Asian Journal of Chemistry; Vol. 24, No. 2 (2012), 533-537

Joule-Thomson Inversion Curves Calculation by Using Equation of State


1Thermophysical Properties Research Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Birjand University, 97175-615, Birjand, Iran 2Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran

*Corresponding author: E-mail: haghighi.behzad@gmail. com; behzadhaghighi_chem@yahoo. com

(Received: 14 January 2011; Accepted: 3 October 2011) AJC-10475

Since the prediction of the Joule-Thomson inversion curve is known as a sever test of the equations of state (EoS). Some cubic equations of state (CEoS) can eventually have inadequate prediction for checking their ability to calculate the Joule-Thomson inversion curve. In this paper the Joule-Thomson inversion curve has been used to test the predictive capabilities of some recent equations of state. This enables us to judge the accuracy of the results obtained from different equations of state. These five equations of state are: Wang- Gmehling (WG) equations of state, modified Peng-Robinson by Twu-Coon-Cunningham (PR-TCC) equations of state, Riazi-Mansoori (RM) equations of state, Geana equations of state and modified Peng- Robinson-Stryjek-Vera proposed by Samir I. Abu-Eishah (PRSV2) equations of state. All of these equations of state are modified van der Waals (vdW) equations of state recommended in the literature for estimating volumetric properties of relevant compounds. As a corollary to the present study, we have perceived that the investigated equations of state give good prediction of the low-temperature branch of the inversion curve, except for Riazi-Mansoori and Geana equations of state. We also calculated maximum inversion temperature and maximum inversion pressure for every component used in this .

Key Words: Equation of state, Joule-Thomson coefficient, Inversion curve.

INTRODUCTION coefficients) are slightly different by those determined by non- equilibrium properties (such as viscosity). In the Joule- Any mathematical relationship between the fluid's pres- Thomson experiment the gas was throttled through the plug sure, volume and temperature is commonly called as equation separating a thermally insulated vessel into two parts stopped 1 of state . It is therefore hardly surprising that an ability to predict up from both sides by movable plungers. If a gas in a vessel 1 accurately such equations of state and with a minimum of at temperature T1 and pressure P1 expands slowly through a empiricism has been received conspicuous attentions in engi- valve or porous plug into another vessel 2 where its pressure 2,3 neering applications . Additionally, an ability to understand P2 < P1, one observes a temperature change, which can be 4-8 equations of state on purely molecular level , by means of positive, negative, or vanish depending on the experimental some information on intermolecular potentials and the tools conditions. This phenomena, is known as Joule-Thomson of equilibrium statistical mechanics, was a challenge posed of effect. Henceforth, to pass a fluid through a porous plug is over a century ago which had been initiated by van der Waals. always accompanied by a decrease in pressure and a change It also signifies that one could claim some reasonable measure in temperature. In an adiabatic process, the quantification of of understanding of at least both the equilibrium and transport the phenomena is measured as the derivative of the temperature 9-11 properties of gases . in relation to the pressure at constant and is called The Joule-Thomson effect is of interest not only to scien- the adiabatic Joule-Thomson effect (µ)22-23. tists12,13 because of its relationship to the potential function14, but also to engineers6,15-21 for some of its aspects such as the  δT  µ =   (1) Linde process for liquefaction of gases and its relevance to  δP H the transport of natural gases and other hydrocarbon fluids Under appropriate conditions, adiabatic throttling of gas through pipeline in arctic regions. On the other hand, the Joule- will cause it to lower its temperature, an endothermic effect Thomson coefficients have been used for the determination that may be strong enough even to induce condensation24. For of interaction potentials, though the potential parameters this cooling to take place, the thermodynamic state of the fluid determined by the equilibrium properties (such as Joule-Thomson must lie in the region bounded by the inversion curve or locus 534 Haghighi et al. Asian J. Chem. of points in which the Joule-Thomson coefficient (µ) is zero25. The Maxwell relationship have used in the latest equality. The experimental determination of inversion curves requires Now, eqn. (3) can be written as: very precise measurement of volumetric properties at conditions 1 ∂V V up to five times its critical temperature and twelve times its µ = (T[ )P − V] = T[ α − ]1 (6) 24 c ∂T c critical pressure . These serious experimental conditions have P P hindered the publication of data for even simple fluids and where, α is the isobaric thermal (or cubic) expansion coefficient mixtures. Most of available data cover only the low -temperature and has its usual definition. By combination of the following branch of the inversion curve. This lack of experimental data equation: is particularly troubling to theoreticians since the prediction ∂P of inversion curves is a particularly severe test of any equations ( ) ∂V V of state. To date, inversion curves have been calculated for ∂T ( )P = − several equations of state5,26-31. Several studies have been perfor- ∂T ∂P (7) ( )T med to predict Joule-Thomson inversion curves for gas mixtures. ∂V Gunn et al.32 were first to calculate inversion temperatures and with eqn. (6) in conjunction to the inversion condition, µ = 0, pressures for cryogenic gases and their mixtures. Wisnaik33 the most commonly used form of the Joule-Thomson inversion studied the Joule-Thomson inversion curves for gas mixtures. curve is obtained as: Moreover, Vrabec et al.,34 predicted Joule-Thomson inversion  ∂P   ∂P  curves for pure fluids and one mixture by molecular simulation. T   + V  = 0 35     (8) Nichita and Leibivici calculated the Joule-Thomson inversion  ∂T   ∂V  curves for two-phase mixtures. Colina et al.7 used a molecular V T based equations of state, named as Statistical Association Fluid By introducing the reduced volume, temperature and pressure Theory (SAFT) equations of state, to predict complete Joule- in the aforesaid equation one can find the following equation Thomson inversion curves for carbon dioxide and the n-alkane in terms of the reduced variables: series, including higher n-alkanes up to octatetracontane,  ∂P   ∂P  T  r  + V  r  = 0 n – C48H98. It should also be mentioned that they used the Soft- r   r   (9) 36  ∂Tr   ∂Vr  SAFT equations of state. Recently, Maghari et al. predicted Vr Tr the Joule-Thomson inversion curves for polar and non-polar where Tr ≡ T/Tc, Pr ≡ P/Pc and Vr ≡ V/Vc are reduced temperature, fluids from the cubic plus SAFT equations of state (SAFT-CP). reduced pressure and reduced volume, respectively. The locus Moreover, several studies have been recently performed to of points at which the Joule-Thomson coefficient (µ) is zero is predict Joule-Thomson inversion curve37. There is a vast range called the inversion curve. The inversion condition,µ = 0 is of studies focused on the Joule-Thomson inversion curve38. In given by the aforementioned equation23,24. When one equates their first work, they have predicted the attractive branch of the aforesaid equation simultaneously with any arbitrary the effective pair interaction potential energy function by using equation of state, one can provide the locus of points for which the Joule-Thomson inversion curve39. Since, the prediction of the Joule-Thomson coefficient is zero24. The method of calcu- Joule-Thomson inversion curve is known as a criterion to lation is not horrendously complicated: given an equations of assess and rank the capabilities of the equations of state, so state on the one hand and estimating the derivatives, such the performance of some equations of state is considered.  ∂P   ∂P   r   r  EXPERIMENTAL as   and   . From this equations of state on the  ∂T   ∂Vr  r Vr Tr By using the exact differential form of the enthalpy: other hand, it is possible to show that eqn. (9) can be written

as f(Tr,Vr) = 0. Consequently, for any chosen reduced volume,  ∂H   ∂H  dH =   dT +   dP Vr the reduced inversion temperature, Tr can be found and  ∂T   ∂P  (2)  P T then the reduced inversion pressure (Pr) can be calculated from the equations of state. However, the inversion curve can be for an isenthalpic process (dH=0), eqn. (1) can be written in obtained in terms of T and P . The maximum inversion tem- several alternative forms. We have from eqn. (1): r r perature can also be found when Pr tends toward zero. In this  ∂H   ∂H      work, we employ five different equations of state to predict  ∂P   ∂P  µ = − T = − T the inversion curve of some fluids. The equations of state used  ∂H  c (3) in this work have been shown in appendix A (Can be had from   P authors on request).  ∂T P Also, it is possible to write dH as RESULTS AND DISCUSSION dH = TdS + VdP (4) We obtain another expression by differentiation with respect All of the calculated inversion curves are monotonous to P: and show the pronounced humps. The figures show the pre- diction of the Joule-Thomson inversion curve for commonly  ∂H   ∂S   ∂V  used equations of state in the chemical and oil industry. The   = V + T  = V − T  (5)  ∂P T  ∂P T  ∂T P requested parameters of the equations of state were taken from the proposed papers. The calculated Joule-Thomson inversion Vol. 24, No. 2 (2012) Joule-Thomson Inversion Curves Calculation by Using Equation of State 535 curves from various equations of state are shown in Figs.1-5, 8 for Ar, CO2, CH4, C2H6, C3H8, respectively. When examined 7 Exp. PR-TCC WG RM for the ability to predict Joule-Thomson inversion curves, we PRSV2 Geana can perform more commonly used equations of state which 6 leads to the following conclusions: 5

Tr 4 6 3 Exp. PR-TCC 5 2 4 1

Tr 3 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 2 Pr

1 Fig. 5. Joule-Thomson inversion curves for C3H8

0 (1) All of the equations of state show the well-matched 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 inversion curves in comparison with experimental data at low Pr temperatures, except Riazi-Mansoori (RM) equations of state38. Fig. 1. Joule-Thomson inversion curves for Argon. (2) The inversion curve predicted by Wang-Gmehling 39,40 41 4.5 equations of state does not agree with experimental data 4 Exp. PRSV2 WG in the vicinity of the maximum inversion pressure. The maximum inversion pressure is considerably less than the reference values 3.5 for all fluids considered in present work. The predicted inver- 3 sion temperatures are below the reference values especially at 2.5

Tr high temperatures for CO2 and CH4. 2 (3) The inversion curve predicted by modified Peng- 1.5 Robinson by Twu-Coon-Cunningham equations of state42 1 shows good predictions at low temperatures. The low-tempe- 0.5 rature region of the inversion curve is well matched by Peng- 0 Robinson by Twu-Coon-Cunningham equation of state for 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 hydrocarbons. Therefore, the Peng-Robinson by Twu-Coon- Pr Cunningham equation can safely be considered as a reference Fig. 2. Joule-Thomson inversion curves for CO2. for the evaluation of the low-temperature inversion curve

6 predicted by the other equations of state. At high-temperature Exp. PR-TCC WG RM PRSV2 part and at the peak of the curves Peng-Robinson by Twu- 5 Coon-Cunningham equations of state gives good predictions 4 for hydrocarbons. (4) The inversion locus predicted by the Riazi-Mansoori

Tr 3 equations of state does not agree with the experimental data. 2 The deviation of Riazi-Mansoori equations of state predictions

1 from experimental data occurs at reduced pressure below 6 for hydrocarbons. The peak of the inversion curve is matched 0 by Riazi-Mansoori equations of state. 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 (5) The inversion locus predicted by the Geana equations Pr 43,44 Fig. 3. Joule-Thomson inversion curves for CH4. of state does not agree with experimental data in any region. The predicted inversion temperatures are above the 6 reference values especially at high temperatures for propane. Exp. PR-TCC W G RM PRSV2 5 The maximum inversion pressure is considerably less than the reference values. Therefore, the weakness of this equation 4 cannot be set within reliable limits of operating conditions.

Tr 3 (6) The inversion curve predicted by the modified Peng- Robinson-Stryjek-Vera (RRSV2) equations of state45 is as same 2 as predicted by Peng-Robinson by Twu-Coon-Cunningham 1 equations of state.

0 The aforesaid categorized items show that the problem of 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 obtaining the Joule-Thomson inversion coefficients is a Pr severe test of the capability of equations of state in cooling

Fig. 4. Joule-Thomson inversion curves for C2H6 processes. 536 Haghighi et al. Asian J. Chem. This, in turn, permits us to consider the ability of the give good prediction of the low-temperature region of the equations of state more accurately than is possible by usual inversion curve. Therefore, all five equations of state can be application of them. Albeit, there is some comments about the safely considered as a reference for the evaluation of low- unnoticed pitfalls of Soave-type α-functions in equations of temperature inversion curves. For all calculations and experi- state46,47. Henceforth, this model implements discontinuity in mental data, the results are compared with the Joule-Thomson α-function and as a result discontinuity in predicting heat inversion curves of non-associating fluids. This is because van capacities47. It should also be mentioned that Nasrifar and der Waals type equations of state are fundamentally valid only Bolland have introduced a new Soave-type α-function based for non-associating fluids. It is obvious that in order to apply on the square-well potential mode48. Nonetheless, our results equations of state for associating fluids they must be combined show that the Joule-Thomson inversion curves serve as stringent with an association theory which is out of the scope of this test of the ability of utilized equations of state in cooling processes work. and related phenomena. The maximum inversion pressure, Pr,max Abbreviations: and the corresponding temperature, Tr,i for the five equations are calculated and given in Table-1. The maximum inversion tempe- EoS = Equation of State WG = Wang-Gmehling rature, Tr,max - the temperature below which cooling will take place as result of Joule-Thomson expansion is zero- is obtained PR-TCC = Peng-Robinson- Twu-Coon- Cunningham RM = Riazi-Mansoori in the limit(Pr→0) and also calculated and shown in Table-1. PRSV2 = Peng-Robinson- Stryjek-Vera Symbols: TABLE-1 a = attraction term The calculated maximum inversion pressures P the corresponding rmax b = van der Waals co-volume temperature T r,i and maximum inversion temperature T r,max c = Equation of state parameter Equation of T r,max Component P T # T state r,max r,i r,max d = Equation of state parameter WG Methane 9.1867 1.53 2.3156 m = Equation of state parameter Ethane 9.8089 1.48 2.2551 B1, B2 = WG EOS parameters Propane 10.1559 1.49 2.2151 P = Absolute pressure Carbon Dioxide 10.5175 1.33 2.2177 R = Universal gas constant PR-TCC Argon 12.3260 2.49 5.5404 T = Absolute temperature Methane 10.9165 1.79 4.0524 V = Volume Ethane 12.3119 2.05 5.2580 Propane 12.148 1.85 5.1104 Greek symbols: RM Methane 11.8991 2.29 5.2515 α = Equation of state parameter Ethane 12.3175 2.3 5.3591 µ = Joule-Thomson coefficient Propane 12.717 2.4 5.6833 Geana Propane 8.5725 2.6 7.6154 ε = Acentric factor PRSV2 Methane 13.0905 2.29 5.2569 Subscripts: Ethane 13.2637 2.05 4.5245 Propane 13.3041 1.85 4.1985 c = Critical state variable Carbon Dioxide 13.5442 1.998 3.8144 H = Constant enthalpy # The number of significant figures are exactly adopted from their r = Reduced state variable 43 reference values Reduced state variables:

Tr = T/Tc Conclusion Pr = P/Pc Albeit, all of the equations of state are modified van der Waals (vdW) equations of state but their outcomes show small ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS deviation between the calculated and experimental data of the The authors thank the University authorities for partly Joule-Thomson inversion curves. The results resemble that providing the necessary facilities to carry out the work. One most of the equations of state are more or less desirable for of us (B.H.) also indebted to Mrs. V. Noushinfar for generous low temperatures. For higher temperatures they usually fail. help and skillful technical assistance in grammar improve- To our best of opinion, this underlines the non- appropriateness ments. of some of the worked out cubic equations of state for predic- ting Joule-Thomson inversion curves. Hence, the procedure REFERENCES suggested here provides a very easy mathematical method for 1. U.K. Deiters and K.M. de Reuck, Pure Appl. Chem., 69, 1237 (1997). comparison the ability of different equations of state for 2. J.O. Valderrama, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 42, 1603 (2003). predicting Joule-Thomson inversion curves. 3. Y.S. Wei and R.J. Sadus, AIChE J., 46, 169 (2000). The maximum inversion temperature and the peak of the 4. B. Haghighi, M.M. Papari, M.M. Niafari and H. Ghasemi, J. Chin. inversion curve is sensitive to the nature of the equations of Chem. Soc., 52, 227 (2005). 5 B. Haghighi, M.M. Papari, M.M. Niafari and H. Ghasemi, J. Mol. Liq., state and different from one equations of state to another. 123, 134 (2006). Comparison of Joule-Thomson inversion curves predicted by 6. M.M. Papari, B. Haghighi and R. Rastegari, High Temp.-High Press., five cubic equations of state reveals that all of them nearly 35/36, 549 (2006). Vol. 24, No. 2 (2012) Joule-Thomson Inversion Curves Calculation by Using Equation of State 537

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