International Journal of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Science (IJASHSS) Available online at Volume 4, Issue 2 (2015) pp. 166-172 Original Article Evil Symbols Analysis in the Saadi Bostan Ibrahim Vasheqani Farahani1, Tayebeh Rezaeian Ahrar2*, Mozhgan Aminian2 1Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Payam Noor University, Tehran, 2MSc graduate of Persian Language and Literature, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran *Corresponding Author E-mail: [email protected] Received: 19 March 2015, Revised: 18 April 2015, Accepted: 25 April 2015 ABSTRACT This study analyzes the evil symbols Saadi Bostan and below each name in different directions as possible explanation for the name is mentioned. While explaining about the people, bits of the poem is cited in the Bostan, and a brief summary at the end each name is given. Keywords: Iblis, , Zhak, Pharaoh, Mamun.

Introduction This research is an analysis of the Saadi's an event that is difficult to imagine. Symbol Bostan symbols of evil. Saadi in his book is a sign that embody the intangible and referred to series of entities in different absent thing by objectively elements of periods that a few of these people are nature. Symbol is Word equivalent symbol of evil and wrong. Saadi in the (symbols, token, sign and embodies). different anecdote uses of these people to Symbols has fundamental role in different better understanding their purpose. To fields of human knowledge and encompass understand more about subject we give all of spiritual and esoteric sciences. the general definition of Symbols. Symbol is the Birthplace of art and with Imagination is one of the basic elements of the most objective and tangibles of human poetry and the symbol and token will speech means the poem has extensive become more colorful Curtains of illusion. relativity. In this research, I remind Iranian literature is replete with symbol although Saadi in Bostan used positive and and token. Symbol in the pre-Islamic competent persons and symbols of history, literature, lyric poetry, epic, allegorical and but according to complete knowledge of mystical at dimension of Islam, social the history of Iranian ancient literature, modern poetry and contemporary epic used best way to express his purpose with poetry has a fundamental infiltration. This negative or social symbols. Saadi in Bostan article first introduced the token or with particular artistically used symbols to symbols. Symbols indicate the four indicate more effective anecdote and the categories, Implication, metaphorically, purpose is better understanding of poems memorial and sacred. Symbol represents by identify of these symbols. This is 166 | Page

Vasheqani Farahani et al. Int. J. Adv. Stu. Hum. Soc. Sci. 2015, 4(2):166-172 necessary that mention brief Makhor Houle Iblis Ta Jan Dahad Ham autobiographical about the symbols, so Anke Dandan Dahad Nan Dahad mentioned example poem and bring (Babe Qanaat,anecdote 117) analysis of them. Saadi pointed out that to gain more aliment, do not listen to Satan Temptation, Description of the topic because who brought you into the Iblis: stabler Court that after the existence arena, thinking about your inspiration of soul in the body of Adam, aliment. was rejected because it refused to Saadi in Bostan In addition "devil" also prostrate to Adam. Form Imam used from word "Azazyl", he knows it Muhammad Baqir (PBUH) was asked what symbol of opportunism and says that: was called a Iblis? Says, because of the Azazyl is so opportunistic and despite it mercy was disappointed. (Tabarsi, 1381: being, he has been driven the kingdom of 178); The proof of Imam Reza (PBUH) God, so seek divine mercy. initially name of Iblis was Harith and this Va Gar Dar Dahad Yek Salaye Karam is because of disappointed of mercy, or Azazyl Gouyad Nasibi Baram(Dibache) Iblis, the rebellious (House, 1351: 187); frasiab: The most famous king of , From Imam Ali (PBUH) was asked about who had many wars with the kings the devil's name, said: he called Harith in Pishdadi and Kiani and eventually get the sky, but after the rebellion, Satan was killed by Keykhosro. disappointed, means outcast and Afrasiab was son of Fashanj or Pashang ostracized (Sheikh Sadough, 1366: 148). (Mostofi, 1339: 85; , 1377: 64) The name of Satan was Azazyl and after Pashang was son of Zadsham BenTo Ibne disobeyed God's call him Lucifer, so means Fereydon (Haman, 64; Mostofi, 1339: 85). rejected and ostracized that called him elf Afrasiab in time of Nozar Ibne Manoucher and his name in Hebrew is Azazyl and in with the great army moved from Iran and Arabic is Harith (Haman; majlesi, 1351: then fight him and after three times fight 245). His name is devil, Azazyl, Khanas, get him and killed with own hands Bukhalaf, Abumareh, Bumareh, Sheikh (Ferdowsi, 1377: 66-67). Afrasiab in time Najdi, Abulyny, demon ... (Alsamy Fi of Nozar Ibne Manoucher with the great Alasamy). But linguists believe that the army moved from Iran and then fight him word Iblis, taken from the Greek from and after three times fight get him and Diabulys, and devil taken from the Persian killed with own hands (Ferdowsi, 1377: Shahdi or (Dehkhoda following "Devil"). 66-67). Afrasiab in Iran murder and One of the evil symbols in Saadi Bostan is plunderthe, broken building, blind eyes (Iblis), Saadi in some places know defiled and stacked Currys and cut trees (Mostofi, people as Iblis. From example of poem: 1339: 85). Az Iblis Hargez Nayad Sojoud Na Az Zal because of Sam has been Bad Gohare Nikouei Dar Vojoud great, so will gathered army with his (Bab Ehsan,anecdote 48) money and sent to fight with the Afrasiab , Saadi know like Iblis people whose bad and sent him for helping Zoben Tahmasb, inherently people and bad Gohar, and and Zoben Tahmasb drive the country and pointed out that this man who is bad Afrasiab on Iran for 12 years have been inherently, cannot do good job, and not overcome. Afrasiab start fighting with hero comes bring good job from him. and despite youngest of the Rostam, he was defeated Afrasiab

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(Ferdowsi, 1377: 75). Flag and caftan of and Valid Ibn Abdolmalek since be Caliph, Afrasiab was black (Haman). Twice the give Iraqein to Hojaj(Sistan Date 1314: Afrasiab to revenge his son came to war 107). In the year 75 AH Hojaj be governor with Iranians and in the war defeated from of Iraq and inter to Kufa and among people Rustam (Mostofi, 1339: 158; Ferdowsi, whose Hojaj know him, Moslem Ibn Qeys 1377: 98). Afrasiab was the barbarity of there where, he has a history of Imam Ali his brother two half and Siavash that he (PBUH) so with inter of Hojaj, Salim with was ordered to kill him and beat her his book away from Iraq and comes to Iran daughter until will die her child so receive Land near Shiraz in Persia came in abdomen(Haman., 7; Mostofi, 1339: to town "Nubndjan" hit (Ismail Ansari, 158). Afrasiab lost Zndfranuha called 1416: 26). One of the evil symbols in the Rasya (Nazemolateba, Zeil "Afrasiab"). Bostan is "Hojaj" and perhaps can say he One of the evil symbol in the Bostan is was one of the most hated people in "Afrasiab", Saadi know Afrasiab in one history. He know Hojaj as a symbol of place as bully people and he knows him greed, Saadi know so hated more the man hostility symbol. who is arrogant related Hojaj and Gar Ou Pishdasti Konad Qam Madar Var Emphasis on content and avoid having to Afrasiab Ast Maqzash Bar Ar look for other money of people. (Babe Adl Va Tadbir Va Ray, anecdote 24). Mara Haji Ey Shaneye Aj Dad Ke Rahmat Saadi says if you get into the fight with a Bar Akhlaq Hojaj Bad group, if you used to take your vote wisely (Bab Qenaat, anecdotes 124) and conquer the enemy even if you get And in some place call other people to stay someone like the Afrasiab who has away from backbiting others, even if he is barbarity so much. Hojaj Ibn Yusuf: Hojaj Hojaj. Ibn Yusuf ibn Al-Hakam ibn Abdeibn Kasi Goft Hojaj Khonkharei Ast Delash Masoud ... also know as Hojaj Ibn Saqafi Hamcho Sang Siah Parei Ast and who is that catapult house of God. (Bab Tarbiat, anecdote 130). Hojaj Ibn Yusuf is a commanders Abdul Zahak: Ferdowsi narrated in the Plains Malik Marwan, which is called the Riders J. Spear transition (Saudi Arabia) oppression, The Musab was killed, Abdul Merdas man named Nick who was a boy Malik went to Sham and he want character named was ugly. desperation of Abdullah Ibn Zubair. One His Arabic name is Qeys and his persian day during a sermon to the people, and name is Biorsef Ibn Merdas Ibn said, Who? who you are that went to fight Zynkvand…(mostofi,1339:81).persian with ibn Zubair, among people Hojaj said: people call him (Dahak) that means 'I have a dream that take Ibn Zubair and DahEyb and Arab and they sys peeling his skin'. After this Abdul Malik Zahak(Haman;Kharazmi,1362:99). Mostofi drove him with three thousand pilgrims to DahEyb It has been called this means: ugly repulsion of Abdulah (Myrkhand, 1339: body, short unjust, dishonorable, a dining 260). Since the year 73 AH Abdulmalek room, bad language, lying, grab something, sent hojaj to fight with Abdollah Ibn bad dell and irrationality (Mostofi, 1339: Zobeir, Hojaj catapult house of God killed 82). many people until Abdollah Ibn Zobeir was During the reign of Zahak hidden good and killed And Abdolmalik in Jumada I 73 the bad became apparent and the ugly and years it starling ill quietly hung from a tree temperamental, wisdom, and madness, and was on Malik, he gives Iraq, Khorasan bread were apparent and obvious

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(Ferdowsi, 1377: 11). Zahak also called , 1377 : 14 ) Zhak Kingdom thousand Byurasb or Byorsef that means the holder years. of ten thousand horses (KHarazmi, 1361: Zhak after arrests tied to a long stay in the 99; Borhan Qate, the following "Zahak"). mountains and clouse him with Tight Rope Zahak after the death of his father, he runs and finally died (Haman, 18). Of Zahak’s into Iran Persepolis was the niece of his works of Babol Gong Dezh (Mostofi, 1339: departure, he escapes and Zahak 82). sits on a throne, with a kiss upon Zahak "Zahak" literary works a symbol of our Domari serpent (dragon) are go and tell poets like Saadi, the necessity of using the the devil to help his impression that you justice in works and says: this world is must feeding snakes every day the two mortal if you have Zahak or Fereydoon age brain young since don’t harm until you did ... you have so come to think of their future to get rid (Ferdosi, 1377: 10). and other world. Mostofi says: his government's droppings Ke Ra Dani Az Khosrovane Ajam Ze on the shoulders of two was found Mahde Fereydoono Zahako Jam suffering from cancer and was injured, in (Babe Tadbiro Ray, anecdote 11) pain and need for relief was need human Pharaoh: King of Egypt, Pharaoh generally brain (Mostofi, 1366: 82) two khvalygir read with great wealth and power, and one were clean and neat character named of them was contemporary with Moses "Armayl "and" Grmayl "said the king to (swt).The title of Pharaoh refers to the take us to the front porch to find a solution historical king of Egypt during the recent, to this (Haman, Ferdowsi, 1377: 12). Pharaoh of the 18th dynasty of Egypt Khavalygr one of the two young men had during the Middle Ages and modern kings escaped and was used instead of sheep of the king as the title of the king were brain (Haman). used Hetchsut. Pharaoh " army leader " One night he dreamed that he died when and is regarded as the ruler of all Egypt ., he was governor Zahak 400 years, three so that the " third Totems " the kings of faighter over climate in the Levantine bull Egypt , " Pharaoh " was said ( Fawcett , had attacked him angry, Zahak gathered 1373 : 25 ) . It is comprehensive and vast priests and asked them to know dream, plains and deep valleys of the witch in the priests said a man named Fereydoon you valley of the great buildings of trench take the crown picks (Haman, 13) at the method as predecessors and saw heavy time of Kaveh and his sons to kill his two carved dome and a governess that he laid sons brought to Zahak (Mostofi, 1339: 82). not so much in the big house and rock pit, Zahak when Kave comes to him to petition Egypt suffer ... Say that these positions are forgive Fereydoun’s sons to him since the property of Pharaoh (Haman, 181). avoid losing their kingdom, when Kaveh The first person in the history of the away from Iran, all the lawsuits call Egyptian Pharaoh known as scorpion (Ferdowsi, 1339: 82). Kaveh Cried the called her real name is unknown, but the blacksmith wood and smooth the skin and role of Scorpio is the Scorpion front of him many people joined him in opposing if he is there on a stone mace. Pharaoh of Zahak, he went to Jerusalem and joined to Egypt, Khufu, the Kahzr and Mankur since him (Mostofi, 1339: 82). Fereydoon to building "pyramids" and "Ramses II" and avenge his father's murder came to "III Tutms" are known for their conquest. fight Zahak ( Mostofi , 1339: 82 ; Ferdowsi Moral decadence in the magnificence of the Egyptian Empire reached such a stage

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Vasheqani Farahani et al. Int. J. Adv. Stu. Hum. Soc. Sci. 2015, 4(2):166-172 that was removed from its evil, adultery (Myrkhvand, 1339: 455; Mostofi, 1339: and adultery was normal in the court of 310). the Pharaohs and gods worshiped in Egypt Caliph Mamun towards the end of his days normal spread (translated Mansoori, 1373: he went to Egypt where Abdoos rebels ran 19). out the door during the harvest and has The Pharaonic special magic that would since returned to Rome, and Caesar blood help him, people believed that the Pharaoh go to his written imprecate peace and is a magical force that could bring down traditionary Mamoon to the direction of rain from the sky or the probe will Neel sent Traditionally it was the Tartus area (Haman, 20). The Ramses II Contemporary Qshyrh they landed property and the is (1225 BC. M) and Ramses III Pharaonic interests of the faith that springs to stop God commanded Moses as a prophet to for a few days which was extremely green convey his invitation to monotheism (Meyer KHand , 1339: 464 ). religion (Haman, 25). Ramses II's wife Gold is Mstvr the promoters of cold water Asiya who are descendants Akhtatun Bzbzvn the same degree that it did not wanted to spread the religion of tolerate anyone who sits at the moment. monotheism (Haman, 26). Ma'mun was sitting one day in the spring One of the Symbol of evil in the Bostan is when the fish farming and water was "Pharaoh" , be remembered as the agent of found to silvery white on it and he said injustice, oppression Saadi sung in a that the fish were taken. Janitorial become language other then those bits are not a source of fish and fish from the water off immune to criticism on this Pharaoh hive your bed so that water Rshhat Srvrvy compact notation harassment is Mamun and garment reached back and considered. pulled out a mattress in the revenue Qani Ra Be Qeybat Bekavand poust Ke stream fish Mamun said that the Feroun Agar Hast Dar Alam Oust fishAshtdad and their disease was in the (Babe Tarbiat, anecdote 140). throes Moatasem Bkhtshyv and physician Mamun: Abdullah Ibn Haron AlRashid Ibn asked Masvyh is no hope that my Almlqb to Mamun. brother will cure the disease, and took his Mamoun in Merv Heron had died early pulse and found out that his gestures of because he had heard the news with a moderation and Munther Mjybh the faithful homage and allegiance to the destruction and dissolution. Means that people and because he Bstand Naqary when Mamoun earlier this spring asked to emerged among brothers and his son Amin read the word in Arabic is called to this deposed Mamoun Moses made the crown position? Rqh and answered that it was prince. Mamoon in Khurasan against the written in Zayjh fortune- Ma'mun died, he tail of the claim to the caliphate and the would Rqh. Romans heard these words of end of the year Sman and Tsyn confident praise cannot be avoided and during the that he will be killed, and Amin Khorasan caliphate of twenty years and five months Zma the land of his allegiance ceremony and thirteen days of his life for forty- eight took place, and the Caliph al-Ma'mun. years. Mamoun efforts and consideration of On the day before his brother Amin courage and nobility, the intellectual and Mamoun raised the flag of Iran's elite, traditional religious and legal sciences including her family, easily converted. among children and single A. was superior After reaching the Caliph al-Ma'mun pledged to adopt an heir to the throne and

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Alavi Alavi together but not later on this our major aphthous, Dhul replied: I do not promise., When Mamoon called Imam want to, but I can help you any more to Tahir Sardar Mamun was the first person men between you and the group set up you with whom he swore allegiance in any (Haman, 716; Ferdowsi, 1377: 467). twenty-one years and was officially elected Alexander said an iron barrier against as Khalifa did just that Alavian black flag Yagog and Magog make it the strap was used at the start of the green flag and hardware (dams) cannot evolve out of the chanting the slogan of Bani Abbas Al Ali hole so that it cannot be done then the has turned (Haman). world (Haman). Symbol of evil in the Garden, is "Mamoon", The last sign of the coming resurrection is the man in the guise of capricious Saadi al- coming out Yagog and Magog in the Qur'an Ma'mun knows the place, but noted that in Sura Kahf chapter 98 verse 93 to verse even if the authorities can be involved 96 prophets are mentioned (Balamy, 1353: events the Bulls to win. 718). Cho Dore Khelafat Be Mamon Resid Yeki Another symbol of evil in the Bostan Mah Peykar Kanizak Kharid "Yagog" is looking gold Sadi people who (Babe Adl Va Tadbiro Ray, anecdote 20). are amassing wealth to Yagog, such as gold Yagog and Magog: The Wild East African and that the barrier is closed tightly region which are called Yagog and Magog. around himself, says: Let your Justice Both the men and call them Yagog and Compass dam pull off the side of their life Magog and their number one but God be like Saad Forgiveness tight barrier knows the two are many. Yagog and Magog around your gimmick closed. group of children group of children, To Ra Sad Yagog ofr Az Ast Na Roeentan brother, paternal uncle are descendants Cho Divar Esandar Ast (children, it is everyone's Yagog and (Babe Tadbiro Ray, anecdote 4) Magog read all the sons of Magog) (Balamy, 1353: 714). Yagog and Magog Results and discussion Brothers were the sons of Noah and the The results show that the great poet saadi flood Yafs bin it and then went to the far could usage evil symbols to more effective east of the mountains were involved. But his say. He could understand the history he has the face of a man Dogaz and ears on and literature of ancient symbols that one the ground that it is long- lasting and are or more persons or property would have a not wearing clothes and be naked because significant negative and use it, for example Stori ... no religion, no God and no man no : He used Afrasiab who is symbolize of the Worshiping never be low he will not die bloodshed and barbarity stated even as until he does not ask the thousands of blood Afrasiab is a fine tactician and votes male and female children ( Haman, 715 ). can be defeated him, Saadi using Moral And so, that when he came out from Education by tangible symbols of the between two mountains and the Muslims moral taht At first glance, the Pharaoh or arrived and corruption looted and killed Yagog, see positive people that with a little the people and the food. Because Dhul care we find that it is shown as a symbol of [Alexander] them (Muslims) were landed, the great edification of others, as in fact and goodness, and he had the power, they use of a Eulogy. can force the king to bury the hatchet against it. Alexander asked, and they said that the two groups [Yagog and Magog] is

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