NATIONAL NATIONAL Children’s Literature Festival Amyotha Hluttaw Speaker meets with begins in Thandwe Shwe Koke Ko Myaing villagers in Myawady PAGE-6 PAGE-2

Vol. V, No. 194, 3rd Waning of Thadingyut 1380 ME Saturday, 27 October 2018 State Counsellor visits Natma Taung National Park, cultural exhibits in Kanpetlet Township, Chin State

State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi visits Natma Taung (Khaw Nu M’ Cong) National Park in Kanpetlet Township in Chin State yesterday. PHOTO: KO THAR BYAW

TATE Counsellor Daw Min Thu and departmental of- by Tatmadaw helicopters and traditional cultures artifacts of sticks to the Buddha image at Aung San Suu Kyi visited ficials. They left Nay Pyi Taw were welcomed upon arrival the various Chin ethnic tribes the Zina Mann Aung Pagoda. SNatma Taung (Khaw Nu by a special flight yesterday by Chin State Chief Minister U that lived in Kanpetlet Town- From there, the State M’ Cong) National Park and morning and reaches Manda- Salai Lian Luai and wife, State ship were displayed. Next, an Counsellor viewed and raised traditional cultural exhibits lay Region, NyaungU at 8:25 Hluttaw Speaker U Zo Bawi, Assistant Director and officials detailed questions on the bio-di- in Kanpetlet Township, Chin a.m. The State Counsellor and State Hluttaw Deputy Speaker from the Ministry of Religious verse trees and species in the State, and met with Chin State party were welcomed by Man- U Aung Than, State ministers, Affairs and Culture explained Natma Taung (Khaw Nu M’ government members, Hluttaw dalay Region Chief Minister Hluttaw representatives, cul- about the exhibits on display. Cong) National Park and a For- representatives, town elders Dr. Zaw Myint Maung, Region tural dance troupes, local peo- Afterwards, State Coun- est Department Assistant Di- and officials yesterday. ministers, Hluttaw representa- ple and officials. sellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi rector explained and answered She was accompanied by tives and officials at NyaungU Next, the State Counsellor and party went by motorcade to detailed questions raised by Union Ministers Lt-Gen Kyaw airport. and party went by motorcade to to Natma Taung (Khaw Nu the State Counsellor. Swe, Lt-Gen Ye Aung and U The party then went on observe an exhibition in Kan- M’ Cong) and offered flowers, Ohn Win, Deputy Minister U to Chin State, Kanpetlet town petlet town, Ward (2) where water, oil lamp and incense SEE PAGE-3


NATIONAL NATIONAL BUSINESS Union Minister Talks on “Hidden Local, int’l U Soe Win inspects Reality of Rakhine media visit at Myanma Foreign Situation Behind Thet Kel Pyin Trade Bank in Media Mask” held Camp in Sittway PAGE-2 PAGE-2 PAGE-7 27 OCTOBER 2018 2 NATIONAL THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF Amyotha Hluttaw Speaker meets with Shwe Koke Ko Myaing villagers

AMYOTHA Hluttaw Speaker of the people. The Amyotha Hlut- Mahn Win Khaing Than met taw Speaker urged the people to with villagers from Shwe Koke Ko openly talk about the difficulties Myaing village, Myawady town, they were facing, their require- Myawady District, in ments and added further that he the village Basic Education High would fulfill the best he can. Next, School assembly hall yesterday villagers spoke about their re- morning. quirements in education, health, At the meeting Amyotha road/bridge transportation, wa- Hluttaw Speaker Mahn Win ter supply and other matters and Khaing Than said he would ex- district administrator, township plain about his experience in the administrator and relevant de- Hluttaw during the Second Amyo- partment officials provided ex- tha Hluttaw’s first to ninth regular planations. Afterwards, Amyotha sessions so that the people would Hluttaw Speaker gave comments be fully aware about it. He would and advice to ensure coordination explain the stages of how a law on the matters raised by the peo- came into being. The main re- ple. Later the Amyotha Hluttaw sponsibility of the Hluttaw was its Speaker invited the people to visit legislative duty. The three pillars the Hluttaw and then cordially Amyotha Hluttaw Speaker Mahn Win Khaing Than meets with villagers from Shwe Koke Ko Myaing in of administrative, legislative and Myawady District, Kayin State yesterday. PHOTO: MNA greeted all those who attended judicial could also be seen in the the meeting people personally. Constitution. The three pillars do The Hluttaw had the pow- Hluttaw representatives were That was why during the The meeting was attended by not interfere in the works of the er to enact laws. Laws required elected by the people to fulfill the period when the Hluttaw was in Pyithu Hluttaw and State Hluttaw other pillars but only check and by the people are drawn up and people’s requirement and Hlut- recess, Hluttaw representatives representatives, District adminis- balance the works of the other enacted. Laws that are not in ac- taw representatives are doing this come to meet with the people trator, departmental officials and pillars, said the Amyotha Hluttaw cord with the time and system are by raising questions and tabling to resolve the difficulties people local villagers. – Htein Lin Aung Speaker. amended or revoked as required. motions. faced and fulfill the requirements (IPRD) Union Minister U Soe Win Talks on “Hidden Reality of Rakhine inspects Myanma Foreign Situation Behind Media Mask” held Trade Bank in Yangon

A DISCUSSION to shed light discussion. ence of western media can make on the fake news reports on U Maung Maung Nyein said our truth wrong. He said the ICC circulating in he has read internationally writ- did not accept international re- international media was held ten news on Maungtaw District ports submitted to them. at Novotel Hotel in Yangon at and reports from international TISS states that within this 8 am yesterday. organizations as well. He said he year they have travelled to the The talks was primarily travelled to Maungtaw District villages in Maungtaw and Buth- facilitated by Thayninga In- and discovered the true situation idaung Districts in Rakhine State stitute for Strategic Studies there. He said the situation por- that suffered terrorist attacks in (TISS) and held under the title trayed by international media and 2016 and 2017 and interviewed ‘The Hidden Reality of Rakh- organizations is very different the local Rakhine, Bamar, Mro ine Situation Behind The Me- from the actual reality, and that ethnic nationals and the Hindus dia Mask”. he is here to discuss what these and Muslims regarding the ter- Union Minister U Soe Win greeting MFTB staffs in Kyauktada Township, Founder and Executive differences are. rorist attacks. Yangon yesterday. PHOTO: ZAW MIN LATT Director of TISS Dr. Naing It was discovered in yester- U Thein Tun Oo also said UNION Minister for Planning State Commercial Bank which Swe Oo delivered the opening day’s discussion that TISS sub- there were no problems between and Finance U Soe Win arrived was established in 1954. In 1970, speech, followed by a video-ac- mitted amicus curiae (Friend of the communities that had always the Myanma Foreign Trade Bank it changed its name to Foreign companied presentation by the Court) observations concern- lived together. He said the sit- (MFTB) in Mahabandoola Gar- Currency Department of the Mr. Rick Heizman, an observ- ing Rakhine State to the Interna- uation looks like convicts from den Street, Kyauktada Township People’s Bank of the Union of er of the situation in Rakhine tional Criminal Court – ICC on 26 Bangladesh escaped into Myan- yesterday and met with Manag- Burma. State, and an explanation by U July of this year, but the appeal mar and began predominating ing Director Daw Kay Thi, Gen- According to the 1975 Bank Maung Maung Nyein from the was rejected. the area. He added that informa- eral Managers, Deputy General Law, its name was changed to Joint Monitoring Committee TISS Executive Director U tion like this needs to be delivered Managers, Assistant General Myanma Foreign Trade Bank of the Nationwide Ceasefire Thein Tun Oo said that if issues clearly to the world. —Min Thit Managers and officials, and on 1 April 1976 and MFTB is or- Agreement on field observa- are not addressed then the influ- (MNA) commented on expanding new ganized with 12 departments and tions conducted in Maungtaw services of the bank. 452 staffs. District. The Union Minister inspect- Even though its main func- In his opening speech, ed export and import trade fi- tion is foreign banking service Dr. Naing Swe Oo said inter- nancial support services, foreign and is based only in Yangon, it national media has been re- currency transfer services, loan is now providing wide range of porting false news regarding and guarantee services, status of services by connecting with local Maungtaw District. He said opening foreign and local curren- banks as well. At the moment it there are experts who have cy accounts and other services. is providing financial services conducted field observation MFTB is a state-owned by having connection with 262 and have acquired correct bank. It originated as Foreign banks in 84 towns in 49 countries. information and he hopes it Currency Department of the —Yi Yi Thant will be relayed in the day’s PHOTO: NAY LIN 27 OCTOBER 2018 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR NATIONAL 3

State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi pays homage to the Zina Mann Aung Pagoda on State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi observes an exhibition showcasing Chin traditional the Natma Taung. PHOTO: MNA artifacts and costumes in Kanpetlet, Chin State. PHOTO: MNA State Counsellor visits Natma Taung (Khaw Nu M’ Cong) …

FROM PAGE-1 The Natma Taung tional Parks in Myanmar (Khaw Nu M’ Cong) moun- that were designated as The State Counsellor tain is the highest moun- ASEAN Heritage Park. and party then arrived at tain range in Chin State The government has also the temporary briefing hall with bio-diverse trees and nominated Natma Taung of Natma Taung (Khaw Nu species thriving in it. (Khaw Nu M’ Cong) Na- M’ Cong) National Park The Natma Taung tional Park as a UNESCO where Forest Department (Khaw Nu M’ Cong) moun- World Heritage Site in 2014 Deputy Director General tain was designated as a it is learnt. U Kyaw Kyaw Lwin and Reserved Forest as well After her visit to the an Assistant Director ex- as protected wildlife area Natma Taung (Khaw Nu M’ plained in detail about Nat- ma Taung National Park and the State Counsellor “priority is given to Chin and Rakh- raised additional questions ine states in the construction and about the National Park. upgrading of roads and bridges, up- The Natma Taung (Khaw Nu M’ Cong) Na- grading of schools and hospitals,” … tional Park is 10,500 ft State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi observes an exhibition showcasing Chin traditional above sea level and is sit- textiles in Kanpetlet Town, Chin State. PHOTO: KO THA BYAW uated in Chin State, Min- dat, Matupi and Kanpetlet in 1936. It is designated as Cong) National Park, the resentatives, town elders State Chief Minister U Project Bank. The State townships covering an area a National Park on 2 De- State Counsellor met with and officials at Kaung Kin Salai Lian Luai explained Counsellor also said that of 176,202 acres (275.35 sq. cember 2010. Furthermore, Chin State government Nantaw Hotel. about regional data and Kyindwe Village will soon miles). it is one of the seven Na- members, Hluttaw rep- At the meeting Chin status of conducting re- be upgraded to a town. gional development works. The State Counsellor also Following the Chief Min- spoke about the require- ister’s explanation, town ment for Chin State north elders U Mya Maung and U and south to remain united Soe Myint explained about as development projects requirements in regional were continuously con- development. ducted in accordance to Responding to the set priority by the Union explanations, State Coun- Government and urged the sellor Daw Aung San Suu people of the State to value, Kyi said priority is given to maintain and protect the Chin and Rakhine states in Natma Taung (Khaw Nu the construction and up- M’ Cong) National Park grading of roads and bridg- cherished by the people of es, upgrading of schools the State. and hospitals, providing After the meeting, and replenishing hospital State Counsellor Daw Aung equipment, coordination San Suu Kyi and party left required between Union Chin State Kanpetlet Town Government and state by Tatmadaw helicopters governments, setting up for NyaungU, and implementing Myan- Region, where they took a mar Sustainable Develop- special flight and arrived State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi poses for a photo together with Chin ethnic people in Kanpetlet Town, Chin State ment Program (MSDP) back in Nay Pyi Taw in the yesterday. PHOTO: KO THA BYAW and status of assessing evening. — MNA 27 OCTOBER 2018 4 LOCAL NEWS THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR More visitors flock to Phowintaung cave

DEPUTY CHIEF EDITOR MORE pilgrims visited Phow- Aye Min Soe intaung cave temples in Yin- [email protected] mabin Township, SENIOR EDITORIAL CONSULTANT Region year over year, said U Kyaw Myaing Cho Oo, head of Phowintaung

SENIOR TRANSLATORS pagoda trustees board. Zaw Min, The name means Moun- Zaw Htet Oo tain of Isolated Meditation. Win Ko Ko Aung, There are 446,444 Buddha

INTERNATIONAL NEWS EDITOR images of varying sizes and Ye Htut Tin, styles and 947 small and large [email protected] caves. Mural paintings can be

LOCAL NEWS EDITORS seen in more than 120 caves. Tun Tun Naing (Editor), Phowintaung received [email protected] more pilgrims from Thadin- Nwe Nwe Tun (Sub-editor), gyut festival in October to Tagu [email protected] (the first month of Myanmar People visiting to the TRANSLATORS Calendar) which falls in April. Phowintaung caves temples Khaing Thanda Lwin, There is only a small number in Yinmabin Township, Hay Mar Tin Win, . PHOTO: KO of visitors in other months. Ei Myat Mon HTEIN (NGATHAYAUK) Kyaw Zin Lin Phowintaung is situated Kyaw Zin Tun 15 miles away from Mony- wa Town, 7 miles away from travellers. It has smooth trans- ic selling of the vendors for the are the hidden caves of Myanmar REPORTER May Thet Hnin, Salingyi Town, 12 miles from portation with free bus terminal monkeys. and they are located only kilo- [email protected] Pathein-Monywa Road for for the visitors. The securities The vast cave temples— meter away.—Ko Htein (Nga- [email protected] -NyaungU-Pakokku of the pagoda ensure systemat- Phowintaung and Shwebataung thayauk)

PHOTOGRAPHER Kyaw Zeya Win @ Phoe Khwar

COMPUTER TEAM Heart, diabetes, hypertension patients to get free health care in Loikaw Tun Zaw, Thein Ngwe, Zaw Zaw Aung, Ye Naing Soe, Hnin Pwint, Kay Khaing Win, FREE medical treatment will of Medicine-1 will provide free equipment and medicines. partment at Loikaw Township Sanda Hnin, Thein Htwe be provided for heart, diabe- medical checkup and treatment The free medical treat- People’s Hospital. Patients will tes and hypertension patients for two days in cooperation with ments will be given to provide be transported to Loikaw Town- EDITORIAL SECTION (+95) (01)8604529, at Loikaw Township People’s five hypertension, heart and access to high quality medical ship People’s Hospital with the Fax — (+95) (01) 8604305 Hospital in Kayah State on 9 Cardiovascular Disease spe- checkup and treatment to rural help of relevant departments, and 10 November. cialists. people. Free medical treatment civil society organisations, IN- CIRCULATION & DISTRIBUTION San Lwin, (+95) (01) 8604532, A team led by Professor They will also bring rel- will be provided from 8 am to GOs and NGOs.—Sai Aung Zaw Hotline - 09 974424114 Dr. Nwe Nwe from University evant healthcare machines, 5 pm at the out patients de- Lin (IPRD)

ADVERTISING & MARKETING ( +95) (01) 8604530, Hotline - 09 974424848 Guests escape fire in Hotel [email protected] Crime News [email protected] Grand Jade in Myeik Printed and published at the Global New Light of Myanmar Printing Factory at Myanmar’s highway No.150, Nga Htat Kyee Pagoda Road, Bahan Township, Yangon, by the Global New Light of Myanmar Daily under Printing Permit No. accident death toll 00510 and Publishing Permit No. 00629. [email protected] declines in nine months MYANMAR’S highway ac- injured and 83 killed. cident death toll as of Sep- Yangon witnessed the tember this year was reg- largest road accidents of istered 65 people which is 1,952 in nine months with a decrease from 83 in the 460 people killed, while similar period of last year, death toll was the highest according to news released on Mandalay roads, with 564 OVER 120 guests safely escaped The injured persons, includ- by the Road Transportation people killed in 1,725 road a fire that engulfed the third floor ing 10 guests of the hotel plus six and Administration Depart- accidents. of Hotel Grand Jade on Baho firefighters, were taken to the ment. Over speeding is the Road in Myitnge Ward, Myeik Myeik People’s Hospital. The loss Between January and main cause of the accidents Town, Taninthayi Region, on due to the fire is estimated to Write for us September 2018, a total of on the country’s roads and Thursday night. reach approximately Ks950,000.

We appreciate your feedback and 341 road accidents with 629 expressways. Other caus- At around 10:35 pm on 25 Oc- With the use of 14 fire en- contributions. If you have any comments people injured and 65 killed es include reckless driving, tober, the fire allegedly caused by gines, firefighters successfully or would like to submit editorials, analyses or reports please email were seen on the highway unsafe vehicles and severe a cigarette of a person who visited controlled the flame at 11:35 pm [email protected] connecting commercial hub weather condition. a 10’ x 10’ clothing shop located in on that day when members of with your name and title. Due to limitation of space we are only Yangon with the country’s Thanks to traffic law en- the third floor of the hotel owned Red Cross, police and Tatmadaw able to publish “Letter to the Editor” capital Nay Pyi Taw and the forcement on expressways, by U Sithu Lin, leaving 18 people from local battalion also put out that do not exceed 500 words. Should you submit a text longer than 500 words second-largest city Manda- road accidents declined with minor injuries, according the blaze. please be aware that your letter will be lay. Last year saw 400 road compared to last year. — to Myeik District Fire Services Police are still investigating edited. accidents with 617 people GNLM Department. the case.—Myint Oo (Myeik) 27 OCTOBER 2018 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR LOCAL BUSINESS 5 Poor demand from China, excess supply in harvest season lead to significant decline in brown rice price

By May Thet Hnin however, it is difficult to export 2.5 million tons of rice this year, PRICES of brown rice have he continued. fallen significantly this harvest U Nay Lin Zin, joint secre- time as China has halted its rice tary-general of Myanmar Rice imports from Myanmar, accord- Federation, said that current- ing to the rice market. ly, rice prices are declining not U Than Oo, secretary of only in Myanmar but in the Bayintnaung Wholesale Center, global market, including Thai- said: “For the time being, mer- land, Viet Nam and other rice chants have to rely on normal producing nations. The prices trade routes because Chinese of rice are estimated to continue authorities are putting restric- to decline within the next one tions on border export of rice month. when the global rice prices During the period when remains cool. Another point is Chinese merchants have sus- that international traders have pended its rice imports from already observed the rice har- China-Myanmar borders, the vest season in Myanmar. Thus, normal trade routes are see- the market sees excess supply ing an excess supply, resulting and it is hard to sell a ton of rice in a decline in number of rice for US$300. Previously, traders exporters from about four to got $340 per ton of the same two. Rice traders say that they variety of rice.” are worrying about the market. Newly harvested rice is The country’s rice produc- available in the market begin- Workers carry bags of rice at the Botahtaung Jetty in Yangon. PHOTO: PHOE KHWAR tion this year is better than that ning in early October this year of last year. Experts estimate when a bag of brown rice was broken rice are equal. The rice ever, rice growers and millers ously entered the Muse border that the current rice marker is worth at around Ks24,000 which market for farmers may have are worrying about the supply of a day. For the time being, only likely to much worse than that decreased to Ks19,500 per bag at disappeared in the long term. their products as it is difficult to around 1,000 tons of rice daily of the previous years. the end of this month, according Farmers will be in debt.” sell them in both normal routes enter the border market. Myanmar’s export of rice to the Bayintnaung Wholesale At present, the Bayint- and border routes. Myanmar’s economy is es- reached a record high of over Center. At that time, the price naung Wholesale Center sees U Chan Tha Oo, deputy timated to decline in the long three million tons of rice and of broken rice was Ks18,800 per arrivals of between 50,000 and chairman of Muse Rice Whole- term as 70 % of the country’s broken rice in the last 2017-2018 bag which were approximately 60,000 bags of rice daily and it is sale Center, said that currently agricultural products go to Chi- financial year. But, it could ex- equal that of rice prices. expected that over 100,000 bags rice trading has suspended due na which is still blocking My- port around 1.3 million tons of U Than Oo added, “The rice of rice are likely to daily enter to China’s crackdown at bor- anmar’s major export items. the same in the six-month mi- market is not in good condition the market this harvest time, ders. An average of between The country could export 3.6 ni-budget period between April as the selling prices of rice and especially in November. How- 2,000 and 7,000 tons of rice previ- million tons of rice last year, and September this year.

Myanmar-Viet Nam trade increases Imports of intermediate goods by over $40 million in five months up by $60 million in two weeks

MYANMAR’S imports of inter- private sector’s import of the MYANMAR-Viet Nam trade $8.5 million. try’s annual trade report, My- mediate goods over the first 12 same increased by $55 million. between April and August Myanmar imports car anmar-Viet Nam trade was days of the current fiscal year Myanmar usually imports three this year topped US$326 spare parts, computer parts, $494 million in the 2016-2017 exceeded US$300 million, up by major groups of products, invlov- million, with exports worth construction materials, steel, FY, $346 million in the 2015- $60 million as against the same ing capital goods, intermediate $119.8 million and imports plastics, pharmaceuticals 2016 FY, $321 million in the period in the last year, according products and consumer goods. worth $242.3 million, accord- and other chemical products 2014-2015 FY, $281 million in to the Ministry of Commerce. The country spent its over $700 ing to the Ministry of Com- from Viet Nam. the 2013-2014 FY, $155 million Between 1 and 12 October million on importing the groups merce. Its exports to the South- in the 2012-2013 FY and $143 this year, the private sector im- of products within the first two The current figures in- east Asian nation cover min- million in the 2011-2012 FY. ported intermediate products weeks of this FY, covering capi- creased by $40.5 million in eral, agricultural, forest and According to the Direc- amounting to almost $290 mil- tal goods worth $231 million and comparison with the same marine products. torate of Investment and lion whereas the public sector’s consumer products valued at time last year, when the bi- Viet Nam’s trade and in- Company Administration import of the same totalled $12 $177 million. lateral trade totalled $321 vestment in Myanmar have (DICA), Viet Nam’s new million. Myanmar conducts exter- million. substantially increased each investment in Myanmar When compared with the nal trade with international When compared with year. this year reached $50.4 same period last year, this year countries, including China, In- the same period last year, The total bilateral trade million from three saw an increase in value of the dia, ASEAN member countries, this year saw a significant in the last 2017-2018 fiscal projects. imports of semi-finished prod- European states and Western increase in value of bilateral year hit a record high of Myanmar received $20.8 ucts by the two sectors. During nations and African countries exports by nearly $ 50 mil- over $714 million during the million worth of Viet Nam’s the period, the private sector’s not only maritime routes but lion, however, the bilateral seven consecutive years. investment in the 2017-2018 import of the similar goods also land border points.—Swe import value decreased by According to the minis- FY.—Khine Khant rose nearly by half while the Nyein 27 OCTOBER 2018 6 NATIONAL THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Dr. Pe Myint inspects District IPRD, TV Substation in Thandwe

UNION MINISTER for Infor- the writers gathered for the mation Dr. Pe Myint arrived in festival. Thandwe Township yesterday The Union Minister, along morning and inspected the Dis- with Rakhine State Chief Min- trict Information and Public ister U Nyi Pu, inspected the Relations Department and the status of constructing a com- MRTV Re-transmitting Station. munity centre in Thandwe. The Union Minister arrived Simultaneously, the Union in Thandwe People’s Hospital Minister checked the prepara- at noon and encouraged the pa- tions for upgrading the office tients in the hospital and then and library of the District IPRD gave financial support to them. into a community centre. He then inspected the Afterwards, the Union status of preparations for the Minister inspected the MRTV Children Literature Festival Re-transmitting Station and to be held at Dwayar Wadi Hall gave necessary instructions. and discussed literature with —MNA Union Minister Dr. Pe Myint inspects MRTV Re-transmitting Station in Thandwe yesterday. PHOTO: MNA Coordination meeting on holding Children’s Literature Children’s Literature Festival (Pathein) held Festival begins Ministry of Information, Minis- try of Education and Ayeyawady in Thandwe Region Government held a final coordination meeting yester- day in Pathein in preparation A CHILDREN’S Literature Fes- Tun Tin (Htike Tan-Thandwe) for holding the Children’s Lit- tival, jointly held by the Ministry talking under the title “Flowers erature Festival, Children’s Lit- of Information, the Ministry of of the Future” and U Hla Myint erature Exhibition and Book Education and the Rakhine State Aung (Hla Myint Aung-Taungup) Sales (Pathein) at a meeting Government, will be held at the talking under the title “Fill in the hall in Pathein University. Dwayar Wadi Hall in Thandwe Blanks”. At the meeting Deputy Min- Township from 8 am to 5 pm today The Ministries of Informa- ister for Information U Aung and tomorrow. tion and Education have collabo- Hla Tun said that only a week The festival will include rated with relevant departments remains before the Children’s book sales and exhibitions, com- and regional governments and Literature Festival begins and petitions for poem recitals, sto- have successfully held children all are urged to openly discuss Deputy Minister for Information U Aung Hla Tun delivers the address rytelling, proverb composition, literature festivals in Nay Pyi requirements from the ministry at the coordination meeting for holding of Children’s Literature assembling toys, soccer, volley- Taw, Mandalay, Mawlamyine, for holding the festival. Festival in Pathein. PHOTO: MNA ball, htote-see-htoe (local game Taunggyi, and Yangon, Next, organizing commit- combining elements of hopscotch while relevant regional govern- tee chairman and Ayeyawady nated on the explanations tival, exhibition, book sales and tag), Sepak takraw, table ten- ments, information and public Region Minister for Develop- and discussions made at the and opening ceremony will nis, singing and ad lib contests. relations departments, basic ment Affairs U Kyaw Myint ex- meeting. be held. The festival will also include education departments, social plained about arrangements After the meeting Depu- The Deputy Minister then entertainment and performances organizations, fans of literature made and funding status while ty Minister U Aung Hla Tun, went to Pathein District Infor- by students from local schools in and geneours donors have col- officials from 11 sub-commit- Region Minister for Develop- mation and Public Relations Thandwe and elephant laborated to hold similar festivals tees explained works done. ment Affairs U Kyaw Myint Department office and met dances. Literary talks are also in 33 major district cities. —Aung Deputy Minister U Aung Hla and officials inspected the with staff there. — Pathein planned for the festival with U Min Han Tun and officials then coordi- sites where the literature fes- IPRD

Man arrested with Yaba pills in Tachilek

POLICE discovered 40,000 18, on Aye Yeik Myaing Road, The combine team mem- Yaba pills hidden in motorcy- Edin Village, Tachilek Town- bers searched the motorcycle cle driven by a young man in ship on 25 October. in the presence of witnesses Tachilek Township, He left the motorcycle and found 40,000 WY brand on 25 October. and ran away when the police Yaba pills in the tool box of the A combined team that in- stopped him. motorcycle. clude member of Anti-Drug The police chased and Action is being taken Squad 30 based in Tachilek caught Kyalay in a rubber field against Kyalay by Tachil- stopped a Honda Wave i (125) about 3,000 yards away from ek Myoma police station. Participants entertaining with dances at the Dwayar Wadi Hall in motorcycle driven by Kyalay, where he left the motorcycle. — Sai Aung Zaw Lin (IPRD) Thandwe Township yesterday. PHOTO: TIN TUN OO 27 OCTOBER 2018 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR NATIONAL 7

Nation Building

In the process of establishing a peaceful, prosperous and resilient nation, we must take account of the need to strength- en the mechanisms and institutions of government. It is of paramount importance to uphold rule of law, ensure the mental and physical wellbeing of our citizens, provide for equality of taxation, deliver basic services to our people, including education, health and social services, transportation, communication and infrastructure development, and to strengthen the administrative mechanisms of government. (Excerpted from the report on the current work of the Union Government, delivered at the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw on 19 September 2018)

Union Minister U Thein Swe visits Toyoda Gosei Republic of the Union of Myanmar Co., learning institutions in Nagoya, Chiba Union Election Commission Notification 153/2018 UNION MINISTER for Labour, 2nd Waxing of Thadingyut 1380 ME Immigration and Population U Thein Swe and his entourage (11 October 2018) traveled from Tokyo to Nagoya Reminder Notification on conducting in Japan on the morning of 24 October and visited the CTEC, election speeches and campaigning KTEC training schools. The Union Minister met 1. With its Notification 121/2018 dated 24 August 2018, Office with Myanmar nationals tak- of the Union Election Commission had announced the ing internship and encouraged campaign period of 60 days from 6 a.m. 3 September them to focus on their studies 2018 to 12 midnight 1 November 2018 for the 3 November and to acquire more experience 2018 by-election. in the workplace so that they 2. To ensure a free, fair and peaceful election where the can build up confidence and constituents can vote freely, election speeches and cam- increase productivity. paigning are prohibited from 12 midnight 1 November Next, the Union Minister 2018 to the completion of the by-election on 3 November visited the Toyoda Gosei Group Union Minister U Thein Swe encourages trainees at the CTEC, KTEC 2018. TGAP Co. Ltd and observed the training schools in Nagoya, Japan on 24 October. PHOTO: MNA 3. Campaign posters and advertisements are to be removed production site of car parts and before midnight 1 November 2018. If the campaign post- met with the 13 Myanmar train- high school graduates and peo- and other centers. ers and advertisements are not removed by midnight 1 ees there. In the afternoon, the ple in the workplace, providing The Union Minister spoke November 2018, the township sub election commission Union Minister and his entou- advance technical training to about technical trainings pro- will coordinate with relevant city development commit- rage travelled to Chiba City and people working in the industri- vided in Myanmar, how his tee or township development committees to remove visited the Advanced Polytech- al, construction and electricity ministry cooperates with other the campaign posters and advertisements. The cost of nic Center, which is opened un- sectors, how the centre con- relevant ministries in providing removing the campaign posters and advertisements are der the Japanese Ministry of ducts research for small-scale training to different sectors, to be incurred by the relevant Hluttaw representative Health, Labour and Welfare. industrial businesses, provid- the technical schools and gov- candidate. In the center’s meeting ing capacity-building trainings ernment technical institutes hall, Director-General Mr. and support for curriculum de- opened by the Ministry of Ed- Chairman Takihara explained about the velopment, sending technical ucation and sending qualified Union Election Commission center’s focus on providing teaching experts, and cooper- individuals to technological training to the unemployed, ating with individual experts universities. —MNA

Local, foreign media visit Thet Kel Pyin Camp in Sittway

JOURNALISTS from local and Shimbun, MIR, Mizzima Week- international media groups ly, Channel 4 News, Swiss TV, arrived in Sittway Township MRTV, MITV and MNA. via Myanmar National Airline Since the incident in Oc- yesterday at noon. tober 2016, media groups have The media group met with been allowed access to Rakh- people living in Thet Kel Pyin ine State once in 2016, eight Camp and asked and gathered times in 2017, and seventeen news about the resettlement times in 2018, making a total programs, their living condi- of twenty-six visits. tion, education and health. The Committee for Im- Thet Kel Pyin Camp was plementation of the Rec- established in 2012 and cur- ommendations on Rakhine rently has 100 households and State has planned for con- about 6,000 people living there. ducting two guided media The media group includ- trips per month within 2018. Journalists interview local people at Thet Kel Pyin Camp in Sittway yesterday. PHOTO: AUNG YE THWIN ed journalists from Yomiuri —Aung Ye Thwin 27 OCTOBER 2018 27 OCTOBER 2018 8 OPINION THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR OPINION 9 Human rights Contributing to achieve food security and issue should not sustainable agricultural productivity be hijacked for By K Zin Thit (Mandalay University) HERE are several ba- to the data, there are a number sic needs such as food, of 16.6 million cows, 3.6 million political purposes clothing and shelter buffaloes, 8.8 million sheep and Disbursement of Agriculture and Rural Development which are of crucial goats, 319 million chickens and 29 JICA, Two Step Loan By Region/State T From (21-7-2017) to (30-9-2018) importance for the survival of hu- million ducks that were bred in HILE progress is being made toward resolving the man beings. Among them, food is the country. Accordingly, Myan- 9536.440 (Million of Kyat) complex problems in Rakhine State, the United Na- regarded as one of the indispen- mar is implementing a program 8231.090

tions Security Council briefing by the chair of the U.N. sible elements in our lives, thus to export one million cattle every 6045.345 Fact-finding Mission-FFM was held on 24 October. we should strive to produce food year, aiming to increase private W 3779.904 We said repeatedly earlier that we objected to the establishment in sufficient quantities in order to investment and competition in 2910.640 of the Fact Finding Mission because it is flawed, biased and politi- meet these needs. Among the 17 the livestock breeding sector. 2128.285 2384.410 1233.400 904.600 622.870 466.140 cally motivated from its genesis and its report only half heartedly Sustainable Development Goals 325.500 mentioned atrocities of the ARSA terrorist group. (SDGs) adopted by the United Other sectors The Union Government of Myanmar has resolutely rejected the Nations, goal 2 states that we With the creation of employ- International Criminal Court’s ruling because the Court’s decision should end hunger and all forms ment opportunities, cooperation is made on dubious legal grounds. of malnutrition around the world. is of vital importance to promote Disbursement of agriculture and rural development JICA, Two Step Loan by region and state total is In fact, our country is conducting its own investigation. Myan- agriculture and livestock breed- 38568.624 million of kyat . We are all duty bound to achieve Source : Myanma Agriculture Development Bank mar will never accept any calls to refer it to the Court because the food security and improve nutri- ing sectors aiming to face chal- Information Unit : Central Statistical Organization situation in Rakhine State in no way threatens international peace tion while promoting sustainable lenges and priority actions along and security. The accusation is absurd and groundless. The report agricultural productivity in the a path towards Zero Hunger by is full of prejudice, and totally unconstructive. country. Moreover we all know 2030, making sure all people – es- Sadly, we are witnessing the erosion of moral and institutional that goal 12 ensures sustainable pecially children – have easy ac- integrity of the United Nations as a result of the blatant attempt by consumption and production pat- cess to sufficient and nutritious some members of the Council to hijack the human rights issue for terns. As for nations and interna- food all year round. This involves their political purposes. tional organizations, efforts are promoting sustainable agricul- Myanmar Daily Weather Report UN should not get in- being made to go hand-in-hand tural practices: supporting small (Issued Friday 26 October 2018) History will judge volved in country-specific with strategies that can improve scale farmers and allowing equal SUMMARY OF OBSERVATIONS RECORDED AT 09:30 hrs human rights issues and and achieve the SDG goals. It is access to land, technology and MST: During the past (24)hours, weather has been partly cloudy you for what you the Security Council is not found that the Food and Agricul- markets. It also requires inter- in Sagaing Region and , rain or thundershowers have the appropriate place to ture Organization of the United ishment globally while the Asia Agricultural Sector in Myan- societies for seed production, fi- Livestock breeding national cooperation to ensure been widespread in Eastern Shan and Kayah states, fairly wide- said and what you discuss human rights is- Nations (FAO) is working with the Pacific region still has 490 million mar nancial support for agricultural Fisheries play a vital role investment in infrastructure and spread in Mandalay, Magway and Taninthayi regions, Southern sues. government and other interna- people who had to face the short- Although commodity prices sector, supply chain financing and in the culture and economy of technology to improve agricultur- Shan State, scattered in Nay Pyi Taw, Bago and Yangon regions, have done in the Myanmar has demon- tional communities to reach the comings of food security. The pro- such as vegetables and fruit have nurturing. Myanmar, and fish is second al productivity. Rakhine and Kayin states and isolated in the remaining regions strated her willingness and achievement of the sustainable jections show that feeding a world risen slightly in Myanmar, the and states with isolated heavy falls in . The Security Council. ability to address account- development goals. population in 2050 would require country is in a position to achieve noteworthy amount of rainfall recorded were Meiktila (1.66)inches, ability issues. Putting ac- raising overall food production by a balanced diet. Myanmar has Manaung (1.50)inches, (1.19) inches, Htilin (1.13)inches, The people of countability above all else World Food Day some 70 per cent. exported various types of beans Sinbyugyun (1.10)inches, Heho (0.91)inch and Pauk (0.87)inch. without regard to other World Food Day is celebrat- that have been fully sufficient for BAY INFERENCE: Weather is a few cloud over the North Myanmar, no one positive developments ed every year around the world Conditions in Myanmar the domestic market. Myanmar's Bay and partly cloudy to cloudy over the Andaman Sea and will only result in untoward on 16 October in honour of the According to the Demograph- beans and pulses constitute an elsewhere in the Bay of Bengal. else, will decide consequences. date of the founding of the FAO ic and Health Survey conducted in important sector for the country's FORECAST VALID UNTIL AFTERNOON OF 27 October 2018: Unilateral coercive of the United Nations. The day 2015-2016, anemia was found to be economic development. Myanmar Rain or thundershowers will be isolated in Lower Sagaing Region, their own destiny. measures without regard is widely celebrated by many prevalent in some 76.4 per cent of is self-sufficient in rice production scattered in Nay Pyi Taw, Mandalay, Magway, Bago, Yangon and to the objective situation in countries around the world. The children from 6 months to one year and the country, as a whole, is in Ayeyawady regions, Northern Shan, Chin, Rakhine, Kayin and Myanmar and imposition of politically motivated external pressure World Food Day's theme for 2018 old and 74.8 per cent of children surplus of rice and self-sufficiency Mon states, fairly widespread in Taninthayi Region, (Southern and will be detrimental to the existing good will and cooperation of the is "Our Actions are our Future: from one year to two years old, rate that is estimated to be about Eastern) Shan and Kayah states. Degree of certainty is (100%). Myanmar Government with the international community. A#Zeo Hunger world by 2030 is malnutrition was prevalent in 29.2 168 per cent. According to the rice Weather will be partly cloudy in the remaining regions and states. In dealing with the multi-faceted challenges facing our coun- possible" which focuses on the per cent of children aged under sufficiency data, it is found that STATE OF THE SEA: Sea will be moderate in Myanmar try as a nascent democracy, the Government of Myanmar places importance of good nutrition for five and seven per cent of children there are 66 per cent in Mandalay waters. Wave height will be about (4 - 7) feet off and along importance on working together with its regional and international a healthy nation. under five were wasted, 18.9 per Region, 98 per cent in Magway Myanmar Coasts. partners, including the United Nations, adopting a fair solution-seek- It is heartening to learn that cent of children were moderately Region and 66 per cent in Chin PHOTO: PHOE KHWAR OUTLOOK FOR SUBSEQUENT TWO DAYS: Likelihood of ing approach. the Ministry of Agriculture, Live- underweight and 16 per cent of State. Rice is the main staple food scattered to fairly widespread rain or thundershowers in Nay Pyi In his UN Day message on 24 October, President U Win Myint stock and Irrigation has made a children aged from six months of Myanmar and there are some Moreover nine new types only to rice in the Myanmar diet. Creating Opportunities Taw, Lower Sagaing, Mandalay and Magway regions, Shan, Chin reminded us that, “The value of the United Nations will be decided commitment to develop the so- to two years were receiving the 17.282 million acres of paddy fields of rice species have been nur- Fishery sector serves as a major The effectiveness of triple and Rakhine states. by how the organization and its member States utilize instruments cio-economic conditions of the Minimum Acceptable Diet _ MAD. that have been cultivated in the tured for generations by farmers source of protein of the people cooperation between the culti- at their disposal to promote peace, stability and harmony, and to country while exporting surplus That's why we should make con- 2017-2018 fiscal year. In this year, throughout the country, aiming to who largely consume rice and vators, business persons and mitigate harm and enmity. Objectivity, impartiality, professionalism, agricultural commodities. Every certed efforts to boost doubling rice production has amounted to promote Myanmar’s rice sector curry as staple food. Myanmar the government is of paramount respect for national sovereignty- these are some of the keys to the citizen is duty bound to take part agricultural productivity and live- 3.518 million metric tons which through the cultivation of high has exported over 570,000 metric importance to ensure invest- success of the United Nations’ mission”. in the process because the sec- stock breeding. In accordance with is the highest record in 70 years, quality rice that can enhance tons of fishery products, valued ment is put into infrastructure On the same day he made the speech, hate speeches and tors of agriculture and breeding of this year's theme of FAO, we ought thanks to good water utilization the living standards of the local at $ 711.717 million between 2017- that can improve the overall Call provocations began to come right into the conference rooms of the livestock have made great contri- to strive to work together for a fu- management, use of machinery farmers. The Ministry of Agricul- 2018 fiscal year, hitting a 20-year agricultural productivity in My- Thin Thin May, United Nations where we should all work together for peace and bution to the basic requirements ture that can ensure easy access to innovate agricultural modern- ture, Livestock and Irrigation has record high. In the sector of live- anmar. harmony and for tolerance. for us all. According to the data to safe, healthy and nutritious food ization, alternative Pest Control made efforts to support technical stock breeding, efforts are being 09251022355 History will judge you for what you said and what you have done conducted in 2015, it was estimated and to adopt a more sustainable Methods for Agricultural Use, assistances to cultivate rice, plant made to adopt advanced farm- Translated by in the Security Council. The people of Myanmar, no one else, will that about 795 million people were lifestyle that can change the world amendment of National Land oil, ground nuts, sesame, tea leaf, ing technologies to enhance the Win Ko Ko Aung 09974424848 decide their own destiny. suffering from chronic undernour- for the better. Use Law, increasing cooperative mango, rubber and coffee. fishery export sector. According 27 OCTOBER 2018 10 WORLD THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Ethiopia appoints Africa’s only female president

ADDIS ABAB (Ethiopia) — Ethi- “If the current change in opia on Thursday appointed a Ethiopia is headed equally by woman to the largely ceremonial both men and women, it can sus- position of president for the first tain its momentum and realise time, further increasing female a prosperous Ethiopia free of representation in the govern- religious, ethnic and gender dis- ment of Africa’s second most crimination,” Sahle-Work said populous nation. Thursday. In a unanimous vote, Ethi- Sahle-Work, who was born opian lawmakers picked career in the capital Addis Ababa and diplomat Sahle-Work Zewde, 68, attended university in France, to replace Mulatu Teshome who has been Ethiopia’s ambassador resigned in unclear circumstanc- to France, Djibouti, Senegal and es. the regional bloc, the Intergov- Ethiopia’s reformist Prime ernmental Authority on Devel- Minister Abiy Ahmed last week opment (IGAD). appointed a slimline 20-person Just prior to her appoint- cabinet in which half the posts ment as president she was the are held by women. UN’s top official at the African They include defence min- Union. She is fluent in English ister Aisha Mohammed and and French as well as Amharic, Muferiat Kamil who leads the Ethiopia’s main language. newly-created Ministry of Peace, As president she is expect- responsible for police and do- ed to serve two six-year terms. mestic intelligence agencies. —AFP

Khashoggi timeline: the diplomatic fallout. PHOTO: AFP Saudi says Turkish probe shows Khashoggi murder ‘premeditated’

RIYADH (Saudi Arabia) — Saudi After first insisting Khashog- eign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu Arabia said Thursday the mur- gi left the consulate unharmed, said Riyadh still needed to provide der of journalist Jamal Khashoggi Saudi authorities said he was answers to remaining questions, Career diplomat Sahle-Work Zewde has been Ethiopia’s ambassador to appeared to have been premedi- killed in an argument that degen- such as who ordered the hit and France, Djibouti, Senegal and the regional bloc, the Intergovernmental tated, based on information from erated into a brawl before finally what happened to Khashoggi’s Authority on Development (IGAD). PHOTO: AFP Turkey, backing away from an accepting what Turkey had said body. “Where is (the body)? You earlier claim that he was killed virtually from the start -- that he admit they did it, but why are they in a brawl. was killed in a premeditated hit. not saying (where)?” Cavusoglu Africa’s largest train-making It was the latest twist in the “Information from the Turk- said at a press conference in An- shifting official narrative of the ish authorities indicates that kara. plant opens in Johannesburg October 2 killing inside the king- the act of the suspects in the “His family also wants to dom’s consulate in Istanbul, which Khashoggi case was premeditat- know and pay their final tribute.” JOHANNESBURG (South Afri- into a recession, and Ramapho- US President Donald Trump has ed,” the office of public prosecutor ca) — South Africa’s President sa hailed the new investment in derided as “one of the worst cov- Sheikh Saud al-Mojeb said in a Slow drip of admissions Cyril Ramaphosa on Thursday trains. er-ups” in history. statement carried by the state-run The slow drip of Saudi admis- unveiled the continent’s largest “This investment here signi- Saudi Arabia has sought to Saudi Press Agency. sions cast a pall over a showcase train manufacturing plant, a joint fies a new era in the modernisa- draw a line under the crisis, and “The public prosecution three-day investment forum that venture between the national rail tion of modern rail network,” he a rights group said Thursday that continues its investigation with ended on Thursday, with organis- firm and French transport group said as he formally inaugurated authorities had allowed Khashog- suspects... to complete the course ers putting a brave face on the ar- Alstom. the plant. gi’s eldest son Salah and his family of justice. ray of no-shows among big-name The factory is a part of a “Our railways must become to leave the country after lifting Khashoggi was the victim guests. The Saudi energy minis- 51-billion-rand ($3.5 billion, 3.1 the arteries of a growing economy a travel ban. But the kingdom of an “extrajudicial execution” ter said foreign companies which billion-euro) deal between Alstom that brings meaningful improve- still faces mounting pressure committed by the Saudi state, boycotted the Future Investment and the Passenger Rail Agency of ment in people’s lives.” from sceptical world powers de- UN expert Agnes Callamard said Forum (FII) had “apologised” and South Africa (PRASA) to produce The president said the plant manding answers and to know the Thursday, calling for an interna- vowed to restore normal relations. a fleet of 580 six-car suburban was a “major boost to our manu- whereabouts of Khashoggi’s body. tional investigation. “Some companies ab- trains. facturing capacity as a country.” The Saudi public prosecutor Separately, CIA Director stained from the conference The first train from the Gi- “Manufacturing... is the real said he was making the latest Gina Haspel briefed Trump on due to political pressure as a bela plant in Dunnottar, east of engine of economic growth.” assessment on the basis of evi- the latest developments in the result of an odious campaign Johannesburg, is scheduled to When fully operational, the dence supplied by Turkey, which investigation of the killing after directed from outside the king- roll off the test track by the end of plant is expected to employ 1,500 has been the source of a series of a fact-finding mission to Turkey. dom which has failed,” Khalid this year. South Africa’s economy people. At least 56 trains are to grisly revelations about the gov- As the new Saudi admission al-Falih told state-run Al-Ekh- has in recent years suffered low be built over the next two years. ernment critic’s death. came on Thursday, Turkish For- bariya news channel. —AFP growth rates and this year slipped —AFP 27 0CTOBER 2018 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR WORLD 11 De Niro, Biden bring bomb alerts to 10, manhunt intensifies

NEW YORK — Hollywood me- So far, no one has been hurt, gastar Robert De Niro and for- but the attempted bomb-spree mer US vice president Joe Biden has frayed nerves and raised were the latest targets in a spree tensions. of 10 devices and pipe bombs sent On Thursday evening, New to opponents of Donald Trump, York police sent the bomb squad but a nationwide manhunt re- to investigate two unattended vealed no major public leads packages at the Time Warner Thursday. Center, where CNN’s New York Hundreds of officers from bureau was evacuated a day ear- the FBI, US Secret Service and lier after a pipe bomb was found dozens of other agencies are in the mail room. searching round the clock for Police later issued an all the culprit or culprits behind the clear and said the mall was be- 10 suspect packages that politi- ing re-opened. cians on all sides have branded In Miami, also late Thursday, “terrorism.” police sent a bomb squad to a US Since Monday, crude, home- Postal Service facility to assist made bombs and other suspect- federal agents “as part of the on- ed explosive devices have been going investigation into suspi- addressed to Barack Obama, cious packages” found elsewhere, Hillary Clinton, CNN, liberal bil- the Miami-Dade Police said on lionaire donor George Soros and Twitter. other figures loathed by US Presi- US media report that at least dent Donald Trump’s supporters. some of the packages have been Packages have been inter- sent from Florida. cepted in New York, Maryland, “We will identify and arrest Florida, Delaware and Los An- the person or people responsible geles. for these acts. Make no mistake,” Pipe bombs threats in the US. PHOTO: AFP “It does remain possible New York police chief James that further packages could or O’Neill told a news conference, Early Thursday a retired in New York. es were addressed to Obama’s have been mailed,” assistant FBI refusing to divulge any leads in- police detective called the bomb The 75-year-old star used former vice president, Joe Bid- director William Sweeney said, vestigators may have. squad to remove a suspected an expletive to condemn Trump en, often rumored as a potential confirming that “some” packages “It’s an ongoing thing. We are explosive device sent to double at the televised Tony Awards Democratic presidential candi- had been sent through the US discovering things by the hour,” Oscar-winner De Niro at his last June, receiving a standing date for 2020, in Delaware, the postal system. he added. Tribeca Productions company ovation. Two additional packag- FBI confirmed. — AFP

Spain Supreme Court orders trial of former Catalan leaders

MADRID (Spain) — Spain’s Supreme Court on Thursday or- dered 18 former Catalan leaders to stand trial over their role in last year’s declaration of independ- ence. The trial is expected to start in early 2019 and will likely re- vive tensions between Catalonia and Spain’s central government, which have eased since new so- Sentsov is serving a 20-year term over an alleged arson plot in Crimea, cialist Prime Minister Pedro which Russia annexed from Ukraine in 2014. PHOTO:AFP Sanchez came to power in June. EU prize awarded to Ukraine’s The court said nine of the jailed former leaders including Protesters marched in Barcelona last month demanding the release of Oriol Junqueras who faces charges of rebellion along with eight other Catalonia’s ex-vice president Ori- Sentsov in slap to Russia Catalan separatist leaders. PHOTO: AFP ol Junqueras should be tried for STRASBOURG (France) — The slammed the award as “an ab- rebellion, which carries a prison drid beat voters with batons and lan parliament, Carme Forcadell. European Parliament on Thurs- solutely politicised” move. sentence of up to 25 years. fired rubber bullets. The leaders of two powerful day awarded the Sakharov hu- In announcing the prize, Eu- But the region’s former pres- The move triggered Spain’s grassroots separatist groups, man rights prize to Ukrainian ropean Parliament President An- ident Carles Puigdemont -- who is worst political crisis since the Jordi Sanchez of the Catalan Oleg Sentsov and called for Rus- tonio Tajani said Sentsov’s case also accused of rebellion over his return to democracy following National Assembly (ANC), and sia to free the filmmaker, jailed reminded the assembly it has role in the separatist drive and is the death of long-time dictator Jordi Cuixart of Omnium Cul- after opposing the annexation of a duty to defend human rights in self-imposed exile in Belgium Francisco Franco in 1975. tural, were also ordered to stand his native Crimea. everywhere. “Through his cour- — is not among the group be- trial for rebellion. In bestowing the honour, age and determination, by putting cause Spain does not allow trials Embezzlement, disobedi- Amnesty International ear- the European Union’s elected his life in danger, the filmmaker in absentia. Catalonia’s parlia- ence lier this month called for the re- assembly took Russian President Oleg Sentsov has become a sym- ment declared independence on Apart from Junqueras, the lease of the two men who have Vladimir Putin again to task over bol of the struggle for the release October 27 last year following a court ordered five other mem- been in jail since October 2017, what it sees as his illegal occupa- of political prisoners held in Rus- banned secession referendum bers of the Catalan government saying their continued detention tion of Ukraine. sia and around the world,” Tajani that was marred by violence as to stand trial for rebellion, along was “excessive and dispropor- Russia’s foreign ministry said. — AFP national police sent in from Ma- with the ex-president of the Cata- tionate”. — AFP 27 OCTOBER 2018 12 REGIONAL THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR

2 Koreas hold military talks to check progress in easing tensions

SEOUL — High-level talks be- leading the North’s side, accord- tween the militaries of North ing to the ministry. and South Korea are under Under a military agreement way Friday to check progress signed at the summit, the two in implementing measures sides are to disarm the Joint Se- aimed at easing military ten- curity Area at Panmunjeom and sions, as agreed to at last remove some guard posts within month’s inter-Korean sum- the Demilitarized Zone dividing mit, according to the South’s the Koreas. Defense Ministry. Besides evaluating inter- The general-level meeting im progress in carrying out the began at 10 a.m. at the northern measures, the two delegations side of the border village of Pan- will also discuss what will be munjeom, with Maj. Gen. Kim Do enforced in the future, Kim told Gyun representing the South’s reporters before departing for the delegation and Lt. Gen. An Ik San meeting venue. — Kyodo News

Ties between Beijing and Tokyo have rapidly warmed as Trump has slapped massive tariffs on China while also targeting Japanese exports in his effort to cut US trade deficits. PHOTO: AFP Japan PM Abe welcomed near Tiananmen Square in rare China visit

BEIJING (China) — Japan’s nology and corporate know- promote regional peace” and Lt. Gen. An Ik San (l) of North Korea and Maj. Gen. Kim Do Gyun of South Shinzo Abe inspected troops how. “safeguard multilateralism Korea shake hands ahead of inter-Korea military talks in Panmunjeom on off Beijing’s Tiananmen “Though the US is quite an and free trade,” according to 26 October 2018. PHOTO: KYODO Square Friday during a rare influential factor in China-Ja- state broadcaster CCTV. visit to China as ties further pan ties, the effect is limited,” For his part, Abe said: improve and the two countries China’s nationalistic Global “Japan and China play an ir- Philippines reopens Boracay face trade challenges from US Times said in an editorial. replaceable role in the eco- President Donald Trump. “If Beijing and Tokyo in- nomic development of Asia and Island after 6-month clean-up Premier Li Keqiang greet- tend to plan their future bi- even the world” and both sides ed Abe as Japan’s flag flew lateral relationship based on should work together to “pro- BORACAY ISLAND (Philippines) 61, echoed Rolland’s thoughts. outside the opulent Great Hall Washington’s attitude, they will mote world peace and prosper- — The Philippines on Friday reo- “Less crowded, more controlled of the People across from Ti- only get lost,” the state-run ity”, according to CCTV. pened its globally popular beach (activities of tourists), and clean- ananmen Square, and they re- daily said. destination of Boracay Island to er beach,” are his expectations, viewed an honour guard before Territorial disputes tourists after a six-month closure he said. going inside for talks. ‘Safeguard free trade’ Before heading to Bei- to address environmental prob- The 1,060-hectare island, Relations between Asia’s Abe and Xi are likely to jing, Abe said he would also lems. located some 310 kilometers two biggest economies have focus on a range of potential discuss North Korea and ter- “I feel happy. I think many south of the capital Manila, improved in recent years after deals, including joint invest- ritorial frictions — calling to people are here,” Manila resident has been hailed as having one they sunk to new lows in 2012 ments in infrastructure in make “the East China Sea a Jennifer Aguilera, 28, told Kyodo of the greatest beaches in the when Tokyo “nationalised” regional nations including In- sea of peace, friendship and News upon stepping ashore the world. It was ordered closed by disputed islands claimed by donesia and the Philippines. cooperation.” island from a ferry, joining a party President Rodrigo Duterte after Beijing. The last official visit to Just days before Abe’s of 10 returning visitors. describing it as a “cesspool” of The relationship has rap- Beijing by a Japanese prime trip, Tokyo lodged an official French tourist Pierre Rol- water pollution. idly warmed up as Trump has minister was in 2011. complaint after Chinese ships land, 31, who arrived on the island The bold decision was slapped massive tariffs on Chi- Since an awkward 2014 en- cruised around the disputed with his Filipino girlfriend, said he implemented despite the ex- na while also targeting Japa- counter between Abe and Xi islands that Tokyo calls the expected to see a “cleaner” Bo- pected economic loss and the nese exports in his effort to cut on the sidelines of a summit, Senkaku and Beijing labels the racay after undergoing “rehabil- direct impact on tens of thou- US trade deficits, despite tout- there have been ministerial Diaoyu islands. itation” since its April 26 closure. sands of workers and local res- ing his personal bonds with visits by both sides and a sof- China has long denounced German tourist Josef Fuchs, idents. — Kyodo News Abe and Chinese President Xi tening of rhetoric. Li visited Japan for what it says is an Jinping. Tokyo in May. insufficiently contrite attitude Abe and Xi are expected Abe’s three-day trip, which towards its role in World War to discuss how to boost eco- began Thursday, sets up the II. nomic cooperation between possibility that Xi will visit Ja- But ahead of the trip, Bei- the world’s second and third pan next year. jing has taken a more cordial largest economies when they Abe and Li already met stance than it has in the past. meet later Friday. on Thursday during a recep- Japanese media have re- Abe brought along dele- tion to celebrate the signing ported Abe is hoping the visit gates from 500 Japanese com- of the treaty that put Japanese will produce a soft power win panies, which are eager for and Chinese relations back on in the form of some panda di- increased access to China’s track after World War II. plomacy, with zoos in Sendai massive market, while Beijing At the event, Li called and Kobe apparently angling Tourists walk on a pier after arriving in Boracay Island on 26 October is interested in Japanese tech- for the countries to “jointly for new additions. —AFP 2018. PHOTO: KYODO 27 OCTOBER 2018 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR ENVIRONMENT 13 ‘Big dry’ drags on as Australia sets up drought-proof fund

SYDNEY (Australia) — ience and water projects ral communities. Focusing that in the east, home to im- Australia is setting up a bil- in the coming decade. on relief, but also on recov- portant areas for livestock lion-dollar fund to “future “(It) means we bet- ery, build resilience into the and crops, rainfall was 40 proof” the country against ter future-proof against future.” The government’s percent lower than the 20- droughts, Prime Minister drought over the next 10 Australian Bureau of Ag- year average. Even so, farm Scott Morrison said Friday, years and beyond,” Morri- ricultural and Resource incomes were less likely to as farmers struggle with son told commercial broad- Economics (ABARES) plunge as significantly as The corn crop affected by drought in Usulutan, southeast of a ‘big dry’ forecast set to caster Channel Nine ahead said at the summit that in previous drought peri- San Salvador in July, 2018. PHOTO: AFP continue for months. of a summit with agricul- the drought, while severe, ods amid “more favourable Eastern Australia tural leaders to discuss the covered a smaller area economic circumstances has been hit by a crippling drought. compared to a previous and other factors” such as Climate change drought — in some areas “We are doing a lot to extreme dry in 2002-03. improved productivity, AB- for several years — that back the farmers in the ru- But the bureau added ARES said. —AFP swelling Central has forced graziers to hand-feed their stock, sell American migration to them or even shoot them dead to stay afloat. US: experts The unfolding crisis has sparked a raft of sup- PANAMA CITY — Deep- the triggers of migration,” port measures from the ening climate change will they said in a statement. government, including swell Central American “All countries have a Aus$1.8 billion (US$1.3 migration to the United problem — that if you do billion) in financial aid for States, the region’s envi- not have food security or farmers and local commu- ronment ministers and the means to survive, it nities launched in August. experts warned Tuesday causes migration — and Morrison said a new as a caravan of mostly Hon- all Central American coun- fund with a kitty of Aus$3.9 duran migrants trekked tries are suffering,” said billion would be established Eastern Australia has been hit by a crippling drought that has forced graziers to hand-feed towards the US border in Elvin Rodas, Honduras’ to pay for drought resil- their stock, sell them or even shoot them dead to stay afloat. PHOTO: AFP defiance of President Don- deputy environment min- ald Trump. ister. “The next migrants “Independently of CLAIM’S DAY NOTICE CLAIM’S DAY NOTICE are going to be climate the caravan, the effects of M.V LE HE M.V AS FIONA VOY. NO. (001W/E) migrants,” El Salvador’s climate change cause mi- Consignees of cargo carried on M.V LE HE are hereby Consignees of cargo carried on M.V AS FIONA Environment and Natural grations, because you do notified that the vessel will be arriving on 26-10-2018 and VOY. NO. (001W/E) are hereby notified that the Resources Minister Lina not have sustainability in cargo will be discharged into the premises of M.I.T.T-4 vessel will be arriving on 27-10-2018 and cargo will Pohl told reporters on the the place where you were where it will lie at the consignee’s risk and expenses be discharged into the premises of M.I.T.T/A.I.P.T where it will lie at the consignee’s risk and expenses sidelines of a conference in born,” said Rodas. and subject to the byelaws and conditions of the Port and subject to the byelaws and conditions of the Port Panama. of Yangon. of Yangon. Delegates heard cli- Droughts and Rains Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am to Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am mate change had caused The Central Amer- 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now de- clared as the third day after final discharge of cargo from to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now prolonged periods of ican dry corridor, which declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo the Vessel. drought and rain in the re- runs through Guatemala, from the Vessel. No claims against this vessel will be admitted after gion, damaging or destroy- Honduras and El Salvador, No claims against this vessel will be admitted after the Claims Day. ing the crops of poorer sub- was hit by one of the worst the Claims Day. SHIPPING AGENCY DEPARTMENT sistence farmers who are droughts in a decade in SHIPPING AGENCY DEPARTMENT MYANMA PORT AUTHORITY often forced to leave with 2016. That left 3.5 million MYANMA PORT AUTHORITY AGENT FOR: M/S COSCO SHIPPING their families to search for people needing humanitar- AGENT FOR: M/S REGIONAL CONTAINER SPECIALIZED CARRIERS CO., LTD. new opportunities. ian assistance, according to LINES Phone No: 2301928 “Central America the UN Food and Agricul- Phone No: 2301185 has had recurrent losses ture Organization. in agriculture, with popu- In Guatemala, this lations increasingly faced year alone, more than CLAIM’S DAY NOTICE CLAIM’S DAY NOTICE with fewer opportunities 100,000 families had been M.V VINALINES SUN RISE V. 18131 M.V AMFITRITI for work and development,” affected by the loss of the Consignees of cargo carried on M.V VINALINES Consignees of cargo carried on M.V AMFITRITI Pohl said. corn and bean crops due SUN RISE V0Y NO. 18131 are hereby notified that VOY. NO. (-) are hereby notified that the vessel Five Central American to climate variability, said the vessel will be arriving on 27-10-2018 and cargo will be arriving on 29-10-2018 and cargo will be countries — Honduras, Guatemala’s minister Al- will be discharged into the premises of M.I.P.L where discharged into the premises of M.I.T.T-5 where Nicaragua, Guatemala, El fonso Alonzo. it will lie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and it will lie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and Salvador and the Domini- Change in tempera- subject to the byelaws and conditions of the Port subject to the byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon. can Republic — are among tures, prolonged drought of Yangon. Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am the world’s 15 most vulner- and intensified rainfall Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now able states in the face of mean that millions of Cen- declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo extreme climate change tral American farmers who from the Vessel. from the Vessel. events, ministers at the subsist on basic grains can No claims against this vessel will be admitted after No claims against this vessel will be admitted after meeting of the Central see their crops wiped out. the Claims Day. the Claims Day. American Commission for “Climate change has SHIPPING AGENCY DEPARTMENT Environment and Develop- no ideology, it has victims MYANMA PORT AUTHORITY SHIPPING AGENCY DEPARTMENT ment said. and we are seeing these AGENT FOR: M/S GLOBAL MARS SHIPPING MYANMA PORT AUTHORITY “The impacts of cli- victims suffering every & LOGISTICS SERVICE CO., LTD. AGENT FOR: M/S CA SHIPPING PTE, LTD. Phone No: 2301928 mate change are part of day,” said Alonzo. —AFP Phone No: 2301928 27 OCTOBER 2018 14 SOCIAL THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Poor Ivory Coast pupils’ ray of hope: solar backpacks

ALLEPILLA (Ivory Coast) — The Ivorian government has The equatorial sun has been up set a target of ensuring electricity for about an hour as a gaggle of to 80 percent of the country. children set off from the Ivorian “These rural children are village of Allepilla on their hour- poor. They use rice sacks or long trek to school. plastic bags to take their things Back home in the evening, to school,” Akoumian said. “The eight-year-old Marie-France idea was to kill two birds with one Amoandji Ngbessoo does her stone: give them a backpack with homework by the light of her a light to go with it.” backpack’s LED — captured by The entrepreneur stressed solar panels on her way to and that the solar backpacks belong from school. to the children: “So Dad or Mum The first phase of the project will see participating physicians prescribe up to 50 visits to the MMFA during The light can run for three can’t come and take the light from treatment, each pass valid for up to two adults and two minors. PHOTO: AFP hours. With insects flitting over- them... to use while they are cook- head, Marie-France points to the ing or doing housework.” Canadian doctors to start prescribing pictures in her textbook, identify- Sales are brisk and have ing them: “Orange, plane...” reached 55,000. Akoumian’s com- museum visits Allepilla, some 100 kilo- pany Solarpak already sells the metres (60 miles) north of the backpacks in Gabon, Madagascar MONTREAL (Canada) — A to 50 visits to the MMFA during The pilot program will allow West African country’s economic and Burkina Faso, as well as to group of Canadian doctors are treatment, each pass valid for organizers to gather data and to begin prescribing trips to an up to two adults and two minors. analyze results, allowing for the art gallery to help patients suffer- So far 100 doctors have en- development of protocol for iden- ing a range of ailments become a rolled to take part over the course tifying patients. picture of health. of a year, Nicole Parent, head of Parent said she hopes other A partnership between the the MFdC, told AFP Thursday. museums in Canada will follow Francophone Association of Doc- The numbers offer proof the lead of the MMFA, which tors in Canada (MFdC) and the that doctors have “a sensitivi- since 2016 has cultivated exper- Montreal Museum of Fine Arts ty and openness to alternative tise in art therapy for people with (MMFA) will allow patients suf- approaches if you want” Parent a variety of health ailments. fering from a number of physical said, citing scientifically proven “I am convinced that in the and mental health issues, along benefits of art on health. 21st century, culture will be what with their loved ones, to take in The benefits are similar to physical activity was for health in the benefits of art on health with those patients can get from phys- the 20th century,” said MMFA di- free visits. The pilot project is un- ical activity, prompting the secre- rector Nathalie Bondil in a state- “These rural children are poor. They use rice sacks or plastic bags to take their things to school,” Akoumian said. “The idea was to kill two birds with one precedented globally, according tion of a similar level of feel-good ment. “Cultural experiences will stone: give them a backpack with a light to go with it”. PHOTO: AFP to its organizer. hormones, and can help with benefit health and wellness, just The project will see partic- everything from chronic pain to as engaging in sports contributes capital Abidjan, is a rural commu- charities in France and Germany. ipating physicians prescribe up depression, stress and anxiety. to fitness,” she said. —AFP nity centred on cocoa and coffee Striving to keep up with de- production. mand, Akoumian seeking aid or A single pump supplies wa- loans so that he can set up an ter to the village of around 400 in- assembly plant in Abidjan and Highlights of China Fashion Week S/S 2019 in Beijing habitants including 150 children, boost production. and, as is the case for thousands of villages and hamlets across the ‘Better marks’ country — there is no electricity. “It may seem cheap, but Instead, oil-burning storm these are large sums that the lanterns and battery-powered villagers don’t have,” said Anna torches are the only sources of Corinne Menet Ezinlin, head of light. Ywo Zone. “Here in this village An Ivorian charity that pro- some people can’t afford the motes education for rural girls, school fees or even notebooks. Yiwo Zone, has raised funds to Usually school is free, but there provide the backpacks -- which are always registration fees or cost 13,000 CFA francs (20 euros, (other) payments.” Last year, $23) apiece -- to schoolchildren Marie-France’s 13-year-old sister across Africa. Lucienne could not attend school Computer salesman Evar- at all because their mother was iste Akoumian had the idea for off work with an illness. the solar backpack in 2015 when “It’s hard for the children,” his car broke down as night was said village chief Jean-Baptiste falling near Soubre, in the south- Kotchi Okoma, whose seven- west of the country. year-old daughter Nethania re- “At the same time, chil- ceived a solar backpack. “There’s dren were returning home from not enough money here.” school,” he recalls. “I said to my- He added: “I hope their self, ‘We must give them light so marks will be better. Children Models present fashion creations designed by Zhang Zhifeng during the China Fashion Week they can study. It’s not normal are disadvantaged here. With S/S 2019 in Beijing, capital of China, 25 October, 2018. About 150 designers from home and abroad will hold 96 shows at the nine-day fashion week. PHOTO: XINHUA for rural children to be unable the backpack, I hope they will all to do so.” progress.” —AFP 27 OCTOBER 2018 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 15 Exercises may improve memory through a bone hormone

tein levels decline with age, both in mice and in people. When they artificially in- creased RbAp48 in the dentate gyrus of aging mice, the animals’ memories improved, according to Kandel. Then, the research- ers found osteocalcin had a pos- PHOTO: AFP itive effect on memory. In the new study, osteocalcin has been linked to RbAp48, showing that Amazon quarterly profit the key driver of the memory im- provements lay in the interplay rockets tenfold to $2.9 bn between these molecules. In a series of molecular and SAN FRANCISCO (United advocate for a higher minimum Exercises may improve memory through a bone hormone. behavioral experiments, the team States) — Amazon reported wage nationwide. PHOTO: XINHUA found that RbAp48 controls the Thursday that its profit in the re- The raise will apply to expression levels of two other pro- cently-ended quarter rocketed to 250,000 employees and to the WASHINGTON — American re- shown how osteocalcin interacts teins regulated from osteocalcin. $2.9 billion in a ten-fold increase more than 100,000 seasonal work- searchers revealed how a bone with key proteins in the brain If RbAp48 function is inhibit- from the same period last year. ers the company expects to hire hormone reversed memory to boost memory,” said Eric R. ed, osteocalcin infusions have no Net sales at the e-commerce for the holiday shopping season, loss in the aging brain in mice, Kandel, Professor of Brain Sci- effect on the animals’ memory. colossus climbed to $56.6 billion it said. lending new insights into how ence at Columbia University. For Osteocalcin needs RbAp48 to kick in the third quarter, a 29 percent Bezos said the company — exercise could positively affect many years, memory loss was start the process. increase from the $43.7 in sales valued at nearly $1 trillion — was the brain. treated as a singular disorder, These findings also provide reported in the third quarter in heeding complaints about its pay The study published on Tues- but now scientists realized that further evidence in favor of what 2017. structure. day in the journal Cell Reports Alzheimer’s disease begins in may be the best way to stave off, However, analysts had ex- showed that the naturally occur- a part of the brain called the or even treat, age-related memo- pected an even stronger perfor- Rivals ramping up ring hormone called osteocalcin entorhinal cortex, which lies ry loss in people: exercise. mance by Amazon, prompting Amazon has become an worked with a protein to keep the at the foot of the hippocampus Studies in mice showed that shares to sink 8.8 percent to increasingly diverse compa- memory. while the age-related memory moderate exercise, such as walk- $1,642.97 in after market trades ny since its start as an online It stands to spur further in- loss, a far more common mem- ing, triggers the release of osteo- that followed release of the earn- book seller nearly 15 years ago, vestigations into the molecular ory disorder, began within the calcin in the body. ings figures. expanding to grocery stores, machinery that underlies memo- hippocampus itself, in a region The researchers suggested The Seattle-based company streaming television, cloud ser- ry and how that machinery can be called the dentate gyrus. that, over time, osteocalcin may touted the growing popularity vices and more. manipulated to improve it. Kandel’s team identified make its way to the brain, where of Amazon Business, a service The company’s stellar “We are not only building a deficiency in a protein called it encounters RbAp48. Eventu- tailored as a source of all kinds growth apparently ramped up a detailed understanding of RbAp48 protein, a significant con- ally, this could have a long-term, of equipment and supplies for Wall Street expectations, with in- how age-related memory loss tributor to age-related memory positive effect on memory and the companies. vestors guessing Amazon would originates in the brain, we’ve loss but not Alzheimer’s. The pro- brain. — Xinhua “Amazon Business has now perform well and then selling off reached a $10 billion annual sales shares to pocket profits on the run rate and is serving millions of bet, according to independent Soyuz carrier rocket with spacecraft private and public-sector organ- analyst Rob Enderle of Enderle izations in eight countries,” Am- Group. launched from Plesetsk spaceport azon founder and chief executive “Those kinds of earnings Jeff Bezos said in a statement should have had everyone ec- released with the earnings. static,” Enderle said. MOSCOW — Soyuz-2.1b carrier “And we’re not slowing down “I think we will find people rocket with spacecraft has been — Amazon Business is adding will be more aggressive taking launched by the Russian Aero- customers rapidly, including profit and locking in what they’ve space Defense Forces at 3:15am large educational institutions, earned because of uncertainty Moscow time from the Plesetsk local governments and more surrounding what the US admin- spaceport, the Russian Defense than half of the Fortune 100.” istration might do next.” Ministry’s press service said. Meanwhile, operating in- Increasing a company bot- “The Soyuz-2.1b rocket come from the Amazon Web tom line ten-fold is a good sign, launch was supervised by Com- Service cloud platform climbed and while Amazon’s increasing mander of the Space Forces, to $2.1 billion, nearly double that diversity makes it tougher for in- Deputy Commander of the Aer- in the same quarter last year. vestors to measure it also makes ospace Defense Forces Gen. Col. Amazon — which offers on- it more able to shrug off down- Alexander Golovko, who arrived line shoppers a combination of turns in any one of its businesses, to the spaceport to oversee ease, speedy delivery and choice according to Enderle. preparations and launch of the This is the third launch of the Soyuz-2 carrier rocket from the Plesetsk that few can match — has faced “As they move into more spacecraft,” the press service spaceport in 2018. PHOTO: TASS criticism of its labor practices, things, they will be better able to said. including grueling working con- survive trouble,” Enderle said of According to the defense rocket. Trials of the Soyuz-2 carrier ditions and lack of job security. Amazon. GlobalData Retail man- ministry, all pre-lauch operations This is the third launch of the rocket started on 8 November It recently announced that aging director Neil Saunders said were completed in the routine Soyuz-2 carrier rocket from the 2004. Over the last 14 years, 34 effective November 1 its starting that while Amazon had enviable regime. The ground automat- Plesetsk spaceport in 2018. The Soyuz-2 carrier rockets of 1a, wage for US workers will be $15 numbers, its net sales growth ed control complex oversaw the latest launch was completed on 1b and 1v modernizations were an hour, amid long-standing criti- showed the weakest growth in launch and flight of the carrier June 17. launched. — Tass cism of low pay, and that it would a year. —AFP 27 OCTOBER 2018 16 SPORT THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Aung La N Sang thwarts former undefeated Myanmar defeated by Laos Karaki, defends middleweight title 4-3 in AFC U-19 Women’s Championship qualifier MYANMAR’S greatest sporting hero ONE middleweight and light heavyweight champion Aung La MYANMAR was defeated by active players. N Sang successfully defended Laos 4-3 in the first qualifying Myanmar earned the his ONE Championship middle- round of AFC U-19 Women’s opening goal early on at the weight title by beating Lebanon’s Championship 2019 Qualifi- 9-minute mark with a quick previously undefeated fighter Mo- ers at Thuwunna Stadium in score by striker San Thaw hammad “O Lutador” Karaki, at Yangon yesterday. Thaw, whose strong kick the ONE: Pursuit of Greatness, Myanmar lined up with could not be blocked by the last night, at Thuwunna Indoor goalkeeper Zu Latt Nadi, Laos goalkeeper. Stadium in Yangon, Myanmar. defenders Hnin Mya Thazin, The goal forced Laos to A technically sound fighter, Naw Htet Htet Wai, Zun Yu Ya play hard for their equalizer Aung La N Sang really saved Oo, Kyi Pyar Lin, midfielders with open attacks. the day for the Myanmar crowd Bawel Lyan Kane, Thander Laos scored an equalizer within the three minutes period. Win, May Phu Ko and Moe by Apahatsala at 29 minute. Even in the start, Aung La Moe Than and strikers San The first half ended with assaulted and dropped Karaki Aung La N Sang celebrates after beating Mohammad Karaki at Thuwunna Thaw Thaw and Nwe Ni Win. 1-1. with his continuous punches. Indoor Stadium in Yangon yesterday. PHOTO: SEIN LWIN AUNG The Myanmar team was In the second half, Lao Karaki somehow managed led by its Head Coach Daw were apparently better and to get back on his feet, but “The Thet Thet Win. scored their winning goals at Burmese Python” knocked Kara- Aung La said after the victory. Subba quieted the Myanmar Both teams played en- the 58 and 81 minute marks. ki down a second time and forced “I’m gonna keep getting better crowd with a win over Phoe Thaw, ergetically from the kick off. The consolation goal for the referee to stop the bout at the and guarantee I’m gonna put on the unbeaten local fighter, with The battle was a good Myanmar was scored by San 2:21 minute-mark. better shows.” a guillotine choke.—Lynn Thit one, with back-and-forth ef- Thaw Thaw at 90 minute.— “This is just the beginning,” In the co-main event, Keanu (Tgi) forts used by the young and Lynn Thit (Tgi)

Vonn targets Stenmark’s mythical 86-win tally on World Cup bow

SÖLDEN (Austria) — Alpine set by Swedish legend Ingemar despite the increasing threat (FIS), to participate in a men’s experienced, disaster can strike legend Lindsey Vonn knows her Stenmark. of compatriot Mikaela Shiffrin, World Cup race. To no avail. She any time. Italian Sofia Goggia, impending retirement will come Only four wins short of few will be betting against the added: “I still have one more the Olympic downhill champi- gift-wrapped with the knowledge Stenmark’s record, Vonn is ad- four-time World Cup champion season left and while I will take on, was ruled out until at least she is already the most success- amant she will retire in March reaching her target during the it all in and enjoy this year, I will January after suffering an ankle ful women’s skier in history. 2019 even if she fails in her bid season which opens Saturday also race with the same intensity injury while training last week. But the 34-year-old Ameri- to beat Stenmark’s tally. with a giant slalom in Soelden, and focus that I always have.” And the American will also can intends on making her final Giv- en her success Austria. “I know I’ll get asked have to contend with the skier World Cup season one for the over the about Swedish skier Ingemar Metal plates expected to take up her mantle, history books as she targets the years Stenmark’s record of 86 World Barring the kind of injuries compatriot Shiffrin. landmark of 86 victories on the and Cup wins, and that I never got to that have seen Vonn go under The 23-year-old ace has won circuit race against men, but I still am the knife for two ACL (anterior the last two World Cup titles and, going to work hard to make both cruciate ligament) reconstruc- with 43 World Cup wins to her possible,” Vonn said in a Sports tions, multiple knee repairs and name, mostly in the technical Illustrated article. enduring the insertion of metal events of the slalom, she looks The American, who plates and screws all over her destined to follow in Vonn’s foot- will miss the Soelden body, recent form suggests Sten- steps having won her first World race, is so dominant on mark’s record is not beyond her. Cup downhill, at Lake Louise, the women’s scene that Last season she won five last year. With the media glare she has repeatedly asked the World Cup races and although on Vonn, for Marcel Hirscher it sport’s governing body, the In- set to begin her season at the should be back to business as ternational Ski Federation Lake Louise downhill in Canada, usual — if the Austrian can keep skipping the Soelden leg, Vonn his motivation levels high. could compete in about 20 Hirscher has won a record downhill and super-G events. seven World Cup overall crowns Yet, as Vonn has and, at the relatively tender age of 29, is expected to win an eighth on the men’s circuit. A two-time Olympic champion who boasts four world titles and 58 World Cup wins, Hirscher evoked the possibility of retirement earli- er this year before committing himself to another season of Lindsey Vonn will become the World Cup’s most successful ever skier if she wins five times competition. — AFP this season to surpass the 86-win mark of Swedish legend Ingemar Stenmark. PHOTO: AFP