Gledhill (Alan)
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GLEDHILL (ALAN). - -- Fundamental rights in India. Lond., 1955. Law Lib. - -- Pakistan; the development of its laws and constitution. [Keeton, The Brit. Commonwealth, Vol. 8.] Lond., 1957. Law Lib. - -- Another copy. Law Lib. - -- The penal codes of Northern Nigeria and the Sudan. [Law in Africa, No. 8.] Lond., 1963. Law Lib. - -- The Republic of India; the development of its laws and constitution. [Keeton, The Brit. Commonwealth, Vol. 6.] Lond., 1952. Law Lib. --- 2nd impr. Lond., 1954. Law Lib. --- 2nd ed. Lond., 1964. Law Lib. GLEDHILL (BARTON L.). - -- Studies on the DNA content nuclear protein and dry mass of bull spermatids and spermatozoal heads with aspects on fertility. [Th.] Stockholm, 1966. Vet. Lib. GLEDHILL (JOSEPH). - -- See CROSSLEY (E.) and G. (J.) GLEDHILL (T.). - -- SUTCLlr' ?'E (D.W.) and WILLIAMS (W.D.) B.Sc. - -- A revised key to the British species of Crustacea: Malacostraca occurring in fresh water, with notes on their ecology and distribution. [Freshwater Biol. Assoc. Scient. Publ. No. 32.] Ambleside, 1976. Forestry Lib. * ** For original ed. see HYNES (HUGH BERNARD NOEL), MACAN (THOMAS TOWNLEY) and WILLIAMS (W.D.) B.Sc. A key to the British species of Crustacea: Malacostraca ... - -- Another copy. Zool. Lib. GLEDITSCH (HUGO). - -- Die Cantica der sophokleischen Tragoedien. Nach ihrem rhythmischen Bau besprochen ... Zweite durch den Abdruck des Textes vermehrte Bear- beitung der ' Sophokleischen Strophen' desselben Verfassers. Wien, 1883. Zt.6. 9/1. GLEDITSCH (JOHANN GOTTLIEB). - -- J.G.G. ... lucubratiuncula de fuco sub -globoso, sessili et molli, in Marchia Electorali Viadrina et ejus viciniis reperiundo. Berolini, 1743. x931/33 - -- D.J.G.G. ... methodus fungorum, exhibens genera, species et varietates ... Berolini, 1753 K* 30.25- - -- J.G.G. ... systema plantarum a staminum situ ... Berolini, 1764. *K.30.10. GLEDITSCH ( THEODOR). - -- Engelsk -Norsk ordbok. 2. utg. Ved T.G., M.S. 4rresen, B.K. Johanssen. Oslo, 1914. Ref. .4 Nor. GLEDSTONE (JAMES PATERSON) . - -- The life and travels of George Whitefield. Lond., 1871. Bp.1.7. GT.1 Th S (PAUL) . - -- Neuroglia; morphology and function. [Amer. Lect. Ser. Publ. No. 260.] Oxford [1955.] E.M.L. GUTPISON (DENIS) . - -- ed. Identity and structure; issues in the sociology of education. [Issues in Sociol., Pol. and Educ.] Driffield, 1977. .370193 Gle. - -- and MARDLE (GEORGE). - -- Further education or training? A case study in the theory and practice of day- release education. [By] D.G. and G.M. with the assistance of J. McCourt. [Routledge Educ. Bks.] Lond., 1980. .371L426(L42) Gle. GT.FtF;SON (j . DESMOND ) . - -- The tragedy of the Stuarts. Lond., 1930. New Coll. Lib. GT,F:F;SON (PATRICK) . - -- and WAKEFIELD (NANCY). - -- eds. Language and culture. Columbus [1968.] .1401:.3 Gle. ADDITIONS GT.FFS (ANTHONY) . --- Exile politics during the Second World War; the German Social Democrats in Britain. Oxford, 1982. .9(4353159) Gle. GLEESON (DENIS). ed. Youth training and the search for work. [Routledge Educ. Bks.] Lond., 1983. .371426(L42) Gle. GLEGG(ARTHUR THOMSON). , rev. and in part - -- The law of reparation in Scotland. 3rd ed. L. Duncan. rewritten by J. Law Lib. Edin. , 1939. by Lindsay Duncan. - -- 4th ed. rev. J. Law Lib. Edin. , 1955. on the law of reparation. - -- A practical treatise Law Lib. Edin. , 1892. theologis eloctoralibus Gleich (Johann Andreas). Diss. do Dresdcni, qui a totnporo Roformationis Ñnxonicis in Aula loco ad bune usque diem sacris praefuerunt, prodromi biogrnphiao ipsoruin praemissa, etc. 40 Dresdtn, (1719.) IRP. 760/O. - Sei! MAYER (J. F.) pram. (JOHN H.). GLEICHEN (Lord ALBERT EDWARD WILFRID) and REYNOLDS the incorporation - -- Alphabets of foreign languages. 2nd ed. , repr. with certain revisions by M. Aurousseau. ' of Supplement of 1938 and Comm. on Geog. Names for Brit. Use.] [Permanent .411 Gle. Lond. , 1951. Ref. Phonetics Lib. - -- 2nd eú. , repr. Lond. , 1956. GLEICIEN (ALEXANDER WILHELM) . Einführung in dio mcdizi- 13. 77. ni.oho Optik. 8^ Leipzig. Pint. O. Lehrbuch der geometrischen Optik. (Teubner's Samml. - 190.2. O. 11. 8.1 80 Leipzig, book for - -- The theory of modern optical instruments. A reference manufacturers of optical instruments, and for officers in physicists, Swaine. the army and navy. Tr. ... by H. H. Emsley and W. 5358 Gle. 2nd cú. Lond. 1921. \arlest1I g''a über photographische Optik. - 8" Leipzig, 1905. O. 14. 53. A11111 1 1V1V1 GLEGG (ARTHUR THOMSON). --- The law of reparation in Scotland. 4th ed. rev. by J. Lindsay Duncan. Edin., 1955. Law Lib. GLEGG (GORDON LINDSAY). - -- The Christ of science. Edin., 1961. New Coll. Lib. GLEICHEN -RUSSWURM (ALEXANDER VON). - -- Das galante Europa; Geselligkeit der groszen Welt, 1600 -1789. Stuttgart, 1911. Gibson Lib. ram am. Zur Einführung in Georg Christoph Lichtenberg. Furs. 8' Jena, 1907. Zt.. 10. 107. - -- and WENCKER (FRIEDRICH). - -- eds. Kultur - und Sittengeschichte aller Zeiten und Völker, etc. 24 Bde. (in 12). Hamburg [1929.] 0 1 -2. Anfange der Kultur. ¡9 1. Die Schicksale der Völker. 2. Das Kulturleben des vorgeschichtlichen Menschen. 3 -4. Kultur und Sitte in Hellas. 3. Die geistige Heimat des europäischen Kulturkreises. 4. Das Häusliche Leben der Griechen. 5 -6. Der Kulturkreis des Imperium Romanum. 5. Der Entwicklungsgang der römischen Kultur. 6. Römische Kultur und Zivilisation. 7 -8. Das europäische Mittelalter. 7. Von der Völkerwanderung bis zu den Kreuzzügen. B. Romanische und byzantinische Welt. 9 -10. Kultur und Geist der Renaissance. 9. Das Jahrhundert des europäischen Humanismus. 10. Die Kultur der Renaissance in Italien. 11 -12. Die Welt der Gotik. 11. Die geistige Entwicklung Europas vom 14. bis 16. Jahrhundert. 12. Das Zeitalter der Hansa. 13 -14. Das Jahrhundert des Barock. 13. Gesellschaft und Sitte, 1600 -1700. 1'. Die Kunst, der Gedanke und das Leben im 17 . Jahrhundert. [Continued overleaf.] 2 §4, ÿf G w v . 3 r -. £ P-itt , S %.rir .. %. (FRIEDRICH) GLEICHEN- RUSSWURM (ALEXANDER VON) and WENCKER [continued] . 15 -16. Das Jahrhundert des Rokoko. 15. Kultur und Weltanschauung im 18. Jahrhundert. 16. Lebensführung und Lebenskunst im 18. Jahrhundert. 17 -18. Die Kulturentwicklung Amerikas. 17. Der Aufstieg Nordamerikas. 18. Die Entstehung Latein -Amerikas. 19 -20. Die Kulturwelt des Orients. 19. Der indische Kulturkreis. 20. Die Lander des Islams. 21 -22. Die Kulturwelt des Fernen Ostens. 21. Das Reich der Mitte. 22. Japan und Indochina. 23 -24. Das Kulturbild des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts. 23. Die geistige Entwicklung des modernen Europa. 24. Die gesellschaftliche Struktur. nonnul- Gleichmann (Johann 'Zacharias). Spicilegium brun ecriptorum, Reformationis historian illustrantium, l 1723. Y.. 11. 6r E.8..litoL)gee.. cte. 12' :othae, von) perud. Der Fruet ein Bleichzu ( Treugott Warmun(1 seiner ungetreuen Diener, der ungetreue Diener und ~clave etc. Schive aber ein gebietender Herr seinee Fiirstens, 4" n.p., 1718. RQ. 5. 88/9., Tho constitution of the Scotch Episcopal Gleig (George) Bp. to the Church, concisely stated, in a charge delivered ... clergy of the Episoopal Communion of Brechin. 8" Stirling, 1829.RP. 620/16. ' -- Directions for the study of theology, etc. ' 8" Lond., 1827. D. 27. 2. doctrines of -- ( )1x(erv.. t ,one on some of the characteristic the Gospel, etc. 8" Edin., 1819. D 25. 7/5. account of the life and writings of W. Robertson. - Some of See Rontrnrsox (W.) D.I)., Historian. The history [ 1818 11 LL. 89. 8. 71. Scotland. .41 probable author. See Qmóe- Ttox. The question between the late ministry and the British Constitution. an ¡ and Craig (Edward). Corroepondonoe ... respecting - accusation ... published in ' A charge delivered to the clergy of the Episcopal Communion of Brechin.' Cameron Ca. 8° Edin., 1820. C.R. 13. 4. 12/11 ADDITIONS GLEICHER (JULES). -- The accidental revolutionary; essays on the political teaching of Jean -Paul Sartre. Washington, D.C. [1982.] .1949 Sar. Gle. GLEIG (GEORGE) Bp. - -- A short account of the life and opinions of Archibald, [7th] Earl of Sellie. Edin., 1797. D.S.d.2.19/7 probable author. A critique on the poems of Robert Burns. Illustrated by engravings. Edin., 1812. S.B. .82167 Gle. GLEIG (GEORGE ROBERT) . -3 The campaigns of the British C--Army at Washington and New Orleans, 1814 -1815. By the author of ' The subaltern,' etc. New ed. 8° Lond., 1847. Bh. 6. 17/2. the of the subaltern. 3 vols. [ - -- ] The Chelsea pensioners. By author and Milit. Lib. of Entertainment, Vols. 20-23.] [The Naval LL. 123.6.45. Lond. , 1834. By the author of ' The [-] The chronicles of Waltham. subaltern,' etc. 3 vols. 8° Lend., 1835. LL. 121. 7. 32 -34. historical, and miscellaneous, con- Essays biographical, Reviews. - chiefly to the Edinburgh and Quarterly tributed 1858. 44.- 9:-ê4-8ée o.s,. of gZe 2 vols. 8° Lond., 1 -2. The family history of England, etc. IU. Vols. - S° Lond., 1836. N. 31. 61 -62. Vol. 3 wanting. in 1837. Germany, Bohemia, and Hungary, visited - 1839. F5 27. 12-14., 3 vols. 8° Lond., I Tiffe great problem : can it be solved - S° Edin., 1876. N* 12. 60. 2 vols. The history of the Bible. Mapa. 2nd ed. - 12° Lend., 1830 -31. Cq. 14. 108 -109. Porta. history of the British Empire in India. - The *F. 32. 17 -20. 4 vols. [Fam. Lib.] 16° Lond., 1830 -35. to Sir E. Knatohbull ... on his accepting the -A letter auxiliary Church office of President, at a meeting of an Missionary Association . .. Maidstone. 8° Lond., 1823. V. 19. 6/6. from of Arthur. first Duke of Wellington. Partly - Life from original docu- Al. Brialmont, partly the French of 49. Port. and neaps. 8° Lond., 186.2. Ah. 4. ments. With life of Major- General Sir Thomas Munro ... Tho 3 vols. - extracts from his correspondence, etc. Port. 8° Lond., 1830. 145-48.-40 ,14. Yy. 10. 47. Another ed. Pt. I. 8° Lend. [1849.] - Pt. 2 wanting. The life of Robert, first Lord Clive. - 12° Lond., 1848. Bp. 7. 44. correctiòns .. The life of Sir Walter Scott. Ropr. with - from the ' Quarterly Review.' Ill. 8° Edin., 1871. Bt. 5. 19. commanders. - Lives of the most eminent British military 3 vols.