McNab's Island Point Pleasant Park Purcell's North West Cove Arm a. Life Sciences Centre: Harbour approaches viewed from Milligan Room (8th floor, Earth Sciences)

Many buildings on the Studley campus(front) , and the stone d. Nova Scotia - Morocco connection: Halifax from space Goldenville Located in front of the Killam Library, this plaque walls that surround it(below left) , are made ofblack slate of describes the possible link between the Halifax Formation, a -Ordovician deep-water Nova Scotia and NW Africa, first proposed by Dr. turbidite succession. South Formation Paul Schenk, former Professor of Earth Sciences. Mountain These slates also form the bedrock underlying the campus Batholith Halifax Formation (details other side) and most of the Halifax Peninsula. Some of Dal Purcell's the stone came from the old Dalhousie (Bluestone) quarry at Cove DAL Purcell's Cove, and some probably also came from the CN railway cut, which was under construction at the same time as some of the older buildings on campus. Many buildings also containquartzite blocks from the Cambrian Goldenville Formation, which underlies the Halifax Formation. Light brown Carboniferoussandstone quarried at Wallace, Nova Scotia, was used for columns and other decorative stonework(front) . Granite blocks used for steps, gateposts, and paving stones came from a second quarry in the hills behind Purcell's Cove. e. Dunn Building: The quarry lies within the South Mountain Batholith, Oncolites and stylolites add texture to the which intruded the Halifax and Goldenville Formations about polished marble in the foyer and stairwells. 380 million years ago. Heat from the granite caused contact metamorphism of the surrounding rocks (details other side); much of the "slate" on campus is actually cordierite-andalsuite hornfels (left).

10 cm The main foyer is floored by Italian marble containing a guide to the spectacular ammonites(top) and geopetal structures bedrock and b. Marion McCain Building: c. Henry Hicks Administration Building: (left). The walls The facing stone contains beautiful examples of Granite paving stones in front of this building feature Roman tufa. building stone of the cross-bedded sandstone. However, geologists (also featured on front) display magma mingling f. Tupper Building: can't help noticing that many blocks were installed structures, formed by incomplete mixing of two The plaza steps and planters include local granite upside down. granitic magmas.(Best viewed on wet days.) and blue-grey anorthosite from Labrador. Dalhousie Campus 4 (P) Rusty stains (3) (A) (M) (Cd) (Po) (G) (I) (C) (Q) (B) (R) (Py) Department of Earth Sciences bedding (details on other side) Muscovite Plagioclase Quartz Cordierite Biotite Graphite Pyrite Pyrrhotite Rutile Ilmenite Chlorite Andalusite bedrock (outcrop) bedrock (buried) slaty cleavage 3 Minerals Present: building stone features Prepared by R.A. Jamieson and students Weathering: and pitted surfaces (4) resultoxidation from and dissolution of iron sulphides (pyrite, pyrrhotite). colour indicates minerals present o 0.25 mm Summer Street 450 C <

T < 450 C N C+M "stack" chlorite + muscovite "stacks" are replaced by biotite + muscovite with increasing temperature Intrusion of the (visible at the Dingle on 0.25 mm in Tupper f produced a contact aureole Building COOLER Biotite (B) (see map below) +M Hospitals IWK - Grace B+M B as chlorite disappears, andalusite and cordierite porphyroblasts become larger and more abundant "stack" "stack" o South Street out under the microscope 500 C Health A Dentistry Chlorite (C) +G+Py+R 1mm > Professions Cd

T > 500 C Robie Street C+M+P+Q+Cd nearby South Mountain Batholith that cuts across the regional folds. the other side of the NW Arm) The biotite-in isogradcampus is defined by theexisting nucleation chlorite-muscovite of stacks. Andalusite biotite and incordierite pre- porphyroblasts are present across campus. on the Dalhousie Contact Metamorphism: NS

Archives in

Biotite in (see map).

Andalusite under the microscope and weathering. in The upright folds Law of metamorphism Weldon Building Sciences (left) Computer Ilmenite

bedding University Avenue 74 1mm Cd

Building are associated with a steeply dipping slaty cleavage. The cleavage has been variably annealed by the contact metamorphism, and is better preserved at the east endthe of campus than the west. The Dalhousie campus lies on the south-dipping limb of an upright anticline Bedding dips moderately to the southsedimentary structures have .been Most obscured other by the effects cleavage Arts Plant Ken Rowe 70 Management Centre Physical (under construction)


cleavage SUB slaty Hall +A+G+Py+R Risley b


Marion McCain Building bedding School of Grad House Management to see the campus through a microscope!!!! 77 bedding 60 3 hut Seismic slaty d Visit the Earth Sciences department (Life Sciences Centre) Dal cleavage Arena Killam 52 Library 75 1 Bedding and Cleavage: Howe Hall fax out

Building Chlorite Chemistry Bedrock Geology of Dalhousie Campus Club


University Building odnil Fm Goldenville drumlins MacDonald e or Dunn c Building 4

Bt 2 Hicks

in Henry Admin Building

200 Dal or Life 57 (sandstone,slate) 65 Centre

Sciences aia Fm Halifax Geology of Halifax a Earth Kings College Sciences

metres +B+G+Py+R I Sciences and Earth C+M+P+Q+Cd+A +G+I+Py Po Oceanography NRC Marine 70 M+P+Q+Cd+A+B Batholith

50 odnil Fm Goldenville 60 (slate, siltstone) Shirreff Hall



Coburg Road 1 treet Mountain S Oxford

0 WARMER Halifax from space South Harbour, Citadel Hill, and many other prominent city landmarks. Halifax is underlainincludes by the Goldenville the Formation Cambrian-OrdovicianFormation Meguma Group,rocks which were folded andPleistocene intruded glaciation by was largely the responsible 380 for Ma the South formation Mountain of Batholith. Hali . During and the overlying Devonian Halifax Acadian Orogeny, these