Land at M J Coleman and Sons Ltd, Park Drive, Bramley GU5 0JY
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B2 WA/2018/1236 Erection of a building to provide 8 dwellings along P Hunt with detached garage building, amenity space 23/07/2018 and associated landscaping (as amended by Site Plan receievd 20/11/2018) at Land At M J Coleman And Sons Ltd, Park Drive, Bramley GU5 0JY Committee: Eastern Area Meeting Date: 05/12/2018 Public Notice: Was Public Notice required and posted: Yes Grid Reference: E: 500604 N: 144463 Parish: Bramley Ward: Bramley, Busbridge and Hascombe Case Officer: Rebecca Clarke Expiry Date: 21/10/2018 Time Extended Date: 07/12/2018 Neighbour Notification Expiry Date: 16/10/2018 RECOMMENDATION A That, subject to the completion of a Section 106 Agreement to secure financial contributions towards affordable housing and leisure facilities and highway improvement works, conditions and informatives, permission be GRANTED. RECOMMENDATION B That, in the event that a Section 106 Agreement is not completed within 6 months of the resolution to grant permission, permission be REFUSED. Introduction The application has been brought before the Area Committee at the request of the Council’s Head of Planning Services. Location or Layout Plan Site Description The application site measures 0.5 hectares and is located to the south west of Park Drive. The site is accessed via an unmade track off Park Drive. There are entrance gates to the south of the site and the remainder of the site is screened by boundary screening. A number of dilapidated structures are present on the site, along with a number of porta-cabins. The site was formerly occupied by Bramley Park Mansion, which was demolished in the early 1950s. Proposal Permission is sought for the following: Erection of a building comprising 5 x 3-bed units and 3 x 2-bed units. The building would be two storeys in height with single storey projections to the north and south. It would sit centrally within the site, orientated north to south. The building would measure 55m (max width) x 15m (depth) x 8.8m (height), with a footprint of approximately 742m2. It would feature a crown pitched roof with 5 chimneys and rooflights on the top. The single storey elements to the north and south would feature flat roofs. Erection of a detached garage building to provide for 8 parking spaces. The building would be single storey in height, featuring a pitched roof. It would measure 29.5m (width) x 6.6m (depth) x 5.3m (height). The building would be located to the east of the residential building. An area for bin storage would be provided adjacent to the garage. Provision of hard surfacing to the front of the proposed residential and garage buildings. This area would accommodate 11 parking spaces (19 spaces total on site) and turning space, and would lead from the site access. Whilst the proposal originally proposed that the units would be designed for occupants aged 55 and over, this restriction has been withdrawn from the proposal following discussion with the Parish Council and having regard to the draft Bramley Neighbourhood Plan. Heads of Terms Affordable Housing commuted sum £300,316 Leisure contributions towards the provision of indoor £6,250 fitness equipment at Cranleigh Leisure Centre Highways improvements to the access track N/A Proposed Block Plan Proposed residential building - elevations Proposed residential building – floor plans Proposed garage building – elevations and floorplan Relevant Planning History WA/2017/2114 Certificate of Lawfulness Certificate of Lawfulness under Section 191 for a Granted storage yard for building 12/01/2018 materials (Use Class B8) WA/1980/1779 Use of a roofing contractors Established Use yard and premises including Certificate Issued ancillary offices 15/04/1981 HM/R11325 Use as builders yard for Approve limited period until 30/06/1961 20/06/1960 Planning Policy Constraints Green Belt – outside any defined settlement area Surrey Hills Area of Outstnading Natural Beauty (AONB) & Area of Great Landscape Value (AGLV) Ancient Woodland 500m Buffer Zone Potentially contaminated land Conservation Area – part of the site access Development Plan Policies and Guidance The development plan and relevant policies comprise: Waverley Borough Local Plan, Part 1: Strategic Policies and Sites (adopted February 2018): SP1, SP2, TD1, NE1, NE2, AHN1, AHN3, LRC1, ALH1, ST1, CC1, CC2, CC3, CC4, HA1, EE2, RE2 and RE3. Farnham Neighbourhood Plan (made May 2017): N/A Waverley Borough Local Plan 2002 (retained policies February 2018): D1, D4, D8, D9, HE8 and HE15. South East Plan (saved policy NRM6): N/A In accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) due weight has been given to the relevant policies in the above plans. Other guidance: National Planning Policy Framework (2018) National Planning Practice Guidance (2014) Land Availability Assessment (2016) West Surrey Strategic Housing Market Assessment (2015) Planning Infrastructure Contributions SPD (2008) Council’s Parking Guidelines (2013) Density and Size of Dwellings SPG (2003) Residential Extensions SPD (2010) Vehicular and Cycle Parking Guidance (Surrey County Council 2012) Surrey Design Guide (2002) Surrey Hills Management Plan (2014-2019) Bramley Conservation Area Appraisal SPD (2005) Consultations and Parish Council Comments County Highway Authority No objection – however, the site is accessed via a private road which falls outside the County Highway Authority’s jurisdiction. Bramley Parish Council No objection – this site is identified as an allocated site in the draft Bramley Neighbourhood Plan that has been submitted to the Council for review. Members of the Parish Council agreed that the covenant for the dwellings to be reserved for those over 55 years should not be a requirement, despite the identified need for downsizing homes in Bramley (Bramley Housing Needs Survey 2017). It is expected that these homes would be, by their very nature, more attractive to the downsizing market. Lead Local Flood Authority Comments dated 27/09/2018 (LLFA) Insufficient information has been provided to demonstrate that the scheme is acceptable. Comments dated 30/10/2018 following submission of additional drainage information The LLFA is satisfied that the proposed drainage scheme would be acceptable subject to recommended conditions. Surrey Wildlife Trust No objection, subject to a recommended condition. Environment Agency No objection, subject to recommended conditions. Thames Water None received. County Archaeologist No objection, subject to a recommended condition. Natural England No comments to make, refer to Standing Advice. Forestry Commission No comments to make, refer to Standing Advice. Surrey Hills AONB Advisor Objection raised on the following grounds: The principle of some residential development would seem to be acceptable. However, the site is detached from the settlement of Bramley and would normally not be contemplated for housing development had it not been for its use as a builders yard and possibly also that in the past there had been a fine country house on the site. Once built the 8 houses would not suggest they have been designed to resemble a former country house. Instead they would just be an isolated row of smart houses having no relationship with the landscape as the former country house would have done. What appears to be a white rendered finish to the building would result in the building standing out in the landscape. The former country house is likely to have been finished naturally coloured rendering that would have resulted in a less harsh or conspicuous building in the landscape. The Surry Hills AONB Advisor recommends that the scheme is re-designed. WBC Environmental No objection, subject to recommended land Pollution Control Officer contamination conditions. WBC Environmental No objection, subject to conditions. Health Officer (noise and disturbance) WBC Environmental No objection, subject to recommended Health Officer (Air Quality) condition in relation to electric vehicle charging points and burning of waste. WBC Waste and Recycling It is noted that a bin store would be provided. Co-ordinator Bin requirements for the units are set out. Representations In accordance with the statutory requirements and the “Reaching Out to the Community – Local Development Framework – Statement of Community Involvement – August 2014” the application was advertised in the newspaper on 10/08/2018, a site notice was displayed at the site, and neighbour notification letters were sent on 31/07/2018. 2 letters have been received raising objection on the following grounds: The application is dependent on the widening and tarmacking of a current woodland track. To achieve this, through extension of Park Drive, will lead to damage and destruction of the local area – it will change the form and nature of the Green Belt and increase the potential for traffic. The applicant has already felled trees along the length of the track so as to widen the track. The applicant has also cleared ground, trees and undergrowth on the south eastern side of the track. It seems there is an intention to develop this large area for housing also. Vehicle movements in prior years have not exceeded more than an average of 2 movements per day. The proposal will likely result in excess of 50 per day. The application referred to for the use of Park Drive to serve 24 houses was not approved. The sight lines for traffic turning right into Park Drive from the A281 are very constrained. Further residential development will increase the potential for accidents to occur. No consultation with local residents of Park Drive has been undertaken by the Applicant. The date for consultation should be extended as the site notice has been placed on Park Drive away from the development site. It will allow the opportunity for further incursion into the Green Belt with infill between the site and existing housing. Health risk to residents from the asbestos identified. The site should have been landscaped as per a previous planning condition. There has been burning of temporary buildings on the site, resulting in the Fire Brigade attending the site.