new generation cars: reliability, comfort, availability page 4 aero trains: page 10 a pleasant start of your journey Magazine for the partners 2 03/2010 № TRANSMASHHOLDING corporate news 2–3 cover story 4–9 New generation cars: Reliability, comfort, availability holding abroad 10–13 NTS In the same gauge e getting acquainted 14–17 TVZ: Development cannot be ceased cooperation 18–19 Upper level of efficiency operation 20–21 ONT Aero trains ED4MKM-AERO electric trains operation experience C in the company Aeroexpress technologies 22–23 Effective intellectual property management traditions 24 Double-deck cars Historical insight 18 4 10 20 Magazine for partners of CJSC Transmashholding Authors: V.Mironov, Е. Frolova, Layout: OJSC Imars Group Editor K. Dorokhin, phone: (495) 660-89-50, N.Kapran, К. Dorokhin, N. Belova M. Fedorova, A. Denisenko
[email protected]. Editorial office adress: Edition 999 copies Phone: (495) 234-57-46 127055, Moscow, Butyrsky val st., 26, bld. 1 TRANSMASHHO NeWS alstoM acquires transMashholding blocking stake This agreement is contained in ing company — Rail Trans- the document, signed in Paris port Technologies has on March 1, 2010, concretiz- already been set up and ing the companies` strategic incorporated in Russia. It is partnership agreement as of aimed at creating Russian March 31, 2009. centres of excellence for Alstom's acquisition of designing and manufactur- a stake in TMH is subject ing the rolling stock and key to certain conditions. Af- components. This work will ter that Alstom will effect integrate the latest technol- an advance payment in the ogies developed by Alstom amount of 75 million US$.