Chapter 20 -- Thermodynamics
ChapterChapter 2020 -- ThermodynamicsThermodynamics AA PowerPointPowerPoint PresentationPresentation byby PaulPaul E.E. TippensTippens,, ProfessorProfessor ofof PhysicsPhysics SouthernSouthern PolytechnicPolytechnic StateState UniversityUniversity © 2007 THERMODYNAMICSTHERMODYNAMICS ThermodynamicsThermodynamics isis thethe studystudy ofof energyenergy relationshipsrelationships thatthat involveinvolve heat,heat, mechanicalmechanical work,work, andand otherother aspectsaspects ofof energyenergy andand heatheat transfer.transfer. Central Heating Objectives:Objectives: AfterAfter finishingfinishing thisthis unit,unit, youyou shouldshould bebe ableable to:to: •• StateState andand applyapply thethe first andand second laws ofof thermodynamics. •• DemonstrateDemonstrate youryour understandingunderstanding ofof adiabatic, isochoric, isothermal, and isobaric processes.processes. •• WriteWrite andand applyapply aa relationshiprelationship forfor determiningdetermining thethe ideal efficiency ofof aa heatheat engine.engine. •• WriteWrite andand applyapply aa relationshiprelationship forfor determiningdetermining coefficient of performance forfor aa refrigeratior.refrigeratior. AA THERMODYNAMICTHERMODYNAMIC SYSTEMSYSTEM •• AA systemsystem isis aa closedclosed environmentenvironment inin whichwhich heatheat transfertransfer cancan taketake (For(For example,example, thethe gas,gas, walls,walls, andand cylindercylinder ofof anan automobileautomobile engine.)engine.) WorkWork donedone onon gasgas oror workwork donedone byby gasgas INTERNALINTERNAL
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