CONTRIBUTING TO ACHIEVE FOOD SECURITY AND SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTIVITY PAGE-8,9 (OPINION) NATIONAL NATIONAL Children’s Literature Festival Amyotha Hluttaw Speaker meets with begins in Thandwe Shwe Koke Ko Myaing villagers in Myawady PAGE-6 PAGE-2 Vol. V, No. 194, 3rd Waning of Thadingyut 1380 ME www.globalnewlightofmyanmar.com Saturday, 27 October 2018 State Counsellor visits Natma Taung National Park, cultural exhibits in Kanpetlet Township, Chin State State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi visits Natma Taung (Khaw Nu M’ Cong) National Park in Kanpetlet Township in Chin State yesterday. PHOTO: KO THAR BYAW TATE Counsellor Daw Min Thu and departmental of- by Tatmadaw helicopters and traditional cultures artifacts of sticks to the Buddha image at Aung San Suu Kyi visited ficials. They left Nay Pyi Taw were welcomed upon arrival the various Chin ethnic tribes the Zina Mann Aung Pagoda. SNatma Taung (Khaw Nu by a special flight yesterday by Chin State Chief Minister U that lived in Kanpetlet Town- From there, the State M’ Cong) National Park and morning and reaches Manda- Salai Lian Luai and wife, State ship were displayed. Next, an Counsellor viewed and raised traditional cultural exhibits lay Region, NyaungU at 8:25 Hluttaw Speaker U Zo Bawi, Assistant Director and officials detailed questions on the bio-di- in Kanpetlet Township, Chin a.m. The State Counsellor and State Hluttaw Deputy Speaker from the Ministry of Religious verse trees and species in the State, and met with Chin State party were welcomed by Man- U Aung Than, State ministers, Affairs and Culture explained Natma Taung (Khaw Nu M’ government members, Hluttaw dalay Region Chief Minister Hluttaw representatives, cul- about the exhibits on display. Cong) National Park and a For- representatives, town elders Dr. Zaw Myint Maung, Region tural dance troupes, local peo- Afterwards, State Coun- est Department Assistant Di- and officials yesterday. ministers, Hluttaw representa- ple and officials. sellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi rector explained and answered She was accompanied by tives and officials at NyaungU Next, the State Counsellor and party went by motorcade to detailed questions raised by Union Ministers Lt-Gen Kyaw airport. and party went by motorcade to to Natma Taung (Khaw Nu the State Counsellor. Swe, Lt-Gen Ye Aung and U The party then went on observe an exhibition in Kan- M’ Cong) and offered flowers, Ohn Win, Deputy Minister U to Chin State, Kanpetlet town petlet town, Ward (2) where water, oil lamp and incense SEE PAGE-3 INSIDE TODAY NATIONAL NATIONAL BUSINESS Union Minister Talks on “Hidden Local, int’l U Soe Win inspects Reality of Rakhine media visit at Myanma Foreign Situation Behind Thet Kel Pyin Trade Bank in Yangon Media Mask” held Camp in Sittway PAGE-2 PAGE-2 PAGE-7 27 OCTOBER 2018 2 NATIONAL THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Amyotha Hluttaw Speaker meets with Shwe Koke Ko Myaing villagers AMYOTHA Hluttaw Speaker of the people. The Amyotha Hlut- Mahn Win Khaing Than met taw Speaker urged the people to with villagers from Shwe Koke Ko openly talk about the difficulties Myaing village, Myawady town, they were facing, their require- Myawady District, Kayin State in ments and added further that he the village Basic Education High would fulfill the best he can. Next, School assembly hall yesterday villagers spoke about their re- morning. quirements in education, health, At the meeting Amyotha road/bridge transportation, wa- Hluttaw Speaker Mahn Win ter supply and other matters and Khaing Than said he would ex- district administrator, township plain about his experience in the administrator and relevant de- Hluttaw during the Second Amyo- partment officials provided ex- tha Hluttaw’s first to ninth regular planations. Afterwards, Amyotha sessions so that the people would Hluttaw Speaker gave comments be fully aware about it. He would and advice to ensure coordination explain the stages of how a law on the matters raised by the peo- came into being. The main re- ple. Later the Amyotha Hluttaw sponsibility of the Hluttaw was its Speaker invited the people to visit legislative duty. The three pillars the Hluttaw and then cordially Amyotha Hluttaw Speaker Mahn Win Khaing Than meets with villagers from Shwe Koke Ko Myaing in of administrative, legislative and Myawady District, Kayin State yesterday. PHOTO: MNA greeted all those who attended judicial could also be seen in the the meeting people personally. Constitution. The three pillars do The Hluttaw had the pow- Hluttaw representatives were That was why during the The meeting was attended by not interfere in the works of the er to enact laws. Laws required elected by the people to fulfill the period when the Hluttaw was in Pyithu Hluttaw and State Hluttaw other pillars but only check and by the people are drawn up and people’s requirement and Hlut- recess, Hluttaw representatives representatives, District adminis- balance the works of the other enacted. Laws that are not in ac- taw representatives are doing this come to meet with the people trator, departmental officials and pillars, said the Amyotha Hluttaw cord with the time and system are by raising questions and tabling to resolve the difficulties people local villagers. – Htein Lin Aung Speaker. amended or revoked as required. motions. faced and fulfill the requirements (IPRD) Union Minister U Soe Win Talks on “Hidden Reality of Rakhine inspects Myanma Foreign Situation Behind Media Mask” held Trade Bank in Yangon A DISCUSSION to shed light discussion. ence of western media can make on the fake news reports on U Maung Maung Nyein said our truth wrong. He said the ICC Rakhine State circulating in he has read internationally writ- did not accept international re- international media was held ten news on Maungtaw District ports submitted to them. at Novotel Hotel in Yangon at and reports from international TISS states that within this 8 am yesterday. organizations as well. He said he year they have travelled to the The talks was primarily travelled to Maungtaw District villages in Maungtaw and Buth- facilitated by Thayninga In- and discovered the true situation idaung Districts in Rakhine State stitute for Strategic Studies there. He said the situation por- that suffered terrorist attacks in (TISS) and held under the title trayed by international media and 2016 and 2017 and interviewed ‘The Hidden Reality of Rakh- organizations is very different the local Rakhine, Bamar, Mro ine Situation Behind The Me- from the actual reality, and that ethnic nationals and the Hindus dia Mask”. he is here to discuss what these and Muslims regarding the ter- Union Minister U Soe Win greeting MFTB staffs in Kyauktada Township, Founder and Executive differences are. rorist attacks. Yangon yesterday. PHOTO: ZAW MIN LATT Director of TISS Dr. Naing It was discovered in yester- U Thein Tun Oo also said UNION Minister for Planning State Commercial Bank which Swe Oo delivered the opening day’s discussion that TISS sub- there were no problems between and Finance U Soe Win arrived was established in 1954. In 1970, speech, followed by a video-ac- mitted amicus curiae (Friend of the communities that had always the Myanma Foreign Trade Bank it changed its name to Foreign companied presentation by the Court) observations concern- lived together. He said the sit- (MFTB) in Mahabandoola Gar- Currency Department of the Mr. Rick Heizman, an observ- ing Rakhine State to the Interna- uation looks like convicts from den Street, Kyauktada Township People’s Bank of the Union of er of the situation in Rakhine tional Criminal Court – ICC on 26 Bangladesh escaped into Myan- yesterday and met with Manag- Burma. State, and an explanation by U July of this year, but the appeal mar and began predominating ing Director Daw Kay Thi, Gen- According to the 1975 Bank Maung Maung Nyein from the was rejected. the area. He added that informa- eral Managers, Deputy General Law, its name was changed to Joint Monitoring Committee TISS Executive Director U tion like this needs to be delivered Managers, Assistant General Myanma Foreign Trade Bank of the Nationwide Ceasefire Thein Tun Oo said that if issues clearly to the world. —Min Thit Managers and officials, and on 1 April 1976 and MFTB is or- Agreement on field observa- are not addressed then the influ- (MNA) commented on expanding new ganized with 12 departments and tions conducted in Maungtaw services of the bank. 452 staffs. District. The Union Minister inspect- Even though its main func- In his opening speech, ed export and import trade fi- tion is foreign banking service Dr. Naing Swe Oo said inter- nancial support services, foreign and is based only in Yangon, it national media has been re- currency transfer services, loan is now providing wide range of porting false news regarding and guarantee services, status of services by connecting with local Maungtaw District. He said opening foreign and local curren- banks as well. At the moment it there are experts who have cy accounts and other services. is providing financial services conducted field observation MFTB is a state-owned by having connection with 262 and have acquired correct bank. It originated as Foreign banks in 84 towns in 49 countries. information and he hopes it Currency Department of the —Yi Yi Thant will be relayed in the day’s PHOTO: NAY LIN 27 OCTOBER 2018 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR NATIONAL 3 State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi pays homage to the Zina Mann Aung Pagoda on State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi observes an exhibition showcasing Chin traditional the Natma Taung. PHOTO: MNA artifacts and costumes in Kanpetlet, Chin State. PHOTO: MNA State Counsellor visits Natma Taung (Khaw Nu M’ Cong) … FROM PAGE-1 The Natma Taung tional Parks in Myanmar (Khaw Nu M’ Cong) moun- that were designated as The State Counsellor tain is the highest moun- ASEAN Heritage Park.
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