Moon Explorers Racing a SPACE CENTER, Houston EDT, About 950 Miles South- but on Their Return, They'll -Be Isolated" Another 16 Days
Controversial Teacher Loses' Red Bank Job ' SEE STORY BELOW Cloudy and Cool Cloudy and cool with scat- FINAL tered showers likely today, Red Bank, Freehold tonight and tomorrow. Long Branch J EDITION (Bet Details, Put 2), Monmouth County's Home Newspaper for 92 Years VOL. 93, NO. 19 RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1969 32 PAGES 10 CENTS IIMffllllllBlllllB^ Moon Explorers Racing a SPACE CENTER, Houston EDT, about 950 miles South- But on their return, they'll -be isolated" another 16 days. Armstrong, Aldrin and Col- .'(AP) — The Apollo 11 moon west of Hawaii. be. treated more ike lepers These precautions are in- lins beamed a final television explorers raced, through the The landng spot was shift- than conquerors of the moon. surance against the remote show to earth Wednesday final hours of their historic ed 250 miles to the east last President Nixon will be on chance the astronauts or the night. In"a; moving 12 min- night when weathermen fore- the recovery ship, the air- moon rocks they brought back utes, they thanked God and voyage today, heading for a cast thunderstorms for the craft carrier Hornet. But he harbor lunar bacteria that all the peopteTm earth who fiery dash through the atmo- original touchdown point. The won't shake their hands. A might harm life on earth. made their trip possible. sphere and the strangest wel- astronauts wilf steer to the strangely garbed frogman will Nixon To Observe Commander Armstrong, the come any nation ever has ac- new site by changing the an- greet them, not with a cheery President Nixon will ob- first man to step on the moon, corded returning heroes.
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