Uirhartloon imk I daughter, Sadie, And will commence lett XVedrHw*lay for a ten days ’ visit at The roach ncednl rain came Tuesday (rsatetl th** members to delirtous (isam anfletitwe with a rurapllratl.m of disease, Bodily |tain loses its terror If yon have next. and plums. which iwemed to resist ail medical skill iiatll II bottle of l)r. Thomas’ Klectrie (Nlin tbe .Xlpenn. evening. I coasultel Hr. Walker. .Now I feel like a XX’e am reliably informed that the bar* dWerent iiersou. I leel irrateful to the dtw- house Instant relief in rases of boms, F. B. Dilliiigbtun is saiierintendiiw the Thoe** who went to Detroit on tbe ex­ lK,XX’it (Image voted to hnve a oae day alam wh«i «ieike«l our villaae rtanately be *w- .Xddie Prosser, ol Jackson, who haa with their families werspteniriBgat (Irand terry,” opened hy Jerome INIIs; song. Mm. Would not beta his former roaditlon ncaln j cafied iwrioiie injary nntwithatandina th** lieen rMtiog reiatlrm and friends hers l,edge. XX’ednesday. I>4la Snnford; selection. .Mrs. Emery; for innCramental mnsir. (lenevieve Hriak**r- week at the orchard and fa?t that the front wheel of the wnaon lor tire iMMt two weeks, retnrne*! to her Mhw Martha Hregg is somewhat under Mr. W.M— after lielaic ttarren tor tea paaawl over his hmwet. htime M«mdny acoom{iHniew hare! the weather at the present writing. Miss sf>ng. Ida lisais and .Xgnes l*ike; selec-' home some of this I wo Httle chlMrrp sufflee to .ay our hoaw> Over, TheH. .X. R. antherina at Hnhhard •Xtm. L. liaehtdrfor. Martha Shehlon is aesMtiag in the house­ la a happy one. tion, (Insta l.aakton; reritation, .Mary ston on .Satnnlav laat. hrouaht Hiaetner hold. Kaufman, luscious fruit. KpWepsjr inrfltsi imwHIv Hx ■•r«Hby s re- a larae nnmlier of the old vetemos an To <‘l« tOe sjrates* esst sHenttffc lUscircrv .\ofl stt in tuminK.vowr attention to WhHe thrsohiiig for Mr, Hso. Miller on well as many mem hem of tbe XX'. R. C I Kffcctuall.r yet gently, wlnm crwtlve *»r Tweada.v. a slight breeze of |Mtriotism TmublMeme skin •Itsewsni, •ucli m» ersemn. more lameefiil thimte. in what wny mold .Xmona thooe who were preasnt and took Knit Kheuni, Krystpelns, etc., nscre—tsllv bilious, to fiermaBently overenme habit- must liave,v>me as two of the h«iys hail ol.iVK CKNTEK. treale,!. sis,, Bpcrlsl trmtmpst lor weak yon mninicmomte the event of stw^h n fmrt in sfsech makina wem Rev, Barnes aai •'otMtipatnm, In itwaken the kidneys a smart Hstrnff. No one killed and now j men sail wosm, siei •beease* nt Ihe aer, <»ie, f>r Hiiblmrdston. Rx*Iskbnr('a^im Figs, maile by the (’alifornia Fig Hyrup Is^ag one of the peace commtseioti. day with (Hive friends. Lyon ’s Peach orchard Me*. 1-. K Immberl rursd of tsHchw aterru tho3«htsdo not natumlly tnni to the were iatereetiaa •vrerrisrs coaeisHaa of |4I. Mr. nad*Mm. Fetgneon, of DeWitt, are OB limb. Jewvdrr's art we woohl etuotest to you snnaa and reritntioae. A avoeral ano*! visiting nt F. Baldwin ’s. time was had hr tbe larae crowd prsssat FOWLER. section 34, Essex. • Mine Mis Oaar carsd of bmarhial irosMe Statk *»»• (Hilo, (Yn or Toutno.las Mm. J. B. Howe spent last week with as Jr., took ia of the Kye. Kar. Throat, l^iure, sa«t all thsexeamioa to Toledo, Haaday. Mr. and Mm. Oeovge W. Zwevgel, of I Tieketn will be sold for this exenmian chroiar. iwivstr sad servos* iHseases sad of Tohslo, «*oan|jr and state aforsaaid, j from iwineipal sratioos on onr Ifnes. A dstormltles. ae •lraBUlat««t lAds, Itealnemi. DriMtALV and that imMl firm will pay tbe Mm of Mm. Hwarti has returned to her home Ypsilanti, hnve been vnatiag the latter's Cme* Kvee. tasekamv ol Ihe Ksm. Hma- father. Kugeae Brya, Hr. Mm. Zwergel I spsrial train on the Detroit A Milwaakee Dewey Spoons, Mbw Kthel C'Ook has the t«Mieliitbi. (Nie Hundred Dollars for each aad evnry in Ionia, after a few day ’s vWt with I IRvision. > uaasetiag nith mgnlar traian ehttt*. Ckcmtc i'oaak. UoMre ibta n*eh», Fe­ caseof Catarrh that caaaot be eared by frivnds in Fowler. was fornietly Xllss Felia Brya. ver Moree sad l.'tcees. HrMtUt'a IMseass Rbeu- Mr. aad Mre. Jsaae Haiae* spsat Haa- on other divisinae wriil reaeh (Iraad mstlem, sll diseasse et the KIdaev* sad the use of Hall’s Hatarrh Cura. O. Parke of (Iratiot county, ie visiting \lsnsome new |*nttdnM in aolid silver wcmoo ZadU Hmlth, Mabel Taylor, Daa , Haven abfmt 13:A0 anon aad arrive at ■ladder, HsaH, MosMWh aad .Nsrvoas Die day la O . Fuauk j. CaaffXY. aaaw,: « horea •*** vitae iNiacei, KuMspny hie daughter. Mm. August Murtln. Hmlth. Frank D. Rsrry aad lUUph Heott t Milwaahee hv steamer aboat 7 p. m.. af* spoons, which faMnwesd writh date of Mfasi Hrntta tfwea ia rmaipiaa fft Haa fXwcwn to bsfnra me aud ouhaerihed hi left Taeeday for Featval l*alce. Mies ■«s. Osasrai DsMMIy.nnwItMa. Rkla Okmaass. Imke in oompany with mmtivmm from Mies INwrl Baldwin in vWtlim heraaat : fording a magaileeat cool ride nernas aad all dinsaass dae to bad Mood- also rertsi aianiitfr the Brotoeol, wnnid aiwnya be n mv pryssam, this (Ith day of Denembar, Mm. John MePhernon. of Detroit. TXaylor will return after a short vMt. Lake Miehigaa. Raise am very low, Willtamaton. A. D. IWW. remimler of nnr Kfent vietvirT overHpnin Artie Hwartz of loaia. hi vMitiog hie Annie Throtm. Maode (lage, Davie i rangiag from #4 to 96. Tiekem will be ■^1 will civs spsetsi sttealloa lo dMSealt Mr. and Mrs. Jaekann Miller of Ht. --- A. w. OlAtAOON, i good to mtern on all eteamem aad fmine ranee aad to cases otber pbystHsae bave Johaa, Saa11 Haaday. Iw8 .XgMt. Detroit.