DOCUMENT,RESUNE ED 079474 AUTHOR Leventhal, Jerome I
'De Ift2,7- DOCUMENT,RESUNE ED 079,474 VT 020 178' AUTHOR Leventhal, Jerome I., Ed. TITLE.- 7: Teacher Resource Bibliography for Marketing and - Distribution and Distributive Education, 1968-1971. INSTITUTION Epsilon Delta Epsilon, Trenton, N.J. PUB. DATE 71 NOTE 129p. EDRS PRICE MF-S0.65 HC -$6.58 DESCRIPTORS Audio Viival:Aids; *Bibliographies; *Curriculum Development; *Distributive Education; *Educational Resources; Instructional Materials; *Marketing ABSTRACT Intended to aid teachers in the development of realistic and meaningful curriculum, this, bibliography contains books, articled? audiovisual aids, and other materials pertaining to marketingand distributive education which were published betweep 7968,=1971.,Entkies are arranged alphabetically by author or title according to these.categories: (1) AttitudeS and Motivation, (2) -GroCiing, (3) Sensitivity, (4) Marketing Channels, (5) AdVertising, -164- Selling and Salesmanship, (7) Display, (8) Non Textiles, including appliances, cosmetics and soaps, furs, furniture, jewelry, leather, paper, plastics, rubber, and tableware, (9) Textiles, (10) Food, (11) Computers and Data Processing, (12) Services, including autotiobile-seryiCes,banking, cosmetology, dry cleaning,. ashion, insurance, hotels-motels, nursing, public relations, and transportation, and (13) Free Enterprise. In addition to author and title, each entry contains publication information..(SB) VT020178 ED '079474 %N., , o 4. 4. -' '!"%: .14,s 1 s. "t- r c. ,:tt .Z.1"44.1.; is f AS .... 7 1 a.141" :./ 0::',"7TX MOMMIONO MMft.14,0 4./* ...'.1".1"1"0,11:1; ti,g) ,...:...,...,./:....044:V t4'..:'ti .4,4-......,,....4fi.:,., 'V=;71 ELM 1=3 .1.1112 CM =I VIMtrzii=2 - TEACITLR RESOURCE; BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR MARKETING & DISTRIBUTION ANDDISTRIBUTIVE EDUCATION 1968-1971 U S DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH.
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