Ca. 30000 Items in 116 Boxes

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Ca. 30000 Items in 116 Boxes Ms CollYFerrero Ferrero, Guglielmo, 1871-1942. Papers, 1893-1942. 49.5 linear ft (ca. 30,000 items in 116 boxes). Biography: Italian historian, novelist, & social scientist. Summary: Correspondence and manuscripts. The collection includes original manuscripts of his published and unpublished works. Of special note are his notes for lectures at the University of Geneva, out of which grew his trilogy: The Gamble, The Reconstruction of Europe, and The Principles of Power. There is correspondence from such notables as Loria, Sforza, Orlando, Victor Margueritte, and Salvemini. Organization: Selected materials cataloged; remainder arranged. Willa Cather letters are on microfilm. Benedetto Croce letters are on microfilm. Eduardo Giretti letters are on microfilm. Maffeo Pantaleoni letters are on microfilm. Francesco Papafava letters are on microfilm. Filippo Turati letters are on misrofilm (MN#2001-3102-1). Antonio Viti de Marco letters are on microfilm. Finding aids: Contents list, 39p. Donor: Gift of Mrs Nina Ferrero Raditsa, 1961-1967, 1979, & 1986. Languages: Italian, French, or English. Available for faculty, students, and researchers engaged in scholarly or publication projects. Readers must use microfilm of materials specified above. Permission to publish materials must be obtained in writing from the Librarian for Rare Books & Manuscripts. See also: The Correspondence ofGuglielmo Ferrero prepared by the Guglielmo Ferrerp Research Group of the Italian National Council of Research. (Shelved with the manuscript finding aids). 1. Cather, Willa, 1873-1947. 2. Croce, Benedetto, 1866-1952. 3. Giretti, Eduardo. 4. Loria, Achille. 5. Margueritte, V. (Victor), 1866-1942. 6. Pantaleoni, Maffeo, 1857-1924. 7. Salvemini, Gaetano, 1873-1957. 8. Sforza, Carlo, conte, 1872-1952. 9. Turati, Filippo, 1857-1832. 10. De Viti de Marco, Antonio, 1858-1943. 11. History—Italy. 12. Literature—Italy. 13. Articles. 14. Drafts. 15. Galley proofs. 16. Interviews. 17. Lecture notes. 18. Lectures. 19. Manuscripts. 20. Notes. 21. Proofs. 22. Historians. 23. Novelists. 24. Social scientists. ID: NYCR90-A74 JL-W - 5/86 HR - 7/01 GUGLIELMO FKRttEKQ Aarens, Lillian Aibrecht, Adalbert Abbiate, Marie Albright, Sarai 3rown Aican, Fiiix Academia 3rasileira de Letras r\ Aiciaui, Acadeirda Clirxica-Vicenza j Aiducin, Academie de France AldiaLe Acadeinie Dipccsxique Internationale A'lemafna, C.A, —^, (Paris), Sibi 1 "= Accorsi, Benedetto Alessi, (Direttore "II Piccolo," Acolias, Kene Trieste) Acropole, LT Aiessic Giuiio Acton, S. Alexander, C.H. Adam, Julietts Altxandresco, Cc±. Constantino Adam, Kurt Alfredo, .(enzc Adam, faul (Lirue deia Frat emit e Au.gineiJLi, A. Intellectuc-ie La tine) Ali, Alessandrc Adam, Thomas iUioLti, 3arcn Z. Adatci, Am (Japanese Ambassador allais, Pierre in i^aris) Alxem, ilaurice d'Adda, Lorenre Alliance Franchise— Association Adige, Jacques pour la x'rou-cation de la Agence Sconcmique & Langue Fran^aise (Comite Financiere ^raris) de Florence] Agence Telegrs-hique—Lausanne Alliance Frangaise—Groupe de Boston Agresti, A. Alliance Scien-ifique Universalle "~~ ) d'Aguanno, Giuseppe Alliance Universalle ccn-cra de Aguet, James Guerre Aguilar, n.—Editor Axiiaume, F. Aide aux Feimes de i ,..-,, Anison, Cieneni Proftissinns lAberales i'?-^* *x:. Almanacco dei Scciaiisti ' Aimet, i-im Alori, Ciro Airaghi, L, Aioisi Aiauzi, E. Aloisi (Barone) Alazard, Jean Aipago-Novello, -.uigi (Dr.) Albanel,L. Alphandery, Fac^. Aibe, Paul Altn>ann, itobert Aiber, Louis v. "L'Aito Adige* Aibers, Ksoul Aitobelli, C. •K-Aibert I, King of "uhe Belgians Alvarez, A. de d1 Albert, Andree Alverez, Agustiza 7. De Alberte, C. Alvarez, Urbane Alberti, Dr. Aivear, Albeiti,?. Amadeo, Tomas Aibertini, Alberto ^jnadori, Ho sj Aibeitini, Giaccxuo Amaidi, ?aoic Aibeitini, ^'Jigi Air.aiTi lie a -Verla g— Zi'ri ch Alberto, ;•:. Arraral, Tancrsc- de Albei-tone, Mati-ide Ambrcsetti, Mel=na II, de Aibeitcne, Ger.. Ma&teo Ambrosmi, ^uigi Aibini, Fuivic Ambrcsio, rie^rc d' NOTE: It ens narKed with an asterisk (-»•) have been separ£-<2i7 catalogued. Ferrero Papers - 2 Ar.cndola, Gicvarri Arch:vej de 1' Ant'r.rcrr\ or:6 American Fhrlosc-i:.^cal Socic-, 5 : A Jr- - nel le °'r, :U adelrh a. Arcoleo, C:orr-O Arr-.erl and, './.•:. Ard'^c, Oi e.-er."/na A"1.:care 11 2, C.L. Ard"- z/one ? Al ei lar.dro (''V rrra Air'"' c T -H r0 3 s ?, F, r :* i c" • o -". a H: J-ciJ "'I'M Ara ^ c: >, "Fd-r -re! 0 de !e Ar\p ! r "i,J t e d Arel 1 : , :l""^^.co j r > '• •\r~f l a f .r r] c r - y Arr?l?", AJ'rrr^c d e /^rrol'is r-";rc^rrI A^-p] -^3 , -ro.i^ de ^r.c-e31 , "cr^ar. v -'C- r la .Soc:4te :VrFhe er|^ ?.odo] f on3 ;a^cn Italo-r'rar.prais 1 ''Leonardo ) d' Ex;ar..3 ion Ecor.Gri?. c1 '.e An gh 2 ne 11:, AH Je i r.c iat^,.n Ouvrjerp Anrn:nellj_, J.O. ( Jar bain) Angi, G. le Drcit Anf:ol:r.i, Alfredo (b:en des Avepfles) Ah pie sic, Dr. M. A:>3oc? az~rrfi Archer 1 Cf- ca Rrma AnrJc- x^r^'Mn Me\-3nearer AoScc:az~one p?r "51 Ccnbrollo 2 cs Ltd, Cr:%.ocrat^ cc-- -le.z-cre -ii Anor^ra Ln Tfcal :a^a(Fir I ."1 arc T ! >T Ans.^l d 1 f , Assoc^azjcrr- ''Dante 'di ew Crl A3scc: az?.one Democrat j ca XX Settenbrp ; Art ", \r>ra Vjacc 3'' "ione F^crcnt~^a d: "n'r AT •••;-ito"i",a rij ..). .3^ ir"5 to -Vntcrel 1 ? •\r> *"_, (••>-'p] J ^ ra r,3. ^a Apar^cio, rd Ar ira - *• T J n 1« CT" ^ a r t P c Ar^rba, r'raca Arar:"pe, T.A. Jr. Amer.) Arb^co, G5errio paz^r^e TtalJana di Arcari, Daolo Dola Ferrero Papers - 3 B iazirre Tbal^ar.a ^er "1 Pabay3n ?verpv ccnbrclio dp;-crab:cc Paccel J :, C-TJMC /-3 icciazicre Ttal:'ara "Pro D:ar"e ^a^rhfj ! ', ^iccarco i.ed:c4 a^aJ r', Benf;det/tc(Ca-a ^d:". r"! c&N A 53oc? a:7, ~r-^e Ibal o--oud .-r.ericana Pace: L ayrr r:' /Icrvrj^ A •?-ice* 17 ""' re del L^bero "sno^sro L;acc^ L1'" ^i A33cc^aaione^ rer la Liberta Pac'r.i, • "r r;ato .'.nc^cr":ca I'-tcr^ri, -.n>!,Ut- A3jcc-:ar' ^'crpLr ^barda dell a iba-^a -ac-iccc! ", •V^tr- :^a l.-.v'i \ i;;ci" az? ^ re "a^ ~;::ale '"°r la a;-:'fr', .v./ore -, • i A .\ i 5oc" azr.r-e rer ~3 °rcrre.->30 Morale }';ir} cr t /V'-^.TOP A r \ncc. zz* -~'fi "^-^IJa >:,a--a "p-i-a-a Bf>lHvir, "lrp-rt ?. <7 p "a^ohe Mi i % '"!••' cvarn i A 3 > r> c "^ 3.7 ' c. r e i T v •? T • ~. r« -5 •? r q-p • a —^ "arbara] 1 o, r'orrado ."' 1 b'.] 3 -• rr , A. "arb a re J ] -, :-e d e r" c o do A3',5a, ("!r.^ L1:^ Jr'm^r.ez qarbar"ch, (Col.)— Ocrar:rio Jur.rern "' Ab^enaeiim'1 Circcie Dc-clare Tell 'Esercibo d ^ Cul j' ra Barb? Liiir^ AthenaFurn Verlar Barbier, ^Jaul d'A^ri, A. Parbiera, Raffaello AbtivjbS, Nazimale, L1 Rarbieri, Silvio Abbclicc, ?. Bard, Jean ;\ubac, oberhane 'Le :\63safer Bardi, Girclaro nolora^.3!t Parela, Abbilio .\v51 ard A* Par^ucc:, Bnrjco (Tl "Jucva Auto- cbj;le3 Labor de Barpc Anto3brade Toscare. Le * nar-rr, . 3'ir^ce \nbcvr d\i l-'c^de Barlow, 0. •1: ;•• -' I 1 a b i A. Parnabe -i, 7e 1 j ce /'.•Ivrtv'- '"-ri:^T 3co^al - ?ba parore, A. n £(? ^4 r^rr,,a ^tal-ans-- ar.-p, ^nr-co -,,OY.0.-, \-re3 Barra, 7. L. de la 1 \ .Tp7» •• 7— pn O *••' '173 "wiC. "*J#' . ul I ci .; . i * * ^ • i-v,-:---;4 f---'- 'ni'-^rryi T3arr^re, Carrolle (l {za-, ^an] ' to Tt«l-^ Azar:«", Vi de Aza^.a Parre^i, Guiser.-ne Azrredo Oar] 0=? V., de parreto, Anborio deParras Az^ore/L' narrrbb, Rachel , Hans Ferrero Papers - Bart h 41 emy, Sdmond Fen3ozetti, Angelo Bartoluzzi, Giovanni Benvenuti, Edmondo Barzilai, E. B^rano, Leon Barzilai, G. Berard, F. Barzini, Luigi Bsrberich, Franz Basche, Jules Berbesil, Alfredo Bashford, Lindsay Fereusore, Mary Baskervillej Beatrice Perpurini, A. ('II Giornrje Bas3ani, Virginio d'ltalia") Passey (?), derge Perger, K. and \im Bassi, F-. Berger, Rudolf Baas:, Fnrico 3ergran, H. Fasso, Ugo Bergnann, Giuserne Batiffol, Loui3 Bergmann, Herri Barra gli a, Dante Berg3on_j Henri Battaglia, Dr. Otto F<Forst de Berkvens, Charles Battostone, Nino Baudillart, Andre* f> Bernabei, Mario Baudin Bernard, Charles de Baueer Bernard. Jean-Jaccue3 Bauer, Adolf Bernardi, A. Beaunier, Andre* Bernardini, A. Frat, Beccaro-Acqui Bernardini, M, ''Beck, James N. Bernl^, E. de (Ligue des Agricidte Becker, Delphine C#J de M» Hongrdis) Ee*dariddee Beer, Elena G. Berr, Henri (Revue de 5ynth£se Beer, Eloi3e Histcrique) Beerli, Dr. H. Berra, Antonio IMke, A. Berruti, Eduardo Belgian Ministry of Bersamo, Arturo Foreign Affairs Berta, Luipi Bellavita, Enilio Bertelli, C.F. Bellebtjeri, (Angelo, Carlo Guglielmo, Melchiore) Perteux, Jean de (Cte. & Ct^33e.) Bellcm, Maurice Eerti, Smilio Bellosi, A. Eerti, Vittorio Beltrami, Francesco Bcrtolini, Gelest^na Beltrainiz, Fratelli Treves G. Bertolini, Oesare Benat i , 3rcman: el e Bsrtolini, E.O. Bencivenca, Generale Bertrand, Joseph Benco,. ^ilv°ilva Berzio, Carlo Bendi, Girolamo Pessi, Piero Eendiscioli, Dr. Mario Besso Benai3cioli, N. Besdo, Amalia Benedetti, o. de Eesso, Marco Benedikt, :^eue Freie Presse Bettazzi, Enrico B^n^vjte, Lionel Beversen, N.J. Beningto^, Arthur Bevione, Guiseppe Benini, H. Bevione, Pino Beylis Penso, Giraio Biagi Benson, Godfrey, R. Bianchi, A.L. (Torriere della iiera) Ferrero Papers-- T Planch?,Leonardo ^^a-- A.-J3CC. tal ^ 11 PiH fcbeca Cv^ea d: Tor ••<:• •.-5 r • ••' '•• >?H 'ot.eca del "o^ol o--Trf-r ^9 •'M ~Ojpca "o^1 • 1 3 r .
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